
“H-index” hesaplama

Bu haber 2014-10-14 22:25:17 eklenmiş ve 53937 kez görüntülenmiştir.

Birçok indeksleme kurumu google scholar'daki H index'ine göre sıralama yapmaktadır.

gmail adresi olanlar için H indeksi , i10 index'i ve alıntı

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H-göstergesi “=h-index” ve yaş ağırlıklı atıf oranı “=AWCR”
Jorge E. Hirsch tarafından 2005 yılında her bilim insanının araştırma performansını
değerlendirmek üzere yeni bir gösterge önerilmiştir. Bu ölçüm h-göstergesi (h-index) olarak
isimlendirilmiştir. Özellikle mikro düzeyde uygulanmak üzere tasarlanmış ve yayın aktivitesi
ile atıf etkinliğinin her ikisini de ölçmektedir. Kalite ve kantiteyi birleştiren sağlam ve etkin tek
bir metrik numara olarak akademisyenin etkinliğini ortaya çıkartmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Jorge E. Hirsch’in kendi tanımına göre bir bilim insanının h göstergesi eğer h en geniş numaralı
N sayıdaki makalenin her biri için aldığı en az h atıfıdır.
Hirsch’in bu fikri öncelikle herkes tarafından derhal ilgi gördü (Ball, 2005). Öncelikle fizik
camiasından (Diniz Batista et al. 2005, Popov, 2005) ve bilimölçüm literatüründen (Bornmann
ve Daniel, 2005, Braun et al, 2005) olumlu eleştiriler aldı. Bu bahsi geçen son iki makalede
h-göstergesinin diðer bilimsel ölçüm göstergeleriyle uyumlu olarak “anlamlı” ve “değerli”
olduğu görüşü egemen oldu. Bu durum van Raan (2005) tarafından da teyid edilmesine karşın,
tek bir rakamın bilimsel performansı göstermesini savunmanın zor olduğunu belirtmekten de
geri kalmadı.
Bu göstergenin avantajları çok aşikârdır. Bu h-göstergesi herhangi bir grup makale için açıkca
uygulanabilir. Mercek altındaki makalelerin sayısını aşamadığı gibi tamamen inaktif olan bir
yazar için de h göstergesi olarak h=0 tanımlayabiliriz. Hirsch’in yazdığıözgün makalesinde
de bulabileceğimiz gibi aşağıda h-göstergesi ile ilgili bazı önemli özellikleri özetlemek
– H-göstergesi son derece basittir ve anlaşılabilir karma bir gösterge olarak her seviyedeki bir
topluluğa uygulanabilirse de en uygun uygulama alanı herhangi bir bilim insanının araştırma
performansını değerlendirmede kullanmasıdır.
– Bu gösterge atıf etkinliği ile yayın aktivite ölçümlerini birleştirir.
– H göstergesi güvenilirliği ve doğruluğu gittikçe artan bir göstergedir. Sadece artan yayın
sayısı bu gösterge üzerine hemen olumlu bir etki yapmaz.

Nezih OKTAR, Gülden AKDAL


About Citation Analysis

Citation Analysis - What is it?

The process whereby the impact or "quality" of an article is assessed by counting the number of times other authors mention it in their work.

Citation analysis invovles counting the number of times an article is cited by other works to measure the impact of a publicaton or author.  The caviat however, there is no single citation analysis tools that collects all publications and their cited references.  For a thorough analysis of the impact of an author or a publication, one needs to look in multiple databases to find all possible cited references. A number of resources are available at UIC that identify cited works including: Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, and other databases with limited citation data.

Citation Analysis - Why use it?

To find out how much impact a particular article or author has had, by showing which other authors cited the work within their own papers.  The H-Index is one specific method utilizing citation analysis to determine an individuals impact.

About the H-index

The h-index is an index to quantify an individual’s scientific research output. J.E. Hirsch -
The h-index is an index that attempts to measure both the scientific productivity and the apparent scientific impact of a scientist. The index is based on the set of the researcher's most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other people's publications (Wikipedia)  A scientist has index h if h of [his/her] Np papers have at least h citations each, and the other (Np − h) papers have at most h citations each.

Find your h-index at:

  • Web of Science
  • Scopus
  • Google Scholar 

    Citation Analysis

    Web of Science

    Web of Science provides citation counts for articles indexed within it.  It indexes over 10,000 journals in the arts, humanities,  sciences, and social sciences.

  • To find the citation counts to your own articles:
    • Enter the name of the author in the top search box (e.g. Smith JT).  
    • Select Author from the drop-down menu on the right.
    • To ensure accuracy for popular names, enter Univ Illinois in the middle search box, then select “Address” from the field drop down menu on the right.  (You might have to add the second search box by clicking "add another field" before you enter the address)
    • Click on Search
    • a list of publications by that author name will appear.   To the right of each citation, the number of times the article has been cited will appear.   Click the number next to "times cited" to view the articles that have cited your article
  • Scopus

    Scopus provide citation counts for articles indexed within it (limited to article written in 1996 and after).   It indexes over 15,000 journals from over 4,000 international publishers across the disciplines.


  • To find the citation counts to your own articles:
    • Once in Scopus, click on the Author search tab.
    • Enter the name of the author in the search box.  If you are using initials for the first and/or middle name, be sure to enter periods after the initials (e.g. Smith J.T.). 
    • To ensure accuracy if it is a popular name, you may enter University of Illinois in the affiliation field.  
    • Click search.
      • If more than one profile appears, click on your profile (or the profile of the person you are examining). 
    • Once you click on the author's profile, a list of the publications will appear and to the right of each ctation, the number of times the article has been cited will appear.  
    • Click the number to view the articles that have cited your article

    Google Scholar

    Google Scholar provides citation counts for articles found within Google Scholar.  Depending on the discipline and cited article, it may find more cited references than Web of Science or Scopus because overall, Google Scholar is indexing more journals and more publication types than other databases. Google Scholar is not specific about what is included in its tool but information is available on how Google obtains its content.   Limiting searches to only publications by a specific author name is complicated in Google Scholar.  Using Google Scholar Citations and creating your own profile will make it easy for you to create a list of publications included in Google Scholar.   Using your Google Scholar Citations account, you can see the citation counts for your publications and have GS calculate your h-index.  (You can also search Google Scholar by author name and the title of an article to retrieve citation information for a specific article.)


  • To set up a Google Scholar Citation account:
    • Using your google (gmail) account, create a profile of all your articles captured in Google Scholar.  Follow the prompt on the scrren to set up your profile.   Once complete, this will show all the times the articles have been cited by other documents in Google Scholar and your h-index will be provided.  Its your choice whether you make your profile public or private but if you make it public, you can link to it from your own webpages.
  • Try Harzing's Publish or Perish Tool in order to more selectively examine published works by a specific author.

    Databases containing limited citation counts:

  • CSA Illumina Databases (BioOne Abstracts and Indexes, ERIC, PsycInfo, Social Services Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts)
  • EBSCOhost Databases (Academic Search Complete, America: History and Life, CINAHL, Communication and Mass Media Complete, Historical Abstracts)
  • PubMed Central
  • Science Direct
  • SciFinder Scholar
  • Find Your H-Index

    Web of Science

    Web of Science provides citation counts for articles indexed within it.  It indexes over 10,000 journals in the arts, humanities,  sciences, and social sciences.  To find an author's h-index in WOS:

  • Enter the name of the author in the top search box (e.g. Smith JT).   Select Author from the drop-down menu on the right.
    • To ensure accuracy for popular names, add an additional search box and enter "Univ Illinois" and then select “Address” from the field drop down menu on the right.
  • Click on Search
  • Click on Citation Report on the right hand corner of the results page.  The H-index is on the right of the screen.


    Scopus provide citation counts for articles indexed within it (limited to article written in 1996 and after).   It indexes over 15,000 journals from over 4,000 international publishers across the disciplines.  To find an author's h-index in Scopus:

  • Once in Scopus, click on the Author search tab.
  • Enter the name of the author in the search box.  If you are using initials for the first and/or middle name, be sure to enter periods after the initials (e.g. Smith J.T.). 
  • To ensure accuracy if it is a popular name, you may enter University of Illinois in the affiliation field.  
  • Click search.
    • If more than one profile appears, click on your profile (or the profile of the person you are examining).  Under the Research section, you will see the h-index listed.
    • If you have worked at more than one place, your name may appear twice with 2 separate h-index ratings.  Select the check box next to each relevent profile, and click show documents.

    Google Scholar

  • Google Scholar Citations
    • Using your google (gmail) account, create a profile of all your articles captured in Google Scholar.  Follow the prompt on the scrren to set up your profile.   Once complete, this will show all the times the articles have been cited by other documents in Google Scholar and your h-index will be provided.  Its your choice whether you make your profile public or private but if you make it public, you can link to it from your own webpages.
    • See Albert Einstein's

  • Harzing’s Publish or Perish (POP) 
  • Publish or Perish Searches Google Scholar.  After searching by your name, deselect from the list of articles retrieved those that you did not author.  Your h-index will appear at the top of the tool.  Note:This tool must be downloaded to use

web of science

h index calculator

h index search

h index nasıl hesaplanır

h index web of science

h index scopus

h index calculation

h index hesaplama

ETİKETLER : H-GÖSTERGESİ h index hesaplama h index calculation h index scopus h index web of science h index search h index web of science h index nasıl hesaplanır calculator
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