
Ranking of scientists in Nigeria, Namibia, Ghana, Botswana, Kenyan

Ranking of scientists in Nigeria, Namibia,Ghana, Botswana, Kenyan Institutions according to their Google Scholar Citations public profiles
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Ghana Scientist and University Rankings 2021


Total 632 scientist, 1 country, 34 university


        AD Scientific Index - 2021 H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name  Country  University  Subject  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total 
1 1 73 21036 Dwomoa Adu
University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Dentistry 64 28 0.438 168 67 0.399 13942 3504 0.251
1 2 80 23346 Fred Binka
University of Health and Allied Sciences Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
measurements|malaria|infectious disease|public health|
62 32 0.516 147 106 0.721 12160 4145 0.341
2 3 108 29547 Seth Owusu Agyei
University of Health and Allied Sciences Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Malaria research|clinical trials|infectious diseases epidemiology|
57 42 0.737 187 175 0.936 13077 8033 0.614
3 4 114 30267 John Gyapong University of Health and Allied Sciences Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Public Health|Epidemiology|Disease Control|Neglected Tropical Diseases|Research Capacity Strenghtening|
57 31 0.544 105 84 0.800 9096 3502 0.385
1 5 149 36228 George Dei
University of Education Winneba Social Sciences / Anthropology 53 35 0.660 168 98 0.583 11958 4622 0.387
2 6 262 53796 Ernest Aryeetey University of Ghana Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Development Economics|
46 27 0.587 107 59 0.551 6113 2188 0.358
3 7 284 57157 Daniel Adjei Boakye University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Infectious Diseases
Tropical Medicine|
44 34 0.773 135 109 0.807 12925 6132 0.474
4 8 373 67559 Joshua Yindenaba Abor University of Ghana Economics & Econometrics / Accounting & Finance
Banking and finance|development finance|financial market development|corporate finance and governance|international financia|
41 36 0.878 85 77 0.906 10505 7186 0.684
1 9 385 68419 Richard Odame Phillips
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Infectious Diseases
Internal medicine|infectious diseases|
41 29 0.707 124 99 0.798 7443 4344 0.584
2 10 452 74523 Robert Clement Abaidoo Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Agriculture & Forestry / Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition
Biological Sciences|Soil Microbiology|ISFM|
40 27 0.675 103 86 0.835 5014 2987 0.596
3 11 497 79605 Ellis Owusu Dabo Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Population Genomics of Tuberculosis and …|Health System Research|Disease Control|
38 32 0.842 92 89 0.967 12400 11043 0.891
4 12 532 83729 Margaret Gyapong University of Health and Allied Sciences Social Sciences / Sociology
Social Science|Implementation Research|Gender and Neglected tropical diseases|Malaria|Demographic Surveillance Systems|
38 29 0.763 83 78 0.940 4315 2851 0.661
5 13 604 90950 Isabella Quakyi University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Immunology|parasitology|public health|pathogenesis|and autoimmunity|
36 18 0.500 62 30 0.484 5797 1070 0.185
4 14 659 95767 Daniel Ansong Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Biostatistics
Child Health and Epidemiology Biostatistics|
35 28 0.800 67 59 0.881 6163 4808 0.780
5 15 679 97617 Martin Adjuik University of Health and Allied Sciences Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Epidemiology & Biostatistics|
35 26 0.743 64 52 0.813 4619 1749 0.379
1 16 722 101712 Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa
Ghana Technology University College GTUC Engineering & Technology / Food Science and Engineering
Food Processing Technology|International Food Laws and Regulations|Fermentation Technology|Chocolate Technology|Cocoa Proces|
34 30 0.882 82 60 0.732 5631 3773 0.670
6 17 729 102393 Markwo Ali University of Ghana Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Analytical Chemistry|
34 26 0.765 95 63 0.663 5027 2804 0.558
5 18 755 104529 Fred Stephen Sarfo Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Neurology
Neurology|Stroke|Cardiovascular diseases|M ulcerans Disease|HIV medicine|
34 31 0.912 95 91 0.958 3961 3378 0.853
1 19 764 105505 Daniel Obeng Ofori
Catholic University College of Ghana Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture|Insect Science|Postharvest technology|
34 22 0.647 70 48 0.686 3582 1585 0.442
7 20 768 105563 Robert E Hinson Dphil University of Ghana Business & Management / Marketing
Brand Management|Product and Service Marketing|CSR and Sustainability|E-Business|
34 28 0.824 73 63 0.863 3554 2396 0.674
8 21 873 114689 Dorothy Yeboah Manu University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Bacteriology
32 26 0.813 76 73 0.961 4936 3465 0.702
9 22 905 117869 Philip Baba Adongo University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Neonatal/prenatal health|Maternal & child health|Reproductive health|Infectious disease research|Health systems research|
32 28 0.875 60 56 0.933 3473 2241 0.645
10 23 1062 129503 Julius Fobil University of Ghana Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Environmental Exposure assessment|urban health|environmental epidemiology|waste management & sanitation|
30 26 0.867 56 49 0.875 4413 3729 0.845
2 24 1225 141161 Frederick Ato Armah University of Cape Coast Engineering & Technology / Engineering
Environmental Change|Pollution|Human Health|Multivariate Statistics|Systems Analysis...|
29 24 0.828 68 55 0.809 2963 2277 0.768
6 25 1251 142537 Evelyn Korkor Ansah University of Health and Allied Sciences Medical and Health Sciences / Infectious Diseases
Malaria|Infectious diseases|Health systems|Maternal and child health|Implementation research|
29 25 0.862 47 43 0.915 2675 1725 0.645
6 26 1285 144258 Yaw Ampem Amoako Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Infectious Diseases
Internal medicine|Infectious diseases|Oncology|Nuclear Medicine|
28 28 1.000 32 32 1.000 27383 27110 0.990
3 27 1341 149247 Kofi Awusabo Asare University of Cape Coast Social Sciences / Population Studies
Adolescent Reproductive Health|Ageing|Social Dimensions of HIV and AIDS|
28 20 0.714 49 31 0.633 2969 1312 0.442
11 28 1396 152428 Kwasi Torpey University of Ghana Social Sciences / Population Studies
Public health programming|HIV|Malaria|TB and Non Communicable Diseases|
28 21 0.750 48 39 0.813 2357 1567 0.665
12 29 1440 155090 Peter Quartey University of Ghana Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Development Finance|Poverty|Private Sector Development|Migration and Remittances|
27 22 0.815 48 37 0.771 4357 2900 0.666
13 30 1471 158060 Dzodzi Tsikata University of Ghana Social Sciences / Sociology
Agrarian change|informal work|gender issues in development|
27 21 0.778 48 33 0.688 2976 1648 0.554
1 31 1625 168216 Samuel Adams
Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration Business & Management / Public Administration 26 25 0.962 53 49 0.925 2863 2335 0.816
14 32 1649 169402 George Owusu University of Ghana Arts, Design and Architecture / Urban Planning
urban planning|urban development|regional development|decentralization and participatory approaches …|
26 23 0.885 41 39 0.951 2629 1830 0.696
7 33 1651 169485 Osei Akoto Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology|
26 23 0.885 42 36 0.857 2616 2041 0.780
15 34 1674 170469 Patricia Akweongo University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Health Economics|Health Systems|Health Policy|Health inequity and inequality|Gender and violence|
26 23 0.885 51 45 0.882 2457 1618 0.659
16 35 1680 170662 Richard Boateng University of Ghana Business & Management / Business Administration
ICT4D|E-business|Resource-based Theory|Social media|Big Data|
26 23 0.885 39 36 0.923 2430 1743 0.717
8 36 1706 171737 Eric Woode Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy
Ethnopharmacology: Neuropharmacology|Immuno- and inflammopharmacology & …|
26 21 0.808 71 51 0.718 2285 1436 0.628
17 37 1711 172012 Martin Oteng Ababio University of Ghana Natural Sciences / Geography
urban environmental studies|Urban disaster risk reduction|urban studies|
26 22 0.846 47 45 0.957 2249 1690 0.751
7 38 1716 172189 Harry Tagbor University of Health and Allied Sciences Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Epidemiology|Global Health|
26 19 0.731 51 45 0.882 2225 1561 0.702
18 39 1726 172559 Samuel Sefa Dedeh University of Ghana Engineering & Technology / Food Science and Engineering
Food Processing|Food Engineering|
26 16 0.615 38 21 0.553 2178 746 0.343
19 40 1739 172956 Felix A Asante University of Ghana Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Agriculture Economics|Health|Decentralization|Climate Change|
26 22 0.846 51 40 0.784 2115 1474 0.697
20 41 1741 172996 Augustine Ankomah University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Reproductive Health|HIV prevention|adolescent health|
26 21 0.808 38 31 0.816 2109 1201 0.569
9 42 1820 178729 Nathaniel Boso Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Business & Management / Marketing
International Entrepreneurship|International marketing|Supply Chain Strategy|Sub-Saharan Africa|
25 25 1.000 41 40 0.976 2849 2583 0.907
21 43 1856 180713 Samuel Agyei Mensah University of Ghana Natural Sciences / Geography
Population and Health Geography|
25 21 0.840 42 28 0.667 2476 1434 0.579
22 44 1862 180868 Eric S Donkor University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Microbiology
Bacteriology|food safety|antibiotic resistance|
25 23 0.920 48 44 0.917 2453 1973 0.804
10 45 1891 181967 Linda B Debrah Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Clinical Pharmacology
Host parasite interactions|
25 19 0.760 37 32 0.865 2305 1071 0.465
23 46 1914 183337 Paulina Tindana University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Global health|research ethics|bioethics|health systems|
25 23 0.920 27 26 0.963 2139 1500 0.701
24 47 1932 184291 Kwaku Tano Debrah University of Ghana Engineering & Technology / Food Science and Engineering
Food Science|Food Microbiology and Food Safety|Food Biotechnology|Food processing|Nutrition|
25 19 0.760 37 30 0.811 2029 1224 0.603
25 48 1949 185058 Ben Gyan University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Immunology
25 19 0.760 58 49 0.845 1932 1171 0.606
26 49 1956 185281 Takyiwaa Manuh University of Ghana Social Sciences / Sociology
Gender|Migration|Higher Education|Urbanization|African Development|
25 16 0.640 49 27 0.551 1902 732 0.385
1 50 1971 185800 David Essumang
Koforidua Technical University Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 25 19 0.760 48 36 0.750 1827 1231 0.674

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Nigeria Scientist and University Rankings 2021


Total 3.258 scientist, 1 country, 132 university


        AD Scientific Index - 2021 H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name  Country  University  Subject  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total 
1 1 118 30985 Ganiyu Oboh
Federal University of Technology Akure Medical and Health Sciences / Biochemistry
Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals...|
56 46 0.821 274 243 0.887 13187 9009 0.683
1 2 150 36301 Olatunde Farombi
University of Ibadan Medical and Health Sciences / Biochemistry
Biochemical & Molecular Toxicology|Chemoprevention|Nutrigenomics|Signal Transduction Mechanisms|Antioxidant Redox Mechanisms|
53 41 0.774 200 165 0.825 11628 6761 0.581
1 3 167 39796 Obinna E. Onwujekwe
University of Nigeria Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Health Economics|Public Health|Health Policy and Systems Research|Pharmaco-economics|Pharmaco-epidemiology|
51 37 0.725 176 131 0.744 14027 10737 0.765
2 4 179 41665 Adekunle A. Bakare University of Ibadan Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Genetics
Genetics|Cellular and molecular Toxicology|
50 41 0.820 550 334 0.607 17274 10573 0.612
1 5 220 47568 Emeka Oguzie
Federal University of Technology Owerri Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Corrosion Electrochemistry|Electrochemical Technology|Membrane Transport|
48 40 0.833 102 94 0.922 8533 4842 0.567
1 6 241 50712 Adenike Temidayo Oladiji
University of Ilorin Medical and Health Sciences / Biochemistry
Nutrition|phytonutrients and phytotherapy|
47 34 0.723 146 114 0.781 7150 4040 0.565
2 7 243 51158 Chinua Achebe University of Nigeria Social Sciences / Linguistics and Literature
46 35 0.761 140 69 0.493 28343 9517 0.336
3 8 265 54036 Benjamin Uzochukwu University of Nigeria Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Public Health|Health Systems and Policy|
45 33 0.733 114 95 0.833 18288 16083 0.879
4 9 302 59911 Nnabuk Okon Eddy University of Nigeria Natural Sciences / Physics
44 31 0.705 103 85 0.825 5591 3144 0.562
2 10 310 61153 Valentine Aletor Federal University of Technology Akure Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Agricultural Biochemistry & Nutrition|
43 30 0.698 155 100 0.645 8414 4237 0.504
5 11 328 63029 Peter A. Akah University of Nigeria Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy
Ethnopharmacology|Natural Products Pharmacology|Autonomic Pharmacology|
43 26 0.605 128 84 0.656 5771 2392 0.414
1 12 330 63151 Adewuya Abiodun
Lagos State University College of Medicine Medical and Health Sciences / Medicine
Mental Health|
43 30 0.698 69 64 0.928 5577 2768 0.496
1 13 334 63603 Christian Happi
Redeemer's University Medical and Health Sciences / Molecular Biology
42 30 0.714 106 74 0.698 16920 13854 0.819
3 14 335 63606 Isaac Adewole University of Ibadan Medical and Health Sciences / Obstetrics and Gynecology
Reproductive Health|HIV and AIDS|Cervical Cancer|
42 28 0.667 126 79 0.627 16851 5150 0.306
1 15 340 63873 Nazimul Islam
Skyline University Nigeria Social Sciences / Psychology
42 28 0.667 222 111 0.500 11414 7214 0.632
4 16 351 65344 Kayode Adebowale University of Ibadan Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 42 34 0.810 79 68 0.861 6834 3725 0.545
6 17 357 65656 Joe Mbagwu University of Nigeria Agriculture & Forestry / Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition 42 24 0.571 85 54 0.635 6482 2076 0.320
5 18 363 66657 Henry Adekunle University of Ibadan History, Philosophy, Theology / Philosophy
42 28 0.667 91 71 0.780 5440 2919 0.537
1 19 390 68929 Etinosa O. Igbinosa
University of Benin Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology
antimicrobial resistance|pathogen surveillance|infectious disease|environmental health|antimicrobial peptides|
41 36 0.878 89 78 0.876 6765 4472 0.661
1 20 396 69783 Charles Chidume
African University of Science & Technology Abuja Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Nonlinear Operator Theory|
41 20 0.488 107 52 0.486 5886 1644 0.279
2 21 402 70121 Victory Oshoma University of Benin Engineering & Technology / Engineering
Chemical engineering|
41 17 0.415 103 42 0.408 5568 1307 0.235
2 22 410 70549 Musa Toyin Yakubu University of Ilorin Medical and Health Sciences / Biochemistry
Phytomedicine|Biochemical Toxicology|Reproductive Biochemistry|
41 29 0.707 103 90 0.874 5159 2969 0.575
6 23 417 71018 Rufus Akinyemi University of Ibadan Medical and Health Sciences / Neurology
Neurology|Neuroscience|Ageing Medicine|
40 38 0.950 80 76 0.950 22016 21499 0.977
7 24 418 71057 Olayinka Stephen Ilesanmi University of Ibadan Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Infection Prevention and Control|Disease Prevention and Control|Global Health|
40 39 0.975 72 72 1.000 18697 18564 0.993
1 25 419 71320 Orish Ebere Orisakwe
University of Port Harcourt Medical and Health Sciences / Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
40 29 0.725 121 88 0.727 11116 8171 0.735
8 26 434 72900 Oladele Osibanjo University of Ibadan Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Environmental Chemistry|Instrumental Analysis|Waste Management|Climate Change|
40 29 0.725 112 77 0.688 6405 3360 0.525
1 27 453 74592 Wasiu Lanre Adeyemo
University of Lagos Medical and Health Sciences / Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery|Cleft lip and palate|genomics|
40 27 0.675 98 81 0.827 4956 2659 0.537
1 28 469 76153 Taofeek Mto Ibrahim
Usmanu Danfodiyo University Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
epidemiology|community health|preventive medicine & public health|
39 30 0.769 161 105 0.652 7406 4050 0.547
1 29 472 76640 M. Kabir
Ahmadu Bello University Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Genetics
Animal Genetics|Animal Breeding|Poultry Production and Management|Rabbit Production and Management|Diallel Crossing.|
39 28 0.718 148 96 0.649 6542 3599 0.550
9 30 501 80314 Iruka N Okeke University of Ibadan Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Microbiology
enteric bacteria|diarrhoeal pathogens|antimicrobial resistance|microbial sciences in Africa|
38 29 0.763 83 64 0.771 7514 3624 0.482
2 31 509 81959 Umaru Ishiaku Ahmadu Bello University Engineering & Technology / Textile Engineering
Polymer Science and technology|composites and polymer processing|
38 21 0.553 92 44 0.478 5492 1679 0.306
1 32 590 89158 Lateef Agbaje
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology
37 33 0.892 69 65 0.942 3383 2837 0.839
1 33 609 91155 Peter A. Okebukola
Lagos State University Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Science|computer and environmental education|quality assurance in higher education|
36 18 0.500 91 42 0.462 5613 1573 0.280
10 34 612 91308 Isaac Olawale Albert University of Ibadan History, Philosophy, Theology / History
African history|peace and conflict studies|gender studies|
36 27 0.750 130 89 0.685 5488 3131 0.571
11 35 618 92166 Olley Benjamin, Oladapo University of Ibadan Medical and Health Sciences / Nursing and Midwifery
Reproductive health|HIV/AIDS|mental health|
36 21 0.583 94 53 0.564 4902 2006 0.409
3 36 643 94364 Isaac Lare Animasaun Federal University of Technology Akure Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Boundary Layer Flow|Heat and Mass Transfer|Differential Equation|Fluid Mechanics|Survey Research.|
36 35 0.972 75 75 1.000 3470 3439 0.991
1 37 650 94903 Adesegun Fatusi
Obafemi Awolowo University Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Adolescent Health|Reproductive Health|Maternal Health|
35 25 0.714 71 59 0.831 8951 6476 0.723
12 38 654 95280 Okechukwu Samuel Ogah University of Ibadan Medical and Health Sciences / Medicine
Hypertension|Heart failure|Left ventricular hypertrophy|CVD epidemiology|Atrial fibrillation|
35 29 0.829 74 62 0.838 7126 5973 0.838
2 39 671 97043 Morenike Oluwatoyin Folayan Obafemi Awolowo University Medical and Health Sciences / Pedodontics
HIV|adolescent oral health|adolescent sexual and reproductive Health|Bioethics|Community engagement|
35 31 0.886 109 92 0.844 4935 3943 0.799
1 40 677 97478 Peter C. Okafor
University of Calabar Natural Sciences / Physics
Corrosion|Corrosion Inhibition|Electrochemistry|Materials Science|Physical Chemistry|
35 26 0.743 53 45 0.849 4686 2378 0.507
13 41 696 98701 Abiodun I. Sanni University of Ibadan Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology
Food Microbiology & Food Biotechnology|
35 24 0.686 78 56 0.718 4081 1955 0.479
2 42 707 99466 Iheanyi Omezuruike Okonko University of Port Harcourt Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology
Teaching & Research Virologist|Immunologist & Vaccinologist/Molecular …|
35 27 0.771 96 75 0.781 3698 2290 0.619
14 43 711 100027 Adaramoye Oa University of Ibadan Medical and Health Sciences / Biochemistry
Antioxidant research|
35 25 0.714 70 62 0.886 3216 1852 0.576
2 44 725 101950 Martin Meremikwu University of Calabar Medical and Health Sciences / Pediatrics and Child Health
Paediatrics|child health|clinical trials|tropical infections|systematic review|
34 26 0.765 79 53 0.671 5378 2838 0.528
3 45 742 103502 Joseph Olusegun Ayo Ahmadu Bello University Medical and Health Sciences / Physiology
Stress Physiology|Chronophysiology|Oxidative Stress Pathophysiology|Environmental Physiology|
34 24 0.706 131 87 0.664 4390 2511 0.572
7 46 751 104081 James Chukwuma Ogbonna University of Nigeria Engineering & Technology / Engineering
Bioprocess engineering|Fermentation technology|Bio-energy|Microalgae biotechnology|Photobioreactors.|
34 23 0.676 69 50 0.725 4132 1700 0.411
3 47 753 104242 Musbau Adewumi Akanji University of Ilorin Medical and Health Sciences / Biochemistry
34 26 0.765 72 62 0.861 4073 2188 0.537
2 48 760 105172 Olugbenga Solomon Bello Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
34 32 0.941 68 66 0.971 3717 3231 0.869
4 49 772 105683 Dapo Fagbenro Federal University of Technology Akure Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
34 21 0.618 94 53 0.564 3492 1462 0.419
3 50 773 105842 Lukman O. Olasunkanmi Obafemi Awolowo University Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Physical chemistry|Corrosion inhibition|Electrochemistry|Quantum chemistry|Computational chemistry|
34 34 1.000 51 51 1.000 3414 3368 0.987

Namibia Scientist and University Rankings 2021


Total 25 scientist, 1 country, 2 university


        AD Scientific Index - 2021 H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name  Country  University  Subject  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total 
1 1 1356 150486 Diptiranjan Sahu
Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Natural Sciences / Physics
Multifunctional Materials|Spintronics|Photovolatics|
28 19 0.679 52 32 0.615 2733 1126 0.412
2 2 2746 226719 Heike Winschiers-Theophilus
Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Design|Human Computer Interaction|Indigenous Knowledge|
22 15 0.682 44 30 0.682 1539 1065 0.692
3 3 3106 244192 Ben Mapani
Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
Geochemistry|Tectonics|Geochronology|Environmental Science|Hydrogeology|
21 18 0.857 35 29 0.829 1347 884 0.656
4 4 3196 246773 Edosa Omoregie Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Agriculture & Forestry / Fisheries
Fish Toxicology|Aquatic Ecotoxicology|
21 12 0.571 30 19 0.633 1091 417 0.382
5 5 4870 317664 Neeta Baporikar Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Business & Management / Business Administration
17 16 0.941 45 41 0.911 1309 1216 0.929
6 6 5213 328449 Uchendu Eugene Chigbu Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Land and Property
Land management|Land administration|Well-being|Land governance|Land-use planning|
17 16 0.941 34 31 0.912 916 850 0.928
7 7 6693 380835 Sylvester R Moyo Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Microbiology
Medical Microbiology|
15 8 0.533 22 8 0.364 815 265 0.325
8 8 6905 387224 Ben J. Strohbach Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Vegetation ecology|landscape ecology|remote sensing|
15 10 0.667 23 11 0.478 692 337 0.487
9 9 7191 393526 As Eegunjobi Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering
Fluid Mechanics|Mathematical Modeling|Differential Equations|Heat and Mass Transfer|
15 14 0.933 16 15 0.938 476 390 0.819
10 10 7289 399493 Michael Mutingi Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Business & Management / Strategic Management
Operations Management|Healthcare Operations Research|Metaheuristics|System Dynamics|Lean Systems|
14 12 0.857 25 15 0.600 1165 661 0.567
11 11 7408 404120 Michael Sony Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Engineering & Technology / Chemical Engineering
Production & Operations Management|Industry 4.0|Simulation|Markov Model|Six Sigma|
14 14 1.000 24 23 0.958 930 876 0.942
12 12 7946 418584 Percy Chimwamurombe Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology
Molecular Biology|Microbiology|Conservation Genetics|
14 11 0.786 21 16 0.762 638 484 0.759
13 13 8145 423585 Rakesh Kumar Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Queuing Theory and its applications|
14 12 0.857 22 18 0.818 559 438 0.784
14 14 8308 426976 Admire Mare Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Social Sciences / Journalism and Media
Digital journalism|social media|social movements|political participation|youth and digital campaigning and digital …|
14 13 0.929 16 15 0.938 481 422 0.877
15 15 8948 449279 Gereon Koch Kapuire Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Indigenous Knowledge|Ethics|Rural Communities|Co-Design|Technologies|
13 9 0.692 17 9 0.529 635 399 0.628
16 16 9259 456103 Maweja Kasonde Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Process Thermodynamics|Separation Processes|Physical Metallurgy|Manufacturing|Battery systems|
13 10 0.769 17 11 0.647 551 294 0.534
1 17 9884 473835 Marius Hedimbi
International University of Management Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology 12 12 1.000 13 12 0.923 913 555 0.608
17 18 10487 492016 James Katende Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering
Renewable Energy Systems|Automatic control systems|Energy engineering|computer control systems|
12 11 0.917 12 11 0.917 530 325 0.613
18 19 10953 501243 Alinah Segobye Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Social Sciences / Archeology
Heritage development|archaeology|gender studies|public health|culture|
12 7 0.583 17 5 0.294 444 141 0.318
19 20 11646 522073 Vera De Cauwer Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Agriculture & Forestry / Forestry
forest ecology and management|natural resources management|ecological modelling|geospatial sciences|
11 8 0.727 14 8 0.571 663 372 0.561
20 21 14450 591841 Yapo Guillaume Aboua Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Male and female infertility|Reproductive Biology and is actively involved …|Maternal|and Reproductive Health Research|
10 8 0.800 10 8 0.800 361 303 0.839
21 22 15036 608154 Musti Ks Sastry Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Engineering & Technology / Engineering
Renewable Energy|IT|Engineering Education|
9 8 0.889 8 6 0.750 699 491 0.702
22 23 15597 624083 Tafirenyika Sunde Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Econometrics|Applied Econometrics|Macroeconomics|Energy Economics|… Development and Finance and Stock Market …|
9 9 1.000 8 8 1.000 385 314 0.816
23 24 16585 655066 Samuel John Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering
Linear|Non-linear and Artificial Intelligence Control …|
8 6 0.750 6 5 0.833 368 287 0.780
24 25 17586 690798 Sunday A. Reju Namibia University of Science and Technology (Polytechnic of Namibia) Natural Sciences / Mathematics
Optimization|Algorithms|Mathematical Modeling|
6 4 0.667 4 3 0.750 319 164 0.514

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Ghana Scientist and University Rankings 2021


Total 632 scientist, 1 country, 34 university


        AD Scientific Index - 2021 H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name  Country  University  Subject  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total 
1 1 73 21036 Dwomoa Adu
University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Dentistry 64 28 0.438 168 67 0.399 13942 3504 0.251
1 2 80 23346 Fred Binka
University of Health and Allied Sciences Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
measurements|malaria|infectious disease|public health|
62 32 0.516 147 106 0.721 12160 4145 0.341
2 3 108 29547 Seth Owusu Agyei
University of Health and Allied Sciences Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Malaria research|clinical trials|infectious diseases epidemiology|
57 42 0.737 187 175 0.936 13077 8033 0.614
3 4 114 30267 John Gyapong University of Health and Allied Sciences Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Public Health|Epidemiology|Disease Control|Neglected Tropical Diseases|Research Capacity Strenghtening|
57 31 0.544 105 84 0.800 9096 3502 0.385
1 5 149 36228 George Dei
University of Education Winneba Social Sciences / Anthropology 53 35 0.660 168 98 0.583 11958 4622 0.387
2 6 262 53796 Ernest Aryeetey University of Ghana Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Development Economics|
46 27 0.587 107 59 0.551 6113 2188 0.358
3 7 284 57157 Daniel Adjei Boakye University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Infectious Diseases
Tropical Medicine|
44 34 0.773 135 109 0.807 12925 6132 0.474
4 8 373 67559 Joshua Yindenaba Abor University of Ghana Economics & Econometrics / Accounting & Finance
Banking and finance|development finance|financial market development|corporate finance and governance|international financia|
41 36 0.878 85 77 0.906 10505 7186 0.684
1 9 385 68419 Richard Odame Phillips
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Infectious Diseases
Internal medicine|infectious diseases|
41 29 0.707 124 99 0.798 7443 4344 0.584
2 10 452 74523 Robert Clement Abaidoo Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Agriculture & Forestry / Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition
Biological Sciences|Soil Microbiology|ISFM|
40 27 0.675 103 86 0.835 5014 2987 0.596
3 11 497 79605 Ellis Owusu Dabo Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Population Genomics of Tuberculosis and …|Health System Research|Disease Control|
38 32 0.842 92 89 0.967 12400 11043 0.891
4 12 532 83729 Margaret Gyapong University of Health and Allied Sciences Social Sciences / Sociology
Social Science|Implementation Research|Gender and Neglected tropical diseases|Malaria|Demographic Surveillance Systems|
38 29 0.763 83 78 0.940 4315 2851 0.661
5 13 604 90950 Isabella Quakyi University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Immunology|parasitology|public health|pathogenesis|and autoimmunity|
36 18 0.500 62 30 0.484 5797 1070 0.185
4 14 659 95767 Daniel Ansong Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Biostatistics
Child Health and Epidemiology Biostatistics|
35 28 0.800 67 59 0.881 6163 4808 0.780
5 15 679 97617 Martin Adjuik University of Health and Allied Sciences Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Epidemiology & Biostatistics|
35 26 0.743 64 52 0.813 4619 1749 0.379
1 16 722 101712 Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa
Ghana Technology University College GTUC Engineering & Technology / Food Science and Engineering
Food Processing Technology|International Food Laws and Regulations|Fermentation Technology|Chocolate Technology|Cocoa Proces|
34 30 0.882 82 60 0.732 5631 3773 0.670
6 17 729 102393 Markwo Ali University of Ghana Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Analytical Chemistry|
34 26 0.765 95 63 0.663 5027 2804 0.558
5 18 755 104529 Fred Stephen Sarfo Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Neurology
Neurology|Stroke|Cardiovascular diseases|M ulcerans Disease|HIV medicine|
34 31 0.912 95 91 0.958 3961 3378 0.853
1 19 764 105505 Daniel Obeng Ofori
Catholic University College of Ghana Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
Agriculture|Insect Science|Postharvest technology|
34 22 0.647 70 48 0.686 3582 1585 0.442
7 20 768 105563 Robert E Hinson Dphil University of Ghana Business & Management / Marketing
Brand Management|Product and Service Marketing|CSR and Sustainability|E-Business|
34 28 0.824 73 63 0.863 3554 2396 0.674
8 21 873 114689 Dorothy Yeboah Manu University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Bacteriology
32 26 0.813 76 73 0.961 4936 3465 0.702
9 22 905 117869 Philip Baba Adongo University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Neonatal/prenatal health|Maternal & child health|Reproductive health|Infectious disease research|Health systems research|
32 28 0.875 60 56 0.933 3473 2241 0.645
10 23 1062 129503 Julius Fobil University of Ghana Natural Sciences / Biological Science
Environmental Exposure assessment|urban health|environmental epidemiology|waste management & sanitation|
30 26 0.867 56 49 0.875 4413 3729 0.845
2 24 1225 141161 Frederick Ato Armah University of Cape Coast Engineering & Technology / Engineering
Environmental Change|Pollution|Human Health|Multivariate Statistics|Systems Analysis...|
29 24 0.828 68 55 0.809 2963 2277 0.768
6 25 1251 142537 Evelyn Korkor Ansah University of Health and Allied Sciences Medical and Health Sciences / Infectious Diseases
Malaria|Infectious diseases|Health systems|Maternal and child health|Implementation research|
29 25 0.862 47 43 0.915 2675 1725 0.645
6 26 1285 144258 Yaw Ampem Amoako Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Infectious Diseases
Internal medicine|Infectious diseases|Oncology|Nuclear Medicine|
28 28 1.000 32 32 1.000 27383 27110 0.990
3 27 1341 149247 Kofi Awusabo Asare University of Cape Coast Social Sciences / Population Studies
Adolescent Reproductive Health|Ageing|Social Dimensions of HIV and AIDS|
28 20 0.714 49 31 0.633 2969 1312 0.442
11 28 1396 152428 Kwasi Torpey University of Ghana Social Sciences / Population Studies
Public health programming|HIV|Malaria|TB and Non Communicable Diseases|
28 21 0.750 48 39 0.813 2357 1567 0.665
12 29 1440 155090 Peter Quartey University of Ghana Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Development Finance|Poverty|Private Sector Development|Migration and Remittances|
27 22 0.815 48 37 0.771 4357 2900 0.666
13 30 1471 158060 Dzodzi Tsikata University of Ghana Social Sciences / Sociology
Agrarian change|informal work|gender issues in development|
27 21 0.778 48 33 0.688 2976 1648 0.554
1 31 1625 168216 Samuel Adams
Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration Business & Management / Public Administration 26 25 0.962 53 49 0.925 2863 2335 0.816
14 32 1649 169402 George Owusu University of Ghana Arts, Design and Architecture / Urban Planning
urban planning|urban development|regional development|decentralization and participatory approaches …|
26 23 0.885 41 39 0.951 2629 1830 0.696
7 33 1651 169485 Osei Akoto Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology|
26 23 0.885 42 36 0.857 2616 2041 0.780
15 34 1674 170469 Patricia Akweongo University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Health Economics|Health Systems|Health Policy|Health inequity and inequality|Gender and violence|
26 23 0.885 51 45 0.882 2457 1618 0.659
16 35 1680 170662 Richard Boateng University of Ghana Business & Management / Business Administration
ICT4D|E-business|Resource-based Theory|Social media|Big Data|
26 23 0.885 39 36 0.923 2430 1743 0.717
8 36 1706 171737 Eric Woode Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacy
Ethnopharmacology: Neuropharmacology|Immuno- and inflammopharmacology & …|
26 21 0.808 71 51 0.718 2285 1436 0.628
17 37 1711 172012 Martin Oteng Ababio University of Ghana Natural Sciences / Geography
urban environmental studies|Urban disaster risk reduction|urban studies|
26 22 0.846 47 45 0.957 2249 1690 0.751
7 38 1716 172189 Harry Tagbor University of Health and Allied Sciences Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Epidemiology|Global Health|
26 19 0.731 51 45 0.882 2225 1561 0.702
18 39 1726 172559 Samuel Sefa Dedeh University of Ghana Engineering & Technology / Food Science and Engineering
Food Processing|Food Engineering|
26 16 0.615 38 21 0.553 2178 746 0.343
19 40 1739 172956 Felix A Asante University of Ghana Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Agriculture Economics|Health|Decentralization|Climate Change|
26 22 0.846 51 40 0.784 2115 1474 0.697
20 41 1741 172996 Augustine Ankomah University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Reproductive Health|HIV prevention|adolescent health|
26 21 0.808 38 31 0.816 2109 1201 0.569
9 42 1820 178729 Nathaniel Boso Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Business & Management / Marketing
International Entrepreneurship|International marketing|Supply Chain Strategy|Sub-Saharan Africa|
25 25 1.000 41 40 0.976 2849 2583 0.907
21 43 1856 180713 Samuel Agyei Mensah University of Ghana Natural Sciences / Geography
Population and Health Geography|
25 21 0.840 42 28 0.667 2476 1434 0.579
22 44 1862 180868 Eric S Donkor University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Microbiology
Bacteriology|food safety|antibiotic resistance|
25 23 0.920 48 44 0.917 2453 1973 0.804
10 45 1891 181967 Linda B Debrah Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Clinical Pharmacology
Host parasite interactions|
25 19 0.760 37 32 0.865 2305 1071 0.465
23 46 1914 183337 Paulina Tindana University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Global health|research ethics|bioethics|health systems|
25 23 0.920 27 26 0.963 2139 1500 0.701
24 47 1932 184291 Kwaku Tano Debrah University of Ghana Engineering & Technology / Food Science and Engineering
Food Science|Food Microbiology and Food Safety|Food Biotechnology|Food processing|Nutrition|
25 19 0.760 37 30 0.811 2029 1224 0.603
25 48 1949 185058 Ben Gyan University of Ghana Medical and Health Sciences / Immunology
25 19 0.760 58 49 0.845 1932 1171 0.606
26 49 1956 185281 Takyiwaa Manuh University of Ghana Social Sciences / Sociology
Gender|Migration|Higher Education|Urbanization|African Development|
25 16 0.640 49 27 0.551 1902 732 0.385
1 50 1971 185800 David Essumang
Koforidua Technical University Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences 25 19 0.760 48 36 0.750 1827 1231 0.674

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Kenya Scientist and University Rankings 2021


Total 986 scientist, 1 country, 47 university


        AD Scientific Index - 2021 H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name  Country  University  Subject  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total 
1 1 201 44194 Elizabeth Ngugi
University of Nairobi Medical and Health Sciences / Epidemiology and Public Health
Primary Health Care|
49 23 0.469 101 53 0.525 12589 2370 0.188
2 2 225 49188 Walter Jaoko
University of Nairobi Medical and Health Sciences / Infectious Diseases
Tropical medicine|HIV/AIDS|research ethics|clinical ethics|
47 29 0.617 121 98 0.810 10632 4756 0.447
3 3 230 49566 Ruth Nduati
University of Nairobi Medical and Health Sciences / Pediatrics and Child Health
Paediatrics|HIV|Epidemiology|Child Health|
47 27 0.574 100 68 0.680 9318 2620 0.281
1 4 263 53862 Fabian Esamai
Moi University Medical and Health Sciences / Pediatrics and Child Health
child health|paediatrics|
46 37 0.804 97 84 0.866 5836 3886 0.666
4 5 296 58493 Geoffrey M. Maloiy University of Nairobi Medical and Health Sciences / Animal Science
Animal Physiology|Thermoregulation and heat balance|Digestion|Energetics and locomotion|
44 16 0.364 113 30 0.265 7575 1142 0.151
1 6 304 59987 Eric M. Muchiri
Meru University of Science & Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases|Parasitic Infections|
44 28 0.636 83 65 0.783 5372 2256 0.420
1 7 352 65352 Vincent Onywera
Kenyatta University Medical and Health Sciences / Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Obesity|physical activity|healthy living|Kenyan runners|
42 39 0.929 92 86 0.935 6826 5345 0.783
5 8 437 73282 Mwabu, G. University of Nairobi Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Health Economics|Development Economics|Microeconometrics and Poverty Analysis|
40 26 0.650 103 54 0.524 6036 2207 0.366
6 9 496 79390 Peter N. Keiyoro University of Nairobi Social Sciences / Open and Distance Education
Open|distance and elearning|Global Burden of Diseases|Ecology and environmental conservatin|
38 38 1.000 42 42 1.000 37447 37240 0.994
7 10 565 87699 Linda Nielsen University of Nairobi Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
Agricbusiness Management and …|Environmentalists|
37 25 0.676 69 39 0.565 4737 1897 0.400
8 11 580 88348 Wolfgang Richard Mukabana University of Nairobi Medical and Health Sciences / Infectious Diseases
Infectious diseases|medical entomology|medical parasitology|vector ecology|epidemiology|
37 29 0.784 70 63 0.900 4348 2392 0.550
1 12 625 92808 Mugendi Daniel Njiru
University of Embu Agriculture & Forestry / Forestry
Soil Science|Forestry|
36 27 0.750 72 50 0.694 4534 2479 0.547
2 13 673 97191 Eliud Njagi Kenyatta University Medical and Health Sciences / Biochemistry
35 24 0.686 83 62 0.747 4841 2116 0.437
1 14 674 97234 Philip Okinda Owuor
Maseno University Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chemistry|Tea|Environmental Science|Agriculture|
35 22 0.629 135 70 0.519 4818 2154 0.447
2 15 680 97683 S Kimaiyo Moi University Medical and Health Sciences / Internal Medicine
internal Med.|
35 28 0.800 60 54 0.900 4580 2221 0.485
9 16 710 99925 Otieno, Jam University of Nairobi Natural Sciences / Statistics
35 18 0.514 55 37 0.673 3351 1094 0.326
3 17 746 103919 Sumesh C. Chhabra Kenyatta University Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Natural Products Chemistry|
34 23 0.676 58 37 0.638 4191 1362 0.325
10 18 781 106273 Abiy Yenesew University of Nairobi Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Natural Products Chemistry|
34 22 0.647 88 58 0.659 3061 1481 0.484
11 19 791 107375 George Otieno University of Nairobi Medical and Health Sciences / Veterinary Pathology 33 25 0.758 45 42 0.933 6285 2460 0.391
12 20 839 111603 Karuti Kanyinga University of Nairobi Social Sciences / Political Science
Governance and political economy of …|
33 20 0.606 69 39 0.565 3508 1553 0.443
1 21 841 112059 Brian Michael Masiga
Africa Nazarene University Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
computer science|
33 28 0.848 74 60 0.811 3330 2195 0.659
13 22 852 112640 Jacob Midiwo University of Nairobi Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Chemistry|Natural Products|
33 21 0.636 80 47 0.588 2991 1273 0.426
1 23 881 115688 Francis Wachira
South Eastern Kenya University Medical and Health Sciences / Biochemistry
Plant biochemistry and molecular biology|
32 24 0.750 82 60 0.732 4298 2015 0.469
14 24 889 116430 Omu Anzala University of Nairobi Medical and Health Sciences / Virology
Clinical trials|basic research in mucosal immunology|virology|infectious diseases|
32 25 0.781 63 53 0.841 3960 2078 0.525
4 25 893 116942 Ephantus Kabiru Kenyatta University Medical and Health Sciences / Parasitology
Malaria and Community parasitoses|
32 21 0.656 48 36 0.750 3776 1406 0.372
3 26 912 117953 Winstone Nyandiko M Moi University Medical and Health Sciences / Neonatology
Pediatric HIV|Adolescent Medicine|Neonatology|
32 25 0.781 53 47 0.887 3446 1959 0.568
1 27 983 123721 E. Nicholas Odongo
Pwani University Medical and Health Sciences / Animal Science
Animal Science|Biostatistics|Gender|
31 24 0.774 62 50 0.806 3750 2058 0.549
15 28 1007 125822 David Ndetei University of Nairobi Medical and Health Sciences / Psychiatry
Psychiatry and Mental Health|
31 22 0.710 76 42 0.553 3129 1494 0.477
1 29 1021 126415 Alexander Kahi
Egerton University Medical and Health Sciences / Veterinary Sciences 31 19 0.613 90 53 0.589 2942 1451 0.493
5 30 1043 127732 John Orodho Kenyatta University Education / Education
Basic Education|Science Education|Gender and Development|Quality Education|
30 26 0.867 79 62 0.785 8552 5395 0.631
4 31 1046 128054 Edwin Were Moi University Medical and Health Sciences / Health Sciences
Maternal health|reproductive tract infection|HIV|research ethics|
30 26 0.867 51 39 0.765 6770 3830 0.566
1 32 1048 128255 Kenneth Ngure
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Medicine
HIV Prevention|HIV self-testing|Family planning|Fertility|
30 27 0.900 59 58 0.983 6142 4126 0.672
1 33 1057 129130 Benson Ba Estambale
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science & Technology (Bondo University College) Medical and Health Sciences / Infectious Diseases
Tropical and Infectious Diseases|
30 21 0.700 54 39 0.722 4712 2142 0.455
2 34 1063 129524 Bancy Mati Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Engineering & Technology / Enviromental Engineering
Irrigation|rainwater harvesting|soil and water conservation|Climate Change|river flow|
30 23 0.767 54 42 0.778 4405 2114 0.480
2 35 1080 130881 Paul Oburu Maseno University Social Sciences / Psychology
Developmental Psychology|
30 28 0.933 45 44 0.978 3707 2811 0.758
3 36 1144 135178 Collins Ouma Maseno University Medical and Health Sciences / Medical Genetics
Genetics|Immunology|Infectious and non-infectious diseases|Public Health|
30 23 0.767 53 48 0.906 2426 1355 0.559
16 37 1159 136806 Eric Odada University of Nairobi Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
Geochemistry|Marine Geology|IWRM|Climate Change.|
29 18 0.621 45 31 0.689 4902 3497 0.713
17 38 1164 137059 Daniel Olago University of Nairobi Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
geology|water|environment|climate change|
29 22 0.759 56 46 0.821 4619 1961 0.425
6 39 1174 137837 Christopher Shisanya Kenyatta University Agriculture & Forestry / Agriculture
Climate Change|Agriculture|Watershed Management|Soil Fertility|
29 20 0.690 62 43 0.694 4028 2007 0.498
3 40 1208 140145 Mutinda C Kyama Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Medical and Health Sciences / Pathology
Molecular and Cellular Pathology|Endometriosis|Clinical Cytology|Breast cancer|Gynaecologic malignancy and Stem Cells …|
29 21 0.724 45 31 0.689 3204 1241 0.387
18 41 1209 140151 Shem Wandiga University of Nairobi Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Climate Change and coordination chemistry|
29 18 0.621 73 38 0.521 3201 1158 0.362
5 42 1264 143378 Samuel O Ayaya Moi University Medical and Health Sciences / Dermatology and Venereology
… HIV specifically transitioning of HIV infected …|children living in especially difficult …|
29 24 0.828 53 44 0.830 2464 1527 0.620
19 43 1321 147906 Muriithi Mugo University of Nairobi Medical and Health Sciences / Anesthesiology and Reanimation
28 22 0.786 68 47 0.691 3317 2145 0.647
20 44 1391 152116 Elizabeth Maleche Obimbo University of Nairobi Medical and Health Sciences / Pediatrics and Child Health
Paediatrics|Respiratory Medicine|Infectious Disease|
28 21 0.750 53 37 0.698 2429 1277 0.526
21 45 1412 153160 Kenneth Mavuti University of Nairobi Agriculture & Forestry / Fisheries
Aquatic Biology|Fisheries and Environmental Science|
28 13 0.464 53 25 0.472 2159 683 0.316
22 46 1452 156220 Dorothy Mccormick University of Nairobi Business & Management / Business Administration
Business and Development|Small Enterprise Development|Public Transport|
27 17 0.630 55 24 0.436 3568 1140 0.320
6 47 1507 159903 Nancy Wanyonyi Moi University Medical and Health Sciences / Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Occupational Health|Physiotherapy|
27 21 0.778 79 55 0.696 2616 1795 0.686
2 48 1575 163904 Josephine Ngunjiri University of Embu Medical and Health Sciences / Parasitology
Parasitology|Global burden of diseases|Neglected parasitic diseases in Tropics|
26 26 1.000 28 28 1.000 21656 21573 0.996
23 49 1577 163976 Manasi Kumar University of Nairobi Medical and Health Sciences / Psychiatry
Psychology|Maternal and Child mental health|psychoanalysis|critical psychology and|
26 26 1.000 46 42 0.913 12042 11456 0.951
24 50 1611 167417 Stephen Kiama Gitahi University of Nairobi Medical and Health Sciences / Veterinary Sciences
Dendritic cells|Natural Products|Macrophages|Pecten Oculi|
26 20 0.769 44 37 0.841 3062 1858 0.607


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