
World DataBank

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World DataBank

DataBank is an analysis and visualisation tool that contains collections of time series data on a variety of topics. You can create your own queries; generate tables, charts, and maps; and easily save, embed, and share them. 



  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)



    Relevant indicators drawn from the World Development Indicators, reorganized according to the goals and targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These indicators may help to monitor SDGs, but they are not always the official indicators for SDG monitoring.





    Last Updated:10/07/2016 

  • Health Nutrition and Population Statistics: Population estimates and projections



    Health Nutrition and Population Statistics: Population estimates and projections





    Last Updated:10/05/2016 

  • IDA Results Measurement System



    Measures progress on aggregate outcomes for IDA countries for selected indicators.



    Economic Growth,Human Development


    Last Updated:10/05/2016 

  • Education Statistics - All Indicators



    The World Bank EdStats Query holds around 2,500 internationally comparable education indicators for access, progression, completion, literacy, teachers, population, and expenditures. The indicators coverSee more





    Last Updated:10/04/2016 

  • WDI Database Archives (beta)



    The WDI Database Archives (WDI-DA) contains previous versions of the World Development Indicators database. Data are drawn from all available electronic releases going back to 1989. Metadata for this initialSee more





    Last Updated:10/04/2016 

  • Statistical Capacity Indicators



    Statistical Capacity Indicators provides information on various aspects of national statistical systems of developing countries, including an overall country-level statistical capacity indicator.





    Last Updated:09/28/2016 

  • Joint External Debt Hub



    Brings together external debt data and selected foreign assets from international creditor/market sources - jointly developed by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the International MonetarySee more



    External Debt,Selected Foreign Assets


    Last Updated:09/28/2016 

  • Subnational Population



    Subnational Population Database presents estimated population at the first administrative level below the national level. Many of the data come from the country’s national statistical offices. Other dataSee more





    Last Updated:08/30/2016 

  • Quarterly External Debt Statistics/GDDS (New)



    In October 2014, the World Bank launched the new Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS) GDDS database consistent with the classifications and definitions of the 2013 External Debt Statistics: GuideSee more





    Last Updated:07/28/2016 

  • Quarterly External Debt Statistics/SDDS (New)



    In October 2014, the World Bank launched the new Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS) SDDS database consistent with the classifications and definitions of the 2013 External Debt Statistics: GuideSee more





    Last Updated:07/28/2016 

  • The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators of Resilience and Equity (ASPIRE)



    The World Bank's ASPIRE online tool is the most up-to-date compilation of global social protection and labor (SPL) indicators, based on household survey and administrative data from 120 countries—mostlySee more





    Last Updated:07/26/2016 

  • Country Policy and Institutional Assessment



    The World Bank's Country Policy and Institutional Assessment is done annually for all its borrowing countries. It has evolved into a set of criteria, which are grouped in four clusters: (a) economic management;See more





    Last Updated:07/12/2016 

  • Doing Business



    Objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 189 economies and selected cities at the subnational and regional level.



    Business regulations and Enforcement


    Last Updated:07/11/2016 

  • Enterprise Surveys



    The world's most comprehensive company-level data in emerging markets and developing economies.



    Company-level Data in emerging markets


    Last Updated:07/11/2016 


  • Global Financial Development



    The Global Financial Development Database is an extensive dataset of financial system characteristics for 203 economies. The database includes measures of (1) size of financial institutions and marketsSee more





    Last Updated:06/24/2016 

  • Wealth Accounting



    Wealth Accounting supplements macroeconomic indicators, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), by measuring the comprehensive wealth of a country. While changes in GDP tell us if growth is occurring, changesSee more





    Last Updated:06/03/2016 




    Poverty, shared prosperity, and equity indicators for LAC





    Last Updated:04/06/2016 

  • Exporter Dynamics Database – Indicators at Country-Industry ISIC-Year Level



    The Exporter Dynamics Database is the first database providing indicators for close to 70 countries over the period 1997-2014 on the basic characteristics of their exporting firms, their concentrationSee more





    Last Updated:03/31/2016 

  • Exporter Dynamics Database – Indicators at Country-Destination-Year Level



    The Exporter Dynamics Database is the first database providing indicators for close to 70 countries over the period 1997-2014 on the basic characteristics of their exporting firms, their concentrationSee more





    Last Updated:03/31/2016 

  • Exporter Dynamics Database – Indicators at Country-Year Level



    The Exporter Dynamics Database is the first database providing indicators for close to 70 countries over the period 1997-2014 on the basic characteristics of their exporting firms, their concentrationSee more





    Last Updated:03/31/2016 

  • Exporter Dynamics Database – Indicators at Country-Product HS2-Destination-Year Level



    The Exporter Dynamics Database is the first database providing indicators for close to 70 countries over the period 1997-2014 on the basic characteristics of their exporting firms, their concentrationSee more





    Last Updated:03/31/2016 

  • Exporter Dynamics Database – Indicators at Country-Product HS2-Year Level



    The Exporter Dynamics Database is the first database providing indicators for close to 70 countries over the period 1997-2014 on the basic characteristics of their exporting firms, their concentrationSee more





    Last Updated:03/31/2016 

  • Exporter Dynamics Database – Indicators at Country-Product HS4-Year Level



    The Exporter Dynamics Database is the first database providing indicators for close to 70 countries over the period 1997-2014 on the basic characteristics of their exporting firms, their concentrationSee more





    Last Updated:03/31/2016 

  • Exporter Dynamics Database – Indicators at Country-Product HS6-Year Level



    The Exporter Dynamics Database is the first database providing indicators for close to 70 countries over the period 1997-2014 on the basic characteristics of their exporting firms, their concentrationSee more





    Last Updated:03/31/2016 

  • ESCAP World Bank: International Trade Costs



    The Trade Costs Dataset provides estimates of bilateral trade costs in agriculture and manufactured goods for the 1995-2011 period. It is built on trade and production data collected in 182 countries.See more





    Last Updated:03/25/2016 

  • Subnational Malnutrition



    Subnational estimates of child malnutrition (prevalence for stunting, underweight, overweight, wasting and severe wasting indicators) using available data up to 2012





    Last Updated:03/21/2016 

  • UNCTAD - Trade Analysis Information System (TRAINS)



    The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Trade Analysis Information System (TRAINS) contains information on Imports, Tariffs and Non-Tariff Measures over 150 countries. For moreSee more



    Trade Data


    Last Updated:02/17/2016 

  • Global Economic Prospects



    Examines growth trends for the global economy and how they affect developing countries. The reports include three-year forecasts for the global economy and long-term global scenarios which look ten years into the future.



    Poverty Reduction and Global Economy


    Last Updated:01/06/2016 

  • International Debt Statistics



    International Debt Statistics (IDS)—formerly known as Global Development Finance (GDF)—provides external debt and financial flows statistics for countries that report public and publicly-guaranteed debt under the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System (DRS).





    Last Updated:12/16/2015 

  • Global Economic Monitor (GEM)



    Daily updates of global economic developments for high income and developing countries - covers exchange rates, equity markets, interest rates, stripped bond spreads, and emerging market bond indices.See more



    Exchange rates,Equity markets,Interest ratesm bond inices


    Last Updated:11/30/2015 

  • Jobs



    Global data on individuals, firms, and the business environments.





    Last Updated:10/15/2015 

  • Worldwide Governance Indicators



    Aggregate and individual governance indicators for 213 economies over the period 1996-2009, for six dimensions of governance: Voice and Accountability; Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism; Government Effectiveness; Regulatory Quality; Rule of Law; Control of Corruption.



    Governance effectiveness,Control of corruption,Rule of Law


    Last Updated:09/25/2015 

  • Sustainable Energy for All



    The “Sustainable Energy for all (SE4ALL)” initiative, launched in 2010 by the UN Secretary General, established three global objectives to be accomplished by 2030: to ensure universal access to modernSee more





    Last Updated:09/11/2015 

  • G20 Financial Inclusion Indicators



    The G20 Basic Set of Financial Inclusion data repository includes detailed data from users and providers of financial services. The Basic Set measures both access to financial services (“supply-side” data)See more





    Last Updated:08/28/2015 

  • Gender Statistics : Highlights from 2012 World Development Report



    The Gender Statistics : Highlights from 2012 World Development Report database provides subset of gender indicators from the 2012 World Development Report on Gender Equality and Development.





    Last Updated:07/07/2015 

  • Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities



    Collection of monthly commodities prices and indices from 1960 to present, updated on the third working day of each month, as presented in the Commodity Price Data (a.k.a. Pink Sheet), published continuously for more than half a century.



    Commodity Price Data


    Last Updated:06/30/2015 

  • INDO-DAPOER (Indonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research)



    The Indonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research (INDO-DAPOER) contains over 200 province- and district-level indicators which span across four main categories: fiscal, economic, social and demographic, as well as infrastructure.





    Last Updated:05/28/2015 

  • Country Partnership Strategy for India (FY2013-17)



    A selection of Indian sub-national (state) indicators on economic and social sectors relevant to the World Bank Group Country Partnership Strategy for India for the period 2013-2017. It is a compilationSee more





    Last Updated:05/22/2015 

  • Subnational Poverty



    Poverty data at the administrative unit level 1, based on national poverty line(s). Administrative unit level 1 refers to the highest subnational unit level (examples include ‘state’, ‘governorate’, ‘province’)





    Last Updated:04/27/2015 

  • Global Findex (Global Financial Inclusion Database)



    The Global Financial Inclusion Database provides 800 country-level indicators of financial inclusion summarized for all adults and disaggregated by key demographic characteristics—gender, age, education,See more





    Last Updated:04/15/2015 

  • Agriculture in Africa – Telling Facts from Myths



    Indicators derived on the "Agriculture in Africa – Telling Facts from Myths" project





    Last Updated:08/15/2014 

  • India Power Sector Review Database



    This database underpins the analysis in the report “More Power to India: The Challenge of Electricity Distribution”. The database is a collection of primary and secondary data on the Indian power sector,See more





    Last Updated:06/20/2014 

  • Service Delivery Indicators



    The Service Delivery Indicators program is an application of the principles of the 2004 World Development Report Making Services Work for Poor People. The Service Delivery Indicators project is a new Africa-wideSee more





    Last Updated:11/19/2013 


  • Landmine Contamination, Casualties and Clearance (LC3D)



    Country level data on a broad range of issues related to landmines and cluster munitions, including contamination, casualties and clearance, and their associated cost.



    Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor


    Last Updated:08/16/2013 

  • Global Partnership for Education



    Global Partnership for Education





    Last Updated:04/12/2013 

  • Africa Development Indicators



    Africa Development Indicators 2012/13 provides the most detailed collection of data on Africa available in one volume. It contains macroeconomic, sectoral, and social indicators, covering 53 African countries.See more



    Poverty,Education,Africa,Social Development


    Last Updated:02/22/2013 

  • Global Bilateral Migration



    Global matrices of bilateral migrant stocks spanning the period 1960-2000, disaggregated by gender and based primarily on the foreign-born concept.





    Last Updated:06/28/2011 

  • Africa Infrastructure: Airport



    Africa Infrastructure: Airport





    Last Updated:12/09/2009 

  • Africa Infrastructure: WSS Utility



    Africa Infrastructure: WSS Utility



    Utility,Urban Development


    Last Updated:12/09/2009 

  • Africa Infrastructure: Electricity



    Africa Infrastructure: Electricity



    Electricity,Urban Development


    Last Updated:12/09/2009 

  • Africa Infrastructure: Ports



    Africa Infrastructure: Ports



    Ports Data,Trade Data


    Last Updated:12/09/2009 

  • Africa Infrastructure: Railways



    Africa Infrastructure: Railways





    Last Updated:12/09/2009 


  • International Comparison Program (2005)



    A collection of comparative price data and detailed expenditure values of countries’ gross domestic products (GDP), and purchasing power parities (PPPs) estimates of the world’s economies.





    Last Updated:02/27/2008

  • Statistical Capacity Indicators



    Statistical Capacity Indicators provides information on various aspects of national statistical systems of developing countries, including an overall country-level statistical capacity indicator.





    Last Updated:09/28/2016 

  • Education Statistics - All Indicators



    The World Bank EdStats Query holds around 2,500 internationally comparable education indicators for access, progression, completion, literacy, teachers, population, and expenditures. The indicators coverSee more





    Last Updated:10/04/2016 

  • Doing Business



    Objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 189 economies and selected cities at the subnational and regional level.



    Business regulations and Enforcement


    Last Updated:07/11/2016 

  • IDA Results Measurement System



    Measures progress on aggregate outcomes for IDA countries for selected indicators.



    Economic Growth,Human Development


    Last Updated:10/05/2016


World Development Indicators

WDI Banner

The primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially-recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates.

WDI 2016

Access the database, tables and content of the new WDI

Database Archives

Archives in DataBank (beta)

Archives by Year

These archives contain Excel spreadsheets and range in size from 36-80Mb (compressed). Archives from July, 2010 to October, 2012 also include data from the Global Development Finance (GDF) report (now namedInternational Debt Statistics). Archives prior to April, 2010 also include data in text and MS Access formats.

Year Month(s)
2016 FebruaryAprilJuneJulyAugust
2015 JanuaryMarchAprilJulySeptemberOctoberDecember
2014 AprilMayJulySeptemberNovemberDecember
2013 AprilJulyOctoberDecember
2012 AprilMayJulySeptemberOctoberDecember
2011 AprilJulySeptemberDecember
2010 AprilJulyDecember
2009 MayOctober
2008 AprilSeptemberDecember
2007 AprilSeptember
2006 AprilSeptember
2005 AprilSeptember

243 records found







Economy Coverage




Access Options


Sort By:Most Popular|Alphabetical|Last Updated

World Development Indicators (WDI)Recently updated

Mobile App


The primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially-recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:04-Oct-2016See More +

GDP ranking (GDP)Recently updated


Gross domestic product ranking table.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:04-Oct-2016See More +

Country Profiles (CP)Recently updated

Country profiles present the latest key development data drawn from the World Development Indicators (WDI) database, the World Bank's primary database for cross-country comparable development data.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:04-Oct-2016See More +

Education Statistics (EdStats)Recently updated

Mobile App


The World Bank EdStats All Indicator Query holds over 4,000 internationally comparable indicators that describe education access, progression, completion, literacy, teachers, population, and expenditures. The indicators cover the education cycle from pre-primary to vocational and tertiary education. More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:04-Oct-2016See More +

Global Economic Monitor (GEM)


Providing daily updates of global economic developments, with coverage of high income- as well as developing countries. Daily data updates are provided for exchange rates, equity markets, interest rates, stripped bond spreads, and emerging market bond indices. Monthly data coverage (updated daily and populated upon availability) is provided for consumer prices, high-tech market indicators, industrial production and merchandise trade.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Day| Last Updated:CurrentSee More +

Africa Development Indicators (ADI)


Africa Development Indicators was a primary World Bank collection of development indicators on Africa, compiled from officially-recognized international sources. No further updates of this database are currently planned. See World Development Indicators for more recent data on Africa.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:22-Feb-2013See More +

Gender StatisticsRecently updated


The Gender Statistics database is a comprehensive source for the latest sex-disaggregated data and gender statistics covering demography, education, health, access to economic opportunities, public life and decision-making, and agency.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:05-Oct-2016See More +

International Debt Statistics (IDS)


Focuses on financial flows, trends in external debt, and other major financial indicators for developing and advanced economies (data from Quarterly External Debt Statistics and Quarterly Public Sector Debt databases). Includes over 200 time series indicators from 1970 to 2014, for most reporting countries, and pipeline data for scheduled debt service payments on existing commitments to 2022.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:16-Dec-2015See More +

Research Datasets and Analytical Tools

Various specialized datasets compiled for World Bank research activities, sorted by topic. Many datasets are in raw unprocessed formats, and are specific in scope and coverage

Type:Cross sectional, Time series| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:20-Nov-2013See More +

GEM Commodities

The World Bank collection of monthly commodities prices and indices from 1960 to present, updated each month, as presented in the Commodity Price Data (a.k.a. Pink Sheet), published continuously for more than half a century.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Month| Last Updated:11-Nov-2015See More +

GDP ranking, PPP based (GDP PPP)Recently updated


Gross domestic product ranking table based on purchasing power parity (PPP)

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:04-Oct-2016See More +

Health Nutrition and Population StatisticsRecently updated

Mobile App


HealthStats provides key health, nutrition and population statistics gathered from a variety of international sources. Themes include population dynamics, nutrition, reproductive health, health financing, medical resources and usage, immunization, infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, DALY, population projections and lending. HealthStats also includes health, nutrition and population statistics by wealth quintiles.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:04-Oct-2016See More +

GNI per capita ranking, Atlas method and PPP based (GNIPC)Recently updated


Gross national income per capita ranking table based on the World Bank Atlas method and purchasing power parity (PPP).

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:04-Oct-2016See More +

Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI)


Aggregate and individual governance indicators for 215 countries and territories over the period 1996–2014, for six dimensions of governance.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:25-Sep-2015See More +

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)


Relevant indicators drawn from the World Development Indicators, reorganized according to the goals and targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:26-Jul-2016See More +

Climate Change Data


Data from World Development Indicators and Climate Change Knowledge Portal on climate systems, exposure to climate impacts, resilience, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy use.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:21-Nov-2011See More +

Global Financial Development (GFDD)


The Global Financial Development Database is an extensive dataset of financial system characteristics for 206 economies. The database includes measures of (1) size of financial institutions and markets (financial depth), (2) degree to which individuals can and do use financial services (access), (3) efficiency of financial intermediaries and markets in intermediating resources and facilitating financial transactions (efficiency), and (4) stability of financial institutions and markets (stability).More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:24-Jun-2016See More +

Doing Business (DB)

Mobile App

Doing Business provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 189 economies. Each economy is ranked according to 10 sets of indicators. These are combined into an overall "ease of doing business" ranking.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:12-Jul-2016See More +

Population ranking (POP)Recently updated


Population ranking table.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:04-Oct-2016See More +

Data Resources for Structural Economic Analysis


Collection of over 60 comprehensive international databases on the structure of the global economy, and standardized metadata for each, covering both technical characteristics of the data and detailed access information. Areas represented in the collection include output and value added by industrial sector, labor force, social and demographic data, productivity, and measures of economic endowments.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:22-Apr-2014See More +

Poverty and Equity DatabaseRecently updated


Latest poverty and inequality indicators compiled from officially recognized international sources. Poverty indicators include the poverty headcount ratio, poverty gap, and number of poor at both international and national poverty lines. Inequality indicators include the Gini index and income or consumption distributions. The database includes national, regional and global estimates. More...

Type:Time Series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:04-Oct-2016See More +

World Development Report 2014 (WDR 2014)


The WDR 2014 dataset includes 75 indicators relevant to the management of risk in the context of development. These indicators are included in the data annex in the report “WDR 2014: Risk & Opportunity: Managing Risk For Development.” These indicators summarize the level and dimensions of risk facing each country, together with the capacity to manage risk along several different social, economic, financial, and environmental dimensions.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:09-Oct-2013See More +

Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011


Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011 provides a snapshot of migration and remittances for all countries, regions and income groups of the world, compiled from available data from various sources.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:31-Oct-2011See More +

World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS)


WITS is a trade software tool giving access to bilateral trade between countries based on various product classifications, product details, years, and trade flows. It also contains tariff and non-tariff measures data, as well as analysis tool to calculate effects of tariff reductions. In addition, users have access to many visualization tools.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Quarter| Last Updated:22-Jul-2016See More +

Major Contract Awards

Mobile App


This set of contract awards includes data on commitments against contracts that were reviewed by the Bank before they were awarded (prior-reviewed Bank-funded contracts) under IDA/IBRD investment projects and related Trust Funds. This dataset does not list all contracts awarded by the Bank, and should be viewed only as a guide to determine the distribution of major contract commitments among the Bank's member countries. "Supplier Country" represents place of supplier registration, which may or not be the supplier's actual country of origin. Information does not include awards to subcontractors nor account for cofinancing. The Procurement Policy and Services Group does not guarantee the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequences of its use. The World Bank complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:18-Jul-2016See More +

GNI ranking, Atlas method (GNI)Recently updated


Gross national income ranking table based on the World Bank Atlas method.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:04-Oct-2016See More +

World Bank Projects & Operations


World Bank Projects & Operations provides access to basic information on all of the World Bank's lending projects from 1947 to the present. The dataset includes basic information such as the project title, task manager, country, project id, sector, themes, commitment amount, product line, and financing. It also provides links to publicly disclosed online documents.More...

Type:Transactions| Periodicity:Day| Last Updated:CurrentSee More +

All the Ginis Dataset


This dataset includes combined and standardized Gini data from eight original sources: Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), Socio-Economic Database for Latin America (SEDLAC), Survey of Living Conditions (SILC) by Eurostat, World Income Distribution (WYD; the full data set is available here), World Bank Europe and Central Asia dataset, World Institute for Development Research (WIDER), World Bank Povcal, and Ginis from individual long-term inequality studies (just introduced in this version).

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Jun-2013See More +

Country Opinion Survey Data (COSD)


Survey data about how the World Bank Group and its work in social and economic development are perceived by key stakeholders in client countries across the globe.

Type:Survey(Microdata)| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:18-Mar-2014See More +

The Changing Wealth of Nations


The Wealth of Nations dataset provides country level data on comprehensive wealth, as published in "The Changing Wealth of Nations" (2011). It presents a set of “comprehensive wealth accounts” for over 150 countries for 1995, 2000, and 2005, which allows a longer-term assessment of global, regional, and country performance in building wealth.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:20-Jan-2011See More +

Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL)


The “Sustainable Energy for all (SE4ALL)” initiative, launched in 2010 by the UN Secretary General, established three global objectives to be accomplished by 2030: to ensure universal access to modern energy services, to double the global rate of improvement in global energy efficiency, and to double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. SE4ALL database supports this initiative and provides country level historical data for access to electricity and non-solid fuel; share of renewable energy in total final energy consumption by technology; and energy intensity rate of improvement.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:09-Sep-2015See More +

World Development Report 2013 on Jobs Statistical Tables

Mobile App


The World Development Report 2013 on Jobs statistical tables provide national level data on a broad range of issues related to labor force participation, employment structure, wage inequality, skills and productivity, youth idleness and unemployment, social cohesion, migration, and core labor conventions.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:27-Sep-2012See More +

Population Estimates and ProjectionsRecently updated

This database presents population and other demographic estimates and projections from 1960 to 2050. They are disaggregated by age-group and gender and cover approximately 200 economies.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:04-Oct-2016See More +

Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database (Global Findex)


The Global Financial Inclusion Database provides 800 country-level indicators of financial inclusion summarized for all adults and disaggregated by key demographic characteristics-gender, age, education, income, and rural residence. Covering more than 140 economies, the indicators of financial inclusion measure how people save, borrow, make payments and manage risk.

The reference citation for the data is: Demirguc-Kunt, Asli, Leora Klapper, Dorothe Singer, and Peter Van Oudheusden. 2015. “The Global Findex Database 2014: Measuring Financial Inclusion around the World.” Policy Research Working Paper 7255, World Bank, Washington, DC.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:15-Apr-2015See More +

Global Economic Prospects (GEP)


Country-level data on the short-, medium, and long-term outlook for the global economy and the implications for developing countries and poverty reduction.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:07-Jun-2016See More +

World Development Report 2011 (WDR2011)


As a follow up to the official launch of the 2011 World Development Report on Conflict, Security and Development (WDR 2011), the WDR 2011 database has been launched. The database includes statistics related to civil war, terrorism, and trafficking, as well as socio-economic, demographic and political data. It is a collection of diverse data from multi sources into a single easily navigable depository. The database is a basic research tool for academics and practitioners which brings together diverse indicators relevant to conflict, security and development.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:28-Apr-2011See More +

IBRD Statement Of Loans - Historical DataRecently updated

Mobile App


The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loans are public and publicly guaranteed debt extended by the World Bank Group. IBRD loans are made to, or guaranteed by, countries that are members of IBRD. IBRD may also make loans to IFC. IBRD lends at market rates. Data are in U.S. dollars calculated using historical rates. This dataset contains historical snapshots of the Statement of Loans including the latest available snapshots. The World Bank complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Month| Last Updated:05-Oct-2016See More +

Quarterly External Debt Statistics SDDS (New) (QEDS/SDDS)


In October 2014, the World Bank launched the new Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS) SDDS database. This database is consistent with the classifications and definitions of the 2013 External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (2013 EDS Guide) and Sixth Edition of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6). The QEDS SDDS database provides detailed external debt data starting from 1998Q1. Data are published individually by countries that subscribe to the IMF’s Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS), as well as, GDDS participating countries that are in a position to produce the external debt data prescribed by the SDDS.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Quarter| Last Updated:28-Jul-2016See More +

Documents & Reports

Documents & Reports, previously known as World Development Sources (WDS) contains more than 145,000 publically available World Bank documents that enable sharing the institution's extensive knowledge base and implementing its access to information policy. It includes operational documents (project documents, analytical and advisory work, and evaluations), formal and informal research papers, and most Bank publications in more than 60 languages.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:CurrentSee More +

East Asia and Pacific Economic Update (EAP)


The East Asia and Pacific Economic Update is the comprehensive, twice-yearly review of the region’s economies prepared by the East Asia and Pacific region of the World Bank. The report provides forward-looking analysis of the region's economic and social well-being, and includes data on key indicators for output, employment, prices, public sector, foreign trade, BOP, external debt and financial markets.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Apr-2014See More +

IDA Results Measurement System (IDA)Recently updated


The IDA Results Measurement System dataset measures progress on aggregate outcomes for IDA countries for selected indicators. It includes key country outcome indicators covering areas that are consistent with the Millennium Development Goals, are priorities in many national development plans and/or poverty reduction strategies, and reflect IDA's activities in IDA countries. The indicators capture both the economic growth and the human development priorities of ongoing IDA programs.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:05-Oct-2016See More +

Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS)

The Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey provides firm-level data on a broad range of issues about the business environment and performance of firms, including business-government relations, firm financing, labor, infrastructure, informal payments and corruption, and other topics such as training and innovation.

Type:Survey(Microdata)| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:01-Jun-2014See More +

Sub-national Poverty Data


Poverty data at the administrative unit level 1, based on national poverty line(s). Administrative unit level 1 refers to the highest subnational unit level (examples include ‘state’, ‘governorate’, ‘province.'

Type:Geospatial, Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:27-Apr-2015See More +

Exporter Dynamics Database (EDD)

The Exporter Dynamics Database is the first database providing measures of exporter characteristics and dynamics across 70 countries in all geographic regions and at all income levels. The Exporter Dynamics Database contains more than 100 measures covering the basic characteristics of exporters, their distribution by size, the diversification in their products and markets, their dynamics in terms of entry, exit, and survival, and the average unit prices of the goods they trade.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:31-Mar-2016See More +

Enterprise Surveys (ES)

Enterprise Surveys provide firm-level data from over 135,000 establishments in 135 countries. Data are used to create over 100 indicators that benchmark the quality of the business environment across the globe. Each country is surveyed every 3 to 4 years. More...

Type:Survey(Microdata)| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:12-Jul-2016See More +

Wealth Accounting


Wealth Accounting supplements macroeconomic indicators, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), by measuring the comprehensive wealth of a country. While changes in GDP tell us if growth is occurring, changes in wealth (i.e., saving rate) tell us if growth is sustainable-that is, whether it is long-term. So, just as private companies are assessed by looking at both income and balance sheets, countries need to start accounting for wealth and not just income. More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:03-Jun-2016See More +


A new tool that allows users to visualize sources and uses of development funding, by country. AidFlows offers new transparency about the flow of development funds – from countries providing the resources to countries receiving these funds.More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:20-Aug-2013See More +

Climate Change Knowledge Portal: Historical Data (CCKP)


This database contains historical temperature and precipitation data aggregated from 2-degree gridded data to the country and basin levels.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Month| Last Updated:01-Dec-2011See More +

Logistics Performance Index (LPI)

The Logistics Performance Index overall score reflects assessments of a country's logistics based on efficiency of the customs clearance process, quality of trade- and transport-related infrastructure, ease of arranging competitively priced shipments, quality of logistics services, ability to track and trace consignments, and frequency with which shipments reach the consignee within the scheduled time. The index ranges from 1 to 5, with a higher score representing better performance.More...

Type:Cross Sectional, Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:19-Mar-2014See More +

Education Tables

Education tables provide a snapshot look at a variety of relevant socioeconomic, education and finance indicators for a group of developing countries.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Aug-2010See More +

IBRD Statement of Loans - Latest Available Snapshot

Mobile App


The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loans are public and publicly guaranteed debt extended by the World Bank Group. IBRD loans are made to, or guaranteed by, countries that are members of IBRD. IBRD may also make loans to IFC. IBRD lends at market rates. Data are in U.S. dollars calculated using historical rates. This dataset contains the latest available snapshot of the Statement of Loans. The World Bank complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:25-Jul-2016See More +

Climate Change Knowledge Portal: Ensemble Projections


“Ensemble” temperature and precipitation data are derived from multiple global circulation models (GCMs). The ensemble data depict the range (10th percentile, median and 90th percentile) of model outputs run under each of two scenarios, A2 and B1, for four future time periods. The first listed download contains data aggregated to the country level; the remaining downloads are gridded data in shapefile format.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Month| Last Updated:01-Dec-2011See More +

Quarterly External Debt Statistics GDDS (New) (QEDS/GDDS)


In October 2014, the World Bank launched the new Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS) GDDS database. This database is consistent with the classifications and definitions of the 2013 External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (2013 EDS Guide) and Sixth Edition of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6). The QEDS GDDS database provides external debt data, starting from 2002Q4, for an extension of countries that participate in the IMF's General Data Dissemination System (GDDS).

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Quarter| Last Updated:28-Jul-2016See More +

WDR2013 Survey on Good Jobs (WDR2013 SGJ)


The Survey on Good Jobs gathers data on perceptions of jobs and how they vary with wealth, gender, income, labor status, sector of employment, experience and education level, constraints to accessing good jobs within the local context, barriers to labor market entry (which includes wage employment and self-employment in non-farm and farm activities) and potential solutions for these barriers (causes of joblessness/unemployment). It also gathers data on the valuation of the trade-off of various job characteristics (e.g., stability of income versus level of income, social insurance versus level of income) and how individuals view good jobs at a more aggregate level (the role of jobs in the community, society).

Type:Survey(Microdata)| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:27-Sep-2012See More +

Indonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research (INDO-DAPOER)


The Indonesia Database for Policy and Economic Research (INDO-DAPOER) contains relevant economic and social indicators at the province- and district-level, which span across four main categories: fiscal, economic, social and demographic, as well as infrastructure.

Type:Cross sectional, Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:08-Jun-2015See More +

Trade Costs DatasetRecently updated

The Trade Costs Dataset provides estimates of bilateral trade costs in agriculture and manufactured goods for the 1995-2010 period. It is built on trade and production data collected in 178 countries. Symmetric bilateral trade costs are computed using the Inverse Gravity Framework (Novy 2009), which estimates trade costs for each country pair using bilateral trade and gross national output. Trade costs are available for two sectors: trade in manufactured goods, and agriculture. Energy is excluded.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:21-Sep-2016See More +

Health Nutrition and Population Statistics by Wealth Quintile


This database presents HNP data by wealth quintile since 1990s to present. It covers more than 70 indicators, including childhood diseases and interventions, nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, mortality, and other determinants of health, for more than 90 low- and middle-income countries. The data sources are Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS).

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:16-Dec-2015See More +

Country Partnership Strategy for India (FY2013 - 17) (IndiaCPS)


Indian sub-national (state) indicators on various economic and social sectors relevant to the country partnership strategy

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:22-May-2015See More +

Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA)


Rating of countries against a set of 16 criteria grouped in four clusters: economic management, structural policies, policies for social inclusion and equity, and public sector management and institutions.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Jun-2015See More +

WDR2013 Occupational Wages around the World (WDR2013 OWW)


The WDR2013 OWW database contains occupation wage data for 161 occupations in 171 countries from 1983 to 2008. The occupation wage data are derived from the ILO October Inquiry database by calibrating the data into normalized wage rate for each occupation. The normalized wages refer to average hourly or monthly wage rates for adult workers. More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:27-Sep-2012See More +

Household Survey Education Profiles

Household Survey Education Profiles are reports organized into four categories: school participation, progression, attainment, and education expenditure.

Type:Survey(Microdata)| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Aug-2010See More +

Global Bilateral Migration Database (GBMD)

Global matrices of bilateral migrant stocks spanning the period 1960-2000, disaggregated by gender and based primarily on the foreign-born concept are presented. Over one thousand census and population register records are combined to construct decennial matrices corresponding to the last five completed census rounds. More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:01-Jul-2011See More +

Jobs (JOBS)

Over 150 indicators on labor-related topics, covering over 200 economies from 1990 to present.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:21-Sep-2015See More +

Service Delivery Indicators (SDI)


The Service Delivery Indicators program is an application of the principles of the 2004 World Development Report Making Services Work for Poor People. The Service Delivery Indicators project is a new Africa-wide initiative that tracks service delivery in education and health across countries and over time. More...

Type:Time Series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:18-Nov-2013See More +

Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI)

The primary source of information on private participation in infrastructure in low- and middle-income countries. It contains more than 25 years of data on private participation in infrastructure in 137 countries. The data set includes information on more than 5,000 infrastructure projects.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:31-Aug-2014See More +

The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators of Resilience and Equity (ASPIRE)


The World Bank’s ASPIRE online tool is the most up-to-date compilation of global social protection and labor (SPL) estimates, including data from 120 countries—mostly in the developing world. ASPIRE provides open and accessible household-level data on populations’ social and economic status; assessments of SPL programs, including weaknesses such as low coverage and poor targeting; SPL program impacts on poverty and inequality; and ways to improve household data collection for SPL programs.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:26-Jul-2016See More +

Millennium Development Goals Tables (MDG Tables)Recently updated

Millennium Development Goals tables provide data for MDG indicators from 1990 to the most recent year available in five year increments.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:04-Oct-2016See More +

Monitoring Gender Mainstreaming in World Bank Lending Operations (MGM)

This data set determines the extent to which projects are gender-informed on three dimensions: analysis, actions and monitoring and evaluation. It is updated on an annual basis.

Type:Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:25-Jun-2012See More +

Export Value Added Database (EVAD)


The Export Value Added Database provides information on the domestic value-added content of domestic output and exports for 118 countries across 27 sectors of the economy, including 9 commercial services sectors, 3 primary sectors, and 14 manufacturing sectors, spanning intermittent years between 1997 and 2011.

Trade data is usually measured at transaction values, which are gross values, or value added plus domestic and foreign intermediate inputs. The measure of gross exports may undervalue (overvalue) the real contribution of a sector to trade if value added from this sector is embedded as inputs in other sectors’ exports (or overvalue if exports embed other sector’s value added inputs). This is particularly true for services (or manufacturing) exports. Measuring trade on a value-added basis, as achieved in the Export Value Added Database, overcomes this shortcoming. Thus this alternative measure to trade makes explicit the direct value-added contribution of a sector to domestic production as well as exports, as well as the linkages that the sector provides to all other sectors of the economy in terms of value added. This includes both forward linkages-the contribution of a particular sector as an input to others sectors’ exports-and backward linkages- the contribution of all other sectors to a particular sector’s exports.

Type:Cross sectional, Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:10-May-2016See More +

African Cities Diagnostic


This dataset contains 45 indicators for 31 African cities, related to urbanization, solid waste management, water resources availability, water supply services, sanitation services, flood hazards and economic and institutional strength.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:07-Sep-2012See More +

IFC Investment Services Projects


IFC continues to develop new financial products that enable companies to manage risk and broaden their access to foreign and domestic capital markets. Our broad suite of investment services can ease poverty and spur long-term growth by promoting sustainable enterprises, encouraging entrepreneurship, and mobilizing resources that wouldn’t otherwise be available. Learn more about different financial products offered by IFC at IFC Investment Services page: .

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:CurrentSee More +

International Comparison Program 2005 (ICP)

The International Comparison Program database provides a collection of comparative price data and detailed expenditure values of countries’ gross domestic product (GDP), and estimates of purchasing power parities (PPPs) for the world’s economies.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:01-Feb-2008See More +

Kenya BOOST Public Expenditure Database


The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:18-Dec-2013See More +

World Bank Finances Data Dictionary


Provides descriptions for the data elements of the World Bank Finances datasets.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:03-Feb-2014See More +

IDA Statement Of Credits and Grants - Historical Data

Mobile App


The International Development Association (IDA) credits are public and publicly guaranteed debt extended by the World Bank Group. IDA provides development credits, grants and guarantees to its recipient member countries to help meet their development needs. Credits from IDA are at concessional rates. Data are in U.S. dollars calculated using historical rates. This dataset contains historical snapshots of the IDA Statement of Credits and Grants including the latest available snapshot. The World Bank complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Month| Last Updated:21-Jul-2016See More +

IDA Statement of Credits and Grants - Latest Available Snapshot

Mobile App


The International Development Association (IDA) credits are public and publicly guaranteed debt extended by the World Bank Group. IDA provides development credits, grants and guarantees to its recipient member countries to help meet their development needs. Credits from IDA are at concessional rates. Data are in U.S. dollars calculated using historical rates. This dataset contains the latest available snapshot of the IDA Statement of Credits and Grants. The World Bank complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:29-Jul-2016See More +

Agriculture in Africa - Telling Facts from Myths

Indicators derived on the “Agriculture in Africa – Telling Facts from Myths” project.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:02-Sep-2014See More +

Wage Bill and Pay Compression


Wage Bill and Pay Compression provides data on public sector wage bills, pay compression, and government employment. Wage bill includes both central and general government compensation as percentages of GDP, revenues, and expenditures.More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:23-Nov-2011See More +

Joint External Debt Hub (JEDH)

External debt data and selected foreign assets from international creditor/market sources.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Quarter| Last Updated:21-Jul-2016See More +

Financial Intermediary Funds Cash Transfers


Financial Intermediary Funds (FIFs) are multilateral financing arrangements for which the World Bank provides Trustee services that include committing and transferring funds to project implementers (generally international organizations such as multilateral development banks or UN agencies). In all cases the World Bank as Trustee is required to act in accordance with instructions of independent governing bodies. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the World Bank as Trustee complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions.This dataset provides data on FIFs cash transfers at the transaction detail level. Funds are channeled in a coordinated manner to a range of recipients in the public and private sectors through a variety of arrangements. FIF trusteeship involves holding, investing and transferring funds as directed by the FIF governing body. Trusteeship does not involve overseeing or supervising the use of funds; this is the role of other agencies that receive the funding and who are responsible for project or program implementation. Transfers are generally made by the Trustee to external agencies (other MDBs, UN agencies, etc.) for the implementation of activities.

Type:Transactions| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:30-Jun-2015See More +

Privatization Database

Privatization Database provides information on privatization transactions of at least US$1 million in developing countries from 2000 to 2008. Prior to this effort the most comprehensive information could be found in the World Bank’s Privatization Transactions database, which covered the years 1990 through 1999.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Jun-2015See More +

Professional Services Knowledge Platform Africa


Professional services, such as accounting & auditing, legal, architectural and engineering services, are critical for Africa’s development.

While they are among the most dynamic services sectors in the continent, these sectors remain underdeveloped in many countries. Despite recent progress, obstacles to trade and regulatory heterogeneity still leave the regional markets for professional services fragmented.

In order to support their integration, this website constitutes a knowledge platform on professional services markets in sub-Saharan Africa. It notably offers an opportunity to:

- Explore survey data on the providers and users of professional services in selected African countries, as well as information on the domestic regulations governing professional services in these countries.

- Find relevant documents and reports on key topics related to professional services, such as trade and movement of professionals, regulatory reform and regional cooperation to integrate services markets.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:21-Jan-2015See More +

Quarterly Public Sector Debt (QPSD)


Quarterly Public Sector Debt (QPSD) database, jointly developed by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, brings together detailed public sector debt data of selected countries. More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Quarter| Last Updated:22-Jul-2016See More +

Recipient-executed Grants - Commitments and Disbursements


A Recipient-executed Grant is a Trust Fund Grant that is provided to a third party under a grant agreement, and for which the Bank plays an operational role - i.e., the Bank normally appraises and supervises activities financed by these funds. This dataset provides data on the amount of grant funds committed in the course of a fiscal year and payments made out of a Trust Fund account to eligible recipients, in accordance with the legal agreements. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the World Bank as Trustee complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions. Data is provided at the individual Trust Fund level. All definitions should be regarded at present as provisional and not final, and are subject to revision at any time.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:29-Jan-2016See More +

Paid In Contributions to IBRD/IDA/IFC Trust Funds based on FY of Receipt

Mobile App


This dataset provides a summary of the total funds received from donors for Trust Funds on the form of cash, promissory notes or other instruments acceptable to the World Bank Group entity administering the Trust Fund. The summary is based on the fiscal year of receipt. Data is provided at the individual Trust Fund level. All definitions should be regarded at present as provisional and not final, and are subject to revision at any time. Please refer to for the Trust Fund Glossary. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the World Bank as Trustee complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:02-Jul-2015See More +

IFC Investment By Region - Annual SummaryRecently updated


IFC's Regional Departments are responsible for the overall strategy in their respective regions and client relations. They also handle IFC's relationships with the relevant member countries' governments and local stakeholders-NGOs, media, and communities. Learn more at .

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

World Bank Expenditures By Program


The World Bank Expenditure by Program data give the administrative expenditure for Bank (BB) funds and Reimbursable funds from FY06 to FY11. These data are based on the World Bank Expenditure by Program - FY06-11 table from the Annual Report 2011 . BB funds are authorized by the Bank's Board of Directors for general purpose Bank operations. Reimbursable funds are received from external sources as reimbursements for special purpose program outputs or other services provided by the Bank.All data are presented in nominal amounts.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:03-Feb-2014See More +

MIGA Project Portfolio (MIGA)

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) was created in 1988 as a member of the World Bank Group to promote foreign direct investment into emerging economies to support economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve people’s lives. MIGA fulfills this mandate by offering political risk insurance (guarantees) to investors and lenders, covering risks including expropriation, breach of contract, currency transfer restriction, war and civil disturbance, and non-honoring of sovereign financial obligations.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Day| Last Updated:CurrentSee More +

Trade in Services Database (TSD)


The Trade in Services Database provides information on annual bilateral services trade flows in Mode 1 (cross-border trade) and Mode 2 (consumption abroad) for 199 countries across a multitude of sectors and years spanning 1985 and 2011. The collection of data on cross-border trade in services is notoriously difficult, in large part due to the intangible nature of services but also the high capacity needed to record such data. This is particularly true for developing countries. This database tries to fill this gap by consolidating multiple sources of bilateral trade data in services using mirror techniques, including the OECD, Eurostat, UN and IMF, as to provide a broader coverage of developed and developing countries over time. Mirror-technique is a method to retrieve export trade flows of a reporter by using information on imports of the partner country.

As a word of caution it should be added that the quality of trade data in services is still far away from being comparable to trade data for merchandise goods. Due to the long tradition of tariff revenues, trade data for goods have been collected with quite high quality and accuracy. Due to intangibility and non-storability of services, at-the-border-duties cannot be applied to services, thus having resulted in much weaker compilation practices with considerably less accuracy. Thus, services statistics has ample space for improvement in terms of measurement. In particular with respect to modes 3 and 4, measurement is up to date difficult and incomplete. Ongoing revisions and refinements of the BOP classification work towards solving these issues. As such, the Trade in Services Database should be seen in this light as the best currently available approximation to a comprehensive picture of global trade flows in services.

Type:Cross sectional, Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:03-Feb-2015See More +

Mexico BOOST Public Expenditure Database


The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:16-Apr-2015See More +

Socio-Economic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean (SEDLAC)

This web site includes statistics on poverty and other distributional and social variables from 25 Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. All statistics are computed from microdata of the main household surveys carried out in these countries using a homogenous methodology (data permitting). More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:23-Jun-2015See More +

Contributions to Financial Intermediary Funds

Mobile App


Financial Intermediary Funds (FIFs) are multilateral financing arrangements for which the World Bank provides Trustee services that include committing and transferring funds to project implementers (generally international organizations such as multilateral development banks or UN agencies). In all cases the World Bank as Trustee is required to act in accordance with instructions of independent governing bodies. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the World Bank as Trustee complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions.The innovative financing and governance arrangements of FIFs enable funds to be raised from multiple sources, including from sovereign and private sources. FIF structures are customizable. For instance FIFs have been customized to receive contributions in the form of concessional loans in addition to traditional grant funds, and can provide funding to recipients using customized financial products.

Type:Transactions| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:30-Jun-2015See More +

IEG World Bank Project Performance Ratings (IEG WB Project Ratings)


This dataset contains all World Bank project assessments carried out by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) since the unit was created back in the 70’s. Spanning over 30 years, the collection has more than 11,300 project assessments, covering more than 9,600 completed projects; it is perhaps the longest-running and most comprehensive project performance data collection of its kind. IEG website:

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Day| Last Updated:20-Jul-2016See More +

Health Nutrition Population (HNP) Lending

This dataset presents World Bank's IBRD/IDA lending for Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) for the fiscal years 1970-2012.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:16-Jul-2014See More +

The World Bank Components Of VPU Budget


The World Bank Components of VPU Budget data set compares resource allocations to Vice Presidential Units (VPUs) in FY11 and FY12 across all fund types. Data for Bank (BB) funds and Reimbursable funds are based on budget allocations. Data for Bank-Executed Trust Fund (BETF) funds are based on expenditure projections.Data are for all "above-the-line" VPUs for which Bank management is responsible for work program delivery and are included in the Net Administrative Budget of the Bank. Data for centrally-managed accounts and "below-the-line" components for which management is not solely responsible.BB funds are authorized by the Bank's Board of Directors for general purpose Bank operations. Reimbursable funds are received from external sources as reimbursements for special purpose program outputs or other services provided by the Bank. BETF funds are multi-year contributions from external sources for special purpose programs outputs or other services provided by the Bank.All data are presented in FY11 $ millions.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:03-Feb-2014See More +

Commercial Credit Exposure by Counterparty Rating


Provides data on investment commercial credit exposure for IBRD and IDA. The values are shown net of collateral held. For IBRD, the decrease in credit exposure in FY2010 reflects a decrease in the size of the IBRD investment program due to decrease in liquidity held and a relatively smaller decrease in IBRD's net swap exposure.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:02-Jul-2016See More +

Education - Education Implementation Completion Reports


The World Bank prepares an Implementation Completion Report (ICR) for each lending operation it finances. It assesses (a) the degree to which the project achieved its development objective and outputs as set out in the project documents; (b) other significant outcomes and impacts; (c) prospects for the project's sustainability; and (d) Bank and borrower performance, including compliance with relevant Bank safeguard and business policies. It also provides the data and analysis to substantiate these assessments, and it identifies the lessons learned from implementation. The borrower prepares and provides to the Bank its own evaluation report on the project's execution and initial operation, its cost and the benefits to be derived from it, the Bank's and borrower's performance of their obligations under the Loan Agreement, and the extent to which the purposes of the loan were achieved. The borrower's summary of this report (or the full report, if it is 10 pages or fewer) is attached unedited to the ICR. The borrower also assists the Bank in the preparation of the ICR. An ICR is not prepared for a loan that fails to become effective or is canceled before significant implementation is initiated. Instead, a Project Completion Note to the Board summarizes the project and explains why it was not implemented.Below is a list of education ICRs (FY13 on wards), along with an abstract of their key findings and a link to the available full text ICR documents. The project portal contains additional project information and is also provided. If you have any questions about these reports, please contact the Education Advisory Service (

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:22-Sep-2014See More +

Education - Knowledge Activities


Providing research, analysis and technical assistance is a vital part of the World Bank's contribution to development. These services aim to assist member governments in their adoption of better policies, programs and reforms that can lead to greater economic growth and poverty reduction through Analytical and Advisory Assistance.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:22-Sep-2014See More +

Education - New Commitments by Region and Sub-sector


This dataset provides the new commitments for education from FY1990 going forward. Data is available at sub-sector and regional level.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:25-Nov-2015See More +

Armenia BOOST Public Expenditure Database


The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:31-Aug-2014See More +

Remittance Prices Worldwide

Provides data on the cost of sending and receiving relatively small amounts of money from one country to another. Data cover 227 "country corridors" worldwide, from 32 remittance sending countries to 89 receiving countries.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Quarter| Last Updated:15-Jun-2015See More +

GPE Results Forms Database (GPE)

The data originate from the education goals of developing-country partners of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). Indicators compare actual values observed against targets, as set in education sector plans, joint sector reviews, and GPE grant applications. Indicators present key education outcomes and service delivery data; domestic, external, and GPE financing; learning outcomes; the composition of the Local Education Groups; and aid effectiveness in the education sector.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:10-Jan-2013See More +

Thematic Health Nutrition Population (HNP) Data

Thematic HNP data covers indicators on themes such as population dynamics, nutrition, reproductive health, health financing, health workforce and health facilities use, immunization, malaria and tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, by country and income/regional groups for 1990, 2000, 2010 and the most recent year available.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:06-Jul-2016See More +

IBRD Statement Of Cash Flows, FY2011


Provides data from the IBRD Statement of Cash Flows for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2011, June 30, 2010 and June 30, 2009. Sum of all cash flows represent the net changes in unrestricted cash. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on FY 2010 statement of cash flows to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IDA Balance Sheet FY2013


Provides data from the IDA Balance Sheet for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2013 and June 30, 2012. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on the June 30, 2012 balance sheet to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

Master Agreements - Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity Contracts

Mobile App


This data set has been combined with the Corporate Procurement Awards data. It can be found here:

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:30-Jun-2015See More +

IFC Investment By Industry - Annual SummaryRecently updated


IFC Industries (Sectors) are in charge of processing IFC transactions. They also provide the Regional Departments with the expertise and knowledge needed to process new projects. Learn more at .FY10 data has been revised to be consistent with IFC's FY11 re-organizational changes across Industry departments.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

Open Financial Data Demand Nano-Survey ResponsesRecently updated


This dataset contains raw response data to a nano-survey that was conducted in Indonesia and Kenya on the demand for open financial data. You can read more about the project here: ( A nano-survey is an innovative technology that extends a brief survey to a random sampling of internet users. Note: "NA" indicates "No Answer."

Type:Survey(Microdata)| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

Data on Statistical CapacityRecently updated


The Data on Statistical Capacity website provides information on various aspects of national statistical systems of developing countries, including a country-level statistical capacity indicator.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:05-Oct-2016See More +

Open Data in Development - Google Hangouts Schedule


As part of the ongoing research around operational uses of open data in development (, the World Bank Group Open Finances and the Inter-American Development Bank's Open Knowledge teams are hosting a series of Google hangouts.We're inviting folks who are implementing projects, on the ground, with proven outcomes. It's less about open data and more about how these super stars are solving problems and helping individuals, communities, businesses, and governments achieve end goals.Learn more about the uses of open data research here:, and take the survey here:

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:06-Oct-2014See More +

Financial Intermediary Funds Funding Decisions


Financial Intermediary Funds (FIFs) are multilateral financing arrangements for which the World Bank provides Trustee services that include committing and transferring funds to project implementers (generally international organizations such as multilateral development banks or UN agencies). In all cases the World Bank as Trustee is required to act in accordance with instructions of independent governing bodies.In fulfilling its responsibilities, the World Bank as Trustee complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions. Funding Decisions represent amounts approved by the FIFs governing bodies for projects fees and administrative budgets. Funding to projects can be done through various financial products, including grants and concessional loans.

Type:Transactions| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:30-Jun-2015See More +

Financial Intermediary Funds Commitments

Mobile App


Financial Intermediary Funds (FIFs) are multilateral financing arrangements for which the World Bank provides Trustee services that include committing and transferring funds to project implementers (generally international organizations such as multilateral development banks or UN agencies). In all cases the World Bank as Trustee is required to act in accordance with instructions of independent governing bodies. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the World Bank as Trustee complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions. This dataset provides data on legal obligations to pay recipients of FIFs.

Type:Transactions| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:30-Jun-2015See More +

Total Contributions to IBRD/IDA/IFC Trust Funds - Summary based on FY of Agreement

Mobile App


A Trust Fund is a financing arrangement set up with contributions from one or more donor(s), and in somecases from the World Bank Group. A Trust Fund can be country-specific, regional, or global in itsgeographic scope, and it can be free-standing or programmatic. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the World Bank as Trustee complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions. This dataset provides a summary of the contributions per fiscal year at the individual Trust Fund level. All definitions should be regarded at present as provisional and not final, and are subject to revision at any time. Please refer to for the Trust Fund Glossary.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:03-Feb-2014See More +

IBRD Statement Of Cash Flows FY2013


Provides data from the IBRD Statement of Cash Flows for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2013, June 30, 2012 and June 30, 2011. Sum of all cash flows represent the net changes in unrestricted cash. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on FY 2012 statement of cash flows to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) Documents - BETA


This dataset contains metadata and links for all archive documents on the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund web site.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:17-Dec-2014See More +

IBRD Statement Of Income FY2013


Provides data from the IBRD Statement of Income for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2013, June 30, 2012 and June 30, 2011. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on FY 2012 income statement to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) Project Results - BETA


This data represents project development objective indicators for the ARTF portfolio (from 2001 through today). This dataset pulls project indicator measurements from ARTF implementation status reports. The indicator descriptions are pulled from the ARTF results matrix.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:29-Sep-2014See More +

Education - IDA Grants


IDA Grants for education projects (managed by Education Sector Board) from FY2002 going forward.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:19-Sep-2014See More +

Education - New Projects with Education Components/Activities


Details on World Bank Education Financing (FY 2000 forward).

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:25-Nov-2015See More +

Corporate Procurement Contract Awards

Mobile App


This set of data includes listings of large value contracts awards that were executed by the World Bank Group, pursuant to its Corporate Procurement Policies and Procedures. The listing includes both fixed price an indefinite delivery / indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contracts with an estimated value above US$250,000. The value for Fixed Price contracts is disclosed at the award value. The value for IDIQ contracts is not disclosed and is based on an estimate of possible value which is $250,000 or greater. This data set does not list all contracts awarded by the World Bank Group, and should be viewed only as a guide to determine the distribution of major contract commitments made by the World Bank Group. "Supplier Country" represents place of supplier registration in the World Bank's Vendor Database, which may or not be the supplier's actual country of origin. Please note that the Corporate Procurement Unit is responsible for ensuring that procurement awards are consistent with procurement policies and procedures, while business units are accountable for the business need, expenditure policy, procurement specification and supplier selection. The information provided is believed to be accurate; however the World Bank Group is not responsible should the data be incorrect, incomplete or if data is omitted. Learn more about Corporate Procurement at .

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:09-Jun-2016See More +

IBRD/IDA/IFC Trust Funds - Annual Cash Contributions and Disbursements


For IBRD/IDA and IFC Trust Funds, the World Bank Group is normally responsible for all financial and programmatic functions, including oversight of the operational use of the funding. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the World Bank as Trustee complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions. The use of IBRD/IDA TFs is split between Bank-executed trust funds (BETFs), which are used in support of the Bank's work program, and Recipient-executed trust funds (RETFs), under which funds are provided to a third party, normally in the form of project financing, and supervised by the Bank. IFC manages the funds in support of IFC advisory services and donor-funded investments.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:03-Feb-2014See More +

Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) - Donor Contributions - BETA


Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) - Donor Contributions: This data represents Donor contributions (pledges and paid-in amounts) towards the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF).

Type:Transactions| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:13-Jan-2015See More +

IBRD Balance Sheet FY2011


Provides data from the IBRD Balance Sheet for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2010. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on the June 30, 2010 balance sheet to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IFC Statement Of Cumulative Gross CommitmentsRecently updated


Commitments are composed of funds to be provided by IFC for its own account and funds to be provided by participants through the purchase of an interest in IFC’s investment.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

IBRD Balance Sheet, FY2010


Provides data from the IBRD Balance Sheet for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2010 and June 30, 2009. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IBRD Statement of Cash Flows, FY2010


Provides data from the IBRD Statement of Cash Flows for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2010, June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008. Sum of all cash flows represent the net changes in unrestricted cash. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IFC Advisory Services Projects


Private sector development requires more than just finance. Experience shows the powerful role advisory services can play in unlocking investment and helping businesses expand and create jobs. To help the private sector in emerging markets, IFC provides advice, problem solving, and training to companies, industries, and governments. Our experience shows that companies need more than financial investment to thrive—they need a regulatory environment that enables entrepreneurship, and advice on business best practices. Our work includes advising national and local governments on how to improve their investment climate and strengthen basic infrastructure. Governments account for around half of our advisory projects. We also help investment clients improve corporate governance and become more sustainable. We offer advice through nearly 1,100 Advisory Services staff in 85 offices across 73 countries. Funding comes from donor partners, IFC, and client contributions. Learn more at .

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:CurrentSee More +

IBRD Statement Of Cash Flows FY2012


Provides data from the IBRD Statement of Cash Flows for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2010. Sum of all cash flows represent the net changes in unrestricted cash. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on FY 2011 statement of cash flows to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IDA Statement Of Income FY2013


Provides data from the IDA Statement of Income for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2013, June 30, 2012 and June 30, 2011. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on FY 2012 income statement to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IFC Enterprise Finance Gap Database - Raw Data


In 2010, IFC conducted a study to estimate the number of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the world, and to determine the degree of access to credit and use of deposit accounts for formal and informal MSMEs. The study used primarily data from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys (ES). In 2011 the data was revisited as new enterprise surveys became available. The resulting database, IFC Enterprise Finance Gap Database, covers 177 countries.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:03-Feb-2014See More +

IFC Enterprise Finance Gap Database - Summary Data


In 2010, IFC conducted a study to estimate the number of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the world, and to determine the degree of access to credit and use of deposit accounts for formal and informal MSMEs. The study used primarily data from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys (ES). In 2011 the data was revisited as new enterprise surveys became available. The resulting database, IFC Enterprise Finance Gap Database, covers 177 countries. This dataset provides summary values for dfferent categories.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:03-Feb-2014See More +

Education - Historical Education Financing by IDA and IBRD


Provides aggregated education commitments by IDA and IBRD from FY1963 going forward.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:25-Nov-2015See More +

IDA Statement of Cash Flows, FY2010


Provides data from the IDA Statement of Cash Flows for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2010, June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008. Sum of all cash flows represent the net changes in unrestricted cash.The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

World Bank Program Budget


The World Bank Program Budget data give the administrative budget for Bank (BB) funds and Reimbursable funds as approved by the Board from FY09 to FY12 as well as indicative administrative budgets for FY13 and FY14. These data are based on "Annex B: Program Cost Summary FY09-FY14" in the World Bank's FY12 Budget Document are for all "above-the-line" components for which management is responsible for work program delivery as well as all "below-the-line" components for which management is not solely responsible (e.g., grant-making facilities).BB funds are authorized by the Bank's Board of Directors for general purpose Bank operations. Reimbursable funds are received from external sources as reimbursements for special purpose program outputs or other services provided by the Bank.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:03-Feb-2014See More +

IBRD and IDA Operational SummaryRecently updated


Provides summary data on IBRD and IDA commitments, disbursements, lending and other financial indicators. You can access full financial statements at

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

IDA Statement of Voting Power and Subscriptions and ContributionsRecently updated


Provides data on Members' Subscriptions and Contributions. Latest information on voting powers is available at Prior to effectiveness, only a portion of the value Instruments of Commitment (IoCs) received as specified in the replenishment resolution is recorded as Subscriptions and Contributions committed. Upon effectiveness, the received is subsequently recorded as subscriptions and contributions committed remainder of the value of IoCs.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:28-Sep-2016See More +

IFC Investment By Product - Annual SummaryRecently updated


IFC continues to develop new financial products that enable companies to manage risk and broaden their access to foreign and domestic capital markets. Our broad suite of investment services can ease poverty and spur long-term growth by promoting sustainable enterprises, encouraging entrepreneurship, and mobilizing resources that wouldn’t otherwise be available. Learn more at .

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

IBRD Statement Of Income, FY2011


Provides data from the IBRD Statement of Income for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2011, June 30, 2010 and June 30, 2009. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on FY 2010 income statement to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Acronyms - Pilot


The Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) generates a quarterly report to Donors. This dataset represents acronyms defined in the quarterly report, and are applicable to the ARTF program as a whole.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:03-Feb-2014See More +

IDA Statement of Income, FY2010


Provides data from the IDA Statement of Income for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2010, June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IBRD Statement of Income, FY2010


Provides data from the IBRD Statement of Income for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2010, June 30, 2009 and June 30, 2008. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IDA Balance Sheet, FY2011


Provides data from the IDA Balance Sheet for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2010. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on the June 30, 2010 balance sheet to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IDA Balance Sheet, FY2010


Provides data from the IDA Balance Sheetfor the fiscal years ended June 30, 2010 and June 30, 2009. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IDA Statement Of Income FY2011


Provides data from the IDA Statement of Income for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2011, June 30, 2010 and June 30, 2009. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on FY 2010 income statement to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IBRD Balance Sheet FY2013


Provides data from the IBRD Balance Sheet for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2013 and June 30, 2012. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on the June 30, 2012 balance sheet to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IBRD Statement Of Income FY2012


Provides data from the IBRD Statement of Income for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2010. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on FY 2011 income statement to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IDA Balance Sheet FY2012


Provides data from the IDA Balance Sheet for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and June 30, 2011. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on the June 30, 2011 balance sheet to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IDA Statement Of Cash Flows FY2011


Provides data from the IDA Statement of Cash Flows for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2011, June 30, 2010 and June 30, 2009. Sum of all cash flows represent the net changes in unrestricted cash.The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Amount in millions of US Dollars, rounded.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IDA Statement Of Cash Flows FY2012


Provides data from the IDA Statement of Cash Flows for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2010. Sum of all cash flows represent the net changes in unrestricted cash.The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Amount in millions of US Dollars, rounded.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IDA Statement Of Income FY2012


Provides data from the IDA Statement of Income for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012, June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2010. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on FY 2011 income statement to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IBRD Balance Sheet FY2012


Provides data from the IBRD Balance Sheet for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2012 and June 30, 2011. The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Where applicable, changes have been made to certain line items on the June 30, 2011 balance sheet to conform with the current year's presentation, but the comparable prior years' data sets have not been adjusted to reflect the reclassification impact of those changes.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

IDA Statement Of Cash Flows FY2013


Provides data from the IDA Statement of Cash Flows for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2013, June 30, 2012 and June 30, 2011. Sum of all cash flows represent the net changes in unrestricted cash.The values are expressed in millions of U.S. Dollars. Amount in millions of US Dollars, rounded.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:15-Nov-2013See More +

Historical IFC Reach Data


Lack of access to financial services is a key barrier to the growth of micro, small, medium enterprises (MSMEs). IFC is working to develop solutions to close the MSME financing gap. By partnering with many types of financial intermediaries, including microfinance institutions (MFIs), commercial banks, leasing companies, and private equity funds, IFC reaches many more small and medium enterprises (SMEs) than it could directly.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:29-Sep-2014See More +

Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) - Project Allocations and Disbursements - BETA


This data represents allocations from the ARTF to specific projects. This dataset is a source for the Monthly Administrator's Report on Financial Status.

Type:Transactions| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:03-Feb-2015See More +

IBRD Statement of Subscriptions to Capital Stock and Voting PowerRecently updated


Statement of Subscriptions to Capital Stock and Voting Power. Latest information about voting power is available at A portion of capital subscriptions paid in to IBRD has been paid in the national currencies of the members. These amounts, referred to as restricted currencies, are usable by IBRD in its lending and investment operations, only with consent of the respective members, and for administrative expenses.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:28-Sep-2016See More +

IFC Subscriptions and Voting PowerRecently updated


Provides data on Members' Subscriptions and Voting Power. Latest information on voting powers is available at

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:28-Sep-2016See More +

IFC Financial HighlightsRecently updated


Provides select metrics from IFC annual reports. You can access Annual Reports at .

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

Pipeline research – open data driven companies in emerging marketsRecently updated

Mobile App


This dataset contains the names and basic information about companies that were contacted in the process of a research which aimed to identify open data companies in emerging markets, specifically in Latin America, Southeast Asia, Africa, as well as India and Russia. The data was collected by several vendors and consultants and was not validated independently by the World Bank staff. Data was collected over a short period of 4-6 weeks in the spring of 2014 and represents data-centric companies that vendors/consultants were able to identify in that timeframe.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

Actionable Governance Indicators (AGI)

Actionable governance indicators focus on specific aspects of governance, and are designed to provide guidance on the design of reforms and the monitoring of impacts.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:31-Oct-2009See More +

Services Trade Restrictions Database (STRD)

The Services Trade Restrictions Database collects information on applied services trade policies across 103 countries, 18 services sectors (covering telecommunications, finance, transportation, retail and professional services) and key modes of service supply. It contains qualitative policy information as well as a preliminary quantification of applied measures' restrictiveness.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:01-Apr-2011See More +

Temporary Trade Barriers Database including the Global Antidumping Database (TTBD)

The Temporary Trade Barriers Database (TTBD) website hosts newly collected, freely available, and detailed data on more than thirty different national governments’ use of policies such as antidumping (AD), global safeguards (SG), China-specific transitional safeguard (CSG) measures, and countervailing duties (CVD). The information provided in this detailed data base will cover over 95% of the global use of these particular import-restricting trade remedy instruments.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:Quarter| Last Updated:31-May-2012See More +

Manufactures Unit Value Index (MUV Index)

A proxy for the price of developing country imports of manufactures in U.S. dollar terms, used to assess cost escalation for imported goods. Update twice a year, the index is a weighted average of export prices of manufactured goods for the G-5 economies, with local-currency based prices converted into current U.S. dollars using market exchange rates. Contains historical data from 1960 through 2007 and projections through 2020.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:07-Jul-2014See More +

World Bank Policy Research Working Papers

A collection of policy research working papers, policy research reports, and world development reports in the World Bank's Archives.

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:CurrentSee More +

Business Environment Snapshots

A one-stop guide to business environment indicators, laws, and World Bank Group project information for 183 countries.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Aug-2010See More +

Environment At-a-Glance Factsheets

The factsheets contain information covering topics such as Agriculture (eg., fertilizer consumption), Biodiversity (eg., known bird species) to Environmental Health (eg., air pollution damages).

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Aug-2010See More +

International Debt Statistics: Summary and Country Tables

Special summary tables present cross-country comparisons of key debt statistics and composition of total external debt stocks.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:27-Sep-2010See More +

Arab World Education Performance Indicators (AWEI)

The Arab World Education Performance Indicators compiles data on education outcomes in 22 Arab States member countries in an aggregated and standardized manner. It allows users to compare the performance of each country along the following 6 important dimensions of education performance: access, equity, quality, efficiency, relevance, and Knowledge Economy readiness.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:01-Apr-2010See More +

Mapping for Results

Mapping for Results aims to visualize the locations of Bank activities and to provide access to information about indicators, sectors, funding, and results. More...

Type:Geospatial| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:08-Feb-2011See More +

Bolivia Agricultural Public Expenditure Review (Bolivia APER)


This is one of the most comprehensive datasets on public spending in the agricultural sector in Bolivia. The data on agriculture and agriculture-related expenditures was derived from the national accounting data obtained from the Public Accounting Department of the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance of Bolivia. The data is disaggregated by function (such as research and extension, irrigation, rural roads, rural electrification, etc.), economic classification (capital and current) and level of government (central, departmental and municipal) for a period of 13 years – from 1996 to 2008. Sub-national units of observation include the 9 Departments of Bolivia and the 327 municipalities, which in 2009 represented all the municipalities in the country.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:02-Sep-2011See More +

Open Data for the Horn

Open Data for the Horn facilitates open access to geospatial information, data and knowledge sources, about the ongoing response to the drought in the Horn of Africa. Open Data for the Horn is a project of the Open Data for Resilience Initiative, a global partnership that seeks to build data sharing programs along with the capacity and tools to use data to make more informed decisions, that is working on implementation in 25 countries.

Type:Geospatial| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:21-Nov-2011See More +

Haiti Data facilitates open access to Haiti-related geo-spatial information, data and knowledge sources, encouraging others to share and use them for the development of Haiti. The data can be used for many purposes: establishing baseline data, conducting risk assessments, planning, project monitoring, and tracking progress. More...

Type:Geospatial| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:21-Nov-2011See More +

Climate For Development

Climate For Development is a map-based micro-site that illustrates the links between climate change and development. The site is built on the open climate data available through the Climate Change Knowledge Portal. The data used on Climate For Development may be downloaded directly from the site or as map layers via the MapBox API.

Type:Geospatial| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:02-Dec-2011See More +

Africa's Infrastructure: Airports (AICD)

The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD) has data collection and analysis on the status of the main network infrastructures. The AICD database provides cross-country data on network infrastructure for nine major sectors: air transport, information and communication technologies, irrigation, ports, power, railways, roads, water and sanitation. More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Nov-2009See More +

Africa's Infrastructure: Electricity (AICD)

The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD) has data collection and analysis on the status of the main network infrastructures. The AICD database provides cross-country data on network infrastructure for nine major sectors: air transport, information and communication technologies, irrigation, ports, power, railways, roads, water and sanitation. More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Nov-2010See More +

Africa's Infrastructure: National Data (AICD)

The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD) has data collection and analysis on the status of the main network infrastructures. The AICD database provides cross-country data on network infrastructure for nine major sectors: air transport, information and communication technologies, irrigation, ports, power, railways, roads, water and sanitation. More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Nov-2009See More +

Africa's Infrastructure: Ports (AICD)

The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD) has data collection and analysis on the status of the main network infrastructures. The AICD database provides cross-country data on network infrastructure for nine major sectors: air transport, information and communication technologies, irrigation, ports, power, railways, roads, water and sanitation. More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Nov-2009See More +

Africa's Infrastructure: Railways (AICD)

The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD) has data collection and analysis on the status of the main network infrastructures. The AICD database provides cross-country data on network infrastructure for nine major sectors: air transport, information and communication technologies, irrigation, ports, power, railways, roads, water and sanitation. More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Nov-2009See More +

Africa's Infrastructure: WSS Utility (AICD)

The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD) has data collection and analysis on the status of the main network infrastructures. The AICD database provides cross-country data on network infrastructure for nine major sectors: air transport, information and communication technologies, irrigation, ports, power, railways, roads, water and sanitation. More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Nov-2009See More +

Public Accountability Mechanisms (PAM)


The Public Accountability Mechanisms (PAM) Initiative provides assessments of countries’ in-law and in-practice efforts to enhance the transparency of public administration and the accountability of public officials.

Type:Cross sectional, Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:31-Oct-2013See More +

Subnational Malnutrition Database

Subnational estimates of child malnutrition (prevalence for stunting, underweight, overweight, wasting and severe wasting indicators) using available data up to 2012.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:22-Nov-2013See More +

India Power Sector Review


This database underpins the analysis in the report “More Power to India: The Challenge of Electricity Distribution”. The database is a collection of primary and secondary data on the Indian power sector, collected at the utility and state levels. It covers 87 power utilities and 29 states and spreads over the years 2003 to 2011 across dimensions such as operational and financial performance, market structure, implementation of reforms and corporate and regulatory governance.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:20-Jun-2014See More +

Guatemala BOOST Public Expenditure Database

The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Oct-2014See More +

Kiribati BOOST Public Expenditure Database


The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:18-Dec-2013See More +

Minas Gerais (Brazil) BOOST Public Expenditure Database


The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:31-Aug-2014See More +

Moldova BOOST Public Expenditure Database


The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:31-Aug-2014See More +

Paraguay BOOST Public Expenditure Database

The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:13-Feb-2015See More +

Peru BOOST Public Expenditure Database


The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:18-Dec-2013See More +

Poland BOOST Public Expenditure Database

The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:03-Nov-2014See More +

Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) BOOST Public Expenditure Database

The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:11-Nov-2014See More +

Seychelles BOOST Public Expenditure Database


The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:18-Dec-2013See More +

Solomon Islands BOOST Public Expenditure Database


The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:14-Nov-2014See More +

Togo BOOST Public Expenditure Database


The Open Budgets Portal is the first effort to create a one-stop shop for budget data worldwide with the hope of bringing visibility to countries’ efforts in this field, facilitating access and promoting use of spending data, and motivating other countries into action.

Type:Time series, Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:31-Aug-2014See More +

Gender Highlights: 2012 World Development Report

The Gender Statistics: Highlights from 2012 World Development Report database provides subset of gender indicators from the 2012 World Development Report on Gender Equality and Development.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:01-Jan-2011See More +

Comparative Advantage, International Trade, and Fertility


The paper associated with this dataset analyzes theoretically and empirically the impact of comparative advantage in international trade on fertility. It builds a model in which industries differ in the extent to which they use female relative to male labor and countries are characterized by Ricardian comparative advantage in either female labor or male labor intensive goods.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:AnnualSee More +

Listening to LAC (L2L)

Household survey data in Peru and Honduras, collected over a six month period spanning 2010-2011 for a pilot exercise to determine feasibility of mobile data collection. Some of the data (baseline) was collected face-to-face and other data was collected using mobile phones monthly in Peru and weekly or bi-weekly in Honduras.

Type:Survey(Microdata)| Periodicity:n/aSee More +

Country Partnership Strategy for India (FY2013-17) – Project Result Indicators Data (IndiaCPS_PDOIndicators)


An aggregation of result indictors that measure progress against the project development objectives (PDOs) for relevant IBRD and IDA funded projects which are tracked under the World Bank Group Country Partnership Strategy for India for the period 2013-2017. A project development objective conveys what the project intends to achieve and these accompanying results indicators are used to monitor implementation progress.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Month| Last Updated:30-Jun-2015See More +

LAC Equity Lab (LEL)


Poverty, shared prosperity, and equity indicators for LAC.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:01-Jun-2015See More +


Type:n/a| Periodicity:AnnualSee More +

Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (RISE)

Readiness for Investment in Sustainable Energy (RISE) is a suite of indicators that assesses the legal and regulatory environment for investment in sustainable energy. This dataset contains scores for every single indicator of RISE for each country.

Type:Cross sectional, Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Nov-2014See More +

Digital Governance Projects Database (DG Projects Database)


As a part of the stocktaking exercise initiated by the Integrated Digital Solutions (IDS) Group, a new dataset was created as an inventory of all WBG investments including large ICT/e-Gov components for governance/sector reforms since 1995. This global dataset includes the details of ICT investments in six categories, together with the cost, duration, and outcome ratings of completed activities, in addition to key project data extracted from the operations portal. The dataset was released in June 2015 and will be updated annually (last update in August 2015). This dataset can be used by all GPs and external users, to identify relevant projects in DG domain, search the contents of project documents (PAD, ICR, IEG review) using a user-defined taxonomy, and expand/customize the resulting data sets for various needs (operational support, project design, research, monitoring and quality assurance, training, etc.).

Type:Transactions| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:31-Aug-2015See More +

The Costs of Meeting the 2030 SDG targets on Drinking Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene


This dataset analyzes the global costs of meeting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal targets on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). The spreadsheet allows recalculation of results at country level by the interested analyst using different data inputs.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:AnnualSee More +

Identification for Development Global Dataset (ID4D Dataset)


Created by the cross-practice ID4D Working Group as a global data set to present the institutional arrangements, practices, and systems for civil registration and identification, e-ID, e-Passport, and business registries in 198 economies. The dataset was released in April 2015, as a part of ID4D stocktaking exercise (in spreadsheet format; including metadata and statistics worksheets). Current status of government practices are measured through 12 indicators that are updated annually.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:31-Jan-2016See More +



This dataset tracks investments in geothermal power projects by Multi-lateral Development Banks (MDBs) since the ‘70s and the Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) more recently. All the information by project has been obtained from public sources, primarily the MDBs’ and CIFs’ websites. Figures have been converted to constant 2010 USD. The table provides information on the total estimated cost of each project and on the specific contribution by the relevant MDB or by the CIFs. The latter is then broken down according to the financing target. The break down is sometimes clearly provided in the project documents, while in other cases it is an estimate based on the project description as no figures were available

Type:Transactions| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:07-Dec-2015See More +

META _Inputs_Transmission_Distribution


Contains information about each delivery technology for US, Romania, Jamaica and India. base year: 2010.This information is used as input in the Model for Electricity Technology Assessment (META) tool.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:07-Dec-2015See More +



Crop residue information aggregated from the Biomass Atlas project field survey raw data.*Min -- minimum crop residue yield; based on minimum crop yield recorded in the field survey, and the minimum Residue To Crop Ratio in the background data (see: industrialPower_plant_model.xlsx in this dataset, sheet RCR)*Max -- maximum crop residue yield; based on maximum crop yield recorded in the field survey, and the maximum Residue To Crop Ratio in the background data (see: industrialPower_plant_model.xlsx in this dataset, sheet RCR)*Mean -- mean crop residue yield (theoretical potential); based on mean crop yield recorded in the field survey, and the mean Residue To Crop Ratio in the background data (see: industrialPower_plant_model.xlsx in this dataset, sheet RCR)*Std -- standard deviation of the mean crop residue yield in the survey data*N -- number of observations for the crop in the survey data*AR -- availability of the crop residue based on the current residue use recorded in the field survey (technical potential) *ARS -- standard deviation of the availability of the crop residue based on the current residue use*AW -- availability of the crop residue based on the current residue use recorded in the field survey and farmers' willingness to participate in a feedstock supply chain (technical potential) *AWS -- standard deviation of the availability of the crop residue based on the current residue use recorded in the field survey and farmers' willingness to participate in a feedstock supply chainwhere * denotes an abbreviation for a crop residue, as listed below.WheStrMin -- Wheat straw /CotStaMin -- Cotton stalkRicStrMin -- Rice strawRicHusMin -- Rice huskMaiStaMin -- Maize stalkMaiCobMin -- Maize cobMaiHusMin -- Maize huskSugTraMin -- Sugarcane trashSugBagMin -- BagasseFeedstock summary by country and by district, including sampled district confidence intervals for yearly feedstock amounts, t/yr

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:28-Apr-2016See More +



This dataset contains the input parameters for Model for Electricity Technology Assessment (META) tool for US, Romania, Jamaica and India (base year 2010). Furthermore, the META projected costs for 2015 and 2020 are presented.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:07-Dec-2015See More +



Sugar and rice mill scenario analysis results.Sugar mill scenario:There is a potential for implementing cogeneration plant using bagasse generated at the sugar mills. For each sugar mill, the power capacity of the cogeneration plant was defined based on the NEPRA requirement of annual capacity factor (ACF) of a newly-established cogeneration plant running on bagasse produced by the sugar mill. The ACF approved by NEPRA in 2013 was 45% based on 180 days of operation (120 days milling season and 60 days off-milling season) and a plant availability factor of 92%. The conversion technology was assumed to be a high pressure cogeneration system including a steam boiler and an extraction-condensing steam turbine.The analysis results contain the sourcing area (km²/GWh) for the additional biomass feedstock needed for operating the cogeneration plant in power-only mode for additional 5 months of the off-milling season when bagasse is not available. The sourcing area matches the best-case scenario of being able to source all of the available technical potential of the crop harvesting residues suitable for the cogeneration plant from the immediate neighborhood of the mill. Therefore, it helps ranking the sugar mills in terms of the ease of sourcing the additional feedstock. Rice mill scenario:In this analysis, the power plant potential was estimated based on an assumption that the power plant will be run with a fuel mixture of rice husk and locally sourced crop harvesting residues. The minimum fixed power plant capacity of 3 MW is assumed for all 54 surveyed rice mills. The additional biomass feedstock was calculated in order to assure an annual capacity factor of 85% for all power plants. As for the sugar mills, the analysis results for each rice mill contain the sourcing area (km²/GWh) for the additional biomass feedstock needed to operate the power plant and the sourcing area matches the best-case sourcing scenario.

Type:Geospatial| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:28-Apr-2016See More +



The Africa Power–Mining Database 2014 shows ongoing and forthcoming mining projects in Africa categorized by the type of mineral, ore grade, size of the project.The database draws on basic mining data from Infomine surveys, the United States Geological Survey, annual reports, technical reports, feasibility studies, investor presentations, sustainability reports on property-owner websites or filed in public domains, and mining websites (Mining Weekly, Mining Journal, Mbendi, Mining-technology, and Miningmx).Comprising 455 projects in 28 SSA countries with each project’s ore reserve value assessed at more than $250 million, the database collates publicly available and proprietary information.It also provides a panoramic view of projects operating in 2000–12 and anticipated demand in 2020. The analysis is presented over three timeframes: pre-2000, 2001–12,and 2020 (each containing the projects from the previous period except for those closing during that previous period).

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:03-Mar-2016See More +

LAC_ Geothermal_Inventory


The LAC Geothermal Inventory compiles data on geothermal resources throughout Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Both developed and undeveloped resources are included. It contains information from publicly available sources.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:07-Dec-2015See More +



Data repository for measurements from 9 automated solar stations in Pakistan. Data will be uploaded in batches, on a monthly basis, and will transmit daily reports on 10 minute average values for solar radiation levels, temperature, air pressure and wind speed.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Day| Last Updated:07-Dec-2015See More +



This dataset is an inventory of the solar stations comissioned by ESMAP in the initiative 'Renewable Energy Resource Mapping', which aims to help improve the developing country’s knowledge and awareness of solar, wind and biomass energy resources.

Type:Geospatial| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:01-Feb-2016See More +

Crowd-Sourced Price Collection


The World Bank Pilot Study for Crowd-Sourced Price Data Collection through Mobile Phones combined the need for high-frequency data, recent developments in information and communication technologies, and power of crowd. Crowd-sourced data are data collected and reported by the user community using information and communication technologies. More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Day| Last Updated:22-Aug-2013See More +

Rural Access Index (RAI)


RAI is a key transport headline indicator and has been established to focus on the critical role of access and mobility in the reduction of poverty in developing countries.

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Aug-2010See More +

Landmine Contamination, Casualties and Clearance Database (LC3D)


The Landmine Contamination, Casualties and Clearance provides country level data on a broad range of issues related to landmines and cluster munitions, including contamination, casualties and clearance, and their associated cost. The data was compiled from two sources: Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor and annual surveys by the United Nations Mine Action Team (UNMAT).

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:16-Aug-2013See More +

Little Data Book on Climate Change: Supplemental Data (CC LDB)


The World Bank's Little Data Book on Climate Change contains a diverse set of indicators covering climate, exposure to impacts, resilience, GHG emissions, national-level actions and carbon markets. More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:01-Dec-2011See More +

Corporate Scorecard 2013 Indicators (CSC2013)


The Corporate Scorecard 2013 was designed to provide a snapshot of the Bank's overall performance, including its business modernization, in the context of development results. This archived version has been superseded by a re-designed Corporate Scorecard for 2014 (pdf only). More...

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:20-Dec-2013See More +

World Report on Disability


Dataset is from the World report on disability, Technical appendix A: Estimates of disability prevalence (%) and of years of health lost due to disability (YLD), by country.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:18-Oct-2013See More +



TRACE is the Tool for Rapid Assessment of City Energy , a decision-support tool, used for helping cities use energy efficiently. TRACE1 is the old version of the tool.This dataset will include survey data from 30 cities across the world.

Type:Survey(Microdata)| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-May-2016See More +



This research activity was carried out by Enclude for approximately 8,500 household survey across Pakistan to measure the energy access rates, consumption patterns and economic & psychographic drivers to ‘energy relevant’ behaviours. This data set provides a snapshot of electricity access in Pakistan that covers the level of electricity access by household (availability and use), awareness of available solutions, and willingness to pay and also provides information for behavioural & psychographic segmentation.

For more information, please refer to the materials below: More...

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:06-Jun-2016See More +

Labor Content of Exports Database (LACEX)


The Labor Content of Exports (LACEX) database was developed by Calì et al. (2016) on the basis of a panel of global input-output tables and exports from the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) and employment data from the ILO. The database measure the contribution of labor to a given country’s exports – measured as employees’ compensation or wages (LACEX) or the number of jobs (JOCEX). It also uses gross output in place of exports to construct the labor and jobs content of domestic production. Three datasets are available: LACEX at the 24 sector level between 1995 and 2011, LACEX at the 57 sector level between 1997 and 2011, and JOCEX at the 11 sector level between 1997 and 2011. LACEX covers a maximum of 120 countries and JOCEX 88 countries.

Type:Cross sectional, Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:22-Jul-2016See More +

Financial Management Information Systems Database (FMIS Database)


Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) Database contains a rich set of operational data and performance ratings related to all completed and active FMIS projects funded by the World Bank (investment lending with large ICT components) since 1984. In addition to existing project data, details of ICT solutions, cost, duration, and performance of FMIS implementation, and relevant web links are presented for the benefit of task teams, as well as the client countries and development agencies involved (in spreadsheet format with metadata, statistics, and timelines). The FMIS Database was released in August 2010, as a part of the FMIS Study (FMIS: 25 Years of World Bank Experience on What Works and What Doesn't ) and is updated biannually to reflect the developments since then. The latest version of the database (August 2015) presents the details of 133 investment lending projects (86 completed + 35 active + 12 pipeline) funded by the WBG in 74 countries (all regions).

Type:Transactions| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:25-Jul-2016See More +

Procurement Notices

Mobile App


This dataset includes procurement tender notices for World Bank financed projects. Learn more about the World Bank Group's operations in procurement at

Type:Cross sectional| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:CurrentSee More +

Key Ratios and Performance Metrics

Mobile App


Provides key ratios and select metrics from quarterly financial statements.

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:12-May-2016See More +

Subnational Population Database


Subnational Population Database presents estimated population at the first administrative level below the national level. Many of the data come from the country’s national statistical offices. Other data come from the NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) managed by the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Earth Institute, Columbia University. It is the World Bank Group’s first subnational population database at a global level and there are data limitations. Series metadata includes methodology and the assumptions made.

Type:Geospatial, Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:08-Sep-2016See More +

FMIS and Open Budget Data Global Dataset (FMIS & OBD Dataset)


This database was created as a global dataset presenting the use of Financial Management Information Systems in publishing Open Budget Data in 198 economies (using 20 key and 20 informative indicators). The dataset was released in September 2013, as a part of the FMIS and OBD Study (FMIS and Open Budget Data: Do Governments Report on Where the Money Goes?) and is updated annually to reflect the developments since then. The dataset is being used to monitor the effects of FMIS on publishing budget execution performance, identify potential improvements in budget transparency, and provide some guidance on the effective use of FMIS platforms to publish open budget data.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Aug-2016See More +

Public Financial Management Systems and eServices Global Dataset (PFM Systems & eServices Dataset)


This dataset was created as a part of the World Development Report (WDR) 2016 activities, to expand existing FMIS and Open Budget Data dataset by including the current status of Public Financial Management (PFM) systems and related online services, as well as the web links to relevant government web sites in 198 economies. Combined database is called “PFM Systems and e-Services” dataset and updated annually (in spreadsheet format; including metadata and statistics). The dataset includes 8 key indicators that is used to measure the status of transactional eServices in order to highlight good practices in the delivery of PFM related public services.

Type:Time series| Periodicity:Annual| Last Updated:30-Aug-2016See More +

IBRD and IDA Commitments and Disbursements - Country SummaryRecently updated

Mobile App


Provides quarterly summaries for IBRD and IDA commitments and disbursements to all borrowers (USD Millions). Includes all credits except HIPC.

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

2015 Climate Investment Funds – Clean Technology Fund (CTF) results dataRecently updated

Mobile App


The results data presented below is based on the portfolio of CTF projects and has been compiled on behalf of the following multilateral development banks: ADB, AFDB, EBRD, IDB, IFC and IBRD. It follows the principles outlined under the Revised CTF Results Framework and includes five core indicators that help determine whether and to what extent the CTF interventions achieve the proposed project/ program outcome objectives involving:(a) Avoided greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; (b) Increased finance for low carbon development mobilized; (c) Increased supply of renewable energy (RE); (d) Increased access to public transport; (e) Increased energy efficiency.Please note that this is based on 53 out of 55 projects reporting results and does not include (2) CONFIDENTIAL projects. You can learn more about specific indicators at .

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

IFC Summary Consolidated Income StatementRecently updated

Mobile App


Provides summary consolidated income statement from quarterly financial statements.

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

IFC Summary Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive IncomeRecently updated

Mobile App


Provides summary consolidated stat.ement of comprehensive income from quarterly financial statements

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

MIGA Summary Income StatementRecently updated

Mobile App


Provides summary income statement from quarterly .statements

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

IBRD Summary of Allocable IncomeRecently updated

Mobile App


Provides summary of allocable income from quarterly financial statements.

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

2015 Climate Investment Funds – Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program (SREP) results dataRecently updated

Mobile App


The results data presented below is based on the portfolio of SREP projects and has been compiled on behalf of the following multilateral development banks: ADB, AFDB, IDB, IFC and IBRD. It follows the principles outlined under the Revised CTF Results Framework and includes the indicators that help determine whether and to what extent the SREP interventions achieve the proposed project outcome objectives involving:(a) Annual electricity output; (b) Improved energy access to people, businesses and community services; (c) GHG emissions reduced/avoided (tons of CO2 equivalent); (d) increased public and private investments in targeted subsectors (co-financing)You can learn more and get further analysis at the 2015 SREP Results Report:

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

LCR South South Knowledge Exchange ActivitiesRecently updated

Mobile App


Knowledge exchange involves activities connecting policy makers and development practitioners within and cross countries to learn from each other`s experiences for the purpose of identifying, customizing, replicating, and/or scaling up workable development solutions and policies. These activities can include workshops, dialogues, expert visits, peer consultations, study tours, and twinning arrangements

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

MSME Country Indicators Data SourcesRecently updated

Mobile App



Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

IDA Condensed Income StatementRecently updated

Mobile App


Provides quarterly updates for IDA Condensed Income Statement

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

Data Resources For Structural Economic AnalysisRecently updated

Mobile App


Collection of over 60 comprehensive international databases on the structure of the global economy, and standardized metadata for each, covering both technical characteristics of the data and detailed access information. Areas represented in the collection include output and value added by industrial sector, labor force, social and demographic data, productivity, and measures of economic endowments.

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

Monitoring Gender Mainstreaming In World Bank Lending OperationsRecently updated

Mobile App


This dataset determines the extent to which lending operations are gender-informed on three dimensions: analysis, actions and monitoring and evaluation. It is updated on an annual basis. (See Documents: Methodology Guidance note with Checklist and Examples ; and Glossary & Acronyms

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

Bilateral Migration In 2010Recently updated

Mobile App


Source: Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011[]

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

MSME Country Indicators 2014Recently updated

Mobile App


MSME-CI presents secondary data collected by various institutions (statistical institutes, ministries, international organizations, small business promotion agencies, research institutions and others) using different methods (survey, census and others). Please read the “Description Note on the MSME Country Indicators 2014” along with the country specific comments in the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Country Indicators before using the data.

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

MSME Country Indicators - Historical DataRecently updated

Mobile App



Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

IEG World Bank Project Performance RatingsRecently updated

Mobile App


This dataset contains all World Bank project assessments carried out by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) since the unit was created back in the 70’s. Spanning over 30 years, the collection has more than 11,300 project assessments, covering more than 9,600 completed projects; it is perhaps the longest-running and most comprehensive project performance data collection of its kind. Learn more at .

Type:n/a| Periodicity:n/a| Last Updated:26-Sep-2016See More +

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Recently updated


Relevant indicators drawn from the World Development Indicators, reorganized according to the goals and targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These indicators may help to monitor SDGs, but they are not always the official indicators for SDG monitoring.

Agriculture & Rural Development

Aid Effectiveness

Climate Change

Economy & Growth


Energy & Mining


External Debt

Financial Sector





Private Sector

Public Sector

Science & Technology

Social Development

Social Protection & Labor


Urban Development

Agriculture et développement rural

Changement climatique

Dette extérieure

Développement social

Développement urbain

Échanges commerciaux

Économie et croissance


Efficacité de l’aide

Énergie et mines


Genre et parité hommes-femmes


Main-d’œuvre et protection sociale



Science et technologie

Secteur financier

Secteur privé

Secteur public

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