
Ranking of scientists in Indonesian, Philippines, Singaporean Institutions according to their GSC public profiles

Ranking of scientists in Indonesian, Philippines, Singaporean Institutions according to their GSC public profiles
Bu haber 2017-03-19 15:31:15 eklenmiş ve 13114 kez görüntülenmiştir.

Indonesia Scientist and University Rankings 2021


Total 8.839 scientist, 1 country, 715 university


        AD Scientific Index - 2021 H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name  Country  University  Subject  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total 
1 1 129 1865 Mukhtar S Sos Ma
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Peneliti ilmu sosial|budaya|Pariwisata dan agama|
120 57 0.475 441 230 0.522 49006 17087 0.349
1 2 208 2590 Abdullah
Politeknik Caltex Riau Pekanbaru Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Wireless Reasearch|
111 106 0.955 580 519 0.895 49014 43144 0.880
1 4 376 3760 Ahmad Bodek
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi STIE Pembangunan Tanjungpinang Business & Management / Strategic Management
102 71 0.696 314 214 0.682 30323 15871 0.523
1 3 324 4172 Imran
Universitas Jabal Ghafur JabalGhafur
99 67 0.677 326 263 0.807 41743 16498 0.395
1 5 531 6098 Gabriale Umar Sharif
Universitas Sebelas Maret UNS Surakarta S1IlmuTeknologiPanganSebelasMaretSurakarta
Ilmu Teknologi Pangan|
90 63 0.700 339 255 0.752 58575 45055 0.769
1 6 539 6147 Hendrik Pamungkas
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta Economics & Econometrics / Accounting & Finance
90 60 0.667 246 194 0.789 42090 23730 0.564
1 7 894 9207 Ressive Hf
Politeknik Negeri Malang
Teknik Informatika|
81 47 0.580 309 204 0.660 31128 11829 0.380
1 8 1099 11038 Riesda Triyanti
Universitas Bina Nusantara Bi
Information system|
77 50 0.649 167 103 0.617 30460 11543 0.379
2 9 1324 13142 Suharsimi Arikunto Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
Metodologi Penelitian|Evaluasi Pembelajaran|Manajemen Penelitian|Penelitian Tindakan Kelas|
73 65 0.890 131 126 0.962 247977 173938 0.701
1 10 1573 15067 Imam Ghozali
Universitas Diponegoro Economics & Econometrics / Accounting & Finance
Accounting|Management|finance.structural equation model ini|pls|
70 66 0.943 204 180 0.882 97955 75641 0.772
1 11 1637 15461 Marini
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan STIKES Muhammadiyah Kuningan STIKESMuhammadiyahKuningan
Farmasi Herbal|
70 63 0.900 285 230 0.807 19459 14907 0.766
1 12 1667 15784 Nanda Nadia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh UNMUHA Arts, Design and Architecture / Architecture
70 35 0.500 126 83 0.659 13482 3362 0.249
2 13 1737 16484 Yanuar Sandy Lutfyansyah Universitas Sebelas Maret UNS Surakarta Economics & Econometrics / Economics
69 43 0.623 175 130 0.743 15145 6893 0.455
1 14 1952 18313 Idrus Lubis
Universitas Islam Riau
Leksikografi|Tim Penyusun KBBI Edisi I|Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia|Sastra|
66 56 0.848 195 162 0.831 60121 41253 0.686
1 15 1973 18417 Intan Ahmad
Institut Teknologi Bandung bandunginstituttechnology
66 49 0.742 680 405 0.596 26599 15291 0.575
1 16 2044 18975 Yudhi Achnopha
Universitas Jambi
Survei/Pemetaan Tanah|Morfologi dan Klasifikasi Tanah|Gambut dan Pengelolaannya|
66 42 0.636 222 175 0.788 15301 6721 0.439
1 19 2472 19182 Agung Bhakti
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung Economics & Econometrics / Economics
66 52 0.788 151 126 0.834 12398 8780 0.708
1 18 2348 19371 Awaludin Ahmad
Universitas Sains Al Quran Business & Management / Strategic Management
65 54 0.831 587 382 0.651 23887 15510 0.649
1 17 2335 21298 Jogiyanto Hartono
Universitas Gadjah Mada Capital Market and Information Systems|
Gadjah Mada University
63 52 0.825 153 120 0.784 29147 19196 0.659
1 20 2538 22706 Zatinu Tiny
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta NegeriYogyakarta
62 14 0.226 258 25 0.097 17686 1563 0.088
1 21 2575 22981 Johannes Vd Wirjawan
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya Natural Sciences / Physics
high energy physics|physics education|mathematical physics|
62 18 0.290 93 32 0.344 14863 1640 0.110
1 22 2990 26127 Luis Yulia
occupational health|
59 59 1.000 85 85 1.000 21268 18862 0.887
2 23 3018 26332 Muchtar Ahmad Universitas Islam Riau Budidaya Perairan dan Perikanan|
Universitas Islam Riau
59 42 0.712 392 245 0.625 16930 10005 0.591
3 24 3053 26593 Hanan Afwantri Akhsan Universitas Sebelas Maret UNS Surakarta
Universitas Sebelas Maret
59 35 0.593 197 137 0.695 14423 6324 0.438
4 25 3279 26998 Aida Dinia Universitas Sebelas Maret UNS Surakarta
59 45 0.763 198 157 0.793 12162 7087 0.583
5 26 3418 29334 Muhammad Duan Abdul Jabbar Universitas Sebelas Maret UNS Surakarta
Universitas Sebelas Maret
57 41 0.719 328 234 0.713 14493 8798 0.607
3 27 3461 29579 Japen Sarage Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta Social Sciences / Linguistics and Literature
57 18 0.316 175 39 0.223 12898 1798 0.139
1 28 3533 30332 Eko Arif Syaefudin
Universitas Negeri Jakarta Engineering & Technology / Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
Manufacturing|Mechanical Engineering|
56 29 0.518 396 123 0.311 36304 8868 0.244
1 29 4015 33777 Mohammad Dimas Khaidar
Universitas Islam Negeri UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Business & Management / Strategic Management
Manajemen|Pendidikan|Islam Moderat|
54 50 0.926 134 116 0.866 20029 13117 0.655
1 30 4702 38562 Epi Parela
Universitas Saburai Economics & Econometrics / Economics
ekonomi manajemen|
52 31 0.596 235 144 0.613 10200 4390 0.430
2 31 4826 39388 Sutrisno Hadi Universitas Gadjah Mada Social Sciences / Psychology
51 45 0.882 227 170 0.749 36531 24130 0.661
1 32 4855 39562 Singgih Santoso
Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana Business & Management / Strategic Management
51 43 0.843 99 80 0.808 17724 11021 0.622
1 33 5052 40744 Fail Amir
Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
computer science|
51 25 0.490 117 59 0.504 9416 2271 0.241
1 34 5206 41817 Mohammad Arif Ali
Universitas Negeri Semarang Medical and Health Sciences / Sport Science
Exercise and Sports Science|Exercise Biochemistry|Sports Nutrition|
50 39 0.780 389 260 0.668 14430 9720 0.674
1 35 5239 41948 Muhammad Yasin
Institut Agama Islam IAI An Nur Lampung IAIANNURLAMPUNG
50 37 0.740 216 154 0.713 13075 6421 0.491
2 36 5240 42024 Suryadi Ismadji Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya WidyaMandalaSurabaya 50 40 0.800 134 125 0.933 12398 8310 0.670
2 40 5880 44064 Azyumardi Azra Universitas Islam Negeri UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta History, Philosophy, Theology / History
49 41 0.837 111 87 0.784 14107 9144 0.648
1 41 5889 44066 Abdul Rahman
Universitas Islam Negeri UIN Mataram
Ilmu Pendidikan Islam|
49 33 0.673 315 180 0.571 14043 7145 0.509
1 37 5634 44589 Muhammad Rahman
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
pembelajaran publikasi ilmiah|
49 38 0.776 178 117 0.657 10393 5901 0.568
1 38 5673 44985 Donny Defen Sinaulan
STT Pelita Bangsa History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology
Pendidikan Agama Kristen|Teologi|
49 32 0.653 107 99 0.925 9209 3807 0.413
1 39 5832 46090 M Quraish Shihab
Universitas Islam Negeri UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
48 43 0.896 106 98 0.925 29293 21846 0.746
3 42 6188 48557 T Hani Handoko Universitas Gadjah Mada Business & Management / Human Resource Management
Human Resource|
47 40 0.851 93 72 0.774 28731 20457 0.712
1 43 6227 48879 Canoniver Install
Universitas Syiah Kuala KomputerSoftware
47 19 0.404 458 81 0.177 13120 3038 0.232
1 44 6368 49802 Muhammad Iqbal
Universitas Islam Indonesia
47 33 0.702 203 149 0.734 8783 5087 0.579
6 45 6378 49864 Luisa Maria Antónia Lim Godinho Universitas Sebelas Maret UNS Surakarta Bisnis|Ekonomi dan Management.|
47 31 0.660 219 131 0.598 8651 4360 0.504
7 54 7325 50427 Arrizalu Arsa Ringotama Universitas Sebelas Maret UNS Surakarta
PBL|Project-based Learning|
47 20 0.426 142 40 0.282 7655 1476 0.193
1 46 6539 50798 Jalil
Universitas Indonesia
47 20 0.426 189 71 0.376 6991 2087 0.299
1 47 6577 51120 Henky Irawan
Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Agriculture & Forestry / Fisheries
Aquaculture|Aquaculture Technology|Aquaculture Biotechnology|Fisheries Biotechnology|Marine Biodiversity|
47 47 1.000 68 68 1.000 3152 3112 0.987
1 48 6621 51407 Muhammad Ali
Universitas Riau Riau
Perlindungan Tanaman|
46 41 0.891 192 156 0.813 13777 10400 0.755
1 51 7051 51494 Abdul Aziz
Universitas Pamulang Social Sciences / Linguistics and Literature
46 36 0.783 258 184 0.713 12654 8653 0.684

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Philippines Scientist and University Rankings 2021


Total 417 scientist, 1 country, 58 university


        AD Scientific Index - 2021 H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name  Country  University  Subject  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total 
1 1 523 5985 Jan Mickelle Maratas
Mindanao State University Iligan Institute of Technology Natural Sciences / Physics
Particle Physics|
91 81 0.890 339 337 0.994 31573 27000 0.855
1 2 570 6377 Romilyn Gregorio
Polytechnic University of the Philippines Business & Management / Business Administration
89 77 0.865 570 368 0.646 49287 31013 0.629
1 4 1033 10500 John Philip Delgado
Dipolog Medical Center College Foundation Arts, Design and Architecture / Arts
78 65 0.833 380 329 0.866 34745 25245 0.727
1 3 1092 10994 Wilson Temporal
De La Salle University Manila History, Philosophy, Theology / Theology
Theology|Religious and Values Education|
77 47 0.610 142 101 0.711 33314 11703 0.351
1 5 2909 25475 Lourdes J Cruz
University of the Philippines Diliman
Professor Emeritus, University of the Philippines
60 23 0.383 96 50 0.521 13821 1605 0.116
1 6 3990 31850 Antonio Dans
University of the Philippines
non-communicable disease epidemiology|
55 45 0.818 98 88 0.898 73279 39149 0.534
2 7 4451 36616 Raymond R Tan De La Salle University Manila Engineering & Technology / Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
Process systems engineering|Process integration|Carbon management|
53 38 0.717 224 196 0.875 10504 6926 0.659
2 8 8747 65406 Arnel Salvador University of the Philippines Diliman Natural Sciences / Physics
molecular beam epitaxy|semiconductors|
42 16 0.381 84 30 0.357 6755 1127 0.167
1 10 12757 90552 Gregory L Tangonan
Ateneo de Manila University Natural Sciences / Physics
Applied Physics|Innovation|Science Policy|
36 17 0.472 97 29 0.299 6301 1864 0.296
3 9 12142 91272 Anthony Shun Fung Chiu De La Salle University Manila Engineering & Technology / Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering
Industrial Ecology|Sustainable Consumption and Production|
36 33 0.917 84 76 0.905 5523 4433 0.803
4 11 14094 93046 Allan Bi Bernardo De La Salle University Manila Social Sciences / Psychology
social psychology|psychologywell-being|educational psychology|cultural ideologies|hope|
36 28 0.778 90 68 0.756 4415 2533 0.574
1 12 15381 105639 Maria Nilda
Cagayan State University CagayanStatePhilippinesChicagoILA
asthma|air quality management|herbal medicine|Animal ModelDiseases|Inflammation Research|
34 9 0.265 91 9 0.099 3517 418 0.119
5 14 16754 113752 Maricar Prudente De La Salle University Manila Engineering & Technology / Enviromental Engineering
Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology|Science Education|
32 22 0.688 39 27 0.692 6349 2737 0.431
1 13 16881 114542 Marriane Camille Laig
De La Salle Lipa   32 19 0.594 56 34 0.607 5070 1524 0.301
2 15 18324 122596 Anna Lena Lopez University of the Philippines Manila
Diarrhoea|Cholera|Vaccine-preventable diseases|Infectious Diseases|Pediatrics|
31 24 0.774 51 45 0.882 4195 2684 0.640
3 16 18755 125213 Fp Siringan University of the Philippines Diliman Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
Earth Science. Oceanography|Geology|
31 21 0.677 63 42 0.667 3304 1746 0.528
4 17 19635 130048 Ernesto M Pernia University of the Philippines Diliman Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Development economics|demographic economics|
30 13 0.433 46 20 0.435 4079 1044 0.256
2 19 19710 130532 Liane Peña Alampay Ateneo de Manila University Social Sciences / Psychology
parent-child relationships|adolescent development|culture|at risk youth|
30 30 1.000 47 45 0.957 3855 3156 0.819
6 18 19829 130855 Alberto Barrion De La Salle University Manila ial
Systematics|Ecology|Biodiversity|Integrated Pest Management|
30 16 0.533 54 29 0.537 3717 1180 0.317
7 20 20286 133593 Kathleen Aviso De La Salle University Manila Engineering & Technology / Chemical Engineering
Environmental Decision Making|Process Integration|Process Systems Engineering|Life Cycle Assessment|Renewable Energy Systems|
30 27 0.900 73 71 0.973 2959 2288 0.773
3 23 22426 145376 Juan Pulhin University of the Philippines LosBanos
climate change|disaster risk management|community-based natural resource …|natural resources policy and governance|
28 20 0.714 66 41 0.621 4944 2341 0.474
2 22 22566 146315 Gino L Raz Polytechnic University of the Philippines Education / Education
28 9 0.321 62 9 0.145 4013 418 0.104
1 27 26796 147614 Arcely Perez Napalit
Holy Angel University HolyAngel
Firefly Algorithm|
28 28 1.000 62 62 1.000 3418 3405 0.996
8 26 26508 157337 Phuong Le De La Salle University Manila   27 22 0.815 40 35 0.875 3161 1695 0.536
4 24 25121 159733 Michael C Velarde University of the Philippines Natural Sciences / Molecular Biology & Genetics
cell proliferation|cellular senescence|aging|reproduction|women's health|
27 18 0.667 34 27 0.794 2645 1763 0.667
10 29 27965 163701 Oya Aran De La Salle University Manila Social Sciences / Social Sciences
Social computing|Machine Learning|
27 18 0.667 45 27 0.600 1828 1017 0.556
5 25 26137 164864 Leonila F Dans University of the Philippines
University of the Philippines
26 19 0.731 36 28 0.778 4768 1965 0.412
3 30 26700 168401 Ma Mercedes Rodrigo Ateneo de Manila University Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence in Education|Affective Computing|Educational Data Mining|
26 19 0.731 46 37 0.804 2821 1732 0.614
9 28 27091 170348 Hiep Tran De La Salle University Manila   26 12 0.462 51 21 0.412 2477 952 0.384
11 32 29080 180907 Michael Angelo B Promentilla De La Salle University Manila Engineering & Technology / Chemical Engineering
Decision and Risk analysis|Geopolymer and Advanced Materials …|Environment and Energy|I|
25 24 0.960 58 54 0.931 2447 1913 0.782
12 33 31727 182424 Alvin B Culaba De La Salle University Manila Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering
Life Cycle Assessment|Energy Systems Modeling|Bioenergy Systems|Microalgae|Industrial Ecology|
25 22 0.880 46 36 0.783 2250 1317 0.585
5 31 29534 182971 Carla Dimalanta University of the Philippines Diliman Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences
geophysics|geology|earth sciences|
25 16 0.640 60 37 0.617 2183 1056 0.484
13 34 32415 197251 Allan N Soriano De La Salle University Manila Engineering & Technology / Chemical Engineering
Carbon dioxide capture|chemical thermodynamics|engineering thermodynamics|process simulation|property correlation developmen|
24 17 0.708 38 32 0.842 1858 935 0.503
7 40 33040 200100 Ronald Villanueva University of the Philippines Diliman Engineering & Technology / Marine Engineering
Seaweed farming and utilization|Coral reproduction|Coral reef restoration|Coral biology and ecology|
24 17 0.708 36 26 0.722 1347 778 0.578
14 45 33496 203192 Jose Alberto Reyes De La Salle University Manila Social Sciences / Psychology
Clinical Supervision|Culture and Mental Health|Cross-cultural Personality and Emotion|Positive Psychology|
23 18 0.783 35 30 0.857 2804 1135 0.405
1 35 33521 203367 Doralyn S Dalisay
University of San Agustin AgustinIloiloCity
Drug Discovery|microbial|plant and marine natural products chemistry|plant-microbe interactions|
23 19 0.826 33 28 0.848 2744 1306 0.476
6 37 34317 207263 Windell L Rivera University of the Philippines Diliman Medical and Health Sciences / Microbiology
Protozoology|Applied Bacteriology|Medical Biotechnology|
23 19 0.826 56 39 0.696 2068 1253 0.606
2 38 34884 209816 Ellen D Inutan Mindanao State University Iligan Institute of Technology Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
Analytical Chemistry|
23 19 0.826 36 30 0.833 1825 866 0.475
1 39 35005 210286 Monina Escalada
Visayas State University Business & Management / Communication
development communication|communication campaigns|monitoring and evaluation|pest management|ecosystem services|
23 14 0.609 37 21 0.568 1782 709 0.398
1 48 37983 211049 Allan B De Guzman
University of Santo Tomas Medical and Health Sciences / Geriatrics
Gerontology|Teacher Education|Leadership Studies|Curriculum and Instruction|Quality Assurance in Tourism and Hospitality|
23 15 0.652 62 46 0.742 1717 1128 0.657
4 41 36023 214851 Ronald Mendoza Ateneo de Manila University Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Economics|Economic Development|Public Economics|Development Policy|
22 18 0.818 36 22 0.611 5965 2049 0.344
6 42 36213 216169 Maria Corazon De Ungria University of the Philippines
DNA forensics|forensic genetics|Philippine populations|Philippine genetics|
22 16 0.727 35 20 0.571 3215 1257 0.391
7 43 36219 216189 Maria Corazon A De Ungria University of the Philippines
DNA forensics|forensic genetics|Philippine populations|Philippine genetics|
22 16 0.727 34 19 0.559 3201 1246 0.389
8 44 36325 217032 Carmencita Padilla University of the Philippines Natural Sciences / Molecular Biology & Genetics
Genetics|newborn screening|
22 17 0.773 43 28 0.651 2793 1778 0.637
1 36 36620 218824 Johann Heindrich Pestalozzi
Davao del Norte State College   22 14 0.636 47 17 0.362 2323 620 0.267
15 46 36664 219057 Elmer P Dadios De La Salle University Manila Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Robotics|Neural Networks|Artificial Intelligence|Software Engineering|Automation and Intelligent Systems|
22 19 0.864 67 53 0.791 2281 1870 0.820
8 47 36895 220204 Caesar Saloma University of the Philippines Diliman Natural Sciences / Physics
Photonics|Optical Microscopy|Signal Processing|Complex Systems|
22 10 0.455 59 11 0.186 2107 534 0.253
5 49 38050 225726 Fabian Dayrit Ateneo de Manila University
Ateneo de Manila University
22 13 0.591 29 15 0.517 1612 633 0.393
2 50 38693 228377 Jake Laguador Lyceumthe Philippines University Batangas Education / Education
Educational Management|Employability Studies|
22 18 0.818 47 42 0.894 1397 1042 0.746
9 51 39142 230018 Hilton Lam University of the Philippines Economics & Econometrics / Economics
Health economics|health policy|health economics modelling|
21 20 0.952 21 21 1.000 27614 26321 0.953

Singapore Scientist and University Rankings 2021


Total 3.889 scientist, 1 country, 17 university


        AD Scientific Index - 2021 H INDEX i10 INDEX CITATION
University Country Region World Name  Country  University  Subject  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total  Total  Last 5 year  Last 5 year / total 
1 1 10 85 Barry Halliwell
National University of Singapore
free radicals|antioxidants|
209 95 0.455 781 479 0.613 241569 53239 0.220
1 2 21 227 Xiong Wen David Lou
Nanyang Technological University ChengTsangManEnergy
hollow structures|batteries|electrocatalysis|supercapacitors|photocatalysis|
185 151 0.816 344 342 0.994 99310 72314 0.728
2 3 25 342 Tien Yin Wong
National University of Singapore Eye
Retinal disease|diabetes|hypertension|artificial intelligence|
175 122 0.697 1400 1211 0.865 151855 96694 0.637
1 5 33 445 A John Rush
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore Duke-NUS
167 89 0.533 724 462 0.638 196019 66811 0.341
4 6 36 509 Seeram Ramakrishna National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Materials|Nanomaterials|Biomaterials|Sustainability|Circular Economy|
163 119 0.730 1048 918 0.876 124818 69496 0.557
5 7 43 621 Xiaoyuan Shawn Chen National University of Singapore Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
chemistry|molecular imaging|nanomedicine|drug and gene delivery|
156 123 0.788 811 730 0.900 90433 57907 0.640
6 8 68 941 YF Zhang National University of Singapore CAD/CAM|Production scheduling|
CAD/CAM|Production scheduling|
139 94 0.676 1550 960 0.619 101163 46802 0.463
2 10 120 1822 Duane J Gubler Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore EmergingInfectiousDiseasesDukeGMS
Vector-borne diseases|emerging infectious diseases|epidemiology|dengue|
120 68 0.567 327 242 0.740 68643 23135 0.337
7 11 136 2040 Yoshiaki Ito National University of Singapore CancerN 117 57 0.487 827 401 0.485 62518 16499 0.264
8 12 155 2241 Daniel G Tenen National University of Singapore
Cancer Science Institute, National University of Singapore
115 58 0.504 285 212 0.744 44875 13119 0.292
9 15 161 2307 Thirumalai Venkatesan National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Nano science and nano technology|oxides and interfaces|nonlinear optics|Bio-adaptive interfaces|focused ion beams|
114 50 0.439 598 243 0.406 50627 10316 0.204
10 16 167 2399 Rui Zhang National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Computer Science
Wireless Communications|MIMO|Cognitive Radio|Wireless Power Transfer|UAV|
113 99 0.876 313 277 0.885 51161 39762 0.777
4 14 171 2440 David A Wardle Nanyang Technological University Natural Sciences / Biological Science
ecology|biological invasions|community ecology|biodiversity|forest ecology|
112 78 0.696 331 287 0.867 79352 38206 0.481
5 17 190 2562 Peng Chen Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Technological University
111 93 0.838 855 773 0.904 57610 43365 0.753
11 19 204 2645 Antonio H Castro Neto National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Two-Dimensional Materials|Quantum magnetism|Superconductivity|Strongly Correlated Electron Systems.|
110 82 0.745 308 227 0.737 86101 46663 0.542
6 18 201 2673 Paul Tapponnier Nanyang Technological University Engineering & Technology / Earth Sciences 110 62 0.564 239 188 0.787 56698 16348 0.288
13 21 219 3141 En Tang Kang National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Materials/Polymer/Surface Science and …|
106 55 0.519 639 367 0.574 45884 14707 0.321
7 23 220 3142 Shen Ze Xiang Nanyang Technological University Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering
energy storage materials|graphene 2D materials|photonics|hybrid perovskites|
106 84 0.792 371 284 0.765 45791 27545 0.602
14 22 224 3190 Gautam Sethi National University of Singapore Natural Sciences / Molecular Biology & Genetics
Cancer Pharmacology|
106 77 0.726 317 303 0.956 32519 20682 0.636
15 24 229 3272 Chwee Teck CT Lim National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering
Mechanobiology|Cell Mechanics|Microfluidics|Circulating Biomarkers|Stretchable Electronics|
105 80 0.762 382 320 0.838 44541 24402 0.548
16 25 243 3431 Jim Yang Lee National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Chemical Engineering
Materials|Nanostructures|Energy Storage|
104 65 0.625 327 242 0.740 38950 16385 0.421
17 26 256 3563 Koon Gee Neoh National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Chemical Engineering
Biomaterials|Nanotechnology|Surface Science and Engineering|
103 55 0.534 565 353 0.625 40846 13883 0.340
18 27 263 3654 Kian Ping Loh National University of Singapore Natural Sciences / Chemical Sciences
graphene|2-D materials|surface science|covalent organic framewok|batteries|
102 85 0.833 456 366 0.803 59222 38450 0.649
19 28 265 3658 X Li National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering
Machining|Neuroengineering|Magnetic materials|Sensors|Signal processing|
102 69 0.676 771 518 0.672 56626 26071 0.460
20 29 307 4046 Th Lee National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Intelligent Control Systems|Adaptive Systems|Intelligent Mechatronics|Precision Control Systems|
100 52 0.520 485 256 0.528 35677 11563 0.324
8 30 312 4080 Bernhard Otto Boehm Nanyang Technological University
99 63 0.636 414 259 0.626 107021 71756 0.670
21 31 326 4209 Bin Liu National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Chemical Engineering
aggregation-induced-emission|conjugated polymer|conjugated polyelectrolyte|sensing and imaging|cancer therapy|
99 76 0.768 419 378 0.902 37901 24767 0.653
10 33 348 4369 Lihua Xie Nanyang Technological University Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Robust control|Networked Control|Mult-agent Systems|
98 71 0.724 496 346 0.698 40856 20389 0.499
9 32 371 4618 Qingyu Yan Nanyang Technological University Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Energy Materials|
97 81 0.835 310 287 0.926 33896 25152 0.742
11 34 429 4893 PN Suganthan Nanyang Technological University Engineering & Technology / Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Machine Learning(ML)|Swarm-Evolutionary Computation(SEC)|Neural Networks(ANN)|ApplicationsML SEC ANN.|
95 81 0.853 317 248 0.782 50172 30616 0.610
12 35 474 5265 Philip Ingham Nanyang Technological University Natural Sciences / Biological Science
developmental genetics|disease models|
94 41 0.436 177 130 0.734 30229 6650 0.220
3 39 461 5448 Linfa Wang Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore EIDmeDukeMedical
Emerging viruses|
93 64 0.688 363 299 0.824 34206 21355 0.624
14 40 473 5524 Xiaodong Chen(陈晓东) Nanyang Technological University Engineering & Technology / Mechanical Engineering
Mechanomaterials|soft materials|nano-bio interface|flexible electronics|bio-inspiration|
93 82 0.882 225 203 0.902 29834 23442 0.786
22 36 475 5535 Choon Nam Ong National University of Singapore
Environmental Health|Metabolomics|Toxicology|
93 53 0.570 325 206 0.634 29104 10807 0.371
23 38 491 5660 Tat Seng Chua National University of Singapore
Multimedia Information Retrieval|Live Social Media Analysis|
92 71 0.772 422 286 0.678 36000 24010 0.667
13 37 495 5715 Hong Jin Fan 范红金 Nanyang Technological University Engineering & Technology / Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
nanomaterials|energy conversion and storage|light-emitting materials|
92 75 0.815 210 189 0.900 31837 22093 0.694
15 41 545 6175 Dusit Tao Niyato Nanyang Technological University NTU
ดุสิต นิยะโต - เต๋า|
90 74 0.822 392 330 0.842 37600 26019 0.692
16 42 590 6576 Madhavi Srinivasan Nanyang Technological University Engineering & Technology / Energy Engineering
energy storage|
89 77 0.865 307 279 0.909 28485 20044 0.704
24 44 606 6696 Si Cong Chen National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Chemical Engineering
88 63 0.716 839 484 0.577 41708 20781 0.498
17 43 610 6707 Subodh Mhaisalkar Nanyang Technological University   88 70 0.795 366 264 0.721 40363 28805 0.714
18 45 615 6745 Zheng Liu Nanyang Technological University Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
2D materials|TMD|catalysis|electronics|
88 86 0.977 240 233 0.971 35375 29273 0.828
26 47 692 6834 Philip Moore National University of Singapore Medical and Health Sciences / Pharmacology
88 52 0.591 194 129 0.665 29566 9523 0.322
25 46 683 7095 Nitish Thakor National University of Singapore ProvoJohnsHopkins…
Neuroengineering|Brain Machine Interface|Prosthetics and Robotics|Medical Devices|Biomedical Signal Processing|
87 56 0.644 464 313 0.675 32875 14832 0.451
28 50 704 7575 Jun Ding National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Additive manufacturing (3D printing)|Multi-fucntional 3D structures &applications|Nanomagnetics|
86 59 0.686 407 279 0.686 25446 12582 0.494
27 48 772 8050 Xiaogang Liu National University of Singapore Natural Sciences / Physics
Photon upconversion|luminescent nanoparticles|Immunotherapy|Catalysis|Scintillators|
84 69 0.821 172 162 0.942 38632 25909 0.671
29 52 824 8238 Philip LF Liu National University of Singapore Engineering & Technology / Marine Engineering
Coastal Engineering|water waves|coastal processes|tsunamis|coastal oceanography|
84 42 0.500 312 165 0.529 25813 8039 0.311
31 54 828 8262 Patrick Tan National University of Singapore Natural Sciences / Molecular Biology & Genetics
Cancer Research|
84 67 0.798 248 221 0.891 25014 15225 0.609
19 49 788 8263 James P Tam Nanyang Technological University LeeWeeNam
Peptide dendrimer|peptide natural products|drug discovery|peptide ligases|
84 34 0.405 253 128 0.506 24991 5591 0.224
25 67 791 8327 Kanyi Pu Nanyang Technological University Natural Sciences / Molecular Biology & Genetics
molecular imaging|nanomedicine|molecular probes|biophotonics|
84 72 0.857 171 158 0.924 18930 15592 0.824
20 51 805 8479 Xin Wang Nanyang Technological University
Fuel cell|electrocatalysis|Nanomaterial|electrochemical technology|
83 62 0.747 169 152 0.899 29703 20506 0.690


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