
Scientific Journal Ranking C-H

Bu haber 2016-08-16 11:22:43 eklenmiş ve 3124 kez görüntülenmiştir.

29493 22945 Byzantion: Revue Internationale des Etudes Byzantines journal 22946209, 03782506 0,1 Q4 8 0 47 0 1 47 0,03 0 Belgium Western Europe Universa Press 1969, 1972, 1977-1979, 2002-2007, 2009-2018 History (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)
1 28773 CA - A Cancer Journal for Clinicians journal 15424863, 00079235 88,192 Q1 156 36 129 2924 22644 89 255,73 81,22 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1950-2020 Hematology (Q1); Oncology (Q1)  
24769 21100464764 CAADRIA 2016, 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia - Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing conference and proceedings - 0,122 - 5 0 88 0 36 86 0 0 China Asiatic Region   Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management; Software
16934 19400158376 CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources journal 17498848 0,232 Q3 27 56 153 6638 148 153 0,84 118,54 United Kingdom Western Europe CAB International 2006-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q3); Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q3)
26230 21100793814 CACIDI 2016 - Congreso Aergentino de Ciencias de la Informatica y Desarrollos de Investigacion conference and proceedings - 0,111 - 4 0 35 0 28 34 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science Applications; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Electrical and Electronic Engineering
21413 21100457042 CACS 2015 - 2015 CACS International Automatic Control Conference conference and proceedings - 0,155 - 4 0 25 0 12 23 0 0 United States Northern America   Management of Technology and Innovation; Software
25800 21100774811 CACS 2015 - 2015 CACS International Automatic Control Conference conference and proceedings - 0,113 - 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Signal Processing
3989 18145 CAD Computer Aided Design journal 104485 1,052 Q1 109 106 278 4398 948 266 3,45 41,49 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1968-2020 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1)
24503 5600152968 Caderno CRH journal 1034979 0,124 Q3 9 40 133 1520 15 117 0,12 38 Brazil Latin America EDUFBA - Editora Universttaria 2009-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
16819 4500151519 Cadernos CEDES journal 1013262 0,234 Q3 7 28 79 575 24 67 0,11 20,54 Brazil Latin America Centro de Estudos Educacao e Sociedade - CEDES 2006-2019 Education (Q3)      
26690 21100450146 Cadernos de Estudos Africanos journal 21827400, 16453794 0,108 Q4 2 9 50 430 2 47 0,03 47,78 Portugal Western Europe Center for International Studies (CIS-IUL) of the Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE) 2014-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29494 20600195060 Cadernos de Linguagem e Sociedade journal 01049712, 21794790 0,1 Q4 2 13 97 292 2 89 0,01 22,46 Brazil Latin America Thesaurus Editora de Brasilia Ltd 2012-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
11633 4700152714 Cadernos de Pesquisa journal 1001574 0,406 Q1 14 66 171 2438 57 157 0,42 36,94 Brazil Latin America Fundacao Carlos Chagas 1983, 2006-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); Education (Q2); Gender Studies (Q2)
8786 20135 Cadernos de Saude Publica journal 0102311X, 16784464 0,565 Q2 72 306 845 6498 864 702 1,2 21,24 Brazil Latin America Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz 1998-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
30257 21100944721 Cadernos de Traducao journal 21757968, 1414526X - 1 60 0 1368 0 0 0 22,8 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 2019-2020 Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language; Literature and Literary Theory
22139 24473 Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe journal 2134497 0,145 Q4 12 10 20 503 4 19 0,21 50,3 Spain Western Europe Seminario de Estudio Galegos 1986-1999, 2001-2011, 2013, 2015, 2017-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
10558 5600153164 Cadernos Pagu journal 1048333 0,46 Q2 9 56 136 1805 52 126 0,42 32,23 Brazil Latin America Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP 2008-2019 Gender Studies (Q2)    
21639 19700172901 Cadmo journal 19725019, 11225165 0,152 Q4 5 8 58 122 17 54 0,44 15,25 Italy Western Europe FrancoAngeli Edizioni 2005-2019 Education (Q4)      
12259 5300152523 Cahiers Agricultures journal 11667699, 17775949 0,377 Q2 18 28 143 887 94 138 0,58 31,68 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 2006-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q2); Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3)
29495 17700155037 Cahiers Critiques de Therapie Familiale et de Pratiques de Reseaux journal 17821398, 13728202 0,1 Q4 7 27 79 532 1 75 0,02 19,7 Belgium Western Europe Boeck Universite 2001-2019 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4)
17750 13868 Cahiers de Biologie Marine journal 22623094, 00079723 0,214 Q4 32 5 97 178 52 97 0,6 35,6 France Western Europe Station Biologique de Roscoff 1992-2019 Aquatic Science (Q4)    
28551 16300154742 Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale journal 02408678, 00079731 0,101 Q3 7 12 23 517 2 23 0,09 43,08 France Western Europe Centre d'etudes Superieures de Civilisation Medievale 2002-2014, 2017-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3); History (Q4)
27254 30588 Cahiers de Geographie de Quebec journal 79766 0,105 Q4 11 0 32 0 6 32 0 0 Canada Northern America Universite Laval 1978-2017 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
28552 16300154753 Cahiers de l'Association Internationale des Etudes Francaises journal 5715865 0,101 Q3 2 0 21 0 0 19 0 0 France Western Europe Association Internationale des Etudes Francaises (International Association of French Studies) 2002-2015, 2017 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)  
24977 5700184176 Cahiers de Lexicologie journal 79871 0,12 Q3 4 10 91 387 5 88 0,03 38,7 France Western Europe Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique 2011-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
29496 5800152987 Cahiers de Linguistique journal 20322356, 07716524 0,1 Q4 4 14 91 406 2 45 0 29 Belgium Western Europe Institut de Linguistique de l'Universite 2011-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
18270 5800207877 Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale journal 1533320 0,204 Q2 7 3 20 109 9 20 0,43 36,33 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2002-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
18271 30026 Cahiers de Nutrition et de Dietetique journal 79960 0,204 Q3 12 44 114 1499 48 93 0,51 34,07 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 1973-1991, 1994-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q4)
26065 17700156012 Cahiers de Psychologie Clinique journal 1370074X, 17821401 0,112 Q4 7 28 98 510 6 89 0,08 18,21 Belgium Western Europe Boeck Universite 2001-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
28553 19700183108 Cahiers de Recherches Medievales journal 12729752, 19552424 0,101 Q4 4 0 38 0 2 37 0 0 France Western Europe H. Champion 2008-2016 History (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
27752 21100449002 Cahiers d'Economie Politique journal 19696779 0,103 Q3 1 0 73 0 5 69 0,08 0 France Western Europe Editions l'Harmattan 2016-2018 History (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
24617 21100307490 Cahiers des Ameriques Latines book series 11417161 0,123 Q3 5 16 74 540 4 70 0,07 33,75 France Western Europe Institut des Hautes Etudes de l'Amerique Latine (IHEAL) 1972, 1976, 1978-1979, 1987, 2001-2002, 2012-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); Urban Studies (Q3); Demography (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
28554 58362 Cahiers des Etudes Anciennes journal 19232713, 03175065 0,101 Q3 3 13 27 261 2 26 0,11 20,08 Canada Northern America Departement d'etudes anciennes et de sciences des religions, l'Universite d'Ottawa 1976, 2011-2019 Classics (Q3)      
28032 21100834974 Cahiers d'Ethnomusicologie book series 1662372X 0,102 Q3 3 0 12 0 2 11 0 0 Switzerland Western Europe Ateliers d'ethnomusicologie 2012-2016 Music (Q3); Anthropology (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4)
22069 36166 Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines journal 80055 0,146 Q2 17 34 113 2180 9 111 0,1 64,12 France Western Europe Editions EHESS: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 1975, 1977, 1980, 1983-2019 History (Q2); Development (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
28555 21100324208 Cahiers d'Etudes Levinassiennes book series 15655512 0,101 Q4 1 0 35 0 0 29 0 0 Israel Middle East Institut d'Etudes Levinasienne 2013, 2015-2018 Philosophy (Q4)      
27045 21100243004 Cahiers du Genre journal 19683928, 12986046 0,106 Q4 5 11 76 279 9 76 0,09 25,36 France Western Europe L'Harmattan 2011-2019 Demography (Q4); Gender Studies (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
29497 16000154750 Cahiers du Monde Russe journal 12526576, 17775388 0,1 Q4 11 9 62 124 5 56 0,06 13,78 France Western Europe Editions EHESS: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 1999, 2001-2019 History (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
29498 6000152807 Cahiers du Musee National d'Art Moderne journal 1811525 0,1 Q4 2 28 81 332 2 65 0,02 11,86 France Western Europe Centre Georges Pompidou 2001-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)  
29499 19700177105 Cahiers Elisabethains journal 20544715, 01847678 0,1 Q4 3 31 76 216 2 71 0,02 6,97 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2004-2020 History (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
27255 21100795039 Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport journal 11508809 0,105 Q4 1 0 10 0 1 10 0,2 0 France Western Europe 2016-2017 Transportation (Q4)      
29500 12612 Cahiers Victoriens and Edouardiens journal 2205610 0,1 Q4 3 0 73 0 2 73 0 0 France Western Europe Les Amis d'Acarologia 1990, 2002-2018 Cultural Studies (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
10968 17700156412 Caikuang yu Anquan Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering journal 16733363 0,439 Q2 26 131 520 2612 476 520 0,8 19,94 China Asiatic Region China University of Mining and Technology 2009-2019 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q2)  
30258 21100915607 Cailiao Daobao/Materials Reports journal -   - 1 365 0 12169 0 0 0 33,34 China Asiatic Region Cailiao Daobaoshe/ Materials Review 2019 Materials Science (miscellaneous)  
21685 21100853795 Cailiao Daobao/Materials Review journal 1005023X 0,151 Q4 7 262 2099 11518 762 2099 0,35 43,96 China Asiatic Region Cailiao Daobaoshe/ Materials Review 2016-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
17898 13807 Cailiao Gongcheng/Journal of Materials Engineering journal 10014381 0,211 Q4 17 247 712 7616 563 712 0,74 30,83 China Asiatic Region Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials (BIAM) 1993-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q4)    
23592 29038 Cailiao Kexue yu Gongyi/Material Science and Technology journal 10050299 0,129 Q4 13 84 257 1755 69 257 0,26 20,89 China Asiatic Region Harbin Institute of Technology 1998, 2000-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
19551 29040 Cailiao Rechuli Xuebao/Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment journal 10096264 0,183 Q3 19 286 1050 6039 385 1050 0,4 21,12 China Asiatic Region Editorial Office of Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment 2001-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q4)
20774 29042 Cailiao Yanjiu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Materials Research journal 10053093 0,164 Q4 16 119 388 2954 161 388 0,43 24,82 China Asiatic Region Chinese Journal of Materials Research 1994, 1996-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
18215 21100888509 Cakrawala Pendidikan journal 24428620, 02161370 0,205 Q3 3 40 42 1440 25 42 0,6 36 Indonesia Asiatic Region Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta State University) 2018-2020 Education (Q3)      
4061 25422 Calcified Tissue International journal 14320827, 0171967X 1,041 Q1 112 134 406 5969 1355 386 3,55 44,54 United States Northern America Springer New York 1973-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Endocrinology (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2)
4966 25307 Calcolo journal 11265434, 00080624 0,91 Q1 29 51 161 1576 354 161 1,67 30,9 Italy Western Europe Springer-Verlag Italia 1964-2020 Algebra and Number Theory (Q1); Computational Mathematics (Q1)
809 25309 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations journal 14320835, 09442669 2,672 Q1 62 209 499 6772 1030 499 1,82 32,4 Germany Western Europe Springer New York 1993-2020 Analysis (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q1)  
17799 20059 Caldasia journal 3665232 0,213 Q3 12 41 83 1680 40 83 0,41 40,98 Colombia Latin America Universidad Nacional de Colombia 1981, 1983-1984, 1986, 1989, 1992-1993, 1995-1997, 2008-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
1542 19700200912 CALICO Journal journal 20569017 1,827 Q1 31 17 66 584 140 54 2,74 34,35 United States Northern America Equinox Publishing Ltd 1983-1996, 1998-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q1); Education (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
23925 19700181224 Calidoscopio journal 21776202 0,126 Q3 4 42 155 1237 9 144 0,08 29,45 Brazil Latin America Unisinos 2010-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
13601 86937 California Agriculture journal 10970967, 00080845 0,325 Q2 22 26 131 449 132 110 1,07 17,27 United States Northern America California Agricultural Experiment Station 1973-1975, 1979, 1981-1982, 1985, 2008-2019 Forestry (Q2); Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
4980 24761 California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries, Investigations Reports journal 5753317 0,909 Q1 38 3 18 187 36 18 1 62,33 United States Northern America Scripps Institution of Oceanography 1976, 1980, 1983-1984, 1996-2019 Aquatic Science (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
18105 24764 California Fish and Game journal 81078 0,207 Q4 17 8 56 231 17 46 0,21 28,88 United States Northern America Department of Fish and Game 1979-1984, 1990, 1996-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4); Aquatic Science (Q4)
5186 29868 California Law Review journal 81221 0,884 Q1 51 22 118 2569 122 113 0,98 116,77 United States Northern America California Law Review 1973-1979, 1982-1983, 1986-1988, 1990-1992, 1994, 1996-2019 Law (Q1)        
761 21341 California Management Review journal 21628564, 00081256 2,773 Q1 124 28 80 155 611 79 4,74 5,54 United States Northern America Haas School of Business 1970-2020 Strategy and Management (Q1)  
22368 21100223327 Calitatea Vietii journal 10180389 0,142 Q3 4 12 73 356 5 55 0,11 29,67 Romania Eastern Europe Editura Academiei Romane 2012-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Health (social science) (Q4); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q4)
28033 16100154748 Callaloo journal 10806512, 01612492 0,102 Q3 13 0 139 0 4 80 0,03 0 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 2002-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4)
16565 21100265343 CALL-EJ journal 21879036 0,24 Q2 4 21 36 821 25 35 0,83 39,1 Australia Pacific Region 2013-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q3)
4532 24593 Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry journal 3645916 0,969 Q1 59 134 266 6525 729 265 2,14 48,69 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1977-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1)
27490 21100223140 Calvin Theological Journal journal 81795 0,104 Q3 3 15 40 663 4 36 0,12 44,2 United States Northern America Calvin Theological Seminary 2011-2019 Religious Studies (Q3)    
26066 16100154723 Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies journal 13530089 0,112 Q2 8 12 17 994 1 17 0,1 82,83 United Kingdom Western Europe C M C S Publications 2002-2014, 2016-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3); History (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q3)
8004 6500153129 Cambridge Archaeological Journal journal 09597743, 14740540 0,617 Q1 47 41 102 3463 145 100 1,38 84,46 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1991-2020 Archeology (Q1); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1)
28556 16100154792 Cambridge Classical Journal journal 17502705, 2047993X 0,101 Q3 8 7 26 807 6 18 0,5 115,29 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1884, 1957, 2002-2020 Classics (Q3); Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
4232 21366 Cambridge Journal of Economics journal 14643545, 0309166X 1,015 Q2 79 58 203 3362 397 201 1,85 57,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1977-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q2)  
5763 200147131 Cambridge Journal of Education journal 0305764X, 14693577 0,818 Q1 55 46 111 2612 249 104 1,93 56,78 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1971-2020 Education (Q1)      
19170 21100888137 Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry journal 20522622, 20522614 0,189 Q1 6 42 87 1595 20 84 0,21 37,98 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2014-2019 History (Q1); Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q2)
1097 18400156711 Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society journal 17521386, 17521378 2,217 Q1 48 26 96 1343 484 86 6,26 51,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2008-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
11500 12256 Cambridge Law Journal journal 14692139, 00081973 0,412 Q2 22 52 153 1202 45 98 0,49 23,12 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1921-1939, 1941-1998, 2000-2020 Law (Q2)        
25193 6500153158 Cambridge Opera Journal journal 9545867 0,118 Q2 12 4 65 206 5 63 0 51,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1989-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); Music (Q3)
29501 6500153153 Cambridge Quarterly journal 0008199X, 14716836 0,1 Q4 8 15 43 587 0 43 0 39,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1965-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
10509 29075 Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics journal 09631801, 14692147 0,462 Q2 34 85 241 2327 204 198 1,08 27,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1992-2020 Health (social science) (Q2); Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects (Q2); Health Policy (Q3)
8862 5700164288 Cambridge Review of International Affairs journal 09557571, 1474449X 0,559 Q1 37 63 138 4542 154 115 1,3 72,1 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1986, 1988-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
4201 21100788736 Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies journal 20497636, 15288870 1,02 Q1 12 18 36 977 58 33 2 54,28 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1998, 2000, 2008-2010, 2012-2019 Law (Q1)        
24618 6000152889 Camera Obscura journal 15291510, 02705346 0,123 Q2 15 26 72 686 22 69 0,25 26,38 United States Northern America Duke University Press 2002-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); Gender Studies (Q4)
30259 21100936623 Campbell Systematic Reviews journal 18911803   - 1 52 0 5066 0 0 0 97,42 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2019-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous)  
16332 21100863113 Campus Virtuales journal 22551514 0,246 Q3 4 20 40 748 31 40 0,78 37,4 Spain Western Europe 2017-2019 Computer Science Applications (Q3); Education (Q3)
26422 21100782671 CAMTA 2016 - Actas de la Conferencia Argentina de Micro-Nanoelectronica, Tecnologia y Aplicaciones: Proceedings of the Argentine Conference of Micro-Nanoelectronics Technology and Applications conference and proceedings - 0,11 - 2 0 13 0 3 11 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Hardware and Architecture; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
24868 21100792541 CAMX 2016 - Composites and Advanced Materials Expo conference and proceedings - 0,121 - 5 0 191 0 24 189 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Control and Optimization; Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Signal Processing
8376 21100792096 CAN 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Cloud-Assisted Networking, co-located with CoNEXT 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,591 - 5 0 14 0 33 12 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Education
21491 12971 Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique Canadienne journal 7116659 0,154 Q4 19 51 269 627 44 252 0,24 12,29 Canada Northern America Canadian Acoustical Association 1996-2019 Acoustics and Ultrasonics (Q4)    
23499 13808 Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal journal 00082821, 17128005 0,13 Q4 18 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 Canada Northern America Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute 1970-2016 Aerospace Engineering (Q4); Space and Planetary Science (Q4)
10969 16593 Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal journal 08465371, 14882361 0,439 Q3 32 64 197 1656 249 174 1,63 25,88 Canada Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1973-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3)
21027 79082 Canadian Biosystems Engineering / Le Genie des biosystems au Canada journal 14929058 0,16 Q4 32 7 17 239 9 17 0,5 34,14 Canada Northern America Canadian Society for Bioengineering 1997-2019 Mechanical Engineering (Q4)    
24084 29077 Canadian bulletin of medical history = Bulletin canadien d'histoire de la médecine journal 8232105 0,125 Q4 13 17 81 0 12 81 0,07 0 Canada Northern America University of Toronto Press 1984-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
19612 26665 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering conference and proceedings 8407789 0,182 - 41 0 707 0 584 704 0,94 0 United States Northern America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 1993-2011, 2013-2018 Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Hardware and Architecture
10289 19716 Canadian Entomologist journal 0008347X, 19183240 0,473 Q2 40 78 191 3065 234 181 1,15 39,29 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1868-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Insect Science (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q4); Physiology (Q4); Structural Biology (Q4)
8908 110256 Canadian Family Physician journal 0008350X, 17155258 0,556 Q2 62 380 1081 5505 935 608 1,51 14,49 Canada Northern America College of Family Physicians of Canada 1977-1983, 1985, 1987-2020 Family Practice (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
18671 20071 Canadian Field-Naturalist journal 83550 0,197 Q4 26 24 130 561 31 124 0,23 23,38 Canada Northern America Canadian Field-Naturalists' Club 1979, 1981-1985, 1987, 1992-2019 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
16302 21100779065 Canadian Foreign Policy Journal journal 21570817, 11926422 0,247 Q2 6 31 75 1392 40 62 0,83 44,9 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2014-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
6943 27613 Canadian Geographer / Geographie Canadien trade journal 15410064, 00083658 0,702 Q1 44 46 155 2431 277 141 1,22 52,85 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1950, 1952-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Earth-Surface Processes (Q2)
1393 22030 Canadian Geotechnical Journal journal 12086010, 00083674 1,934 Q1 109 165 480 6681 1751 411 3,65 40,49 Canada Northern America National Research Council of Canada 1968-1971, 1974, 1976-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1)
6406 21100823214 Canadian Geriatrics Journal journal 19258348 0,752 Q2 19 14 63 415 103 50 1,91 29,64 Canada Northern America Canadian Geriatrics Society 2011-2019 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q2); Gerontology (Q2)
16436 14001 Canadian Historical Review, The journal 17101093, 00083755 0,243 Q1 19 26 102 2038 46 98 0,45 78,38 Canada Northern America University of Toronto Press 1978, 1980-1983, 1985-1986, 1989, 1996-2019 History (Q1); Religious Studies (Q1)  
16253 21100832948 Canadian Journal of Addiction journal 23684720 0,248 Q3 5 32 64 871 25 49 0,52 27,22 Canada Northern America Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine 2014-2019 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)  
13628 21385 Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences journal 19364490, 08250383 0,324 Q2 46 59 115 3909 148 103 1,27 66,25 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1984-1990, 1996-2020 Business and International Management (Q2); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q3); Marketing (Q3); Public Administration (Q3)
15724 25354 Canadian Journal of African Studies journal 83968 0,262 Q1 7 29 53 1378 35 49 0,72 47,52 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1976, 1980, 1982-1986, 1988-1996, 1999, 2001, 2014-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1); Anthropology (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Demography (Q3); Development (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
8543 65131 Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics journal 00083976, 17447976 0,58 Q2 35 32 90 1460 103 89 0,93 45,63 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1952-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q2); Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Ecology (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Global and Planetary Change (Q3)
3488 21869 Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia journal 0832610X, 14968975 1,147 Q1 92 247 680 4602 1177 335 3,2 18,63 United States Northern America Springer New York 1987-2020 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
11818 37794 Canadian Journal of Animal Science journal 83984 0,397 Q2 61 109 247 4033 231 244 0,89 37 Canada Northern America Agricultural Institute of Canada 1975, 1993-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Food Animals (Q3)
10534 12819 Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science journal 0008400X, 18792669 0,461 Q2 50 38 86 944 132 85 1,04 24,84 United States Northern America Canadian Psychological Association 1973-1978, 1981, 1990, 1992-1993, 1996-2020 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
26423 21100864710 Canadian Journal of Bioethics journal 25614665 0,11 Q3 3 17 73 534 12 70 0,18 31,41 Canada Northern America University of Montreal 2018-2019 Philosophy (Q3); Health Policy (Q4); Health (social science) (Q4)
1768 22504 Canadian Journal of Cardiology journal 19167075, 0828282X 1,705 Q1 85 311 1002 9261 3002 791 3,69 29,78 Canada Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1985-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1)
22642 27184 Canadian journal of cardiovascular nursing = Journal canadien en soins infirmiers cardio-vasculaires journal 8436096 0,139 Q4 15 0 14 0 4 14 0 0 Canada Northern America Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada 1990-1999, 2003-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
11163 16366 Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering journal 00084034, 1939019X 0,429 Q2 64 323 825 14234 1454 798 1,87 44,07 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1958-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)
13034 22745 Canadian Journal of Chemistry journal 00084042, 14803291 0,346 Q2 66 102 458 4890 533 442 1,18 47,94 Canada Northern America National Research Council of Canada 1951, 1965, 1973-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Catalysis (Q3); Organic Chemistry (Q3)
12941 14976 Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering journal 03151468, 12086029 0,35 Q2 57 97 293 3115 374 280 1,18 32,11 Canada Northern America National Research Council of Canada 1971, 1974-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q3)
16303 21100802339 Canadian Journal of Communication journal 14996642, 07053657 0,247 Q3 5 46 123 1851 76 102 0,75 40,24 Canada Northern America Canadian Institute for Studies in Publishing Press 2016-2020 Communication (Q3)    
18155 12820 Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health journal 07133936, 19297084 0,206 Q4 23 0 76 0 50 74 0,56 0 Canada Northern America Wilfrid Laurier University Press 1987-2008, 2017-2018 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
12260 22830 Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice journal 17077753, 19110219 0,377 Q2 36 19 68 1087 61 64 0,88 57,21 Canada Northern America University of Toronto Press 2003-2019 Law (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
8735 21100438596 Canadian journal of critical care nursing,The journal 23688653 0,568 Q2 5 0 10 0 16 10 0 0 Canada Northern America Pappin Communications 2015-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
20968 21100428109 Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene journal 1712171X, 17121728 0,161 Q3 3 21 46 606 18 30 0,57 28,86 Canada Northern America Canadian Dental Hygienists Association 2015-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
12374 25355 Canadian Journal of Development Studies journal 21589100, 02255189 0,372 Q2 27 41 108 2229 115 100 1 54,37 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1980-2020 Development (Q2)      
5827 25440 Canadian Journal of Diabetes journal 14992671 0,809 Q2 36 111 374 3548 905 314 2,82 31,96 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2002-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Internal Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Endocrinology (Q3)
13008 30027 Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research journal 14863847 0,347 Q3 30 37 126 898 93 106 0,81 24,27 Canada Northern America Dietitians of Canada 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q3)
7199 22031 Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences journal 14803313, 00084077 0,678 Q1 72 104 258 7652 390 251 1,27 73,58 Canada Northern America National Research Council of Canada 1968-1969, 1976-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
4967 21386 Canadian Journal of Economics journal 15405982, 00084085 0,91 Q2 64 51 158 2301 154 156 0,85 45,12 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1977, 1979-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2)  
16783 100147334 Canadian Journal of Education journal 3802361 0,235 Q3 35 33 116 1653 38 108 0,38 50,09 Canada Northern America Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) 1996-1997, 1999-2002, 2005-2019 Education (Q3)      
11177 26200 Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering journal 8408688 0,428 Q2 23 25 89 800 215 87 2,48 32 Canada Northern America IEEE Canada 1988-2010, 2013-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Hardware and Architecture (Q2)
9647 145428 Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine journal 14818035 0,508 Q2 44 200 389 3024 391 277 1,28 15,12 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1999-2020 Emergency Medicine (Q2)    
3943 12821 Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology journal 18787290, 11961961 1,059 Q1 57 42 90 879 152 87 1,69 20,93 United States Northern America Canadian Psychological Association 1993-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q2)
28557 21100205749 Canadian Journal of Film Studies journal 8475911 0,101 Q4 8 9 39 532 6 36 0,05 59,11 Canada Northern America University of Toronto Press 1998-2001, 2004-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)  
2798 12016 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences journal 0706652X, 12057533 1,32 Q1 148 203 520 12640 1477 512 2,65 62,27 Canada Northern America National Research Council of Canada 1980-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
7816 25639 Canadian Journal of Forest Research journal 00455067, 12086037 0,63 Q1 116 136 450 7046 807 428 1,92 51,81 Canada Northern America National Research Council of Canada 1974, 1976-2020 Forestry (Q1); Ecology (Q2); Global and Planetary Change (Q3)
6674 21100319398 Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology journal 22912797, 22912789 0,727 Q2 63 79 294 2801 563 266 2,08 35,46 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2014-2020 Gastroenterology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Hepatology (Q3)
27256 5600155210 Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d'histoire journal 84107 0,105 Q3 8 13 38 778 4 37 0,12 59,85 Canada Northern America University of Saskatchewan 1979, 1999-2019 History (Q3)      
12918 20127 Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy journal 19202903, 00084123 0,351 Q2 19 67 246 1137 184 160 0,91 16,97 Canada Northern America Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists 1973-2019 Pharmacy (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
11192 12823 Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality journal 22917063, 11884517 0,427 Q2 33 30 75 1495 85 71 0,96 49,83 Canada Northern America SIECCAN 1994, 1996-2019 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)
7832 130118 Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology journal 17129532, 19181493 0,629 Q3 34 58 173 1957 261 165 1,62 33,74 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2005-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q3); Microbiology (medical) (Q3)
16609 14115 Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science journal 1195096X 0,239 Q3 17 0 48 0 22 45 0,25 0 Canada Northern America University of Toronto Press 1993-2018 Information Systems (Q3); Library and Information Sciences (Q3)
4095 21100780830 Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease journal 20543581 1,036 Q2 16 72 165 2767 357 160 2,14 38,43 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2014-2020 Nephrology (Q2)      
20559 24423 Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies journal 8263663 0,167 Q3 10 17 59 933 17 56 0,29 54,88 Canada Northern America Can. Assoc. of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 1984-2011, 2014-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Development (Q4)
21177 21100790520 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence journal 20564260, 08418209 0,158 Q3 17 21 55 1008 19 55 0,35 48 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1996-2003, 2007, 2012-2020 Law (Q3)        
23303 12365 Canadian Journal of Law and Society journal 08293201, 19110227 0,132 Q3 20 27 66 1407 18 63 0,31 52,11 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1986-2019 Law (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
18841 21100899617 Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology journal 14996685 0,194 Q3 2 9 15 442 10 15 0,67 49,11 Canada Northern America Canadian Network for Innovation in Education 2018-2019 Education (Q3); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q3); Computer Science Applications (Q4)
18842 19891 Canadian Journal of Linguistics journal 17101115, 00084131 0,194 Q2 17 28 72 1287 31 67 0,5 45,96 Canada Northern America Cambridge University Press 1996-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
3380 101474 Canadian Journal of Mathematics journal 0008414X, 14964279 1,171 Q1 37 41 149 1232 129 148 0,81 30,05 Canada Northern America Canadian Mathematical Society 1994, 1996-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
8556 19649 Canadian Journal of Microbiology journal 00084166, 14803275 0,579 Q2 88 82 291 4095 486 264 1,83 49,94 Canada Northern America National Research Council of Canada 1954-1962, 1964-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Genetics (Q3); Immunology (Q3); Microbiology (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
26563 6000160344 Canadian Journal of Native Studies journal 7153244 0,109 Q3 6 0 40 0 6 39 0 0 Canada Northern America Bearpaw Publishing, Brandon University 1984, 2001, 2009-2017 Cultural Studies (Q3); Anthropology (Q4)  
7223 14836 Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences journal 03171671, 20570155 0,676 Q2 64 181 396 3928 526 282 1,44 21,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1974-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Neurology (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q3)
26231 11200153301 Canadian journal of neuroscience nursing journal 19137176 0,111 Q4 12 0 5 0 2 5 0 0 Canada Northern America Canadian Association of Neuroscience Nurses 2007-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
17660 27186 Canadian Journal of Nursing Research journal 8445621 0,216 Q3 40 29 60 0 40 56 0,74 0 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1988, 1990-2013, 2016-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q3)
9686 38758 Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy journal 00084174, 19119828 0,506 Q2 53 41 114 1750 139 96 1,13 42,68 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1933-2020 Occupational Therapy (Q2)    
9229 13766 Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology journal 00084182, 17153360 0,535 Q2 49 254 646 4787 555 349 1,41 18,85 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1966-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Ophthalmology (Q3)
4715 22730 Canadian Journal of Philosophy journal 00455091, 19110820 0,944 Q1 25 52 129 1982 111 118 0,75 38,12 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1971-2019 Philosophy (Q1)      
15805 27420 Canadian Journal of Physics journal 00084204, 12086045 0,26 Q3 50 172 569 6490 620 549 1,05 37,73 Canada Northern America National Research Council of Canada 1970-1991, 1993-1994, 1996-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q3)
8492 23363 Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology journal 00084212, 12057541 0,583 Q2 81 154 459 7477 932 447 1,91 48,55 Canada Northern America National Research Council of Canada 1964-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2); Physiology (Q3); Physiology (medical) (Q3)
8093 17405 Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology journal 17152992, 07060661 0,611 Q2 53 85 169 3511 237 137 1,74 41,31 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1979-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)
12919 17406 Canadian Journal of Plant Science journal 00084220, 19181833 0,351 Q2 55 107 421 3636 353 413 0,66 33,98 Canada Northern America Agricultural Institute of Canada 1973-1975, 1977-1980, 1983-1985, 1989, 1992-2019 Horticulture (Q2); Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
10807 16772 Canadian Journal of Political Science journal 17449324, 00084239 0,447 Q2 36 54 127 3016 101 125 0,74 55,85 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1968-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q2)  
10953 5600155499 Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation journal 8341516 0,44 Q2 14 18 75 617 31 67 0,52 34,28 Canada Northern America Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 2005-2010, 2012-2019 Library and Information Sciences (Q2)  
1359 14838 Canadian Journal of Psychiatry journal 14970015, 07067437 1,966 Q1 109 118 327 4727 1291 257 3,71 40,06 Canada Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1979-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)  
8232 20137 Canadian Journal of Public Health journal 19207476, 00084263 0,601 Q2 69 122 361 3284 467 255 1,72 26,92 Canada Northern America Canadian Public Health Association 1945-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
5012 13809 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing journal 17127971, 07038992 0,905 Q1 66 53 145 3084 451 133 3,1 58,19 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1975-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
17113 18029 Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy journal 23686820, 12059838 0,228 Q3 8 13 58 446 15 33 0,4 34,31 Canada Northern America Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists 1996-2020 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q3); Health Professions (miscellaneous) (Q4)
20210 145171 Canadian journal of rural medicine : the official journal of the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada = Journal canadien de la medecine rurale : le journal officiel de la Societe de medecine rurale du Canada journal 12037796 0,172 Q4 19 36 73 0 18 56 0,29 0 Canada Northern America Canadian Medical Association 2004-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
14961 11600153424 Canadian Journal of School Psychology journal 8295735 0,283 Q3 27 22 62 1067 55 59 0,91 48,5 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1985, 1994-2003, 2005-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3)
10418 19700190347 Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education journal 19424051, 14926156 0,467 Q2 22 33 86 1402 83 74 0,72 42,48 United States Northern America Routledge 2001-2020 Education (Q2)      
16610 17587 Canadian Journal of Sociology journal 3186431 0,239 Q3 31 18 45 875 47 41 1,16 48,61 Canada Northern America University of Toronto Press 1977, 1979, 1981-1982, 1984-1985, 1987, 1993-1994, 1996-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q3)  
10318 37316 Canadian Journal of Soil Science journal 84271 0,472 Q2 63 51 196 2375 257 186 1,22 46,57 Canada Northern America Agricultural Institute of Canada 1974-2020 Soil Science (Q2)      
15066 6800153102 Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology journal 1913200X 0,28 Q2 14 10 43 391 21 41 0,42 39,1 Canada Northern America Canadian Association Of Speech-Language Pathologists And Audiologists 2007-2019 Linguistics and Language (Q2); Speech and Hearing (Q3)
6383 28893 Canadian Journal of Statistics journal 03195724, 1708945X 0,754 Q2 48 48 87 1406 77 86 0,82 29,29 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1973-2020 Statistics and Probability (Q2); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q2)
8683 20997 Canadian Journal of Surgery journal 0008428X, 14882310 0,571 Q2 61 122 314 2047 390 208 1,49 16,78 Canada Northern America Canadian Medical Association 1957-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Surgery (Q2)
18156 12637 Canadian Journal of Urban Research journal 11883774 0,206 Q3 19 11 19 674 8 19 0,4 61,27 Canada Northern America Institute of Urban Studies 1992-2017, 2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Urban Studies (Q3)
10214 19414 Canadian Journal of Urology journal 11959479 0,477 Q3 38 107 286 177 285 247 1,16 1,65 Canada Northern America Canadian Journal of Urology 2000-2020 Urology (Q3)      
9943 17726 Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research journal 8309000 0,491 Q2 48 44 140 1252 187 139 1,22 28,45 Canada Northern America Canadian Veterinary Medical Association 1986-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q2)
18328 12390 Canadian journal of women and the law = Revue juridique La femme et le droit journal 08328781, 19110235 0,203 Q3 12 15 71 1204 31 69 0,1 80,27 Canada Northern America University of Toronto Press 1986-1987, 1989-1990, 1993-1994, 2003, 2009-2019 Gender Studies (Q3); Law (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
7254 24765 Canadian Journal of Zoology journal 00084301, 14803283 0,673 Q1 99 142 354 8946 489 330 1,41 63 Canada Northern America National Research Council of Canada 1965-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
9687 28612 Canadian Journal on Aging journal 07149808, 17101107 0,506 Q1 42 62 140 2724 203 132 1,54 43,94 Canada Northern America Cambridge University Press 1982-2020 Community and Home Care (Q1); Gerontology (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q3)
23702 16000154712 Canadian Literature journal 84360 0,128 Q2 9 13 61 373 4 55 0,03 28,69 Canada Northern America University of British Columbia 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2)  
9419 25329 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin journal 14964287, 00084395 0,522 Q2 24 74 221 1133 154 220 0,78 15,31 Canada Northern America Canadian Mathematical Society 1996-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
12746 29044 Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly journal 18791395, 00084433 0,357 Q2 34 47 156 1336 207 154 1,47 28,43 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 1962-1977, 1979-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Metals and Alloys (Q2)
5855 25138 Canadian Mineralogist journal 84476 0,806 Q2 74 85 208 2621 335 201 1,41 30,84 Canada Northern America Mineralogical Association of Canada 1980-2020 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q2)  
29502 19076 Canadian Mining Journal trade journal 19233418, 00084492 0,1 Q4 5 73 148 0 1 144 0,01 0 Canada Northern America Business Information Group 1969-1988, 1995-2019 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4)
12982 19893 Canadian Modern Language Review journal 84506 0,348 Q1 43 23 71 1075 46 70 0,37 46,74 Canada Northern America University of Toronto Press 1996-2019 Linguistics and Language (Q1); Education (Q3)
27046 67199 Canadian Nurse journal 84581 0,106 Q4 18 0 61 0 1 51 0 0 Canada Northern America Canadian Nurses Association 1945-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29503 60519 Canadian Packaging trade journal 84654 0,1 Q4 1 45 120 0 0 120 0 0 Canada Northern America Rogers Media Publishing 1998-2010, 2013-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4); Media Technology (Q4)
9244 145693 Canadian Pharmacists Journal journal 17151635 0,534 Q1 19 67 186 1480 262 114 2,22 22,09 Canada Northern America Canadian Pharmacists Association 2005-2020 Pharmacy (Q1); Pharmaceutical Science (Q2)
27491 21100310015 Canadian Poetry journal 7045646 0,104 Q3 2 0 8 0 0 7 0 0 Canada Northern America Hunter Rose Co. Ltd 2011-2016, 2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)  
5994 12825 Canadian Psychology journal 7085591 0,792 Q2 46 30 116 1485 262 116 2,46 49,5 Canada Northern America Canadian Psychological Association 1986-1988, 1990-1991, 1993, 1996-2020 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
13149 17201 Canadian Public Administration journal 00084840, 17547121 0,341 Q2 24 34 110 1432 79 100 0,81 42,12 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1958-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Public Administration (Q3)
9079 20499 Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques journal 3170861 0,545 Q2 32 25 120 1387 109 116 0,73 55,48 Canada Northern America University of Toronto Press 1978-1980, 1984, 1989-2019 Public Administration (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
10129 18421 Canadian Respiratory Journal journal 11982241, 19167245 0,481 Q2 50 52 220 1498 321 214 1,56 28,81 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q3)
25406 24424 Canadian Review of American Studies journal 77720 0,116 Q2 7 18 69 610 7 69 0,13 33,89 Canada Northern America 1973, 1979-1981, 1983, 1988, 1993, 2000, 2003, 2009-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3)
23304 16000154734 Canadian Review of Comparative Literature journal 0319051X 0,132 Q1 3 21 125 816 15 124 0,11 38,86 Canada Northern America Academic Printing and Publishing 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
14788 12000154533 Canadian Review of Sociology journal 17556171, 1755618X 0,288 Q2 32 36 112 1516 72 100 0,69 42,11 Canada Northern America Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association 1964-1995, 2003, 2008-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
24978 5600155308 Canadian Slavonic Papers journal 85006 0,12 Q2 11 22 64 1188 8 56 0,1 54 Canada Northern America Canadian Association of Slavists 1977-1979, 1996-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3); Philosophy (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
19236 26306 Canadian Studies in Population journal 3801489 0,188 Q2 7 13 43 456 15 38 0,14 35,08 Canada Northern America University of Alberta 1975, 1978, 2011-2020 History (Q2); Demography (Q3)  
24619 19600166037 Canadian Theatre Review journal 3150836 0,123 Q2 5 75 228 374 8 183 0,03 4,99 Canada Northern America University of Toronto Press 2009-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)  
11069 21100401172 Canadian Urological Association Journal journal 19201214 0,434 Q3 12 137 490 3297 451 402 1,17 24,07 Canada Northern America Canadian Urological Association 2014-2020 Urology (Q3)      
13511 17727 Canadian Veterinary Journal journal 85286 0,328 Q2 55 202 650 3172 328 526 0,51 15,7 Canada Northern America Canadian Veterinary Medical Association 1965-1982, 1986-2020 Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
6407 16286 Canadian Water Resources Journal journal 7011784 0,752 Q1 34 31 99 1729 195 92 1,88 55,77 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1976-2020 Water Science and Technology (Q1)  
23500 25617 Canadian yearbook of international law. Annuaire canadien de droit international, The journal 19250169, 00690058 0,13 Q3 8 12 47 448 7 46 0,2 37,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1989, 1996-2002, 2004-2019 Law (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3)
25194 6000173131 Canadian-American Slavic Studies journal 22102396, 00908290 0,118 Q3 4 21 62 699 5 58 0,1 33,29 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1974, 1976, 1978, 1999, 2001, 2009-2010, 2012-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3)  
643 28785 Cancer journal 0008543X, 10970142 3,065 Q1 292 606 1822 18396 8605 1358 5,99 30,36 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1948-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Oncology (Q1)  
27492 19700174948 Cancer and Chemotherapy Reviews journal 1885740X 0,104 Q4 2 5 30 52 2 29 0,06 10,4 Spain Western Europe Publicaciones Permanyer 2007-2019 Oncology (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
744 28787 Cancer and Metastasis Reviews journal 01677659, 15737233 2,81 Q1 142 63 164 7101 1139 154 6,22 112,71 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1982-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Oncology (Q1)  
1405 21100237607 Cancer Biology and Medicine journal 20953941 1,927 Q1 35 72 133 4055 711 131 5,55 56,32 China Asiatic Region Chinese Anticancer Association 2012-2019 Cancer Research (Q1); Oncology (Q1)  
3636 28792 Cancer Biology and Therapy journal 15384047, 15558576 1,116 Q1 108 156 425 6283 1400 411 3,34 40,28 United States Northern America Landes Bioscience 2002-2020 Pharmacology (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q2); Oncology (Q2)
5267 5200153018 Cancer Biomarkers journal 15740153 0,874 Q1 37 163 566 4774 1785 557 3,18 29,29 Netherlands Western Europe IOS Press 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Genetics (Q2); Oncology (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3)
9097 28794 Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals journal 10849785, 15578852 0,544 Q2 57 87 159 2839 319 151 2,18 32,63 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2); Oncology (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3); Cancer Research (Q4)
2747 28796 Cancer Causes and Control journal 15737225, 09575243 1,332 Q2 130 136 427 5984 1087 406 2,5 44 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1990-2020 Cancer Research (Q2); Oncology (Q2)  
51 29093 Cancer Cell journal 15356108, 18783686 11,909 Q1 316 158 581 7507 10078 532 18,59 47,51 United States Northern America Cell Press 2002-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Cell Biology (Q1); Oncology (Q1)
3970 29094 Cancer Cell International journal 14752867 1,055 Q2 52 353 434 15229 1646 416 3,99 43,14 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2001-2020 Cancer Research (Q2); Genetics (Q2); Oncology (Q2)
3082 29097 Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology journal 14320843, 03445704 1,239 Q1 105 261 786 8895 2429 749 3,11 34,08 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1978-2020 Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1); Toxicology (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2); Oncology (Q2)
2440 21100866005 Cancer Communications journal 25233548 1,423 Q1 45 82 227 3104 829 196 5,1 37,85 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2017-2020 Oncology (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2)  
5500 29100 Cancer Control journal 10732748, 15262359 0,847 Q2 68 63 152 2209 389 142 2,98 35,06 United States Northern America H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute 1995-2020 Hematology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Oncology (Q2)
2623 17600155059 Cancer cytopathology journal 1934662X, 19346638 1,365 Q1 52 110 389 2827 1163 292 3,93 25,7 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2008-2020 Oncology (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2)  
137 21100212318 Cancer Discovery journal 21598274, 21598290 7,513 Q1 138 500 1120 5849 7605 707 10,33 11,7 United States Northern America American Association for Cancer Research Inc. 2011-2020 Oncology (Q1)      
3396 17700155032 Cancer Epidemiology journal 18777821, 1877783X 1,168 Q2 72 173 481 5979 1223 450 2,31 34,56 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2009-2020 Cancer Research (Q2); Epidemiology (Q2); Oncology (Q2)
725 29124 Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention journal 10559965, 15387755 2,857 Q1 187 269 652 10404 3092 572 4,56 38,68 United States Northern America American Association for Cancer Research Inc. 1983, 1986, 1991-2020 Epidemiology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Oncology (Q1)
21686 29126 Cancer Forum journal 0311306X 0,151 Q4 13 0 73 0 20 65 0,55 0 Australia Pacific Region The Cancer Council Australia 1993-2018 Cancer Research (Q4); Oncology (Q4)  
4808 29127 Cancer Gene Therapy journal 14765500, 09291903 0,93 Q2 84 106 164 3919 736 152 4,47 36,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 1994-2020 Molecular Medicine (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
3117 19700202610 Cancer genetics journal 22107762, 22107770 1,23 Q2 40 74 189 2921 521 175 3,25 39,47 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2011-2020 Cancer Research (Q2); Genetics (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
4071 130074 Cancer Genomics and Proteomics journal 17906245, 11096535 1,039 Q1 36 56 144 2612 451 144 3,35 46,64 Greece Western Europe International Institute of Anticancer Research 2004-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2); Cancer Research (Q2); Genetics (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
4751 4000149001 Cancer Imaging journal 17405025, 14707330 0,939 Q1 44 93 126 3001 365 123 2,5 32,27 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2000-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Radiological and Ultrasound Technology (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1); Oncology (Q2)
1368 29152 Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy journal 14320851, 03407004 1,957 Q1 112 183 470 8036 2263 449 5,36 43,91 Germany Western Europe Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH 1976-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Immunology (Q1); Immunology and Allergy (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Oncology (Q1)
6447 4700151712 Cancer Informatics journal 11769351 0,748 Q3 28 33 94 1203 123 92 1,46 36,45 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2005-2020 Cancer Research (Q3); Oncology (Q3)  
4438 29158 Cancer Investigation journal 07357907, 15324192 0,984 Q1 80 56 187 2101 435 182 2,39 37,52 United States Northern America Informa Healthcare 1983-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2); Oncology (Q2)
311 21100368204 Cancer immunology research journal 23266066, 23266074 4,598 Q1 72 195 393 8042 3146 378 7,93 41,24 United States Northern America American Association for Cancer Research Inc. 2013-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Immunology (Q1)  
2248 9500153979 Cancer Journal journal 15289117, 1540336X 1,491 Q1 86 69 184 4022 514 161 3,39 58,29 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1996-2020 Oncology (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2)  
993 29160 Cancer Letters journal 03043835, 18727980 2,356 Q1 172 435 1535 25394 10878 1475 7,23 58,38 Ireland Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1975-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Oncology (Q1)  
5946 19700175043 Cancer Management and Research journal 11791322 0,797 Q3 35 945 751 36214 2120 738 2,87 38,32 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2010-2020 Oncology (Q3)      
2818 21100317990 Cancer Medicine journal 20457634 1,315 Q1 44 737 1261 29300 4686 1243 3,67 39,76 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2012-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2); Oncology (Q2)
5235 14200154738 Cancer Microenvironment journal 18752284, 18752292 0,877 Q2 40 16 41 1472 113 39 2,5 92 Germany Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2008-2019 Oncology (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3)  
2868 19700173005 Cancer Nanotechnology journal 18686958, 18686966 1,299 Q1 21 11 32 781 190 29 5,1 71 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2010-2020 Biomedical Engineering (Q1); Pharmaceutical Science (Q1); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q1); Oncology (Q2)
6097 27197 Cancer Nursing journal 0162220X, 15389804 0,781 Q2 74 105 307 3328 595 282 1,94 31,7 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1978-2020 Oncology (nursing) (Q2); Oncology (Q3)  
2605 15800154704 Cancer Prevention Research journal 19406207, 19406215 1,371 Q1 87 97 289 3570 910 269 3,09 36,8 United States Northern America American Association for Cancer Research Inc. 2008-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Oncology (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2)
13084 29181 Cancer radiotherapie : journal de la Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique journal 12783218 0,344 Q3 30 149 453 4769 378 362 1,06 32,01 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 1997-2020 Oncology (Q3); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3)
374 29183 Cancer Research journal 00085472, 15387445 4,051 Q1 434 617 2154 25746 15872 1917 7,98 41,73 United States Northern America American Association for Cancer Research Inc. 1941-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Oncology (Q1)  
21564 21100244204 Cancer Research and Clinic journal 10069801 0,153 Q4 4 105 654 2042 110 644 0,19 19,45 China Asiatic Region Chinese Medical Association 2013-2019 Cancer Research (Q4); Oncology (Q4)  
2685 21100199848 Cancer Research and Treatment journal 15982998, 20059256 1,348 Q1 34 160 423 3262 1421 419 3,7 20,39 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Cancer Association 2011-2020 Oncology (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2)  
1490 29187 Cancer Science journal 13497006, 13479032 1,86 Q1 135 365 924 14020 4674 907 4,99 38,41 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2003-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Oncology (Q1)
19019 29212 Cancer Treatment and Research journal 9273042 0,191 Q3 52 58 117 5358 181 20 0 92,38 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1988-2011, 2013-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Cancer Research (Q4); Oncology (Q4)
15964 21100827188 Cancer Treatment and Research Communications journal 24682942 0,256 Q3 7 33 119 961 81 116 0,63 29,12 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2016-2020 Oncology (Q3); Cancer Research (Q4)  
469 29213 Cancer Treatment Reviews journal 3057372 3,619 Q1 124 73 385 6027 3421 379 8,97 82,56 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1974-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Oncology (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1)
1388 19700188419 Cancers journal 20726694 1,938 Q1 64 2040 808 159193 4751 782 5,97 78,04 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2010-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Oncology (Q1)  
12942 145635 Candollea journal 3732967 0,35 Q3 16 20 94 648 35 92 0,35 32,4 Switzerland Western Europe Editions des Conservatoire et Jardin Botanique 2000, 2003-2019 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
3752 21100892509 Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research journal 23788763 1,095 Q1 13 31 67 1233 302 59 3 39,77 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2016-2020 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
21326 27173 CANNT journal = Journal ACITN journal 14985136 0,156 Q4 12 0 8 0 5 8 0 0 Canada Northern America Pappin Communications 1999-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
6031 5600152909 Capital and Class journal 3098168 0,788 Q1 32 42 75 2616 107 72 1,4 62,29 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1977-2020 History (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
15615 21100828958 Capital Markets Law Journal journal 17507227, 17507219 0,265 Q2 5 13 85 506 40 76 0,48 38,92 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2006, 2014-2019 Law (Q2); Finance (Q3)    
20969 21100870824 Capitale Culturale journal 20392362 0,161 Q2 1 62 66 3018 10 62 0,16 48,68 Italy Western Europe eum - Edizioni Universita di Macerata 2018-2019 Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q2); Conservation (Q2); History (Q2); Museology (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q4)
26895 14000155239 Capitalism and Society journal 21946140, 19320213 0,107 Q3 11 0 18 0 5 9 1 0 United States Northern America Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2009-2012, 2014-2017 History (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
3747 16777 Capitalism, Nature, Socialism journal 10455752, 15483290 1,096 Q1 28 59 119 2354 212 81 2,6 39,9 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1988-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
27047 21100860759 Caplletra journal 23867159, 02148188 0,106 Q3 2 19 21 808 5 19 0,26 42,53 Spain Western Europe Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana (IIFV) 2018-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
30260 21100936533 Caracol journal 23179651, 21781702 - 0 22 0 352 0 0 0 16 Brazil Latin America Universidade De Sao Paulo 2019 Communication; Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language
30261 21100935279 Caracteres journal 22544496   - 0 14 0 429 0 0 0 30,64 Spain Western Europe Editorial Delirio 2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous); Communication; Computer Science Applications; Education; Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language
28558 16300154756 Caravelle journal 11476753 0,101 Q4 4 36 66 731 6 63 0,09 20,31 France Western Europe Presses Universitaires du Mirail 1999, 2001-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4)
15725 21100267917 Carbohydrate Chemistry book series 2041353X, 14651963 0,262 Q4 11 0 29 0 26 26 0,72 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2011-2014, 2016-2018 Biochemistry (Q4); Organic Chemistry (Q4)
2191 25801 Carbohydrate Polymers journal 18791344, 01448617 1,514 Q1 192 1212 3796 59962 28963 3758 7,64 49,47 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1981-2020 Materials Chemistry (Q1); Organic Chemistry (Q1); Polymers and Plastics (Q1)
9780 25803 Carbohydrate Research journal 00086215, 1873426X 0,501 Q2 127 196 523 8831 1037 518 1,84 45,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1965-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Organic Chemistry (Q2); Biochemistry (Q3)
1080 25806 Carbon journal 86223 2,234 Q1 264 1139 3150 61866 27454 3072 9,21 54,32 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1940, 1963-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
26424 17900156733 Carbon - Science and Technology journal 9740546 0,11 Q4 7 0 49 0 9 49 0 0 India Asiatic Region Applied Science Innovations 2009-2010, 2012-2016 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
2295 5800179606 Carbon Balance and Management journal 17500680 1,475 Q1 31 20 72 1088 277 70 4,56 54,4 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2006-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q2)
11774 21100398885 Carbon Letters journal 22334998, 19764251 0,399 Q2 15 93 178 3384 371 142 2,67 36,39 South Korea Asiatic Region 2014-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q2); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2); Materials Chemistry (Q2); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q2); Inorganic Chemistry (Q3); Organic Chemistry (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
10482 19700201458 Carbon Management journal 17583012, 17583004 0,463 Q2 31 47 135 2467 223 125 1,9 52,49 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2010-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
13477 25140 Carbonates and Evaporites journal 8912556 0,329 Q3 22 134 150 6690 172 144 1,21 49,93 Germany Western Europe Springer Heidelberg 1986-2020 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q3)  
1853 29236 Carcinogenesis journal 01433334, 14602180 1,661 Q1 198 151 401 5311 1640 374 4,55 35,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1980-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2)
8961 19500157005 Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinics journal 18779182, 18779190 0,553 Q2 11 73 232 2471 237 194 1,41 33,85 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 2009-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Physiology (medical) (Q3)
26691 21100853875 Cardiologia Croatica journal 18485448, 1848543X 0,108 Q4 1 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 Croatia Eastern Europe Croatian Cardiac Society 2015-2016 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4)
8863 22522 Cardiology journal 00086312, 14219751 0,559 Q2 61 131 351 2905 442 275 1,7 22,18 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1937-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
6079 22529 Cardiology Clinics journal 07338651, 15582264 0,783 Q2 51 59 179 3249 325 155 2,07 55,07 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1983-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
8275 22530 Cardiology in Review journal 10615377, 15384683 0,598 Q2 54 52 139 2451 262 131 1,82 47,13 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1995-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
12495 22531 Cardiology in the Young journal 10479511, 14671107 0,367 Q3 51 382 849 6817 769 802 0,93 17,85 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1991-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q3)
8588 7200153154 Cardiology Journal journal 18975593 0,577 Q2 31 135 341 2388 336 225 1,39 17,69 Poland Eastern Europe Via Medica 2006-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
25801 19900191843 Cardiology Letters journal 13383655, 13383760 0,113 Q4 7 20 96 372 10 82 0,19 18,6 Slovakia Eastern Europe SymeKard s.r.o. 2011-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4)
10642 21100852983 Cardiology Research journal 19232837, 19232829 0,455 Q3 3 0 6 0 9 6 0 0 Canada Northern America Elmer Press Inc 2014-2016 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
9962 19900192104 Cardiology Research and Practice journal 20900597, 20908016 0,49 Q3 32 84 108 3010 151 104 1,25 35,83 United States Northern America Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2010-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
26692 21100853541 Cardiometry journal 23047232 0,108 Q4 1 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Russian New University 2014-2016 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4)
17151 21100854900 Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal journal 15417891, 23748907 0,227 Q3 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2017 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q3)
5876 21100265662 CardioRenal Medicine journal 16645502, 16643828 0,804 Q2 19 44 88 1426 147 87 2,02 32,41 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2011, 2013-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Urology (Q2)
16333 4400151415 Cardiovascular and Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry journal 18715257 0,246 Q3 37 17 58 665 63 51 1,52 39,12 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3); Hematology (Q4)
13449 4600151526 Cardiovascular and Hematological Disorders - Drug Targets journal 1871529X 0,33 Q3 39 27 71 2335 104 66 1,47 86,48 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Hematology (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3); Molecular Medicine (Q4)
7242 16597 CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology journal 1432086X, 74155101 0,674 Q2 79 265 895 6220 1645 721 2,18 23,47 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1978-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2)
1138 25441 Cardiovascular Diabetology journal 14752840 2,172 Q1 70 172 485 8008 2901 456 7,18 46,56 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2002-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Internal Medicine (Q1)
6242 21100784723 Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy journal 22233660, 22233652 0,767 Q2 16 79 332 1791 699 297 2,29 22,67 China Asiatic Region AME Publishing Company 2016-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2)
2641 22552 Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy journal 15737241, 09203206 1,36 Q1 66 81 204 3522 661 180 4,01 43,48 Netherlands Western Europe Kluwer Academic Publishers 1987-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
16136 21100873333 Cardiovascular Endocrinology and Metabolism journal 25740954 0,251 Q3 6 10 83 567 48 65 0,71 56,7 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2018-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
9870 19600166325 Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology journal 1869408X, 18694098 0,495 Q3 21 52 139 2041 257 130 2,05 39,25 United States Northern America Springer Publishing Company 2010-2020 Biomedical Engineering (Q3); Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
10905 19400158822 Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics journal 18684297, 18684300 0,442 Q3 16 112 185 1394 183 180 1,11 12,45 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2010-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3)
10394 10300153344 Cardiovascular Journal of Africa journal 19951892, 16800745 0,468 Q2 33 72 260 1969 303 229 0,88 27,35 South Africa Africa Clinics Cardive Publishing (PTY)Ltd 2007-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
7159 22558 Cardiovascular Pathology journal 10548807, 18791336 0,681 Q2 66 65 221 1776 448 212 1,85 27,32 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1992-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q2)
13978 19700177310 Cardiovascular Psychiatry and Neurology journal 20900171, 20900163 0,313 Q3 23 0 4 0 11 4 3 0 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2010-2017 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q3); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3); Neurology (Q4)
803 22570 Cardiovascular Research journal 17553245, 00086363 2,684 Q1 212 279 679 11572 3273 508 6,49 41,48 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1967-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Physiology (Q1); Physiology (medical) (Q1)
9404 145617 Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine journal 15538389 0,523 Q2 33 398 523 8338 561 453 1,19 20,95 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2005-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
5574 11900154314 Cardiovascular Therapeutics journal 17555914, 17555922 0,839 Q2 42 25 196 1021 449 181 2,51 40,84 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
15965 21100203318 Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention (Russian Federation) journal 17288800 0,256 Q3 14 102 261 2350 144 261 0,56 23,04 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Vserossiiskoe Obshchestvo Kardiologov 2011-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
6899 22575 Cardiovascular Toxicology journal 15307905, 15590259 0,706 Q2 50 70 162 3405 392 160 2,32 48,64 United States Northern America Humana Press 2001-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Toxicology (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q3)
6910 16598 Cardiovascular Ultrasound journal 14767120 0,705 Q2 44 32 107 888 194 102 2,12 27,75 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2003-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2)
24504 27201 Care Management Journals journal 15210987, 19389019 0,124 Q4 15 0 17 0 8 17 0 0 United States Northern America Springer Publishing Company 1999-2016 Health Policy (Q4)      
6538 21100817620 Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals journal 21651442, 21651434 0,739 Q1 9 33 87 1012 116 74 1,22 30,67 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2015-2020 Education (Q1); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q2)
3990 144986 Career Development International journal 13620436 1,052 Q1 56 54 119 4059 416 115 3,49 75,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1996-2020 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6016 13194 Career Development Quarterly journal 21610045, 08894019 0,79 Q2 49 25 87 1147 189 85 1,77 45,88 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1986-2020 Applied Psychology (Q2); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
27753 30260 CARGO SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL journal 1437852 0,103 Q4 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe T & F Informa 1973-1981, 1983-1986, 1988-1989, 1991 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Transportation (Q4)
28034 27634 Caribbean Geography journal 2529939 0,102 Q4 7 0 14 0 0 14 0 0 Jamaica Latin America University of the West Indies 1983-1986, 1988, 1991-1999, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2011-2014, 2016-2018 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
23703 13883 Caribbean Journal of Science journal 86452 0,128 Q4 31 1 9 16 4 9 0 16 Puerto Rico Latin America University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus 1980, 1982-2010, 2016, 2019 Multidisciplinary (Q4)    
27754 6500153157 Caribbean Quarterly journal 86495 0,103 Q3 9 37 100 0 7 69 0,12 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Extra Mural Department of the University College of the West Indies 1996-2020 History (Q3); Anthropology (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
3934 24388 Caries Research journal 00086568, 1421976X 1,061 Q1 92 76 199 2885 573 191 2,52 37,96 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1967-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
28559 21100455214 Caritas et Veritas journal 18050948 0,101 Q4 1 7 66 172 1 60 0,02 24,57 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia 2015-2019 Education (Q4); Philosophy (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
12672 7000153259 Carnets de Geologie journal 16340744 0,36 Q3 13 20 55 1087 59 55 0,75 54,35 France Western Europe Association Carnets de Geologie 2007-2020 Geology (Q3); Paleontology (Q3); Stratigraphy (Q3)
12811 15900154727 Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences journal 18424090, 1844489X 0,355 Q2 21 31 132 1294 152 131 1,35 41,74 Romania Eastern Europe North University of Baia Mare 2008-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
23026 21100197902 Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology journal 20666845 0,135 Q4 6 49 235 1774 61 232 0,32 36,2 Romania Eastern Europe North University of Baia Mare 2009-2019 Food Science (Q4)      
10001 19700175588 Carpathian Journal of Mathematics journal 15842851, 18434401 0,488 Q2 23 40 121 1083 148 121 1,58 27,08 Romania Eastern Europe North University of Baia Mare 2003-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
30262 21100925710 Carpathian Mathematical Publications journal 20759827, 23130210 - 1 44 0 835 0 0 0 18,98 Ukraine Eastern Europe Precarpathian National University 2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous)    
21687 18300156722 Carrefours de l'Education journal 12623490 0,151 Q4 6 26 80 792 8 71 0,05 30,46 France Western Europe Universite de Picardie (Jules Verne) 2001-2007, 2009-2019 Education (Q4)      
25528 14978 Carreteras journal 2126389 0,115 Q4 4 29 195 225 8 148 0,06 7,76 Spain Western Europe Asociacion Espanola de la Carretera 2003-2019 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4)  
29504 21100781867 Carte e la Storia journal 11235624 0,1 Q4 1 12 90 642 3 86 0,05 53,5 Italy Western Europe Sociologia Editrice il Mulino 2016-2019 History (Q4)      
28560 21100865015 Carthaginensia journal 2134381 0,101 Q4 1 24 18 357 1 17 0,06 14,88 Spain Western Europe Instituto Teologico de Murcia 2018-2020 Religious Studies (Q4)    
4873 21100197977 Cartilage journal 19476035, 19476043 0,922 Q1 28 147 168 5791 407 120 3,55 39,39 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2010-2020 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q1); Biomedical Engineering (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q2)
10483 28016 Cartographic Journal journal 00087041, 17432774 0,463 Q2 29 28 103 1066 118 87 0,91 38,07 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 1964-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q2)    
16304 27636 Cartographic Perspectives journal 10489053 0,247 Q3 12 24 40 692 18 12 1,63 28,83 United States Northern America NACIS (North American Cartographic Information Society) 1990-1992, 2005-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
13602 27637 Cartographica journal 3177173 0,325 Q3 32 16 65 795 51 64 0,8 49,69 Canada Northern America University of Toronto Press 1980-2001, 2004-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3)    
5783 27639 Cartography and Geographic Information Science journal 15230406 0,814 Q1 54 43 121 2031 336 108 3,13 47,23 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1997-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q2)
17152 18430 Caryologia journal 00087114, 21655391 0,227 Q3 27 35 157 1624 98 147 0,6 46,4 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1949-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Genetics (Q4)
30263 21100945816 CASE Journal journal 15449106   - 1 40 0 506 0 0 0 12,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2019-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous); Education
26896 21100863709 Case Report in Veterinary Medicine journal 20907001, 2090701X 0,107 Q4 4 18 28 421 3 28 0,13 23,39 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2011-2020 Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
18329 21100852991 Case Reports in Cardiology journal 20906404, 20906412 0,203 Q4 4 0 28 0 16 26 0,75 0 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2014-2017 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4)
16479 21100398002 Case Reports in Dentistry journal 20906455, 20906447 0,242 Q3 9 95 326 1902 222 321 0,55 20,02 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2013-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
13629 19700182036 Case Reports in Dermatology journal 16626567 0,324 Q3 17 64 179 895 193 157 1,45 13,98 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2010-2020 Dermatology (Q3)      
14497 21100301457 Case Reports in Endocrinology journal 20906501, 2090651X 0,297 Q3 5 53 20 994 28 20 1,56 18,75 United States Northern America Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2013-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
17153 19700182046 Case Reports in Gastroenterology journal 16620631 0,227 Q3 16 75 366 1028 212 352 0,56 13,71 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2010-2020 Gastroenterology (Q3)    
16177 21100854141 Case Reports in Immunology journal 20906617, 20906609 0,25 Q4 2 0 6 0 9 6 2 0 United States Northern America Hindawi Limited 2016-2017 Immunology (Q4); Immunology and Allergy (Q4)
17114 21100310071 Case Reports in Medicine journal 16879627, 16879635 0,228 Q3 19 82 404 1408 275 402 0,64 17,17 United States Northern America Hindawi Limited 2010-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
15762 21100395916 Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis journal 22969705 0,261 Q3 6 20 84 381 47 82 0,53 19,05 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2015-2020 Nephrology (Q3)      
16734 19700183107 Case Reports in Neurology journal 1662680X 0,236 Q4 13 61 154 689 99 150 0,56 11,3 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2010-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q4)    
17262 21100852992 Case Reports in Oncological Medicine journal 20906714, 20906706 0,225 Q4 6 0 28 0 17 28 1,33 0 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2014-2017 Oncology (Q4)      
14132 19700182045 Case Reports in Oncology journal 16626575 0,308 Q3 17 142 455 1952 406 444 0,88 13,75 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2010-2020 Oncology (Q3)      
14669 19900191729 Case Reports in Ophthalmology journal 16632699 0,292 Q3 16 72 282 1000 181 280 0,55 13,89 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2010-2020 Ophthalmology (Q3)    
26693 21100853550 Case Reports in Perinatal Medicine journal 21928959, 21928932 0,108 Q4 1 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 Poland Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2014-2016 Embryology (Q4); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4)
19446 21100901466 Case Reports in Psychiatry journal 2090682X, 20906838 0,185 Q4 2 33 32 705 22 32 0,69 21,36 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2018-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)  
17614 21100366607 Case Reports in Women's Health journal 22149112 0,217 Q3 4 68 64 849 35 58 0,63 12,49 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q3)  
5670 21100296223 Case Studies in Construction Materials journal 22145095 0,828 Q1 17 90 170 3144 569 170 3,34 34,93 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
11802 21100244205 Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis journal 22132902 0,398 Q2 14 0 44 0 106 44 2,68 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2013-2017 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q2)  
14723 21100310058 Case Studies in Fire Safety journal 2214398X 0,29 Q3 7 0 9 0 15 9 1,5 0 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2017 Building and Construction (Q3); Safety Research (Q3); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q3)
14373 21100403741 Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing journal 23519886 0,3 Q3 7 0 8 0 21 8 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2015-2016 Control and Systems Engineering (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q3); Signal Processing (Q3)
8650 21100324964 Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation journal 22146571 0,573 Q2 14 0 32 0 92 31 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2016 Computational Mechanics (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Mechanics of Materials (Q2); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q2)
13060 21100316065 Case Studies in Structural Engineering journal 22143998 0,345 Q2 9 0 19 0 31 19 1 0 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2017 Building and Construction (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q3)
4623 21100262580 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering journal 2214157X 0,957 Q1 29 210 244 6377 1135 242 4,86 30,37 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 2013-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q1)
8747 21100283790 Case Studies on Transport Policy journal 22136258, 2213624X 0,567 Q1 15 108 202 5025 413 193 2,05 46,53 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2013-2020 Urban Studies (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Transportation (Q2)
25295 29138 Casopis Lekaru Ceskych journal 87335 0,117 Q4 15 71 269 1418 37 210 0,13 19,97 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 1948-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
17800 5800207569 Casopis pro Moderni Filologii journal 23366591, 08628459 0,213 Q2 3 15 59 301 10 48 0,22 20,07 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Charles University, Faculty of Arts 2011-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
30264 21100920133 Casopis pro Pravni Vedu a Praxi journal 18052789, 12109126 - 0 34 0 993 0 0 0 29,21 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Masaryk University Press 2019 Law        
29505 21100301414 Casopis za Suvremenu Povijest journal 05909597, 18489079 0,1 Q4 3 10 64 339 7 62 0,11 33,9 Croatia Eastern Europe Croatian Institute of History 2001, 2013-2019 History (Q4)      
30265 21100913647 Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences journal 17353033, 17353866 - 1 31 0 1260 0 0 0 40,65 Iran Middle East University of Guilan 2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics; Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
12577 21100211328 Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine journal 20086172, 20086164 0,364 Q3 22 72 187 2053 248 173 1,26 28,51 Iran Middle East Babol University of Medical Sciences 2010-2020 Internal Medicine (Q3)    
15844 17434 Castanea journal 87475 0,259 Q3 25 27 65 906 40 57 0,57 33,56 United States Northern America Southern Appalachian Botanical Survey 1982, 1990-2019 Plant Science (Q3)      
20901 21100390113 Castilla Estudios de Literatura journal 19897383 0,162 Q1 2 12 65 502 7 65 0,09 41,83 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Valladolid 2013-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
24085 60318 Catal Rev journal 87645 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America Marcel Dekker Inc. 1971, 1974-1978 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
26232 21100215158 Catalan Historical Review journal 20134088, 2013407X 0,111 Q3 4 12 31 925 3 24 0,05 77,08 Spain Western Europe Institut d'Estudis Catalans 2008-2019 Archeology (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3); History (Q3)
18216 21100246531 Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies journal 17571898, 17571901 0,205 Q2 5 28 49 1048 21 46 0,52 37,43 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2013-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Communication (Q3)
18061 5800208127 Catalan Journal of Linguistics journal 16956885 0,208 Q2 14 0 23 0 8 23 0,27 0 Spain Western Europe Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions 2002-2018 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
28561 21100826428 Catalan Review journal 02135949, 2053339X 0,101 Q3 1 8 36 264 1 35 0,06 33 United Kingdom Western Europe Liverpool University Press 2016-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
17347 4700152770 Cataloging and Classification Quarterly journal 01639374, 0898008X 0,223 Q3 23 43 117 83 74 106 0,74 1,93 United States Northern America Routledge 1981-2020 Library and Information Sciences (Q3)  
14374 21100201312 Catalysis book series 01400568, 14651920 0,3 Q3 10 11 27 1348 25 24 0,67 122,55 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2011-2020 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q3); Catalysis (Q4)
28562 21100812567 Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 0 0 41 0 0 40 0 0 United States Northern America   Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous); Computer Science (miscellaneous); Control and Systems Engineering
5587 22746 Catalysis Communications journal 15667367 0,838 Q1 115 294 1034 8830 3975 1030 3,87 30,03 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1970, 2000-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q1); Catalysis (Q2)
15922 19700186874 Catalysis in Industry journal 20700555, 20700504 0,257 Q4 12 40 142 1702 136 141 0,9 42,55 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 2010-2019 Catalysis (Q4)      
8748 22748 Catalysis Letters journal 1572879X, 1011372X 0,567 Q2 117 386 949 17270 2460 939 2,59 44,74 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1988-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Catalysis (Q3)
1014 26556 Catalysis Reviews - Science and Engineering journal 15205703, 01614940 2,325 Q1 98 18 28 3604 309 28 11,56 200,22 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1968-1972, 1974-2020 Catalysis (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q1)
2031 21100240500 Catalysis Science and Technology journal 20444761, 20444753 1,579 Q1 102 644 2021 39873 12159 1995 5,99 61,91 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2011-2020 Catalysis (Q1)      
10002 26581 Catalysis Surveys from Asia journal 15728803, 15711013 0,488 Q2 51 28 54 1806 125 54 2,28 64,5 United States Northern America Springer New York 2002-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Catalysis (Q3)
2770 16377 Catalysis Today journal 9205861 1,328 Q1 201 1047 1718 51981 9494 1588 6,09 49,65 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1986-2020 Catalysis (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)
10450 21100908412 Catalysis, Structure and Reactivity journal 20550758 0,465 Q2 9 1 29 59 48 28 1,42 59 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2019 Analytical Chemistry (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Mechanics of Materials (Q2); Catalysis (Q3)
6729 21100332402 Catalysts journal 20734344 0,722 Q2 40 1045 1274 59861 4511 1246 3,62 57,28 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2011-2020 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2); Catalysis (Q3)
22070 21100839216 Catalytic Science Series book series 23994495, 17931398 0,146 Q4 1 13 32 1095 2 3 0,67 84,23 Singapore Asiatic Region World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd 2017-2019 Catalysis (Q4)      
13061 21100857441 Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications journal 23455861, 23455853 0,345 Q3 3 18 21 350 14 20 0,7 19,44 Iran Middle East Shahid Beheshti University 2017-2019 Analysis (Q3); Applied Mathematics (Q3); Computational Mathematics (Q3); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q3)
2548 25155 Catena journal 3418162 1,389 Q1 117 526 1132 33324 5548 1096 4,88 63,35 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1973, 1975-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q1)    
4899 22579 Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions journal 1522726X, 15221946 0,918 Q1 112 683 1553 13296 2454 1177 2,12 19,47 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1999-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1); Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2)
23926 17699 Catholic Historical Review journal 15340708, 00088080 0,126 Q3 10 21 57 1180 5 50 0,09 56,19 United States Northern America Catholic University of America Press 1976, 1980, 2001-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3)
27755 75696 Catholic University Law Review journal 88390 0,103 Q3 9 18 72 1133 6 70 0,07 62,94 United States Northern America Catholic University of America Press 1973-1974, 1979, 1982, 1988, 1998-1999, 2002-2003, 2005-2019 Religious Studies (Q3); Education (Q4); Law (Q4)
26067 16300154750 Catholica journal 88501 0,112 Q3 3 14 56 507 8 55 0,16 36,21 Germany Western Europe Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung 2002-2019 Religious Studies (Q3)    
14450 200147129 Cato Journal journal 2733072 0,298 Q2 28 24 118 771 53 114 0,31 32,13 United States Northern America Cato Institute 1985, 1996-2002, 2004-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Public Administration (Q3)
25802 145363 Cattle Practice journal 9691251 0,113 Q4 10 0 66 0 3 31 0,07 0 United Kingdom Western Europe The British Cattle Veterinary Association 2005-2017 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4)  
12055 21100842666 Caucasus Survey journal 23761199, 23761202 0,386 Q1 7 13 46 688 22 42 0,46 52,92 United States Northern America Routledge 2013-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1); Anthropology (Q2); Demography (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
28563 21100226416 Cauriensia journal 18864945 0,101 Q4 3 14 101 405 9 100 0,13 28,93 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Extremadura - Caceres Theological Institute 2012-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Philosophy (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
25195 25156 Cave and Karst Science journal 1356191X 0,118 Q4 15 0 55 0 12 47 0,21 0 United Kingdom Western Europe British Cave Research Association 1995-2018 Earth-Surface Processes (Q4)    
3372 5000158308 CBE Life Sciences Education journal 19317913 1,173 Q1 60 85 302 4381 971 270 2,96 51,54 United States Northern America American Society for Cell Biology 2006-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Education (Q1)
16254 21100787044 CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics conference and proceedings - 0,248 - 3 10 26 508 8 19 0,18 50,8 United States Northern America   Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality; Software
7350 26789 CCAMLR Science journal 10234063 0,665 Q2 29 0 3 0 8 3 0 0 Australia Pacific Region Comm. for the Conserv. of Antartic Marine Living Resources 1996-2016 Aquatic Science (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
18272 21100788204 CCSW 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop, co-located with CCS 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,204 - 4 0 12 0 13 10 0 0 United States Northern America   Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes; Mechanical Engineering; Process Chemistry and Technology
28564 24395 CDS review journal 911666 0,101 Q4 4 0 40 0 2 38 0 0 United States Northern America Chicago Dental Society 1973-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
28565 17100154744 CEA Critic journal 78069 0,101 Q3 4 34 109 424 5 98 0,03 12,47 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Education (Q4)
13272 21100367685 CEAS Aeronautical Journal journal 18695582, 18695590 0,336 Q2 17 91 147 2952 236 144 1,6 32,44 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2011-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q2); Transportation (Q3)
9120 19700170911 CEAS Space Journal journal 18682502, 18682510 0,543 Q2 13 64 111 1431 133 105 1,37 22,36 Austria Western Europe Springer-Verlag Wien 2011-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q2); Space and Planetary Science (Q3)
26425 19400158904 Cedille journal 16994949 0,11 Q2 2 61 79 1318 4 79 0,05 21,61 Spain Western Europe Asociacion de Profesores de Frances de la Universidad Espanola 2009-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
8186 19800188060 Celebrity Studies journal 19392400, 19392397 0,605 Q1 19 82 151 3456 160 134 1,4 42,15 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1)    
4533 27137 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy journal 15729478, 09232958 0,969 Q1 52 62 219 2168 407 210 1,77 34,97 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1989-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Computational Mathematics (Q1); Mathematical Physics (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Astronomy and Astrophysics (Q2); Space and Planetary Science (Q2)
8 18434 Cell journal 00928674, 10974172 24,698 Q1 747 581 1881 34924 49252 1630 30,16 60,11 United States Northern America Cell Press 1974-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1)
2893 17600155060 Cell Adhesion and Migration journal 19336918, 19336926 1,293 Q2 53 31 157 1335 516 132 3,42 43,06 United States Northern America Landes Bioscience 2007-2020 Cell Biology (Q2); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q2)
2478 19900193985 Cell and Bioscience journal 20453701 1,41 Q1 41 103 195 5800 770 179 4,74 56,31 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2011-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1)
10607 18439 Cell and Tissue Banking journal 15736814, 13899333 0,457 Q3 43 54 221 2068 333 216 1,2 38,3 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2000-2020 Biomaterials (Q3); Biomedical Engineering (Q3); Transplantation (Q3); Cell Biology (Q4)
18438 5800207504 Cell and Tissue Biology journal 1990519X, 19905203 0,201 Q4 11 47 189 1573 99 188 0,59 33,47 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 2007-2020 Cell Biology (Q4)      
2509 18446 Cell and Tissue Research journal 14320878, 0302766X 1,402 Q1 133 184 660 13085 2478 630 3,91 71,11 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1924-1943, 1945, 1948-2020 Histology (Q1); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2)
8258 18447 Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics journal 15590283, 10859195 0,599 Q2 75 36 148 1606 284 132 2,01 44,61 United States Northern America Humana Press 1979, 1990, 1992, 1995-2020 Biophysics (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Biochemistry (Q3); Cell Biology (Q3)
5864 16940 Cell Biochemistry and Function journal 02636484, 10990844 0,805 Q2 59 81 183 3645 499 180 2,77 45 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1983-2020 Biochemistry (Q2); Clinical Biochemistry (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3)
3177 24626 Cell Biology and Toxicology journal 15736822, 07422091 1,216 Q1 59 61 124 2987 550 102 6,49 48,97 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1984-2020 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Toxicology (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2)
6764 18450 Cell Biology International journal 10958355, 10656995 0,718 Q2 74 153 473 6200 1077 458 2,52 40,52 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1993-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3)
1173 18452 Cell Calcium journal 15321991, 01434160 2,132 Q1 111 93 275 6958 1210 258 4,99 74,82 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1980-2020 Cell Biology (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1); Physiology (Q1)
558 21100456838 Cell Chemical Biology journal 24519448, 24519456 3,283 Q1 175 184 535 8952 3074 506 6,29 48,65 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2016-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Clinical Biochemistry (Q1); Drug Discovery (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1)
17751 13898 Cell Communication and Adhesion journal 15419061, 15435180 0,214 Q3 46 0 4 0 4 4 1 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1993-2015, 2017-2018 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Cell Biology (Q4); Clinical Biochemistry (Q4)
1681 4400151517 Cell Communication and Signaling journal 1478811X 1,762 Q1 58 174 190 9571 883 181 4,26 55,01 United Kingdom Western Europe Signal Transduction Society 2003-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
2799 18455 Cell Cycle journal 15384101, 15514005 1,319 Q1 141 285 1136 13309 2753 705 3,82 46,7 United States Northern America Landes Bioscience 2002-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2); Developmental Biology (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
545 18457 Cell Death and Differentiation journal 13509047, 14765403 3,325 Q1 208 245 588 13065 5125 506 10,76 53,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 1994-2020 Cell Biology (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)  
1145 19700201211 Cell Death and Disease journal 20414889 2,164 Q1 96 960 2320 45393 13955 2172 6,28 47,28 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 2010-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Cell Biology (Q1); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q1); Immunology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
2638 21100897795 Cell Death Discovery journal 20587716 1,361 Q2 21 96 319 4246 1114 285 3,96 44,23 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 2015-2020 Cancer Research (Q2); Cell Biology (Q2); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q2); Immunology (Q2)
677 21100819064 Cell Discovery journal 20565968 2,966 Q1 22 65 172 1977 870 151 5,85 30,42 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 2015-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Cell Biology (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
1342 5800173370 Cell Division journal 17471028 1,98 Q1 43 15 31 717 116 25 4 47,8 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2006-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Cell Biology (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
27048 19700182344 Cell Health and Cytoskeleton journal 11791330 0,106 Q4 11 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2010-2016 Biochemistry (Q4); Cell Biology (Q4); Histology (Q4); Structural Biology (Q4)
152 5300152732 Cell Host and Microbe journal 19313128 7,168 Q1 163 198 620 9450 6736 582 10,71 47,73 United States Northern America Cell Press 2007-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q1); Microbiology (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1); Parasitology (Q1); Virology (Q1)
8787 20000195094 Cell Journal journal 22285806, 22285814 0,565 Q3 26 66 246 2250 497 240 1,89 34,09 Iran Middle East Royan Institute 2011-2020 Molecular Biology (Q3); Cell Biology (Q4)  
60 146172 Cell Metabolism journal 15504131 10,81 Q1 244 246 738 13709 11903 659 16,08 55,73 United States Northern America Cell Press 2005-2020 Cell Biology (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1); Physiology (Q1)
3007 18471 Cell Proliferation journal 09607722, 13652184 1,258 Q1 70 157 269 8319 1413 263 5,51 52,99 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1968-1982, 1984-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2)
15845 21100780107 Cell Regeneration journal 20459769 0,259 Q4 17 10 12 516 11 12 0,78 51,6 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2012-2019 Cell Biology (Q4); Developmental Biology (Q4)
203 21100201068 Cell Reports journal 22111247 6,058 Q1 130 1287 3513 78527 28767 3420 8,09 61,02 United States Northern America Cell Press 1970, 2012-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1)
193 13900 Cell Research journal 17487838, 10010602 6,141 Q1 153 139 464 4698 4280 324 13,9 33,8 United States Northern America Nature Publishing Group 1996-2020 Cell Biology (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)  
80 6100153018 Cell Stem Cell journal 19345909 9,34 Q1 233 191 634 9301 7548 544 13,19 48,7 United States Northern America Cell Press 2007-2020 Cell Biology (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q1)
5458 29144 Cell Stress and Chaperones journal 14661268, 13558145 0,852 Q2 83 103 302 5718 907 292 2,95 55,51 United States Northern America Springer Netherlands 1996-2020 Biochemistry (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3)  
3496 18473 Cell Structure and Function journal 13473700, 03867196 1,146 Q1 59 19 45 748 95 43 2,1 39,37 Japan Asiatic Region Japan Society for Cell Biology 1975-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2); Physiology (Q2)
131 21100394875 Cell Systems journal 24054712 7,556 Q1 40 112 452 5626 3019 362 7,44 50,23 United States Northern America Cell Press 2015-2020 Cell Biology (Q1); Histology (Q1); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1)
4052 18477 Cell Transplantation journal 09636897, 15553892 1,042 Q1 96 169 487 8115 1712 473 3,37 48,02 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1992-2020 Biomedical Engineering (Q1); Transplantation (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3)
7020 29166 Cells Tissues Organs journal 14226421, 14226405 0,694 Q2 79 53 152 2906 339 145 2,37 54,83 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1889, 1945-1997, 1999-2020 Anatomy (Q2); Histology (Q2)    
5247 15500154705 Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering journal 18655025, 18655033 0,876 Q1 30 46 138 2149 313 126 1,77 46,72 United States Northern America Springer New York 2009-2020 Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
13009 13901 Cellular and Molecular Biology journal 1165158X, 01455680 0,347 Q3 70 126 735 0 942 728 1,29 0 France Western Europe Cellular and Molecular Biology Association 1977-2019 Biochemistry (Q3); Cell Biology (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)
3785 13902 Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters journal 16891392, 14258153 1,089 Q2 48 72 119 2795 497 118 3,56 38,82 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 1996-2020 Biochemistry (Q2); Cell Biology (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
671 21100386500 Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology journal 2352345X 2,973 Q1 30 130 305 6005 1289 184 6,96 46,19 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2015-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1); Hepatology (Q1)  
864 3500148004 Cellular and Molecular Immunology journal 20420226, 16727681 2,569 Q1 74 195 384 8425 1846 273 6,11 43,21 United States Northern America Nature Publishing Group 2004-2020 Immunology (Q1); Immunology and Allergy (Q1); Infectious Diseases (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
673 13903 Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences journal 1420682X, 14209071 2,97 Q1 210 431 890 49333 6298 864 6,48 114,46 Switzerland Western Europe Birkhauser Verlag Basel 1952, 1997-2020 Cell Biology (Q1); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1)
3589 14840 Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology journal 02724340, 15736830 1,126 Q1 87 119 400 7865 1552 390 3,46 66,09 United States Northern America Springer New York 1981-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q3)
2296 20712 Cellular Immunology journal 10902163, 00088749 1,475 Q2 88 109 362 7990 1226 344 3,83 73,3 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1970-2020 Immunology (Q2)      
1414 21100854003 Cellular Logistics journal 21592799, 21592780 1,922 Q1 4 0 3 0 9 3 0 0 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2016 Biochemistry (Q1); Cell Biology (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q1)
1372 18483 Cellular Microbiology journal 14625814, 14625822 1,954 Q1 133 161 367 9058 1431 359 3,33 56,26 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1999-2020 Immunology (Q1); Microbiology (Q1); Virology (Q1)
2972 19900192710 Cellular Oncology journal 22113436, 22113428 1,271 Q1 35 62 156 4183 734 152 5,07 67,47 Germany Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2011-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q2); Oncology (Q2)
2857 18486 Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry journal 14219778, 10158987 1,303 Q1 81 216 2797 10689 12411 2739 4,64 49,49 Switzerland Western Europe Cell Physiol Biochem Press (Germany) 1987, 1991-2020 Physiology (Q1)      
12673 13572 Cellular Polymers journal 14782421, 02624893 0,36 Q2 26 11 41 404 73 41 1,92 36,73 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1982-1987, 1989, 1991-2020 Polymers and Plastics (Q2); Organic Chemistry (Q3)
9871 19700173161 Cellular Reprogramming journal 21524998, 21524971 0,495 Q3 58 35 131 1606 202 128 1,68 45,89 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2010-2020 Biotechnology (Q3); Cell Biology (Q4); Developmental Biology (Q4)
2728 18487 Cellular Signalling journal 18733913, 08986568 1,337 Q2 145 221 623 12514 2304 612 3,89 56,62 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1989-2020 Cell Biology (Q2)      
21913 19700175156 Cellular Therapy and Transplantation journal 1867416X, 18668836 0,148 Q4 5 90 98 845 26 62 0,4 9,39 Germany Western Europe Universitatsklinikum Hamburg - Eppendorf 2009-2011, 2015-2019 Molecular Medicine (Q4); Transplantation (Q4)
4958 25810 Cellulose journal 9690239 0,911 Q1 110 685 1289 33154 5851 1277 4,39 48,4 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1994-2020 Polymers and Plastics (Q1)    
15316 25811 Cellulose Chemistry and Technology journal 5769787 0,273 Q3 29 102 233 3787 252 232 1,04 37,13 Romania Eastern Europe Editura Academiei Romane 1972, 1976, 1983, 1985, 1989-1990, 1993, 1995-2020 Materials Chemistry (Q3); Organic Chemistry (Q3)
28566 68395 Celulosa Y Papel trade journal 7162308 0,101 Q4 2 10 38 17 0 38 0 1,7 Chile Latin America ATCP Asociacion Tecnica de la Celulosa y el Papel 1999-2019 Materials Chemistry (Q4); Organic Chemistry (Q4)
807 23811 Cement and Concrete Composites journal 9589465 2,675 Q1 138 278 586 14647 4083 584 6,85 52,69 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1989-2020 Building and Construction (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
448 23833 Cement and Concrete Research journal 88846 3,686 Q1 194 274 584 16122 4886 568 8,96 58,84 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1971-2020 Building and Construction (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
23211 17300154834 Cement International journal 16106199 0,133 Q4 6 33 95 161 11 94 0,14 4,88 Germany Western Europe Verlag Bau und Technik GmbH 2009-2019 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Mechanics of Materials (Q4)
16566 19500157814 Cement, Wapno, Beton journal 14258129 0,24 Q3 13 38 108 853 62 95 0,75 22,45 Poland Eastern Europe Foundation Cement, Lime, Concrete 2007-2019 Building and Construction (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
20484 21100854849 CEN Case Reports journal 21924449 0,168 Q4 3 14 33 0 17 32 0,5 0 Japan Asiatic Region Springer Japan 2016, 2018-2019 Nephrology (Q4)      
27493 20094 Centaurus journal 16000498, 00088994 0,104 Q4 8 9 62 519 22 55 0,43 57,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1950-1961, 1963-1982, 1984-1994, 1998, 2001-2002, 2006-2007, 2009-2019 History and Philosophy of Science (Q4)  
18217 21100298667 Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal journal 18559719, 22322647 0,205 Q3 10 33 92 1223 67 80 0,83 37,06 Slovenia Eastern Europe Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana 2011-2020 Education (Q3)      
27049 21100407215 Center for Oceans Law and Policy book series 18727158 0,106 Q4 7 0 67 0 5 22 0,14 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2006-2013, 2015-2018 Law (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
25803 21100438195 Central and Eastern Europe book series 18778550 0,113 Q4 2 0 12 0 1 2 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2012-2016 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
26233 21100374810 Central Asia and the Caucasus journal 20023839, 14046091 0,111 Q3 9 48 135 64 16 135 0,07 1,33 Sweden Western Europe CA and CC Press AB 2013-2019 Ocean Engineering (Q3); Development (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
10684 16824 Central Asian Survey trade journal 02634937, 14653354 0,453 Q2 31 30 96 1714 83 85 0,67 57,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1982-2019 Development (Q2); Earth-Surface Processes (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
28567 5800207871 Central Asiatic Journal journal 89182 0,101 Q3 5 0 40 0 0 34 0 0 Germany Western Europe Harrassowitz Verlag 2002-2012, 2014-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Archeology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4); History (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
11989 21100903432 Central Bank Review journal 13030701, 25241699 0,389 Q2 6 13 45 560 69 45 1,21 43,08 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2016-2020 Finance (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
28568 5700164170 Central Europe journal 14790963 0,101 Q4 19 13 23 0 1 18 0,07 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 2003-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
18011 21100871796 Central European Business Review journal 18054854, 18054862 0,209 Q3 3 21 35 854 24 35 0,69 40,67 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Faculty of Business Administration, University of Economics 2017-2019 Business and International Management (Q3); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q3); Strategy and Management (Q3)
16520 21100843358 Central European Forestry Journal journal 2454034X, 24540358 0,241 Q3 9 21 74 1231 59 73 0,76 58,62 Poland Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2017-2020 Forestry (Q3)      
13979 12600154706 Central European Geology journal 17882281, 17893348 0,313 Q3 22 7 27 462 25 25 0,64 66 Hungary Eastern Europe Akademiai Kiado 2008-2019 Geology (Q3)      
22218 20286 Central European History journal 00089389, 15691616 0,144 Q2 19 29 76 2135 16 66 0,24 73,62 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1968-2020 History (Q2)      
18843 21100802697 Central European Journal of Communication journal 18995101 0,194 Q3 2 22 44 654 14 37 0,43 29,73 Poland Eastern Europe Polish Communication Association 2016-2019 Communication (Q3)    
24620 21100837464 Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics journal 2080119X, 20800886 0,123 Q4 3 12 32 358 9 24 0,38 29,83 Poland Eastern Europe Polish Academy of Sciencies - Lodz Branch 2017-2019 Applied Mathematics (Q4); Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Statistics and Probability (Q4)
9530 21100199834 Central European Journal of Energetic Materials journal 17337178 0,515 Q2 23 36 175 1153 257 174 1,35 32,03 Poland Eastern Europe Instytut Przemyslu Organicznego 2009, 2011-2019 Materials Chemistry (Q2); Organic Chemistry (Q2)
27050 21100225612 Central European Journal of International and Security Studies journal 1802548X, 1805482X 0,106 Q4 4 35 100 1164 6 94 0,05 33,26 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Central European Journal of International and Security Studies 2012-2019 Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Safety Research (Q4)
18949 21100318251 Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery journal 23363517 0,192 Q3 7 28 84 850 44 72 0,44 30,36 Czech Republic Eastern Europe University of Ostrava Faculty of Medicine 2014-2019 Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q3)    
7988 5000158106 Central European Journal of Operations Research journal 1435246X 0,618 Q2 30 113 156 4065 304 146 2,48 35,97 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2006-2020 Management Science and Operations Research (Q2)
15655 20149 Central European Journal of Public Health journal 18031048, 12107778 0,264 Q3 32 68 222 1971 176 210 0,72 28,99 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech National Institute of Public Health 1993-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
13450 21100210921 Central European Journal of Public Policy journal 18024866 0,33 Q2 7 10 27 303 22 25 0,82 30,3 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Faculty of Sociel Sciences, Charles Universtiy 2012-2019 Law (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Public Administration (Q3)
11303 19900192570 Central European Journal of Urology journal 20804873, 20804806 0,422 Q3 18 64 218 1322 245 180 1,09 20,66 Poland Eastern Europe Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich 2009-2019 Urology (Q3)      
15395 5000153107 Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry journal 18715249 0,271 Q3 31 23 88 1452 113 80 1,48 63,13 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology (Q3); Molecular Medicine (Q4); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q4)
10932 20715 Central-European Journal of Immunology journal 16444124, 14263912 0,441 Q3 19 63 192 2306 304 190 1,51 36,6 Poland Eastern Europe Termedia Publishing House Ltd. 1996-2019 Immunology and Allergy (Q3); Immunology (Q4)
23027 145411 Centro Journal journal 21632960, 15386279 0,135 Q3 11 20 82 1195 20 74 0,27 59,75 United States Northern America Hunter College Center for Puerto Rican Studies 2005-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
22219 20454 CEPAL Review journal 16840348, 02512920 0,144 Q4 12 29 98 1115 26 97 0,21 38,45 United States Northern America United Nations Publications 1977, 1981-1988, 1992-1993, 2007-2019 Development (Q4); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
1835 14841 Cephalalgia journal 14682982, 03331024 1,67 Q1 120 218 532 8558 2204 452 5,09 39,26 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 1981-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1)
22071 21034 Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings conference and proceedings 1966219 0,146 - 33 51 358 878 52 320 0,19 17,22 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1982-1988, 1990, 1993-2019 Ceramics and Composites; Materials Chemistry
22934 21505 Ceramic Transactions book series 10421122 0,136 Q4 18 23 221 466 49 204 0,25 20,26 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2003-2016, 2018-2019 Ceramics and Composites (Q4); Materials Chemistry (Q4)
18273 4700151716 Ceramica journal 16784553, 03666913 0,204 Q4 18 98 217 3940 178 206 0,84 40,2 Brazil Latin America Associacao Brasileira de Ceramica 2006-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q4)  
16567 26583 Ceramics - Silikaty journal 08625468, 18045847 0,24 Q3 29 50 150 1533 145 150 0,96 30,66 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Institute of Chemical Technology 1991-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q3); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Materials Chemistry (Q3); Analytical Chemistry (Q4); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q4)
5138 21522 Ceramics International journal 2728842 0,891 Q1 100 3228 8290 126397 32983 8210 4,13 39,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1981-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q1); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q1); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q1); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q1)
26694 5900152787 Ceramics: Art and Perception journal 10351841 0,108 Q3 1 97 218 188 1 3 0,33 1,94 Australia Pacific Region Ceramic Art 2002-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3)  
27494 21100889436 Cercles journal 11390158, 16997468 0,104 Q3 0 8 7 314 0 6 0 39,25 Spain Western Europe Universitat de Barcelona 2018-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3)  
8233 21880 Cereal Chemistry journal 19433638, 00090352 0,601 Q2 96 107 323 4028 572 317 1,85 37,64 United States Northern America John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1974, 1978-1979, 1981, 1983-1984, 1986, 1989, 1993-2020 Food Science (Q2); Organic Chemistry (Q2)
16437 21881 Cereal Foods World journal 1466283 0,243 Q3 40 0 140 0 71 115 0,66 0 United States Northern America American Association of Cereal Chemists 1993, 1996-2018 Food Science (Q3)      
14064 85637 Cereal Research Communications journal 17889170, 01333720 0,31 Q3 30 68 199 2101 176 195 0,92 30,9 Hungary Eastern Europe Cereal Research Non-Profit Company 1993-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Genetics (Q4); Physiology (Q4)
2408 14853 Cerebellum journal 14734230, 14734222 1,432 Q1 66 115 276 6763 890 257 3,13 58,81 United States Northern America Springer New York 2002-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Neurology (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1)
3753 21100932753 Cerebellum and Ataxias journal 20538871 1,095 Q2 14 15 52 620 145 49 3 41,33 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2014-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q2)    
595 14855 Cerebral Cortex journal 10473211, 14602199 3,208 Q1 239 391 1144 20653 6036 1134 4,73 52,82 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1991-2020 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q1); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q1)
3397 14857 Cerebrovascular Diseases journal 14219786, 10159770 1,168 Q1 101 75 264 1718 749 247 2,78 22,91 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1987-1988, 1991-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1); Neurology (Q2)
4228 21100396116 Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra journal 16645456 1,016 Q1 10 18 46 454 120 46 3,28 25,22 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2015-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Neurology (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q2)
13774 5400152616 Cerne journal 1047760 0,32 Q2 17 35 166 1520 166 166 0,87 43,43 Brazil Latin America Federal University of Lavras 2007-2019 Forestry (Q2)      
24621 21100778600 CESB 2016 - Central Europe Towards Sustainable Building 2016: Innovations for Sustainable Future conference and proceedings - 0,123 - 5 0 217 0 35 215 0 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe   Aerospace Engineering; Modeling and Simulation
22935 4700152766 CESifo DICE Report journal 16120663 0,136 Q4 11 36 132 619 35 35 0,52 17,19 Germany Western Europe Ifo institute for Economic Research e.V. 2006-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q4)  
9550 100147301 CESifo Economic Studies journal 1610241X, 16127501 0,514 Q2 25 22 77 971 68 77 0,88 44,14 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2005-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
19790 4700152811 CESifo Forum journal 1615245X 0,179 Q4 12 19 116 237 37 91 0,63 12,47 Germany Western Europe Ifo institute for Economic Research e.V. 2006-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q4)  
23212 20564 Ceska a Slovenska Farmacie journal 12107816 0,133 Q3 16 23 90 954 25 89 0,18 41,48 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 1994-2019 Pharmaceutical Science (Q3)    
18547 14861 Ceska a Slovenska Neurologie a Neurochirurgie journal 18024041, 12107859 0,199 Q3 14 133 382 3498 101 276 0,39 26,3 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 1973-2020 Surgery (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q4)  
21688 13771 Ceska a Slovenska Oftalmologie journal 0009059X, 12119059 0,151 Q4 11 30 116 406 16 111 0,11 13,53 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 1950-2019 Ophthalmology (Q4)    
21565 14862 Ceska a Slovenska Psychiatrie journal 12120383 0,153 Q4 8 42 134 885 28 97 0,29 21,07 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 1995-2019 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)  
21779 12626 Ceska Gynekologie journal 12107832 0,15 Q4 15 73 231 1744 60 217 0,31 23,89 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 1959-1963, 1994-2019 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4)  
29506 16000154705 Ceska Literatura journal 90468 0,1 Q4 4 0 87 0 5 81 0,06 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Academy Science Editorial Office 2002-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
24086 16600 Ceska Radiologie journal 12107883 0,125 Q4 7 36 105 648 10 101 0,1 18 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 2001-2019 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
28035 19182 Ceska Revmatologie journal 12107905 0,102 Q4 7 0 28 0 1 24 0,06 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 1994-2017 Rheumatology (Q4)      
25196 24270 Cesko-Slovenska Dermatologie journal 90514 0,118 Q4 6 24 93 396 7 70 0,07 16,5 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 1947-1956, 1959-2012, 2014-2019 Dermatology (Q4)      
27756 23376 Ceskoslovenska Fyziologie journal 12106313 0,103 Q4 7 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 1952, 1955-2004, 2006-2008, 2010-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
23120 96570 Ceskoslovenska Patologie journal 18054498, 12107875 0,134 Q4 12 28 67 0 18 67 0,36 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 1971-2019 Anatomy (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
21178 14553 Cesko-Slovenska Pediatrie journal 692328 0,158 Q4 8 66 204 1445 19 177 0,13 21,89 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 1955-2019 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4)
18672 12831 Ceskoslovenska Psychologie journal 18046436, 0009062X 0,197 Q3 15 38 128 2043 47 126 0,41 53,76 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1960-1962, 1996-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q3)
29507 21100226415 Cesky Casopis Historicky journal 8626111 0,1 Q4 2 17 68 143 1 61 0,02 8,41 Czech Republic Eastern Europe The institute of History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 2009, 2012-2019 History (Q4)      
24869 17700154925 Cesky Lid journal 90794 0,121 Q3 6 23 64 1043 3 62 0,08 45,35 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 2008-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q3); Anthropology (Q4)
27257 21100206284 CEU Political Science Journal journal 18187668, 19923147 0,105 Q4 3 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 Hungary Eastern Europe Central European University 2012-2014, 2016 Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
19916 21100218356 CEUR Workshop Proceedings conference and proceedings 16130073 0,177 - 46 5071 14369 85919 4663 13031 0,37 16,94 United States Northern America 1989, 1994-1995, 1998, 2000-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous)  
16611 29198 Ceylon Medical Journal journal 23861274, 00090875 0,239 Q3 20 0 39 0 24 35 0 0 Sri Lanka Asiatic Region Sri Lanka Medical Association 1952-1957, 1959-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
23213 21100198926 CFD Letters journal 21801363 0,133 Q4 12 80 8 2126 10 8 1,25 26,58 Malaysia Asiatic Region ISSR 2009-2014, 2018-2020 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q4); Modeling and Simulation (Q4)
26564 21048 CFI, Ceramic Forum International/Berichte der DKG (Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft) trade journal 1739913 0,109 Q4 15 3 102 5 5 102 0,02 1,67 Germany Western Europe Goeller Verlag GmbH 1981-1993, 1996-2019 Ceramics and Composites (Q4); Materials Chemistry (Q4)
22072 21100801123 CGNCC 2016 - 2016 IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference conference and proceedings - 0,146 - 6 0 438 0 199 436 0,46 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Instrumentation; Radiation
14930 21100803209 CGO 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization conference and proceedings - 0,284 - 7 0 29 0 72 26 2,77 0 United States Northern America   Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
17154 19200156904 Chalcogenide Letters journal 15848663 0,227 Q3 27 60 205 1660 168 189 0,84 27,67 Romania Eastern Europe National Institute R and D of Materials Physics 2006-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q3); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q4)
27258 21100803383 Challenges and Innovations in Geotechnics - Proceedings of the 8th Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference, 8AYGEC 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,105 - 3 0 60 0 6 58 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Control and Systems Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Instrumentation
30266 21100932526 Challenges in Sustainability journal 22976477   - 0 3 0 414 0 0 0 138 Switzerland Western Europe Librello publishing house 2019 Ecology; Geography, Planning and Development; Global and Planetary Change; Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law; Nature and Landscape Conservation
19791 86250 Chang'an Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Chang'an University (Natural Science Edition) journal 16718879 0,179 Q3 17 81 302 2092 118 302 0,37 25,83 China Asiatic Region Xi'an Highway University 2003-2020 Building and Construction (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q3)
28569 21100255514 Change Management journal 2327798X, 23279176 0,101 Q4 2 7 18 309 0 18 0 44,14 United States Northern America Common Ground Research Networks 2013-2020 Strategy and Management (Q4)  
22457 21100432349 Change Over Time journal 2153053X, 21530548 0,141 Q2 5 0 40 0 9 40 0,16 0 United States Northern America University of Pennsylvania Press 2011-2018 Conservation (Q2); History (Q2); Urban Studies (Q3); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q4)
15846 5700153334 Changing English journal 1358684X 0,259 Q1 14 40 110 1129 49 96 0,44 28,23 United States Northern America Routledge 1994-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Education (Q3)  
24087 21100929891 Changing Societies and Personalities journal 25876104, 25878964 0,125 Q3 0 9 1 197 0 1 0 21,89 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Ural Federal University 2018-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); Social Psychology (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
24088 18441 Changjiang Kexueyuan Yuanbao/ Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute journal 10015485 0,125 Q3 8 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 China Asiatic Region Changjiang Kexueyuan 1987-1991, 2001-2003 Ocean Engineering (Q3); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q4); Water Science and Technology (Q4)
4419 12200154702 Channels journal 19336969, 19336950 0,988 Q1 41 44 194 2609 309 134 2,42 59,3 United States Northern America Landes Bioscience 2007-2020 Biophysics (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2)
4783 27430 Chaos journal 10541500, 10897682 0,934 Q1 100 483 1144 20978 3361 1131 2,98 43,43 United States Northern America American Institute of Physics 1991-2020 Mathematical Physics (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q2)
4096 25347 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals journal 9600779 1,036 Q1 132 369 1207 14916 4761 1192 4,23 40,42 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1991-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (Q1)
30267 21100894514 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals: X journal 25900544   - 2 14 0 524 0 0 0 37,43 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous)    
24622 5700153643 Chasqui journal 1458973 0,123 Q2 6 40 100 1209 10 100 0,08 30,23 United States Northern America c/o David William Foster, Arizona State University 2002-2012, 2014-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3)
27051 21100318411 Chateau Gaillard book series 5775752 0,106 Q3 3 0 68 0 1 66 0 0 France Western Europe Universite de Caen, Centre de Recherches Archeologiques et Historiques Medievales 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 Archeology (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3); History (Q3)
18439 13243 Chaucer Review, The journal 15284204, 00092002 0,201 Q1 12 22 76 1193 13 72 0,17 54,23 United States Northern America Penn State University Press 1979, 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
16735 21100845389 Chebyshevskii Sbornik journal 22268383 0,236 Q3 5 104 148 2311 52 148 0,35 22,22 Belarus Eastern Europe State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University 2017-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
15688 19700188151 Check List journal 1809127X 0,263 Q3 20 135 625 4218 314 603 0,49 31,24 Brazil Latin America Centro de Referencia em Informacao Ambiental 2010-2020 Ecology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
12153 4600151503 Chelonian Conservation and Biology journal 10718443 0,382 Q2 26 34 104 1412 95 100 0,97 41,53 United States Northern America Chelonian Research Foundation 2006-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
30268 21100942105 Chelyabinsk Physical and Mathematical Journal journal 25000101, 26190117 - 1 41 0 562 0 0 0 13,71 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Chelyabinsk State University 2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
191 21100788876 Chem journal 24519294 6,144 Q1 54 230 519 11064 6394 454 13,81 48,1 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2016-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Biochemistry (medical) (Q1); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q1)
26897 145430 Chem-Bio Informatics Journal journal 13476297, 13470442 0,107 Q4 10 3 30 66 4 30 0,16 22 Japan Asiatic Region Chem-Bio Informatics Society 2001-2002, 2004-2020 Biochemistry (Q4)      
4277 16944 ChemBioChem journal 14394227, 14397633 1,009 Q1 122 458 1049 25193 2670 989 2,65 55,01 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 2000-2020 Organic Chemistry (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q2)
30269 21100933196 ChemBioEng Reviews journal 21969744   - 1 13 0 988 0 0 0 76 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2019-2020 Biochemistry; Bioengineering; Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous); Filtration and Separation; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; Process Chemistry and Technology
2723 19900191733 ChemCatChem journal 18673880, 18673899 1,338 Q1 95 741 1829 49772 8445 1739 4,98 67,17 Germany Western Europe Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & CO. KGaA 2009-2020 Catalysis (Q1); Inorganic Chemistry (Q1); Organic Chemistry (Q1); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q1)
3475 21100399828 ChemElectroChem journal 21960216 1,149 Q1 52 759 1303 41568 5065 1231 4,08 54,77 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2014-2020 Electrochemistry (Q1); Catalysis (Q2)  
15359 16378 Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly journal 18465153, 03529568 0,272 Q3 38 36 160 1423 201 158 1,12 39,53 Croatia Eastern Europe Assoc. of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Croatia 1987, 1996-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q3); Biochemistry (Q4)
8299 21100794828 Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture journal 21965641 0,596 Q2 16 27 85 1472 243 84 2,95 54,52 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2014-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q2); Biotechnology (Q2); Food Science (Q2); Biochemistry (Q3)
20775 16379 Chemical and Engineering News trade journal 00092347, 1520605X 0,164 Q3 42 0 48 0 13 36 0,26 0 United States Northern America American Chemical Society 1942-2014, 2016-2017 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)
13743 16380 Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (English translation of Khimicheskoe i Neftyanoe Mashinostroenie) journal 00092355, 15738329 0,321 Q2 13 142 439 1311 257 437 0,56 9,23 United States Northern America Springer New York 1965-1998, 2000-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Fuel Technology (Q3); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q3)
12551 22769 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin journal 00092363, 13475223 0,365 Q2 89 189 600 6550 912 582 1,49 34,66 Japan Asiatic Region Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 1958-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Drug Discovery (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
16056 13534 Chemical and Process Engineering - Inzynieria Chemiczna i Procesowa journal 2086425 0,253 Q3 18 32 123 834 94 122 0,69 26,06 Poland Eastern Europe Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering 1986-1989, 1996-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)
10608 4000150314 Chemical Biology and Drug Design journal 17470277 0,457 Q3 73 184 602 8472 1417 538 2,87 46,04 United Kingdom Western Europe Blackwell 2006-2020 Biochemistry (Q3); Drug Discovery (Q3); Organic Chemistry (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3); Molecular Medicine (Q4)
17661 21100856757 Chemical Biology Letters journal 23479825 0,216 Q3 5 3 26 139 24 22 1,14 46,33 India Asiatic Region Integrated Science Publishing 2014-2019 Biochemistry (medical) (Q3); Biochemistry (Q4); Clinical Biochemistry (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)
1330 22781 Chemical Communications journal 1364548X, 13597345 1,992 Q1 318 3755 8803 131660 53010 8665 6,04 35,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 1965-1968, 1996-2020 Catalysis (Q1); Ceramics and Composites (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q1); Metals and Alloys (Q1); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q1)
30270 21100464634 Chemical Data Collections journal 24058300   - 7 134 167 4984 174 0 0 37,19 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2016-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous)    
28570 16382 Chemical Engineer trade journal 3020797 0,101 Q4 10 0 283 0 3 177 0,02 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Institution of Chemical Engineers 1968-1969, 1971-1997, 1999-2017 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28036 16390 Chemical Engineering trade journal 92460 0,102 Q4 17 0 636 0 14 346 0,04 0 United States Northern America Chemical Week Associates 1973-2018 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)
4959 16392 Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification journal 2552701 0,911 Q1 96 257 742 11899 2984 734 4,16 46,3 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1984-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q1)
10933 16396 Chemical Engineering and Technology journal 09307516, 15214125 0,441 Q2 75 303 837 10956 1346 790 1,66 36,16 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 1978, 1987-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2)
27495 21100776068 Chemical Engineering and the Law Forum 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety conference and proceedings - 0,104 - 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 United States Northern America   Engineering (miscellaneous)    
12085 16393 Chemical Engineering Communications journal 00986445, 15635201 0,385 Q2 48 241 454 10336 836 444 1,98 42,89 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1973-1976, 1978-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2)
20485 16395 Chemical Engineering Education journal 92479 0,168 Q3 25 0 74 0 21 53 0,39 0 United States Northern America American Society for Engineering Education 1970, 1972-1975, 1977-1979, 1981-1990, 1993, 1996-2017 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)
1024 16398 Chemical Engineering Journal journal 13858947 2,315 Q1 198 2815 5740 159611 61342 5688 11,32 56,7 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1971, 1973-1977, 1979, 1983, 1988, 1992-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1)
24089 4800154005 Chemical Engineering Journal journal 3009467 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1974, 1977-1993 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
24090 37578 Chemical Engineering Journal and the Biochemical Engineering Journal journal 9230467 0,125 Q4 26 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1970-1997 Biochemistry (Q4)      
21991 16402 Chemical Engineering Progress trade journal 3607275 0,147 Q3 39 0 271 0 69 203 0,26 0 United States Northern America American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1969-2018 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Materials Chemistry (Q4)
5660 16411 Chemical Engineering Research and Design journal 17443563, 02638762 0,83 Q1 92 449 1334 19197 4947 1317 3,67 42,76 United Kingdom Western Europe Institution of Chemical Engineers 1983-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)
4356 16413 Chemical Engineering Science journal 92509 0,998 Q1 175 789 1849 37185 7689 1823 4,22 47,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1951-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1)
30271 21100894513 Chemical Engineering Science: X journal 25901400   - 2 37 0 1817 0 0 0 49,11 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2019-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous); Chemistry (miscellaneous); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
13888 19600161818 Chemical Engineering Transactions journal 22839216 0,316 Q3 32 917 4374 14076 3076 4374 0,69 15,35 Italy Western Europe AIDIC-Italian Association of Chemical Engineering 2009-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)
27259 16414 Chemical Engineering World trade journal 92517 0,105 Q4 9 0 99 0 4 99 0,09 0 India Asiatic Region 1974, 1976, 1979-2012, 2014-2018 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4)
24505 82087 Chemical Fibers International trade journal 14343584 0,124 Q3 15 30 66 93 6 66 0,11 3,1 Germany Western Europe Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH 1995-2019 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3); Business and International Management (Q4)
2230 22040 Chemical Geology journal 92541 1,499 Q1 189 418 1106 33703 4240 1086 3,45 80,63 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1966-2020 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q1); Geology (Q1)
16982 12100154910 Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly journal 14519372, 22177434 0,231 Q3 24 38 150 1390 137 148 0,67 36,58 Serbia Eastern Europe Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia 2000-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)
19727 20500195421 Chemical Modelling book series 14720965, 14720973 0,18 Q3 5 0 19 0 8 17 0,25 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2011, 2015-2017, 2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
13417 22804 Chemical Papers journal 03666352, 13369075 0,331 Q2 40 353 715 13509 1146 698 1,73 38,27 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 1973, 1996-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Materials Chemistry (Q3); Biochemistry (Q4)
10510 26584 Chemical Physics journal 3010104 0,462 Q2 115 294 727 13437 1195 713 1,78 45,7 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1973-2020 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
9320 26586 Chemical Physics Letters journal 92614 0,529 Q2 229 752 2631 28200 5178 2602 2,12 37,5 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1967-2020 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
30272 21100896681 Chemical Physics Letters: X journal 25901419   - 2 22 0 807 0 0 0 36,68 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2019-2020 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry; Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
29508 16415 Chemical Processing trade journal 92630 0,1 Q4 6 131 217 24 2 214 0,01 0,18 United States Northern America Putman Publishing Company 1974, 1977, 1983, 1992-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)
17899 10600153311 Chemical Product and Process Modeling journal 19342659, 21946159 0,211 Q3 15 46 94 1379 88 93 0,73 29,98 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2006-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Modeling and Simulation (Q4)
2012 22806 Chemical Record journal 15278999, 15280691 1,589 Q1 74 176 365 18313 2014 353 5,95 104,05 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2001-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Biochemistry (medical) (Q1); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
16784 23339 Chemical Research in Chinese Universities journal 10059040 0,235 Q3 23 193 511 6582 490 511 1,05 34,1 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 1999-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Education (Q3)
4330 24649 Chemical Research in Toxicology journal 15205010, 0893228X 1,002 Q1 149 264 584 14239 1956 556 3,31 53,94 United States Northern America American Chemical Society 1988-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Toxicology (Q1)
12 23340 Chemical Reviews journal 15206890, 00092665 20,847 Q1 656 240 821 96888 45315 775 53,9 403,7 United States Northern America American Chemical Society 1924-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
436 19700200838 Chemical Science journal 20416520, 20416539 3,756 Q1 154 1306 2889 75354 27645 2824 9,61 57,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2010-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
5893 23377 Chemical Senses journal 0379864X, 14643553 0,802 Q2 96 70 229 3670 542 209 2,41 52,43 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1974-2020 Behavioral Neuroscience (Q2); Physiology (Q2); Physiology (medical) (Q2); Sensory Systems (Q3)
30 23350 Chemical Society Reviews journal 03060012, 14604744 14,49 Q1 471 275 941 40057 38365 886 41,98 145,66 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 1972-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
19552 23372 Chemicke Listy journal 12137103, 00092770 0,183 Q3 27 104 384 3671 132 339 0,4 35,3 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Society of Chemical Engineering 1996-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
5096 24652 Chemico-Biological Interactions journal 92797 0,896 Q1 115 385 922 21230 3499 903 3,92 55,14 Ireland Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1969-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Toxicology (Q1)
6675 25163 Chemie der Erde journal 92819 0,727 Q2 49 77 119 5459 335 117 2,9 70,9 Germany Western Europe Elsevier GmbH 1978-1990, 1993-2020 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q2); Geophysics (Q2)
17662 23387 Chemie in Unserer Zeit journal 00092851, 15213781 0,216 Q3 23 94 270 1021 57 138 0,3 10,86 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 1967-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
17707 16423 Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik journal 15222640, 0009286X 0,215 Q3 33 201 1011 6017 578 951 1,22 29,94 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 1949-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3)
22458 21100201972 Chemija journal 2357216 0,141 Q4 14 25 90 864 34 90 0,25 34,56 Lithuania Eastern Europe Lietuvos Mokslu Akademijos Leidykla 2008-2019 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
25647 21100211769 Chemik journal 92886 0,114 Q4 12 0 52 0 11 52 0 0 Poland Eastern Europe Association of Engineers and Technicians of Chemical Industry 2011-2016 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)
24091 32155 Chemische Technik journal 456519 0,125 Q4 7 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Germany Western Europe Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie 1971-1989, 1995-2002 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)
26234 23390 Chemist journal 93025 0,111 Q4 5 0 43 0 8 37 0,04 0 United States Northern America American Institute of Chemists 1996-1999, 2001-2007, 2012-2018 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)
26565 4000148801 Chemistry journal 8619255 0,109 Q4 10 0 129 0 20 118 0,19 0 Bulgaria Eastern Europe Ministry of Education, Youth and Science (GRPI) 2006-2017 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Education (Q4)
1817 23392 Chemistry - A European Journal journal 15213765, 09476539 1,681 Q1 237 2198 7290 143614 34331 6950 4,96 65,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 1995-2020 Catalysis (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Organic Chemistry (Q1)
3471 4800156201 Chemistry - An Asian Journal journal 18614728, 1861471X 1,15 Q1 103 606 1412 37968 5447 1369 4,19 62,65 Germany Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2006-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Organic Chemistry (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2)
11548 130069 Chemistry and Biodiversity journal 16121872, 16121880 0,41 Q2 65 254 623 11248 1244 616 2,07 44,28 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2004-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Biochemistry (Q3); Bioengineering (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q4); Molecular Medicine (Q4)
16365 21100202725 Chemistry and Chemical Technology journal 19964196 0,245 Q3 11 75 254 1932 158 254 0,61 25,76 Ukraine Eastern Europe Lviv Polytechnic National University 2012-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)
11905 23407 Chemistry and Ecology journal 02757540, 10290370 0,393 Q2 33 63 191 3290 272 187 1,47 52,22 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1982-1984, 1986-2001, 2003-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Ecology (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
29509 23408 Chemistry and Industry (London) trade journal 00093068, 20476329 0,1 Q4 28 76 300 20 1 45 0,06 0,26 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1965-1971, 1973-2020 Biotechnology (Q4); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)
6833 16945 Chemistry and Physics of Lipids journal 18732941, 00093084 0,712 Q2 95 112 291 6040 750 285 2,22 53,93 Ireland Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1966-2020 Biochemistry (Q2); Organic Chemistry (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
18440 15791 Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils journal 00093092, 15738310 0,201 Q3 15 105 345 1493 158 331 0,48 14,22 Germany Western Europe Springer GmbH & Co, Auslieferungs-Gesellschaf 1965-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Fuel Technology (Q3)
11219 6400153159 Chemistry Central Journal journal 1752153X 0,426 Q2 50 0 365 0 901 357 2,5 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Chemistry Central 2007-2018 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
6248 145757 Chemistry Education Research and Practice journal 11094028 0,766 Q1 40 66 219 3573 573 217 2,46 54,14 Greece Western Europe Ioannina University School of Medicine 2005-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Education (Q1)
20486 21100773812 Chemistry Journal of Moldova journal 18571727, 23451688 0,168 Q4 4 20 84 797 53 82 0,79 39,85 Moldova Eastern Europe Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Moldova 2016-2019 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Chemistry (Q4); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q4)
10451 23418 Chemistry Letters journal 03667022, 13480715 0,465 Q2 109 380 1389 12922 1822 1384 1,35 34,01 Japan Asiatic Region The Chemical Society of Japan 1973, 1979, 1981, 1988, 1996-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
13630 25824 Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds journal 00093122, 15738353 0,324 Q3 32 196 583 7154 748 561 1,46 36,5 United States Northern America Springer New York 1965-2020 Organic Chemistry (Q3)    
389 12878 Chemistry of Materials journal 15205002, 08974756 3,971 Q1 355 1085 3216 63086 32480 3127 9,78 58,14 United States Northern America American Chemical Society 1989-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q1)
14418 25815 Chemistry of Natural Compounds journal 15738388, 00093130 0,299 Q3 37 327 1060 5489 694 983 0,72 16,79 United States Northern America Springer New York 1965-2020 Plant Science (Q3)      
28037 23430 Chemistry World trade journal 14737604 0,102 Q4 18 71 161 152 3 161 0,02 2,14 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2004-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
7312 21100287113 ChemistryOpen journal 21911363 0,668 Q2 26 190 315 9291 658 283 2,35 48,9 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2012-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
10846 21100850505 ChemistrySelect journal 23656549 0,445 Q2 25 2014 4662 97859 8729 4645 1,87 48,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2016-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
5101 4400151608 ChemMedChem journal 18607187, 18607179 0,895 Q1 96 196 829 10994 2580 789 3,2 56,09 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2006-2020 Drug Discovery (Q1); Organic Chemistry (Q1); Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2)
4263 21100825187 ChemNanoMat journal 2199692X 1,01 Q1 25 189 391 10701 1265 383 3,27 56,62 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 2015-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q1); Biomaterials (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2)
5689 25825 Chemoecology journal 14230445, 09377409 0,826 Q2 48 22 67 1114 144 62 2,08 50,64 Switzerland Western Europe Birkhauser Verlag Basel 1990-1994, 1996, 1998-2020 Biochemistry (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
8005 24595 Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems journal 1697439 0,617 Q2 117 154 574 6657 1898 568 3,37 43,23 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1986-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q2); Software (Q2); Spectroscopy (Q2)
8736 21100857392 Chemosensors journal 22279040 0,568 Q2 17 54 128 3420 356 119 2,97 63,33 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2013-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q2); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2)
10338 15500154711 Chemosensory Perception journal 19365810, 19365802 0,471 Q4 26 28 47 1322 90 45 2,18 47,21 United States Northern America Springer New York 2008-2020 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q4); Sensory Systems (Q4)
2150 24657 Chemosphere journal 456535 1,53 Q1 228 2403 5772 131098 35539 5708 6,19 54,56 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1972-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Environmental Engineering (Q1); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pollution (Q1)
10003 20570 Chemotherapy journal 00093157, 14219794 0,488 Q2 52 38 126 1076 201 112 1,72 28,32 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1960-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Drug Discovery (Q3); Infectious Diseases (Q3); Oncology (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
4283 26588 ChemPhysChem journal 14394235, 14397641 1,008 Q1 131 405 1436 22172 4043 1321 3,22 54,75 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 2000-2020 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q1); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q1)
5764 21100201310 ChemPlusChem journal 21926506 0,818 Q1 56 240 526 12774 1399 468 2,79 53,23 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 2012-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
985 12000154478 ChemSusChem journal 1864564X, 18645631 2,374 Q1 145 595 1536 38512 11869 1454 8,13 64,73 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 2008-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
15360 21100921313 ChemTexts journal 21993793 0,272 Q3 8 21 55 1392 59 52 1,03 66,29 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Biochemistry (Q4)
11240 21100829916 Chernye Metally journal 01320890, 24140104 0,425 Q2 7 151 487 2616 307 479 0,7 17,32 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Ore and Metals Publishing house 2016-2020 Metals and Alloys (Q2)    
25804 21100790353 CHESE 2016 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Code Hunt Workshop on Educational Software Engineering, co-located with FSE 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,113 - 1 0 4 0 2 2 0 0 United States Northern America   Artificial Intelligence    
856 18429 Chest journal 00123692, 19313543 2,583 Q1 279 514 1801 12640 6657 976 6,21 24,59 United States Northern America American College of Chest Physicians 1970-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q1); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q1)
24092 21100247018 Chest Disease Reports journal 20394772, 20394764 0,125 Q4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Italy Western Europe PagePress Publications 2013, 2016 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q4)
7733 21100785509 CHI PLAY 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play conference and proceedings - 0,637 - 11 0 39 0 189 36 0 0 United States Northern America   Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
15170 21100784996 CHI PLAY 2016 - Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion conference and proceedings - 0,277 - 7 0 53 0 67 50 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science Applications; Information Systems; Software
15726 21100465088 CHIIR 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval conference and proceedings - 0,262 - 10 0 62 0 89 61 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Human-Computer Interaction; Software
14419 21100805313 CHIIR 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 Conference Human Information Interaction and Retrieval conference and proceedings - 0,299 - 9 0 76 0 140 73 1,92 0 United States Northern America   Human-Computer Interaction; Information Systems and Management; Software
23704 21100456827 CHILECON 2015 - 2015 IEEE Chilean Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Proceedings of IEEE Chilecon 2015 conference and proceedings - 0,128 - 5 0 155 0 48 152 0 0 United States Northern America   Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous); Modeling and Simulation; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality; Statistics and Probability; Strategy and Management
28578 21100805795 CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature journal 01937774, 20516150 0,101 Q3 3 10 34 0 2 24 0,15 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2013-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3)
21914 17800156707 Chiang Mai Journal of Science journal 1252526 0,148 Q4 18 97 557 2945 191 553 0,33 30,36 Thailand Asiatic Region Chiang Mai University 2008-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q4); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q4)
20414 19400157142 Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences journal 16851994 0,169 Q3 9 37 81 1037 48 81 0,71 28,03 Thailand Asiatic Region Chiang Mai University 2003, 2006, 2009-2020 Multidisciplinary (Q3)    
27260 29206 Chiba Medical Journal journal 3035476 0,105 Q4 3 24 45 280 1 40 0,04 11,67 Japan Asiatic Region Chiba Medical Society 1974-1989, 2008-2011, 2013-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
29510 6000167186 Chicago Review journal 93696 0,1 Q4 4 46 76 227 0 57 0 4,93 United States Northern America University of Chicago 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
28571 25177 Chikei journal 3891755 0,101 Q4 13 16 69 360 1 62 0 22,5 Japan Asiatic Region Nihon Chikeigaku Rengo 1980-1992, 1994-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q4)    
2435 24451 Child Abuse and Neglect journal 1452134 1,424 Q1 137 298 797 16522 2678 751 3,22 55,44 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1977-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1); Social Work (Q1)
6663 144927 Child Abuse Review journal 9529136 0,728 Q1 39 42 120 1138 157 96 1,34 27,1 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1992-2020 Law (Q1); Social Work (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2)
6384 500147006 Child and Adolescent Mental Health journal 1475357X, 14753588 0,754 Q2 43 63 131 1666 223 108 2,08 26,44 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
5268 14560 Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America journal 10564993, 15580490 0,874 Q1 68 60 183 2737 394 158 2,07 45,62 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1995-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
6210 11700154618 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health journal 17532000 0,77 Q2 39 47 167 2241 385 157 2,35 47,68 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2007-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
8414 17610 Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal journal 07380151, 15732797 0,588 Q1 40 77 148 4124 257 146 1,41 53,56 United States Northern America Springer New York 1984-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Social Work (Q2)
14893 12840 Child and Family Behavior Therapy journal 1545228X, 07317107 0,285 Q2 29 12 39 499 65 39 1,28 41,58 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1983-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Clinical Psychology (Q3)
3964 100147328 Child and Family Social Work journal 13652206, 13567500 1,057 Q1 52 121 327 4950 646 327 1,85 40,91 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2002-2003, 2005-2020 Health (social science) (Q1); Social Work (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
7663 24455 Child and Youth Care Forum journal 15733319, 10531890 0,643 Q1 33 59 147 3374 288 144 1,41 57,19 United States Northern America Springer New York 1991-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q2)
11086 4700152739 Child and Youth Services journal 15452298, 0145935X 0,433 Q2 12 28 64 1388 100 52 1,16 49,57 United States Northern America Routledge 1977-1983, 1985-1991, 1993-1994, 1997-1999, 2001, 2004-2020 Health (social science) (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
12013 5800207394 Child Care in Practice journal 13575279 0,388 Q2 19 61 96 2789 87 80 1,17 45,72 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1994-2020 Community and Home Care (Q2); Education (Q2); Pediatrics (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3); Health (social science) (Q3); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q3)
718 24456 Child Development journal 14678624, 00093920 2,88 Q1 243 285 515 17148 2751 491 5,61 60,17 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1945-1948, 1950-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Education (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Social Work (Q1)
688 13900154713 Child Development Perspectives journal 17508606, 17508592 2,932 Q1 64 42 135 1813 800 133 6,05 43,17 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1)
13174 21100469612 Child Development Research journal 20903995, 20903987 0,34 Q1 3 3 26 134 17 26 0,64 44,67 United States Northern America Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2015-2019 Linguistics and Language (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3); Education (Q3); Behavioral Neuroscience (Q4)
21262 21100861075 Child Health Nursing Research journal 22879129, 22879110 0,157 Q4 1 53 52 1502 15 52 0,29 28,34 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2018-2019 Pediatrics (Q4); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4)
6472 19400158810 Child Indicators Research journal 18748988, 1874897X 0,745 Q1 26 150 222 8699 467 218 1,8 57,99 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2010-2020 Health (social science) (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Social Psychology (Q2)
7749 22015 Child Language Teaching and Therapy journal 02656590, 14770865 0,636 Q1 31 15 65 691 116 63 1,4 46,07 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1985-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Clinical Psychology (Q2); Education (Q2); Speech and Hearing (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3)
2937 24469 Child Maltreatment journal 10775595 1,281 Q1 79 71 100 3470 319 96 3,18 48,87 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1996-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Social Work (Q1)
4053 12738 Child Neuropsychology journal 17444136, 09297049 1,042 Q1 70 75 174 4349 486 173 2,71 57,99 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1995-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2); Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology (Q2)
4320 14872 Child Psychiatry and Human Development journal 15733327, 0009398X 1,003 Q1 55 105 276 6040 693 270 2,26 57,52 United States Northern America Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press Inc. 1970-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
5291 14561 Child: Care, Health and Development journal 03051862, 13652214 0,871 Q1 78 94 309 3656 749 301 2,19 38,89 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1975-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
5616 24470 Childhood journal 09075682, 14617013 0,835 Q2 57 40 106 1866 208 93 2,1 46,65 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1993-1994, 1996-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
28572 21100900129 Childhood and Philosophy journal 25255061, 19845987 0,101 Q4 1 23 43 625 2 41 0,05 27,17 Brazil Latin America State Univ of Rio de Janeiro - Center of Childhood and Philosophy Studies 2018-2019 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4); Education (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)
22541 21100898040 Childhood Education journal 00094056, 21620725 0,14 Q4 22 63 236 114 73 185 0,35 1,81 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1996-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4); Education (Q4); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q4)
12674 21100446527 Childhood in the Past journal 20408528, 17585716 0,36 Q2 6 10 28 337 22 21 1,21 33,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2014-2020 Anthropology (Q2); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q3)
3642 19700200840 Childhood Obesity journal 21532176, 21532168 1,115 Q1 33 65 190 2663 524 182 2,87 40,97 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2010-2020 Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2)
11011 4700152716 Children and Schools journal 15328759 0,437 Q2 27 20 88 574 91 82 0,96 28,7 United States Northern America National Association of Social Workers 1978-1979, 1981-1995, 2005-2019 Education (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2)
8651 24472 Children and Society journal 09510605, 10990860 0,573 Q2 54 48 128 2238 198 126 1,5 46,63 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1987-2020 Education (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q2); Social Work (Q2)
5955 24482 Children and Youth Services Review journal 1907409 0,796 Q1 83 449 1223 25701 2446 1192 1,91 57,24 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1979-2020 Education (Q1); Social Work (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
13150 21100381293 Children Australia journal 10350772, 20497776 0,341 Q2 8 32 96 1275 56 89 0,56 39,84 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2008, 2014-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3); Health (social science) (Q3)
4638 19700187804 Children's Geographies journal 14733277, 14733285 0,954 Q1 53 90 164 4708 407 151 2,51 52,31 United Kingdom Western Europe Carfax Publishing Ltd. 2003-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Social Psychology (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
14861 29216 Children's Health Care journal 15326888, 02739615 0,286 Q3 38 29 79 1474 61 78 0,65 50,83 United States Northern America Routledge 1980-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q3); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q3)
19613 145077 Children's Literature in Education journal 456713 0,182 Q2 15 45 89 1721 21 79 0,27 38,24 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1970-2002, 2005-2020 Linguistics and Language (Q2); Education (Q4)
25805 21100868885 Children's Literature, Culture, and Cognition book series 22129006 0,113 Q2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q4)
9620 14874 Child's Nervous System journal 02567040, 14330350 0,509 Q2 80 416 1052 10314 1231 837 1,42 24,79 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1985-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q3)
20335 21100378923 Chilean Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences journal 07193882, 07193890 0,17 Q3 4 25 77 929 31 76 0,4 37,16 Chile Latin America Universidad de Concepcion 2014-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
11653 19400158712 Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research journal 07185820, 07185839 0,405 Q2 27 65 175 2087 226 174 1,06 32,11 Chile Latin America Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA 2008-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q2); Animal Science and Zoology (Q2)
13062 23433 Chimia journal 94293 0,345 Q2 53 186 462 6271 404 389 1,09 33,72 Switzerland Western Europe Swiss Chemical Society 1947-1949, 1960-1961, 1973-1986, 1996-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
21837 23447 Chimica Oggi journal 0392839X, 19738250 0,149 Q4 27 104 261 1250 63 226 0,3 12,02 Italy Western Europe TeknoScienze 1990-1991, 1996-2019 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
6620 19700201635 China Agricultural Economic Review journal 1756137X, 17561388 0,732 Q1 19 56 124 2379 229 122 1,79 42,48 United Kingdom Western Europe Emarald Group Publishing Ltd 2008-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
8827 5200153107 China and World Economy journal 16712234 0,562 Q1 26 35 118 1200 198 118 1,92 34,29 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2006-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1)
29511 12253 China Business Review trade journal 1637169 0,1 Q4 10 16 218 0 3 208 0,01 0 United States Northern America The US-China Business Council 1983, 1991, 2005-2019 Business and International Management (Q4); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
10018 19700177325 China Communications journal 16735447 0,487 Q2 32 186 726 5849 1793 698 2,77 31,45 China Asiatic Region China Institute of Communication 2008-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2)
10970 19900192720 China Economic Journal journal 17538963, 17538971 0,439 Q1 14 22 67 529 95 61 0,69 24,05 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
3626 20566 China Economic Review journal 1043951X 1,118 Q1 68 132 320 5879 1015 289 3,11 44,54 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1989-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Finance (Q1)
8161 21100774141 China Finance Review International journal 20441398, 20441401 0,607 Q2 7 45 68 1982 117 66 1,93 44,04 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2011-2019 Finance (Q2)      
11259 19700175231 China Foundry journal 16726421 0,424 Q2 16 54 191 1324 242 191 1,35 24,52 Singapore Asiatic Region Springer Singapore 2008-2020 Materials Chemistry (Q2); Metals and Alloys (Q2)
11348 11800154587 China Information journal 0920203X, 1741590X 0,42 Q2 22 19 57 840 72 54 1,24 44,21 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1986-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
23810 21100241614 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CICED conference and proceedings 21617481 0,127 - 8 0 1028 0 273 1026 0,16 0 United States Northern America 21617481 Control and Systems Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology
4278 23464 China Journal journal 18358535, 13249347 1,009 Q1 46 12 38 27 83 37 2,5 2,25 Australia Pacific Region University of Chicago Press 1995-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
9449 21100248934 China Journal of Accounting Research journal 17553091 0,52 Q2 11 21 54 915 110 54 1,58 43,57 China Asiatic Region Elsevier BV 2013-2020 Accounting (Q2); Finance (Q2)    
23028 21100887414 China Journal of Accounting Studies journal 21697213, 21697221 0,135 Q4 6 18 74 828 17 69 0,21 46 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2013-2020 Accounting (Q4); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4)
16876 19800188063 China Journal of Social Work journal 17525098, 17525101 0,233 Q3 9 19 55 758 28 43 0,52 39,89 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Health (social science) (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Social Work (Q4)
19967 19400157109 China Nonprofit Review journal 18765149, 18765092 0,176 Q3 4 16 48 554 6 44 0,13 34,63 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2009-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
10484 28588 China Ocean Engineering journal 8905487 0,463 Q2 23 74 238 1974 286 238 1,09 26,68 Germany Western Europe Springer Publishing Company 1987-1993, 1996-2020 Mechanical Engineering (Q2); Ocean Engineering (Q2); Oceanography (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
17752 19900191484 China Perspectives journal 19964617, 20703449 0,214 Q2 16 6 91 240 58 82 0,6 40 China Asiatic Region French Centre for Research on Contemporary China 2007-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3)
15966 89083 China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology journal 10086234 0,256 Q3 10 30 161 760 86 160 0,55 25,33 China Asiatic Region Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, SINOPEC 1999-2019 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Fuel Technology (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q3); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q3)
4279 23465 China Quarterly journal 03057410, 14682648 1,009 Q1 80 70 145 3444 344 137 2,41 49,2 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1960-2020 Development (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
20211 21100889430 China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies journal 23777419 0,172 Q3 4 16 96 310 24 93 0,27 19,38 Singapore Asiatic Region World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd 2015-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
17263 23891 China Report journal 94455 0,225 Q3 10 18 63 794 46 56 0,73 44,11 India Asiatic Region Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd 1971, 1979, 1989-2020 Development (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3)
14670 4000151708 China Review journal 16802012 0,292 Q1 17 17 64 367 58 59 1,07 21,59 China Asiatic Region Chinese University Press 2005-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1)    
25407 21100465021 China Semiconductor Technology International Conference 2016, CSTIC 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,116 - 3 0 197 0 37 195 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Information Systems
26566 21100817101 China Semiconductor Technology International Conference 2017, CSTIC 2017 conference and proceedings - 0,109 - 3 0 179 0 27 177 0,15 0 United States Northern America   Control and Optimization; Control and Systems Engineering
24093 21100407278 China Studies book series 15701344 0,125 Q2 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2008, 2010-2014, 2017 History (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29512 3900148603 China Textile and Apparel trade journal 10215824 0,1 Q4 1 20 53 0 0 53 0 0 Hong Kong Asiatic Region Adsale Publishing Company 2005-2019 Polymers and Plastics (Q4)    
12399 29458 China Welding (English Edition) journal 10045341 0,371 Q2 11 27 115 420 96 115 0,99 15,56 China Asiatic Region China Welding 1997-2019 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Mechanics of Materials (Q3)
18727 19700171003 China: An International Journal journal 2197472 0,196 Q3 13 42 123 941 48 116 0,35 22,4 Singapore Asiatic Region National University of Singapore 2008-2020 Business and International Management (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
26068 21100207012 China's Refractories journal 10044493 0,112 Q4 4 12 90 120 11 88 0,09 10 China Asiatic Region The Editorial Committee of China's Refractories 2012-2019 Ceramics and Composites (Q4)  
9621 25348 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B journal 18606261, 02529599 0,509 Q2 34 54 213 1384 130 213 0,64 25,63 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1980, 1996-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q2); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)
27757 21100823215 Chinese as a Second Language Research journal 21932263, 21932271 0,103 Q4 1 12 28 469 4 27 0,15 39,08 France Western Europe De Gruyter Mouton 2017-2019 Education (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
23501 27149 Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics journal 2751062 0,13 Q4 11 29 123 1083 25 123 0,21 37,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1981-2019 Astronomy and Astrophysics (Q4); Space and Planetary Science (Q4)
5750 23448 Chinese Chemical Letters journal 10018417 0,819 Q1 45 677 1129 29689 4425 1119 4,45 43,85 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1996-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
6278 21100448930 Chinese Clinical Oncology journal 23043873, 23043865 0,763 Q2 18 94 239 3846 419 192 1,98 40,91 Hong Kong Asiatic Region Society for Translational Medicine (STM) 2012-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Oncology (Q3)
21263 21100228702 Chinese Control Conference, CCC conference and proceedings 21612927 0,157 - 19 1472 5374 26951 2184 5368 0,37 18,31 United States Northern America 21612927 Applied Mathematics; Computer Science Applications; Control and Systems Engineering; Modeling and Simulation
15104 11700154727 Chinese Economy journal 15580954, 10971475 0,279 Q2 13 32 105 1037 84 89 0,82 32,41 United States Northern America M.E. Sharpe Inc. 2008-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2)
23029 12822 Chinese Education and Society journal 19447116, 10611932 0,135 Q4 13 23 108 406 33 97 0,17 17,65 United States Northern America M.E. Sharpe Inc. 1993-1997, 1999-2020 Education (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
20902 21100825843 Chinese General Practice journal 10079572 0,162 Q3 8 739 2455 16722 518 2454 0,26 22,63 China Asiatic Region 2016-2020 Family Practice (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
9565 25202 Chinese Geographical Science journal 10020063, 1993064X 0,513 Q2 32 87 233 4053 472 233 2,05 46,59 China Asiatic Region Science Press 1991-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
28573 21100386861 Chinese Historical Review journal 20487827, 1547402X 0,101 Q4 3 4 31 98 1 28 0 24,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 2014-2019 Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4)  
7291 13831 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics journal 10009361 0,67 Q1 44 269 550 9880 1723 550 3,03 36,73 China Asiatic Region Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 1990-1991, 1996-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1)
15998 21100866269 Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology journal 10006362 0,255 Q3 7 72 232 2029 163 232 0,66 28,18 China Asiatic Region Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology 2016-2019 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Forestry (Q3); Atmospheric Science (Q4)
13063 4900152712 Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry journal 18722040 0,345 Q3 27 74 234 3014 367 234 1,59 40,73 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2006-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q3)    
21640 130078 Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology journal 1006687X 0,152 Q4 17 194 548 7412 219 548 0,39 38,21 China Asiatic Region Science Press 2005-2019 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q4); Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q4); Genetics (Q4); Pollution (Q4)
14671 22594 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology journal 10019332 0,292 Q3 41 480 1444 4923 1100 1444 0,7 10,26 China Asiatic Region Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 1991-2020 Ecology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
17900 21100831064 Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics journal 21929513, 21929505 0,211 Q2 3 20 66 1100 29 57 0,51 55 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Mouton 2017-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
11462 21100783336 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences journal 10069895 0,414 Q3 7 98 288 3679 225 288 0,81 37,54 China Asiatic Region Science Press 2016-2020 Atmospheric Science (Q3)    
25089 19700174885 Chinese Journal of Biologicals journal 10045503 0,119 Q4 5 247 803 4786 64 803 0,08 19,38 China Asiatic Region Changchun Institute of Biological Products 2007-2019 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q4); Biochemistry (Q4); Biotechnology (Q4); Immunology (Q4)
26898 21456 Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering journal 2588021 0,107 Q4 12 95 274 2705 44 274 0,16 28,47 China Asiatic Region Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences 1984-2019 Bioengineering (Q4); Biomedical Engineering (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28038 19700174892 Chinese Journal of Cancer Biotherapy journal 1007385X 0,102 Q4 4 132 249 3355 13 248 0,05 25,42 China Asiatic Region Editorial office of Chinese Journal of Cancer Biotherapy 2008-2011, 2013-2016, 2018-2020 Cancer Research (Q4); Molecular Medicine (Q4); Pharmacology (Q4)
26069 5700165167 Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment journal 16735269 0,112 Q4 6 309 924 6994 121 924 0,15 22,63 China Asiatic Region Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment, Editorial board 2007-2020 Oncology (Q4)      
4857 29239 Chinese Journal of Cancer Research journal 10009604, 19930631 0,924 Q2 31 0 144 0 415 134 3,61 0 Hong Kong Asiatic Region Beijing Institute for Cancer Research 1988-1996, 1998-2017 Oncology (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3)  
22936 20703 Chinese Journal of Cardiology journal 2533758 0,136 Q4 19 181 617 1207 103 606 0,16 6,67 China Asiatic Region Chinese Medical Association 1979-1999, 2005-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4)
3530 25246 Chinese Journal of Catalysis journal 18722067, 02539837 1,14 Q1 54 187 682 11243 3755 659 6,36 60,12 China Asiatic Region Science Press 1996-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Catalysis (Q2)
27261 3200147816 Chinese Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases journal 16725921 0,105 Q4 5 113 339 2388 27 338 0,13 21,13 China Asiatic Region Society of China University Journals in Natural Sciences 2006-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4); Neurology (clinical) (Q4); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
8670 12888 Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering journal 10049541 0,572 Q2 49 350 769 18326 2139 764 2,85 52,36 China Asiatic Region Chemical Industry Press 1993-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Engineering (Q2); Biochemistry (Q3)
14498 27999 Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics journal 23272244, 16740068 0,297 Q3 22 107 338 4586 329 336 1,03 42,86 United States Northern America American Institute of Physics 2000-2020 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q3)  
4522 23450 Chinese Journal of Chemistry journal 16147065, 1001604X 0,97 Q1 36 164 597 9722 1899 568 3,93 59,28 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1990-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
18548 12894 Chinese Journal of Chromatography (Se Pu) journal 18722059, 10008713 0,199 Q3 19 170 563 2556 240 562 0,47 15,04 China Asiatic Region Zhongguo Kexueyuan - Chinese Academy of Sciences 1997-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Analytical Chemistry (Q4); Biochemistry (Q4); Electrochemistry (Q4); Organic Chemistry (Q4)
27052 4200151511 Chinese Journal of Clinical Nutrition journal 1674635X 0,106 Q4 5 65 187 1425 8 187 0,03 21,92 China Asiatic Region Zhonghua yi xue hui Beijing fen hui 2006-2019 Nutrition and Dietetics (Q4)    
26695 13234 Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology journal 16727118, 10008179 0,108 Q4 8 61 735 1441 49 717 0,08 23,62 China Asiatic Region China Anti-Cancer Association 1986-1999, 2005-2019 Cancer Research (Q4); Oncology (Q4)  
8512 19700188307 Chinese Journal of Communication journal 17544769, 17544750 0,582 Q2 17 38 76 1902 128 69 1,96 50,05 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2010-2020 Communication (Q2)    
19553 21100820654 Chinese Journal of Comparative Law journal 20504802, 20504810 0,183 Q3 4 16 43 942 15 43 0,52 58,88 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2013-2019 Law (Q3)        
25408 4000151712 Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery journal 16726731 0,116 Q4 8 182 522 4489 59 522 0,11 24,66 China Asiatic Region Tianjin Huanhu Hospital 2006-2020 Neurology (Q4); Neurology (clinical) (Q4)
20336 144721 Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics journal 10088830 0,17 Q3 14 227 702 4527 210 702 0,29 19,94 China Asiatic Region Xiangya Hospital of CSU 2005-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
19302 21100900506 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture journal 16713990 0,187 Q4 4 192 194 7092 142 194 0,73 36,94 China Asiatic Region Science Press 2018-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q4); Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Plant Science (Q4); Soil Science (Q4)
20970 68712 Chinese Journal of Ecology journal 10004890 0,161 Q4 21 288 1350 5229 540 1350 0,38 18,16 China Asiatic Region editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Ecology 1982-1984, 1987-1990, 1992, 1994, 2005-2019 Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
13295 24184 Chinese Journal of Electronics journal 10224653 0,335 Q2 23 173 542 3958 750 541 1,23 22,88 China Asiatic Region Chinese Institute of Electronics 1996-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3)
27496 3200147821 Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine journal 16710282 0,104 Q4 5 41 529 650 27 514 0,05 15,85 China Asiatic Region Chinese Medical Association 2006-2019 Emergency Medicine (Q4); Emergency Nursing (Q4)
16366 144880 Chinese Journal of Endemiology journal 10004955 0,245 Q3 11 294 825 6784 425 824 0,5 23,07 China Asiatic Region Chinese Medical Association 2005-2020 Microbiology (medical) (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
18389 21100811174 Chinese Journal of Engineering journal 23148063 0,202 Q2 2 0 10 0 13 9 0 0 United States Northern America Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2016 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)
20337 21100448550 Chinese Journal of Engineering Design journal 1006754X, 21928253 0,17 Q2 5 80 272 1472 78 272 0,31 18,4 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2015-2019 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4); Computational Mechanics (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
24979 21100287325 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering journal 16739108 0,12 Q4 9 344 2524 9598 525 2524 0,21 27,9 China Asiatic Region Science Press 2013-2020 Environmental Chemistry (Q4); Environmental Engineering (Q4); Pollution (Q4); Waste Management and Disposal (Q4); Water Science and Technology (Q4)
26696 130108 Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine journal 16722531 0,108 Q4 11 183 658 4656 36 646 0,05 25,44 China Asiatic Region West China University of Medical Sciences 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
25806 27812 Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine journal 10015728 0,113 Q4 5 0 90 0 6 90 0,06 0 China Asiatic Region Chinese Forensic Medicine Association 1989-1990, 2005-2014, 2016-2017 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q4)  
27262 93618 Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology journal 10087125 0,105 Q4 7 170 531 4126 28 531 0,05 24,27 China Asiatic Region Shanghai Institute of Digestive Diseases 2001-2019 Gastroenterology (Q4)    
22750 4000151706 Chinese Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy journal 10097708 0,138 Q4 10 130 417 1861 64 372 0,18 14,32 China Asiatic Region Editorial Department of Chinese Journal of Infection 2006-2019 Infectious Diseases (Q4); Microbiology (medical) (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
20415 25332 Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry journal 10014861 0,169 Q4 26 59 779 1931 414 779 0,54 32,73 China Asiatic Region Chinese Chemical Society 1996-2019 Inorganic Chemistry (Q4)    
11715 145017 Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine journal 16720415 0,402 Q2 31 186 481 6358 597 409 1,38 34,18 China Asiatic Region Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine Press 2003, 2005-2020 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
17264 5800169269 Chinese Journal of International Law journal 15401650, 17469937 0,225 Q2 17 7 86 273 38 73 0,48 39 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2008-2019 Law (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q3)
2679 9700153101 Chinese Journal of International Politics journal 17508924, 17508916 1,349 Q1 26 20 42 2146 121 42 2,42 107,3 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2006-2019 Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
28574 3200147814 Chinese Journal of Interventional Imaging and Therapy journal 16728475 0,101 Q4 5 195 601 2814 11 601 0,02 14,43 China Asiatic Region Editorial Office - Chinese Journal of Interventional 2006-2019 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
15727 21100448964 Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays journal 10072780 0,262 Q3 8 144 460 1998 221 460 0,58 13,88 China Asiatic Region Science Press 2015-2020 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q3); Instrumentation (Q3); Signal Processing (Q3)
20560 11200153521 Chinese Journal of Luminescence journal 10007032 0,167 Q4 15 193 723 4607 315 723 0,47 23,87 China Asiatic Region Chines Academy of Sciences 2008-2020 Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q4); Radiation (Q4)
19554 19119 Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer journal 10093419, 19996187 0,183 Q3 14 121 453 3815 230 437 0,52 31,53 China Asiatic Region Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer 2002-2020 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q3); Cancer Research (Q4); Oncology (Q4)
9290 19806 Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition) journal 21928258, 10009345 0,531 Q2 30 112 394 3814 933 383 2,44 34,05 China Asiatic Region Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society 1990, 1998-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Mechanical Engineering (Q2)
20029 19071 Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics journal 10039406 0,175 Q4 16 274 575 2026 120 568 0,2 7,39 China Asiatic Region West China University of Medical Sciences 1998-2020 Genetics (clinical) (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28039 3800148001 Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology journal 10033289 0,102 Q4 6 559 1610 6897 36 1610 0,03 12,34 China Asiatic Region Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology 2006-2019 Physiology (medical) (Q4); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
24980 21393 Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology journal 2545101 0,12 Q4 7 152 488 4064 85 488 0,2 26,74 China Asiatic Region Society of Microbiology and Immunology 1972, 1974-1989, 1993-2020 Immunology (Q4); Microbiology (Q4); Virology (Q4)
9513 59665 Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines journal 16723651 0,516 Q1 31 108 325 4241 735 321 2,17 39,27 China Asiatic Region China Pharmaceutical University 2004-2020 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q1); Drug Discovery (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
23811 20011 Chinese Journal of Neurology journal 10067876 0,127 Q4 10 172 548 5139 131 548 0,25 29,88 China Asiatic Region Chinese Medical Association 1959, 1997-2020 Neurology (Q4); Neurology (clinical) (Q4)
26899 19700174922 Chinese Journal of New Drugs journal 10033734 0,107 Q4 10 499 1527 10295 93 1527 0,06 20,63 China Asiatic Region Chinese Journal of New Drugs Co. Ltd. 2008-2020 Pharmacology (medical) (Q4); Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q4)
18549 13235 Chinese Journal of Oncology journal 2533766 0,199 Q3 26 178 535 0 234 535 0,52 0 China Asiatic Region Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences 1979-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Oncology (Q4)
21094 15179 Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology journal 4124081 0,159 Q4 15 113 407 533 100 407 0,24 4,72 China Asiatic Region Chinese Medical Association 1979-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Ophthalmology (Q4)
14819 26530 Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry journal 2532786 0,287 Q3 32 409 1050 20245 1243 1002 1,34 49,5 China Asiatic Region Science Press 1996-2020 Organic Chemistry (Q3)    
23593 21483 Chinese Journal of Pathology journal 5295807 0,129 Q4 13 19 550 0 76 545 0,13 0 China Asiatic Region Chinese Medical Association 1985-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q4)
27263 21100829255 Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology journal 10058915 0,105 Q4 4 121 366 2447 21 366 0,03 20,22 China Asiatic Region China Pharmaceutical University 2007-2019 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q4); Pharmaceutical Science (Q4)
25807 25247 Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology journal 10003002 0,113 Q4 11 52 359 1469 37 355 0,09 28,25 China Asiatic Region Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 1986-2019 Pharmacology (Q4); Toxicology (Q4)  
9931 12966 Chinese Journal of Physics journal 5779073 0,492 Q2 32 285 683 11457 1717 680 2,84 40,2 Taiwan Asiatic Region Physical Society of the Republic of China 1996-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
14755 23379 Chinese Journal of Physiology journal 03044920, 25332279 0,289 Q3 30 40 117 1284 133 110 1,1 32,1 Taiwan Asiatic Region Chinese Physiological Society 1971, 1973-2020 Physiology (medical) (Q3); Physiology (Q4)
15508 21100786528 Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology journal 1005264X 0,268 Q3 6 62 360 2990 272 359 0,72 48,23 China Asiatic Region 2016-2019 Ecology (Q3); Plant Science (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
6853 25827 Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition) journal 02567679, 14396203 0,71 Q1 33 164 439 7416 1252 439 3,25 45,22 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1985-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Polymers and Plastics (Q1); Organic Chemistry (Q2)
11835 21100463829 Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment journal 23254262, 10042857 0,396 Q2 11 34 117 1293 146 108 1,24 38,03 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1992, 2004-2013, 2015-2019 Demography (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Toxicology (Q3)
28575 80396 Chinese Journal of Radiology journal 10188940 0,101 Q4 7 0 24 0 0 24 0 0 China Asiatic Region Radiological Society of the R.O.C. 1957, 1959, 1997-2016 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
27264 3900148613 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine journal 10011242 0,105 Q4 6 128 406 3058 25 406 0,04 23,89 China Asiatic Region China-Japan Friendship Hospital 2006-2020 Rehabilitation (Q4)      
16399 21100820182 Chinese Journal of Rice Science journal 10017216 0,244 Q3 5 62 212 2462 141 212 0,8 39,71 China Asiatic Region China National Rice Research Institute 2016-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Plant Science (Q3); Soil Science (Q3)
21566 19900193538 Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control journal 10056661 0,153 Q4 13 178 571 989 94 571 0,19 5,56 China Asiatic Region zhong guo xue xi chong bing fang zhi za zhi she 2011-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Parasitology (Q4)
24506 144788 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators journal 10041699 0,124 Q4 16 306 968 5432 260 968 0,26 17,75 China Asiatic Region Guojia Jiaowei Quanguo Gaoxiao Chuangan Jishu Yanjiuhui 2004-2019 Control and Systems Engineering (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
12496 21100869492 Chinese Journal of Sociology journal 2057150X, 20571518 0,367 Q2 7 21 71 1111 73 69 0,67 52,9 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2015-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
27053 6200180182 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research journal 16738225 0,106 Q4 10 1 2152 15 129 2152 0,09 15 China Asiatic Region Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research 2007-2020 Biomedical Engineering (Q4); Clinical Biochemistry (Q4); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4)
12086 29582 Chinese Journal of Traumatology - English Edition journal 10081275 0,385 Q3 25 73 248 1708 336 241 1,45 23,4 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2001-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3); Surgery (Q3)
17753 21100349320 Chinese Language and Discourse journal 18777031, 18778798 0,214 Q1 5 12 23 483 11 23 0,5 40,25 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 2010-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
29513 12561 Chinese Law and Government journal 19447051, 00094609 0,1 Q4 4 6 229 0 5 215 0,02 0 United States Northern America M.E. Sharpe Inc. 1968-1995, 2002-2019 Law (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
14630 18400156719 Chinese Management Studies journal 1750614X 0,293 Q2 21 77 125 5231 184 125 1,36 67,94 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2007-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2)
10709 29225 Chinese Medical Journal journal 3666999 0,452 Q3 58 556 1770 10629 1894 1187 1,51 19,12 China Asiatic Region Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 1946-1960, 1962-1966, 1973-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
19020 29227 Chinese Medical Sciences Journal journal 10019294 0,191 Q3 21 46 131 1145 69 129 0,6 24,89 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier 1991-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
7183 6400153120 Chinese Medicine journal 17498546 0,679 Q1 38 57 143 4183 429 141 3,25 73,39 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2006-2020 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q1); Pharmacology (Q2)
21915 21100936546 Chinese Neurosurgical Journal journal 20574967 0,148 Q4 4 30 122 1103 36 120 0,21 36,77 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2015-2020 Neurology (Q4); Neurology (clinical) (Q4); Surgery (Q4)
11087 21100226804 Chinese Optics journal 20951531 0,433 Q3 20 115 257 3557 395 257 1,61 30,93 China Asiatic Region Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2010-2020 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q3)
8362 66344 Chinese Optics Letters journal 16717694 0,592 Q2 35 229 739 6519 1323 737 2,2 28,47 China Asiatic Region Science Press 2003-2020 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q2)
25808 21100406862 Chinese Overseas book series 18763847 0,113 Q2 3 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2010-2011, 2013-2015, 2017-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); History (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
22220 22934 Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal journal 10012494 0,144 Q3 20 297 1150 7019 258 1150 0,24 23,63 China Asiatic Region Chinese Pharmaceutical Association 1993-2019 Pharmaceutical Science (Q3); Pharmacology (Q4)
20776 22908 Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin journal 10011978 0,164 Q4 16 337 1014 5492 475 1014 0,49 16,3 China Asiatic Region Institute of Clinical Pharmacology 1993-2019 Pharmacology (Q4)      
12962 11500153404 Chinese Physics B journal 16741056 0,349 Q3 49 811 2947 31145 3686 2940 1,26 38,4 United Kingdom Western Europe IOP Publishing Ltd. 2008-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q3)
3016 15600154712 Chinese Physics C journal 16741137 1,256 Q1 34 171 647 8419 1863 643 2,47 49,23 United Kingdom Western Europe IOP Publishing Ltd. 2008-2020 Instrumentation (Q1); Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Q1); Astronomy and Astrophysics (Q2)
13889 27432 Chinese Physics Letters journal 17413540, 0256307X 0,316 Q3 62 243 1161 6856 1139 1156 1,1 28,21 United Kingdom Western Europe IOP Publishing Ltd. 1984-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q3)
17025 21100239601 Chinese Rare Earths journal 10040277 0,23 Q3 11 110 397 2493 172 397 0,33 22,66 China Asiatic Region Baotou gang tie gong si xi tu yan jiu yuan 2013-2019 Materials Chemistry (Q3); Metals and Alloys (Q3)
14820 21100897050 Chinese Semiotic Studies journal 21989613, 21989605 0,287 Q2 5 32 97 1126 31 94 0,51 35,19 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Mouton 2009-2020 Communication (Q2); Language and Linguistics (Q2)
3489 21100197766 Chinese Sociological Review journal 21620555, 21620563 1,147 Q1 17 25 49 1216 113 46 2,39 48,64 United States Northern America M.E. Sharpe Inc. 2011-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Demography (Q1); Gender Studies (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
17476 13633 Chinese Space Science and Technology journal 1000758X 0,22 Q3 12 64 217 1269 114 217 0,5 19,83 China Asiatic Region Chinese Academy of Space Technology 2004-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q3); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
28576 5800192069 Chinese Studies in History journal 00094633, 15580407 0,101 Q4 5 19 68 0 2 56 0 0 United States Northern America M.E. Sharpe Inc. 1967-1995, 2002-2020 History (Q4)      
23305 4000148308 Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs journal 2532670 0,132 Q3 14 849 2349 24340 581 2349 0,22 28,67 China Asiatic Region Editorial Office of Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs 2006-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q3); Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q4); Drug Discovery (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
28577 62974 Chinesische Medizin journal 9302786 0,101 Q4 4 0 47 0 0 40 0 0 Germany Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 1999-2017 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q4)
10971 16948 Chirality journal 1520636X, 08990042 0,439 Q3 75 97 336 4002 713 324 2,17 41,26 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1989-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q3); Catalysis (Q3); Drug Discovery (Q3); Organic Chemistry (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3); Spectroscopy (Q3)
24623 27650 Chirigaku Hyoron/Geographical Review of Japan journal 13479555 0,123 Q4 9 0 62 0 11 61 0,13 0 Japan Asiatic Region Association of Japanese Geographers 1978-1984, 1994, 1998, 2001-2009, 2011-2018 Earth-Surface Processes (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
28579 16400154765 Chiron book series 693715 0,101 Q3 11 0 28 0 2 28 0,07 0 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2002-2010, 2013-2014, 2017-2018 Classics (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4); History (Q4)
8634 19700201301 Chiropractic and Manual Therapies journal 2045709X 0,574 Q1 30 68 136 2965 259 127 1,76 43,6 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2011-2020 Chiropractics (Q1); Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q1); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q2)
27497 21100241762 Chiropractic Journal of Australia journal 22008012, 10360913 0,104 Q4 5 0 69 0 6 64 0,1 0 Australia Pacific Region Chiropractors' Association of Australia 2010-2013, 2016-2018 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q4)
19098 20999 Chirurg journal 00094722, 14330385 0,19 Q3 46 311 615 3915 274 477 0,58 12,59 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1946-2020 Surgery (Q3)      
16568 40682 Chirurgia (Bucharest, Romania : 1990) journal 12219118, 1842368X 0,24 Q3 17 95 276 2075 172 251 0,7 21,84 Romania Eastern Europe Editura Medicala 1991-1998, 2000-2020 Surgery (Q3)      
24094 21100212400 Chirurgia (Turin) journal 18271782, 03949508 0,125 Q4 7 74 165 1296 23 163 0,05 17,51 Italy Western Europe Minerva Medica 1973-1985, 1988-2019 Surgery (Q4)      
28580 21014 Chirurgia Polska journal 16443349, 15075524 0,101 Q4 5 0 26 0 0 26 0 0 Poland Eastern Europe Via Medica 2002-2018 Surgery (Q4)      
29514 21023 Chirurgische Praxis journal 94846 0,1 Q4 4 0 277 0 1 245 0,01 0 Germany Western Europe Hans Marseille Verlag GmbH 1973-1980, 2001-2018 Surgery (Q4)      
9170 19700201640 Cholesterol journal 20901283, 20901291 0,539 Q2 18 0 15 0 27 15 2,2 0 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2010-2018 Organic Chemistry (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Hematology (Q3); Internal Medicine (Q3)
19728 17700155307 Chongqing Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Chongqing University journal 1000582X 0,18 Q3 15 123 396 2324 137 396 0,35 18,89 China Asiatic Region Editorial Board of Journal of Chongqing University 2009-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4)
20165 21100388305 Choreographic Practices journal 20405669, 20405677 0,173 Q1 3 9 77 205 9 69 0,16 22,78 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2014, 2016-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1)  
19303 29243 Christian Bioethics journal 17444195, 13803603 0,187 Q1 10 19 61 655 11 60 0,08 34,47 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1995-2006, 2010-2019 Religious Studies (Q1); Philosophy (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
28040 21100894551 Christian Education Journal journal 07398913, 2378525X 0,102 Q4 1 37 30 1023 1 25 0,04 27,65 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 2018-2020 Education (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)  
17801 19700187616 Christian Higher Education journal 15363759, 15394107 0,213 Q1 12 34 82 1257 30 61 0,32 36,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2002-2020 Religious Studies (Q1); Education (Q3)  
30273 21100934920 Christian Journal for Global Health journal 21672415   - 1 15 0 248 0 0 0 16,53 United States Northern America 2019 Health Policy; Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
24095 21100442232 Christians and Jews in Muslim Societies book series 22125523 0,125 Q2 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2012, 2014, 2016 History (Q2); Religious Studies (Q2)  
12154 23963 Chromatographia journal 00095893, 16121112 0,382 Q3 66 158 510 6384 748 481 1,54 40,41 Germany Western Europe Springer Vieweg 1968-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q3); Biochemistry (Q3); Clinical Biochemistry (Q3); Organic Chemistry (Q3)
949 21752 Chromosoma journal 14320886, 00095915 2,425 Q1 84 43 159 2949 561 154 3,35 68,58 Germany Western Europe Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH 1939, 1941, 1948, 1950-2020 Genetics (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1)  
1904 16950 Chromosome Research journal 15736849, 09673849 1,635 Q1 79 32 89 2342 227 84 3,21 73,19 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1993-2020 Genetics (Q1)      
7475 4700152411 Chronic Illness journal 17423953, 17459206 0,656 Q2 38 52 84 1870 148 62 2,45 35,96 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2005-2020 Health Policy (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
8615 21100870389 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases journal 2372952X 0,575 Q2 4 43 36 1243 43 32 1,34 28,91 United States Northern America COPD Foundation 2018-2020 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q2)
5935 18436 Chronic Respiratory Disease journal 14799723, 14799731 0,798 Q2 37 36 171 1342 374 153 2,17 37,28 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2004-2020 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q2)
29515 16100154734 Chronique d'Egypte journal 96067 0,1 Q4 5 13 61 650 0 61 0 50 Belgium Western Europe Brepols Publishers 1971-1973, 1976, 1978, 1987, 2002-2019 Archeology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4); History (Q4)
4504 14409 Chronobiology International journal 15256073, 07420528 0,972 Q2 95 174 450 8249 1267 421 2,77 47,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1984-2020 Physiology (Q2); Physiology (medical) (Q2)
17026 63703 Chuan Bo Li Xue/Journal of Ship Mechanics journal 10077294 0,23 Q3 17 147 475 2549 138 475 0,26 17,34 China Asiatic Region China Ship Scientific Research Center 1998-2020 Mechanical Engineering (Q3); Ocean Engineering (Q3)
25809 25124 Chudoku kenkyu : Chudoku Kenkyukai jun kikanshi = The Japanese journal of toxicology journal 9143777 0,113 Q4 9 0 14 0 1 13 0 0 Japan Asiatic Region Japanese Association of Clinical Toxicology 2001-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
27758 65449 Chung Cheng Ling Hsueh Pao/Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology journal 2556030 0,103 Q4 6 0 60 0 1 60 0,03 0 China Asiatic Region Chung Cheng Institute of Technology 2001-2018 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q4)
13175 4700152616 Chungara journal 7161182 0,34 Q1 22 43 135 1370 80 125 0,67 31,86 Chile Latin America Universidad de Tarapaca 2000-2002, 2004, 2006-2019 Archeology (Q1); Anthropology (Q2)  
18218 80911 Chung-kuo Tsao Chih/China Pulp and Paper trade journal 0254508X 0,205 Q2 11 134 506 2800 176 506 0,41 20,9 China Asiatic Region China Technical Association of Paper Industry 1996-2019 Media Technology (Q2); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3)
25648 24465 Church History journal 96407 0,114 Q3 22 29 81 992 6 79 0,08 34,21 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1932-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3); Religious Studies (Q3)
22643 20400195009 Church History and Religious Culture journal 1871241X, 18712428 0,139 Q2 8 17 54 1078 6 54 0,11 63,41 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1912, 1915, 1927, 1929, 1932, 1935-1936, 1939-1940, 1952, 1955, 1963, 1965, 1968, 1970-1972, 1974, 1976-1977, 1979-1994, 2006-2019 History (Q2); Religious Studies (Q2)  
19792 21100917116 Church, Communication and Culture journal 23753242, 23753234 0,179 Q1 4 20 55 532 26 45 0,41 26,6 United States Northern America Routledge 2016-2020 Religious Studies (Q1); Communication (Q3)
20840 21100793864 CIBCB 2016 - Annual IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology conference and proceedings - 0,163 - 4 0 43 0 33 40 0 0 United States Northern America   Communication; Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Information Systems; Software
28581 21100780455 CIBSE 2016 - XIX Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 1 0 43 0 1 35 0 0 Ecuador Latin America   Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials; Hardware and Architecture
24096 21100855432 CICIMAR Oceanides journal 18700713 0,125 Q4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Mexico Latin America Instituto Politecnio Nacional 2016 Aquatic Science (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Oceanography (Q4)
23030 21100469644 CICTP 2016 - Green and Multimodal Transportation and Logistics - Proceedings of the 16th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals conference and proceedings - 0,135 - 4 0 214 0 51 212 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Hardware and Architecture
22459 21100797701 CIE 2016: 46th International Conferences on Computers and Industrial Engineering conference and proceedings - 0,141 - 2 0 212 0 45 211 0 0 United States Northern America   Hardware and Architecture; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality; Software
26070 4400151735 CIM Magazine trade journal 17184177 0,112 Q4 20 87 305 0 5 268 0,02 0 Canada Northern America Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum 2006-2019 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4); Metals and Alloys (Q4)
11906 23603 CIN - Computers Informatics Nursing journal 15382931, 15389774 0,393 Q2 43 98 297 2393 346 280 1,22 24,42 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2002-2020 Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q2); Health Informatics (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
25529 21100457009 CINTI 2015 - 16th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,115 - 5 0 60 0 29 59 0 0 United States Northern America   Control and Optimization; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Mechanical Engineering
22542 21100801716 CINTI 2016 - 17th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics: Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,14 - 6 0 64 0 45 63 0,71 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science (miscellaneous); Mathematics (miscellaneous)
13534 21100787833 CIRIEC-Espana Revista de Economia Publica, Social y Cooperativa journal 19896816 0,327 Q2 6 30 88 1498 85 87 0,87 49,93 Spain Western Europe CIRIEC-ESPANA 2015-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
873 19804 CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology journal 00078506, 17260604 2,544 Q1 143 162 466 4964 2786 465 5,06 30,64 United States Northern America Elsevier USA 1969-2019 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1)
3280 12300154704 CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology journal 17555817, 18780016 1,193 Q1 44 35 156 1322 581 146 3,83 37,77 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2008-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1)
2403 21100438196 CIS Iron and Steel Review journal 20720815 1,434 Q1 9 27 61 634 122 61 2,07 23,48 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Ore and Metals Publishing House 2014-2019 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Metals and Alloys (Q1)
29519 21100801715 CISCI 2016 - Decima Quinta Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernetica e Informatica, Decimo Tercer Simposium Iberoamericano en Educacion, Cibernetica e Informatica, SIECI 2016 - Memorias conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 1 0 64 0 2 62 0 0 United States Northern America   Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment; Statistics and Probability; Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
27498 20420 CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures book series 23093706, 02541971 0,104 Q4 20 113 193 3346 117 6 11,17 29,61 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 1983-1985, 1991, 2005-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4); Mechanics of Materials (Q4); Modeling and Simulation (Q4)
20685 21100792756 CISPEE 2016 - 2nd International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,165 - 3 0 27 0 17 25 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Software
30274 21100915998 Cidades journal 21823030   - 0 16 0 376 0 0 0 23,5 Portugal Western Europe Instituto Universitario de Lisboa - DINAMIA CET-IUL 2019 Urban Studies      
26426 67311 Ciencia and Engenharia/ Science and Engineering Journal journal 19834071, 0103944X 0,11 Q4 6 0 45 0 4 45 0,06 0 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal de Uberlandia 1997-2018 Multidisciplinary (Q4)    
19793 21100212320 Ciencia Animal Brasileira journal 18096891, 15182797 0,179 Q3 8 45 155 1259 44 155 0,18 27,98 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal De Goias (UFG) 2012-2019 Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q3); Animal Science and Zoology (Q4)
22751 5000154508 Ciencia da Informacao journal 1001965 0,138 Q4 11 41 92 1421 15 85 0,21 34,66 Brazil Latin America Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology 2006-2013, 2015-2019 Library and Information Sciences (Q4)  
21567 73135 Ciencia del Suelo journal 03263169, 18502067 0,153 Q4 17 0 99 0 23 99 0,18 0 Argentina Latin America Asociacion Argentina de la Ciencia del Suelo 1994-2018 Soil Science (Q4)      
12274 19200157040 Ciencia e Agrotecnologia journal 14137054, 19811829 0,376 Q2 27 48 182 1832 263 180 1,31 38,17 Brazil Latin America Federal University of Lavras 2007-2019 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q2); Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q2); Food Science (Q3); Soil Science (Q3)
19372 69053 Ciencia e Investigacion Agraria journal 3045609 0,186 Q3 16 31 103 997 56 99 0,58 32,16 Chile Latin America Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Facultad de Agronomia e Ingenieria Forestal 1982, 2008-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
8616 4700151729 Ciencia e Saude Coletiva journal 14138123 0,575 Q2 41 457 1212 14175 1243 1111 0,94 31,02 Brazil Latin America Associacao Brasileira de Pos - Graduacao em Saude Coletiva 2006-2020 Health Policy (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
15032 19700171104 Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola journal 2540223 0,281 Q3 11 9 40 410 38 40 0,83 45,56 Portugal Western Europe Instituto Nacional de Investigacao Agraria e das Pescas 2008-2019 Food Science (Q3); Horticulture (Q3)  
19794 21100286892 Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais journal 8708312 0,179 Q3 8 0 97 0 73 96 0,8 0 Spain Western Europe Elsevier Espana 2012-2017 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4)
12056 5400152643 Ciencia Florestal journal 19805098, 01039954 0,386 Q2 19 144 400 4794 267 388 0,51 33,29 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal de Santa Maria 2007-2019 Forestry (Q2)      
14672 4000151812 Ciencia Rural journal 1038478 0,292 Q2 34 213 908 5746 628 884 0,56 26,98 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal de Santa Maria 2006-2020 Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q2); Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Animal Science and Zoology (Q3)
22752 4700152719 Ciencia y Enfermeria journal 07172079, 07179553 0,138 Q4 13 22 89 618 26 82 0,1 28,09 Chile Latin America Universidad de Concepcion, Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Enfermeria 2002, 2006-2020 Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q4)    
16057 26806 Ciencias Marinas journal 1853880 0,253 Q4 27 15 56 495 48 56 0,59 33 Mexico Latin America Universidad Autonoma de Baja California 1992-2019 Aquatic Science (Q4)    
26567 64631 Cientifica journal 01000039, 19845529 0,109 Q4 1 50 53 1557 5 53 0,09 31,14 Brazil Latin America Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP 1981-1982, 2018-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
1050 21100317203 Cilia journal 20462530 2,275 Q1 24 2 39 94 131 39 2,69 47 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2012-2019 Cell Biology (Q1)      
29516 21100201738 Cincinnati Romance Review journal 21558817 0,1 Q4 2 6 73 192 0 72 0 32 United States Northern America Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Cincinnati 2012-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
27054 5700169314 Cineaste journal 97004 0,106 Q3 11 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 United States Northern America Cineaste Publishers, Inc. 2002-2016 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3)  
29517 17700154910 Cineforum journal 97039 0,1 Q4 1 153 548 135 0 389 0 0,88 Italy Western Europe Federazione Italiana dei Cineforum 2008-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)  
30275 21100945205 Cinema journal 16478991   - 0 9 0 471 0 0 0 52,33 Portugal Western Europe New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences 2019 Communication; Visual Arts and Performing Arts
24097 21100422029 Cinema et Cie journal 20355270, 2036461X 0,125 Q2 3 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 Italy Western Europe Carocci Editore 2013-2016 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)  
28582 21100310022 Cinemas d'Amerique Latine book series 12674397 0,101 Q4 2 0 33 0 0 30 0 0 France Western Europe Presses Universitaires du Mirail 2011, 2014-2017 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)  
20271 21100821156 Cinta de Moebio journal 0717554X 0,171 Q2 3 28 68 387 17 68 0,25 13,82 Chile Latin America Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales 2017-2019 Philosophy (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
14499 15974 Circuit World journal 3056120 0,297 Q2 21 43 74 1062 98 70 1,7 24,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1974-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3)
11371 18780 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing journal 0278081X, 15315878 0,419 Q2 49 358 787 12151 1771 777 2,13 33,94 United States Northern America Birkhauser Boston 1982-2020 Signal Processing (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3)
24098 27481 Circular - Illinois State Geological Survey journal 0073506X 0,125 Q4 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America Illinois State Geological Survey 1976, 1978-1989, 1991-1994, 1997 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29518 20628 Circular Farmaceutica journal 97314 0,1 Q4 2 8 81 121 0 69 0 15,13 Spain Western Europe Col-legi de Farmaceutics de la Provincia de Barcelona 1961, 1973-2019 Pharmacology (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
24099 38374 Circular of the U. S. Geological Survey journal 3646017 0,125 Q3 12 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America U.S. Geological Survey 1971, 1974-2002 Ocean Engineering (Q3); Geology (Q4); Water Science and Technology (Q4)
142 22581 Circulation journal 00097322, 15244539 7,446 Q1 593 900 2757 20814 24188 1666 14,06 23,13 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1950-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Physiology (medical) (Q1)
3811 23062 Circulation Journal journal 13474820, 13469843 1,084 Q1 99 421 1208 11833 2416 852 2,57 28,11 Japan Asiatic Region Japanese Circulation Society 1996-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
306 23063 Circulation Research journal 00097330, 15244571 4,685 Q1 321 402 1277 12540 10256 969 8,97 31,19 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1953-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Physiology (Q1)
745 19400157120 Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging journal 19420080, 19419651 2,807 Q1 91 231 605 2597 1960 366 4,75 11,24 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2008-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1)
917 19700166401 Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes journal 19417705, 19417713 2,479 Q1 80 155 452 3452 1464 348 4,11 22,27 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2008-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
934 21100879846 Circulation. Genomic and precision medicine journal 25748300 2,45 Q1 75 78 379 1151 1060 254 3,83 14,76 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2018-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1)
540 19400157233 Circulation. Heart failure journal 19413297, 19413289 3,339 Q1 96 114 440 2751 1972 365 4,69 24,13 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2008-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
922 19300156817 Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology journal 19413084, 19413149 2,469 Q1 93 167 598 3697 2057 452 4,16 22,14 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2008-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Physiology (medical) (Q1)
778 19700166402 Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions journal 19417632, 19417640 2,737 Q1 88 164 567 3246 1870 392 4,44 19,79 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2008-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1)
19447 19700200924 Circulo de Linguistica Aplicada a la Comunicacion journal 15764737 0,185 Q2 5 30 196 1235 25 196 0,13 41,17 Spain Western Europe Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2010-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
20487 21100317201 Cirugia Cardiovascular journal 11340096 0,168 Q4 7 63 236 1127 59 217 0,27 17,89 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2012-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4); Surgery (Q4)
17115 21026 Cirugia Espanola journal 0009739X, 1578147X 0,228 Q3 23 198 470 2987 224 406 0,62 15,09 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Doyma, S.L. 1973-1985, 1992, 2001-2020 Surgery (Q3)      
24507 21027 Cirugia pediatrica : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia Pediatrica journal 2141221 0,124 Q4 13 42 119 0 25 115 0,22 0 France Western Europe Masson Publishing 1988-2014, 2016-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
18893 21028 Cirugia Plastica Ibero-Latinoamericana journal 3767892 0,193 Q3 9 43 238 659 32 159 0,18 15,33 Spain Western Europe Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia Plastica Reparadora y Estetica (SECPRE) 1975-2002, 2004-2019 Surgery (Q3)      
22140 21030 Cirugia y Cirujanos journal 97411 0,145 Q4 15 142 325 2669 102 313 0,26 18,8 Mexico Latin America Mexican Academy of Surgery 1945-1962, 1964-1974, 1976-1984, 2003-2020 Surgery (Q4)      
28583 21100268386 Citeaux journal 97497 0,101 Q4 2 0 38 0 0 37 0 0 Belgium Western Europe Abdij Nazareth 2011-2018 History (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)  
28584 5800227794 Cithara journal 97527 0,101 Q3 3 7 17 71 0 16 0 10,14 United States Northern America Saint Bonaventure University 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)
1981 16956 Cities journal 2642751 1,606 Q1 81 308 598 20053 3385 580 5,83 65,11 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1983-2020 Development (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1)
2844 16886 Citizenship Studies journal 14693593, 13621025 1,306 Q1 56 51 182 2631 383 179 1,54 51,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1997-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
12107 21100395923 Citizenship Teaching and Learning journal 17511917, 17511925 0,384 Q2 7 21 56 706 33 48 0,64 33,62 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2013-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
13362 5800208402 Citizenship, Social and Economics Education journal 20471734 0,333 Q2 8 15 46 766 47 41 1,08 51,07 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Inc. 2012-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Education (Q3)
28585 21100244627 Citta e Storia journal 18286364 0,101 Q4 4 0 33 0 2 33 0,13 0 Italy Western Europe Universita degli studi Roma Tre 2006-2017 History (Q4); Urban Studies (Q4)  
4814 6500153241 City journal 13604813, 14703629 0,929 Q1 46 46 186 2676 312 143 1,73 58,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2005-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1)
7173 5700161712 City and Community journal 15356841 0,68 Q1 31 83 130 5400 224 126 1,36 65,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008-2020 Urban Studies (Q1)      
10643 85530 City and Society journal 8930465 0,455 Q2 24 27 80 1270 49 52 0,79 47,04 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1987-1992, 1994, 2001-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Urban Studies (Q2)
6570 19700182329 City, Culture and Society journal 18779174, 18779166 0,736 Q1 22 32 82 1780 226 78 3,11 55,63 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2010-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1)
16137 21100873340 City, Territory and Architecture journal 21952701 0,251 Q1 7 9 68 417 61 64 0,77 46,33 Switzerland Western Europe Springer Open 2014-2020 Architecture (Q1); Urban Studies (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
23214 21100381612 Ciudad y Territorio Estudios Territoriales journal 11334762 0,133 Q3 3 53 103 1404 10 89 0,14 26,49 Spain Western Europe 2014-2019 Urban Studies (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
16983 21100894206 Civil and Environmental Engineering journal 13365835, 21996512 0,231 Q3 3 21 20 342 15 20 0,75 16,29 Germany Western Europe Sciendo 2018-2019 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q3); Environmental Engineering (Q3)
29520 15018 Civil Engineering trade journal 00097853, 08857024, 03600556 0,1 Q4 14 85 301 0 3 301 0,01 0 United States Northern America American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 1969-2019 Ceramics and Composites (Q4); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
23031 21100901948 Civil Engineering and Architecture journal 23321091, 23321121 0,135 Q3 2 39 29 769 9 29 0,31 19,72 United States Northern America Horizon Research Publishing 2018-2020 Architecture (Q3); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4)
9531 15020 Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems journal 10286608, 10290249 0,515 Q2 28 12 52 400 88 51 1 33,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1998-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2)  
26900 21100804412 Civil Engineering and Urban Planning IV - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, CEUP 2015 conference and proceedings - 0,107 - 2 0 184 0 8 182 0 0 United States Northern America   Bioengineering; Biotechnology; Cell Biology; Molecular Biology
24100 21100854851 Civil Engineering Journal journal 12104027, 18052576 0,125 Q4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Technical University 2016 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4)  
23594 24471 Civil War History journal 15336271, 00098078 0,129 Q2 14 14 53 1067 3 41 0,05 76,21 United States Northern America Kent State University 1963, 1970, 1978, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1992, 2000, 2002-2019 History (Q2)      
11088 5600155969 Civil Wars journal 13698249, 1743968X 0,433 Q1 14 29 71 1858 69 66 0,72 64,07 United States Northern America Routledge 2010-2020 History (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
27265 21100286449 Civil-Comp Proceedings journal 17593433 0,105 Q4 11 0 375 0 17 375 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Civil-Comp Press 2003, 2005-2017 Artificial Intelligence (Q4); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q4); Environmental Engineering (Q4)
26235 21100831020 journal 23168374 0,111 Q4 1 28 59 865 2 56 0,04 30,89 Italy Western Europe 2017-2019 Law (Q4)        
22299 21100877661 Civitas journal 19847289, 15196089 0,143 Q2 1 27 40 811 7 39 0,18 30,04 Brazil Latin America Edipucrs 2018-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Anthropology (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Development (Q4)
30276 21100904986 CJC Open journal 2589790X   - 1 55 0 1141 0 0 0 20,75 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2019-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine  
3109 21100203116 CKJ: Clinical Kidney Journal journal 20488505, 20488513 1,232 Q1 35 111 370 3841 1107 359 2,83 34,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2009, 2012-2019 Nephrology (Q1); Transplantation (Q2)  
28586 16000154713 CLA Journal journal 78549 0,101 Q4 5 5 48 170 2 39 0 34 United States Northern America College Language Association 2002-2019 Education (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
618 14434 Cladistics journal 10960031, 07483007 3,122 Q1 88 42 111 3464 691 101 4,89 82,48 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1985-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
28587 21100259532 Classica et Christiana journal 18423043 0,101 Q4 2 10 37 175 3 37 0,08 17,5 Romania Eastern Europe Alexandru Ioan Cuza - University of Iasi 2013-2019 Classics (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)  
2624 27433 Classical and Quantum Gravity journal 13616382, 02649381 1,365 Q1 157 391 1193 20018 3738 1178 2,99 51,2 United Kingdom Western Europe IOP Publishing Ltd. 1984-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
23502 28381 Classical Antiquity journal 10678344, 02786656 0,13 Q1 28 5 29 544 6 29 0,2 108,8 United States Northern America University of California Press 1982-2019 Classics (Q1)      
22937 28396 Classical Journal journal 98353 0,136 Q1 11 14 60 733 8 59 0,16 52,36 United States Northern America Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Inc. 1970, 1974, 1982, 2002-2019 Classics (Q1)      
22369 28400 Classical Philology journal 0009837X, 1546072X 0,142 Q1 23 41 84 1997 11 64 0,12 48,71 United States Northern America University of Chicago 1970, 1973, 1978, 1980-1982, 1984, 1987, 1992-1994, 1996-2020 Classics (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
16255 28401 Classical Quarterly journal 00098388, 14716844 0,248 Q1 30 64 220 2079 35 172 0,2 32,48 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1907-2020 Classics (Q1); History (Q1); Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Philosophy (Q2)
24770 21100200638 Classical Receptions Journal journal 17595142, 17595134 0,122 Q2 6 17 71 959 6 69 0,09 56,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2011-2020 Classics (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q3)
22753 28404 Classical World journal 00098418, 15589234 0,138 Q1 11 20 92 922 8 85 0,13 46,1 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 1972, 1977, 2002-2019 Classics (Q1)      
3683 19700200914 Classroom Discourse journal 19463014, 19463022 1,108 Q1 8 28 50 1365 88 45 2,09 48,75 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2020 Education (Q1)      
29521 17700154919 Clavier Companion journal 10860819 0,1 Q4 1 0 266 0 0 205 0 0 United States Northern America The Instrumentalist Co. 2009-2018 Music (Q4)      
11178 22523 Clay Minerals journal 00098558, 14718030 0,428 Q3 65 42 153 1918 274 152 1,41 45,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Mineralogical Society 1979-2019 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q3)  
19917 21100223146 Clay Research journal 02557193, 09744509 0,177 Q4 5 5 25 135 4 25 0,13 27 India Asiatic Region The Clay Minerals Society of India 2012-2019 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
12275 19594 Clays and Clay Minerals journal 00098604, 15528367 0,376 Q2 82 34 124 1769 209 120 1,51 52,03 United States Northern America Clay Minerals Society 1968-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q3); Soil Science (Q3)
27759 18800156714 CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture journal 14814374 0,103 Q3 9 67 175 2131 10 167 0,05 31,81 United States Northern America Purdue University Press 2009-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4)
11101 5400152707 Clean - Soil, Air, Water journal 18630650 0,432 Q2 61 66 415 3503 694 413 1,73 53,08 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 2007-2020 Pollution (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2); Environmental Chemistry (Q3)
28588 21100826269 Clean Air and Containment Review journal 20423268 0,101 Q4 2 21 42 167 2 30 0,07 7,95 United Kingdom Western Europe Euromed Communications Ltd 2017-2019 Ecological Modeling (Q4); Environmental Engineering (Q4); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4)
17348 21100842186 Clean Air Journal journal 2410972X, 10171703 0,223 Q3 3 19 40 388 19 24 0,79 20,42 United States Northern America National Association of Clean Air 2017-2019 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3); Pollution (Q3)
8094 21100936535 Clean Energy journal 25154230, 2515396X 0,611 Q2 5 31 27 881 48 23 2,09 28,42 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2017-2019 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2); Environmental Engineering (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2)
7523 130111 Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy journal 1618954X 0,653 Q2 49 155 646 7100 1643 606 2,68 45,81 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2003-2020 Environmental Chemistry (Q2); Environmental Engineering (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2)
29522 28595 Cleanroom Technology trade journal 13655531 0,1 Q4 2 82 98 4 0 98 0 0,05 United Kingdom Western Europe Polygon Media Ltd. 1995, 1997, 2001-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q4); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q4)
6582 21036 Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal journal 10556656, 15451569 0,735 Q2 74 215 443 6234 583 415 1,27 29 United States Northern America American Cleft Palate Craniofacial Association 1991-2020 Oral Surgery (Q2); Otorhinolaryngology (Q2)
18390 21100464974 Clemson University Power Systems Conference, PSC 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,202 - 7 0 64 0 61 63 0 0 United States Northern America   Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; Process Chemistry and Technology
10685 29277 Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine journal 8911150 0,453 Q3 61 143 498 3275 360 314 1,11 22,9 United States Northern America Cleveland Clinic Educational Foundation 1987-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
23215 13038 Cleveland state law review journal 98876 0,133 Q3 3 26 62 1360 11 62 0,21 52,31 United States Northern America Cleveland State University 1974-1975, 1980, 1982-1983, 1990, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2016-2019 Law (Q3)        
5981 19505 Climacteric journal 14730804, 13697137 0,793 Q2 67 116 312 4481 786 260 2,74 38,63 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1998-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q2)
6900 21100826864 Climate journal 22251154 0,706 Q3 17 143 252 7869 678 244 2,52 55,03 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2013-2020 Atmospheric Science (Q3)    
4018 21100198541 Climate and Development journal 17565529, 17565537 1,047 Q1 30 118 158 7794 436 153 2,41 66,05 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2009-2020 Development (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q2)
7243 21100821159 Climate Change Economics journal 20100086, 20100078 0,674 Q2 26 20 59 1025 70 58 1,22 51,25 Singapore Asiatic Region World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd 2010-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Global and Planetary Change (Q3)
1019 12172 Climate Dynamics journal 14320894, 09307575 2,32 Q1 155 866 1513 52509 6503 1460 4,27 60,63 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1986-2020 Atmospheric Science (Q1)    
6026 21100220394 Climate Law journal 18786553, 18786561 0,789 Q1 17 16 52 332 62 50 0,39 20,75 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2010-2012, 2014-2019 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Law (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2)
1125 4400151418 Climate of the Past journal 18149332, 18149324 2,185 Q1 71 111 352 9240 1415 352 3,55 83,24 Germany Western Europe European Geosciences Union 2005-2020 Global and Planetary Change (Q1); Paleontology (Q1); Stratigraphy (Q1)
1456 22524 Climate Policy journal 14693062, 17527457 1,889 Q1 62 132 269 7752 1143 246 4,31 58,73 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2001-2020 Atmospheric Science (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1)
5877 12175 Climate Research journal 16161572, 0936577X 0,804 Q1 101 47 188 2781 440 186 2,38 59,17 Germany Western Europe Inter-Research 1990-2019 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Atmospheric Science (Q2); Environmental Chemistry (Q2)
2269 21100312211 Climate Risk Management journal 22120963 1,483 Q1 24 31 111 1860 604 109 5,82 60 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Atmospheric Science (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q2)
1386 21100463842 Climate Services journal 24058807 1,942 Q1 13 29 66 1559 342 56 5,34 53,76 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2016-2020 Atmospheric Science (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q1)
1432 12177 Climatic Change journal 15731480, 01650009 1,908 Q1 175 259 813 13887 3778 775 4,43 53,62 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1977-2020 Atmospheric Science (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q1)
27266 21100854331 Climatologia e Estudos da Paisagem journal 1980654X 0,105 Q4 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 Brazil Latin America Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) 2016 Atmospheric Science (Q4); Earth-Surface Processes (Q4)
5248 29286 Clinica Chimica Acta journal 00098981, 18733492 0,876 Q1 135 398 1261 17455 3304 1190 2,7 43,86 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1956-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2); Biochemistry (medical) (Q2); Clinical Biochemistry (Q2)
15171 7200153133 Clinica e Investigacion en Arteriosclerosis journal 02149168, 15781879 0,277 Q3 11 44 131 1760 146 126 1,18 40 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Doyma, S.L. 2007-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
28041 12642 Clinica e Investigacion en Ginecologia y Obstetricia journal 0210573X, 15789349 0,102 Q4 6 36 122 675 8 119 0,09 18,75 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Doyma, S.L. 1976-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4); Reproductive Medicine (Q4)
13226 29300 Clinica Terapeutica journal 19726007, 00099074 0,338 Q3 24 81 194 3011 303 185 2 37,17 Italy Western Europe Societa Editrice Universo 1958-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
20561 21100378339 Clinica y Salud journal 21740550, 11305274 0,167 Q4 9 20 60 930 32 58 0,38 46,5 Spain Western Europe Colegio Oficial de Psicologos de Madrid 2013-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q4)    
10511 25907 Clinical Advances in Hematology and Oncology journal 15430790 0,462 Q2 36 115 480 2140 236 211 0,77 18,61 United States Northern America Millennium Medical Publishing, Inc. 2003-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Hematology (Q3); Oncology (Q3)
15238 21100927361 Clinical advances in periodontics journal 25738046, 21630097 0,275 Q4 1 29 8 0 2 8 0,25 0 United States Northern America Wiley Subscription Services 2017, 2019 Periodontics (Q4)      
8415 29301 Clinical Anatomy journal 10982353, 08973806 0,588 Q2 66 211 504 6612 950 408 2,19 31,34 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1988-2020 Anatomy (Q2); Histology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
9872 25908 Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis journal 10760296, 19382723 0,495 Q2 52 119 448 3540 656 432 1,46 29,75 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1995-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Hematology (Q3)
1992 20723 Clinical and Experimental Allergy journal 09547894, 13652222 1,597 Q1 148 205 540 7165 1964 426 4,64 34,95 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1971-2020 Immunology and Allergy (Q1); Immunology (Q2)
11611 21100843003 Clinical and Experimental Dental Research journal 20574347 0,407 Q2 6 104 108 3199 107 93 1,15 30,76 United States Northern America John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2015-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
9373 24294 Clinical and Experimental Dermatology journal 03076938, 13652230 0,525 Q2 75 411 817 3882 784 505 1,43 9,45 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1976-2020 Dermatology (Q2)      
13296 21100905055 Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine journal 23834625 0,335 Q2 3 53 43 1243 31 40 0,78 23,45 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2018-2019 Emergency Medicine (Q2); Emergency Nursing (Q3)
4918 19700175044 Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology journal 11787023 0,915 Q2 26 39 119 2009 338 118 2,53 51,51 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2010-2020 Gastroenterology (Q2)    
12221 21100830711 Clinical and Experimental Hepatology journal 24498238, 23921099 0,379 Q3 7 43 82 1356 130 82 1,76 31,53 Poland Eastern Europe Termedia Publishing House Ltd. 2015-2019 Hepatology (Q3)      
9450 23069 Clinical and Experimental Hypertension journal 15256006, 10641963 0,52 Q2 47 124 345 4252 558 342 1,63 34,29 United States Northern America Informa Healthcare 1978-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Internal Medicine (Q3); Physiology (Q3)
2860 20734 Clinical and Experimental Immunology journal 00099104, 13652249 1,302 Q2 130 153 489 8836 1732 472 3,59 57,75 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1966-2020 Immunology (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q2)
6639 29302 Clinical and Experimental Medicine journal 15918890, 15919528 0,73 Q2 43 62 192 2406 483 184 2,68 38,81 Italy Western Europe Springer-Verlag Italia 2001-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
2714 29256 Clinical and Experimental Metastasis journal 02620898, 15737276 1,34 Q1 95 50 194 2590 545 180 3,05 51,8 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1983-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Oncology (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2)
8126 19417 Clinical and Experimental Nephrology journal 14377799, 13421751 0,609 Q2 48 194 468 5032 740 430 1,72 25,94 Japan Asiatic Region Springer Japan 1999-2020 Nephrology (Q2); Physiology (Q3); Physiology (medical) (Q3)
15105 19700188334 Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology journal 17591961 0,279 Q3 13 56 182 1934 106 134 1,05 34,54 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2010-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q3); Immunology (Q4); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q4); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q4)
20212 12644 Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics and Gynecology journal 3906663 0,172 Q3 32 148 652 2972 165 644 0,15 20,08 Canada Northern America S.O.G. CANADA Inc. 1974-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q3); Reproductive Medicine (Q4)
3225 13774 Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology journal 14429071, 14426404 1,204 Q1 71 242 560 5640 876 278 2,61 23,31 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1979-1984, 1999-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ophthalmology (Q1)
6408 13777 Clinical and Experimental Optometry journal 14440938, 08164622 0,752 Q2 51 184 359 6645 559 292 2,03 36,11 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1986-2020 Ophthalmology (Q2); Optometry (Q2)  
6438 17900156738 Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology journal 19768710, 20050720 0,749 Q2 24 64 162 1928 277 155 2,01 30,13 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Society of Otolaryngology 2009-2020 Otorhinolaryngology (Q2); Surgery (Q2)  
6218 23382 Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology journal 14401681, 03051870 0,769 Q2 99 138 479 6004 1121 431 2,54 43,51 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1974-2020 Pharmacology (Q2); Physiology (medical) (Q2); Physiology (Q3)
8416 21100207640 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine journal 22338241, 22338233 0,588 Q2 21 30 101 955 168 101 1,69 31,83 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Society for Reproductive Medicine 2011-2020 Reproductive Medicine (Q2)    
3612 19186 Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology journal 0392856X, 1593098X 1,121 Q2 91 340 1006 2892 2242 841 2,63 8,51 Italy Western Europe Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology S.A.S. 1983-2020 Immunology (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q2); Rheumatology (Q2)
21028 21100792113 Clinical and Experimental Surgery journal 23081198 0,16 Q4 3 25 162 386 8 151 0,04 15,44 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Geotar-media 2013-2019 Surgery (Q4)      
3066 21100829975 Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research journal 2287366X, 22873651 1,243 Q1 9 18 39 560 139 37 3,76 31,11 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Vaccine Society 2017-2020 Pharmacology (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Immunology and Allergy (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q2)
14631 29305 Clinical and Investigative Medicine journal 14882353, 0147958X 0,293 Q3 46 32 162 696 118 150 1,02 21,75 Canada Northern America The Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation 1978-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
5644 20737 Clinical and Molecular Allergy journal 14767961 0,832 Q3 31 11 63 375 209 62 3,27 34,09 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2003-2013, 2015-2020 Immunology (Q3); Immunology and Allergy (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
3027 21100224437 Clinical and molecular hepatology journal 22872728, 2287285X 1,254 Q1 33 46 145 2151 501 128 3,81 46,76 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Association for the Study of the Liver 2012-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Hepatology (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
28589 13779 Clinical and Refractive Optometry journal 17054850 0,101 Q4 3 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 Canada Northern America Mediconcept Inc. 2003-2013, 2015-2016 Ophthalmology (Q4); Optometry (Q4)  
2608 21100398775 Clinical and Translational Allergy journal 20457022 1,37 Q1 32 63 135 2299 584 128 4,92 36,49 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2011-2020 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q1); Immunology (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q2)
1570 21100203121 Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology journal 2155384X 1,811 Q1 30 108 145 1999 632 131 3,37 18,51 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 2010-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1)    
8684 21100416172 Clinical and Translational Imaging journal 22815872, 22817565 0,571 Q2 21 44 152 2059 275 127 2,32 46,8 Italy Western Europe Springer-Verlag Italia 2013-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2)
735 21100854855 Clinical and Translational Immunology journal 20500068 2,833 Q1 22 43 97 2956 624 84 5,94 68,74 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2015-2020 Immunology (Q1); Immunology and Allergy (Q1); Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q1)
24101 21100853879 Clinical and Translational Medicine journal 20011326 0,125 Q4 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer Open 2016, 2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Molecular Medicine (Q4)
5636 3500148006 Clinical and Translational Oncology journal 1699048X 0,833 Q2 46 281 546 10687 1338 514 2,66 38,03 Italy Western Europe Springer-Verlag Italia 2000-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Oncology (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3)
2876 21100924772 Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology journal 24056308 1,297 Q1 11 86 110 3245 355 108 3,26 37,73 Ireland Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 2016-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1); Oncology (Q2)
3364 19700174918 Clinical and Translational Science journal 17528062, 17528054 1,175 Q1 39 92 185 2659 560 154 3,68 28,9 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q1); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q2)
1920 4000148706 Clinical and Vaccine Immunology journal 1556679X, 15566811 1,628 Q1 73 0 218 0 742 208 3,43 0 United States Northern America American Society for Microbiology 2006-2017 Clinical Biochemistry (Q1); Immunology (Q1); Immunology and Allergy (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Microbiology (medical) (Q1)
6519 29306 Clinical Autonomic Research journal 09599851, 16191560 0,74 Q2 57 93 219 3845 379 130 3,56 41,34 Germany Western Europe D. Steinkopff-Verlag 1991-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q2); Endocrine and Autonomic Systems (Q3)
5292 8600153104 Clinical Biochemist Reviews journal 1598090 0,871 Q2 24 4 21 153 78 17 4,86 38,25 Australia Pacific Region Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists 2005, 2011-2019 Clinical Biochemistry (Q2)    
6098 16954 Clinical Biochemistry journal 00099120, 18732933 0,781 Q2 103 183 727 5514 1694 657 2,61 30,13 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 1967-1968, 1970-2020 Clinical Biochemistry (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
6431 21170 Clinical Biomechanics journal 18791271, 02680033 0,75 Q2 122 266 558 10802 1109 539 1,74 40,61 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1986-2020 Biophysics (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Sports Science (Q2)
3518 29260 Clinical Breast Cancer journal 15268209, 19380666 1,142 Q2 65 157 452 5148 1135 432 2,59 32,79 United States Northern America Elsevier 2000-2020 Cancer Research (Q2); Oncology (Q2)  
24771 145162 Clinical calcium journal 9175857 0,122 Q4 14 0 182 0 25 179 0,27 0 Japan Asiatic Region Iyaku (Medicine & Drug) Journal Co 2004-2017 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
2916 21100853500 Clinical Cancer Drugs journal 22126988, 2212697X 1,287 Q1 4 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers 2015-2016 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2); Oncology (Q2)
265 29263 Clinical Cancer Research journal 10780432, 15573265 5,241 Q1 310 820 2202 30206 20052 2075 9,49 36,84 United States Northern America American Association for Cancer Research Inc. 1995-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Oncology (Q1)  
2990 23072 Clinical Cardiology journal 19328737, 01609289 1,263 Q1 70 174 557 5228 1221 516 2,29 30,05 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1978-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
20272 21100854010 Clinical Case Reports journal 20500904 0,171 Q4 8 640 491 8494 191 446 0,39 13,27 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2013-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
10752 130028 Clinical Case Studies journal 15346501, 15523802 0,45 Q2 20 30 92 1254 91 92 0,92 41,8 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2002-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)
12326 144715 Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism journal 17248914 0,374 Q3 28 17 182 410 232 175 0,92 24,12 Italy Western Europe CIC Edizioni Internazionali s.r.l. 2005-2019 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Internal Medicine (Q3)
1413 26786 Clinical Chemistry journal 15308561, 00099147 1,923 Q1 212 291 999 5586 3091 601 4,96 19,2 United States Northern America American Association for Clinical Chemistry Inc. 1955-2020 Biochemistry (medical) (Q1); Clinical Biochemistry (Q1)
4690 17369 Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine journal 14346621, 14374331 0,947 Q1 98 392 1049 11274 2485 709 3,68 28,76 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1963-2020 Biochemistry (medical) (Q1); Clinical Biochemistry (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
1759 12841 Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review journal 15732827, 10964037 1,711 Q1 95 32 73 3280 319 69 3,9 102,5 United States Northern America Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Education (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
7885 24514 Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry journal 13591045 0,625 Q2 51 72 130 2751 256 122 1,94 38,21 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 1996-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
2898 29264 Clinical Colorectal Cancer journal 15330028 1,291 Q1 47 82 279 2799 910 273 3,16 34,13 United States Northern America Elsevier 2001-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1); Oncology (Q2)  
6834 130088 Clinical Diabetes journal 8918929 0,712 Q2 35 27 141 629 226 79 2,85 23,3 United States Northern America American Diabetes Association Inc. 2005-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Internal Medicine (Q2)
7334 21100854011 Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology journal 20558260 0,666 Q3 6 0 8 0 58 7 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2016-2017 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
23812 21100802779 Clinical Diabetology journal 24508187, 24507458 0,127 Q4 3 21 125 620 21 95 0,31 29,52 Poland Eastern Europe Via Medica 2015-2019 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4); Internal Medicine (Q4)
6701 20603 Clinical Drug Investigation journal 11791918, 11732563 0,725 Q2 56 139 355 4488 744 321 2,38 32,29 United Kingdom Western Europe Adis International Ltd 1995-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
13273 21100240300 Clinical Dysmorphology journal 14735717, 09628827 0,336 Q3 27 49 141 706 77 134 0,56 14,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 1992-2020 Anatomy (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q3); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q3); Genetics (clinical) (Q4)
7313 145007 Clinical EEG and Neuroscience journal 15500594 0,668 Q2 51 66 147 2989 268 143 1,94 45,29 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1970-1985, 1988-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Neurology (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q3)
3058 25444 Clinical Endocrinology journal 13652265, 03000664 1,245 Q1 143 225 773 7560 2272 677 3,36 33,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1972-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Endocrinology (Q2)
7702 21100242254 Clinical Endoscopy journal 22342400, 22342443 0,64 Q2 26 129 345 3179 574 268 2,15 24,64 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2011-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2); Gastroenterology (Q3)
2222 19700175052 Clinical Epidemiology journal 11791349 1,5 Q2 54 97 346 3701 1070 329 3,12 38,15 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2010-2020 Epidemiology (Q2)      
14789 21100456160 Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health journal 22133984 0,288 Q3 8 228 119 6892 87 108 0,88 30,23 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2013-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q3); Microbiology (medical) (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3); Epidemiology (Q4)
1310 19700173006 Clinical Epigenetics journal 18687083, 18687075 2,005 Q1 45 202 426 11591 2342 404 5,16 57,38 Germany Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2010-2020 Developmental Biology (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
11124 21100201053 Clinical Ethics journal 1758101X, 14777509 0,431 Q1 16 29 82 907 80 81 0,78 31,28 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2006-2020 Philosophy (Q1); Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
1093 28273 Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology journal 15427714, 15423565 2,223 Q1 161 638 1395 12311 4910 958 4,86 19,3 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 2003-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1); Hepatology (Q1)  
2120 22064 Clinical Genetics journal 00099163, 13990004 1,539 Q1 98 173 690 6195 2222 579 3,7 35,81 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1970-2020 Genetics (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1)  
4523 4000148813 Clinical Genitourinary Cancer journal 15587673 0,97 Q1 42 250 680 7538 1553 661 2,53 30,15 United States Northern America Elsevier 2005-2020 Urology (Q1); Oncology (Q2)    
8993 28652 Clinical Gerontologist journal 15452301, 07317115 0,551 Q2 30 80 141 3270 220 102 2,04 40,88 United States Northern America Routledge 1982-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2); Gerontology (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2); Social Psychology (Q2); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q3)
9405 25913 Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation journal 13860291 0,523 Q2 53 152 472 3802 666 463 1,63 25,01 Netherlands Western Europe IOS Press 1991-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Hematology (Q3); Physiology (Q3); Physiology (medical) (Q3)
10887 16604 Clinical Imaging journal 18734499, 08997071 0,443 Q3 46 183 626 4973 781 604 1,22 27,17 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1989-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3)
3173 20740 Clinical Immunology journal 15217035, 15216616 1,217 Q2 119 149 555 8276 1690 503 3,31 55,54 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1999-2020 Immunology (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q2)
27499 21100853878 Clinical Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Drugs journal 22127070, 22127089 0,104 Q4 3 0 7 0 1 7 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2014-2016 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4); Immunology and Allergy (Q4)
1453 24403 Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research journal 15230899 1,894 Q1 80 161 367 6045 1277 362 3,39 37,55 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1999-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Oral Surgery (Q1)
352 21817 Clinical Infectious Diseases journal 15376591, 10584838 4,226 Q1 321 997 2506 21410 13797 1791 6,82 21,47 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1985-1986, 1988-1990, 1992-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q1); Microbiology (medical) (Q1)
4339 10300153341 Clinical Interventions in Aging journal 11781998, 11769092 1 Q1 68 225 715 9348 2339 672 3,37 41,55 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2006-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q2)
11349 17400154817 Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology journal 18657257, 18657265 0,42 Q3 13 137 277 3281 313 259 1,21 23,95 Japan Asiatic Region Springer Japan 2009-2020 Gastroenterology (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
11878 27596 Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing journal 1538067X, 10921095 0,394 Q3 41 132 462 3070 515 378 1,23 23,26 United States Northern America Oncology Nursing Society 1997-2020 Oncology (Q3); Oncology (nursing) (Q3)  
3882 14880 Clinical Journal of Pain journal 15365409, 07498047 1,072 Q1 122 121 415 6239 1291 393 3,17 51,56 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1985-2020 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q2)
4345 19818 Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine journal 15363724, 1050642X 0,999 Q1 99 80 281 2019 669 243 2,76 25,24 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1993-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q1); Sports Science (Q2)
681 7600153101 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology journal 1555905X, 15559041 2,944 Q1 141 315 914 6836 4253 630 6,46 21,7 United States Northern America American Society of Nephrology 2006-2020 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q1); Epidemiology (Q1); Nephrology (Q1); Transplantation (Q1)
25649 65917 Clinical Kinesiology journal 8969620 0,114 Q4 12 0 12 0 3 11 0,4 0 United States Northern America Turnkey Publishing Inc. 1988-2017 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q4); Rehabilitation (Q4)
12963 25446 Clinical Laboratory journal 14336510 0,349 Q3 44 341 854 7576 806 813 0,94 22,22 Germany Western Europe Verlag Klinisches Labor GmbH 1964, 1997-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q3)
20338 21100839175 Clinical Lactation journal 21580782, 21580537 0,17 Q3 2 22 62 382 11 43 0,26 17,36 United States Northern America Springer Publishing Company 2017-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q3); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q3)
8461 14881 Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics journal 02699206, 14645076 0,585 Q1 48 99 182 4572 266 168 1,36 46,18 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1987-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Speech and Hearing (Q2)
30277 21100938728 Clinical Lipidology and Metabolic Disorders journal 26415321   - 25 2 1 72 0 0 0 36 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine; Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
14282 21100254589 Clinical Liver Disease journal 20462484 0,303 Q4 11 110 232 1541 171 226 0,69 14,01 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2013-2020 Hepatology (Q4)      
2487 29265 Clinical Lung Cancer journal 19380690, 15257304 1,407 Q1 56 168 446 4900 1547 417 3,6 29,17 United States Northern America Elsevier 2000-2020 Oncology (Q1); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2)
5751 19700175456 Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia journal 21522650, 21522669 0,819 Q2 50 192 490 6442 972 465 2,18 33,55 United States Northern America Cancer Media Group 2010-2020 Hematology (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3); Oncology (Q3)
24102 21100854002 Clinical Management Issues journal 22833137, 19734832 0,125 Q4 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Italy Western Europe SEEd srl 2014-2016 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
13744 21100818739 Clinical Mass Spectrometry journal 23769998 0,321 Q3 5 37 43 1259 51 37 1,04 34,03 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2016-2020 Spectroscopy (Q3)      
10559 35022 Clinical Medicine journal 14702118, 14734893 0,46 Q2 53 254 576 2345 560 391 1,42 9,23 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal College of Physicians 1973-1975, 2001-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
9406 100147025 Clinical Medicine and Research journal 15394182, 15546179 0,523 Q1 51 20 52 615 104 50 1,29 30,75 United States Northern America Marshfield Clinic 2003-2019 Community and Home Care (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
12297 19700173223 Clinical Medicine Insights: Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders journal 11795441 0,375 Q3 19 20 59 595 85 57 1,41 29,75 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2010-2020 Immunology and Allergy (Q3); Rheumatology (Q3)
9245 19700173248 Clinical Medicine Insights: Blood Disorders journal 1179545X 0,534 Q3 8 6 23 166 54 23 1,94 27,67 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2010-2020 Hematology (Q3)      
8919 19700173224 Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology journal 11795468 0,555 Q2 20 21 77 975 143 76 1,45 46,43 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2010-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2)
18606 19700173237 Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports journal 11795476 0,198 Q3 11 59 80 834 41 79 0,46 14,14 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2010-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
14338 19700176601 Clinical Medicine Insights: Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine journal 11795484 0,301 Q3 15 11 28 376 24 28 0,5 34,18 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2010-2011, 2013-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q3)
7465 19600161812 Clinical Medicine Insights: Endocrinology and Diabetes journal 11795514 0,657 Q2 12 19 30 1039 67 28 1,89 54,68 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2009-2020 Internal Medicine (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
13941 19700171806 Clinical Medicine Insights: Gastroenterology journal 11795522 0,314 Q3 9 0 39 0 37 38 1,04 0 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2010-2018 Gastroenterology (Q3)    
19237 19700187809 Clinical Medicine Insights: Geriatrics journal 11795530 0,188 Q4 2 0 4 0 2 4 1 0 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2011, 2013, 2015-2017 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q4)  
3850 19700171807 Clinical Medicine Insights: Oncology journal 11795549 1,077 Q2 24 19 58 516 167 56 2,03 27,16 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2010-2019 Oncology (Q2)      
13324 19700183129 Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology journal 11795557 0,334 Q3 9 0 25 0 27 24 0,53 0 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2010-2018 Histology (Q3); Microbiology (medical) (Q3); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q3)
24103 21100853011 Clinical Medicine Insights: Reproductive Health journal 11795581 0,125 Q4 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2015-2016 Reproductive Medicine (Q4)    
18157 19700174609 Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics journal 1179559X 0,206 Q3 8 0 37 0 30 37 0,71 0 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2010-2018 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pharmaceutical Science (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3)
682 29316 Clinical Microbiology and Infection journal 1198743X, 14690691 2,942 Q1 142 443 963 13017 4857 687 7,12 29,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1995-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Microbiology (medical) (Q1)
14962 19650 Clinical Microbiology Newsletter journal 01964399, 18734391 0,283 Q3 21 43 115 959 70 106 0,7 22,3 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1979-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q3); Microbiology (medical) (Q3)
97 19651 Clinical Microbiology Reviews journal 08938512, 10986618 8,664 Q1 263 40 99 9614 2054 95 21,67 240,35 United States Northern America American Society for Microbiology 1988-2020 Epidemiology (Q1); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q1); Infectious Diseases (Q1); Microbiology (medical) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
10039 19418 Clinical Nephrology journal 3010430 0,486 Q2 73 111 388 1324 406 357 0,94 11,93 Germany Western Europe Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle 1972-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Nephrology (Q3)
19614 19313 Clinical Neurology journal 18820654, 0009918X 0,182 Q4 19 161 343 1733 108 324 0,34 10,76 Japan Asiatic Region Societas Neurologica Japonica 1972-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q4)    
7975 14895 Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery journal 18726968, 03038467 0,619 Q2 69 323 975 9153 1676 919 1,6 28,34 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1974-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Surgery (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q3)
13124 14899 Clinical Neuropathology journal 7225091 0,342 Q3 42 46 144 438 102 91 1,06 9,52 Germany Western Europe Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle 1982-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q3); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q3); Neurology (Q4)
10954 20602 Clinical Neuropharmacology journal 1537162X, 03625664 0,44 Q3 77 59 197 1286 275 176 1,5 21,8 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1982-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
2926 14900 Clinical Neurophysiology journal 13882457, 18728952 1,284 Q1 175 295 1211 13952 3361 912 3,49 47,29 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1999-2020 Neurology (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1); Physiology (medical) (Q1); Sensory Systems (Q1)
8513 21100787040 Clinical Neurophysiology Practice journal 2467981X 0,582 Q3 8 34 82 1136 163 68 2,46 33,41 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2016-2020 Neurology (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q3); Physiology (medical) (Q3)
10130 5100152905 Clinical Neuropsychiatry journal 17244935 0,481 Q3 19 28 112 1590 171 109 1,69 56,79 Italy Western Europe Giovanni Fioriti Editore 2006-2019 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)  
5451 70201 Clinical Neuropsychologist journal 13854046, 17444144 0,853 Q1 74 110 267 6240 615 251 2,49 56,73 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1987-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Clinical Psychology (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
24104 21100854344 Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology and Therapeutics journal 18848826 0,125 Q4 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Japan Asiatic Region Japanese Society of Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology 2015-2016 Neurology (clinical) (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
4696 21100829261 Clinical Neuroradiology journal 18691447, 18691439 0,946 Q1 25 179 237 4676 478 190 2,52 26,12 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2000, 2010-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q2)
3391 14904 Clinical Neurosurgery journal 0148396X, 00694827 1,169 Q1 31 144 774 2598 1214 404 2,97 18,04 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1953-1959, 1962-1966, 1968-1983, 1985-1986, 1988-1997, 1999-2019 Neurology (clinical) (Q1); Surgery (Q1)  
8544 40750 Clinical Nuclear Medicine journal 03639762, 15360229 0,58 Q2 55 458 1372 6830 1825 1163 1,53 14,91 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1978-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2)
14339 27598 Clinical Nurse Specialist journal 08876274, 15389782 0,301 Q2 32 64 235 805 145 201 0,52 12,58 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1987-2020 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q2); Assessment and Diagnosis (Q2); Leadership and Management (Q3); LPN and LVN (Q3)
10088 27599 Clinical Nursing Research journal 10547738, 15523799 0,483 Q2 40 96 170 3686 213 122 1,72 38,4 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1992-2020 Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q2)    
1715 30050 Clinical Nutrition journal 15321983, 02615614 1,737 Q1 130 550 856 23677 4514 709 6,15 43,05 United States Northern America Churchill Livingstone 1982-2020 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q1); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1)
9795 21100445637 Clinical Nutrition ESPEN journal 24054577 0,5 Q3 12 172 312 6950 581 306 1,86 40,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2015-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q3)
9852 21100446420 Clinical Nutrition Experimental journal 23529393 0,496 Q3 8 51 58 1911 120 55 1,95 37,47 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2015-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q3)
7406 21100399701 Clinical obesity journal 17588103, 17588111 0,661 Q3 9 17 79 0 164 78 2,05 0 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2015-2019 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
6249 12645 Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology journal 00099201, 15325520 0,766 Q2 71 95 253 3394 416 225 1,61 35,73 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1958-1963, 1965-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q2)  
3630 29271 Clinical Oncology journal 14332981, 09366555 1,117 Q1 72 149 464 5426 954 308 3,11 36,42 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1975, 1984-1985, 1989-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1); Oncology (Q2)
4624 19700175081 Clinical Ophthalmology journal 11775467, 11775483 0,957 Q1 50 306 945 9714 2033 891 2,08 31,75 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2009-2020 Ophthalmology (Q1)    
14894 21100426212 Clinical Optometry journal 11792752 0,285 Q3 4 22 46 848 47 43 1,09 38,55 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2014-2020 Ophthalmology (Q3); Sensory Systems (Q4)
1114 24408 Clinical Oral Implants Research journal 16000501, 09057161 2,202 Q1 155 123 656 4898 2384 632 3,76 39,82 United Kingdom Western Europe Blackwell Munksgaard 1990-2020 Oral Surgery (Q1)      
4208 24409 Clinical Oral Investigations journal 14326981, 14363771 1,019 Q1 75 586 942 22009 2707 900 2,9 37,56 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1997-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
2261 29603 Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research journal 15281132, 0009921X 1,487 Q1 197 490 1503 10063 3300 1215 2,44 20,54 United States Northern America Springer New York 1963-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Sports Science (Q1); Surgery (Q1)
24508 21100939983 Clinical Osteology journal 25711334, 25711326 0,124 Q4 1 14 19 398 2 19 0,11 28,43 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Facta Medica, S.R.O 2018-2019 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4)
4229 130130 Clinical Otolaryngology journal 17494478, 17494486 1,016 Q1 65 221 687 3926 1011 380 2,7 17,76 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Otorhinolaryngology (Q1)
18607 14951 Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine journal 15228401 0,198 Q3 17 44 130 1087 60 118 0,42 24,7 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1999-2019 Emergency Medicine (Q3); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q3)
14220 14952 Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology journal 09185739, 13477358 0,305 Q3 13 21 84 394 101 70 1,16 18,76 Japan Asiatic Region Jeff Corporation Co. Ltd 1992-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q3); Endocrinology (Q4)
11571 14955 Clinical Pediatrics journal 19382707, 00099228 0,409 Q2 61 242 708 5111 671 652 0,94 21,12 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1962-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2)
24624 20500195133 Clinical Pharmacist journal 17589061 0,123 Q3 12 92 429 825 48 362 0,12 8,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Pharmaceutical Press 2009-2012, 2014-2019 Pharmacy (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
2457 20624 Clinical Pharmacokinetics journal 11791926, 03125963 1,417 Q1 157 141 364 7744 1610 331 4,76 54,92 United Kingdom Western Europe Adis International Ltd 1976-2020 Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
1335 20626 Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics journal 15326535, 00099236 1,986 Q1 183 418 729 12774 3301 556 6,39 30,56 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1960-2020 Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
9893 21100262305 Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development journal 21607648, 2160763X 0,494 Q2 19 139 223 3208 373 208 1,9 23,08 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2012-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
5429 19700175093 Clinical Pharmacology: Advances and Applications journal 11791438 0,855 Q2 25 16 56 628 167 56 2,05 39,25 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2009-2020 Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)    
7431 29702 Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging journal 1475097X, 14750961 0,659 Q2 63 54 331 1753 638 324 1,75 32,46 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1997-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Physiology (Q3); Physiology (medical) (Q3)
4006 21100241788 Clinical Plasma Medicine journal 22128166 1,049 Q1 21 11 38 660 171 36 4,14 60 Germany Western Europe Elsevier GmbH 2013-2020 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q1); Dermatology (Q1); Surgery (Q1)
25197 21100198448 Clinical Practice journal 20449038, 20449046 0,118 Q4 8 0 35 0 7 32 0,05 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Future Medicine Ltd. 2012-2017 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
10906 4400151523 Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health journal 17450179 0,442 Q3 45 25 79 959 139 74 1,65 38,36 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2005-2019 Epidemiology (Q3); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)
14529 21100824878 Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology journal 21694826, 21694834 0,296 Q3 12 45 131 906 101 116 0,8 20,13 United States Northern America American Psychological Association Inc. 2013-2020 Applied Psychology (Q3); Clinical Psychology (Q3); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q3)
28590 96538 Clinical privilege white paper journal - 0,101 Q4 2 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 United States Northern America Opus Communications 1997-2017 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
6409 130145 Clinical Proteomics journal 15426416 0,752 Q2 30 41 114 1897 320 112 2,58 46,27 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2004, 2006-2020 Clinical Biochemistry (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q3); Molecular Medicine (Q3)
998 21100274406 Clinical Psychological Science journal 21677034, 21677026 2,35 Q1 42 119 255 7334 1217 223 5,88 61,63 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2013-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1)    
8276 19700166512 Clinical Psychologist journal 13284207, 17429552 0,598 Q2 17 32 85 1364 129 75 1,74 42,63 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2008-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2)    
3684 12852 Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy journal 10633995, 10990879 1,108 Q1 70 80 273 4614 832 271 3,04 57,68 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1993-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
19373 15300154805 Clinical Psychology Forum journal 17475732 0,186 Q4 15 142 411 1145 22 306 0,09 8,06 United Kingdom Western Europe British Psychological Society 2006, 2012-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q4)    
260 12854 Clinical Psychology Review journal 18737811, 02727358 5,281 Q1 194 64 237 7323 3083 232 11,68 114,42 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 1981-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
793 12844 Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice journal 14682850, 09695893 2,71 Q1 103 31 124 1429 429 60 6,24 46,1 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1994-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1)    
6448 4000149005 Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience journal 17381088 0,748 Q2 25 74 206 3136 428 193 2,19 42,38 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2005-2019 Pharmacology (medical) (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2); Behavioral Neuroscience (Q3)
20903 18438 Clinical Pulmonary Medicine journal 15365956, 10680640 0,162 Q4 16 52 159 1233 52 152 0,3 23,71 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1995-2019 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q4); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q4)
6520 16616 Clinical Radiology journal 1365229X, 00099260 0,74 Q2 87 296 754 8384 1497 673 2,21 28,32 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1960-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2)
4141 16317 Clinical Rehabilitation journal 14770873, 02692155 1,03 Q1 104 191 461 6298 1334 435 2,74 32,97 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 1987-2020 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q1); Rehabilitation (Q1)
17400 20627 Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs journal 15322521, 10601333 0,222 Q2 16 0 8 0 6 7 0 0 United States Northern America Informa Healthcare 1983-1990, 1992-2016 Pharmaceutical Science (Q2); Pharmacology (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
1201 3100147501 Clinical Research in Cardiology journal 18610692, 18610684 2,105 Q1 65 211 419 6573 1701 338 5,46 31,15 Germany Western Europe D. Steinkopff-Verlag 2006-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6793 19700166501 Clinical Research in Cardiology Supplements journal 18610714, 18610706 0,716 Q2 12 9 13 325 31 11 2,9 36,11 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2006-2013, 2015-2017, 2019-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q3); Structural Biology (Q3)
8864 19700175225 Clinical Respiratory Journal journal 17526981, 1752699X 0,559 Q3 29 114 658 3011 921 591 1,62 26,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007-2020 Immunology and Allergy (Q3); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q3); Genetics (clinical) (Q4)
1685 20741 Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology journal 10800549, 15590267 1,759 Q1 72 79 188 8431 1261 187 6,14 106,72 United States Northern America Humana Press 1995-2020 Immunology and Allergy (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6854 29293 Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism journal 15590119, 15348644 0,71 Q2 23 14 53 1593 98 49 1,3 113,79 United States Northern America Humana Press 2002, 2004-2019 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Endocrinology (Q3)
6366 19187 Clinical Rheumatology journal 14349949, 07703198 0,755 Q2 79 507 1288 15521 2935 1202 2,39 30,61 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer London 1982-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Rheumatology (Q2)
27760 21000195011 Clinical Rhinology journal 09744630, 09756965 0,103 Q4 5 7 85 103 3 80 0 14,71 India Asiatic Region Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd 2011-2017, 2019 Otorhinolaryngology (Q4)    
26697 29705 Clinical Risk journal 13562622, 17581028 0,108 Q4 12 0 28 0 3 22 0,25 0 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1995-2017 Law (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
30278 21100932749 Clinical Sarcoma Research journal 20453329   - 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2019 Oncology        
9963 11500153515 Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses journal 19351232, 19412010 0,49 Q2 22 7 77 7 96 67 1,26 1 United States Northern America Walsh Medical Media, LLC 2007-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
1612 29710 Clinical Science journal 14708736, 01435221 1,794 Q1 132 169 582 11225 2836 539 5,13 66,42 United Kingdom Western Europe Portland Press Ltd. 1946-1949, 1951-1959, 1973, 1979-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
3328 12100156705 Clinical Simulation in Nursing journal 18761399 1,184 Q1 36 78 272 2184 600 241 1,97 28 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2008-2009, 2011, 2014, 2016-2020 Education (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q1)
18673 21100790118 Clinical Skin Cancer journal 24058645 0,197 Q3 2 0 35 0 16 30 0,46 0 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2016-2017 Dermatology (Q3); Oncology (Q4)  
15361 29237 Clinical Social Work Journal journal 15733343, 00911674 0,272 Q3 31 59 130 2815 110 116 1,05 47,71 United States Northern America Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press Inc. 1973-2020 Health (social science) (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3); Social Work (Q4)
5279 21100782390 Clinical Spine Surgery journal 23800194, 23800186 0,873 Q1 16 183 614 4959 993 588 1,66 27,1 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2016-2020 Surgery (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2)
9551 5800207390 Clinical Supervisor, The journal 07325223, 1545231X 0,514 Q2 26 24 52 1270 86 50 1,66 52,92 United States Northern America Routledge 1983-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2); Education (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
11480 4500151406 Clinical Teacher journal 17434971, 1743498X 0,413 Q3 23 185 377 1716 232 252 0,94 9,28 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Review and Exam Preparation (Q3)
4453 29712 Clinical Therapeutics journal 1879114X, 01492918 0,981 Q1 130 237 701 9213 1806 597 2,84 38,87 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1977-2020 Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
4947 4000148406 Clinical Toxicology journal 15569519, 15563650 0,912 Q1 91 239 487 5000 1145 323 3,4 20,92 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1968-1998, 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Toxicology (Q1)
6583 21038 Clinical Transplantation journal 13990012, 09020063 0,735 Q2 74 297 749 13180 1257 710 1,69 44,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1989-2020 Transplantation (Q2)    
19555 21039 Clinical transplants journal 8909016 0,183 Q3 44 0 19 0 8 19 0 0 United States Northern America UCLA Immunogenetics Center 1986-2014, 2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
2101 144771 Clinical Trials journal 17407753, 17407745 1,549 Q1 58 101 258 2296 587 212 2,41 22,73 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2004-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1)
10089 21100394794 Clinical Trials and Regulatory Science in Cardiology journal 24055875 0,483 Q3 5 0 28 0 32 26 0,33 0 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2015-2017 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
10535 20000195083 Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry journal 11791357 0,461 Q2 19 40 67 1441 115 67 0,92 36,03 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2009-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
7333 19700174902 Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology journal 11787015 0,666 Q2 30 105 188 3717 452 184 2,25 35,4 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2009-2020 Dermatology (Q2)      
9098 19700175091 ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research journal 11786981 0,544 Q1 24 71 225 2604 395 212 1,64 36,68 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Limited 2009-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Health Policy (Q2)
11372 4000148010 Clinics journal 19805322, 18075932 0,419 Q3 56 137 402 4302 560 383 1,46 31,4 Brazil Latin America University of Sao Paolo 1945-1946, 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
6432 21100213800 Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology journal 2210741X, 22107401 0,75 Q2 54 160 359 4447 672 296 2,28 27,79 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 2011-2020 Gastroenterology (Q2); Hepatology (Q2)  
3246 18440 Clinics in Chest Medicine journal 02725231, 15578216 1,2 Q1 80 68 228 5512 656 192 2,65 81,06 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1980-2020 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q1)
7734 21041 Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery journal 15310043, 15309681 0,637 Q2 34 71 175 2487 289 144 1,91 35,03 United States Northern America Thieme Medical Publishers Inc. 2001-2020 Surgery (Q2); Gastroenterology (Q3)  
6521 24296 Clinics in Dermatology journal 18791131, 0738081X 0,74 Q2 85 95 287 5599 693 256 2,69 58,94 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1983-2020 Dermatology (Q2)      
3590 28654 Clinics in Geriatric Medicine journal 07490690, 18798853 1,126 Q1 71 56 164 2720 405 137 3,21 48,57 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1985-2020 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q1)  
6780 26792 Clinics in Laboratory Medicine journal 15579832, 02722712 0,717 Q2 51 58 176 3024 337 153 2,77 52,14 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1981-2020 Biochemistry (medical) (Q2); Clinical Biochemistry (Q2)
2348 28275 Clinics in Liver Disease journal 10893261, 15578224 1,457 Q1 77 59 182 3949 714 156 4,04 66,93 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1997-2020 Hepatology (Q1)      
6958 19700175784 Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery journal 20054408, 2005291X 0,701 Q2 30 74 228 1729 406 220 1,89 23,36 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Orthopaedic Association 2009-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Surgery (Q2)
3504 12648 Clinics in Perinatology journal 00955108, 15579840 1,144 Q1 74 71 209 4058 575 158 3,65 57,15 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1974-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1)
7535 21043 Clinics in Plastic Surgery journal 00941298, 15580504 0,652 Q2 61 66 242 2360 407 215 1,93 35,76 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1974-2020 Surgery (Q2)      
13564 29604 Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery journal 8918422 0,326 Q3 32 62 162 2642 117 130 0,8 42,61 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1986-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3); Surgery (Q3)
4835 19819 Clinics in Sports Medicine journal 1556228X, 02785919 0,927 Q1 76 55 176 2186 319 139 2,35 39,75 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1982-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q1); Sports Science (Q2)
26698 17600154904 Cliniques Mediterraneennes journal 07627491, 17762790 0,108 Q4 7 0 114 0 5 108 0,05 0 France Western Europe Editions Eres 2001-2018, 2020 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
28591 14021 Clio journal 8842043 0,101 Q3 7 4 29 241 0 29 0 60,25 United States Northern America Indiana State University 1979-1980, 1984, 1987, 1999, 2001-2017, 2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); History (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)
21095 29752 Clio Medica journal 457183 0,159 Q4 13 0 25 0 2 25 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Editions Rodopi B.V. 1971-1985, 1987, 1991, 1993-2009, 2013-2014, 2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
26901 19700166622 Clio: Histoire, Femmes et Societes journal 12527017, 17775299 0,107 Q3 6 0 87 0 6 87 0,04 0 France Western Europe Presses Universitaires du Mirail 1999-2001, 2009-2018 History (Q3); Gender Studies (Q4)  
13703 21100454915 Cliodynamics journal 23737530 0,322 Q1 5 5 45 288 15 36 0,6 57,6 United States Northern America University of California eScholarship Repository 2015-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Modeling and Simulation (Q3)
5388 5800207502 Cliometrica journal 18632513, 18632505 0,861 Q1 16 25 46 1701 68 45 1,84 68,04 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2007-2020 History (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
20273 21100469430 CLOSER 2016 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science conference and proceedings - 0,171 - 7 0 91 0 78 88 0 0 Portugal Western Europe   Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous); Mechanical Engineering; Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
11241 12075 Clothing and Textiles Research Journal journal 19402473, 0887302X 0,425 Q2 36 25 61 1074 90 59 1,38 42,96 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1982-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Polymers and Plastics (Q2)
30279 21100944572 Clothing Cultures journal 20500742, 20500750 - 1 7 0 265 0 0 0 37,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2019 Cultural Studies; Visual Arts and Performing Arts
11501 24596 Cluster Computing journal 13867857 0,412 Q2 41 1586 618 41798 1741 600 2,93 26,35 Netherlands Western Europe Kluwer Academic Publishers 2005-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q2); Software (Q2)
4133 68480 CMAJ journal 08203946, 00084409, 14882329 1,031 Q1 178 580 1761 5016 2148 770 2,48 8,65 Canada Northern America Canadian Medical Association 1945-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
19171 21100790302 CMD 2016 - International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis conference and proceedings - 0,189 - 6 0 255 0 171 253 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Information Systems; Information Systems and Management
29523 28742 CME journal 1614371X, 16143744 0,1 Q4 1 0 308 0 0 90 0 0 South Africa Africa Medical Association Of South Africa 1973-1974, 2007-2017 Family Practice (Q4)      
27055 30264 CME, Chartered Mechanical Engineer journal 3069532 0,106 Q4 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1969-1971, 1973-1988 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
14375 28642 CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences journal 15261492, 15261506 0,3 Q3 59 146 145 4938 141 145 0,96 33,82 United States Northern America Tech Science Press 2000-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q3); Modeling and Simulation (Q3); Software (Q3)
5645 4500151409 CNS and Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets journal 18715273 0,832 Q2 81 75 352 5633 981 311 3,56 75,11 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q3)
2171 20106 CNS Drugs journal 11791934, 11727047 1,522 Q1 105 96 278 8129 1322 254 5,37 84,68 United Kingdom Western Europe Adis International Ltd 1994-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
3074 11700154316 CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics journal 17555949, 17555930 1,241 Q1 64 152 365 8346 1283 303 4,28 54,91 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008-2020 Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1); Physiology (medical) (Q2)
7590 21100381004 CNS oncology journal 20450915 0,648 Q2 16 6 80 0 151 77 1,75 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Future Medicine Ltd. 2012-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
4410 14386 CNS Spectrums journal 10928529, 21656509 0,99 Q2 77 215 180 6916 461 157 2,7 32,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1996-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
11819 19700190348 Coaching journal 17521890, 17521882 0,397 Q2 14 19 41 1003 42 34 1,17 52,79 United States Northern America Routledge 2010-2020 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3); Social Psychology (Q3)
25409 19595 Coal Age trade journal 10910646, 10407820 0,116 Q4 5 64 144 0 16 144 0,15 0 United States Northern America Mining Media 1969-1987, 1989, 1994-1998, 2001-2019 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4); Fuel Technology (Q4); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
27500 9500154020 Coal International trade journal 20452985, 13576941 0,104 Q4 6 0 44 0 3 44 0,12 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Tradelink Publications Ltd. 1982-1989, 1994-2018 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4); Fuel Technology (Q4); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
1558 15041 Coastal Engineering journal 3783839 1,82 Q1 100 119 403 5578 1812 396 4,5 46,87 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1973-1974, 1977-2020 Environmental Engineering (Q1); Ocean Engineering (Q1)
5627 9500153947 Coastal Engineering Journal journal 05785634, 17936292 0,834 Q1 36 40 105 1354 251 101 2,13 33,85 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1975-1977, 1984-1986, 1988, 1991, 1995-1996, 1998-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Ocean Engineering (Q1)
8944 26814 Coastal Management journal 08920753, 15210421 0,554 Q2 46 32 105 1883 165 104 1,48 58,84 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1987-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Chemistry (Q3)
29524 27830 Coating International trade journal 5908450 0,1 Q4 4 25 66 15 0 66 0 0,6 Switzerland Western Europe Rek and Thomas Medien AG 1988, 2005-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Media Technology (Q4); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q4)
10485 21100872725 Coatings journal 20796412 0,463 Q2 30 796 781 34008 2043 767 2,58 42,72 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2011-2020 Materials Chemistry (Q2); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q2); Surfaces and Interfaces (Q3)
28592 21100826392 CoatingsTech trade journal 24751499, 24758469 0,101 Q4 10 9 49 79 3 49 0,06 8,78 United States Northern America Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology 2004-2015, 2017-2019 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Colloid and Surface Chemistry (Q4); Surfaces and Interfaces (Q4); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q4)
6466 21044 Cochlear Implants International journal 17547628, 14670100 0,746 Q2 30 50 144 1352 177 136 1,21 27,04 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 2001-2020 Otorhinolaryngology (Q2); Speech and Hearing (Q2)
2919 29775 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews journal 13616137, 1469493X 1,286 Q1 261 902 3863 87816 12589 3842 3,1 97,36 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1998-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
27056 4400151739 Cocuk Cerrahisi Dergisi journal 13055194 0,106 Q4 4 14 79 295 3 79 0,05 21,07 Turkey Middle East Logos Medical Publishing 2005-2019 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4); Surgery (Q4)
26071 19700175009 Cocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi journal 13071068, 13085271 0,112 Q4 8 53 146 753 6 94 0,05 14,21 Turkey Middle East Aves 2009-2019 Infectious Diseases (Q4); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4)
25650 14956 Cocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Dergisi journal 100161 0,114 Q4 12 0 52 0 4 52 0,08 0 Turkey Middle East Cocuk Sagligi ve Hastaliklan Dergisi 1992-2018 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4)
12552 21100309828 CoDAS journal 23171782 0,365 Q1 20 90 312 1769 214 292 0,57 19,66 Brazil Latin America Brazilian Society of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 2013-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Otorhinolaryngology (Q3); Speech and Hearing (Q3)
6158 21100456835 CODASPY 2016 - Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy conference and proceedings - 0,775 - 11 0 40 0 157 38 0 0 United States Northern America   Astronomy and Astrophysics; Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Instrumentation; Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging
6866 21100810706 CODASPY 2017 - Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy conference and proceedings - 0,709 - 8 0 40 0 185 39 4,74 0 United States Northern America   Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Human-Computer Interaction; Information Systems; Software
25810 21100808408 CODASPY 2017 - Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy conference and proceedings - 0,113 - 1 0 3 0 1 2 0,5 0 United States Northern America   Artificial Intelligence; Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Signal Processing
24105 21100457430 Code Annote de la Cour Penale Internationale book series 1876830X 0,125 Q3 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2008, 2016 Law (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
7989 19700201037 CoDesign journal 15710882, 17453755 0,618 Q1 21 38 71 1618 148 55 2,8 42,58 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2010-2020 Architecture (Q1); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q2)
28042 21100790058 Codex Aquilarensis journal 0214896X, 23866454 0,102 Q3 1 0 10 0 1 10 0 0 Spain Western Europe Foundaacin Santa Maria La Real 2015-2016 History (Q3); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3)
29525 21100247075 Codrul Cosminului journal 1224032X, 20675860 0,1 Q4 2 20 66 230 3 66 0,07 11,5 Romania Eastern Europe Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava 2013-2019 Cultural Studies (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
17349 19600166402 Coffee Science journal 18096875 0,223 Q3 13 55 179 1710 79 177 0,37 31,09 Brazil Latin America Editora UFLA 2009-2019 Food Science (Q3); Plant Science (Q3); Soil Science (Q4)
28593 21100841303 Cogency journal 7188285 0,101 Q4 1 4 19 177 0 19 0 44,25 Chile Latin America Universidad Diego Portales 2017-2019 Communication (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
21492 21100775648 Cogent Arts and Humanities journal 23311983 0,154 Q3 4 52 180 2374 55 174 0,2 45,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Cogent OA 2014-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3)
14568 21100855822 Cogent Business and Management journal 23311975 0,295 Q2 11 139 308 8070 433 300 1,22 58,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Cogent OA 2014-2020 Business and International Management (Q2); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Accounting (Q3); Management Science and Operations Research (Q3); Marketing (Q3); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q3); Strategy and Management (Q3)
16098 21100814032 Cogent Economics and Finance journal 23322039 0,252 Q3 11 128 263 6114 284 255 1,1 47,77 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2014-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q3); Finance (Q3)
13704 21100843893 Cogent Education journal 2331186X 0,322 Q3 11 121 445 5932 421 428 0,88 49,02 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2014-2020 Education (Q3)      
13670 21100466404 Cogent Engineering journal 23311916 0,323 Q2 18 162 613 5472 1050 593 1,43 33,78 United Kingdom Western Europe Cogent OA 2014-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)
30280 21100932759 Cogent Medicine journal 2331205X   - 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Cogent OA 2019 Applied Psychology; Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous)
14756 21100774706 Cogent Psychology journal 23311908 0,289 Q3 11 103 263 5412 258 251 0,9 52,54 United Kingdom Western Europe Cogent OA 2014-2020 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
18012 21100872366 Cogent Social Sciences journal 23311886 0,209 Q3 8 119 314 5924 238 304 0,8 49,78 United Kingdom Western Europe Cogent OA 2015-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
22844 21100853534 Cogitare Enfermagem journal 14148536 0,137 Q4 2 86 102 2111 19 101 0,18 24,55 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal do Parana 2018-2020 Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q4)    
29526 21100900365 Cogito journal 20686706, 22479384 0,1 Q4 1 26 45 561 1 45 0,02 21,58 Romania Eastern Europe PRO Universitaria Publishing House 2018-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
1010 12857 Cognition journal 18737838, 00100277 2,33 Q1 179 248 718 15654 2671 691 3,58 63,12 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1972-1974, 1976-2020 Cognitive Neuroscience (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
2046 12858 Cognition and Emotion journal 02699931, 14640600 1,573 Q1 122 205 426 8996 1176 409 2,78 43,88 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1987-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q1)
3174 12859 Cognition and Instruction journal 1532690X, 07370008 1,217 Q1 76 24 53 1640 186 45 3,13 68,33 United States Northern America Routledge 1984-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Education (Q1); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q2)
23813 21100228058 Cognition, Brain, Behavior journal 12248398, 22478655 0,127 Q4 8 0 8 0 3 8 0,38 0 Romania Eastern Europe Galati University Press 2012-2015, 2017 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q4)
21689 21100860060 Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal journal 2601226X, 22479228 0,151 Q4 3 17 28 869 10 27 0,37 51,12 Romania Eastern Europe ASCR Publishing House 2017-2019 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q4)
11035 145523 Cognition, Technology and Work journal 14355558, 14355566 0,436 Q1 33 103 152 5717 297 147 2 55,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer London 2005-2020 Philosophy (Q1); Human-Computer Interaction (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q3)
11930 14907 Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology journal 15433633, 15433641 0,392 Q3 64 31 80 1355 89 70 0,86 43,71 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2003-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology (Q3); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q4)
5368 12867 Cognitive and Behavioral Practice journal 1878187X, 10777229 0,863 Q2 54 69 125 3992 266 111 2,1 57,86 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1994-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2)    
13227 21100872040 Cognitive Behaviour Therapist journal 1754470X 0,338 Q3 11 43 78 681 68 65 1,07 15,84 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2008-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q3); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q4)
1947 12868 Cognitive Behaviour Therapy journal 16512316, 16506073 1,62 Q1 55 45 104 2154 507 102 5,28 47,87 Sweden Western Europe Taylor and Francis AS 2002-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1)    
3410 19400158515 Cognitive Computation journal 18669964, 18669956 1,165 Q1 43 83 243 4197 1236 231 5,47 50,57 United States Northern America Springer New York 2009-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q1); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q1); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q2)
2800 12869 Cognitive Development journal 8852014 1,318 Q1 75 67 178 3899 427 173 2,4 58,19 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1986-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q1)
6959 130178 Cognitive Linguistics journal 9365907 0,701 Q1 50 27 73 1434 85 68 1,23 53,11 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Mouton 1990-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
4037 5200153049 Cognitive Neurodynamics journal 18714080, 18714099 1,044 Q2 38 48 144 2848 573 143 4,51 59,33 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2007-2020 Cognitive Neuroscience (Q2)    
6522 12870 Cognitive Neuropsychiatry journal 14640619, 13546805 0,74 Q2 58 36 107 1815 177 102 1,5 50,42 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1996-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q3)
3553 14916 Cognitive Neuropsychology journal 14640627, 02643294 1,135 Q1 87 46 103 3323 264 78 2,96 72,24 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1984-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology (Q1); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q2); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q2)
2549 19700187626 Cognitive Neuroscience journal 17588928, 17588936 1,389 Q2 28 39 93 1191 183 48 3,38 30,54 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2010-2020 Cognitive Neuroscience (Q2)    
8767 130113 Cognitive Processing journal 16124782, 16124790 0,566 Q2 41 53 145 2483 192 138 1,17 46,85 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2005-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q3); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q3)
757 12872 Cognitive Psychology journal 10955623, 00100285 2,78 Q1 114 30 105 2495 393 103 3,28 83,17 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1970-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology (Q1)
3798 21100935976 Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications journal 23657464 1,087 Q2 11 50 134 2623 364 130 2,97 52,46 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer Open 2016-2020 Cognitive Neuroscience (Q2); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q2)
1866 12874 Cognitive Science journal 03640213, 15516709 1,654 Q1 107 94 406 5306 1019 390 2,44 56,45 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1977-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q1); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q1)
16438 21100903820 Cognitive Semantics journal 23526416, 23526408 0,243 Q2 4 9 26 417 10 25 0,56 46,33 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2015-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
26072 21100896913 Cognitive Studies journal 23922397 0,112 Q3 1 14 17 447 3 17 0,18 31,93 Poland Eastern Europe Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences 2018-2019 Linguistics and Language (Q3); Communication (Q4); Computer Networks and Communications (Q4)
27501 21100222539 Cognitive Systems Monographs book series 18674925, 18674933 0,104 Q4 7 8 77 270 17 7 0 33,75 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2009, 2012-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Control and Systems Engineering (Q4)
11164 12886 Cognitive Systems Research journal 13890417 0,429 Q3 44 148 245 5618 578 221 2,64 37,96 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1999-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q3); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q3); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q3)
2570 12887 Cognitive Therapy and Research journal 01475916, 15732819 1,383 Q1 95 101 221 5921 667 217 2,87 58,62 United States Northern America Springer New York 1977-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q1)
3008 12866 Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience journal 15307026, 1531135X 1,258 Q1 97 106 271 8668 747 268 2,41 81,77 United States Northern America Springer New York 2001-2020 Behavioral Neuroscience (Q1); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q2)
26073 19700173013 Co-herencia journal 17945887 0,112 Q2 4 29 79 1317 6 76 0,05 45,41 Colombia Latin America Universidad EAFIT 2009-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); History (Q3); Music (Q3); Philosophy (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
15474 19700186837 Coke and Chemistry journal 1068364X, 19348398 0,269 Q3 11 91 241 1273 147 241 0,61 13,99 United States Northern America Pleiades Publishing 2009-2019 Fuel Technology (Q3); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q3); Environmental Chemistry (Q4)
25811 31369 Coke and chemistry U.S.S.R. journal 100501 0,113 Q4 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 United States Northern America Allerton Press Inc. 1968-1971, 1973, 1975-1976, 1978-1989 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
4858 15980 Cold Regions Science and Technology journal 18727441, 0165232X 0,924 Q1 68 194 482 8009 1519 474 3,35 41,28 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1979-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1)
3168 21100832705 Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studies journal 23732873 1,218 Q1 8 80 111 2474 249 106 2,38 30,93 United States Northern America Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2016-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Genetics (Q2); Genetics (clinical) (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q2)
209 19700176402 Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology journal 19430264 5,926 Q1 153 93 316 11849 2954 308 8,2 127,41 United States Northern America Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2009-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1)
381 21100235802 Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine journal 21571422 4,012 Q1 92 97 288 9734 2148 284 6,34 100,35 United States Northern America Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2011-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
4196 11700154612 Cold Spring Harbor Protocols journal 19403402, 15596095 1,021 Q2 44 146 606 1639 691 578 0,81 11,23 United States Northern America Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2008-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
1469 14438 Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology journal 00917451, 19934456 1,879 Q1 76 0 185 0 406 183 1,17 0 United States Northern America Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 1950-1962, 1964-1969, 1972-2018 Biochemistry (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
19238 5700162095 Cold War History journal 14682745 0,188 Q2 18 49 78 616 27 73 0,24 12,57 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2000-2020 History (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q3)
13085 19750 Coleopterists Bulletin journal 0010065X 0,344 Q3 22 88 301 1449 120 297 0,41 16,47 United States Northern America Coleopterists Society 1988-2019 Insect Science (Q3)      
5510 21100857520 Collabra: Psychology journal 24747394 0,846 Q2 6 27 68 1627 132 68 1,94 60,26 United States Northern America University of California Press 2017-2019 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
17802 21100228010 Collectanea Botanica journal 00100730, 19691067 0,213 Q3 6 11 19 554 9 19 0,2 50,36 Spain Western Europe CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 2012-2019 Plant Science (Q3)      
28594 21100446411 Collectanea Christiana Orientalia journal 16972104 0,101 Q3 1 8 23 41 0 23 0 5,13 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Cordoba 2014-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
8343 5600157643 Collectanea Mathematica journal 100757 0,593 Q2 17 46 84 1171 88 82 0,9 25,46 Italy Western Europe Springer-Verlag Italia 2006-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q2); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)
29527 21100218542 Collectanea Theologica journal 1376985 0,1 Q4 2 20 54 1038 0 54 0 51,9 Poland Eastern Europe Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 2012-2019 Religious Studies (Q4)    
27761 21100406929 Collected Courses of the Xiamen Academy of International Law book series 18754678 0,103 Q4 2 0 26 0 0 8 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2009, 2011, 2013, 2016-2017 Law (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
13855 21100887535 Collection and Curation journal 25149326 0,317 Q1 18 25 60 727 41 60 0,62 29,08 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2018-2020 Museology (Q1); Library and Information Sciences (Q2)
6159 4700152789 Collection Management journal 01462679, 15452549 0,775 Q1 17 37 68 779 51 55 0,95 21,05 United States Northern America Routledge 1976, 1978-1979, 1981-1999, 2001-2020 Library and Information Sciences (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q2)
1647 14238 College and Research Libraries journal 00100870, 21506701 1,776 Q1 50 56 162 1821 339 145 2,43 32,52 United States Northern America Association of College and Research Libraries 1946-1947, 1987-2020 Library and Information Sciences (Q1)  
11220 14239 College and Research Libraries News journal 21506698, 00990086 0,426 Q2 22 105 298 299 110 245 0,54 2,85 United States Northern America Association of College and Research Libraries 1996-2020 Education (Q2); Library and Information Sciences (Q2)
7004 4700152782 College and Undergraduate Libraries journal 10691316, 15452530 0,696 Q1 18 20 108 395 95 103 0,87 19,75 United States Northern America Routledge 1994-2004, 2006-2020 Library and Information Sciences (Q1); Education (Q2); E-learning (Q2)
10972 24052 College Composition and Communication journal 0010096X 0,439 Q1 33 32 94 1080 50 64 0,68 33,75 United States Northern America National Council of Teachers of English 2004-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Education (Q2)
9796 24053 College English journal 100994 0,5 Q1 22 25 89 1151 73 74 0,58 46,04 United States Northern America National Council of Teachers of English 2004-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Education (Q2)
25651 5700153667 College Literature journal 00933139, 15424286 0,114 Q2 13 36 115 1240 12 110 0,1 34,44 United States Northern America West Chester University 2002-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Education (Q4)
23389 21100198426 College Mathematics Journal journal 07468342, 19311346 0,131 Q4 6 48 192 305 19 169 0,13 6,35 United States Northern America Mathematical Association of America 1997, 2009-2020 Education (Q4); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q4)
14283 21100837257 College Teaching journal 87567555, 19308299 0,303 Q3 38 30 102 861 66 85 0,59 28,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1996-2020 Education (Q3)      
6621 27605 Collegian journal 13227696 0,732 Q1 30 121 216 4473 436 205 2,22 36,97 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1994-2020 Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q1)    
24509 19700175904 Collegiate Aviation Review journal 15235955 0,124 Q4 4 21 21 480 5 18 0,31 22,86 United States Northern America University Aviation Association 2009-2020 Education (Q4)      
21641 32878 Collegium Antropologicum journal 3506134 0,152 Q3 40 25 117 783 32 117 0,17 31,32 Croatia Eastern Europe Croatian Anthropological Society 1978-1985, 1987, 1993, 1996-2019 Anthropology (Q3); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
11879 25828 Colloid and Polymer Science journal 0303402X, 14351536 0,394 Q2 83 148 659 6246 1154 649 1,64 42,2 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1974-2020 Materials Chemistry (Q2); Polymers and Plastics (Q2); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q3); Colloid and Surface Chemistry (Q4)
14420 27056 Colloid Journal journal 1061933X, 16083067 0,299 Q3 31 97 300 3070 280 297 0,92 31,65 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1989, 1991-1992, 1995-2020 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q3); Surfaces and Interfaces (Q3); Colloid and Surface Chemistry (Q4)
9291 21100357506 Colloids and Interface Science Communications journal 22150382 0,531 Q2 14 58 106 2449 292 103 3,08 42,22 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Biotechnology (Q2); Materials Chemistry (Q2); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q2); Colloid and Surface Chemistry (Q3)
6108 26589 Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects journal 18734359, 09277757 0,78 Q1 160 1092 2669 51277 10635 2644 4,21 46,96 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1993-2020 Surfaces and Interfaces (Q1); Colloid and Surface Chemistry (Q2); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2)
4815 26590 Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces journal 09277765, 18734367 0,929 Q1 143 901 2189 42405 9967 2178 4,61 47,06 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1993-2020 Biotechnology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q1); Surfaces and Interfaces (Q1); Colloid and Surface Chemistry (Q2)
28595 21100888596 Colloquia journal 18223737 0,101 Q3 1 9 26 215 0 21 0 23,89 Lithuania Eastern Europe Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore 2018-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); Music (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
28596 16200154729 Colloquia Germanica journal 101338 0,101 Q3 3 0 20 0 1 17 0 0 Chile Latin America Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Facultad de Agronomia e Ingenieria Forestal 2002-2016 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
28597 21100840125 Colloquia Humanistica journal 23922419 0,101 Q4 0 19 22 719 0 19 0 37,84 Poland Eastern Europe Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences 2017-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28598 21100837393 Colloquia Maruliana book series 13323431, 18489613 0,101 Q3 1 10 21 127 2 21 0,1 12,7 Croatia Eastern Europe Knjizevni krug Split 2017-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); History (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)
19239 21100400809 Colloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST conference and proceedings 23271884 0,188 - 9 0 283 0 219 279 0,49 0 United States Northern America 23271884 Computer Science Applications; Information Systems and Management; Management Science and Operations Research; Signal Processing
10644 21100199542 Colloquium Mathematicum journal 00101354, 17306302 0,455 Q2 23 75 270 1397 169 267 0,55 18,63 Poland Eastern Europe Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences 2001-2009, 2011-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
18950 21100815415 Colombia Forestal journal 01200739, 2256201X 0,192 Q3 3 13 46 666 24 46 0,45 51,23 Colombia Latin America Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas 2016-2020 Forestry (Q3); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q3); Soil Science (Q4)
15546 5800169849 Colombia Internacional journal 1215612 0,267 Q1 6 30 90 1627 47 86 0,66 54,23 Colombia Latin America Universidad de los Andes 2011-2019 History (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
13035 99288 Colombia Medica journal 16579534, 01208322 0,346 Q3 16 17 125 533 109 99 0,86 31,35 Colombia Latin America Facultad de Salud de la Universidad del Valle 1946, 1990, 1996-2002, 2004-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
30281 21100976171 Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology journal 01203347, 22562087 - 9 51 232 877 62 202 0,31 17,2 United Kingdom Western Europe Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2018-2020 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine; Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine
27057 12100154838 Colon and Rectum journal 1951638X, 19516371 0,106 Q4 3 48 180 328 6 145 0,06 6,83 France Western Europe Springer Paris 2007-2019 Gastroenterology (Q4); Internal Medicine (Q4)
12651 24934 Colonial Latin American Review journal 10609164 0,361 Q2 11 27 81 1708 34 69 0,47 63,26 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1992-1996, 2001, 2003-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
24625 28280 Coloproctology journal 16156730, 01742442 0,123 Q4 11 90 203 1626 41 174 0,3 18,07 Germany Western Europe Urban und Vogel 1998-2020 Gastroenterology (Q4); Surgery (Q4)  
29528 19700202717 Coloquio-Letras journal 101451 0,1 Q4 2 55 85 641 4 61 0 11,65 Portugal Western Europe Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian 2009-2017, 2019-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
12445 12891 Color Research and Application journal 15206378, 03612317 0,369 Q2 59 105 274 3215 336 234 1,51 30,62 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1976-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Human Factors and Ergonomics (Q3)
13671 29437 Coloration Technology journal 14784408, 14723581 0,323 Q2 48 59 167 2060 280 163 1,72 34,92 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2001-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
25812 21100470815 Colorectal Cancer journal 1758194X, 17581958 0,113 Q4 2 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Future Medicine Ltd. 2013, 2016 Gastroenterology (Q4); Oncology (Q4)  
3754 28281 Colorectal Disease journal 14628910, 14631318 1,095 Q1 84 393 959 6380 1547 537 2,68 16,23 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1999-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1)    
20841 29444 Colourage trade journal 101826 0,163 Q3 22 67 199 321 9 199 0,05 4,79 India Asiatic Region Colour Publications Pvt. Ltd 1989-2019 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3)
26427 13131 Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems journal 101923 0,11 Q4 10 8 46 845 7 46 0,14 105,63 United States Northern America Columbia Law Review Association 1973, 1975-1976, 1978, 1980, 1985-1986, 1989-1990, 1992-2020 Law (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
16058 25650 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law journal 101931 0,253 Q2 30 9 54 1406 21 42 0,3 156,22 United States Northern America Columbia Law Review Association 1996-2019 Law (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
3786 13143 Columbia Law Review journal 101958 1,089 Q1 63 56 152 920 148 119 1,24 16,43 United States Northern America Columbia Law Review Association 1973-1981, 1984, 1987-1988, 1990, 1992-2020 Law (Q1)        
24106 21100451666 Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition book series 1661302 0,125 Q2 8 0 15 0 3 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2009, 2011, 2013, 2015-2016, 2018 Classics (Q2)      
23705 11500153302 Coluna/ Columna journal 18081851 0,128 Q4 7 47 181 1191 24 180 0,1 25,34 Brazil Latin America Oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Coluna 2008-2019 Neurology (clinical) (Q4); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4); Surgery (Q4)
14530 23453 Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening journal 13862073, 18755402 0,296 Q3 62 82 285 3127 370 259 1,31 38,13 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 1998-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q3); Drug Discovery (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Organic Chemistry (Q3)
2577 25785 Combinatorica journal 02099683, 14396912 1,38 Q1 49 63 154 1288 198 151 1,24 20,44 Germany Western Europe Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society 1981-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q1); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q1)
2521 28070 Combinatorics Probability and Computing journal 09635483, 14692163 1,399 Q1 45 64 153 1429 191 147 1,1 22,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1992-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1); Statistics and Probability (Q1); Theoretical Computer Science (Q1)
1229 28623 Combustion and Flame journal 102180 2,079 Q1 168 450 1192 22686 7011 1182 5,43 50,41 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 1957-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1); Fuel Technology (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
8206 26881 Combustion Science and Technology journal 1563521X, 00102202 0,603 Q1 73 266 396 10058 766 372 2,14 37,81 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1969-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2); Fuel Technology (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
3939 13711 Combustion Theory and Modelling journal 13647830, 17413559 1,06 Q1 57 68 160 2871 401 155 2,43 42,22 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1997-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1); Fuel Technology (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
16367 12893 Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves journal 15738345, 00105082 0,245 Q3 38 93 277 2213 272 276 0,92 23,8 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1965-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Fuel Technology (Q3); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q3)
23503 21100200617 Comedy Studies journal 2040610X, 20406118 0,13 Q2 3 38 72 841 6 55 0,08 22,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2014-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)
23121 21100870394 Comics Grid journal 20480792 0,134 Q1 1 6 7 160 4 7 0,57 26,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Open Library of Humanities 2018-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)
28599 16200154742 Comitatus journal 696412 0,101 Q3 3 8 16 599 1 16 0,06 74,88 United States Northern America UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS) 2002-2009, 2017-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3); History (Q4)
26699 21100457433 Commentaria book series 18748236 0,108 Q2 3 0 23 0 1 3 0,5 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007, 2009, 2014, 2016-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); History (Q3); Religious Studies (Q3)
1267 25787 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici journal 00102571, 14208946 2,039 Q1 38 18 77 594 94 77 0,94 33 Switzerland Western Europe European Mathematical Society Publishing House 1929-1937, 1939-1956, 1958-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
17477 20000195079 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae journal 00102628, 12137243 0,22 Q4 25 38 129 628 33 127 0,2 16,53 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Mathematical Institute of Charles University 1996-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
4647 25242 Comments on Inorganic Chemistry journal 02603594, 15489574 0,953 Q1 41 10 38 1036 92 22 3,4 103,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1981-2020 Inorganic Chemistry (Q1)    
27058 5700160809 Common Knowledge journal 0961754X, 15384578 0,106 Q3 11 45 86 521 11 82 0,13 11,58 United States Northern America Duke University Press 2010-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Philosophy (Q3)
3129 25666 Common Market Law Review journal 1650750 1,228 Q1 46 28 183 831 243 165 1,42 29,68 Netherlands Western Europe Kluwer Law International 1996-2019 Law (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
14699 23925 Commonwealth and Comparative Politics journal 17439094, 14662043 0,291 Q2 26 23 73 1106 50 71 0,72 48,09 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2002-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
28600 7200153132 Commonwealth Law Bulletin journal 03050718, 17505976 0,101 Q4 6 15 89 0 3 83 0,03 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1974-2020 Law (Q4)        
11125 21100914247 Communicable diseases intelligence (2018) journal 22096051 0,431 Q3 3 64 19 0 18 19 0,95 0 Canada Northern America Health Protection Policy Branch, Office of Health Protection, Australian Government Department of Health 2018-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
7735 21100277171 Communicable diseases intelligence quarterly report journal 14474514 0,637 Q2 17 0 122 0 171 121 1,13 0 Australia Pacific Region Department of Health and Ageing 2012-2017 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
23122 19900191348 Communicatio journal 17535379, 02500167 0,134 Q4 12 17 79 711 20 77 0,25 41,82 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1975-1976, 1978-2020 Communication (Q4)    
10645 19700188330 Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies journal 14791420, 14794233 0,455 Q1 17 28 83 0 86 57 1,8 0 United States Northern America Routledge 2010-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Communication (Q2)
29529 21100372440 Communication and Management journal 2271734X, 22697195 0,1 Q4 1 16 66 346 3 52 0,03 21,63 France Western Europe Editions Eska 2013-2019 Business and International Management (Q4); Marketing (Q4)
21838 145731 Communication and Medicine journal 16121783, 16133625 0,149 Q4 20 0 56 0 22 55 0,34 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Equinox Publishing Ltd 2004-2015, 2017-2018 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
7843 21100830505 Communication and Sport journal 21674809, 21674795 0,628 Q1 14 90 96 5859 237 95 2,57 65,1 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2015-2020 Communication (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
10339 21100911066 Communication and the Public journal 20570481 0,471 Q2 7 21 102 1291 92 90 0,73 61,48 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2016-2019 Communication (Q2)    
27502 21100286440 Communication Booknotes Quarterly journal 15326896, 10948007 0,104 Q4 0 8 14 10 0 7 0 1,25 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2014-2019 Communication (Q4)    
10729 5800207714 Communication Disorders Quarterly journal 15257401 0,451 Q1 26 51 77 2095 95 75 1,24 41,08 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1976, 1978-1990, 1992-1995, 1997-2020 Linguistics and Language (Q1); Speech and Hearing (Q3)
6334 24054 Communication Education journal 03634523, 14795795 0,758 Q1 58 43 174 1686 284 93 3,42 39,21 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1976-2020 Communication (Q1); Education (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1)
23595 13201 Communication Law and Policy journal 15326926, 10811680 0,129 Q3 10 14 43 0 12 42 0,15 0 United States Northern America Routledge 2005-2020 Law (Q3); Communication (Q4)  
636 19700190349 Communication Methods and Measures journal 19312466, 19312458 3,082 Q1 23 25 54 1536 314 51 6,61 61,44 United States Northern America Routledge 2010-2020 Communication (Q1)    
1344 12853 Communication Monographs journal 03637751, 14795787 1,979 Q1 66 29 81 1716 424 77 5,57 59,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1976-2020 Communication (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1)
8207 5600154339 Communication Quarterly journal 1463373 0,603 Q1 43 29 91 1505 124 91 1,23 51,9 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1976-2020 Communication (Q1)    
8788 200147107 Communication Reports journal 8934215 0,565 Q1 19 14 44 504 57 44 1,21 36 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1988-1995, 2005-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Communication (Q2); Education (Q2)
957 17649 Communication Research journal 00936502, 15523810 2,41 Q1 100 80 159 4868 645 130 5,12 60,85 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1974-2020 Communication (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
14790 21100899438 Communication Research and Practice journal 22063374 0,288 Q2 3 34 29 1556 24 23 1,04 45,76 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2018-2020 Communication (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Computer Networks and Communications (Q3); Human-Computer Interaction (Q3); Marketing (Q3)
7646 5700155425 Communication Research Reports journal 8824096 0,644 Q1 32 44 146 1154 202 140 1,45 26,23 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1988-1996, 2000-2019 Communication (Q1)    
20686 5600155020 Communication Review journal 10714421 0,165 Q3 28 12 48 844 36 42 0,82 70,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1995-2001, 2003-2020 Communication (Q3)    
17401 21100439340 Communication Sciences and Disorders journal 22880917, 22881328 0,222 Q2 9 86 222 3538 128 220 0,56 41,14 South Korea Asiatic Region The Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (KASA) 2013-2019 Linguistics and Language (Q2); Communication (Q3); Speech and Hearing (Q4)
7335 5600153399 Communication Studies journal 17451035, 10510974 0,666 Q1 40 38 114 1889 180 111 1,15 49,71 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1989-2020 Communication (Q1)    
14310 5800208514 Communication Teacher journal 17404622, 17404630 0,302 Q2 9 62 117 980 48 110 0,33 15,81 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2010-2020 Communication (Q2); Education (Q3)  
1126 19936 Communication Theory journal 14682885, 10503293 2,185 Q1 76 25 71 1504 268 67 2,55 60,16 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1991-2020 Communication (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
19099 21100822827 Communication Today journal 1338130X 0,19 Q3 4 21 35 757 20 34 0,59 36,05 Slovakia Eastern Europe University of SS. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Mass Media Communication 2017-2019 Communication (Q3); Marketing (Q3)  
8218 21100469450 Communication, Culture and Critique journal 17539129, 17539137 0,602 Q1 8 25 83 1174 106 79 1,52 46,96 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2015-2019 Communication (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q2)
27059 21100805309 Communication, Management and Information Technology - Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology, ICCMIT 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,106 - 3 0 111 0 12 109 0,11 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Information Systems
8856 17650 Communications journal 03412059, 16134087 0,56 Q2 32 38 87 1808 93 68 1,66 47,58 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1975-1988, 1990-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Communication (Q2)
13325 71244 Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina journal 13354205, 25857878 0,334 Q2 20 54 306 1037 207 302 0,76 19,2 Slovakia Eastern Europe University of Zilina 2003-2020 Automotive Engineering (Q2); Computer Networks and Communications (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Mechanical Engineering (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q3); Transportation (Q3)
1157 21100924827 Communications Biology journal 23993642 2,15 Q1 13 490 246 25255 911 225 4,05 51,54 United States Northern America Springer Nature 2018-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
1905 21100924839 Communications Chemistry journal 23993669 1,635 Q1 10 138 97 6376 380 92 4,13 46,2 United States Northern America Springer Nature 2018-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q1)
19172 21100855735 Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods journal 22877843, 23834757 0,189 Q4 3 46 95 1030 40 95 0,42 22,39 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Statistical Society 2017-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q4); Finance (Q4); Modeling and Simulation (Q4); Statistics and Probability (Q4); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q4)
7614 25800 Communications in Algebra journal 00927872, 15324125 0,646 Q2 53 452 1208 8318 777 1198 0,65 18,4 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1974-2020 Algebra and Number Theory (Q2)  
2760 25802 Communications in Analysis and Geometry journal 10198385 1,33 Q1 39 53 110 1526 108 110 0,7 28,79 United States Northern America International Press of Boston, Inc. 1996-2019 Analysis (Q1); Geometry and Topology (Q1); Statistics and Probability (Q1); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q1)
21327 28633 Communications in Applied Analysis journal 10832564 0,156 Q4 17 0 12 0 7 12 0 0 United States Northern America Dynamic Publishers 2004-2013, 2015-2016 Analysis (Q4); Applied Mathematics (Q4); Modeling and Simulation (Q4); Numerical Analysis (Q4)
12375 21100455428 Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics journal 20380909 0,372 Q2 7 20 61 455 56 56 0,97 22,75 Germany Western Europe de Gruyter 2014-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3)
8417 21100211117 Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science journal 15593940, 21575452 0,588 Q2 21 9 24 342 33 24 0,81 38 United States Northern America Mathematical Sciences Publishers 2006-2019 Applied Mathematics (Q2); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2)
10053 6200180190 Communications in Biometry and Crop Science journal 18960782 0,485 Q2 13 0 10 0 28 10 0 0 Poland Eastern Europe Warsaw Agricultural University 2007-2016 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q2); Decision Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
4604 10600153306 Communications in Computational Physics journal 18152406, 19917120 0,959 Q1 51 43 249 1791 460 248 2,2 41,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2007-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
19240 17700155007 Communications in Computer and Information Science book series 18650929 0,188 Q3 45 6296 11614 129631 5859 10861 0,56 20,59 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2007-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q4)
1825 74973 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics journal 17936683, 02191997 1,675 Q1 39 156 233 3258 334 228 1,35 20,88 Singapore Asiatic Region World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd 1999-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)
2373 19400158815 Communications in Information Literacy journal 19335954 1,448 Q1 14 14 53 412 97 49 1,63 29,43 United States Northern America Communications in Information Literacy 2009-2019 Education (Q1); E-learning (Q1); Library and Information Sciences (Q1)
22754 19900191622 Communications in Mathematical Analysis journal 19389787 0,138 Q4 9 10 15 237 3 15 0,11 23,7 United States Northern America Mathematical Research Publishers 2011-2019 Analysis (Q4); Applied Mathematics (Q4); Computational Mathematics (Q4); Numerical Analysis (Q4)
14099 21100845829 Communications in Mathematical Biology and Neuroscience journal 20522541 0,309 Q3 6 32 42 918 39 42 0,93 28,69 United Kingdom Western Europe SCIK Publishing Corporation 2017-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q3); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q3); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q4)
2004 27437 Communications in Mathematical Physics journal 14320916, 00103616 1,592 Q1 128 334 762 13867 1743 748 2,24 41,52 Germany Western Europe Springer New York 1965-2020 Mathematical Physics (Q1); Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (Q1)
3997 5600157640 Communications in Mathematical Sciences journal 15396746 1,051 Q1 40 92 282 3132 395 281 0,99 34,04 United States Northern America International Press of Boston, Inc. 2007-2019 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)
18674 21100777278 Communications in Mathematics journal 18041388, 23361298 0,197 Q4 3 6 37 92 14 35 0,25 15,33 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2016-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
9292 21100466426 Communications in Mathematics and Statistics journal 21946701, 2194671X 0,531 Q2 10 47 73 1107 117 73 1,77 23,55 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2013-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q2); Computational Mathematics (Q2); Statistics and Probability (Q3)
2869 25807 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation journal 10075704 1,299 Q1 105 396 964 16002 4146 946 4,7 40,41 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1996-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Numerical Analysis (Q1)
4910 21100201020 Communications in Number Theory and Physics journal 19314523, 19314531 0,916 Q1 25 22 54 739 115 54 2,28 33,59 United States Northern America International Press of Boston, Inc. 2007-2019 Algebra and Number Theory (Q1); Mathematical Physics (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
1634 25812 Communications in Partial Differential Equations journal 03605302, 15324133 1,783 Q1 74 57 196 1509 280 195 1,25 26,47 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1971, 1976-2020 Analysis (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q1)  
14221 31671 Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis journal 00103624, 15322416 0,305 Q3 62 242 737 10232 699 735 0,85 42,28 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1970-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Soil Science (Q3)
9293 28921 Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods journal 1532415X, 03610926 0,531 Q3 52 775 1782 18319 1441 1764 0,85 23,64 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1976-2020 Statistics and Probability (Q3)    
23123 21100948959 Communications in Statistics Case Studies Data Analysis and Applications journal 23737484 0,134 Q4 3 34 32 835 8 32 0,23 24,56 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2020 Analysis (Q4); Applied Mathematics (Q4); Statistics and Probability (Q4)
10973 23526 Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation journal 15324141, 03610918 0,439 Q2 43 608 1080 16038 874 970 0,96 26,38 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1976-2020 Modeling and Simulation (Q2); Statistics and Probability (Q3)
14284 27453 Communications in Theoretical Physics journal 2536102 0,303 Q3 46 188 645 7930 841 645 1,44 42,18 United Kingdom Western Europe IOP Publishing Ltd. 1996-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q3)
26700 4700151614 Communications Law journal 17467616 0,108 Q4 5 0 24 0 1 19 0,08 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Tottel Publishing 2004-2017 Communication (Q4); Law (Q4)  
3226 13675 Communications of the ACM journal 15577317, 00010782 1,204 Q1 203 246 928 2681 3129 502 5,83 10,9 United States Northern America Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 1958-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
8006 19300156904 Communications of the Association for Information Systems journal 15293181 0,617 Q2 44 62 194 3790 326 187 1,66 61,13 United States Northern America Association for Information Systems 2006, 2009-2020 Information Systems (Q2)    
15317 7500153129 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society journal 12251763 0,273 Q3 13 78 272 1460 114 269 0,43 18,72 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Mathematical Society 2007-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q3); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q3)
18675 11100153313 Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis journal 1074133X 0,197 Q4 13 24 78 513 26 77 0,37 21,38 United States Northern America International Publications 2008-2020 Analysis (Q4); Applied Mathematics (Q4)  
4362 145649 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis journal 15340392 0,997 Q1 36 152 377 4606 457 374 1,16 30,3 United States Northern America American Institute of Mathematical Sciences 2004-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Analysis (Q2)  
344 25820 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics journal 00103640, 10970312 4,271 Q1 95 65 164 2516 570 161 2,96 38,71 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1948-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)
13478 21100826265 Communications on Stochastic Analysis journal 9739599 0,329 Q3 3 21 58 665 19 58 0,33 31,67 India Asiatic Region Serials Publications 2017-2019 Statistics and Probability (Q3)    
1029 21100924862 Communications Physics journal 23993650 2,31 Q1 11 164 98 8004 449 96 4,68 48,8 United States Northern America Springer Nature 2018-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
4929 15900154753 Communicative and Integrative Biology journal 19420889 0,914 Q1 34 23 113 1193 226 101 1,93 51,87 United States Northern America Landes Bioscience 2009-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
27762 21100468964 Communio journal 942065 0,103 Q3 1 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 United States Northern America Communio International Catholic Review 1977, 2015-2016 Religious Studies (Q3)    
29530 21100268078 Communio Viatorum journal 103713 0,1 Q4 2 21 61 604 1 57 0,03 28,76 United States Northern America Thomson Reuters 2011-2019 History (Q4); Philosophy (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)
30282 21100914245 Communiquer journal 23689587   - 0 7 0 292 0 0 0 41,71 Canada Northern America Communiquer. Revue de communication sociale et publique 2019 Communication; Linguistics and Language
11931 13435 Communist and Post-Communist Studies journal 0967067X 0,392 Q2 40 33 92 2015 96 90 0,84 61,06 United Kingdom Western Europe University of California Press 1993-2019 Development (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
30283 21100944564 Communitas journal 10230556, 24150525 - 0 12 0 506 0 0 0 42,17 South Africa Africa University of the Free State 2019 Communication; Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language
28601 4700152781 Community and Junior College Libraries journal 02763915, 15452522 0,101 Q4 8 0 24 0 0 18 0 0 United States Northern America Routledge 1882, 1982-1989, 1991, 1995, 1999-2017 Education (Q4); E-learning (Q4); Library and Information Sciences (Q4)
11594 19700187631 Community College Journal of Research and Practice journal 10668926, 15210413 0,408 Q2 28 147 261 5205 169 238 0,63 35,41 United States Northern America Routledge 1993-2020 Education (Q2)      
4775 5700165209 Community College Review journal 915521 0,936 Q1 27 17 46 1258 68 46 1,19 74 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1973-2020 Education (Q1)      
11089 24412 Community Dental Health journal 0265539X 0,433 Q2 49 47 143 1381 174 129 0,78 29,38 United Kingdom Western Europe FDI World Dental Press Ltd 1984-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
4439 24413 Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology journal 03015661, 16000528 0,984 Q1 96 66 220 2522 530 206 2,39 38,21 Denmark Western Europe Blackwell Munksgaard 1973-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
12983 29268 Community Development Journal journal 00103802, 14682656 0,348 Q2 40 41 111 1497 84 98 0,62 36,51 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1966-2019 Development (Q2)      
12327 11600153582 Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society journal 15575330, 19447485 0,374 Q2 16 43 141 1960 124 123 0,99 45,58 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
12276 17465 Community Ecology journal 15858553, 15882756 0,376 Q3 28 23 93 1391 82 93 0,84 60,48 Hungary Eastern Europe Akademiai Kiado 2001-2020 Ecology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
7600 29291 Community Mental Health Journal journal 15732789, 00103853 0,647 Q2 63 167 406 6531 688 391 1,54 39,11 United States Northern America Springer Netherlands 1965-2020 Health (social science) (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
27267 146147 Community practitioner : the journal of the Community Practitioners' & Health Visitors' Association journal 14622815 0,105 Q4 17 8 442 0 17 330 0,02 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Community Practitioners And Health Visitors Association 2005-2019 Community and Home Care (Q4); Family Practice (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
30284 21100920054 Community Psychology in Global Perspective. journal 24212113   - 1 14 0 839 0 0 0 59,93 Italy Western Europe University of Salento 2019 Health (social science); Social Psychology
10609 130173 Community, Work and Family journal 14693615, 13668803 0,457 Q2 36 60 116 3143 148 101 1,48 52,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2003-2020 Development (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
17402 21100792091 Companion Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces: Nature Meets Interactive Surfaces, ISS 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,222 - 4 0 19 0 20 17 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
24981 21100790057 Companion to the Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Open Collaboration, OpenSym 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,12 - 2 0 12 0 4 10 0 0 United States Northern America   Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; Polymers and Plastics; Surfaces, Coatings and Films
23216 5700164093 Comparative American Studies journal 17412676, 14775700 0,133 Q2 5 0 39 0 4 33 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 2008-2017 Cultural Studies (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
21096 21100266735 Comparative and Continental Philosophy journal 17570646, 17570638 0,159 Q2 2 27 76 281 5 58 0,03 10,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 2013-2020 Philosophy (Q2)      
7506 17373 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology journal 18791107, 10964959 0,654 Q1 96 102 296 5680 639 295 2,19 55,69 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1971-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Aquatic Science (Q2); Biochemistry (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3); Physiology (Q3)
6279 3900148224 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics journal 1744117X 0,763 Q1 38 97 147 6422 417 145 3 66,21 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 2006-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Aquatic Science (Q2); Biochemistry (Q2); Genetics (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3); Physiology (Q3)
6765 9000153111 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - C: Toxicology and Pharmacology journal 15320456, 18781659 0,718 Q1 104 157 302 9629 866 298 3,02 61,33 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1989, 2000-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Aquatic Science (Q2); Biochemistry (Q2); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Toxicology (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3); Physiology (Q3)
6584 3500148021 Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology journal 15314332, 10956433 0,735 Q1 107 188 418 11594 956 412 2,02 61,67 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1960-1994, 1998-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Aquatic Science (Q2); Biochemistry (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q3); Physiology (Q3)
18106 25930 Comparative Clinical Pathology journal 1618565X, 16185641 0,207 Q3 28 237 647 8947 414 633 0,66 37,75 Germany Western Europe Springer London 1996-2020 Anatomy (Q3); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q4)
6410 21100805739 Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews journal 19114745 0,752 Q1 6 10 24 408 41 24 1,17 40,8 Canada Northern America 2016-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
25296 19900192554 Comparative Critical Studies journal 17500109, 17441854 0,117 Q2 6 18 80 742 6 71 0,06 41,22 United Kingdom Western Europe Edinburgh University Press 2010-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3)
10686 19900193811 Comparative Cytogenetics journal 1993078X, 19930771 0,453 Q2 18 19 140 781 136 139 1,06 41,11 Bulgaria Eastern Europe Pensoft Publishers 2010-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Plant Science (Q2); Biotechnology (Q3); Genetics (Q4)
29531 16200154703 Comparative Drama journal 19361637, 00104078 0,1 Q4 8 0 52 0 2 52 0,03 0 United States Northern America Western Michigan University 2002-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
18776 21100408200 Comparative Economic Research journal 15082008, 20826737 0,195 Q3 6 36 108 1144 60 108 0,45 31,78 Germany Western Europe de Gruyter 2009-2013, 2015-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3)
15426 28440 Comparative Economic Studies journal 8887233 0,27 Q3 18 39 84 1583 74 81 0,71 40,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1996, 2008-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q3)  
3531 12855 Comparative Education journal 13600486, 03050068 1,14 Q1 53 32 85 2147 272 78 2,96 67,09 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1964-2020 Education (Q1)      
1781 12856 Comparative Education Review journal 00104086, 1545701X 1,697 Q1 51 26 98 1273 259 90 2,87 48,96 United States Northern America University of Chicago Press 1976-1977, 1980-1982, 1984, 1994, 1996-2020 Education (Q1)      
8162 5700164242 Comparative European Politics journal 1740388X, 14724790 0,607 Q1 29 74 129 4179 175 128 1,4 56,47 United Kingdom Western Europe Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 2009-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
17027 21100786232 Comparative Exercise Physiology journal 17552540, 17552559 0,23 Q3 13 42 86 1765 54 85 0,58 42,02 Netherlands Western Europe Wageningen Academic Publishers 2008-2010, 2012-2019 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q3); Biochemistry (Q4); Biophysics (Q4); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4); Physiology (Q4); Physiology (medical) (Q4)
8163 19660 Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases journal 18781667, 01479571 0,607 Q1 52 149 188 6431 346 187 1,61 43,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1978-2020 Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Immunology (Q3); Immunology and Allergy (Q3); Infectious Diseases (Q3); Microbiology (Q3)
30285 21100944569 Comparative Law Review journal 08669449, 23917644 - 0 14 0 122 0 0 0 8,71 Poland Eastern Europe Nicolaus Copernicus University 2019 Law        
25090 21100790507 Comparative Legal History journal 20496788, 2049677X 0,119 Q3 3 8 42 0 6 30 0,18 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2013, 2015-2019 History (Q3); Law (Q4)    
12779 16000154723 Comparative Literature journal 00104124, 19458517 0,356 Q1 11 21 79 1092 53 79 0,85 52 United States Northern America Duke University Press 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
23814 16100154791 Comparative Literature Studies journal 15284212, 00104132 0,127 Q2 13 27 101 1129 18 96 0,14 41,81 United States Northern America Penn State University Press 2000, 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3)
11932 21383 Comparative Medicine journal 15320820 0,392 Q2 62 27 187 0 151 181 0,88 0 United States Northern America American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 2000-2019 Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q2); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q3)
4863 21100899442 Comparative Migration Studies journal 2214594X 0,923 Q1 12 47 80 2453 170 60 2,19 52,19 Switzerland Western Europe Springer Open 2013-2020 Demography (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Law (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q2)
14724 21384 Comparative Parasitology journal 15252647 0,29 Q3 28 12 106 402 52 105 0,52 33,5 United States Northern America Helminthological Society of Washington 1996-2019 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Parasitology (Q4)
505 13447 Comparative Political Studies journal 15523829, 00104140 3,5 Q1 102 78 193 5514 835 183 4,17 70,69 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1968-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q1)  
3062 13448 Comparative Politics journal 00104159, 21516227 1,244 Q1 63 24 88 1530 169 86 1,62 63,75 United States Northern America City University of New York 1978, 1987-1989, 1996-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q1)  
12057 21100258618 Comparative Population Studies journal 18698980, 18698999 0,386 Q2 14 6 35 382 53 35 1,04 63,67 Germany Western Europe Federal Institute for Population Research (Bundesinstitut fur Bevolkerungsforschung, BiB) 2010-2011, 2013-2020 Demography (Q2)      
14037 17651 Comparative Social Research book series 1956310 0,311 Q2 16 10 22 536 8 8 0 53,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1980-1981, 1984, 1999-2000, 2002-2003, 2006-2013, 2015-2016, 2018-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q2)  
16877 17653 Comparative Sociology journal 15691322, 15691330 0,233 Q3 26 30 91 1647 37 89 0,42 54,9 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1970, 1976-1977, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1989, 1999-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q3)  
19795 5800169373 Comparative Strategy journal 01495933, 15210448 0,179 Q3 16 31 101 337 29 100 0,33 10,87 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1978-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q3)
11612 17670 Comparative Studies in Society and History journal 00104175, 14752999 0,407 Q1 48 38 123 2487 83 108 0,65 65,45 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1958-2020 History (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
14065 16383 Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East journal 1548226X, 1089201X 0,31 Q2 24 54 141 2025 52 124 0,24 37,5 United States Northern America Duke University Press 1996-2019 Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Development (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
4220 12860 Compare journal 14693623, 03057925 1,017 Q1 35 122 188 6641 380 150 2,36 54,43 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1975-2020 Education (Q1)      
12652 28454 COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering journal 3321649 0,361 Q2 29 167 434 3433 503 431 1,26 20,56 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1982-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q3); Computer Science Applications (Q3)
24107 21100463046 Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum book series 18774970 0,125 Q2 2 0 21 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2009, 2014, 2018 History (Q2); Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Religious Studies (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3); Animal Science and Zoology (Q4)
14725 24416 Compendium of continuing education in dentistry (Jamesburg, N.J. : 1995) journal 15488578 0,29 Q3 46 0 77 0 53 77 0 0 United States Northern America Dental Learning Systems Co., Inc. 1995-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
4297 21100255381 Competition and Change journal 10245294, 14772221 1,006 Q1 14 30 77 2627 173 71 2,36 87,57 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Inc. 2013-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1)
12812 21100244225 Competition and Regulation in Network Industries journal 17835917 0,355 Q2 6 30 32 995 36 31 1,53 33,17 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Inc. 2013-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Management Science and Operations Research (Q3)
6826 5700185098 Competitiveness Review journal 20513143, 10595422 0,713 Q1 23 38 88 2572 236 84 2,36 67,68 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1996-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1)
16214 21100814516 Complementary Medicine Research journal 25042106, 25042092 0,249 Q2 36 62 168 2048 117 130 0,84 33,03 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2015, 2017-2020 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q2)
9552 144617 Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice journal 17443881 0,514 Q1 46 144 320 5790 679 313 1,87 40,21 United Kingdom Western Europe Churchill Livingstone 2005-2020 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q1)
8597 21172 Complementary Therapies in Medicine journal 18736963, 09652299 0,576 Q1 60 288 438 12143 1025 415 2,15 42,16 United States Northern America Churchill Livingstone 1993-2020 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q1); Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q1); Complementary and Manual Therapy (Q1)
17403 21100873337 Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling journal 21943206 0,222 Q4 13 3 42 124 64 38 1,5 41,33 Switzerland Western Europe Springer Open 2013-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q4); Computer Science Applications (Q4); Modeling and Simulation (Q4)
10462 5700165206 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory journal 16618262, 16618254 0,464 Q2 18 197 315 4224 250 312 0,8 21,44 United States Northern America Birkhauser Verlag Basel 2007-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q3)
16059 21100838018 Complex Manifolds journal 23007443 0,253 Q4 4 21 43 792 15 43 0,25 37,71 Poland Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2014-2020 Geometry and Topology (Q4)    
17071 21100228550 Complex Systems journal 8912513 0,229 Q3 6 20 56 526 28 55 0,62 26,3 United States Northern America Complex Systems Publications, inc. 2012-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Control and Systems Engineering (Q3)
20562 21100242624 Complex Systems and Complexity Science journal 16723813 0,167 Q4 8 36 152 1018 51 152 0,21 28,28 China Asiatic Region fu za xi tong yu fu za xing ke xue bian ji bu 2013-2019 Control and Systems Engineering (Q4)  
7647 17900156742 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations journal 17476933, 17476941 0,644 Q2 22 208 328 4370 295 320 0,83 21,01 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2007-2020 Analysis (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q2); Computational Mathematics (Q2); Numerical Analysis (Q2)
23032 21100469504 COMPLEXIS 2016 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Complex Information Systems conference and proceedings - 0,135 - 3 0 21 0 11 19 0 0 Portugal Western Europe   Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Mechanical Engineering
9663 25823 Complexity journal 10762787, 10990526 0,507 Q1 52 679 1256 27050 3380 1218 2,8 39,84 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 1995-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Multidisciplinary (Q1)
20416 21100204103 Complutum journal 11316993, 19882327 0,169 Q2 6 19 53 1408 12 53 0,12 74,11 Spain Western Europe Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2011-2019 Archeology (Q2); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q2); History (Q2)
10019 27454 Composite Interfaces journal 09276440, 15685543 0,487 Q2 42 94 184 3547 434 175 2,53 37,73 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1993-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q2)
1632 15063 Composite Structures journal 2638223 1,784 Q1 143 1282 3303 55029 19535 3271 5,88 42,92 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1983-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q1); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1)
4744 21100792556 Composites Communications journal 24522139 0,94 Q1 15 115 147 4221 680 146 4,88 36,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2016-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1); Polymers and Plastics (Q1)
1534 20540 Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing journal 1359835X 1,83 Q1 166 403 1157 18982 8835 1146 7,1 47,1 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1996-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1)
1409 28635 Composites Part B: Engineering journal 13598368 1,925 Q1 132 1537 2171 73113 17804 2164 8,82 47,57 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1996-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q1); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1)
1545 15995 Composites Science and Technology journal 2663538 1,826 Q1 204 421 1193 18587 8925 1183 7,63 44,15 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1985-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1)
30286 21100943315 Composites Theory and Practice journal 20846096, 2299128X - 2 26 0 513 0 0 0 19,73 Poland Eastern Europe Polish Society of Composite Materials 2019 Ceramics and Composites; Materials Chemistry; Mechanical Engineering; Mechanics of Materials
12848 19800188005 Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications journal 21522057, 21522073 0,354 Q3 10 19 58 552 59 58 1,23 29,05 United States Northern America Begell House Inc. 2010-2019 Ceramics and Composites (Q3); Mechanics of Materials (Q3)
607 25826 Compositio Mathematica journal 0010437X, 15705846 3,175 Q1 48 62 251 2100 351 247 1,25 33,87 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1996-2020 Algebra and Number Theory (Q1)  
13535 32999 Compost Science and Utilization journal 1065657X, 23262397 0,327 Q3 50 20 93 780 105 92 1,2 39 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1993-2020 Ecology (Q3); Soil Science (Q3); Waste Management and Disposal (Q3)
14162 17700155009 Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry book series 0166526X 0,307 Q3 20 60 168 6318 195 134 2,33 105,3 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1991-1992, 1996, 1999-2009, 2011-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q3); Spectroscopy (Q3)
17754 21100779068 Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing journal 24694207, 24694193 0,214 Q3 36 77 95 2071 56 81 0,75 26,9 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2016-2020 Pediatrics (Q3)      
728 21100203113 Comprehensive Physiology journal 20404603 2,852 Q1 70 41 167 16431 1332 162 6,9 400,76 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2011-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Physiology (Q1); Physiology (medical) (Q1)
3429 14921 Comprehensive Psychiatry journal 0010440X, 15328384 1,161 Q1 100 88 474 4496 1375 462 2,82 51,09 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1960-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
7224 21100887623 Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology journal 23743611 0,676 Q2 6 0 35 0 77 33 2,26 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2016-2018 Social Psychology (Q2)    
768 4900152301 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety journal 15414337 2,76 Q1 95 105 207 17756 2422 205 10,86 169,1 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2002-2003, 2005-2020 Food Science (Q1)      
24108 21100872780 Comprehensive Series in Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences book series 20419724, 20419716 0,125 Q4 2 26 31 2512 10 1 10 96,62 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2018-2019 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q4); Biochemistry (Q4); Biophysics (Q4); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q4)
28602 21100873915 Comprendre journal 11399759, 23855002 0,101 Q4 1 9 37 124 1 33 0 13,78 Spain Western Europe Universitat Ramon Llull 2015-2019 Philosophy (Q4)      
22141 21100275828 Comptabilite Controle Audit journal 12622788 0,145 Q4 6 12 44 819 11 43 0,25 68,25 France Western Europe Francophone Association of Accounting 2012-2019 Accounting (Q4); Finance (Q4)    
8031 12428 Comptes Rendus - Biologies journal 17683238, 16310691 0,615 Q1 79 34 185 1650 358 181 1,9 48,53 France Western Europe Academie des sciences 1959, 2002-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q3)
7011 18691 Comptes Rendus - Geoscience journal 16310713, 17787025 0,695 Q1 73 63 167 2646 350 155 1,97 42 France Western Europe Academie des sciences 2002-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q2)
10431 19731 Comptes Rendus - Mecanique journal 18737234, 16310721 0,466 Q2 48 83 257 2549 434 243 1,83 30,71 France Western Europe Academie des sciences 2002-2019 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Mechanics of Materials (Q2)
5973 13334 Comptes Rendus - Palevol journal 16310683, 1777571X 0,794 Q1 44 78 207 5484 394 191 1,93 70,31 France Western Europe Academie des sciences 2002-2019 Paleontology (Q1)      
9664 22183 Comptes Rendus Chimie journal 18781543, 16310748 0,507 Q2 72 95 442 4136 997 419 2,38 43,54 France Western Europe Academie des sciences 2002-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2)
17564 31728 Comptes Rendus de L'Academie Bulgare des Sciences journal 13101331 0,218 Q2 16 109 633 1671 241 633 0,4 15,33 Bulgaria Eastern Europe Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 1977-1985, 2002, 2007-2019 Multidisciplinary (Q2)    
5311 24095 Comptes Rendus Mathematique journal 17783569, 1631073X 0,869 Q1 59 121 579 1951 488 570 0,85 16,12 France Western Europe Academie des sciences 2002-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
1978 26531 Comptes Rendus Physique journal 18781535, 16310705 1,607 Q1 64 66 160 3456 474 144 3,14 52,36 France Western Europe Academie des sciences 2002-2019 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
24109 31722 Comptes Rendus, Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie B journal 3666077 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 France Western Europe Gauthier Villars Editeur 1974-1980, 1984 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
24870 21100868092 Compusoft journal 23200790 0,121 Q4 2 76 51 1609 11 51 0,22 21,17 India Asiatic Region National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR) 2018-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
6562 21100790723 Computability journal 22113576, 22113568 0,737 Q2 8 16 52 353 25 50 0,43 22,06 Netherlands Western Europe IOS Press 2012-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q2); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Theoretical Computer Science (Q2)
18844 21100223167 Computacion y Sistemas journal 14055546 0,194 Q3 10 138 267 3517 200 255 0,78 25,49 Mexico Latin America Centro de Investigacion en Computacion (CIC) del Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN) 2012-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
13108 21100857172 Computation journal 20793197 0,343 Q2 12 35 160 1538 273 155 1,86 43,94 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2013-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3); Modeling and Simulation (Q3); Theoretical Computer Science (Q3)
27763 21100812556 Computation Molecular Science and Engineering Forum 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting conference and proceedings - 0,103 - 0 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Hardware and Architecture; Software
11322 5000153703 Computational and Applied Mathematics journal 18070302, 22383603 0,421 Q3 23 204 538 7067 782 536 1,5 34,64 United States Northern America Birkhauser Boston 2003-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q3); Computational Mathematics (Q3)
25091 21100824045 Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures book series 20449283 0,119 Q4 2 0 36 0 5 17 0,29 0 Singapore Asiatic Region World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd 2015, 2018 Ceramics and Composites (Q4); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4); Computational Mechanics (Q4); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
10646 11000153760 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine journal 17486718, 1748670X 0,455 Q2 40 127 492 4754 1032 466 2,09 37,43 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2006-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Modeling and Simulation (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
17350 145592 Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory journal 1381298X 0,223 Q3 27 29 64 1081 81 64 1,51 37,28 Netherlands Western Europe Kluwer Academic Publishers 1995, 2005-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q3); Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Decision Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Applied Mathematics (Q4); Modeling and Simulation (Q4)
1637 21100318415 Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal journal 20010370 1,782 Q1 37 142 163 11539 1116 161 7,25 81,26 Sweden Western Europe Research Network of Computational and Structural Biotechnology 2012-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Biophysics (Q1); Biotechnology (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Structural Biology (Q2)
12014 21000196008 Computational and Theoretical Chemistry journal 2210271X 0,388 Q3 85 197 911 9952 1432 903 1,68 50,52 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2011-2020 Biochemistry (Q3); Condensed Matter Physics (Q3); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q3)
10687 24599 Computational Biology and Chemistry journal 14769271 0,453 Q3 58 209 463 10661 952 459 2,06 51,01 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2003-2020 Biochemistry (Q3); Computational Mathematics (Q3); Organic Chemistry (Q3); Structural Biology (Q4)
7507 28455 Computational Complexity journal 14208954, 10163328 0,654 Q2 35 19 63 596 71 62 1,3 31,37 Switzerland Western Europe Birkhauser Verlag Basel 1991-1996, 1998-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q2); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2); Theoretical Computer Science (Q2)
13151 21100370079 Computational Condensed Matter journal 23522143 0,341 Q3 11 85 160 3942 264 158 1,59 46,38 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Condensed Matter Physics (Q3); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q3); Materials Chemistry (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
12964 19053 Computational Economics journal 09277099, 15729974 0,349 Q2 38 182 249 6562 295 226 1,34 36,05 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1993-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q3)
10319 28456 Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications journal 9257721 0,472 Q2 54 47 121 882 116 117 1,04 18,77 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1991-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q2); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Control and Optimization (Q2); Geometry and Topology (Q3)
5723 24501 Computational Geosciences journal 14200597 0,823 Q1 60 118 238 5235 752 228 2,76 44,36 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1982-1983, 1997-2020 Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1); Computational Mathematics (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Computers in Earth Sciences (Q2)
13197 23737 Computational Intelligence journal 08247935, 14678640 0,339 Q3 49 62 120 2797 192 119 1,79 45,11 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1985-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q3); Computational Mathematics (Q3)
9246 7000153240 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience journal 16875273, 16875265 0,534 Q1 47 148 486 6357 1530 464 3,16 42,95 United States Northern America Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2007-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q3)
9431 26801 Computational Linguistics journal 08912017, 15309312 0,521 Q1 92 19 81 1414 179 76 2,4 74,42 United States Northern America MIT Press Journals 1985, 1996-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Artificial Intelligence (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2)
18728 21100229835 Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal conference and proceedings 22114009 0,196 - 8 0 27 0 21 21 0,89 0 Netherlands Western Europe 22114009 Computer Science Applications; Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language; Logic
5037 144815 Computational Management Science journal 1619697X, 16196988 0,902 Q1 29 36 83 1086 131 76 0,93 30,17 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2005-2020 Information Systems (Q1); Management Information Systems (Q1)
5724 20541 Computational Materials Science journal 9270256 0,823 Q1 107 612 1885 30117 5863 1872 3,06 49,21 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1970, 1992-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computational Mathematics (Q2)
9622 4700152491 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics journal 15556662, 09655425 0,509 Q2 23 169 487 3489 474 487 0,93 20,64 Germany Western Europe Pleiades Publishing 1985, 1991-1996, 1999-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q2)  
16736 144954 Computational Mathematics and Modeling journal 1046283X 0,236 Q3 11 42 130 549 37 122 0,33 13,07 United States Northern America Springer New York 1990-2002, 2005-2019 Computational Mathematics (Q3)  
1968 28457 Computational Mechanics journal 14320924, 01787675 1,612 Q1 97 167 360 8552 1274 355 3,49 51,21 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1986-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Computational Mathematics (Q1); Computational Mechanics (Q1); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Ocean Engineering (Q1)
10647 21100205111 Computational Methods and Function Theory journal 16179447 0,455 Q3 11 43 120 806 78 119 0,79 18,74 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2011-2020 Analysis (Q3); Applied Mathematics (Q3); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q3)
3893 19700201409 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics journal 16094840, 16099389 1,069 Q1 24 75 134 2195 169 122 1,39 29,27 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2001-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Computational Mathematics (Q1); Numerical Analysis (Q2)
17955 21100455458 Computational Methods in Applied Sciences book series 18713033 0,21 Q3 18 114 120 3193 99 47 4,92 28,01 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2005, 2007-2011, 2013-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q3); Computational Mathematics (Q3); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q3); Biomedical Engineering (Q4); Computer Science Applications (Q4); Modeling and Simulation (Q4)
3253 28459 Computational Optimization and Applications journal 15732894, 09266003 1,199 Q1 71 101 267 3632 597 265 2,21 35,96 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1992-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Computational Mathematics (Q1); Control and Optimization (Q1)
8557 21100825344 Computational Particle Mechanics journal 21964386, 21964378 0,579 Q1 19 84 131 3258 262 119 2,05 38,79 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2014-2020 Computational Mechanics (Q1); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Computational Mathematics (Q2); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q2); Modeling and Simulation (Q2); Numerical Analysis (Q2)
28043 21100811137 Computational Science and Engineering - Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, ICCSE2016 conference and proceedings - 0,102 - 2 0 68 0 5 67 0,07 0 United States Northern America   Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Human-Computer Interaction; Information Systems; Software
18330 21100870845 Computational Social Networks journal 21974314 0,203 Q3 10 14 35 689 33 35 0,96 49,21 United Kingdom Western Europe 2014-2020 Information Systems (Q3); Computer Science Applications (Q4); Human-Computer Interaction (Q4); Modeling and Simulation (Q4)
9187 28930 Computational Statistics journal 9434062 0,538 Q2 40 107 234 3567 234 231 0,99 33,34 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1996-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q2); Statistics and Probability (Q3); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q3)
3256 28461 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis journal 1679473 1,198 Q1 103 154 605 5439 1043 593 1,48 35,32 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1983-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Computational Mathematics (Q1); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1); Statistics and Probability (Q1)
18676 19700186875 Computational Thermal Sciences journal 19402554, 19402503 0,197 Q3 15 33 107 805 94 107 0,81 24,39 United States Northern America Begell House Inc. 2009-2019 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q3); Computational Mathematics (Q4); Surfaces and Interfaces (Q4)
8558 21100824046 Computational Toxicology journal 24681113 0,579 Q2 7 61 48 3509 126 46 2,74 57,52 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2017-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q2); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q2); Toxicology (Q3)
20030 21100448296 Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing V - Proceedings of 5th Eccomas Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing, VipIMAGE 2015 conference and proceedings - 0,175 - 5 0 56 0 20 54 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe   Software        
7395 21100869486 Computational Visual Media journal 20960662, 20960433 0,662 Q2 11 32 95 1329 166 92 1,93 41,53 China Asiatic Region Tsinghua University Press 2015-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q2); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q2); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q2)
5974 23746 Computer trade journal 189162 0,794 Q1 161 127 517 1527 2294 516 4,55 12,02 United States Northern America IEEE Computer Society 1970-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
9156 24998 Computer Aided Geometric Design journal 1678396 0,54 Q1 66 65 206 2093 326 199 1,53 32,2 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1984-2020 Automotive Engineering (Q1); Aerospace Engineering (Q2); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q2); Modeling and Simulation (Q2)
14194 145508 Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds journal 15464261 0,306 Q3 45 53 166 1557 206 155 1,24 29,38 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2004-2020 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q3); Software (Q3)
11857 18156 Computer Applications in Engineering Education journal 10990542, 10613773 0,395 Q1 26 115 351 3797 477 345 1,37 33,02 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1992-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Education (Q2)
1508 144747 Computer Assisted Language Learning journal 17443210, 09588221 1,848 Q1 45 109 160 6346 645 150 4,58 58,22 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1990-1997, 2004-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
21780 21100904261 Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science journal 22993649 0,15 Q4 7 4 36 103 16 35 0,52 25,75 Poland Eastern Europe Polish Academy of Sciences 2012-2019 Computational Mechanics (Q4); Computer Science Applications (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
15509 21100874186 Computer Assisted Surgery journal 24699322 0,268 Q3 61 54 104 898 131 101 1,49 16,63 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2016-2019 Computer Science Applications (Q3); Family Practice (Q3); Surgery (Q3)
6219 13683 Computer Communication Review journal 19435819, 01464833 0,769 Q1 163 51 105 953 288 97 3,11 18,69 United States Northern America Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 1995-2019 Computer Networks and Communications (Q1); Software (Q1)
7103 13681 Computer Communications journal 1403664 0,687 Q1 98 185 637 8390 2477 619 3,89 45,35 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1978-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q1)
12984 28887 Computer Fraud and Security journal 13613723 0,348 Q2 20 47 171 334 155 151 0,91 7,11 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1996-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Law (Q2)
3054 25023 Computer Graphics Forum journal 01677055, 14678659 1,246 Q1 107 313 741 15898 2549 736 3,28 50,79 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1982-2020 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q1); Computer Networks and Communications (Q1)
28603 25024 Computer Graphics World trade journal 2714159 0,101 Q4 6 0 41 0 1 41 0 0 United States Northern America Pennwell Corporation 1986, 1995-2017 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q4)
13274 23792 Computer Journal journal 14602067, 00104620 0,336 Q2 61 102 333 3936 503 330 1,46 38,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1967-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
13828 27865 Computer Languages, Systems and Structures journal 14778424 0,318 Q3 20 0 111 0 186 103 1,76 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2002-2018 Computer Networks and Communications (Q3); Software (Q3)
7314 28888 Computer Law and Security Review journal 2673649 0,668 Q1 32 51 276 518 539 253 2,3 10,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1985-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computer Networks and Communications (Q1); Law (Q1)
4697 23604 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine journal 01692607, 18727565 0,946 Q1 92 256 831 11233 3948 773 4,99 43,88 Ireland Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1985-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q1); Health Informatics (Q1); Software (Q1)
752 18158 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering journal 00457825, 03742830 2,786 Q1 182 586 1319 31387 8431 1308 6,44 53,56 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1972-2020 Computational Mechanics (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
10730 17954 Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering journal 14768259, 10255842 0,451 Q2 54 127 538 4554 700 523 1,19 35,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1997-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q2); Human-Computer Interaction (Q2); Bioengineering (Q3); Biomedical Engineering (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
9388 21100773821 Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization journal 21681163, 21681171 0,524 Q2 13 92 156 3042 296 145 2,36 33,07 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2013-2020 Biomedical Engineering (Q2); Computational Mechanics (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2)
18158 21100825150 Computer Methods in Materials Science journal 16418581 0,206 Q3 6 0 52 0 26 52 0,44 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Publishing House AKAPIT 2015-2018 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Computer Science Applications (Q4)
21264 26540 Computer Music Journal journal 01489267, 15315169 0,157 Q2 39 0 84 0 44 48 0,67 0 United States Northern America MIT Press Journals 1982-1991, 1993-2018, 2020 Media Technology (Q2); Music (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q4)
5516 26811 Computer Networks journal 13891286 0,845 Q1 127 300 886 13650 4314 867 4,64 45,5 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1977-1984, 1989-1990, 1996-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q1)
8444 21100203110 Computer Optics journal 1342452 0,586 Q1 27 125 364 3087 898 362 2,71 24,7 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences, Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS 2008-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2)
3360 13184 Computer Physics Communications journal 104655 1,177 Q1 167 299 816 12732 3425 807 3,98 42,58 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1969-2020 Hardware and Architecture (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
14376 21100855805 Computer Research and Modeling journal 20767633, 20776853 0,3 Q3 4 73 134 2021 60 124 0,48 27,68 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Institute of Computer Science 2017-2020 Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q3); Computer Science Applications (Q3); Modeling and Simulation (Q3)
24110 21100826268 Computer Science journal 23007036, 15082806 0,125 Q4 3 24 48 773 19 48 0,4 32,21 Poland Eastern Europe AGH University of Science and Technology 2017-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q4); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q4); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q4); Computer Networks and Communications (Q4); Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q4); Modeling and Simulation (Q4)
14821 19300157037 Computer Science and Information Systems journal 24061018, 18200214 0,287 Q2 23 42 131 1645 166 129 1,35 39,17 Serbia Eastern Europe ComSIS Consortium 2008-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
9365 19700201422 Computer Science Education journal 17445175, 08993408 0,526 Q1 29 19 47 1064 121 42 2,81 56 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1988-1995, 1999, 2002, 2004-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Education (Q2)
30288 21100935898 Computer Science Journal of Moldova journal 15614042   - 1 12 0 218 0 0 0 18,17 Moldova Eastern Europe Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of Moldova 2019 Artificial Intelligence; Computational Mathematics; Computational Theory and Mathematics; Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Control and Optimization; Modeling and Simulation; Software
23390 21100930074 Computer Science Research Notes journal 24644625, 24644617 0,131 Q4 2 0 113 0 23 107 0,21 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe University of West Bohemia 2017-2018 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)  
1322 8000153138 Computer Science Review journal 15740137 1,997 Q1 34 20 55 2507 647 54 12,37 125,35 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 2007-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Theoretical Computer Science (Q1)
12869 21100785504 Computer Sciences and Information Technologies - Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific and Technical Conference, CSIT 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,353 - 11 0 57 0 118 55 0 0 United States Northern America   Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Hardware and Architecture
26568 4900153227 Computer Software journal 2896540 0,109 Q4 6 41 67 463 4 64 0,03 11,29 Japan Asiatic Region Japan Society for Software Science and Technology 2000-2020 Software (Q4)      
7776 27869 Computer Speech and Language journal 08852308, 10958363 0,634 Q2 67 82 213 4062 666 207 3,7 49,54 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1986-1987, 1989-2020 Human-Computer Interaction (Q2); Software (Q2); Theoretical Computer Science (Q2)
7396 24303 Computer Standards and Interfaces journal 9205489 0,662 Q1 60 78 247 3990 946 243 4,5 51,15 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1985-2020 Hardware and Architecture (Q1); Law (Q1); Software (Q2)
7212 24304 Computer Supported Cooperative Work journal 09259724, 15737551 0,677 Q1 63 27 96 1815 274 86 2,94 67,22 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1992-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
19100 12324 Computer Systems Science and Engineering journal 2676192 0,19 Q3 25 22 122 913 63 115 0,4 41,5 United Kingdom Western Europe CRL Publishing 1985-1988, 1990-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Control and Systems Engineering (Q4); Theoretical Computer Science (Q4)
2361 24161 Computer Vision and Image Understanding journal 10773142, 1090235X 1,453 Q1 128 84 424 4866 2048 407 5,31 57,93 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1993-2020 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q1); Signal Processing (Q1); Software (Q1)
1474 18144 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering journal 14678667, 10939687 1,874 Q1 76 84 193 4576 1653 185 10,94 54,48 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1986-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1)
13297 4700151607 Computer-Aided Design and Applications journal 16864360 0,335 Q3 28 64 276 1686 247 267 0,97 26,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2004-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q3); Computational Mechanics (Q3); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q3)
4101 23607 Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics journal 18790771, 08956111 1,035 Q1 70 57 182 2542 870 176 5,27 44,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1988-2020 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q1); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q1); Health Informatics (Q1); Radiological and Ultrasound Technology (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1)
12653 21100886391 Computers journal 2073431X 0,361 Q2 14 90 130 3717 294 125 2,32 41,3 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2012-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q2); Human-Computer Interaction (Q3)
4363 24600 Computers and Chemical Engineering journal 981354 0,997 Q1 131 366 917 16562 3790 905 4,41 45,25 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1977-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1)
9853 26168 Computers and Composition journal 87554615 0,496 Q1 33 48 103 2214 144 90 1,58 46,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1983-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Education (Q2)
11430 4000148802 Computers and Concrete journal 1598818X, 15988198 0,416 Q2 24 87 377 4001 646 377 1,57 45,99 South Korea Asiatic Region Techno Press 2006-2019 Computational Mechanics (Q2)  
649 17645 Computers and Education journal 3601315 3,047 Q1 164 199 527 13969 5156 522 8,54 70,2 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1976-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Education (Q1); E-learning (Q1)
8559 18159 Computers and Electrical Engineering journal 457906 0,579 Q1 55 262 1044 6042 3765 985 4,07 23,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1973-1984, 1986-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Control and Systems Engineering (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2)
3953 30441 Computers and Electronics in Agriculture journal 1681699 1,058 Q1 104 545 1080 21761 6005 1078 5,44 39,93 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1985-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Forestry (Q1); Horticulture (Q1)
3865 18160 Computers and Fluids journal 457930 1,075 Q1 98 303 994 13770 2962 982 2,68 45,45 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1973-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1)
4635 110327 Computers and Geosciences journal 983004 0,955 Q1 112 154 541 6690 1900 529 3,43 43,44 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1975-2020 Computers in Earth Sciences (Q1); Information Systems (Q1)
1098 18163 Computers and Geotechnics journal 0266352X, 18737633 2,217 Q1 89 327 742 13971 3542 714 4,63 42,72 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1985-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q1); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1)
8685 25028 Computers and Graphics journal 978493 0,571 Q1 65 129 365 4832 702 324 2,22 37,46 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1975-1980, 1982-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q2); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q2); Human-Computer Interaction (Q2); Signal Processing (Q2); Software (Q2)
30287 21100936400 Computers and Graphics: X journal 25901486   - 2 9 0 358 0 0 0 39,78 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2019 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Engineering (miscellaneous); Human-Computer Interaction
2312 18164 Computers and Industrial Engineering journal 3608352 1,469 Q1 121 673 1244 33627 7033 1230 5,32 49,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1976-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1)
3186 28468 Computers and Mathematics with Applications journal 8981221 1,214 Q1 118 513 1255 18372 4318 1241 3,67 35,81 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1975-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q1); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1)
1843 24355 Computers and Operations Research journal 03050548, 1873765X 1,663 Q1 143 247 718 9921 3458 708 4,88 40,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1974-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Management Science and Operations Research (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1)
4440 28898 Computers and Security journal 1674048 0,984 Q1 86 208 449 10284 2633 444 5,72 49,44 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1982-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Law (Q1)
2159 18171 Computers and Structures journal 457949 1,528 Q1 129 124 519 5838 2324 498 4,35 47,08 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1971-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1)
5628 17957 Computers in Biology and Medicine journal 00104825, 18790534 0,834 Q2 83 351 865 16105 3537 853 4,5 45,88 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1970-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q2); Health Informatics (Q2)
15887 18388 Computers in Education Journal journal 10693769 0,258 Q3 13 15 74 488 43 73 0,71 32,53 United States Northern America American Society for Engineering Education 1994-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Education (Q3)
18777 4700152823 Computers in Entertainment journal 15443574 0,195 Q4 30 0 57 0 64 54 1,02 0 United States Northern America Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 2006-2012, 2014, 2016-2018 Computer Science Applications (Q4)  
1137 19419 Computers in Human Behavior journal 7475632 2,173 Q1 155 459 2031 30100 15919 1986 7,26 65,58 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1985-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Human-Computer Interaction (Q1); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q1)
4289 19080 Computers in Industry journal 1663615 1,007 Q1 93 127 290 6948 2032 284 6,08 54,71 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1979-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1)
20488 15416 Computers in Libraries trade journal 10417915 0,168 Q3 18 0 134 0 19 87 0,19 0 United States Northern America Information Today 1996-2009, 2012, 2014-2018 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Library and Information Sciences (Q3)
12155 147225 Computers in the Schools journal 07380569, 15287033 0,382 Q2 23 19 56 829 84 55 1,05 43,63 United States Northern America Routledge 1984-1997, 1999, 2001-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Education (Q2); Library and Information Sciences (Q2)
2654 23269 Computers, Environment and Urban Systems journal 1989715 1,356 Q1 84 124 273 6742 1484 270 5,72 54,37 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1980-1986, 1988-2020 Ecological Modeling (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1)
2135 24364 Computers, Materials and Continua journal 15462218, 15462226 1,534 Q1 33 290 165 7845 1278 165 8,81 27,05 United States Northern America Tech Science Press 2004-2020 Biomaterials (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1)
20971 21100202122 Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL conference and proceedings 15734552 0,161 - 18 248 231 3321 91 228 0,4 13,39 United States Northern America 15734552 Education; Human-Computer Interaction  
8909 24407 Computing (Vienna/New York) journal 14365057, 0010485X 0,556 Q2 54 107 190 4123 577 168 2,5 38,53 Austria Western Europe Springer-Verlag Wien 1966-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q2); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Software (Q2); Theoretical Computer Science (Q2); Numerical Analysis (Q3)
17615 24162 Computing and Informatics journal 13359150 0,217 Q3 26 30 187 949 135 185 0,67 31,63 Slovakia Eastern Europe Slovak Academy of Sciences 2000-2019 Computer Networks and Communications (Q3); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q4); Hardware and Architecture (Q4); Software (Q4)
29532 21100812564 Computing and Systems Technology Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 1 0 103 0 0 102 0 0 United States Northern America   Food Science      
28604 21100775925 Computing and Systems Technology Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 1 0 18 0 1 17 0 0 United States Northern America   Building and Construction; Civil and Structural Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Mechanics of Materials
2411 23486 Computing and Visualization in Science journal 14329360, 14330369 1,431 Q1 40 18 30 527 62 29 2,35 29,28 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1997-2013, 2015-2019 Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Software (Q1); Theoretical Computer Science (Q1)
14531 21100236007 Computing in Cardiology conference and proceedings 2325887X, 23258861 0,296 - 49 289 1005 3423 824 999 0,77 11,84 United States Northern America IEEE Computer Society 2010-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine; Computer Science (miscellaneous)
12376 13185 Computing in Science and Engineering journal 15219615 0,372 Q1 61 72 231 859 383 195 1,94 11,93 United States Northern America IEEE Computer Society 1999-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
24626 21100843261 Comunicacao e Sociedade journal 21833575, 16452089 0,123 Q3 1 28 52 1171 5 50 0,1 41,82 Portugal Western Europe University of Minho, Communication and Society Research Centre 2017-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q3); Communication (Q4)
29533 21100828026 Comunicacao Midia e Consumo journal 19837070, 18064981 0,1 Q4 1 28 57 599 2 51 0,04 21,39 Brazil Latin America Superior School of Advertising and Marketing 2017-2019 Communication (Q4)    
13418 5700164098 Comunicacion y Sociedad journal 21740895, 02140039 0,331 Q2 13 60 156 2622 117 152 0,69 43,7 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Navarra 2010-2020 Communication (Q2)    
12813 21100305234 Comunicacion y Sociedad (Mexico) journal 0188252X 0,355 Q2 5 29 99 1148 39 88 0,52 39,59 Mexico Latin America Universidad de Guadalajara 2014-2020 Communication (Q2)    
18778 21100197359 Comunicacoes Geologicas journal 0873948X, 1647581X 0,195 Q3 13 0 40 0 13 39 0,05 0 Portugal Western Europe Instituto Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial 2007-2018 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4)
3768 5700164380 Comunicar journal 11343478 1,092 Q1 32 40 120 1655 432 120 3,14 41,38 Spain Western Europe Grupo Communicar Ediciones 2008-2020 Communication (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Education (Q1)
16521 21100205929 Comunicata Scientiae journal 21775133, 21769079 0,241 Q3 10 48 217 1248 77 217 0,24 26 Brazil Latin America Federal University of Piaui 2010-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
22300 21100812618 Comunicazione Politica journal 19725094, 15946061 0,143 Q3 2 31 98 695 10 93 0,13 22,42 Italy Western Europe Il Mulino publishing house 2016-2019 Communication (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
26236 21100803568 Comunicazioni Sociali journal 03928667, 18277969 0,111 Q2 2 26 121 1145 5 120 0 44,04 Italy Western Europe Vita e Pensiero 2016-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3); Communication (Q4)
30289 21100929401 Con A de Animacion journal 21736049, 21733511 - 0 20 0 212 0 0 0 10,6 Spain Western Europe Universitat Politecnica de Valencia 2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts  
26902 51442 CONCAWE Reports journal 1660810 0,107 Q4 4 13 41 522 4 41 0,07 40,15 Belgium Western Europe Oil Companies European Organisation for Environmental and Health Protection 1999-2019 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q4); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q4)
28605 23417 CONCAWE Review journal 10277358 0,101 Q4 3 4 38 28 1 35 0,04 7 Belgium Western Europe CONCAWE 1996-2019 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q4); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q4)
26074 5800209432 Concentric journal 17298792, 17296897 0,112 Q2 4 18 67 551 12 66 0,15 30,61 Taiwan Asiatic Region National Taiwan Normal University 2012-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3)
21265 19700200909 Concentric: Studies in Linguistics journal 18107478 0,157 Q2 2 0 27 0 6 27 0,17 0 Taiwan Asiatic Region National Taiwan Normal University 2014-2018 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
16522 130071 Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A: Bridging Education and Research journal 15466086, 15525023 0,241 Q4 46 0 59 0 42 52 0,56 0 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 2002-2018 Spectroscopy (Q4)      
14222 130099 Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering journal 15525031 0,305 Q3 30 0 48 0 62 48 0,79 0 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 2002-2018 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q3); Radiological and Ultrasound Technology (Q3); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3); Spectroscopy (Q3)
27764 23928 Concrete (London) trade journal 105317 0,103 Q4 13 0 112 0 1 112 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Concrete Society 1969-2014, 2016 Building and Construction (Q4); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28606 23931 Concrete Construction - World of Concrete trade journal 15337316, 00105333 0,101 Q4 5 0 42 0 0 42 0 0 United States Northern America Hanley Wood LLC 1969-1990, 1996-2017 Building and Construction (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
30290 21100929582 Concrete Operators journal 22993282   - 1 8 0 134 0 0 0 16,75 Germany Western Europe de Gruyter 2019-2020 Analysis; Applied Mathematics  
28044 69128 Concrete Producer trade journal 15280187 0,102 Q4 3 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 United States Northern America Aberdeen Group 1996-1997, 2001-2016 Building and Construction (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29534 21100800613 Concrete Solutions - Proceedings of Concrete Solutions, 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair, 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 2 0 92 0 2 90 0 0 United States Northern America   Computational Theory and Mathematics; Mechanical Engineering
28045 21100781880 Concurrences journal 21160090, 17739578 0,102 Q4 2 0 1755 0 10 1336 0,01 0 France Western Europe Institute of Competition Law 2014-2018 Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Law (Q4)
13152 27871 Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience journal 15320626, 15320634 0,341 Q2 63 729 1000 23646 1651 858 1,99 32,44 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2001-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q2); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q3); Computer Science Applications (Q3); Software (Q3); Theoretical Computer Science (Q3)
12204 26644 Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications journal 15312003, 1063293X 0,38 Q1 40 25 87 892 118 82 1,26 35,68 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1993-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q3); Modeling and Simulation (Q3)
30291 26645 Concurrent Systems Engineering Series book series 13837575   - 14 36 0 640 0 0 0 17,78 Netherlands Western Europe IOS Press 1995-1996, 2002-2009, 2011, 2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous); Engineering (miscellaneous)
24111 21100901222 Concussion journal 20563299 0,125 Q4 1 9 3 374 1 1 1 41,56 United Kingdom Western Europe Future Medicine Ltd. 2017-2019 Neurology (Q4); Neurology (clinical) (Q4)
17478 4400151401 Condensed Matter Physics journal 1607324X 0,22 Q3 23 38 168 1254 92 159 0,62 33 Ukraine Eastern Europe National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2005-2019 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q3); Condensed Matter Physics (Q4)
3499 21554 Condor journal 105422 1,145 Q1 75 68 173 4524 436 170 2,43 66,53 United States Northern America University of California Press 1981-1984, 1987, 1992-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
3030 21100792083 CoNEXT 2016 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies conference and proceedings - 1,253 - 14 0 40 0 243 37 0 0 United States Northern America   Artificial Intelligence; Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Computer Science Applications; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
19101 29726 Conference Digest - IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference conference and proceedings 8999406 0,19 - 13 0 245 0 84 242 0,56 0 United States Northern America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics; Electrical and Electronic Engineering
17265 21100305223 Conference of Open Innovation Association, FRUCT conference and proceedings 23057254 0,225 - 13 128 403 3001 336 385 0,86 23,45 United States Northern America 23057254 Computer Science (miscellaneous); Electrical and Electronic Engineering
18608 21100788402 Conference on Advances in Signal Processing, CASP 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,198 - 8 0 104 0 153 99 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Instrumentation; Radiation
16612 21100291862 Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems, SysTol conference and proceedings 21621195 0,239 - 13 69 131 1282 85 129 0 18,58 United States Northern America 21621195 Computer Science Applications; Control and Systems Engineering; Hardware and Architecture; Software
22543 21100198506 Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing, DASIP conference and proceedings 21649766 0,14 - 11 0 90 0 51 85 0,59 0 United States Northern America 21649766 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Hardware and Architecture; Signal Processing
28607 21100463819 Conference on Electrical Insulation, CEI 1960 conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 0 0 28 0 0 27 0 0 United States Northern America   Civil and Structural Engineering; Transportation
7271 31473 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings conference and proceedings 2749696 0,672 - 177 1281 3389 46474 12997 3346 3,86 36,28 United States Northern America 1982-1983, 1986, 1988-2019 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Human-Computer Interaction; Software
24112 78307 Conference on Local Computer Networks conference and proceedings 7421303 0,125 - 22 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America 7421303 Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Software
16693 21100248890 Conference on Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Technologies, MMWaTT conference and proceedings 21570965 0,237 - 5 27 28 445 31 27 0 16,48 United States Northern America 21570965 Acoustics and Ultrasonics; Computer Networks and Communications; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Media Technology
25530 21100793723 Conference Proceedings - 2016 13th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting, SSLCHINA 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,115 - 2 0 36 0 12 35 0,34 0 United States Northern America   Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
28608 21100819051 Conference Proceedings - 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling, LFNM 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 3 0 20 0 1 19 0 0 United States Northern America   Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials; Mechanics of Materials
28609 21100784716 Conference Proceedings - 40th Vibration Institute Annual Training Conference conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 0 0 23 0 0 22 0 0 United States Northern America   Software        
22142 21100456861 Conference Proceedings - 6th International Conference of Cognitive Science, ICCS 2015 conference and proceedings - 0,145 - 2 0 10 0 6 9 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science Applications; Engineering (miscellaneous)
28046 21100455652 Conference Proceedings - GEMCCON 2015: IEEE Global Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference conference and proceedings - 0,102 - 1 0 14 0 2 12 0 0 United States Northern America   Control and Systems Engineering; Hardware and Architecture
7244 31003 Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC conference and proceedings - 0,674 - 83 557 1695 9119 2803 1689 1,75 16,37 United States Northern America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 1992-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering  
30292 145097 Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics conference and proceedings 1062922X   - 56 717 0 16333 0 0 0 22,78 United States Northern America 1062922X Control and Systems Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Human-Computer Interaction
19796 17317 Conference Proceedings - IEEE SOUTHEASTCON conference and proceedings 7347502 0,179 - 29 285 498 4927 414 495 0,71 17,29 United States Northern America 7347502 Computer Networks and Communications; Control and Systems Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Signal Processing; Software
27060 21100810406 Conference Proceedings from the International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis conference and proceedings - 0,106 - 3 0 116 0 4 115 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications
22073 21100463810 Conference Proceedings of 2015 2nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and Innovation, KBEI 2015 conference and proceedings - 0,146 - 7 0 211 0 121 210 0 0 United States Northern America   Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Polymers and Plastics
27503 21100779203 Conference Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Project Management, ISPM 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,104 - 1 0 149 0 4 147 0 0 Poland Eastern Europe   Computational Mathematics; Computer Science (miscellaneous); Theoretical Computer Science
17529 19900191871 Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series conference and proceedings 21915644 0,219 - 20 531 1487 6040 635 1267 0,54 11,37 United States Northern America 21915644 Computational Mechanics; Engineering (miscellaneous); Mechanical Engineering
25813 17898 Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society) conference and proceedings 01608592, 01972618 0,113 - 78 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 United States Northern America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 1977-1990, 1992-2013 Control and Systems Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
27504 16401 Conference Record - IEEE Cement Industry Technical Conference conference and proceedings 7314906 0,104 - 11 0 25 0 2 24 0 0 United States Northern America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 1976-1980, 1982, 1985-1990, 1992-2004, 2006, 2008-2016 Building and Construction; Control and Systems Engineering; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; Materials Science (miscellaneous)
17213 15045 Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference conference and proceedings 10915281 0,226 - 35 328 274 5994 246 272 0 18,27 United States Northern America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 1991, 1993-2008, 2011, 2013-2016, 2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering  
18331 145756 Conference Record - Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference conference and proceedings - 0,203 - 13 0 46 0 36 45 0 0 United States Northern America   Engineering (miscellaneous)    
8994 33201 Conference Record - International Conference on Communications conference and proceedings 5361486 0,551 - 115 1012 2468 18725 4718 2461 1,97 18,5 United States Northern America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 1969, 1979-1981, 1983-1987, 1989-2019 Computer Networks and Communications; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Media Technology
28610 21100465180 Conference Record of 1976 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, ISEI 1976 conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 1 0 67 0 2 65 0 0 United States Northern America   Artificial Intelligence; Computer Networks and Communications; Water Science and Technology
29535 21100464987 Conference Record of 1978 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, ISEI 1978 conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 1 0 63 0 0 61 0 0 United States Northern America   Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
25814 17273 Conference Record of IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation conference and proceedings 1642006 0,113 - 27 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 United States Northern America 1642006 Building and Construction; Electrical and Electronic Engineering
3808 24886 Conference Record of the Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages conference and proceedings 7308566 1,085 - 82 0 130 0 474 123 4,32 0 United States Northern America Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 1973, 1975-1988, 1990-2017 Software        
13705 12222 Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers conference and proceedings 10586393 0,322 - 72 396 658 6942 558 654 1,02 17,53 United States Northern America IEEE Computer Society 1985, 1992-1995, 1997-2017, 2019 Computer Networks and Communications; Signal Processing
16523 17298 Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference conference and proceedings 1608371 0,241 - 55 665 840 8413 577 838 0 12,65 United States Northern America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 1978, 1980-1982, 1984-1988, 1990, 1992-1994, 1996-1997, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2008-2013, 2015-2016, 2019 Control and Systems Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
25815 21100203102 Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series conference and proceedings 14451336 0,113 - 35 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Australia Pacific Region 14451336 Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Hardware and Architecture; Information Systems; Software
26428 13908 Configurations journal 10806520, 10631801 0,11 Q2 22 25 68 334 15 50 0,31 13,36 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 1993-1994, 1996-2001, 2004-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Philosophy (Q3); Health (social science) (Q4)
19241 14924 Confinia Cephalalgica journal 11220279 0,188 Q4 3 22 58 407 12 54 0,21 18,5 Italy Western Europe Fondazione CIRNA 1993-2019 Neurology (Q4); Neurology (clinical) (Q4)
4097 19900191754 Conflict and Health journal 17521505 1,036 Q1 26 59 113 2469 256 107 2,16 41,85 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2010-2020 Health (social science) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
30293 21100928677 Conflict and Society journal 21644543, 21644551 - 1 12 0 816 0 0 0 68 United States Northern America Berghahn Journals 2019 Anthropology; Cultural Studies; Political Science and International Relations; Sociology and Political Science
1134 23930 Conflict Management and Peace Science journal 07388942, 15499219 2,177 Q1 39 51 99 2999 203 86 2,29 58,8 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1973, 1975-1986, 1988-1996, 1998-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
14133 145657 Conflict Resolution Quarterly journal 15365581, 15411508 0,308 Q2 20 26 69 1065 54 56 1 40,96 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 2005-2020 Law (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q3)
12747 5800169165 Conflict, Security and Development journal 14678802 0,357 Q2 19 40 80 2028 76 75 0,91 50,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
26569 5700191155 Confluencia journal 8886091 0,109 Q2 4 27 106 564 4 96 0,03 20,89 United States Northern America University of Northern Colorado 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3)
15806 21100832768 Confluentes Mathematici journal 17937442, 17937434 0,26 Q3 2 5 18 233 6 17 0,35 46,6 Jordan Middle East 2017-2019 Applied Mathematics (Q3); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q3); Mathematical Physics (Q4)
22755 21100259514 Confluenze journal 20360967 0,138 Q2 1 43 109 1565 6 107 0,05 36,4 Italy Western Europe Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture moderne - Universita di Bologna 2013-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Anthropology (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
11070 145216 Conformal Geometry and Dynamics journal 10884173 0,434 Q3 15 16 40 319 18 40 0,41 19,94 United States Northern America American Mathematical Society 1997-2020 Geometry and Topology (Q3)    
29536 17500155006 Confrontation journal 105716 0,1 Q4 0 0 45 0 0 44 0 0 United States Northern America Long Island University, C.W. Post College 2008-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
11221 29851 Congenital Anomalies journal 9143505 0,426 Q2 28 13 129 0 160 98 1,64 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1973-2019 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2); Embryology (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Developmental Biology (Q4)
6080 4000148901 Congenital Heart Disease journal 17470803, 1747079X 0,783 Q1 40 160 352 4080 590 334 1,63 25,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006-2019 Surgery (Q1); Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2)
15396 5800169166 Congress and the Presidency journal 7343469 0,271 Q2 14 18 52 964 20 50 0,32 53,56 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1981-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
13672 67387 Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering, Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,323 - 20 0 110 0 119 106 1,12 0 United States Northern America ASCE 1984, 1986, 1989, 1994-1998, 2002, 2007, 2011-2012, 2015, 2017 Civil and Structural Engineering; Computer Science Applications
22460 21100462820 CONMEDIA 2015 - International Conference on New Media 2015 conference and proceedings - 0,141 - 4 0 19 0 17 15 0 0 United States Northern America   Artificial Intelligence; Signal Processing  
29537 34477 Connaissance des Arts journal 2939274 0,1 Q4 2 130 125 0 0 92 0 0 France Western Europe Ankara University 1969, 1980, 2002-2014, 2018-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)  
25198 29853 Connecticut Medicine journal 106178 0,118 Q4 22 86 370 1310 46 277 0,06 15,23 United States Northern America Connecticut State Medical Society 1946, 1949-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
15000 24173 Connection Science journal 13600494, 09540091 0,282 Q3 40 28 77 1245 94 70 1,33 44,46 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis AS 1989-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q3); Human-Computer Interaction (Q3); Software (Q3)
28611 21100901783 Connections journal 18121098, 18122973 0,101 Q4 0 0 19 0 0 18 0 0 Germany Western Europe Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes 2018 Computer Networks and Communications (Q4); Law (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Safety Research (Q4); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q4)
6927 18497 Connective Tissue Research journal 03008207, 16078438 0,703 Q2 64 94 180 4356 430 172 2,65 46,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1972-2020 Biochemistry (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Rheumatology (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
22938 5800169793 Connexions journal 17762804, 03373126 0,136 Q4 8 19 79 385 8 71 0,14 20,26 France Western Europe Editions Eres 2001-2019 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4)
27268 19300156927 Conradiana journal 00106356, 19350252 0,105 Q3 5 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 United States Northern America Texas Tech University Press 2007-2016 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)  
3873 13401 Consciousness and Cognition journal 10538100, 10902376 1,074 Q1 102 121 509 7862 1156 492 2,32 64,98 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1992-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q2)
27061 21100893284 Conservacion Colombiana journal 19001592 0,106 Q4 1 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 Colombia Latin America Fundacion ProAves Carrera 2018 Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q4)
20031 21100463178 Conservar Patrimonio journal 1646043X, 21829942 0,175 Q2 4 33 68 1147 13 62 0,25 34,76 Portugal Western Europe Associacao Profissional de Conservadores, Restauradores de Portugal 2013-2019 Conservation (Q2); Museology (Q2)  
17803 20000195065 Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites journal 17535522, 13505033 0,213 Q2 10 10 74 483 31 65 0,65 48,3 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 1995, 2011-2019 Archeology (Q2); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q2); Conservation (Q2)
6128 19900192548 Conservation and Society journal 09724923, 09753133 0,779 Q2 33 31 118 1985 269 117 2,19 64,03 India Asiatic Region Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 2007-2020 Ecology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2)
827 17822 Conservation Biology journal 15231739, 08888892 2,641 Q1 213 178 468 7971 2459 404 5,4 44,78 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1987-2020 Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1)
13228 19900192609 Conservation Evidence journal 17582067 0,338 Q3 9 10 47 128 32 47 0,59 12,8 United Kingdom Western Europe University of Cambridge 2011-2020 Ecology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q3)
5664 22069 Conservation Genetics journal 15729737, 15660621 0,829 Q2 72 112 352 8161 720 344 1,91 72,87 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1994, 2000-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Genetics (Q3)
11287 19400158520 Conservation Genetics Resources journal 18777252, 18777260 0,423 Q3 21 138 432 2558 472 417 1,03 18,54 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2009-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Genetics (Q4)
488 19900191736 Conservation Letters journal 1755263X 3,563 Q1 70 95 290 3752 1890 108 16,76 39,49 United States Northern America John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2008, 2010-2020 Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1)
3298 21100776051 Conservation Physiology journal 20511434 1,189 Q1 31 8 138 524 406 131 2,36 65,5 United States Northern America Oxford University Press 2013-2019 Ecological Modeling (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1); Physiology (Q2)
24510 21100389317 Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage journal 19739494, 19744951 0,124 Q3 4 0 45 0 9 41 0,28 0 Italy Western Europe Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali, Alma Mater Studiorum, Universita di Bologna (Ravenna) 2014-2018 Conservation (Q3); Museology (Q3)  
10808 17839 Conservation Science Western Australia journal 14473682 0,447 Q2 19 0 10 0 11 9 1 0 Australia Pacific Region Science Division, Department of Environment and Conservation 2002, 2004, 2006-2017 Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3)
24113 21100455735 Constitutional Law Library book series 18714110 0,125 Q3 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2006, 2008, 2013, 2016 Law (Q3)        
12624 24010 Constitutional Political Economy journal 15729966, 10434062 0,362 Q1 27 23 67 1107 46 65 0,67 48,13 United States Northern America Springer New York 1990-2020 Philosophy (Q1); Law (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
8493 24175 Constraints journal 15729354, 13837133 0,583 Q2 43 12 72 472 142 64 2,25 39,33 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1996-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q2); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q2); Software (Q2)
2249 24443 Construction and Building Materials journal 9500618 1,491 Q1 147 2687 6942 122715 37960 6896 5,15 45,67 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1987-2020 Building and Construction (Q1); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
9121 21100399786 Construction Economics and Building journal 22049029 0,543 Q2 18 11 71 570 142 70 1,68 51,82 Australia Pacific Region UTS ePress 2014-2019 Building and Construction (Q2); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2)
28612 13862 Construction History journal 2677768 0,101 Q3 4 15 51 478 2 43 0,09 31,87 United Kingdom Western Europe Chartered Institute of Building 1985-1986, 2002-2004, 2007-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3); Architecture (Q4); Building and Construction (Q4)
8314 19900191719 Construction Innovation journal 14770857, 14714175 0,595 Q1 36 35 78 2167 237 75 2,82 61,91 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2001-2020 Architecture (Q1); Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Building and Construction (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Control and Systems Engineering (Q2)
5340 13896 Construction Management and Economics journal 01446193, 1466433X 0,866 Q1 88 66 168 3976 478 147 3,43 60,24 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1983-2020 Building and Construction (Q1); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Management Information Systems (Q1)
16178 21100466722 Construction Research Congress 2016: Old and New Construction Technologies Converge in Historic San Juan - Proceedings of the 2016 Construction Research Congress, CRC 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,25 - 9 0 301 0 196 299 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science Applications; Hardware and Architecture; Information Systems; Software
18013 21100868871 Constructional Approaches to Language book series 1573594X 0,209 Q2 2 0 32 0 15 11 1,36 0 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 2018 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
16138 19700170250 Constructions and Frames journal 18761933, 18761941 0,251 Q2 9 10 29 586 23 27 0,54 58,6 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 2009-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
6411 25837 Constructive Approximation journal 14320940, 01764276 0,752 Q2 44 57 124 1537 170 121 1,57 26,96 United States Northern America Springer New York 1985-2020 Analysis (Q2); Computational Mathematics (Q2); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)
11595 19700181256 Constructivist Foundations journal 1782348X 0,408 Q1 14 47 360 638 112 76 1,04 13,57 Belgium Western Europe Vrije Universiteit Brussel 2010-2019 History and Philosophy of Science (Q1); Multidisciplinary (Q1); Philosophy (Q1); Education (Q2); Artificial Intelligence (Q3); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q4)
28613 29860 Consultant journal 107069 0,101 Q4 6 19 560 284 3 458 0,01 14,95 United States Northern America Cliggott Publishing Co. 1987-1991, 1996-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
24114 101489 Consulting engineer Barrington journal 107107 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America Cahners Pub. Co. 1975-1986 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
7563 70451 Consulting Psychology Journal journal 10659293 0,65 Q2 42 20 62 1013 122 61 1,74 50,65 United States Northern America American Psychological Association Inc. 1993-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
27505 28661 Consulting-Specifying Engineer trade journal 8925046 0,104 Q4 3 45 190 0 4 188 0,02 0 United States Northern America Reed Business Information (Cahners) 1987-1990, 1994-2001, 2006-2019 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
26075 21618 Consumer reports journal 107174 0,112 Q4 8 0 29 0 4 29 0 0 United States Northern America Consumers Union of the United States 1975-1978, 1982-1983, 1990, 1992, 1996-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
5022 19700190346 Consumption Markets and Culture journal 10253866, 1477223X 0,904 Q1 27 57 110 4124 228 91 1,95 72,35 United States Northern America Routledge 2003, 2007, 2010-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Marketing (Q2); Social Psychology (Q2)
7524 24298 Contact Dermatitis journal 01051873, 16000536 0,653 Q2 93 253 602 4090 1049 506 2,14 16,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1975-2020 Dermatology (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q3)
4919 13795 Contact Lens and Anterior Eye journal 14765411, 13670484 0,915 Q1 46 154 252 5323 622 221 2,91 34,56 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1997-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Optometry (Q1); Ophthalmology (Q2)
20097 21100379744 Contaduria y Administracion journal 1861042 0,174 Q3 9 48 196 2562 125 184 0,68 53,38 Mexico Latin America Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 2014-2019 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3)
26237 19700182807 Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture journal 10757201, 19301200 0,111 Q2 3 13 35 778 3 31 0,14 59,85 United States Northern America Michigan State University 2010-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3); Philosophy (Q3); Religious Studies (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
24115 28053 Containerisation International journal 107379 0,125 Q3 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Publishing 1982-1993, 1997-1998 Ocean Engineering (Q3)    
27765 10300153362 Contemporanea journal 11273070 0,103 Q3 5 21 97 1434 9 97 0,12 68,29 Italy Western Europe Societa Editrice Il Mulino 1999, 2002, 2008-2019 History (Q3)      
1107 29113 Contemporary Accounting Research journal 8239150 2,207 Q1 90 87 214 5626 735 213 2,47 64,67 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1984-2020 Accounting (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Finance (Q1)
24871 19700188238 Contemporary Arab Affairs journal 17550912, 17550920 0,121 Q3 9 15 86 581 27 80 0,34 38,73 United States Northern America Routledge 2010-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
13536 5600155088 Contemporary British History journal 13619462 0,327 Q1 14 33 81 2085 42 78 0,49 63,18 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2001, 2007-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Safety Research (Q2); Development (Q3)
20213 6500153171 Contemporary Buddhism journal 14639947 0,172 Q1 8 14 76 497 43 71 0,67 35,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Religious Studies (Q1); Philosophy (Q2)  
19729 21100871688 Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations journal 24109681 0,18 Q3 5 34 109 1173 28 106 0,14 34,5 Taiwan Asiatic Region Institue of China and Asia-Pacific Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University 2015-2019 Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
29538 16100154739 Contemporary Chinese Thought journal 15580997, 10971467 0,1 Q4 4 0 62 0 5 53 0,06 0 United States Northern America M.E. Sharpe Inc. 2002-2018 Philosophy (Q4)      
13631 21100381208 Contemporary Clinical Dentistry journal 09762361, 0976237X 0,324 Q2 14 100 457 2434 330 428 0,68 24,34 India Asiatic Region Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 2014-2019 Orthodontics (Q2); Oral Surgery (Q3); Periodontics (Q3)
3998 130115 Contemporary Clinical Trials journal 15592030, 15517144 1,051 Q1 55 159 537 9084 1199 515 2,02 57,13 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
7664 21100446418 Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications journal 24518654 0,643 Q2 11 178 295 6634 429 288 1,42 37,27 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2015-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2)
7245 25277 Contemporary Drug Problems journal 914509 0,674 Q1 11 21 70 1435 148 66 1,95 68,33 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1973-1981, 1994, 2014-2020 Law (Q1); Health Policy (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
7765 21995 Contemporary Economic Policy journal 14657287, 10743529 0,635 Q1 47 47 147 1901 222 140 1,37 40,45 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1982-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Public Administration (Q2)
16984 21100199108 Contemporary Economics journal 23008814, 20840845 0,231 Q3 13 34 98 1770 190 95 2,43 52,06 Poland Eastern Europe University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw 2011-2020 Accounting (Q3); Business and International Management (Q3); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3); Finance (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
22644 21100847479 Contemporary Education Dialogue journal 09731849, 22495320 0,139 Q4 4 1 43 35 12 28 0,32 35 India Asiatic Region Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd 2003, 2015-2020 Education (Q4)      
1155 12882 Contemporary Educational Psychology journal 0361476X, 10902384 2,152 Q1 99 88 190 6904 802 187 3,86 78,45 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1976-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Education (Q1)
26238 21100211362 Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly journal 18144810 0,111 Q4 2 14 37 716 3 36 0,04 51,14 Taiwan Asiatic Region National Taiwan Normal University Educational Research and Evaluation Center 2012-2019 Education (Q4)      
11126 21100898038 Contemporary Educational Technology journal 1309517X 0,431 Q2 4 24 24 1516 42 24 1,75 63,17 Turkey Middle East Anadolu University, Faculty of Communication Sciences 2018-2020 Education (Q2); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q2)
22143 21100265048 Contemporary Engineering Sciences journal 13147641, 13136569 0,145 Q3 13 0 109 0 80 109 0 0 Bulgaria Eastern Europe Hikari Ltd. 2013-2016 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Computer Networks and Communications (Q4); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q4); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
17266 20895 Contemporary European History journal 09607773, 14692171 0,225 Q1 23 30 146 1428 58 132 0,25 47,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1992-2020 History (Q1)      
10452 13414 Contemporary Family Therapy journal 08922764, 15733335 0,465 Q1 31 54 109 2754 147 105 1,33 51 United States Northern America Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press Inc. 1986-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Clinical Psychology (Q2); Social Psychology (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
24982 16400154753 Contemporary French and Francophone Studies journal 17409292 0,12 Q2 8 45 223 300 9 190 0,04 6,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1997-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3)
30294 20899 Contemporary French Civilization journal 1479156   - 1 21 0 854 0 0 0 40,67 United States Northern America Montana State University 1981-1982, 1999, 2001, 2019 Anthropology; Cultural Studies; History  
27506 21100239231 Contemporary Hypnosis and Integrative Therapy journal 20492154, 20492146 0,104 Q4 6 0 9 0 0 7 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Crown House 2011-2017 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Complementary and Manual Therapy (Q4)
15763 6700153290 Contemporary Islam journal 18720218, 18720226 0,261 Q1 17 27 60 1336 54 54 1 49,48 Germany Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2007-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Religious Studies (Q1)
10731 11400153314 Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood journal 14639491 0,451 Q2 23 51 119 2094 118 103 0,79 41,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Triangle Journals Ltd. 2008-2020 Education (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3)
22845 21100417364 Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research book series 20407246, 20407254 0,137 Q4 6 9 53 684 34 26 2,36 76 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010, 2014-2019 Business and International Management (Q4); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
9432 21100835739 Contemporary Italian Politics journal 23248823, 23248831 0,521 Q1 10 32 70 828 72 57 1,33 25,88 United States Northern America Routledge 2013-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
22939 21100887621 Contemporary Japan journal 18692737, 18692729 0,136 Q2 5 15 45 604 20 38 0,41 40,27 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2012-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2)    
16785 25059 Contemporary Jewry journal 1471694 0,235 Q1 13 30 94 1569 25 82 0,35 52,3 Netherlands Western Europe Association for the Sociological Study of Jewry 1976-1978, 1980, 1982-1983, 1986-2003, 2005-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1); Religious Studies (Q1); Anthropology (Q2)
15807 5700163881 Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice journal 10282580 0,26 Q2 11 31 93 1500 67 79 0,92 48,39 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Law (Q2)        
21568 16600154708 Contemporary Literature journal 00107484, 15489949 0,153 Q1 14 4 47 125 4 42 0,07 31,25 United States Northern America University of Wisconsin Press 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
26076 21100902638 Contemporary Management Research journal 18135498 0,112 Q4 1 6 12 337 1 12 0,08 56,17 Taiwan Asiatic Region Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research 2018-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Management Information Systems (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q4); Marketing (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
30295 21100830161 Contemporary Mathematics book series 02714132, 10983627 - 5 100 527 2796 223 0 0 27,96 United States Northern America American Mathematical Society 2016-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous)    
24116 6500153135 Contemporary Music Review journal 7494467 0,125 Q2 15 41 112 1276 12 99 0,08 31,12 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1984, 1987-1989, 1991-2019 Music (Q2)      
11323 27626 Contemporary Nurse journal 10376178 0,421 Q2 38 49 183 1985 216 165 1,1 40,51 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1992-2020 Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q2)    
25297 12650 Contemporary Ob/Gyn journal 903159 0,117 Q4 9 34 216 152 3 44 0,15 4,47 United States Northern America Advanstar Communications Inc. 1975-1977, 1982, 1996-2002, 2005-2008, 2013-2019 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q4); Maternity and Midwifery (Q4); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4)
12870 13203 Contemporary Pacific journal 1043898X, 15279464 0,353 Q2 30 19 57 828 24 46 0,56 43,58 United States Northern America University of Hawaii Press 1992, 1996-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
19615 5600155292 Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research book series 15303535 0,182 Q3 8 19 59 1074 24 26 1,36 56,53 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2003, 2014-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4)
1921 27457 Contemporary Physics journal 00107514, 13665812 1,628 Q1 53 12 68 1037 249 68 2,48 86,42 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1959-1971, 1973-1978, 1980-1990, 1992-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
9553 5700163232 Contemporary Political Theory journal 14708914, 14769336 0,514 Q1 12 49 82 2238 74 78 0,89 45,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 2009-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
4661 5600155004 Contemporary Politics journal 14693631, 13569775 0,951 Q1 26 32 91 2212 143 86 1,66 69,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1995-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
24772 21100203307 Contemporary Pragmatism journal 18758185, 15723429 0,122 Q3 7 23 79 624 11 77 0,11 27,13 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2011-2019 Philosophy (Q3)      
14602 16400154782 Contemporary Problems of Ecology journal 19954255, 19954263 0,294 Q3 12 75 255 3184 184 255 0,75 42,45 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 2008-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
8920 13415 Contemporary Psychoanalysis journal 00107530, 23309091 0,555 Q2 29 18 100 405 43 94 0,38 22,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1964-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
12748 21100259595 Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice journal 21622752, 19489137 0,357 Q2 13 20 57 379 140 56 3,67 18,95 United States Northern America Addleton Academic Publishers 2013-2019 Law (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
4331 5600154213 Contemporary Security Policy journal 17438764, 13523260 1,002 Q1 23 28 85 1848 162 75 1,76 66 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1994-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
17214 20600195519 Contemporary Social Science journal 2158205X, 21582041 0,226 Q1 18 54 107 2357 82 88 0,95 43,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 2011-2020 History (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
9740 17681 Contemporary Sociology journal 19398638, 00943061 0,503 Q2 21 10 45 81 34 26 1,3 8,1 United States Northern America American Sociological Association 1979, 1996-1998, 2000, 2002, 2004-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q2)  
16099 13518 Contemporary South Asia journal 09584935, 1469364X 0,252 Q2 20 39 92 1625 46 68 0,66 41,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1992-2006, 2008-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Development (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
11654 13519 Contemporary Southeast Asia journal 0129797X 0,405 Q1 12 22 85 738 72 70 0,82 33,55 Singapore Asiatic Region ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute 1980-1981, 1984-1985, 2006, 2012-2019 History (Q1); Development (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
24511 4100151528 Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis book series 15693759 0,124 Q4 7 18 48 633 18 17 0 35,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2002, 2005-2007, 2009, 2011-2012, 2014, 2016, 2018-2019 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
27766 6500153174 Contemporary Theatre Review journal 10486801, 14772264 0,103 Q3 12 27 108 58 10 91 0,05 2,15 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1992, 1994-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3)  
25298 18400156710 Contemporary Women's Writing journal 17541476, 17541484 0,117 Q2 5 0 75 0 5 66 0,09 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2009-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Gender Studies (Q4)
19242 21100837207 Con-textos Kantianos journal 23867655 0,188 Q2 2 38 153 878 14 135 0,15 23,11 Spain Western Europe CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 2014-2019 Philosophy (Q2)      
6647 4700152268 CONTINUUM Lifelong Learning in Neurology journal 10802371, 15386899 0,729 Q2 31 107 317 4786 621 280 1,77 44,73 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2006-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q2); Genetics (clinical) (Q3)
17116 5000157103 Continental Philosophy Review journal 13872842 0,228 Q2 21 23 79 734 37 77 0,48 31,91 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1996-2002, 2005-2020 Philosophy (Q2)      
4859 26817 Continental Shelf Research journal 2784343 0,924 Q1 106 151 504 9615 1270 497 2,53 63,68 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1982-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Geology (Q1); Oceanography (Q1)
19374 26333 Continuity and Change journal 1469218X, 02684160 0,186 Q2 24 16 52 1495 17 44 0,43 93,44 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1986-2019 History (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
14100 82109 Continuum journal 14693666, 10304312 0,309 Q1 27 59 220 2252 126 203 0,5 38,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1980-1981, 1988-1994, 2008-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1)
7634 13712 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics journal 09351175, 14320959 0,645 Q2 47 154 273 7414 701 245 3,06 48,14 Germany Western Europe Springer New York 1989-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Mechanics of Materials (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
1782 24613 Contraception journal 107824 1,697 Q1 98 165 539 4087 1380 456 3 24,77 United States Northern America Elsevier USA 1970-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q1); Reproductive Medicine (Q1)
30296 21100896357 Contraception: X journal 25901516   - 1 13 0 328 0 0 0 25,23 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2019-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology; Reproductive Medicine
29539 19700173109 Contract Pharma trade journal 15443469, 23806559 0,1 Q4 3 0 268 0 2 268 0,01 0 United States Northern America Contract Pharma 2009-2018 Industrial Relations (Q4); Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q4)
9188 5400152704 Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging journal 15554309, 15554317 0,538 Q2 48 86 253 3664 505 240 1,9 42,6 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2006-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2)
25410 5800154329 Contrastes journal 11364076 0,116 Q3 3 10 90 287 6 88 0,04 28,7 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Malaga 2012-2019 Philosophy (Q3)      
22756 21100840444 Contributii Botanice journal 00699616, 20673094 0,138 Q4 2 11 29 472 5 28 0,1 42,91 Romania Eastern Europe Babes-Bolyai University, Alexandru Borza" Botanic Garden" 2016-2019 Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Plant Science (Q4)
13252 6400153151 Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso journal 13360337, 13351842 0,337 Q3 10 82 105 1219 76 103 0,72 14,87 Slovakia Eastern Europe Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences 2007-2020 Astronomy and Astrophysics (Q3)  
28614 5600152815 Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development book series 15728323 0,101 Q4 5 0 53 0 2 17 0,12 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2004-2005, 2007-2018 Business and International Management (Q4); Development (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
19102 21100297618 Contributions to Discrete Mathematics journal 17150868 0,19 Q4 5 15 51 190 20 51 0,28 12,67 Canada Northern America University of Calgary Press 2008, 2013-2019 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q4)
23706 91803 Contributions to Economics book series 14311933 0,128 Q4 16 107 404 3125 205 167 1,49 29,21 Germany Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2002-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q4)  
16305 28950 Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy journal 13352806 0,247 Q4 17 27 51 810 30 51 0,61 30 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 1992, 2000-2019 Geophysics (Q4)      
18332 72646 Contributions to Indian Sociology journal 00699667, 09730648 0,203 Q3 25 16 41 604 20 40 0,48 37,75 India Asiatic Region Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd 1967, 1969-1980, 1982-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q3)  
1206 25252 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology journal 00107999, 14320967 2,097 Q1 143 102 316 7986 1080 303 3,07 78,29 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1966-2020 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q1); Geophysics (Q1)
10054 19848 Contributions to Nephrology journal 03025144, 16622782 0,485 Q3 49 35 209 776 262 196 1,39 22,17 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1975-2019 Nephrology (Q3)      
10432 27458 Contributions to Plasma Physics journal 15213986, 08631042 0,466 Q2 44 128 296 4580 350 286 1,3 35,78 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 1988-2020 Condensed Matter Physics (Q2)  
17956 21081 Contributions to Political Economy journal 14643588, 02775921 0,21 Q3 19 5 19 111 6 19 0,15 22,2 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1982-2003, 2005-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
21029 16800154739 Contributions to the History of Concepts journal 1874656X, 18079326 0,16 Q2 9 11 33 983 10 31 0,26 89,36 United States Northern America Berghahn Books Inc. 2005-2009, 2011-2019 History (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
6648 69955 Contributions to Zoology journal 13834517 0,729 Q1 33 13 32 1363 57 32 1,38 104,85 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1994-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
29540 15007 Control trade journal 10495541 0,1 Q4 5 0 137 0 6 137 0,07 0 United States Northern America Putman Publishing Company 1969, 1972, 1996-2018 Control and Systems Engineering (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
23707 12928 Control and Cybernetics journal 3248569 0,128 Q4 38 0 58 0 17 56 0,38 0 Poland Eastern Europe Systems Research Institute 1996-2018 Applied Mathematics (Q4); Control and Systems Engineering (Q4); Modeling and Simulation (Q4)
27062 25379 Control and Instrumentation journal 108022 0,106 Q4 2 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Centaur Communications Ltd. 1969-1991, 1993-1997 Control and Systems Engineering (Q4)  
29541 25381 Control Engineering trade journal 108049 0,1 Q4 7 100 313 0 2 308 0 0 United States Northern America Reed Business Information (Cahners) 1970-2019 Control and Systems Engineering (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
17072 19900191768 Control Engineering and Applied Informatics journal 14548658 0,229 Q3 16 34 136 1124 157 136 1,22 33,06 Romania Eastern Europe Romanian Society of Control Engineering and Technical Informatics 2010-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3)
3479 18174 Control Engineering Practice journal 9670661 1,148 Q1 113 228 563 8333 2514 555 4,31 36,55 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1993-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Control and Systems Engineering (Q1); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1)
9757 21100309827 Control Theory and Technology journal 20956983, 21980942 0,502 Q2 29 38 100 918 185 91 1,52 24,16 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2014-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q2); Control and Optimization (Q2); Control and Systems Engineering (Q2)
3049 5700153276 Convergence journal 17487382, 13548565 1,247 Q1 36 99 135 5135 301 115 2,49 51,87 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1995-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Communication (Q1)
17404 5600152954 Convergencia journal 14051435 0,222 Q3 9 27 80 1141 34 80 0,52 42,26 Mexico Latin America Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico 2008-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
28047 14695 Converter trade journal 108189 0,102 Q4 1 0 11 0 0 11 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Faversham House Group Ltd 1998, 2000-2018 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29542 3200147829 Converting Today trade journal 0264715X 0,1 Q4 1 0 56 0 0 56 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Polygon Media Ltd. 2005-2018 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4)
28048 19700173108 Convivium journal 108235 0,102 Q4 2 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 Spain Western Europe Universitat de Barcelona 2009-2014, 2017 Philosophy (Q4)      
29543 21100858122 Convivium (Czech Republic) journal 23363452, 2336808X 0,1 Q4 1 23 50 482 3 46 0,07 20,96 Belgium Western Europe Brepols Publishers 2017-2019 Classics (Q4); History (Q4); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)
7174 23952 Cooperation and Conflict journal 00108367, 14603691 0,68 Q1 38 33 89 2433 164 87 1,78 73,73 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 1965, 1967-2020 Development (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q2)
375 23470 Coordination Chemistry Reviews journal 108545 4,044 Q1 265 269 632 48983 9417 617 15,5 182,09 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1966-2020 Inorganic Chemistry (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q1); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q1)
23596 21100807000 COPD Research and Practice journal 20549040 0,129 Q4 5 0 3 0 2 3 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2015-2017 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q4)
4935 130077 COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease journal 15412555, 15412563 0,913 Q1 56 66 287 2134 634 265 2,46 32,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 2004-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q2)
8244 21399 Copeia journal 458511 0,6 Q1 64 54 238 2736 304 236 1,16 50,67 United States Northern America American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 1980, 1982, 1986, 1992-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Aquatic Science (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
20032 23496 Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies journal 13954199 0,175 Q3 13 0 26 0 13 25 0,59 0 Denmark Western Europe Copenhagen Business School 1995-1998, 2000-2007, 2009-2018 Development (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3)
20274 23096 Cor et Vasa journal 00108650, 18037712 0,171 Q4 13 87 292 1657 93 272 0,29 19,05 Poland Eastern Europe Elsevier Sp. z o.o. 1961-1994, 2006-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4)
2496 26825 Coral Reefs journal 07224028, 14320975 1,405 Q1 106 114 394 7121 1182 363 3,31 62,46 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1982-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1)    
3980 4000151703 Core Evidence journal 15551741, 1555175X 1,054 Q1 22 0 10 0 51 10 5,6 0 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2005-2018 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1); Reviews and References (medical) (Q2)
27063 11300153738 Corella journal 1550438 0,106 Q4 9 0 18 0 1 15 0 0 Australia Pacific Region The Australian Bird Study Association 2007-2016 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
3003 13816 Cornea journal 15364798, 02773740 1,26 Q1 113 356 1097 6601 2293 938 2,29 18,54 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1982-2020 Ophthalmology (Q1)    
3983 11500153401 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly journal 19389655 1,053 Q1 68 47 99 2639 326 87 3,31 56,15 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2008-2020 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q1)
14532 25690 Cornell International Law Journal journal 108812 0,296 Q2 25 4 29 143 20 29 0,41 35,75 United States Northern America Cornell Law School 1992, 1996-2019 Law (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
19730 13818 Cornell journal of law and public policy journal 10690565 0,18 Q3 9 0 62 0 22 60 0,33 0 United States Northern America Joe Christensen, Inc. 1993, 1997-2002, 2004-2007, 2009, 2011-2018 Law (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
6802 13822 Cornell Law Review journal 108847 0,715 Q1 44 0 99 0 78 99 0,72 0 United States Northern America Cornell Law School 1975-1981, 1984-1986, 1988-2018 Law (Q1)        
9389 23097 Coronary Artery Disease journal 09546928, 14735830 0,524 Q2 61 107 368 1926 314 289 1,08 18 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1990-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
18951 21100810443 Corpoica Ciencia y Tecnologia Agropecuaria journal 01228706, 25005308 0,192 Q3 3 21 75 838 38 72 0,5 39,9 Colombia Latin America Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Research (Corpoica) 2016-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
11179 6200158425 Corpora journal 17551676, 17495032 0,428 Q1 12 0 51 0 45 51 0,71 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Edinburgh University Press 2011-2018 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
23597 21100316027 Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition journal 18108601, 23122722 0,129 Q4 5 0 32 0 13 31 0 0 Ukraine Eastern Europe Virtus Interpress 2005-2016 Business and International Management (Q4)
7860 144962 Corporate Communications journal 13563289 0,627 Q2 52 51 105 3307 212 103 1,68 64,84 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1996-2020 Industrial Relations (Q2); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q2)
2310 22009 Corporate Governance journal 09648410, 14678683 1,471 Q1 78 27 102 2231 386 83 2,98 82,63 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1993-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q1)
8635 18500157300 Corporate Governance (Bingley) journal 14720701 0,574 Q2 53 83 163 6448 467 160 2,51 77,69 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2001-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2)
21916 5800198357 Corporate Ownership and Control journal 17279232, 18103057 0,148 Q4 18 0 157 0 63 155 0 0 Ukraine Eastern Europe Virtus Interpress 2003-2016 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4)
11446 17700156775 Corporate Reputation Review journal 13633589, 14791889 0,415 Q2 57 33 61 2520 81 57 1,2 76,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1997-2020 Business and International Management (Q2); Strategy and Management (Q2)
4488 21873 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management journal 15353958, 15353966 0,974 Q1 66 138 195 10419 1043 187 5,31 75,5 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2003-2020 Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q1)
29544 21100872051 Corps and Psychisme journal 25536087, 24964476 0,1 Q4 1 15 68 189 1 62 0 12,6 France Western Europe L'Esprit du temps 2016-2020 Applied Psychology (Q4); Clinical Psychology (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
8789 5800208102 Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory journal 16137027 0,565 Q1 22 21 63 1140 62 34 2,25 54,29 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Mouton 2005-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
28049 21100217003 Correspondances en MHND journal 21009619 0,102 Q4 2 40 166 204 4 125 0,01 5,1 France Western Europe Edimark 2009, 2012-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4); Food Science (Q4); Internal Medicine (Q4)
6473 19823 Corrosion journal 00109312, 1938159X 0,745 Q1 85 139 380 6079 829 367 2,02 43,73 United States Northern America National Association of Corrosion Engineers 1969-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
26077 19700201648 Corrosion and Materials journal 13261932 0,112 Q4 5 38 95 474 4 64 0,11 12,47 Australia Pacific Region Australasian Corrosion Association 2011-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
23927 25187 Corrosion and Protection journal 1005748X 0,126 Q4 10 61 222 394 30 222 0,11 6,46 China Asiatic Region Shanghai Research Institute of Materials 2002-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
27064 29108 Corrosion Engineering journal 00109355, 18841155 0,106 Q4 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 United States Northern America Allerton Press Inc. 1978-1990 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
12127 29109 Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology journal 1478422X 0,383 Q2 39 73 293 2598 409 282 1,48 35,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 2003-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
24983 20542 Corrosion Management trade journal 13555243 0,12 Q4 4 13 36 58 1 36 0 4,46 United Kingdom Western Europe Square One Advertising and Design Limited 1994-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
26701 29110 Corrosion Prevention and Control journal 109371 0,108 Q4 15 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Scientific Surveys Ltd. 1969-2005 Metals and Alloys (Q4)    
9724 32631 Corrosion Reviews journal 3346005 0,504 Q2 31 39 89 2944 196 81 2,2 75,49 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1979, 1981-1982, 1984, 1987-1990, 1992-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
1349 29476 Corrosion Science journal 0010938X 1,971 Q1 187 462 1243 22139 8982 1229 6,88 47,92 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1961-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
20489 29669 Corrosion Science and Protection Technology journal 10026495 0,168 Q3 13 81 308 1865 98 308 0,34 23,02 China Asiatic Region Chinese Academy of Sciences 1992, 1995-2002, 2005-2011, 2013-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
30297 21100928675 Corrosion Science and Technology journal 15986462, 22886524 - 1 40 0 752 0 0 0 18,8 South Korea Asiatic Region Corrosion Science Society of Korea 2019 Electrochemistry; Materials Chemistry; Metals and Alloys; Surfaces, Coatings and Films
1283 14945 Cortex journal 19738102, 00109452 2,026 Q1 108 347 800 24669 3021 673 4,16 71,09 France Western Europe Masson SpA 1964-1965, 1968-2020 Cognitive Neuroscience (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q1); Neurology (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1); Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology (Q1)
22144 21100823440 Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy journal 2062087X, 20615558 0,145 Q3 3 24 71 831 26 63 0,32 34,63 Hungary Eastern Europe Corvinus University of Budapest 2016-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
11907 21100873055 Cosmetics journal 20799284 0,393 Q2 16 46 169 2382 323 162 1,84 51,78 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2014-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmaceutical Science (Q2); Dermatology (Q3); Surgery (Q3); Aging (Q4)
13565 13876 Cosmic Research journal 00109525, 16083075 0,326 Q3 20 47 160 928 111 159 0,71 19,74 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1968-1970, 1973-1987, 1996-2019 Aerospace Engineering (Q3); Astronomy and Astrophysics (Q3); Space and Planetary Science (Q4)
17317 21100828130 Cosmopolitan Civil Societies journal 18375391 0,224 Q1 4 7 36 358 26 34 0,76 51,14 Australia Pacific Region UTS ePress 2017-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); Anthropology (Q2); Law (Q2); Demography (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
19243 21100201721 Cosmos and History journal 18329101 0,188 Q2 8 35 158 1163 19 155 0,11 33,23 Australia Pacific Region 2011-2020 Philosophy (Q2)      
6148 12788 Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation journal 14787547 0,776 Q2 36 28 98 1071 139 96 1,38 38,25 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2003-2020 Health Policy (Q2)      
22940 13484 Costume journal 05908876, 17496306 0,136 Q2 7 13 38 601 5 30 0,1 46,23 United Kingdom Western Europe Edinburgh University Press 1965, 1967-2020 History (Q2); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4)
13775 21100203109 Cotinga journal 1353985X 0,32 Q3 7 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 United States Northern America Neotropical Bird Club 2009-2014, 2017 Animal Science and Zoology (Q3)  
16215 18336 Counseling and Values journal 01607960, 2161007X 0,249 Q1 34 13 51 694 35 46 0,53 53,38 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1973-2007, 2009-2019 Religious Studies (Q1); Clinical Psychology (Q3); Social Psychology (Q3)
10194 21100456834 Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation journal 21501378, 21501386 0,478 Q2 6 14 29 451 35 28 0,76 32,21 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2014-2020 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
3971 13438 Counseling Psychologist journal 15523861, 00110000 1,055 Q1 74 40 142 3014 325 140 1,96 75,35 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1969-2020 Applied Psychology (Q1)    
14632 18000156703 Counselling and Psychotherapy Research journal 14733145, 17461405 0,293 Q3 30 75 100 3538 100 95 1,07 47,17 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2001-2020 Applied Psychology (Q3); Clinical Psychology (Q3); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)
11102 13450 Counselling Psychology Quarterly journal 09515070, 14693674 0,432 Q2 30 49 93 2924 108 72 1,25 59,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1988-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2); Applied Psychology (Q3); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)
30298 21100932468 Counselling Psychology Review journal 17572142, 23968672 - 0 14 0 232 0 0 0 16,57 United Kingdom Western Europe The British Psychological Society 2019 Applied Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Psychiatry and Mental Health
4667 17100154740 Counselor Education and Supervision journal 00110035, 15566978 0,95 Q1 37 21 61 816 132 59 2 38,86 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1961-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1); Education (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
9407 21100831409 Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice journal 21604096, 2160410X 0,523 Q2 6 17 56 756 81 52 1,54 44,47 United States Northern America American Psychological Association Inc. 2016-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2); Social Psychology (Q2)
13603 21100826245 Coupled Systems Mechanics journal 22342184, 22342192 0,325 Q3 6 32 70 970 91 70 1,3 30,31 South Korea Asiatic Region Techno Press 2017-2019 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q3); Mechanics of Materials (Q3)
1051 21100896685 Cours specialises book series 12846090 2,274 Q1 1 0 1 0 7 1 7 0 France Western Europe Societe Mathematique de France 2018 Education (Q1); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)
28615 21100900269 Court Historian journal 14629712, 20563450 0,101 Q4 6 21 28 60 1 25 0,05 2,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1996-2019 History (Q4)      
24627 21100777700 CPEM 2016 - Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, Conference Digest conference and proceedings - 0,123 - 5 0 361 0 87 359 0 0 United States Northern America   Modeling and Simulation    
4616 21100457402 CPP 2016 - Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs, co-located with POPL 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,958 - 8 0 20 0 56 18 0 0 United States Northern America   Hardware and Architecture; Signal Processing; Software
6266 21100800638 CPP 2017 - Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs, co-located with POPL 2017 conference and proceedings - 0,764 - 7 0 21 0 41 19 2,16 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Human-Computer Interaction; Software
15923 21100468971 CPSS 2016 - Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Workshop on Cyber-Physical System Security, Co-located with Asia CCS 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,257 - 5 0 11 0 30 9 0 0 United States Northern America   Artificial Intelligence; Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Energy Engineering and Power Technology
9477 21100788203 CPS-SPC 2016 - Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and PrivaCy, co-located with CCS 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,518 - 7 0 14 0 63 12 0 0 United States Northern America   Architecture; Building and Construction; Civil and Structural Engineering; Safety Research
2436 21100248023 CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology journal 21638306 1,424 Q1 34 104 254 3249 824 234 3,62 31,24 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2012-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
30299 21100943915 Cracow Indological Studies journal 17320917   - 0 10 0 339 0 0 0 33,9 Poland Eastern Europe Ksiegarnia Akademicka Ltd 2019 History; Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language; Literature and Literary Theory; Philosophy; Religious Studies; Visual Arts and Performing Arts
22645 19700201036 Craft Research journal 20404697, 20404689 0,139 Q2 4 16 50 377 13 44 0,29 23,56 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2014-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)  
13942 29913 Cranio - Journal of Craniomandibular Practice journal 08869634, 21510903 0,314 Q3 43 140 236 4566 182 165 1,19 32,61 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1984-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Otorhinolaryngology (Q3)
15547 21100200613 Creative Industries Journal journal 17510708, 17510694 0,267 Q1 8 30 52 1161 43 44 1,15 38,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2011-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1); Communication (Q2); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q3); Strategy and Management (Q3)
19968 27627 Creative nursing journal 10784535 0,176 Q3 11 60 158 613 52 144 0,3 10,22 United States Northern America Springer Publishing Company 1994-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q3)
13745 21100896926 Creativity journal 23540036 0,321 Q1 3 9 20 421 13 20 0,65 46,78 Poland Eastern Europe Sciendo 2018-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Education (Q3); Social Psychology (Q3); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q3)
4524 21100218364 Creativity and Innovation Management journal 09631690, 14678691 0,97 Q1 55 54 117 3605 380 102 3,51 66,76 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1992-2020 Management of Technology and Innovation (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q1)
4698 13452 Creativity Research Journal journal 15326934, 10400419 0,946 Q1 77 45 160 2816 313 154 1,79 62,58 United States Northern America Routledge 1988-2020 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
20214 21100364911 Creativity Studies journal 23450487, 23450479 0,172 Q2 9 25 59 1026 28 55 0,51 41,04 Lithuania Eastern Europe Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 2014-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
20033 21100902690 Credit and Capital Markets journal 21991227, 21991235 0,175 Q3 4 16 81 635 27 75 0,4 39,69 Germany Western Europe Duncker und Humblot GmbH 2016-2019 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3); Law (Q3)
27269 21100854895 Crescent Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences journal 21489696 0,105 Q4 2 0 8 0 3 7 0,33 0 Turkey Middle East Aras Part Medical International Press 2016-2017 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
4544 22539 Cretaceous Research journal 1095998X, 01956671 0,967 Q1 65 242 748 15747 1501 731 1,99 65,07 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1980-2020 Paleontology (Q1)      
1925 19625 Crime and Delinquency journal 1552387X, 00111287 1,627 Q1 70 104 204 6718 647 203 3 64,6 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1955-2020 Law (Q1); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1)
3227 19634 Crime and Justice book series 21530416, 01923234 1,204 Q1 39 12 34 1290 70 30 2,95 107,5 United States Northern America University of Chicago 2004-2013, 2015-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q1)  
16652 5600152936 Crime Prevention and Community Safety journal 17434629, 14603780 0,238 Q2 20 23 60 1126 59 56 1,28 48,96 United Kingdom Western Europe Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1999-2020 Law (Q2); Safety Research (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
17215 21100870677 Crime Psychology Review journal 23744014 0,226 Q2 5 0 14 0 8 12 0,75 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2018 Law (Q2); Applied Psychology (Q4)  
4080 21100774809 Crime Science journal 21937680 1,038 Q1 15 11 45 463 109 41 2,87 42,09 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer Open 2013-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Law (Q1); Safety Research (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1)
11012 19637 Crime, Law and Social Change journal 15730751, 09254994 0,437 Q1 42 76 185 5074 255 171 1,38 66,76 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1991-2020 Law (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q3)
3221 16300154766 Crime, Media, Culture journal 17416590, 17416604 1,205 Q1 31 46 70 3512 199 65 2,18 76,35 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2005-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Communication (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Law (Q1)
9600 14958 Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health journal 09579664, 14712857 0,511 Q2 51 34 134 1214 171 108 1,5 35,71 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1992-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
2942 19664 Criminal Justice and Behavior journal 15523594, 00938548 1,279 Q1 90 97 265 5774 723 260 1,95 59,53 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1974-2020 Law (Q1); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q1)
20972 22809 Criminal Justice Ethics journal 19375948, 0731129X 0,161 Q3 13 9 49 426 9 40 0,19 47,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1982-2019 Law (Q3)        
6523 5700160617 Criminal Justice Policy Review journal 08874034, 15523586 0,74 Q1 30 91 119 5957 214 116 1,77 65,46 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1986-1987, 1989-1992, 1995, 1997-1999, 2004-2020 Law (Q1)        
10536 100147035 Criminal Justice Review journal 15563839, 07340168 0,461 Q1 33 31 75 1789 93 71 1,33 57,71 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1976-2020 Law (Q1)        
10020 5700164129 Criminal Justice Studies journal 14786028, 1478601X 0,487 Q1 17 33 75 1662 99 70 1,19 50,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2007-2020 Law (Q1)        
11180 5600157617 Criminal Law and Philosophy journal 18719791, 18719805 0,428 Q1 17 47 137 825 78 134 0,63 17,55 Germany Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2007-2020 Philosophy (Q1); Law (Q2)    
17436 25087 Criminal Law Forum journal 10468374 0,221 Q2 19 17 60 58 21 54 0,33 3,41 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1989-1997, 1999-2002, 2004-2020 Law (Q2)        
341 19684 Criminology journal 17459125, 00111384 4,297 Q1 132 31 85 2866 571 82 5,89 92,45 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1963-2020 Law (Q1); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1)
3569 4700152205 Criminology and Criminal Justice journal 17488966, 17488958 1,131 Q1 44 69 107 3771 301 100 2,87 54,65 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2002-2003, 2006-2020 Law (Q1)        
2556 19700170231 Criminology and Public Policy journal 17459133, 15386473 1,387 Q1 28 51 227 3437 523 174 2,74 67,39 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012-2020 Law (Q1); Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Public Administration (Q1)
19556 21100929312 Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law and Society journal 2332886X 0,183 Q3 23 14 53 728 29 45 0,6 52 United States Northern America Western Society of Criminology 2014-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q3)  
5280 13454 Crisis journal 02275910, 21512396 0,873 Q2 52 93 171 2802 384 146 2,6 30,13 United States Northern America Hogrefe Publishing 1985-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)  
27065 21100242619 Cristianesimo nella Storia journal 3933598 0,106 Q3 3 7 75 281 2 73 0,02 40,14 Italy Western Europe Societa Editrice Il Mulino 2012-2019 History (Q3); Religious Studies (Q3)  
29545 21100215124 Critica del Testo journal 11271140, 20365853 0,1 Q4 2 10 87 0 4 83 0,06 0 Italy Western Europe Viella 2012-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
28616 17400154827 Critica Hispanica journal 2787261 0,101 Q4 2 0 39 0 1 36 0,06 0 United States Northern America 2008-2017 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
29546 17700154905 Critica Letteraria journal 03900142, 20352638 0,1 Q4 2 49 119 858 4 116 0,04 17,51 Italy Western Europe Loffredo Editore SpA 2009-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
15888 21100426136 Critical African Studies journal 21681392, 20407211 0,258 Q2 6 22 69 1214 35 65 0,58 55,18 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
21328 21100889405 Critical and Radical Social Work journal 20498675, 20498608 0,156 Q3 1 30 32 1288 7 30 0,23 42,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Policy Press 2018-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q3)  
15656 5600153629 Critical Arts journal 19926049, 02560046 0,264 Q1 15 34 161 1304 42 151 0,22 38,35 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1980-1986, 1988, 1990-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Communication (Q3)
7213 23971 Critical Asian Studies journal 14672715, 14726033 0,677 Q1 33 34 114 1849 140 87 1,67 54,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1968-1993, 1995-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
978 29914 Critical Care journal 1466609X, 13648535 2,384 Q1 160 429 1160 12255 5514 832 5,59 28,57 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 1998-2020 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q1)
5312 4100151514 Critical Care and Resuscitation journal 14412772 0,869 Q1 31 48 165 309 270 128 2,18 6,44 Australia Pacific Region Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine 1999, 2002, 2004-2020 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q1); Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q1); Emergency Medicine (Q1)
25652 87861 Critical Care and Shock journal 14107767 0,114 Q4 9 26 48 566 3 44 0,06 21,77 Indonesia Asiatic Region Indonesian Society of Critical Care Medicine 2002-2020 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q4)
3658 29915 Critical Care Clinics journal 07490704, 15578232 1,112 Q1 69 61 164 3035 495 137 3,95 49,75 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1985-2020 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
662 29916 Critical Care Medicine journal 00903493, 15300293 2,994 Q1 263 545 2052 7285 7015 1091 6,58 13,37 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1973-2020 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q1)
12205 27629 Critical Care Nurse journal 02795442, 19408250 0,38 Q2 41 91 258 1953 244 205 1,08 21,46 United States Northern America American Association of Critical Care Nurses 1980-2020 Critical Care Nursing (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
15205 27632 Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America journal 08995885, 15583481 0,276 Q3 28 52 159 1529 159 134 1,04 29,4 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1989-2020 Critical Care Nursing (Q3)    
18779 27643 Critical Care Nursing Quarterly journal 15505111, 08879303 0,195 Q4 33 53 134 1677 77 122 0,55 31,64 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1987-2020 Critical Care Nursing (Q4)    
9469 21100215163 Critical Care Research and Practice journal 20901305, 20901313 0,519 Q2 25 20 76 597 121 72 1,77 29,85 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2012-2020 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q2)
8445 145137 Critical Criminology journal 15729877, 12058629 0,586 Q1 25 59 107 4173 182 100 1,84 70,73 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1996-1997, 2000-2002, 2005-2020 Law (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
9008 5700167223 Critical Discourse Studies journal 17405912, 17405904 0,55 Q2 25 53 103 2661 179 93 1,67 50,21 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2005, 2010-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
3776 21100860760 Critical Finance Review journal 21645760, 21645744 1,09 Q1 5 15 48 320 33 48 0,69 21,33 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2017-2019 Finance (Q1)      
6149 21100872376 Critical Historical Studies journal 23264462, 23264470 0,776 Q1 7 11 31 0 31 25 0,27 0 United States Northern America University of Chicago Press 2015-2019 History (Q1)      
17755 14214 Critical Horizons journal 14409917, 15685160 0,214 Q2 13 34 71 965 36 67 0,2 28,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 2003-2020 Philosophy (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
14377 21100828738 Critical Housing Analysis journal 23362839 0,3 Q2 6 9 47 254 38 45 0,79 28,22 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences 2014-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Urban Studies (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
18219 24846 Critical Inquiry journal 15397858, 00931896 0,205 Q2 61 38 112 502 71 93 0,62 13,21 United States Northern America University of Chicago 1976, 1985-1987, 1996-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3)
5293 12100156088 Critical Inquiry in Language Studies journal 15427595, 15427587 0,871 Q1 12 19 43 1129 70 41 1,89 59,42 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Education (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
2731 21100840031 Critical Military Studies journal 23337486, 23337494 1,336 Q1 11 57 73 2705 126 55 2,21 47,46 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2020 History (Q1); Law (Q1); Management Science and Operations Research (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
14195 23114 Critical Pathways in Cardiology journal 15352811, 1535282X 0,306 Q3 23 34 102 1003 81 101 0,55 29,5 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2003-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
1550 29170 Critical Perspectives on Accounting journal 10452354, 10959955 1,823 Q1 63 56 123 6320 464 109 4,26 112,86 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1990-2020 Accounting (Q1); Finance (Q1); Information Systems and Management (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
11350 145294 Critical Perspectives on International Business journal 17422043 0,42 Q2 25 43 64 3599 126 61 1,8 83,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2005-2020 Business and International Management (Q2); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2)
28050 21100417256 Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management book series 20457944, 20457952 0,102 Q4 4 0 27 0 4 14 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2012, 2014-2016, 2018 Public Administration (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
22757 21100840730 Critical Philosophy of Race journal 21658692, 21658684 0,138 Q3 3 17 27 564 8 27 0,3 33,18 United States Northern America Penn State University Press 2017-2020 Anthropology (Q3); Philosophy (Q3)  
7648 19900191349 Critical Policy Studies journal 19460171, 1946018X 0,644 Q1 25 53 100 2661 204 79 2,06 50,21 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Public Administration (Q2)
3984 99014 Critical Public Health journal 09581596, 14693682 1,053 Q1 43 95 176 4316 472 130 3,37 45,43 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1990-1995, 1997-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
26239 5600156880 Critical Quarterly journal 00111562, 14678705 0,111 Q2 16 55 136 90 8 64 0,07 1,64 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1959-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3)
17756 21100823280 Critical Research on Religion journal 20503032, 20503040 0,214 Q1 8 21 64 939 27 55 0,38 44,71 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2013-2020 Religious Studies (Q1)    
9390 4400151505 Critical Review journal 8913811 0,524 Q1 24 18 68 551 60 68 1,02 30,61 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1986-2001, 2005-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
11803 5600153503 Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy journal 13698230, 17438772 0,398 Q1 18 110 167 4102 126 129 1,03 37,29 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2008, 2010-2020 Philosophy (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
4043 23973 Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry journal 15476510, 10408347 1,043 Q1 59 65 117 7993 662 116 4,72 122,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1989-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q1)    
316 17378 Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology journal 10409238, 15497798 4,542 Q1 102 27 108 4827 774 104 7,59 178,78 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1972-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
15808 16311 Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering journal 0278940X 0,26 Q3 49 23 76 1111 70 73 0,8 48,3 United States Northern America Begell House Inc. 1981-2019 Biomedical Engineering (Q3)    
1771 15577 Critical Reviews in Biotechnology journal 15497801, 07388551 1,703 Q1 86 65 253 8120 2013 250 8,49 124,92 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1983-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q1); Biotechnology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
1791 29919 Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences journal 10408363, 1549781X 1,693 Q1 69 41 92 5951 508 90 4,85 145,15 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1970-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry (medical) (Q1); Clinical Biochemistry (Q1)
1235 23895 Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology journal 15476537, 10643389 2,074 Q1 97 86 136 15746 1264 128 8,95 183,09 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1993-2020 Environmental Engineering (Q1); Pollution (Q1); Waste Management and Disposal (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1)
9854 22071 Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression journal 10454403 0,496 Q3 59 33 94 2236 187 94 2,09 67,76 United States Northern America Begell House Inc. 1990-2019 Genetics (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q4)  
1590 21955 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition journal 15497852, 10408398 1,804 Q1 143 333 674 41124 5379 669 8,14 123,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1980-2020 Food Science (Q1); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6901 20752 Critical Reviews in Immunology journal 10408401 0,706 Q3 73 25 74 2916 129 74 1,21 116,64 United States Northern America Begell House Inc. 1980-2019 Immunology (Q3); Immunology and Allergy (Q3)
1394 19662 Critical Reviews in Microbiology journal 15497828, 1040841X 1,934 Q1 81 43 158 6422 1096 155 7,52 149,35 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1971-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Microbiology (Q1)
8545 29308 Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis journal 8939675 0,58 Q3 47 21 101 1633 146 91 1,07 77,76 United States Northern America Begell House Inc. 1989-2000, 2006-2009, 2011-2019 Cancer Research (Q3)    
1102 29309 Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology journal 10408428 2,213 Q1 119 196 608 16257 3442 602 6,06 82,94 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1983-2020 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q1); Hematology (Q1); Oncology (Q1)
26078 16320 Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine journal 21626553, 08962960 0,112 Q4 16 19 77 640 8 58 0,06 33,68 United States Northern America Begell House Inc. 1995-2019 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q4); Rehabilitation (Q4)
1242 36753 Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences journal 15497836, 07352689 2,064 Q1 109 18 59 3220 356 53 6,38 178,89 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1983-2020 Plant Science (Q1)      
2441 27476 Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences journal 15476561, 10408436 1,423 Q1 54 21 48 4337 374 48 7,94 206,52 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1977-1984, 1986-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Condensed Matter Physics (Q1); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q1); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q1)
7715 20659 Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems journal 07434863, 2162660X 0,639 Q1 71 13 44 2594 128 44 2,07 199,54 United States Northern America Begell House Inc. 1984-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2)
3690 24661 Critical Reviews in Toxicology journal 15476898, 10408444 1,107 Q1 107 39 133 6684 561 116 3,81 171,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1971-2020 Toxicology (Q1)      
2565 28751 Critical Social Policy journal 02610183, 1461703X 1,384 Q1 63 45 105 2554 362 100 3,83 56,76 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1981-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
4900 24848 Critical Sociology journal 8969205 0,918 Q1 35 117 216 6370 359 199 1,75 54,44 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1971-1992, 1994-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q1)  
30300 5600155262 Critical Studies book series 0923411X   - 3 1 0 21 0 0 0 21 Netherlands Western Europe Editions Rodopi b.v. 2011-2012, 2014, 2019 Literature and Literary Theory    
3617 19700187630 Critical Studies in Education journal 17508495, 17508487 1,119 Q1 31 56 108 3267 231 68 3,98 58,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2020 Education (Q1)      
24117 21100406860 Critical Studies in German Idealism book series 18789994, 18789986 0,125 Q3 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2010-2012, 2018 Philosophy (Q3)      
7088 14215 Critical Studies in Media Communication journal 14795809, 15295036 0,688 Q1 44 33 114 1656 219 100 2,23 50,18 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1996-2020 Communication (Q1)    
30301 21100935007 Critical Studies in Men's Fashion journal 20500718, 2050070X - 0 11 0 526 0 0 0 47,82 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2019 Cultural Studies; Gender Studies; Visual Arts and Performing Arts
25653 21100903424 Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning journal 23107103 0,114 Q4 1 18 10 773 1 8 0,13 42,94 South Africa Africa University of the Western Cape 2018-2019 Education (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
16060 21100800449 Critical Studies in Television journal 17496039, 17496020 0,253 Q1 5 37 86 1344 33 74 0,4 36,32 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Inc. 2014-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Communication (Q3)
24118 21100297814 Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability book series 20439059, 20439067 0,125 Q4 8 0 49 0 13 31 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010-2016, 2018 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4)
7736 19700201448 Critical Studies on Terrorism journal 17539153, 17539161 0,637 Q1 23 39 92 2553 139 84 1,79 65,46 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
26903 6500153168 Critical Survey journal 17522293, 00111570 0,107 Q2 4 22 84 721 6 72 0,11 32,77 United Kingdom Western Europe Berghahn Books 2012-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3)
28051 22811 Critica-Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofia journal 18704905, 00111503 0,102 Q4 5 0 44 0 1 44 0,03 0 Mexico Latin America Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosoficas 1977, 2002-2018 Philosophy (Q4)      
29547 16200154704 Criticism journal 00111589, 15360342 0,1 Q4 17 14 67 770 5 67 0,04 55 United States Northern America Wayne State University Press 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)
26904 5700164353 Critique journal 17488605, 03017605 0,107 Q2 8 32 90 294 12 76 0,16 9,19 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1973-1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988-1989, 1991, 1993-1999, 2001, 2003, 2005-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2)  
16334 16400154760 Critique - Studies in Contemporary Fiction journal 00111619, 19399138 0,246 Q1 12 50 142 1564 39 139 0,24 31,28 United States Northern America Routledge 1956-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
29548 21100872342 Critique (France) journal 00111600, 19683901 0,1 Q4 2 18 205 145 2 164 0,01 8,06 France Western Europe Editions de Minuit 2015-2020 Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
21414 5700163865 Critique Internationale journal 12907839 0,155 Q3 14 19 112 444 19 99 0,14 23,37 France Western Europe Presses de Sciences Po 2001-2019 Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
12696 38494 Critique of Anthropology journal 14603721, 0308275X 0,359 Q2 42 24 74 972 91 69 1,49 40,5 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1974-1981, 1985-2020 Anthropology (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2)
27507 21100199852 Crkva u Svijetu journal 3524000 0,104 Q3 3 7 109 307 3 99 0,01 43,86 Croatia Eastern Europe Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split 2011-2019 Religious Studies (Q3)    
30302 21100945716 Croatian and Comparative Public Administration journal 18480357, 18492150 - 0 24 0 902 0 0 0 37,58 Croatia Eastern Europe Institute for Public Administration, Croatian and Comparative Public Administration 2019 Law; Public Administration    
21569 17700155819 Croatian Economic Survey journal 13304860, 18463878 0,153 Q3 7 8 18 494 13 18 0,82 61,75 Croatia Eastern Europe Institute of Economics, Zagreb 2008, 2010-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
19557 5600155515 Croatian International Relations Review journal 13311182 0,183 Q3 4 7 51 368 33 51 0,73 52,57 Croatia Eastern Europe Institute for International Relations 2013-2019 Political Science and International Relations (Q3)
17565 14000156183 Croatian Journal of Education journal 18485197, 18485189 0,218 Q3 7 30 181 1201 62 167 0,3 40,03 Croatia Eastern Europe Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb 2011-2019 Education (Q3)      
6609 5000158703 Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering journal 18455719 0,733 Q1 22 15 91 543 183 90 2,29 36,2 Croatia Eastern Europe University of Zagreb 2005-2020 Forestry (Q1)      
16737 19700186703 Croatian Journal of Philosophy journal 13331108, 18476139 0,236 Q2 9 31 81 926 23 77 0,27 29,87 Croatia Eastern Europe Kruzak 2008-2019 Philosophy (Q2)      
12749 29920 Croatian Medical Journal journal 13328166, 03539504 0,357 Q3 56 90 173 2186 213 147 1,28 24,29 Croatia Eastern Europe Medicinska Naklada d.o.o 1992-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
21329 21100858348 Croatian Operational Research Review journal 18480225, 18489931 0,156 Q4 3 27 65 647 25 65 0,38 23,96 Croatia Eastern Europe Croatian Operational Research Society 2017-2019 Applied Mathematics (Q4); Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Management Science and Operations Research (Q4); Statistics and Probability (Q4); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q4)
26905 21100224008 Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy journal 18455662 0,107 Q4 5 11 34 2171 12 31 0,6 197,36 Croatia Eastern Europe Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb 2012-2019 Law (Q4)        
18014 23471 Croatica Chemica Acta journal 1334417X, 00111643 0,209 Q3 46 40 196 1719 154 195 0,82 42,98 Croatia Eastern Europe Croatian Chemical Society 1980-1981, 1996-2019 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
26240 21100199123 Croatica Christiana Periodica journal 3507823 0,111 Q3 3 10 55 1250 4 55 0,09 125 Croatia Eastern Europe Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Zagreb 2011-2019 History (Q3); Religious Studies (Q3)  
28052 19900192733 Cromohs journal 11237023 0,102 Q3 3 0 14 0 0 12 0 0 Italy Western Europe Firenze University Press 2011-2015, 2017 History (Q3); History and Philosophy of Science (Q4)
27508 21100207008 Cronache Ercolanesi journal 3911535 0,104 Q3 3 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 Italy Western Europe Gaetano Macchiaroli Editore 2011, 2017 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Archeology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)
7160 16900154707 Crop and Pasture Science journal 18365795, 18360947 0,681 Q1 83 109 354 6340 616 347 1,71 58,17 Australia Pacific Region CSIRO 2009-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Plant Science (Q2)
7272 4800156305 Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology journal 15187853 0,672 Q1 21 73 183 1669 246 160 1,4 22,86 Brazil Latin America Brazilian Society of Plant Breeding 2006-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Biotechnology (Q2)
3422 21100791247 Crop Journal journal 20955421, 22145141 1,163 Q1 22 86 182 4491 763 179 3,72 52,22 China Asiatic Region Institute of Crop Sciences (ICS) 1970, 2013-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Plant Science (Q1)
5865 12898 Crop Protection journal 2612194 0,805 Q1 92 289 788 12974 2025 776 2,58 44,89 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1982-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1)  
5656 38753 Crop Science journal 14350653, 0011183X 0,831 Q1 140 270 899 13483 1874 884 2 49,94 United States Northern America Crop Science Society of America 1974-1975, 1977, 1981, 1983-1985, 1988-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1)  
16306 21100784997 Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management journal 23743832 0,247 Q3 7 51 172 1305 78 167 0,43 25,59 United States Northern America Plant Management Network 2015-2019 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Plant Science (Q3); Soil Science (Q3)
5697 21100803392 Cross Cultural and Strategic Management journal 20595794 0,825 Q1 37 33 101 3483 320 99 2,63 105,55 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2016-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q1); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q2)
14311 21100812624 CrossCloud 2017 - 4th Workshop on CrossCloud Infrastructures and Platforms, Colocated with EuroSys 2017 conference and proceedings - 0,302 - 3 0 10 0 11 8 1,38 0 United States Northern America   Instrumentation; Signal Processing  
8842 25493 Cross-Cultural Research journal 15523578, 10693971 0,561 Q1 38 20 62 1295 131 61 2,26 64,75 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1966-1984, 1986-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
21330 21100840346 Cross-Currents journal 21589674, 21589666 0,156 Q2 3 24 85 1259 16 77 0,08 52,46 United States Northern America University of Hawaii Press 2016-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2)  
25816 21100388414 Crossings journal 20404352, 20404344 0,113 Q3 8 18 48 748 8 43 0,07 41,56 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2014-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); Anthropology (Q4); Demography (Q4)
27270 144797 CrossTalk journal 21601593, 21601577 0,105 Q4 17 0 89 0 9 74 0,11 0 United States Northern America Software Technology Support Center 2004-2017 Human-Computer Interaction (Q4); Software (Q4)
14500 21402 Crustaceana journal 15685403, 0011216X 0,297 Q3 35 102 331 3483 177 321 0,56 34,15 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1960-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q3); Aquatic Science (Q3)
24119 21100407292 Crustaceana Monographs book series 15707024 0,125 Q4 15 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2008, 2010-2015, 2017 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4); Aquatic Science (Q4)
7005 14864 Cryobiology journal 00112240, 10902392 0,696 Q1 81 129 344 5275 809 336 2,26 40,89 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1964-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
8175 13713 Cryogenics journal 00112275, 18792235 0,606 Q2 56 116 366 3296 671 362 1,93 28,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1960-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
16985 23400 Cryo-Letters journal 1432044 0,231 Q3 43 33 164 0 134 163 0,75 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Cryo-Letters 1993-2019 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Anatomy (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
996 11700154363 Cryosphere journal 19940416, 19940424 2,353 Q1 71 191 602 12453 2880 602 4,82 65,2 Germany Western Europe Copernicus Group 2007-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1)
13890 21100852990 Cryosphere Discussions journal 19940432, 19940440 0,316 Q3 3 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 Germany Western Europe Copernicus GmbH 2014-2016 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Water Science and Technology (Q3)
8716 17910 Cryptogamie, Algologie journal 1811568 0,569 Q2 31 7 65 293 101 64 1,98 41,86 France Western Europe A.D.A.C. 1990-2019 Aquatic Science (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)
13856 110036 Cryptogamie, Bryologie journal 12900796 0,317 Q3 24 13 105 598 75 105 0,72 46 France Western Europe A.D.A.C. 1999-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
3262 17922 Cryptogamie, Mycologie journal 1811584 1,197 Q1 24 3 80 127 159 80 2 42,33 France Western Europe A.D.A.C. 1990-1993, 1995-2019 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
5772 19600156814 Cryptography and Communications journal 19362447, 19362455 0,816 Q1 14 111 150 2622 207 145 1,53 23,62 United States Northern America Springer Publishing Company 2009-2020 Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1); Computer Networks and Communications (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q2)
27066 6500153240 Cryptologia journal 01611194, 15581586 0,106 Q4 16 0 65 0 10 55 0,23 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1977-2018 Applied Mathematics (Q4); Computer Science Applications (Q4)
19375 21100211375 Cryptology and Information Security Series book series 18798101, 18716431 0,186 Q3 10 0 26 0 31 23 0,4 0 Netherlands Western Europe IOS Press 2009-2017 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Computer Science Applications (Q4); Information Systems (Q4)
4312 24672 Crystal Growth and Design journal 15287505, 15287483 1,004 Q1 148 845 2513 40927 10061 2491 4,17 48,43 United States Northern America American Chemical Society 2001-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Condensed Matter Physics (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
12985 24673 Crystal Research and Technology journal 15214079, 02321300 0,348 Q2 62 67 313 2352 373 306 1,16 35,1 Germany Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1966-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Condensed Matter Physics (Q3)
14254 24676 Crystallography Reports journal 10637745, 1562689X 0,304 Q3 33 201 550 4345 388 545 0,66 21,62 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1996-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Condensed Matter Physics (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
3712 24678 Crystallography Reviews journal 0889311X 1,103 Q1 28 10 37 1092 75 24 3,07 109,2 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1987-1996, 1998-2000, 2002-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Condensed Matter Physics (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2); Structural Biology (Q2)
8325 21100316020 Crystals journal 20734352 0,594 Q2 28 648 1013 28705 2485 994 2,49 44,3 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2010-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Condensed Matter Physics (Q2); Inorganic Chemistry (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
5784 130039 CrystEngComm journal 14668033 0,814 Q1 123 870 2664 41033 8354 2634 3,18 47,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 1999-2000, 2002-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Condensed Matter Physics (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
26241 21100468961 CS MANTECH 2016 - International Conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology conference and proceedings - 0,111 - 3 0 77 0 5 76 0 0 United States Northern America   Artificial Intelligence; Computer Networks and Communications; Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Modeling and Simulation
14340 21100803189 CSCW 2017 - Companion of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing conference and proceedings - 0,301 - 7 0 102 0 119 99 1,2 0 United States Northern America   Software        
20275 21100469401 CSEDU 2016 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education conference and proceedings - 0,171 - 6 0 253 0 124 247 0,65 0 Portugal Western Europe   Computer Networks and Communications; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Instrumentation; Radiation
18952 145059 CT y F - Ciencia, Tecnologia y Futuro journal 1225383 0,192 Q3 12 21 52 771 30 52 0,32 36,71 Colombia Latin America Ecopetrol S.A. 1996-2019 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q3)    
19021 21100202934 CTBUH Journal journal 19461194, 19461186 0,191 Q2 7 1 23 18 5 14 0,25 18 United States Northern America Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat 2011-2017, 2019 Architecture (Q2); Building and Construction (Q3); Urban Studies (Q3)
22461 17700156215 Cuadernos de Administracion journal 19007205, 01203592 0,141 Q4 8 20 38 1035 14 35 0,29 51,75 Colombia Latin America Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 2008-2019 Business and International Management (Q4); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
25531 11600153415 Cuadernos de bioética : revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Bioética y ?tica Médica journal 11321989 0,115 Q4 5 24 78 0 18 71 0,19 0 Spain Western Europe Asociacion Espanola de Bioetica y Etica Medica 2008-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
23033 19500157818 Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural journal 01221450, 22157727 0,135 Q4 9 12 36 646 14 36 0,17 53,83 Colombia Latin America Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 2008-2019 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q4); Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
21992 12100157018 Cuadernos de Economia (Colombia) journal 22484337, 01214772 0,147 Q3 6 30 90 1203 32 88 0,3 40,1 Colombia Latin America Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2007-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
21993 18725 Cuadernos de Economia (Spain) journal 2100266 0,147 Q4 5 20 57 785 23 57 0,38 39,25 Spain Western Europe Asociacion Cuadernos de Economia 1978, 2011-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28617 21100228001 Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos book series 0210847X, 19888333 0,101 Q4 2 12 24 631 2 24 0,08 52,58 Spain Western Europe CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 1967, 2012-2016, 2018-2019 History (Q4)      
28618 5800208016 Cuadernos de Filologia Clasica journal 11319070, 19882637 0,101 Q4 3 11 41 520 2 41 0 47,27 Spain Western Europe Editorial Complutense 2011-2019 Classics (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
21415 21100897722 Cuadernos de Geografia journal 0121215X, 22565442 0,155 Q3 1 26 26 1131 9 23 0,39 43,5 Colombia Latin America Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2018-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
21917 19400157150 Cuadernos de Gestion journal 11316837, 19882157 0,148 Q4 11 8 49 584 28 49 0,64 73 Spain Western Europe Universidad del Pais Vasco 2001-2019 Business and International Management (Q4); Industrial Relations (Q4); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
23504 10300153364 Cuadernos de historia (Santiago, Chile) journal 07161832, 07191243 0,13 Q2 1 16 30 515 6 30 0,2 32,19 Chile Latin America Universidad de Chile 1999, 2001-2002, 2017-2019 History (Q2)      
8494 19700182634 Cuadernos de Investigacion Geografica journal 02116820, 16979540 0,583 Q2 17 31 108 2586 203 105 1,99 83,42 Spain Western Europe University of La Rioja 2009-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
29549 21100843496 Cuadernos de Literatura journal 1228102 0,1 Q4 1 20 67 496 4 64 0,06 24,8 Colombia Latin America Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 2017-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
27067 5200153016 Cuadernos de Medicina Forense journal 11357606 0,106 Q4 7 0 34 0 3 30 0,06 0 Spain Western Europe Asociacion Andaluza de Medicos Forenses 2001-2002, 2006-2018 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q4)  
26906 21100203943 Cuadernos de Musica, Artes Visuales y Artes Escenicas journal 17946670, 22159959 0,107 Q3 2 34 87 986 10 82 0,15 29 Colombia Latin America Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 2012-2020 Music (Q3); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3)
23708 21100941000 Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueologia de la Universidad Autonoma de Madrid journal 02111608, 25303589 0,128 Q2 1 12 12 890 4 12 0,33 74,17 Spain Western Europe Universidad Autonoma de Madrid 2018-2019 History (Q2); Archeology (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3)
13253 19900192340 Cuadernos de Psicologia del Deporte journal 15788423 0,337 Q3 14 69 174 2965 170 162 0,86 42,97 Spain Western Europe University of Murcia 2011-2020 Applied Psychology (Q3)    
19731 5600155273 Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales journal 11318635, 19882572 0,18 Q3 3 20 57 871 22 51 0,48 43,55 Spain Western Europe Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2016-2019 Industrial Relations (Q3); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q4)
20098 21100286889 Cuadernos de Turismo journal 19894635, 11397861 0,174 Q3 7 40 140 1113 53 140 0,4 27,83 Spain Western Europe Escuela Universitaria de Turismo, Universidad de Murcia 2013-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q4); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q4)
21918 21100228084 Cuadernos de Vivienda y Urbanismo journal 20272103, 21450226 0,148 Q3 4 19 44 883 11 44 0,19 46,47 Colombia Latin America Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 2012-2019 Urban Studies (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
28619 18736 Cuadernos del Cendes journal 10122508 0,101 Q4 6 1 51 42 4 42 0,1 42 Venezuela Latin America Universidad Central de Venezuela 1989-1991, 2008-2017, 2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
28620 21100868562 Cuadernos Dieciochistas journal 23411902, 15767914 0,101 Q3 1 0 25 0 1 25 0,04 0 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca 2017-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3); History (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)
19304 21100854772 Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto journal 11308354, 24453587 0,187 Q2 2 37 38 1396 7 37 0,19 37,73 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Deusto 2017-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3); Law (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3)
14533 28015 Cuadernos Geograficos book series 2105462 0,296 Q3 10 48 134 2108 70 123 0,58 43,92 Spain Western Europe University of Granada 1983, 1992-1993, 1995, 1997-2000, 2002-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
29550 24871 Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos journal 0011250X 0,1 Q4 4 19 299 259 2 258 0,01 13,63 Spain Western Europe Agencia Espanola de Cooperacion Internacional (A E C I) 1971, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989, 2002-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4)
25299 21100856609 Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofia journal 2104857 0,117 Q3 1 14 29 400 1 27 0,04 28,57 Spain Western Europe Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones 2017-2019 Philosophy (Q3)      
12521 21100264483 journal 0719367X, 07193661 0,366 Q2 8 29 86 1596 61 81 0,68 55,03 Chile Latin America Facultad de Comunicaciones de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile 2013-2019 Communication (Q2); Library and Information Sciences (Q2)
16100 21100223134 Cuaternario y Geomorfologia journal 2141744 0,252 Q3 8 11 46 409 19 33 0,38 37,18 Spain Western Europe 2012-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Geology (Q3); Paleontology (Q3)
25654 37267 Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science journal 8640408 0,114 Q4 11 0 66 0 15 63 0 0 Cuba Latin America Instituto de Ciencia Animal 1981, 1996-2016 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4)  
29551 21100244605 Cuestiones Constitucionales journal 14059193 0,1 Q4 2 31 77 1034 3 77 0,03 33,35 Mexico Latin America Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 2013-2019 Law (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
30303 21100944391 Cultura journal 03931560, 26122391 - 0 13 0 565 0 0 0 43,46 Italy Western Europe Societa Editrice Il Mulino 2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous); History; Literature and Literary Theory; Philosophy
19305 21100407608 Cultura de los Cuidados journal 11381728, 16996003 0,187 Q2 3 66 148 1402 25 148 0,15 21,24 Spain Western Europe University of Alicante 2014-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Anthropology (Q3); Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q3)
28621 16000154773 Cultura Neolatina journal 3915654 0,101 Q3 5 0 32 0 4 31 0,14 0 Italy Western Europe Mucchi Editore 2002-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
13198 19700174629 Cultura y Educacion journal 15784118, 11356405 0,339 Q1 16 24 88 907 80 87 0,78 37,79 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); Education (Q3)  
10955 19600162207 Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte journal 16965043 0,44 Q2 9 28 76 1361 72 66 1,11 48,61 Spain Western Europe Universidad Catolica San Antonio Murcia 2009-2020 Health (social science) (Q2); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q2); Sports Science (Q3)
22646 19900192579 Cultura, Lenguaje y Representacion journal 16977750 0,139 Q1 3 18 62 708 14 61 0,16 39,33 Spain Western Europe Universitat Jaume I 2011-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q2); Communication (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
27509 19700182214 Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology journal 15841057, 20655002 0,104 Q3 5 12 61 305 9 59 0,16 25,42 United States Northern America Philosophy Documentation Center 2009-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); Philosophy (Q4)  
23217 5700168554 Cultural and Social History journal 14780038, 14780046 0,133 Q2 15 48 105 76 21 101 0,22 1,58 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
1522 32383 Cultural Anthropology journal 08867356, 15481360 1,839 Q1 71 22 104 1019 332 101 3,28 46,32 United States Northern America American Anthropological Association 1986-2019 Anthropology (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1)
26570 5600155082 Cultural Critique journal 15345203, 08824371 0,109 Q2 20 35 96 1019 13 87 0,14 29,11 United States Northern America University of Minnesota Press 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3); Philosophy (Q3); Anthropology (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
2706 14230 Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology journal 10999809, 19390106 1,343 Q1 74 102 177 2659 496 169 2,72 26,07 United States Northern America American Psychological Association Inc. 1999-2020 Social Psychology (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
22941 22828 Cultural Dynamics journal 14617048, 09213740 0,136 Q2 22 24 63 1193 15 51 0,26 49,71 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1988-1993, 1995-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); Anthropology (Q3); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3)
2783 23552 Cultural Geographies journal 14744740, 14770881 1,324 Q1 53 59 134 1344 290 125 2,22 22,78 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 1994-1998, 2002-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1)
28053 21100901131 Cultural History journal 20452918, 2045290X 0,102 Q3 1 13 13 648 1 12 0,08 49,85 United Kingdom Western Europe Edinburgh University Press 2018-2019 History (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
30304 21100940690 Cultural Management: Science and Education journal 25126962   - 0 9 0 369 0 0 0 41 Germany Western Europe Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH 2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous); Business and International Management; Education; Strategy and Management
16368 5700167003 Cultural Politics journal 17432197 0,245 Q1 10 17 77 728 36 60 0,49 42,82 United States Northern America Duke University Press 2012-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); Communication (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
6595 6300153126 Cultural Sociology journal 17499755 0,734 Q1 32 26 82 1427 113 75 1,57 54,88 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2007-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6794 14234 Cultural Studies journal 14664348, 09502386 0,716 Q1 51 62 138 3700 151 129 1,2 59,68 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1987-1996, 1998-2001, 2003-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
5142 5700160619 Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies journal 15327086 0,89 Q1 30 68 171 2646 255 168 0,91 38,91 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2001-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1)
8652 4700152624 Cultural Studies of Science Education journal 18711502 0,573 Q1 25 89 199 3267 234 190 0,89 36,71 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2006-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1)    
22942 21100826935 Cultural Studies Review journal 18378692, 14468123 0,136 Q2 2 75 54 445 9 48 0,19 5,93 Australia Pacific Region UTS ePress 2017-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2)    
7432 5700167676 Cultural Trends journal 14693690, 09548963 0,659 Q1 26 31 116 1121 156 50 2,22 36,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1989-1995, 1998, 2004-2008, 2010-2020 Communication (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1)
18220 21100860383 Cultural-Historical Psychology journal 22248935, 18165435 0,205 Q3 2 50 49 1478 20 48 0,42 29,56 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Moscow State University of Psychology and Education 2018-2019 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q3); Social Psychology (Q4)
26242 21100790708 Culture and History Digital Journal journal 2253797X 0,111 Q3 4 8 62 287 19 59 0,1 35,88 Spain Western Europe CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 2016-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3)  
28622 21100406802 Culture and History of the Ancient Near East book series 15662055 0,101 Q4 9 0 109 0 5 16 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2013, 2016-2018 Anthropology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4)
24120 21100869016 Culture and Language Use book series 18795838 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 2018 Anthropology (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
12036 5700161189 Culture and Organization journal 14772760, 14759551 0,387 Q1 15 40 76 2884 93 69 1,13 72,1 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2009-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q3)
12377 13475 Culture and Psychology journal 14617056, 1354067X 0,372 Q1 45 55 99 2636 188 93 2,03 47,93 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1995-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Anthropology (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Social Psychology (Q3)
14569 5700163990 Culture and Religion journal 14755610 0,295 Q1 15 17 80 912 40 79 0,37 53,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); Philosophy (Q1); Religious Studies (Q1)
17957 21100787378 Culture Unbound journal 20001525 0,21 Q2 5 16 67 660 31 62 0,3 41,25 Sweden Western Europe Linkoping University Electronic Press 2015-2019 Anthropology (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q2)
7493 21100202708 Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment journal 21539553, 1556486X 0,655 Q1 12 20 51 759 52 44 0,73 37,95 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2011-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Anthropology (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Food Science (Q2)
4658 14236 Culture, Health and Sexuality journal 14645351, 13691058 0,952 Q1 60 154 307 6547 678 280 2,52 42,51 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1999-2020 Health (social science) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
7833 36956 Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry journal 1573076X, 0165005X 0,629 Q1 54 47 117 2918 192 98 1,55 62,09 United States Northern America Springer New York 1977-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
21994 19900192456 Culture, Theory and Critique journal 14735776, 14735784 0,147 Q2 10 25 74 804 30 68 0,57 32,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
22846 5600152882 Cultures et Conflits journal 1157996X 0,137 Q3 3 6 73 277 12 71 0,16 46,17 France Western Europe Editions l'Harmattan 1997, 2016-2020 Law (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
25532 21100211749 Cumhuriyet Dental Journal journal 21462852 0,115 Q4 4 55 99 1583 10 98 0,08 28,78 Turkey Middle East Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry 2010-2019 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
19376 21100857857 Cumhuriyet Ilahiyat Dergisi journal 25289861, 2528987X 0,186 Q1 2 69 171 3223 7 157 0,06 46,71 Turkey Middle East Cumhuriyet University 2016-2019 Religious Studies (Q1); Philosophy (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
25817 21100854822 Cumhuriyet Medical Journal journal 13050028 0,113 Q4 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Turkey Middle East Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Medicine 2014, 2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
16935 27644 Curationis journal 3798577 0,232 Q3 20 33 81 0 46 81 0,47 0 South Africa Africa Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa 1978-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
15809 21100435589 Curator journal 21516952 0,26 Q1 7 51 79 1450 53 64 0,95 28,43 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2015-2020 Conservation (Q1); Museology (Q1)  
11675 19600166318 Current Aging Science journal 18746128 0,404 Q3 30 14 98 788 128 91 1,45 56,29 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers 2008-2020 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q3); Aging (Q4)
3273 20753 Current Allergy and Asthma Reports journal 15297322, 15346315 1,194 Q1 61 61 250 4111 937 248 3,72 67,39 United States Northern America Current Medicine Group 2001-2020 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q1); Immunology (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q2)
24773 19200156705 Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology journal 16093607 0,122 Q4 9 36 149 670 18 123 0,12 18,61 South Africa Africa Allergy Society of South Africa 2008-2019 Immunology and Allergy (Q4)    
3840 130034 Current Alzheimer Research journal 15672050 1,079 Q2 83 115 416 8631 1372 395 3,23 75,05 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2004-2020 Neurology (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q2)
15397 4000151702 Current Analytical Chemistry journal 15734110 0,271 Q3 29 74 214 4922 282 206 1,45 66,51 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q3)    
18274 21100944389 Current Anesthesiology Reports journal 15233855, 21676275 0,204 Q3 2 60 16 3727 6 16 0,38 62,12 United States Northern America Springer US 2018-2020 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q3)  
4586 33918 Current Anthropology journal 00113204, 15375382 0,962 Q1 104 77 231 6614 666 200 3,27 85,9 United States Northern America University of Chicago 1962, 1971, 1974, 1978-1988, 1992, 1994, 1996-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Archeology (Q1); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1)
8706 27477 Current Applied Physics journal 15671739 0,57 Q2 81 220 756 7997 1702 748 2,32 36,35 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2001-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
27271 21100902626 Current Applied Science and Technology journal 25869396 0,105 Q4 1 21 49 645 3 49 0,06 30,71 Thailand Asiatic Region King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang 2017-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Agronomy and Crop Science (Q4); Biotechnology (Q4); Environmental Engineering (Q4)
3145 23116 Current Atherosclerosis Reports journal 15346242, 15233804 1,224 Q1 71 55 208 3141 791 203 4,46 57,11 United States Northern America Current Medicine Group 1999-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1)
16738 5800173401 Current Bioactive Compounds journal 15734072 0,236 Q2 22 51 139 2498 127 130 1,08 48,98 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2007-2019 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q2)
13363 5800173405 Current Bioinformatics journal 15748936 0,333 Q3 26 83 208 3515 260 197 1,59 42,35 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2007-2020 Biochemistry (Q3); Computational Mathematics (Q3); Genetics (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)
393 15537 Current Biology journal 18790445, 09609822 3,958 Q1 303 820 2491 34243 13889 2234 6,01 41,76 United States Northern America Cell Press 1991-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q1)
25818 21100831810 Current Biomarker Findings journal 22302492 0,113 Q4 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 United States Northern America Dove Medical Press Limited 2017-2018 Biochemistry (Q4); Biochemistry (medical) (Q4); Clinical Biochemistry (Q4)
17530 21100832951 Current Biomarkers journal 24684236, 24684228 0,219 Q4 2 0 21 0 12 20 0,17 0 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2016-2017 Clinical Biochemistry (Q4); Molecular Medicine (Q4)
19558 21100873121 Current Biotechnology journal 22115501, 2211551X 0,183 Q4 3 0 12 0 6 12 0,67 0 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2015-2017 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q4); Bioengineering (Q4); Biotechnology (Q4)
17804 19600157013 Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports journal 19317220, 19317212 0,213 Q4 10 52 154 2662 60 152 0,2 51,19 United States Northern America Current Medicine Group 2006-2020 Biochemistry (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)
9451 19600166305 Current Breast Cancer Reports journal 19434588, 19434596 0,52 Q3 16 48 100 2552 136 100 1,45 53,17 United States Northern America Current Science, Inc. 2009-2020 Oncology (Q3)      
5119 29311 Current Cancer Drug Targets journal 15680096, 18735576 0,893 Q1 89 81 230 6341 623 219 2,75 78,28 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2001-2020 Drug Discovery (Q1); Oncology (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3)
23709 4700152601 Current Cancer Therapy Reviews journal 15733947 0,128 Q4 13 25 45 1482 10 38 0,36 59,28 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Cancer Research (Q4); Molecular Medicine (Q4); Oncology (Q4)
4930 23118 Current Cardiology Reports journal 15233782, 15343170 0,914 Q2 45 164 408 9782 1070 408 2,71 59,65 United States Northern America Current Medicine Group 1999-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2)
8881 9500154000 Current Cardiology Reviews journal 1573403X 0,558 Q2 39 36 114 2320 193 105 1,8 64,44 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
15764 19600157307 Current Cardiovascular Imaging Reports journal 19419074, 19419066 0,261 Q3 19 42 111 2538 87 109 0,92 60,43 United States Northern America Current Medicine Group 2008-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q3); Histology (Q3); Cell Biology (Q4)
16878 19500157062 Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports journal 19329563, 19329520 0,233 Q3 25 39 112 2183 66 112 0,5 55,97 United States Northern America Current Medicine Group 2007-2020 Pharmacology (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
20563 11300153735 Current Chemical Biology journal 22127968, 18723136 0,167 Q4 20 25 51 1253 38 48 0,66 50,12 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2008-2019 Biochemistry (Q4); Biochemistry (medical) (Q4); Clinical Biochemistry (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)
3476 21100781204 Current Chemical Genomics and Translational Medicine journal 22139885 1,149 Q2 7 0 7 0 33 7 4,71 0 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2014-2015, 2017-2018 Biochemistry (Q2); Genetics (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q2)
20629 21100869886 Current Chemistry Letters journal 1927730X, 19277296 0,166 Q4 4 20 39 1004 44 39 1,13 50,2 Canada Northern America Growing Science 2017-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
396 21100873474 Current Climate Change Reports journal 21986061 3,945 Q1 25 33 88 3873 637 87 6,06 117,36 United States Northern America Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2020 Atmospheric Science (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q1)
7012 21100901149 Current Clinical Microbiology Reports journal 21965471 0,695 Q2 13 28 80 2335 132 77 1,51 83,39 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2014-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q2); Microbiology (medical) (Q2)
27767 19700201411 Current Clinical Neurology book series 15590585 0,103 Q4 4 80 46 695 2 21 0,1 8,69 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2010-2013, 2017-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q4)    
10255 5800173383 Current Clinical Pharmacology journal 15748847 0,475 Q2 37 27 102 1372 175 95 1,86 50,81 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
10512 19500157301 Current Colorectal Cancer Reports journal 15563790, 15563804 0,462 Q3 22 23 120 1407 137 120 1,3 61,17 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2005-2020 Gastroenterology (Q3); Hepatology (Q3); Oncology (Q3)
17663 4700152609 Current Computer-Aided Drug Design journal 15734099 0,216 Q3 27 40 106 1649 84 92 0,91 41,23 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Drug Discovery (Q4); Molecular Medicine (Q4)
14066 21100919471 Current Dermatology Reports journal 21624933 0,31 Q3 11 36 116 2196 110 115 1,07 61 United States Northern America Springer US 2012-2020 Dermatology (Q3)      
5995 21100901909 Current Developments in Nutrition journal 24752991 0,792 Q1 9 93 103 4417 262 100 2,62 47,49 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2017-2020 Food Science (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q2)
1990 25465 Current Diabetes Reports journal 15344827, 15390829 1,599 Q1 71 163 419 11514 1776 418 3,73 70,64 United States Northern America Current Medicine Group 2001-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Internal Medicine (Q1)
7104 4700152610 Current Diabetes Reviews journal 15733998 0,687 Q2 53 67 176 3411 398 165 2,09 50,91 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 1996, 2005-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Endocrinology (Q3)
16820 21100894488 Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering journal 23645504 0,234 Q3 6 154 509 1578 249 509 0,51 10,25 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2015-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Biomedical Engineering (Q4)
538 13477 Current Directions in Psychological Science journal 14678721, 09637214 3,346 Q1 159 93 233 3474 1418 226 6,05 37,35 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1992-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q1)
12697 130025 Current Drug Delivery journal 15672018 0,359 Q2 58 84 401 5455 646 388 1,52 64,94 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2004-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q2)    
14501 130047 Current Drug Discovery Technologies journal 15701638 0,297 Q3 40 50 77 2745 104 75 1,4 54,9 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2004-2020 Drug Discovery (Q3)      
7564 20663 Current Drug Metabolism journal 18755453, 13892002 0,65 Q2 102 122 305 9571 843 281 2,84 78,45 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2000-2019 Clinical Biochemistry (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2)
5856 21100901212 Current Drug Research Reviews journal 25899783, 25899775 0,806 Q2 43 21 25 1009 64 23 2,25 48,05 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2019 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)  
14255 5800173386 Current Drug Safety journal 15748863 0,304 Q3 33 45 124 1237 144 121 1,31 27,49 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Pharmacology (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3); Toxicology (Q4)
6508 20664 Current Drug Targets journal 18735592, 13894501 0,741 Q2 96 139 546 15568 1410 505 2,71 112 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2000-2020 Clinical Biochemistry (Q2); Drug Discovery (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q3)
21030 5800173394 Current Drug Therapy journal 15748855 0,16 Q3 16 21 44 1450 27 41 0,5 69,05 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2007-2020 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
2382 21100440607 Current environmental health reports journal 21965412 1,443 Q1 28 34 148 0 803 145 5,78 0 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
18275 4700152607 Current Enzyme Inhibition journal 15734080 0,204 Q4 16 15 63 394 38 59 0,66 26,27 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2019 Biochemistry (Q4); Drug Discovery (Q4); Molecular Medicine (Q4)
5731 13820 Current Eye Research journal 14602202, 02713683 0,822 Q2 77 229 699 8273 1323 665 1,84 36,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1981-2020 Ophthalmology (Q2); Sensory Systems (Q3); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q4)
2801 21100869015 Current Forestry Reports journal 21986436 1,318 Q1 17 18 56 1974 272 55 5 109,67 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2020 Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Forestry (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1)
8514 19600166311 Current Fungal Infection Reports journal 19363761, 1936377X 0,582 Q3 21 34 85 2627 120 84 1,16 77,26 United States Northern America Current Science, Inc. 2009-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q3)    
3652 28287 Current Gastroenterology Reports journal 15228037, 1534312X 1,113 Q1 59 70 188 4458 632 186 3,69 63,69 United States Northern America Current Medicine Group 1999-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6087 22072 Current Gene Therapy journal 18755631, 15665232 0,782 Q2 68 37 131 2569 260 118 2,24 69,43 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2001-2019 Drug Discovery (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q2); Genetics (Q3); Genetics (clinical) (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
2409 22074 Current Genetics journal 01728083, 14320983 1,432 Q1 78 158 353 9318 1166 349 3,66 58,97 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1979-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Genetics (Q2)
6250 22075 Current Genomics journal 13892029, 18755488 0,766 Q3 61 60 164 3531 372 146 2,63 58,85 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2000-2020 Genetics (Q3); Genetics (clinical) (Q3)  
19306 21100358312 Current Geriatrics Reports journal 21967865 0,187 Q4 10 39 109 2499 63 108 0,66 64,08 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2014-2020 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q4)  
7336 19700182338 Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research journal 16877063, 16877071 0,666 Q2 24 7 45 190 94 45 1,23 27,14 United States Northern America Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2010-2020 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q2)  
26243 21000195604 Current Gynecologic Oncology journal 20811632 0,111 Q4 4 0 87 0 10 85 0,14 0 Poland Eastern Europe Medical Communications 2011-2018 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4); Oncology (Q4)
3717 4000148301 Current Heart Failure Reports journal 15469530, 15469549 1,102 Q1 36 33 141 2081 388 141 2,95 63,06 United States Northern America Current Science, Inc. 2004-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Emergency Medicine (Q1); Physiology (medical) (Q2)
4457 5000156906 Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports journal 15588211, 1558822X 0,98 Q2 32 64 195 4289 513 192 2,63 67,02 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2006-2020 Cancer Research (Q2); Hematology (Q2); Oncology (Q2)
16613 19700166610 Current Herpetology journal 13455834, 18811019 0,239 Q3 15 18 61 554 26 60 0,53 30,78 Japan Asiatic Region Herpetological Society of Japan 2000-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q3)  
8418 21834 Current HIV Research journal 18734251, 1570162X 0,588 Q3 50 42 162 3309 181 149 0,91 78,79 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2003-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q3); Virology (Q3)  
1387 3500148010 Current HIV/AIDS Reports journal 15483568, 15483576 1,942 Q1 52 53 118 4503 514 117 4,44 84,96 United States Northern America Current Science, Inc. 2004-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q1); Virology (Q1)  
20276 23991 Current History journal 113530 0,171 Q2 19 56 159 0 41 159 0,2 0 United States Northern America Current History Inc. 1977, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1996, 1998-2002, 2005-2020 History (Q2)      
3257 23135 Current Hypertension Reports journal 15226417, 15343111 1,198 Q1 68 97 294 5900 1063 291 3,83 60,82 United States Northern America Current Medicine Group 1999-2020 Internal Medicine (Q1)    
9964 4700152602 Current Hypertension Reviews journal 18756506, 15734021 0,49 Q3 18 23 73 1059 96 65 1,68 46,04 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2019 Internal Medicine (Q3)    
21690 4700152440 Current Immunology Reviews journal 15733955 0,151 Q4 18 20 50 2629 13 45 0,28 131,45 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2019 Immunology (Q4); Immunology and Allergy (Q4)
2356 20760 Current Infectious Disease Reports journal 15343146, 15233847 1,455 Q1 43 53 148 3620 542 148 3,92 68,3 United States Northern America Current Science, Inc. 1999-2000, 2002-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q1)    
9532 19900193667 Current Issues in Auditing journal 19361270 0,515 Q2 9 11 36 328 25 30 0,18 29,82 United States Northern America American Accounting Association 2009-2019 Accounting (Q2)      
24512 13411 Current Issues in Education journal 1099839X 0,124 Q4 13 0 18 0 7 18 0 0 United States Northern America Arizona State University 2000-2006, 2008-2017 Education (Q4)      
4389 5600155022 Current Issues in Language Planning journal 14664208 0,993 Q1 20 37 73 1979 125 64 1,35 53,49 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2020 Education (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
4233 17398 Current Issues in Molecular Biology journal 14673037, 14673045 1,015 Q1 51 45 84 1041 214 82 3,1 23,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Caister Academic Press 1999-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Microbiology (Q2); Microbiology (medical) (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
21919 21100239829 Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences journal 2084980X 0,148 Q4 7 40 119 1371 56 119 0,35 34,28 Poland Eastern Europe Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie 2012-2019 Biochemistry (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4); Pharmacology (Q4)
2499 28324 Current Issues in Tourism journal 17477603, 13683500 1,404 Q1 64 309 323 18851 1616 259 6,03 61,01 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1998-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q1)
12725 14435 Current legal problems journal 20448422, 00701998 0,358 Q2 8 0 37 0 20 37 0,63 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1983, 2014-2018 Law (Q2)        
30305 21100936543 Current Materials Science journal 26661462, 26661454 - 1 12 0 1212 0 0 0 101 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2019 Materials Science (miscellaneous)  
19732 4700152432 Current Medical Imaging Reviews journal 15734056, 18756603 0,18 Q3 24 117 232 5105 206 226 1,04 43,63 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Internal Medicine (Q3); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
16739 21100899293 Current Medical Mycology journal 24233420, 24233439 0,236 Q4 3 34 28 1119 29 26 1,12 32,91 Iran Middle East Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences 2018-2019 Infectious Diseases (Q4); Microbiology (Q4)
6835 29970 Current Medical Research and Opinion journal 14734877, 03007995 0,712 Q2 103 274 821 9493 1611 713 2,27 34,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1972-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
12654 21100870576 Current Medical Science journal 2523899X, 20965230 0,361 Q3 26 147 459 4895 546 454 1,19 33,3 China Asiatic Region Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2018-2020 Biochemistry (Q3); Genetics (Q4)  
5032 23488 Current Medicinal Chemistry journal 09298673, 1875533X 0,903 Q1 167 432 881 49124 3140 830 3,76 113,71 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 1994-2020 Drug Discovery (Q1); Organic Chemistry (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2)
22221 21100853871 Current Metabolomics journal 22132368, 2213235X 0,144 Q4 3 0 6 0 4 5 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2015-2016 Analytical Chemistry (Q4); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q4); Biochemistry (medical) (Q4); Drug Discovery (Q4); Organic Chemistry (Q4)
8462 19666 Current Microbiology journal 03438651, 14320991 0,585 Q2 85 210 646 7444 1212 629 1,87 35,45 United States Northern America Springer New York 1978-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Microbiology (Q3)
7021 19667 Current Molecular Medicine journal 15665240, 18755666 0,694 Q2 101 75 235 4090 449 220 1,66 54,53 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2001-2020 Biochemistry (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q3); Molecular Medicine (Q3)
7834 19600166302 Current Molecular Pharmacology journal 18744702 0,629 Q2 37 28 97 2442 221 86 2,98 87,21 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers 2008-2020 Drug Discovery (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q3)
16335 4700152612 Current Nanoscience journal 15734137 0,246 Q2 40 72 242 4405 386 231 1,93 61,18 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q2); Biotechnology (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Bioengineering (Q4); Biomedical Engineering (Q4); Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Q4)
26429 19700190354 Current Neurobiology journal 09759042, 09761705 0,11 Q4 7 0 22 0 4 20 0 0 India Asiatic Region Scientific Publishers of India 2010-2016 Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
2864 14989 Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports journal 15284042, 15346293 1,301 Q1 67 105 313 7674 1311 313 4,56 73,09 United States Northern America Current Medicine Group 2001-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q1); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q2)
2145 14990 Current Neuropharmacology journal 18756190, 1570159X 1,531 Q1 65 85 317 10853 1489 290 4,76 127,68 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2004-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Neurology (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
9583 130017 Current Neurovascular Research journal 15672026 0,512 Q3 52 63 147 2345 225 134 1,65 37,22 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2004-2019 Neurology (Q3); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q4); Developmental Neuroscience (Q4)
17117 4700152433 Current Nutrition and Food Science journal 15734013 0,228 Q3 23 86 131 4191 121 126 1 48,73 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Food Science (Q3); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
5629 21100854600 Current Nutrition Reports journal 21613311 0,834 Q1 21 43 107 3396 302 107 3,14 78,98 United States Northern America Springer New York 2012-2020 Food Science (Q1); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q2)
2084 21100778655 Current obesity reports journal 21624968 1,555 Q1 26 1 134 0 681 134 5,48 0 United States Northern America Springer US 2015-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
25655 21100854883 Current Obstetrics and Gynecology Reports journal 21613303 0,114 Q4 1 0 4 0 1 4 0 0 United States Northern America Current Medicine Group 2016 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4)  
4119 29319 Current Oncology journal 11980052 1,033 Q2 47 179 451 4976 895 385 2,32 27,8 Canada Northern America Multimed Inc. 1998-2020 Oncology (Q2)      
2251 29321 Current Oncology Reports journal 15346269, 15233790 1,49 Q1 55 113 261 7805 1025 261 3,89 69,07 United States Northern America Current Science, Inc. 1999-2020 Oncology (Q1)      
16061 21100967252 Current Ophthalmology Reports journal 21674868 0,253 Q3 10 29 100 1924 64 98 0,67 66,34 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2013-2020 Ophthalmology (Q3)    
4333 20761 Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology journal 14736322, 15284050 1,001 Q2 80 96 224 4338 669 216 3,14 45,19 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2001-2020 Immunology (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q2)
5828 21871 Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology journal 14736500, 09527907 0,809 Q1 66 129 360 4189 855 330 2,52 32,47 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1994-2020 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q1)  
1351 21100363813 Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences journal 23521546 1,97 Q1 31 146 458 8729 1957 433 4,45 59,79 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2015-2020 Behavioral Neuroscience (Q1); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
3387 21100932650 Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering journal 24684511 1,17 Q1 14 69 120 3726 467 110 4,25 54 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2017-2020 Bioengineering (Q1); Biomaterials (Q1); Biomedical Engineering (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
740 15579 Current Opinion in Biotechnology journal 18790429, 09581669 2,819 Q1 192 167 469 10335 4049 435 8,84 61,89 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1990-2020 Bioengineering (Q1); Biomedical Engineering (Q1); Biotechnology (Q1)
5743 23138 Current Opinion in Cardiology journal 02684705, 15317080 0,82 Q2 76 107 295 2319 625 286 2,27 21,67 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1988-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2)
266 18503 Current Opinion in Cell Biology journal 09550674, 18790410 5,231 Q1 254 114 312 7206 2321 294 8,13 63,21 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1989-2020 Cell Biology (Q1)      
656 17399 Current Opinion in Chemical Biology journal 13675931, 18790402 3,011 Q1 179 122 355 7115 2677 321 9,04 58,32 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1997-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q1); Biochemistry (Q1)
3902 20500195210 Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering journal 22113398 1,067 Q1 41 84 228 4761 1004 204 4,41 56,68 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2011-2020 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1)    
3187 38138 Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care journal 13631950, 15353885 1,214 Q1 105 83 241 2520 946 229 3,81 30,36 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1998-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1)
1985 26884 Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science journal 13590294 1,601 Q1 140 88 233 7208 1501 214 7,03 81,91 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1996-2020 Colloid and Surface Chemistry (Q1); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q1); Polymers and Plastics (Q1); Surfaces and Interfaces (Q1)
3103 29627 Current Opinion in Critical Care journal 15317072, 10705295 1,233 Q1 85 105 263 4447 739 249 2,92 42,35 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1996-2020 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q1)
1698 21100857528 Current Opinion in Electrochemistry journal 24519103, 24519111 1,75 Q1 22 144 317 7331 1659 290 5,72 50,91 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2017-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q1); Electrochemistry (Q1)
20777 21100899564 Current Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic Research journal 24519650 0,164 Q4 2 88 34 4391 12 31 0,39 49,9 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2018-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4)
3866 5300152207 Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity journal 1752296X, 17522978 1,075 Q1 62 58 194 2439 713 182 3,78 42,05 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2007-2020 Internal Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Endocrinology (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q2)
2811 21100936579 Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health journal 24685844 1,316 Q1 12 66 71 3586 404 65 6,22 54,33 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2018-2020 Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
1354 19400158343 Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability journal 18773435 1,968 Q1 78 93 303 5738 1785 287 5,99 61,7 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2009-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
2323 21100370190 Current Opinion in Food Science journal 22147993 1,466 Q1 30 102 302 5301 1533 273 4,99 51,97 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2015-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q1); Food Science (Q1)
3309 28289 Current Opinion in Gastroenterology journal 02671379, 15317056 1,188 Q1 79 89 224 3085 642 203 3,49 34,66 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1990-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1)    
422 22080 Current Opinion in Genetics and Development journal 0959437X, 18790380 3,809 Q1 185 76 340 4364 1772 321 5,52 57,42 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1991-2020 Developmental Biology (Q1); Genetics (Q1)
3816 21100788800 Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry journal 24522236 1,083 Q1 20 82 207 4221 1016 186 5,67 51,48 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2016-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q1); Waste Management and Disposal (Q1); Catalysis (Q2)
2374 25932 Current Opinion in Hematology journal 15317048, 10656251 1,448 Q1 94 73 232 3669 739 223 3,17 50,26 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1994-2020 Hematology (Q1)      
1295 6300153105 Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS journal 1746630X 2,016 Q1 58 76 256 4014 1078 243 3,7 52,82 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2007-2020 Hematology (Q1); Immunology (Q1); Infectious Diseases (Q1); Oncology (Q1); Oncology (nursing) (Q1); Virology (Q1)
413 18797 Current Opinion in Immunology journal 9527915 3,86 Q1 186 99 336 5713 2392 307 7,55 57,71 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1988-2020 Immunology (Q1); Immunology and Allergy (Q1)
1686 21844 Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases journal 09517375, 14736527 1,759 Q1 99 96 250 4926 1063 235 4,73 51,31 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1988-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q1); Microbiology (medical) (Q1)
1171 21100325079 Current Opinion in Insect Science journal 22145745, 22145753 2,135 Q1 33 130 323 8088 1362 289 4,66 62,22 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Insect Science (Q1)
2167 23140 Current Opinion in Lipidology journal 14736535, 09579672 1,524 Q1 120 84 269 3068 833 198 3,97 36,52 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1990-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
329 19669 Current Opinion in Microbiology journal 18790364, 13695274 4,418 Q1 169 80 390 4478 2880 358 8,18 55,98 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1998-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q1); Microbiology (Q1); Microbiology (medical) (Q1)
3772 19849 Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension journal 14736543, 10624821 1,091 Q1 91 88 233 4600 651 222 2,53 52,27 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1992-2020 Internal Medicine (Q1); Nephrology (Q1)  
335 14992 Current Opinion in Neurobiology journal 09594388, 18736882 4,38 Q1 222 160 462 11115 2868 443 6,53 69,47 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1991-2020 Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
1862 14993 Current Opinion in Neurology journal 14736551, 13507540 1,657 Q1 115 128 316 6532 1415 293 4,71 51,03 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1993-2020 Neurology (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1)
4836 12661 Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology journal 1040872X, 1473656X 0,927 Q1 70 79 224 3124 559 214 2,23 39,54 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1989-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q1)
2956 29323 Current Opinion in Oncology journal 1531703X, 10408746 1,275 Q2 91 92 211 3306 629 195 3,27 35,93 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1989-2020 Cancer Research (Q2); Oncology (Q2)  
3118 13821 Current Opinion in Ophthalmology journal 10408738, 15317021 1,23 Q1 83 85 279 3665 870 267 3,29 43,12 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1990-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ophthalmology (Q1)
4454 29975 Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation journal 15317013, 10872418 0,981 Q2 47 122 287 5323 669 267 2,45 43,63 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2001-2020 Immunology and Allergy (Q2); Transplantation (Q2)
6944 13648 Current Opinion in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery journal 15316998, 10689508 0,702 Q2 60 86 245 2896 461 231 1,84 33,67 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1995-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Otorhinolaryngology (Q2); Surgery (Q2)
5194 14963 Current Opinion in Pediatrics journal 10408703, 1531698X 0,882 Q1 83 133 361 4584 918 334 2,29 34,47 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1989-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1)
1334 20681 Current Opinion in Pharmacology journal 14714973, 14714892 1,989 Q1 127 113 338 6463 1611 303 5 57,19 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2001-2020 Drug Discovery (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1)  
4445 21100871633 Current Opinion in Physiology journal 24688681, 24688673 0,983 Q2 8 117 105 6785 206 97 2,12 57,99 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2018-2020 Physiology (Q2); Physiology (medical) (Q2)
347 17924 Current Opinion in Plant Biology journal 18790356, 13695266 4,262 Q1 196 97 387 6433 3119 368 8,54 66,32 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1998-2020 Plant Science (Q1)      
1949 14994 Current Opinion in Psychiatry journal 14736578, 09517367 1,619 Q1 85 87 207 3902 961 196 4,7 44,85 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1988-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)  
1345 21100372442 Current Opinion in Psychology journal 2352250X 1,978 Q1 33 200 486 9782 2386 465 5,05 48,91 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2015-2020 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
5000 18449 Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine journal 15316971, 10705287 0,907 Q2 72 100 267 4126 707 254 2,71 41,26 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1995-2020 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q2)
2164 19209 Current Opinion in Rheumatology journal 15316963, 10408711 1,525 Q1 107 98 284 3282 1145 272 4,22 33,49 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1989-2020 Rheumatology (Q1)      
791 15378 Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science journal 13590286 2,716 Q1 107 29 90 3234 780 84 10,37 111,52 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1996-1999, 2001-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
371 17400 Current Opinion in Structural Biology journal 1879033X, 0959440X 4,07 Q1 197 166 412 10274 2560 375 7,11 61,89 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1991-2020 Molecular Biology (Q1); Structural Biology (Q1)
7677 12100155640 Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care journal 17514258, 17514266 0,642 Q2 36 67 197 1934 366 171 1,86 28,87 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2007-2020 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Oncology (nursing) (Q2); Oncology (Q3)
1577 21100857212 Current Opinion in Systems Biology journal 24523100 1,809 Q1 12 76 193 4997 484 171 2,83 65,75 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2017-2019 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Drug Discovery (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1)
5236 21100804457 Current Opinion in Toxicology journal 24682020 0,877 Q2 13 62 156 3991 441 144 2,64 64,37 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2016-2020 Toxicology (Q2)      
5188 19850 Current Opinion in Urology journal 09630643, 14736586 0,883 Q1 57 119 275 3416 580 261 2,28 28,71 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1993-2020 Urology (Q1)      
932 19900192509 Current Opinion in Virology journal 18796265, 18796257 2,455 Q1 62 80 350 5793 1610 312 4,89 72,41 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2011-2020 Virology (Q1)      
15318 21100831043 Current Optics and Photonics journal 25087266, 25087274 0,273 Q3 5 77 164 1797 138 163 0,85 23,34 South Korea Asiatic Region Optical Society of Korea 2017-2019 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q3)
11804 25836 Current Organic Chemistry journal 13852728, 18755348 0,398 Q3 100 149 546 18297 1011 499 1,99 122,8 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 1997-2019 Organic Chemistry (Q3)    
13451 4700152613 Current Organic Synthesis journal 15701794 0,33 Q3 44 82 250 5517 458 243 1,99 67,28 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2005-2019 Organic Chemistry (Q3); Biochemistry (Q4)
18333 21100855815 Current Organocatalysis journal 22133372, 22133380 0,203 Q4 8 26 64 1554 63 60 1,03 59,77 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2014-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q4); Catalysis (Q4); Organic Chemistry (Q4)
20490 12600154710 Current Orthopaedic Practice journal 19417551, 19407041 0,168 Q4 20 118 377 2689 77 336 0,2 22,79 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2008-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4)  
3381 4000148405 Current Osteoporosis Reports journal 15442241, 15441873 1,171 Q1 52 58 196 5211 820 191 3,99 89,84 United States Northern America Current Science, Inc. 2003-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1)
21920 14984 Current Paediatric Research journal 9719032 0,148 Q4 7 29 207 563 63 202 0,33 19,41 India Asiatic Region Scientific Publishers of India 1998-2019 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4)
6395 14995 Current Pain and Headache Reports journal 15343081, 15313433 0,753 Q2 59 91 207 4661 662 206 3,11 51,22 United States Northern America Current Science, Inc. 2001-2020 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q2)
4489 21100901148 Current Pathobiology Reports journal 2167485X 0,974 Q1 21 14 89 1073 194 86 2,19 76,64 United States Northern America Springer US 2013-2020 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1); Cancer Research (Q3); Cell Biology (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
12750 4700152439 Current Pediatric Reviews journal 15733963 0,357 Q3 19 32 98 1931 122 85 1,41 60,34 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2019 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q3)
25411 14241 Current Perspectives in Social Theory book series 2781204 0,116 Q4 8 0 10 0 2 10 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2002-2003, 2005-2006, 2008-2016 Sociology and Political Science (Q4)  
14862 4700152426 Current Pharmaceutical Analysis journal 15734129 0,286 Q2 23 89 217 2773 184 214 0,89 31,16 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q2); Biophysics (Q3); Biochemistry (Q4); Molecular Medicine (Q4)
9835 15581 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology journal 13892010, 18734316 0,497 Q2 81 135 390 8715 766 357 2,2 64,56 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2000-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q2); Biotechnology (Q3)
8176 20682 Current Pharmaceutical Design journal 13816128, 18734286 0,606 Q2 149 450 1769 45559 4096 1640 2,26 101,24 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 1995-2020 Drug Discovery (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2)  
25412 17700156434 Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine journal 18756913, 18756921 0,116 Q4 18 0 51 0 14 45 0,33 0 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2008-2018 Genetics (Q4); Genetics (clinical) (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4); Molecular Medicine (Q4); Pharmacology (Q4)
8072 21100793213 Current Pharmacology Reports journal 2198641X 0,612 Q2 17 44 117 3689 241 114 1,65 83,84 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2020 Drug Discovery (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2); Biochemistry (Q3); Genetics (Q3)
5491 21100356807 Current Plant Biology journal 22146628 0,848 Q1 12 34 67 2019 124 58 1,72 59,38 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Plant Science (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3); Developmental Biology (Q3); Genetics (Q3)
3368 21100873342 Current Pollution Reports journal 21986592 1,174 Q1 16 30 76 3264 375 68 3,69 108,8 Germany Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2020 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Pollution (Q1); Waste Management and Disposal (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1)
2406 29325 Current Problems in Cancer journal 01470272, 15356345 1,433 Q1 34 90 117 2562 387 106 3,3 28,47 United States Northern America Mosby Inc. 1976-2020 Oncology (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2)  
4072 23141 Current Problems in Cardiology journal 01462806, 15356280 1,039 Q1 46 53 72 2461 123 37 3,11 46,43 United States Northern America Mosby Inc. 1976-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
7073 97637 Current Problems in Dermatology journal 14215721, 16622944 0,69 Q2 33 0 106 0 211 99 1,7 0 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1971, 1973, 1976, 1978, 1980-1981, 1983-1987, 1989-1991, 1993, 1995-1996, 1998-1999, 2001-2003, 2006-2018 Dermatology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
11127 16643 Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology journal 15356302, 03630188 0,431 Q3 29 160 226 4023 283 189 1,24 25,14 United States Northern America Mosby Inc. 1976-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3)
9133 14985 Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care journal 15383199, 15385442 0,542 Q2 40 51 151 2024 219 101 1,71 39,69 United States Northern America Mosby Inc. 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2)
9797 21062 Current Problems in Surgery journal 15356337, 00113840 0,5 Q2 43 36 108 1699 66 37 1,88 47,19 United States Northern America Mosby Inc. 1964-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Surgery (Q2)
18845 21100854153 Current Problems of Psychiatry journal 23538627, 20813910 0,194 Q4 1 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 Poland Eastern Europe Medical University of Lublin 2014, 2016 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
7337 17401 Current Protein and Peptide Science journal 13892037, 18755550 0,666 Q2 78 121 324 11284 692 292 2,42 93,26 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2000-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Biochemistry (Q3); Cell Biology (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
16821 130076 Current Proteomics journal 15701646 0,234 Q4 22 46 117 2449 103 112 0,75 53,24 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2005-2020 Biochemistry (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)
301 11600154092 Current Protocols in Bioinformatics journal 19343396, 1934340X 4,743 Q1 52 20 59 659 555 59 2,36 32,95 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2002-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Structural Biology (Q1)
3274 10600153340 Current Protocols in Cell Biology journal 19342616, 19342500 1,194 Q1 36 26 62 814 82 62 1,08 31,31 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2001-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2)
5258 21100382461 Current protocols in chemical biology journal 21604762 0,875 Q1 11 16 52 0 70 52 1,03 0 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2013-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
11304 12100157156 Current Protocols in Cytometry journal 19349297, 19349300 0,422 Q2 24 13 45 468 64 44 1,52 36 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2001-2020 Medical Laboratory Technology (Q2); Biochemistry (Q3); Histology (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
17118 19700182321 Current Protocols in Essential Laboratory Techniques journal 19483430 0,228 Q3 7 8 27 388 17 27 0,84 48,5 Germany Western Europe Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & CO. KGaA 2010-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q3); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)
4346 11700154206 Current Protocols in Human Genetics journal 19348266, 19348258 0,999 Q1 26 14 70 625 125 70 1,58 44,64 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2001-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Genetics (Q2); Genetics (clinical) (Q2)
6795 11600154504 Current Protocols in Immunology journal 19343671, 1934368X 0,716 Q2 39 23 57 775 107 55 1,63 33,7 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2001-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Immunology (Q3)
6460 12100156717 Current Protocols in Microbiology journal 19348525, 19348533 0,747 Q2 30 20 65 666 83 65 1,33 33,3 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Parasitology (Q2); Microbiology (Q3); Virology (Q3)
4256 10600153354 Current Protocols in Molecular Biology journal 19343639, 19343647 1,011 Q1 38 30 69 605 137 69 1,68 20,17 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2001-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q2)
1613 21100414801 Current protocols in mouse biology journal 21612617 1,794 Q1 12 8 53 0 160 53 2,41 0 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2014-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
5430 11600153416 Current Protocols in Neuroscience journal 19348584, 19348576 0,855 Q2 37 21 54 698 85 54 1,7 33,24 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2001-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q3)
16614 11600153417 Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry journal 19349270, 19349289 0,239 Q3 15 23 64 651 51 64 0,84 28,3 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2000-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Biochemistry (Q4); Organic Chemistry (Q4)
8110 21100198011 Current Protocols in Pharmacology journal 19348282, 19348290 0,61 Q2 24 13 48 479 81 48 1,03 36,85 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2001-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2)
8617 21100855826 Current protocols in plant biology journal 23798068 0,575 Q2 3 14 28 0 28 28 1 0 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2017-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
2899 11600153418 Current Protocols in Protein Science journal 19343655, 19343663 1,291 Q1 28 20 75 787 196 70 2,2 39,35 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2001-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Structural Biology (Q2)
7961 12300154703 Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology journal 19388969, 19417322 0,62 Q2 26 27 65 661 93 65 1,33 24,48 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2007-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3); Developmental Biology (Q3)
8843 19700188399 Current protocols in toxicology / editorial board, Mahin D. Maines (editor-in-chief) ... [et al.] journal 19349254, 19349262 0,561 Q2 22 21 58 645 85 58 1,31 30,71 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2001-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Toxicology (Q3)
22370 19700188358 Current Psychiatry journal 15378276 0,142 Q4 9 109 358 1721 60 251 0,29 15,79 United States Northern America Quadrant Healthcom Inc. 2011-2019 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)  
1492 15011 Current Psychiatry Reports journal 15351645, 15233812 1,859 Q1 70 135 343 10592 1823 341 5,26 78,46 United States Northern America Current Science, Inc. 1996, 1999-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)  
15810 21100936011 Current Psychiatry Research and Reviews journal 26660822, 26660830 0,26 Q3 24 32 103 2253 57 92 0,43 70,41 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2019 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)  
9688 13479 Current Psychology journal 19364733, 10461310 0,506 Q2 39 634 569 36175 731 272 3,04 57,06 United States Northern America Springer New York 1981-1982, 1984-2020 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
21839 21100782803 Current Psychopharmacology journal 22115560, 22115579 0,149 Q4 3 0 16 0 5 16 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2012, 2015-2016 Pharmacology (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
17318 21100873119 Current Radiology Reports journal 21674825 0,224 Q4 13 32 177 1413 113 177 0,68 44,16 United States Northern America Springer US 2013-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
10809 19700175244 Current Radiopharmaceuticals journal 18744710, 18744729 0,447 Q3 24 26 91 1385 161 83 2,16 53,27 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2009-2020 Pharmacology (Q3); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3)
26571 21100852105 Current Regenerative Medicine journal 24684244, 24684252 0,109 Q4 1 0 11 0 2 10 0,11 0 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2016-2017 Cell Biology (Q4); Developmental Biology (Q4); Developmental Neuroscience (Q4)
25819 11600154631 Current Research in Earth Sciences journal 21579970 0,113 Q4 9 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 United States Northern America Kansas Geological Survey 1997-2002, 2004-2010, 2012-2013, 2015-2017 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q4); Geology (Q4); Paleontology (Q4); Stratigraphy (Q4)
16216 21100827441 Current Research in Environmental and Applied Mycology journal 22292225 0,249 Q3 4 18 83 723 38 83 0,46 40,17 China Asiatic Region Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Institute of Plant and Environment Protection 2017-2019 Ecology (Q3); Plant Science (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Infectious Diseases (Q4); Microbiology (Q4)
17405 21100790932 Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science journal 2347467X, 23220007 0,222 Q3 10 90 192 3346 169 190 0,77 37,18 India Asiatic Region Enviro Research Publishers 2013-2019 Food Science (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
22222 13480 Current Research in Social Psychology journal 10887423 0,144 Q4 21 0 18 0 5 18 0,08 0 United States Northern America University of Iowa 1996-2018 Social Psychology (Q4)    
28054 21100870934 Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface book series 14727870 0,102 Q4 5 0 14 0 1 13 0,08 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2016, 2018 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)
5924 21100467356 Current Research in Translational Medicine journal 24523186 0,799 Q2 57 28 83 1002 194 71 2,51 35,79 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 2016-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
22647 4700152435 Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews journal 1573398X 0,139 Q4 12 43 111 2271 35 95 0,51 52,81 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2019 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q4)
2609 8300153105 Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine journal 19359748 1,37 Q1 34 66 213 3582 737 209 3,37 54,27 United States Northern America Humana Press 2008-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1)  
2593 19212 Current Rheumatology Reports journal 15346307, 15233774 1,375 Q1 65 76 244 4602 992 243 3,92 60,55 United States Northern America Current Science, Inc. 1999-2020 Rheumatology (Q1)      
10074 4700152450 Current Rheumatology Reviews journal 15733971 0,484 Q3 20 46 104 2347 154 102 1,34 51,02 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Rheumatology (Q3)      
16653 20699 Current Science journal 113891 0,238 Q2 110 649 2245 14727 1314 1494 0,85 22,69 India Asiatic Region Indian Academy of Sciences 1945-1951, 1973-1989, 1993-2020 Multidisciplinary (Q2)    
22371 5800173390 Current Signal Transduction Therapy journal 15743624 0,142 Q4 17 21 51 721 24 46 0,64 34,33 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2007-2019 Endocrinology (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
5894 21100854644 Current Sleep Medicine Reports journal 21986401 0,802 Q2 10 30 13 2086 34 13 4,5 69,53 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2017, 2019-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q2); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q2); Neurology (Q3)
6134 100147030 Current Sociology journal 00113921, 14617064 0,778 Q1 59 77 191 4060 397 177 2,16 52,73 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1952-1965, 1967-1969, 1972-1984, 1986-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q1)  
9758 19835 Current Sports Medicine Reports journal 15378918, 1537890X 0,502 Q2 47 109 316 2784 365 250 1,44 25,54 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2002-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3); Sports Science (Q3)
6610 21100854817 Current Stem Cell Reports journal 21987866 0,733 Q3 12 18 121 1631 272 121 1,82 90,61 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2020 Cell Biology (Q3); Developmental Biology (Q3); Genetics (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
8589 5800173384 Current Stem Cell Research and Therapy journal 1574888X 0,577 Q2 48 76 226 4652 449 208 2,18 61,21 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
24121 21100941154 Current Surgery Reports journal 21674817 0,125 Q4 2 23 1 1299 1 1 1 56,48 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2018-2020 Surgery (Q4)      
20491 21100225852 Current Swedish Archaeology journal 11027355 0,168 Q2 7 0 34 0 11 30 0,4 0 Sweden Western Europe Svenska Arkeologiska Samfundet, Goteborgs universitet 2011-2018 Archeology (Q2); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q2)
10786 12328 Current Therapeutic Research journal 0011393X, 18790313 0,448 Q3 37 33 47 1213 72 43 1,65 36,76 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1959-2020 Pharmacology (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
24122 59522 Current Therapeutics journal 0311905X 0,125 Q4 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Australia Pacific Region ADIS Press 1974-1988, 1992, 1994, 1996-2002 Pharmacology (Q4)      
25820 21100853562 Current Tissue Engineering journal 22115420, 22115439 0,113 Q4 2 0 4 0 2 4 0 0 United States Northern America Bentham Science Publishers 2014-2016 Health Informatics (Q4); Health Information Management (Q4)
1900 19700188391 Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences journal 18663389, 18663370 1,637 Q1 50 43 237 6089 908 34 52,8 141,6 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2009-2020 Behavioral Neuroscience (Q1)    
23815 21100904316 Current Topics in Electrochemistry journal 9724443 0,127 Q4 2 0 23 0 6 23 0,26 0 India Asiatic Region Research Trends 2017-2018 Catalysis (Q4); Electrochemistry (Q4); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q4)
6032 12331 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry journal 15680266, 18734294 0,788 Q2 111 231 803 22201 2471 693 3,23 96,11 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2001-2020 Drug Discovery (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
2633 19671 Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology journal 0070217X, 21969965 1,363 Q1 115 59 308 6373 932 48 677 108,02 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1967-2019 Microbiology (Q1); Microbiology (medical) (Q1); Immunology (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q2)
16062 30053 Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research journal 15407535 0,253 Q3 18 0 21 0 17 21 8 0 United States Northern America New Century Health Publishers 2004-2016, 2018 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q3)
24513 13000154716 Current Topics in Peptide and Protein Research journal 9724524 0,124 Q4 6 9 34 246 9 34 0,2 27,33 India Asiatic Region Research Trends 2007, 2009-2019 Biochemistry (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)
25092 9100153105 Current Topics in Pharmacology journal 9724559 0,119 Q4 5 0 27 0 7 27 0,26 0 India Asiatic Region Research Trends 2006-2018 Pharmacology (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
23598 13000154717 Current Topics in Toxicology journal 9728228 0,129 Q4 6 16 24 465 5 24 0,38 29,06 India Asiatic Region Research Trends 2007-2009, 2011-2019 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q4); Toxicology (Q4)
1347 18504 Current Topis in Membranes book series 10635823 1,972 Q1 36 22 72 2595 240 48 6,67 117,95 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1991, 1994, 2000-2003, 2005-2020 Cell Biology (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)  
18334 21100854828 Current Traditional Medicine journal 22150846, 22150838 0,203 Q3 1 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2015-2016 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q3); Drug Discovery (Q4)
20687 21100854825 Current Trauma Reports journal 21986096 0,165 Q4 6 28 119 1317 52 119 0,45 47,04 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4); Rehabilitation (Q4); Surgery (Q4)
7225 23154 Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine journal 15343189, 10928464 0,676 Q2 26 95 275 6046 485 275 1,91 63,64 United States Northern America Current Science, Inc. 2004-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2)
4113 15013 Current Treatment Options in Neurology journal 10928480, 15343138 1,034 Q2 41 66 156 4575 538 156 3,45 69,32 United States Northern America Current Science, Inc. 2004-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q2)    
2830 29326 Current Treatment Options in Oncology journal 15346277, 15272729 1,31 Q1 50 87 223 5657 818 218 3,87 65,02 United States Northern America Springer New York 2000-2020 Pharmacology (medical) (Q1); Oncology (Q2)
13036 21100854820 Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics journal 21986088 0,346 Q3 3 40 7 2257 8 6 0 56,43 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2017, 2019-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q3)
9514 21100900600 Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry journal 21963061 0,516 Q2 12 36 94 2186 112 92 1,1 60,72 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2014-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
13776 21100854824 Current Treatment Options in Rheumatology journal 21986002 0,32 Q3 3 0 8 0 8 8 0 0 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2016 Rheumatology (Q3); Immunology (Q4); Immunology and Allergy (Q4)
24872 17300154738 Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy journal 22307303, 09738916 0,121 Q4 11 42 102 1755 29 102 0,32 41,79 India Asiatic Region Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy 2009-2020 Biotechnology (Q4); Drug Discovery (Q4); Pharmaceutical Science (Q4)
20630 7200153193 Current Trends in Immunology journal 9724567 0,166 Q4 6 4 45 156 11 45 0,18 39 India Asiatic Region Research Trends 2006-2009, 2011-2019 Immunology (Q4); Immunology and Allergy (Q4)
10688 21100854885 Current Tropical Medicine Reports journal 21963045 0,453 Q3 16 28 102 2015 84 101 0,57 71,96 Germany Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2014-2020 Immunology and Allergy (Q3); Infectious Diseases (Q3)
13388 19700174915 Current Urology journal 16617649, 16617657 0,332 Q3 12 54 119 1220 118 114 1 22,59 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2008-2020 Oncology (Q3); Reproductive Medicine (Q3); Urology (Q3)
5313 19851 Current Urology Reports journal 15346285, 15272737 0,869 Q1 40 86 302 4036 741 300 2,57 46,93 United States Northern America Current Science, Inc. 2000-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Urology (Q1)
8865 23155 Current Vascular Pharmacology journal 15701611, 18756212 0,559 Q2 57 51 257 3613 443 216 2,14 70,84 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2003-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Pharmacology (Q3)
20099 4700152611 Current Women's Health Reviews journal 15734048 0,174 Q3 13 47 74 1711 35 66 0,63 36,4 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q3)  
25821 21100854215 Current World Environment journal 09734929, 23208031 0,113 Q4 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 India Asiatic Region Oriental Scientific Publishing Company 2014, 2016 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29552 21100406697 Current Writing journal 1013929X, 21599130 0,1 Q4 8 17 53 335 4 46 0,13 19,71 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1989-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
4081 17600155124 Current Zoology journal 16745507 1,038 Q1 34 2 253 136 528 235 2,08 68 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2009-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1)  
12726 19500157042 Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning journal 18771297 0,358 Q2 17 209 511 4696 523 469 1,18 22,47 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 2009-2020 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacy (Q2)
18221 19400158662 Curriculo sem Fronteiras journal 16451384 0,205 Q3 6 34 137 970 16 132 0,13 28,53 Portugal Western Europe Edicoes Pedago 2009-2019 Education (Q3)      
27068 5700171852 Curriculum and Teaching journal 0726416X 0,106 Q4 4 12 35 470 6 29 0,16 39,17 Australia Pacific Region James Nicholas Publishers, Pty. Ltd 2014-2019 Education (Q4)      
5485 4000148501 Curriculum Inquiry journal 1467873X, 03626784 0,849 Q1 36 33 110 1726 143 92 1,68 52,3 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1976-2020 Education (Q1)      
5102 19700200808 Curriculum Journal journal 09585176, 14693704 0,895 Q1 33 38 101 1943 162 90 1,79 51,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1990-2020 Education (Q1)      
21179 21100463164 Curriculum Matters journal 22532129, 11771828 0,158 Q4 2 0 16 0 2 15 0 0 New Zealand Pacific Region New Zealand Council for Educational Research Press 2015-2017 Education (Q4)      
14163 17600155211 Curriculum Perspectives journal 1597868 0,307 Q3 9 29 71 1004 46 59 0,9 34,62 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 1980-1994, 1996-2003, 2006-2020 Education (Q3)      
11090 21100910579 Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education journal 25742981, 2574299X 0,433 Q2 15 21 61 890 54 53 0,89 42,38 United States Northern America Routledge 2018-2020 Education (Q2); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3)
9965 21100854429 Curved and Layered Structures journal 23537396 0,49 Q1 14 20 60 796 113 60 1,95 39,8 Poland Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2014-2019 Architecture (Q1); Aerospace Engineering (Q2); Building and Construction (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Computational Mechanics (Q2); Mechanics of Materials (Q2); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q2)
18159 19700174746 Custos e Agronegocio journal 18082882 0,206 Q3 6 104 269 3941 92 268 0,35 37,89 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco 2009-2019 Accounting (Q3); Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3)
11165 130016 Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology journal 15569527, 15569535 0,429 Q3 27 62 206 2057 290 200 1,42 33,18 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1982-2000, 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Toxicology (Q3)
15475 24315 Cutis journal 00114162, 23266929 0,269 Q3 52 264 739 2218 347 522 0,69 8,4 United States Northern America Quadrant Healthcom Inc. 1970, 1973-2020 Dermatology (Q3)      
21995 21100912972 Cutter business technology journal journal 24753718, 24753742 0,147 Q4 2 54 138 448 18 132 0,15 8,3 United States Northern America Cutter Consortium 2016-2019 Business and International Management (Q4); Computer Science Applications (Q4); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q4); Software (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
26907 27873 Cutter IT Journal journal 15227383 0,107 Q4 14 0 54 0 6 54 0 0 United States Northern America Cutter Consortium 1996-2016 Software (Q4)      
29553 22615 Cutting Tool Engineering trade journal 114189 0,1 Q4 7 91 279 0 0 279 0 0 United States Northern America CTE Publications 1969-1988, 1995-2019 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
21331 4800156303 CyberGeo journal 12783366 0,156 Q3 14 43 122 2391 39 122 0,29 55,6 France Western Europe Geographie-Cites 1997-1998, 2000-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
14067 21100199814 Cybernetics and Information Technologies journal 13119702, 13144081 0,31 Q2 14 39 204 1318 276 198 1,67 33,79 Bulgaria Eastern Europe Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 2011-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
15427 21100818722 Cybernetics and Physics journal 22237038, 22264116 0,27 Q3 6 43 79 1007 65 78 0,81 23,42 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering, Russian Academy of Sciences 2016-2019 Artificial Intelligence (Q3); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q3); Control and Optimization (Q3); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q3); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q3); Signal Processing (Q3)
11242 12931 Cybernetics and Systems journal 10876553, 01969722 0,425 Q2 37 41 102 1244 212 98 2,08 30,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1980-2020 Information Systems (Q2); Software (Q2); Artificial Intelligence (Q3)
14451 12933 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis journal 15738337, 10600396 0,298 Q2 22 107 312 1950 249 310 0,85 18,22 United States Northern America Springer New York 1978-1980, 1991-2001, 2003, 2005-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
14341 21100899307 Cyber-Physical Systems journal 23335785 0,301 Q3 7 13 22 581 46 22 2,06 44,69 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2020 Computational Mechanics (Q3); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q3); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q3)
7237 19900192615 Cyberpsychology journal 18027962 0,675 Q1 19 22 79 1431 154 71 2,15 65,05 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Masaryk University Press 2011-2020 Communication (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Information Systems (Q2); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
2672 19700176047 Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking journal 21522715, 21522723 1,352 Q1 133 144 407 3934 1203 318 3,18 27,32 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2010-2020 Applied Psychology (Q1); Communication (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Human-Computer Interaction (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Social Psychology (Q1)
12467 12065 Cybium journal 21010315, 03990974 0,368 Q2 29 32 116 1141 78 113 0,61 35,66 France Western Europe Societe Francaise d'Ichtyologie 1996-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
17853 21100896881 Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences journal 13059076, 1305905X 0,212 Q3 2 64 62 2397 27 58 0,47 37,45 Cyprus Western Europe Birlesik Dunya Yenilik Arastirma ve yayincilik Merkezi 2018-2019 Education (Q3)      
18953 145698 Cyprus Review journal 10152881 0,192 Q3 14 23 49 907 17 44 0,38 39,43 Cyprus Western Europe University of Nicosia 1996-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
9470 19700201670 CYTA - Journal of Food journal 19476345, 19476337 0,519 Q2 22 115 302 4812 613 302 1,89 41,84 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2009-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Food Science (Q2); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2)
8671 22081 Cytogenetic and Genome Research journal 14248581, 1424859X 0,572 Q3 85 88 250 2892 333 234 1,37 32,86 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1962-1997, 2002-2020 Genetics (Q3); Genetics (clinical) (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
12603 130172 CytoJournal journal 09745963, 17426413 0,363 Q3 26 26 79 500 58 65 0,75 19,23 India Asiatic Region Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 2004-2019 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q3)  
3802 22083 Cytokine journal 10960023, 10434666 1,086 Q1 110 300 869 16344 2517 849 2,85 54,48 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1989-2020 Hematology (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2); Immunology (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
946 17421 Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews journal 18790305, 13596101 2,432 Q1 152 43 178 5313 1118 172 6,06 123,56 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1990-1992, 1994-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Immunology (Q1); Immunology and Allergy (Q1)
30306 21100900279 Cytokine: X journal 25901532   - 0 9 0 483 0 0 0 53,67 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 2019-2020 Biochemistry; Hematology; Immunology; Immunology and Allergy; Molecular Biology
15206 18508 Cytologia journal 114545 0,276 Q3 27 65 241 1766 163 227 0,82 27,17 Japan Asiatic Region Japan Mendel Society 1929-1944, 1947, 1949-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q3); Plant Science (Q3); Cell Biology (Q4); Genetics (Q4)
18894 19061 Cytology and Genetics journal 00954527, 19349440 0,193 Q4 10 63 181 2201 96 178 0,54 34,94 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1978, 1982, 1984, 1988-1989, 2009-2020 Genetics (Q4); Genetics (clinical) (Q4); Histology (Q4)
3132 18517 Cytometry Part A journal 15524922, 15524930 1,227 Q1 84 154 384 5894 1137 286 3,47 38,27 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Liss Inc. 2003-2020 Histology (Q1); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2)
4948 18518 Cytometry Part B - Clinical Cytometry journal 15524957, 15524949 0,912 Q1 59 75 258 2043 562 229 2,24 27,24 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 2002-2020 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1); Histology (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3)
10710 18520 Cytopathology journal 13652303, 09565507 0,452 Q3 46 134 303 2389 325 240 1,43 17,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1990-2020 Histology (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q3)
3169 19600166416 Cytoskeleton journal 19493592, 19493584 1,218 Q2 83 62 143 3678 299 134 1,6 59,32 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 2010-2020 Cell Biology (Q2); Structural Biology (Q2)  
9294 18523 Cytotechnology journal 09209069, 15730778 0,531 Q2 56 95 469 3955 888 465 1,75 41,63 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1987-2020 Bioengineering (Q2); Biomedical Engineering (Q2); Biotechnology (Q2); Clinical Biochemistry (Q3); Cell Biology (Q4)
3104 25935 Cytotherapy journal 14772566, 14653249 1,233 Q1 81 109 426 6045 1560 379 3,9 55,46 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1999-2020 Transplantation (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2); Cell Biology (Q2); Genetics (clinical) (Q2); Immunology (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q2); Oncology (Q2)
28623 21100905397 Czas Kultury journal 8672148 0,101 Q4 0 34 57 531 0 40 0 15,62 Poland Eastern Europe Stowarzyszenie Czasu Kultury 2018-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28624 28038 Czasopismo Geographiczne journal 459453 0,101 Q4 8 0 20 0 0 19 0 0 Poland Eastern Europe University of Wroclaw 1978-2013, 2015-2017 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
12298 66860 Czech Journal of Animal Science journal 18059309, 12121819 0,375 Q2 33 44 187 1336 205 187 0,81 30,36 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences 1998-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2)  
13199 21964 Czech Journal of Food Sciences journal 12121800, 18059317 0,339 Q3 37 61 189 1797 234 189 1 29,46 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences 1999, 2005-2019 Food Science (Q3)      
13857 5700165213 Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding journal 12121975, 18059325 0,317 Q3 16 18 73 539 61 73 0,68 29,94 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2007-2020 Plant Science (Q3); Genetics (Q4)  
13389 21100839164 Czech Mycology journal 12110981, 18051421 0,332 Q3 4 6 38 260 18 38 0,48 43,33 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Scientific Society for Mycology 2016-2019 Ecology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
18729 21100413803 Czech Polar Reports journal 18050689, 18050697 0,196 Q3 6 10 75 397 41 74 0,65 39,7 Czech Republic Eastern Europe EMUNI Press 2014-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
24124 21100446425 Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law book series 18050565, 18050999 0,125 Q4 2 36 108 0 5 66 0,12 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Society of International Law 2015-2019 Law (Q4)        
24123 27480 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics journal 114626 0,125 Q4 35 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1952-2006, 2016 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q4)
12892 25840 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal journal 00114642, 15729141 0,352 Q3 27 96 238 1685 118 231 0,47 17,55 United States Northern America Springer New York 1995-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
29557 21100810617 D and RS 2016 - Decommissioning and Remote Systems conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 3 0 74 0 5 72 0 0 United States Northern America   Condensed Matter Physics; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
18846 21100789943 DAA 2016 - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Social Learning and Multimodal Interaction for Designing Artificial Agents conference and proceedings - 0,194 - 1 0 6 0 4 5 0 0 United States Northern America   Information Systems    
28625 21100224428 Dacoromania journal 15824438 0,101 Q3 2 6 35 131 0 35 0 21,83 Romania Eastern Europe Editura Academiei Romane 2011-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
16569 25953 Dados journal 16784588, 00115258 0,24 Q3 24 29 94 1359 38 88 0,4 46,86 Brazil Latin America Inst. Univ. de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro 1996-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
12328 14432 Daedalus journal 00115266, 15486192 0,374 Q2 53 43 156 1494 158 145 1,2 34,74 United States Northern America MIT Press Journals 1965, 1968-1989, 1992-1996, 1998-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); History and Philosophy of Science (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
21180 21100204105 Daimon journal 11300507, 19894651 0,158 Q2 4 43 225 1268 14 222 0,06 29,49 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Murcia. Departamento de Filosofia y Lgica. 2011-2019 Philosophy (Q2)      
29554 21976 Dairy Industries International journal 3088197 0,1 Q4 6 95 392 1 1 237 0,01 0,01 United Kingdom Western Europe United Trade Press Ltd. 1976, 1979, 1981, 1996-2019 Food Science (Q4)      
6150 11300153742 Dairy Science and Technology journal 19585594, 19585586 0,776 Q1 40 0 63 0 186 60 3,14 0 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2007-2017 Food Science (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2)  
29555 24887 Dalhousie Review journal 115827 0,1 Q4 4 17 105 23 2 92 0,02 1,35 Canada Northern America Dalhousie University Press, Ltd. 1973, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1999, 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4); Philosophy (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
21332 6600153203 Dalian Haishi Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Dalian Maritime University journal 10067736 0,156 Q3 9 70 233 1406 73 233 0,35 20,09 China Asiatic Region Editorial Office of Journal of Dalian Maritime University 2007-2019 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Ocean Engineering (Q3)
20904 20702 Dalian Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Dalian University of Technology journal 10008608 0,162 Q3 16 88 284 1558 78 284 0,29 17,7 China Asiatic Region Dalian University of Technology 1994-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Applied Mathematics (Q4); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q4)
4010 9500153949 Dalton Transactions journal 14779226, 14779234 1,048 Q1 177 2168 5845 112676 23654 5775 4,19 51,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2002-2020 Inorganic Chemistry (Q1)    
27272 21100788286 Dams - Benefits and Disbenefits; Assets or Liabilities? - Proceedings of the 19th Biennial Conference of the British Dam Society conference and proceedings - 0,105 - 2 0 40 0 1 38 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe   Instrumentation; Signal Processing  
21097 19700182026 Dams and Reservoirs journal 17568404, 13681494 0,159 Q4 3 24 72 257 7 65 0,17 10,71 United Kingdom Western Europe ICE Publishing Ltd. 2010-2019 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4)
24984 16300154798 Dance Chronicle journal 15324257, 01472526 0,12 Q2 7 15 49 174 6 46 0,1 11,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1977-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)  
28626 16200154774 Dance Magazine journal 116009 0,101 Q4 3 128 76 0 0 30 0 0 United States Northern America Macfadden Performing Arts Media, LLC. 2002-2015, 2017-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)  
25656 6500153200 Dance Research journal 2642875 0,114 Q2 8 13 33 739 4 32 0,18 56,85 United Kingdom Western Europe Edinburgh University Press 2009-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)  
15728 19900193975 Dance Research Journal journal 01497677, 1940509X 0,262 Q1 16 22 75 786 15 62 0,26 35,73 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1975-1985, 1987-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1)  
29556 16200154779 Dancing Times journal 0011605X 0,1 Q4 1 241 883 25 0 367 0 0,1 United Kingdom Western Europe Dancing Times Ltd. 2002-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)  
17028 53104 Dandao Xuebao/Journal of Ballistics journal 1004499X 0,23 Q3 13 64 195 735 65 195 0,36 11,48 China Asiatic Region Nanjing University of Science and Technology 2001-2019 Mechanical Engineering (Q3)    
25822 57702 Danish Hydraulics journal 1095110 0,113 Q4 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Denmark Western Europe Danish Hydraulics Institute 1984-1986, 1988, 1995-1999 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
11193 21100201787 Danish Medical Journal journal 22451919 0,427 Q3 47 59 335 1006 371 332 1 17,05 Denmark Western Europe Almindelige Danske Laegeforening 2012-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
22145 21100825530 Danish Yearbook of Philosophy book series 00702749, 24689300 0,145 Q2 2 9 27 214 4 24 0,31 23,78 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2011-2013, 2015-2019 Philosophy (Q2)      
28627 21100223318 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift journal 19023898, 01053191 0,101 Q4 2 6 40 134 0 32 0 22,33 Denmark Western Europe Forlaget Anis 2011-2016, 2018-2019 Religious Studies (Q4)    
27510 5800207973 Danske Talesprog book series 16006038 0,104 Q3 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 Denmark Western Europe Museum Tusculanum Press 2017-2018 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
19244 21100237213 Danube journal 18048285, 18046746 0,188 Q3 7 11 45 311 17 45 0,48 28,27 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2010-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3); Law (Q3)
29558 21100292886 Danubius journal 12205052 0,1 Q4 1 0 83 0 2 78 0,02 0 Romania Eastern Europe Muzeul de Istorie Galati 2013-2017 Archeology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4); History (Q4)
14038 7000153254 Dao journal 15697274, 15403009 0,311 Q1 13 37 97 952 29 93 0,28 25,73 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2007-2020 Philosophy (Q1)      
22648 14680 Daphnis journal 18796583, 0300693X 0,139 Q1 4 44 76 1694 9 74 0,19 38,5 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1973, 2002-2012, 2015-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
9271 20710 DARU, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences journal 15608115, 20082231 0,532 Q2 39 82 79 4804 198 67 2,93 58,59 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2000-2020 Drug Discovery (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (Q3)
15398 17944 Darwiniana journal 00116793, 18501699 0,271 Q3 20 23 49 772 22 49 0,3 33,57 Argentina Latin America Instituto de Botanica Darwinion 1985-1986, 1989-1990, 1992-1993, 1995-2019 Plant Science (Q3)      
26079 24794 Das Argument journal 41157 0,112 Q3 3 45 176 493 6 164 0,04 10,96 Germany Western Europe Argument-Verlag 1979, 2011, 2013-2019 Philosophy (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
12015 21100924372 Data journal 23065729 0,388 Q2 11 149 127 4988 276 125 2,47 33,48 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2016-2020 Information Systems and Management (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q3); Information Systems (Q3)
26244 21100781866 DATA 2016 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications conference and proceedings - 0,111 - 3 0 25 0 7 23 0 0 Portugal Western Europe   Information Systems; Information Systems and Management
8686 24437 Data and Knowledge Engineering journal 0169023X 0,571 Q2 82 53 134 2148 362 128 2,69 40,53 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1985, 1987-2020 Information Systems and Management (Q2)
4102 4900152206 Data Base for Advances in Information Systems journal 00950033, 15320936 1,035 Q1 55 31 78 1522 138 66 2,02 49,1 United States Northern America Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) 1969-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q1); Management Information Systems (Q1)
27273 21100372856 Data in Brief journal 23523409 0,105 Q4 23 1262 3134 10356 2977 5 587 8,21 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Education (Q4); Multidisciplinary (Q4)  
3991 13579 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal 13845810, 1573756X 1,052 Q1 96 63 168 3019 850 164 4,43 47,92 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1997-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Information Systems (Q1)
7766 21100901150 Data Science and Engineering journal 23641541, 23641185 0,635 Q1 10 35 83 1103 247 70 2,96 31,51 Germany Western Europe Springer Berlin 2016-2020 Computational Mechanics (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q2)
14101 4700152809 Data Science Journal journal 16831470 0,309 Q2 19 60 101 1724 122 96 1,13 28,73 France Western Europe Ubiquity Press 2003, 2006-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q3)
12156 21100857955 Data Technologies and Applications journal 25149288 0,382 Q2 28 35 81 1861 147 80 1,81 53,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2018-2020 Library and Information Sciences (Q2); Information Systems (Q3)
1074 19700188321 Database : the journal of biological databases and curation journal 17580463 2,248 Q1 55 154 422 824 1312 413 2,33 5,35 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2009-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Information Systems (Q1)
19500 21100466746 DDI 2016 - Proceedings of the Workshop on Data-Driven Innovation on the Web conference and proceedings - 0,184 - 2 0 6 0 1 5 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science Applications; Hardware and Architecture; Information Systems; Software
19377 20077 De Economist journal 15729982, 0013063X 0,186 Q4 28 21 64 670 22 59 0,4 31,9 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1852-1944, 1946-1950, 1952-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q4)  
30308 21100933896 De Medio Aevo journal 22555889   - 0 12 0 604 0 0 0 50,33 Spain Western Europe Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2019 Cultural Studies; History; Literature and Literary Theory; Philosophy; Religious Studies; Visual Arts and Performing Arts
28629 21100394195 De Musica Disserenda journal 18543405 0,101 Q4 2 0 43 0 0 42 0 0 Slovenia Eastern Europe ZRC SAZU, Zalozba ZRC 2013-2018 Music (Q4)      
14102 16800154740 Dead Sea Discoveries journal 09290761, 15685179 0,309 Q1 23 15 51 782 31 50 0,67 52,13 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1994-2019 History (Q1); Religious Studies (Q1)  
11729 15033 Deafness and Education International journal 14643154, 1557069X 0,401 Q2 21 25 55 941 43 47 0,86 37,64 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 1999-2020 Education (Q2); Speech and Hearing (Q3)  
9932 13486 Death Studies journal 10917683, 07481187 0,492 Q2 64 190 227 8113 395 214 1,7 42,7 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1985-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Clinical Psychology (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3)
28628 21100873331 Debats journal 02120585, 25303074 0,101 Q4 1 22 39 603 0 38 0 27,41 Spain Western Europe Institucio Alfons el Magnanim-Centre Valencia d'Estudis i d'Investigacio. Diputacio de Valencia 2018-2019 Cultural Studies (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
13125 21100468920 DEBS 2016 - Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems conference and proceedings - 0,342 - 9 0 64 0 118 61 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science Applications  
4178 21100821132 Decision journal 23259973, 23259965 1,024 Q1 13 22 78 836 132 64 1,86 38 United States Northern America American Psychological Association Inc. 2014-2020 Social Psychology (Q1); Applied Psychology (Q2); Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology (Q2); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q2)
7844 19700186711 Decision Analysis journal 15458504, 15458490 0,628 Q2 19 17 48 802 77 47 1,69 47,18 United States Northern America INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 2010-2020 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
11716 21100314709 Decision Science Letters journal 19295804, 19295812 0,402 Q2 15 38 110 1451 230 110 1,99 38,18 Canada Northern America Growing Science 2012-2020 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
2762 21926 Decision Sciences journal 00117315, 15405915 1,329 Q1 100 70 120 4908 381 110 2,9 70,11 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1970-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Information Systems and Management (Q1); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q1)
5752 19900192134 Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education journal 15404609, 15404595 0,819 Q1 16 19 63 759 109 54 1,41 39,95 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2011-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Education (Q1); Decision Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
1421 21933 Decision Support Systems journal 1679236 1,918 Q1 138 114 338 6713 2384 330 6,48 58,89 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1985-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Information Systems (Q1); Information Systems and Management (Q1); Management Information Systems (Q1)
18609 145412 Decisions in Economics and Finance journal 15938883, 11296569 0,198 Q3 13 43 62 1215 26 60 0,48 28,26 Italy Western Europe Springer-Verlag Italia 1997, 2000-2002, 2005-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3); Finance (Q4)
28055 21100886371 Decyzje journal 2391761X, 17330092 0,102 Q4 0 1 15 58 0 14 0 58 Poland Eastern Europe Kozminski University -Center of Economic Psychology and Decision Sciences 2018-2019 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4); Law (Q4); Public Administration (Q4)
24125 34403 Deep-Sea Research journal 1466291 0,125 Q4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Pergamon Press Ltd. 1973-1991 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
3442 26830 Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers journal 9670637 1,158 Q1 117 122 427 8857 1169 419 2,73 72,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1989, 1992-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Oceanography (Q1)
3067 26831 Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography journal 9670645 1,243 Q1 132 199 614 12342 1654 566 2,82 62,02 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1993-2020 Oceanography (Q1)      
17664 19700169501 Defect and Diffusion Forum journal 10120386, 16629507 0,216 Q3 30 157 734 3034 540 708 0,93 19,32 Switzerland Western Europe Trans Tech Publications 1996-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Radiation (Q4)
8844 17272 Defence and Peace Economics journal 14768267, 10242694 0,561 Q2 36 94 142 4598 212 125 1,59 48,91 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1994-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
30307 21100967064 Defence Life Science Journal journal 24560537   - 1 37 0 1238 0 0 0 33,46 India Asiatic Region Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre (DESIDOC) 2019-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous); Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous)
21098 21100201063 Defence S and T Technical Bulletin journal 19856571 0,159 Q3 10 27 71 856 11 71 0,17 31,7 Malaysia Asiatic Region Science & Technology Research Institute for Defence (STRIDE) 2008-2019 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
18222 17294 Defence Science Journal journal 0011748X, 0976464X 0,205 Q3 30 91 294 1837 269 287 0,84 20,19 India Asiatic Region Defense Scientific Information and Documentation Centre 1970-1989, 1991-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q3); Biomedical Engineering (Q4); Computer Science Applications (Q4); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q4)
9515 5800169484 Defence Studies journal 14702436, 17439698 0,516 Q1 9 22 73 1366 63 65 0,91 62,09 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 History (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
9134 21100823385 Defence Technology journal 22149147 0,542 Q1 21 181 208 5653 609 206 3,1 31,23 China Asiatic Region China Ordnance Society 2013-2020 Metals and Alloys (Q1); Ceramics and Composites (Q2); Computational Mechanics (Q2); Mechanical Engineering (Q2)
20564 145016 Defense and Security Analysis journal 14751798 0,167 Q3 11 28 87 463 19 76 0,26 16,54 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2003-2004, 2006-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3)
29559 5700182228 Degres journal 3768163 0,1 Q4 2 16 69 317 0 67 0 19,81 Belgium Western Europe A.S.B.L. Degres 2002-2014, 2016-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)
21840 13294 Dela book series 18541089, 03540596 0,149 Q4 8 11 51 377 6 35 0,19 34,27 Slovenia Eastern Europe University of Ljubljana 1992-1993, 1995, 1997, 2006-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
24628 12416 Delaware medical journal journal 117781 0,123 Q4 14 0 39 0 10 39 0 0 United States Northern America Medical Society of Delaware 1945-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
17216 21100901128 Deleuze and Guattari Studies journal 23989777, 23989785 0,226 Q1 1 30 31 617 4 29 0,14 20,57 United Kingdom Western Europe Edinburgh University Press 2018-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Philosophy (Q2)
24873 5000157105 DELTA Documentacao de Estudos em Linguistica Teorica e Aplicada journal 1024450 0,121 Q3 8 34 151 1239 13 146 0,08 36,44 Brazil Latin America Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo 2006-2019 Linguistics and Language (Q3)    
4103 15300154806 Dementia journal 17412684, 14713012 1,035 Q1 47 251 348 10422 860 237 2,91 41,52 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2002-2020 History (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
3382 15029 Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders journal 14219824, 14208008 1,171 Q1 105 61 189 2329 532 188 2,61 38,18 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1990-1992, 1994-2020 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q2)
7013 21100396040 Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra journal 16645464 0,695 Q2 14 39 142 1317 287 128 2,34 33,77 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2011, 2015-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q3)
10689 19700172802 Dementia e Neuropsychologia journal 19805764 0,453 Q3 19 63 188 2421 211 172 1,17 38,43 Brazil Latin America Academia Brasileira de Neurologia 2009-2020 Cognitive Neuroscience (Q3); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q3); Neurology (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q3); Sensory Systems (Q4)
18441 11600153671 Democracy and Security journal 15555860, 17419166 0,201 Q3 11 19 50 547 28 46 0,38 28,79 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2010-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Safety Research (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
12497 21100861082 Democratic Theory journal 23328894, 23328908 0,367 Q1 5 11 37 413 15 29 0,59 37,55 United States Northern America Berghahn Journals 2014-2019 Philosophy (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
2108 24034 Democratization journal 13510347, 1743890X 1,546 Q1 49 78 206 4369 513 203 2,09 56,01 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1994-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
13604 29494 Demografie journal 118265 0,325 Q2 7 15 77 370 23 62 0,36 24,67 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Cesky Statisticky Urad 1976-1999, 2014-2019 Demography (Q2)      
4313 26361 Demographic Research journal 14359871 1,004 Q1 60 58 333 3238 566 329 1,56 55,83 Germany Western Europe Max-Planck Institute for Demographic Research/Max-Planck-institut fur Demografische Forschung 1999-2000, 2002-2020 Demography (Q1)      
1042 26365 Demography journal 00703370, 15337790 2,289 Q1 124 101 286 6249 940 282 3 61,87 United States Northern America Springer New York 1964-2020 Demography (Q1)      
8277 15561 Demokratizatsiya journal 10746846 0,598 Q1 22 22 78 1066 66 74 0,7 48,45 United States Northern America Heldref Publications 1996-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
13364 21100836176 Demonstratio Mathematica journal 04201213, 23914661 0,333 Q3 26 38 100 883 70 100 1,05 23,24 Poland Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 1996-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
11820 17948 Dendrobiology journal 16411307 0,397 Q2 17 14 90 660 138 90 1,48 47,14 Poland Eastern Europe Polska Akademia Nauk 2000-2001, 2004-2019 Forestry (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)  
6928 17950 Dendrochronologia journal 16120051, 11257865 0,703 Q2 42 77 212 4423 488 206 2,37 57,44 Germany Western Europe Elsevier GmbH 1989, 2002-2020 Ecology (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)  
19666 20500195141 Dental and Medical Problems journal 1644387X 0,181 Q3 6 60 199 1752 77 197 0,52 29,2 Poland Eastern Europe Wroclaw Medical University 2012-2019 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
22301 24457 Dental Cadmos journal 118524 0,143 Q4 8 90 317 1403 30 221 0,17 15,59 Italy Western Europe EDRA S.p.A 1965-1991, 2007-2020 Oral Surgery (Q4); Orthodontics (Q4)  
7446 24458 Dental Clinics of North America journal 118532 0,658 Q1 63 59 167 3033 360 139 3,21 51,41 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1965-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
27511 24916 Dental historian : Lindsay Club newsletter journal 9586687 0,104 Q4 3 0 13 0 3 13 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Lindsay Society for the History of Dentistry 1985-2001, 2003-2004, 2006-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
20842 21100211710 Dental Hypotheses journal 21558213 0,163 Q3 9 16 87 390 63 69 0,8 24,38 India Asiatic Region Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 2010-2019 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
1501 24936 Dental Materials journal 01095641, 18790097 1,852 Q1 142 196 590 9556 3166 580 4,83 48,76 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Science 1985-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1)
7678 24937 Dental Materials Journal journal 18811361, 02874547 0,642 Q2 53 129 361 4751 645 355 1,55 36,83 Japan Asiatic Region Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices 1982-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q2); Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q2)
29560 21100372441 Dental Press Endodontics journal 21783713 0,1 Q4 4 0 99 0 2 87 0,02 0 Brazil Latin America Dental Press Editora Ltda 2011-2018 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
9495 21100197910 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics journal 21776709, 21769451 0,517 Q2 18 69 224 1595 211 193 0,94 23,12 Brazil Latin America Dental Press Editora Ltda 2010-2020 Orthodontics (Q2); Oral Surgery (Q3)  
12604 21100413835 Dental Research Journal journal 20080255, 17353327 0,363 Q2 14 68 222 1907 233 219 0,97 28,04 Iran Middle East Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 2011-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
5866 24958 Dental Traumatology journal 16009657, 16004469 0,805 Q2 77 64 224 1986 422 218 2 31,03 United Kingdom Western Europe Blackwell Munksgaard 1985-1995, 1999-2020 Oral Surgery (Q2)      
20166 24963 Dental update journal 3055000 0,173 Q3 30 136 466 2871 109 347 0,28 21,11 United Kingdom Western Europe George Warman Publications (Pty.) Ltd. 1973-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
25823 21100899308 Dentistry 3000 journal 21678677 0,113 Q4 0 7 2 170 0 2 0 24,29 United States Northern America University Library System, University of Pittsburgh 2018-2019 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
14895 21100901062 Dentistry Journal journal 23046767 0,285 Q3 5 111 72 4930 100 68 1,47 44,41 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2018-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
22847 24986 Dentistry Today journal 87502186 0,137 Q4 23 102 450 715 22 381 0,05 7,01 United States Northern America Dentistry Today 1989-1992, 1994-2019 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
6234 16649 Dentomaxillofacial Radiology journal 0250832X, 1476542X 0,768 Q1 69 103 239 2803 460 224 1,88 27,21 United Kingdom Western Europe British Institute of Radiology 1972-1973, 1976-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Otorhinolaryngology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2)
24985 21100814521 Denver Law Review journal 24696471, 24696463 0,12 Q4 18 17 82 2213 13 76 0,13 130,18 United States Northern America University of Denver Sturm College of Law 2015-2020 Law (Q4)        
6412 21100855508 Dependence Modeling journal 23002298 0,752 Q1 7 18 66 605 74 60 1,13 33,61 Poland Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2013-2019 Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q2); Statistics and Probability (Q2)
874 13487 Depression and Anxiety journal 10914269, 15206394 2,544 Q1 120 112 370 6422 2010 331 5,32 57,34 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1996-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
4795 21100228093 Depression Research and Treatment journal 20901321, 2090133X 0,932 Q1 24 4 34 154 88 30 1,84 38,5 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2010-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
15586 50004 Der Anaesthesist journal 00032417, 1432055X 0,266 Q3 42 187 389 4249 303 304 1,1 22,72 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1952-2020 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
25533 27460 Der Gynakologe journal 00175994, 14330393 0,115 Q4 11 144 429 2978 44 376 0,15 20,68 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1973-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4)  
19667 78004 Der Internist journal 14321289, 00209554 0,181 Q3 18 178 434 3146 165 362 0,46 17,67 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1960-2020 Internal Medicine (Q3)    
16480 17438 Der Nervenarzt journal 14330407, 00282804 0,242 Q3 42 199 584 5124 376 451 0,9 25,75 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1947-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q3); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3); Neurology (Q4)
13109 12439 Der Orthopade journal 00854530, 14330431 0,343 Q3 41 169 430 4559 325 361 0,93 26,98 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1973-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3)  
18954 16969 Der Pathologe journal 14321963, 01728113 0,192 Q4 24 161 348 3171 164 285 0,49 19,7 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1979-2020 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q4)  
23816 19700188428 Der Pharma Chemica journal 0975413X 0,127 Q4 27 0 789 0 294 789 0 0 United States Northern America Scholars Research Library 2010-2016 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
23125 19700200724 Der Pharmacia Lettre journal 9755071 0,134 Q3 25 0 789 0 269 789 0 0 United States Northern America Scholars Research Library 2011-2016 Pharmaceutical Science (Q3)    
20778 17846 Der Radiologe journal 14322102, 0033832X 0,164 Q4 32 142 377 3124 122 316 0,43 22 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1960-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
15657 13129 Der Unfallchirurg journal 1433044X, 01775537 0,264 Q3 49 161 472 3361 281 379 0,8 20,88 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1985-2020 Emergency Medicine (Q3); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3); Surgery (Q3)
19103 20535 Der Urologe journal 14330563, 03402592 0,19 Q4 24 259 669 3737 221 542 0,42 14,43 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1962-2020 Urology (Q4)      
30309 21100926573 Derecho PUCP journal 23052546, 02513420 - 1 31 0 1895 0 0 0 61,13 Peru Latin America Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru 2019 Law        
2673 24318 Dermatitis journal 17103568 1,351 Q1 53 85 238 2033 493 143 3,71 23,92 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2004-2020 Dermatology (Q1); Immunology and Allergy (Q2)
10256 19700177514 Dermato-Endocrinology journal 19381972, 19381980 0,475 Q2 37 0 20 0 35 17 2,08 0 United States Northern America Landes Bioscience 2010-2018 Dermatology (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
28056 144676 Dermatologia Cosmetica, Medica y Quirurgica journal 16654390 0,102 Q4 4 0 104 0 4 81 0,03 0 Mexico Latin America Medipiel 2005-2017 Dermatology (Q4); Surgery (Q4)  
23124 24321 Dermatologia Revista Mexicana journal 1854038 0,134 Q4 8 93 214 1584 30 178 0,12 17,03 Mexico Latin America Comunicaciones Cientificas Mexicanas S.A. de C.V. 1972-1986, 1988-1991, 1993, 1996-1999, 2001-2019 Dermatology (Q4)      
2525 24337 Dermatologic Clinics journal 7338635 1,397 Q1 67 70 198 4142 582 169 3,57 59,17 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1983-2020 Dermatology (Q1)      
5671 21085 Dermatologic Surgery journal 10760512, 15244725 0,828 Q1 120 339 1013 4626 1461 657 2,05 13,65 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 1995-2020 Dermatology (Q1); Surgery (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
8495 24340 Dermatologic Therapy journal 13960296, 15298019 0,583 Q2 63 408 442 7181 558 260 2,39 17,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1996-2020 Dermatology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
13858 145362 Dermatologica Sinica journal 10278117 0,317 Q3 15 33 207 539 104 112 0,92 16,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier 2005-2020 Dermatology (Q3)      
20339 24343 Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt journal 1438776X, 16167090 0,17 Q4 15 18 75 216 21 56 0,44 12 Germany Western Europe Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle 2000-2019 Dermatology (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
4403 24345 Dermatology journal 10188665, 14219832 0,991 Q1 89 116 247 3718 610 223 3,11 32,05 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1893, 1895-2020 Dermatology (Q1)      
3851 21100200440 Dermatology and Therapy journal 21938210, 21909172 1,077 Q1 21 65 180 2953 564 163 3,37 45,43 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2011-2020 Dermatology (Q1)      
15319 24373 Dermatology Online Journal journal 10872108 0,273 Q3 40 196 780 2487 459 597 0,82 12,69 United States Northern America Department of Dermatology UC Davis 1996-2020 Dermatology (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
17958 19700190353 Dermatology Reports journal 20367392, 20367406 0,21 Q3 9 65 23 842 23 23 1 12,95 Italy Western Europe PagePress Publications 2010-2019 Dermatology (Q3)      
13605 21100215164 Dermatology Research and Practice journal 16876113, 16876105 0,325 Q3 27 17 65 557 88 63 1,4 32,76 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2009-2020 Dermatology (Q3)      
28630 21100901025 Derrida Today journal 17548519, 17548500 0,101 Q4 1 12 19 284 1 17 0,06 23,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Edinburgh University Press 2018-2019 Philosophy (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
1564 16322 Desalination journal 119164 1,814 Q1 169 296 1134 16640 8504 1110 7,58 56,22 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1966-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1)
13537 19700175585 Desalination and Water Treatment journal 19443994, 19443986 0,327 Q2 51 1388 5902 57945 7721 5861 0,9 41,75 United States Northern America Desalination Publications 2009-2020 Ocean Engineering (Q2); Pollution (Q3); Water Science and Technology (Q3)
27512 26747 Desarrollo Economico: Revista de Ciencias Sociales journal 0046001X 0,104 Q4 17 0 6 0 3 6 0 0 Argentina Latin America Instituto de Desarrollo Economica y Social 1979, 1983, 1992-2011, 2016 Economics and Econometrics (Q4)  
21781 33459 Desarrollo y Sociedad journal 1203584 0,15 Q3 6 17 48 490 20 42 0,48 28,82 Colombia Latin America Universidad de los Andes 1979-1985, 1994, 2010-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Development (Q4); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
19173 21100872774 Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente journal 21769109, 1518952X 0,189 Q3 2 32 123 1409 18 116 0,16 44,03 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal do Parana 2018-2019 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
15033 21100212132 DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology journal 09740643, 09764658 0,281 Q2 10 54 172 1336 145 169 0,92 24,74 India Asiatic Region Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre (DESIDOC) 2012-2020 Library and Information Sciences (Q2)  
25093 19700200907 Design and Culture journal 17547083, 17547075 0,119 Q2 9 23 71 686 20 59 0,32 29,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2012-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3)
14863 25396 Design Automation for Embedded Systems journal 15728080, 09295585 0,286 Q3 28 16 50 633 99 45 2,87 39,56 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1996-2003, 2005, 2007-2020 Hardware and Architecture (Q3); Software (Q3)
27513 28685 Design Engineering journal 3088448 0,104 Q4 2 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Centaur Communications Ltd. 1970-1976, 1978-1997, 1999-2003 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
29561 28687 Design Engineering (Toronto) trade journal 119342 0,1 Q4 2 0 76 0 0 76 0 0 Canada Northern America Rogers Media Publishing 1971-1976, 1996-2005, 2012-2018 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
15999 144972 Design Issues journal 7479360 0,255 Q2 30 32 112 106 93 88 0,78 3,31 United States Northern America MIT Press Journals 2005-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q3)
15658 147203 Design Journal journal 14606925 0,264 Q2 16 233 157 1791 116 128 0,86 7,69 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2005-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q3)
28057 21100199854 Design Principles and Practices journal 18331874 0,102 Q3 6 9 14 288 1 14 0 32 United States Northern America Common Ground Research Networks 2010-2012, 2014-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3)  
7292 21100889860 Design Science journal 20534701 0,67 Q1 10 15 58 1109 184 57 3,45 73,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2015-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q2)
3708 36450 Design Studies journal 0142694X 1,104 Q1 87 47 149 2671 567 140 3,12 56,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1979-2020 Architecture (Q1); Artificial Intelligence (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
12238 12900 Designed Monomers and Polymers journal 15685551, 1385772X 0,378 Q2 34 21 142 879 256 142 1,92 41,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1998-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Materials Chemistry (Q2); Polymers and Plastics (Q2)
3369 25862 Designs, Codes, and Cryptography journal 09251022, 15737586 1,174 Q1 54 183 440 4408 789 432 1,79 24,09 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1991-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q1); Theoretical Computer Science (Q1)
17029 21100829564 DETUROPE journal 18212506 0,23 Q3 6 22 62 811 50 60 0,83 36,86 Serbia Eastern Europe Regional Science Association of Subotica (Drustvo za Regionalne Nauke) 2017-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q3)
21099 5800215128 Deutsch als Fremdsprache journal 119741 0,159 Q2 1 21 33 458 4 32 0,13 21,81 Germany Western Europe Langenscheidt 2013, 2017-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2); Education (Q4)
28058 20726 Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung journal 00119857, 0939334X 0,102 Q4 9 1068 3923 2956 5 3309 0 2,77 Germany Western Europe Deutscher Apotheker Verlag 1965, 1967-2020 Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)    
24126 21100244819 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS) conference and proceedings 18608779 0,125 - 6 3 37 66 8 33 0,1 22 Germany Western Europe 18608779 Computer Networks and Communications; Software
24514 21979 Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau journal 120413 0,124 Q3 23 109 254 356 4 205 0,03 3,27 Germany Western Europe Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart 1948-1949, 1961, 1973-1989, 1996-2019 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3); Food Science (Q4); Law (Q4)
19969 12445 Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift journal 00120472, 14394413 0,176 Q4 38 391 1061 4709 343 815 0,44 12,04 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 1875-1944, 1946-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
26080 5700181944 Deutsche Sprache journal 3409341 0,112 Q3 8 25 17 647 2 17 0,12 25,88 Germany Western Europe Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH and Co Berlin 2002-2011, 2017-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29562 14465 Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte journal 120936 0,1 Q4 6 20 66 0 1 63 0,02 0 Germany Western Europe J.B. Metzler'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung und C.E. Poeschel Verlag GmbH Stuttgart-Weimar 1973, 1978, 1988, 1999, 2002-2020 Cultural Studies (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)
27274 12446 Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Akupunktur journal 04156412, 14394359 0,105 Q4 11 0 66 0 3 58 0 0 Germany Western Europe Urban und Fischer Verlag Jena 1984-2017 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q4); Neurology (clinical) (Q4)
27514 19600164100 Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Onkologie journal 16175891, 14390930 0,104 Q4 8 0 97 0 6 70 0,09 0 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 2001-2018 Oncology (Q4)      
21100 22885 Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Philosophie journal 21921482, 00121045 0,159 Q2 11 58 158 1392 13 151 0,11 24 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1953-2019 Philosophy (Q2)      
21031 19838 Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Sportmedizin journal 3445925 0,16 Q4 19 53 66 1601 22 47 0,41 30,21 Germany Western Europe Dynamic Media Sales Verlag 1996-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q4); Sports Science (Q4)
11166 18800156726 Deutsches Ärzteblatt international journal 18660452 0,429 Q3 52 1248 3684 6562 1694 1248 1,33 5,26 Germany Western Europe Deutscher Arzte-Verlag 2009-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
14603 14089 Developing Economies journal 00121533, 17461049 0,294 Q3 26 11 40 478 30 39 0,71 43,45 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1962-2020 Development (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
8546 22886 Developing World Bioethics journal 14718731, 14718847 0,58 Q1 25 42 96 540 98 83 1,23 12,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2001-2020 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects (Q1); Health Policy (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2)
21333 14090 Development journal 10116370, 14617072 0,156 Q4 34 25 138 699 25 123 0,13 27,96 United Kingdom Western Europe Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1984-1985, 1988-2020 Development (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
455 14531 Development (Cambridge) journal 14779129, 09501991 3,658 Q1 315 452 1441 26317 7242 1363 4,84 58,22 United Kingdom Western Europe Company of Biologists Ltd 1987-2020 Developmental Biology (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
3992 14091 Development and Change journal 14677660, 0012155X 1,052 Q1 87 80 202 4841 457 192 2,4 60,51 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1970-2020 Development (Q1)      
20843 145292 Development and Learning in Organizations journal 14777282 0,163 Q3 15 112 177 436 52 168 0,26 3,89 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2003-2020 Library and Information Sciences (Q3); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q4)
1712 13491 Development and Psychopathology journal 09545794, 14692198 1,739 Q1 164 214 384 17796 1414 342 3,92 83,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1989-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
8479 21100455650 Development Engineering journal 23527285 0,584 Q1 6 8 34 282 85 33 2,19 35,25 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2015-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Development (Q2)
3874 14532 Development Genes and Evolution journal 0949944X, 1432041X 1,074 Q2 73 19 98 846 209 95 1,36 44,53 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1996-2020 Developmental Biology (Q2); Genetics (Q2)
5405 14533 Development Growth and Differentiation journal 1440169X, 00121592 0,859 Q1 63 51 189 2561 291 176 1,76 50,22 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1969-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Developmental Biology (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3)
12468 14100 Development in Practice journal 13649213, 09614524 0,368 Q2 40 114 297 3255 255 259 0,92 28,55 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1991-2020 Development (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
8143 14103 Development Policy Review journal 09506764, 14677679 0,608 Q1 58 70 185 3973 301 185 1,26 56,76 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1966, 1968-1970, 1972-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Development (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2)
12108 14118 Development Southern Africa journal 14703637, 0376835X 0,384 Q2 39 71 163 3299 168 154 0,89 46,46 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1984-2020 Development (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
8525 21100788921 Development Studies Research journal 21665095 0,581 Q2 10 13 21 672 34 21 1,67 51,69 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2014-2020 Development (Q2)      
5065 20775 Developmental and Comparative Immunology journal 18790089, 0145305X 0,899 Q2 105 198 797 11273 2603 786 3,22 56,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1977-2020 Developmental Biology (Q2); Immunology (Q3)
1565 14536 Developmental Biology journal 1095564X, 00121606 1,813 Q1 218 238 918 15147 2731 870 2,91 63,64 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1959-2020 Cell Biology (Q1); Developmental Biology (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q2)
267 18525 Developmental Cell journal 15345807, 18781551 5,22 Q1 253 322 915 17541 5855 869 6,62 54,48 United States Northern America Cell Press 2001-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cell Biology (Q1); Developmental Biology (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
887 19700187601 Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience journal 18789293, 18789307 2,52 Q1 55 137 260 10401 1532 246 5,55 75,92 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2011-2020 Cognitive Neuroscience (Q1)    
2076 14538 Developmental Dynamics journal 10588388, 10970177 1,559 Q1 135 107 284 7518 828 273 3,27 70,26 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1992-2020 Developmental Biology (Q1)    
1793 14987 Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology journal 14698749, 00121622 1,691 Q1 137 325 885 8033 2265 471 4,87 24,72 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1958-2020 Developmental Neuroscience (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1)
1381 6000195389 Developmental Neurobiology journal 1932846X, 19328451 1,944 Q1 126 67 272 5381 868 261 3,98 80,31 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2007-2020 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q1); Developmental Neuroscience (Q1)
6611 13498 Developmental Neuropsychology journal 15326942, 87565641 0,733 Q2 93 37 113 2830 211 108 1,6 76,49 United Kingdom Western Europe Psychology Press Ltd 1985-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2); Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology (Q3)
8995 7100153145 Developmental Neurorehabilitation journal 17518423 0,551 Q2 53 93 163 3878 315 153 2,27 41,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1997-1999, 2002-2003, 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2); Rehabilitation (Q2); Developmental Neuroscience (Q4)
4587 15433 Developmental Neuroscience journal 03785866, 14219859 0,962 Q2 78 34 115 2344 330 111 3,13 68,94 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1978-1983, 1985-2020 Developmental Neuroscience (Q2); Neurology (Q2)
5360 14539 Developmental Psychobiology journal 00121630, 10982302 0,864 Q2 89 125 288 9642 643 282 2,12 77,14 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1968-2020 Behavioral Neuroscience (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2); Developmental Biology (Q2); Developmental Neuroscience (Q2)
1066 13500 Developmental Psychology journal 19390599, 00121649 2,258 Q1 203 234 557 10157 2433 543 3,81 43,41 United States Northern America American Psychological Association Inc. 1969-2020 Demography (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q1)
634 13502 Developmental Review journal 02732297, 10902406 3,083 Q1 88 16 60 2299 443 59 5,22 143,69 United States Northern America Mosby Inc. 1981-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Education (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
950 13503 Developmental Science journal 14677687, 1363755X 2,425 Q1 120 175 376 10958 1606 368 4,22 62,62 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1998-2020 Cognitive Neuroscience (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1)
22462 21100298210 Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility book series 20430531, 20430523 0,141 Q4 5 0 75 0 21 50 0,42 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010-2013, 2015-2018 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4)
15278 21100200411 Developments in Mathematics book series 13892177 0,274 Q3 13 46 181 1184 21 6 3,33 25,74 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2005-2006, 2008-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
1861 13825 Developments in Ophthalmology journal 02503751, 16622790 1,658 Q1 32 0 84 0 280 80 2,65 0 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1981-1985, 1987, 1989, 1991-1994, 1997, 1999, 2002-2003, 2005, 2007-2017 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ophthalmology (Q1)
27069 17600155117 Devenir journal 10158154 0,106 Q4 11 14 57 571 4 51 0,06 40,79 Switzerland Western Europe Editions Medecine et Hygiene 2001-2019 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4); Developmental Neuroscience (Q4); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q4); Pediatrics (Q4); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4)
18160 5600153105 Deviance et Societe journal 3787931 0,206 Q2 10 0 44 0 12 43 0,14 0 Switzerland Western Europe Editions Medecine et Hygiene 2006-2017 Cultural Studies (Q2); Law (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Social Psychology (Q4)
6088 14293 Deviant Behavior journal 15210456, 01639625 0,782 Q1 52 221 316 13813 620 306 1,76 62,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1979-2020 Law (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Clinical Psychology (Q2); Social Psychology (Q2)
17616 145234 Device Research Conference - Conference Digest, DRC conference and proceedings 15483770 0,217 - 22 0 327 0 156 324 0,52 0 United States Northern America 15483770 Electrical and Electronic Engineering  
10847 21100432148 DFI Journal journal 19375247, 19375255 0,445 Q2 3 0 36 0 18 20 0,6 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2014-2018 Building and Construction (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q2)
26081 21100819048 DFX 2016: Proceedings of the 27th Symposium Design for X conference and proceedings - 0,112 - 3 0 26 0 8 25 0 0 Germany Western Europe   Computer Science Applications; Software
24874 15800 DGMK Tagungsbericht conference and proceedings 14339013 0,121 - 6 43 257 375 9 251 0,07 8,72 Germany Western Europe 1999, 2001-2019 Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Energy (miscellaneous); Fuel Technology
16256 21100457378 DH 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 Digital Health Conference conference and proceedings - 0,248 - 7 0 32 0 41 30 0 0 United States Northern America   Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology
23710 19700174893 Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences journal 18161839, 18161820 0,128 Q4 11 0 97 0 28 93 0,31 0 Bangladesh Asiatic Region University of Dhaka 2007-2018 Pharmaceutical Science (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
23599 21100468967 DIDC 2016 - Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Data-Intensive Distributed Computing conference and proceedings - 0,129 - 3 0 8 0 9 6 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science Applications; Software
7327 21100468873 DIS 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: Fuse conference and proceedings - 0,667 - 18 0 121 0 415 118 0 0 United States Northern America   Modeling and Simulation    
15889 21100468846 DIS 2016 Companion - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: Fuse conference and proceedings - 0,258 - 5 0 51 0 41 48 0 0 United States Northern America   Hardware and Architecture; Software  
26702 98778 DISA INFORMATION journal 706639 0,108 Q4 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 Denmark Western Europe DISA Elektronik 1970-1984 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
20688 21100871774 DISEGNARECON journal 18285961 0,165 Q1 4 0 108 0 39 104 0,16 0 Italy Western Europe University of L'Aquila, Department of Civil Construction, Building and Architecture, Environmental Engineering 2015-2018 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1); Architecture (Q2); Urban Studies (Q3)
17757 4000148818 DISP journal 02513625, 21668604 0,214 Q3 20 31 155 1088 60 126 0,45 35,1 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1980-2002, 2005-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
13176 21100790082 DIVANet 2016 - Proceedings of the 6th ACM Symposium on Development and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications, co-located with MSWiM 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,34 - 4 0 18 0 26 16 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Hardware and Architecture; Software
523 25487 Diabetes journal 121797 3,425 Q1 320 247 1038 9399 6084 841 6,83 38,05 United States Northern America American Diabetes Association Inc. 1952-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Internal Medicine (Q1)
27515 19900191854 Diabetes Aktuell journal 18616089, 18641733 0,104 Q4 3 61 198 778 3 136 0,01 12,75 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 2007-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4); Internal Medicine (Q4)
7273 5700165201 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews journal 18780334, 18714021 0,672 Q2 29 497 535 18849 1202 526 2,38 37,93 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2007-2020 Internal Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
2421 25488 Diabetes and Metabolism journal 12623636 1,429 Q1 85 121 268 4434 807 165 4,97 36,64 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 1996-2020 Endocrinology (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Internal Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
2887 21100207639 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal journal 22336087, 22336079 1,294 Q1 41 99 214 3503 568 159 2,84 35,38 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Diabetes Association 2011-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1)
26082 5200152617 Diabetes and Primary Care journal 14668955 0,112 Q4 5 0 65 0 3 53 0,04 0 United Kingdom Western Europe SB Communications Group 2006-2009, 2017 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q4)  
4784 130160 Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research journal 14791641 0,934 Q2 53 71 203 2512 498 186 2,7 35,38 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2004-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Internal Medicine (Q2)
180 25491 Diabetes Care journal 19355548, 01495992 6,48 Q1 346 468 1356 12833 12665 926 14,41 27,42 United States Northern America American Diabetes Association Inc. 1978-2020 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Internal Medicine (Q1)
5228 25504 Diabetes Educator journal 01457217, 15546063 0,878 Q1 70 58 158 2172 391 145 2,51 37,45 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1979-2020 Health Professions (miscellaneous) (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2)
29563 25505 Diabetes Forecast journal 958301 0,1 Q4 6 0 71 0 0 67 0 0 United States Northern America American Diabetes Association Inc. 2002-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
18955 21100211330 Diabetes Mellitus journal 20720351, 20720378 0,192 Q3 9 64 162 1818 165 161 1,23 28,41 Russian Federation Eastern Europe UP Print LLC 2012-2019 Internal Medicine (Q3); Endocrinology (Q4); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4)
2510 25538 Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice journal 01688227, 18728227 1,402 Q1 107 358 1041 12486 4055 983 4,57 34,88 Ireland Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1985-2020 Endocrinology (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Internal Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
28631 25543 Diabetes self-management journal 7416253 0,101 Q4 5 0 56 0 1 56 0 0 United States Northern America R.A. Rapaport Publishing, Inc. 2002-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
7293 145630 Diabetes Spectrum journal 10409165 0,67 Q2 28 38 141 1138 207 123 1,48 29,95 United States Northern America American Diabetes Association Inc. 2005-2019 Internal Medicine (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
1559 25545 Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics journal 15209156, 15578593 1,819 Q1 84 133 541 3456 1722 359 5,03 25,98 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 1999-2020 Endocrinology (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Medical Laboratory Technology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
3614 19700175906 Diabetes Therapy journal 18696961, 18696953 1,12 Q1 30 183 378 6816 1151 349 3,31 37,25 United States Northern America Springer Publishing Company 2010-2020 Internal Medicine (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2)
5380 19700174905 Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy journal 11787007 0,862 Q2 39 254 189 11004 578 182 3,01 43,32 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2009-2020 Internal Medicine (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2)
901 25527 Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism journal 14631326, 14628902 2,497 Q1 121 347 842 12603 4831 765 6,09 36,32 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1999-2020 Endocrinology (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Internal Medicine (Q1)
27275 13100154702 Diabetes, Stoffwechsel und Herz journal 18617603 0,105 Q4 8 0 61 0 3 45 0 0 Germany Western Europe Verlag Kirchheim and Co. GmbH 2006-2017 Endocrinology (Q4); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4); Internal Medicine (Q4)
2061 25523 Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews journal 15207552, 15207560 1,567 Q1 105 132 349 7841 1436 320 3,4 59,4 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1999-2020 Endocrinology (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Internal Medicine (Q1)
10810 19700188406 Diabetic Foot and Ankle journal 2000625X 0,447 Q2 18 2 24 59 52 24 1,44 29,5 Sweden Western Europe Co-Action Publishing 2010-2019 Podiatry (Q2); Internal Medicine (Q3)  
2216 25577 Diabetic Medicine journal 14645491, 07423071 1,502 Q1 139 296 768 8237 2132 636 3,26 27,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1984-2020 Endocrinology (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Internal Medicine (Q1)
26083 4900152414 Diabetologe journal 18609716 0,112 Q4 7 105 278 1924 23 246 0,1 18,32 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2006-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4)
604 25584 Diabetologia journal 0012186X, 14320428 3,181 Q1 220 262 919 9415 6004 786 7,78 35,94 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1965-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Internal Medicine (Q1)
28632 21100264904 Diabetologia Kliniczna journal 20844441, 22992529 0,101 Q4 4 0 26 0 0 24 0 0 Poland Eastern Europe Via Medica 2012-2016 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4); Internal Medicine (Q4)
26245 26011 Diabetologie Metabolismus Endokrinologie Vyziva journal 12126853, 12119326 0,111 Q4 5 25 78 824 7 65 0,09 32,96 Czech Republic Eastern Europe TIGIS Spol. s.r.o. 2001-2019 Endocrinology (Q4); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4); Internal Medicine (Q4)
21841 12100157211 Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel journal 18619002, 18619010 0,149 Q4 14 200 317 1302 77 185 0,48 6,51 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 2006-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4)
5294 19700174930 Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome journal 17585996 0,871 Q2 43 110 273 4770 777 269 2,84 43,36 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2009-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Internal Medicine (Q2)
15362 19700177504 Diabetology International journal 21901686, 21901678 0,272 Q3 15 40 146 1113 111 126 0,96 27,83 Japan Asiatic Region Springer Japan 2010-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Internal Medicine (Q3)
11775 145560 Diachronica journal 01764225, 15699714 0,399 Q1 22 18 46 1260 30 41 0,74 70 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 1984-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Philosophy (Q1)
29564 21100826264 Diacovensia journal 13302655, 1849014X 0,1 Q4 1 16 66 450 1 61 0,02 28,13 Croatia Eastern Europe Strossmayer University of Osijek, Catholic Faculty of Theology in Djakovo 2017-2019 Religious Studies (Q4)    
26084 5700156387 Diacritics journal 03007162, 10806539 0,112 Q2 16 0 65 0 4 58 0,07 0 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 2002-2010, 2012-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2)  
16369 21100853551 Diagnosis journal 21948011, 2194802X 0,245 Q3 6 12 86 0 83 70 1,25 0 United States Northern America Walter de Gruyter 2014-2019 Biochemistry (medical) (Q3); Health Policy (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Clinical Biochemistry (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
7615 144938 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology journal 13053825, 13053612 0,646 Q2 41 72 251 2117 450 225 1,97 29,4 Turkey Middle East Turkish Society of Radiology 2005-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2)
7161 21100205116 Diagnostic and interventional imaging journal 22115684, 22115714 0,681 Q2 30 110 462 2867 765 314 2,65 26,06 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 2012-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Radiological and Ultrasound Technology (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2)
16336 65017 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy journal 10290516, 10703608 0,246 Q3 22 0 13 0 13 13 1,17 0 United States Northern America Hindawi Publishing Corporation 1994-2001, 2009-2018 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3)
10934 18527 Diagnostic Cytopathology journal 10970339, 87551039 0,441 Q3 63 238 613 5344 687 553 1,2 22,45 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1985-2020 Histology (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q3)
21101 12100157014 Diagnostic Histopathology journal 17562317, 18767621 0,159 Q4 23 57 197 2016 80 192 0,34 35,37 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 2008-2020 Histology (Q4); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q4)
3497 19678 Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease journal 18790070, 07328893 1,146 Q1 91 247 740 6514 1891 725 2,54 26,37 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1983-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Infectious Diseases (Q2); Microbiology (medical) (Q2)
5682 5700191209 Diagnostic Pathology journal 17461596 0,827 Q1 47 138 323 4019 707 287 2,19 29,12 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2006-2020 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1); Histology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
15811 13504 Diagnostica journal 121924 0,26 Q3 45 23 65 1032 46 62 0,7 44,87 Germany Western Europe Hogrefe Publishing 1996-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q3)    
5753 21100852989 Diagnostics journal 20754418 0,819 Q2 13 225 19 9888 90 19 5,25 43,95 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2014-2016, 2018-2020 Clinical Biochemistry (Q2)    
16257 21100875102 Diagnostyka journal 24495220, 16416414 0,248 Q3 12 50 157 1301 136 157 0,81 26,02 Poland Eastern Europe Polish Society of Technical Diagnostics 2013-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q3); Software (Q3)
8866 5700157604 Dialectica journal 00122017, 17468361 0,559 Q1 24 24 78 866 50 76 0,57 36,08 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1947-2019 Philosophy (Q1)      
15279 53135 Dialectical Anthropology journal 03044092, 15730786 0,274 Q2 16 44 102 1569 45 83 0,57 35,66 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1975, 1977-2001, 2003, 2005-2020 Anthropology (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
21842 19900191970 Dialectologia journal 20132247 0,149 Q2 8 26 74 714 10 73 0,09 27,46 Spain Western Europe Universitat de Barcelona 2008-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
27768 5800207734 Dialectologia et Geolinguistica journal 9424040 0,103 Q4 4 7 21 258 2 21 0,08 36,86 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Mouton 1993-1995, 2009-2012, 2014-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
24127 7200153143 Dialisis y Trasplante journal 18862845 0,125 Q4 8 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Doyma, S.L. 2006-2016 Transplantation (Q4); Urology (Q4)  
26572 25073 Dialog journal 122033 0,109 Q3 5 56 173 325 5 116 0,06 5,8 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1980, 1994, 1996, 2010-2020 Religious Studies (Q3)    
27070 21100776457 Dialog so Vremenem journal 20737564 0,106 Q3 2 0 260 0 6 259 0,02 0 Russian Federation Eastern Europe IVI RAN 2016-2018 History (Q3); Philosophy (Q3)    
25824 21100901168 Dialogic Pedagogy journal 23253290 0,113 Q3 1 6 11 330 3 11 0,27 55 United States Northern America University Library System, University of Pittsburgh 2018-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3); Education (Q4)
16307 21100792726 Dialogo Andino journal 07192681, 07162278 0,247 Q1 3 34 135 1222 39 127 0,32 35,94 Chile Latin America Universidad de Tarapaca 2016-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1); Anthropology (Q2)
28059 21100202958 Dialogos journal 14159945, 21772940 0,102 Q3 3 30 125 1192 2 117 0 39,73 Brazil Latin America Universidade Estadual de Maringa 2012-2019 History (Q3)      
24774 21100213000 Dialogue journal 2428962 0,122 Q3 7 10 114 209 11 106 0,1 20,9 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Neurological Association 2001-2020 Philosophy (Q3); Development (Q4); Health (social science) (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4)
10732 21100828131 Dialogue and Discourse journal 21529620 0,451 Q1 3 8 15 537 34 15 2,27 67,13 United States Northern America 2017-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Communication (Q2)
30310 21100933990 Dialogue and Universalism journal 12345792, 16893816 - 1 42 0 491 0 0 0 11,69 Poland Eastern Europe Polish Academy of Sciences - Institute of Philosophy and Sociology 2019-2020 Communication; Philosophy    
16654 21100868564 Dialogue Studies book series 18751792 0,238 Q2 2 0 22 0 11 21 0,52 0 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 2018 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
17437 22910 Dialogue-Canadian Philosophical Review journal 00122173, 17590949 0,221 Q2 11 34 115 963 26 110 0,28 28,32 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1962-2020 Philosophy (Q2)      
29565 16000154706 Dialogues d'Histoire Ancienne journal 1955270X, 07557256 0,1 Q4 5 14 102 518 6 99 0,03 37 France Western Europe Universite de Franche-Comte, U F R des Sciences du Langage, de l'Homme et de la Societe 2002-2019 Classics (Q4); History (Q4)    
29566 90963 Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine journal 12729949 0,1 Q4 6 0 102 0 3 71 0,02 0 France Western Europe Servier International 2002-2018 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4)
870 15440 Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience journal 19585969, 12948322 2,554 Q1 79 42 120 2121 797 110 5,75 50,5 France Western Europe Servier International 2002-2019 Biological Psychiatry (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
4555 21100465422 Dialogues in Human Geography journal 20438206, 20438214 0,966 Q1 25 45 126 1275 203 57 4,03 28,33 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2011-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1)
17665 21100201733 Diametros journal 17335566 0,216 Q2 8 21 97 621 18 96 0,24 29,57 Poland Eastern Europe 2004-2019 Philosophy (Q2)      
8397 24680 Diamond and Related Materials journal 9259635 0,589 Q2 108 310 765 13013 2216 761 3,03 41,98 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1991-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q2); Materials Chemistry (Q2); Mechanical Engineering (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
21996 96848 Dianbo Kexue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Radio Science journal 10050388 0,147 Q4 21 109 380 1774 95 380 0,23 16,28 China Asiatic Region Chinese Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation 1998, 2001-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
7845 15504 Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society journal 10006753 0,628 Q2 54 585 2063 13636 4605 2063 2,21 23,31 China Asiatic Region Chinese Machine Press 1998, 2001-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2)
16370 6200180184 Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control journal 1007449X 0,245 Q3 20 189 546 3477 413 546 0,69 18,4 China Asiatic Region Harbin University of Science and Technology, Editorial department of Electric Machines and Control 2007-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q3); Control and Systems Engineering (Q3); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3)
14896 21100837463 Dianli Jianshe/Electric Power Construction journal 10007229 0,285 Q3 9 170 401 3619 416 401 1,04 21,29 China Asiatic Region 2017-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Fuel Technology (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
11013 17700156413 Dianli Xitong Baohu yu Kongzhi/Power System Protection and Control journal 16743415 0,437 Q2 44 565 1699 13494 3535 1699 2,3 23,88 China Asiatic Region Power System Protection and Control Press 2009-2020 Control and Systems Engineering (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2)
5300 25397 Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems journal 10001026 0,87 Q1 80 576 1793 15234 5835 1793 3,37 26,45 China Asiatic Region Automation of Electric Power Systems Press 1996-2020 Control and Systems Engineering (Q1); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2)
9374 4800152404 Dianli Zidonghua Shebei / Electric Power Automation Equipment journal 10066047 0,525 Q2 36 392 1104 7846 2073 1104 1,9 20,02 China Asiatic Region Electric Power Automation Equipment Press 2005-2020 Control and Systems Engineering (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2)
21782 24283 Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China journal 10010548 0,15 Q4 16 141 454 2798 194 454 0,43 19,84 China Asiatic Region University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 1998, 2001-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
18847 24290 Dianzi Yu Xinxi Xuebao/Journal of Electronics and Information Technology journal 10095896 0,194 Q3 25 403 1275 7527 958 1275 0,72 18,68 China Asiatic Region Science Press 2001-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3)
12553 21100792094 Diaspora Studies journal 09763457, 09739572 0,365 Q1 4 15 36 888 36 35 0,5 59,2 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2020 History (Q1); Demography (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
12329 19700187613 Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education journal 15595706, 15595692 0,374 Q1 10 23 56 1156 48 53 0,97 50,26 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2010-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Education (Q2)  
23126 21100236209 Diasporas journal 16375823 0,134 Q2 3 11 66 629 3 65 0,05 57,18 France Western Europe Universite de Toulouse-Le Mirail 2008-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Demography (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
11103 17972 Diatom Research journal 21598347, 0269249X 0,432 Q3 33 23 98 965 117 91 1,22 41,96 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1986-2020 Aquatic Science (Q3)    
24629 16300154707 Dickens Quarterly journal 7425473 0,123 Q2 5 20 54 360 7 51 0,17 18 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2)  
20565 6700153208 Dickensian journal 122440 0,167 Q1 3 22 49 312 6 35 0,09 14,18 United Kingdom Western Europe Dickens Fellowship 1964, 1980, 2002-2008, 2013-2016, 2018-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
26246 5800208254 Dictionaries journal 21605076, 01976745 0,111 Q2 1 18 27 641 4 22 0,18 35,61 United States Northern America Dictionary Society of North America 2017-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
23127 19700177335 Didactica Slovenica - Pedagoska Obzorja journal 3531392 0,134 Q4 5 8 96 239 11 96 0,14 29,88 Slovenia Eastern Europe Pedagogical Horizons Ltd. 2008-2019 Education (Q4)      
15967 28104 Die Erde journal 139998 0,256 Q3 21 19 64 1099 58 62 0,8 57,84 Germany Western Europe Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin 1977-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Ecology (Q3); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q3); Atmospheric Science (Q4)
28633 18980 Die Medizinische Welt journal 258512 0,101 Q4 9 0 45 0 2 38 0,05 0 Germany Western Europe Schattauer GmbH 1951, 1960-2017 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
5878 21662 Die Naturwissenschaften journal 14321904, 00281042 0,804 Q2 91 61 267 3578 524 261 2,07 58,66 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1913-1944, 1946-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
13326 21717 Die Pharmazie journal 317144 0,334 Q2 60 140 395 3855 496 395 1,27 27,54 Germany Western Europe Govi-Verlag Pharmazeutischer Verlag GmbH 1947-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q2)    
15659 16985 Die Rehabilitation journal 14391309, 00343536 0,264 Q3 32 50 162 1026 72 139 0,57 20,52 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 1972-2020 Rehabilitation (Q3)      
14196 5700164244 Die Welt des Islams journal 00432539, 15700607 0,306 Q1 19 13 46 1073 41 45 0,29 82,54 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1921, 1951-1955, 1957, 1959, 1961-1962, 1965-1966, 1968-1969, 1971, 1973-1976, 1978-1980, 1985-1986, 1989-1992, 1994-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1); Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Religious Studies (Q1)
24128 31689 Diesel and Gas Turbine Progress journal 122602 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America Diesel and Gas Turbine Publications 1970-1971, 1974, 1976-1980 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
19022 23113 Differences journal 10407391 0,191 Q2 27 15 64 508 17 61 0,21 33,87 United States Northern America Duke University Press 1994, 1998, 2001-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Gender Studies (Q3)
30311 21100902867 Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia journal 18172172   - 1 18 0 361 0 0 0 20,06 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Saint Petersburg State University 2019 Analysis; Applied Mathematics; Computer Science Applications; Control and Optimization; Information Systems; Software
2286 21100262587 Differential and Integral Equations journal 8934983 1,478 Q1 22 31 102 836 135 101 1,26 26,97 United States Northern America Khayyam Publishing, Inc. 1988-1995, 2009-2014, 2016-2019 Analysis (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q1)  
10560 25875 Differential Equations journal 00122661, 16083083 0,46 Q2 27 162 490 2368 321 486 0,7 14,62 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1996-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2); Analysis (Q3)
15106 19700171105 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems journal 09713514, 09746870 0,279 Q3 16 96 85 2680 68 83 0,75 27,92 India Asiatic Region Springer International Publishing AG 2008-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q3); Analysis (Q4)  
7591 25878 Differential Geometry and its Applications journal 18726984, 09262245 0,648 Q2 33 76 227 1700 154 225 0,57 22,37 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1991-2020 Analysis (Q2); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2); Geometry and Topology (Q2)
4221 14550 Differentiation journal 14320436, 03014681 1,017 Q2 94 38 133 2635 364 129 2,38 69,34 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1973-2020 Cancer Research (Q2); Developmental Biology (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3)
17073 19200156941 Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures journal 18423582 0,229 Q3 40 83 387 2260 342 387 0,87 27,23 Romania Eastern Europe National Institute R and D of Materials Physics 2009-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q4); Biomedical Engineering (Q4); Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Q4); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q4); Structural Biology (Q4)
24130 23734 Digest of Papers - COMPCON - IEEE Computer Society International Conference conference and proceedings 10636390 0,125 - 13 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America 10636390 Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials; Hardware and Architecture
476 26020 Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference conference and proceedings 1936530 3,595 - 97 232 630 1281 3545 621 6,35 5,52 United States Northern America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 1958-1964, 1966-1968, 1972-1973, 1975-1979, 1981-1990, 1992-1998, 2000-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
15689 3300147403 Digest of Technical Papers - SID International Symposium conference and proceedings 0097966X 0,263 - 42 306 588 3065 343 585 0,74 10,02 United States Northern America 0097966X Engineering (miscellaneous)    
2819 14937 Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology conference and proceedings 7431562 1,315 - 73 93 273 799 883 267 3,51 8,59 United States Northern America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 1982-2000, 2003-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering  
5066 28297 Digestion journal 14219867, 00122823 0,899 Q2 74 154 243 4766 639 228 2,69 30,95 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1896, 1898-2020 Gastroenterology (Q2)    
4737 28298 Digestive and Liver Disease journal 15908658, 18783562 0,941 Q2 89 346 838 10068 1913 688 2,84 29,1 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2000-2020 Gastroenterology (Q2); Hepatology (Q2)  
24129 21100932745 Digestive Disease Interventions journal 2472873X, 24728721 0,125 Q4 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America Thieme Medical Publishers Inc. 2018-2019 Gastroenterology (Q4); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4); Surgery (Q4)
4793 28299 Digestive Diseases journal 02572753, 14219875 0,933 Q1 63 85 280 2764 729 265 2,55 32,52 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1983-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Gastroenterology (Q2)
3852 28300 Digestive Diseases and Sciences journal 01632116, 15732568 1,077 Q2 119 596 1411 19319 3424 1147 2,86 32,41 United States Northern America Springer New York 1979-2020 Gastroenterology (Q2); Physiology (Q2)  
2946 28302 Digestive Endoscopy journal 09155635, 14431661 1,278 Q1 50 238 512 4340 1255 275 4,68 18,24 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1989-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1)
5419 21087 Digestive Surgery journal 14219883, 02534886 0,857 Q1 67 81 223 1919 450 202 2,13 23,69 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1984-2020 Surgery (Q1); Gastroenterology (Q2)  
9533 21100265609 Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage journal 22120548 0,515 Q1 12 34 51 1263 116 51 2,3 37,15 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Archeology (Q1); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q2)
4563 21100823476 Digital Communications and Networks journal 23528648, 24685925 0,965 Q1 20 57 91 1675 658 84 9,85 29,39 China Asiatic Region Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications 2015-2020 Communication (Q1); Computer Networks and Communications (Q1); Hardware and Architecture (Q1)
20034 144891 Digital Creativity journal 17443806, 14626268 0,175 Q3 19 22 76 862 43 66 0,59 39,18 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2005-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q4); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q4); Human-Computer Interaction (Q4)
10453 21100238613 Digital Education Review journal 20139144 0,465 Q2 12 32 77 1403 117 75 1,12 43,84 Spain Western Europe Universitat de Barcelona 2010-2019 Computer Science Applications (Q2); Education (Q2)
23306 21100924250 Digital Health journal 20552076 0,132 Q4 3 66 1 2952 2 1 2 44,73 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2015, 2018-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q4); Health Informatics (Q4); Health Information Management (Q4); Health Policy (Q4)
26085 21100898016 Digital Humanities Quarterly journal 19384122 0,112 Q4 1 0 40 0 7 39 0,18 0 United States Northern America 2018 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Communication (Q4); Computer Networks and Communications (Q4); Library and Information Sciences (Q4)
22223 21100847373 Digital Icons journal 20437633 0,144 Q1 1 0 16 0 3 14 0,21 0 United Kingdom Western Europe School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds 2017 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q2); Communication (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
8983 27728 Digital Investigation journal 17422876 0,552 Q1 49 92 189 3139 492 170 2,7 34,12 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2004-2019 Law (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Information Systems (Q2); Medical Laboratory Technology (Q2); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q2)
19668 21100326207 Digital journal of ophthalmology : DJO / sponsored by Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary journal 15428958 0,181 Q3 6 16 57 0 24 57 0,35 0 United States Northern America Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary 2013-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
802 21100430187 Digital Journalism journal 2167082X, 21670811 2,686 Q1 39 84 221 4581 1192 203 6,06 54,54 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2013-2020 Communication (Q1)    
13086 21100801727 Digital Library Perspectives journal 20595816 0,344 Q2 21 20 80 677 65 79 0,82 33,85 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2016-2020 Library and Information Sciences (Q2); Education (Q3); Information Systems (Q3)
11634 21100803571 Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance journal 23985038 0,406 Q2 27 40 104 1952 161 93 1,55 48,8 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2017-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q2); Information Systems (Q2); Information Systems and Management (Q2); Management Information Systems (Q2); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q2)
14256 21100465194 Digital Scholarship in the Humanities journal 20557671, 2055768X 0,304 Q1 11 30 184 1220 151 181 0,8 40,67 United States Northern America Oxford University Press 2015-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q3); Information Systems (Q3)
7433 24306 Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal journal 10954333, 10512004 0,659 Q2 67 173 593 7159 2028 587 3,57 41,38 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1991-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q2); Artificial Intelligence (Q2); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Signal Processing (Q2); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q2)
28634 4900152809 Digital Textile journal 17421128 0,101 Q4 3 5 161 0 1 20 0,06 0 United Kingdom Western Europe World Textile Publications Ltd 2005-2013, 2016-2019 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q4)
29567 19500157805 Digital TV Europe journal 2040266X 0,1 Q4 1 0 148 0 0 52 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Media 2009-2014, 2016-2018 Communication (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Media Technology (Q4)
22463 21100416319 Digithum journal 15752275 0,141 Q3 2 22 37 1003 7 32 0,19 45,59 Spain Western Europe Universitat Oberta de Catalunya 2015-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
30312 21100922756 Dilbilim Arastirmalari Dergisi journal 13008552, 25870939 - 0 12 0 507 0 0 0 42,25 Turkey Middle East Bogazici University Press 2019 Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language
17901 21100248874 Dilemas journal 19835922, 21782792 0,211 Q3 7 34 86 1424 17 84 0,15 41,88 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ 2013-2020 Law (Q3); Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
12578 27647 Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing journal 07304625, 15388646 0,364 Q2 27 60 148 1191 148 125 1,26 19,85 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1982-2020 Critical Care Nursing (Q2); Emergency Nursing (Q2)
28635 21100241629 Dionysius journal 7051085 0,101 Q3 2 0 29 0 0 28 0 0 Canada Northern America Dalhousie University Press, Ltd. 2011-2018 Classics (Q3); History (Q4); Philosophy (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)
21843 5700164225 Diplomacy and Statecraft journal 1557301X, 09592296 0,149 Q2 12 40 100 1481 29 95 0,11 37,03 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1990-1996, 1998, 2001-2003, 2010-2020 History (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
16786 14667 Diplomatic History journal 14677709, 01452096 0,235 Q1 31 38 153 3035 40 128 0,21 79,87 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1977-2019 History (Q1)      
24131 5800192602 Diplomatic Studies book series 18728863 0,125 Q3 5 0 20 0 3 1 3 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 Law (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
9798 22545 Diqiu Kexue - Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue Xuebao/Earth Science - Journal of China University of Geosciences journal 10002383 0,5 Q2 35 321 736 15506 1121 736 1,52 48,31 China Asiatic Region China University of Geosciences 1981, 2001-2020 Building and Construction (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
22649 5600153254 Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences journal 10263721 0,139 Q3 3 19 345 412 8 345 0,01 21,68 Jordan Middle East The University of Jordan 2007-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Health (social science) (Q4)
19669 21100199523 Direccion y Organizacion journal 1132175X, 21716323 0,181 Q3 5 23 45 724 27 45 0,65 31,48 Spain Western Europe CEPADE-Universidad Politecnica de Madrid 2011-2019 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3)
22544 21100862474 Diritto and Questioni Pubbliche journal 18250173 0,14 Q3 3 19 91 987 7 88 0,08 51,95 Italy Western Europe Universita di Palermo 2017-2019 Law (Q3)        
30313 21100927252 Diritto Pubblico journal 17218985, 26122464 - 1 8 0 827 0 0 0 103,38 Italy Western Europe Societa Editrice Il Mulino 2019 Law        
18391 21100856607 Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo journal 17204313 0,202 Q3 3 42 98 2902 12 87 0,14 69,1 Italy Western Europe Societa Editrice Il Mulino 2017-2019 Law (Q3)        
5657 11300153406 Disability and Health Journal journal 19366574, 18767583 0,831 Q2 33 110 299 3949 650 268 2,3 35,9 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 2008-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
6017 13710 Disability and Rehabilitation journal 09638288, 14645165 0,79 Q1 104 773 1098 36632 2423 978 2,44 47,39 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1978-2020 Rehabilitation (Q1)      
8804 11700154372 Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology journal 17483115, 17483107 0,564 Q2 35 211 288 7568 652 277 2,22 35,87 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2006-2020 Biomedical Engineering (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q2); Rehabilitation (Q2); Speech and Hearing (Q2)
6916 28846 Disability and Society journal 13600508, 09687599 0,704 Q1 71 133 279 6698 571 273 2,03 50,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1994-2020 Health (social science) (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Health Professions (miscellaneous) (Q2)
22545 19700175287 Disaster Advances journal 22784543, 0974262X 0,14 Q4 15 81 137 2389 39 137 0,28 29,49 India Asiatic Region Disaster Advances 2009-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q4)
11351 11600153403 Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness journal 19357893, 1938744X 0,42 Q3 37 221 403 6219 375 347 1,04 28,14 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2007-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
10648 20188 Disaster Prevention & Management journal 9653562 0,455 Q2 49 92 138 3674 228 134 1,44 39,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1992-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
8111 14119 Disasters journal 03613666, 14677717 0,61 Q1 66 78 136 4425 298 132 2,29 56,73 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1977-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
20277 21100817634 Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity journal 21646376, 21646414 0,171 Q4 10 37 107 894 36 107 0,32 24,16 United States Northern America L & H Scientific Publishing, LLC 2012-2020 Computational Mechanics (Q4); Control and Optimization (Q4); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q4); Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (Q4)
5220 100147327 Discourse journal 01596306, 14693739 0,879 Q1 46 90 224 4484 487 181 2,59 49,82 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1980-2020 Education (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6640 11500153402 Discourse and Communication journal 17504813, 17504821 0,73 Q1 28 33 89 1612 141 88 1,59 48,85 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2007-2020 Communication (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
18610 21100286340 Discourse and Interaction journal 18029930, 1805952X 0,198 Q2 3 10 30 389 14 30 0,5 38,9 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Masarykova Universita 2013-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
5698 13524 Discourse and Society journal 14603624, 09579265 0,825 Q1 68 35 91 1548 173 89 1,68 44,23 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 1990-2020 Communication (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
4420 25989 Discourse Processes journal 0163853X, 15326950 0,988 Q1 54 45 127 2413 241 117 1,79 53,62 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1978-2001, 2005-2020 Communication (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
4949 147229 Discourse Studies journal 14614456, 14617080 0,912 Q1 52 30 98 1386 132 94 1,49 46,2 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 1999-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Communication (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Social Psychology (Q2)
6816 21100203914 Discourse, Context and Media journal 22116958 0,714 Q1 16 56 154 2644 228 146 1,59 47,21 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2012-2020 Communication (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1)
5845 5300152706 Discovery medicine journal 15396509 0,807 Q2 50 0 166 0 383 166 2,49 0 United States Northern America Discovery Medicine 2006-2007, 2009-2018 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
4435 21100867476 Discrete Analysis journal 23973129 0,985 Q1 6 1 51 30 52 51 1,03 30 United Kingdom Western Europe Alliance of Diamond Open Access Journals 2016-2019 Algebra and Number Theory (Q1); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q1); Geometry and Topology (Q2)
8095 25887 Discrete and Computational Geometry journal 14320444, 01795376 0,611 Q2 57 140 257 3390 243 249 0,98 24,21 United States Northern America Springer New York 1986-2020 Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q2); Theoretical Computer Science (Q2); Geometry and Topology (Q3)
2635 75869 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems journal 15535231, 10780947 1,362 Q1 59 301 867 8897 1250 860 1,49 29,56 United States Northern America American Institute of Mathematical Sciences 1996-2020 Analysis (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q1); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q1)
5773 25889 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B journal 1553524X, 15313492 0,816 Q1 45 315 620 9872 791 608 1,31 31,34 United States Northern America Southwest Missouri State University 2001-2020 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q2)
6968 21100207001 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S journal 19371632, 19371179 0,7 Q2 25 177 290 4843 303 276 1,4 27,36 United States Northern America American Institute of Mathematical Sciences 2008-2020 Analysis (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q2); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q2)
6548 25890 Discrete Applied Mathematics journal 0166218X 0,738 Q2 79 554 1136 12132 1445 1098 1,22 21,9 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1979-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q2); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q2)
17119 21153 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society journal 10260226, 1607887X 0,228 Q4 35 154 751 4794 655 729 0,97 31,13 United States Northern America Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2002, 2004-2020 Modeling and Simulation (Q4)    
6766 28967 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications journal 15737594, 09246703 0,718 Q1 46 22 71 782 85 67 1,48 35,55 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1991-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Control and Systems Engineering (Q2); Modeling and Simulation (Q2)
5708 25892 Discrete Mathematics journal 0012365X 0,824 Q1 70 351 1051 6486 962 1044 0,86 18,48 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1971-2020 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q1); Theoretical Computer Science (Q1)
21266 25894 Discrete Mathematics and Applications journal 15693929, 09249265 0,157 Q4 12 40 108 490 15 108 0,1 12,25 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1991-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q4); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q4)
11676 78470 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science journal 13658050 0,404 Q2 21 32 131 683 83 131 0,49 21,34 France Western Europe Maison de l'informatique et des mathematiques discretes 1998-2000, 2004-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q3); Theoretical Computer Science (Q3)
19023 21100837973 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications journal 17938317, 17938309 0,191 Q3 15 80 165 1451 74 163 0,45 18,14 Singapore Asiatic Region World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd 2009-2015, 2017-2020 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q3)
7679 28469 Discrete Optimization journal 15725286 0,642 Q2 35 34 115 827 144 112 1,13 24,32 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2004-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q2); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2); Theoretical Computer Science (Q2)
24132 21100862242 Discurso y Sociedad journal 18874606 0,125 Q3 1 24 31 591 2 30 0,07 24,63 Spain Western Europe Universidad Pompeu Fabra 2018-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
29568 21100207638 Discursos Fotograficos journal 18085652, 19847939 0,1 Q4 2 0 80 0 0 74 0 0 Brazil Latin America State University of Londrina ECSC - Department of Communication 2012-2018 Communication (Q4); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)
29569 21100319039 Discusiones Filosoficas journal 1246127 0,1 Q4 3 0 58 0 2 53 0,03 0 Colombia Latin America Vice-Presidency for Research and Graduate, University of Caldas 2013-2018 Philosophy (Q4)      
30314 21100925649 Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications journal 20840373, 15099415 - 1 22 0 336 0 0 0 15,27 Poland Eastern Europe Sciendo 2019 Algebra and Number Theory; Applied Mathematics
8245 19700180503 Discussiones Mathematicae - Graph Theory journal 20835892, 12343099 0,6 Q2 14 93 232 1203 161 217 0,76 12,94 Poland Eastern Europe University of Zielona Gora 2009-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q2); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q2)
5492 29729 Disease Markers journal 02780240, 18758630 0,848 Q2 62 314 534 11130 1469 506 2,76 35,45 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 1983-2020 Biochemistry (medical) (Q2); Clinical Biochemistry (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Genetics (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
14502 12484 Disease-a-Month journal 00115029, 15578194 0,297 Q3 36 44 131 2771 110 94 1,25 62,98 United States Northern America Mosby Inc. 1954-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
8768 19679 Diseases of Aquatic Organisms journal 16161580, 01775103 0,566 Q2 95 119 376 5717 604 372 1,43 48,04 Germany Western Europe Inter-Research 1990-2020 Aquatic Science (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
2098 21088 Diseases of the Colon and Rectum journal 00123706, 15300358 1,55 Q1 158 273 718 4769 1881 512 3,72 17,47 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1958-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
5431 13672 Diseases of the Esophagus journal 11208694, 14422050 0,855 Q2 60 125 528 2072 1211 508 2,44 16,58 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1988-2020 Gastroenterology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
27769 21100242204 Disegnare Idee Immagini book series 11239247 0,103 Q3 5 9 56 151 5 50 0,12 16,78 Italy Western Europe Gangemi Editore S.p.A. 2009-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3); Architecture (Q4)
11036 25061 Displays journal 1419382 0,436 Q2 54 35 127 1358 304 122 2,39 38,8 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1979-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Hardware and Architecture (Q2); Human-Computer Interaction (Q2)
17406 21100202749 Disputatio journal 0873626X 0,222 Q2 8 7 57 46 27 53 0,55 6,57 Portugal Western Europe The Philosophy Centre of the University of Lisbon 2000-2019 Philosophy (Q2)      
25199 16023 Dissent journal 123846 0,118 Q4 16 50 208 0 35 163 0,21 0 United States Northern America Foundation for the Study of Independent Social Ideas 1976-1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1986-1988, 1994, 1996-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
3954 21100199568 Dissertationes Mathematicae journal 17306310, 00123862 1,058 Q1 20 10 25 740 34 23 1,67 74 Poland Eastern Europe Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences 2000-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
14897 18800156720 Dissolution Technologies journal 1521298X 0,285 Q2 30 18 79 480 58 66 1,04 26,67 United States Northern America Dissolution Technologies Inc 1996-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q2)    
3122 200147108 Distance Education journal 14750198, 01587919 1,229 Q1 48 34 91 1550 232 81 2,72 45,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1980-2020 Education (Q1); E-learning (Q1)  
28060 21100776062 Distillation Symposium 2016 - Topical Conference at the 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety conference and proceedings - 0,102 - 1 0 13 0 0 12 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Human-Computer Interaction
14757 21100443918 Distinktion journal 21599149, 1600910X 0,289 Q2 15 32 71 1419 45 63 0,68 44,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2009-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
14068 13130 Distributed and Parallel Databases journal 09268782, 15737578 0,31 Q2 41 40 61 1490 82 56 1,19 37,25 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1993-2020 Information Systems and Management (Q2); Hardware and Architecture (Q3); Information Systems (Q3); Software (Q3)
6649 24907 Distributed Computing journal 01782770, 14320452 0,729 Q1 44 40 76 1479 155 71 2,13 36,98 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1986-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q1); Hardware and Architecture (Q1); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2); Theoretical Computer Science (Q2)
17758 20000195054 Distributed Generation and Alternative Energy Journal journal 21566550, 21563306 0,214 Q3 10 5 53 72 26 45 0,64 14,4 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Inc. 2011-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3)
29570 21100205305 Divadelni Revue journal 8625409 0,1 Q4 2 12 71 169 0 51 0 14,08 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Praha Divadelni Ustav 2012-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)  
9141 6000187990 Diversity journal 14242818 0,541 Q2 34 230 213 16433 335 206 1,55 71,45 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2009-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Ecology (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2); Ecological Modeling (Q3)
1238 14551 Diversity and Distributions journal 13669516, 14724642 2,067 Q1 111 146 396 11336 1773 378 4,37 77,64 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1998-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
24133 21100266711 Diversity in Higher Education book series 14793644 0,125 Q4 8 8 34 322 4 23 0 40,25 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2005, 2009, 2011-2016, 2019 Education (Q4)      
11858 4400151520 Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine journal 18333516 0,395 Q3 20 46 158 249 107 105 1,06 5,41 Australia Pacific Region South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society 2006-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
29571 21425 Dix-Huitieme Siecle journal 706760 0,1 Q4 5 31 80 1032 0 77 0 33,29 France Western Europe Societe Francaise d'Etude du Dix-Huitieme Siecle 1975-1977, 1979-1980, 1982, 1985, 2002-2013, 2015-2016, 2018-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4)
23600 21100255511 Dix-Neuf journal 14787318 0,129 Q2 4 21 69 744 4 66 0,05 35,43 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 2012-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Music (Q2); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
29572 16300154743 Dix-Septieme Siecle journal 19696965, 00124273 0,1 Q4 4 38 128 1634 0 123 0 43 France Western Europe Presses Universitaires de France 2001-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
13706 27877 Dizhen Dizhi journal 2534967 0,322 Q3 30 95 265 4236 193 265 0,65 44,59 China Asiatic Region State Seismology Administration 1996-2019 Geology (Q3)      
16217 15394 D-Lib Magazine journal 10829873 0,249 Q3 51 0 78 0 68 67 1 0 United States Northern America Corporation for National Research Initiatives 1996-2017 Library and Information Sciences (Q3)  
29573 13925 DLR Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. - Forschungsberichte book series 14348454 0,1 Q4 9 55 153 5614 3 152 0,02 102,07 Germany Western Europe Deutschen Forschungsanstalt fur Luft-und Raumfahrt 1990-2019 Aerospace Engineering (Q4); Applied Mathematics (Q4); Space and Planetary Science (Q4)
11352 21100788251 DLS 2016 - Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Dynamic Languages, co-located with SPLASH 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,42 - 5 0 13 0 21 11 0 0 United States Northern America   Artificial Intelligence    
19024 19900191976 DLSU Business and Economics Review journal 1167111 0,191 Q3 8 41 84 1398 36 80 0,31 34,1 Philippines  Asiatic Region De la Salle University 2008-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3); Marketing (Q3); Accounting (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
1166 19400157151 DMM Disease Models and Mechanisms journal 17548403, 17548411 2,138 Q1 74 152 458 9934 1939 434 4,41 65,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Company of Biologists Ltd 2008-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q1)
5439 17424 DNA and Cell Biology journal 10445498 0,854 Q2 74 170 368 7312 1123 356 3,22 43,01 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 1990-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3); Genetics (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
1271 17425 DNA Repair journal 15687864 2,036 Q1 113 147 368 12165 1275 344 3,24 82,76 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2002-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Cell Biology (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
28636 5600157615 DNA Reporter journal 4185412 0,101 Q4 1 9 81 49 0 21 0 5,44 United States Northern America Delaware Nurses' Association 2006-2008, 2017-2019 LPN and LVN (Q4)      
1263 17426 DNA Research journal 17561663, 13402838 2,042 Q1 94 42 157 1569 706 153 4,01 37,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1994-2019 Genetics (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
21997 21100781896 DocEng 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering conference and proceedings - 0,147 - 5 0 39 0 28 37 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications
28061 24969 Dock and Harbour Authority journal 124419 0,102 Q4 4 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Foxlow Publications Ltd. 1969-2000 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q4); Ocean Engineering (Q4); Transportation (Q4)
27770 17600155217 Document Numerique journal 19631014, 12795127 0,103 Q4 6 0 32 0 2 28 0 0 France Western Europe Lavoisier 2001-2004, 2006-2016, 2018 Library and Information Sciences (Q4)  
3235 145273 Documenta Mathematica journal 14310635 1,203 Q1 25 57 147 1941 116 147 0,67 34,05 Germany Western Europe Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung 2002-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
5481 13844 Documenta Ophthalmologica journal 15732622, 00124486 0,85 Q2 53 58 135 1544 242 130 1,63 26,62 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1938, 1948-1951, 1954-2020 Ophthalmology (Q2); Physiology (medical) (Q2); Sensory Systems (Q3)
10629 21100202955 Documenta Praehistorica journal 18542492, 1408967X 0,456 Q1 15 1 68 33 47 68 0,7 33 Slovenia Eastern Europe Univerza v Ljubljani 2009-2019 Anthropology (Q1); Archeology (Q1); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1)
29574 17600155225 Documentaliste: Sciences de l'Information journal 124508 0,1 Q4 4 0 73 0 1 63 0 0 France Western Europe Association des Professionnels de l'Information et de la Documentation (ADBS) 2001-2016 Communication (Q4); Library and Information Sciences (Q4)
25413 21100833035 Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale journal 11225750 0,116 Q3 4 15 51 0 4 50 0,09 0 Italy Western Europe SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo 2015-2019 History (Q3); Philosophy (Q3)    
30315 21100932723 Documenti Geografici journal 22817549   - 0 9 0 280 0 0 0 31,11 Italy Western Europe Universita degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata 2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous); Geography, Planning and Development; History
14134 28087 Documents d' Analisi Geografica journal 20144512, 02121573 0,308 Q3 15 25 83 1464 65 80 0,55 58,56 Spain Western Europe Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and Universitat de Girona 1988-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
21493 21100860444 Dog Behavior journal 24210684, 24215678 0,154 Q4 4 9 43 294 15 43 0,21 32,67 Italy Western Europe Edizioni ETS 2015-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4); Applied Psychology (Q4); Small Animals (Q4)
9665 17821 Doga, Turkish Journal of Botany journal 1300008X, 13036106 0,507 Q2 34 68 195 3142 191 189 1,02 46,21 Turkey Middle East Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences 1990, 1992-2020 Plant Science (Q2)      
27516 12541 Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences journal 03855023, 09115900 0,104 Q4 6 10 71 303 1 64 0,02 30,3 Japan Asiatic Region Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences 1978-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
15034 17433 Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics journal 16083091, 16076729 0,281 Q3 18 104 326 1299 254 326 0,77 12,49 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 2001-2019 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Biochemistry (Q4); Biophysics (Q4)
15690 14552 Doklady Biological Sciences journal 00124966, 16083105 0,263 Q2 16 52 214 649 115 213 0,58 12,48 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1972-1974, 1979-1990, 2000-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q4)
18062 23501 Doklady Chemistry journal 00125008, 16083113 0,208 Q3 20 75 235 832 138 233 0,54 11,09 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1996-2019 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
12469 22561 Doklady Earth Sciences journal 1028334X, 15318354 0,368 Q2 31 332 979 4091 692 976 0,7 12,32 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1998-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
8164 25924 Doklady Mathematics journal 15318362, 10645624 0,607 Q2 25 147 517 1625 396 513 0,87 11,05 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1996-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
14673 26885 Doklady Physical Chemistry journal 00125016, 16083121 0,292 Q3 20 46 143 537 92 143 0,71 11,67 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1996-2019 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q3)  
11243 27502 Doklady Physics journal 10283358, 15626903 0,425 Q2 28 114 406 1248 396 402 1,09 10,95 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1996-2019 Computational Mechanics (Q2); Mechanics of Materials (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q3)
24134 64260 Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola journal 0346718X 0,125 Q3 15 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Sweden Western Europe Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola 1975-1994, 1996-2006 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
9666 21100285499 Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation journal 20356803 0,507 Q2 8 16 54 392 54 53 0,98 24,5 Italy Western Europe University of Verona 2013-2019 Applied Mathematics (Q2); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)
29575 12545 DOLOR journal 2140659 0,1 Q4 4 5 72 184 1 70 0 36,8 Spain Western Europe Publicaciones Permanyer 1995-2019 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q4)  
18063 21100837350 Domes : digest of Middle East studies journal 10604367, 19493606 0,208 Q1 1 17 14 833 3 12 0,18 49 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1994, 2016, 2018-2020 History (Q1); Religious Studies (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q2); Law (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
7143 17755 Domestic Animal Endocrinology journal 18790054, 07397240 0,683 Q1 71 51 176 2088 375 175 1,89 40,94 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1984-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Food Animals (Q1); Endocrinology (Q3)
19025 20300195003 Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology journal 0973614X, 09751912 0,191 Q4 15 33 142 953 23 130 0,27 28,88 India Asiatic Region Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd 2011-2020 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q4); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
21570 16040 Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University journal 10053026 0,153 Q3 19 322 1070 4222 285 1070 0,21 13,11 China Asiatic Region Northeastern University 1998-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Applied Mathematics (Q4); Computer Science Applications (Q4)
15239 19700171106 Dongli Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering journal 16747607 0,275 Q3 15 152 464 2382 254 464 0,49 15,67 China Asiatic Region Shanghai Power Equipment Research Institute 2010-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3)
19378 21174 Dongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition) journal 10010505 0,186 Q2 20 163 666 3237 270 666 0,38 19,86 China Asiatic Region Southeast University 2002-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
10257 19300156901 Dose-Response journal 15593258 0,475 Q2 33 126 162 5739 347 131 2,79 45,55 United States Northern America International Dose-Response Society 2008-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Chemical Health and Safety (Q3); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q3); Toxicology (Q3)
25657 12576 Douleur et Analgesie journal 19516398, 1011288X 0,114 Q4 8 24 125 492 12 98 0,05 20,5 France Western Europe Springer Paris 1988-2019 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q4)  
21998 12578 Douleurs journal 16245687 0,147 Q4 9 50 133 755 17 94 0,18 15,1 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 2001-2019 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q4); Neurology (clinical) (Q4)
28637 21100470107 Douziemes Journees Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, JFPC 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 1 0 36 0 0 34 0 0 France Western Europe   Computer Networks and Communications
28638 21100788246 Down to Earth Conference, DTEC 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 2 0 31 0 6 30 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications
30316 21100914237 Drama Therapy Review journal 20547668, 20547676 - 2 17 0 659 0 0 0 38,76 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2019 Complementary and Manual Therapy; Visual Arts and Performing Arts
29576 5700191220 Drapers journal 14791617 0,1 Q4 1 0 695 0 0 215 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Emap Fashion Ltd. 2002, 2007-2018 Business and International Management (Q4); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4)
10574 13541 Dreaming journal 10530797, 15733351 0,459 Q2 36 27 77 1492 89 72 1,23 55,26 United States Northern America American Psychological Association Inc. 1996-2020 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
29577 24974 Dredging and Port Construction trade journal 2644835 0,1 Q4 1 0 56 0 0 56 0 0 United States Northern America Lloyds's Register - Fairplay Ltd. 1976-1998 Ocean Engineering (Q4); Transportation (Q4)
27771 5700169551 Dress journal 3612112 0,103 Q3 6 21 37 0 3 22 0,23 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 1975-1995, 2000-2008, 2010-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3)  
15207 19700173133 Drewno journal 16443985 0,276 Q2 11 25 96 870 73 96 0,59 34,8 Poland Eastern Europe Instytut Technologii Drewna 2009-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Forestry (Q3); Biomaterials (Q4)
15691 20144 Drilling Fluid and Completion Fluid journal 10015620 0,263 Q3 13 115 427 1774 209 427 0,45 15,43 China Asiatic Region North China Petroleum Administration Drilling Technology Research Institute 2002-2019 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3)
11950 19900193676 Drinking Water Engineering and Science journal 19969465, 19969457 0,391 Q2 16 7 30 284 45 30 1,57 40,57 Germany Western Europe Copernicus Publications 2008-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2); Pollution (Q3)
22848 17700155038 Droit et Societe journal 19696973, 07693362 0,137 Q3 12 0 55 0 9 52 0,22 0 France Western Europe Editions Juridiques Associees 2001-2017 Law (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
29578 4700152211 Droit, Deontologie et Soin journal 16296583 0,1 Q4 3 27 120 0 0 111 0 0 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 2004-2020 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects (Q4); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q4)
13632 21100469685 DroNet 2016 - Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks, Systems, and Applications for Civilian Use, co-located with MobiSys 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,324 - 5 0 12 0 36 10 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Information Systems
26703 31335 DRUCKLUFT PRAXIS journal 126497 0,108 Q4 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 Germany Western Europe Krausskopf 1973-1976, 1978-1980 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
29579 19861 Drucklufttechnik journal 7237537 0,1 Q4 1 0 2846 0 2 2846 0 0 Germany Western Europe Vereinigte Fachverlage GmbH 1982-1994, 1996-1997 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
1429 26380 Drug and Alcohol Dependence journal 3768716 1,909 Q1 158 507 1356 23519 5907 1319 4,22 46,39 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1975-2020 Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1); Toxicology (Q1)
4809 26382 Drug and Alcohol Review journal 14653362, 09595236 0,93 Q1 70 110 394 4018 945 324 2,75 36,53 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1989-2020 Health (social science) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
11305 20766 Drug and Chemical Toxicology journal 01480545, 15256014 0,422 Q3 42 194 235 9220 386 194 2,21 47,53 United States Northern America Informa Healthcare 1977-2020 Chemical Health and Safety (Q3); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3); Toxicology (Q3)
23307 20767 Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin journal 00126543, 17555248 0,132 Q4 15 106 379 957 44 188 0,25 9,03 United Kingdom Western Europe BMJ Publishing Group 1965-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
3883 20770 Drug Delivery journal 10717544, 15210464 1,072 Q1 57 129 760 5827 3670 747 5,12 45,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1993, 1995-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmaceutical Science (Q1)
7861 19700182043 Drug Delivery and Translational Research journal 21903948, 2190393X 0,627 Q2 32 98 305 4712 873 291 2,74 48,08 United States Northern America Springer Publishing Company 2011-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q2)    
30317 21100903428 Drug Delivery Letters journal 2210304X, 22103031 - 1 33 0 1367 0 0 0 41,42 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2019-2020 Biomedical Engineering; Pharmaceutical Science; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous)
27517 19700175108 Drug Delivery System journal 18812732, 09135006 0,104 Q4 7 59 197 836 7 134 0,06 14,17 Japan Asiatic Region Japan Society of Drug Delivery System 1986, 1988-2019 Pharmaceutical Science (Q4)    
5215 19700175230 Drug Design, Development and Therapy journal 11778881 0,88 Q1 54 388 1085 15159 3458 1046 3,35 39,07 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2007-2020 Drug Discovery (Q1); Pharmaceutical Science (Q1); Pharmacology (Q2)
25200 17600155051 Drug Development and Delivery trade journal 1944818X, 15372898 0,118 Q4 11 63 205 316 16 100 0,13 5,02 United States Northern America Drug Delivery Technology 2009-2019 Pharmaceutical Science (Q4)    
9433 21190 Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy journal 03639045, 15205762 0,521 Q2 81 200 637 8806 1555 627 2,53 44,03 United States Northern America Informa Healthcare 1974, 1976-2020 Drug Discovery (Q2); Organic Chemistry (Q2); Pharmaceutical Science (Q2); Pharmacology (Q3)
10090 21192 Drug Development Research journal 02724391, 10982299 0,483 Q3 58 131 136 6947 277 130 1,93 53,03 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1981-2020 Drug Discovery (Q3)      
14039 21100212330 Drug discoveries & therapeutics journal 1881784X, 18817831 0,311 Q2 20 0 106 0 110 105 0,88 0 Japan Asiatic Region International Advancement Center for Medicine & Health Research Co., Ltd. (IACMHR Co., Ltd.) 1997, 2010-2018 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
1444 21196 Drug Discovery Today journal 18785832, 13596446 1,896 Q1 167 263 620 18902 4384 580 7,65 71,87 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1996-2020 Drug Discovery (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1)  
16101 144963 Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models journal 17406757 0,252 Q3 24 14 80 1147 38 70 0,5 81,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2004-2020 Drug Discovery (Q3); Molecular Medicine (Q4)
3425 21207 Drug Discovery Today: Technologies journal 17406749 1,162 Q1 45 14 105 937 403 94 4,11 66,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2004-2019 Biotechnology (Q1); Drug Discovery (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q2)
26247 73076 Drug Discovery World journal 14694344 0,111 Q4 11 0 86 0 7 81 0,08 0 United Kingdom Western Europe RJ Communications and Media Ltd. 2004-2018 Drug Discovery (Q4)      
23218 21100202909 Drug Invention Today journal 9757619 0,133 Q4 13 1085 719 22658 146 719 0,2 20,88 India Asiatic Region Association of Pharmaceutical Innovators 2012-2020 Drug Discovery (Q4)      
3740 21226 Drug Metabolism and Disposition journal 00909556, 1521009X 1,097 Q1 169 169 602 7027 1978 562 3,31 41,58 United States Northern America American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 1973-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1)
15001 21100389517 Drug Metabolism and Personalized Therapy journal 23638907, 23638915 0,282 Q2 34 23 87 591 113 81 1,38 25,7 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2015-2020 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
9142 144956 Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics journal 13474367 0,541 Q2 63 55 150 1957 302 142 2,45 35,58 Japan Asiatic Region Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics 2002-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q2); Pharmacology (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
16879 11200153563 Drug Metabolism Letters journal 18740758, 18723128 0,233 Q2 25 14 77 675 80 68 1,21 48,21 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2007-2019 Pharmaceutical Science (Q2); Biochemistry (medical) (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3); Clinical Biochemistry (Q4)
3618 12584 Drug Metabolism Reviews journal 10979883, 03602532 1,119 Q1 95 32 79 4301 356 79 4,26 134,41 United States Northern America Informa Healthcare 1972-2020 Pharmacology (medical) (Q1); Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q1)
12814 21100470510 Drug Research journal 21949379, 21949387 0,355 Q3 60 100 327 3156 516 297 2 31,56 Germany Western Europe Thieme 1972, 2013-2020 Drug Discovery (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
400 12611 Drug Resistance Updates journal 13687646, 15322084 3,92 Q1 105 17 67 3750 916 66 10,51 220,59 United States Northern America Churchill Livingstone 1998-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Infectious Diseases (Q1); Oncology (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
3480 21237 Drug Safety journal 01145916, 11791942 1,148 Q1 120 134 361 7023 1138 295 3,64 52,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Adis International Ltd 1990-2020 Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1); Toxicology (Q1)
4757 21100776087 Drug Safety - Case Reports journal 21991162, 2198977X 0,938 Q2 2 0 1 0 8 1 0 0 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2016 Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)    
13633 19700174889 Drug Target Insights journal 11773928 0,324 Q2 11 5 13 209 30 12 2,8 41,8 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2008-2009, 2011-2019 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q2); Clinical Biochemistry (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
5074 19700174958 Drug Testing and Analysis journal 19427611, 19427603 0,898 Q1 50 198 532 6480 1484 479 3,25 32,73 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2009-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q1); Pharmaceutical Science (Q1); Spectroscopy (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q2)
29580 21238 Drug Topics journal 19378157, 00126616 0,1 Q4 7 15 484 0 6 81 0,17 0 United States Northern America Advanstar Communications Inc. 1991, 1997-2019 Pharmaceutical Science (Q4); Pharmacology (Q4)
10290 19700175086 Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety journal 11791365 0,473 Q3 20 15 35 565 70 35 2,05 37,67 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Limited 2009-2020 Health Policy (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3)  
2013 21239 Drugs journal 00126667, 11791950 1,589 Q1 160 202 512 12132 2819 456 6,67 60,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Adis International Ltd 1971-2020 Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)    
8867 21100854843 Drugs - Real World Outcomes journal 21991154, 21989788 0,559 Q2 11 22 91 773 174 89 1,85 35,14 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2014-2020 Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)    
4950 21241 Drugs and Aging journal 1170229X, 11791969 0,912 Q2 92 109 275 7405 816 257 3,17 67,94 United Kingdom Western Europe Adis International Ltd 1991-2020 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
16880 21100202714 Drugs and Alcohol Today journal 17459265 0,233 Q3 14 35 89 1091 55 80 0,58 31,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2001-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)
25534 21259 Drugs and Therapy Perspectives journal 11791977, 11720360 0,115 Q4 6 103 267 2948 62 241 0,31 28,62 United Kingdom Western Europe Adis International Ltd 1993-2020 Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)    
5493 4700152278 Drugs in Context journal 17404398, 17451981 0,848 Q2 15 47 69 3355 214 69 3,56 71,38 United Kingdom Western Europe BioExcel Publishing Ltd. 2006-2008, 2012-2019 Molecular Medicine (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2)
8463 21264 Drugs in R and D journal 11796901, 11745886 0,585 Q2 42 33 139 1526 326 130 2,45 46,24 United Kingdom Western Europe Adis International Ltd 1999, 2002-2008, 2010-2020 Pharmacology (Q2)      
25094 21265 Drugs of the Future journal 3778282 0,119 Q4 42 81 253 1785 25 252 0,1 22,04 Spain Western Europe Prous Science 1978-2019 Pharmacology (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
12698 21256 Drugs of Today journal 00257656, 16993993, 16994019 0,359 Q3 50 56 169 2401 210 165 1,46 42,88 Spain Western Europe Prous Science 1968, 1978-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
7835 26409 Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy journal 14653370, 09687637 0,629 Q2 40 77 175 3998 310 154 1,81 51,92 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1994-2020 Health (social science) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
19104 26001 Drustvena Istrazivanja journal 18486096, 13300288 0,19 Q3 15 32 90 1279 42 82 0,47 39,97 Croatia Eastern Europe Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar 1996-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
25414 5600153193 Druzboslovne Razprave journal 3523608 0,116 Q3 2 4 32 147 4 32 0,13 36,75 Slovenia Eastern Europe Univerza v Ljubljani 2017-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); Communication (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
15890 90173 Drvna Industrija journal 126772 0,258 Q3 17 43 135 1293 107 124 0,76 30,07 Croatia Eastern Europe 1980-1981, 1998-2020 Forestry (Q3)      
6354 26887 Drying Technology journal 15322300, 07373937 0,756 Q1 80 313 549 13288 1896 532 3,65 42,45 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1983, 1985-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2)
16179 21100801256 DSM 2016 - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, co-located with SPLASH 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,25 - 3 0 10 0 12 9 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Human-Computer Interaction; Software
7727 5700166187 Du Bois Review journal 1742058X 0,638 Q1 33 21 78 1414 121 74 1 67,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2004-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
29581 16000154721 Du: Zeitschrift Der Kultur journal 126837 0,1 Q4 1 77 243 0 0 143 0 0 Switzerland Western Europe Verlag Niggli AG 2002-2020 Cultural Studies (Q4); Music (Q4); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)
28639 21100456707 Dubrovnik Annals journal 13313878, 18488153 0,101 Q4 1 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 Croatia Eastern Europe Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts 2015-2018 History (Q4)      
21571 15183 Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum journal 23289686, 10643958 0,153 Q3 18 7 27 1010 4 26 0,12 144,29 United States Northern America Duke University School of Law 1996-2000, 2002-2019 Law (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4)
3050 15184 Duke Law Journal journal 127086 1,247 Q1 40 36 108 2507 130 101 1,45 69,64 United States Northern America Duke University School of Law 1978, 1980-1981, 1983-1986, 1988-1994, 1996-2020 Law (Q1)        
288 25936 Duke Mathematical Journal journal 15477398, 00127094 4,907 Q1 76 65 205 2649 497 200 2,15 40,75 United States Northern America Duke University Press 1935-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
27772 18200156710 DukeMedicine healthnews journal 21538387 0,103 Q4 2 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 United States Northern America Belvoir Media Group 2006-2007, 2009-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
22302 16000154711 Dumbarton Oaks Papers book series 707546 0,143 Q2 17 0 25 0 6 25 0,25 0 United States Northern America J.J. Augustin, Inc. 2002-2011, 2013-2017 History (Q2); Archeology (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3)
26086 12613 Duodecim; laaketieteellinen aikakauskirja journal 127183 0,112 Q4 8 0 183 0 14 183 0 0 Finland Western Europe Laaketieteellinen Aikakauskirja Duodecim 1945-2006, 2009-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
24135 19422 DuPont Magazine trade journal 958808 0,125 Q3 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America EI du Pont de Nemours & Co. 1975-1981, 1985, 1988, 1990-2004 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3); Business and International Management (Q4); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28062 5600153212 Durkheimian Studies/Etudes durkheimiennes journal 17522307, 1362024X 0,102 Q3 4 0 11 0 1 10 0,1 0 United Kingdom Western Europe British Centre for Durkheimian Studies 2011-2015, 2017 Religious Studies (Q3); Anthropology (Q4); Philosophy (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
21494 19700201503 Dusunen Adam journal 10188681, 13095749 0,154 Q4 10 42 156 1385 50 131 0,43 32,98 Turkey Middle East Bakirkoy Research and Training Hospital for Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery 2011-2019 Neurology (clinical) (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
25415 5600156482 Dutch Crossing journal 3096564 0,116 Q3 4 24 70 600 5 53 0,03 25 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 2011-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
23505 21100390168 Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics journal 22117253, 22117245 0,13 Q3 6 8 42 289 8 37 0,14 36,13 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 2012-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
28063 19700174637 Duzce Medical Journal journal 1307671X 0,102 Q4 5 58 69 1218 2 68 0,05 21 Turkey Middle East Duzce University Medical School 2010-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
17902 5600153675 Dve Domovini journal 15811212, 03536777 0,211 Q2 8 26 67 1026 27 64 0,45 39,46 Slovenia Eastern Europe ZRC SAZU, Zalozba ZRC 2008-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); Demography (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
5683 23502 Dyes and Pigments journal 01437208, 18733743 0,827 Q1 119 894 1957 43373 8656 1951 4,74 48,52 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1980-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q2)
21495 12600154771 DYNA journal 127353 0,154 Q3 16 125 486 3463 222 485 0,41 27,7 Colombia Latin America Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2008-2019 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
20844 21100205731 Dyna (Spain) journal 00127361, 19891490 0,163 Q3 9 20 458 343 154 341 0,54 17,15 Spain Western Europe Federacion de Asociaciones de Ingenieros Industriales de Espana 2009-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
10340 19700177406 Dynamic Games and Applications journal 21530785, 21530793 0,471 Q2 20 77 107 2710 149 103 1,28 35,19 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2011-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q2); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q3); Statistics and Probability (Q3)
27518 21100898990 Dynamic Relationships Management Journal journal 2350367X, 22325867 0,104 Q4 1 6 9 176 0 7 0 29,33 Slovenia Eastern Europe Slovenian Academy of Management 2018-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
18064 28720 Dynamic Systems and Applications journal 10562176 0,208 Q4 20 0 38 0 30 37 0 0 United States Northern America Dynamic Publishers 2004-2016 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
11071 24927 Dynamical Systems journal 14689367 0,434 Q2 31 48 103 973 96 95 1,06 20,27 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1996-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q3)
24136 21100425745 Dynamics in the History of Religions book series 18788114, 18788106 0,125 Q2 4 0 25 0 3 1 3 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2011-2013, 2017-2018 History (Q2); Religious Studies (Q2)  
18335 19900192514 Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward Terrorism and Genocide journal 17467594, 17467586 0,203 Q2 10 24 33 1388 21 27 0,71 57,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); Law (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Social Psychology (Q4)
5229 12818 Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans journal 3770265 0,878 Q1 44 36 113 1573 217 112 1,76 43,69 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1976-2020 Geology (Q1); Atmospheric Science (Q2); Computers in Earth Sciences (Q2); Oceanography (Q2)
16570 25940 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis journal 12013390 0,24 Q3 25 24 79 613 26 79 0,3 25,54 Canada Northern America Watam Press 1998, 2000, 2003-2020 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q3); Analysis (Q4); Applied Mathematics (Q4)
19245 25942 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications and Algorithms journal 14928760 0,188 Q4 27 23 72 558 25 71 0,38 24,26 Canada Northern America Watam Press 1997-2019 Applied Mathematics (Q4); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q4)
4470 10700153303 Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations journal 1548159X, 21637873 0,978 Q1 18 15 49 451 54 49 1,21 30,07 United States Northern America International Press of Boston, Inc. 2007-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Analysis (Q2)  
24875 12616 Dynamis journal 2119536 0,121 Q4 11 9 60 324 13 58 0,24 36 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Granada 1981-1985, 1987, 1989-2019 History and Philosophy of Science (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28640 15458 Dynamische Psychiatrie journal 0012740X 0,101 Q4 7 0 18 0 0 17 0 0 Germany Western Europe Pinel-Verlag fur humanistische Psychiatrie und Spinel-Verlag 1973-1986, 1994, 1996-2016 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)  
5494 22029 Dyslexia journal 10769242, 10990909 0,848 Q1 49 37 71 2219 144 70 1,88 59,97 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1996-2020 Education (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
4796 13674 Dysphagia journal 0179051X, 14320460 0,932 Q1 78 148 253 5432 840 241 2,86 36,7 Germany Western Europe Springer New York 1986-2020 Otorhinolaryngology (Q1); Speech and Hearing (Q1); Gastroenterology (Q2)
13707 5400152710 E a M: Ekonomie a Management journal 12123609 0,322 Q2 20 40 172 1943 224 172 1,29 48,58 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Technical University of Liberec 2007-2019 Business and International Management (Q2); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Strategy and Management (Q3)
15924 21100469607 E2DC 2016 - Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Energy Efficient Data Centres conference and proceedings - 0,257 - 2 0 9 0 10 8 0 0 United States Northern America   Information Systems    
20631 21100795900 E3S Web of Conferences conference and proceedings 22671242 0,166 - 14 5518 5513 81641 2246 5411 0,41 14,8 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 2013-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous); Energy (miscellaneous); Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
28641 21100787016 EAGE Workshop on Petroleum Geochemistry in Operations and Production: A Tale of Fluids in Carbonate Reservoirs conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 0 0 22 0 0 21 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Software
25825 21100464990 EAGE/DGG Workshop on Deep Mineral Exploration 2016: Chasing Both Land and Sea Deposits conference and proceedings - 0,113 - 2 0 17 0 2 16 0 0 Germany Western Europe   Computer Networks and Communications; Control and Systems Engineering; Education; Signal Processing
23817 21100820891 EAGE/DGG Workshop on Fibre Optic Technology in Geophysics 2017 conference and proceedings - 0,127 - 2 0 19 0 4 18 0,22 0 Netherlands Western Europe   Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Hardware and Architecture; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
28064 21100464559 EAGE/SPE Subsalt Imaging Workshop 2016: Challenges of Subsalt Imaging and Exploration conference and proceedings - 0,102 - 0 0 13 0 0 12 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe   Fuel Technology; Geochemistry and Petrology; Management of Technology and Innovation; Process Chemistry and Technology; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
23391 21100773724 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web journal 2032944X 0,131 Q4 4 36 98 788 52 97 0,6 21,89 Belgium Western Europe European Alliance for Innovation 2013-2020 Control and Systems Engineering (Q4); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4); Information Systems (Q4); Marketing (Q4); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4)
23128 21100904323 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology journal 24117145 0,134 Q4 1 15 21 599 10 19 0,53 39,93 Belgium Western Europe European Alliance for Innovation 2018-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Health Informatics (Q4)
27773 21100777703 EAN 2016 - 54th International Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis conference and proceedings - 0,103 - 3 0 100 0 6 99 0 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Human-Computer Interaction; Software
1887 13679 Ear and Hearing journal 15384667, 01960202 1,644 Q1 103 141 374 4970 1163 353 3,06 35,25 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1980-2020 Otorhinolaryngology (Q1); Speech and Hearing (Q1)
16102 13676 Ear, Nose and Throat Journal journal 19425613, 01455613 0,252 Q3 45 411 576 6083 249 541 0,44 14,8 United States Northern America Medquest Communications LLC 1976-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Otorhinolaryngology (Q3)
18442 29219 Early American Literature journal 00128163, 1534147X 0,201 Q1 13 24 79 1158 16 73 0,22 48,25 United States Northern America University of North Carolina Press 1973, 1979, 1981, 2000, 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
25826 21100425845 Early Americas: History and Culture book series 18753264 0,113 Q3 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2011-2012, 2014, 2017 Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3)  
10811 24575 Early Child Development and Care journal 14768275, 03004430 0,447 Q2 40 349 525 16958 529 406 1,26 48,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1971-1974, 1976, 1978-2020 Pediatrics (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3); Social Psychology (Q3)
8464 144967 Early Childhood Education Journal journal 15731707, 10823301 0,585 Q2 38 79 219 3729 365 218 1,68 47,2 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1995-2002, 2005-2020 Education (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3)
1616 77191 Early Childhood Research Quarterly journal 8852006 1,792 Q1 91 126 234 9201 887 219 3,15 73,02 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1986-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Education (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
28642 21100835953 Early China journal 03625028, 23252324 0,101 Q3 2 8 21 718 2 18 0,11 89,75 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2017-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Archeology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4); History (Q4); Philosophy (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)
5432 13523 Early Education and Development journal 15566935, 10409289 0,855 Q1 57 76 196 5065 417 188 1,91 66,64 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1989-2020 Education (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
6009 12663 Early Human Development journal 18726232, 03783782 0,791 Q1 92 184 476 6086 996 441 2,22 33,08 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1977-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q2)
3333 17500155156 Early Intervention in Psychiatry journal 17517885, 17517893 1,183 Q1 42 246 321 10224 902 284 2,9 41,56 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007-2020 Psychiatric Mental Health (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1); Biological Psychiatry (Q2)
28065 21100267793 Early Medieval China journal 15299104, 19467842 0,102 Q3 3 8 17 0 2 15 0,1 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 1994-1995, 2005, 2007-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Anthropology (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Philosophy (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)
18443 21474 Early Medieval Europe journal 09639462, 14680254 0,201 Q1 22 19 55 109 23 51 0,28 5,74 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1992-2003, 2005-2020 History (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
29582 21100463529 Early Modern French Studies journal 20563035, 20563043 0,1 Q4 3 15 58 0 1 48 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2019 Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
23308 21100876391 Early Modern Low Countries journal 25431587 0,132 Q2 1 10 23 643 5 23 0,22 64,3 Netherlands Western Europe Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals 2017-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2)  
22650 11600153638 Early Modern Women journal 19330065, 21519846 0,139 Q3 2 15 46 550 1 35 0 36,67 United States Northern America University of Maryland 2010-2011, 2015-2019 Gender Studies (Q3)    
29583 6500153101 Early Music journal 17417260, 03061078 0,1 Q4 14 52 152 1417 6 134 0,05 27,25 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1973-2019 Music (Q4)      
25095 16800154751 Early Music History journal 02611279, 14740559 0,119 Q3 12 7 16 434 1 15 0,1 62 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1981-1982, 1984-1988, 1990-1992, 1994-2019 Music (Q3)      
21102 6500153123 Early Popular Visual Culture journal 17460654 0,159 Q1 7 23 78 805 16 61 0,21 35 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2009-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2)
20278 12634 Early Science and Medicine journal 13837427, 15733823 0,171 Q2 19 12 67 549 22 65 0,37 45,75 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1996-2020 History (Q2); History and Philosophy of Science (Q3); Multidisciplinary (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
7200 19700190344 Early Years journal 14724421, 09575146 0,678 Q2 27 52 135 2185 152 83 1,24 42,02 United States Northern America Routledge 1980-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2); Education (Q2)
23506 21100830171 EARSeL eProceedings journal 17293782 0,13 Q4 2 0 7 0 2 7 0,29 0 France Western Europe European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories 2017-2018 Forestry (Q4); Instrumentation (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4)
29584 15600154714 Earth journal 1943345X 0,1 Q4 13 6 269 0 1 150 0,01 0 United States Northern America American Geological Institute 2008-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4)
3903 11400153329 Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh journal 17556910, 17556929 1,067 Q1 56 88 68 7930 173 66 2,57 90,11 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2007-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
683 22566 Earth and Planetary Science Letters journal 0012821X 2,942 Q1 232 511 1769 28161 9103 1715 5,06 55,11 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1966-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q1); Geophysics (Q1); Space and Planetary Science (Q1)
4591 21100842665 Earth and Space Science journal 23335084 0,961 Q1 18 174 147 9198 383 142 2,6 52,86 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2014-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
27071 65055 Earth Evolution Sciences journal 01740199, 18818463 0,106 Q4 3 0 7 0 0 4 0 0 Japan Asiatic Region University of Tsukuba 1981, 2007-2018 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
5153 19600166216 Earth Interactions journal 10873562 0,889 Q1 35 7 59 427 120 56 2,09 61 United States Northern America American Meteorological Society 2004-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
10561 21100239604 Earth Science Frontiers journal 10052321 0,46 Q2 24 163 497 8046 632 497 0,91 49,36 China Asiatic Region di xue qian yuan bian ji bu 2010, 2013-2020 Geology (Q2)      
12058 14500154730 Earth Science Informatics journal 18650473, 18650481 0,386 Q2 19 65 122 2933 214 120 1,9 45,12 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2009-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
18956 22582 Earth Sciences History journal 0736623X, 19446187 0,192 Q3 8 22 74 1506 14 62 0,19 68,45 United States Northern America History of the Earth Sciences Society 1985, 1988, 1996-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); History and Philosophy of Science (Q3)
16258 7000153282 Earth Sciences Research Journal journal 17946190 0,248 Q3 13 33 107 1248 83 103 0,76 37,82 Colombia Latin America Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2007-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
1838 21100407152 Earth Surface Dynamics journal 2196632X, 21966311 1,666 Q1 21 59 161 4232 702 161 4,06 71,73 Germany Western Europe Copernicus Publications 2013-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q1); Geophysics (Q1)
2866 25751 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms journal 1979337 1,3 Q1 119 232 606 16267 2294 565 4,05 70,12 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1981-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Earth-Surface Processes (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1)
1465 19900192023 Earth System Dynamics journal 21904979, 21904987 1,883 Q1 33 49 209 3640 846 209 3,87 74,29 Germany Western Europe Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH 2010-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
319 21100284918 Earth System Science Data journal 18663516, 18663508 4,532 Q1 48 102 231 6431 2325 231 9 63,05 Germany Western Europe Copernicus Publications 2009-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6982 21100913557 Earth Systems and Environment journal 25099426, 25099434 0,698 Q2 8 63 73 3226 184 69 2,67 51,21 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2017-2020 Computers in Earth Sciences (Q2); Economic Geology (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geology (Q2); Global and Planetary Change (Q2)
15399 27181 Earth, Moon and Planets journal 15730794, 01679295 0,271 Q3 38 7 44 266 30 43 0,7 38 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1984-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Astronomy and Astrophysics (Q4); Space and Planetary Science (Q4)
3247 22568 Earth, Planets and Space journal 18805981, 13438832 1,2 Q1 69 145 588 5994 1366 528 2,36 41,34 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 1993, 1996-2020 Geology (Q1); Space and Planetary Science (Q2)
22849 27876 Earthquake journal 10003274 0,137 Q4 12 66 198 1940 24 198 0,14 29,39 China Asiatic Region Science Press 1968-1969, 1973, 1980, 1986-2019 Geophysics (Q4); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4)
11353 19700188258 Earthquake and Structures journal 20927614, 20927622 0,42 Q2 26 65 344 2730 572 344 1,68 42 South Korea Asiatic Region Techno-Press 2010-2019 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2)  
6730 27879 Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration journal 16713664, 1993503X 0,722 Q1 39 60 238 2390 373 237 1,8 39,83 China Asiatic Region Science Press 1986, 1988, 1990-2020 Building and Construction (Q1); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Geophysics (Q2); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q2)
1111 15620 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics journal 10969845, 00988847 2,204 Q1 115 84 428 3571 1802 418 4,43 42,51 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1972-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1)
15208 17300154921 Earthquake Science journal 18678777, 16744519 0,276 Q3 21 5 93 130 66 88 0,6 26 China Asiatic Region Seismological Society of China 2009-2019 Geology (Q3); Geophysics (Q3); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q3)
2642 27891 Earthquake Spectra journal 87552930 1,359 Q1 86 87 307 3674 855 303 2,38 42,23 United States Northern America Earthquake Engineering Research Institute 1984-1990, 1992-1993, 1996-2020 Geophysics (Q1); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1)
14378 5000160401 Earth's Cryosphere journal 15607496 0,3 Q3 15 49 156 1183 85 156 0,51 24,14 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Russian Academy of Sciences 2003-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
806 21100403190 Earth's Future journal 23284277 2,68 Q1 30 102 261 7033 1641 223 7,27 68,95 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2014-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
438 22580 Earth-Science Reviews journal 128252 3,75 Q1 179 251 522 42321 5627 495 10,51 168,61 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1966-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
23392 800147107 EAS Publications Series book series 16334760, 16381963 0,131 Q3 18 37 118 1479 12 112 0 39,97 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 2004-2016, 2019 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Astronomy and Astrophysics (Q4); Space and Planetary Science (Q4)
16308 12635 East African Medical Journal journal 0012835X 0,247 Q3 38 0 10 0 3 8 0 0 Kenya Africa East African Medical Association 1945-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
13419 16405 East Asia journal 18746284, 10966838 0,331 Q2 16 20 58 1032 48 57 0,67 51,6 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1996-2020 Development (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
11244 19700171828 East Asian Archives of Psychiatry journal 22247041, 20789947 0,425 Q3 14 24 69 684 76 63 0,98 28,5 China Asiatic Region Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press 2010-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)
8419 21100287116 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics journal 20797362, 20797370 0,588 Q2 15 37 129 1243 206 127 1,71 33,59 China Asiatic Region Global Science Press 2011-2019 Applied Mathematics (Q2)    
17708 21100901052 East Asian Pragmatics journal 20557760 0,215 Q2 1 7 11 308 9 10 0,9 44 United Kingdom Western Europe Equinox Publishing Ltd 2018-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2); Communication (Q3)
28643 21100427626 East Asian Publishing and Society journal 22106278, 22106286 0,101 Q4 3 5 18 282 3 18 0,18 56,4 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2011-2019 Communication (Q4); Library and Information Sciences (Q4); Media Technology (Q4)
13980 17400154822 East Asian Science, Technology and Society journal 18752152, 18752160 0,313 Q2 14 36 96 1366 58 62 1 37,94 United States Northern America Duke University Press 2008-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
27519 21100216969 East Asian science, technology, and medicine journal 1562918X 0,104 Q4 3 0 9 0 1 7 0 0 Germany Western Europe International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine 1999, 2011-2016 History and Philosophy of Science (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28066 21100406801 East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450 book series 18728103 0,102 Q3 6 0 38 0 2 14 0,22 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2008-2018 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
28067 21475 East Central Europe journal 00943037, 18763308 0,102 Q3 8 16 47 888 7 45 0,06 55,5 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1975-1983, 1985-1987, 1989-1990, 1992-1993, 1999-2007, 2009-2019 History (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
29585 21477 East European Jewish Affairs journal 1743971X, 13501674 0,1 Q4 8 13 77 466 4 48 0,09 35,85 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1992-2003, 2005-2019 Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
30318 21100967510 East European Journal of Psycholinguistics journal 23123265, 23132116 - 1 19 0 410 0 0 0 21,58 Ukraine Eastern Europe Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University 2019 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology; Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language
8769 21100244407 East European Politics journal 21599165, 21599173 0,566 Q1 16 35 84 2129 138 80 1,88 60,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2012-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Development (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
12378 16064 East European Politics and Societies journal 15338371, 08883254 0,372 Q2 39 57 126 1028 108 123 0,76 18,04 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1986-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q2)  
18107 19455 Eastern Economic Journal journal 00945056, 19394632 0,207 Q3 21 41 121 1506 58 114 0,49 36,73 United Kingdom Western Europe Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1984-1985, 1987-1989, 2007-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q3)  
16524 5600153156 Eastern European Countryside book series 12328855 0,241 Q3 6 6 39 252 23 39 0,38 42 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2009-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
15002 19458 Eastern European Economics journal 15579298, 00128775 0,282 Q3 19 28 75 1097 78 72 1,04 39,18 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1977, 1982, 1996-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q3)  
17903 21100838844 Eastern Journal of European Studies journal 20686633, 2068651X 0,211 Q1 3 27 37 1165 24 37 0,65 43,15 Romania Eastern Europe Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza 2017-2019 History (Q1); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
27072 12638 Eastern Journal of Medicine journal 13010883, 13393886 0,106 Q4 9 98 171 2327 19 165 0,11 23,74 Turkey Middle East Yuzuncu Yil University 2002-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
15067 20214 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal journal 10203397 0,28 Q3 46 132 434 3249 271 342 0,65 24,61 Switzerland Western Europe World Health Organization 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
13606 21100450083 EasternEuropean Journal of Enterprise Technologies journal 17293774, 17294061 0,325 Q2 21 466 1618 11247 1663 1618 1,09 24,14 United Arab Emirates Middle East PC Technology Center 2013-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3); Computer Science Applications (Q3); Control and Systems Engineering (Q3); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q3)
6664 15460 Eating and Weight Disorders journal 11244909, 15901262 0,728 Q2 41 283 273 12662 891 248 4,07 44,74 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 1998-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
6138 13545 Eating Behaviors journal 18737358, 14710153 0,777 Q2 66 64 276 2750 746 274 2,55 42,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2000-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
7908 13547 Eating Disorders journal 1532530X, 10640266 0,624 Q2 48 70 117 2669 243 115 2,29 38,13 United States Northern America Routledge 1993-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
29586 21100216307 Eau, l'INDUSTRIE, les Nuisances journal 7555016 0,1 Q4 6 80 257 162 2 234 0 2,03 France Western Europe Editions Johanet 1985-1991, 1996-2004, 2006-2020 Control and Systems Engineering (Q4); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q4); Ocean Engineering (Q4); Water Science and Technology (Q4)
29587 24542 eb - Elektrische Bahnen trade journal 135437 0,1 Q4 12 8 202 13 4 201 0,03 1,63 Germany Western Europe Vulkan Verlag GmbH 1969-1988, 1995-2001, 2003-2019 Automotive Engineering (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
836 21100369815 EBioMedicine journal 23523964 2,617 Q1 48 787 1366 32907 6218 941 5,86 41,81 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
29588 50087 EBR - European Biopharmaceutical Review journal 13690663 0,1 Q4 5 21 106 129 1 88 0,02 6,14 United Kingdom Western Europe Samedan Ltd 2004-2019 Pharmaceutical Science (Q4)    
8828 24109 EBRI issue brief / Employee Benefit Research Institute journal 0887137X 0,562 Q2 11 0 7 0 3 7 0 0 United States Northern America Employee Benefit Research Institute 1993-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
26704 18354 EBU Technical Review trade journal 16091469, 10196587 0,108 Q3 14 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 Switzerland Western Europe European Broadcasting Union 1970, 1972-1991, 1995-2017 Media Technology (Q3); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
3860 21100776053 EC 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation conference and proceedings - 1,076 - 11 0 60 0 191 58 0 0 United States Northern America   Control and Optimization; Control and Systems Engineering; Signal Processing
29589 30245 EC and M: Electrical Construction and Maintenance trade journal 134260 0,1 Q4 5 71 324 0 0 315 0 0 United States Northern America Primedia Intertec Publishing Corp. 1969, 1986-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
20215 21100865931 EC Tax Review journal 09282750, 18758363 0,172 Q3 3 25 35 497 20 29 0,69 19,88 Netherlands Western Europe Kluwer Law International 2018-2020 Law (Q3); Accounting (Q4)    
8672 19700177321 ecancermedicalscience journal 17546605 0,572 Q3 25 92 283 3493 496 282 1,76 37,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Cancer Intellilgence 2007, 2009-2020 Cancer Research (Q3); Oncology (Q3)  
21032 21100812604 ECCE 2017 - International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering conference and proceedings - 0,16 - 10 0 176 0 257 174 1,48 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Hardware and Architecture; Safety Research; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
28068 21100281306 Ecclesia Orans journal 10103872 0,102 Q3 2 0 13 0 2 12 0,17 0 Italy Western Europe Pontificio istituto liturgico 2012, 2014, 2017 Religious Studies (Q3)    
26248 21100891787 Ecclesial Practices journal 22144471, 22144463 0,111 Q3 5 14 40 373 3 34 0,05 26,64 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2014-2019 Religious Studies (Q3)    
26249 21100276218 Ecclesiastical Law Journal journal 0956618X, 17518539 0,111 Q3 13 64 104 495 6 57 0,06 7,73 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1987-2019 Religious Studies (Q3); Law (Q4)  
23928 21100248009 Ecclesiology journal 17455316, 17441366 0,126 Q2 2 18 45 569 4 43 0,14 31,61 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2013-2020 Religious Studies (Q2)    
24775 21100810725 ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials conference and proceedings - 0,122 - 5 0 916 0 114 916 0 0 Italy Western Europe   Environmental Engineering; Ocean Engineering; Water Science and Technology
25416 21100808400 ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials conference and proceedings - 0,116 - 3 0 44 0 9 43 0 0 Italy Western Europe   Computer Science (miscellaneous)  
20035 21100785491 ECCOMAS Congress 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering conference and proceedings - 0,175 - 7 0 340 0 136 337 0 0 Greece Western Europe   Computer Networks and Communications; Instrumentation
23219 21100785490 ECCOMAS Congress 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering conference and proceedings - 0,133 - 7 0 332 0 102 330 0 0 Greece Western Europe   Applied Mathematics; Artificial Intelligence
28069 21100901778 Echa Przeszlosci journal 2450078X, 15099873 0,102 Q3 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 Poland Eastern Europe University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn 2018 History (Q3)      
24137 21100782829 eChallenges e-2015 Conference Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,125 - 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America   Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law; Waste Management and Disposal
29590 21100457416 eChallenges e-2015 Conference Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 1 0 46 0 4 45 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Information Systems; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
9065 21100823212 Echo Research and Practice journal 20550464 0,546 Q1 10 38 83 1030 118 80 1,13 27,11 United Kingdom Western Europe BioScientifica Ltd. 2014-2019 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2); Radiological and Ultrasound Technology (Q3)
10021 23159 Echocardiography journal 07422822, 15408175 0,487 Q2 60 345 949 7508 964 877 0,96 21,76 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1984-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3)
21921 23521 Ecletica Quimica journal 1004670 0,148 Q4 18 25 50 989 24 36 0,88 39,56 Brazil Latin America Atlantis Livros Ltda. 1996-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q4)
4162 21100903225 EClinicalMedicine journal 25895370 1,026 Q1 7 169 48 4463 104 29 3,59 26,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Lancet Publishing Group 2018-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
28644 5200152610 ECN Electronic Component News trade journal 15233081 0,101 Q4 2 0 133 0 2 133 0,02 0 United States Northern America Cahners Business Information 2006-2011, 2013-2018 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Software (Q4)
16218 21100224449 Eco.mont journal 20731558, 2073106X 0,249 Q3 8 16 72 380 32 65 0,53 23,75 Austria Western Europe The Austrian Academy of Sciences Press 2009-2020 Ecology (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q3)
610 20276 Ecography journal 16000587, 09067590 3,155 Q1 120 197 440 14498 2740 432 6,67 73,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1978-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
5281 145404 EcoHealth journal 16129202 0,873 Q1 53 85 268 4177 536 232 2,09 49,14 United States Northern America Springer New York 2004-2020 Ecology (Q1); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q2)
3904 16700154710 Ecohydrology journal 19360584, 19360592 1,067 Q1 49 119 380 8243 1091 368 2,95 69,27 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2009-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Earth-Surface Processes (Q1); Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
8805 29091 Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology journal 16423593 0,564 Q2 28 61 104 3719 200 94 1,83 60,97 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2001-2020 Aquatic Science (Q2)    
15172 14578 Ecologia Austral journal 03275477, 1667782X 0,277 Q3 27 41 127 1972 98 125 0,69 48,1 Argentina Latin America Asociacion Argentina de Ecologia 1991, 1993-2019 Ecology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
23129 21100853547 Ecologia Balkanica journal 13140213, 13139940 0,134 Q4 1 25 45 747 3 45 0,07 29,88 Bulgaria Eastern Europe Union of Scientists in Bulgaria - Plovdiv 2015, 2017-2019 Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q4)
24515 21100836921 Ecologia Mediterranea journal 17754100, 01538756 0,124 Q4 1 0 7 0 1 6 0,17 0 France Western Europe 2017 Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
12446 21100773804 Ecologica Montenegrina journal 23370173, 23369744 0,369 Q2 7 39 142 1034 80 100 0,67 26,51 Montenegro Eastern Europe 2014-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Insect Science (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
1221 20287 Ecological Applications journal 19395582, 10510761 2,086 Q1 204 188 575 13531 2670 549 4,45 71,97 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1991-2020 Ecology (Q1)      
13634 21100201909 Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S journal 18986196 0,324 Q3 18 56 134 1969 203 134 1,44 35,16 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2008-2020 Environmental Engineering (Q3); Environmental Chemistry (Q4)
9122 20289 Ecological Complexity journal 1476945X 0,543 Q2 52 51 185 3025 314 176 1,72 59,31 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2004-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Ecological Modeling (Q3)
1750 20290 Ecological Economics journal 9218009 1,719 Q1 189 325 910 21686 4548 877 4,86 66,73 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1989-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
3606 20291 Ecological Engineering journal 9258574 1,122 Q1 118 320 1504 17384 6260 1481 3,84 54,33 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1992-2020 Environmental Engineering (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1)
30319 21100921070 Ecological Engineering: X journal 25902903   - 1 11 0 571 0 0 0 51,91 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2019-2020 Environmental Engineering; Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law; Nature and Landscape Conservation
5075 19779 Ecological Entomology journal 13652311, 03076946 0,898 Q1 77 112 279 6601 550 278 1,95 58,94 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1976-2020 Ecology (Q1); Insect Science (Q1)  
25201 21100841273 Ecological Genetics journal 18110932, 24119202 0,118 Q4 2 39 57 1874 15 56 0,27 48,05 Russian Federation Eastern Europe LLC Eco-Vector 2017-2019 Biochemistry (Q4); Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Genetics (Q4); Genetics (clinical) (Q4)
12299 21100446423 Ecological Genetics and Genomics journal 24059854 0,375 Q3 5 14 33 811 44 32 1,47 57,93 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2016-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Genetics (Q4)
2754 20292 Ecological Indicators journal 1470160X 1,331 Q1 113 929 2224 59021 11352 2192 4,65 63,53 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2001-2020 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
5699 3100147401 Ecological Informatics journal 15749541 0,825 Q1 48 98 271 5573 796 267 2,81 56,87 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2006-2020 Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1); Ecology (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Ecological Modeling (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
9496 20293 Ecological Management and Restoration journal 14427001, 14428903 0,517 Q2 40 39 122 1129 141 109 1,03 28,95 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2000-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2)
4364 23274 Ecological Modelling journal 18727026, 03043800 0,997 Q2 148 248 893 14894 2648 873 2,73 60,06 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1975-2020 Ecological Modeling (Q2)    
337 64345 Ecological Monographs journal 129615 4,353 Q1 151 55 103 6146 875 98 8,35 111,75 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1974-1977, 1979-1980, 1987-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
7817 21100823286 Ecological Processes journal 21921709 0,63 Q2 19 50 109 2882 230 104 1,7 57,64 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2012-2020 Ecological Modeling (Q2); Ecology (Q2)  
7862 13560 Ecological Psychology journal 15326969, 10407413 0,627 Q1 47 19 58 1043 110 51 2,69 54,89 United States Northern America Routledge 1989-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Social Psychology (Q2); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q3)
20973 21100813768 Ecological Questions journal 16447298, 20835469 0,161 Q4 8 12 93 423 33 87 0,4 35,25 Poland Eastern Europe Nicolaus Copernicus University 2002-2004, 2008-2019 Ecological Modeling (Q4); Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
7601 14580 Ecological Research journal 14401703, 09123814 0,647 Q2 65 95 330 4804 578 313 1,79 50,57 United States Northern America Springer Nature 1986-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
15765 56524 Ecological Restoration journal 15434079, 15224740 0,261 Q3 26 35 124 1205 69 105 0,61 34,43 United States Northern America University of Wisconsin Press 1999-2020 Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q3)  
897 20308 Ecology journal 129658 2,507 Q1 279 351 1024 16361 4661 922 4,78 46,61 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1973-1977, 1979-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
27073 20000195021 Ecology and Civil Engineering journal 18825974, 13443755 0,106 Q4 8 20 61 286 4 57 0,03 14,3 Japan Asiatic Region Ecology and Civil Engineering Society 1998-2019 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4); Ecology (Q4)
3086 21100264002 Ecology and Evolution journal 20457758 1,238 Q1 56 1127 2751 78135 7453 2644 2,62 69,33 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2011-2020 Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1)
14791 21100841705 Ecology and Industry of Russia journal 24136042, 18160395 0,288 Q3 6 130 413 1416 183 413 0,51 10,89 Russian Federation Eastern Europe 2016-2020 Ecology (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3); Pollution (Q3)
1819 17892 Ecology and Society journal 17083087 1,679 Q1 131 140 554 10066 2533 533 4,02 71,9 Canada Northern America The Resilience Alliance 1997-2019 Ecology (Q1)      
18223 15695 Ecology Law Quarterly journal 461121 0,205 Q3 23 5 79 821 34 79 0,39 164,2 United States Northern America University of California, Berkeley Law 1973, 1978-1987, 1996, 1999-2019 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Law (Q3)
172 14599 Ecology Letters journal 1461023X, 14610248 6,731 Q1 251 204 503 13922 4454 128 42,19 68,25 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1998-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
11072 12505 Ecology of Food and Nutrition journal 03670244, 15435237 0,434 Q2 34 47 99 1740 143 91 1,22 37,02 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1971-2020 Ecology (Q2); Food Science (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
5895 21449 Ecology of Freshwater Fish journal 16000633, 09066691 0,802 Q1 52 66 238 4388 455 229 2,08 66,48 Denmark Western Europe Blackwell Munksgaard 1992-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
22758 14598 Ecology, Environment and Conservation journal 0971765X 0,138 Q4 12 125 942 2419 177 942 0,27 19,35 India Asiatic Region EM International 1997-2019 Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q4)
17438 11800154541 Econ Journal Watch journal 1933527X 0,221 Q3 15 18 85 716 36 76 0,4 39,78 United States Northern America Institute of Spontaneous Order Economics 2008-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q3)  
5341 24381 Econometric Reviews journal 07474938, 15324168 0,866 Q2 53 59 167 2164 213 163 1,13 36,68 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1982-1987, 1989-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2)  
1268 28464 Econometric Theory journal 02664666, 14694360 2,039 Q1 66 34 116 1239 158 109 1,36 36,44 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1985-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
28 19482 Econometrica journal 00129682, 14680262 14,563 Q1 179 61 186 2964 949 169 4,68 48,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1974, 1977-1984, 1990-1991, 1994-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1)  
8246 21100886393 Econometrics journal 22251146 0,6 Q2 13 44 145 1510 160 134 1,1 34,32 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2013-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2)  
5527 21100836195 Econometrics and Statistics journal 24523062 0,844 Q2 7 50 82 1745 93 71 1,31 34,9 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2017-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Statistics and Probability (Q2); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q2)
692 4700152266 Econometrics Journal journal 13684221 2,926 Q1 33 17 56 472 152 52 2,78 27,76 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q1)  
14822 21100895622 EconomiA journal 23582820, 15177580 0,287 Q2 7 31 79 1136 75 77 1,06 36,65 Brazil Latin America National Association of Postgraduate Centers in Economics, ANPEC 2013-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2)
16219 21100201540 Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales journal 15780732, 21747350 0,249 Q3 8 19 36 725 31 36 0,79 38,16 Spain Western Europe Universitat Politecnica de Valencia 2001, 2004, 2011-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
18677 21100865012 Economia Agro-Alimentare journal 19724802, 11261668 0,197 Q3 8 26 66 1074 44 57 0,88 41,31 Italy Western Europe FrancoAngeli Edizioni 2012-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Agronomy and Crop Science (Q4); Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Food Animals (Q4); Food Science (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4)
23929 6400153156 Economia Aplicada journal 14138050 0,126 Q4 9 0 71 0 6 71 0,05 0 Brazil Latin America University of Sao Paolo 2007-2018 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28645 19300157031 Economia Chilena journal 7173830 0,101 Q4 5 11 41 264 3 34 0,17 24 Chile Latin America Banco Central Chile 2008-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Finance (Q4)
13981 19700167906 Economia Politica journal 1973820X, 11202890 0,313 Q2 11 45 93 2410 82 82 0,74 53,56 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2008-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q3); Finance (Q3)
30320 21100937582 Economia y Politica journal 07194714, 07194803 - 0 4 0 194 0 0 0 48,5 Chile Latin America Universidad Adolfo Ibanez 2019 Cultural Studies; Economics and Econometrics; Political Science and International Relations; Sociology and Political Science
14040 19955 Economic Affairs journal 02650665, 14680270 0,311 Q3 18 34 118 945 61 81 0,91 27,79 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1980-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q3); Development (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
6151 5800191435 Economic Analysis and Policy journal 3135926 0,776 Q1 24 91 160 4143 373 159 2,46 45,53 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1970-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
20340 21100829234 Economic and Environmental Geology journal 22887962, 12257281 0,17 Q3 2 26 94 768 23 94 0,24 29,54 South Korea Asiatic Region The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental Geology 2017-2019 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Economic Geology (Q4); Geology (Q4)
5440 16082 Economic and Industrial Democracy journal 0143831X, 14617099 0,854 Q1 37 67 142 4423 246 85 3,16 66,01 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1980-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q1); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q1)
5166 12300154710 Economic and Labour Relations Review journal 10353046, 18382673 0,887 Q1 18 31 97 1470 222 93 2,22 47,42 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1990-2020 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
10998 21100886532 Economic and Political Studies journal 24704024, 20954816 0,438 Q2 5 21 81 566 65 75 0,74 26,95 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2013-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
14452 19957 Economic and Political Weekly journal 23498846, 00129976 0,298 Q2 48 740 3151 8990 612 2043 0,29 12,15 India Asiatic Region Economic and Political Weekly 1978-1980, 1982-1986, 1993, 1995-1997, 2007-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
13607 19980 Economic and Social Review journal 129984 0,325 Q2 26 33 65 1254 53 61 0,83 38 Ireland Western Europe Economic and Social Studies 1979-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
24876 6700153280 Economic Annals journal 133264 0,121 Q4 11 10 67 485 20 67 0,33 48,5 Serbia Eastern Europe University of Belgrade 2007-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
16822 21100310035 Economic Annals-XXI journal 17286239, 17286220 0,234 Q3 11 25 370 686 268 370 0,84 27,44 Ukraine Eastern Europe Institute of Society Transformation 2013-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
9080 17995 Economic Botany journal 00130001, 18749364 0,545 Q1 66 42 94 2384 182 92 1,87 56,76 United States Northern America Springer New York 1947-2020 Horticulture (Q1); Plant Science (Q2)  
8673 4700152459 Economic Change and Restructuring journal 15740277, 15739414 0,572 Q2 18 32 52 1916 118 48 2,53 59,88 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1996-2002, 2005-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2)  
13777 30232 Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research journal 5857511 0,32 Q3 15 62 223 1426 243 222 0,86 23 Romania Eastern Europe Editura Academia de studii economice 1968-1969, 1971-1973, 1975-1989, 2008-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q3); Computer Science Applications (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
511 14122 Economic Development and Cultural Change journal 00130079, 15392988 3,483 Q1 67 34 76 1562 168 74 1,86 45,94 United States Northern America University of Chicago 1978-1979, 1982-2020 Development (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q1)
6367 28465 Economic Development Quarterly journal 15523543, 08912424 0,755 Q1 45 27 78 1144 129 73 1,94 42,37 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1987-2020 Development (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
426 28092 Economic Geography journal 130095 3,79 Q1 79 22 66 1565 460 59 7,4 71,14 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1972, 1974, 1978-1985, 1987-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1)
2019 25754 Economic Geology journal 3610128 1,586 Q1 102 74 257 6366 1009 250 3,74 86,03 United States Northern America Society of Economic Geologists, Inc 1905-2020 Economic Geology (Q1); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q1); Geology (Q1); Geophysics (Q1)
10562 21100887534 Economic History of Developing Regions journal 20780389, 20780397 0,46 Q1 12 16 31 1061 41 29 0,68 66,31 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2010-2020 History (Q1); Development (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
7750 28466 Economic History Review journal 00130117, 14680289 0,636 Q1 47 62 146 6371 130 134 0,98 102,76 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1927-2020 History (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
3158 20002 Economic Inquiry journal 00952583, 14657295 1,221 Q1 68 129 340 5422 569 336 1,49 42,03 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1962-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q1)
245 23011 Economic Journal journal 14680297, 00130133 5,453 Q1 153 109 341 5791 1230 333 3,06 53,13 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1973, 1979-1986, 1988-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1)  
4505 28467 Economic Modelling journal 2649993 0,972 Q2 68 326 884 16364 2474 881 2,62 50,2 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1984-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2)  
16139 20001 Economic Notes journal 14680300, 03915026 0,251 Q3 19 33 60 1289 54 56 0,92 39,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2001-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q3)  
28646 24850 Economic Outlook journal 14680319, 0140489X 0,101 Q4 8 39 133 56 2 128 0,01 1,44 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1977-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q4)  
19379 21100852968 Economic Papers journal 17593441, 08120439 0,186 Q3 4 27 60 1144 41 59 0,71 42,37 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2016-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3)
402 20022 Economic Policy journal 02664658, 14680327 3,916 Q1 71 3 57 164 259 46 5,7 54,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1988-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1)
13891 20023 Economic Record journal 14754932, 00130249 0,316 Q3 41 34 125 1050 90 125 0,73 30,88 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1925-1932, 1934-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q3)  
30321 21100923619 Economic Research Guardian journal 22478531   - 0 6 0 265 0 0 0 44,17 Romania Eastern Europe Weissberg SRL 2019 Economics and Econometrics; Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous); Geography, Planning and Development; Sociology and Political Science
9966 20595 Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja journal 1331677X, 18489664 0,49 Q2 21 268 306 14530 827 305 2,75 54,22 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2000-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2)  
7126 12975 Economic Systems journal 9393625 0,685 Q2 36 32 143 1550 316 141 1,87 48,44 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2001-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2)  
4213 28487 Economic Systems Research journal 09535314, 14695758 1,018 Q2 51 42 84 1707 277 82 2,55 40,64 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1989-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2)  
2182 28488 Economic Theory journal 14320479, 09382259 1,517 Q1 55 134 208 4939 244 199 1,13 36,86 Germany Western Europe Springer New York 1991-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1)  
26087 21100840135 Economic Thought journal 20493509, 20556314 0,112 Q4 2 5 20 164 2 19 0,11 32,8 United Kingdom Western Europe World Economics Association 2017-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
732 20048 Economica journal 00130427, 14680335 2,842 Q1 62 39 96 1503 194 96 1,67 38,54 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1937, 1958, 1962, 1974-1976, 1978, 1980-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1)  
13943 5800197592 Economics journal 18646042 0,314 Q2 16 53 81 2586 111 80 1,81 48,79 Germany Western Europe Kiel Institute for the World Economy 2012-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2)
18848 21100843485 Economics and Business Letters journal 22544380 0,194 Q3 2 22 40 484 12 39 0,31 22 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Oviedo 2017-2020 Business and International Management (Q3); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3)
4120 26041 Economics and Human Biology journal 18736130, 1570677X 1,033 Q1 53 67 202 3744 434 201 2,04 55,88 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2003-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Health (social science) (Q1)
5543 24888 Economics and Philosophy journal 02662671, 14740028 0,842 Q1 35 32 59 1486 74 56 0,87 46,44 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1985-2020 Philosophy (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
18895 21100228047 Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment journal 22807667, 22807659 0,193 Q4 6 0 61 0 26 59 0,26 0 Italy Western Europe FrancoAngeli Edizioni 2009-2010, 2012-2018 Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4)
3453 28489 Economics and Politics journal 09541985, 14680343 1,155 Q1 43 21 45 1287 84 45 2 61,29 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1989-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1)  
10055 21100208020 Economics and Sociology journal 2071789X, 23063459 0,485 Q1 17 83 254 3999 526 246 2,12 48,18 Poland Eastern Europe Centre of Sociological Research 2008-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
18336 6700153287 Economics Bulletin journal 15452921 0,203 Q3 27 116 718 2760 277 718 0,35 23,79 United States Northern America Economics Bulletin 2001-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3)
5361 28490 Economics Letters journal 1651765 0,864 Q1 92 382 1250 5312 2474 1244 2,17 13,91 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1978-2020 Finance (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
1560 19692 Economics of Education Review journal 2727757 1,819 Q1 80 91 258 3939 554 255 1,67 43,29 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1981-1982, 1984-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Education (Q1)
3861 21100786327 Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy journal 21605890, 21605882 1,076 Q1 20 22 50 798 109 47 2,74 36,27 United States Northern America International Association for Energy Economics 2012-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1)
14864 20060 Economics of Governance journal 14356104, 14358131 0,286 Q2 25 17 47 646 38 45 0,74 38 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2003-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Business and International Management (Q3)
4864 10600153365 Economics of Innovation and New Technology journal 14768364, 10438599 0,923 Q1 49 73 126 4613 328 119 2,42 63,19 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1990-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q1)
30322 21100927990 Economics of Peace and Security Journal journal 1749852X   - 0 10 0 372 0 0 0 37,2 United States Northern America EPS Publishing 2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous); Management of Technology and Innovation; Political Science and International Relations
10433 28491 Economics of Transition journal 14680351, 09670750 0,466 Q2 48 12 92 478 88 78 1,08 39,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1993-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q2)  
3417 21100228129 Economics of Transportation journal 22120122 1,164 Q1 17 20 34 848 79 34 2,05 42,4 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2012-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Transportation (Q1)
8177 21100886412 Economics, Management, and Financial Markets journal 1938212X, 18423191 0,606 Q1 6 20 20 440 107 20 5,35 22 United States Northern America Addleton Academic Publishers 2018-2019 Business and International Management (Q1); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q2)
23818 17600155224 Economie et Prevision journal 02494744, 17775795 0,127 Q4 13 5 48 187 9 47 0,15 37,4 France Western Europe Documentation Francaise 2001-2013, 2015-2019 Business and International Management (Q4); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
19026 20062 Economie et Statistique journal 17775574, 03361454 0,191 Q3 12 19 105 610 34 87 0,5 32,11 France Western Europe Institut national de la statistique et des etudes economiques 1977-1998, 2007-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Statistics and Probability (Q4)
13635 21100902009 Economies journal 22277099 0,324 Q2 7 118 119 5991 197 119 1,66 50,77 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2017-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Development (Q3)
29591 24915 Economist journal 130613 0,1 Q4 9 0 10524 0 2 8919 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Economist Newspaper Ltd 1973, 1975-1979, 1988, 1992, 1997-1998, 2003-2018 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
23711 4000152130 Economists' Voice journal 15533832 0,128 Q4 13 16 25 558 7 23 0,25 34,88 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2006-2019 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
5486 26043 Economy and Society journal 03085147, 14695766 0,849 Q1 88 26 73 1669 160 72 1,58 64,19 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1972-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); History (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
12920 21100242818 Economy of Region journal 20726406, 20726414 0,351 Q2 11 95 324 2744 304 324 1,03 28,88 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Institute of Economics, The Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences 2010-2019 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
29592 4700152768 EContent trade journal 15252531 0,1 Q4 8 0 130 0 4 75 0,06 0 United States Northern America Online Inc. 1999-2018 Information Systems (Q4); Library and Information Sciences (Q4)
11549 21100228016 Ecopsychology journal 19429347 0,41 Q3 19 30 95 1211 102 92 1,02 40,37 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2009-2020 Applied Psychology (Q3); Social Psychology (Q3)
27276 17895 Ecos - A Review of Conservation journal 1439073 0,105 Q4 8 0 102 0 10 89 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe British Association of Nature Conservationists 1980-2018 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
736 21100399469 EcoSal Plus journal 23246200 2,827 Q1 21 16 28 1390 192 28 4,94 86,88 United States Northern America American Society for Microbiology 2004-2020 Microbiology (Q1)      
11805 20328 Ecoscience journal 11956860 0,398 Q2 67 38 56 1929 69 55 1,29 50,76 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1994-2019 Ecology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
17479 21100781964 Ecosistemas journal 16972473 0,22 Q3 5 34 151 1662 64 137 0,49 48,88 Spain Western Europe Asociacion Espanola de Ecologia Terrestre 2015-2019 Ecology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
2526 21100307458 Ecosphere journal 21508925 1,397 Q1 49 432 1271 30623 3981 1238 2,95 70,89 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2010-2020 Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
3443 21100908527 Ecosystem Health and Sustainability journal 23328878, 20964129 1,158 Q1 17 23 94 1291 290 91 2,51 56,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2020 Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1)
810 21100218523 Ecosystem Services journal 22120416 2,672 Q1 56 162 505 11678 3635 462 7,51 72,09 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2012-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ecology (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1)
1467 20343 Ecosystems journal 14329840, 14350629 1,881 Q1 140 201 332 13596 1466 327 4,26 67,64 Germany Western Europe Springer New York 1998-2020 Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q1)
4668 21100897530 Ecosystems and People journal 26395908, 26395916 0,95 Q1 27 26 95 1910 285 85 3,47 73,46 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2019-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1)
6267 25075 Ecotoxicology journal 09639292, 15733017 0,764 Q2 86 140 429 8002 1189 423 2,63 57,16 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1992-2020 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Toxicology (Q2)
3353 25076 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety journal 01476513, 10902414 1,178 Q1 121 1331 2236 74254 11751 2213 5,25 55,79 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1977-2020 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pollution (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
13452 21100199555 eCrime Researchers Summit, eCrime conference and proceedings 21591237 0,33 - 11 0 34 0 74 31 2,75 0 United States Northern America 21591237 Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Information Systems; Information Systems and Management
9434 21100266597 ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology journal 21628777, 21628769 0,521 Q2 45 288 871 10507 1891 826 2,71 36,48 United States Northern America Electrochemical Society, Inc. 2012-2020 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q2)
16881 3400148107 ECS Transactions conference and proceedings 19385862, 19386737 0,233 - 50 726 3288 11184 1742 3029 0,62 15,4 United States Northern America Electrochemical Society, Inc. 2005-2019 Engineering (miscellaneous)    
28070 21100899864 ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology journal 22869131 0,102 Q4 1 16 14 546 2 14 0,14 34,13 Thailand Asiatic Region ECTI Association Sirindhon International Institute of Technology 2018-2019 Computer Networks and Communications (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Information Systems (Q4); Information Systems and Management (Q4)
25202 16200154728 Ecumenical Review journal 00130796, 17586623 0,118 Q2 6 62 142 0 18 118 0,12 0 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1948-2020 Religious Studies (Q2)    
24877 29658 ED management : the monthly update on emergency department management journal 10449167 0,121 Q4 6 0 37 0 6 37 0 0 United States Northern America American Health Consultants Media 1995-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
28647 16100154733 Edad de Oro journal 2120429 0,101 Q4 4 20 42 624 2 42 0,04 31,2 Spain Western Europe Universidad Autonoma de Madrid 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
28648 21100842182 Edad Media journal 25306448 0,101 Q4 1 2 25 71 1 25 0,04 35,5 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Valladolid 2017-2019 History (Q4)      
28649 21100840483 Edgar Allan Poe Review journal 21500428, 21662932 0,101 Q3 1 25 46 0 2 26 0,08 0 United States Northern America Penn State University Press 2017-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)  
12157 17999 Edinburgh Journal of Botany journal 14740036, 09604286 0,382 Q2 27 32 56 860 32 53 0,67 26,88 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1990-2020 Plant Science (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
30323 21100903063 Edinburgh Law Review journal 17551692, 13649809 - 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Edinburgh University Press 2019-2020 Cultural Studies; History; Law    
26705 93867 EDN trade journal 127515 0,108 Q4 11 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Reed Business Information (Cahners) 1971-1988, 1994-2013 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
25096 19700190343 EDPACS trade journal 19361009, 07366981 0,119 Q4 7 27 66 261 20 66 0,37 9,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1973-1997, 2007-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q4); Safety Research (Q4); Software (Q4)
24878 21100897945 Educacao and Realidade journal 01003143, 21756236 0,121 Q3 2 68 84 2316 16 83 0,19 34,06 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,Faculdade de Educacao 2018-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Education (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
14223 4700152249 Educacao e Pesquisa journal 15179702 0,305 Q3 14 60 261 2117 85 250 0,31 35,28 Brazil Latin America Faculdade de Educacao da Universidade de Sao Paulo 1999-2002, 2006-2019 Education (Q3)      
13636 4500151523 Educacao e Sociedade journal 1017330 0,324 Q3 21 50 201 1606 50 174 0,26 32,12 Brazil Latin America Centro de Estudos Educacao e Sociedade - CEDES 2006-2020 Education (Q3)      
24138 21100867459 Educacion Matematica journal 24488089, 01878298 0,125 Q4 1 10 34 348 6 30 0,2 34,8 Mexico Latin America Mexican Society for Research and Dissemination of Mathematics Education 2018-2019 Education (Q4); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q4)
15035 5100152914 Educacion Medica journal 15751813 0,281 Q3 12 174 264 3424 195 168 1,14 19,68 Spain Western Europe Elsevier Espana 2003-2004, 2006-2012, 2014-2020 Education (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
20492 19700188119 Educacion Quimica journal 18708404, 0187893X 0,168 Q4 8 0 89 0 32 76 0,4 0 Mexico Latin America National Autonomous University of Mexico, Faculty of Chemistry 2010-2017, 2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Education (Q4)
7802 19400156819 Educacion XX1 journal 1139613X 0,631 Q2 15 15 120 742 187 120 1,52 49,47 Spain Western Europe Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, UNED 2008-2020 Education (Q2)      
14963 21100898028 Educar journal 0211819X, 20148801 0,283 Q2 2 29 26 1127 11 24 0,46 38,86 Spain Western Europe Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 2018-2019 Communication (Q2); Education (Q3); Human-Computer Interaction (Q3)
12815 19700188157 Education 3-13 journal 14757575, 03004279 0,355 Q3 22 120 183 5896 160 172 0,88 49,13 United States Northern America Routledge 1970, 1973-2020 Education (Q3); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q3)
23130 21100897782 Education and Culture journal 10854908, 15591786 0,134 Q2 1 9 11 301 3 8 0,38 33,44 United States Northern America Purdue University Press 2018-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Philosophy (Q3); Education (Q4)
21416 5000156913 Education and Health journal 2651602 0,155 Q4 11 4 65 28 22 57 0,41 7 United Kingdom Western Europe SHEU, Schools Health Education Unit 2006-2008, 2014-2019 Community and Home Care (Q4)  
6089 144955 Education and Information Technologies journal 13602357 0,782 Q1 36 251 430 12917 1172 407 3,08 51,46 United States Northern America Kluwer Academic Publishers 1996-2002, 2005-2020 Education (Q1); Library and Information Sciences (Q1); E-learning (Q2)
26908 21100886400 Education and Self Development journal 19917740 0,107 Q4 1 41 34 949 4 29 0,14 23,15 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Kazan Federal University 2018-2019 Development (Q4); Education (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
25827 21100407234 Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance book series 9266070 0,113 Q3 3 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2013, 2017 Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3); Education (Q4)
6413 144960 Education and Training journal 400912 0,752 Q1 62 83 202 5773 589 196 2,62 69,55 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1959-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Education (Q1); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q2)
7751 19900191857 Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities journal 21541647 0,636 Q2 46 32 91 1160 115 91 0,95 36,25 United States Northern America Council for Exceptional Children 2010-2012, 2014-2020 Education (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3)
5836 5000153705 Education and Treatment of Children journal 7488491 0,808 Q1 40 24 81 936 92 77 1 39 United States Northern America West Virginia University Press 2005-2019 Education (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
6641 14116 Education and Urban Society journal 00131245, 15523535 0,73 Q1 35 81 100 4387 136 95 1,26 54,16 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1968-2020 Education (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1)  
12849 19700182115 Education as Change journal 19479417, 16823206 0,354 Q3 12 18 91 942 83 84 0,78 52,33 South Africa Africa UNISA press 2008-2019 Education (Q3)      
28650 21100812574 Education Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 0 0 20 0 0 19 0 0 United States Northern America   Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous); Energy (miscellaneous); Engineering (miscellaneous)
9171 19709 Education Economics journal 09645292, 14695782 0,539 Q2 33 42 111 1849 131 108 1,16 44,02 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1993-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Education (Q2)
27074 21100896480 Education et Didactique journal 21114838, 19563485 0,106 Q4 1 10 24 292 3 20 0,15 29,2 France Western Europe Presses Universitaires de Rennes 2018-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4); Education (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
24139 5600152864 Education et Societes journal 1373847X, 17821428 0,125 Q4 13 0 72 0 13 72 0,16 0 Belgium Western Europe Boeck Universite 2001-2018 Education (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
592 21100199107 Education Finance and Policy journal 15573079, 15573060 3,214 Q1 21 18 57 683 169 56 2,83 37,94 United States Northern America MIT Press Journals 2011-2020 Education (Q1)      
8288 11700154725 Education for Chemical Engineers journal 17497728 0,597 Q1 18 42 70 1098 166 67 2,36 26,14 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2006-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Education (Q2)
13911 110201 Education for Health: Change in Learning and Practice journal 14695804, 13576283 0,315 Q3 30 24 149 448 109 104 0,98 18,67 India Asiatic Region Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 1997-2019 Education (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
14453 29335 Education for Information journal 18758649, 01678329 0,298 Q2 18 33 69 867 63 64 0,77 26,27 Netherlands Western Europe IOS Press 1983-2019 Library and Information Sciences (Q2); Education (Q3); Information Systems (Q3)
12128 13051 Education for Primary Care journal 14739879, 1475990X 0,383 Q3 18 105 298 1257 151 208 0,84 11,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2001-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
14197 21100887617 Education Inquiry journal 20004508 0,306 Q2 16 30 71 1468 76 64 1,33 48,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2010-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Education (Q3); Public Administration (Q3)
29593 5100152201 Education in Chemistry journal 131350 0,1 Q4 6 120 213 40 0 88 0 0,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 1974-1975, 1978-1979, 1984-1986, 1989, 2006-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Education (Q4)
30325 21100903490 Education in the Knowledge Society journal 24448729   - 1 10 0 535 0 0 0 53,5 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca 2019 Computer Science Applications; Education
5501 19711 Education Next journal 15399672, 15399664 0,847 Q1 18 40 141 0 64 11 3,8 0 United States Northern America Hoover Institution 2004-2020 Education (Q1)      
7380 14193 Education Policy Analysis Archives journal 10682341 0,663 Q2 44 152 418 8899 410 418 0,77 58,55 United States Northern America Arizona State University 1996-2020 Education (Q2)      
25828 21100897002 Education Research International journal 20904010, 20904002 0,113 Q4 2 31 21 1375 15 21 0,71 44,35 United Kingdom Western Europe Hindawi Limited 2018-2020 Education (Q4)      
16481 21100897500 Education Sciences journal 22277102 0,242 Q3 7 290 220 15253 253 209 1,2 52,6 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2013, 2015-2016, 2018-2020 Education (Q3); Public Administration (Q3); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4)
22943 21100201720 Education Therapeutique du Patient journal 21000816, 21000808 0,136 Q4 10 12 48 168 17 45 0,26 14 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 2009-2019 Education (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
11405 6300153130 Education, Citizenship and Social Justice journal 17461987, 17461979 0,417 Q2 22 41 64 2180 75 57 1,38 53,17 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 2006-2019 Education (Q2)      
9230 5700168957 Educational Action Research journal 17475074, 09650792 0,535 Q2 34 80 145 3427 237 130 1,83 42,84 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1993-2020 Education (Q2)      
750 19725 Educational Administration Quarterly journal 0013161X, 15523519 2,791 Q1 75 34 77 2874 316 73 3,06 84,53 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1965-2020 Education (Q1); Public Administration (Q1)
30324 21100943319 Educational Administration: Theory and Practice journal 13004832, 21482403 - 0 23 0 1381 0 0 0 60,04 Turkey Middle East Pegem Akademi Yayincilik Egitim Danismanlik Hizmetleri Ticaret A.S. 2019 Education      
15729 21100223575 Educational and Child Psychology book series 2671611 0,262 Q4 26 32 99 1412 46 92 0,37 44,13 United Kingdom Western Europe British Psychological Society 1997-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4)
12277 21100809808 Educational and Developmental Psychologist journal 20590784, 20590776 0,376 Q3 5 12 30 435 50 26 0,57 36,25 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2016-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3)
1601 13563 Educational and Psychological Measurement journal 00131644, 15523888 1,798 Q1 88 69 153 2671 403 150 2,26 38,71 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1941-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Applied Psychology (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Education (Q1); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q1)
7665 145221 Educational Assessment journal 10627197, 15326977 0,643 Q2 26 17 49 912 80 48 1,28 53,65 United States Northern America Routledge 1993-1995, 2004-2020 Education (Q2)      
4605 14200154735 Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability journal 18748597, 18748600 0,959 Q1 28 22 63 1511 128 48 1,47 68,68 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2009-2020 Education (Q1); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q1)
594 19726 Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis journal 01623737, 19351062 3,21 Q1 73 22 81 1070 343 79 4 48,64 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1979-1982, 1996-2020 Education (Q1)      
9099 5800161654 Educational Forum journal 19388098, 00131725 0,544 Q2 25 33 113 995 88 93 0,85 30,15 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1936-2020 Education (Q2)      
13566 28673 Educational Gerontology journal 03601277, 15210472 0,326 Q3 49 66 212 2555 198 193 0,83 38,71 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1976-2020 Education (Q3); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q3)
19027 20746 Educational Leadership journal 131784 0,191 Q3 57 21 499 79 101 425 0,19 3,76 United States Northern America Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 1976, 1981, 1994-2019 Education (Q3)      
1756 6300153120 Educational Management Administration and Leadership journal 17411440, 17411432 1,712 Q1 40 99 163 5404 532 141 3,74 54,59 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1972-1993, 1995-1999, 2003-2020 Education (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q1)
4007 100147352 Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice journal 17453992, 07311745 1,049 Q1 49 58 91 1594 130 64 1,87 27,48 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1982-2020 Education (Q1)      
9623 20748 Educational Media International journal 14695790, 09523987 0,509 Q2 36 20 67 863 95 66 1,41 43,15 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1978-1979, 1987-2020 Communication (Q2); Education (Q2)  
11691 5800209860 Educational Philosophy and Theory journal 14695812, 00131857 0,403 Q2 43 214 595 5818 599 463 1,31 27,19 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1969-2020 Education (Q2); History and Philosophy of Science (Q2)
1447 19727 Educational Policy journal 8959048 1,895 Q1 47 75 123 4533 301 93 2,64 60,44 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1987-2020 Education (Q1)      
18065 5700158158 Educational Practice & Theory journal 1323577X 0,208 Q3 3 10 35 560 17 29 0,47 56 Australia Pacific Region James Nicholas Publishers, Pty. Ltd 2014-2019 Education (Q3)      
457 13564 Educational Psychologist journal 15326985, 00461520 3,652 Q1 118 21 68 2234 524 60 7,86 106,38 United States Northern America Routledge 1963-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1)
4680 14271 Educational Psychology journal 14695820, 01443410 0,948 Q1 64 114 273 6014 566 241 2,34 52,75 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1981-2020 Education (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q2)
8020 5800207890 Educational Psychology in Practice journal 2667363 0,616 Q3 28 27 85 1415 87 82 1,07 52,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1985-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3)
424 14278 Educational Psychology Review journal 1040726X, 1573336X 3,805 Q1 105 53 131 5178 1011 117 7,05 97,7 Netherlands Western Europe Springer New York 1989-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1)
9009 14279 Educational Research journal 00131881, 14695847 0,55 Q2 49 28 101 1519 179 96 1,74 54,25 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1958-2020 Education (Q2)      
10131 144745 Educational Research and Evaluation journal 17444187, 13803611 0,481 Q2 33 15 70 661 88 59 0,92 44,07 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1995, 1997, 2004-2020 Education (Q2)      
14700 145582 Educational Research for Policy and Practice journal 15702081 0,291 Q2 20 22 49 1320 38 46 0,9 60 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2004-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Education (Q3)
22850 21100899640 Educational Research for Social Change journal 22214070 0,137 Q3 2 13 25 461 12 21 0,57 35,46 South Africa Africa Nelson Mandela University,Faculty of Education 2018-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Education (Q4)
591 4700152248 Educational Research Review journal 1747938X 3,216 Q1 57 38 77 3959 831 72 11,21 104,18 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2006-2020 Education (Q1)      
450 5800194481 Educational Researcher journal 0013189X 3,678 Q1 118 59 148 2524 763 134 4,36 42,78 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1972-2020 Education (Q1)      
5237 14304 Educational Review journal 14653397, 00131911 0,877 Q1 46 77 128 4466 242 101 2,63 58 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1948-2020 Education (Q1)      
9781 14310 Educational Studies journal 03055698, 14653400 0,501 Q2 41 98 109 5097 154 102 1,3 52,01 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1975-2020 Education (Q2)      
15730 21100887440 Educational Studies - AESA journal 00131946, 15326993 0,262 Q2 3 45 45 2077 19 43 0,44 46,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2018-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Education (Q3)
2040 25961 Educational Studies in Mathematics journal 15730816, 00131954 1,574 Q1 60 68 182 2741 369 169 2,11 40,31 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1968-2020 Education (Q1); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)
2917 18405 Educational Technology and Society journal 11763647, 14364522 1,287 Q1 81 18 289 757 1070 279 3,53 42,06 Taiwan Asiatic Region National Taiwan Normal University 1998-2019 Education (Q1); E-learning (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
2794 20764 Educational Technology Research and Development journal 10421629, 15566501 1,321 Q1 84 90 209 6200 861 202 3,67 68,89 United States Northern America Springer Boston 1957, 1989-2020 Education (Q1)      
20279 28821 Educational Theory journal 132004 0,171 Q4 40 41 126 0 39 102 0,3 0 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1951-2019 Education (Q4)      
21334 21100817123 EDUNINE 2017 - IEEE World Engineering Education Conference: Engineering Education - Balancing Generalist and Specialist Formation in Technological Carriers: A Current Challenge, Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,156 - 3 0 26 0 16 21 0,76 0 United States Northern America   Communication; Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications
29594 24742 EE: Evaluation Engineering trade journal 1490370 0,1 Q4 7 12 176 12 3 175 0,03 1 United States Northern America Nelson Publishing Inc. 1969-1971, 1974-1975, 1984-1985, 1990-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
15107 21100255070 EEA - Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica journal 15825175 0,279 Q3 14 51 244 1744 175 244 0,85 34,2 Romania Eastern Europe Institutul de Cercetare si Proiectare pentru Electrotehnica 2012-2019 Control and Systems Engineering (Q3); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3)
18444 21000195201 EEAG Report on the European Economy journal 1611311X 0,201 Q3 4 5 16 110 4 13 0,38 22 Germany Western Europe Ifo institute for Economic Research e.V. 2006-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3)
24140 62277 EEE journal 127582 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America Mactier Publishing Corp 1970-1971 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
17709 21100780440 EEEIC 2016 - International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering conference and proceedings - 0,215 - 14 0 461 0 457 457 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Information Systems
14758 21100820873 e-Energy 2017 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Future Energy Systems conference and proceedings - 0,289 - 7 0 48 0 82 46 1,78 0 United States Northern America   Control and Optimization; Control and Systems Engineering
21572 21100470123 EESMS 2016 - 2016 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems, Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,153 - 7 0 47 0 39 45 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science (miscellaneous); Control and Systems Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
24516 21100852982 Eesti Arst journal 02358026, 22281665 0,124 Q4 1 0 8 0 2 8 0 0 Estonia Eastern Europe OU Celsius Healthcare 2015-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
22464 21100330732 Eesti ja Soome-Ugri Keeleteaduse Ajakiri journal 17368987, 22281339 0,141 Q2 4 21 62 561 8 58 0,22 26,71 Estonia Eastern Europe Tartu University Press 2014-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
21844 5800207863 Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Uhingu Aastaraamat journal 17362563 0,149 Q2 7 9 46 330 18 46 0,48 36,67 Estonia Eastern Europe Estonian Association Applied Linguists 2005-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2); Education (Q4)
24141 76899 EFI News trade journal 12367850 0,125 Q4 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Finland Western Europe European Forest Institute 2001-2012, 2014-2016 Forestry (Q4); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q4); Plant Science (Q4)
4539 21100872126 EFORT Open Reviews journal 20585241, 23967544 0,968 Q1 13 70 199 3526 573 196 2,48 50,37 United Kingdom Western Europe British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery 2016-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Surgery (Q1)
6268 21100899501 EFSA Journal journal 18314732 0,764 Q1 88 354 529 12951 1301 529 2,5 36,58 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Food Science (Q1); Plant Science (Q1); Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q1); Parasitology (Q2); Microbiology (Q3)
21922 21100800617 EGA Revista de Expression Grafica Arquitectonica journal 22546103, 11336137 0,148 Q1 5 59 186 779 36 175 0,2 13,2 Spain Western Europe Universidad Politecnica de Valencia 2011-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1); Architecture (Q2)
16694 11800154546 Egitim Arastirmalari - Eurasian Journal of Educational Research journal 1302597X 0,237 Q3 14 62 217 3168 138 217 0,59 51,1 Turkey Middle East ANI Publishing 2008-2020 Education (Q3)      
15548 21100283777 Egitim ve Bilim journal 13001337 0,267 Q3 18 80 247 5805 168 238 0,54 72,56 Turkey Middle East Turkish Education Association 2008-2019 Education (Q3)      
14534 21100427658 Egodocuments and History Series book series 1873653X 0,296 Q1 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2009, 2011, 2013-2015, 2017 History (Q1); Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)
16337 21100199758 Egyptian Heart Journal journal 2090911X, 11102608 0,246 Q3 7 35 168 837 99 165 0,72 23,91 Egypt Africa/Middle East Egyptian Society of Cardiology 2011-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
7565 19700182731 Egyptian Informatics Journal journal 11108665 0,65 Q2 28 24 72 781 378 67 6,17 32,54 Egypt Africa/Middle East Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University 2010-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q2); Information Systems (Q2); Management Science and Operations Research (Q2)
18494 21876 Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia journal 16871804, 11101849 0,2 Q3 10 14 199 329 75 189 0,36 23,5 Egypt Africa/Middle East Central Society of Egyptian Anaesthesiologists 2003-2020 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q3)  
21033 21100840723 Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries journal 25369814, 11106131 0,16 Q4 4 176 122 7195 47 122 0,39 40,88 Egypt Africa/Middle East Egyptian Society for the Development of Fisheries and Human Health 2017-2020 Aquatic Science (Q4)    
9516 21100324710 Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research journal 16874285, 20903278 0,516 Q2 23 54 147 1979 366 147 2,41 36,65 Egypt Africa/Middle East National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries 2012-2020 Aquatic Science (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Oceanography (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2)
18161 19700168908 Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control journal 11101768 0,206 Q3 11 62 199 1957 93 195 0,78 31,56 Egypt Africa/Middle East Egyptian Society for Biological Control of Pests 2008-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Plant Science (Q3); Ecology (Q4); Insect Science (Q4)
30326 21100914897 Egyptian Journal of Botany journal 23570350, 03759237 - 1 61 0 3235 0 0 0 53,03 Egypt Africa/Middle East Egyptian Academy of Science and Technology 2019 Biotechnology; Cell Biology; Ecology; Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics; Genetics; Plant Science
19559 145358 Egyptian Journal of Chemistry journal 4492285 0,183 Q3 9 216 272 7573 258 272 0,97 35,06 Egypt Africa/Middle East NIDOC (Nat.Inform.Document.Centre) 2004-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
24142 21100854908 Egyptian Journal of Critical Care Medicine journal 20907303 0,125 Q4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Egypt Africa/Middle East Egyptian College Of Critical Care Physicians 2016 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q4)
22759 21100409309 Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences journal 20900740, 20903405 0,138 Q4 7 25 131 553 29 130 0,21 22,12 Egypt Africa/Middle East Egyptian Society of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences 2012-2020 Otorhinolaryngology (Q4); Surgery (Q4)  
12625 21100384222 Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences journal 20905939, 2090536X 0,362 Q2 15 66 194 2128 187 185 0,61 32,24 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2011-2020 Law (Q2); Health (social science) (Q3); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q3)
24143 21100216546 Egyptian Journal of Histology journal 11100559, 20902417 0,125 Q4 5 56 112 2674 21 112 0,2 47,75 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2012-2019 Histology (Q4)      
17854 146159 Egyptian Journal of Immunology journal 11104902 0,212 Q3 17 29 93 0 58 93 0,68 0 Egypt Africa/Middle East Modern Commercial Press 2003-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
16140 19700175117 Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics journal 20902441, 11108630 0,251 Q4 14 37 193 1569 150 186 0,79 42,41 Egypt Africa/Middle East Ain Shams University 2010-2020 Genetics (clinical) (Q4)    
20905 17500155106 Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery journal 16878329, 11101083 0,162 Q4 8 49 93 1449 31 91 0,52 29,57 India Asiatic Region Springer Nature 2009-2016, 2018-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q4); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q4); Psychiatric Mental Health (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4); Surgery (Q4)
4038 21100819607 Egyptian Journal of Petroleum journal 11100621, 20902468 1,044 Q1 28 61 303 2340 1558 303 4,05 38,36 Egypt Africa/Middle East Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute 2011-2020 Fuel Technology (Q1); Organic Chemistry (Q1); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q1); Catalysis (Q2); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2)
18611 19700182748 Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine journal 0378603X, 20904762 0,198 Q4 11 114 520 2673 188 517 0,29 23,45 Egypt Africa/Middle East The Egyptian Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 2010-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
4816 19700183014 Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science journal 11109823 0,929 Q1 25 54 126 1856 517 109 4,73 34,37 Egypt Africa/Middle East National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences 2003, 2010-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
26706 21100210918 Egyptian Liver Journal journal 20906226, 20906218 0,108 Q4 3 9 43 232 3 41 0 25,78 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2012-2020 Hepatology (Q4)      
12780 19700201647 Egyptian Rheumatologist journal 11101164, 20902433 0,356 Q3 14 79 158 2833 251 158 1,49 35,86 Egypt Africa/Middle East The Egyptian Society for Joint Diseases and Arthritis 2011-2020 Rheumatology (Q3)      
29599 21100457335 EI Electrical Insulation Conference Materials and Application, EIC 1962 conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 0 0 61 0 0 60 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Human-Computer Interaction
29595 21100463814 EIC 1965 - Proceedings of the 6th Electrical Insulation Conference conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 0 0 84 0 0 83 0 0 United States Northern America   Geology; Geophysics; Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
29596 21100464307 EIC 1969 - Proceedings of the 9th Electrical Insulation Conference conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 0 0 87 0 0 86 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Information Systems
29597 21100463828 EIC 1971 - Proceedings of the 10th Electrical Insulation Conference conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 0 0 111 0 0 110 0 0 United States Northern America   Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
28651 21100468788 EIC 1973 - Proceedings of the 11th Electrical Insulation Conference conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 1 0 116 0 2 115 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Control and Systems Engineering; Hardware and Architecture
28071 21100463899 EIC 1977 - Proceedings of the 13th Electrical/Electronics Insulation Conference conference and proceedings - 0,102 - 1 0 87 0 1 86 0 0 United States Northern America   Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous); Mechanical Engineering; Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
18678 21100469591 EICS 2016 - 8th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems conference and proceedings - 0,197 - 6 0 39 0 40 37 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science Applications; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Information Systems
15240 21100259509 E-Informatica Software Engineering Journal journal 18977979, 20844840 0,275 Q3 6 7 24 453 44 23 1,28 64,71 Poland Eastern Europe Wroclaw University of Technology 2012-2019 Software (Q3)      
30327 21100929414 Eidola journal 1826719X, 18246192 - 0 6 0 327 0 0 0 54,5 Italy Western Europe Fabrizio Serra Editore 2019 Classics; History; Visual Arts and Performing Arts
29598 6000170071 Eidos journal 16928857, 20117477 0,1 Q4 2 24 79 627 7 74 0,09 26,13 Colombia Latin America Universidad del Norte 2012-2019 Philosophy (Q4)      
26573 21507 Eighteenth Century journal 19350201, 01935380 0,109 Q3 8 15 104 521 11 104 0,1 34,73 United States Northern America University of Pennsylvania Press 1981, 1983, 1986, 2000-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4)
20341 14686 Eighteenth Century Studies journal 00132586, 1086315X 0,17 Q2 18 25 80 1234 21 77 0,25 49,36 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 1969, 1972, 1975-1976, 1979-1980, 1983-1985, 1998, 2000, 2002-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3)
18849 16200154749 Eighteenth-Century Fiction journal 8406286 0,194 Q1 11 28 71 1316 13 71 0,18 47 Canada Northern America McMaster University 2002-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
28072 81529 Eighteenth-Century Ireland journal 7907915 0,102 Q4 7 0 14 0 0 12 0 0 Ireland Western Europe Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society 1986, 2002-2015, 2017-2018 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
25535 21506 Eighteenth-Century Life journal 10863192, 00982601 0,115 Q2 12 16 67 772 3 63 0,04 48,25 United States Northern America Duke University Press 1977, 1980, 1982, 1984-1985, 1987, 2001-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3)
26250 19700173010 Eighteenth-Century Music journal 14785714, 14785706 0,111 Q3 9 22 89 212 4 61 0,06 9,64 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2004-2020 Music (Q3)      
28652 16200154793 Eigse - Journal of Irish Studies journal 132608 0,101 Q4 5 0 21 0 0 20 0 0 Ireland Western Europe National University of Ireland 2002, 2004-2005, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2016 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4)
21034 21100197763 Eikasmos journal 11218819 0,16 Q1 3 27 90 1007 5 90 0,05 37,3 Italy Western Europe Alma Mater Studiorum  (Bologna) 2011-2019 Classics (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
15766 21100219310 Einstein (São Paulo, Brazil) journal 16794508, 23176385 0,261 Q3 16 110 299 0 269 273 0,72 0 Brazil Latin America Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein 2012-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
22944 14529 Eire-Ireland; a journal of Irish studies journal 00132683, 15505162 0,136 Q2 12 19 73 1296 7 64 0,12 68,21 United States Northern America Irish American Cultural Institute 1976-1977, 1979-1980, 1982, 1987, 2000-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
27277 17700154904 Eirene journal 461628 0,105 Q2 4 0 85 0 3 81 0,1 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 2002-2018 Classics (Q2); Archeology (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
4251 21100440520 EJNMMI Physics journal 21977364 1,012 Q1 16 32 95 880 281 94 2,38 27,5 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2014-2020 Biomedical Engineering (Q1); Instrumentation (Q1); Radiation (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1)
4706 21100235610 EJNMMI Research journal 2191219X 0,945 Q1 34 116 305 3799 852 288 2,87 32,75 Germany Western Europe Springer Berlin 2011-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1)
30328 21100939681 eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government journal 20759517   - 0 15 0 439 0 0 0 29,27 Austria Western Europe Department for E-Governance and Administration 2019 Computer Science Applications; Sociology and Political Science
20974 21100903446 E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies journal 22804056 0,161 Q3 1 23 22 798 5 22 0,23 34,7 Italy Western Europe 2018-2019 Law (Q3); Industrial Relations (Q4); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q4)
24517 21100202942 E-Journal of Portuguese History journal 16456432 0,124 Q2 4 12 34 240 4 32 0,18 20 United States Northern America Brown University 2011-2019 History (Q2)      
18495 144782 e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology journal 13480391 0,2 Q3 21 26 159 958 86 153 0,61 36,85 Japan Asiatic Region The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science 2005-2019 Biotechnology (Q3); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q3); Bioengineering (Q4); Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Mechanics of Materials (Q4); Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Q4); Surfaces and Interfaces (Q4)
20566 19900193627 eJournal of Tax Research journal 14482398 0,167 Q4 7 31 64 484 29 62 0,42 15,61 Australia Pacific Region Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales 2011-2019 Accounting (Q4); Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Finance (Q4)
13037 21100419021 EJVES Short Reports journal 24056553 0,346 Q3 4 46 103 406 77 95 0,77 8,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2015-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Surgery (Q3)
12330 12600154705 Eklem Hastaliklari ve Cerrahisi journal 13058282, 13090313 0,374 Q2 14 55 109 1159 121 100 1,32 21,07 Turkey Middle East Turkish Joint Diseases Foundation 2008-2019 Rehabilitation (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3); Surgery (Q3)
15108 14607 Ekologia Bratislava journal 1337947X, 1335342X 0,279 Q3 19 29 91 1304 73 91 0,75 44,97 Slovakia Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 1993-1994, 1996-2019 Ecology (Q3)      
17566 21100323400 Ekologiya Cheloveka (Human Ecology) journal 17280869 0,218 Q3 11 91 327 2154 105 327 0,32 23,67 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Northern State Medical University 2012-2020 Health (social science) (Q3); Ecology (Q4); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
21845 4000148505 Ekoloji journal 13001361 0,149 Q4 17 1013 267 15887 257 267 0,92 15,68 Turkey Middle East Cevkor Vakfi 2006-2019 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q4); Pollution (Q4)
30329 21100930159 Ekonomia i Srodowisko journal 08678898, 23006420 - 1 30 0 905 0 0 0 30,17 Poland Eastern Europe Wydawnictwo Ekonomia i Srodowisko 2019 Ecology; Economics and Econometrics; Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
28073 21100889706 Ekonomiaz journal 23404051, 02133865 0,102 Q4 1 0 25 0 2 25 0,08 0 Spain Western Europe Servicio Central Publicaciones. Gobierno vasco 2017-2018 Cultural Studies (Q4); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
12655 21100825345 Ekonomicheskaya Politika journal 19945124, 24112658 0,361 Q2 6 40 116 890 58 116 0,5 22,25 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Editorial Board of the Journal Economic Policy 2013-2015, 2017-2019 Finance (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
11757 21100780829 Ekonomicheskaya Sotsiologiya journal 17263247 0,4 Q2 4 18 126 707 38 111 0,4 39,28 Russian Federation Eastern Europe National Research University Higher School of Economics 2016-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
15400 20126 Ekonomicky Casopis journal 133035 0,271 Q3 16 50 154 2238 103 154 0,65 44,76 Slovakia Eastern Europe Slovak Academic Press Ltd 1978-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q3)  
28074 20592 Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift journal 133183 0,102 Q4 3 0 15 0 0 11 0 0 Finland Western Europe Economic Society of Finland 2002-2015, 2017 Economics and Econometrics (Q4)  
23819 21100237426 Ekonomista journal 133205 0,127 Q4 3 39 93 1485 15 91 0,2 38,08 Poland Eastern Europe Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne S.A. 2009, 2013-2014, 2016-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q4)  
16615 20620 Ekonomski Pregled journal 4247558 0,239 Q3 9 39 91 1447 38 86 0,49 37,1 Croatia Eastern Europe Hrvatsko Drustvo Ekonomista 1971, 1981-1983, 2000-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3)
30330 21100948918 Ekphrasis journal 25592068   - 0 32 0 772 0 0 0 24,13 Romania Eastern Europe Babes-Bolyai University 2019 Communication; Visual Arts and Performing Arts
25658 28306 Eksperimental'naia i klinicheskaia gastroenterologiia = Experimental & clinical gastroenterology journal 16828658 0,114 Q4 6 0 162 0 17 162 0 0 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Global Media Technologies 2002-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
26909 21279 Eksperimental'naya i Klinicheskaya Farmakologiya journal 8692092 0,107 Q4 14 32 286 568 44 286 0,16 17,75 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Izdatelstvo Meditsina 1992-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Pharmacology (Q4); Toxicology (Q4)
10341 19700182638 Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc journal 15072711 0,471 Q2 24 79 240 2425 454 240 2,06 30,7 Poland Eastern Europe Polish Maintanace Society 2008-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q2)
26430 5700183004 Ela journal 0071190X 0,11 Q3 4 28 119 628 4 100 0,04 22,43 France Western Europe Klincksieck 2001-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
10787 17600155133 E-Learning journal 20427530, 17418887 0,448 Q2 14 28 56 1178 85 51 1,84 42,07 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Inc. 2009-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q2); Education (Q2)
21417 21100455706 ELECO 2015 - 9th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering conference and proceedings - 0,155 - 7 0 217 0 131 216 0 0 United States Northern America   Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; Instrumentation; Materials Science (miscellaneous); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment; Signal Processing
10999 21100465147 Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy journal 15578062, 15331296 0,438 Q1 6 25 89 1199 75 85 0,89 47,96 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2016-2020 Law (Q1)        
2088 16114 Electoral Studies journal 2613794 1,554 Q1 66 100 335 5444 697 332 1,47 54,44 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1982-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
14164 16031 Electric Power Components and Systems journal 15325016, 15325008 0,307 Q2 47 127 560 3920 780 547 1,25 30,87 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2000-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q3)
4054 16044 Electric Power Systems Research journal 3787796 1,042 Q1 114 370 1212 12392 5135 1202 4,38 33,49 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1977-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1)
30331 21100928807 Electrica journal 26199831   - 1 21 0 439 0 0 0 20,9 Turkey Middle East Istanbul University 2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering  
24144 32198 Electrical Communication journal 134252 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 France Western Europe Alcatel Alsthom publ 1969-1995 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
14604 96562 Electrical Contacts, Proceedings of the Annual Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts conference and proceedings 3614395 0,294 - 23 140 95 2230 119 91 1,35 15,93 United States Northern America Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 1979-1983, 1988-1990, 1992-2003, 2005-2012, 2015-2017, 2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
14004 16065 Electrical Engineering journal 14320487, 09487921 0,312 Q2 33 154 401 4924 659 397 1,69 31,97 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1994-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3)
22224 16066 Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi) journal 04247760, 15206416 0,144 Q4 26 75 321 1196 96 319 0,31 15,95 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1968-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4)
14342 110509 Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium Proceedings conference and proceedings 7395159 0,301 - 29 44 147 368 73 141 0,43 8,36 United States Northern America 7395159 Condensed Matter Physics; Electrical and Electronic Engineering
28075 21100450140 Electrical, Control Engineering and Computer Science - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Electrical, Control Engineering and Computer Science, ECECS 2015 conference and proceedings - 0,102 - 1 0 41 0 3 39 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe   Control and Systems Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; Instrumentation
8021 28802 Electricity Journal journal 10406190 0,616 Q1 43 102 296 2267 472 250 1,44 22,23 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 1988-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Law (Q1); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q2); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q2)
7548 23979 Electroanalysis journal 15214109, 10400397 0,651 Q2 124 324 1082 14320 2985 1067 2,53 44,2 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 1989-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q2); Electrochemistry (Q2)
6676 19600157794 Electrocatalysis journal 18682529, 18685994 0,727 Q2 31 69 204 3168 531 195 2,61 45,91 United States Northern America Springer Publishing Company 2010-2020 Electrochemistry (Q2)    
10537 25168 Electrochemical Society Interface journal 10648208 0,461 Q3 42 30 101 578 123 80 1,8 19,27 United States Northern America Electrochemical Society, Inc. 1992-2019 Electrochemistry (Q3)    
11431 25174 Electrochemistry journal 13443542 0,416 Q3 40 64 257 2065 268 240 1,13 32,27 Japan Asiatic Region Electrochemical Society of Japan 1996-2020 Electrochemistry (Q3)    
3095 25180 Electrochemistry Communications journal 13882481 1,236 Q1 184 226 755 6483 3328 749 4,39 28,69 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 1999-2020 Electrochemistry (Q1)    
2320 25181 Electrochimica Acta journal 134686 1,467 Q1 224 2248 6783 111680 41282 6727 6,34 49,68 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1959-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Electrochemistry (Q1)
19970 4900152404 Electrolyte and Blood Pressure journal 17385997 0,176 Q3 17 4 22 89 16 22 0,71 22,25 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Society of Electrolyte and Blood Pressure Research 2006-2019 Internal Medicine (Q3); Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4); Physiology (Q4)
12554 14876 Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine journal 15368386, 15368378 0,365 Q3 38 30 111 1610 193 102 2,03 53,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1982-2020 Biophysics (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
16882 16128 Electromagnetics journal 1532527X, 02726343 0,233 Q3 32 46 139 890 95 139 0,65 19,35 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1981-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q3); Radiation (Q4)
6549 21100241761 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance book series 14651955, 14644622 0,738 Q2 11 6 7 808 18 6 3 134,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 Analytical Chemistry (Q2); Spectroscopy (Q2)
27278 31212 Electron Technology journal 709816 0,105 Q4 10 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 Poland Eastern Europe Institute of Electron Technology 1969-1980, 1984-1987, 1989-1994, 1996-2000, 2002-2007 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
7508 145669 Electronic Commerce Research journal 13895753 0,654 Q1 37 77 105 3909 340 90 3,64 50,77 Netherlands Western Europe Kluwer Academic Publishers 2005-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Human-Computer Interaction (Q2)
3068 15057 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications journal 15674223 1,243 Q1 69 69 178 4882 1052 175 5,55 70,75 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2002-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q1); Marketing (Q1)
4321 26386 Electronic Communications in Probability journal 1083589X 1,003 Q2 31 77 257 1278 180 253 0,61 16,6 United States Northern America Institute of Mathematical Statistics 1996-2020 Statistics and Probability (Q2); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q2)
23820 21100824863 Electronic Communications of the EASST journal 18632122 0,127 Q4 20 13 18 342 6 17 0 26,31 Germany Western Europe 2006-2019 Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q4); Software (Q4)
29600 24828 Electronic Design trade journal 134872 0,1 Q4 7 0 237 0 6 237 0,05 0 United States Northern America Penton Publishing Co. 1969-1987, 1990-1992, 1994-2018 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
25203 144890 Electronic Device Failure Analysis journal 15370755 0,118 Q4 6 24 78 210 4 56 0,11 8,75 United States Northern America ASM International 2004-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q4)
26707 32898 Electronic Engineering (London) journal 134902 0,108 Q4 4 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe CMP Europe Ltd. 1970-2002 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
12239 3200147702 Electronic Government journal 17407494, 17407508 0,378 Q3 32 22 67 1295 86 66 0,98 58,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. 2006-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q3); E-learning (Q3); Public Administration (Q3)
24986 20362 Electronic Green Journal journal 10767975 0,12 Q4 12 4 7 186 2 7 0,25 46,5 United States Northern America University of Idaho Library 2001-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
18162 21100229114 Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research journal 18609937 0,206 Q3 5 0 5 0 1 5 0 0 Germany Western Europe University of Lueneburg, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Research Institute on Professions 2012-2016 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
14312 21100216944 Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis journal 20705948 0,302 Q3 9 8 116 277 95 114 0,82 34,63 Italy Western Europe 2008-2019 Modeling and Simulation (Q3); Statistics and Probability (Q3)
8770 15602 Electronic Journal of Biotechnology journal 7173458 0,566 Q2 51 59 209 2595 684 207 3,11 43,98 Chile Latin America Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso 1998-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q2); Biotechnology (Q2)
5780 26389 Electronic Journal of Combinatorics journal 10778926, 10971440 0,815 Q1 41 179 708 3457 496 706 0,67 19,31 United States Northern America Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 1996-2020 Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q1); Theoretical Computer Science (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q2); Geometry and Topology (Q2)
8465 26391 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations journal 10726691, 15506150 0,585 Q3 42 131 856 3653 787 856 0,87 27,89 United States Northern America Texas State University - San Marcos 1996-2020 Analysis (Q3)      
10829 21100201056 Electronic Journal of e-Learning journal 14794403 0,446 Q2 19 15 85 522 158 77 1,68 34,8 United Kingdom Western Europe Academic Publishing Limited 2011-2020 Education (Q2); E-learning (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q3)
18730 19900192534 Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching journal 2199874 0,196 Q2 10 19 42 908 16 38 0,38 47,79 Singapore Asiatic Region National University of Singapore 2011-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2); Education (Q3)
15401 21100858173 Electronic Journal of General Medicine journal 25163507 0,271 Q3 15 83 205 2380 328 196 2,22 28,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Modestum Ltd. 2018-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
24630 15642 Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering journal 10893032 0,123 Q4 25 0 535 0 102 535 0 0 United States Northern America Oklahoma State University 1996-2016 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4)
10848 21100818724 Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications journal 23382287 0,445 Q3 3 29 80 475 47 80 0,57 16,38 Indonesia Asiatic Region Indonesian Combinatorics Society 2016-2019 Applied Mathematics (Q3); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q3)
13327 21100201977 Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries journal 16814835 0,334 Q3 15 50 146 2717 225 143 1,78 54,34 China Asiatic Region John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2012-2020 E-learning (Q3); Information Systems (Q3)
7818 15072 Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction journal 14006529, 14036835 0,63 Q2 42 21 64 1077 163 63 2,14 51,29 Sweden Western Europe Kungliga Tenkniska Hoegskolan/Royal Institute of technology 1995-2020 Building and Construction (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2)
15891 21100887424 Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management journal 14794411 0,258 Q3 3 12 13 752 15 12 1,25 62,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Academic Conferences and Publishing International 2018-2019 Computer Networks and Communications (Q3); Computer Science Applications (Q3); Management Information Systems (Q3); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q3)
8921 26394 Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra journal 10813810 0,555 Q3 26 46 160 801 128 160 0,77 17,41 United States Northern America International Linear Algebra Society 1996-2020 Algebra and Number Theory (Q3)  
18445 21100773807 Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding journal 0975928X 0,201 Q4 9 208 558 3749 102 549 0,18 18,02 India Asiatic Region Indian Society of Plant Breeders 2009-2019 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q4); Plant Science (Q4); Soil Science (Q4)
1437 26398 Electronic Journal of Probability journal 10836489 1,898 Q1 39 146 292 4467 373 290 1,27 30,6 United States Northern America Institute of Mathematical Statistics 1996-2020 Statistics and Probability (Q1); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q1)
7255 26401 Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations journal 14173875 0,673 Q2 31 99 327 2268 400 325 1,19 22,91 Hungary Eastern Europe University of Szeged 2000-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q2)    
14726 18800156721 Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology journal 16962095, 16995880 0,29 Q3 23 31 90 1416 58 90 0,43 45,68 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Almeria 2003-2019 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3); Education (Q3)
2381 19900192726 Electronic Journal of Statistics journal 19357524 1,445 Q1 41 132 427 5113 570 424 1,08 38,73 United States Northern America Institute of Mathematical Statistics 2007-2020 Statistics and Probability (Q1); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q1)
21691 5300152229 Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering journal 14439255 0,151 Q4 20 0 29 0 13 26 0,58 0 Australia Pacific Region Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Melbourne 2001-2002, 2006-2018 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4)  
9435 21100888782 Electronic Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine journal 16503414 0,521 Q3 9 37 45 1491 43 36 1,19 40,3 Italy Western Europe International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2018-2019 Biochemistry (medical) (Q3); Clinical Biochemistry (Q3)
21783 5700165211 Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics journal 17295254 0,15 Q4 12 0 44 0 13 42 0,29 0 Ukraine Eastern Europe Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics 2007-2016, 2018 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q4)
18896 21100211369 Electronic Journal on Business Research Methods journal 14777029 0,193 Q3 20 21 41 823 31 38 0,78 39,19 United Kingdom Western Europe Academic Publishing Limited 2002-2003, 2005-2019 Business and International Management (Q3); Strategy and Management (Q4)
21496 21100198475 Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis journal 15775097 0,154 Q4 10 11 37 257 28 37 1 23,36 Spain Western Europe Centre de Visio per Computador 2011-2019 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q4); Software (Q4)
10610 15420 Electronic Library journal 2640473 0,457 Q2 35 66 207 2768 284 206 1,36 41,94 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1983-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q2); Library and Information Sciences (Q2)
4298 19600157911 Electronic Markets journal 14228890, 10196781 1,006 Q1 29 81 103 6299 449 76 4,67 77,77 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2009-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Marketing (Q2)
10871 13300154705 Electronic Materials Letters journal 17388090, 20936788 0,444 Q2 31 89 289 3100 493 280 1,84 34,83 South Korea Asiatic Region Springer Netherlands 2008-2020 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q2)
16883 4700152427 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics journal 15710653 0,233 Q3 24 4 727 18 369 716 0,52 4,5 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1999-2019 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q3); Applied Mathematics (Q4)
12850 20569 Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science journal 15710661 0,354 Q2 56 132 216 2414 175 206 0,63 18,29 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1995-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Theoretical Computer Science (Q3)
25829 34230 Electronic Packaging and Production journal 134945 0,113 Q4 6 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 United States Northern America Reed Business 1970-1988, 1993-2001 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
13538 21100244944 Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS conference and proceedings 20752180 0,327 - 16 279 847 5442 463 676 0,73 19,51 United States Northern America Open Publishing Association 2009-2020 Software        
29601 24875 Electronic Products trade journal 134953 0,1 Q4 3 14 275 0 0 275 0 0 United States Northern America Hearst Business Communications 1969-1976, 1984-1989, 1994-1996, 2000-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
14379 19700176019 Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences journal 19359179 0,3 Q3 21 0 19 0 11 19 0,54 0 United States Northern America American Mathematical Society 2010-2018 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
24145 9500153973 Electronic Systems Technology and Design/Computer Design's journal 15241238 0,125 Q3 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America PennWell Corp. 1970-1991, 1993-1999 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
5314 26415 Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis journal 10974067, 10689613 0,869 Q2 39 26 96 815 117 96 0,97 31,35 United States Northern America Kent State University 1996-2020 Analysis (Q2)      
27520 21100293800 Electronics journal 14505843 0,104 Q4 9 6 37 110 12 35 0,25 18,33 Bosnia and Herzegovina Eastern Europe Faculty of Electrical Engineering Banja Luka 2012-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
25830 31213 Electronics & communications in Japan journal 4248368 0,113 Q4 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 United States Northern America Scripta Pub Co. 1968-1984 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
14285 21100829272 Electronics (Switzerland) journal 20799292 0,303 Q2 26 1544 650 57038 1819 636 2,85 36,94 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2012-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Computer Networks and Communications (Q3); Control and Systems Engineering (Q3); Hardware and Architecture (Q3); Signal Processing (Q3)
23507 19700188800 Electronics and Communications in Japan journal 19429541, 19429533 0,13 Q4 12 83 306 1341 78 304 0,28 16,16 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1975, 2008-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q4); Computer Networks and Communications (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q4); Signal Processing (Q4)
26708 38235 Electronics and Power journal 135127 0,108 Q4 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) 1969-1987 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
10662 24918 Electronics Letters journal 1350911X, 00135194 0,454 Q2 142 619 2560 5003 4492 2452 1,82 8,08 United Kingdom Western Europe Institution of Engineering and Technology 1965-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2)
23930 58615 Electronics World trade journal 13654675 0,126 Q4 6 0 23 0 4 23 0,18 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Nexus Media Communications Ltd. 1994-2017 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
6983 23524 Electrophoresis journal 01730835, 15222683 0,698 Q2 156 388 1006 16757 2819 956 3,21 43,19 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 1980-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q2); Biochemistry (Q2); Clinical Biochemistry (Q2)
27521 21100386858 Electrum book series 18973426, 20843909 0,104 Q3 2 0 32 0 2 32 0,09 0 Poland Eastern Europe Jagiellonian University Press 2014-2018 Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3); Classics (Q3); History (Q3); Archeology (Q4)
25097 21100773792 ELEKTRO 2016 - 11th International Conference, Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,119 - 6 0 138 0 69 136 0 0 United States Northern America   Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics; Computer Networks and Communications
19733 19900193212 Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika journal 13921215 0,18 Q3 24 75 270 1746 236 270 0,88 23,28 Lithuania Eastern Europe Kauno Technologijos Universitetas 2008-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3)
17904 144631 Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik journal 0932383X 0,211 Q3 17 87 272 779 142 225 0,6 8,95 Austria Western Europe Springer-Verlag Wien 1988-1990, 2005-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3)
21418 16651 Elektrotehniski Vestnik/Electrotechnical Review journal 00135852, 22323228 0,155 Q4 10 42 123 1024 50 123 0,52 24,38 Slovenia Eastern Europe Electrotechnical Society of Slovenia 1969-1971, 1973-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
27279 19700173600 Elektrowaerme International trade journal 3403521 0,105 Q4 4 0 60 0 2 60 0 0 Germany Western Europe Vulkan Verlag GmbH 2003-2017 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
24146 31216 Elektrowaerme International, Edition A, Elektrowarme im technischen Ausbau journal 1746189 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Germany Western Europe Vulkan Verlag GmbH 1977-1982 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
23601 19500157305 Elelmiszervizsgalati Kozlemenyek journal 4229576 0,129 Q4 2 6 61 121 5 60 0,11 20,17 Hungary Eastern Europe Hungarian National Commiteee of the European Organization for quality 2008-2019 Food Science (Q4)      
2396 21100777486 Elementa journal 23251026 1,437 Q1 27 33 221 2533 817 220 3,93 76,76 United States Northern America University of California Press 2013-2019 Atmospheric Science (Q1); Ecology (Q1); Environmental Engineering (Q1); Geology (Q1); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1); Oceanography (Q1)
18957 21100235609 Elementary Education Online journal 13053515 0,192 Q3 9 142 335 6842 127 333 0,38 48,18 Turkey Middle East Ankara University Faculty of Education Department Primary Education 2013-2020 Education (Q3)      
3402 28840 Elementary School Journal journal 15548279, 00135984 1,166 Q1 72 29 87 1771 164 85 1,82 61,07 United States Northern America University of Chicago 1996-2020 Education (Q1)      
3448 25385 Elements journal 18115209 1,157 Q1 77 40 153 788 391 125 3,27 19,7 United States Northern America Mineralogical Society of America 1973, 2006-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q1)
28653 21100197157 Elenchos journal 20377177, 03927342 0,101 Q4 3 7 41 241 2 39 0,07 34,43 Italy Western Europe Bibliopolis, Edizioni Di Filosofia E Scienze 2011-2016, 2018-2019 Classics (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)    
13608 16200154763 ELH - English Literary History journal 10806547, 00138304 0,325 Q1 21 41 127 2697 37 127 0,3 65,78 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 2001-2019 History (Q1); Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)
198 21100242814 eLife journal 2050084X 6,079 Q1 115 1675 4167 97683 28117 3945 6,68 58,32 United Kingdom Western Europe eLife Sciences Publications 2012-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q1)
28654 21100829711 ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries journal 15818918, 23860316 0,101 Q3 1 19 24 562 1 23 0,04 29,58 Slovenia Eastern Europe Ljubljana University Press 2017-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Education (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
4892 145597 ELT Journal journal 14774526, 09510893 0,919 Q1 51 43 135 612 192 119 1,54 14,23 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1946-2020 Education (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
29602 25745 EM: Air and Waste Management Association's Magazine for Environmental Managers trade journal 10889981 0,1 Q4 14 0 73 0 1 73 0 0 United States Northern America Air and Waste Management Association 1996-2017 Environmental Engineering (Q4); Waste Management and Disposal (Q4)
7649 29666 EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia journal 17426731, 17426723 0,644 Q1 49 229 492 4335 497 348 1,5 18,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004-2020 Emergency Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
11406 21100466737 eMagRes book series 20556101 0,417 Q3 12 29 100 1688 154 99 2,04 58,21 United Kingdom Western Europe Blackwell 2012-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q3); Biochemistry (Q3); Biomedical Engineering (Q3); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3); Spectroscopy (Q3)
28655 5800207639 Emakeele Seltsi Aastaraamat book series 2063735 0,101 Q4 4 0 26 0 1 26 0,08 0 Estonia Eastern Europe Emakeele Selts 2011-2017 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
28076 21100787336 e-Manufacturing and Design Collaboration Symposium 2016, eMDC 2016 - Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,102 - 2 0 16 0 2 15 0 0 United States Northern America   Materials Science (miscellaneous); Mechanics of Materials
29603 5100155042 Emballage Digest trade journal 136557 0,1 Q4 1 0 51 0 0 51 0 0 France Western Europe 2006-2016 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
154 17435 EMBO Journal journal 02614189, 14602075 7,086 Q1 381 282 756 16344 6260 648 9,31 57,96 Germany Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell 1982-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q1)
295 19600166310 EMBO Molecular Medicine journal 17574676, 17574684 4,816 Q1 99 110 369 5943 3194 307 8,6 54,03 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell 2009-2020 Molecular Medicine (Q1)    
315 22088 EMBO Reports journal 14693178, 1469221X 4,557 Q1 175 256 651 12656 3417 462 6,88 49,44 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2000-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
30332 27161 Embroidery trade journal 14773724   - 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Embroiderers' Guild 2002-2014, 2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)  
28656 21100781407 EMC Seattle 2016 - 34th Annual West Coast Energy Management Congress conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 0 0 29 0 0 28 0 0 Hong Kong Asiatic Region   Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis; Pollution; Toxicology
20632 21100942398 Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies journal 20450621 0,166 Q3 4 103 263 1091 19 263 0,1 10,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2011-2020 Business and International Management (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Education (Q4); Finance (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
24987 4700151612 Emergence: Complexity and Organization journal 15213250 0,12 Q4 22 0 46 0 18 39 0,26 0 United States Northern America ISCE Publishing 2004, 2006-2018 Business and International Management (Q4); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
12344 19700175857 Emergencias journal 11376821 0,373 Q2 26 139 372 1787 366 162 2,84 12,86 Spain Western Europe Grupo Saned 2014-2020 Emergency Medicine (Q2)    
12278 21100854004 Emergency journal 23454571, 23454563 0,376 Q2 4 0 16 0 28 14 1,91 0 Iran Middle East Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences 2016-2017 Emergency Medicine (Q2)    
26088 29661 Emergency Medicine journal 136654 0,112 Q4 6 0 223 0 12 114 0,06 0 United States Northern America Quadrant Healthcom Inc. 1978-1981, 1984, 1999-2018 Emergency Medicine (Q4)    
8882 29667 Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America journal 15580539, 07338627 0,558 Q2 53 71 211 2801 312 158 1,85 39,45 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1983-2020 Emergency Medicine (Q2)    
15812 21100853574 Emergency Medicine International journal 20902840, 20902859 0,26 Q3 4 0 8 0 11 8 0 0 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2014-2017 Emergency Medicine (Q3)    
5284 29689 Emergency Medicine Journal journal 14720213, 14720205 0,872 Q1 77 227 662 3551 939 479 1,77 15,64 United Kingdom Western Europe BMJ Publishing Group 1996-2020 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q1); Emergency Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
18958 21100196111 Emergency medicine practice journal 15241971, 15593908 0,192 Q3 12 35 54 0 35 54 0,45 0 United States Northern America Pinnacle Publishing, LLC 2011-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
23034 27662 Emergency Nurse journal 13545752 0,135 Q3 16 50 438 657 37 296 0,11 13,14 United Kingdom Western Europe RCN Publishing Company Ltd. 1992, 1998-2020 Emergency Nursing (Q3)    
11260 16671 Emergency Radiology journal 14381435, 10703004 0,424 Q2 41 92 273 2337 339 265 1,42 25,4 United States Northern America Springer New York 1994-2020 Emergency Medicine (Q2); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3)
5350 21100305282 Emerging Adulthood journal 21676984, 21676968 0,865 Q2 24 85 139 4567 265 113 1,45 53,73 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2013-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q2); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q2)
27522 21100211725 Emerging Communication: Studies in New Technologies and Practices in Communication book series 15667677, 18798349 0,104 Q3 8 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe IOS Press 2008, 2012, 2016 Media Technology (Q3); Communication (Q4); Computer Science Applications (Q4)
1326 21100819608 Emerging Contaminants journal 24056650, 24056642 1,993 Q1 14 33 49 2074 370 48 11,86 62,85 China Asiatic Region KeAi Publishing Communications Ltd. 2015-2020 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Toxicology (Q1)
789 20228 Emerging Infectious Diseases journal 10806040, 10806059 2,72 Q1 215 504 1600 9528 6982 1028 6,51 18,9 United States Northern America Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1995-2020 Epidemiology (Q1); Infectious Diseases (Q1); Microbiology (medical) (Q1)
10872 27748 Emerging Markets Finance and Trade journal 1540496X 0,444 Q1 29 469 587 21409 875 549 1,6 45,65 United States Northern America M.E. Sharpe Inc. 2002-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Finance (Q2)
2807 14453 Emerging Markets Review journal 18736173, 15660141 1,317 Q1 45 60 143 3756 616 142 4,08 62,6 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2000-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q1)
22465 21100782251 Emerging Materials Research journal 20460155, 20460147 0,141 Q4 5 19 105 852 36 100 0,37 44,84 United States Northern America ICE Publishing Company 2015-2020 Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
1103 21100232818 Emerging Microbes and Infections journal 22221751 2,212 Q1 38 172 415 7686 2064 334 5,83 44,69 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 2012-2020 Drug Discovery (Q1); Epidemiology (Q1); Immunology (Q1); Infectious Diseases (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Microbiology (Q1); Parasitology (Q1); Virology (Q1)
28657 21100775919 Emerging Technologies in Clean Energy 2016 - Topical Conference at the 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 0 0 18 0 0 17 0 0 United States Northern America   Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous); Engineering (miscellaneous); Management of Technology and Innovation
26910 21100429548 Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing VI - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Nondestructive Testing, ETNDT 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,107 - 3 0 83 0 9 81 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe   Engineering (miscellaneous)    
2014 130058 Emerging Themes in Epidemiology journal 17427622 1,589 Q2 33 5 39 176 115 39 2,77 35,2 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2004-2020 Epidemiology (Q2)      
24631 20591 Emerita, Revista de linguistica y filologia clasica journal 19888384, 00136662 0,123 Q2 4 16 50 734 5 45 0,06 45,88 Spain Western Europe CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 1971, 1975, 1996, 1998, 2002-2019 Classics (Q2); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
28658 21100223803 Emily Dickinson Journal journal 10596879, 1096858X 0,101 Q3 7 6 24 189 3 22 0,07 31,5 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 2009-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)  
13200 21100200820 Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture journal 20790538, 2079052X 0,339 Q3 24 100 354 3778 444 351 1,18 37,78 United Arab Emirates Middle East United Arab Emirates University 1996-2019 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Animal Science and Zoology (Q3); Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q3); Food Science (Q3)
9391 21100834323 Emission Control Science and Technology journal 21993629, 21993637 0,524 Q2 12 37 78 1125 147 70 1,72 30,41 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2020 Automotive Engineering (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Pollution (Q2); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q3)
24147 21100466707 Emissions 2015, Papers and Presentations conference and proceedings - 0,125 - 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America   Artificial Intelligence; Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications
27774 21100775654 Emissions 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,103 - 1 0 10 0 0 9 0 0 United States Northern America   Computational Theory and Mathematics; Theoretical Computer Science
13087 29088 EMJ - Engineering Management Journal journal 10429247 0,344 Q2 33 28 77 1450 92 65 1,44 51,79 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1989-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
1075 14075 Emotion journal 19311516, 15283542 2,248 Q1 133 237 367 6161 1272 317 3,75 26 United States Northern America American Psychological Association Inc. 2001-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q1)
2052 17500155105 Emotion Review journal 17540739 1,571 Q1 61 35 159 3557 593 143 3,42 101,63 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2009-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q1); Social Psychology (Q1)
4785 17500155125 Emotion, Space and Society journal 17554586, 18780040 0,934 Q1 34 78 128 3594 278 123 2,1 46,08 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2008-2020 Social Psychology (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q2)
10538 22041 Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties journal 17412692, 13632752 0,461 Q2 26 34 100 1473 102 82 0,8 43,32 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1996-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)
28659 17600155214 Empan journal 11523336 0,101 Q4 6 22 235 156 4 206 0,01 7,09 France Western Europe Editions Eres 2002-2020 Health (social science) (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
30333 21100916527 Empedocles journal 17571960, 17571952 - 1 14 0 367 0 0 0 26,21 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2019 Communication; Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language; Philosophy
16439 21100244867 Empiria journal 21740682, 11395737 0,243 Q3 6 23 66 1028 36 65 0,6 44,7 Spain Western Europe Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, UNED 2013-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
12751 24965 Empirica journal 15736911, 03408744 0,357 Q2 28 59 108 2818 111 96 1,12 47,76 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1974-2020 Development (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
25831 21100427905 Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Theory book series 22106251, 22106243 0,113 Q3 5 0 12 0 5 2 5 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2011-2018 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
8446 20642 Empirical Economics journal 14358921, 03777332 0,586 Q1 53 349 454 15547 671 422 1,47 44,55 Germany Western Europe Physica-Verlag 1976-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2); Statistics and Probability (Q2)
13708 21100208067 Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training journal 18776337, 18776345 0,322 Q3 11 11 49 640 66 48 1,35 58,18 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2009-2020 Education (Q3)      
3812 18650 Empirical Software Engineering journal 13823256, 15737616 1,084 Q1 64 119 268 7181 1417 247 5,21 60,34 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1996-2020 Software (Q1)      
16655 5700158829 Empirical Studies of the Arts journal 2762374 0,238 Q1 13 18 39 916 37 33 1,05 50,89 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2010-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Music (Q1); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1)
6767 144738 Employee Relations journal 1425455 0,718 Q1 48 97 183 7121 547 179 2,12 73,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1979-2020 Industrial Relations (Q1); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q2)
13177 144965 Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal journal 8927545 0,34 Q3 29 17 53 764 36 38 1,24 44,94 United States Northern America Springer New York 1988-1998, 2000-2020 Human Factors and Ergonomics (Q3); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q3)
27523 19700188392 EMS world journal 21593078, 21587833 0,104 Q4 4 0 107 0 6 105 0 0 United States Northern America HMP 2010-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
7148 21574 Emu journal 14485540, 01584197 0,682 Q1 39 46 124 2355 188 121 1,48 51,2 Australia Pacific Region CSIRO 1901-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2)
18897 21100469423 ENASE 2016 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering conference and proceedings - 0,193 - 6 0 47 0 37 45 0 0 Portugal Western Europe   Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Mechanical Engineering
17710 21100811214 ENBENG 2017 - 5th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,215 - 4 0 49 0 39 48 0,81 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Hardware and Architecture; Instrumentation
24148 21100809149 ENBENG 2017 - 5th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,125 - 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America   Signal Processing      
24518 21100809806 ENBENG 2017 - 5th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,124 - 2 0 18 0 10 17 0,59 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Human-Computer Interaction; Software
28077 21100901833 Encounters in Theory and History of Education journal 25608371 0,102 Q3 1 11 13 203 1 12 0,08 18,45 Canada Northern America Queens University 2018-2019 History (Q3); Education (Q4)    
22651 21100305345 Encyclopaideia journal 18258670, 1590492X 0,139 Q4 3 1 65 70 22 58 0,59 70 Italy Western Europe Bononia University Press 2013-2019 Education (Q4); E-learning (Q4)  
21181 21100773700 Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series book series 1871756X, 13884360 0,158 Q3 18 0 933 0 84 165 0,22 0 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2005, 2008-2009, 2011-2018 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
2999 10900153309 Endangered Species Research journal 18635407, 16134796 1,261 Q1 51 38 235 2253 606 220 2,6 59,29 Germany Western Europe Inter-Research 2008-2019 Ecology (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1)
15173 21235 Endeavour journal 1609327 0,277 Q2 24 13 68 38 84 66 0,33 2,92 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1947-1949, 1958-2020 History and Philosophy of Science (Q2)  
3607 78208 Endocrine journal 0969711X 1,122 Q2 78 361 1058 12937 2950 858 3,5 35,84 United States Northern America Humana Press 1993-2020 Endocrinology (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2)
5709 21100824973 Endocrine Connections journal 20493614 0,824 Q2 17 174 343 7356 897 333 2,67 42,28 United Kingdom Western Europe BioScientifica Ltd. 2014-2020 Endocrinology (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Internal Medicine (Q2)
5459 26013 Endocrine Development journal 14217082, 16622979 0,852 Q1 36 0 70 0 153 64 1,26 0 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2003-2005, 2007-2018 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Endocrine and Autonomic Systems (Q2); Endocrinology (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
7447 26030 Endocrine Journal journal 09188959, 13484540 0,658 Q3 69 127 406 4131 843 358 2,42 32,53 Japan Asiatic Region Japan Endocrine Society 1954-1963, 1993-2020 Endocrinology (Q3); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
5171 26031 Endocrine Pathology journal 15590097, 10463976 0,886 Q1 47 43 152 1333 422 142 3,25 31 United States Northern America Humana Press 1990-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1); Endocrinology (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2)
2364 26032 Endocrine Practice journal 1530891X, 19342403 1,452 Q1 82 201 588 4815 1761 441 3,6 23,96 United States Northern America American Association of Clinical Endocrinology 2000-2020 Endocrinology (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
12059 26034 Endocrine Regulations journal 12100668, 13360329 0,386 Q3 30 27 76 1295 109 75 1,45 47,96 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 1991-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Endocrinology (Q4)
9205 26036 Endocrine Research journal 15324206, 07435800 0,537 Q2 42 25 122 1121 201 121 1,52 44,84 United States Northern America Informa Healthcare 1974-1982, 1984-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Endocrinology (Q3)
281 26038 Endocrine Reviews journal 19457189, 0163769X 4,991 Q1 263 51 113 12567 1435 101 12,41 246,41 United States Northern America The Endocrine Society 1980-2020 Endocrinology (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1)
10454 4100151707 Endocrine, Metabolic and Immune Disorders - Drug Targets journal 18715303 0,465 Q3 49 138 158 7351 279 153 2,03 53,27 United Arab Emirates Middle East Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2006-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Immunology and Allergy (Q3)
2110 26035 Endocrine-Related Cancer journal 13510088 1,545 Q1 124 107 435 7421 1792 393 4,55 69,36 United Kingdom Western Europe BioScientifica Ltd. 1994-2020 Endocrinology (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Oncology (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2)
14005 21100806011 Endocrinologia, Diabetes y Nutricion journal 25300164 0,312 Q3 22 135 326 3662 299 301 0,83 27,13 Spain Western Europe Elsevier BV 2017-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q3); Endocrinology (Q4)
2192 26061 Endocrinology journal 00137227, 19457170 1,514 Q1 250 265 1184 14138 4118 1110 3,7 53,35 United States Northern America Endocrine Society 1932, 1945-2020 Endocrinology (Q1)      
4540 21100829245 Endocrinology and Metabolism journal 2093596X, 20935978 0,968 Q2 25 53 224 2064 600 191 3,11 38,94 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Endocrine Society 2014-2019 Endocrinology (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2)
2404 26062 Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America journal 8898529 1,434 Q1 97 70 205 4070 591 169 3,92 58,14 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1987-2020 Endocrinology (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1)
11222 21100853015 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Case Reports journal 20520573 0,426 Q3 7 84 14 1105 26 14 0 13,15 United Kingdom Western Europe BioScientifica Ltd. 2014-2016, 2019-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Internal Medicine (Q3)
28660 15400155900 Endokrinologya journal 13108131 0,101 Q4 4 0 43 0 1 43 0 0 Bulgaria Eastern Europe Medical Information Center 2001-2017 Endocrinology (Q4); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4)
10132 26067 Endokrynologia Polska journal 0423104X 0,481 Q3 26 76 216 2413 325 207 1,52 31,75 Poland Eastern Europe Via Medica 1961-1989, 1991-1993, 2005-2020 Endocrinology (Q3); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
24149 21100853557 Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Diseases journal 23004266 0,125 Q4 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Poland Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2015-2016 Cell Biology (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28661 25340 Endoscopic Forum for Digestive Disease journal 9120505 0,101 Q4 4 10 41 107 0 41 0 10,7 Japan Asiatic Region Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy Publishers Inc. 1993-2019 Gastroenterology (Q4); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
9038 21100370010 Endoscopic Ultrasound journal 23039027, 22267190 0,548 Q2 20 90 269 2074 505 169 3,27 23,04 India Asiatic Region Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 2012-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2); Gastroenterology (Q3); Hepatology (Q3)
2287 28308 Endoscopy journal 14388812, 0013726X 1,478 Q1 137 471 1390 5190 2462 653 3,58 11,02 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 1969-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1)    
25300 21100457408 Endoxa journal 11335351, 21745676 0,117 Q3 2 29 103 834 7 97 0,05 28,76 Spain Western Europe Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED) 2015-2019 Philosophy (Q3)      
18612 28843 Energetika journal 2357208 0,198 Q3 8 13 69 278 38 59 0,75 21,38 Lithuania Eastern Europe Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Publishers 1969, 1982, 1985, 1987, 2006-2011, 2013-2019 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q3)
18496 21100842801 Energetika. Proceedings of CIS Higher Education Institutions and Power Engineering Associations journal 24140341, 10297448 0,2 Q3 3 44 93 646 26 93 0,28 14,68 Belarus Eastern Europe Belarusian National Technical University 2015, 2017-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4)
26251 16662 Energia Elettrica journal 137308 0,111 Q4 6 9 89 144 8 87 0,14 16 Italy Western Europe Associazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica Italiana 1969-1990, 1993-2019 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4)
7767 62932 Energies journal 19961073 0,635 Q2 78 4977 6667 209724 21971 6606 3,29 42,14 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 1975-1976, 2009-2020 Control and Optimization (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q2); Fuel Technology (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2)
28662 35819 Energomashinostroenie journal 01311336, 00137456 0,101 Q4 0 0 21 0 0 21 0 0 United States Northern America Allerton Press Inc. 1969, 1971-1989 Mechanical Engineering (Q4)    
1141 29348 Energy journal 18736785, 03605442 2,166 Q1 173 2390 5727 111238 39993 5673 6,95 46,54 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1976-2020 Building and Construction (Q1); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Fuel Technology (Q1); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Pollution (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
4039 29364 Energy & Fuels journal 08870624, 15205029 1,044 Q1 174 1311 3952 63454 15518 3913 3,84 48,4 United States Northern America American Chemical Society 1987-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1); Fuel Technology (Q1)
1245 29359 Energy and Buildings journal 3787788 2,061 Q1 166 676 2686 34362 16105 2661 5,87 50,83 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1970, 1977-2020 Building and Construction (Q1); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1)
10690 29360 Energy and Environment journal 0958305X, 20484070 0,453 Q2 28 138 177 6299 354 162 2,39 45,64 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1981, 1995-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Engineering (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
43 17500155114 Energy and Environmental Sciences journal 17545692, 17545706 13,024 Q1 311 282 889 22163 28341 860 31,04 78,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2008-2020 Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q1); Pollution (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
696 29372 Energy Conversion and Management journal 1968904 2,924 Q1 177 1261 3264 64628 29622 3207 9,33 51,25 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1979-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1); Fuel Technology (Q1); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
30334 21100896269 Energy Conversion and Management: X journal 25901745   - 3 13 0 810 0 0 0 62,31 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2019-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Fuel Technology; Nuclear Energy and Engineering; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
959 29374 Energy Economics journal 01409883, 18736181 2,409 Q1 136 220 979 11624 6123 970 5,97 52,84 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1979-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6090 11900154313 Energy Efficiency journal 1570646X, 15706478 0,782 Q2 37 148 311 6857 729 297 2,39 46,33 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2008-2020 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q2)    
21335 29375 Energy Engineering: Journal of the Association of Energy Engineers journal 15460118, 01998595 0,156 Q4 13 16 107 223 32 86 0,38 13,94 United States Northern America Tech Science Press 1980-1985, 1987-2019 Building and Construction (Q4); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4)
9986 29383 Energy Exploration and Exploitation journal 1445987 0,489 Q2 27 93 183 4016 379 181 1,6 43,18 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1983-1985, 1987-1988, 1995-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2); Fuel Technology (Q2); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
2257 17600155126 Energy for Sustainable Development journal 9730826 1,488 Q1 59 70 243 3464 1085 242 4,26 49,49 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1994-1997, 2000-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
19971 21100788225 Energy Geotechnics - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Energy Geotechnics, ICEGT 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,176 - 5 0 99 0 36 97 0 0 United States Northern America   Civil and Structural Engineering; Mechanical Engineering
30335 21100911339 Energy Harvesting and Systems journal 23298774, 23298766 - 0 4 0 119 0 0 0 29,75 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2019-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Electrochemistry; Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
2278 29391 Energy Journal journal 1956574 1,48 Q1 73 60 217 2861 548 209 2,47 47,68 United States Northern America International Association for Energy Economics 1994-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
1140 29403 Energy Policy journal 3014215 2,168 Q1 197 762 1996 42908 11957 1942 5,81 56,31 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1973-2020 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1)
9081 17700156736 Energy Procedia conference and proceedings 18766102 0,545 - 73 1599 7736 25249 13739 7608 1,77 15,79 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 2009-2019 Energy (miscellaneous)    
25832 29407 Energy Processing (Canada) trade journal 3195759 0,113 Q4 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Canada Northern America Northern Star Communication Ltd 1976-1982, 1984-1987, 1994-2008, 2010-2011 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4); Fuel Technology (Q4)
4476 21100389511 Energy Reports journal 23524847 0,977 Q1 23 214 122 9325 645 121 4,89 43,57 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2015-2020 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1)    
1110 21100325067 Energy Research and Social Science journal 22146296 2,205 Q1 49 267 746 20891 4223 740 5,41 78,24 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2014-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1); Fuel Technology (Q1); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6796 21100817528 Energy Science and Engineering journal 20500505 0,716 Q1 21 256 123 12024 394 115 3,01 46,97 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2013-2020 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q1); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
13803 4500151514 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects journal 15567230, 15567036 0,319 Q3 40 828 1173 26795 1700 1139 1,79 32,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2006-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Fuel Technology (Q3); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
10056 4700152713 Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy journal 15567249 0,485 Q2 31 22 367 1183 634 363 2,14 53,77 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2006-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Fuel Technology (Q2); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
279 21100420314 Energy Storage Materials journal 24058297 5,044 Q1 54 420 386 29717 6162 372 16,42 70,75 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2015-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
2732 21100199818 Energy Strategy Reviews journal 2211467X 1,336 Q1 28 114 169 7342 694 168 4,47 64,4 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2012-2020 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1)    
17905 29413 Energy Studies Review journal 8434379 0,211 Q3 4 0 4 0 2 4 0 0 Canada Northern America McMaster University 1991-1995, 2008, 2010-2016 Economics and Econometrics (Q3); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q3); Environmental Engineering (Q3)
8922 19400158701 Energy Systems journal 18683967, 18683975 0,555 Q2 23 96 128 4113 300 121 2,74 42,84 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2010-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q2); Modeling and Simulation (Q2)
5511 21100423919 Energy Technology journal 21944296, 21944288 0,846 Q1 36 394 712 21024 2309 687 3,49 53,36 Germany Western Europe Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & CO. KGaA 2013-2020 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1)    
28663 21100775920 Energy Transport Processes 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 1 0 23 0 1 22 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Human-Computer Interaction; Software
10395 21100900376 Energy, Ecology and Environment journal 23637692, 23638338 0,468 Q2 11 31 102 1480 205 99 1,97 47,74 United States Northern America Joint Center on Global Change and Earth System Science of the University of Maryland and Beijing Normal University 2016-2020 Ecology (Q2); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
24150 21100810723 Energy, Environment and Green Building Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy, Environment and Green Building Materials, EEGBM 2014 conference and proceedings - 0,125 - 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America   Hardware and Architecture; Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging; Signal Processing; Software
24151 21100811135 Energy, Environment and Green Building Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy, Environment and Green Building Materials, EEGBM 2014 conference and proceedings - 0,125 - 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America   Sociology and Political Science  
7448 21100286318 Energy, Sustainability and Society journal 21920567 0,658 Q2 21 48 109 3131 269 107 2,16 65,23 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2011-2020 Development (Q2); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2)
1220 21100782808 eNeuro journal 23732822 2,088 Q1 27 328 834 16179 2674 762 3,32 49,33 United States Northern America Society for Neuroscience 2014-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q1)
9189 21100416114 eNeurologicalSci journal 24056502 0,538 Q3 9 55 134 973 190 109 1,7 17,69 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2015-2020 Neurology (Q3)      
25833 5700157895 Enfance journal 137545 0,113 Q4 12 26 101 1151 9 93 0,1 44,27 France Western Europe Presses Universitaires de France 1949-1953, 2002-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4); Education (Q4); Health (social science) (Q4); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4)
29604 17700156011 Enfances et Psy journal 12865559, 17762820 0,1 Q4 6 20 186 200 4 168 0,01 10 France Western Europe Editions Eres 2000-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4); Education (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
23602 21100198239 Enfances, Familles, Generations journal 17086310 0,129 Q3 6 10 96 669 6 96 0,04 66,9 France Western Europe Erudit Publishers 2011-2019 Anthropology (Q3); Social Psychology (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28664 21857 Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia journal 14050994 0,101 Q4 6 24 48 463 0 39 0 19,29 Mexico Latin America Comunicaciones Cientificas Mexicanas S.A. de C.V. 1997-2014, 2017-2019 Infectious Diseases (Q4); Microbiology (medical) (Q4)
13859 21859 Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica journal 0213005X, 15781852 0,317 Q3 41 225 540 3960 397 487 0,93 17,6 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Doyma, S.L. 1989-2020 Microbiology (medical) (Q3)    
19858 7200153125 Enfermeria Clinica journal 11308621, 15792013 0,178 Q3 15 282 264 6145 153 203 0,83 21,79 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Doyma, S.L. 2005-2020 Fundamentals and Skills (Q3); Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q3); Research and Theory (Q4)
22074 21100202145 Enfermeria Global journal 16956141 0,146 Q4 6 80 219 1976 74 219 0,33 24,7 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Murcia Servicio de Publicaciones 2012-2020 Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q4)    
18613 27681 Enfermeria Intensiva journal 11302399, 15781291 0,198 Q3 15 36 86 949 43 51 0,82 26,36 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Doyma, S.L. 1994-2020 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q3); Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q3); Fundamentals and Skills (Q3); Critical Care Nursing (Q4)
18959 21100416607 Enfermeria Nefrologica journal 22542884, 22553517 0,192 Q3 9 45 134 1099 45 113 0,34 24,42 Spain Western Europe Sociedad Espanola de Enfermeria Nefrologica 2012-2019 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q3); Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q3); Nephrology (Q4); Urology (Q4)
13275 101441 Engenharia Agricola journal 1006916 0,336 Q2 26 95 365 2525 283 359 0,67 26,58 Brazil Latin America Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola 1981, 2006-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
18960 4700152869 Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental journal 14134152 0,192 Q3 16 120 327 3775 140 312 0,36 31,46 Brazil Latin America ABES - Associacao Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental 2006-2020 Waste Management and Disposal (Q3)  
29605 29045 Engineer trade journal 137758 0,1 Q4 4 0 162 0 0 162 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Centaur Publishing Ltd. 1970, 1972-1983, 1985-2018 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
25301 16011 Engineered Systems trade journal 8919976 0,117 Q4 8 29 139 20 3 139 0,02 0,69 United States Northern America Business News Publishing Co. 1994-1999, 2001-2019 Building and Construction (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
28666 5000159103 EngineerIT trade journal 19915047 0,101 Q4 3 15 103 0 1 103 0 0 South Africa Africa South African Institute of Electrical Engineers 2006-2016, 2018-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4)
3853 21100780794 Engineering journal 20958099 1,077 Q1 30 148 317 7282 2003 269 7,33 49,2 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2015-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Engineering (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
29606 29049 Engineering journal 137782 0,1 Q4 2 14 138 0 0 124 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Gillard Welch Ltd 1968, 1970-1990, 1994-2010, 2012, 2014-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
4968 20307 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements journal 9557997 0,91 Q1 70 322 511 13959 1598 508 3,27 43,35 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1989-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Analysis (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q2); Computational Mathematics (Q2)
20216 21100868216 Engineering and Applied Science Research journal 25396218, 25396161 0,172 Q2 4 40 82 1184 46 82 0,56 29,6 Thailand Asiatic Region Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University 2017-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q4)
28078 19639 Engineering and Mining Journal trade journal 958948 0,102 Q4 7 0 136 0 7 136 0,05 0 United States Northern America Mining Media 1969-1996, 1998-2014, 2016-2018 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q4); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4)
24988 4500151545 Engineering and Technology trade journal 17509637, 17509645 0,12 Q4 14 12 212 0 44 212 0,16 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Institution of Engineering and Technology 2006-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
4257 24182 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence journal 9521976 1,011 Q1 93 216 610 11831 3421 601 5,79 54,77 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1988-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q1); Control and Systems Engineering (Q1); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1)
3318 19700201443 Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics journal 1997003X, 19942060 1,186 Q1 27 80 133 3349 717 133 6,41 41,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2009, 2011-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1)
24632 21100792074 Engineering Challenges for Sustainable Future - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil, offshore and Environmental Engineering, ICCOEE 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,123 - 4 0 105 0 19 103 0 0 United States Northern America   Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
13420 18184 Engineering Computations journal 2644401 0,331 Q2 54 201 415 7985 656 412 1,54 39,73 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1984-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q3); Computer Science Applications (Q3); Software (Q3)
26709 16061 Engineering Design Graphics Journal journal 462012 0,108 Q4 12 0 21 0 3 9 0,33 0 United States Northern America American Society for Engineering Education 2003-2018 Education (Q4); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28079 29063 Engineering Designer journal 00137898, 00137858 0,102 Q4 2 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Institution of Engineering Designers 1978, 1980-1982, 1984-1992, 1996-1999 Ocean Engineering (Q4)    
14674 19200157025 Engineering Economics journal 13922785 0,292 Q2 27 51 172 2737 206 172 1,14 53,67 Lithuania Eastern Europe Kauno Technologijos Universitetas 2008-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Business and International Management (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
14865 29064 Engineering Economist journal 0013791X, 15472701 0,286 Q2 31 26 59 945 52 53 1,03 36,35 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1955-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q3); Education (Q3)
5452 20593 Engineering Failure Analysis journal 13506307 0,853 Q1 67 598 896 18516 3148 894 3,46 30,96 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1994-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q1); Automotive Engineering (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q1)
16027 21100198208 Engineering for Rural Development conference and proceedings 16913043 0,254 - 12 289 794 4333 432 791 0,6 14,99 Latvia  Eastern Europe 16913043 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous); Automotive Engineering; Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous); Energy (miscellaneous); Food Science; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
3344 20594 Engineering Fracture Mechanics journal 137944 1,18 Q1 119 496 1164 22091 4434 1146 3,82 44,54 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1968-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1)
1241 15648 Engineering Geology journal 137952 2,065 Q1 123 304 797 15102 4455 776 5,47 49,68 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1965-2020 Geology (Q1); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1)
14165 19700201518 Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food journal 18818366 0,307 Q2 14 64 118 2378 180 118 1,37 37,16 Japan Asiatic Region Asian Agricultural and Biological Engineering Association 2008-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Food Science (Q3)
8868 15608 Engineering in Life Sciences journal 16182863, 16180240 0,559 Q2 52 90 324 4356 716 314 2,15 48,4 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 2004-2020 Bioengineering (Q2); Biotechnology (Q2); Environmental Engineering (Q2)
7803 15650 Engineering Journal trade journal 138029 0,631 Q2 23 14 24 238 24 24 1,05 17 United States Northern America American Institute of Steel Construction Inc. 1968-1969, 1972-2019 Building and Construction (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2)
17120 21100197000 Engineering Journal journal 1258281 0,228 Q2 18 95 339 2887 242 339 0,71 30,39 Thailand Asiatic Region Chulalongkorn University 2009-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
16656 17800156701 Engineering Letters journal 1816093X, 18160948 0,238 Q2 15 105 192 2962 213 192 1,17 28,21 Hong Kong Asiatic Region International Association of Engineers 2009-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
18337 21100884987 Engineering Management in Production and Services journal 25436597, 2543912X 0,203 Q3 7 37 93 2072 100 93 1,09 56 Poland Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2016-2019 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3); Management Information Systems (Q3); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q3); Strategy and Management (Q3)
27280 31482 Engineering materials and design journal 3086917 0,105 Q4 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Heywood & Co 1969-1970, 1972-1989 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
7752 29114 Engineering Optimization journal 0305215X, 10290273 0,636 Q1 61 190 368 6815 1084 366 2,95 35,87 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1974-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Control and Optimization (Q2); Management Science and Operations Research (Q2)
16000 19900192542 Engineering Review journal 13309587 0,255 Q2 9 34 103 732 65 103 0,51 21,53 Croatia Eastern Europe University of Rijeka 2011-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
6433 21100806003 Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal journal 22150986 0,75 Q1 39 188 478 7257 2667 478 4,78 38,6 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Computer Networks and Communications (Q1); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q1); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q1); Hardware and Architecture (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Metals and Alloys (Q1); Biomaterials (Q2)
28665 21100812548 Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 1 0 37 0 0 35 0 0 United States Northern America   Materials Science (miscellaneous); Mechanics of Materials
11635 21100438059 Engineering Solid Mechanics journal 22918752, 22918744 0,406 Q2 15 28 83 942 158 83 2,03 33,64 Canada Northern America Growing Science 2013-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Metals and Alloys (Q2); Polymers and Plastics (Q2); Mechanics of Materials (Q3)
1997 15652 Engineering Structures journal 18737323, 01410296 1,595 Q1 128 1333 2634 53981 12035 2613 4,39 40,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1970, 1978-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1)  
3463 19900191620 Engineering Studies journal 19378629, 19408374 1,151 Q1 19 16 32 768 68 28 2,33 48 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2009-2020 Education (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); History and Philosophy of Science (Q1)
17319 21100208042 Engineering Transactions journal 0867888X 0,224 Q2 8 35 129 833 84 127 0,58 23,8 Poland Eastern Europe Institute of Fundamental Technological Research 2012-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
7381 18186 Engineering with Computers journal 14355663, 01770667 0,663 Q1 46 266 179 13917 1081 178 5,33 52,32 Germany Western Europe Springer London 1985-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q2); Modeling and Simulation (Q2); Software (Q2)
7149 15249 Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management journal 1365232X, 09699988 0,682 Q1 54 206 196 12931 649 192 3,25 62,77 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1994-2020 Architecture (Q1); Building and Construction (Q1); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2)
24152 18010 Englera book series 1704818 0,125 Q4 9 2 1 398 1 1 1 199 Germany Western Europe Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem 1986-1990, 1995-1997, 2000-2003, 2005-2006, 2012-2014, 2017, 2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29607 5800210474 English journal 138215 0,1 Q4 4 19 53 827 1 51 0 43,53 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2003-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
25659 19900191813 English Academy Review journal 10131752, 17535360 0,114 Q2 8 18 61 428 5 46 0,07 23,78 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1983-1985, 1987-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); History (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q3)
23393 21100863712 English Australia Journal journal 22026169, 14444496 0,131 Q3 1 0 23 0 2 21 0,1 0 Australia Pacific Region English Australia Ltd. 2018 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3); Education (Q4)
2655 20598 English for Specific Purposes journal 8894906 1,356 Q1 67 29 79 1521 216 79 3,02 52,45 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1980-1981, 1986-2020 Education (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
19246 5600155637 English Historical Review journal 00138266, 14774534 0,188 Q2 21 21 79 1903 27 77 0,33 90,62 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1886-2019 History (Q2)      
16371 5800210911 English in Australia journal 0046208X 0,245 Q1 11 10 96 191 25 75 0,35 19,1 Australia Pacific Region AATE - Australian Association Teaching English 2008-2019 History (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q2); Education (Q3)
10771 19700170279 English in Education journal 17548845, 04250494 0,449 Q1 17 43 71 1302 55 51 0,91 30,28 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1964-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Education (Q2)
10907 5800207753 English Language and Linguistics journal 13606743, 14694379 0,442 Q1 29 49 73 2371 38 60 0,55 48,39 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1997-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
17805 29680 English Language Notes journal 138282 0,213 Q1 9 12 90 419 36 76 0,61 34,92 United States Northern America University of Colorado 1969, 1977, 1982, 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
24989 10300153365 English Literary Renaissance journal 14756757, 00138312 0,12 Q2 18 15 44 309 6 34 0,11 20,6 United Kingdom Western Europe University of Chicago Press 1971-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2)  
30336 21100967515 English Literature journal 23851635, 2420823X - 0 9 0 279 0 0 0 31 Italy Western Europe Edizioni Ca' Foscari 2019 Literature and Literary Theory    
21336 16100154743 English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 journal 00138339, 15592715 0,156 Q1 9 19 60 801 9 60 0,15 42,16 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 2002-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q2)
30337 21100915635 English Scholarship Beyond Borders journal 24109096   - 1 6 0 278 0 0 0 46,33 United Arab Emirates Middle East 2019 Education; Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language
23821 20625 English Studies journal 17444217, 0013838X 0,127 Q2 17 61 171 2233 23 162 0,15 36,61 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1919-1944, 1946-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
28667 5700156985 English Studies in Africa journal 138398 0,101 Q4 11 21 44 387 2 40 0,04 18,43 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1958-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
29608 16200154762 English Studies in Canada journal 3170802 0,1 Q4 9 0 49 0 4 46 0,09 0 Canada Northern America Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English 2002-2017 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
9321 19200156951 English Teaching journal 11758708 0,529 Q1 19 41 90 1767 74 81 1,02 43,1 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2008-2014, 2016-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Education (Q2)
20975 21100464750 English Teaching and Learning journal 10237267 0,161 Q2 3 24 46 1196 22 45 0,68 49,83 Taiwan Asiatic Region National Taiwan Normal University 2015-2020 Linguistics and Language (Q2); Education (Q4)
17351 19700200918 English Text Construction journal 18748775, 18748767 0,223 Q1 13 11 41 589 27 40 0,46 53,55 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 2008-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
8326 5800207550 English Today journal 2660784 0,594 Q1 28 58 121 1419 96 101 0,88 24,47 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1985-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
16616 5700152813 English World-Wide journal 1728865 0,239 Q2 30 9 38 491 21 35 0,5 54,56 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 1980-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
23712 21100886429 Enlightening Tourism journal 2174548X 0,128 Q4 1 7 6 438 2 6 0,33 62,57 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Huelva 2018-2019 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q4)
29609 15616 ENR (Engineering News-Record) trade journal 8919526 0,1 Q4 7 473 1310 0 4 1298 0 0 United States Northern America Mcgraw Hill 1987, 1993-1999, 2001, 2003-2020 Building and Construction (Q4); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4)
30338 21100901577 Enrahonar journal 0211402X, 2014881X - 0 14 0 465 0 0 0 33,21 Spain Western Europe Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and Universitat de Girona 2019 Philosophy      
16220 8000153130 Ensaio journal 1044036 0,249 Q3 10 40 158 1251 91 146 0,63 31,28 Brazil Latin America Fundacao Cesgranrio 2007-2020 Education (Q3)      
11572 19700169972 Ensayos Sobre Politica Economica journal 1204483 0,409 Q2 6 4 48 350 19 45 0,45 87,5 Spain Western Europe Elsevier Doyma 2009-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
10133 21100206280 Ensenanza de las Ciencias journal 02124521, 21746486 0,481 Q2 13 31 96 1262 66 90 0,72 40,71 Spain Western Europe Institut de Cirncies de l'Educacio de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 2009-2019 Education (Q2)      
13126 20657 Enterprise and Society journal 14672227, 14672235 0,342 Q1 24 36 90 2112 49 82 0,45 58,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2000-2020 History (Q1); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2)
11717 19700186953 Enterprise Development and Microfinance journal 17551978, 17551986 0,402 Q2 15 10 62 305 48 56 0,97 30,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Practical Action Publishing 2007-2019 Development (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
9601 10900153330 Enterprise Information Systems journal 17517583, 17517575 0,511 Q2 44 107 196 5827 601 172 3,35 54,46 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2007-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q2); Information Systems and Management (Q2)
10563 19400158708 Entertainment Computing journal 18759521 0,46 Q2 25 38 122 2018 273 115 2,53 53,11 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2009-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q2); Human-Computer Interaction (Q2); Software (Q2)
28668 21100877321 Enthymema journal 20372426 0,101 Q3 0 73 30 2503 0 30 0 34,29 Italy Western Europe University of Milan 2018-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)  
6976 19793 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata journal 15707458, 00138703 0,699 Q2 79 103 353 5696 591 341 1,76 55,3 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1958-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Insect Science (Q2)
5057 19794 Entomologia Generalis journal 1718177 0,9 Q1 22 41 72 2582 241 69 4,41 62,98 Germany Western Europe E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung 1994-2002, 2004-2019 Insect Science (Q1)      
15813 19700170614 Entomologica Americana journal 19475144, 00963712, 19475136 0,26 Q4 17 6 50 139 17 50 0,35 23,17 United States Northern America New York Entomological Society 2009-2017, 2019 Insect Science (Q4)      
15036 19797 Entomologica Fennica journal 7858760 0,281 Q4 20 20 61 625 30 61 0,4 31,25 Finland Western Europe Entomologica Fennica 1993-2019 Insect Science (Q4)      
18497 19798 Entomological News journal 21623236, 0013872X 0,2 Q4 23 42 143 925 55 136 0,39 22,02 United States Northern America American Entomological Society 1965, 1967-1977, 1979, 1993-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Insect Science (Q4)
14931 5800179596 Entomological Research journal 17382297, 17485967 0,284 Q3 18 61 159 2269 119 157 0,85 37,2 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007-2020 Insect Science (Q3)      
15510 19809 Entomological Review journal 00138738, 15556689 0,268 Q4 14 134 390 3286 142 388 0,34 24,52 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1990-1996, 2006-2019 Insect Science (Q4)      
10733 4400151748 Entomological Science journal 13438786, 14798298 0,451 Q2 26 53 168 2344 168 165 1,07 44,23 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2005-2020 Insect Science (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
15692 19872 Entomologist's Gazette journal 138894 0,263 Q4 18 0 50 0 19 44 0,32 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Pemberley Books Publishing 1995-2017 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Insect Science (Q4)
17855 145456 Entomotropica journal 13175262 0,212 Q4 9 0 30 0 18 30 0 0 Venezuela Latin America Sociedad Venezolana de Entomologia 2004-2016 Insect Science (Q4)      
11730 21100857389 Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review journal 2353883X, 23538821 0,401 Q2 8 52 147 2857 213 136 1,48 54,94 Poland Eastern Europe Cracow University of Economics 2015-2019 Business and International Management (Q2); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Strategy and Management (Q2)
2616 20662 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development journal 14645114, 08985626 1,368 Q1 83 63 130 5294 595 113 4,3 84,03 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1989-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q1)
3383 21100856538 Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues journal 23450282 1,171 Q1 18 194 168 7696 964 168 5,74 39,67 Lithuania Eastern Europe 2017-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q1)
12400 21100464627 Entrepreneurship Research Journal journal 21575665, 21946175 0,371 Q2 11 27 52 2454 95 50 1,92 90,89 Germany Western Europe de Gruyter 2015-2020 Business and International Management (Q2); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q3); Strategy and Management (Q3)
487 100147318 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice journal 10422587, 15406520 3,566 Q1 140 86 138 7804 1500 122 16,35 90,74 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2004-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q1)
27524 17900156716 Entreprises et Histoire journal 11612770 0,104 Q3 8 19 135 744 14 126 0,11 39,16 France Western Europe Editions Eska 2001-2003, 2008-2019 History (Q3); Business and International Management (Q4); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
9347 13715 Entropy journal 10994300 0,527 Q2 61 1138 2095 51565 5846 2044 2,78 45,31 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 1999-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Information Systems (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2); Mathematical Physics (Q3)
7338 20851 Environment journal 19399154, 00139157 0,666 Q2 48 26 84 464 127 39 1,9 17,85 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1969-2020 Environmental Engineering (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2); Global and Planetary Change (Q3)
2122 14356 Environment and Behavior journal 1552390X, 00139165 1,538 Q1 108 67 143 4589 692 128 5,36 68,49 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 1969-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6041 20873 Environment and Development Economics journal 1355770X, 14694395 0,787 Q1 58 41 109 1589 159 105 1,5 38,76 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1996-2020 Development (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
15139 14691 Environment and History journal 09673407, 17527023 0,278 Q1 24 28 76 772 40 63 0,64 27,57 United Kingdom Western Europe White Horse Press 1995-2020 History (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
21497 21100840089 Environment and Natural Resources Journal journal 16865456, 24082384 0,154 Q3 2 34 31 1257 19 31 0,61 36,97 Thailand Asiatic Region Mahidol University 2017-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
1740 13272 Environment and Planning A journal 14723409, 0308518X 1,725 Q1 121 152 408 8597 1486 386 3,68 56,56 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1973-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1)
3679 13273 Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design journal 2658135 1,109 Q1 85 164 209 7288 637 163 3,58 44,44 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1984-2020 Architecture (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1)
4357 21100826425 Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space journal 23996552, 23996544 0,998 Q1 66 120 226 7995 678 213 3,28 66,63 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2017-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Public Administration (Q1)
1292 13274 Environment and Planning D: Society and Space journal 02637758, 14723433 2,019 Q1 100 80 204 5595 777 184 4,32 69,94 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Inc. 1983-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1)
7226 21100466229 Environment and Society: Advances in Research journal 21506779, 21506787 0,676 Q1 7 10 27 929 45 25 1,94 92,9 United States Northern America Berghahn Books Inc. 2015-2019 Anthropology (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2); Global and Planetary Change (Q3)
2481 20898 Environment and Urbanization journal 09562478, 17460301 1,409 Q1 67 38 106 1990 412 100 3,95 52,37 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 1989-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1)
13912 21100274341 Environment and Urbanization ASIA journal 09763546, 09754253 0,315 Q2 11 23 52 853 48 46 1,14 37,09 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2010-2019 Urban Studies (Q2)      
9534 21100224426 Environment Systems and Decisions journal 21945411, 21945403 0,515 Q2 38 41 128 2307 235 110 2,18 56,27 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2013-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
9039 20902 Environment, Development and Sustainability journal 1387585X, 15732975 0,548 Q2 52 343 387 20203 903 383 2,38 58,9 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1999-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2)
13567 21100232822 Environmental and Climate Technologies journal 16915208 0,326 Q2 14 68 39 2578 153 34 4,91 37,91 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2009-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
14866 23179 Environmental and Ecological Statistics journal 13528505, 15733009 0,286 Q3 45 16 87 695 81 86 0,93 43,44 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1994-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q3); Statistics and Probability (Q4)
14570 25766 Environmental and Engineering Geoscience journal 10787275 0,295 Q3 30 23 48 1111 43 48 1,15 48,3 United States Northern America Geological Society of America 1995-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Environmental Engineering (Q3); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q3)
3192 18012 Environmental and Experimental Botany journal 988472 1,213 Q1 118 293 618 20866 2695 611 4,17 71,22 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1976-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Plant Science (Q1)
6187 22099 Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis journal 10982280, 08936692 0,772 Q2 85 78 204 4196 573 191 3,24 53,79 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1987-2020 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q2); Epidemiology (Q3); Genetics (clinical) (Q3)
24519 8500153124 Environmental and Planning Law Journal journal 0813300X 0,124 Q4 17 43 103 0 20 94 0,21 0 Australia Pacific Region Lawbook Co. 1984-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Law (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4)
2512 20928 Environmental and Resource Economics journal 09246460, 15731502 1,401 Q1 86 168 348 7754 838 333 2,46 46,15 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1991-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1)
20779 21100872806 Environmental and Socio-Economic Studies journal 23540079 0,164 Q3 2 25 25 1062 13 25 0,52 42,48 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2018-2020 Urban Studies (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q4); Pollution (Q4)
8420 64975 Environmental Archaeology journal 14614103 0,588 Q1 27 62 128 5120 157 95 1,69 82,58 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 1981, 2002-2020 Archeology (Q1); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
25834 21100812560 Environmental Aspects, Applications and Implications of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 2016 - Topical Conference at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting conference and proceedings - 0,113 - 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 United States Northern America   Energy (miscellaneous); Materials Science (miscellaneous); Pollution
7365 21487 Environmental Biology of Fishes journal 03781909, 15735133 0,664 Q2 82 113 336 6979 513 329 1,58 61,76 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1976-2020 Aquatic Science (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
7089 130168 Environmental Chemistry journal 14482517 0,688 Q2 59 69 196 4224 422 191 1,72 61,22 Australia Pacific Region CSIRO 2004-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Chemistry (Q2); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q2)
4062 144946 Environmental Chemistry Letters journal 16103653 1,041 Q2 56 142 238 12296 1303 235 5,85 86,59 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2003-2020 Environmental Chemistry (Q2)    
21692 6400153114 Environmental Claims Journal journal 1547657X, 10406026 0,151 Q4 8 26 72 750 21 70 0,15 28,85 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1988-2020 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4)
5528 19700182745 Environmental Communication journal 17524040, 17524032 0,844 Q1 25 103 185 5875 423 161 2,28 57,04 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2010-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2)
4214 20953 Environmental Conservation journal 03768929, 14694387 1,018 Q1 83 47 131 2300 341 125 2,65 48,94 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1974-2020 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1); Pollution (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1)
14313 19700201415 Environmental Control in Biology journal 18830986, 1880554X 0,302 Q3 15 18 82 463 48 81 0,54 25,72 Japan Asiatic Region Japanese Society of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineers and Scientists (JASBEES) 2005-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
6585 21100202110 Environmental Development journal 22114645 0,735 Q1 27 59 173 3248 515 146 2,97 55,05 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2012-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2)
28669 21100812541 Environmental Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 1 0 35 0 0 34 0 0 United States Northern America   Chemical Health and Safety; Safety Research; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
28080 21100775927 Environmental Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety conference and proceedings - 0,102 - 0 0 16 0 0 15 0 0 United States Northern America   Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous); Energy (miscellaneous); Engineering (miscellaneous)
8199 19400158519 Environmental Earth Sciences journal 18666299, 18666280 0,604 Q2 107 700 3091 33590 7505 3050 2,42 47,99 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2009-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q2); Geology (Q2); Pollution (Q2); Soil Science (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2); Environmental Chemistry (Q3); Global and Planetary Change (Q3)
10091 19700167301 Environmental Economics and Policy Studies journal 1867383X, 1432847X 0,483 Q2 21 25 111 1183 157 106 1,37 47,32 Japan Asiatic Region Springer Japan 1998-2002, 2004-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2)
5321 20970 Environmental Education Research journal 14695871, 13504622 0,868 Q1 65 132 278 8064 790 259 2,85 61,09 United Kingdom Western Europe Carfax Publishing Ltd. 1995-2020 Education (Q1)      
29610 29174 Environmental Engineering trade journal 9545824 0,1 Q4 3 0 76 0 0 76 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Professional Engineering Publishing 1969-1971, 1985, 1990-2002, 2004-2018 Environmental Engineering (Q4)  
13709 12000154347 Environmental Engineering and Management Journal journal 15829596 0,322 Q3 33 254 853 10259 964 845 1,31 40,39 Romania Eastern Europe Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi 1988, 2002-2019 Environmental Engineering (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3); Pollution (Q3)
11261 19900192153 Environmental Engineering Research journal 2005968X, 12261025 0,424 Q3 17 78 164 3141 284 164 1,7 40,27 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Society of Environmental Engineers 2011-2020 Environmental Engineering (Q3)  
10057 25749 Environmental Engineering Science journal 10928758 0,485 Q2 62 152 346 6685 638 329 1,74 43,98 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 1997-2020 Pollution (Q2); Waste Management and Disposal (Q2); Environmental Chemistry (Q3)
23309 21100804428 Environmental Engineering V - Proceedings of the 5th National Congress of Environmental Engineering conference and proceedings - 0,132 - 4 0 46 0 15 44 0,34 0 United States Northern America   Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous); Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Environmental Science (miscellaneous); Information Systems; Medicine (miscellaneous); Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
7382 20311 Environmental Entomology journal 0046225X, 19382936 0,663 Q2 81 169 560 9174 912 552 1,58 54,28 United States Northern America Oxford University Press 1973-1976, 1978-2020 Ecology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Insect Science (Q2)
22146 23474 Environmental Ethics journal 1634275 0,145 Q2 28 5 64 232 21 61 0,37 46,4 United States Northern America Environmental Philosophy Inc 1979-1981, 1984, 1988, 1990, 1996-2019 Philosophy (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
2639 21100431158 Environmental Evidence journal 20472382 1,361 Q1 22 39 89 1722 296 84 3,16 44,15 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2011-2020 Ecology (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Pollution (Q1)
9420 22587 Environmental Fluid Mechanics journal 15677419, 15731510 0,522 Q2 41 98 197 4183 353 186 1,73 42,68 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2001-2020 Water Science and Technology (Q2); Environmental Chemistry (Q3)
15660 25759 Environmental Forensics journal 15275930, 15275922 0,264 Q3 35 33 98 1518 109 95 0,85 46 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2000-2020 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3); Waste Management and Disposal (Q3)
28670 20989 Environmental Forum trade journal 7315732 0,101 Q4 8 140 64 4 1 64 0,03 0,03 United States Northern America Environmental Law Institute 1997-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4)
6467 20992 Environmental Geochemistry and Health journal 15732983, 02694042 0,746 Q1 68 328 395 19909 1352 379 3,62 60,7 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1983-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q2); Environmental Engineering (Q2); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
13829 20993 Environmental Geosciences journal 10759565, 15260984 0,318 Q2 30 8 25 411 26 25 0,88 51,38 United States Northern America American Association of Petroleum Geologists 1995, 1998-2019 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
7115 21100814040 Environmental Geotechnics journal 2051803X 0,686 Q2 14 16 144 581 159 125 1,22 36,31 United Kingdom Western Europe ICE Publishing Ltd. 2014-2019 Environmental Chemistry (Q2); Environmental Engineering (Q2); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q2); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2); Waste Management and Disposal (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2)
10812 11600154613 Environmental Hazards journal 14642867, 17477891, 18780059 0,447 Q2 43 42 68 2316 99 64 1,37 55,14 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1983, 1999-2003, 2005, 2007, 2009-2020 Development (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Global and Planetary Change (Q3)
6929 28127 Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine journal 1342078X, 13474715 0,703 Q2 34 84 224 3673 538 211 3,03 43,73 Japan Asiatic Region Springer Japan 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
30339 21100909468 Environmental Health and Toxicology journal 22336567   - 1 12 0 406 0 0 0 33,83 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Society of Environmental Health and Toxicology 2019 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis; Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health; Toxicology
8845 21100931380 Environmental Health Insights journal 11786302 0,561 Q2 18 19 60 857 92 52 1,77 45,11 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2008-2020 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Pollution (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q3)
819 21003 Environmental Health Perspectives journal 15529924, 00916765 2,654 Q1 269 179 866 8529 6024 673 8,33 47,65 United States Northern America Public Health Services, US Dept of Health and Human Services 1972-2020 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
2437 145480 Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source journal 1476069X 1,424 Q1 82 117 352 5937 1770 338 4,59 50,74 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2002-2020 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
17407 14692 Environmental History journal 19308892, 10845453 0,222 Q1 34 27 103 1118 50 77 0,63 41,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1996-2020 History (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
3101 21004 Environmental Impact Assessment Review journal 1959255 1,234 Q1 87 74 255 5069 1186 254 4,53 68,5 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1980-1983, 1985-2020 Ecology (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1)
756 19700201681 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions journal 22104224 2,782 Q1 42 83 128 6696 1084 120 9,25 80,67 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2011-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
991 20912 Environmental International journal 18736750, 01604120 2,357 Q1 174 878 1235 56840 10519 1183 8,07 64,74 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1976-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
12109 11600153918 Environmental Justice journal 19394071, 19375174 0,384 Q2 18 30 89 1423 101 85 1,02 47,43 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2009-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3)
24879 15802 Environmental Law and Management journal 10676058 0,121 Q4 7 0 102 0 6 89 0,02 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Lawtext Publishing Ltd. 1993-2018 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4)
25536 21100898979 Environmental Law Review journal 17405564, 14614529 0,115 Q4 2 25 18 0 4 15 0,27 0 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2018-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Law (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4)
4920 21478 Environmental Management journal 0364152X, 14321009 0,915 Q1 111 125 501 7631 1446 493 2,73 61,05 Germany Western Europe Springer New York 1976-2020 Ecology (Q1); Pollution (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q2)
1130 19683 Environmental Microbiology journal 14622912, 14622920 2,18 Q1 176 364 1159 25096 5794 1084 4,83 68,95 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1992, 1999-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Microbiology (Q1)
3236 19700180907 Environmental Microbiology Reports journal 17582229 1,203 Q1 62 97 306 4643 828 289 2,71 47,87 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2009-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
7863 21100907393 Environmental Microbiomes journal 25246372 0,627 Q2 37 9 217 455 345 211 1,43 50,56 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2019-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q2); Genetics (Q3); Microbiology (Q3)
11463 23276 Environmental Modeling and Assessment journal 14202026, 15732967 0,414 Q2 48 57 152 2801 247 150 1,65 49,14 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1997-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
1445 23295 Environmental Modelling and Software journal 13648152 1,896 Q1 124 252 761 15462 4285 753 5,37 61,36 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1997-2020 Ecological Modeling (Q1); Environmental Engineering (Q1); Software (Q1)
8687 21482 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment journal 01676369, 15732959 0,571 Q2 102 819 2081 43990 4883 2045 2,13 53,71 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1981-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pollution (Q2)
5563 21100367128 Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management journal 22151532 0,84 Q1 22 83 161 4219 749 161 4,28 50,83 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pollution (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Waste Management and Disposal (Q2)
4179 17700156312 Environmental Policy and Governance journal 1756932X, 17569338 1,024 Q1 45 38 119 2406 302 113 2,64 63,32 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2009-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1)
18276 21499 Environmental Policy and Law journal 0378777X 0,204 Q3 11 49 181 1252 39 168 0,2 25,55 Netherlands Western Europe IOS Press 1975-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Law (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4)
1239 24519 Environmental Politics journal 9644016 2,067 Q1 66 95 166 5553 775 157 4,95 58,45 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1992-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
9333 21100938253 Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability journal 26395940, 26395932 0,528 Q2 28 36 65 1497 167 63 2,24 41,58 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2019-2020 Chemical Health and Safety (Q2); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q3); Toxicology (Q3)
1355 23916 Environmental Pollution journal 02697491, 18736424 1,968 Q1 211 1627 3541 98156 25893 3497 7,31 60,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1970-1980, 1986-2020 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pollution (Q1); Toxicology (Q1)
16338 130176 Environmental Practice journal 14660474, 14660466 0,246 Q3 23 23 89 526 48 69 0,58 22,87 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1999-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3)
10788 21100431308 Environmental Processes journal 21987505, 21987491 0,448 Q2 21 56 208 2923 388 202 1,79 52,2 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2014-2020 Environmental Engineering (Q2); Pollution (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3)
10360 17700156701 Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy journal 19447450, 19447442 0,47 Q2 61 387 678 16422 1371 675 2,12 42,43 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2009-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Engineering (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Waste Management and Disposal (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2); Environmental Chemistry (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
16617 20926 Environmental Protection Engineering journal 3248828 0,239 Q3 19 24 173 718 121 173 0,75 29,92 Poland Eastern Europe Technical University of Wroclaw 1980-1981, 1983, 1996-2019 Environmental Engineering (Q3); Waste Management and Disposal (Q3)
18224 5000160301 Environmental Quality Management journal 15206483, 10881913 0,205 Q3 25 60 134 2215 101 132 0,83 36,92 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1991-2019 Pollution (Q3); Waste Management and Disposal (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
2175 21524 Environmental Research journal 10960953, 00139351 1,52 Q1 125 727 1419 45264 8464 1374 6,06 62,26 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1967-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
808 5200152632 Environmental Research Letters journal 17489326 2,675 Q1 109 474 1413 28193 8824 1363 6,09 59,48 United Kingdom Western Europe IOP Publishing Ltd. 2006-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
21846 21100778885 Environmental Research, Engineering and Management journal 20292139, 13921649 0,149 Q4 3 28 89 804 26 77 0,42 28,71 Lithuania Eastern Europe Kaunas University of Technology 2015-2019 Environmental Engineering (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4); Pollution (Q4); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4); Waste Management and Disposal (Q4)
2596 21527 Environmental Reviews journal 12086053, 11818700 1,373 Q1 65 39 97 5619 476 97 4,38 144,08 Canada Northern America National Research Council of Canada 1993-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
797 21537 Environmental Science & Technology journal 0013936X, 15205851 2,704 Q1 373 1596 4785 92953 39458 4521 8,25 58,24 United States Northern America American Chemical Society 1958, 1967-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
21999 21100879934 Environmental Science and Engineering book series 18635520, 18635539 0,147 Q4 17 313 223 5454 64 159 0,94 17,42 Germany Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2007-2020 Environmental Engineering (Q4); Information Systems (Q4)
1551 21536 Environmental Science and Policy journal 18736416, 14629011 1,823 Q1 105 239 659 14679 3636 640 5,23 61,42 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1998-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1)
6033 23918 Environmental Science and Pollution Research journal 09441344, 16147499 0,788 Q2 98 3379 8179 184617 27573 7908 3,33 54,64 Germany Western Europe Springer Science + Business Media 1994-2020 Environmental Chemistry (Q2); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pollution (Q2)
907 21100403504 Environmental Science and Technology Letters journal 23288930 2,492 Q1 48 129 313 5303 2396 287 7,93 41,11 United States Northern America American Chemical Society 2013-2020 Ecology (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Pollution (Q1); Waste Management and Disposal (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1)
1365 21100371216 Environmental Science: Nano journal 20518161, 20518153 1,961 Q1 54 293 583 19328 4541 570 7,94 65,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2014-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
3955 21100468963 Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology journal 20531400, 20531419 1,058 Q1 29 196 381 10447 1552 369 3,64 53,3 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2015-2020 Environmental Engineering (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1)
1655 19900191887 Environmental Sciences Europe journal 21904707, 21904715 1,774 Q1 30 98 110 5129 716 93 6,3 52,34 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2011-2020 Pollution (Q1)      
3880 21100229837 Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts journal 20507887, 20507895 1,073 Q1 90 214 442 10559 1451 420 3,32 49,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2012-2020 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q2)
5301 21100870585 Environmental Sociology journal 23251042 0,87 Q1 12 41 114 2783 224 104 2,17 67,88 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2020 Ecology (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
10058 21552 Environmental Technology (United Kingdom) journal 1479487X, 09593330 0,485 Q2 71 679 1072 29414 2099 983 2,15 43,32 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1990-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Waste Management and Disposal (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2); Environmental Chemistry (Q3)
6524 21100385961 Environmental Technology and Innovation journal 23521864 0,74 Q1 19 130 225 6838 861 223 3,87 52,6 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Plant Science (Q1); Soil Science (Q2)
7366 21100873338 Environmental Technology Reviews journal 21622523, 21622515 0,664 Q2 15 4 38 566 121 37 3 141,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2012-2020 Environmental Engineering (Q2); Pollution (Q2); Waste Management and Disposal (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2)
6731 25093 Environmental Toxicology journal 15227278, 15204081 0,722 Q2 74 139 535 6765 1595 526 3,26 48,67 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1980, 1999-2020 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Toxicology (Q2)
3345 25094 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry journal 15528618, 07307268 1,18 Q1 164 262 1021 12317 3519 971 3,27 47,01 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1982-2020 Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1)
6257 25095 Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology journal 13826689 0,765 Q2 76 145 727 7958 2562 716 3,59 54,88 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1996-2020 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2); Toxicology (Q2)
6368 21557 Environmental Values journal 09632719, 17527015 0,755 Q1 44 35 105 1927 202 87 2,56 55,06 United Kingdom Western Europe White Horse Press 1994-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Philosophy (Q1)
20633 15600154705 EnvironmentAsia journal 19061714 0,166 Q3 15 66 114 1746 63 114 0,45 26,45 Thailand Asiatic Region Thai Society of Higher Eduation Institutes on Environment 2009-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Toxicology (Q4)
21693 21100924379 Environments - MDPI journal 20763298 0,151 Q3 4 125 1 6217 1 1 1 49,74 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2018-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4)
7635 21564 Environmetrics journal 1099095X, 11804009 0,645 Q2 54 68 126 2648 181 116 1,12 38,94 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1990-2020 Ecological Modeling (Q2); Statistics and Probability (Q2)
22075 21566 Environnement, Risques et Sante journal 16350421 0,146 Q4 13 47 338 466 20 290 0,07 9,91 France Western Europe John Libbey Eurotext 2002-2019 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
5962 15609 Enzyme and Microbial Technology journal 18790909, 01410229 0,795 Q2 141 139 462 5634 1653 460 3,65 40,53 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1979-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q2); Biochemistry (Q2); Bioengineering (Q2); Biotechnology (Q2)
10753 21100218516 Enzyme Research journal 20900414, 20900406 0,45 Q3 33 5 21 205 53 21 2 41 United States Northern America Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2010-2019 Biochemistry (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q4)
10513 27895 Eos journal 00963941, 23249250 0,462 Q2 81 0 308 0 134 122 1,41 0 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1920-2018 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
28671 21334 EPC - European Pharmaceutical Contractor journal 1364369X 0,101 Q4 3 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Samedan Ltd 2002-2016 Pharmaceutical Science (Q4)    
24880 24776 EPE Journal (European Power Electronics and Drives Journal) journal 9398368 0,121 Q4 24 14 50 432 14 48 0,31 30,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1995-1996, 2000-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
26252 21100236219 Ephemerides Liturgicae journal 139505 0,111 Q3 3 16 56 725 11 55 0,2 45,31 Italy Western Europe C L V Edizioni Liturgiche 2012-2019 Religious Studies (Q3)    
29611 16300154719 Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses journal 17831423, 00139513 0,1 Q4 7 32 77 1669 5 74 0,06 52,16 Belgium Western Europe Peeters Publishers 1996-2019 History (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)  
2124 17300154924 Epidemics journal 17554365, 18780067 1,537 Q1 33 57 115 2752 378 113 3,37 48,28 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2009-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q1); Microbiology (Q1); Parasitology (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Epidemiology (Q2); Virology (Q2)
15109 13139 Epidemiologia e prevenzione journal 11209763, 23851937 0,279 Q3 28 150 394 2159 237 248 0,86 14,39 Italy Western Europe Inferenze Scarl 1987-2019 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3); Epidemiology (Q4)
9987 21100872043 Epidemiologia e servicos de saude : revista do Sistema Unico de Saude do Brasil journal 22379622, 16794974 0,489 Q2 10 61 257 0 324 247 1,38 0 Brazil Latin America Secretaria de Vigilancia em Saude do Ministerio da Saude 2016-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
5608 21100401154 Epidemiologic Methods journal 21949263, 2161962X 0,836 Q2 9 6 20 152 25 20 0,92 25,33 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter 2012-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q2); Epidemiology (Q3)
475 13140 Epidemiologic Reviews journal 14786729, 0193936X 3,598 Q1 103 0 42 0 307 34 8,84 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1979-2018 Epidemiology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
22945 21100236003 Epidemiologie et Sante Animale journal 7542186 0,136 Q4 3 0 77 0 9 73 0,18 0 France Western Europe L'Association pour l'Etude de l'Epidemiologie des Maladies Animales (AEEMA) 2012-2018 Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
20100 60193 Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie journal 12107913 0,174 Q4 12 26 96 926 36 93 0,44 35,62 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 1994-2019 Epidemiology (Q4); Immunology and Allergy (Q4); Infectious Diseases (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Microbiology (medical) (Q4)
1175 20717 Epidemiology journal 15315487, 10443983 2,13 Q1 166 185 525 4533 1788 338 5,01 24,5 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1990-2020 Epidemiology (Q1)      
6385 21100774318 Epidemiology and health journal 20927193 0,754 Q2 12 51 182 0 384 174 2,18 0 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Society of Epidemiology 2015-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
3608 19686 Epidemiology and Infection journal 14694409, 09502688 1,122 Q2 106 327 1097 9107 2389 1055 2,26 27,85 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1970, 1987-2020 Epidemiology (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q2)
1915 19900192160 Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences journal 20457979, 20457960 1,63 Q1 44 152 274 5667 898 200 4,37 37,28 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2011-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Epidemiology (Q2)
12921 21100245727 Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health journal 22820930, 22822305 0,351 Q2 16 48 152 1407 139 129 1,06 29,31 Italy Western Europe Prex 2013-2019 Community and Home Care (Q2); Health Policy (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3); Epidemiology (Q4)
18550 21100854243 Epidemiology Research International journal 20902980, 20902972 0,199 Q4 1 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 United States Northern America Hindawi Limited 2014, 2016 Epidemiology (Q4)      
1638 10100153313 Epigenetics journal 15592308, 15592294 1,782 Q1 85 101 279 6204 1226 273 4,24 61,43 United States Northern America Landes Bioscience 2006-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q2)
937 19700174932 Epigenetics and Chromatin journal 17568935 2,449 Q1 46 79 205 5522 808 200 4,14 69,9 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2009-2020 Genetics (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)  
26089 21100216992 Epigenetics and Human Health book series 21912270, 21912262 0,112 Q4 5 0 25 0 5 12 0 0 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2011, 2015-2017 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q4); Genetics (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
18780 21100891048 Epigenetics Insights journal 25168657 0,195 Q4 1 15 9 420 7 4 1,75 28 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2018-2020 Biochemistry (Q4); Genetics (Q4)  
2283 19700175458 Epigenomics journal 1750192X, 17501911 1,479 Q1 52 137 371 7018 1397 344 3,7 51,23 United Kingdom Western Europe Future Medicine Ltd. 2009-2020 Genetics (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2)  
24881 71508 Epigraphica journal 139572 0,121 Q3 4 0 98 0 4 98 0,03 0 Italy Western Europe Fratelli Lega Editori 1970, 1977, 2002-2007, 2009-2018 Archeology (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3)
5710 21100920134 Epijournal de Geometrie Algebrique journal 24916765 0,824 Q1 2 10 26 208 11 26 0,42 20,8 France Western Europe 2017-2019 Algebra and Number Theory (Q1); Geometry and Topology (Q2)
913 15510 Epilepsia journal 15281167, 00139580 2,484 Q1 184 298 923 10474 5038 813 6,55 35,15 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1909-1915, 1937-1950, 1952-1955, 1959-2020 Neurology (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1)
5369 21100900324 Epilepsia Open journal 24709239 0,863 Q2 9 71 136 2119 333 124 2,71 29,85 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2016-2020 Neurology (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q2)
4592 13163 Epilepsy and Behavior journal 15255050, 15255069 0,961 Q2 98 550 1396 22426 3451 1235 2,76 40,77 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 2000-2020 Behavioral Neuroscience (Q2); Neurology (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q2)
11990 21100967241 Epilepsy and Behavior Reports journal 25899864 0,389 Q3 12 42 141 781 171 136 1,26 18,6 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2019-2020 Behavioral Neuroscience (Q3); Neurology (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q3)
26911 17700155406 Epilepsy and Seizure journal 18825567 0,107 Q4 3 5 21 55 2 21 0,11 11 Japan Asiatic Region Japan Epilepsy Society 2009-2014, 2016-2019 Neurology (clinical) (Q4)    
9172 21100199819 Epilepsy Currents journal 15357511, 15357597 0,539 Q3 19 108 305 1620 234 187 0,87 15 United States Northern America American Epilepsy Society 2011-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q3)    
5529 15514 Epilepsy Research journal 09201211, 18726844 0,844 Q2 110 161 599 6168 1424 572 2,37 38,31 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1987-2020 Neurology (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q2)
16440 21100813776 Epilepsy Research and Treatment journal 20901356, 20901348 0,243 Q3 4 0 6 0 5 6 0 0 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2013-2016 Neurology (clinical) (Q3)    
7227 15518 Epileptic Disorders journal 19506945, 12949361 0,676 Q2 51 97 228 2113 399 197 1,63 21,78 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1999-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Neurology (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q3)
9689 25771 Episodes journal 7053797 0,506 Q2 67 31 121 1408 176 116 1,3 45,42 Canada Northern America International Union of Geological Sciences 1979-1989, 1992, 1996-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
2838 5700163567 Episteme journal 17423600 1,307 Q1 27 60 109 1941 130 98 1,23 32,35 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2004-2020 History and Philosophy of Science (Q1)  
15241 21100837232 Epistemology and Philosophy of Science journal 1811833X, 23117133 0,275 Q1 4 59 158 954 43 156 0,28 16,17 Russian Federation Eastern Europe RAS Institute of Philosophy 2017-2019 Philosophy (Q1); History and Philosophy of Science (Q2)
23220 10800153312 Epites-Epiteszettudomany journal 00139661, 15882764 0,133 Q2 3 12 52 658 5 50 0,11 54,83 Hungary Eastern Europe Akademiai Kiado 2007-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); Architecture (Q3); Conservation (Q3)
21573 21292 Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes journal 10116575 0,153 Q4 4 21 43 616 4 43 0,13 29,33 Bulgaria Eastern Europe PHARMAKON-Press 1989-2020 Pharmacology (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
13804 21100897517 EPJ Applied Metamaterials journal 22722394 0,319 Q3 9 19 35 657 52 33 1,74 34,58 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 2014-2019 Condensed Matter Physics (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Mechanics of Materials (Q3)
16571 60815 EPJ Applied Physics journal 12860042, 12860050 0,24 Q3 46 45 318 1687 257 311 0,7 37,49 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 1998-2019 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q3); Instrumentation (Q3); Condensed Matter Physics (Q4)
5033 21100397403 EPJ Data Science journal 21931127 0,903 Q1 25 39 113 1948 510 107 4,25 49,95 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2012-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Computational Mathematics (Q2)
12087 21100897514 EPJ Photovoltaics journal 21050716 0,385 Q2 12 7 29 121 43 29 1,67 17,29 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 2010-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Condensed Matter Physics (Q3); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3)
3228 21100875628 EPJ Quantum Technology journal 21960763 1,204 Q1 15 6 32 218 97 29 3,38 36,33 Germany Western Europe 2014-2020 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q1); Condensed Matter Physics (Q1); Control and Systems Engineering (Q1); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1)
19501 21100227410 EPJ Web of Conferences conference and proceedings 21016275, 2100014X 0,184 - 25 0 7427 0 2629 7266 0,39 0 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 2009-2018 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)  
2991 19700201201 EPMA Journal journal 18785077, 18785085 1,263 Q1 29 36 97 2328 532 93 5,53 64,67 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2010-2020 Biochemistry (medical) (Q1); Drug Discovery (Q1); Health Policy (Q1)
12893 12916 E-Polymers journal 16187229 0,352 Q2 21 67 173 2436 284 170 1,79 36,36 France Western Europe European Polymer Federation 2001-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Polymers and Plastics (Q2); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q3)
10486 79582 EPPO Bulletin journal 02508052, 13652338 0,463 Q2 33 109 246 2180 216 203 0,91 20 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1971-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q2); Horticulture (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)
28672 15595 EPRI Journal trade journal 15490084, 03623416 0,101 Q4 7 19 169 0 2 155 0 0 United States Northern America Electric Power Research Institute 1976-1978, 1980-1991, 1995-2000, 2006-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4)
12421 19900191744 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion journal 17587093, 20407149 0,37 Q1 23 86 127 5171 183 123 0,97 60,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Gender Studies (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q3)
17711 23426 Equilibrium Research journal 3855716 0,215 Q3 11 43 128 785 20 127 0,16 18,26 Japan Asiatic Region Japan Society for Equilibrium Research 1971-1974, 1978-2019 Otorhinolaryngology (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q4)
13201 17776 Equine Veterinary Education journal 20423292, 09577734 0,339 Q4 29 289 408 7064 280 286 0,91 24,44 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1989-2020 Equine (Q4)      
4055 17777 Equine Veterinary Journal journal 20423306, 04251644 1,042 Q1 84 240 423 5338 986 363 2,73 22,24 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1968-2020 Equine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
3418 5600153363 Equity and Excellence in Education journal 10665684 1,164 Q1 38 33 105 1745 177 95 1,13 52,88 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1963-1982, 1984, 1986-1988, 1991, 1993-2020 Education (Q1)      
23713 17400154818 ERA Forum journal 16123093, 18639038 0,128 Q3 7 48 106 718 18 95 0,2 14,96 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2009-2020 Law (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3)
23822 21100451199 Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics journal 18769098 0,127 Q3 8 7 41 337 10 40 0,38 48,14 Netherlands Western Europe Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam 2008-2013, 2015-2019 Philosophy (Q3); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28673 16800154744 Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook journal 18749275, 02762854 0,101 Q4 6 11 32 469 2 25 0,12 42,64 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1981-1984, 1986-1987, 1989, 1991, 1996-2008, 2010, 2012, 2014-2020 History (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)    
25835 21100854119 Erciyes Medical Journal journal 21492247, 21492549 0,113 Q4 2 0 93 0 17 87 0,2 0 Turkey Middle East Aves 2017-2018 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
26253 13165 Erciyes Tip Dergisi journal 1300199X 0,111 Q4 10 0 62 0 10 56 0,12 0 Turkey Middle East Erciyes University 1999-2017 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
21574 21100456162 ERCOFTAC Series book series 13824309, 22151826 0,153 Q4 9 111 116 1278 20 112 0,19 11,51 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2007-2008, 2010-2012, 2014-2016, 2018-2019 Computational Mathematics (Q4); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q4)
10539 28105 Erdkunde journal 140015 0,461 Q2 31 16 60 918 97 58 1,78 57,38 Germany Western Europe Verlag B.o.s.s Druck und Medien GmbH 1976, 1978-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Ecology (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
24153 110011 Erdoel u Kohle-Erdgas-Petrochemie journal 140058 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Germany Western Europe Urban Verlag Hamburg/Wien GmbH 1968-1969, 1972-1989, 1994-1995 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
21419 21100205110 e-Review of Tourism Research journal 19415842 0,155 Q4 8 86 76 1887 29 73 0,33 21,94 United States Northern America Texas A & M University 2011-2012, 2014-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q4); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q4)
29612 21100463105 Erga-Logoi journal 22809678, 22823212 0,1 Q4 3 7 48 358 3 48 0,06 51,14 Italy Western Europe LED, Edizioni Universitarie 2013-2019 Classics (Q4); History (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
8398 21100200442 Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete book series 711136 0,589 Q2 11 26 92 437 16 5 0 16,81 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2004-2006, 2008-2011, 2013, 2016-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
2442 26438 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems journal 14694417, 01433857 1,422 Q1 52 226 368 4730 345 322 1,19 20,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1981-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)
4860 29178 Ergonomics journal 00140139, 13665847 0,924 Q1 105 137 445 6365 1188 427 2,55 46,46 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1957-2020 Human Factors and Ergonomics (Q1); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q1)
15693 29179 Ergonomics in Design journal 10648046 0,263 Q2 19 28 74 475 49 47 0,81 16,96 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1993-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Human Factors and Ergonomics (Q3)
29613 22051 Ergotherapie und Rehabilitation journal 9428623 0,1 Q4 3 17 247 0 0 186 0 0 Germany Western Europe Schulz-Kirchner Verlag GmbH 2001-2019 Occupational Therapy (Q4); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q4)
22946 21258 Ericsson Review (English Edition) trade journal 140171 0,136 Q4 19 19 39 82 7 37 0,04 4,32 Sweden Western Europe Telefonaktiebolaget L.M. Ericsson 1969-2009, 2011-2012, 2014-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
28674 21100200655 Eriu journal 03320758, 20090056 0,101 Q3 4 0 26 0 1 26 0,07 0 Ireland Western Europe Royal Irish Academy 2011-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
3229 21100782250 ERJ Open Research journal 23120541 1,204 Q1 13 0 71 0 173 57 2,6 0 Switzerland Western Europe European Respiratory Society 2015-2018 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q1)
5925 4700152618 Erkenntnis journal 15728420, 01650106 0,799 Q1 34 167 268 6225 206 203 0,99 37,28 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1919-1921, 1924-1925, 1928-1932, 1934-1937, 1939, 1975-2002, 2004, 2006-2020 Logic (Q1); Philosophy (Q1)    
17121 21100790091 ERM4CT 2016 - Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Emotion Representations and Modelling for Companion Systems conference and proceedings - 0,228 - 2 0 5 0 8 4 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
29614 21100200607 Ernahrung journal 2501554 0,1 Q4 3 16 94 0 0 70 0 0 Austria Western Europe Fachzeitschriftenverlagsges. m. b. H 2011-2013, 2017-2019 Biotechnology (Q4); Food Science (Q4); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q4)
22000 38677 Ernahrungs Umschau journal 3402371 0,147 Q4 13 52 290 1214 32 165 0,19 23,35 Germany Western Europe Main Umschau Verlag Breidenstein 1973-1978, 1981-1982, 2003-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q4)
29615 17930 Erosion Control journal 10737227 0,1 Q4 2 27 149 5 0 118 0 0,19 United States Northern America Forester Communications Inc. 2003-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Earth-Surface Processes (Q4)
4104 21100805329 ERS Monograph journal 2312508X, 23125098 1,035 Q2 6 0 21 0 58 18 3,35 0 United Kingdom Western Europe European Respiratory Society 2016-2017 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q2)
28675 21100891039 Erudition and the Republic of Letters journal 24055050, 24055069 0,101 Q3 3 17 35 732 1 34 0 43,06 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2016-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Communication (Q4); Education (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4)
9873 36510 Erwerbs-Obstbau journal 00140309, 14390302 0,495 Q2 13 60 129 2115 158 126 1,24 35,25 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1983, 1996-2020 Horticulture (Q2)      
4197 25955 ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations journal 12623377, 12928119 1,021 Q1 52 51 206 1674 252 205 1,25 32,82 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 1996-2019 Computational Mathematics (Q1); Control and Optimization (Q1); Control and Systems Engineering (Q1)
5087 25957 ESAIM - Probability and Statistics journal 12928100, 12623318 0,897 Q2 24 25 62 707 51 62 0,65 28,28 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 1997-2020 Statistics and Probability (Q2)    
1916 25956 ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis journal 0764583X, 12903841 1,63 Q1 63 61 253 2297 448 252 1,38 37,66 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 1996-2019 Analysis (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q1); Computational Mathematics (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Numerical Analysis (Q1)
14314 21100784249 ESANN 2016 - 24th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks conference and proceedings - 0,302 - 11 0 113 0 165 113 0 0 Belgium Western Europe   Energy Engineering and Power Technology; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
7703 21100868211 ESC heart failure journal 20555822 0,64 Q2 19 164 277 5102 921 248 3,71 31,11 France Western Europe The Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology 2014-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2)
25836 35561 Escher Wyss News journal 3671402 0,113 Q4 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Switzerland Western Europe Escher Wyss Limited 1969, 1971-1982 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
14759 21100853577 Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem journal 14148145 0,289 Q3 3 0 6 0 8 6 1,33 0 Brazil Latin America 2014-2017 Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q3)    
16525 21100805337 ESIDA 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Workshop on Exploratory Search and Interactive Data Analytics, co-located with IUI 2017 conference and proceedings - 0,241 - 4 0 14 0 14 12 1,17 0 United States Northern America   Hardware and Architecture    
1294 21100873339 ESMO Open journal 20597029 2,018 Q1 22 94 307 2870 1224 233 4,93 30,53 United Kingdom Western Europe BMJ Publishing Group 2016-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Oncology (Q1)  
5023 130134 Esophagus journal 16129067, 16129059 0,904 Q2 20 55 144 1576 311 138 3,11 28,65 Japan Asiatic Region Springer Japan 2003-2020 Gastroenterology (Q2)    
14069 21100802698 ESP Today journal 23349050 0,31 Q1 5 12 37 554 20 33 0,55 46,17 Serbia Eastern Europe University of Belgrade 2013-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
24882 28109 Espace Geographique journal 462497 0,121 Q4 15 0 85 0 14 82 0,17 0 France Western Europe Editions Belin 1976, 1978-1990, 1992-1994, 1996-2018, 2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
22851 26804 Espace-Populations-Societes journal 7557809 0,137 Q4 11 0 92 0 18 88 0,05 0 France Western Europe Universite des Sciences et Technologiques de Lille 1983-2018 Demography (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
20567 21100899913 Espacio, Tiempo y Educacion journal 23407263 0,167 Q2 1 30 29 1187 3 27 0,11 39,57 Spain Western Europe FahrenHouse 2018-2019 History (Q2); Philosophy (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Education (Q4)
28676 21100868935 Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie III: Historia Medieval journal 02149745, 23401362 0,101 Q3 1 1 23 53 1 23 0,04 53 Spain Western Europe Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, UNED 2018-2019 Classics (Q3); History (Q4)    
28677 21100892241 Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII: Historia del Arte journal 11304715, 23401478 0,101 Q3 1 0 19 0 1 19 0,05 0 Spain Western Europe Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, UNED 2018 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3); History (Q4)
17712 11200153556 Espacios journal 7981015 0,215 Q3 16 952 4598 24816 1314 4598 0,34 26,07 Venezuela Latin America 2007-2020 Business and International Management (Q3); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q3); Management Science and Operations Research (Q4)
28081 21100245908 Espaco Plural journal 1981478X, 15184196 0,102 Q4 2 0 62 0 3 56 0,09 0 Brazil Latin America Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana 2012-2017 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
25837 21100875068 Esperienze Dermatologiche journal 25321056, 11289155 0,113 Q4 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Italy Western Europe Edizioni Minerva Medica S.p.A. 2015-2016 Dermatology (Q4)      
28678 21100398914 Espiritu journal 140716 0,101 Q4 2 0 40 0 2 28 0,11 0 Spain Western Europe Editorial Balmes 2015-2018 Philosophy (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)  
25838 62388 Esprit journal 00140759, 21114579 0,113 Q3 7 97 492 606 19 397 0,05 6,25 France Western Europe 1973, 1975, 1981-1983, 2010-2019 Religious Studies (Q3); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
20780 16100154763 Esprit Createur journal 00140767, 19310234 0,164 Q1 7 42 127 1282 11 126 0,09 30,52 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
22303 16100154764 ESQ - Journal of the American Renaissance journal 1935021X, 00938297 0,143 Q1 8 17 58 1164 5 55 0,08 68,47 United States Northern America Washington State University Press 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
22652 21100326093 ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies journal 1775352X, 20665083 0,139 Q3 4 20 71 797 16 66 0,24 39,85 France Western Europe University Paul Valery of Montpellier 3 2014-2019 Communication (Q3)    
29616 17700156205 Essaim journal 1287258X, 17762839 0,1 Q4 3 0 61 0 0 59 0 0 France Western Europe Editions Eres 2001-2017 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
875 17456 Essays in Biochemistry journal 00711365, 17441358 2,544 Q1 58 63 161 6357 1176 159 6,79 100,9 United Kingdom Western Europe Portland Press Ltd. 1965, 1967-1983, 1985-1987, 1989-1992, 1994-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
26090 6500153103 Essays in Criticism journal 00140856, 14716852 0,112 Q2 8 15 56 448 1 55 0,03 29,87 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1951-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2)  
22225 20100195005 Estetika : The Central European Journal of Aesthetics journal 141291 0,144 Q1 3 6 34 96 4 34 0,17 16 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Charles University, Faculty of Arts 2008-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1); Philosophy (Q2)
11933 19400158434 Estonian Journal of Archaeology journal 17367484, 14062933 0,392 Q1 9 8 26 254 17 25 0,59 31,75 Estonia Eastern Europe Estonian Academy Publishers 2008-2020 Archeology (Q1); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1)
13944 6000195392 Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences journal 17364728 0,314 Q3 22 16 64 924 60 61 0,86 57,75 Estonia Eastern Europe Estonian Academy Publishers 2007-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Water Science and Technology (Q3)
28679 19700183134 Estreno journal 978663 0,101 Q3 2 9 41 158 1 35 0 17,56 United States Northern America Ohio Wesleyan University 2010-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)
4534 4700152445 Estuaries and Coasts journal 15592731, 15592723 0,969 Q1 100 202 453 12648 1126 421 2,55 62,61 United States Northern America Springer New York 1978-2001, 2006-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
4887 26844 Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science journal 10960015, 02727714 0,92 Q1 126 438 1024 29802 2934 996 2,51 68,04 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1981-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Oceanography (Q1)
11245 7000153201 Estudios Atacamenos journal 07181043, 07160925 0,425 Q1 15 19 107 841 52 103 0,46 44,26 Chile Latin America Universidad Catolica del Norte 2007-2019 Anthropology (Q1); Archeology (Q1); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1)
24633 21100247035 Estudios Biblicos journal 141437 0,123 Q2 2 15 35 607 2 35 0,08 40,47 Spain Western Europe Facultad de Teologia San Damaso 2010-2019 Religious Studies (Q2)    
17906 19700175179 Estudios Constitucionales journal 07185200, 07180195 0,211 Q3 8 21 96 917 19 76 0,22 43,67 Chile Latin America Universidad de Talca 2009-2019 Law (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
24634 23567 Estudios de Asia y Africa journal 1850164 0,123 Q3 2 21 66 736 5 65 0,04 35,05 Mexico Latin America Colegio de Mexico, A.C., Departamento de Publicaciones 1984, 2014-2019 Anthropology (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
17713 5800207832 Estudios de Cultura Maya journal 1852574 0,215 Q2 5 20 59 1111 18 58 0,33 55,55 Mexico Latin America UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas 2013-2020 Anthropology (Q2); Archeology (Q2); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q2)
28680 24967 Estudios de Cultura Nahuatl journal 711675 0,101 Q4 3 0 28 0 0 26 0 0 Mexico Latin America Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 1971-1972, 2014-2017 Anthropology (Q4); History (Q4)  
22947 20707 Estudios de Economia journal 07185286, 03042758 0,136 Q4 11 5 32 216 18 32 0,32 43,2 Chile Latin America Universidad de Chile 1977-1979, 1989, 2008-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q4)  
28681 21100206278 Estudios de Fonetica Experimental journal 15755533 0,101 Q4 5 0 24 0 1 24 0 0 Spain Western Europe Laboratori de Fonetica - Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona 2011-2018 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
26254 19700167010 Estudios de Historia Moderna Contemporanea de Mexico journal 1852620 0,111 Q3 4 7 41 292 6 41 0,12 41,71 Mexico Latin America Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 2009-2019 History (Q3)      
28682 21100206610 Estudios de Linguistica del Espanola journal 11398736 0,101 Q4 3 0 40 0 4 39 0,12 0 Spain Western Europe University of the Andes, Hispanic Linguistics Group 2012, 2014-2018 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
27525 19700169832 Estudios de Linguistica Inglesa Aplicada (ELIA) journal 15765059, 22538283 0,104 Q3 5 0 28 0 2 25 0,1 0 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Sevilla, Servicio de Publicaciones 2012-2018 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
28683 21100842562 Estudios de Literatura Colombiana journal 1234412 0,101 Q4 1 27 47 343 0 40 0 12,7 Colombia Latin America Universidad de Antioquia 2017-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); History (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
17480 19700175607 Estudios de Psicologia journal 02109395, 15793699 0,22 Q3 14 27 83 1131 53 80 0,7 41,89 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1980-2020 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
28684 21100904229 Estudios de Teoria Literaria journal 23139676 0,101 Q4 1 62 48 1469 2 40 0,05 23,69 Argentina Latin America Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata 2018-2019 Communication (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
19670 26808 Estudios Demograficos y Urbanos journal 1867210 0,181 Q3 5 23 68 863 19 67 0,24 37,52 Mexico Latin America Colegio de Mexico, A.C., Departamento de Publicaciones 1986-1999, 2014-2020 Demography (Q3); Urban Studies (Q3)  
26255 21100238615 Estudios Eclesiasticos journal 2101610 0,111 Q3 3 24 66 1129 5 61 0,08 47,04 Spain Western Europe Universidad Pontificia Comillas 2011-2019 Religious Studies (Q3)    
25839 5800207821 Estudios Filologicos journal 00711713, 07176171 0,113 Q2 7 16 81 739 7 81 0,05 46,19 Chile Latin America Universidad Austral de Chile 2007-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
30340 21100933830 Estudios Frontizeros journal 23959134   - 0 21 0 952 0 0 0 45,33 Romania Eastern Europe Editura Academiei Romane 2019-2020 Anthropology; Demography; Economics and Econometrics; Geography, Planning and Development; History; Political Science and International Relations; Sociology and Political Science
19247 28124 Estudios Geograficos journal 00141496, 19888546 0,188 Q3 10 26 74 1196 20 70 0,33 46 Spain Western Europe CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 1979-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
16441 22589 Estudios Geologicos journal 19883250, 03670449 0,243 Q4 25 36 43 1084 23 43 0,5 30,11 Spain Western Europe CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 1976-1977, 1980-1983, 1991-2019 Geology (Q4)      
24154 21100220142 Estudios Irlandeses journal 1699311X 0,125 Q3 3 29 94 720 4 70 0,02 24,83 Spain Western Europe 2012-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q3)
28685 26812 Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos journal 3267458 0,101 Q4 7 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 Argentina Latin America Centro de Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos 1986-2005, 2007, 2009, 2011-2016, 2018 Demography (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
15428 5100155019 Estudios Pedagogicos journal 0716050X 0,27 Q3 15 10 248 357 100 244 0,28 35,7 Chile Latin America Universidad Austral de Chile 1997-2002, 2006-2019 Education (Q3)      
29617 21100205710 Estudios Romanicos journal 1989614X, 02104911 0,1 Q4 1 0 57 0 0 57 0 0 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Murcia 2011-2018 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
10772 19400157158 Estudios Sobre Educacion journal 15787001 0,449 Q2 10 19 62 1060 69 61 1,02 55,79 Spain Western Europe Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad De Navarra 2008-2019 Education (Q2)      
18781 19900195002 Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico journal 19882696, 11341629 0,195 Q3 12 75 269 2432 56 264 0,2 32,43 Spain Western Europe Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2010-2020 Communication (Q3)    
26256 14377 Estudios Sociologicos journal 1854186 0,111 Q4 4 8 55 340 9 55 0,2 42,5 Mexico Latin America Centro de Estudios Sociologicos de El Colegio de Mexico 1984-1985, 1992, 1994-1996, 1998, 2014-2019 Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
23508 98366 Estudis Romanics journal 02118572, 20139500 0,13 Q3 3 27 66 949 9 66 0,14 35,15 Spain Western Europe Institut d'Estudis Catalans 1970, 2011-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
17806 4400151727 Estudos Avancados journal 18069592, 01034014 0,213 Q2 22 68 225 1894 86 216 0,33 27,85 Brazil Latin America Instituto de Estudos Avancados da Universidade de Sao Paulo 2006-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
24520 19700170150 Estudos de Linguistica Galega journal 18892566, 1989578X 0,124 Q3 4 10 25 509 3 25 0 50,9 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 2009-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
27526 21100790795 Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contemporanea journal 23164018, 15180158 0,104 Q3 2 51 170 934 5 157 0,01 18,31 Brazil Latin America Universidade de Brasilia 2016-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)  
20342 5400152702 Estudos de Psicologia journal 1413294X 0,17 Q4 12 0 89 0 27 85 0,05 0 Brazil Latin America PUC de Campinas 2006-2018 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
18163 21100416194 Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) journal 19820275, 0103166X 0,206 Q3 6 39 165 1303 58 152 0,36 33,41 Brazil Latin America Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Campinas 2015-2020 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
17122 21100447819 Estudos do Quaternario journal 08740801, 21828660 0,228 Q2 4 0 46 0 12 44 0,25 0 Portugal Western Europe Associacao Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional (APDR) 2015-2018 Anthropology (Q2); Archeology (Q2); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q2); Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Geology (Q4); Paleontology (Q4)
22546 20708 Estudos Economicos journal 19805357, 01014161 0,14 Q4 10 23 81 949 29 80 0,29 41,26 Brazil Latin America Instituto de Pesquisas Economicas da FEA-USP 1981, 1987, 1992, 2008-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
26091 21100820707 Estudos em Comunicacao journal 16464974 0,112 Q4 2 14 104 511 6 101 0,06 36,5 Portugal Western Europe Universidade da Beira Interior 2017-2019 Communication (Q4)    
16339 23132 Estudos Feministas journal 18069584, 0104026X 0,246 Q3 13 87 234 2669 49 221 0,18 30,68 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ 1994-1995, 2006-2019 Gender Studies (Q3)    
27281 21100887850 Estudos Historicos journal 01032186, 21781494 0,105 Q3 1 38 27 1443 2 21 0,1 37,97 Brazil Latin America Fundacao Getulio Vargas 2018-2020 Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3); Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
23310 16300154799 Estudos Ibero-Americanos journal 1980864X, 01014064 0,132 Q2 5 45 177 1395 19 158 0,11 31 Brazil Latin America Editora da P U C R S 1994, 2002-2019 History (Q2)      
28082 21100840182 Estudos Internacionais journal 2317773X 0,102 Q4 1 13 44 551 3 44 0,07 42,38 Brazil Latin America Editora PUC-Minas 2017-2019 Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
23603 145694 Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry journal 15594343 0,129 Q4 14 11 52 345 7 37 0,4 31,36 United States Northern America Springer Publishing Company 2004-2019 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
22372 23506 Ethical Perspectives journal 13700049, 17831431 0,142 Q2 11 23 82 520 16 71 0,11 22,61 Belgium Western Europe Peeters Publishers 1997, 1999, 2001-2005, 2011-2019 Philosophy (Q2)      
9082 23509 Ethical Theory and Moral Practice journal 13862820, 15728447 0,545 Q1 24 83 231 2538 175 207 0,77 30,58 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1999-2002, 2004-2020 Philosophy (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
1185 85519 Ethics journal 1539297X, 00141704 2,121 Q1 68 22 94 431 149 84 1,38 19,59 United States Northern America University of Chicago 1973-1990, 1992-1993, 1996-2020 Philosophy (Q1)      
14898 21100923472 Ethics & human research journal 25782363 0,285 Q3 31 31 38 757 30 36 0,58 24,42 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2019-2020 Health (social science) (Q3)    
11464 14095 Ethics and Behavior journal 15327019, 10508422 0,414 Q3 39 66 120 3649 183 113 1,58 55,29 United States Northern America Routledge 1991-2020 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q3); Social Psychology (Q3)
22547 21100857102 Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) journal 13385615, 24537829 0,14 Q2 2 23 36 513 28 35 0,8 22,3 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2017-2019 Philosophy (Q2); Education (Q4); Health Policy (Q4)
13568 19900192553 Ethics and Education journal 17449642, 17449650 0,326 Q1 13 37 88 1294 61 81 0,9 34,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Philosophy (Q1); Education (Q3)  
21103 17700156010 Ethics and Global Politics journal 16546369, 16544951 0,159 Q3 12 24 36 483 17 31 0,32 20,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2009-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
6081 2600147402 Ethics and Information Technology journal 13881957 0,783 Q1 47 39 94 2119 237 69 2,98 54,33 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1999-2020 Library and Information Sciences (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q2)
9566 24525 Ethics and International Affairs journal 8926794 0,513 Q1 45 32 99 979 116 90 1,25 30,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1987-2020 Philosophy (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
20493 13187 Ethics and Medicine journal 21688230, 0266688X 0,168 Q2 8 20 57 557 14 43 0,34 27,85 United States Northern America Bioethics Press 1986-1996, 2000-2006, 2009-2019 Philosophy (Q2); Religious Studies (Q2); Health Policy (Q4)
14315 19900191410 Ethics and Social Welfare journal 17496535, 17496543 0,302 Q1 7 35 102 1496 86 83 1,07 42,74 United States Northern America Routledge 2015-2020 Philosophy (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
18731 5700179464 Ethics and the Environment journal 15355306, 10856633 0,196 Q2 7 7 31 304 16 29 0,47 43,43 United States Northern America Indiana University Press 2013-2019 Philosophy (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
19859 11700154508 Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics journal 16118014 0,178 Q2 17 1 21 38 10 19 0,54 38 Germany Western Europe Inter-Research 2001-2019 Philosophy (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Ecology (Q4); Education (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4)
19502 21100811729 Ethics, Medicine and Public Health journal 23525525 0,184 Q4 5 66 236 1481 54 209 0,27 22,44 Italy Western Europe Elsevier Masson SAS 2016-2020 Health Policy (Q4)      
13298 21100208022 Ethics, Policy and Environment journal 21550093, 21550085 0,335 Q1 14 30 104 990 80 76 1,06 33 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2011-2020 Philosophy (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3)
22852 144919 Ethik in der Medizin journal 9357335 0,137 Q3 11 39 108 1353 34 92 0,39 34,69 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2005-2020 Philosophy (Q3); Health Policy (Q4); Health (social science) (Q4); Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects (Q4)
16442 19900191881 Ethiopian Journal of Health Development journal 10216790 0,243 Q4 17 37 110 1078 66 97 0,42 29,14 Ethiopia Africa Ethiopian Public Health Association 2010-2019 Infectious Diseases (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
11056 21100296642 Ethiopian journal of health sciences journal 10291857 0,435 Q3 16 101 277 0 318 255 1,08 0 Ethiopia Africa Research and publications office, Jimma University 2013-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
17217 13193 Ethiopian Medical Journal journal 00141755, 24152420 0,226 Q3 26 89 121 1878 47 109 0,44 21,1 Ethiopia Africa Ethiopian Medical Association 1970-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
26257 145357 Ethique et Sante journal 17654629 0,111 Q4 7 0 116 0 10 98 0,03 0 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 2004-2018 Health Policy (Q4); Health (social science) (Q4); Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects (Q4)
29618 20000195023 Ethische Perspectieven journal 1783144X, 07786069 0,1 Q4 1 5 68 56 1 56 0 11,2 Belgium Western Europe Peeters Publishers 2011-2019 Philosophy (Q4)      
4114 26124 Ethnic and Racial Studies journal 01419870, 14664356 1,034 Q1 87 220 539 9665 980 509 1,88 43,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1978-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
5544 4700152406 Ethnicities journal 14687968, 17412706 0,842 Q1 43 91 117 5022 212 116 1,47 55,19 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 2001-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1)
7804 13198 Ethnicity and Disease journal 19450826, 1049510X 0,631 Q2 65 87 213 2116 282 204 1,16 24,32 United States Northern America ISHIB 1991-1994, 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Epidemiology (Q3)
7090 20720 Ethnicity and Health journal 14653419, 13557858 0,688 Q1 54 117 232 5383 395 142 2,85 46,01 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1996-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
5551 21100386860 Ethnoarchaeology journal 19442890, 19442904 0,841 Q1 6 11 31 677 39 26 0,53 61,55 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 2014-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Archeology (Q1); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1)
9836 21100416511 Ethnobiology and Conservation journal 22384782 0,497 Q1 14 13 42 1376 78 42 1,53 105,85 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco 2012-2019 Anthropology (Q1); Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Ecology (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)
15847 21100232418 Ethnobiology Letters journal 21598126 0,259 Q2 9 15 80 533 37 72 0,56 35,53 United States Northern America Society of Ethnobiology 2010-2019 Anthropology (Q2); Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
17759 5300152518 Ethnobotany Research and Applications journal 15473465 0,214 Q3 22 0 6 0 6 6 0 0 United States Northern America University of Hawaii Press 2007-2016 Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
25537 21100218071 Ethnographia journal 141798 0,115 Q4 2 20 83 1028 3 78 0,02 51,4 Hungary Eastern Europe Magyar Neprajzi Tarsasag 2011-2014, 2016-2019 Anthropology (Q4)      
12656 5600155023 Ethnography journal 17412714, 14661381 0,361 Q1 44 56 110 2649 109 91 1,19 47,3 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2000-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Anthropology (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2)
8421 12100155734 Ethnography and Education journal 17457823, 17457831 0,588 Q1 15 33 91 1455 120 78 1,45 44,09 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Education (Q2); Gender Studies (Q2)
12605 40068 Ethnohistory journal 15275477, 00141801 0,363 Q1 26 33 66 1389 33 66 0,63 42,09 United States Northern America Duke University Press 1970, 1975-1977, 1981, 1983-1984, 1986, 1996-2019 History (Q1); Anthropology (Q2)  
27527 21100206628 Ethnologia journal 11060972 0,104 Q4 1 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 Greece Western Europe Greek Society for Ethnology 2010, 2012-2013, 2015-2017 Anthropology (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4)  
26431 84532 Ethnologia Europaea journal 16043030, 04254597 0,11 Q3 12 0 39 0 1 35 0 0 Denmark Western Europe University of Copenhagen 1987, 2002-2018 Cultural Studies (Q3); Anthropology (Q4); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4)
24990 78798 Ethnologie Francaise journal 462616 0,12 Q3 11 49 171 2062 19 167 0,15 42,08 France Western Europe Presses Universitaires de France, Departement des Revues 1971, 1976, 1981, 2001-2020 Cultural Studies (Q3); Anthropology (Q4)  
11655 16400154737 Ethnomusicology journal 141836 0,405 Q1 18 11 58 700 34 48 0,5 63,64 United States Northern America University of Illinois Press 2002-2019 Anthropology (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Music (Q1)
22373 21100409404 Ethnomusicology Forum journal 17411920, 17411912 0,142 Q2 5 13 66 636 25 54 0,41 48,92 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2020 Music (Q2); Anthropology (Q3)  
10004 5800169155 Ethnopolitics journal 17449057 0,488 Q1 13 54 114 3369 117 101 1,06 62,39 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
8717 16601 Ethnos journal 00141844, 1469588X 0,569 Q1 40 99 154 5343 242 135 1,7 53,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1936-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Archeology (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2)
7315 21489 Ethology journal 14390310, 01791613 0,668 Q1 70 109 296 6316 457 291 1,53 57,94 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1986-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
11057 21490 Ethology Ecology and Evolution journal 03949370, 18287131 0,435 Q2 39 50 122 2635 138 115 1,12 52,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1989-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
9408 37903 Ethos journal 00912131, 15481352 0,523 Q1 42 32 85 1497 93 81 1,1 46,78 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1973-2019 Anthropology (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
25840 21100265641 Etica e Politica journal 18255167 0,113 Q3 4 53 232 1631 13 226 0,06 30,77 Italy Western Europe University of Trieste, Department of Philosophy 2013-2019 Philosophy (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
23931 21100201034 Etikk i Praksis journal 18904009, 18903991 0,126 Q3 7 14 51 567 16 45 0,41 40,5 Norway Western Europe Akademika Publishing 2011-2019 Philosophy (Q3)      
19860 20600195513 Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa journal 19733194 0,178 Q2 5 4 75 232 22 68 0,44 58 Italy Western Europe Il Mulino publishing house 2012-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Anthropology (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
28686 77201 Etnografia polska journal 711861 0,101 Q4 3 0 38 0 10 37 0,42 0 Poland Eastern Europe Polska Akademia Nauk 1983, 2001, 2011-2018 Anthropology (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4)  
23221 21100203117 Etnografica journal 21822891, 08736561 0,133 Q2 11 25 104 955 21 103 0,16 38,2 Portugal Western Europe Centro em Rede de Investigacao em Antropologia - CRIA 2006-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); Anthropology (Q3)  
17267 21100312217 Etnograficeskoe Obozrenie journal 8695415 0,225 Q1 4 68 160 1791 27 155 0,15 26,34 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Izdatel'stvo Nauka 2011-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); Anthropology (Q2)  
23035 21100199530 Etnolog journal 3540316 0,135 Q2 6 0 43 0 3 41 0,05 0 Slovenia Eastern Europe Slovene Ethnographic Museum 1996-2018 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Anthropology (Q3); Museology (Q3)
14605 21100198726 Etnoloska Tribina journal 3511944 0,294 Q1 5 7 34 363 23 29 0,7 51,86 Croatia Eastern Europe Croatian Ethnological Society 2011-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); Anthropology (Q2)  
14535 24783 ETRI Journal journal 12256463, 22337326 0,296 Q2 44 89 290 2526 405 288 1,7 28,38 South Korea Asiatic Region John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1994-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q3)
24521 21100860053 eTropic journal 14482940 0,124 Q2 2 21 21 516 2 21 0,1 24,57 Australia Pacific Region James Cook University 2018-2019 History (Q2); Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q3); Urban Studies (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
21498 21100896490 ETS Research Report Series journal 23308516 0,154 Q4 2 45 47 2714 14 47 0,3 60,31 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2018-2020 Applied Psychology (Q4); Education (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q4)
16884 2400147403 Etude de la Population Africaine journal 8505780 0,233 Q3 11 23 100 992 46 100 0,51 43,13 Senegal  Africa Union for African Population Studies 1992, 1996, 2004-2008, 2010-2019 Demography (Q3)      
25660 5600152964 Etudes / Inuit / Studies journal 7011008 0,114 Q4 6 0 11 0 3 11 0 0 Canada Northern America Association Inuksiutiit Katimajiit 1985, 1999, 2001, 2012-2016 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28687 5700168701 Etudes Anglaises journal 0014195X 0,101 Q3 3 23 90 794 11 87 0,04 34,52 France Western Europe Klincksieck 1968, 1979, 2001-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)  
23394 16200154788 Etudes Celtique book series 3731928 0,131 Q2 4 0 35 0 4 35 0,14 0 France Western Europe Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2003-2004, 2012, 2014-2018 History (Q2); Archeology (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
28688 17100154758 Etudes Classiques journal 0014200X 0,101 Q3 5 0 19 0 0 18 0 0 Belgium Western Europe Societe des Etudes Classiques A S B L 1979, 1996, 2002-2015, 2017 Classics (Q3); Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Archeology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4); History (Q4)
25841 21100407265 Etudes de Droit International book series 1573563X 0,113 Q4 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007, 2010-2011, 2013-2014, 2016, 2018 Law (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
28083 21100427205 Etudes et Travaux journal 24499579, 20846762 0,102 Q4 4 0 47 0 2 47 0,06 0 Poland Eastern Europe Polska Akademia Nauk 2011-2018 Archeology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4)
29619 5800206565 Etudes Francaises journal 142085 0,1 Q4 4 9 71 1 1 54 0 0,11 Canada Northern America Presses de l'Universite de Montreal 2001-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
21694 29841 Etudes Germaniques journal 142115 0,151 Q1 3 33 107 820 5 106 0 24,85 France Western Europe Klincksieck 1971, 2002-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
22653 21100235621 Etudes Mongoles et Siberiennes, Centrasiatiques et Tibetaines journal 07665075, 21010013 0,139 Q2 3 12 34 614 7 29 0,13 51,17 France Western Europe Centre d'etudes mongoles et siberiennes 2011, 2013-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Anthropology (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
26432 16300154731 Etudes Philosophiques journal 142166 0,11 Q3 3 24 96 455 5 92 0,05 18,96 France Western Europe Presses Universitaires de France 2001-2019 Philosophy (Q3)      
27775 16400154771 Etudes Photographiques journal 12709050, 17775302 0,103 Q3 5 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 France Western Europe Societe Francaise de Photographie 2002-2012, 2014-2016 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3)  
30341 21100933328 Etudes Romanes de Brno journal 23364416, 18037399 - 0 23 0 563 0 0 0 24,48 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Masaryk University Press 2019 Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language; Literature and Literary Theory
27528 14394 Etudes Rurales journal 142182 0,104 Q3 10 19 72 645 4 71 0,05 33,95 France Western Europe Editions EHESS: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 1973, 1978-1984, 1989-1990, 1992-1996, 1999-2019 History (Q3); Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
25842 17600155137 Etudes sur la Mort journal 11570466 0,113 Q4 4 11 35 233 1 31 0,09 21,18 France Western Europe Esprit 2001-2017, 2019 Clinical Psychology (Q4)    
28689 21100427709 Etudes sur le Judaisme Medieval book series 0169815X 0,101 Q3 3 0 17 0 0 16 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2013, 2015, 2017-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); History (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)
29620 16000154790 Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses journal 00142239, 22729011 0,1 Q4 3 23 128 857 5 107 0,06 37,26 France Western Europe Institut Protestant de Theologie 2002-2020 Religious Studies (Q4)    
9812 21100780888 EUCNC 2016 - European Conference on Networks and Communications conference and proceedings - 0,499 - 12 0 79 0 160 78 0 0 United States Northern America   Control and Optimization; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Modeling and Simulation; Numerical Analysis; Radiation
28690 21100845393 Eugene O'Neill Review journal 21614318, 10409483 0,101 Q3 2 25 31 307 7 28 0,25 12,28 United States Northern America Penn State University Press 2017-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)  
16618 21100792706 EuMIC 2016 - 11th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference conference and proceedings - 0,239 - 8 0 147 0 99 138 0 0 United States Northern America   Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology
10195 21100258759 EuPA Open Proteomics journal 22129685 0,478 Q3 16 11 35 54 60 32 3,14 4,91 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2013-2019 Biochemistry (Q3)      
29621 16400154755 Euphorion - Zeitschrift fur Literaturgeschichte journal 142328 0,1 Q4 3 16 59 841 0 59 0 52,56 Germany Western Europe Universitaetsverlag Winter GmbH 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
6902 56471 Euphytica journal 15735060, 00142336 0,706 Q1 99 208 794 9766 1445 779 1,7 46,95 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1952-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Horticulture (Q1); Plant Science (Q2); Genetics (Q3)
27529 16400154773 Eurasia Antiqua book series 9490434 0,104 Q3 7 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 Germany Western Europe Verlag Philipp von Zabern GmbH 2003-2007, 2012-2013, 2015-2016 Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3); Archeology (Q4)
10291 4400151729 Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education journal 13058223, 13058215 0,473 Q2 31 147 1092 6208 1757 1062 1,6 42,23 Turkey Middle East Modestum Ltd. 2006-2020 Education (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3)
7105 21100827923 Eurasian Business Review journal 13094297, 21474281 0,687 Q1 14 33 73 1867 184 66 2,96 56,58 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2011-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1)
19248 7200153124 Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal journal 15623920 0,188 Q3 7 46 118 1096 72 118 0,59 23,83 Kazakhstan Asiatic Region al-Farabi Kazakh State National University 2007-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Condensed Matter Physics (Q4)
14041 21100827931 Eurasian Economic Review journal 1309422X, 2147429X 0,311 Q2 8 31 65 1360 71 63 1,1 43,87 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2011-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2)
3762 28148 Eurasian Geography and Economics journal 15387216 1,094 Q1 41 35 101 2563 258 93 1,81 73,23 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2002-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1)
20689 21100195303 Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry journal 13063057 0,165 Q3 11 1 334 14 304 331 0,95 14 Turkey Middle East Moment Publications 2010-2019 Pharmaceutical Science (Q3); Analytical Chemistry (Q4); Electrochemistry (Q4); Spectroscopy (Q4)
20101 21100896854 Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics journal 21491135 0,174 Q2 1 20 19 920 8 19 0,42 46 Turkey Middle East Hacettepe University 2018-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2); Education (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4)
23036 21100242840 EurAsian Journal of BioSciences journal 13079867 0,135 Q4 7 311 87 7833 63 87 0,76 25,19 Turkey Middle East Foundation for Enviromental Protection and Research 2013-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
17807 21100809811 Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications journal 23066172, 23089822 0,213 Q3 7 18 59 420 24 59 0,34 23,33 Kazakhstan Asiatic Region 2013-2019 Computational Mathematics (Q3); Information Systems (Q3); Applied Mathematics (Q4); Computer Science Applications (Q4); Mathematical Physics (Q4); Modeling and Simulation (Q4)
13178 19900192614 Eurasian Journal of Medicine journal 13088734, 13088742 0,34 Q3 12 65 167 1784 189 141 1,34 27,45 Turkey Middle East Aves 2012, 2016-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
17567 21100903770 Eurasian Journal of Soil Science journal 21474249 0,218 Q3 3 40 38 1533 29 38 0,76 38,33 Turkey Middle East Federation of Eurasian Soil Science Societies 2018-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Plant Science (Q3); Soil Science (Q4)
10396 21100336501 Eurasian Mathematical Journal journal 20779879 0,468 Q2 5 30 85 443 43 82 0,48 14,77 Kazakhstan Asiatic Region Eurasian National University, RUDN University, MSU, University of Padua 2014-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
2686 21100286906 Eurasian Mining journal 20720823 1,347 Q1 12 28 69 543 162 69 2,62 19,39 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Ore & Metals Publishing House 2013-2019 Business and International Management (Q1); Economic Geology (Q1); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q1)
30342 21100920795 Eurasian Physical Technical Journal journal 24132179, 18111165 - 1 41 0 554 0 0 0 13,51 Kazakhstan Asiatic Region E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University Publish House 2019 Energy (miscellaneous); Engineering (miscellaneous); Materials Science (miscellaneous); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
9366 38533 Eurasian Soil Science journal 10642293, 1556195X 0,526 Q2 26 155 450 6186 559 449 1,27 39,91 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1992-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q2); Soil Science (Q2)
25843 21100409542 Eurasian Studies Library book series 18779484 0,113 Q3 0 0 22 0 0 2 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2010, 2013-2016, 2018 Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
12129 15300154801 Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing journal 16876172, 16876180 0,383 Q2 83 62 292 2342 527 281 1,49 37,77 Germany Western Europe Springer Publishing Company 2007-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Hardware and Architecture (Q2); Signal Processing (Q3)
14760 5100155036 Eurasip Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing journal 16874722, 16874714 0,289 Q3 26 24 64 1385 108 64 1,78 57,71 United States Northern America Springer Publishing Company 2007-2020 Acoustics and Ultrasonics (Q3); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3)
12447 4400151506 Eurasip Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology journal 16874153, 16874145 0,369 Q1 19 0 29 0 41 28 2,67 0 Germany Western Europe Springer Open 2006-2017 Multidisciplinary (Q1); Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q3); Computational Mathematics (Q3); Computer Science Applications (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Signal Processing (Q3); Statistics and Probability (Q3)
21499 4000151614 Eurasip Journal on Embedded Systems journal 16873955, 16873963 0,154 Q4 25 2 64 65 46 63 0,78 32,5 United States Northern America Springer Publishing Company 2006-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Control and Systems Engineering (Q4)
12279 5200152707 Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing journal 16875281, 16875176 0,376 Q2 36 86 286 2684 650 282 2,13 31,21 United States Northern America Springer Publishing Company 2007-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Information Systems (Q3); Signal Processing (Q3)
9497 21100812851 Eurasip Journal on Information Security journal 2510523X, 16874161 0,517 Q2 23 16 56 738 195 54 2,52 46,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer Open 2007-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q2); Signal Processing (Q2)
12088 18202 Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking journal 16871499, 16871472 0,385 Q2 57 292 797 9416 1510 782 1,97 32,25 United States Northern America Springer Open 2004-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q3); Signal Processing (Q3)
26710 15379 Euratex Bulletin journal 10285954 0,108 Q4 1 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 Belgium Western Europe EURATEX 1996-2009, 2014, 2016 Business and International Management (Q4)
7962 15162 Eure journal 07176236, 02507161 0,62 Q1 24 40 121 1700 125 117 0,83 42,5 Chile Latin America Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile 1979, 1982, 1996-1998, 2001-2020 Urban Studies (Q1)      
25844 29207 Eureka - Engineering Materials and Design trade journal 2612097 0,113 Q4 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Findlay Publications Ltd 1981-2007 Control and Systems Engineering (Q4); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
20217 21100912212 EUREKA, Physics and Engineering journal 24614254, 24614262 0,172 Q2 2 50 1 898 1 1 1 17,96 Estonia Eastern Europe 2017, 2019-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q4)
4044 21100827466 EURO Journal on Computational Optimization journal 21924406, 21924414 1,043 Q1 11 14 59 522 139 53 2,69 37,29 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2014-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q1); Control and Optimization (Q1); Management Science and Operations Research (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1)
19307 21100901158 EURO Journal on Decision Processes journal 21939446, 21939438 0,187 Q3 9 20 39 928 21 33 0,65 46,4 Germany Western Europe Springer Berlin 2013-2019 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3); Decision Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Applied Mathematics (Q4); Computational Mathematics (Q4); Statistics and Probability (Q4)
1204 21100862198 EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics journal 21924384, 21924376 2,1 Q1 16 29 51 990 198 45 3,93 34,14 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2013-2019 Management Science and Operations Research (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1); Transportation (Q1)
10397 85667 EuroChoices journal 14780917 0,468 Q1 13 33 89 278 80 68 1,43 8,42 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2003-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
13746 19700183064 Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing journal 17278384 0,321 Q3 21 0 46 0 20 44 0,61 0 Switzerland Western Europe Eurographics Association at Graz University of Technology 2008-2017 Geometry and Topology (Q3); Modeling and Simulation (Q3)
3281 21100255386 Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, EG 3DOR conference and proceedings 19970463 1,193 - 26 0 52 0 132 47 2,88 0 United States Northern America 19970463 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Human-Computer Interaction
24991 145139 Euroheat and Power (English Edition) journal 16130200 0,12 Q4 5 22 98 69 11 88 0,13 3,14 Germany Western Europe Verlags und Wirtschaftsges. der Elektrizitatswerke 2004-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4)
24635 89994 Euroheat and Power/Fernwarme International trade journal 0949166X 0,123 Q4 6 38 189 117 4 189 0,03 3,08 Germany Western Europe Verlags und Wirtschaftsges. der Elektrizitatswerke 1995-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4)
2246 15000154802 EuroIntervention journal 1774024X, 19696213 1,492 Q1 72 17 1191 0 2604 906 3 0 France Western Europe EuroPCR 2008-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
27075 37000 Euroil journal 8029474 0,106 Q4 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 United States Northern America Hart Energy Publishing 1990-1993 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q4)    
7805 21100262310 EuroMed Journal of Business journal 14502194, 1758888X 0,631 Q1 19 28 60 2059 209 59 3,25 73,54 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2006-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Finance (Q2)
18850 21100239255 EuroMediterranean Biomedical Journal journal 22797165 0,194 Q3 8 40 111 956 59 105 0,57 23,9 Italy Western Europe 2012-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
1251 23181 Europace journal 10995129, 15322092 2,053 Q1 99 374 1185 7106 3812 875 4,17 19 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1999-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Physiology (medical) (Q1)
29622 15181 Europe journal 142751 0,1 Q4 3 172 494 675 3 461 0,01 3,92 France Western Europe 1974, 2002-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
4499 7100153129 European Accounting Review journal 09638180, 14684497 0,973 Q1 70 55 104 3701 278 94 2,52 67,29 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1992-2020 Accounting (Q1); Aerospace Engineering (Q1); Automotive Engineering (Q1); Business and International Management (Q1); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); History (Q1)
7034 21100446929 European Actuarial Journal journal 21909741, 21909733 0,693 Q2 10 35 64 719 70 60 1,12 20,54 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2011-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Statistics and Probability (Q2); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q2)
4606 26411 European Addiction Research journal 10226877, 14219891 0,959 Q1 52 41 103 1721 273 97 2,65 41,98 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1995-2020 Health (social science) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
13365 50122 European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology journal 17641489 0,333 Q4 32 38 141 1168 147 127 1,07 30,74 Italy Western Europe EDRA S.p.A 2003-2020 Immunology and Allergy (Q4)    
9219 19700175205 European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases journal 18797296, 1879730X 0,536 Q2 26 140 371 2480 407 307 1,09 17,71 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 2010-2020 Otorhinolaryngology (Q2); Surgery (Q2)  
5295 13682 European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology journal 09374477, 14344726 0,871 Q1 67 476 1629 12300 3013 1464 2,02 25,84 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1990-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Otorhinolaryngology (Q1)
10373 5800179585 European archives of paediatric dentistry : official journal of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry journal 19969805, 18186300 0,469 Q2 36 103 173 3196 218 159 1,14 31,03 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2006-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2)
2967 15546 European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience journal 14338491, 09401334 1,272 Q1 96 168 276 9464 816 231 3,43 56,33 Germany Western Europe D. Steinkopff-Verlag 1990-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1); Biological Psychiatry (Q2)
21420 21100814500 European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings conference and proceedings 22825819 0,155 - 7 352 952 6374 228 952 0,26 18,11 Italy Western Europe   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Engineering (miscellaneous)
6211 14877 European Biophysics Journal journal 14321017, 01757571 0,77 Q2 77 79 243 3295 502 230 2,12 41,71 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1984-2020 Biophysics (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
20036 21100832753 European Business Law Review journal 1875841X, 09596941 0,175 Q3 2 42 87 1198 27 83 0,33 28,52 United Kingdom Western Europe Wolters Kluwer (UK) Ltd. 2017-2020 Law (Q3)        
16986 19600166406 European Business Organization Law Review journal 17416205, 15667529 0,231 Q2 19 39 82 2304 38 79 0,46 59,08 Netherlands Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2000-2020 Law (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Business and International Management (Q3)
8259 130068 European Business Review journal 0955534X 0,599 Q1 39 49 109 4207 273 106 1,92 85,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1970, 1989-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Business and International Management (Q2)
12522 19700201452 European Cardiology Review journal 17583764, 17583756 0,366 Q3 8 23 75 1502 76 57 1,21 65,3 United Kingdom Western Europe Radcliffe Group Ltd 2011-2012, 2014-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
3524 17458 European Cells and Materials journal 14732262 1,141 Q1 79 44 132 1283 526 132 3,91 29,16 Switzerland Western Europe AO Research Institute 2001-2020 Bioengineering (Q1); Biomaterials (Q1); Biomedical Engineering (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2); Cell Biology (Q2)
24636 21100898023 European Chemical Bulletin journal 20635346 0,123 Q4 3 69 53 1731 17 53 0,32 25,09 Hungary Eastern Europe Deuton-X Ltd. 2018-2019 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
2020 15548 European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry journal 10188827, 1435165X 1,586 Q1 90 243 438 12467 1693 378 4,32 51,3 Germany Western Europe D. Steinkopff-Verlag 1992-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Philosophy (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
26711 12670 European Coatings Journal trade journal 9303847 0,108 Q4 13 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 Germany Western Europe Vincentz Verlag 1988-1993, 1995-2014, 2016, 2018 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Metals and Alloys (Q4); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q4)
12626 21100829207 European Company and Financial Law Review journal 16132556, 16132548 0,362 Q2 4 28 80 884 37 72 0,61 31,57 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2016-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Law (Q2)
12675 21100790525 European Competition Journal journal 17441056, 17578396 0,36 Q2 7 16 49 156 27 49 0,55 9,75 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2005, 2014-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Law (Q2)
22853 21100286322 European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, ECCWS conference and proceedings 20488602 0,137 - 8 104 222 2840 84 216 0,44 27,31 United States Northern America 20488602 Information Systems; Information Systems and Management; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
11262 82081 European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC conference and proceedings - 0,424 - 47 0 1314 0 1639 1310 1,5 0 Italy Western Europe   E-learning; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials; Engineering (miscellaneous)
3763 5700165148 European Constitutional Law Review journal 15740196 1,094 Q1 23 38 103 1691 114 99 1,17 44,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2005-2020 Law (Q1)        
13153 21100413836 European Countryside journal 18038417 0,341 Q2 10 36 118 1903 136 118 1,09 52,86 Germany Western Europe de Gruyter 2012-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q3)
9259 22100 European Cytokine Network journal 11485493, 19524005 0,533 Q3 62 21 49 775 99 49 2,06 36,9 France Western Europe John Libbey Eurotext 1990-2019 Clinical Biochemistry (Q3); Immunology (Q3); Immunology and Allergy (Q3)
30343 21100924840 European Data Protection Law Review journal 2364284X, 23642831 - 1 73 0 247 0 0 0 3,38 Germany Western Europe Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH 2019 Law        
29623 21100872787 European Drama and Performance Studies journal 22669035, 20458541 0,1 Q4 0 17 43 346 0 43 0 20,35 France Western Europe Editions Classiques Garnier 2018-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)  
7476 17900156720 European Early Childhood Education Research Journal journal 1350293X, 17521807 0,656 Q2 30 67 201 2936 290 182 1,35 43,82 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1993-1995, 1999, 2002-2003, 2007-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2); Education (Q2)
3096 14097 European Eating Disorders Review journal 10990968, 10724133 1,236 Q1 65 63 210 3262 789 208 4 51,78 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1993-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
952 20749 European Economic Review journal 142921 2,421 Q1 122 144 417 7415 1116 411 2,14 51,49 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1969-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Finance (Q1)
14286 21100828959 European Education journal 19447086, 10564934 0,303 Q3 15 17 47 816 41 44 0,93 48 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1996-2013, 2017-2020 Education (Q3)      
4699 5700191217 European Educational Research Journal journal 14749041 0,946 Q1 30 57 155 3331 317 144 1,98 58,44 United Kingdom Western Europe Symposium Journals Ltd 2003, 2005, 2007-2020 Education (Q1)      
10691 19900193683 European Endocrinology journal 17583780, 17583772 0,453 Q3 8 20 60 890 68 39 2,08 44,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Touch Briefings 2011-2019 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Endocrine and Autonomic Systems (Q4); Endocrinology (Q4)
30344 21100901463 European Endodontic Journal journal 25480839   - 1 17 0 451 0 0 0 26,53 Turkey Middle East Kare Publishing 2019 Dentistry (miscellaneous)    
23714 19700177700 European Energy and Environmental Law Review journal 18793886, 25890387 0,128 Q3 13 8 43 0 22 41 0,6 0 Netherlands Western Europe Kluwer Law International 2008-2019 Law (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4)
28084 21100407615 European Expansion and Indigenous Response book series 18738974 0,102 Q4 3 0 48 0 2 13 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2009-2012, 2014-2018 History (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
4377 5200153112 European Financial Management journal 13547798, 1468036X 0,995 Q1 60 61 96 3863 215 95 1,7 63,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1995-2020 Accounting (Q1); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1)
22076 21100245722 European Food and Feed Law Review journal 21908214, 18622720 0,146 Q3 6 51 205 44 26 153 0,2 0,86 Germany Western Europe Lexxion 2013-2020 Law (Q3); Food Science (Q4)    
7509 23068 European Food Research and Technology journal 14382385, 14382377 0,654 Q1 95 240 622 10435 1502 619 2,47 43,48 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1996-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Biotechnology (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Food Science (Q2); Biochemistry (Q3)
12089 19700175204 European Geriatric Medicine journal 18787657, 18787649 0,385 Q3 20 136 379 4347 365 299 1,11 31,96 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 2010-2020 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q3); Gerontology (Q3)
214 23183 European Heart Journal journal 15229645, 0195668X 5,883 Q1 286 958 2453 14851 20972 1690 9,78 15,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1980-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1)
1741 21100855908 European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy journal 20556837, 20556845 1,725 Q1 18 45 135 907 349 74 4,96 20,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2015-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
21104 21100912210 European Heart Journal - Case Reports journal 25142119 0,159 Q4 3 247 154 2664 43 123 0,35 10,79 United States Northern America Oxford University Press 2017-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4)
2649 21100856573 European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes journal 20581742, 20585225 1,357 Q1 14 62 150 1561 317 106 3,04 25,18 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2015-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Health Policy (Q1)
877 21100205761 European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging journal 20472412, 20472404 2,543 Q1 84 260 822 4471 2592 544 4,31 17,2 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2012-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1)
10398 38664 European Heart Journal, Supplement journal 1520765X 0,468 Q3 35 52 103 984 160 97 1,53 18,92 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1999-2012, 2014-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
1917 21100316063 European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care journal 20488734, 20488726 1,63 Q1 29 23 264 0 765 249 3,16 0 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2012-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
20568 18166 European History Quarterly journal 2656914 0,167 Q2 18 21 65 425 20 62 0,21 20,24 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1971-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2)  
20569 21100866201 European Journal for Philosophy of Religion journal 16898311 0,167 Q2 8 45 148 1086 22 143 0,18 24,13 Austria Western Europe European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 2009-2019 Philosophy (Q2); Religious Studies (Q2)  
8289 19700181414 European Journal for Philosophy of Science journal 18794920, 18794912 0,597 Q1 17 31 102 1654 124 94 1,24 53,35 Germany Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2011-2020 History and Philosophy of Science (Q1)  
19861 21100400219 European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults journal 20007426 0,178 Q4 7 20 46 804 27 40 0,52 40,2 Sweden Western Europe European Society for Research on the Education of Adults 2010, 2015-2020 Education (Q4)      
8447 21100887620 European Journal for Sport and Society journal 23805919, 16138171 0,586 Q1 18 22 73 1156 90 59 1,47 52,55 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2004-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q2)
19671 21100451188 European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity journal 18033857 0,181 Q4 4 13 22 463 17 21 0,31 35,62 Czech Republic Eastern Europe 2015-2019 Education (Q4); Health (social science) (Q4); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4)
6220 144947 European Journal of Ageing journal 16139372, 16139380 0,769 Q1 42 70 112 3455 327 104 2,85 49,36 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2004-2020 Health (social science) (Q1); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q2)
2432 59988 European Journal of Agronomy journal 11610301 1,425 Q1 105 88 436 5126 1927 430 4,44 58,25 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1993-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Plant Science (Q1); Soil Science (Q1)
23509 5600156163 European Journal of American Culture journal 14660407 0,13 Q2 3 17 45 550 2 36 0,08 32,35 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Books 2013-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Anthropology (Q3)
2676 21887 European Journal of Anaesthesiology journal 02650215, 13652346 1,35 Q1 73 188 548 3378 1117 292 3,9 17,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 1984-2020 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q1)  
19672 13209 European Journal of Anatomy journal 11364890 0,181 Q4 18 42 141 1306 57 139 0,37 31,1 Spain Western Europe Sociedad Anatomica Espanola 1999-2019 Anatomy (Q4)      
9334 26443 European Journal of Applied Mathematics journal 14694425, 09567925 0,528 Q2 43 81 137 2251 165 121 1,47 27,79 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1990-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q2)    
3558 23402 European Journal of Applied Physiology journal 14396319, 14396327 1,134 Q1 128 253 741 11544 2098 690 2,7 45,63 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1973-1974, 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Sports Science (Q1); Physiology (medical) (Q2)
7947 16100154783 European Journal of Archaeology journal 14619571, 17412722 0,621 Q1 28 29 91 1481 90 74 1,44 51,07 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1998-2020 Archeology (Q1); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1)
13299 21100899439 European Journal of Behavior Analysis journal 2377729X 0,335 Q3 16 20 58 951 35 52 0,83 47,55 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2000-2020 Education (Q3); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q3)
529 29761 European Journal of Cancer journal 09598049, 18790852 3,41 Q1 205 352 1203 10343 7616 1012 7,41 29,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1990-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Oncology (Q1)  
5672 29762 European Journal of Cancer Care journal 09615423, 13652354 0,828 Q2 63 240 573 9974 1281 521 2,35 41,56 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1992-2020 Oncology (Q2)      
5103 29763 European Journal of Cancer Prevention journal 14735709, 09598278 0,895 Q1 75 89 273 2945 617 244 2,59 33,09 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1991-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Epidemiology (Q2); Oncology (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3)
12130 101597 European Journal of Cancer, Supplement journal 13596349 0,383 Q3 24 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2003-2016 Oncology (Q3); Cancer Research (Q4)  
2297 23185 European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery journal 1873734X, 10107940 1,475 Q1 128 404 1566 8813 3665 1192 2,84 21,81 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier 1987-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q1); Surgery (Q1)
25845 21100782801 European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine journal 20424892, 20424884 0,113 Q4 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Healthcare Bulletin 2012, 2015-2016 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4)
6879 27682 European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing journal 14745151 0,708 Q1 48 106 236 3428 527 204 2,53 32,34 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2002-2020 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q1); Medical and Surgical Nursing (Q1); Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
26912 21100854162 European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine journal 22842594 0,107 Q4 1 0 10 0 2 10 1 0 Italy Western Europe SMC Media Srl 2015-2017 Internal Medicine (Q4)    
3069 18531 European Journal of Cell Biology journal 16181298, 01719335 1,243 Q1 91 17 162 1615 489 161 3,08 95 Netherlands Western Europe Urban und Fischer Verlag GmbH und Co. KG 1979-2020 Histology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2)
3430 13210 European Journal of Clinical Investigation journal 00142972, 13652362 1,16 Q1 102 120 381 4322 1146 347 3,4 36,02 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1970-2020 Clinical Biochemistry (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2)
3384 19700 European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases journal 09349723, 14354373 1,171 Q1 101 301 873 10820 2398 829 2,92 35,95 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1988-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Infectious Diseases (Q2); Microbiology (medical) (Q2)
3411 12538 European Journal of Clinical Nutrition journal 09543007, 14765640 1,165 Q1 152 270 757 9587 2527 692 3,43 35,51 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 1988-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1)
5502 21326 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology journal 00316970, 14321041 0,847 Q2 104 208 592 7039 1420 504 2,86 33,84 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1968-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
25417 21100466202 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacy journal 2385409X 0,116 Q4 6 42 145 755 9 130 0,08 17,98 Spain Western Europe Rsago Editorial, S. L., 2016-2019 Pharmacology (medical) (Q4); Pharmacy (Q4)
3541 26445 European Journal of Combinatorics journal 10959971, 01956698 1,138 Q1 45 144 371 2884 373 366 0,92 20,03 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1980-2020 Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q1); Geometry and Topology (Q1); Theoretical Computer Science (Q1)
2696 14400 European Journal of Communication journal 02673231, 14603705 1,345 Q1 55 41 104 1713 331 97 3,65 41,78 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 1986-2020 Communication (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1)
23932 21100853933 European Journal of Comparative Economics journal 18242979 0,126 Q4 2 11 26 649 11 26 0,42 59 Italy Western Europe University Carlo Cattaneo 2017-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q4)  
25302 21100885611 European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance journal 22134506, 22134514 0,117 Q4 3 13 47 675 10 37 0,39 51,92 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2014-2019 Law (Q4); Public Administration (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
11596 20700195034 European Journal of Computational Mechanics journal 17797179, 19585829 0,408 Q2 24 7 81 168 71 76 1,06 24 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2006-2019 Mechanical Engineering (Q2); Mechanics of Materials (Q2); Modeling and Simulation (Q3)
12240 21100790713 European Journal of Contemporary Education journal 23049650, 23056746 0,378 Q2 9 60 197 1778 231 197 1,24 29,63 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Academic Publishing House Researcher 2016-2019 Education (Q2)      
6930 24635 European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care journal 14730782, 13625187 0,703 Q2 43 80 235 2425 369 202 1,62 30,31 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2); Reproductive Medicine (Q2)
4192 25406 European Journal of Control journal 9473580 1,022 Q1 59 91 141 3191 312 137 2,12 35,07 France Western Europe Lavoisier 1995-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
15476 5700168058 European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice journal 15718174, 09289569 0,269 Q2 16 16 49 773 36 46 1,1 48,31 Netherlands Western Europe Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1993-2000, 2002-2019 Law (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
3211 5600157637 European Journal of Criminology journal 14773708 1,208 Q1 48 99 138 6369 332 113 2,51 64,33 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2004-2020 Law (Q1)        
6099 21100870605 European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology journal 23254815, 23254823 0,781 Q1 8 21 60 1093 83 48 1,44 52,05 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2014-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
7140 300147008 European Journal of Cultural Studies journal 13675494 0,684 Q1 42 87 148 4402 244 132 1,85 50,6 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1998-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Education (Q2)
12222 25013 European Journal of Dental Education journal 16000579, 13965883 0,379 Q2 38 81 236 2754 276 219 1,24 34 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1997-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Education (Q2)
10075 19900191833 European Journal of Dentistry journal 13057464, 13057456 0,484 Q2 26 102 300 3300 434 295 1,29 32,35 Turkey Middle East Georg Thieme Verlag 2009, 2011-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
8496 24793 European Journal of Dermatology journal 11671122 0,583 Q2 68 212 750 3527 592 246 2,03 16,64 France Western Europe John Libbey Eurotext 1993-2019 Dermatology (Q2)      
10092 14175 European Journal of Development Research journal 17439728, 09578811 0,483 Q2 44 93 162 4819 309 152 2,31 51,82 United Kingdom Western Europe Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1989-2020 Development (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
4850 17900156741 European Journal of Developmental Psychology journal 17405610, 17405629 0,926 Q1 31 69 158 2733 326 143 2,29 39,61 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2006-2007, 2009-2020 Social Psychology (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
9498 21328 European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics journal 21070180, 03787966 0,517 Q3 36 82 259 3232 450 248 1,94 39,41 France Western Europe Springer Paris 1976-2020 Pharmacology (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
22374 5700166475 European Journal of East Asian Studies journal 15700615, 15680584 0,142 Q2 11 9 41 456 10 35 0,32 50,67 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2001, 2007-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Development (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
14701 21100871687 European Journal of Ecology journal 13398474 0,291 Q3 6 16 49 783 47 49 0,85 48,94 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2015-2020 Ecology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
5896 21100842566 European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention journal 20527764, 20527772 0,802 Q2 13 26 75 857 55 65 0,95 32,96 United Kingdom Western Europe Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 2004-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Finance (Q2)
10514 100147342 European Journal of Education journal 14653435, 01418211 0,462 Q2 39 38 149 1445 224 131 1,77 38,03 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005-2020 Education (Q2)      
15429 21100896874 European Journal of Educational Research journal 21658714 0,27 Q3 5 104 88 4749 107 88 1,22 45,66 Netherlands Western Europe Eurasian Society of Educational Research 2018-2020 Education (Q3)      
23604 21100200821 European Journal of Electrical Engineering journal 21033641, 21167109 0,129 Q4 6 72 91 1530 21 88 0,27 21,25 United Kingdom Western Europe Lavoisier 2009-2014, 2016-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
6439 29694 European Journal of Emergency Medicine journal 14735695, 09699546 0,749 Q1 43 86 269 1446 428 219 2,22 16,81 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1994-2020 Emergency Medicine (Q1)    
1454 26082 European Journal of Endocrinology journal 1479683X, 08044643 1,891 Q1 141 191 570 9397 3107 556 5,44 49,2 United Kingdom Western Europe BioScientifica Ltd. 1994-2020 Endocrinology (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6945 11300153314 European Journal of Engineering Education journal 03043797, 14695898 0,702 Q1 41 90 208 4694 478 199 2,36 52,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1975-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Education (Q2)
15477 5800207563 European Journal of English Studies journal 13825577 0,269 Q1 9 21 69 778 25 59 0,25 37,05 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2008, 2010-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
9874 20316 European Journal of Entomology journal 12105759, 18028829 0,495 Q2 54 25 212 1457 240 202 1,18 58,28 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Academy of Sciences 1993-2019 Insect Science (Q2)      
9100 20500195101 European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering journal 21167214, 19648189 0,544 Q2 27 261 409 10529 688 258 2,74 40,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Environmental Engineering (Q2)
17959 21100818734 European Journal of Environmental Sciences journal 23361964, 18050174 0,21 Q3 3 7 39 206 24 39 0,65 29,43 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Charles University in Prague 2016-2019 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q3); Pollution (Q3); Ecology (Q4)
517 13213 European Journal of Epidemiology journal 03932990, 15737284 3,466 Q1 105 141 366 5362 2410 298 7,64 38,03 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1985-2001, 2003-2020 Epidemiology (Q1)      
10278 14971 European Journal of Finance journal 1351847X, 14664364 0,474 Q1 31 104 222 4997 328 215 1,5 48,05 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1995-1996, 1998, 2000-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1)
5936 50088 European Journal of Forest Research journal 16124677, 16124669 0,798 Q1 58 91 230 6252 622 228 2,46 68,7 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1996-1997, 2002, 2004-2020 Forestry (Q1); Plant Science (Q1)  
14454 21100850750 European Journal of Futures Research journal 21952248, 21954194 0,298 Q2 4 7 41 534 48 41 1,17 76,29 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2017-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q3); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q3)
5024 28310 European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology journal 0954691X, 14735687 0,904 Q2 100 266 730 7097 1529 649 2,32 26,68 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1989-2020 Gastroenterology (Q2); Hepatology (Q2)  
18225 21100791268 European Journal of General Dentistry journal 23204753, 22789626 0,205 Q3 4 15 61 461 25 59 0,47 30,73 India Asiatic Region Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 2016-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
6221 13214 European Journal of General Practice journal 13814788, 17511402 0,769 Q1 28 37 125 944 261 107 2,77 25,51 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1995-2020 Family Practice (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
15363 21100301417 European Journal of Geography journal 17921341 0,272 Q3 7 21 106 660 72 106 0,64 31,43 Belgium Western Europe EUROGEO - The European Association of Geographers 2010-2011, 2014-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
23037 21100444329 European Journal of Government and Economics journal 22547088 0,135 Q4 6 11 27 539 10 26 0,47 49 Switzerland Western Europe University of Coruna, Faculty of Economics and Business 2012-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Public Administration (Q4)
20280 29764 European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology journal 3922936 0,171 Q3 44 133 590 3147 184 588 0,18 23,66 Canada Northern America S.O.G. CANADA Inc. 1980-2019 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q3); Oncology (Q4)
4738 25948 European Journal of Haematology journal 16000609, 09024441 0,941 Q1 80 145 523 4928 1167 489 2,3 33,99 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1972, 1986-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Hematology (Q2)
4588 13217 European Journal of Health Economics journal 16187598, 14396637 0,962 Q1 50 136 310 6025 738 278 2,54 44,3 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2002-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Health Policy (Q1)
21337 13220 European Journal of Health Law journal 09290273, 15718093 0,156 Q3 20 24 110 461 37 105 0,34 19,21 Netherlands Western Europe Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1994-2020 Law (Q3); Health Policy (Q4)    
10540 17700156001 European Journal of Health Psychology journal 9438149 0,461 Q2 12 0 19 0 28 17 3,33 0 Germany Western Europe Hogrefe Publishing 2008-2016, 2018 Health (social science) (Q2); Social Psychology (Q2); Applied Psychology (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
240 23188 European Journal of Heart Failure journal 13889842, 18790844 5,556 Q1 127 288 808 7524 5349 437 10,72 26,13 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1999-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1)
6867 21100863103 European Journal of Higher Education journal 21568235, 21568243 0,709 Q2 13 31 89 1556 167 80 1,7 50,19 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2011-2020 Education (Q2)      
9759 17461 European Journal of Histochemistry journal 1121760X, 20388306 0,502 Q2 40 37 134 1183 238 132 2,15 31,97 Italy Western Europe PagePress Publications 1992-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Biophysics (Q3); Histology (Q3); Cell Biology (Q4)
11656 85975 European Journal of Horticultural Science journal 16114426 0,405 Q2 27 42 115 1518 173 115 1,27 36,14 Germany Western Europe Verlag Eugen Ulmer 2003-2020 Horticulture (Q2)      
14964 21100223537 European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice journal 20479956, 20479964 0,283 Q2 12 155 288 3191 149 200 0,84 20,59 Belgium Western Europe European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) 2012-2020 Pharmacy (Q2)      
1676 22101 European Journal of Human Genetics journal 10184813, 14765438 1,764 Q1 122 244 787 7628 2602 711 3,46 31,26 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 1993-2020 Genetics (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1)  
18108 21100838187 European Journal of Humour Research journal 2307700X 0,207 Q2 2 33 72 1544 18 60 0,3 46,79 Poland Eastern Europe 2017-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2); Communication (Q3); Applied Psychology (Q4)
1181 20779 European Journal of Immunology journal 00142980, 15214141 2,124 Q1 194 197 685 9953 2566 601 4,18 50,52 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 1971-2020 Immunology (Q1); Immunology and Allergy (Q1)
8448 11200153401 European Journal of Industrial Engineering journal 17515254, 17515262 0,586 Q1 24 30 102 1047 175 101 1,52 34,9 United Kingdom Western Europe Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. 2008-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1)
11523 18961 European Journal of Industrial Relations journal 14617129, 09596801 0,411 Q2 41 45 85 1890 119 73 1,39 42 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1995-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q2); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q2); Strategy and Management (Q2)
18679 56321 European Journal of Inflammation journal 1721727X 0,197 Q4 20 86 69 1354 41 60 0,59 15,74 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2004-2019 Immunology (Q4); Immunology and Allergy (Q4)
1062 15074 European Journal of Information Systems journal 0960085X, 14769344 2,26 Q1 103 36 101 3217 505 95 3,85 89,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1995-2020 Information Systems (Q1); Information Systems and Management (Q1); Library and Information Sciences (Q1); Management Information Systems (Q1)
7201 144961 European Journal of Innovation Management journal 14601060 0,678 Q2 57 89 91 8089 353 90 4,05 90,89 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1998-2020 Management of Technology and Innovation (Q2)
7035 25256 European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry journal 10990682, 14341948 0,693 Q1 132 679 2037 40247 4831 1896 2,56 59,27 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 1975, 1980-1981, 1983, 1998-2020 Inorganic Chemistry (Q1)    
16141 17300154952 European Journal of Integrative Medicine journal 18763820, 18763839 0,251 Q2 20 121 393 5288 421 385 0,96 43,7 Germany Western Europe Elsevier GmbH 2008-2020 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q2)
4222 26617 European Journal of Internal Medicine journal 09536205, 18790828 1,017 Q2 65 298 938 7623 1951 556 3,58 25,58 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1989-2020 Internal Medicine (Q2)    
10649 145598 European Journal of International Law journal 09385428, 14643596 0,455 Q1 56 29 173 1925 170 157 1,07 66,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2005-2019 Law (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
6396 17200154705 European Journal of International Management journal 17516757, 17516765 0,753 Q1 22 41 103 2872 305 99 3,38 70,05 United Kingdom Western Europe Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. 2009-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Education (Q1); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q2)
1048 24592 European Journal of International Relations journal 13540661 2,279 Q1 83 86 108 7892 414 107 3,64 91,77 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 1995-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
6418 21100904307 European Journal of International Security journal 20575637, 20575645 0,751 Q1 7 19 46 1859 88 44 1,72 97,84 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2016-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Safety Research (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
28691 16800154749 European Journal of Jewish Studies journal 10259996, 1872471X 0,101 Q3 5 10 23 481 2 22 0,07 48,1 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)
14899 21100824889 European Journal of Language Policy journal 17576830, 17576822 0,285 Q2 3 16 47 604 18 43 0,55 37,75 United Kingdom Western Europe Liverpool University Press 2016-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
10590 20750 European Journal of Law and Economics journal 09291261, 15729990 0,458 Q1 28 40 136 1883 121 129 0,82 47,08 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1994-2020 Law (Q1); Business and International Management (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
16443 21100850516 European Journal of Legal Studies journal 19732937 0,243 Q2 2 6 26 0 10 25 0,4 0 Italy Western Europe European University Institute, Law Department 2017-2019 Law (Q2)        
7302 12921 European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology journal 14389312, 14387697 0,669 Q1 88 162 603 6949 1351 583 2,25 42,9 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 2000-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Biotechnology (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Food Science (Q2)
27530 26084 European Journal of Lymphology and Related Problems journal 7785569 0,104 Q4 6 0 7 0 1 7 0,14 0 Belgium Western Europe European Group of Lymphology 1992-1993, 1995, 1997, 1999-2000, 2002-2006, 2008-2012, 2014-2015, 2017 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4)
7716 21100778661 European Journal of Management and Business Economics journal 24448451 0,639 Q1 11 18 58 1478 172 56 3,27 82,11 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2016-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Finance (Q2); Marketing (Q2); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q2); Strategy and Management (Q2); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q2)
4121 22199 European Journal of Marketing journal 3090566 1,033 Q1 91 123 333 9648 1009 320 2,94 78,44 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1967-1990, 2001, 2005-2020 Marketing (Q1)      
15068 23993 European Journal of Mass Spectrometry journal 17516838, 14690667 0,28 Q3 42 56 151 1252 154 141 1,26 22,36 United Kingdom Western Europe I M Publications 1996-2020 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Spectroscopy (Q4)
7084 21100446931 European Journal of Mathematics journal 2199675X, 21996768 0,689 Q2 6 122 179 2788 110 176 0,66 22,85 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
2883 13877 European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids journal 9977538 1,295 Q1 83 219 413 10121 1703 411 4,27 46,21 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1990-1992, 1995-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Mathematical Physics (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
8032 13878 European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids journal 9977546 0,615 Q2 64 178 423 6327 972 414 2,44 35,54 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1990-1992, 1995-2020 Mathematical Physics (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
5269 130005 European Journal of Medical Genetics journal 18780849, 17697212 0,874 Q1 51 176 369 4495 769 348 2,33 25,54 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson SAS 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Genetics (Q2); Genetics (clinical) (Q3)
9123 13221 European Journal of Medical Research journal 2047783X, 09492321 0,543 Q2 55 39 165 1054 303 152 1,85 27,03 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 1995-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
3505 17464 European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry journal 02235234, 17683254 1,144 Q1 151 969 2631 64079 14524 2613 5,75 66,13 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson SAS 1974-2020 Drug Discovery (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Organic Chemistry (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1)
21182 19700175063 European Journal of Mental Health journal 17887119, 17884934 0,158 Q4 8 11 37 530 16 36 0,26 48,18 Hungary Eastern Europe Semmelweis University Inistitute of Mental Health 2008-2019 Health (social science) (Q4); Psychiatric Mental Health (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
19797 26216 European Journal of Migration and Law journal 1388364X, 15718166 0,179 Q3 28 17 59 752 48 59 0,74 44,24 Netherlands Western Europe Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1999-2020 Demography (Q3); Law (Q3)    
6280 19652 European Journal of Mineralogy journal 16174011, 09351221 0,763 Q2 67 75 297 3292 420 282 1,44 43,89 Germany Western Europe Copernicus GmbH 1989-2020 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q2)  
21642 21100863640 European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine journal 25158260 0,152 Q4 1 0 9 0 3 9 0,33 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Ubiquity Press 2018 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q4); Cell Biology (Q4); Genetics (Q4); Immunology (Q4); Microbiology (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4); Molecular Medicine (Q4)
18782 19700201523 European Journal of Nanomedicine journal 16625986, 1662596X 0,195 Q3 15 0 39 0 29 33 1,09 0 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2008-2010, 2012-2017 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Bioengineering (Q4); Biomedical Engineering (Q4); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q4)
1772 15549 European Journal of Neurology journal 14681331, 13515101 1,703 Q1 117 253 828 5942 2720 607 4,57 23,49 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1994-2020 Neurology (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1)
2587 15550 European Journal of Neuroscience journal 14609568, 0953816X 1,376 Q2 199 395 891 30721 2429 803 3,05 77,77 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1989-2020 Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
1190 16676 European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging journal 16197089, 16197070 2,117 Q1 160 395 914 13738 4718 726 6,69 34,78 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1)
3063 12539 European Journal of Nutrition journal 14366215, 14366207 1,244 Q1 90 470 754 23372 3338 712 4,63 49,73 Germany Western Europe D. Steinkopff-Verlag 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1)
30345 21100898536 European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology: X journal 25901613   - 1 76 0 2279 0 0 0 29,99 Ireland Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 2019-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology; Reproductive Medicine
5897 12681 European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology journal 00282243, 18727654, 03012115 0,802 Q2 95 432 1424 11021 2603 1143 2,14 25,51 Ireland Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1971-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q2); Reproductive Medicine (Q2)
26712 29765 European Journal of Oncology journal 11286598 0,108 Q4 9 0 78 0 9 75 0,09 0 Italy Western Europe Mattioli 1885 S.p.A. 2002-2018 Oncology (Q4)      
6397 27684 European Journal of Oncology Nursing journal 15322122, 14623889 0,753 Q2 53 105 268 4198 629 261 2,18 39,98 United States Northern America Churchill Livingstone 1998-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Oncology (nursing) (Q2)
25303 19700174992 European Journal of Oncology Pharmacy journal 17833914 0,117 Q4 3 8 13 189 2 8 0,25 23,63 Belgium Western Europe Pharma Publishing and Media Europe 2008-2015, 2017-2019 Oncology (Q4); Pharmacology (Q4)  
987 22489 European Journal of Operational Research journal 3772217 2,364 Q1 243 717 2111 34273 12536 2083 5,65 47,8 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1977-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Information Systems and Management (Q1); Management Science and Operations Research (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1)
6195 13864 European Journal of Ophthalmology journal 17246016, 11206721 0,771 Q2 51 359 426 8489 605 376 1,65 23,65 Italy Western Europe Wichtig Publishing Srl 1991-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Ophthalmology (Q2)
6650 25025 European Journal of Oral Sciences journal 09098836, 16000722 0,729 Q1 88 74 219 2955 492 207 2,42 39,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Blackwell Munksgaard 1970-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
5370 25853 European Journal of Organic Chemistry journal 10990690, 1434193X 0,863 Q1 150 934 2459 58966 6859 2416 2,94 63,13 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 1998-2020 Organic Chemistry (Q1); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q1)
28085 6600153205 European Journal of Oriental Medicine journal 13516647 0,102 Q4 4 0 14 0 0 12 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe British Acupuncture Council 2006-2014, 2017 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q4)
3581 25026 European Journal of Orthodontics journal 14602210, 01415387 1,128 Q1 78 86 281 2602 571 259 2,08 30,26 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1979-2020 Orthodontics (Q1)      
7162 29696 European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology journal 14321068, 16338065 0,681 Q2 27 283 500 7733 781 473 1,55 27,33 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1995-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Surgery (Q2)
10564 25027 European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry journal 1591996X, 2035648X 0,46 Q2 31 60 186 1692 279 170 1,56 28,2 Italy Western Europe Italian Society of Paediatric Dentistry 2001-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2)
5076 14991 European Journal of Paediatric Neurology journal 15322130, 10903798 0,898 Q1 61 119 483 3737 1014 395 2,61 31,4 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1997-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q2)
3188 13222 European Journal of Pain journal 10903801, 15322149 1,214 Q1 104 177 514 8160 1778 480 3,62 46,1 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1997-2020 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
21421 4700152772 European Journal of Palliative Care journal 13522779, 14790793 0,155 Q3 14 0 173 0 35 90 0,2 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Hayward Medical Communications 2006-2009, 2017-2018 Medical and Surgical Nursing (Q3); Oncology (nursing) (Q4)
27282 19700174811 European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences journal 9644679 0,105 Q4 5 0 18 0 1 11 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Euromed Communications 2010-2016, 2018 Pharmaceutical Science (Q4); Pharmacy (Q4)
21183 24795 European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology journal 11227672 0,158 Q4 9 60 222 423 13 99 0,2 7,05 Italy Western Europe Dermatologia Pediatrica 1994-2019 Dermatology (Q4); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4)
8636 21114 European Journal of Pediatric Surgery journal 09397248, 1439359X 0,574 Q2 46 79 251 2686 369 235 1,73 34 Germany Western Europe Thieme Medical Publishers Inc. 1980-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2); Surgery (Q2)
4936 15006 European Journal of Pediatrics journal 03406199, 14321076 0,913 Q1 91 205 653 5958 1544 588 2,59 29,06 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1975-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1)
811 14105 European Journal of Personality journal 08902070, 10990984 2,67 Q1 79 38 157 3610 524 109 4,68 95 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1987-2020 Social Psychology (Q1)    
5898 21331 European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences journal 18790720, 09280987 0,802 Q1 128 343 1335 16716 5128 1318 3,8 48,73 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1993-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q1)    
3944 21332 European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics journal 18733441, 09396411 1,059 Q1 150 268 847 14721 4179 831 4,85 54,93 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1991-2020 Biotechnology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmaceutical Science (Q1)
4421 21333 European Journal of Pharmacology journal 00142999, 18790712 0,988 Q1 174 691 1699 35502 5731 1677 3,35 51,38 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1967-2020 Pharmacology (Q1)      
8480 5600155103 European Journal of Philosophy journal 9668373 0,584 Q1 33 92 219 3143 124 208 0,5 34,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1993-2020 Philosophy (Q1)      
5690 18021 European Journal of Phycology journal 14694433, 09670262 0,826 Q1 68 55 126 3345 350 122 3,1 60,82 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1993-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Plant Science (Q1)  
5661 11700154353 European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine journal 19739095, 19739087 0,83 Q1 53 109 332 3912 717 302 2,42 35,89 Italy Western Europe Edizioni Minerva Medica S.p.A. 2008-2020 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q1); Rehabilitation (Q1)
11014 27536 European Journal of Physics journal 1430807 0,437 Q2 41 179 682 4313 559 661 0,84 24,09 United Kingdom Western Europe IOP Publishing Ltd. 1980-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
18961 21100235634 European Journal of Physiotherapy journal 21679177, 21679169 0,192 Q4 7 83 110 3259 51 96 0,44 39,27 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 2013-2020 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q4)
7184 18024 European Journal of Plant Pathology journal 09291873, 15738469 0,679 Q1 88 328 788 14113 1395 762 1,67 43,03 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1994-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Horticulture (Q1); Plant Science (Q2)
18277 21128 European Journal of Plastic Surgery journal 0930343X, 14350130 0,204 Q3 21 117 310 2601 120 275 0,43 22,23 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1986-2020 Surgery (Q3)      
3691 64461 European Journal of Political Economy journal 1762680 1,107 Q1 76 101 189 5212 472 183 2,12 51,6 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1985-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
544 18437 European Journal of Political Research journal 03044130, 14756765 3,327 Q1 90 85 143 5701 698 140 4,06 67,07 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1973-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q1)  
5754 4100151709 European Journal of Political Theory journal 17412730, 14748851 0,819 Q1 29 69 107 2783 101 84 1,42 40,33 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 2002-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
3204 29536 European Journal of Population journal 15729885, 01686577 1,21 Q1 47 59 91 3883 233 86 2,24 65,81 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1985-2020 Demography (Q1)      
28086 21100834912 European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies journal 20397895 0,102 Q4 1 0 16 0 1 15 0,07 0 Italy Western Europe Societa Archeologica srl 2017 Archeology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4)
30346 21100942847 European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy journal 20364091   - 1 24 0 1199 0 0 0 49,96 Italy Western Europe Associazone culturale Pragma 2019 Applied Psychology; Philosophy; Sociology and Political Science
2338 21100211738 European Journal of Preventive Cardiology journal 20474881, 20474873 1,459 Q1 94 612 858 14585 3364 563 5,98 23,83 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1999-2000, 2003-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Epidemiology (Q2)
12555 21100208060 European Journal of Probation journal 20662203 0,365 Q2 16 13 41 580 28 36 0,84 44,62 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2009-2020 Law (Q2)        
10258 25029 European journal of prosthodontics and restorative dentistry, The journal 9657452 0,475 Q2 25 22 78 0 91 77 1,2 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Dennis Barber Ltd. 1992-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
4776 13882 European Journal of Protistology journal 09324739, 16180429 0,936 Q2 46 49 197 2475 454 193 2,43 50,51 Germany Western Europe Urban und Fischer Verlag GmbH und Co. KG 1987-2020 Microbiology (Q2)      
12498 15553 European Journal of Psychiatry journal 02136163, 23404469 0,367 Q3 22 25 75 915 76 72 0,73 36,6 Spain Western Europe Elsevier Espana 1987-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)  
6281 14107 European Journal of Psychological Assessment journal 21512426, 10155759 0,763 Q2 59 140 149 5616 279 136 1,89 40,11 United States Northern America Hogrefe Publishing 1996-2020 Applied Psychology (Q2)    
3287 21100201725 European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context journal 19894007, 18891861 1,192 Q1 18 10 32 659 142 32 4,57 65,9 Spain Western Europe Sociedad Espanola de Psicologia Juridica y Forense 2009-2020 Applied Psychology (Q1); Law (Q1)  
5575 28874 European Journal of Psychology of Education journal 18785174, 02562928 0,839 Q1 48 72 116 4766 212 110 1,75 66,19 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1986-2020 Education (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
22147 19900191978 European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling journal 14695901, 13642537 0,145 Q4 11 21 80 449 25 67 0,34 21,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2019 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
2829 21100394256 European Journal of Psychotraumatology journal 20008066 1,311 Q1 34 131 188 7032 697 167 3,86 53,68 Sweden Western Europe Co-Action Publishing 2015-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)  
4011 20733 European Journal of Public Health journal 1464360X, 11011262 1,048 Q1 85 223 724 6619 1649 650 2,29 29,68 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1991-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
3821 16677 European Journal of Radiology journal 18727727, 0720048X 1,082 Q1 109 358 1088 11342 3289 1041 2,8 31,68 Ireland Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1981-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1)
9452 21100369845 European Journal of Radiology Open journal 23520477 0,52 Q2 12 60 107 1382 175 104 1,34 23,03 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2014-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2)
5879 21100205502 European Journal of Remote Sensing journal 11298596, 22797254 0,804 Q1 25 108 190 4521 618 184 3,68 41,86 Italy Western Europe Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento 2012-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q2); Atmospheric Science (Q2); Computers in Earth Sciences (Q2)
14316 21100285725 European Journal of Risk Regulation journal 21908249, 1867299X 0,302 Q2 15 48 215 1501 125 200 0,47 31,27 Germany Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2010-2019 Law (Q2); Safety Research (Q3)  
29624 21100204306 European Journal of Scandinavian Studies journal 21919402, 21919399 0,1 Q4 1 20 51 602 1 51 0,03 30,1 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2010-2019 Cultural Studies (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
12943 19400157273 European Journal of Science and Theology journal 18410464, 18428517 0,35 Q1 15 105 372 2507 201 361 0,66 23,88 Romania Eastern Europe ACAD Organisation 2008-2020 Multidisciplinary (Q1); Religious Studies (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); History and Philosophy of Science (Q2)
2513 14117 European Journal of Social Psychology journal 10990992, 00462772 1,401 Q1 106 125 240 8840 663 227 2,96 70,72 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1971-2020 Social Psychology (Q1)    
13010 21100924769 European Journal of Social Security journal 23992948, 13882627 0,347 Q2 13 23 64 450 41 55 0,92 19,57 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2002-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Public Administration (Q3)
3310 300147001 European Journal of Social Theory journal 13684310 1,188 Q1 56 45 93 2576 214 81 2,77 57,24 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1998-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q1)  
6742 5600153659 European Journal of Social Work journal 13691457 0,721 Q1 21 140 231 6410 333 205 1,57 45,79 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Social Work (Q2)
4921 14648 European Journal of Soil Biology journal 11645563 0,915 Q1 67 46 222 2195 672 222 2,51 47,72 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson SAS 1993-2020 Insect Science (Q1); Soil Science (Q1); Microbiology (Q2)
2981 36209 European Journal of Soil Science journal 13510754, 13652389 1,267 Q1 104 168 283 7848 1013 259 4,08 46,71 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1994-2020 Soil Science (Q1)      
9421 12600154786 European Journal of Spatial Development journal 16509544 0,522 Q2 9 1 11 106 27 11 1,33 106 Sweden Western Europe Nordregio 2008-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Urban Studies (Q2)
6369 22053 European Journal of Special Needs Education journal 08856257, 1469591X 0,755 Q1 41 73 132 2945 238 114 1,94 40,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1986-2020 Education (Q1); Health Professions (miscellaneous) (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
3594 5800207375 European Journal of Sport Science journal 17461391 1,125 Q1 47 236 463 9288 1366 452 3,01 39,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2001-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q1); Sports Science (Q1)
2550 29767 European Journal of Surgical Oncology journal 15322157, 07487983 1,389 Q1 95 435 893 13804 3146 780 4,04 31,73 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1985-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Oncology (Q1); Surgery (Q1)
8449 21100812850 European Journal of Taxonomy journal 21189773 0,586 Q2 12 91 304 4170 385 302 1,39 45,82 France Western Europe Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 2015-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
2707 28879 European Journal of Teacher Education journal 14695928, 02619768 1,343 Q1 37 50 135 2404 341 117 2,93 48,08 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1982-2020 Education (Q1)      
10908 28509 European Journal of the History of Economic Thought journal 14695936, 09672567 0,442 Q1 20 52 149 3398 75 136 0,46 65,35 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1993-2020 History and Philosophy of Science (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2)
28692 21100206009 European Journal of Theology journal 9602720 0,101 Q4 2 0 46 0 3 41 0,07 0 United Kingdom Western Europe BPCC Wheatons Ltd 2011-2018 Religious Studies (Q4)    
14135 20500195207 European Journal of Tourism Research journal 13140817, 19947658 0,308 Q3 14 43 127 1935 129 103 1,14 45 Bulgaria Eastern Europe 2008-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q3)
12280 21100203911 European Journal of Training and Development journal 20469012, 20469020 0,376 Q2 53 57 116 4133 208 114 1,72 72,51 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2012-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Education (Q2); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q3)
16740 21100873619 European Journal of Translational Myology journal 20377460, 20377452 0,236 Q3 5 33 35 1292 48 34 1,41 39,15 Italy Western Europe PagePress Publications 2018-2019 Neurology (clinical) (Q3); Cell Biology (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4)
6091 11900154359 European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research journal 15677141 0,782 Q1 23 11 103 611 175 97 1,29 55,55 Netherlands Western Europe Delft University of Technology 2008-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1); Transportation (Q2)
8435 5300152611 European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery journal 18639933, 18639941 0,587 Q2 30 325 394 9382 752 324 2,21 28,87 Germany Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2007-2020 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q2); Emergency Medicine (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Surgery (Q2)
1907 23198 European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery journal 15322165, 10785884 1,634 Q1 114 398 1020 8622 2560 684 4,09 21,66 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1995-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Surgery (Q1)
7793 101700 European Journal of Wildlife Research journal 16124642 0,632 Q2 44 100 269 5652 417 268 1,44 56,52 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1996-2002, 2004-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2)
7214 23134 European Journal of Women's Studies journal 13505068, 14617420 0,677 Q1 41 39 93 1744 155 75 2,66 44,72 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1994-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Gender Studies (Q1)
7948 24993 European Journal of Wood and Wood Products journal 1436736X, 00183768 0,621 Q1 54 113 396 4257 782 390 1,65 37,67 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1937-1944, 1951-2020 Forestry (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
1578 4700152304 European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology journal 1359432X 1,809 Q1 61 78 201 6912 786 190 3,7 88,62 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2005-2020 Applied Psychology (Q1); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q1)
9231 145568 European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research journal 9281371 0,535 Q1 30 50 100 2808 177 94 1,98 56,16 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1993-2001, 2004-2020 Law (Q1)        
28087 16200154750 European Joyce Studies book series 18757340, 09239855 0,102 Q3 3 0 29 0 0 14 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Editions Rodopi B.V. 2002-2005, 2009, 2011-2014, 2016 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)  
29625 21100844825 European Judaism journal 00143006, 17522323 0,1 Q4 1 27 79 426 3 71 0,04 15,78 United States Northern America Berghahn Journals 2017-2019 Applied Psychology (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Philosophy (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)
7886 5600155948 European Law Journal journal 14680386, 13515993 0,625 Q1 51 47 112 230 136 100 1,29 4,89 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1995-2020 Law (Q1)        
11288 16291 European Law Review journal 3075400 0,423 Q2 19 8 166 387 65 149 0,46 48,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. 1995, 2008-2019 Law (Q2)        
20906 5600153136 European Legacy journal 14701316, 10848770 0,162 Q2 6 52 153 1634 24 130 0,14 31,42 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2001-2002, 2009-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Philosophy (Q2)
2836 22491 European Management Journal journal 2632373 1,308 Q1 99 85 196 7125 991 189 3,76 83,82 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1982-2020 Strategy and Management (Q1)  
8450 17700156774 European Management Review journal 17404762, 17404754 0,586 Q2 29 102 92 8649 197 78 2,19 84,79 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2009-2020 Business and International Management (Q2); Strategy and Management (Q2)
28693 16300154780 European Medieval Drama journal 13782274, 20310064 0,101 Q3 3 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 Belgium Western Europe Brepols Publishers 2002-2009, 2011-2017 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)  
13778 21100305329 European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy book series 14172917 0,32 Q3 15 13 54 1649 62 48 1,29 126,85 United States Northern America Mineralogical Society of America 2010-2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q3)  
25204 21100199118 European Neurological Review journal 17583837, 17583845 0,118 Q4 10 11 109 357 16 78 0,2 32,45 United Kingdom Western Europe 2009-2019 Neurology (Q4); Neurology (clinical) (Q4)
10692 15575 European Neurology journal 14219913, 00143022 0,453 Q3 74 88 284 2328 344 234 1,41 26,45 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1897-2020 Neurology (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q3)
1872 15576 European Neuropsychopharmacology journal 0924977X, 18737862 1,652 Q1 107 136 448 8085 1818 418 3,85 59,45 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1990-2020 Neurology (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1); Biological Psychiatry (Q2)
22654 21100207641 European Oncology and Haematology journal 20455275, 20455283 0,139 Q4 6 16 64 528 13 35 0,39 33 United Kingdom Western Europe Touch Digital Media 2012-2019 Hematology (Q4); Oncology (Q4)  
23510 21100804474 European Pharmaceutical Journal journal 24536725 0,13 Q3 5 9 43 156 33 40 0,77 17,33 Germany Western Europe de Gruyter 2016-2020 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q3)
23605 19700174925 European Pharmaceutical Review trade journal 13608606 0,129 Q3 7 27 175 157 16 175 0,09 5,81 United Kingdom Western Europe Russell Publishing LLC 2009-2019 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q3); Biochemistry (Q4); Biophysics (Q4); Biotechnology (Q4); Molecular Medicine (Q4)
4922 5800228211 European Physical Education Review journal 1356336X, 17412749 0,915 Q1 42 98 85 5315 225 83 2,67 54,23 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1995-2020 Education (Q1); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q1); Sports Science (Q2)
4404 28969 European Physical Journal A journal 1434601X, 14346001 0,991 Q1 89 247 857 16125 2048 801 2,3 65,28 United States Northern America Springer New York 1998-2020 Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Q1)  
10575 27542 European Physical Journal B journal 14346028, 14346036 0,459 Q2 120 279 856 12033 1179 840 1,4 43,13 Germany Western Europe Springer New York 1998-2020 Condensed Matter Physics (Q2); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q2)
1680 27545 European Physical Journal C journal 14346052, 14346044 1,763 Q1 167 1038 2648 60604 11523 2545 4,55 58,39 Germany Western Europe Springer New York 1998-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
11194 27549 European Physical Journal D journal 14346060 0,427 Q3 81 267 837 10422 1121 811 1,4 39,03 United States Northern America Springer New York 1998-2020 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q3)
8869 27550 European Physical Journal E journal 12928941, 1292895X 0,559 Q2 88 159 398 7123 721 388 1,86 44,8 United States Northern America Springer New York 2000-2020 Biotechnology (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Surfaces and Interfaces (Q2); Biophysics (Q3)
9453 21100199757 European Physical Journal H journal 21026467, 21026459 0,52 Q2 19 15 49 1369 49 48 1,11 91,27 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2010-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
7990 21100201754 European Physical Journal Plus journal 21905444 0,618 Q2 46 617 1535 27087 4626 1490 3,46 43,9 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2011-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
8526 5600152816 European Physical Journal: Special Topics journal 19516355, 19516401 0,581 Q2 70 219 620 10576 1074 585 1,72 48,29 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2007-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
4648 13279 European Planning Studies journal 09654313, 14695944 0,953 Q1 75 182 365 11531 1045 345 2,74 63,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1993-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1)
6836 21100886407 European Policy Analysis journal 23806567 0,712 Q2 10 21 57 1273 94 45 2,1 60,62 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2015-2020 Health Policy (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Public Administration (Q2)
10292 5700160310 European Political Science journal 16820983, 16804333 0,473 Q2 20 58 122 2149 114 111 1,25 37,05 United Kingdom Western Europe Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 2005, 2008-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
1844 21100264650 European Political Science Review journal 17557739, 17557747 1,663 Q1 30 29 80 1746 218 75 3,09 60,21 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2009-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
11000 21100403126 European Politics and Society journal 23745126, 23745118 0,438 Q2 21 53 118 2946 126 107 0,83 55,58 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2014-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
5362 25854 European Polymer Journal journal 143057 0,864 Q1 130 673 1525 37170 6384 1502 4,07 55,23 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1965-2020 Materials Chemistry (Q1); Organic Chemistry (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Polymers and Plastics (Q1)
14633 21100372631 European Poultry Science journal 16129199 0,293 Q3 9 32 138 1343 108 138 0,7 41,97 Germany Western Europe Verlag Eugen Ulmer 2014-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q3); Food Animals (Q3)
2095 15578 European Psychiatry journal 09249338, 17783585 1,551 Q1 93 113 357 5903 1396 323 4,35 52,24 France Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1991-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)  
3146 14120 European Psychologist journal 1878531X, 10169040 1,224 Q1 52 35 75 2349 236 73 3,29 67,11 United States Northern America Hogrefe Publishing 2003-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q1)
20907 21100865932 European Public Law journal 13543725, 18758207 0,162 Q3 2 0 38 0 10 34 0,29 0 Netherlands Western Europe Kluwer Law International 2018 Law (Q3)        
2032 16687 European Radiology journal 09387994, 14321084 1,579 Q1 143 776 1723 24948 7248 1657 4,41 32,15 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1991-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1)
7116 21100904743 European radiology experimental journal 25099280 0,686 Q2 7 39 73 482 171 71 2,41 12,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer Open 2017-2020 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q2)
24883 21100207004 European Research in Telemedicine journal 2212764X 0,121 Q4 10 0 39 0 25 32 1,07 0 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2012-2017 Health Informatics (Q4); Health Information Management (Q4)
7690 21100465205 European Research on Management and Business Economics journal 24448834 0,641 Q1 14 22 64 1176 252 64 4,98 53,45 Spain Western Europe European Academy of Management and Business Economics 2016-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Marketing (Q2); Strategy and Management (Q2)
15280 21100216333 European Research Studies Journal journal 11082976 0,274 Q2 31 0 906 0 1030 904 1,17 0 Greece Western Europe University of Piraeus, International Strategic Management Association 2008-2018 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3)
530 18458 European Respiratory Journal journal 09031936, 13993003 3,398 Q1 229 562 1807 9112 8426 1066 7,88 16,21 United Kingdom Western Europe European Respiratory Society 1988-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q1)
1374 18476 European Respiratory Review journal 16000617, 09059180 1,95 Q1 61 75 234 5627 1172 193 6,15 75,03 United Kingdom Western Europe European Respiratory Society 1992-2002, 2004-2020 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q1)
19673 21276 European Review journal 10627987, 14740575 0,181 Q3 24 44 183 1294 79 173 0,48 29,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1993-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3)
7680 13223 European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences journal 11283602, 22840729 0,642 Q2 54 1377 2798 38455 7386 2699 2,91 27,93 Italy Western Europe Verduci Editore 1979-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
5804 4700152497 European Review of Aging and Physical Activity journal 18616909, 18137253 0,812 Q2 24 23 45 1531 117 45 2,22 66,57 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2006-2020 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q2)  
3718 35510 European Review of Agricultural Economics journal 14643618, 01651587 1,102 Q1 57 19 87 1387 228 85 2,26 73 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1981-1982, 1986-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q1)
2951 28524 European Review of Economic History journal 13614916, 14740044 1,276 Q1 34 15 49 916 71 49 1,26 61,07 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1999, 2001-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); History (Q1)
22655 82562 European Review of History/Revue Europeenne d'Histoire journal 13507486, 14698293 0,139 Q2 11 53 146 3381 42 144 0,21 63,79 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1994-1998, 2001, 2009-2020 History (Q2)      
13479 26579 European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies journal 18794750, 09240608 0,329 Q1 9 11 39 691 27 39 0,59 62,82 Netherlands Western Europe Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation/Centro de Estudios y Documentacion Latinoamericanos (CEDLA) 1996, 2001, 2012-2019 History (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
964 18300156710 European Review of Social Psychology journal 10463283, 1479277X 2,403 Q1 62 7 25 995 119 25 4,22 142,14 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1990-2000, 2002-2020 Social Psychology (Q1)    
20494 16400154727 European Romantic Review journal 17404657, 10509585 0,168 Q1 11 35 144 1223 23 136 0,14 34,94 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1990-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q2)
24155 18081 European Rubber Journal trade journal 2664151 0,125 Q4 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America Crain Publishing Ltd 1973-1979, 1982-1990, 1994-1997, 2005 Polymers and Plastics (Q4)    
14287 4700153507 European Science Editing journal 2583127 0,303 Q2 10 21 94 249 30 30 1 11,86 Finland Western Europe European Association of Science Editors 2006-2019 Communication (Q2); Health Informatics (Q3)
15616 21100204301 European Signal Processing Conference conference and proceedings 22195491 0,265 - 43 503 1037 10229 997 1031 0,84 20,34 Poland Eastern Europe 22195491 Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Signal Processing
26258 21100803194 European Simulation and Modelling Conference 2016, ESM 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,111 - 3 0 77 0 20 75 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe   Automotive Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Mechanical Engineering
10419 14424 European Societies journal 14616696, 14698307 0,467 Q2 35 49 97 2576 134 86 1,38 52,57 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2005-2020 Demography (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
814 14427 European Sociological Review journal 02667215, 14682672 2,664 Q1 81 25 163 1371 552 154 2,13 54,84 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1985-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q1)  
6917 63659 European Solid-State Circuits Conference conference and proceedings 19308833 0,704 - 35 0 124 0 195 123 0 0 United States Northern America 19308833 Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Hardware and Architecture
11657 20600195636 European Solid-State Device Research Conference conference and proceedings 19308876 0,405 - 24 69 254 1027 259 251 1,16 14,88 France Western Europe 19308876 Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
28694 14448 European Space Agency Bulletin journal 3764265 0,101 Q4 12 0 24 0 0 24 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe European Space Agency 1979-1993, 1995-2017 Aerospace Engineering (Q4); Space and Planetary Science (Q4)
22077 27179 European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP conference and proceedings 3796566 0,146 - 30 0 559 0 81 552 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe European Space Agency 1979-1987, 1989-1990, 1996-1998, 2000-2016 Aerospace Engineering; Space and Planetary Science
20102 19900195042 European Spatial Research and Policy journal 12311952, 18961525 0,174 Q3 9 18 42 824 24 42 0,76 45,78 Poland Eastern Europe Lodz University Press 2009-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
2557 21129 European Spine Journal journal 09406719, 14320932 1,387 Q1 128 423 1615 11086 3764 1348 2,72 26,21 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1992-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Surgery (Q1)
5947 19700169885 European Sport Management Quarterly journal 1746031X, 16184742 0,797 Q1 29 61 101 4123 271 95 2,83 67,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Strategy and Management (Q1); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q1); Sports Science (Q2)
30347 21100944126 European State Aid Law Quarterly journal 16195272, 21908184 - 1 67 0 235 0 0 0 3,51 Germany Western Europe Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH 2019 Law        
3392 21100818712 European Stroke Journal journal 23969881, 23969873 1,169 Q1 12 45 123 1228 271 110 2,35 27,29 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2016-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1)
23038 21100322124 European Studies in Sports History book series 19998589 0,135 Q2 2 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 France Western Europe Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre 2012-2016 History (Q2); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q4)
16526 100156 European Surgery - Acta Chirurgica Austriaca journal 16824016, 16828631 0,241 Q3 19 51 184 1478 106 156 0,81 28,98 Austria Western Europe Springer-Verlag Wien 1973-1975, 2002-2020 Surgery (Q3)      
8219 21131 European Surgical Research journal 14219921, 0014312X 0,602 Q2 44 22 82 577 165 72 3,2 26,23 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1969-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Surgery (Q2)
2687 21100872100 European Thyroid Journal journal 22350640, 22350802 1,347 Q1 6 52 50 1642 208 47 4,43 31,58 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2017-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1)
22656 19900192538 European Transport - Trasporti Europei journal 18253997 0,139 Q4 18 25 82 984 20 82 0,21 39,36 Italy Western Europe Universita degli Studi di Trieste 2010-2013, 2015-2019 Automotive Engineering (Q4); Transportation (Q4)
6918 19400158557 European Transport Research Review journal 18668887, 18670717 0,704 Q1 22 50 147 2301 362 135 2,78 46,02 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2009-2020 Automotive Engineering (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Transportation (Q2)
871 1000147124 European Union Politics journal 17412757, 14651165 2,551 Q1 63 39 90 2037 305 86 3,37 52,23 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 2000-2020 Demography (Q1); Health (social science) (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
2315 26599 European Urban and Regional Studies journal 09697764, 14617145 1,468 Q1 59 39 116 2385 430 109 3,21 61,15 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1994-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1)
104 19897 European Urology journal 03022838, 1421993X 8,192 Q1 204 512 1580 8771 10592 588 17,85 17,13 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1975-2020 Urology (Q1)      
1760 21100406908 European Urology Focus journal 24054569 1,711 Q1 20 292 438 7708 1205 281 4,25 26,4 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2015-2020 Urology (Q1)      
2298 21100904922 European urology oncology journal 25889311 1,475 Q1 6 133 80 2926 153 61 2,51 22 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2018-2020 Oncology (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1); Surgery (Q1); Urology (Q1)
13202 19898 European Urology, Supplements journal 18781500, 15699056 0,339 Q3 30 0 58 0 63 49 1,18 0 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2002-2018 Urology (Q3)      
26713 21100432118 European Values Studies book series 15685926 0,108 Q3 3 0 18 0 5 3 1,67 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2017 Cultural Studies (Q3); Philosophy (Q3); Religious Studies (Q3)
11658 21100470131 European Wireless Conference 2016, EW 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,405 - 8 0 85 0 113 84 0 0 Finland Western Europe   Artificial Intelligence; Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Human-Computer Interaction; Software
23131 21100902912 European Yearbook of Minority Issues journal 15707865, 22116117 0,134 Q2 8 10 40 180 6 37 0,19 18 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2001, 2004-2005, 2008, 2010-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); Anthropology (Q3); Law (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
10663 21100826272 European Zoological Journal journal 24750263 0,454 Q2 34 43 173 3093 226 154 1,8 71,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2017-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2)  
7872 20727 Europe-Asia Studies journal 09668136, 14653427 0,626 Q1 55 75 223 5094 311 210 1,13 67,92 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1993-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); History (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
9648 19900192612 Europe's Journal of Psychology journal 18410413 0,508 Q2 18 54 154 2740 270 139 1,55 50,74 Romania Eastern Europe Europe's Journal of Psychology 2011-2020 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
6386 27551 Europhysics Letters journal 02955075, 12864854 0,754 Q2 150 486 1833 18651 3500 1799 2,01 38,38 United Kingdom Western Europe IOP Publishing Ltd. 1986-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
18498 4000151707 Europhysics News journal 5317479 0,2 Q4 14 22 69 191 29 61 0,38 8,68 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 2006-2019 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q4)
653 21872 Eurosurveillance journal 15607917, 1025496X 3,014 Q1 95 281 721 5130 3548 582 5,98 18,26 France Western Europe European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) 2001-2020 Epidemiology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Virology (Q1)
25846 15621 EUT Report, Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering book series 09298525, 09298533 0,113 Q4 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Eindhoven University of Technology 1975-1981, 1997-1998, 2000, 2002, 2004 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
4063 70397 Evaluation journal 13563890, 14617153 1,041 Q1 47 36 93 1441 196 79 1,85 40,03 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1995-2020 Development (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
8962 26602 Evaluation and Program Planning journal 01497189, 18737870 0,553 Q2 58 113 349 5204 665 337 1,94 46,05 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1978-2020 Business and International Management (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Social Psychology (Q2); Strategy and Management (Q2)
9741 13242 Evaluation and the Health Professions journal 15523918, 01632787 0,503 Q2 52 41 82 1773 137 74 1,93 43,24 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1978-2020 Health Policy (Q2)      
15430 21100886221 Evaluation Journal of Australasia journal 1035719X, 25159372 0,27 Q2 11 22 62 425 24 48 0,63 19,32 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2001-2003, 2005-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Development (Q3)
5576 26603 Evaluation Review journal 15523926, 0193841X 0,839 Q1 52 14 63 530 79 59 1,32 37,86 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1977-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
29626 5800224219 Evangelische Theologie journal 143502 0,1 Q4 4 29 135 601 4 118 0,05 20,72 Germany Western Europe Bernd Oberdorfer, University of Augsburg, Institute of Protestant Theology 2009-2020 Religious Studies (Q4)    
13088 5200152620 Event Management journal 15259951 0,344 Q2 29 65 173 4053 186 169 0,97 62,35 United States Northern America Cognizant Communication Corporation 2006-2020 Business and International Management (Q2); Marketing (Q3); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q3)
17074 21100812868 Evergreen journal 21890420 0,229 Q3 8 43 70 1186 62 61 0,96 27,58 Japan Asiatic Region Novel Carbon Resource Sciences 2014-2019 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q3); Ceramics and Composites (Q4); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q4)
9855 3900148210 Evidence and Policy journal 17442648 0,496 Q2 30 27 105 1132 145 94 1,54 41,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Policy Press 2006-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3); Physiology (Q3)
16823 21100869220 Evidence Based Care Journal journal 20082487, 2008370X 0,234 Q3 5 28 99 756 71 96 0,65 27 Iran Middle East Mashhad University of Medical Sciences 2016-2020 Health Policy (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
12579 21100199774 Evidence Based Library and Information Practice journal 1715720X 0,364 Q2 13 58 246 902 94 212 0,5 15,55 Canada Northern America University of Alberta 2011-2019 Library and Information Sciences (Q2)  
20495 16900154704 Evidence Based Midwifery journal 14794489 0,168 Q3 13 0 28 0 12 23 1 0 United Kingdom Western Europe RCM The Royal College of Midwives 2007-2012, 2014-2017 Maternity and Midwifery (Q3); Fundamentals and Skills (Q4)
20634 12100154836 Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention journal 17489539, 17489547 0,166 Q2 14 26 69 463 25 55 0,46 17,81 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 2007-2020 Linguistics and Language (Q2); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q4); Rehabilitation (Q4); Speech and Hearing (Q4)
9612 130094 Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine journal 17414288, 1741427X 0,51 Q1 80 799 2109 37213 4101 2011 1,84 46,57 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2005-2020 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q1)
21575 145166 Evidence-Based Dentistry journal 14620049, 14765446 0,153 Q4 16 66 195 330 126 62 1,78 5 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 2004-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
10463 21100446512 Evidence-based HRM journal 20493983, 20493991 0,464 Q2 9 31 58 2258 130 55 2,53 72,84 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2013-2020 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q2)
2252 13244 Evidence-Based Medicine journal 14736810, 13565524 1,49 Q1 25 0 310 0 323 51 5,59 0 United Kingdom Western Europe BMJ Publishing Group 1996-2018 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
2964 15582 Evidence-Based Mental Health journal 1468960X, 13620347 1,273 Q1 29 48 203 1104 421 114 5,03 23 United Kingdom Western Europe BMJ Publishing Group 1998-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)  
16572 27689 Evidence-based nursing journal 13676539, 14689618 0,24 Q3 22 159 282 885 89 45 2,14 5,57 United Kingdom Western Europe BMJ Publishing Group 1998-2020 Fundamentals and Skills (Q3)    
28088 4400151730 Evidence-Based Practice journal 10954120, 24733717 0,102 Q4 2 58 869 130 4 42 1 2,24 United States Northern America Family Physicians Inquiries Network 2005-2008, 2013-2019 Fundamentals and Skills (Q4)    
3547 21100203948 EvoDevo journal 20419139 1,136 Q1 34 33 75 2935 151 74 2,1 88,94 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2010-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Developmental Biology (Q2); Genetics (Q2)
6092 14649 Evolution and Development journal 1525142X, 1520541X 0,782 Q2 75 33 75 2157 114 70 1,85 65,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1999-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Developmental Biology (Q3)
1426 21503 Evolution and Human Behavior journal 10905138 1,91 Q1 108 63 226 4038 853 221 3,48 64,1 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 1997-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q1)
6622 21100443321 Evolution Equations and Control Theory journal 21632480, 21632472 0,732 Q2 14 43 97 1464 94 95 1,09 34,05 United States Northern America American Institute of Mathematical Sciences 2012-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q2); Control and Optimization (Q2); Modeling and Simulation (Q2)
17666 15584 Evolution Psychiatrique journal 17696674, 00143855 0,216 Q2 13 70 207 2028 50 191 0,26 28,97 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 1948-1979, 1996-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
2664 21100854640 Evolution, Medicine and Public Health journal 20506201 1,354 Q1 18 16 63 706 196 46 5,45 44,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2013-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
25205 21100930168 Evolution, Mind and Behaviour journal 25600982 0,118 Q4 21 0 9 0 4 9 0,75 0 Hungary Eastern Europe Akademiai Kiado 2015-2018 Anthropology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4)
5517 21100903062 Evolution: Education and Outreach journal 19366426, 19366434 0,845 Q1 25 15 35 1064 70 34 2,23 70,93 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2008-2020 Education (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
1320 22104 Evolution; international journal of organic evolution journal 15585646, 00143820 1,998 Q1 194 214 767 14532 2373 664 3,66 67,91 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1948-1949, 1971-1978, 1980, 1982-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Genetics (Q1)
2551 40751 Evolutionary Anthropology journal 15206505, 10601538 1,389 Q1 81 41 116 2612 268 84 2,41 63,71 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1992-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
1299 19400157205 Evolutionary Applications journal 17524563, 17524571 2,013 Q1 63 159 339 12785 1541 329 4,15 80,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell 2008-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Genetics (Q1)
6612 21100451649 Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences journal 23302933, 23302925 0,733 Q2 11 43 82 1639 118 70 1,29 38,12 United States Northern America American Psychological Association Inc. 2014-2020 Social Psychology (Q2); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q3)
8870 11200153571 Evolutionary Bioinformatics journal 11769343 0,559 Q2 29 58 93 2240 145 91 1,03 38,62 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2007-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Genetics (Q3)
3912 22105 Evolutionary Biology journal 19342845, 00713260 1,066 Q1 38 24 123 1659 263 122 1,97 69,13 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1993, 1995, 2007-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
8044 24966 Evolutionary Computation journal 15309304, 10636560 0,614 Q2 80 0 98 0 374 96 3,84 0 United States Northern America MIT Press Journals 1996-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q2)  
4415 21606 Evolutionary Ecology journal 02697653, 15738477 0,989 Q1 78 54 170 3788 341 169 1,76 70,15 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1987-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
8963 21608 Evolutionary Ecology Research journal 15220613 0,553 Q2 70 19 128 1301 145 126 1,03 68,47 United States Northern America Evolutionary Ecology Research 1999-2014, 2016-2019 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
14317 14500154734 Evolutionary Intelligence journal 18645917, 18645909 0,302 Q3 21 141 46 5540 87 28 4,85 39,29 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2008-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q3); Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q3); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q3); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q4)
6440 15500154703 Evolutionary Psychology journal 14747049 0,749 Q2 30 38 146 2075 252 138 1,52 54,61 United Kingdom Western Europe Human Nature Review 2009-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Social Psychology (Q2); Behavioral Neuroscience (Q3)
12158 19700175286 Evolving Systems journal 18686486, 18686478 0,382 Q2 25 91 74 3783 171 69 2,45 41,57 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2010-2020 Control and Systems Engineering (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q3); Control and Optimization (Q3); Modeling and Simulation (Q3)
22760 21100797839 EVS 2016 - 29th International Electric Vehicle Symposium conference and proceedings - 0,138 - 5 0 243 0 49 242 0 0 Canada Northern America   Ceramics and Composites    
20976 21100804006 eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction - Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling, ECPPM 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,161 - 4 0 86 0 29 84 0 0 United States Northern America   Artificial Intelligence; Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language; Software
28695 21100896336 Ex Aequo journal 21840385, 08745560 0,101 Q4 0 13 23 397 0 21 0 30,54 Portugal Western Europe Associacao Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres 2018-2019 Gender Studies (Q4)    
28696 21100823282 Exartisis journal 11095350 0,101 Q4 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 Greece Western Europe KETHEA 2010-2018 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)  
24156 22606 Excellence in Ecology book series 9322205 0,125 Q4 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Germany Western Europe Ecology Institute 1997-1998, 2000, 2003-2005, 2010-2013, 2017 Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
766 22055 Exceptional Children journal 144029 2,765 Q1 85 24 95 1225 347 67 4,95 51,04 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1936-1937, 1958, 1961-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Education (Q1)
5700 5700153985 Exceptionality journal 09362835, 15327035 0,825 Q1 17 26 58 1384 97 51 2,03 53,23 United States Northern America Routledge 1990-1994, 2010-2020 Education (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
16741 21100204509 Exceptionality Education International journal 19185227 0,236 Q3 8 0 39 0 19 37 0,46 0 Canada Northern America Department of Educational Psychology, University of Calgary Press 2012-2018 Education (Q3); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4)
17030 25704 Exchange journal 1572543X, 01662740 0,23 Q1 5 22 62 606 12 51 0,3 27,55 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1973-1975, 2010-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Religious Studies (Q1)
8363 19700170617 EXCLI Journal journal 16112156 0,592 Q2 29 99 279 4086 723 236 3,04 41,27 Germany Western Europe Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors 2009-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Drug Discovery (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q3)
27776 21100898836 ExELL journal 23034858 0,103 Q3 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 Germany Western Europe Sciendo 2017-2018 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
22148 16000154789 Exemplaria journal 10412573, 17533074 0,145 Q1 10 16 54 593 11 52 0,29 37,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 1989-1995, 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q2); Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
28089 21100218069 Exemplaria Classica journal 16993225 0,102 Q3 3 10 13 0 0 13 0 0 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Huelva 2011-2016, 2018-2019 Classics (Q3); Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)
1753 19842 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews journal 15383008, 00916331 1,717 Q1 95 37 106 1948 409 80 5,03 52,65 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1973-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q1); Sports Science (Q1)
2233 38062 Exercise Immunology Review journal 10775552 1,497 Q1 52 7 18 134 103 17 5,8 19,14 United States Northern America Human Kinetics Publishers Inc. 1996-2020 Sports Science (Q1); Immunology (Q2)  
26259 6200175025 Existentia journal 12155950 0,111 Q3 2 13 44 423 3 44 0,08 32,54 Hungary Eastern Europe Societas Philosophia Classica 2011-2019 Philosophy (Q3)      
29627 21100820884 Existenzanalyse journal 10247033, 24097306 0,1 Q4 2 16 101 203 3 93 0,02 12,69 Austria Western Europe Gesellschaft fur Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse - International (GLE-Int.) 2016-2019 Applied Psychology (Q4); Clinical Psychology (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4)
27283 21100464921 2015 - 3rd Experiment International Conference: Online Experimentation conference and proceedings - 0,105 - 4 0 89 0 12 88 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Modeling and Simulation; Signal Processing
23715 21100819045 Expanding Perspectives on Open Science: Communities, Cultures and Diversity in Concepts and Practices - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Electronic Publishing conference and proceedings - 0,128 - 3 0 30 0 11 28 0,39 0 Netherlands Western Europe   Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Modeling and Simulation
19918 21100906539 Experientia supplementum (2012) journal 1664431X 0,177 Q3 2 20 33 0 15 33 0,45 0 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2018-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
28697 21100404505 Experiment journal 2211730X, 10844945 0,101 Q4 3 23 42 743 4 41 0 32,3 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1996-1998, 2000, 2002-2004, 2006, 2008-2009, 2011-2014, 2016-2019 Cultural Studies (Q4); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)
9584 14143 Experimental Aging Research journal 10964657, 0361073X 0,512 Q2 47 31 96 1462 135 92 1,45 47,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1975-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Aging (Q3); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q3)
9912 67249 Experimental Agriculture journal 00144797, 14694441 0,493 Q2 40 110 150 3675 213 145 1,29 33,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1965-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q2)  
8718 21504 Experimental and Applied Acarology journal 01688162, 15729702 0,569 Q2 63 116 351 5878 590 335 1,74 50,67 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1985-2020 Ecology (Q2); Insect Science (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
8749 26086 Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes journal 9477349 0,567 Q2 74 90 283 5058 491 257 1,89 56,2 Germany Western Europe Thieme 1983-2020 Internal Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Endocrinology (Q3); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
4874 14144 Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology journal 19362293, 10641297 0,922 Q2 87 98 169 2938 385 167 2,4 29,98 United States Northern America American Psychological Association Inc. 1993-2020 Pharmacology (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2)
13779 4000150701 Experimental and Clinical Transplantation journal 13040855, 21468427 0,32 Q3 28 209 546 4444 398 524 0,78 21,26 Turkey Middle East Baskent University 2003-2020 Transplantation (Q3)    
1167 17476 Experimental and Molecular Medicine journal 12263613, 20966413 2,136 Q1 75 162 432 9216 2404 414 5,44 56,89 United States Northern America Korean Society of Med. Biochemistry and Mol. Biology 1996-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Clinical Biochemistry (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q1)
5794 13247 Experimental and Molecular Pathology journal 10960945, 00144800 0,813 Q1 65 122 333 5294 794 326 2,27 43,39 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1962-1995, 1997-2020 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1); Clinical Biochemistry (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q3)
9649 19700176236 Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine journal 17921015, 17920981 0,508 Q2 38 204 4037 7154 6972 4004 1,73 35,07 Greece Western Europe Spandidos Publications 2010-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q3); Cancer Research (Q4)
8871 13248 Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology journal 09402993, 16181433 0,559 Q2 62 0 149 0 335 149 2,37 0 Germany Western Europe Urban und Fischer Verlag Jena 1992-2017 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q2); Toxicology (Q3); Cell Biology (Q4)
8964 19700174742 Experimental and Translational Stroke Medicine journal 20407378 0,553 Q3 22 0 9 0 25 8 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2010-2016 Cognitive Neuroscience (Q3); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q3)
10293 27182 Experimental Animals journal 13411357 0,473 Q2 40 79 190 2091 245 183 1,26 26,47 Japan Asiatic Region International Press Editing Centre Incorporation 1974-1980, 1995-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q2)
10059 27195 Experimental Astronomy journal 15729508, 09226435 0,485 Q3 39 35 136 1052 194 130 1,52 30,06 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1989-2006, 2008-2020 Astronomy and Astrophysics (Q3); Space and Planetary Science (Q3)
4817 50101 Experimental Biology and Medicine journal 15353699, 15353702 0,929 Q1 141 170 569 11326 1739 552 3,16 66,62 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
6178 15585 Experimental Brain Research journal 14321106, 00144819 0,773 Q3 164 295 957 15542 1755 930 1,81 52,68 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1966-2020 Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
3575 18532 Experimental Cell Research journal 10902422, 00144827 1,129 Q2 184 377 1117 17545 3640 1090 3,24 46,54 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1950-2020 Cell Biology (Q2)      
3181 24813 Experimental Dermatology journal 16000625, 09066705 1,215 Q1 91 240 730 10652 1997 482 4,16 44,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1992-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Dermatology (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q2)
999 28527 Experimental Economics journal 15736938, 13864157 2,35 Q1 51 67 127 3143 315 123 2,34 46,91 Netherlands Western Europe Springer New York 2003-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1)
3536 13866 Experimental Eye Research journal 00144835, 10960007 1,139 Q1 119 356 712 18697 2169 691 3,23 52,52 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1961-2020 Ophthalmology (Q1); Sensory Systems (Q2); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q3)
3705 29003 Experimental Gerontology journal 5315565 1,105 Q2 131 250 750 13469 2563 729 3,46 53,88 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1964-2020 Aging (Q2); Biochemistry (Q2); Cell Biology (Q2); Endocrinology (Q2); Genetics (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
6491 13719 Experimental Heat Transfer journal 15210480, 08916152 0,743 Q1 31 55 116 1816 304 116 3,17 33,02 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1987, 1989-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Instrumentation (Q1); Control and Systems Engineering (Q2)
2861 25949 Experimental Hematology journal 0301472X, 18732399 1,302 Q1 117 88 332 3869 828 323 2,7 43,97 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 1973-2020 Hematology (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2); Cell Biology (Q2); Genetics (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
4739 21100459104 Experimental Hematology and Oncology journal 21623619 0,941 Q2 22 31 96 1280 297 92 3,61 41,29 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2012-2020 Hematology (Q2); Oncology (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3)
10888 18480 Experimental Lung Research journal 15210499, 01902148 0,443 Q3 51 30 134 1145 203 132 1,56 38,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1980-2020 Clinical Biochemistry (Q3); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q4)
10734 26448 Experimental Mathematics journal 10586458, 1944950X 0,451 Q2 31 134 152 3008 90 123 0,7 22,45 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1992-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
5846 20621 Experimental Mechanics journal 00144851, 17412765 0,807 Q1 81 106 362 4199 978 352 2,72 39,61 United States Northern America Springer New York 1961-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1)
4630 21100786205 Experimental Neurobiology journal 12262560, 20938144 0,956 Q2 12 60 134 3122 347 133 2,3 52,03 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Society for Brain and Neural Science 2015-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q2); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q3)
1403 15598 Experimental Neurology journal 00144886, 10902430 1,928 Q1 178 217 711 16241 3311 684 4,7 74,84 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1959-2020 Developmental Neuroscience (Q1); Neurology (Q1)
15209 29732 Experimental Oncology journal 18129269 0,276 Q3 41 68 179 2019 145 172 0,76 29,69 Ukraine Eastern Europe Morion LLC 1984-2019 Oncology (Q3); Cancer Research (Q4)  
7163 21875 Experimental Parasitology journal 00144894, 10902449 0,681 Q2 72 137 481 6329 914 474 1,83 46,2 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1951-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Immunology (Q3); Infectious Diseases (Q3); Parasitology (Q3)
4837 23404 Experimental Physiology journal 1469445X, 09580670 0,927 Q2 94 217 509 8798 1146 444 2,31 40,54 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1990-2020 Nutrition and Dietetics (Q2); Physiology (Q2); Physiology (medical) (Q2)
6068 14145 Experimental Psychology journal 21905142, 16183169 0,784 Q1 52 42 112 1799 135 109 1,03 42,83 United States Northern America Hogrefe Publishing 1962, 1998-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
13673 20622 Experimental Techniques journal 07328818, 17471567 0,323 Q3 31 66 265 1857 331 264 1,39 28,14 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 1975-2020 Mechanical Engineering (Q3); Mechanics of Materials (Q3)
2552 29220 Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science journal 8941777 1,389 Q1 102 329 1047 12921 4522 1039 4,04 39,27 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1988-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q1); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q1)
4649 20327 Experiments in Fluids journal 14321114, 07234864 0,953 Q1 112 184 555 6805 1642 533 2,79 36,98 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1983-2020 Computational Mechanics (Q1); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
4906 13250 Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy journal 14712598, 17447682 0,917 Q1 83 131 445 10758 1297 406 3,2 82,12 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2001-2020 Clinical Biochemistry (Q1); Drug Discovery (Q1); Pharmacology (Q2)
4334 84948 Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery journal 17425247 1,001 Q1 98 107 366 11282 1745 334 5,13 105,44 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2004-2020 Pharmaceutical Science (Q1)    
3431 6800153101 Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery journal 1746045X, 17460441 1,16 Q1 56 113 319 10359 1332 271 5,11 91,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 2006-2020 Drug Discovery (Q1)      
4810 4700152856 Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology journal 17425255 0,93 Q1 76 88 380 8459 1248 343 3,77 96,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Toxicology (Q1); Pharmacology (Q2)
4482 21349 Expert Opinion on Drug Safety journal 14740338, 1744764X 0,975 Q1 68 116 461 9206 1459 424 3,6 79,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2002-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
5906 21350 Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs journal 14728214, 17447623 0,801 Q2 46 23 95 1993 277 90 2,81 86,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2000-2020 Pharmacology (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
3346 21351 Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs journal 13543784, 17447658 1,18 Q1 101 103 365 7933 1408 338 4,77 77,02 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1994-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
14042 21100285419 Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs journal 21678707 0,311 Q2 15 54 308 4491 225 284 0,85 83,17 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2013-2020 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q2); Health Policy (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
6501 21352 Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy journal 17447666, 14656566 0,742 Q2 74 232 667 18421 1653 595 2,92 79,4 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1999-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
4154 21353 Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents journal 13543776, 17447674 1,027 Q1 66 74 295 6360 1360 280 5,63 85,95 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1991-2020 Drug Discovery (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1)
1778 21354 Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets journal 14728222, 17447631 1,699 Q1 83 92 320 9520 1480 278 5,49 103,48 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1997-2020 Clinical Biochemistry (Q1); Drug Discovery (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1)
4607 21355 Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy journal 14737140, 17448328 0,959 Q2 65 101 394 8621 1064 341 3,55 85,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2001-2020 Oncology (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
3609 16341 Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy journal 14787210, 17448336 1,122 Q2 71 98 316 7852 963 274 3,81 80,12 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2003-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q2); Microbiology (Q2); Microbiology (medical) (Q2); Virology (Q2)
8315 23205 Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy journal 17448344, 14779072 0,595 Q2 50 85 343 7085 540 288 1,84 83,35 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2003-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Internal Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
4134 4800153101 Expert Review of Clinical Immunology journal 1744666X, 17448409 1,031 Q2 47 129 362 11409 1142 308 3,87 88,44 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2006-2020 Immunology (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q2)
5996 10300153301 Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology journal 17512433, 17512441 0,792 Q1 36 116 409 8467 1136 359 3,67 72,99 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2020 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
9567 6500153242 Expert Review of Endocrinology and Metabolism journal 17446651 0,513 Q3 25 40 137 3855 176 118 1,96 96,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2006-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
4681 12100154708 Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology journal 17474132, 17474124 0,948 Q2 44 117 403 9484 1132 340 3,65 81,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2007-2020 Gastroenterology (Q2); Hepatology (Q2)  
4786 19700174994 Expert Review of Hematology journal 17474086, 17474094 0,934 Q2 34 107 331 8418 805 299 2,66 78,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2020 Hematology (Q2)      
8208 79319 Expert Review of Medical Devices journal 17434440 0,603 Q2 60 107 319 6487 726 280 2,39 60,63 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2004-2020 Biomedical Engineering (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Surgery (Q2)
2697 21369 Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics journal 17448352, 14737159 1,345 Q1 70 115 338 9067 1149 292 4,23 78,84 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2001-2020 Molecular Medicine (Q1); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1); Genetics (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
3725 21370 Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics journal 14737175, 17448360 1,101 Q1 72 107 362 11368 1126 294 3,94 106,24 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2001-2020 Pharmacology (medical) (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q2); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q2)
12727 11900154333 Expert Review of Ophthalmology journal 17469899 0,358 Q2 22 26 138 1926 90 122 0,74 74,08 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2006-2020 Optometry (Q2); Biomedical Engineering (Q3); Ophthalmology (Q3)
6069 21371 Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research journal 14737167, 17448379 0,784 Q2 45 123 221 5159 470 202 2,18 41,94 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2001-2020 Health Policy (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
9602 21100860941 Expert Review of Precision Medicine and Drug Development journal 23808993 0,511 Q2 9 37 131 2949 181 103 1,56 79,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2016-2020 Drug Discovery (Q2); Genetics (Q3); Molecular Medicine (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3)
4464 130051 Expert Review of Proteomics journal 14789450, 17448387 0,979 Q2 58 79 285 7182 861 242 3,8 90,91 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2004-2020 Biochemistry (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q3)
5774 11900154332 Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine journal 17469902, 17476348 0,816 Q2 37 119 331 9917 735 285 2,79 83,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2007-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q3)
1704 20783 Expert Review of Vaccines journal 14760584, 17448395 1,746 Q1 81 103 358 9932 1377 312 4,68 96,43 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2002-2020 Drug Discovery (Q1); Immunology (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1)
1165 26618 Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine journal 14623994 2,14 Q1 79 9 35 924 167 14 23 102,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1997-2019 Molecular Biology (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q1)
12986 24185 Expert Systems journal 14680394, 02664720 0,348 Q2 35 151 183 6846 408 163 2 45,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1984-2020 Control and Systems Engineering (Q2); Artificial Intelligence (Q3); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q3); Theoretical Computer Science (Q3)
2239 24201 Expert Systems with Applications journal 9574174 1,494 Q1 184 725 1877 39322 14829 1860 7,84 54,24 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1990-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1)
30348 21100922617 Expert Systems with Applications: X journal 25901885   - 1 9 0 516 0 0 0 57,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2019-2020 Artificial Intelligence; Computer Science Applications; Engineering (miscellaneous)
26433 16600154707 Explicator journal 1939926X, 00144940 0,11 Q2 5 31 204 272 8 184 0,06 8,77 United States Northern America Routledge 1975-1980, 1982-1983, 1985, 1987-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Education (Q4)
28698 29974 Exploration and Research for Atomic Minerals journal 9709231 0,101 Q4 9 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 India Asiatic Region Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research 1990, 1994-1999, 2001-2002, 2004, 2007-2014, 2016 Economic Geology (Q4)    
10935 100582 Exploration Geophysics journal 18347533, 08123985 0,441 Q3 40 72 172 2459 143 168 0,88 34,15 Australia Pacific Region CSIRO 1970-2020 Geology (Q3); Geophysics (Q3)  
1779 28528 Explorations in Economic History journal 144983 1,699 Q1 41 24 84 1561 129 83 1,52 65,04 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1969-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); History (Q1)
28699 14974 Explorations in Renaissance culture journal 00982474, 23526963 0,101 Q3 6 5 27 170 1 27 0,06 34 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1976, 1996-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Music (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)
22854 21100868929 Exploratory Animal and Medical Research journal 2277470X, 2319247X 0,137 Q4 1 21 47 438 3 45 0,07 20,86 India Asiatic Region West Bengal Veterinary Alumni Association 2018-2019 Ecology (Q4); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4); Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q4)
14634 4000148707 Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing journal 18787541, 15508307 0,293 Q2 32 89 249 2885 210 207 1,01 32,42 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 2005-2020 Chiropractics (Q2); Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q3); Analysis (Q4)
28700 12934 Explosion journal 0916801X 0,101 Q4 3 5 31 6 0 28 0 1,2 Japan Asiatic Region Japan Explosives Society 1996-2016, 2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)
6984 26451 Expositiones Mathematicae journal 7230869 0,698 Q2 21 37 89 860 84 76 1,24 23,24 Germany Western Europe Urban und Fischer Verlag Jena 2004-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
24776 5800162102 Expository Times journal 145246 0,122 Q2 6 80 291 414 8 185 0,08 5,18 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1889-2020 Religious Studies (Q2)    
3038 21100464956 Exposure and Health journal 24519766, 24519685 1,249 Q1 18 69 91 3885 581 84 6,03 56,3 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2016-2020 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Pollution (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1)
8007 11200153519 Express Polymer Letters journal 1788618X 0,617 Q1 67 96 288 3761 833 252 3,29 39,18 Hungary Eastern Europe BME-PT and GTE 2007-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Polymers and Plastics (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q2); Organic Chemistry (Q2); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2)
29628 16400154736 Expressions Maghrebines journal 15400085 0,1 Q4 4 0 47 0 1 45 0 0 United States Northern America Florida State University, Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies 2002-2017 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
2922 14557 EXS journal 1023294X 1,285 Q1 53 0 20 0 74 20 0 0 Switzerland Western Europe Birkhauser Verlag Basel 1989, 1991-2003, 2005-2007, 2009-2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
3584 21100305261 Extractive Industries and Society journal 2214790X 1,127 Q1 24 176 313 11166 977 283 3,28 63,44 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Development (Q1); Economic Geology (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1)
20417 21100202733 Extrapolation journal 145483 0,169 Q1 3 7 40 270 8 38 0,05 38,57 United States Northern America Liverpool University Press 2011-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q2)
1780 21100376821 Extreme Mechanics Letters journal 23524316 1,698 Q1 32 101 329 4172 1630 323 5,24 41,31 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2014-2020 Bioengineering (Q1); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1)
9173 21100394093 Extreme Physiology and Medicine journal 20467648 0,539 Q2 20 0 17 0 40 13 1,25 0 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2012-2018 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Physiology (Q3); Physiology (medical) (Q3)
4322 145213 Extremes journal 13861999 1,003 Q1 31 28 98 822 137 95 1,36 29,36 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2004-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Statistics and Probability (Q2)
6596 15610 Extremophiles journal 14310651, 14334909 0,734 Q2 80 71 260 3610 574 254 2,42 50,85 Germany Western Europe Springer Japan 1997-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Microbiology (Q3); Molecular Medicine (Q3)
3481 13867 Eye journal 0950222X, 14765454 1,148 Q1 93 432 927 10417 1930 671 2,69 24,11 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 1987-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ophthalmology (Q1); Sensory Systems (Q2)
29629 18700156720 Eye - International Review of Graphic Design journal 0960779X 0,1 Q4 1 15 77 0 0 64 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Haymarket Business Publications Ltd. 2008-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4)
2839 21100389521 Eye and Brain journal 11792744 1,307 Q1 11 6 32 336 137 32 3,83 56 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2014-2020 Ophthalmology (Q1); Sensory Systems (Q1); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q2)
6571 13869 Eye and Contact Lens journal 1542233X, 15422321 0,736 Q2 54 73 377 2325 663 311 2,1 31,85 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1986, 1993-1994, 2002-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Ophthalmology (Q2)
9856 84371 Eye Tracking Research and Applications Symposium (ETRA) conference and proceedings - 0,496 - 45 95 179 2703 360 175 1,78 28,45 United States Northern America   Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Human-Computer Interaction; Ophthalmology; Sensory Systems
29630 21100874725 Ezikov Svyat journal 13120484 0,1 Q4 1 23 52 411 0 52 0 17,87 Bulgaria Eastern Europe South-West University Publishing House, Faculty of Philology 2018-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
24157 99625 F and M; Feinwerktechnik, Mikrotechnik, Messtechnik journal 9441018 0,125 Q3 7 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Germany Western Europe Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG 1974-1980, 1982-1983, 1987, 1994-2001 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
24164 31471 F&M. Feinwerktechnik & Messtechnik journal 3401952 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Germany Western Europe Hanser Publishers 1974-1976, 1978-1990 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
28718 21100871672 F. Scott Fitzgerald Review journal 15433951, 17556333 0,101 Q3 0 0 22 0 0 21 0 0 United States Northern America Penn State University Press 2017-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)  
2650 21100258853 F1000Research journal 20461402 1,357 Q1 45 777 2299 32414 6079 2191 2,44 41,72 United Kingdom Western Europe 2012-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q1); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q2)
23312 27766 Fa yi xue za zhi journal 10045619 0,132 Q4 7 103 263 1729 50 263 0,17 16,79 China Asiatic Region Journal of Forensic Medicine 1997-2019 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q4)  
21643 21374 Fabad Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences journal 13004182 0,152 Q3 16 25 50 1052 23 50 0,37 42,08 Turkey Middle East Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ankara 1999-2001, 2003-2019 Pharmaceutical Science (Q3)    
27777 6000155454 Fabrications journal 21644756, 10331867 0,103 Q3 2 29 70 510 4 49 0,06 17,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1989, 1991, 1993-1995, 2015-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3); Urban Studies (Q4)
25847 16100154765 Fabula journal 00146242, 16130464 0,113 Q2 7 20 46 626 5 45 0,15 31,3 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1958-1962, 1964-1967, 1969-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3)
30349 21100938000 Facets journal 23711671   - 1 14 0 709 0 0 0 50,64 Canada Northern America Canadian Science Publishing (Ottawa, Canada) 2019 Multidisciplinary      
25098 5800207836 Fachsprache journal 10173285 0,119 Q3 6 9 33 432 10 32 0,45 48 Austria Western Europe Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG 2011-2013, 2015-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
7963 21132 Facial Plastic Surgery journal 10988793, 07366825 0,62 Q2 40 102 316 2560 344 263 1,15 25,1 United States Northern America Thieme Medical Publishers Inc. 1983-2020 Surgery (Q2)      
7666 21134 Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America journal 10647406, 15581926 0,643 Q2 30 66 169 1878 243 145 1,55 28,45 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 2001-2020 Surgery (Q2)      
7164 22610 Facies journal 01729179, 16124820 0,681 Q2 53 42 88 3674 159 87 1,97 87,48 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1979-2020 Geology (Q2); Paleontology (Q2); Stratigraphy (Q2)
11776 144739 Facilities journal 2632772 0,399 Q1 41 92 139 4670 240 135 1,37 50,76 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1983-2020 Architecture (Q1); Building and Construction (Q2); Human Factors and Ergonomics (Q3)
13945 21100853013 Facta Universitatis Series Physical Education and Sport journal 1451740X, 24060496 0,314 Q3 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 Serbia Eastern Europe University of Nis 2015-2016 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3)  
8316 21100431860 Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering journal 23350164, 03542025 0,595 Q1 12 39 107 940 288 103 3 24,1 Serbia Eastern Europe University of Nis 2015-2019 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Polymers and Plastics (Q1); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Mechanical Engineering (Q2); Mechanics of Materials (Q2)
11037 21100235624 Faith and Philosophy journal 07397046, 21533393 0,436 Q1 21 11 68 347 29 67 0,32 31,55 United States Northern America Philosophy Documentation Center 1995-2019 Philosophy (Q1); Religious Studies (Q1)  
4893 29769 Familial Cancer journal 15737292, 13899600 0,919 Q2 54 65 249 1890 491 233 1,83 29,08 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2001, 2003-2020 Genetics (Q2); Oncology (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3); Genetics (clinical) (Q3)
28090 14148 Familiendynamik journal 3422747 0,102 Q4 6 0 53 0 1 42 0 0 Germany Western Europe J.C. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachvolger GmbH 2000-2017 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
11934 29908 Families in Society journal 10443894 0,392 Q2 45 0 112 0 107 100 0,77 0 United States Northern America Families International Inc 1993, 1996-2018 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Social Work (Q3)
10279 21100416483 Families, Relationships and Societies journal 20467435, 20467443 0,474 Q2 13 38 104 1258 106 100 0,96 33,11 United Kingdom Western Europe The Policy Press 2012-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q2)  
10974 13277 Families, Systems and Health journal 10917527, 19390602 0,439 Q3 44 64 200 642 211 162 1,14 10,03 United States Northern America American Psychological Association Inc. 1996-2020 Applied Psychology (Q3); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)
10280 20739 Family and Community Health journal 01606379, 15505057 0,474 Q2 44 32 122 1257 150 111 1,13 39,28 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1978-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
28701 5600153227 Family and Community History journal 14631180 0,101 Q4 3 13 40 54 1 29 0,05 4,15 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 1999, 2001, 2013-2019 History (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
13747 5700154315 Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal journal 1077727X, 15523934 0,321 Q1 29 28 95 1005 60 81 0,62 35,89 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1972-1973, 1994-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
842 4000148307 Family Business Review journal 17416248, 08944865 2,608 Q1 96 21 64 1722 396 45 7,55 82 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1988-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Finance (Q1)
30350 21100933893 Family Court Review journal 15312445, 17441617 - 1 56 0 755 0 0 0 13,48 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2019-2020 Law        
13946 144975 Family Journal journal 10664807 0,314 Q2 32 60 162 2447 133 153 0,85 40,78 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1993-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Social Psychology (Q3)
28091 27936 Family Law Quarterly journal 0014729X 0,102 Q4 18 0 21 0 0 15 0 0 United States Northern America American Bar Association 1973-1975, 1977, 1979-1980, 1983-1985, 1988, 1991-1992, 1996-2012, 2017 Law (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
19972 5700153771 Family Matters journal 10302646 0,176 Q3 16 0 37 0 14 33 0,47 0 Australia Pacific Region Australian Institute of Family Studies 1988-1990, 1998, 2008-2018 Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Social Psychology (Q4)
9667 13298 Family Medicine journal 07423225, 19383800 0,507 Q2 63 179 466 2314 359 309 1,18 12,93 United States Northern America Society of Teachers of Family Medicine 1985-2020 Family Practice (Q2)      
21184 21100455625 Family Medicine and Community Health journal 20098774, 23056983 0,158 Q3 7 47 106 1131 37 86 0,42 24,06 Ireland Western Europe Compuscript Ltd. 2013-2020 Family Practice (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
17760 4700152222 Family Medicine and Primary Care Review journal 17343402 0,214 Q3 7 60 234 1792 103 224 0,53 29,87 Poland Eastern Europe Wydawnictwo Continuo 2006-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
5371 27901 Family Practice journal 02632136, 14602229 0,863 Q1 96 68 419 0 757 374 1,83 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1984-2020 Family Practice (Q1)      
15210 27902 Family Practice Management journal 10695648, 15311929 0,276 Q3 25 70 213 182 74 39 1,47 2,6 United States Northern America American Academy of Family Physicians 1997-2020 Family Practice (Q3); Health Policy (Q3)  
3156 14152 Family Process journal 15455300, 00147370 1,222 Q1 69 132 184 6837 634 163 3,1 51,8 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1962-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1); Social Psychology (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6243 28902 Family Relations journal 01976664, 17413729 0,767 Q1 82 49 156 2723 324 131 2,44 55,57 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1981, 1992, 1996-2020 Education (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Social Work (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
24637 15861 Fangzhi Gaoxiao Jichukexue Xuebao journal 10068341 0,123 Q4 4 42 121 861 6 121 0,07 20,5 China Asiatic Region Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities 1999-2017, 2019 Polymers and Plastics (Q4)    
19862 21100854139 Fangzhi Xuebao/Journal of Textile Research journal 2539721 0,178 Q3 4 352 353 5950 194 353 0,54 16,9 China Asiatic Region China Textile Engineering Society 2016, 2018-2020 Polymers and Plastics (Q3); Materials Chemistry (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
24777 21100787086 Far East Hydrocarbons 2016: From Oil and Gas Basin Studies to Field Models conference and proceedings - 0,122 - 2 0 19 0 2 18 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe   Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology
20781 21100244835 Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications journal 9737006 0,164 Q4 10 0 312 0 132 311 0,38 0 India Asiatic Region Pushpa Publishing House 2013-2017 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
23311 17900156722 Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences journal 9720871 0,132 Q4 17 0 681 0 312 678 0,59 0 India Asiatic Region University of Allahabad 2008-2017 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
9668 21100407142 Far Eastern Entomologist journal 1026051X 0,507 Q2 7 71 196 1280 112 159 0,68 18,03 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Far East Branch of the Russian Entomological Society and Laboratory of Entomology, Institute of Biology and Pedology 2015-2020 Insect Science (Q2)      
3653 26898 Faraday Discussions journal 13645498 1,113 Q1 103 300 830 11382 2644 744 3,66 37,94 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 1947, 1950-1951, 1962, 1969, 1991-2019 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q1)  
26260 12680 Farbe und Lack trade journal 147699 0,111 Q4 10 72 256 177 4 256 0,02 2,46 Germany Western Europe Vincentz Verlag 1973-1974, 1976-1981, 1983-1989, 1994-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q4)
26714 21100805736 FARM 2016 - Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling, and Design, co-located with ICFP 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,108 - 2 0 11 0 5 9 0 0 United States Northern America   Biotechnology; Ceramics and Composites; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
28092 21795 Farmaceuticky Obzor journal 148172 0,102 Q4 7 0 13 0 0 13 0 0 Slovakia Eastern Europe Postgraduate Medical and Pharmaceutical School 1961-1963, 1974, 1976-2016 Pharmaceutical Science (Q4)    
22761 21798 Farmaceutski Glasnik journal 148202 0,138 Q3 5 70 250 918 6 212 0,04 13,11 Croatia Eastern Europe Hrvatsko Farmaceutsko Drustvo 1950-1951, 1962, 1990-2019 Pharmaceutical Science (Q3); Pharmacology (Q4)
27531 21800 Farmacevtski Vestnik journal 148229 0,104 Q4 4 0 55 0 2 51 0 0 Slovenia Eastern Europe Slovenian Pharmaceutical Society 1961, 1989-2016 Pharmaceutical Science (Q4); Pharmacology (Q4)
12781 21810 Farmacia journal 148237 0,356 Q2 22 148 448 5063 647 448 1,53 34,21 Romania Eastern Europe Romanian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences 1945-1946, 1973-1987, 2003, 2008-2020 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q2)
17352 21811 Farmacia Hospitalaria journal 21718695, 11306343 0,223 Q3 22 50 220 598 130 173 0,63 11,96 Spain Western Europe Grupo Aula Medica S.A. 1990-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3)
30351 21100922188 Farmatsiya i Farmakologiya journal 23079266, 24132241 - 2 35 0 972 0 0 0 27,77 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Volgograd State Medical University, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute 2019 Pharmaceutical Science; Pharmacology; Pharmacology (medical); Pharmacy
22001 5800205583 Fascism journal 22116249, 22116257 0,147 Q2 5 14 29 696 6 26 0,17 49,71 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2012-2019 History (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
1480 15048 FASEB Journal journal 15306860, 08926638 1,866 Q1 267 1175 1463 49305 6178 1382 4,22 41,96 United States Northern America FASEB 1987-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Biotechnology (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
12657 21100838559 Fashion and Textiles journal 21980802 0,361 Q1 10 34 85 1589 150 81 1,72 46,74 Singapore Asiatic Region Springer Singapore 2014-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Marketing (Q3); Social Psychology (Q3); Strategy and Management (Q3)
14380 19700169948 Fashion Practice journal 17569370, 17569389 0,3 Q1 5 23 71 825 40 55 0,77 35,87 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2015-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1)
14198 5700168304 Fashion Theory - Journal of Dress Body and Culture journal 1362704X 0,306 Q1 23 64 129 2654 51 87 0,65 41,47 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2002-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1)
19308 21100858350 Fashion, Style and Popular Culture journal 20500734, 20500726 0,187 Q2 2 24 48 1076 10 40 0,23 44,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2016-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); Marketing (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Social Psychology (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
13366 21100425898 Fat Studies journal 2160486X, 21604851 0,333 Q1 11 43 56 1426 73 52 1,46 33,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2012-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Anthropology (Q2); Gender Studies (Q2); Health (social science) (Q3); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q3); Social Psychology (Q3)
5207 29222 Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures journal 8756758X, 14602695 0,881 Q1 79 224 490 9022 1481 476 3,21 40,28 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1979-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1)
26913 21100825855 Fatigue of Aircraft Structures journal 20817738, 23007591 0,107 Q4 2 2 33 43 5 33 0,09 21,5 Poland Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2016-2019 Aerospace Engineering (Q4); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4); Mechanics of Materials (Q4); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q4)
24158 21100432435 Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health and Behavior journal 21641846, 21641862 0,125 Q4 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2014, 2016 Behavioral Neuroscience (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
30352 21100935910 FAU Studies Mathematics and Physics book series 21967482   - 0 1 0 174 0 0 0 174 Germany Western Europe FAU University Press 2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
13913 21515 Fauna Norvegica journal 15024873, 18915396 0,315 Q3 8 8 15 486 15 15 0,6 60,75 Norway Western Europe Norwegian University of Science and Technology 2000, 2002-2005, 2008-2010, 2012-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q3)  
24159 21100428376 Fauna of Suriname book series 22115323 0,125 Q4 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2012, 2018 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
27532 5800208010 Faventia book series 2107570 0,104 Q3 1 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 Spain Western Europe Departament de Classiques, Facultat de Lletres, Publicacions de la Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 2012, 2015-2016 Classics (Q3); History (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
25538 21100468898 FDA-AIChE Workshop on Adopting Continuous Manufacturing 2016: Overcoming the Perceived Obstacles conference and proceedings - 0,115 - 1 0 13 0 1 12 0 0 United States Northern America   Artificial Intelligence; Computer Science Applications; Control and Systems Engineering
1269 38597 FEBS Journal journal 1742464X, 14321033 2,039 Q1 195 422 938 27520 3810 822 4,52 65,21 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Cell Biology (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
1376 17481 FEBS Letters journal 00145793, 18733468 1,948 Q1 248 323 1144 20586 3229 530 6,66 63,73 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1968-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Biophysics (Q1); Cell Biology (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1); Structural Biology (Q1)
6525 21100197927 FEBS Open Bio journal 22115463 0,74 Q2 28 196 486 7308 996 469 2,14 37,29 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2011-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
13674 18048 Feddes Repertorium journal 1522239X, 00148962 0,323 Q3 24 21 40 1179 37 40 0,58 56,14 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1965-1987, 1989-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
25661 21100872375 Federal Law Review journal 14446928, 0067205X 0,114 Q4 1 27 12 0 2 12 0,17 0 Australia Pacific Region Australian National University, College of Law 2018-2020 Law (Q4)        
14867 19763 Federal Probation journal 149128 0,286 Q2 31 0 61 0 47 59 0,35 0 United States Northern America Administrative Office of the United States Courts 1974-1982, 1996-2018 Law (Q2); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q3)
15925 12871 Federal Register journal 976326 0,257 Q2 47 190 1973 107 381 1112 0,26 0,56 United States Northern America Office of the Federal Register 1973-2019 Law (Q2); Public Administration (Q3)  
11015 4400151503 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review journal 149187 0,437 Q2 34 16 58 367 57 58 1,12 22,94 United States Northern America Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis 2005-2020 Business and International Management (Q2)
7407 19900194800 Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery journal 21544212, 21518378 0,661 Q2 26 103 314 2197 416 292 1,32 21,33 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2010-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q2); Surgery (Q2); Urology (Q2)
5195 14172 Feminism and Psychology journal 14647161, 09593535 0,882 Q1 50 29 86 1588 182 78 2,51 54,76 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1991-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Gender Studies (Q1); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
4441 11400153312 Feminist Criminology journal 15570851, 1557086X 0,984 Q1 33 31 60 2187 149 55 2,28 70,55 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2006-2020 Gender Studies (Q1); Law (Q1)    
3591 21255 Feminist Economics journal 14664372, 13545701 1,126 Q1 52 38 100 2211 231 93 1,68 58,18 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1995-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Gender Studies (Q1)
7667 144966 Feminist Legal Studies journal 9663622 0,643 Q1 26 17 53 802 70 41 1,86 47,18 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 1993-2002, 2005-2020 Gender Studies (Q1)    
30353 21100909465 Feminist Media Histories journal 23737492   - 1 27 0 794 0 0 0 29,41 United States Northern America University of California Press 2019 Gender Studies; History    
3119 5700168400 Feminist Media Studies journal 14680777 1,23 Q1 35 151 280 6650 528 181 2,09 44,04 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2001-2020 Communication (Q1); Gender Studies (Q1); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1)
11195 23596 Feminist Review journal 14664380, 01417789 0,427 Q2 43 34 102 1324 86 94 0,82 38,94 United Kingdom Western Europe Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1994-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Gender Studies (Q2)
15617 23597 Feminist Studies journal 463663 0,265 Q2 35 27 102 828 61 91 0,68 30,67 United States Northern America Feminist Studies Inc. 1975, 1978-1981, 1983, 1986-1987, 1991, 1994, 1996-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Gender Studies (Q3)
24778 17500155104 Feminist Theology journal 17455189, 09667350 0,122 Q2 9 25 74 539 11 65 0,13 21,56 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1992-2020 Religious Studies (Q2); Gender Studies (Q4)
10565 700147308 Feminist Theory journal 14647001 0,46 Q2 41 38 63 1596 94 57 1,54 42 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2000-2020 Gender Studies (Q2)    
25418 19300156907 Feministische Studien journal 7235186 0,116 Q4 6 17 106 496 10 94 0,1 29,18 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2008-2019 Gender Studies (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
2270 19705 FEMS Microbiology Ecology journal 01686496, 15746941 1,483 Q1 146 214 708 10589 2857 680 3,65 49,48 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1985-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q1); Ecology (Q1); Microbiology (Q1)
5564 19706 FEMS Microbiology Letters journal 15746968, 03781097 0,84 Q2 144 273 862 8090 1715 620 2,53 29,63 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1977-2020 Microbiology (Q2); Genetics (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
243 19708 FEMS Microbiology Reviews journal 01686445, 15746976 5,485 Q1 198 40 161 9211 1998 153 12,46 230,28 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1985-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q1); Microbiology (Q1)
2952 19710 FEMS Yeast Research journal 15671364, 15671356 1,276 Q1 86 106 317 3153 864 305 3,02 29,75 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2001-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Microbiology (Q2)
22548 17700156411 Fenmo Yejin Cailiao Kexue yu Gongcheng/Materials Science and Engineering of Powder Metallurgy journal 16730224 0,14 Q4 10 82 339 1789 83 339 0,26 21,82 China Asiatic Region Central South University 2009-2020 Metals and Alloys (Q4)    
20167 31769 Fenmo Yejin Jishu/Powder Metallurgy Technology journal 10013784 0,173 Q4 11 71 227 1447 83 227 0,39 20,38 China Asiatic Region Beijing Research Institute of Powder Metallurgy 1986-1989, 1993-2020 Mechanics of Materials (Q4); Metals and Alloys (Q4)
11758 28154 Fennia journal 150010 0,4 Q2 19 29 56 1224 64 52 1,14 42,21 Finland Western Europe Geographical Society of Finland 1976, 1979-2009, 2011-2019 Ecology (Q2); Forestry (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
16259 21100242208 Fennoscandia Archaeologica journal 7817126 0,248 Q2 6 0 31 0 9 28 0,13 0 Finland Western Europe The Archaeological Society of Finland 2011-2018 Archeology (Q2); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q2)
8719 23994 Fenxi Huaxue journal 2533820 0,569 Q2 17 0 2 0 7 2 0 0 China Asiatic Region Chinese Academy of Sciences 1989, 1996-2014, 2016 Analytical Chemistry (Q2)    
8127 21100900055 Fermentation journal 23115637 0,609 Q2 12 103 190 5377 557 188 2,96 52,2 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2015-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Food Science (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)
9025 18049 Fern Gazette journal 3080838 0,549 Q2 10 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 United Kingdom Western Europe British Pteridological Society 1982-1985, 1994-1996, 1998-2010, 2012-2015, 2018 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)
15767 27571 Ferroelectrics journal 150193 0,261 Q3 54 362 1025 7321 782 1006 0,7 20,22 Switzerland Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1970-2020 Condensed Matter Physics (Q3); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q3)
16742 16702 Ferroelectrics, Letters Section journal 15635228, 07315171 0,236 Q3 17 14 30 332 23 30 0,77 23,71 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1983-2019 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q3); Condensed Matter Physics (Q4)
1027 12705 Fertility and Sterility journal 15565653, 00150282 2,311 Q1 197 449 1377 12403 6005 1042 5,77 27,62 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 1950-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q1); Reproductive Medicine (Q1)
28702 21100869512 Festival dell'Architettura Magazine journal 20390491 0,101 Q4 1 17 33 340 1 33 0,03 20 Italy Western Europe Festival Architettura Edizioni 2018-2019 Architecture (Q4); Urban Studies (Q4); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)
17320 144723 Fetal and Pediatric Pathology journal 15513815, 15513823 0,224 Q3 35 121 177 3255 112 171 0,64 26,9 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1983-1998, 2000-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q3); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q4)
5088 12708 Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy journal 14219964, 10153837 0,897 Q1 58 143 278 3973 534 262 2,25 27,78 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1986-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1); Embryology (Q2); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q2)
29631 16691 Feuillets de Radiologie journal 01819801, 17730376 0,1 Q4 6 0 92 0 0 53 0 0 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 1978-1991, 1994-2016 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
11550 27573 Few-Body Systems journal 01777963, 14325411 0,41 Q3 39 66 434 2772 366 428 0,82 42 Austria Western Europe Springer-Verlag Wien 1986-2020 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q3)
28703 16200154752 FF Communications book series 145815 0,101 Q4 3 14 31 356 3 29 0,11 25,43 Finland Western Europe Academia Scientiarum Fennica 2002-2007, 2009-2010, 2012-2019 Anthropology (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)
19674 29679 Fiber and Integrated Optics journal 10964681, 01468030 0,181 Q4 26 22 70 657 40 63 0,78 29,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1977-2020 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q4); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q4)
29632 21100798099 Fiber Society 2016 Spring Conference: Textile Innovations - Opportunities and Challenges conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 1 0 85 0 0 84 0 0 United States Northern America   Education; Engineering (miscellaneous)  
10909 21100847432 Fibers journal 20796439 0,442 Q2 17 98 176 4594 415 168 2,52 46,88 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2013-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Mechanics of Materials (Q2); Biomaterials (Q3)
10420 144862 Fibers and Polymers journal 12299197 0,467 Q2 47 301 866 10609 1897 862 2,05 35,25 South Korea Asiatic Region KOREAN FIBER SOCIETY 2000-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Polymers and Plastics (Q2)
23716 26467 Fibonacci Quarterly journal 150517 0,128 Q4 25 12 168 87 23 154 0,1 7,25 United States Northern America Fibonacci Association 1996-2008, 2010-2019 Algebra and Number Theory (Q4)  
19919 110297 Fibre chemistry journal 00150541, 15738493 0,177 Q3 17 111 304 1581 78 294 0,29 14,24 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 1969-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28093 21100792093 Fibre Value Chain Conference and Expo 2016: Pulp and Paper Bioenergy Bioproducts conference and proceedings - 0,102 - 1 0 15 0 0 14 0 0 Australia Pacific Region   Mathematics (miscellaneous)    
13780 15882 Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe journal 12303666 0,32 Q2 37 97 371 2505 304 365 0,78 25,82 Poland Eastern Europe Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres 1993, 1995-2020 Business and International Management (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
5837 19700183132 Fibrogenesis and Tissue Repair journal 17551536 0,808 Q1 41 0 6 0 22 6 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2008-2016 Dermatology (Q1); Gastroenterology (Q2); Hepatology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Rheumatology (Q2)
29633 21100228017 Fichte-Studien book series 18795811, 09250166 0,1 Q4 2 0 98 0 6 49 0,08 0 Netherlands Western Europe Editions Rodopi B.V. 2012, 2016-2018 Philosophy (Q4)      
21644 21100220499 Field Actions Science Report journal 1867139X, 18678521 0,152 Q3 6 43 58 167 17 49 0,28 3,88 France Western Europe Institut Veolia Environnement 2012-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Development (Q4); Education (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Health (social science) (Q4)
1668 78796 Field Crops Research journal 18726852, 03784290 1,767 Q1 137 221 836 12425 4121 819 4,86 56,22 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1978-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Soil Science (Q1)
5646 5600155075 Field Methods journal 1525822X 0,832 Q1 47 25 74 801 189 73 3,21 32,04 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1989-2020 Anthropology (Q1)      
21923 4700153106 Field Mycology journal 14681641 0,148 Q4 6 43 114 201 9 101 0,1 4,67 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2006-2020 Ecology (Q4); Plant Science (Q4)  
26434 21100455666 Fieldwork in Religion journal 17430615, 17430623 0,11 Q3 2 6 38 177 7 33 0,33 29,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Equinox Publishing Ltd 2014-2019 Religious Studies (Q3)    
29634 17700156013 Figures de la Psychanalyse journal 17762847, 16233883 0,1 Q4 4 20 141 286 1 136 0,01 14,3 France Western Europe Editions Eres 2001-2007, 2009-2019 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
28704 20000195090 Film and History journal 15489922, 03603695 0,101 Q3 3 5 20 224 1 19 0 44,8 United States Northern America Center for the Study of Film and History 2011-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4)
30354 16400154738 Film Comment journal 0015119X, 0015120X - 6 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 United States Northern America Film Society of Lincoln Center 2002-2011, 2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts  
26261 16200154726 Film Criticism journal 1635069 0,111 Q2 9 0 136 0 19 134 0,08 0 United States Northern America Allegheny College 2002-2018 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)  
30355 21100920225 Film Fashion and Consumption journal 20442823, 20442831 - 1 7 0 239 0 0 0 34,14 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2019 Communication; Cultural Studies; History; Visual Arts and Performing Arts
24992 16200154737 Film History: An International Journal journal 08922160, 15533905 0,12 Q2 12 18 79 1188 12 78 0,13 66 United States Northern America Indiana University Press 1987, 1999, 2002-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); History (Q3)
29635 21100218017 Film International journal 20403801, 16516826 0,1 Q4 2 67 164 699 0 93 0 10,43 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2012-2019 Communication (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)
14932 11600153482 Film Quarterly journal 00151386, 15338630 0,284 Q1 19 47 176 455 39 131 0,32 9,68 United States Northern America University of California Press 1969-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1)  
30356 21100903778 Film-Philosophy journal 14664615   - 1 17 0 491 0 0 0 28,88 United Kingdom Western Europe Edinburgh University Press 2019-2020 Communication; Philosophy; Visual Arts and Performing Arts
28705 21100833037 Filologia Mediolatina journal 11240008 0,101 Q4 1 12 35 6 1 35 0,05 0,5 Italy Western Europe SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo 2015-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
22549 5800215407 Filologija journal 0449363X 0,14 Q3 3 9 41 376 3 41 0,11 41,78 Croatia Eastern Europe Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti 2011-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
10773 19900192450 Filomat journal 3545180 0,449 Q2 28 522 1567 12196 1463 1556 0,89 23,36 Serbia Eastern Europe Universitet of Nis 2010-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
26435 21100222908 Filosofia Politica journal 3947297 0,11 Q3 2 31 81 1184 4 74 0,04 38,19 Italy Western Europe Il Mulino publishing house 2012-2019 History (Q3); Philosophy (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
17617 21100812553 Filosofia Theoretica journal 22768386, 24085987 0,217 Q1 7 21 52 669 39 48 0,85 31,86 Nigeria Africa Calabar School of Philosophy (CSP) 2014-2019 Religious Studies (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q2); Philosophy (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
21784 5800170623 Filosofia Unisinos journal 15195023, 19848234 0,15 Q2 3 25 121 567 12 113 0,09 22,68 Brazil Latin America Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos 2010-2019 Philosophy (Q2)      
23222 16800154730 Filosoficky Casopis journal 151831 0,133 Q2 6 57 213 343 14 193 0,08 6,02 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Academy of Sciences 2002-2020 Religious Studies (Q2)    
17531 11600153664 Filosofija, Sociologija journal 2357186 0,219 Q2 9 37 107 972 50 103 0,55 26,27 Lithuania Eastern Europe Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Publishers 2008-2019 Philosophy (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
30357 21100940504 Filosofskii Zhurnal journal 20720726, 26584883 - 1 53 0 1096 0 0 0 20,68 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Russian Academy of Sciences 2019 History and Philosophy of Science; Philosophy
18551 5700154126 Filozofia journal 0046385X 0,199 Q1 10 51 192 1358 57 184 0,36 26,63 Slovakia Eastern Europe Slovak Academy of Sciences 2002-2020 Religious Studies (Q1); Philosophy (Q2)  
21695 19900191992 Filozofia Nauki journal 12306894 0,151 Q2 4 23 86 863 7 85 0,05 37,52 Poland Eastern Europe Warsaw University 2011-2019 Philosophy (Q2); History and Philosophy of Science (Q3)
28706 21100892768 Filozofija i Drustvo journal 03535738, 23348577 0,101 Q4 1 41 36 806 1 31 0,03 19,66 Serbia Eastern Europe University of Belgrade - Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory 2018-2019 Philosophy (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
25099 19700174725 Filozofska Istrazivanja journal 3514706 0,119 Q3 3 19 175 197 9 163 0,04 10,37 Croatia Eastern Europe Hrvatsko Filozofsko Drustvo 2009-2019 Philosophy (Q3)      
29636 5700161185 Filozofski Vestnik journal 15811239, 03534510 0,1 Q4 7 0 92 0 3 90 0,02 0 Slovenia Eastern Europe Zalozba Z R C 2002-2018 Religious Studies (Q4)    
23039 12942 Filtration and Separation trade journal 00151882, 00411882 0,135 Q3 27 0 84 0 20 70 0,3 0 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1970-2018 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Filtration and Separation (Q4)
17568 2300147403 Final Program and Proceedings - IS and T/SID Color Imaging Conference conference and proceedings 10831304 0,218 - 40 71 185 1257 85 179 0,52 17,7 United States Northern America 10831304 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials; Software
16482 15089 Finance a Uver - Czech Journal of Economics and Finance journal 151920 0,242 Q3 18 24 76 1083 67 72 0,79 45,13 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University 1996-2019 Accounting (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q3); Finance (Q3)
24638 15493 Finance and Development journal 01451707, 15645142 0,123 Q4 30 49 176 63 48 24 1,67 1,29 United States Northern America International Monetary Fund 1973, 1975-1976, 1978-2019 Development (Q4); Finance (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
1286 15495 Finance and Stochastics journal 14321122, 09492984 2,023 Q1 41 30 97 932 217 94 2,33 31,07 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2004-2020 Finance (Q1); Statistics and Probability (Q1); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q1)
29637 21100896203 Finance India journal 9703772 0,1 Q4 1 32 43 616 0 43 0 19,25 India Asiatic Region Indian Institute of Finance 2018-2019 Accounting (Q4); Finance (Q4)    
4347 15519 Finance Research Letters journal 15446131, 15446123 0,999 Q1 31 437 484 10355 1809 483 3,79 23,7 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2004-2020 Finance (Q1)      
3844 21100435208 Financial Accountability and Management journal 14680408, 02674424 1,078 Q1 14 30 65 1905 172 64 1,86 63,5 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2014-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1)
5406 14733 Financial Analysts Journal journal 0015198X 0,859 Q1 74 30 108 204 105 85 1,05 6,8 United States Northern America CFA Institute 1996-2020 Finance (Q1); Accounting (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
16573 15556 Financial History Review journal 09685650, 14740052 0,24 Q1 17 20 45 833 16 44 0,47 41,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1994-1999, 2003-2020 History (Q1); Finance (Q3)    
5503 21100890672 Financial Innovation journal 21994730 0,847 Q1 13 45 96 2135 477 83 2,98 47,44 Germany Western Europe 2015-2020 Finance (Q1); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q2)
3136 74502 Financial Management journal 463892 1,226 Q1 63 58 98 2809 217 98 1,85 48,43 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1996-2020 Accounting (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Finance (Q1)
19616 4800152317 Financial Markets and Portfolio Management journal 1555497X, 15554961 0,182 Q4 20 15 49 739 20 48 0,22 49,27 Germany Western Europe Springer New York 2006-2020 Accounting (Q4); Finance (Q4)    
12060 15590 Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments journal 09638008, 14680416 0,386 Q2 23 15 24 878 28 24 0,53 58,53 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Finance (Q2)
12090 19900192165 Financial Review journal 15406288, 07328516 0,385 Q2 44 36 69 1846 46 69 0,52 51,28 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1969-2020 Finance (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
13480 5800228210 FinanzArchiv journal 00152218, 16140974 0,329 Q3 17 17 57 599 30 55 0,32 35,24 Germany Western Europe JCB Mohr 1981, 2006-2020 Finance (Q3)      
16936 86300 Findings brief : health care financing & organization journal 15530302 0,232 Q3 3 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 United States Northern America AcademyHealth 1996-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
16574 28168 Finisterra journal 4305027 0,24 Q3 8 36 75 1283 38 68 0,57 35,64 Portugal Western Europe Universidade de Lisboa 1978-1990, 1992-2002, 2007, 2012-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
3619 18189 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design journal 0168874X 1,119 Q1 73 58 244 2645 746 240 3,19 45,6 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1985-2020 Analysis (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q1); Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1)
3519 26480 Finite Fields and Their Applications journal 10715797, 10902465 1,142 Q1 40 89 320 1775 475 319 1,52 19,94 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1995-2020 Algebra and Number Theory (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q1); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Theoretical Computer Science (Q1)
28094 5800207688 Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen journal 3551253 0,102 Q4 2 0 11 0 1 11 0,17 0 Finland Western Europe Suomalais-ugrilainen Seura 2014, 2016, 2018 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
9436 20623 Fire and Materials journal 03080501, 10991018 0,521 Q1 55 94 253 3188 529 250 1,94 33,91 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1976, 1978-1989, 1991-2020 Metals and Alloys (Q1); Ceramics and Composites (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q2); Polymers and Plastics (Q2)
5270 17700155709 Fire Ecology journal 19339747 0,874 Q1 26 43 67 3054 167 67 1,98 71,02 United States Northern America Association for Fire Ecology 2009-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Forestry (Q1)
25848 28414 Fire International journal 152609 0,113 Q4 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe DMG World Media (UK) Ltd. 1978-1980, 1982-1989, 1995-1998, 2001-2002 Chemical Health and Safety (Q4); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q4)
24160 28385 Fire journal (Boston, Mass.) journal 152617 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America National Fire Protection Association 1969-1972, 1977-1990 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29638 5000156910 Fire Rescue Magazine journal 10940529 0,1 Q4 2 0 294 0 3 278 0,01 0 United States Northern America Elsevier Public Safety 2006-2009, 2015-2017 Emergency Medicine (Q4); Emergency Nursing (Q4)
29639 12200154704 Fire Risk Management trade journal 17571324 0,1 Q4 4 0 78 0 0 78 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Fire Protection Association 2008-2018 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q4)
5518 28425 Fire Safety Journal journal 3797112 0,845 Q1 72 149 376 5933 1121 370 2,8 39,82 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1977-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q1)
7434 28427 Fire Technology journal 15728099, 00152684 0,659 Q2 38 139 284 5449 573 268 1,89 39,2 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1965-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q2)
21035 21100793841 First Amendment Studies journal 21689725, 21689733 0,16 Q3 4 5 22 365 10 21 0,23 73 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2013-2019 Communication (Q3); Law (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
16400 27906 First Break journal 02635046, 13652397 0,244 Q4 38 86 191 1204 96 176 0,58 14 Netherlands Western Europe EAGE Publishing BV 1989-2019 Geophysics (Q4)      
9040 5700183394 First Language journal 17402344, 01427237 0,548 Q1 38 41 95 2493 111 95 1,03 60,8 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1980-1984, 1986-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Education (Q2)
6969 200147134 First Monday journal 13960466 0,7 Q1 65 25 288 1365 499 287 1,33 54,6 United States Northern America First Monday 1996-2019 Computer Networks and Communications (Q1); Law (Q1); Human-Computer Interaction (Q2)
24161 19900191990 First World War Studies journal 19475039, 19475020 0,125 Q2 8 7 43 250 8 42 0,18 35,71 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2010-2020 History (Q2)      
4650 27094 Fiscal Studies journal 01435671, 14755890 0,953 Q1 38 25 84 1126 118 78 1,57 45,04 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1979-2019 Finance (Q1); Accounting (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
660 21928 Fish and Fisheries journal 14672960, 14672979 3,001 Q1 100 75 211 8669 1613 210 7,17 115,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2001-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Oceanography (Q1)
3178 15066 Fish and Shellfish Immunology journal 10959947, 10504648 1,216 Q1 112 1012 1868 56273 7891 1856 4,15 55,61 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1991-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Immunology (Q2); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q2)
14199 21967 Fish Pathology journal 18817335, 0388788X 0,306 Q3 42 15 90 257 52 89 0,63 17,13 Japan Asiatic Region Japanese Society of Fish Pathology 1967-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q3); Aquatic Science (Q3)
7228 21930 Fish Physiology and Biochemistry journal 09201742, 15735168 0,676 Q2 75 154 415 8760 960 411 2,23 56,88 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1986-2020 Aquatic Science (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Biochemistry (Q3); Physiology (Q3)
8317 12760 Fisheries journal 03632415, 15488446 0,595 Q2 76 98 390 2004 390 326 1,24 20,45 United States Northern America John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1976-2020 Aquatic Science (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2)
13254 19700201332 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences journal 22341749, 22341757 0,337 Q3 13 29 113 1244 143 112 1,31 42,9 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2008-2020 Aquatic Science (Q3); Biochemistry (Q3); Oceanography (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q4)
6294 12762 Fisheries Management and Ecology journal 0969997X, 13652400 0,762 Q2 52 71 156 3903 320 152 1,88 54,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1994-2020 Aquatic Science (Q2); Ecology (Q2)  
3548 12780 Fisheries Oceanography journal 10546006, 13652419 1,136 Q1 76 51 150 3419 357 145 2,35 67,04 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1992-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Oceanography (Q1)
4202 12781 Fisheries Research journal 1657836 1,02 Q1 88 290 880 15834 2044 848 2,28 54,6 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1981, 1983-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1)    
10754 12786 Fisheries Science journal 09199268, 14442906 0,45 Q3 61 108 313 4310 412 304 1,3 39,91 Germany Western Europe Springer Nature 1994-2020 Aquatic Science (Q3)    
9135 12802 Fishery Bulletin journal 00900656, 19374518 0,542 Q2 63 26 112 1114 125 112 1,01 42,85 United States Northern America US National Marine Fisheries Services 1979-1986, 1988-2020 Aquatic Science (Q2)    
11128 21100934236 Fishes journal 24103888 0,431 Q2 6 59 68 3040 91 64 1,5 51,53 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2016-2020 Ecology (Q2); Aquatic Science (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
23040 7200153131 Fisioterapia journal 15782107, 02115638 0,135 Q4 9 47 137 1072 29 111 0,31 22,81 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Doyma, S.L. 2005-2020 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q4)
7339 18077 Fitoterapia journal 0367326X, 18736971 0,666 Q2 96 298 737 10639 2086 735 2,72 35,7 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1948-1949, 1961, 1972-2020 Drug Discovery (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2)
7449 19400157311 Fixed Point Theory journal 15835022, 20669208 0,658 Q2 21 24 133 509 162 133 1,44 21,21 Romania Eastern Europe House of the Book of Science 2008-2019 Analysis (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q2); Computational Mathematics (Q2)
6196 4000149607 Fixed Point Theory and Applications journal 16871812, 16871820 0,771 Q2 58 17 185 508 260 183 1,26 29,88 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer Open 2004-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q2); Geometry and Topology (Q2)
20168 21100875598 Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur journal 01326414, 18160328 0,173 Q4 21 175 522 5910 124 515 0,23 33,77 Ukraine Eastern Europe ILTPE-B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering 1987-1989, 1996-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q4)
24162 19900192549 Fiziksel Tip ve Rehabilitasyon Bilimleri Dergisi journal 13077384 0,125 Q4 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Turkey Middle East Turkiye Fiziksel Tip ve Rehabilitasyon Hekimleri Dernegi 2016 Physiology (medical) (Q4); Rehabilitation (Q4)
23395 30813 Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal SSSR Imeni I.M. Sechenova journal 0015329X 0,131 Q4 2 0 110 0 32 110 0 0 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Izdatel'stvo Nauka 1945-1946, 1949-1993, 1995, 2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Physiology (Q4)
26092 23422 Fiziologiia cheloveka journal 1311646 0,112 Q4 15 0 28 0 5 28 0 0 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Izdatel'stvo Nauka 1984-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
24993 9500153948 Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1994) journal 25229036, 25229028 0,12 Q4 11 0 79 0 15 79 0 0 Ukraine Eastern Europe Naukova Dumka 1977, 1994-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
22002 16355 Fizjoterapia Polska journal 16420136, 20844328 0,147 Q4 9 59 131 1532 13 131 0,08 25,97 Poland Eastern Europe DJ Studio 2002-2003, 2005-2012, 2014-2019 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q4)
26436 74826 Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon journal 13008757 0,11 Q4 9 0 41 0 7 35 0,17 0 Turkey Middle East Turkish Physical Therapy Association 2002-2018 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q4); Rehabilitation (Q4)
2784 21100798653 FlatChem journal 24522627 1,324 Q1 15 34 79 2579 358 78 4,59 75,85 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2017-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q1); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q1); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q1)
10566 25857 Flavour and Fragrance Journal journal 10991026, 08825734 0,46 Q2 65 51 150 2081 270 145 1,8 40,8 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1985-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Food Science (Q2)
22550 21100834771 Flebologiya journal 19976976, 23095601 0,14 Q4 2 40 48 1154 8 46 0,17 28,85 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Media Sphera Publishing House 2017-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4); Hematology (Q4)
27778 22521 Fleischwirtschaft trade journal 0015363X 0,103 Q4 16 0 127 0 8 127 0,05 0 Germany Western Europe Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH 1973-1981, 1983-1989, 1996-1998, 2002-2014, 2016, 2018 Food Science (Q4)      
5259 21100847942 Flexible and Printed Electronics journal 20588585 0,875 Q1 14 43 126 1565 406 126 3,08 36,4 United States Northern America Institute of Physics Publishing 2016-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q1)
3051 17600155106 Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal journal 19366590, 19366582 1,247 Q1 44 62 92 2504 288 85 3,21 40,39 United States Northern America Springer New York 2006, 2008-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Management Science and Operations Research (Q1)
29640 27878 Flexo trade journal 10517324 0,1 Q4 3 0 279 0 3 279 0,02 0 United States Northern America Flexographic Technical Association 1996-2018 Marketing (Q4); Media Technology (Q4)  
17353 85440 Flora Mediterranea journal 11204052 0,223 Q3 8 35 68 1185 39 68 0,63 33,86 Italy Western Europe Herbarium Mediterraneum Panormitanum 1991-1994, 2012-2019 Plant Science (Q3)      
18109 21100370875 Flora Montiberica journal 11385952, 1988799X 0,207 Q3 6 58 143 2182 83 143 0,62 37,62 Spain Western Europe 2014-2019 Plant Science (Q3); Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
9272 18094 Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants journal 3672530 0,532 Q2 53 152 419 10310 704 414 1,7 67,83 Germany Western Europe Urban und Fischer Verlag Jena 1975-1976, 1980-1988, 1990-2020 Ecology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)
13830 20000195005 Floresta journal 19824688, 00153826 0,318 Q2 10 93 182 2129 104 182 0,53 22,89 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal do Parana 1969, 2011-2020 Forestry (Q2); Ecology (Q3); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q3)
11465 21100211740 Floresta e Ambiente journal 21798087, 14150980 0,414 Q2 10 156 187 4931 130 187 0,65 31,61 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Florestas 2012-2020 Forestry (Q2)      
11502 20335 Florida Entomologist journal 154040 0,412 Q3 50 142 454 4238 374 452 0,62 29,85 United States Northern America Florida Entomological Society 1982, 1993-2019 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Insect Science (Q3)
27779 28170 Florida Geographer journal 7390041 0,103 Q4 3 0 17 0 1 11 0 0 United States Northern America Florida State University 1983-1992, 1996-2018 Earth-Surface Processes (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
28095 27694 Florida nurse, The journal 154199 0,102 Q4 3 0 19 0 0 10 0 0 United States Northern America Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency Inc 1965-1966, 1968-1973, 1975, 1977-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
8653 15026 Flow Measurement and Instrumentation journal 9555986 0,573 Q2 53 150 350 4169 793 342 2,37 27,79 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1989-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Instrumentation (Q2); Modeling and Simulation (Q2)
4981 21322 Flow, Turbulence and Combustion journal 13866184, 15731987 0,909 Q1 59 112 310 5348 905 301 2,93 47,75 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1996-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
17354 29428 Fluctuation and Noise Letters journal 17936780, 02194775 0,223 Q3 27 64 123 2099 127 123 1,14 32,8 Singapore Asiatic Region World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd 2004-2008, 2010-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q3); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28096 31991 Fluid Apparecchiature Idrauliche and Pneumatiche journal 3743225 0,102 Q4 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 Italy Western Europe Tecniche Nuove 1973-1997 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
12627 14371 Fluid Dynamics journal 15738507, 00154628 0,362 Q2 22 104 286 1972 219 280 0,78 18,96 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1966-2020 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q2); Mechanical Engineering (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q3)
24639 6000195396 Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing journal 1555256X, 15552578 0,123 Q4 15 40 44 883 8 44 0,22 22,08 United States Northern America Tech Science Press 2007-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
10611 18465 Fluid Dynamics Research journal 1695983 0,457 Q2 47 58 239 1982 272 233 1,1 34,17 United Kingdom Western Europe IOP Publishing Ltd. 1986-2019 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q2); Mechanical Engineering (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
28097 21100200443 Fluid Mechanics and its Applications book series 9265112 0,102 Q4 15 63 54 1156 11 20 0 18,35 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1992, 1998, 2000-2019 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4); Mechanics of Materials (Q4)
6295 26899 Fluid Phase Equilibria journal 3783812 0,762 Q1 111 345 1231 17301 3393 1210 3,01 50,15 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1977-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
24163 30819 Fluidics quarterly journal 154687 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America Delbridge Pub. Co. 1970-1982 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
13569 21100902013 Fluids journal 23115521 0,326 Q2 11 200 218 8297 341 213 1,46 41,49 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2016-2020 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q2); Condensed Matter Physics (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q3)
2375 19900193571 Fluids and Barriers of the CNS journal 20458118 1,448 Q1 43 41 92 2419 378 87 4,58 59 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2011-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Neurology (Q1); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q2); Developmental Neuroscience (Q2)
22762 5800207799 Fluminensia journal 3534642 0,138 Q1 4 18 88 608 9 86 0,1 33,78 Croatia Eastern Europe University of Rijeka 2011-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
14792 19383 Fluoride - Quarterly Reports journal 22534083, 00154725 0,288 Q2 45 8 119 231 100 104 0,77 28,88 New Zealand Pacific Region International Society for Fluoride Research 1973-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3); Biochemistry (Q4); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q4); Toxicology (Q4)
21924 21323 Flux journal 11542721 0,148 Q4 10 9 80 123 19 76 0,24 13,67 France Western Europe Association Metropolis 1996-1998, 2002-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
6946 6200162323 Fly journal 19336934, 19336942 0,702 Q2 28 6 81 337 97 49 1,59 56,17 United States Northern America Landes Bioscience 2007-2020 Insect Science (Q2)      
22763 7200153165 FMC Formacion Medica Continuada en Atencion Primaria journal 11342072 0,138 Q4 6 150 557 1752 27 556 0,04 11,68 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Doyma, S.L. 2005-2020 Community and Home Care (Q4); Gastroenterology (Q4)
13481 21100199778 FME Transactions journal 14512092 0,329 Q3 19 117 244 2905 339 243 1,47 24,83 Serbia Eastern Europe Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade University 2008-2020 Mechanical Engineering (Q3); Mechanics of Materials (Q3)
12782 21100204502 Focaal journal 09201297, 15585263 0,356 Q2 16 31 80 1166 87 76 1,44 37,61 Netherlands Western Europe Katholieke Universiteit, Instituut voor Culturele en Sociale Antropologie, University Of Nijmegen 2011-2020 Anthropology (Q2)      
25539 21839 Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies journal 14653753, 20427166 0,115 Q4 11 0 50 0 6 8 0 0 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2004-2016 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q4)
4030 5700155920 Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities journal 10883576, 15384829 1,045 Q1 64 30 79 1086 219 79 2,45 36,2 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1986-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q2); Neurology (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q2)
18066 12400154714 FOG - Freiberg Online Geoscience journal 14347512 0,208 Q3 6 2 35 245 16 11 1,86 122,5 Germany Western Europe Eiberg Geoscience Department jointly with Forderkreis Freiberger Geowissenschaften 2006, 2008-2019 Water Science and Technology (Q3); Ecology (Q4); Environmental Chemistry (Q4); Geology (Q4)
11354 21100812416 FOGA 2017 - Proceedings of the 14th ACM/SIGEVO Conference on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms conference and proceedings - 0,42 - 5 0 15 0 27 13 2,08 0 United States Northern America   Aerospace Engineering; Computer Science Applications; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Ocean Engineering; Transportation
25206 98405 Fogorvosi szemle journal 155314 0,118 Q4 10 0 19 0 4 19 0 0 Hungary Eastern Europe Ifjusagi Lapkiado Vallalat 1948-1954, 1961, 1965-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
21576 19200156916 Foldtani Kozlony journal 0015542X 0,153 Q4 9 20 67 1494 19 61 0,29 74,7 Hungary Eastern Europe Hungarian Geological Society 2009-2019 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q4); Geology (Q4); Paleontology (Q4); Stratigraphy (Q4)
13637 15073 Folia Biologica journal 25337602, 00155500 0,324 Q3 31 20 89 924 75 88 0,71 46,2 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Charles University 1961-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Biochemistry (Q4); Cell Biology (Q4); Developmental Biology (Q4); Genetics (Q4); Immunology (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)
19309 15075 Folia Biologica journal 17349168, 00155497 0,187 Q3 22 19 77 846 38 76 0,45 44,53 Poland Eastern Europe Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals 1953-1955, 1965-2019 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
10693 19300156812 Folia Cryptogamica Estonica journal 17367786, 14062070 0,453 Q2 12 13 46 441 57 46 1,31 33,92 Estonia Eastern Europe Estonian Naturalists' Society 2009-2019 Plant Science (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
19734 25719 Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A journal 716677 0,18 Q3 10 14 92 504 42 91 0,38 36 Poland Eastern Europe Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 1993, 1995-2007, 2009-2019 Forestry (Q3); Ecology (Q4)    
10157 18544 Folia Geobotanica journal 18749348, 12119520 0,48 Q2 45 20 100 1012 123 96 1,27 50,6 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1994-2020 Paleontology (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)  
18614 21100887441 Folia Geographica journal 24541001, 13366157 0,198 Q3 2 19 11 818 6 11 0,55 43,05 Slovakia Eastern Europe University of Presov 2018-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
13860 110096 Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica journal 02398508, 18975631 0,317 Q3 38 22 73 946 70 73 0,9 43 Poland Eastern Europe Via Medica 1984-2019 Histology (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q3)
9857 21100777275 Folia Horticulturae journal 08671761, 20835965 0,496 Q2 6 31 79 1614 126 79 1,84 52,06 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2016-2019 Horticulture (Q2)      
28707 19600161816 Folia Japonica de Ophthalmologica Clinica journal 18825176 0,101 Q4 2 0 288 0 4 288 0,02 0 Japan Asiatic Region Association of Folia Ophthalmologica Japonica 2008-2018 Ophthalmology (Q4)    
17481 145590 Folia Linguistica journal 01654004, 16147308 0,22 Q2 20 33 84 1939 31 80 0,3 58,76 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1967-1971, 1973, 1975-1995, 1997-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
30358 21100936541 Folia Linguistica et Litteraria journal 23370955, 18008542 - 0 32 0 601 0 0 0 18,78 Serbia Eastern Europe University of Montenegro 2019 Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language; Literature and Literary Theory
20169 5800207746 Folia Linguistica Historica journal 0168647X 0,173 Q2 10 0 39 0 12 39 0,3 0 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Mouton 1980-1986, 1989-2004, 2006-2018 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
16103 39363 Folia Medica journal 02048043, 13142143 0,252 Q3 19 39 179 0 149 179 0,81 0 Bulgaria Eastern Europe University of Medicine 1961, 1964-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
21925 27935 Folia Medica Cracoviensia journal 155616 0,148 Q4 11 39 113 0 49 113 0,33 0 Poland Eastern Europe Polska Akademia Nauk 1960, 1964-1982, 1984-2009, 2011-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
27076 30480 Folia Medica Facultatis Medicinae Universitatis Saraeviensis journal 3529630 0,106 Q4 1 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 Croatia Eastern Europe Medicinski Fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu 1977-1986, 2014-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
9554 17487 Folia Microbiologica journal 18749356, 00155632 0,514 Q2 45 87 236 3954 378 216 1,87 45,45 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1957, 1959-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Microbiology (Q3)
14343 15091 Folia Morphologica journal 00155659, 16443284 0,301 Q3 28 114 296 3825 296 296 1,02 33,55 Poland Eastern Europe Via Medica 1952-1955, 1961, 1964-2020 Anatomy (Q3); Histology (Q3)    
10910 15628 Folia Neuropathologica journal 16414640, 1509572X 0,442 Q3 35 38 118 1430 161 117 1,29 37,63 Poland Eastern Europe Termedia Publishing House Ltd. 1994-2019 Neurology (clinical) (Q3); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q3)
15281 5300152610 Folia Oecologica journal 13365266 0,274 Q2 8 20 49 825 46 49 1,15 41,25 Slovakia Eastern Europe Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences 2006-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Ecology (Q3); Forestry (Q3)
26262 5800209601 Folia Onomastica Croatica journal 13300695 0,111 Q3 3 9 20 341 1 20 0 37,89 Croatia Eastern Europe Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti 2011-2014, 2016-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
6550 21879 Folia Parasitologica journal 00155683, 18036465 0,738 Q2 43 21 96 677 173 95 1,6 32,24 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Academy of Sciences 1971-2020 Parasitology (Q2)      
26093 21840 Folia Pharmacologica Japonica journal 00155691, 13478397 0,112 Q4 18 105 308 2425 30 266 0,15 23,1 Japan Asiatic Region Japanese Pharmacological Society 1944, 1947-1948, 1951-1956, 1958-2020 Pharmacology (Q4)      
13089 13701 Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica journal 14219972, 10217762 0,344 Q1 45 83 113 3400 136 112 1,15 40,96 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1949-1956, 1958-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); LPN and LVN (Q2); Speech and Hearing (Q3)
12331 21941 Folia Primatologica journal 00155713, 14219980 0,374 Q2 44 38 88 2267 92 87 1,07 59,66 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1963-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
14381 21943 Folia Zoologica journal 1397893 0,3 Q3 33 0 70 0 63 70 0,82 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 1979, 1982-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
28708 6000162994 Folk Life journal 04308778, 1759670X 0,101 Q4 4 7 30 265 4 25 0,16 37,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1963-1995, 2002-2020 Anthropology (Q4); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4)
28098 6500153186 Folk Music Journal journal 5319684 0,102 Q3 5 6 22 150 4 11 0,43 25 United Kingdom Western Europe English Folk Dance and Song Society 2002-2008, 2011-2020 Music (Q3); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3)
25304 21100890301 Folklor/Edebiyat journal 13007491 0,117 Q3 1 67 56 1591 3 56 0,05 23,75 Cyprus Western Europe Cyprus International University 2018-2020 Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3); Anthropology (Q4)
22657 20087 Folklore journal 0015587X, 14698315 0,139 Q2 16 20 56 1032 14 56 0,28 51,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1890-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Anthropology (Q3)
21926 21100202737 Folklore (Estonia) journal 14060949, 14060957 0,148 Q2 7 29 114 973 32 95 0,35 33,55 Estonia Eastern Europe FB and Media Group of Estonian Literary Museum 2009-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Anthropology (Q3)  
28709 21100874718 Fonetica si Dialectologie journal 716855 0,101 Q4 2 0 34 0 0 34 0 0 Romania Eastern Europe Editura Academiei Romane 2012-2017 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
26437 6500153237 Fontes Artis Musicae journal 156191 0,11 Q3 4 9 48 293 4 43 0,07 32,56 United States Northern America 2002-2019 Music (Q3); Library and Information Sciences (Q4)
7909 18500157900 Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment journal 19440057, 19440049 0,624 Q2 68 170 616 6853 1519 596 2,49 40,31 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Food Science (Q2); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Toxicology (Q2)
5351 19400157146 Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B Surveillance journal 19393210, 19393229 0,865 Q1 24 43 126 1404 377 126 2,95 32,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2020 Food Science (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Toxicology (Q2)
7256 14500154701 Food Analytical Methods journal 1936976X, 19369751 0,673 Q1 40 280 1156 11328 3174 1146 2,8 40,46 United States Northern America Springer New York 2008-2020 Safety Research (Q1); Analytical Chemistry (Q2); Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q2); Food Science (Q2); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q2)
7257 15092 Food and Agricultural Immunology journal 14653443, 09540105 0,673 Q1 32 95 287 3426 691 279 2,6 36,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1989-2003, 2005-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Food Science (Q2); Immunology (Q3)
3845 14200154736 Food and Bioprocess Technology journal 19355149, 19355130 1,078 Q1 76 181 583 8641 2054 570 3,65 47,74 United States Northern America Springer New York 2008-2020 Food Science (Q1); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q1); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q1)
4155 15627 Food and Bioproducts Processing journal 09603085, 17443571 1,027 Q1 64 162 345 7251 1481 343 4,08 44,76 United Kingdom Western Europe Institution of Chemical Engineers 1991-2020 Biotechnology (Q1); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Food Science (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2)
5038 25096 Food and Chemical Toxicology journal 18736351, 02786915 0,902 Q1 159 691 1724 38422 6767 1673 4,06 55,6 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1982-2020 Food Science (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Toxicology (Q1)
15587 110097 Food and Drug Law Journal journal 1064590X 0,266 Q2 19 0 64 0 38 63 0,64 0 United States Northern America Food and Drug Law Institute 1992-2018 Law (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pharmacology (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
2918 21100775662 Food and Energy Security journal 20483694 1,287 Q1 23 28 61 2094 296 51 5,55 74,79 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Food Science (Q1); Forestry (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
6468 19400158516 Food and Environmental Virology journal 18670334, 18670342 0,746 Q1 28 48 140 2124 391 134 2,96 44,25 United States Northern America Springer New York 2009-2020 Food Science (Q1); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q2); Epidemiology (Q3); Virology (Q3)
18278 12573 Food and Foodways journal 15423484, 07409710 0,204 Q2 12 17 50 840 29 45 0,65 49,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1985-1994, 1999, 2001, 2007-2020 Anthropology (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q2); Health (social science) (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Food Science (Q4)
4105 19700188146 Food and Function journal 20426496, 2042650X 1,035 Q1 65 779 1563 36273 6831 1534 4,37 46,56 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2010-2020 Food Science (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
6282 12575 Food and Nutrition Bulletin journal 03795721, 15648265 0,763 Q1 67 49 165 1584 313 158 1,61 32,33 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1982-2020 Food Science (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q2)
5637 19700173130 Food and Nutrition Research journal 1654661X, 16546628 0,833 Q1 34 50 271 2360 941 260 3,83 47,2 United Kingdom Western Europe Swedish Nutrition Foundation 2008-2020 Food Science (Q1); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
4960 21100445643 Food and Waterborne Parasitology journal 24056766 0,911 Q1 10 34 29 2186 112 29 3,14 64,29 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2015-2020 Food Science (Q1); Epidemiology (Q2); Parasitology (Q2)
28099 22571 Food Australia journal 10325298 0,102 Q4 23 0 67 0 2 50 0,17 0 Australia Pacific Region Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology 1996-2017 Food Science (Q4); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4)
6474 4700152504 Food Biophysics journal 15571858, 15571866 0,745 Q1 45 54 140 2360 377 139 2,32 43,7 United States Northern America Springer New York 2006-2020 Food Science (Q1); Analytical Chemistry (Q2); Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q2); Bioengineering (Q2); Biophysics (Q2)
4564 21100255550 Food Bioscience journal 22124306, 22124292 0,965 Q1 27 114 228 5174 876 228 3,27 45,39 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 2013-2020 Food Science (Q1); Biochemistry (Q2)  
15110 15630 Food Biotechnology journal 08905436, 15324249 0,279 Q3 31 19 58 1090 61 57 0,89 57,37 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1987-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q3); Biotechnology (Q3); Food Science (Q3)
1652 24039 Food Chemistry journal 18737072, 03088146 1,775 Q1 242 2139 5587 80938 37632 5506 6,81 37,84 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1976-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q1); Food Science (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
30359 21100872741 Food Chemistry, Function and Analysis book series 23980656, 23980664 - 3 153 85 13215 37 0 0 86,37 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 2017-2020 Analytical Chemistry; Food Science  
30360 21100896855 Food Chemistry: X journal 25901575   - 2 33 0 1242 0 0 0 37,64 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2019-2020 Analytical Chemistry; Food Science  
2417 22577 Food Control journal 9567135 1,43 Q1 114 508 1784 22525 8619 1768 4,69 44,34 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1990-2020 Biotechnology (Q1); Food Science (Q1)  
30361 21100935101 Food Engineering Progress journal 22881247, 12264768 - 1 42 0 1070 0 0 0 25,48 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Society for Food Engineering 2019-2020 Food Science      
3426 19600166327 Food Engineering Reviews journal 18667910, 18667929 1,162 Q1 42 19 60 2044 288 59 3,44 107,58 United States Northern America Springer New York 2009-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1)
1149 22597 Food Hydrocolloids journal 0268005X 2,16 Q1 144 701 1491 33944 11418 1480 7,59 48,42 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1986, 1995-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Food Science (Q1)
29641 23125 Food Manufacture trade journal 156477 0,1 Q4 1 674 4830 0 0 57 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe William Reed Publishing 1973-1974, 1979, 2009-2019 Food Science (Q4); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4)
2802 19717 Food Microbiology journal 07400020, 10959998 1,318 Q1 111 227 622 12029 2802 613 4,48 52,99 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1984-2020 Food Science (Q1); Microbiology (Q2)  
4448 21100285075 Food Packaging and Shelf Life journal 22142894 0,982 Q1 26 157 203 6714 978 202 4,65 42,76 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Food Science (Q1); Polymers and Plastics (Q1); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q1); Biomaterials (Q2); Microbiology (medical) (Q2)
1121 35048 Food Policy journal 3069192 2,189 Q1 95 114 306 6163 1556 303 4,59 54,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1975-2020 Development (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Food Science (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
18783 21100201021 Food Protection Trends journal 15419576 0,195 Q4 13 0 112 0 45 83 0,48 0 United States Northern America International Association for Food Protection 2011-2018 Food Science (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
2881 23161 Food Quality and Preference journal 9503293 1,296 Q1 110 226 516 12515 2697 497 5,07 55,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1988-1991, 1993-2020 Food Science (Q1); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1)
5221 21100901842 Food Quality and Safety journal 23991402, 23991399 0,879 Q1 9 23 55 991 200 54 3,7 43,09 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2017-2019 Food Science (Q1)      
19973 21100904224 Food Research journal 25502166 0,176 Q4 4 111 117 3371 64 117 0,55 30,37 Malaysia Asiatic Region 2017-2020 Food Science (Q4)      
2388 23180 Food Research International journal 9639969 1,44 Q1 149 908 1689 47393 9033 1669 5,34 52,19 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1992-2020 Food Science (Q1)      
3680 23182 Food Reviews International journal 87559129, 15256103 1,109 Q1 66 64 81 7373 402 81 4,81 115,2 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1985-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Food Science (Q1)
10889 12100154903 Food Science and Biotechnology journal 20926456, 12267708 0,443 Q2 34 257 701 8448 1081 698 1,61 32,87 South Korea Asiatic Region Springer Netherlands 2007-2020 Food Science (Q2); Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q3); Biotechnology (Q3)
4163 21100906935 Food Science and Human Wellness journal 22134530 1,026 Q1 3 33 5 2394 19 4 3,67 72,55 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2015-2020 Food Science (Q1)      
9517 21100464557 Food Science and Nutrition journal 20487177 0,516 Q2 20 430 515 17488 1166 513 2,09 40,67 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2013-2020 Food Science (Q2)      
10650 4500151502 Food Science and Technology journal 01012061, 1678457X 0,455 Q2 37 172 392 6311 668 391 1,64 36,69 Brazil Latin America Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA 2006-2020 Food Science (Q2); Biotechnology (Q3)  
28100 23203 Food Science and Technology journal 14753324 0,102 Q4 7 0 150 0 3 127 0,03 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST) 2004-2018 Food Science (Q4)      
8945 23189 Food Science and Technology International journal 15321738, 10820132 0,554 Q2 57 82 187 3184 350 187 1,86 38,83 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1995-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Food Science (Q2); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2)
15768 23201 Food Science and Technology Research journal 13446606 0,261 Q3 39 84 328 2661 214 326 0,61 31,68 Switzerland Western Europe Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology 1999-2019 Biotechnology (Q3); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Food Science (Q3); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3); Marketing (Q3)
8344 21100940430 Food Science of Animal Resources journal 26360780, 26360772 0,593 Q2 18 73 310 2657 521 307 1,52 36,4 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources 2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Food Science (Q2)
5034 19500157549 Food Security journal 18764517, 18764525 0,903 Q1 41 93 308 5229 674 274 2,23 56,23 Germany Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2010-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Development (Q1); Food Science (Q1)
5413 21100285057 Food Structure journal 22133291 0,858 Q1 14 26 61 1048 178 61 3,21 40,31 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Food Science (Q1); Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q2); Bioengineering (Q2)
27284 23232 Food Technology trade journal 156639 0,105 Q4 55 0 294 0 10 294 0,04 0 United States Northern America Institute of Food Technologists 1973, 1979, 1982-1983, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993-2017 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Food Science (Q4); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4)
8618 15632 Food Technology and Biotechnology journal 13342606, 13309862 0,575 Q2 61 56 176 2416 450 172 2,47 43,14 Croatia Eastern Europe University of Zagreb 1996-2019 Biotechnology (Q2); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Food Science (Q2); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2)
4894 21100365104 Food Webs journal 23522496 0,919 Q1 12 26 89 1711 189 85 2,27 65,81 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
14421 5700165569 Food, Culture and Society journal 15528014 0,299 Q1 20 45 114 2262 96 105 0,92 50,27 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Food Science (Q3); Social Psychology (Q3)
29642 21100812573 Food, Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 1 0 45 0 0 43 0 0 United States Northern America   Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous); Education; Engineering (miscellaneous)
6018 130015 Foodborne Pathogens and Disease journal 15567125, 15353141 0,79 Q1 64 108 300 4215 755 293 2,73 39,03 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2004-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Food Science (Q1); Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q2); Microbiology (Q2)
7408 21100898636 Foods journal 23048158 0,661 Q2 11 665 206 34862 657 206 3,19 52,42 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2018-2020 Food Science (Q2); Health Professions (miscellaneous) (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2); Plant Science (Q2); Microbiology (Q3)
20281 21100777291 Foods and Raw Materials journal 23084057, 23109599 0,171 Q4 7 35 139 1194 74 139 0,57 34,11 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Kemerovo State University 2013-2019 Food Science (Q4)      
12281 29735 Foot journal 09582592, 15322963 0,376 Q2 31 78 161 2136 180 160 1,07 27,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Churchill Livingstone 1991-2020 Podiatry (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3)
7616 29736 Foot and Ankle Clinics journal 15581934, 10837515 0,646 Q2 53 58 176 2038 220 151 1,52 35,14 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 2000-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Surgery (Q2)
2262 30824 Foot and Ankle International journal 10711007 1,487 Q1 102 271 651 6212 1758 584 2,72 22,92 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1980-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Surgery (Q1)
9669 19400158525 Foot and Ankle Specialist journal 19387636, 19386400 0,507 Q1 25 116 251 2577 249 229 1,02 22,22 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2008-2020 Podiatry (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Surgery (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3)
6797 21143 Foot and Ankle Surgery journal 14609584, 12687731 0,716 Q2 35 253 251 7494 450 218 1,85 29,62 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1994, 1996-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2)  
28710 19900192583 Footprint journal 18751490, 18751504 0,101 Q4 9 18 62 294 2 58 0,03 16,33 Netherlands Western Europe Delft University of Technology 2007-2019 Architecture (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)  
13011 19700188148 Footwear Science journal 19424280, 19424299 0,347 Q3 21 143 145 1104 106 144 0,48 7,72 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2009-2020 Biomedical Engineering (Q3); Biophysics (Q3); Human Factors and Ergonomics (Q3); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q3)
12499 21100201980 For the Learning of Mathematics journal 2280671 0,367 Q2 10 25 59 366 21 43 0,25 14,64 Canada Northern America FLM Publishing Association 2011-2019 Education (Q2); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q3)
15003 13020 Fordham Law Review journal 0015704X 0,282 Q2 32 40 280 4890 119 277 0,39 122,25 United States Northern America Fordham University School of Law 1973, 1975, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1994-2019 Law (Q2)        
7284 24664 Foreign Affairs journal 157120 0,671 Q1 90 96 310 0 442 267 1,51 0 United States Northern America Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. 1965, 1974, 1977-1981, 1985, 1989, 1991-1992, 1996-2019 Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
1746 4700152907 Foreign Language Annals journal 0015718X 1,722 Q1 45 49 166 2493 327 137 2,62 50,88 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1967-2020 Linguistics and Language (Q1)    
29643 21100798511 Foreign Language Association of Maine Annual Conference, FLAME 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 1 0 47 0 0 46 0 0 United States Northern America   Control and Systems Engineering  
18962 16800154728 Foreign Literature Studies journal 10037519 0,192 Q1 7 91 346 1535 11 346 0,03 16,87 China Asiatic Region Central China Normal University 2005-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
27533 25082 Foreign Policy journal 157228 0,104 Q4 39 0 86 0 2 85 0,02 0 United States Northern America Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 1979, 1981, 1984-1985, 1998-2015, 2017-2018, 2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
3102 5800191489 Foreign Policy Analysis journal 17438594, 17438586 1,234 Q1 20 31 87 2374 159 85 1,62 76,58 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2011-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
6109 21100788802 Forensic Chemistry journal 24681709 0,78 Q1 9 51 130 1867 326 125 2,68 36,61 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2016-2020 Analytical Chemistry (Q1); Law (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q1); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q2); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2); Spectroscopy (Q2)
5329 27743 Forensic Science International journal 03790738, 18726283 0,867 Q1 114 475 1327 16830 3285 1275 2,38 35,43 Ireland Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1978-2020 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1)  
1922 5700191205 Forensic Science International: Genetics journal 18724973 1,628 Q1 70 191 560 7570 2575 425 5,79 39,63 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 2007-2020 Genetics (Q1); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1)
9742 12100155401 Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series journal 1875175X, 18751768 0,503 Q2 21 349 238 2433 231 236 0,98 6,97 Ireland Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 2008-2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q2); Genetics (Q3)
30362 21100904891 Forensic Science International: Synergy journal 2589871X   - 2 46 0 1333 0 0 0 28,98 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2019-2020 Law; Pathology and Forensic Medicine  
9837 21100283726 Forensic Science Review journal 10427201 0,497 Q1 11 6 41 0 61 31 1,58 0 Taiwan Asiatic Region Central Police University Press 2012, 2014-2020 Law (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
9083 145553 Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology journal 1547769X, 15562891 0,545 Q2 35 138 298 2965 358 245 1,42 21,49 United States Northern America Humana Press 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q2)
10022 21100899440 Forensic Sciences Research journal 24711411, 20961790 0,487 Q1 4 63 36 2840 49 32 1,53 45,08 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2018-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Analytical Chemistry (Q2); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q3)
6093 4700152903 Forensic Toxicology journal 18608965, 18608973 0,782 Q2 33 56 143 1841 376 132 3,07 32,88 Japan Asiatic Region Springer Japan 2006-2020 Biochemistry (medical) (Q2); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q2); Toxicology (Q2)
18067 7200153135 Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie journal 18627072, 18627080 0,208 Q3 13 55 147 1219 48 128 0,37 22,16 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2007-2020 Law (Q3); Applied Psychology (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
15004 16106 Foresight journal 14659832, 14636689 0,282 Q2 27 48 114 2914 154 110 1,29 60,71 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1999-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Business and International Management (Q3); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q3); Management Science and Operations Research (Q3)
12699 21100775412 Foresight and STI Governance journal 23129972 0,359 Q2 13 30 84 1448 158 83 1,5 48,27 Russian Federation Eastern Europe National Research University, Higher School of Economics 2015-2019 Business and International Management (Q2); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Development (Q2); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Decision Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q3); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q3); Strategy and Management (Q3)
27534 21100812559 Forest and Plant Bioproducts Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting conference and proceedings - 0,104 - 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Control and Optimization; Energy Engineering and Power Technology
12987 21100940340 Forest and Society journal 25494333, 25494724 0,348 Q2 5 22 25 800 46 25 1,84 36,36 Indonesia Asiatic Region Universitas Hasanuddin 2017-2019 Forestry (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
3039 25720 Forest Ecology and Management journal 3781127 1,249 Q1 166 735 1842 52520 6476 1815 3,36 71,46 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1909, 1976, 1978-2020 Forestry (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1)
6509 21100869487 Forest Ecosystems journal 21975620, 20956355 0,741 Q1 15 51 98 3229 258 93 2,55 63,31 United Kingdom Western Europe 2014-2020 Forestry (Q1); Ecology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2)
8200 22203 Forest Pathology journal 14390329, 14374781 0,604 Q1 46 94 222 3717 365 220 1,34 39,54 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1999-2020 Forestry (Q1); Ecology (Q2)    
3585 22223 Forest Policy and Economics journal 13899341 1,127 Q1 64 192 502 12163 1572 468 3,51 63,35 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2000-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Forestry (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
14503 24976 Forest Products Journal journal 157473 0,297 Q2 49 61 140 1934 132 140 1,04 31,7 United States Northern America Forest Products Society 1968-1989, 1993, 1995-2019 Forestry (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
22226 22946 Forest Research journal 10011498 0,144 Q4 14 130 424 4028 107 424 0,24 30,98 China Asiatic Region Chinese Academy of Forestry 1988-2019 Ecology (Q4); Forestry (Q4); Plant Science (Q4)
8910 22226 Forest Science journal 0015749X 0,556 Q2 73 82 200 3938 305 199 1,53 48,02 United States Northern America Society of American Foresters 1970, 1974-1976, 1978-1991, 1993-2020 Ecology (Q2); Forestry (Q2); Ecological Modeling (Q3)
12110 21100220469 Forest Science and Technology journal 21580715, 21580103 0,384 Q2 11 28 86 1276 128 84 1,24 45,57 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2005-2020 Forestry (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3)
10342 21100201064 Forest Systems journal 21719845, 21715068 0,471 Q2 22 23 121 1411 169 120 1,24 61,35 Spain Western Europe Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria 2010-2019 Forestry (Q2); Soil Science (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
5487 22250 Forestry journal 0015752X, 14643626 0,849 Q1 59 30 177 1856 478 174 2,19 61,87 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1927-1945, 1947-1948, 1950-1959, 1962-2020 Forestry (Q1)      
12676 22252 Forestry Chronicle journal 157546 0,36 Q2 47 23 129 962 115 112 1,15 41,83 Canada Northern America Canadian Institute of Forestry 1988-2019 Forestry (Q2)      
25540 21100814514 Forestry Ideas journal 13143905 0,115 Q4 2 34 52 1094 6 52 0,12 32,18 Bulgaria Eastern Europe University of Forestry 2016-2019 Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Forestry (Q4); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q4)
17439 4900152302 Forestry Studies journal 14069954 0,221 Q3 11 6 41 235 30 40 0,5 39,17 Estonia Eastern Europe Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering, Estonian University of Life Sciences 2006-2020 Forestry (Q3)      
7536 21100219934 Forests journal 19994907 0,652 Q1 39 1129 1626 70841 3991 1599 2,32 62,75 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2010-2020 Forestry (Q1)      
12300 22249 Forests Trees and Livelihoods journal 14728028 0,375 Q2 25 20 59 696 70 49 1,6 34,8 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1999-2020 Forestry (Q2)      
28101 22001 Forktail journal 9501746 0,102 Q4 8 0 14 0 0 14 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Oriental Bird Club 1986, 2009-2014, 2018 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
30363 21100903229 Forma y Funcion journal 0120338X, 22565469 - 0 15 0 462 0 0 0 30,8 Colombia Latin America Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Department of Linguistics 2019 Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language
20037 21100784644 ForMABS 2016 - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Formal Methods for Analysis of Business Systems, co-located with ASE 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,175 - 1 0 4 0 4 2 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science Applications; Education; Media Technology; Modeling and Simulation
12965 21100211373 Formacion Universitaria journal 7185006 0,349 Q3 12 69 189 2273 184 180 0,93 32,94 Chile Latin America Centro de Informacion Tecnologica 2012-2020 Education (Q3)      
24779 21100881003 FormAkademisk journal 18909515 0,122 Q2 1 14 33 622 6 28 0,21 44,43 Norway Western Europe Oslo Metropolitan University 2018-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); Urban Studies (Q4)
13482 24980 Formal Aspects of Computing journal 09345043, 1433299X 0,329 Q3 38 30 110 1601 152 100 1,28 53,37 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer London 1989-2020 Software (Q3); Theoretical Computer Science (Q3)
9518 12262 Formal Methods in System Design journal 15728102, 09259856 0,516 Q2 50 23 78 1158 185 73 2 50,35 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1992-2019 Hardware and Architecture (Q2); Software (Q2); Theoretical Computer Science (Q3)
20690 21100468807 Formal Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, DDECS 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,165 - 7 0 46 0 42 45 0 0 United States Northern America   Energy Engineering and Power Technology
26094 17900156726 Formalized Mathematics journal 14262630, 18989934 0,112 Q4 8 0 26 0 4 26 0 0 Poland Eastern Europe University of Bialystok 2006-2016 Applied Mathematics (Q4); Computational Mathematics (Q4)
19249 21100268385 Formation Emploi journal 21070946, 07596340 0,188 Q3 6 21 129 598 17 115 0,15 28,48 France Western Europe Documentation Francaise 2012-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q4)
21696 82801 Formosan Journal of Surgery journal 1682606X 0,151 Q4 7 50 148 919 33 139 0,2 18,38 India Asiatic Region Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 1999-2003, 2011-2020 Surgery (Q4)      
27285 65854 Fornvannen journal 14049430, 00157813 0,105 Q3 4 0 50 0 3 44 0 0 Sweden Western Europe Royal Swedish Academy of Letters 1978, 2011-2018 Archeology (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3); History (Q3)
30364 21100903451 Foro de Educacion journal 16987802   - 1 29 0 1318 0 0 0 45,45 Spain Western Europe FahrenHouse 2019-2020 Education      
28711 21100208094 Foro Hispanico book series 09258620, 18757375 0,101 Q3 1 0 54 0 0 19 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2011-2012, 2015-2017 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
12783 29231 Forschung im Ingenieurwesen/Engineering Research journal 00157899, 14340860 0,356 Q2 21 91 92 1868 99 87 1,06 20,53 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1930, 1964-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
23223 22297 Forstarchiv journal 3004112 0,133 Q4 9 0 37 0 7 34 0,36 0 Germany Western Europe Verlag M. und H. Schaper GmbH 1974, 1976, 1979-1981, 1984-1989, 2011-2017 Ecology (Q4); Forestry (Q4); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q4)
20103 15633 Fortschritte der Neurologie Psychiatrie journal 14393522, 07204299 0,174 Q4 31 174 349 2576 110 216 0,56 14,8 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 1955-1963, 1973-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Neurology (Q4); Neurology (clinical) (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
2923 27955 Fortschritte der Physik journal 15213978, 00158208 1,285 Q1 58 74 184 5054 657 179 3,58 68,3 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 1953-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
29644 19276 Fortune journal 158259 0,1 Q4 15 0 126 0 0 67 0 0 United States Northern America Time Warner Publishing 1973-1974, 1976-2018 Business and International Management (Q4); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
30365 21100922993 FORUM (Netherlands) journal 15987647, 2451909X - 0 13 0 464 0 0 0 35,69 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 2019 Language and Linguistics; Linguistics and Language; Literature and Literary Theory
19105 14173 Forum der Psychoanalyse journal 14370751, 01787667 0,19 Q4 12 43 101 1129 17 82 0,17 26,26 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1987-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
7047 14192 Forum for Development Studies journal 08039410, 18911765 0,692 Q1 19 26 76 1609 90 69 1,28 61,88 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1992-2020 Development (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1)
11551 21100388412 Forum for Health Economics and Policy journal 21946191, 15589544 0,41 Q2 5 4 24 42 10 24 0,29 10,5 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2014-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Health Policy (Q3)
26438 145599 Forum for Modern Language Studies journal 00158518, 14716860 0,11 Q2 11 29 90 1094 12 86 0,18 37,72 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1965-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
27780 91585 Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venerology journal 14022915 0,103 Q4 3 35 80 231 0 8 0 6,6 Sweden Western Europe Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venerology 2003-2019 Dermatology (Q4); Infectious Diseases (Q4)
15731 12100155623 Forum for Social Economics, The journal 18746381, 07360932 0,262 Q2 6 36 100 1562 53 60 0,8 43,39 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Inc. 1971, 1975-1998, 2004, 2012-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
25662 21100201711 Forum for World Literature Studies journal 21546711, 19498519 0,114 Q2 3 22 144 493 3 142 0,02 22,41 China Asiatic Region Shanghai Normal University 2009-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3)
28712 21100856013 Forum Geografic journal 15831523, 20674635 0,101 Q4 1 0 28 0 1 28 0,04 0 Romania Eastern Europe University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences 2017-2018 Earth-Surface Processes (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Global and Planetary Change (Q4)
28713 21100886370 Forum Historiae journal 13376861 0,101 Q4 1 17 19 309 1 19 0,05 18,18 Slovakia Eastern Europe Slovak Academy of Sciences 2018-2019 History (Q4)      
26263 5800223782 Forum Italicum journal 00145858, 2168989X 0,111 Q2 4 50 162 1474 2 143 0,02 29,48 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1967, 1969-1974, 1976-1985, 1988, 1990-1994, 1998-1999, 2002-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
29645 27958 Forum Logopadie journal 9320547 0,1 Q4 8 0 132 0 1 87 0,03 0 Germany Western Europe Schulz-Kirchner Verlag GmbH 2001-2017 LPN and LVN (Q4); Speech and Hearing (Q4)
4458 26488 Forum Mathematicum journal 09337741, 14355337 0,98 Q1 33 105 248 2605 224 243 0,91 24,81 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1989-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)
23132 21100203941 Forum of Clinical Oncology journal 1792345X, 1792362X 0,134 Q4 4 0 17 0 3 16 0,22 0 Greece Western Europe Hellenic Society of Medical Oncology (He.S.M.O.) 2012-2018 Oncology (Q4)      
668 21100887442 Forum of Mathematics, Pi journal 20505086 2,98 Q1 12 6 14 101 73 13 8 16,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2013-2020 Algebra and Number Theory (Q1); Analysis (Q1); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q1); Geometry and Topology (Q1); Mathematical Physics (Q1); Statistics and Probability (Q1)
1889 21100886430 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma journal 20505094 1,643 Q1 13 44 68 851 116 67 1,79 19,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2013-2020 Algebra and Number Theory (Q1); Analysis (Q1); Computational Mathematics (Q1); Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q1); Geometry and Topology (Q1); Mathematical Physics (Q1); Statistics and Probability (Q1); Theoretical Computer Science (Q1)
15618 19700201445 Forum on Immunopathological Diseases and Therapeutics journal 21518025, 21518017 0,265 Q3 10 0 23 0 16 20 0 0 United States Northern America Begell House Inc. 2010-2016 Biotechnology (Q3); Biochemistry (Q4); Genetics (Q4); Molecular Medicine (Q4)
23313 20600195637 Forum on Specification and Design Languages conference and proceedings 16369874 0,132 - 8 0 59 0 34 54 0,67 0 United States Northern America 16369874 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Hardware and Architecture; Signal Processing
26715 21100852996 Forum Ortodontyczne journal 17341558 0,108 Q4 1 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 Poland Eastern Europe Polish Orthodontic Society 2016 Orthodontics (Q4)      
8619 72827 Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung journal 14385627 0,575 Q2 40 78 183 4230 260 183 1,31 54,23 Germany Western Europe Institut fur Klinische Sychologie and Gemeindesychologie 2002-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
29646 21100236216 Forum Stadt journal 1709364 0,1 Q4 2 21 83 167 0 76 0 7,95 Germany Western Europe BAG-Verlag 2011, 2013-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); History (Q4); Urban Studies (Q4)
11073 18500158100 Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics journal 15408884 0,434 Q2 19 26 93 1144 41 85 0,4 44 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2000, 2004-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
19106 21100788256 FOSD 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development, co-located with SPLASH 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,19 - 4 0 11 0 15 9 0 0 United States Northern America   Education; Engineering (miscellaneous); Signal Processing
11859 21100790799 Fossil Imprint journal 25334050, 25334069 0,395 Q3 8 24 73 1190 73 68 1,19 49,58 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Narodni Muzeum 2016-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Geology (Q3); Paleontology (Q3); Stratigraphy (Q3)
5600 19700175224 Fossil Record journal 21930066, 21930074 0,837 Q1 18 12 49 451 85 49 2,03 37,58 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 1998, 2007-2020 Paleontology (Q1)      
25663 13897 Fossils journal 229202 0,114 Q4 9 7 48 167 2 43 0,09 23,86 Japan Asiatic Region Palaeontological Society of Japan 1993-2019 Paleontology (Q4)      
5046 13899 Fossils and Strata journal 3009491 0,901 Q1 22 0 2 0 6 2 3 0 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987-1989, 1991, 1996-1999, 2001, 2003-2006, 2008-2009, 2012-2013, 2016-2017 Paleontology (Q1)      
5701 18400156716 Fottea journal 18025439, 18054927 0,825 Q1 24 12 63 508 139 63 2,45 42,33 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Phycological Society 2008-2019 Plant Science (Q1)      
18226 19900193544 Foucault Studies journal 18325203 0,205 Q2 23 5 64 225 28 52 0,33 45 Denmark Western Europe Copenhagen Business School 2004-2005, 2007-2019 Philosophy (Q2)      
26264 21100827151 Foundation Review journal 19445660, 19445679 0,111 Q4 8 9 69 116 3 61 0,05 12,89 United States Northern America Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy, Grand Valley State University 2009-2013, 2017-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
27535 21100803378 Foundations and Frontiers in Computer, Communication and Electrical Engineering - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Foundations and Frontiers in Computer, Communication and Electrical Engineering, C2E2 - 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,104 - 3 0 109 0 14 107 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Human-Computer Interaction; Software
3648 19400157320 Foundations and Trends in Accounting journal 15540642, 15540650 1,114 Q1 14 3 19 774 41 18 1,17 258 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2006-2012, 2014-2019 Accounting (Q1); Finance (Q1)    
4164 4000151805 Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory journal 15672190, 15672328 1,026 Q1 24 3 5 481 22 5 5,67 160,33 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2004-2019 Applied Mathematics (Q1); Computer Networks and Communications (Q1)
2443 5100155078 Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision journal 15722740 1,422 Q1 23 1 4 209 23 4 1 209 Singapore Asiatic Region Now Publishers Inc 2005-2007, 2009-2016, 2018-2019 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q1)
3444 19700186873 Foundations and Trends in Databases journal 19317883, 19317891 1,158 Q1 16 0 6 0 25 6 4,4 0 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2007, 2009-2013, 2015-2018 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
17808 19700201637 Foundations and Trends in Econometrics journal 15513076, 15513084 0,213 Q3 11 1 3 232 3 3 0,5 232 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2005-2006, 2009-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q3)  
10911 4700152807 Foundations and Trends in Electronic Design Automation journal 15513947, 15513939 0,442 Q2 14 1 9 423 34 9 3,33 423 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2006-2019 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q2); Hardware and Architecture (Q2)
1983 17500155110 Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship journal 15513114, 15513122 1,605 Q1 29 3 16 521 84 16 6,7 173,67 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2005-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q1)
622 21100203106 Foundations and Trends in Finance journal 15672409, 15672395 3,116 Q1 18 0 3 0 21 3 7 0 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2005-2015, 2017 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Finance (Q1)
1979 9000153101 Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction journal 15513963, 15513955 1,607 Q1 22 1 11 463 103 11 10,5 463 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2007-2019 Computer Science Applications (Q1); Human-Computer Interaction (Q1)
2301 5100155071 Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval journal 15540669, 15540677 1,474 Q1 28 3 11 833 119 11 9,88 277,67 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2006, 2008-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Information Systems (Q1)
276 19300156903 Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning journal 19358245, 19358237 5,12 Q1 30 2 10 752 198 10 18,57 376 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2008-2019 Artificial Intelligence (Q1); Human-Computer Interaction (Q1); Software (Q1)
13328 18300156733 Foundations and Trends in Marketing journal 15550761, 15550753 0,334 Q3 13 3 10 1565 8 10 0,88 521,67 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2006-2007, 2009-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q3); Marketing (Q3)
20635 19400158378 Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics journal 15479846, 15479854 0,166 Q4 16 0 4 0 2 4 0,5 0 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2005-2015, 2017-2018 Economics and Econometrics (Q4)  
1109 4700152794 Foundations and Trends in Networking journal 15540588, 1554057X 2,206 Q1 17 0 7 0 63 7 9,25 0 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2006-2018 Computer Networks and Communications (Q1)
1699 21100872828 Foundations and Trends in Programming Languages journal 23251107, 23251131 1,75 Q1 8 1 6 581 57 6 12 581 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2014-2019 Computer Science Applications (Q1); Software (Q1); Theoretical Computer Science (Q1)
416 19600166419 Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing journal 19328346, 19328354 3,839 Q1 15 0 10 0 178 10 27,17 0 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2007-2014, 2016-2018 Signal Processing (Q1)    
2888 21100863648 Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control journal 23256826, 23256818 1,294 Q1 10 2 10 521 37 10 4 260,5 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2014-2019 Control and Optimization (Q1); Control and Systems Engineering (Q1)
13038 11900154344 Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management journal 15719545 0,346 Q3 13 14 31 194 11 31 0,26 13,86 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2005, 2007-2014, 2016-2019 Management Science and Operations Research (Q3)
2748 4400151750 Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science journal 15513068, 1551305X 1,332 Q1 22 1 6 88 39 6 3,33 88 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2005-2007, 2009-2017, 2019-2020 Theoretical Computer Science (Q1)  
14571 5000154609 Foundations and Trends in Web Science journal 15550788, 1555077X 0,295 Q3 7 0 2 0 9 2 3 0 United States Northern America Now Publishers Inc 2006, 2010-2012, 2014, 2016-2017 Computer Networks and Communications (Q3)
27536 4900152802 Foundations in Engineering Mechanics book series 16121384 0,104 Q4 2 0 62 0 8 7 0 0 United States Northern America Springer New York 2006-2011, 2014-2018 Mechanical Engineering (Q4); Mechanics of Materials (Q4)
21847 145526 Foundations of Chemistry journal 13864238, 15728463 0,149 Q2 15 0 23 0 10 15 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2005-2016 History (Q2); Biochemistry (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)
1369 28470 Foundations of Computational Mathematics journal 16153383, 16153375 1,955 Q1 50 62 130 2667 423 128 2,82 43,02 Germany Western Europe Springer New York 2001-2020 Analysis (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q1); Computational Mathematics (Q1); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1)
17907 21100208036 Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences journal 23003405, 08676356 0,211 Q3 10 21 51 728 48 50 1 34,67 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2012-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Theoretical Computer Science (Q4)
18851 21100437628 Foundations of Management journal 23005661, 20807279 0,194 Q4 5 25 72 912 53 71 0,74 36,48 Germany Western Europe de Gruyter 2009-2012, 2015-2020 Strategy and Management (Q4)  
10711 27956 Foundations of Physics journal 15729516, 00159018 0,452 Q2 50 86 264 3247 331 249 1,51 37,76 United States Northern America Springer Netherlands 1970-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
15478 1300147101 Foundations of Science journal 12331821 0,269 Q2 23 71 177 3551 133 164 0,93 50,01 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1995, 1997-2002, 2005-2020 History and Philosophy of Science (Q2); Multidisciplinary (Q2)
28714 74292 Foundry Trade Journal International trade journal 17589789 0,101 Q4 2 20 31 123 0 31 0 6,15 United Kingdom Western Europe FMJ International Publications Ltd 1979, 1988, 2011-2013, 2017-2020 Information Systems (Q4); Information Systems and Management (Q4); Software (Q4)
19560 21100818508 Fourrages journal 4292766 0,183 Q4 11 35 108 946 22 108 0,19 27,03 France Western Europe Association Francaise pour la Production Fourragere 2008-2019 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q4); Food Science (Q4)
29647 19700182735 Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction journal 15441733, 15223868 0,1 Q4 2 40 116 0 2 87 0,04 0 United States Northern America Michigan State University 2010-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
18615 21100244810 FP essentials journal 21593000 0,198 Q3 9 60 179 0 79 146 0,51 0 United States Northern America American Academy of Family Physicians 2012-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
4258 21100457424 FPGA 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays conference and proceedings - 1,011 - 10 0 32 0 304 30 0 0 United States Northern America   Computational Theory and Mathematics; Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Information Systems; Software
1705 21100803205 FPGA 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays conference and proceedings - 1,746 - 14 0 34 0 526 32 16,44 0 United States Northern America   Human-Computer Interaction; Signal Processing
14006 21100784992 FPL 2016 - 26th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications conference and proceedings - 0,312 - 11 0 100 0 240 98 0 0 United States Northern America   Geochemistry and Petrology; Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
6586 28472 Fractals journal 17936543, 0218348X 0,735 Q1 39 158 254 5530 1017 253 4,64 35 Singapore Asiatic Region World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd 1995-2020 Multidisciplinary (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q2); Geometry and Topology (Q2); Modeling and Simulation (Q2)
1493 19900193539 Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis journal 13110454, 13142224 1,858 Q1 42 76 243 2175 830 232 3,46 28,62 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2011-2020 Analysis (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q1)  
10487 21100788796 Fragmenta Entomologica journal 22844880, 0429288X 0,463 Q2 5 15 67 438 44 57 0,67 29,2 Italy Western Europe PagePress Publications 2016-2019 Ecology (Q2); Insect Science (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
26914 18551 Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica journal 1640629X 0,107 Q3 8 0 129 0 10 129 0,08 0 Poland Eastern Europe W. Szafer Institute of Botany 2000-2018 Religious Studies (Q3); Accounting (Q4); Business and International Management (Q4); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4); Plant Science (Q4)
28715 16400154702 Francia. Forschungen zur Westeuropaischen Geschichte book series 9377743 0,101 Q4 4 0 28 0 1 28 0 0 Germany Western Europe Jan Thorbecke Verlag der Schwabenverlag AG 2002-2007, 2010-2012, 2014, 2016 History (Q4)      
25541 21100205725 Franciscan Studies journal 00805459, 19459718 0,115 Q3 3 9 53 753 7 52 0,16 83,67 United States Northern America Saint Bonaventure University 2011-2012, 2014-2019 History (Q3); Religious Studies (Q3)  
20782 21100247050 Frascati Physics Series conference and proceedings 11225157 0,164 - 6 0 95 0 19 87 0,11 0 Italy Western Europe 11225157 Nuclear and High Energy Physics  
15511 21100209322 Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale journal 19718993 0,268 Q3 16 233 404 6256 367 404 1,07 26,85 Italy Western Europe Gruppo Italiano Frattura 2012-2020 Mechanical Engineering (Q3); Mechanics of Materials (Q3)
1518 15095 Free Radical Biology and Medicine journal 08915849, 18734596 1,841 Q1 254 505 1264 40187 7504 1223 6,08 79,58 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 1987-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Physiology (medical) (Q1)
6188 17489 Free Radical Research journal 10715762, 10292470 0,772 Q2 118 120 354 6606 993 347 2,73 55,05 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1985-2020 Biochemistry (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
29648 21100309829 Freiburger Zeitschrift fur Philosophie und Theologie journal 160725 0,1 Q4 3 0 53 0 6 50 0,11 0 Switzerland Western Europe Academic Press Fribourg 2012-2017 Philosophy (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)  
27781 19700182806 French Colonial History journal 15393402, 15437787 0,103 Q3 4 0 12 0 1 9 0,2 0 United States Northern America Michigan State University 2010-2014, 2016-2017 History (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
21645 5600153816 French Cultural Studies journal 09571558, 17402352 0,152 Q2 10 21 94 531 19 94 0,17 25,29 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1990-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2)  
26265 16400154756 French Forum journal 15341836, 00989355 0,111 Q2 6 13 87 363 2 83 0,02 27,92 United States Northern America University of Pennsylvania Press 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)
25664 18269 French Historical Studies journal 00161071, 15275493 0,114 Q3 19 22 74 1637 14 71 0,17 74,41 United States Northern America Duke University Press 1978, 1983, 1989, 1999, 2001-2019 History (Q3)      
25849 5600154423 French History journal 02691191, 14774542 0,113 Q3 14 8 64 373 5 62 0,1 46,63 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1987-2019 History (Q3)      
9707 5700164101 French Politics journal 14763427, 14763419 0,505 Q2 12 26 82 1281 63 79 0,83 49,27 United Kingdom Western Europe Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 2009-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
20496 5600152937 French Politics, Culture & Society journal 15376370, 15585271 0,168 Q2 4 20 70 941 14 67 0,11 47,05 United States Northern America Berghahn Books Inc. 2015-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Anthropology (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
15282 12999 French Studies journal 00161128, 14682931 0,274 Q1 9 24 75 1151 15 75 0,18 47,96 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1947-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1); Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
28716 5800209245 French Studies Bulletin journal 02622750, 17489180 0,101 Q3 4 3 30 79 1 24 0,09 26,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1981-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
19735 16718 Frequenz journal 21916349, 00161136 0,18 Q3 23 50 207 1024 138 204 0,7 20,48 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1949-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3)
19107 22018 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin journal 10184619 0,19 Q4 37 466 981 13809 518 980 0,55 29,63 Germany Western Europe Parlar Scientific Publications 1993-2020 Environmental Chemistry (Q4); Pollution (Q4); Waste Management and Disposal (Q4)
2263 15112 Freshwater Biology journal 13652427, 00465070 1,487 Q1 149 182 446 13280 1806 444 4,03 72,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1971-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1)    
17569 19700174638 Freshwater Crayfish conference and proceedings 20764324 0,218 - 10 0 15 0 6 15 0,43 0 United States Northern America 20764324 Aquatic Science; Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
4390 21100297824 Freshwater Science journal 21619549, 21619565 0,993 Q1 109 85 259 5542 679 254 1,99 65,2 United States Northern America University of Chicago Press 2012-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
3047 21100466461 Friction journal 22237704, 22237690 1,248 Q1 24 103 107 4250 552 104 5,91 41,26 China Asiatic Region Springer International Publishing AG 2013-2020 Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q1)
19250 21100464746 Fronteiras journal 22388869 0,188 Q3 3 52 165 2103 53 154 0,32 40,44 Brazil Latin America University Center Annapolis 2015-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
24165 21100902945 Fronteras de la Historia journal 25394711, 20274688 0,125 Q2 1 13 14 585 3 14 0,21 45 Colombia Latin America Instituto Colombiano de Antropologia e Historia 2018-2019 History (Q2)      
21927 23632 Frontiers journal 15360334, 01609009 0,148 Q3 20 0 36 0 17 29 0 0 United States Northern America University of Nebraska Press 1978-1979, 1981, 1983, 1986, 1996-2016 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Gender Studies (Q3)
1906 21100199831 Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience journal 16634365 1,635 Q1 67 333 1109 23852 4898 1040 4,78 71,63 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2009-2020 Aging (Q1); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q1)  
30366 21100941066 Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics journal 22974687   - 2 64 0 2686 0 0 0 41,97 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2019-2020 Applied Mathematics; Statistics and Probability
15926 19500157321 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications book series 15356698, 09226389 0,257 Q3 49 360 1577 6649 791 1521 0,49 18,47 Netherlands Western Europe IOS Press 2004-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q3)    
8187 21100944560 Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences journal 2296987X 0,605 Q2 11 81 141 7689 244 138 1,67 94,93 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2014-2020 Astronomy and Astrophysics (Q2)  
3254 19700175166 Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience journal 16625153 1,199 Q1 64 292 828 21057 2281 787 2,78 72,11 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2007-2020 Behavioral Neuroscience (Q1); Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology (Q1); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q2)
4993 21100835954 Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology journal 22964185 0,908 Q2 36 436 359 29983 1301 328 3,37 68,77 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2013-2020 Bioengineering (Q2); Biomedical Engineering (Q2); Biotechnology (Q2); Histology (Q2)
14536 21100874174 Frontiers in Biology journal 16747984, 16747992 0,296 Q3 26 0 138 0 120 137 0,67 0 China Asiatic Region Higher Education Press 2010-2018 Biotechnology (Q3); Ecology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Genetics (Q4)
8923 21100255440 Frontiers in Bioscience - Elite journal 19450508, 19450494 0,555 Q2 44 14 100 740 221 100 2,34 52,86 United States Northern America Frontiers in Bioscience 2009-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q3)
4299 27974 Frontiers in Bioscience - Landmark journal 10934715, 10939946 1,006 Q1 137 87 338 7154 976 338 2,89 82,23 United States Northern America Frontiers in Bioscience 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q2)
6781 21100255498 Frontiers in Bioscience - Scholar journal 19450516, 19450524 0,717 Q2 43 14 81 1200 202 81 2,73 85,71 United States Northern America Frontiers in Bioscience 2009-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
10541 21100897005 Frontiers in Built Environment journal 22973362 0,461 Q2 14 150 188 6564 373 181 1,9 43,76 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2015-2020 Building and Construction (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Urban Studies (Q2)
3263 21100944558 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine journal 2297055X 1,197 Q1 21 195 322 13890 1071 306 3,63 71,23 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2014-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1)
862 21100826277 Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology journal 2296634X 2,572 Q1 40 297 444 25704 2359 412 5,27 86,55 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2013-2020 Cell Biology (Q1); Developmental Biology (Q1)
1931 21100255109 Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology journal 22352988 1,626 Q1 62 454 1194 26744 4870 1158 4,14 58,91 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2011-2020 Immunology (Q1); Infectious Diseases (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Microbiology (Q1); Microbiology (medical) (Q1)
1951 19700175163 Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience journal 16625102 1,618 Q2 76 582 1265 44296 4770 1203 3,94 76,11 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2007-2020 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q2)
5460 21100461983 Frontiers in Chemistry journal 22962646 0,852 Q1 39 864 724 46106 2612 704 3,53 53,36 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2013-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
30367 21100924991 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders book series 22145168, 24518743 - 1 7 0 1140 0 0 0 162,86 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2019 Neurology (clinical); Pharmaceutical Science; Pharmacology (medical); Psychiatry and Mental Health
30368 21100941292 Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti Infectives book series 24523208, 23523212 - 1 7 0 948 0 0 0 135,43 Netherlands Western Europe Bentham Science Publishers B.V. 2019 Drug Discovery; Infectious Diseases; Pharmacology; Pharmacology (medical)
4064 19700175168 Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience journal 16625188 1,041 Q2 50 92 358 5322 1015 343 2,91 57,85 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2007-2020 Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q3)
27077 12100157233 Frontiers in Diabetes book series 02515342, 16622995 0,106 Q4 4 33 35 1847 6 33 0,18 55,97 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2008, 2010, 2012-2015, 2017, 2019 Endocrinology (Q4); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4); Internal Medicine (Q4)
3436 21100782253 Frontiers in Earth Science journal 22966463 1,159 Q1 23 352 425 24350 1220 405 2,91 69,18 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2013-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
16743 21100223158 Frontiers in Earth Sciences book series 1863463X, 18634621 0,236 Q3 16 17 8 2367 1 1 0 139,24 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2011, 2013, 2016, 2018-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
3726 21100834704 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution journal 2296701X 1,101 Q1 26 476 541 36638 1426 498 2,67 76,97 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2013-2020 Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
362 144675 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment journal 15409295, 15409309 4,162 Q1 151 133 341 2608 1997 184 8,7 19,61 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2003-2020 Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
16260 21100935978 Frontiers in Education journal 2504284X 0,248 Q3 5 59 71 4227 57 66 0,72 71,64 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2016-2020 Education (Q3)      
2831 21100229210 Frontiers in Endocrinology journal 16642392 1,31 Q1 59 874 1169 61752 4338 1098 3,87 70,65 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2010-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q1)
9499 19900193870 Frontiers in Energy journal 20951698, 20951701 0,517 Q2 19 87 183 3854 397 147 2,95 44,3 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2011-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2)
7691 21100786317 Frontiers in Energy Research journal 2296598X 0,641 Q2 24 149 191 6931 481 182 2,36 46,52 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2013-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2); Fuel Technology (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2)
4994 21100826280 Frontiers in Environmental Science journal 2296665X 0,908 Q1 28 192 316 11383 1116 297 3,05 59,29 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2013-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
2313 21100236803 Frontiers in Genetics journal 16648021 1,469 Q1 69 1359 928 85667 3244 856 3,65 63,04 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2010-2020 Molecular Medicine (Q1); Genetics (Q2); Genetics (clinical) (Q2)
14504 19700188325 Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer journal 21518629 0,297 Q2 17 60 182 1655 258 182 1,54 27,58 United States Northern America Global Digital Central 2010-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q3)
3075 19700175164 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience journal 16625161 1,241 Q1 100 434 1891 28274 5894 1768 2,98 65,15 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2008-2020 Behavioral Neuroscience (Q1); Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1); Biological Psychiatry (Q2); Neurology (Q2)
12422 21100893766 Frontiers in ICT journal 2297198X 0,37 Q2 12 18 97 642 205 95 2,28 35,67 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2014-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q2); Hardware and Architecture (Q2); Artificial Intelligence (Q3); Information Systems (Q3); Software (Q3)
1192 21100229161 Frontiers in Immunology journal 16643224 2,116 Q1 102 3101 5743 224030 29111 5529 5,07 72,24 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2010-2020 Immunology (Q1); Immunology and Allergy (Q1)
4880 19700175114 Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience journal 16625145 0,921 Q2 55 73 150 5133 337 141 2,24 70,32 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2007-2020 Cognitive Neuroscience (Q2); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q3); Sensory Systems (Q3)
9782 21100241729 Frontiers in Life Science journal 21553769, 21553777 0,501 Q2 35 3 45 125 139 41 1,64 41,67 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2011-2013, 2015-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q3)
2450 21100790929 Frontiers in Marine Science journal 22967745 1,42 Q1 38 807 1211 54792 4388 1149 3,71 67,9 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2014-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ocean Engineering (Q1); Oceanography (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q2)
6855 21100900363 Frontiers in Materials journal 22968016 0,71 Q2 19 336 188 16821 503 180 2,81 50,06 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2014-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
3347 21100868809 Frontiers in Medicine journal 2296858X 1,18 Q1 28 203 710 10511 2441 664 3,74 51,78 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2014-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
1798 21100226442 Frontiers in Microbiology journal 1664302X 1,69 Q1 108 2984 7844 195899 36698 7552 4,44 65,65 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2010-2020 Microbiology (Q1); Microbiology (medical) (Q1)
1581 21100843667 Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences journal 2296889X 1,808 Q1 29 144 291 10850 1102 271 4,26 75,35 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2014-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q2)
1504 19700175113 Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience journal 16625099 1,851 Q1 52 329 1098 26523 4476 1058 4,16 80,62 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2008-2020 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
25665 21100835144 Frontiers in Nanobiomedical Research book series 22513965 0,114 Q4 1 0 64 0 5 13 0,38 0 Singapore Asiatic Region World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd 2017-2018 Biochemistry (Q4); Biotechnology (Q4); Cancer Research (Q4); Clinical Biochemistry (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)
1430 19700175165 Frontiers in Neural Circuits journal 16625110 1,909 Q1 54 87 346 5923 1159 328 3,11 68,08 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2007-2020 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q1); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q1); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q1); Sensory Systems (Q1)
1582 19700175116 Frontiers in Neuroanatomy journal 16625129 1,808 Q1 57 104 382 6811 1313 371 3,33 65,49 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2007-2020 Anatomy (Q1); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q2)
543 26111 Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology journal 00913022, 10956808 3,333 Q1 127 60 100 11910 937 93 9,86 198,5 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1973, 1990-2020 Endocrine and Autonomic Systems (Q1)  
2585 19700175167 Frontiers in Neuroinformatics journal 16625196 1,377 Q1 57 76 225 4482 790 216 3,3 58,97 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2007-2020 Biomedical Engineering (Q1); Computer Science Applications (Q1); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q2)
3929 21100212316 Frontiers in Neurology journal 16642295 1,062 Q2 57 1223 1981 64016 6086 1893 3,18 52,34 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2010-2020 Neurology (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q2)
6434 21100199837 Frontiers in Neurorobotics journal 16625218 0,75 Q2 26 102 157 4885 611 153 3,71 47,89 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2007-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q2); Biomedical Engineering (Q2)
2089 21100199812 Frontiers in Neuroscience journal 1662453X, 16624548 1,554 Q1 84 1258 2194 88942 9210 2081 4,15 70,7 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2009-2020 Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
4249 21100913479 Frontiers in Nutrition journal 2296861X 1,013 Q1 24 193 264 13841 993 250 3,57 71,72 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2014-2020 Food Science (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q2)
1867 21100275443 Frontiers in Oncology journal 2234943X 1,654 Q1 71 1379 1212 82795 5458 1135 4,89 60,04 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2011-2020 Oncology (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2)  
28717 21100778658 Frontiers in Particle Science and Technology 2016: Mitigation and Application of Particle Attrition conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 1 0 18 0 0 17 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality; Software
5302 21100851481 Frontiers in Pediatrics journal 22962360 0,87 Q1 28 541 834 23709 2092 752 2,78 43,82 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2013-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1)
3130 21100214102 Frontiers in Pharmacology journal 16639812 1,228 Q1 71 1430 2887 91078 12601 2779 4,47 63,69 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2010-2020 Pharmacology (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
8290 21100831025 Frontiers in Physics journal 2296424X 0,597 Q2 19 228 214 13325 568 206 2,81 58,44 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2013-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Mathematical Physics (Q2); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2); Biophysics (Q3)
3199 21100215107 Frontiers in Physiology journal 1664042X 1,211 Q2 86 1606 3472 98277 12391 3297 3,65 61,19 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2010-2020 Physiology (Q2); Physiology (medical) (Q2)
1794 21100313905 Frontiers in Plant Science journal 1664462X 1,691 Q1 101 1730 6274 129415 30550 6050 4,57 74,81 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2010-2020 Plant Science (Q1)      
3123 21100216569 Frontiers in Psychiatry journal 16640640 1,229 Q1 58 909 1041 59510 3672 976 3,46 65,47 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2010-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)  
4931 21100216571 Frontiers in Psychology journal 16641078 0,914 Q1 95 3004 6884 177669 17548 6271 2,54 59,14 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2010-2020 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
7274 21100798718 Frontiers in Public Health journal 22962565 0,672 Q2 31 395 463 17340 915 423 2,12 43,9 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2013-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
6702 21100913558 Frontiers in Surgery journal 2296875X 0,725 Q2 21 75 223 2942 520 205 1,91 39,23 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2014-2020 Surgery (Q2)      
11677 21100941001 Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems journal 2571581X 0,404 Q2 6 117 82 8083 141 81 1,74 69,09 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2018-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q2); Ecology (Q2); Food Science (Q2); Horticulture (Q2); Global and Planetary Change (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3)
1067 21100199802 Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience journal 16633563 2,257 Q1 34 27 64 2571 280 62 4,69 95,22 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2009-2020 Cell Biology (Q1); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q1)
1314 19700175115 Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience journal 16625137 2,003 Q1 66 89 273 7725 980 250 3,31 86,8 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2007-2020 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q1); Cognitive Neuroscience (Q1); Developmental Neuroscience (Q1); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q1)
5407 21100843693 Frontiers in Veterinary Science journal 22971769 0,859 Q1 22 484 674 23520 1674 644 2,42 48,6 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2014-2020 Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
2665 130152 Frontiers in Zoology journal 17429994 1,354 Q1 57 45 161 3550 482 156 2,66 78,89 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2004-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
17355 21100838766 Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering journal 20957505, 2095977X 0,223 Q3 9 49 153 2710 119 138 0,77 55,31 China Asiatic Region Higher Education Press Limited Company 2014-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Biotechnology (Q3); Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q3)
8806 21100413834 Frontiers of Architectural Research journal 20952635 0,564 Q1 19 66 129 2749 269 129 1,99 41,65 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2012-2020 Archeology (Q1); Architecture (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1); Building and Construction (Q2)
13127 21100788478 Frontiers of Biogeography journal 19486596 0,342 Q3 5 20 53 1065 46 32 0,95 53,25 United States Northern America eScholarship University of California 2016-2019 Ecology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Global and Planetary Change (Q4)
15402 7400153103 Frontiers of Business Research in China journal 16737326, 16737431 0,271 Q3 11 20 37 1305 43 36 1,19 65,25 Singapore Asiatic Region Springer Singapore 2007-2015, 2017-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3); Public Administration (Q3)
6665 19900195053 Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering journal 20950179, 20950187 0,728 Q1 26 110 209 5994 690 200 3,57 54,49 China Asiatic Region Higher Education Press 2011-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1)
8008 21100200426 Frontiers of Computer Science journal 20952228, 20952236 0,617 Q1 30 105 252 3807 611 240 1,92 36,26 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2013-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Theoretical Computer Science (Q2)
10176 6200180160 Frontiers of Earth Science journal 20950195, 20950209 0,479 Q2 24 84 199 3800 338 193 1,88 45,24 China Asiatic Region Higher Education Press 2007-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
17408 21100298203 Frontiers of Economics and Globalization book series 15748715 0,222 Q3 12 0 32 0 20 32 0,65 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2006-2011, 2013-2017 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3)
22466 4700152625 Frontiers of Economics in China journal 16733444, 16733568 0,141 Q4 12 0 29 0 9 29 0,33 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2006-2014, 2016-2017 Economics and Econometrics (Q4)  
13947 4700152626 Frontiers of Education in China journal 16733533, 1673341X 0,314 Q3 14 23 65 1417 36 63 0,7 61,61 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2006-2020 Education (Q3)      
4449 21100201022 Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering journal 20952201, 2095221X 0,982 Q1 36 94 307 4221 1155 299 4,16 44,9 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2012-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
17482 12847 Frontiers of Health Services Management journal 24752797, 07488157 0,22 Q3 23 0 27 0 18 23 1,43 0 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1984-2017 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
25666 9500153998 Frontiers of History in China journal 16733525, 16733401 0,114 Q3 5 16 63 973 4 61 0,07 60,81 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2006-2020 History (Q3)      
11223 26112 Frontiers of Hormone Research journal 3013073 0,426 Q3 35 32 106 1701 177 96 1,61 53,16 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1975, 1977, 1984, 1996-1997, 1999-2002, 2004-2010, 2013-2019 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3); Endocrinology (Q4)
11432 21100409130 Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering journal 20959230, 20959184 0,416 Q2 27 148 405 5583 886 389 2,46 37,72 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2015-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q2); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Hardware and Architecture (Q2); Signal Processing (Q2)
25850 4700152628 Frontiers of Law in China journal 16733541, 16733428 0,113 Q4 5 19 93 508 9 75 0,14 26,74 China Asiatic Region Higher Education Press 2006-2019 Law (Q4)        
26439 6600153109 Frontiers of Literary Studies in China journal 16737423, 16737318 0,11 Q2 3 17 83 434 9 76 0,08 25,53 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2)  
11074 19900191845 Frontiers of Materials Science journal 20950268, 2095025X 0,434 Q2 28 40 128 2038 262 128 1,83 50,95 China Asiatic Region Higher Education Press 2011-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
10177 4700152629 Frontiers of Mathematics in China journal 16733452, 16733576 0,479 Q2 24 70 260 1521 270 255 1,17 21,73 China Asiatic Region Higher Education Press 2006-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
9348 19700201653 Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering journal 20950233, 20950241 0,527 Q2 23 45 144 2034 389 138 3,34 45,2 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2011-2020 Mechanical Engineering (Q2)    
3968 19900195063 Frontiers of Medicine journal 20950225, 20950217 1,056 Q1 33 84 209 4768 620 194 3,68 56,76 China Asiatic Region Springer Science + Business Media 2011-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
11263 5400152651 Frontiers of Neurology and Neuroscience journal 16604431 0,424 Q3 25 20 101 837 80 94 0,73 41,85 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 2005-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q3); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q3)
27782 21100896893 Frontiers of Nursing journal 25448994 0,103 Q4 1 45 40 1352 2 40 0,05 30,04 Poland Eastern Europe Sciendo 2018-2019 Education (Q4); Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q4)
10488 21100228564 Frontiers of Optoelectronics journal 20952767, 20952759 0,463 Q2 15 53 161 2220 209 152 1,59 41,89 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2012-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q2)
25851 4700152630 Frontiers of Philosophy in China journal 16733436, 1673355X 0,113 Q3 5 19 124 497 16 118 0,05 26,16 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2006-2019 Philosophy (Q3)      
5948 19700201416 Frontiers of Physics journal 20950462, 20950470 0,797 Q2 34 79 319 5532 764 312 2,56 70,03 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2011-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
10040 21100201094 Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering journal 20952430, 20952449 0,486 Q1 20 110 148 5638 296 146 1,95 51,25 Germany Western Europe Springer Science + Business Media 2012-2020 Architecture (Q1); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2)
7238 21100868821 Frontiers Robotics AI journal 22969144 0,675 Q2 21 60 274 2270 861 267 2,64 37,83 Switzerland Western Europe Frontiers Media S.A. 2015-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q2); Computer Science Applications (Q2)
7494 21100817644 Frontline Gastroenterology journal 20414137, 20414145 0,655 Q3 10 138 139 3545 208 119 1,81 25,69 United Kingdom Western Europe BMJ Publishing Group 2013-2020 Gastroenterology (Q3); Hepatology (Q3)  
14702 21100899437 Frontline Learning Research journal 22953159 0,291 Q3 3 8 21 536 18 21 0,86 67 Belgium Western Europe European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction 2018-2019 Education (Q3)      
23717 18271 Fruhmittelalterliche Studien book series 00719706, 16130812 0,128 Q2 13 13 56 1569 11 55 0,21 120,69 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1967-1972, 1974-1984, 1986-2007, 2009, 2011-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2)  
22658 21100820129 Fruit Growing Research journal 23443723, 22860304 0,139 Q4 3 17 58 315 3 58 0,05 18,53 Romania Eastern Europe Research institute of Fruit Growing PITESTI 2012-2019 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q4); Horticulture (Q4); Soil Science (Q4)
15661 144783 Fruits journal 1625967X, 02481294 0,264 Q3 27 30 123 1447 107 121 0,64 48,23 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 1995, 2001-2019 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Food Science (Q3); Horticulture (Q3)
17409 21100797221 FTC 2016 - Proceedings of Future Technologies Conference conference and proceedings - 0,222 - 9 0 200 0 230 198 1,16 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Control and Systems Engineering; Hardware and Architecture; Information Systems
23933 30931 FTR - Turkiye Fiziksel Tip ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi journal 13020234 0,126 Q4 9 0 155 0 29 136 0,19 0 Turkey Middle East Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2003-2018 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q4); Rehabilitation (Q4)
25305 21100468829 FTXS 2016 - Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Fault-Tolerance for HPC at Extreme Scale conference and proceedings - 0,117 - 3 0 8 0 4 6 0 0 United States Northern America   Computational Theory and Mathematics; Theoretical Computer Science
19798 21100924767 Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences journal 16740750, 21982600 0,179 Q3 5 38 103 1485 38 98 0,48 39,08 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2014-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
27078 50135 Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences journal 16728467 0,106 Q4 8 140 429 3404 24 429 0,06 24,31 China Asiatic Region Fudan University 2001-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
1604 16313 Fuel journal 00162361, 18737153 1,797 Q1 199 2161 4340 102627 28738 4300 6,46 47,49 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1922, 1970-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1); Fuel Technology (Q1); Organic Chemistry (Q1)
8790 26541 Fuel Cells journal 16156846, 16156854 0,565 Q2 66 74 282 3153 630 268 2,24 42,61 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2003-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2)
26095 26542 Fuel Cells Bulletin journal 14642859 0,112 Q4 20 2 151 2 20 23 0,2 1 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1998-2019 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
2096 16315 Fuel Processing Technology journal 3783820 1,551 Q1 137 251 1229 14249 6899 1216 5,68 56,77 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1977-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q1); Fuel Technology (Q1)
28719 145490 Fuels and Lubes International journal 1179470 0,101 Q4 2 0 133 0 3 114 0,04 0 Philippines  Asiatic Region 2002-2012, 2014-2018 Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Fuel Technology (Q4); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4)
25852 21100812592 Fuels and Petrochemicals Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting conference and proceedings - 0,113 - 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Computer Science Applications; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Software
28102 21100776064 Fuels and Petrochemicals Division 2016 - Core Programming Area at the 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety conference and proceedings - 0,102 - 0 0 14 0 0 13 0 0 United States Northern America   Chemical Health and Safety; Safety Research; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
30369 21100934789 Fuentes el Reventon Energetico journal 21458502, 16576527 - 0 9 0 194 0 0 0 21,56 Colombia Latin America Universidad Industrial de Santander 2019 Energy (miscellaneous); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
16309 21046 Fuhe Cailiao Xuebao/Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica journal 10003851 0,247 Q3 24 337 1146 8544 835 1146 0,72 25,35 China Asiatic Region Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) 1993-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q3); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Mechanics of Materials (Q3); Condensed Matter Physics (Q4)
21500 16740 Fujitsu Scientific and Technical Journal journal 162523 0,154 Q4 21 51 183 227 68 168 0,44 4,45 Japan Asiatic Region Fujitsu Ltd 1968, 1970-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Hardware and Architecture (Q4); Human-Computer Interaction (Q4)
25100 27981 Fukuoka Acta Medica journal 0016254X 0,119 Q4 15 0 28 0 5 28 0 0 Japan Asiatic Region Fukuoka Medical Society/Fukuoka Igakkai 1948, 1961-1964, 1973-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
15968 27984 Fukushima Journal of Medical Sciences journal 162590 0,256 Q3 14 14 61 0 54 60 0,96 0 Japan Asiatic Region Fukushima Society of Medical Science 1964-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
12606 26900 Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures journal 1536383X, 15364046 0,363 Q2 46 132 315 5109 516 312 1,8 38,7 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2002-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q3); Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Q3); Organic Chemistry (Q3); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q3)
12966 26511 Functional Analysis and its Applications journal 15738485, 00162663 0,349 Q3 24 40 115 536 65 115 0,43 13,4 United States Northern America Springer New York 1967-2019 Analysis (Q3); Applied Mathematics (Q3)  
5285 22119 Functional and Integrative Genomics journal 14387948, 1438793X 0,872 Q1 70 81 162 5034 497 155 3,24 62,15 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2000-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Genetics (Q2)
1006 18002 Functional Ecology journal 02698463, 13652435 2,336 Q1 147 222 678 15866 3400 655 4,56 71,47 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1987-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1)
20418 19900193628 Functional Materials journal 22182993, 10275495 0,169 Q4 12 124 335 2304 128 335 0,37 18,58 Ukraine Eastern Europe National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2007, 2010-2019 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
11836 19700182027 Functional Materials Letters journal 17936047, 17937213 0,396 Q2 25 126 311 3552 513 305 1,96 28,19 Singapore Asiatic Region World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd 2008-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
6757 15664 Functional Neurology journal 19713274, 03935264 0,719 Q2 40 18 107 542 184 89 1,7 30,11 Italy Western Europe CIC Edizioni Internazionali s.r.l. 1986-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q2); Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q3)
4264 18565 Functional Plant Biology journal 14454408, 14454416 1,01 Q1 109 119 316 6571 879 315 2,77 55,22 Australia Pacific Region CSIRO 2002-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Plant Science (Q1)
14933 21100284506 Functiones et Approximatio, Commentarii Mathematici journal 02086573, 20809433 0,284 Q3 12 20 100 280 34 100 0,3 14 Poland Eastern Europe Adam Mickiewicz University Press 2006-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
16885 5800207812 Functions of Language journal 0929998X 0,233 Q2 21 15 37 649 17 36 0,3 43,27 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 1994-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
13203 28474 Fundamenta Informaticae journal 1692968 0,339 Q3 63 138 445 4436 679 417 1,66 32,14 Netherlands Western Europe IOS Press 1988-1991, 1993-2020 Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q3); Information Systems (Q3); Theoretical Computer Science (Q3); Algebra and Number Theory (Q4)
6996 26527 Fundamenta Mathematicae journal 17306329, 00162736 0,697 Q2 31 59 167 1031 84 167 0,46 17,47 Poland Eastern Europe Instytut Matematyczny 1989-1991, 1996-2019 Algebra and Number Theory (Q2)  
12556 5400152636 Fundamental and Applied Limnology journal 18639135 0,365 Q3 58 27 137 1570 130 134 0,88 58,15 Germany Western Europe E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung 2007-2019 Aquatic Science (Q3); Ecology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
24994 19900191977 Fundamental and Applied Mathematics journal 15605159, 20766203 0,12 Q4 6 36 114 272 18 114 0,09 7,56 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Moscow State University 2009-2010, 2013-2016, 2018-2019 Algebra and Number Theory (Q4); Analysis (Q4); Applied Mathematics (Q4); Geometry and Topology (Q4)
6251 21865 Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology journal 07673981, 14728206 0,766 Q2 69 91 209 3363 548 200 2,84 36,96 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1987-2020 Pharmacology (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
18616 21100824452 Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Gidrofizika journal 20736673 0,198 Q3 3 45 75 780 41 75 0,55 17,33 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Russian Academy of Sciences 2017-2020 Water Science and Technology (Q3); Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Geophysics (Q4); Oceanography (Q4)
4730 19700166901 Fungal Biology journal 18786146 0,942 Q1 98 119 337 6601 999 334 2,85 55,47 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2010-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Plant Science (Q1); Genetics (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q2)
30370 21100943277 Fungal Biology and Biotechnology journal 20543085   - 2 27 0 1101 0 0 0 40,78 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2019-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology; Biotechnology; Cell Biology; Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics; Molecular Biology
2418 6300153114 Fungal Biology Reviews journal 17494613 1,43 Q1 48 16 53 1825 291 50 5,14 114,06 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2007-2020 Microbiology (Q1); Plant Science (Q1)  
163 18567 Fungal Diversity journal 15602745, 18789129 6,949 Q1 88 21 71 10259 989 70 14,84 488,52 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1998-2020 Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Plant Science (Q1)
2531 95143 Fungal Ecology journal 17545048 1,395 Q1 48 123 281 9073 1120 269 2,83 73,76 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2008-2020 Ecological Modeling (Q1); Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Plant Science (Q1)
2581 18571 Fungal Genetics and Biology journal 10960937, 10871845 1,379 Q1 104 112 252 6697 867 244 3,16 59,79 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1996-2020 Microbiology (Q1); Genetics (Q2)  
7285 19500157034 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj journal 5328721 0,671 Q2 17 16 46 372 37 46 0,52 23,25 Japan Asiatic Region Mathematical Society of Japan - Kobe University 2003-2019 Algebra and Number Theory (Q2); Analysis (Q2); Geometry and Topology (Q2)
20570 29665 Funtai Oyobi Fummatsu Yakin/Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy journal 18809014, 05328799 0,167 Q3 20 65 349 1146 77 323 0,19 17,63 Japan Asiatic Region Funtai Funamtsu Yakin Kyokai/Japan Soc. of Powder Metallurgy 1949-1950, 1956, 1958-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3); Materials Chemistry (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4); Metals and Alloys (Q4)
26574 16742 Furukawa Review journal 13481797, 09119280 0,109 Q4 12 0 42 0 4 37 0,13 0 Japan Asiatic Region Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd. 1988-1989, 1991-1992, 1998-2018 Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
15174 21100782624 FUSION 2016 - 19th International Conference on Information Fusion, Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,277 - 12 0 310 0 354 308 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Media Technology; Signal Processing
8883 20344 Fusion Engineering and Design journal 9203796 0,558 Q2 75 864 2163 14181 3517 2098 1,77 16,41 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1984-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Mechanical Engineering (Q2); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q2)
10774 29995 Fusion Science and Technology journal 15361055 0,449 Q2 48 121 402 2475 502 389 1,06 20,45 United States Northern America American Nuclear Society 2001-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Mechanical Engineering (Q2); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q2); Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Q3)
21422 144940 Fuss und Sprunggelenk journal 16199987, 16199995 0,155 Q4 7 30 84 625 14 70 0,25 20,83 Germany Western Europe Elsevier BV 2005-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4)  
23511 19700177535 Future Anterior journal 19346026, 15499715 0,13 Q2 4 0 49 0 11 44 0,13 0 United States Northern America University of Minnesota Press 2009-2018 History (Q2); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); Architecture (Q3); Conservation (Q3)
10259 4400151731 Future Cardiology journal 14796678 0,475 Q3 30 56 196 2130 201 167 1,2 38,04 United Kingdom Western Europe Future Medicine Ltd. 2006-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Molecular Medicine (Q3)
30371 21100932523 Future Cities and Environment journal 23639075   - 1 14 0 509 0 0 0 36,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Ubiquity Press 2019-2020 Architecture; Geography, Planning and Development; Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law; Urban Studies
3179 12264 Future Generation Computer Systems journal 0167739X 1,216 Q1 105 930 1451 41976 10916 1286 8,75 45,14 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1984-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q1); Hardware and Architecture (Q1); Software (Q1)
12037 21100409311 Future Internet journal 19995903 0,387 Q2 20 256 273 10728 737 265 2,71 41,91 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2012-2020 Computer Networks and Communications (Q2)
6539 19700174974 Future Medicinal Chemistry journal 17568919, 17568927 0,739 Q2 61 226 542 13439 1577 484 3,09 59,46 United Kingdom Western Europe Future Science 2009-2020 Drug Discovery (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q3)
4223 5800207503 Future Microbiology journal 17460921, 17460913 1,017 Q2 75 159 449 5937 1042 416 2,3 37,34 United Kingdom Western Europe Future Medicine Ltd. 2006-2020 Microbiology (Q2); Microbiology (medical) (Q2)
16142 5900153302 Future Neurology journal 14796708, 17486971 0,251 Q3 30 30 85 1704 59 77 0,82 56,8 United Kingdom Western Europe Future Medicine Ltd. 2007-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q3); Neurology (Q4)
2275 25098 Future of Children journal 15501558, 10548289 1,481 Q1 80 8 38 256 176 37 5,11 32 United States Northern America Center for the Future of Children 1994-2015, 2017-2019 Health (social science) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
24995 21100787827 Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society journal 2197411X 0,12 Q4 5 10 96 189 14 92 0,08 18,9 Germany Western Europe University of Kassel 2013-2019 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q4); Ecology (Q4); Food Science (Q4)
5601 4200151510 Future Oncology journal 17448301, 14796694 0,837 Q2 66 424 950 16574 1844 832 2,33 39,09 United Kingdom Western Europe Future Medicine Ltd. 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Oncology (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3)
7617 21100854839 Future Science OA journal 20565623 0,646 Q2 17 92 275 3207 538 243 2,18 34,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Future Medicine Ltd. 2015-2020 Biotechnology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
14635 5900153308 Future Virology journal 17460794 0,293 Q4 30 82 282 4344 184 253 0,74 52,98 United Kingdom Western Europe Future Medicine Ltd. 2007-2020 Virology (Q4)      
6160 25561 Futures journal 163287 0,775 Q1 74 122 236 6851 696 226 2,88 56,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1968-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Development (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
21105 5600154056 Futuribles: Analyse et Prospective journal 0337307X 0,159 Q3 5 60 146 674 6 130 0,03 11,23 France Western Europe Futuribles 1977, 1979, 1983-1987, 1989-1997, 1999, 2005-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
28103 21100854430 Futuro del Pasado journal 19899289 0,102 Q3 1 27 34 1235 3 32 0,09 45,74 Spain Western Europe FahrenHouse 2017-2019 History (Q3); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4)
17483 21100198938 Fuzzy Economic Review journal 11360593 0,22 Q3 9 3 24 182 20 24 0,8 60,67 Spain Western Europe SIGEF International Association for Fuzzy-Set Management and Economy 2002-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q3)  
15549 21100826286 Fuzzy Information and Engineering journal 16168658, 16168666 0,267 Q2 11 0 85 0 141 85 1,56 0 China Asiatic Region 2014-2018, 2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3); Artificial Intelligence (Q3); Control and Systems Engineering (Q3); Information Systems (Q3); Management Science and Operations Research (Q3); Logic (Q4); Theoretical Computer Science (Q4)
3451 24207 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making journal 15732908, 15684539 1,156 Q1 49 24 71 597 295 71 4,96 24,88 United States Northern America Springer New York 2002-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q1); Logic (Q1); Software (Q1)
3930 26529 Fuzzy Sets and Systems journal 1650114 1,062 Q1 162 292 602 10484 2133 587 3,95 35,9 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1978-2020 Artificial Intelligence (Q1); Logic (Q1)  
26096 21100897202 FWU Journal of Social Sciences journal 19951272 0,112 Q3 1 35 29 1507 2 29 0,07 43,06 Pakistan Asiatic Region 2018-2019 History (Q3); Education (Q4); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
1725 21100232417 G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics journal 21601836 1,731 Q1 56 380 1111 19667 3195 1078 2,8 51,76 United States Northern America Genetics Society of America 2011-2020 Genetics (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q2)
25542 21100791240 GA 2016 - 6th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics: Geosynthetics for Infrastructure Development, Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,115 - 2 0 123 0 5 122 0 0 India Asiatic Region   Control and Optimization; Control and Systems Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology
20571 21100790774 GaBI Journal journal 20336403, 20336772 0,167 Q2 10 0 119 0 61 90 0,72 0 Belgium Western Europe Pro Pharma Communications International 2014-2018 Drug Guides (Q2); Pharmacy (Q3)  
27783 28004 Gaceta Medica de Bilbao journal 3044858 0,103 Q4 2 35 108 657 6 88 0,11 18,77 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Doyma, S.L. 1973-1977, 2010-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
24166 28006 Gaceta Medica de Caracas journal 3674762 0,125 Q4 5 24 37 607 6 33 0,18 25,29 Venezuela Latin America Academia Nacional de Medicina 1954-1957, 1959-1965, 1971-1976, 1978-1988, 2008-2014, 2017-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
20218 28023 Gaceta Medica de Mexico journal 163813 0,172 Q4 20 164 458 2786 168 388 0,45 16,99 Mexico Latin America Academia Nacional de Medicina 1945-1946, 1948, 1950-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
27286 21100278305 Gaceta Mexicana de Oncologia journal 16659201 0,105 Q4 4 32 161 1312 10 141 0,06 41 Spain Western Europe Elsevier Espana 2009-2019 Cancer Research (Q4); Oncology (Q4)  
11264 60803 Gaceta Sanitaria journal 2139111 0,424 Q3 40 165 366 4595 426 294 1,33 27,85 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Doyma, S.L. 1987-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
19974 19900192318 Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business journal 14111128, 23387238 0,176 Q3 7 15 45 951 43 45 0,97 63,4 Indonesia Asiatic Region Gadjah Mada University 2010-2019 Business and International Management (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
17268 21100265755 Gaea journal 19833628 0,225 Q3 4 0 6 0 6 6 0 0 Brazil Latin America Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos 2012, 2016 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
10694 4000148806 GAIA journal 9405550 0,453 Q1 25 55 248 993 192 218 0,95 18,05 Germany Western Europe Oekom Verlag 2005-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
5131 28025 Gait and Posture journal 9666362 0,892 Q1 138 415 1477 13773 3413 1442 2,07 33,19 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1993-2020 Biophysics (Q1); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Rehabilitation (Q1); Sports Science (Q2)
28104 18082 GAK Gummi Fasern Kunststoffe trade journal 1761625 0,102 Q4 8 0 87 0 6 87 0 0 Germany Western Europe Dr. Gupta Verlag 1979, 1984-2017 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Materials Chemistry (Q4); Polymers and Plastics (Q4)
10320 21100833030 Galaxies journal 20754434 0,472 Q3 14 86 330 7399 369 320 1,13 86,03 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2013-2020 Astronomy and Astrophysics (Q3)  
22855 21100854149 Galen Medical Journal journal 22285423, 23222379 0,137 Q4 4 0 49 0 22 41 0 0 Iran Middle East Fasa University of Medical Sciences 2015-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
28720 21100275429 Galilaeana journal 19716052, 18253903 0,101 Q4 2 7 25 0 0 24 0 0 Italy Western Europe Leo S. Olschki 2012-2019 History (Q4); History and Philosophy of Science (Q4)
28721 89248 Gallia book series 164119 0,101 Q4 2 0 24 0 0 24 0 0 France Western Europe Presses Universitaires de France 1981, 2013, 2016 Archeology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4)
26440 21100301616 Gallia Prehistoire book series 00164127, 21099642 0,11 Q3 2 0 22 0 2 22 0,15 0 France Western Europe CNRS Editions 2013, 2016-2018 Archeology (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3)
19863 29670 Galvanotechnik trade journal 164232 0,178 Q3 12 159 477 1206 63 477 0,17 7,58 Germany Western Europe Eugen G. Leuze Verlag 1969-1994, 1996-2020 Metals and Alloys (Q3); Surfaces, Coatings and Films (Q4)
16575 27205 Game Studies journal 16047982 0,24 Q1 25 0 38 0 33 34 0,9 0 Norway Western Europe 2002-2006, 2008-2018 Cultural Studies (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q4); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q4)
11692 6000194782 Games journal 20734336 0,403 Q3 15 48 191 1864 151 184 0,71 38,83 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2010-2020 Applied Mathematics (Q3); Statistics and Probability (Q3); Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty (Q3)
6419 11600153433 Games and Culture journal 15554139, 15554120 0,751 Q1 44 85 121 4498 253 103 2,4 52,92 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2006-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Communication (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Human-Computer Interaction (Q1); Applied Psychology (Q2)
1009 14194 Games and Economic Behavior journal 10902473, 08998256 2,334 Q1 91 172 418 6120 597 413 1,38 35,58 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1989-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q1); Finance (Q1)
8707 21100775590 Games for health journal journal 21617856, 2161783X 0,57 Q2 26 49 150 2373 369 146 2,38 48,43 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2012-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Rehabilitation (Q2)
24167 34990 Gamete Research journal 1487280 0,125 Q4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1978-1989 Developmental Biology (Q4); Genetics (Q4)
10849 19600157213 GAMM Mitteilungen journal 9367195 0,445 Q2 14 22 49 1277 57 40 0,97 58,05 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 2009-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3)
21646 12969 Gao Xiao Hua Xue Gong Cheng Xue Bao/Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities journal 10039015 0,152 Q4 17 189 583 5027 215 583 0,4 26,6 China Asiatic Region Zhejiang University Press 1990-1994, 2000-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)
9026 83986 Gaodianya Jishu/High Voltage Engineering journal 10036520 0,549 Q2 48 501 1552 12689 3133 1552 1,99 25,33 China Asiatic Region Science Press 2001-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2)
22375 12968 Gaofenzi Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering journal 10007555 0,142 Q3 13 340 1147 5523 292 1147 0,25 16,24 China Asiatic Region Chengdu University of Science and Technology 1993-1995, 1998, 2001-2020 Polymers and Plastics (Q3); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q4)
26575 16121 Gaojishu Tongxin/High Technology Letters journal 10020470 0,109 Q4 12 149 362 2894 40 362 0,09 19,42 China Asiatic Region Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China 1997-1999, 2001-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
15732 13225 Gaoya Dianqi/High Voltage Apparatus journal 10011609 0,262 Q3 27 453 1329 9916 790 1329 0,47 21,89 China Asiatic Region Xi'an High Voltage Apparatus Research Institute 2001-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3)
20691 14373 Gaoya Wuli Xuebao/Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics journal 10005773 0,165 Q4 13 124 309 3551 82 309 0,29 28,64 China Asiatic Region 1996-2020 Condensed Matter Physics (Q4)  
27537 16336 Gas und Wasserfach, Gas, Erdgas trade journal 164909 0,104 Q4 8 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 Germany Western Europe R. Oldenbourg 1970-1989, 1991-2011, 2014-2017 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q4); Ocean Engineering (Q4); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q4); Water Science and Technology (Q4)
28722 16025 Gas Waerme International trade journal 209384 0,101 Q4 7 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 Germany Western Europe Vulkan Verlag GmbH 1969-1992, 1994-2009, 2014-2015, 2017 Building and Construction (Q4); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4)
29649 16920 Gas Wasserfach Wasser Abwasser journal 163651 0,1 Q4 11 0 647 0 1 557 0 0 Germany Western Europe R. Oldenbourg 1970-2013, 2015-2018 Water Science and Technology (Q4)  
26266 19700175017 Gastric and Breast Cancer journal 11097647, 11097655 0,111 Q4 6 13 21 1005 1 21 0,05 77,31 Greece Western Europe Ioannina University School of Medicine 2008-2012, 2017-2019 Gastroenterology (Q4); Oncology (Q4)  
879 29794 Gastric Cancer journal 14363291, 14363305 2,537 Q1 75 160 388 5048 2388 363 6,98 31,55 Germany Western Europe Springer Japan 2000-2020 Cancer Research (Q1); Gastroenterology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Oncology (Q1)
27287 4700153505 Gastroenterologe journal 1861969X, 18619681 0,105 Q4 6 61 171 1614 11 146 0,09 26,46 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2006-2020 Gastroenterology (Q4)    
16261 28327 Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia journal 2105705 0,248 Q3 29 158 404 2676 226 358 0,64 16,94 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Doyma, S.L. 1982-2020 Gastroenterology (Q3); Hepatology (Q4)  
25306 28328 Gastroenterological Endoscopy journal 03871207, 18845738 0,117 Q4 11 127 321 2612 23 312 0,06 20,57 Japan Asiatic Region Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society 1970, 1973-2020 Gastroenterology (Q4); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
23823 21100205706 Gastroenterologie a Hepatologie journal 18047874, 1804803X 0,127 Q4 8 38 274 630 32 213 0,15 16,58 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 2011-2019 Gastroenterology (Q4); Hepatology (Q4)  
169 28330 Gastroenterology journal 15280012, 00165085 6,85 Q1 386 683 2016 19115 13863 878 14,88 27,99 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1945-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1); Hepatology (Q1)  
4787 5100152302 Gastroenterology and Hepatology journal 15547914 0,934 Q2 36 80 298 2095 446 98 4,17 26,19 United States Northern America Gastro-Hep Communications, Inc. 2006-2020 Gastroenterology (Q2); Hepatology (Q2)  
9967 19700188429 Gastroenterology and Hepatology from Bed to Bench journal 20084234, 20082258 0,49 Q3 22 80 223 2571 365 209 1,68 32,14 Iran Middle East Shahid Beheshti Medical University 2011-2020 Gastroenterology (Q3); Hepatology (Q3)  
3072 28332 Gastroenterology Clinics of North America journal 08898553, 11203757 1,242 Q1 80 51 188 3269 691 158 4,35 64,1 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1987-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1)    
27288 19700200711 Gastroenterology Insights journal 20367422 0,105 Q4 4 1 34 23 3 34 0,1 23 Italy Western Europe PagePress Publications 2010-2013, 2015-2019 Gastroenterology (Q4); Hepatology (Q4)  
17618 28348 Gastroenterology Nursing journal 1042895X, 15389766 0,217 Q3 28 77 207 1026 102 185 0,47 13,32 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1989-2020 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Gastroenterology (Q4)
4569 21100862081 Gastroenterology Report journal 20520034 0,964 Q2 22 65 145 2477 413 142 2,97 38,11 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2014-2019 Gastroenterology (Q2)    
7495 17600155048 Gastroenterology Research and Practice journal 1687630X, 16876121 0,655 Q3 42 195 707 7062 1390 682 1,91 36,22 United States Northern America Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2009-2020 Gastroenterology (Q3); Hepatology (Q3)  
1993 28350 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy journal 10976779, 00165107 1,597 Q1 195 477 1682 8112 4503 1149 4,4 17,01 United States Northern America Mosby Inc. 1965-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1)
9010 28351 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America journal 10525157, 15581950 0,55 Q3 55 62 183 2999 250 147 1,74 48,37 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1993-2020 Gastroenterology (Q3)    
24522 21100788811 Gastrointestinal Intervention journal 22131795, 22131809 0,124 Q4 1 0 6 0 3 6 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2016 Gastroenterology (Q4); Hepatology (Q4); Oncology (Q4); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
20908 4900152413 Gastrointestinal Nursing journal 14795248 0,162 Q3 14 118 257 1443 46 149 0,29 12,23 United Kingdom Western Europe MA Healthcare Ltd 2006-2009, 2015, 2017-2020 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q3); Medical and Surgical Nursing (Q3)
2845 21100932464 Gates Open Research journal 25724754 1,306 Q1 7 32 57 998 134 54 2,48 31,19 United States Northern America 2017-2019 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Health Policy (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q2)
20343 5000154002 Gayana journal 0717652X, 07176538 0,17 Q4 16 8 51 283 19 48 0,15 35,38 Chile Latin America Universidad de Concepcion 2006-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4); Aquatic Science (Q4)
16063 15601 Gayana - Botanica journal 00165301, 07176643 0,253 Q3 15 14 104 444 74 104 0,79 31,71 Chile Latin America Universidad de Concepcion 1981-1982, 1984, 2002-2019 Ecology (Q3); Horticulture (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
24884 21100220344 Gazeta de Antropologia journal 2147564 0,121 Q3 3 0 48 0 8 48 0,09 0 Spain Western Europe Univesidad de Granada 2012-2018 Anthropology (Q3)      
29650 21100237620 Gazette des Archives journal 165522 0,1 Q4 2 56 179 620 1 163 0,01 11,07 France Western Europe Association des Bibliothecaires Francais 1976, 2012-2019 History (Q4); Library and Information Sciences (Q4)
25101 28057 Gazi Medical Journal journal 1300056X, 21472092 0,119 Q4 7 114 258 2400 31 258 0,09 21,05 Turkey Middle East Gazi Universitesi 1992-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
20636 17700155802 Gazi University Journal of Science journal 13039709 0,166 Q3 15 98 218 2730 115 216 0,68 27,86 Turkey Middle East Gazi University Eti Mahallesi 2009-2019 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Multidisciplinary (Q3)
25853 35295 Gazovaya Promyshlennost journal 165581 0,113 Q4 5 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Nauchno-Tekhnicheskoe Obshchestvo Neftyanoi i Gazovoi Promyshlennosti 1978-1979, 1981-1984, 2001-2005 Fuel Technology (Q4)    
25102 79659 Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche journal 3933660 0,119 Q4 8 141 326 3392 30 312 0,09 24,06 Italy Western Europe Edizioni Minerva Medica S.p.A. 1965, 1984-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
1573 21100216308 GCB Bioenergy journal 17571693, 17571707 1,81 Q1 56 95 284 6719 1613 278 5,68 70,73 Germany Western Europe Wiley-VCH Verlag 2009-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Forestry (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1); Waste Management and Disposal (Q1)
15588 21100453530 GE Portuguese Journal of Gastroenterology journal 23414545 0,266 Q3 7 105 231 1965 172 194 0,85 18,71 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Gastroenterology (Q3)    
11265 12728 Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde journal 14388804, 00165751 0,424 Q2 25 310 530 4504 421 313 1,59 14,53 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 1947-1948, 1950-2020 Maternity and Midwifery (Q2); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q3)
12131 21100777452 GECCO 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference conference and proceedings - 0,383 - 14 0 147 0 326 145 0 0 United States Northern America   Artificial Intelligence; Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Signal Processing
19561 21100777701 GECCO 2016 Companion - Proceedings of the 2016 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference conference and proceedings - 0,183 - 8 0 230 0 133 210 0 0 United States Northern America   Control and Optimization; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology
22003 21100207633 Ge-Conservacion journal 19898568 0,147 Q1 3 0 99 0 19 93 0,25 0 Spain Western Europe Grupo Espanol del IIC (International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works) 2009-2018 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1); Conservation (Q2); Museology (Q3)
27784 28317 GED - Gastrenterologia Endoscopia Digestiva journal 1017772 0,103 Q4 6 0 41 0 1 40 0 0 Brazil Latin America Redprint Editora Ltda 1997-2008, 2010-2011, 2014-2017 Gastroenterology (Q4); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
24640 19900193866 Gedrag en Organisatie journal 09215077, 18757235 0,123 Q4 10 15 53 858 7 47 0,12 57,2 Netherlands Western Europe Boom Lemma uitgevers 2008-2019 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
23512 23945 Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft journal 9498036 0,13 Q4 19 0 185 0 28 161 0,15 0 Germany Western Europe Springer-VDI Verlag GmbH und Co. KG 1996-2017 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4); Pollution (Q4)
19380 21147 Gefasschirurgie journal 09487034, 14343932 0,186 Q4 13 107 299 2287 102 240 0,43 21,37 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1996-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4); Surgery (Q4)
30372 21100914882 Gels journal 23102861   - 3 45 0 2399 0 0 0 53,31 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2019-2020 Bioengineering; Biomaterials; Organic Chemistry; Polymers and Plastics
10789 19700175202 GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics journal 18692672, 18692680 0,448 Q2 15 24 35 929 52 33 1,5 38,71 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2010-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Modeling and Simulation (Q2)
15242 18300156714 GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies journal 16758021 0,275 Q1 14 46 155 1934 91 155 0,53 42,04 Malaysia Asiatic Region Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Press 2009-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
28105 25950 Gematologiya i Transfuziologiya journal 2345730 0,102 Q4 5 0 111 0 11 111 0,13 0 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Izdatel'stvo Meditsina 1983-2018 Hematology (Q4)      
20419 21100462808 GeMiC 2016 - 2016 German Microwave Conference conference and proceedings - 0,169 - 7 0 118 0 64 116 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality; Signal Processing
15892 19213 Gems and Gemology journal 0016626X 0,258 Q4 20 8 236 263 48 134 0,27 32,88 United States Northern America Gemological Institute of America (GIA) 1979, 1981-1987, 1997-2001, 2004-2019 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q4)  
24996 21100839186 Gender a Vyzkum / Gender and Research journal 25706586, 25706578 0,12 Q4 1 11 33 339 11 32 0,34 30,82 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Sociology 2017-2019 Gender Studies (Q4)    
9454 23634 Gender and Development journal 13552074, 13649221 0,52 Q2 36 30 90 922 164 83 1,04 30,73 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1993-2020 Development (Q2); Gender Studies (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
5271 29390 Gender and Education journal 13600516, 09540253 0,874 Q1 60 89 212 4770 344 169 2,07 53,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1989-2020 Education (Q1); Gender Studies (Q1)  
22467 14724 Gender and History journal 09535233, 14680424 0,141 Q2 28 41 118 338 36 108 0,27 8,24 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1989-2020 History (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Gender Studies (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
17960 19700169834 Gender and Language journal 1747633X, 17476321 0,21 Q2 7 23 66 1028 43 64 0,48 44,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Equinox Publishing Ltd 2013-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2); Philosophy (Q2); Gender Studies (Q3)
911 14925 Gender and Society journal 08912432, 15523977 2,487 Q1 97 37 96 1979 386 96 3,63 53,49 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1987-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Gender Studies (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
14257 23636 Gender Issues journal 19364717, 1098092X 0,304 Q2 24 29 67 1565 58 58 0,85 53,97 United States Northern America Springer New York 1997-2003, 2005-2020 Gender Studies (Q2)    
12728 11700154719 Gender in Management journal 17542413 0,358 Q2 48 42 106 3062 191 102 1,49 72,9 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2008-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Gender Studies (Q2)
26267 21100863627 Gender Studies book series 22860134, 1583980X 0,111 Q4 1 11 21 405 2 21 0,1 36,82 Poland Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2017-2020 Gender Studies (Q4)    
25419 21100346967 Gender, Equal Opportunities, Research journal 18057632, 12130028 0,116 Q4 4 0 18 0 6 14 0 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 2014-2016 Gender Studies (Q4)    
4180 23638 Gender, Place, and Culture journal 0966369X, 13600524 1,024 Q1 62 171 352 7991 738 332 2,06 46,73 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1994-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Demography (Q1); Gender Studies (Q1)
8112 23641 Gender, Technology and Development journal 09718524, 09730656 0,61 Q1 19 15 43 945 91 41 1,54 63 India Asiatic Region Routledge 1997-2020 Gender Studies (Q1); Development (Q2)  
2519 19295 Gender, Work and Organization journal 14680432, 09686673 1,4 Q1 70 128 125 7869 491 118 3,48 61,48 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1994-2020 Gender Studies (Q1); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q1)
5077 15636 Gene journal 18790038, 03781119 0,898 Q1 171 820 2429 38414 7135 2376 2,99 46,85 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1976-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Genetics (Q2)
2583 22120 Gene Expression journal 15553884, 10522166 1,378 Q2 44 12 49 948 160 48 3,5 79 United States Northern America Cognizant Communication Corporation 1991-2019 Genetics (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)  
9455 22122 Gene Expression Patterns journal 1567133X, 18727298 0,52 Q3 62 38 112 1948 134 112 0,95 51,26 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2001-2020 Genetics (Q3); Developmental Biology (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)
3685 19700174894 Gene Regulation and Systems Biology journal 11776250 1,108 Q1 17 0 26 0 65 26 2,17 0 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2008-2018 Computer Science Applications (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Genetics (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
18963 21100445644 Gene Reports journal 24520144 0,192 Q4 6 202 327 8037 183 323 0,58 39,79 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2015-2020 Genetics (Q4)      
2715 28081 Gene Therapy journal 09697128, 14765462 1,34 Q2 156 60 268 2738 918 239 4,11 45,63 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 1994-2020 Genetics (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q2)
30373 21100894629 Gene: X journal 25901583   - 1 17 0 805 0 0 0 47,35 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2019-2020 Genetics        
23396 21867 Geneesmiddelenbulletin journal 3044629 0,131 Q4 6 16 86 276 6 75 0,13 17,25 Netherlands Western Europe Stichting Geneesmiddelenbulletin 1973-2019 Pharmacology (Q4); Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)
5482 26113 General and Comparative Endocrinology journal 10956840, 00166480 0,85 Q1 112 245 817 15398 1997 801 2,45 62,85 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1961-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Endocrinology (Q2)
22004 19900191712 General Anthropology journal 15371727, 19393466 0,147 Q3 5 8 20 39 3 16 0,08 4,88 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1994-1995, 2003-2019 Anthropology (Q3)      
16028 25513 General Dentistry journal 3636771 0,254 Q3 33 109 362 2506 169 317 0,48 22,99 United States Northern America Academy of General Dentistry 1976-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
2419 15665 General Hospital Psychiatry journal 01638343, 18737714 1,43 Q1 100 97 292 4397 884 241 3,08 45,33 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Inc. 1979-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)  
25854 28463 General Medicine journal 13111817 0,113 Q4 2 78 139 1750 8 139 0,07 22,44 Bulgaria Eastern Europe Medical Information Center 2001-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
12345 23423 General Physiology and Biophysics journal 02315882, 13384325 0,373 Q3 37 58 187 2412 238 179 1,18 41,59 Slovakia Eastern Europe Slovak Academy of Sciences 1983-2020 Biophysics (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Physiology (Q4)
12206 21100901769 General Psychiatry journal 2517729X 0,38 Q3 18 56 169 1651 172 165 0,99 29,48 United Kingdom Western Europe BMJ Publishing Group 2018-2020 Neurology (Q3); Neurology (clinical) (Q3); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)
6887 27975 General Relativity and Gravitation journal 00017701, 15729532 0,707 Q2 76 167 476 8242 820 445 2,02 49,35 United States Northern America Springer New York 1970-2020 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q2)
10260 5300152705 General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery journal 18636705, 18632092 0,475 Q2 37 267 416 5008 472 389 1,12 18,76 Japan Asiatic Region Springer Japan 2007-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Surgery (Q2); Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q3)
16787 29022 Generations journal 7387806 0,235 Q4 33 63 204 960 79 193 0,29 15,24 United States Northern America American Society on Aging 1985, 1990, 1994, 1996-2019 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q4); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
27079 21100901465 Generos journal 20143613 0,106 Q4 1 13 12 526 3 12 0,25 40,46 Spain Western Europe Hipatia Press 2018-2019 Education (Q4); Gender Studies (Q4)  
2067 19700188368 Genes journal 20734425 1,564 Q1 41 1060 1178 72931 4474 1144 3,87 68,8 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2010-2020 Genetics (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1)  
3965 19700200884 Genes and Cancer journal 19476027, 19476019 1,057 Q2 66 7 78 352 276 76 3,4 50,29 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2010-2019 Cancer Research (Q2); Genetics (Q2)  
25307 21100332451 Genes and Cells journal 23131829 0,117 Q4 5 21 125 889 22 125 0,13 42,33 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Human Stem Cells Institute OJSC (HSCI) 2014-2019 Biomedical Engineering (Q4); Biotechnology (Q4); Cell Biology (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4); Surgery (Q4); Transplantation (Q4)
115 22126 Genes and Development journal 15495477, 08909369 7,92 Q1 425 137 578 8336 5102 549 8,23 60,85 United States Northern America Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 1987-2020 Developmental Biology (Q1); Genetics (Q1)
1841 21100414802 Genes and Diseases journal 23523042 1,664 Q1 27 77 117 4612 618 106 5,38 59,9 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
6703 19900193647 Genes and Environment journal 18807046, 18807062 0,725 Q1 16 23 79 869 190 77 1,84 37,78 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2006-2007, 2009-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Social Psychology (Q2); Genetics (Q3)
9944 22128 Genes and Genetic Systems journal 13417568, 18805779 0,491 Q2 48 35 120 1537 118 116 0,89 43,91 Japan Asiatic Region Genetics Society of Japan 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Genetics (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q4)
11466 12000154520 Genes and Genomics journal 19769571, 20929293 0,414 Q3 19 138 391 6040 423 378 1,24 43,77 South Korea Asiatic Region Springer Verlag 2008-2020 Biochemistry (Q3); Genetics (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)
5381 22129 Genes and Immunity journal 14664879, 14765470 0,862 Q3 96 78 88 4001 271 84 3,63 51,29 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 1999-2017, 2019-2020 Genetics (Q3); Genetics (clinical) (Q3); Immunology (Q3)
3905 10100153328 Genes and Nutrition journal 15558932, 18653499 1,067 Q2 48 32 93 2662 336 84 4,68 83,19 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2007-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Genetics (Q2)
1896 22139 Genes Chromosomes and Cancer journal 10982264, 10452257 1,639 Q1 117 100 246 6287 845 240 3,52 62,87 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1989-2020 Genetics (Q1); Cancer Research (Q2)  
4215 22141 Genes to Cells journal 13652443, 13569597 1,018 Q1 112 68 276 2921 477 269 1,63 42,96 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1996-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Genetics (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3)
2203 22138 Genes, Brain and Behavior journal 1601183X, 16011848 1,508 Q1 88 105 205 7450 659 196 3,44 70,95 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2002-2020 Behavioral Neuroscience (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Neurology (Q1)
13861 17600155220 Geneses journal 11553219 0,317 Q1 20 23 101 928 30 100 0,34 40,35 France Western Europe Editions Belin 2000-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Public Administration (Q3)
4284 22142 Genesis journal 1526954X, 1526968X 1,008 Q1 106 61 192 4316 301 171 1,8 70,75 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 2000-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Endocrinology (Q2); Genetics (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3)
21423 22144 Genetic Counseling journal 10158146 0,155 Q4 29 0 68 0 17 45 0 0 Switzerland Western Europe Editions Medecine et Hygiene 1990-2016 Genetics (clinical) (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
27080 9500154122 Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News journal 1935472X 0,106 Q4 9 229 593 168 24 565 0,05 0,73 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2007-2020 Bioengineering (Q4); Biomedical Engineering (Q4); Biotechnology (Q4); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q4)
1213 22162 Genetic Epidemiology journal 07410395, 10982272 2,094 Q1 92 72 199 2941 627 195 1,99 40,85 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1984-2020 Epidemiology (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1)
13453 24208 Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines journal 13892576, 15737632 0,33 Q3 38 37 65 1715 112 56 1,95 46,35 United States Northern America Springer New York 2003-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q3); Hardware and Architecture (Q3); Software (Q3); Theoretical Computer Science (Q3)
9894 22164 Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution journal 09259864, 15735109 0,494 Q2 62 131 431 6068 570 430 1,21 46,32 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1992-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Plant Science (Q2); Genetics (Q3)
10434 17700156201 Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers journal 19450265, 19450257 0,466 Q2 45 127 375 4048 502 360 1,31 31,87 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2009-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Genetics (clinical) (Q4)
9913 22171 Genetica journal 00166707, 15736857 0,493 Q2 85 37 170 2254 217 168 1,19 60,92 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1919-1941, 1943, 1949-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Insect Science (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Plant Science (Q2); Genetics (Q3)
9519 22172 Genetical Research journal 00166723, 14695073 0,516 Q2 68 13 27 267 31 20 2,6 20,54 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1960-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Genetics (Q3)
713 22173 Genetics journal 19432631, 00166731 2,891 Q1 237 296 1108 21597 4026 1039 3,91 72,96 United States Northern America Genetics Society of America 1945-1951, 1961-2020 Genetics (Q1)      
7887 19900193510 Genetics and Epigenetics journal 1179237X 0,625 Q3 9 0 12 0 24 12 3 0 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2008-2010, 2012-2017 Biochemistry (Q3); Genetics (Q3)  
6510 22186 Genetics and Molecular Biology journal 14154757, 16784685 0,741 Q3 51 89 269 3745 592 255 2,03 42,08 Brazil Latin America Brazilian Society of Genetics 1998-2020 Genetics (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)  
10975 22190 Genetics and Molecular Research journal 16765680 0,439 Q3 45 105 1896 3901 1940 1869 0,88 37,15 Brazil Latin America Fundacao de Pesquisas Cientificas de Ribeirao Preto 2002-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Genetics (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)
327 22191 Genetics in Medicine journal 10983600, 15300366 4,465 Q1 121 467 665 11492 4554 510 9,11 24,61 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1998-2020 Genetics (clinical) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
27538 21100397343 Genetics in the Third Millennium journal 17286182, 2383014X 0,104 Q4 4 0 52 0 3 52 0 0 Iran Middle East 2014-2016 Genetics (Q4)      
18015 21100945962 Genetics of Aquatic Organisms journal 24591831, 25872265 0,209 Q4 2 10 20 439 9 20 0,45 43,9 India Asiatic Region Central Fisheries Research Institute 2017-2020 Aquatic Science (Q4); Genetics (Q4)  
12241 21100837407 Genetics Research International journal 20903154, 20903162 0,378 Q4 8 2 21 71 23 21 0,82 35,5 Egypt Africa/Middle East Hindawi Limited 2012, 2014-2019 Genetics (Q4); Genetics (clinical) (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)
2223 22193 Genetics, Selection, Evolution journal 0999193X, 12979686 1,5 Q1 68 79 267 3299 999 255 4,06 41,76 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 1989-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
17961 21100413900 Genetika journal 18206069, 05340012 0,21 Q3 12 89 275 3267 170 269 0,69 36,71 Serbia Eastern Europe Drustvo Geneticara Srbije 2007-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Plant Science (Q3); Genetics (Q4)
26097 22198 Genetika journal 166758 0,112 Q4 19 0 142 0 18 142 0 0 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Maik Nauka-Interperiodica Publishing 1972-2016 Genetics (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Plant Science (Q4)
12752 17423 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice journal 10185895, 14680440 0,357 Q2 30 34 99 1423 102 91 1,17 41,85 Germany Western Europe Springer Nature 1999-2020 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Finance (Q2); Accounting (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
22551 21100389305 Geneva Reports on the World Economy book series 16078616 0,14 Q4 7 1 62 217 10 53 2,33 217 United Kingdom Western Europe Centre for Economic Policy Research 2014-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
4165 145573 GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review journal 1554964X, 15549658 1,026 Q1 19 8 26 388 31 25 1,29 48,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1975-1979, 1996-2002, 2005-2020 Accounting (Q1); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Finance (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
21697 21100855812 Genij Ortopedii journal 10284427, 2542131X 0,151 Q4 3 76 140 1983 30 139 0,22 26,09 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics 2017-2019 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4); Surgery (Q4)
30374 21100937581 Genocide Studies International journal 22911855, 22911847 - 0 7 0 929 0 0 0 132,71 Canada Northern America University of Toronto Press 2019 Law; Political Science and International Relations; Sociology and Political Science
4827 22211 Genome journal 14803321, 08312796 0,928 Q1 94 70 287 3290 674 282 1,98 47 Canada Northern America National Research Council of Canada 1987-2020 Biotechnology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Genetics (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q3)
77 40944 Genome Biology journal 14747596 9,479 Q1 226 300 738 16410 8361 650 10,12 54,7 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2000-2020 Cell Biology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Genetics (Q1)
1209 19700182013 Genome Biology and Evolution journal 17596653 2,095 Q1 67 289 858 12569 2999 839 3,28 43,49 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2010-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Genetics (Q1)
12816 19700201437 Genome Integrity journal 20419414 0,355 Q4 19 3 21 83 18 20 1,33 27,67 India Asiatic Region Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 2010-2019 Genetics (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)  
183 19700175140 Genome Medicine journal 1756994X 6,411 Q1 76 92 357 4925 3459 289 10,51 53,53 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2009-2020 Genetics (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q1)
84 22214 Genome Research journal 15495469, 10889051 9,245 Q1 285 187 545 11435 5410 507 10,99 61,15 United States Northern America Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 1991-2020 Genetics (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1)  
4348 22215 Genomics journal 08887543, 10898646 0,999 Q2 139 223 186 12701 904 183 5,22 56,96 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1987-2020 Genetics (Q2)      
30375 21100945202 Genomics and Informatics journal 22340742   - 1 47 0 1099 0 0 0 23,38 South Korea Asiatic Region Korea Genome Organization 2019 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics; Genetics; Health Informatics
9500 21100283759 Genomics Data journal 22135960 0,517 Q2 16 0 276 0 437 272 1,91 0 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2013-2017 Biotechnology (Q2); Biochemistry (Q3); Genetics (Q3); Molecular Medicine (Q3)
5303 21100199504 Genomics Insights journal 11786310 0,87 Q2 6 0 11 0 20 10 1 0 New Zealand Pacific Region Libertas Academica Ltd. 2008-2018 Biochemistry (Q2); Genetics (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
587 89440 Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics journal 16720229 3,224 Q1 42 53 144 2837 957 117 6,83 53,53 Netherlands Western Europe Beijing Genomics Institute 2003-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Computational Mathematics (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
21848 6000186059 Genre journal 166928 0,149 Q1 8 9 51 403 14 51 0,19 44,78 United States Northern America University of Oklahoma 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
14965 26824 Genus journal 166987 0,283 Q2 11 19 34 976 45 33 1,18 51,37 Italy Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 1970, 1975-1998, 2007-2020 Demography (Q2)      
10613 28772 Geo Journal journal 15729893, 03432521 0,457 Q2 62 254 231 14777 379 229 1,69 58,18 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1977-2002, 2004-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
29651 28017 GEO: connexion trade journal 14768941 0,1 Q4 4 60 214 0 0 212 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe GEO: connexion Ltd 2003-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
7340 21100832225 Geo: Geography and Environment journal 20544049 0,666 Q1 10 7 33 657 68 28 2,14 93,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2014-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Atmospheric Science (Q3); Global and Planetary Change (Q3)
23397 21100427734 Geoacta (Argentina) journal 03267237, 18527744 0,131 Q4 3 0 33 0 8 33 0,24 0 Argentina Latin America Asociacion Argentina de Geofisicos y Geodestas 2011, 2015-2017 Atmospheric Science (Q4); Computers in Earth Sciences (Q4); Geophysics (Q4); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4); Oceanography (Q4)
20977 34418 Geoadria / glasilo Hrvatskog geografskog drustva--ogranak Zadar i Odsjeka za geografiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Zadru journal 13312294 0,161 Q3 2 3 19 154 7 19 0,4 51,33 Croatia Eastern Europe Geografsko Drustvo 1996, 1998, 2016-2019 Demography (Q3); Atmospheric Science (Q4); Earth-Surface Processes (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
5552 31074 Geoarchaeology - An International Journal journal 08836353, 15206548 0,841 Q1 43 57 123 4031 230 120 1,94 70,72 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1986-2020 Archeology (Q1); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1); Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
28106 21100784995 GeoBaikal 2016 - 4th International Conference: From East Siberia to the Pacific - Geology, Exploration and Development conference and proceedings - 0,102 - 3 0 60 0 5 59 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications
1007 4000148310 Geobiology journal 14724677, 14724669 2,336 Q1 67 46 133 3966 626 132 4,38 86,22 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
9260 13909 Geobios journal 00166995, 17775728 0,533 Q2 46 45 118 3338 163 115 1,36 74,18 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson 1966, 1968-2020 Stratigraphy (Q2); Space and Planetary Science (Q3)
6258 28216 Geocarto International journal 17520762, 10106049 0,765 Q1 35 261 253 14239 857 241 3,99 54,56 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1986-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1)
11693 22623 Geochemical Journal journal 167002 0,403 Q3 54 20 150 941 188 148 1,11 47,05 Japan Asiatic Region The Physiological Society of Japan 1966-2019 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q3); Geophysics (Q3)
9690 21100297619 Geochemical Perspectives journal 22237755, 22242759 0,506 Q2 12 0 6 0 21 6 4,5 0 Netherlands Western Europe European Association of Geochemistry 2012-2018 Geology (Q2); Environmental Chemistry (Q3); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q3)
861 21100874341 Geochemical Perspectives Letters journal 2410339X, 24103403 2,573 Q1 18 16 104 473 429 95 4,39 29,56 France Western Europe European Association of Geochemistry 2015-2019 Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q1); Geology (Q1)
6461 24062 Geochemical Transactions journal 14674866 0,747 Q2 40 4 27 204 76 27 2,55 51 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2000-2020 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q2)  
11324 22624 Geochemistry International journal 00167029, 15561968 0,421 Q3 27 116 324 4357 289 324 0,73 37,56 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1977-1978, 1980-2020 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q3); Geophysics (Q3)
1397 19500157010 Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems journal 15252027 1,933 Q1 129 326 835 28625 2917 808 3,45 87,81 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2000-2020 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q1); Geophysics (Q1)
12423 25869 Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis journal 14677873 0,37 Q2 38 8 116 456 133 110 1,04 57 United Kingdom Western Europe Geological Society of London 2001-2019 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q3)
1034 25870 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta journal 00167037, 0046564X 2,302 Q1 229 523 1495 45919 6932 1438 4,66 87,8 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1950-2020 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q1)  
11407 4900153504 Geochronometria journal 17338387, 18971695 0,417 Q2 29 11 78 601 81 77 1 54,64 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2000-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
21106 33825 Geociencias journal 1980900X, 01019082 0,159 Q3 17 20 161 821 36 161 0,16 41,05 Brazil Latin America Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) 1982-1985, 1988-1990, 1992-1997, 2005-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
1737 39112 Geoderma journal 18726259, 00167061 1,727 Q1 154 646 1246 39695 6713 1220 5,29 61,45 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1967-2020 Soil Science (Q1)      
5907 21100373623 Geoderma Regional journal 23520094 0,801 Q2 17 39 132 2266 357 130 2,76 58,1 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Soil Science (Q2)      
13638 28610 Geodesy and Cartography journal 20297009, 20296991 0,324 Q3 10 20 63 541 51 63 1,1 27,05 Lithuania Eastern Europe Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 2004-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
9988 21100463889 Geodesy and Geodynamics journal 16749847 0,489 Q2 13 59 178 1955 255 176 1,25 33,14 China Asiatic Region KeAi Publishing Communications Ltd. 2015-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q2); Computers in Earth Sciences (Q3); Geophysics (Q3)
14007 22627 Geodetski List journal 0016710X 0,312 Q3 7 12 45 280 27 45 0,38 23,33 Croatia Eastern Europe Croatian Geodetic Society 1979-1983, 1985, 2008-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
14103 27908 Geodetski Vestnik journal 03510271, 15811328 0,309 Q3 10 17 72 361 48 72 0,47 21,24 Slovenia Eastern Europe Zveze Geodetov Slovenije 1992-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
29652 28609 Geodezia es Kartografia journal 167118 0,1 Q4 7 4 68 15 0 67 0 3,75 Hungary Eastern Europe Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote sensing 1979-1981, 1988-1989, 1991-1992, 1995-2019 Computers in Earth Sciences (Q4); Earth-Surface Processes (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Geophysics (Q4)
30376 27909 Geodeziya i Kartografiya journal 167126   - 1 87 0 1078 0 0 0 12,39 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Kartgeotsentr-Geodezizdat 1979-1982, 2019 Computers in Earth Sciences; Earth-Surface Processes; Geophysics
7933 25883 Geodinamica Acta journal 9853111 0,622 Q2 46 2 51 141 84 50 1,59 70,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1987-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q2); Geophysics (Q2)
10196 25072 Geodiversitas journal 12809659, 16389395 0,478 Q2 35 25 73 2672 93 72 1,28 106,88 France Western Europe Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 2002-2020 Geology (Q2); Paleontology (Q2)  
28107 15708 Geodrilling International trade journal 9693769 0,102 Q4 3 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Mining Communications 1994-1995, 1997-2014, 2016 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4)
12301 21100785516 Geodynamics and Tectonophysics journal 2078502X 0,375 Q2 7 57 200 2532 140 198 0,67 44,42 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Institute of the Earth's Crust 2015-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q2); Geophysics (Q3)
18392 21100225849 Geo-Eco-Marina journal 12246808, 22482776 0,202 Q3 7 19 40 792 23 40 0,47 41,68 Romania Eastern Europe Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Geologie si Geoecologie Marina 2011-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Aquatic Science (Q4); Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
17356 15117 Geo-Eco-Trop journal 13706071 0,223 Q3 10 15 93 446 28 90 0,31 29,73 Belgium Western Europe Geo-Eco-Trop 1978-1988, 1990-1994, 1996-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
8481 21100900344 Geoenvironmental Disasters journal 21978670 0,584 Q2 12 18 80 753 158 76 1,63 41,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer Open 2014-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q2)
20170 27926 Geofisica International journal 167169 0,173 Q3 26 6 59 251 42 58 0,32 41,83 Mexico Latin America Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 1975, 1979, 1984-2019 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geophysics (Q4)
15619 27927 Geofizika journal 3523659 0,265 Q3 15 11 33 601 32 32 1,05 54,64 Croatia Eastern Europe Geofizicki Zavod 1989-1992, 1996-1999, 2001, 2003-2019 Geophysics (Q3)      
10850 25884 Geofluids journal 14688115, 14688123 0,445 Q2 51 262 319 13200 595 310 1,81 50,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Hindawi Limited 2001-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
1958 28611 Geoforum journal 167185 1,616 Q1 107 316 665 24040 2440 613 3,83 76,08 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier BV 1970-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q1)  
19310 21100845615 Geogaceta journal 21736545, 0213683X 0,187 Q4 2 45 151 638 39 151 0,26 14,18 Spain Western Europe Sociedad Geologica de Espana 2017-2019 Geology (Q4)      
8383 25886 Geografia Fisica e Dinamicca Quaternaria journal 3919838 0,59 Q2 25 0 36 0 65 36 2,19 0 Italy Western Europe Comitato Glaciologico Italiano 1978-2018 Earth-Surface Processes (Q2)    
17440 28627 Geograficky Casopis journal 167193 0,221 Q3 12 20 59 1033 26 59 0,64 51,65 Slovakia Eastern Europe Slovak Academic Press Ltd 1976, 1979-1995, 2007-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Geology (Q4)
15927 27649 Geografie-Sbornik CGS journal 12120014 0,257 Q3 21 20 73 957 63 73 0,91 47,85 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Ceska Geograficka Spolecnost 1992-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
29653 34725 Geografija v Soli journal 13184717 0,1 Q4 3 30 82 199 2 67 0,02 6,63 Slovenia Eastern Europe Geografija v Soli 1993, 1995-1998, 2000-2014, 2016-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
10612 28629 Geografisk Tidsskrift journal 167223 0,457 Q2 24 16 46 890 66 41 1,72 55,63 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1972-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
9295 28630 Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography journal 04353676, 14680459 0,531 Q2 49 22 70 1251 112 68 1,77 56,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1979-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Geology (Q2)
9914 110302 Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography journal 04353684, 14680467 0,493 Q2 53 25 79 1516 117 72 1,74 60,64 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1976, 1978-1979, 1982-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
29654 28655 Geografski Obzornik journal 167274 0,1 Q4 4 0 47 0 0 44 0 0 Slovenia Eastern Europe Mojca Dolgan Petric University of Ljubljana 1993-2018 Earth-Surface Processes (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
14505 28656 Geografski Vestnik journal 3503895 0,297 Q3 8 15 41 635 22 36 0,68 42,33 Slovenia Eastern Europe University of Ljubljana 1992-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
17269 21100815425 Geographia Cassoviensis journal 13376748, 24540005 0,225 Q3 3 14 42 650 23 42 0,61 46,43 Slovakia Eastern Europe Pavol Jozef Safarik University 2016-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
14606 28667 Geographia Polonica journal 00167282, 23007362 0,294 Q1 16 27 100 1366 120 95 1,71 50,59 Poland Eastern Europe Polska Akademia Nauk 1972, 1975-1986, 1988-1989, 1992-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); Urban Studies (Q2); Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
13329 19200156806 Geographia Technica journal 20654421, 18425135 0,334 Q2 10 51 68 1349 120 67 2,13 26,45 Romania Eastern Europe 2009-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Computers in Earth Sciences (Q3)
12159 28670 Geographica Helvetica journal 00167312, 21948798 0,382 Q2 17 23 99 1246 93 96 0,81 54,17 Germany Western Europe Fotorotar AG 1946-2020 Anthropology (Q2); Earth-Surface Processes (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Global and Planetary Change (Q3)
15320 21100220389 Geographica Pannonica journal 03548724, 18207138 0,273 Q3 9 14 74 645 69 74 0,94 46,07 Serbia Eastern Europe University of Novi Sad 2012-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Geology (Q3); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q3); Atmospheric Science (Q4)
4861 28671 Geographical Analysis journal 15384632, 00167363 0,924 Q1 58 48 69 2484 188 65 2,19 51,75 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1969-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1)
24885 28693 Geographical Bulletin - Gamma Theta Upsilon journal 7313292 0,121 Q4 7 10 28 225 5 24 0,29 22,5 United States Northern America Kutztown  University of Pennsylvania 1988-2006, 2008-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
4209 28694 Geographical Journal journal 00167398, 14754959 1,019 Q1 60 54 117 2861 325 105 3,01 52,98 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1973, 1975-1976, 1978-1994, 1996-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1)
24168 32401 Geographical Knowledge/ Dili Zhishi journal - 0,125 Q4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 China Asiatic Region Ke xue chu ban she 1979-1985, 1987-1991, 1996-1997 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
8022 130140 Geographical Research journal 17455863, 17455871 0,616 Q1 45 37 122 1776 208 99 2,15 48 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Earth-Surface Processes (Q2)
11016 37958 Geographical Review journal 00167428, 19310846 0,437 Q2 42 40 133 2247 163 122 1,46 56,18 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1969, 1973, 1976, 1979-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
18617 144792 Geographie Economie Societe journal 1295926X 0,198 Q3 12 6 66 389 20 60 0,18 64,83 France Western Europe Lavoisier 2004-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
22149 28756 Geographische Rundschau journal 167460 0,145 Q3 12 119 117 1217 9 90 0,1 10,23 Germany Western Europe Westermann Schulbuchverlag GmbH 1975, 1977-2014, 2018-2020 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q3); Atmospheric Science (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Water Science and Technology (Q4)
17123 28757 Geographische Zeitschrift journal 167479 0,228 Q3 17 14 36 952 25 33 0,52 68 Germany Western Europe Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH 1978-1994, 1996-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
14422 11700154716 Geography and Natural Resources journal 1875371X, 18753728 0,299 Q3 10 48 147 1119 73 147 0,49 23,31 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 2008-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3)
2217 13300154704 Geography Compass journal 17498198 1,502 Q1 57 36 125 3339 410 120 3,5 92,75 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008-2020 Atmospheric Science (Q1); Computers in Earth Sciences (Q1); Earth-Surface Processes (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1)
3956 69279 Geography Research Forum journal 3335275 1,058 Q1 11 0 9 0 18 9 0 0 Israel Middle East Transaction Periodicals Consortium 1990-1993, 1995-2013, 2015-2016 Earth-Surface Processes (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1)
23314 19700188329 Geography Teacher journal 17526884, 19338341 0,132 Q4 4 32 89 183 28 45 0,81 5,72 United States Northern America Routledge 2010-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Education (Q4)
14868 21100840951 Geography, Environment, Sustainability journal 25421565, 20719388 0,286 Q3 5 62 100 2557 70 98 0,59 41,24 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography 2015-2019 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
2068 21100924773 GeoHealth journal 24711403 1,564 Q1 6 18 16 1317 68 13 5,23 73,17 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2017-2020 Global and Planetary Change (Q1); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Pollution (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Waste Management and Disposal (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1); Epidemiology (Q2)
10735 19600157344 Geoheritage journal 18672477, 18672485 0,451 Q2 28 144 135 7855 459 127 2,91 54,55 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2009-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2)
9945 24506 GeoInformatica journal 15737624, 13846175 0,491 Q2 52 41 103 1923 217 91 2,37 46,9 Netherlands Western Europe Kluwer Academic Publishers 1997-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Information Systems (Q2)
29655 21100817601 Geoinformatics 2016 - XVth International Conference on Geoinformatics - Theoretical and Applied Aspects conference and proceedings - 0,1 - 2 0 94 0 6 93 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe   Biomedical Engineering; Computer Science Applications; Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging; Signal Processing
19174 21100206286 Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria journal 11219041 0,189 Q4 7 9 140 175 41 128 0,24 19,44 Italy Western Europe Politecnico, Associazione Gorisorse E Ambiente 2007-2019 Environmental Engineering (Q4); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4)
16937 21100286463 Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites journal 20651198, 20650817 0,232 Q3 9 64 118 2839 135 118 1,21 44,36 Romania Eastern Europe Editura Universitati din Oradea 2013-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
24169 25903 Geokhimiya journal 167525 0,125 Q4 14 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Izdatel'stvo Nauka 1968, 1978, 1981, 1996-2005 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q4); Geophysics (Q4)
11246 26336 Geologia Croatica journal 1330030X 0,425 Q2 27 29 62 1503 74 58 1,23 51,83 Croatia Eastern Europe Croatian Geological Survey 1992-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geology (Q3)
24170 16406 Geologia nefti i gaza journal 167894 0,125 Q4 6 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Izdatel stvo Nedra 1968, 1976-1987, 2005-2007 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
17570 98641 Geologia USP - Serie Cientifica journal 1519874X 0,218 Q4 20 27 109 1404 44 109 0,33 52 Brazil Latin America University of Sao Paolo 2002-2019 Geology (Q4)      
9367 26343 Geologica Acta journal 16965728, 16956133 0,526 Q2 43 10 81 537 123 79 1,4 53,7 Spain Western Europe Universitat de Barcelona 2003-2020 Geology (Q2)      
8466 12100157214 Geologica Belgica journal 13748505, 20341954 0,585 Q2 20 10 45 871 47 44 1 87,1 Belgium Western Europe Geologica Belgica 2007-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
7258 26349 Geologica Carpathica journal 13350552 0,673 Q2 38 30 109 2523 196 106 1,6 84,1 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1991-2019 Geology (Q2)      
17856 5100155027 Geological Bulletin of China journal 16712552 0,212 Q3 44 195 660 7701 261 660 0,32 39,49 China Asiatic Region Editorial Board of Geology in China 2006-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
8033 26474 Geological Journal journal 00721050, 10991034 0,615 Q2 50 399 459 36170 877 457 1,71 90,65 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1951-1954, 1956-1957, 1961-2020 Geology (Q2)      
2939 26476 Geological Magazine journal 14695081, 00167568 1,28 Q1 79 164 255 14374 724 233 2,59 87,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1864-2020 Geology (Q1)      
9624 70730 Geological Quarterly journal 16417291 0,509 Q2 38 55 183 3527 241 180 1,37 64,13 Poland Eastern Europe Polish Geological Institute 2000-2019 Geology (Q2)      
24641 21100847478 Geological Research in Moravia and Silesia journal 23364378, 12126209 0,123 Q4 1 16 32 405 2 32 0,06 25,31 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Masaryk University,Faculty of Science,Department of Geological Sciences 2017-2019 Geology (Q4)      
21577 5000160404 Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication book series 2679914 0,153 Q4 13 0 30 0 25 21 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Geological Society of London 1986-1988, 1990-1991, 1995-1999, 2001-2002, 2004, 2006, 2009-2014, 2016-2017 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4)
14200 130043 Geological Society Memoir book series 4354052 0,306 Q3 54 15 231 1878 190 199 4,06 125,2 United Kingdom Western Europe Geological Society of London 1958, 1960, 1962, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1978, 1985-1986, 1990-1992, 1994-1995, 1997, 1999, 2002-2006, 2008, 2010-2011, 2013-2017, 2019 Geology (Q3)      
6960 26547 Geological Society Special Publication book series 3058719 0,701 Q1 124 255 896 19878 1832 400 4,54 77,95 United Kingdom Western Europe Geological Society of London 1964, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1974, 1977-1978, 1981-1984, 1986-2019 Ocean Engineering (Q1); Geology (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2)
12179 26551 Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin book series 16048156 0,381 Q3 27 18 75 257 62 52 0,65 14,28 Denmark Western Europe Miljoeministeriet 2003-2019 Geology (Q3)      
20171 53786 Geologie de la France journal 2460874 0,173 Q4 6 3 12 127 6 12 0,67 42,33 France Western Europe Editions du BRGM 1983-1994, 2007, 2009-2012, 2014-2020 Geology (Q4); Paleontology (Q4); Stratigraphy (Q4)
10912 33949 Geologie en Mijnbouw/Netherlands Journal of Geosciences journal 167746 0,442 Q2 43 4 92 111 124 82 1,85 27,75 Netherlands Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1970-1971, 1973-2020 Geology (Q2)      
11837 110071 Geologie und Palaeontologie in Westfalen journal 0176148X 0,396 Q3 10 0 6 0 5 5 1 0 Germany Western Europe Westfaelisches Museum fuer Naturkunde 1987, 1992, 1994-2001, 2003-2012, 2014-2017 Geology (Q3); Paleontology (Q3); Stratigraphy (Q3)
15848 26894 Geologija journal 00167789, 1854620X 0,259 Q3 6 18 73 764 32 69 0,41 42,44 Slovenia Eastern Europe Geological Survey of Slovenia 1981-1982, 2014-2019 Geology (Q3); Geophysics (Q3); Paleontology (Q3)
16029 19700182352 Geologos journal 14268981, 20806574 0,254 Q3 15 21 49 872 50 49 0,66 41,52 Poland Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2009-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
771 26959 Geology journal 00917613, 19432682 2,754 Q1 205 309 906 9038 4256 832 4,74 29,25 United States Northern America Geological Society of America 1973-2020 Geology (Q1)      
30377 21100924752 Geology and Mineral Resources of Siberia journal 23119594, 20780575 - 0 38 0 726 0 0 0 19,11 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources 2019 Geochemistry and Petrology; Geology; Geophysics
14761 144693 Geology in China journal 10003657 0,289 Q3 38 0 363 0 245 363 0,59 0 China Asiatic Region Editorial Board of Geology in China 2005-2018 Geology (Q3)      
11325 19688 Geology of Ore Deposits journal 10757015, 15556476 0,421 Q2 20 56 152 2296 128 151 0,8 41 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1996-2019 Economic Geology (Q2); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q3); Geology (Q3)
16788 26961 Geology Today trade journal 02666979, 13652451 0,235 Q3 16 28 80 229 44 72 0,71 8,18 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1985-2004, 2011-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Stratigraphy (Q3); Geology (Q4); Paleontology (Q4)
13330 27943 Geomagnetism and Aeronomy journal 00167932, 1555645X 0,334 Q3 23 134 413 3201 270 412 0,69 23,89 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1996, 1998-2019 Geophysics (Q3); Space and Planetary Science (Q4)
7846 25866 Geo-Marine Letters journal 02760460, 14321157 0,628 Q1 53 69 129 3681 243 125 1,52 53,35 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1981-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q2); Oceanography (Q2)
16444 22632 Geomatica journal 19254296, 11951036 0,243 Q3 20 6 65 165 24 38 0,32 27,5 Canada Northern America Canadian Institute of Geomatics 1993-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
30378 21100940509 Geomatics and Environmental Engineering journal 23007095, 18981135 - 1 28 0 589 0 0 0 21,04 Poland Eastern Europe AGH University of Science and Technology Press 2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous); Computers in Earth Sciences; Earth-Surface Processes; Environmental Engineering; Geography, Planning and Development
5785 19700200835 Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk journal 19475713, 19475705 0,814 Q1 27 125 311 6068 1150 296 3,92 48,54 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2010-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
7888 19700186912 Geomechanics and Engineering journal 20926219, 2005307X 0,625 Q2 22 157 401 6208 1104 400 2,67 39,54 South Korea Asiatic Region Techno Press 2009-2019 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q2)
10361 5800179624 Geomechanics and Geoengineering journal 17486025 0,47 Q2 24 74 73 2642 103 68 1,48 35,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2006-2020 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q2)
2930 21100890597 Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources journal 23638427, 23638419 1,282 Q1 17 28 76 1252 282 73 2,78 44,71 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2015-2020 Economic Geology (Q1); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geophysics (Q1); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1)
5408 21100403227 Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment journal 23523808 0,859 Q1 12 34 76 1431 183 67 2,76 42,09 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2015-2020 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q1); Computers in Earth Sciences (Q2)
14823 17700156214 Geomechanik und Tunnelbau journal 18657362, 18657389 0,287 Q3 16 70 204 617 88 181 0,47 8,81 Germany Western Europe Ernst & Sohn 2009-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q3); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q3)
6597 26578 Geometriae Dedicata journal 15729168, 00465755 0,734 Q2 38 146 229 3194 135 225 0,54 21,88 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1972-2020 Geometry and Topology (Q2)    
502 26580 Geometric and Functional Analysis journal 14208970, 1016443X 3,508 Q1 64 47 118 1503 258 118 1,49 31,98 Switzerland Western Europe Birkhauser Verlag Basel 1991-2020 Analysis (Q1); Geometry and Topology (Q1)
440 26582 Geometry and Topology journal 13640380, 14653060 3,736 Q1 44 49 244 1943 378 243 1,46 39,65 United Kingdom Western Europe University of Warwick 1997-2019 Geometry and Topology (Q1)    
16401 21100875938 Geometry, Integrability and Quantization journal 23677147, 13143247 0,244 Q3 3 20 19 426 13 18 0,72 21,3 Bulgaria Eastern Europe Project Euclid 2018-2019 Applied Mathematics (Q3); Geometry and Topology (Q4); Mathematical Physics (Q4)
8720 19718 Geomicrobiology Journal journal 01490451, 15210529 0,569 Q2 73 99 277 5609 556 275 2,08 56,66 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1978-1981, 1983-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Chemistry (Q3); Microbiology (Q3)
26441 21100817104 Geomodel 2016 - 18th Science and Applied Research Conference on Oil and Gas Geological Exploration and Development conference and proceedings - 0,11 - 2 0 129 0 7 128 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Hardware and Architecture
19864 22640 Geomorfologiya journal 4354281 0,178 Q4 9 17 109 427 37 108 0,43 25,12 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Russian Academy of Sciences 1979-1980, 1982-1993, 1995-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q4)    
14104 74455 Geomorphologie. Relief, Processus, Environnement journal 12665304 0,309 Q3 18 6 72 257 50 66 0,8 42,83 France Western Europe Groupe Francais de Geomorphologie 1995-1996, 2008-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3)    
2566 26979 Geomorphology journal 0169555X, 1872695X 1,384 Q1 147 351 1101 26985 4518 1071 4,13 76,88 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1984, 1987-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q1)    
19028 21100838781 Geopersia journal 22287817, 22287825 0,191 Q3 2 24 42 1262 19 42 0,45 52,58 Iran Middle East University of Tehran 2017-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q3); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q4); Geology (Q4)
11181 27945 Geophysica journal 3674231 0,428 Q3 19 13 16 306 21 13 0,3 23,54 Finland Western Europe Finish Environment Institute 1978-1985, 1988, 1990-2019 Geophysics (Q3)      
14258 27946 Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics journal 10290419, 03091929 0,304 Q3 33 38 69 1695 68 67 1,11 44,61 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1971, 1973, 1975, 1977-2020 Astronomy and Astrophysics (Q3); Computational Mechanics (Q3); Geophysics (Q3); Mechanics of Materials (Q3); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q4)
2718 27947 Geophysical Journal International journal 0956540X 1,339 Q1 159 501 1493 28341 4228 1460 2,67 56,57 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1922-1943, 1945, 1947-1957, 1959-1967, 1970-1973, 1975, 1979, 1984, 1988-2020 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q1); Geophysics (Q1)
24171 21100307482 Geophysical Monograph Series book series 00658448, 23288779 0,125 Q4 92 1 21 70 22 1 0 70 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1995-2020 Geophysics (Q4)      
5196 27961 Geophysical Prospecting journal 00168025, 13652478 0,882 Q2 73 176 371 6354 708 364 1,88 36,1 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1953-2020 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q2); Geophysics (Q2)
30379 21100929413 Geophysical Research journal 18183735, 23119543 - 1 6 0 68 0 0 0 11,33 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2019 Computers in Earth Sciences; Geochemistry and Petrology; Geophysics
943 27962 Geophysical Research Letters journal 948276 2,442 Q1 259 1585 4383 73179 21222 4287 4,66 46,17 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1974-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geophysics (Q1)
2540 27965 Geophysics journal 00168033, 19422156 1,392 Q1 162 366 1197 13150 3676 1183 2,78 35,93 United States Northern America Society of Exploration Geophysicists 1936-2019 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q1); Geophysics (Q1)
21424 21100287101 GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences book series 21905193, 21905207 0,155 Q4 10 42 121 1221 50 62 0,53 29,07 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2010-2016, 2018-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
24642 21100833040 Geopolitica(s) journal 21727155, 21723958 0,123 Q4 2 15 24 681 5 23 0,22 45,4 Spain Western Europe Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2017-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
5433 25118 Geopolitics journal 14650045 0,855 Q1 47 89 160 6374 410 119 3,31 71,62 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1986, 1998-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
25207 25121 Geopolitics of Energy journal 2731371 0,118 Q4 6 13 62 206 4 51 0,11 15,85 Canada Northern America Canadian Energy Research Institute 1984, 1989-1993, 1997-1998, 2003-2019 Fuel Technology (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
21849 21100370020 Geopolitics Quarterly journal 17354331 0,149 Q3 3 18 73 656 21 72 0,28 36,44 Iran Middle East Iranian Association of Geopolitics 2014-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
9813 21100838044 Geopolitics, History, and International Relations journal 23744383, 19489145 0,499 Q1 8 19 40 516 156 40 3,9 27,16 United States Northern America Addleton Academic Publishers 2017-2019 History (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
27785 21100215909 Geo-Regards journal 16628527 0,103 Q4 2 0 28 0 1 28 0 0 Switzerland Western Europe Editions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses 2010-2017 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
9322 21100324361 GeoResJ journal 22142428 0,529 Q2 12 0 34 0 74 34 2,07 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2014-2017 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
17075 21100907383 Georesursy journal 16085043, 16085078 0,229 Q4 4 57 135 1232 52 134 0,39 21,61 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Georesursy LLC 2017-2019 Geology (Q4); Geophysics (Q4)  
28108 21100872052 George Eliot-George Henry Lewes Studies journal 23721901, 2372191X 0,102 Q3 1 2 13 101 0 12 0 50,5 United States Northern America Penn State University Press 2017-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)  
13039 13583 George Washington Law Review journal 168076 0,346 Q2 27 6 128 1487 53 128 0,42 247,83 United States Northern America George Washington University 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982-1983, 1989, 1992-1994, 1996-2019 Law (Q2)        
4127 13600 Georgetown Law Journal journal 168092 1,032 Q1 45 18 105 1530 114 104 0,97 85 United States Northern America Georgetown University Law Center 1973-1974, 1976-1977, 1979, 1981, 1983-1986, 1988, 1992, 1994-2019 Law (Q1)        
12817 6100152706 Georgian Mathematical Journal journal 1072947X, 15729176 0,355 Q3 25 90 206 1844 101 153 0,59 20,49 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 1994-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
23718 3900148601 Georgian medical news. journal 15120112 0,128 Q4 14 339 809 0 174 809 0,21 0 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Georgian Association of Business Press 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
22552 21100818731 GeoRich 2017 - 4th International ACM Workshop on Managing and Mining Enriched Geo-Spatial Data, in Conjunction with SIGMOD 2017 conference and proceedings - 0,14 - 3 0 10 0 8 8 1 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science Applications; Nuclear and High Energy Physics; Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Space and Planetary Science; Spectroscopy
1554 10900153323 Georisk journal 17499518, 17499526 1,822 Q1 23 52 69 1919 224 61 4,81 36,9 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2007-2020 Building and Construction (Q1); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Geology (Q1); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q1)
30380 21100915995 GeoScape journal 18021115   - 1 38 0 1589 0 0 0 41,82 Poland Eastern Europe Sciendo 2019 Ecology; Geography, Planning and Development; Nature and Landscape Conservation; Urban Studies
12470 27003 Geoscience Canada journal 3150941 0,368 Q2 30 2 55 91 34 41 0,95 45,5 Canada Northern America Geological Association of Canada 1979-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
30381 21100812867 Geoscience Data Journal journal 20496060   - 8 22 21 776 61 0 0 35,27 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2015-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)
2132 19700182749 Geoscience Frontiers journal 16749871 1,535 Q1 48 201 323 17761 1630 302 4,25 88,36 China Asiatic Region China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University 2010-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
16789 19700184400 Geoscience in South-West England journal 20597339 0,235 Q3 14 0 14 0 7 13 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Ussher Society 1979-2014, 2016 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
3649 21100807094 Geoscience Letters journal 21964092 1,114 Q1 14 17 96 652 227 43 5,45 38,35 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer Open 2014-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
14506 21100427148 Geoscience Research Reports journal 05148057, 23365757 0,297 Q3 4 19 95 280 36 95 0,33 14,74 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Geological Survey 2014, 2016-2019 Geology (Q3); Paleontology (Q3); Stratigraphy (Q3); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q4)
10281 21100284944 Geosciences (Switzerland) journal 20763263 0,474 Q2 19 516 689 30201 1451 668 2,16 58,53 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2011-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
10664 200147106 Geosciences Journal journal 12264806 0,454 Q2 34 77 234 4359 435 228 1,62 56,61 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Association of Geoscience Societies 1997-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
9190 21100405022 Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems journal 21930864, 21930856 0,538 Q2 11 26 125 801 186 125 1,23 30,81 Germany Western Europe Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH 2013-2020 Geology (Q2); Oceanography (Q2); Atmospheric Science (Q3)
605 21100197121 Geoscientific Model Development journal 1991959X, 19919603 3,18 Q1 71 234 689 17531 3954 689 5,47 74,92 Germany Western Europe Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH 2008-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Modeling and Simulation (Q1)
9968 12400154713 Geospatial health journal 19707096, 18271987 0,49 Q2 33 41 154 1558 203 150 1,23 38 Italy Western Europe University of Naples Federico II 2006-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Health Policy (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
4725 144618 Geo-Spatial Information Science journal 10095020 0,943 Q1 21 31 93 1171 392 88 5,28 37,77 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1998-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Computers in Earth Sciences (Q2)
1799 5700191218 Geosphere journal 1553040X 1,69 Q1 55 95 314 8489 962 305 2,69 89,36 United States Northern America Geological Society of America 2005-2020 Geology (Q1); Stratigraphy (Q1)  
3159 4500151401 Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research journal 16394488 1,221 Q1 71 48 125 2062 464 123 2,94 42,96 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2004-2020 Geochemistry and Petrology (Q1); Geology (Q1)
27539 15905 Geosynthetics trade journal 08824983, 19318189 0,104 Q4 11 0 40 0 1 40 0 0 United States Northern America Industrial Fabrics Association International 1983, 1985-1994, 1996-2016 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4); Polymers and Plastics (Q4)
1810 15904 Geosynthetics International journal 10726349, 17517613 1,684 Q1 49 47 128 2224 418 125 3,37 47,32 United Kingdom Western Europe ICE Publishing Ltd. 1994-2020 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1)
15069 21100241739 Geosystem Engineering journal 21663394, 12269328 0,28 Q3 15 42 124 1327 144 111 1,28 31,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1998-2020 Environmental Engineering (Q3); Pollution (Q3); Waste Management and Disposal (Q3)
9143 19690 Geotechnical and Geological Engineering journal 09603182, 15731529 0,541 Q1 51 412 652 12420 1181 643 1,66 30,15 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1991-2020 Architecture (Q1); Geology (Q2); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q2); Soil Science (Q2)
18852 21100457350 Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress 2016 - Proceedings of the Joint Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,194 - 5 0 180 0 65 178 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Control and Systems Engineering; Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics; Modeling and Simulation
21425 15711 Geotechnical Engineering journal 465828 0,155 Q4 19 64 202 1333 45 198 0,2 20,83 Thailand Asiatic Region Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society 1978-1990, 1994-2019 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4)
27786 64675 Geotechnical News journal 0823650X 0,103 Q4 13 17 73 37 4 53 0,09 2,18 Canada Northern America BiTech Publishers Ltd. 1995-2019 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4)
25420 55173 Geotechnical Practice Publication conference and proceedings - 0,116 - 6 0 74 0 7 68 0,13 0 United States Northern America   Engineering (miscellaneous)    
14259 21100811263 Geotechnical Research journal 20526156 0,304 Q3 8 15 65 571 43 58 0,74 38,07 United Kingdom Western Europe ICE Publishing Ltd. 2014-2019 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q3)
16372 27028 Geotechnical Special Publication conference and proceedings 8950563 0,245 - 36 492 2139 7529 638 2045 0,32 15,3 United States Northern America American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 1987-2020 Architecture; Building and Construction; Civil and Structural Engineering; Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
5949 15712 Geotechnical Testing Journal journal 1496115 0,797 Q1 54 104 281 3482 449 279 1,43 33,48 United States Northern America American Society for Testing and Materials 1978-1981, 1985-2020 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1)
24780 21100229803 Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering book series 15736059, 18724671 0,122 Q4 19 39 134 625 50 3 0 16,03 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2007, 2009-2020 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4)
15849 29287 Geotechnik journal 01726145, 21906653 0,259 Q3 11 23 80 335 18 58 0,32 14,57 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1982, 1985, 1989, 1997-2020 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q3)
960 15714 Geotechnique journal 17517656, 00168505 2,408 Q1 126 93 256 3471 1157 241 4,41 37,32 United Kingdom Western Europe ICE Publishing Ltd. 1948-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1)
3667 20900195110 Geotechnique Letters journal 20452543 1,111 Q1 25 53 133 1463 292 131 1,72 27,6 United Kingdom Western Europe ICE Publishing Ltd. 2011-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1)
14869 21100241210 Geotectonica et Metallogenia journal 10011552, 20959508 0,286 Q3 13 79 265 5139 181 265 0,55 65,05 China Asiatic Region da di gou zao yu cheng kuang xue bian ji bu 2013-2020 Geology (Q3)      
10178 27967 Geotectonics journal 15561976, 00168521 0,479 Q2 25 50 118 2721 126 118 0,99 54,42 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1978-1988, 2004-2019 Geology (Q2)      
28723 87661 Geotermia journal 1865897 0,101 Q4 6 0 28 0 0 20 0 0 Mexico Latin America Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos, Comision Federal de Electricidad 1996-2000, 2004-2018 Economic Geology (Q4); Water Science and Technology (Q4)
1091 15906 Geotextiles and Geomembranes journal 2661144 2,225 Q1 77 93 244 4035 1064 225 4,35 43,39 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 1984-1994, 1996-2020 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)
8220 21100453600 Geothermal Energy journal 21959706 0,602 Q2 15 38 74 2176 184 69 2,6 57,26 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2013-2020 Economic Geology (Q2); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2)
23041 21100843738 Geothermal Energy Science journal 2195478X, 21954771 0,135 Q4 6 0 4 0 1 4 0 0 Germany Western Europe Copernicus GmbH 2013-2017 Economic Geology (Q4); Geochemistry and Petrology (Q4); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4)
2500 22645 Geothermics journal 3756505 1,404 Q1 64 131 390 6624 1651 378 4,13 50,56 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1970, 1972-1975, 1977-2020 Geology (Q1); Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
23042 21100838569 Gephyra journal 13093924 0,135 Q2 2 17 34 1263 8 34 0,24 74,29 United States Northern America 2017-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); Archeology (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3)
8984 29037 Geriatric Nursing journal 15283984, 01974572 0,552 Q2 38 149 304 5081 457 277 1,54 34,1 United States Northern America Mosby Inc. 1980-2020 Gerontology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
13892 21100943373 Geriatrics (Switzerland) journal 23083417 0,316 Q3 5 66 162 2390 154 154 0,86 36,21 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2016-2020 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q3); Gerontology (Q3); Health (social science) (Q3); Aging (Q4)
5530 12600154709 Geriatrics and Gerontology International journal 14441586, 14470594 0,844 Q1 48 242 930 5993 1904 749 2,22 24,76 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2004, 2008-2020 Gerontology (Q1); Health (social science) (Q1); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
24172 21100853869 Geriatrics and Healthcare journal 10088296 0,125 Q4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 China Asiatic Region 2016 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q4)  
18499 19800188011 Geriatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement journal 21158789, 21157863 0,2 Q3 10 64 169 712 92 149 0,64 11,13 France Western Europe John Libbey Eurotext 2011-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Biological Psychiatry (Q4); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q4); Neurology (clinical) (Q4); Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology (Q4)
12967 25564 German Economic Review journal 14680475, 14656485 0,349 Q3 31 55 68 2775 76 67 1,33 50,45 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2001-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q3)  
29656 21100202743 German Historical Institute London Bulletin journal 2698552 0,1 Q4 3 4 48 388 2 44 0,07 97 United Kingdom Western Europe German Historical Institute London (GHIL) 2011-2019 History (Q4)      
17962 5700178130 German History journal 02663554, 1477089X 0,21 Q1 18 22 70 1217 24 63 0,38 55,32 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1984-1994, 1996-2019 History (Q1)      
17761 21100205707 German Journal of Agricultural Economics journal 00021121, 21914028 0,214 Q3 10 29 69 1221 24 69 0,44 42,1 Germany Western Europe Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH 2011-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q3)
12061 21100823451 German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research journal 25093150, 25093142 0,386 Q2 10 60 124 2566 139 114 1,26 42,77 Germany Western Europe Springer Berlin 1999, 2017-2020 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3)
11991 21100799944 German Journal of Human Resource Management journal 23970022, 23970030 0,389 Q3 5 16 39 1321 35 33 0,6 82,56 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Inc. 2016-2020 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q3)
27788 13138 German Life and Letters journal 00168777, 14680483 0,103 Q3 12 33 98 100 6 94 0,03 3,03 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1936-1939, 1947-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
28110 21100202710 German Monitor book series 18757391, 09271910 0,102 Q3 2 0 16 0 0 11 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Editions Rodopi B.V. 2011-2014, 2018 History (Q3); Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4)
7580 25136 German Politics journal 9644008 0,649 Q1 15 46 102 2286 101 90 1,22 49,7 United Kingdom Western Europe Frank Cass Publishers 1992-1995, 2010-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
13483 5600155015 German Politics and Society journal 10450300 0,329 Q1 5 7 64 342 48 62 0,4 48,86 United States Northern America Center for European Studies, Harvard University 2015-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
22659 5700153194 German Quarterly, The journal 168831 0,139 Q1 10 19 74 796 10 72 0,16 41,89 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2002-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q2); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)
25208 18754 German Studies Review journal 1497952 0,118 Q3 12 21 89 1678 12 88 0,16 79,9 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 1982, 1985, 1987, 1996-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q3)
25421 21100903184 German Yearbook of International Law book series 03443094, 21957304 0,116 Q4 2 20 30 0 6 27 0,15 0 Germany Western Europe Duncker und Humblot GmbH 2016-2017, 2019 Law (Q4)        
28109 16200154736 Germania book series 168874 0,102 Q4 8 0 18 0 3 14 0,25 0 Germany Western Europe Verlag Philipp von Zabern GmbH 2002-2013, 2015-2017 Anthropology (Q4); Archeology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4)
27787 5700153863 Germanic Review, The journal 00168890, 19306962 0,103 Q3 10 23 83 460 2 66 0,05 20 United States Northern America Routledge 1974-1980, 1982-1988, 1990-2020 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4)
29657 13142 Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift journal 168904 0,1 Q4 4 13 53 334 0 52 0 25,69 Germany Western Europe Universitaetsverlag Winter GmbH 1972, 2002-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)
22856 16100154776 Germanoslavica (Czech Republic) journal 12109029 0,137 Q1 1 0 43 0 1 38 0,04 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Slovansky ustav AV CR 2002, 2006-2014, 2016-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
10261 21100267980 GERMS journal 22482997 0,475 Q2 10 27 68 462 100 52 1,84 17,11 Romania Eastern Europe European Academy of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases 2011-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Epidemiology (Q3); Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous)  (Q3); Infectious Diseases (Q3); Microbiology (medical) (Q3)
9027 25514 Gerodontology journal 07340664, 17412358 0,549 Q2 51 62 207 2200 299 194 1,43 35,48 Denmark Western Europe Blackwell Munksgaard 1982-1990, 1993-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q3)
22005 600147001 Gerokomos journal 1134928X 0,147 Q4 11 42 116 1092 28 105 0,23 26 Spain Western Europe Spanish Publishers Associates 2005-2019 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q4)  
20219 19900193807 Gerontechnology journal 1569111X, 15691101 0,172 Q4 16 21 139 1067 63 123 0,45 50,81 Netherlands Western Europe International Society for Gerontechnology 2011-2019 Biomedical Engineering (Q4); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q4); Gerontology (Q4)
28724 17600155042 Gerontologie et Societe journal 01510193, 21010218 0,101 Q4 9 1 38 0 0 38 0 0 France Western Europe Fondation Nationale de Gerontologie 2001-2013, 2018-2019 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q4); Gerontology (Q4); Health (social science) (Q4)
2875 29071 Gerontology journal 14230003, 0304324X 1,298 Q1 86 82 199 3371 842 191 3,44 41,11 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1957-2020 Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q1); Aging (Q2)
10464 29072 Gerontology and Geriatrics Education journal 02701960, 15453847 0,464 Q2 23 64 126 2164 145 98 1,39 33,81 United States Northern America Routledge 1980-2020 Education (Q2); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q3)
10321 19700182723 GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry journal 16629647, 1662971X 0,472 Q2 18 16 58 804 81 56 1,35 50,25 United States Northern America Hogrefe Publishing 2010-2020 Gerontology (Q2); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q3)
2023 21100805354 GeroScience journal 25092715, 25092723 1,585 Q1 57 74 181 5300 1033 172 8,88 71,62 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2017-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q1); Geriatrics and Gerontology (Q1); Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q1); Aging (Q2)
16824 26692 Geschichte und Gesellschaft journal 0340613X 0,234 Q1 17 25 74 1795 24 74 0,32 71,8 Germany Western Europe Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht GmbH and Co. KG 1982, 1985, 1988, 1999-2012, 2014-2019 History (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
28725 28482 Gesnerus journal 169161 0,101 Q4 8 0 20 0 1 19 0 0 Switzerland Western Europe Schwabe und Co. AG 1946-2018 Health (social science) (Q4); History and Philosophy of Science (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28726 16100154752 GESTA-International Center of Medieval Art journal 0016920X, 21693099 0,101 Q4 11 8 37 0 13 35 0,35 0 United States Northern America University of Chicago Press 2002-2006, 2008-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)  
29658 17600154905 Gestalt journal 11545232 0,1 Q4 2 14 57 46 0 49 0 3,29 France Western Europe Societe Francaise de Gestalt 2002-2019 Clinical Psychology (Q4)    
18016 4700152225 Gestao e Producao journal 0104530X 0,209 Q3 16 70 195 3046 112 185 0,5 43,51 Brazil Latin America Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology 2006-2020 Business and International Management (Q3); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3)
23315 22826 Gestion y Politica Publica journal 14051079 0,132 Q3 8 16 48 844 9 47 0,18 52,75 Mexico Latin America Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas A.C. 1995-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Public Administration (Q4)
10374 5800207716 Gesture journal 15699773, 15681475 0,469 Q1 33 0 45 0 44 44 1,14 0 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 2001-2014, 2016-2018 Cultural Studies (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Communication (Q2); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q3)
17963 22034 Gesunde Pflanzen journal 03674223, 14390345 0,21 Q3 13 44 66 1471 45 61 0,72 33,43 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1974-1978, 1980-1989, 1996-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
23316 28485 Gesundheitsokonomie und Qualitatsmanagement journal 14322625, 14394049 0,132 Q4 13 67 184 566 22 102 0,24 8,45 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 1999-2020 Health Policy (Q4)      
10399 20796 Gesundheitswesen journal 14394421, 09413790 0,468 Q2 43 149 453 3400 308 395 0,74 22,82 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 1992-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
16402 57168 Gesundheitswesen, Supplement journal 9497013 0,244 Q4 8 0 36 0 49 32 1,16 0 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 2004-2005, 2007-2008, 2010, 2012, 2015-2018, 2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
28727 21100421895 Getty Research Journal journal 23291249, 19448740 0,101 Q3 2 10 55 383 3 43 0,08 38,3 United States Northern America University of Chicago Press 2015-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3); Conservation (Q4); History (Q4); Museology (Q4)
7717 25844 GFF journal 11035897 0,639 Q2 37 31 98 1404 141 89 1,29 45,29 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1872-2020 Geology (Q2); Paleontology (Q2)  
16143 38762 Ghana Medical Journal journal 8550328 0,251 Q3 19 49 104 1178 82 100 0,57 24,04 Ghana Africa Ghana Medical Association 1962-1963, 1971, 1973-1980, 2011-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
20845 21100820002 GHTC 2016 - IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference: Technology for the Benefit of Humanity, Conference Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,163 - 7 0 75 0 49 74 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Control and Optimization; Signal Processing
23317 21100818902 GHTC 2016 - IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference: Technology for the Benefit of Humanity, Conference Proceedings conference and proceedings - 0,132 - 5 0 56 0 47 55 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science Applications; Software
25422 28195 GIM International trade journal 15669076 0,116 Q4 11 0 183 0 17 183 0,08 0 Netherlands Western Europe GITC B.V. 2001-2018 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
13710 145308 GIS: Proceedings of the ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems conference and proceedings - 0,322 - 57 0 303 0 499 297 1,31 0 United States Northern America   Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Computer Science Applications; Earth-Surface Processes; Information Systems; Modeling and Simulation
29661 4700152456 GIS-Business journal 14303663 0,1 Q4 4 84 202 161 1 126 0,01 1,92 Switzerland Western Europe ABC Verlag 2006-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
2093 28795 GIScience and Remote Sensing journal 15481603 1,552 Q1 39 59 135 3617 660 125 6,6 61,31 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2004-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
22948 21100469439 GISTAM 2016 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management conference and proceedings - 0,136 - 3 0 25 0 6 23 0 0 Portugal Western Europe   Computer Science Applications; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Information Systems; Modeling and Simulation
28728 16937 Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo trade journal 169714 0,101 Q4 4 0 35 0 0 35 0 0 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Federatsiya Energeticheskikh i Elktrotekhnicheskikh Obshchestv 1969-1985, 1987, 1991-1999, 2001-2005 Mechanical Engineering (Q4); Water Science and Technology (Q4)
2669 22076 Gifted Child Quarterly journal 00169862, 19349041 1,353 Q1 46 17 75 1346 174 69 2,36 79,18 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1957-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Education (Q1)
19381 21100894553 Gifted Child Today journal 10762175, 2162951X 0,186 Q3 2 32 26 655 10 22 0,45 20,47 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 2018-2020 Education (Q3); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4)
829 21100420802 GigaScience journal 2047217X 2,639 Q1 40 159 360 5596 1948 252 7,55 35,19 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2012-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q1); Health Informatics (Q1)
17321 28229 Gigiena i sanitariia journal 24120650, 00169900 0,224 Q3 10 225 616 6295 274 613 0,39 27,98 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Izdatel'stvo Meditsina 1945-1947, 1950-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pollution (Q3); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
26915 21100262494 journal 23442379, 2066250X 0,107 Q4 5 0 121 0 5 121 0,04 0 Romania Eastern Europe Pulsmedia Network 2013-2018 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4); Oncology (Q4)
22150 12732 Ginecologia y Obstetricia de Mexico journal 3009041 0,145 Q4 15 69 351 1205 41 307 0,09 17,46 Mexico Latin America Asociacion Mexicana de Ginecologia y Obstetricia 1946-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4)
28729 19700174953 Ginekologia i Poloznictwo journal 18980759, 18963315 0,101 Q4 4 23 42 590 1 41 0 25,65 Poland Eastern Europe Medical Project Poland 2008-2019 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4)  
13110 12742 Ginekologia Polska journal 170011 0,343 Q3 20 124 395 3014 362 382 0,91 24,31 Poland Eastern Europe Via Medica 1948, 1953-1989, 1992-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q3)  
29659 24134 Giornale Critico della Filosofia Italiana journal 170089 0,1 Q4 4 31 95 630 4 93 0,07 20,32 Italy Western Europe Casa Editrice le Lettere 1966, 1973, 1975, 1977, 2002-2019 Philosophy (Q4)      
14224 21585 Giornale di Chirurgia journal 03919005, 1971145X 0,305 Q3 21 100 178 2531 186 164 1,04 25,31 Italy Western Europe CIC Edizioni Internazionali s.r.l. 1946-1958, 1982-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Surgery (Q3)
21578 21100223783 Giornale di Storia Costituzionale journal 18277950, 15930793 0,153 Q2 3 26 79 971 18 76 0,24 37,35 Italy Western Europe Edizioni Universita Macerata 2012-2019 History (Q2); Law (Q3)    
19562 4000151501 Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia journal 19726481, 18276806 0,183 Q4 20 132 410 3809 168 377 0,36 28,86 Italy Western Europe CEPI s.r.l. 2006-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4)
12223 35589 Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia journal 18271820, 03920488 0,379 Q3 24 150 471 3593 301 265 1,01 23,95 Italy Western Europe Edizioni Minerva Medica S.p.A. 1980-2020 Dermatology (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
27789 37673 Giornale Italiano di Diabetologia e Metabolismo journal 15936104 0,103 Q4 3 0 52 0 2 42 0,25 0 Italy Western Europe UTET Periodici Scientifici srl 2000-2017 Endocrinology (Q4); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4); Internal Medicine (Q4)
15928 25520 Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia journal 19711425, 11214171 0,257 Q3 8 8 54 160 31 49 0,48 20 Italy Western Europe Ariesdue srl 1990-1991, 2011-2019 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
28730 28365 Giornale Italiano di Endoscopia Digestiva journal 3940225 0,101 Q4 2 33 35 425 0 33 0 12,88 Italy Western Europe Area Qualita Srl 1989-2000, 2002-2015, 2018-2019 Gastroenterology (Q4); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
26098 21886 Giornale Italiano di Farmacia Clinica journal 11203749 0,112 Q4 7 24 65 526 4 53 0,13 21,92 Italy Western Europe Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore s.r.l. 1989-2012, 2014-2019 Pharmacology (medical) (Q4)    
17218 110104 Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia journal 15927830 0,226 Q3 20 48 149 692 59 147 0,38 14,42 Italy Western Europe Tipografia PI-ME Editrice Srl 1997-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
27790 12744 Giornale Italiano di Ostetricia e Ginecologia journal 03919013, 19711433 0,103 Q4 9 7 111 173 8 104 0,12 24,71 Italy Western Europe CIC Edizioni Internazionali s.r.l. 1982-2019 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4)  
19865 5700154120 Giornale Italiano di Psicologia journal 3905349 0,178 Q4 14 95 248 2731 64 236 0,28 28,75 Italy Western Europe Societa Editrice Il Mulino 2001-2002, 2011-2019 Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
14900 15682 Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia journal 15921107 0,285 Q3 12 32 92 1106 77 84 1,06 34,56 Italy Western Europe Pacini Editore s.r.l. 2001-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q3); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)
23224 19919 Giornale italiano di nefrologia : organo ufficiale della Società italiana di nefrologia journal 03935590, 17245990 0,133 Q4 13 77 329 0 70 300 0,2 0 Italy Western Europe Wichtig Publishing Srl 1988-1999, 2002-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Nephrology (Q4)
29660 19600166214 Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana journal 170496 0,1 Q4 2 21 77 461 2 75 0,02 21,95 Italy Western Europe Loescher Editore 2009-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
15037 21100400185 Girlhood Studies journal 19388209, 19388322 0,281 Q2 4 28 87 761 29 79 0,26 27,18 United States Northern America Berghahn Books Inc. 2014-2019 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q3); Education (Q3); Gender Studies (Q3); Social Psychology (Q3); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q4)
22078 21100364441 gis.Science - Die Zeitschrift fur Geoinformatik journal 18699391 0,146 Q4 2 23 78 387 6 57 0,17 16,83 Germany Western Europe Wichmann Verlag 2012-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Information Systems (Q4)
26576 19700188131 Gladius journal 19884168, 0436029X 0,109 Q3 3 9 26 324 3 26 0 36 Spain Western Europe Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 2010-2019 History (Q3)      
6961 21100787658 Gland Surgery journal 22278575, 2227684X 0,701 Q2 15 152 303 4401 628 264 2,24 28,95 China Asiatic Region AME Publishing Company 2016-2020 Surgery (Q2)      
11196 26585 Glasgow Mathematical Journal journal 1469509X, 00170895 0,427 Q2 29 59 151 590 74 135 0,6 10 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1967-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
10294 4700152292 Glasnik Matematicki journal 0017095X 0,473 Q2 15 20 83 413 53 82 0,52 20,65 Croatia Eastern Europe University of Zagreb 2006-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
17484 21100200441 Glasnik SED journal 3512908 0,22 Q1 5 37 101 863 21 86 0,32 23,32 Slovenia Eastern Europe Slovensko etnolosko drustvo 2007-2019 Museology (Q1); Anthropology (Q2); Conservation (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q2)
15431 21582 Glass and Ceramics (English translation of Steklo i Keramika) journal 15738515, 03617610 0,27 Q3 19 96 301 1497 137 285 0,49 15,59 United States Northern America Springer New York 1956-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q3); Materials Chemistry (Q3); Mechanics of Materials (Q3)
29662 21607 Glass International trade journal 01437838, 01437836 0,1 Q4 3 72 200 19 1 200 0,01 0,26 United Kingdom Western Europe DMG World Media (UK) Ltd. 1982-1989, 1991-1998, 2001-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q4); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q4)
14675 21622 Glass Physics and Chemistry journal 1608313X, 10876596 0,292 Q3 24 96 300 2105 235 299 0,78 21,93 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1996-2020 Ceramics and Composites (Q3); Condensed Matter Physics (Q3); Materials Chemistry (Q3)
9838 21100890584 Glass Structures and Engineering journal 23635150, 23635142 0,497 Q1 8 32 73 856 118 64 2,16 26,75 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2016-2020 Architecture (Q1); Building and Construction (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2)
21501 11000153750 Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A journal 17533546, 17533554 0,154 Q4 17 8 53 56 32 53 0,67 7 United Kingdom Western Europe Society of Glass Technology 2006-2019 Ceramics and Composites (Q4); Materials Chemistry (Q4)
27081 21100375879 GL-Conference Series: Conference Proceedings conference and proceedings 13862316 0,106 - 4 17 39 233 4 37 0,19 13,71 Netherlands Western Europe 13862316 Computer Science Applications; Information Systems; Library and Information Sciences
781 15686 GLIA journal 08941491, 10981136 2,73 Q1 159 177 466 14167 2809 457 5,89 80,04 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1988-2020 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q1); Neurology (Q1)
3741 21100853559 Global Advances In Health and Medicine journal 2164957X, 21649561 1,097 Q1 7 0 7 0 30 6 0 0 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2014-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
20909 21100775433 Global Advances in Selenium Research from Theory to Application - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Selenium in the Environment and Human Health, 2015 conference and proceedings - 0,162 - 1 0 3 0 1 3 0 0 Brazil Latin America   Computer Science Applications; Control and Systems Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Mechanical Engineering
26268 21100429507 Global Advances in Selenium Research from Theory to Application - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Selenium in the Environment and Human Health, 2015 conference and proceedings - 0,111 - 3 0 95 0 12 94 0 0 Brazil Latin America   Engineering (miscellaneous)    
1689 27049 Global and Planetary Change journal 9218181 1,756 Q1 124 187 484 15468 2413 469 4,79 82,72 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1989-2020 Global and Planetary Change (Q1); Oceanography (Q1)
27082 21100854186 Global and Regional Health Technology Assessment journal 22842403, 22835733 0,106 Q4 1 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 Italy Western Europe Sage Publications 2014-2016 Health Policy (Q4)      
22227 21100466423 Global and Stochastic Analysis journal 22489444 0,144 Q4 4 9 44 741 18 44 0,39 82,33 India Asiatic Region MUK Publications and Distribution 2014-2019 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q4); Statistics and Probability (Q4)
16987 21100922650 Global Bioethics journal 11287462, 15917398 0,231 Q2 4 6 17 207 18 17 1,5 34,5 United States Northern America Routledge 1996-2009, 2011, 2014-2016, 2018-2020 Philosophy (Q2); Health Policy (Q3); Health (social science) (Q3)
697 21848 Global Biogeochemical Cycles journal 08866236, 19449224 2,922 Q1 177 99 318 8566 1738 310 4,79 86,53 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1987-2020 Atmospheric Science (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q1)
19251 3900148208 Global Business and Economics Review journal 10974954, 17451329 0,188 Q3 11 43 115 2310 59 113 0,55 53,72 United Kingdom Western Europe Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. 2006-2020 Business and International Management (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
18110 5700156119 Global Business and Finance Review journal 23841648, 10886931 0,207 Q3 5 26 80 1169 54 80 0,67 44,96 South Korea Asiatic Region People and Global Business Association 2014-2019 Business and International Management (Q3); Finance (Q3)
19175 6000195381 Global Business and Organizational Excellence journal 19322054 0,189 Q3 15 52 149 1246 65 120 0,47 23,96 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2006-2020 Business and International Management (Q3); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q4)
10851 17600154910 Global Business Review journal 09730664, 09721509 0,445 Q2 20 218 407 11333 613 338 1,56 51,99 India Asiatic Region Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd 2000-2004, 2006-2020 Business and International Management (Q2)
356 15131 Global Change Biology journal 13652486, 13541013 4,198 Q1 235 338 1288 26265 11592 1205 8,94 77,71 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1995-2020 Ecology (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q1)
18338 5700165092 Global Change, Peace and Security journal 14781158 0,203 Q3 14 22 63 183 34 58 0,55 8,32 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2008-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
29663 21100858250 Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence book series 15359468 0,1 Q4 1 0 51 0 0 47 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2015, 2017-2018 Law (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
28731 21100775630 Global Congress on Process Safety 2016 - Topical Conference at the 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 2 0 25 0 6 24 0 0 United States Northern America   Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Energy Engineering and Power Technology
17219 21100896140 Global Constitutionalism journal 20453825, 20453817 0,226 Q1 3 23 20 2066 25 19 1,32 89,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2018-2020 History (Q1); Philosophy (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
10076 5700168403 Global Crime journal 17440572 0,484 Q1 24 13 57 740 86 53 1,56 56,92 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2007-2020 Law (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
15432 21100782417 Global Discourse journal 23269995, 20437897 0,27 Q2 10 61 172 1630 78 85 0,88 26,72 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2010-2011, 2013-2014, 2016-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
498 22044 Global Ecology and Biogeography journal 14668238, 1466822X 3,535 Q1 138 149 388 10154 2663 377 6,63 68,15 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1998-2020 Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q1)
3412 21100349522 Global Ecology and Conservation journal 23519894 1,165 Q1 27 281 325 17363 1005 319 2,78 61,79 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Ecology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q1); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1)
24173 21100426107 Global Economic History Series book series 18725155 0,125 Q2 6 0 12 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2009, 2011, 2013, 2016, 2018 History (Q2); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q4)
11266 5700162947 Global Economic Review journal 1226508X 0,424 Q2 17 24 70 966 52 66 0,62 40,25 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1996-2020 Business and International Management (Q2); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
18446 4000152131 Global Economy Journal journal 15245861, 15535304 0,201 Q3 17 19 84 647 36 84 0,53 34,05 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2006-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3)
20104 21100449126 Global Environment journal 19733739, 20537352 0,174 Q2 4 19 59 518 17 53 0,31 27,26 United Kingdom Western Europe White Horse Press 2014-2020 History (Q2); Global and Planetary Change (Q4); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4)
340 36483 Global Environmental Change journal 09593780, 18729495 4,304 Q1 162 120 352 9723 3855 345 11,5 81,03 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1990-2020 Ecology (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1)
2099 4900152303 Global Environmental Politics journal 15263800 1,55 Q1 54 23 90 1185 302 86 3,27 51,52 United States Northern America MIT Press Journals 2006-2020 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q2)
9101 16230 Global Finance Journal journal 10440283 0,544 Q2 32 61 94 2430 213 87 2,07 39,84 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1989-2020 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Finance (Q2)
1030 21100218328 Global Food Security journal 22119124 2,309 Q1 38 73 145 4318 986 144 6,61 59,15 United States Northern America Elsevier 2012-2020 Ecology (Q1); Food Science (Q1); Safety Research (Q1); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q1)
11597 25158 Global Governance journal 10752846, 19426720 0,408 Q2 52 34 104 1592 114 94 0,88 46,82 United States Northern America Brill Academic Publishers 1996-2019 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Safety Research (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
3282 17500154705 Global Health Action journal 16549716, 16549880 1,193 Q1 41 111 463 4486 1118 435 2,44 40,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2009-2020 Health Policy (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
10362 17800156713 Global Health Promotion journal 17579767, 17579759 0,47 Q2 28 117 190 3399 181 133 0,94 29,05 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1993, 2006, 2008-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
5769 21100889671 Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics journal 20544200 0,817 Q2 6 8 59 153 110 53 2,2 19,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2016-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Epidemiology (Q3)
3288 21100390415 Global health, science and practice journal 2169575X 1,192 Q1 23 80 251 2177 484 191 2,24 27,21 United States Northern America 2013-2019 Health Policy (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
2272 21100212900 Global Heart journal 22118179, 22118160 1,482 Q1 33 56 176 1521 411 127 2,96 27,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Science & Technology 2011-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Community and Home Care (Q1); Epidemiology (Q2)
18164 21100908544 Global Intellectual History journal 23801883, 23801891 0,206 Q1 3 42 50 1614 23 44 0,47 38,43 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2016-2020 History (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q2); Library and Information Sciences (Q3)
27083 21100324067 Global Journal Al-Thaqafah journal 22320474, 22320482 0,106 Q3 5 0 65 0 13 65 0,22 0 Malaysia Asiatic Region Kolej Universiti Islam Sultan Azlan Shah 2011-2018 Cultural Studies (Q3); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4)
19675 21100401127 Global Journal of Comparative Law journal 2211906X, 22119051 0,181 Q3 3 8 32 587 9 30 0,45 73,38 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2012-2019 Law (Q3)        
19108 21100841770 Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies journal 09749101, 09752730 0,19 Q3 8 17 33 579 15 28 0,69 34,06 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2009-2020 Business and International Management (Q3); Development (Q3); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Global and Planetary Change (Q4)
9625 19700201403 Global Journal of Engineering Education journal 13283154 0,509 Q1 11 36 121 587 109 113 1,03 16,31 Australia Pacific Region World Institute for Engineering and Technology Education (WIETE) 2010-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Education (Q2)
9946 21100854451 Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management journal 23833866, 23833572 0,491 Q2 15 66 120 2541 263 120 2,09 38,5 Iran Middle East Iran Solid Waste Association 2015-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)
5389 8300153135 Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management journal 9722696 0,861 Q1 28 27 89 2438 342 77 4,16 90,3 India Asiatic Region Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management 2000-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q1)
16576 21100218323 Global journal of health science journal 19169736, 19169744 0,24 Q3 23 0 34 0 58 34 0 0 Canada Northern America Canadian Center of Science and Education 2012-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
20572 19700200853 Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics journal 09739750, 09731768 0,167 Q4 12 0 492 0 235 492 0 0 India Asiatic Region Research India Publications 2010-2016 Applied Mathematics (Q4); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q4)
24997 8000153132 Global Jurist journal 19342640 0,12 Q4 6 26 51 1381 11 51 0,28 53,12 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2007-2020 Law (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
9947 21100895684 Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication journal 25149350, 25149342 0,491 Q2 28 56 119 2570 213 119 0,93 45,89 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2018-2020 Library and Information Sciences (Q2)  
11821 16300154741 Global Media and Communication journal 17427665, 17427673 0,397 Q2 21 21 56 1110 53 53 1,09 52,86 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2005-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Communication (Q2)
22660 14000156160 Global Media Journal journal 15507521 0,139 Q3 7 0 36 0 4 35 0 0 United States Northern America Department of Communication and Creative Arts, Purdue University Calumet 2010-2016 Communication (Q3)    
22764 21100245708 Global Media Journal, Canadian Edition journal 1918591X, 19185901 0,138 Q4 4 0 20 0 11 19 0 0 Canada Northern America University of Ottawa 2013-2017 Communication (Q4)    
14572 19700174610 Global Nest Journal journal 17907632, 11084006 0,295 Q3 28 60 253 2182 311 252 1,04 36,37 Greece Western Europe Global Nest 2001, 2004, 2008-2019 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
3189 14929 Global Networks journal 14710374, 14702266 1,214 Q1 61 44 87 2838 279 87 2,26 64,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
9650 21100941746 Global Pediatric Health journal 2333794X 0,508 Q1 1 39 1 1188 1 1 1 30,46 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2018-2020 Pediatrics (Q1); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2)
27791 21100406938 Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies book series 18762247 0,103 Q3 3 19 36 1105 2 9 0,22 58,16 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2009-2013, 2017-2019 History (Q3); Religious Studies (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4)
8996 21100238638 Global Policy journal 17585899, 17585880 0,551 Q1 30 137 320 4304 383 295 1,35 31,42 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2010-2020 Law (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Global and Planetary Change (Q3)
4745 5800179609 Global Public Health journal 17441706, 17441692 0,94 Q1 37 160 333 8256 764 312 2 51,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2006-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
7215 21100853546 Global Qualitative Nursing Research journal 23333936 0,677 Q1 9 13 86 654 181 85 2,86 50,31 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2014-2020 Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q1)    
15929 21100274870 Global Responsibility to Protect journal 1875984X, 18759858 0,257 Q2 11 17 65 1436 33 63 0,58 84,47 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2013-2020 Political Science and International Relations (Q2)
8527 30006 Global Social Policy journal 17412803, 14680181 0,581 Q2 33 28 89 1050 103 73 1,38 37,5 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2001-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
17762 21100902532 Global Social Welfare journal 21968799 0,214 Q3 7 47 74 2235 48 72 0,71 47,55 Switzerland Western Europe Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2014-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q3)  
10695 25162 Global Society journal 1469798X, 13600826 0,453 Q2 29 39 91 580 107 86 0,78 14,87 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1996-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q2); Global and Planetary Change (Q3)
2870 21100345623 Global Spine Journal journal 21925682, 21925690 1,299 Q1 20 133 378 4310 966 334 2,91 32,41 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2014-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q1); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Surgery (Q1)
1133 21100409642 Global Strategy Journal journal 20425805 2,178 Q1 18 36 73 3623 350 64 5,4 100,64 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2014-2020 Business and International Management (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q1)
21928 21100894548 Global Studies of Childhood journal 20436106 0,148 Q3 2 46 32 1907 10 28 0,36 41,46 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2018-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Demography (Q4); Development (Q4); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4); Education (Q4)
5013 21100920679 Global Sustainability journal 20594798 0,905 Q1 5 13 14 979 38 13 2,92 75,31 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2018-2020 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q2)
23513 21100865914 Global Trade and Customs Journal journal 18756468, 1569755X 0,13 Q3 1 63 62 1005 6 57 0,11 15,95 Netherlands Western Europe Kluwer Law International 2018-2020 Law (Q3); Business and International Management (Q4)
4565 5700163852 Globalisation, Societies and Education journal 14767724 0,965 Q1 25 51 123 3125 265 117 2,16 61,27 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2010-2020 Education (Q1)      
2968 4400151514 Globalization and Health journal 17448603 1,272 Q1 47 90 302 4824 841 269 2,89 53,6 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2005-2020 Health Policy (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
7836 5700162683 Globalizations journal 1474774X, 14747731 0,629 Q1 34 114 236 6111 392 210 1,92 53,61 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2004-2020 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Public Administration (Q2)
26269 21100838726 Glossae journal 22552707 0,111 Q3 1 15 54 959 3 53 0,06 63,93 Spain Western Europe Institute for Social, Political and Legal Studies 2017-2019 History (Q3); Law (Q4)    
20344 28844 Glotta - Zeitschrift fur Griechische und Lateinische Sprache journal 171298 0,17 Q1 6 16 62 837 10 62 0,14 52,31 Germany Western Europe Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht GmbH and Co. KG 1975, 1979-1981, 1986, 1995, 2002-2005, 2007-2019 Classics (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
15733 17600155382 Glottometrics journal 16178351 0,262 Q2 3 28 51 617 19 49 0,39 22,04 Germany Western Europe RAM-Verlag 2017-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3)
24523 21100787379 Glottotheory journal 21966907, 13377892 0,124 Q2 2 7 31 148 3 28 0,06 21,14 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2015-2020 History (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
12379 29366 GLQ journal 10642684 0,372 Q1 37 57 93 1081 75 58 0,82 18,96 United States Northern America Duke University Press 1996, 1998-2001, 2003-2020 Cultural Studies (Q1); Gender Studies (Q2)
27084 19693 Gluckauf: Die Fachzeitschrift fur Rohstoff, Bergbau und Energie trade journal 3407896 0,106 Q4 4 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 Germany Western Europe Verlag Glueckauf GmbH 1969-1986, 1989, 1993-2008 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q4)
2412 17511 Glycobiology journal 09596658, 14602423 1,431 Q1 123 90 328 1825 1052 307 3,49 20,28 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1990-2020 Biochemistry (Q1)      
5104 17513 Glycoconjugate Journal journal 02820080, 15734986 0,895 Q2 84 36 223 1504 597 211 2,25 41,78 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1984-2020 Biochemistry (Q2); Cell Biology (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
4234 21100216575 GM crops & food journal 21645701, 21645698 1,015 Q1 23 25 41 1235 140 37 4,11 49,4 United States Northern America Landes Bioscience 2012-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Biotechnology (Q1); Food Science (Q1)
28111 21100202747 GMP Review trade journal 14764547 0,102 Q4 2 6 24 15 1 15 0,07 2,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Euromed Communications Ltd 2011-2015, 2017-2019 Pharmaceutical Science (Q4)    
11777 19500157820 GMS German Medical Science journal 16123174 0,399 Q3 21 10 43 559 91 43 2,18 55,9 Germany Western Europe German Medical Science 2009-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
8399 21100780992 GMS Journal for Medical Education journal 23665017 0,589 Q2 16 82 215 2288 256 188 1,36 27,9 Germany Western Europe German Medical Science 2016-2020 Education (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2)
19252 21100855501 GMSARN International Journal journal 19059094 0,188 Q3 2 24 48 488 19 48 0,4 20,33 Thailand Asiatic Region Greater Mekong Subregion Academic and Research Network, Asian Institute of Technology 2017-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q4); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4)
29664 16100154701 Goethe Jahrbuch journal 3234207 0,1 Q4 3 0 69 0 0 64 0 0 Germany Western Europe Goethe-Gesellschaft in Weimar e.V. 2002-2014, 2016-2018 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
29665 63434 Gogus-Kalp-Damar Anestezi ve Yogun Bakim Dernegi Dergisi journal 13055550 0,1 Q4 3 0 56 0 0 52 0 0 Turkey Middle East Logo Tip Yayinciligi 2003-2017 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q4)  
13040 37473 Gold Bulletin journal 171557 0,346 Q2 57 21 64 951 110 63 1,76 45,29 Germany Western Europe Springer Berlin 1971-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Inorganic Chemistry (Q3)
651 22647 Gondwana Research journal 1342937X 3,033 Q1 124 155 608 17943 4098 585 6,3 115,76 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1997-2020 Geology (Q1)      
10343 21047 Gong Cheng Li Xue/Engineering Mechanics journal 10004750 0,471 Q2 30 371 1205 9500 1177 1205 0,95 25,61 China Asiatic Region Tsing Hua University 1997-2020 Mechanical Engineering (Q2); Mechanics of Materials (Q2)
18111 21100399145 Gongcheng Kexue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Engineering journal 20959389 0,207 Q2 23 180 726 5277 347 726 0,51 29,32 China Asiatic Region Science Press 2015-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
17485 21100805730 Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science journal 20963246 0,22 Q2 5 166 427 3306 222 427 0,52 19,92 China Asiatic Region Editorial Department of Journal of Sichuan University 2017-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
24781 21049 Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials journal 10019731 0,122 Q4 16 434 1578 11121 266 1578 0,17 25,62 China Asiatic Region Journal of Functional Materials 1993-2020 Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q4); Materials Chemistry (Q4)
23934 19700182415 Good Society journal 10890017, 15389731 0,126 Q3 6 0 57 0 9 50 0,09 0 United States Northern America Penn State University Press 2010-2018 Philosophy (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
12302 19712 Gornyi Zhurnal journal 172278 0,375 Q3 11 201 654 3629 398 651 0,59 18,05 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Izdatel'stvo Ruda i Metally 1971, 1973-1977, 2001-2005, 2013-2020 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology (Q3)
26442 18599 Gorteria: Tijdschrift voor Onderzoek aan de Wilde Flora journal 172294 0,11 Q4 7 7 36 169 7 32 0,28 24,14 Netherlands Western Europe National Herbarium Nederland 1988-2020 Plant Science (Q4)      
18227 19700174752 Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi / Mineral Resources Management journal 8600953 0,205 Q3 15 40 120 1149 74 120 0,65 28,73 Poland Eastern Europe Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute for Mineral Resources and Energy 2008-2019 Economic Geology (Q3)    
20573 21100867680 Gosudarstvo, Religiia, Tserkov' v Rossii i za Rubezhom/State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide journal 20737211, 20737203 0,167 Q2 3 29 165 1142 25 160 0,17 39,38 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration 2015-2019 Religious Studies (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
24998 21100465444 Gothic Studies journal 2050456X, 13627937 0,12 Q2 1 14 61 615 4 61 0,06 43,93 United Kingdom Western Europe Manchester University Press 2016-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); History (Q3)
24643 21100197167 Govaresh journal 15607186, 2008756X 0,123 Q4 7 31 95 1201 31 92 0,32 38,74 Iran Middle East Iranian Association of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2011-2019 Gastroenterology (Q4); Hepatology (Q4)  
1433 19088 Governance journal 09521895, 14680491 1,908 Q1 72 54 122 3475 402 102 3,36 64,35 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1988-2020 Marketing (Q1); Public Administration (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
1661 19089 Government and Opposition journal 0017257X, 14777053 1,772 Q1 46 48 87 3322 215 72 2,86 69,21 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1965-2020 Public Administration (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
1423 14735 Government Information Quarterly journal 0740624X 1,915 Q1 94 75 196 5837 1509 179 7,14 77,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1984-2020 E-learning (Q1); Law (Q1); Library and Information Sciences (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
27792 5800207617 Govor journal 3527565 0,103 Q4 3 0 31 0 2 31 0,08 0 Croatia Eastern Europe Filozofski Fakultet 2008-2018 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
25308 6000152801 Goya journal 172715 0,117 Q2 5 22 60 944 4 60 0,05 42,91 Spain Western Europe Fundacion Lazaro Galdiano 2002-2006, 2008-2019 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)  
13041 21100789907 GPCE 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences, co-located with SPLASH 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,346 - 6 0 22 0 31 20 0 0 United States Northern America   Environmental Science (miscellaneous); Water Science and Technology
2536 144827 GPS Solutions journal 10805370 1,393 Q1 65 122 359 3633 1541 356 4,01 29,78 Germany Western Europe Springer Nature 1995, 1998-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
20038 28196 GPS World trade journal 10485104 0,175 Q3 22 5 66 0 40 59 0,64 0 United States Northern America Advanstar Communications Inc. 1991-1994, 2001-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
16180 15728 Gradevinar trade journal 03502465, 13339095 0,25 Q3 12 90 274 2314 164 273 0,45 25,71 Croatia Eastern Europe Union of Croatian Civil Engineers and Technicians 1980, 1985, 1994, 1996, 2000-2019 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q3)  
28732 16200154732 Gradiva journal 3638057 0,101 Q4 0 19 37 45 0 37 0 2,37 United States Northern America Gradiva 2002-2012, 2017-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
24644 21100239260 Graeco-Latina Brunensia journal 18037402 0,123 Q2 3 31 88 1255 8 88 0,05 40,48 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Masarykova Universita 2012-2019 Classics (Q2); History (Q2); Archeology (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
2987 13904 Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology journal 0721832X, 1435702X 1,265 Q1 96 336 1009 10538 2273 809 2,81 31,36 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1870-1944, 1947-1965, 1982-2020 Ophthalmology (Q1); Sensory Systems (Q2); Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (Q3)
15512 21100199707 Graellsia journal 03675041, 1989953X 0,268 Q3 8 12 46 396 22 34 0,39 33 Spain Western Europe CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 2011-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
30382 21100941186 Grafica journal 23397500, 20149298 - 1 17 0 234 0 0 0 13,76 Spain Western Europe Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 2019 Communication; Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Visual Arts and Performing Arts
13204 18604 Grana journal 00173134, 16512049 0,339 Q3 36 39 87 1558 94 84 1,12 39,95 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1970-1974, 1978-2020 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
24782 21100865569 Granja journal 13908596, 13903799 0,122 Q4 1 21 21 741 3 20 0,15 35,29 Ecuador Latin America Universidad Politecnica Salesiana 2018-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q4); Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
4752 29651 Granular Matter journal 14347636, 14345021 0,939 Q1 57 113 251 5151 716 249 2,79 45,58 United States Northern America Springer New York 1998-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q1)
29666 28340 Graphic Arts Monthly trade journal 10479325 0,1 Q4 1 63 187 0 0 187 0 0 United States Northern America Reed Business Information (Cahners) 1998, 2005-2019 Media Technology (Q4); Strategy and Management (Q4)
12729 25515 Graphical Models journal 15240703, 15240711 0,358 Q2 54 36 76 1277 110 73 1,45 35,47 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2000-2020 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q2); Geometry and Topology (Q3); Modeling and Simulation (Q3); Software (Q3)
8113 28476 Graphs and Combinatorics journal 14355914, 09110119 0,61 Q2 34 133 416 2294 293 415 0,74 17,25 Japan Asiatic Region Springer Japan 1985-2020 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q2); Theoretical Computer Science (Q2)
13300 25860 Grasas y Aceites journal 00173495, 19884214 0,335 Q3 43 50 154 1608 187 152 1,16 32,16 Spain Western Europe CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 1991-2020 Food Science (Q3); Organic Chemistry (Q3)
7286 38284 Grass and Forage Science journal 13652494, 01425242 0,671 Q1 52 67 221 3214 419 218 1,74 47,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1946-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2)
14382 18700156715 Grassland Science journal 1744697X, 17446961 0,3 Q3 16 45 91 1646 98 91 0,93 36,58 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
14288 17600155002 Gravitation and Cosmology journal 19950721, 02022893 0,303 Q3 16 49 165 1599 126 163 0,85 32,63 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 2008-2019 Astronomy and Astrophysics (Q3)  
11058 5700174038 Grazer Philosophische Studien journal 1659227 0,435 Q1 7 32 77 965 38 76 0,36 30,16 Netherlands Western Europe Editions Rodopi b.v. 2011-2013, 2016-2019 Philosophy (Q1)      
28733 19600156849 Graziadio Business Report journal 19391633 0,101 Q4 3 0 40 0 5 31 0,21 0 United States Northern America Pepperdine University 2009-2017 Business and International Management (Q4); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
27540 21100878679 Graziadio Business Review journal 21592977 0,104 Q4 0 15 9 204 0 7 0 13,6 United States Northern America Graziadio School of Business and Management-Pepperdine University 2018-2019 Business and International Management (Q4); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
24886 20363 Great Lakes Entomologist journal 900222 0,121 Q4 18 10 7 462 2 7 0,29 46,2 United States Northern America Michigan Entomological Society 1993-2003, 2005-2015, 2018-2019 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Insect Science (Q4)
27793 24199 Great Lakes TPA Magazine trade journal 8861242 0,103 Q4 1 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 United States Northern America Timber Producers Association 1998, 2000-2007, 2011-2017 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Forestry (Q4)
23398 25608 Great Plains Quarterly journal 2757664 0,131 Q3 9 12 51 985 12 47 0,29 82,08 United States Northern America Center for Great Plains Studies 1983-1993, 1995-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3)
21267 21860 Great Plains Research journal 10525165 0,157 Q4 18 12 30 462 12 30 0,44 38,5 United States Northern America Center for Great Plains Studies 1991, 1993-2019 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
24783 6500153105 Greece and Rome journal 173835 0,122 Q2 19 10 31 506 8 31 0,21 50,6 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1931-2020 Classics (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3)
28112 21100869520 Greek Review of Social Research journal 00139696, 22418512 0,102 Q4 0 7 11 321 0 11 0 45,86 Greece Western Europe National Centre for Social Research 2018-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
23935 28857 Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies journal 173916 0,126 Q1 16 32 118 928 21 118 0,19 29 United States Northern America Duke University Press 1970-1972, 1976, 1979-1983, 1989, 2002-2020 Classics (Q1); History (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3)
1064 24069 Green Chemistry journal 14639262, 14639270 2,259 Q1 205 658 1855 42902 17949 1822 9,81 65,2 United Kingdom Western Europe Royal Society of Chemistry 1999-2020 Environmental Chemistry (Q1); Pollution (Q1)
9948 12100156819 Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews journal 17517192, 17518253 0,491 Q2 30 44 144 1862 463 116 3,92 42,32 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2007-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q2); Environmental Chemistry (Q3)
1599 21100895361 Green Energy and Environment journal 24680257, 20962797 1,799 Q1 20 56 114 2727 784 101 6,86 48,7 China Asiatic Region KeAi Publishing Communications Ltd. 2016-2020 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q1)
17270 21100248905 Green Energy and Technology book series 18653537, 18653529 0,225 Q3 23 383 1242 10918 553 199 5,13 28,51 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2010-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q3); Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q4)
25423 21100395922 Green Letters journal 14688417, 21681414 0,116 Q2 5 29 78 771 13 64 0,15 26,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2)  
13042 21100851236 Green Materials journal 20491220, 20491239 0,346 Q2 6 20 34 906 62 34 1,89 45,3 United Kingdom Western Europe ICE Publishing Ltd. 2013-2019 Polymers and Plastics (Q2); Materials Chemistry (Q3); Pollution (Q3)
15005 21100319031 Green Processing and Synthesis journal 21919550, 21919542 0,282 Q2 18 101 203 3757 292 192 1,81 37,2 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2012-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Fuel Technology (Q3); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q3); Environmental Chemistry (Q4); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q4)
9613 21100197936 Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology journal 21523878 0,51 Q2 28 93 230 4425 443 204 2,2 47,58 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2011-2020 Environmental Engineering (Q2); Environmental Chemistry (Q3)
23043 5800224540 Gregorianum journal 174114 0,135 Q2 6 36 91 1590 17 90 0,21 44,17 Italy Western Europe Gregorian University Press 2002-2020 Religious Studies (Q2)    
19109 17500155021 Grey Journal journal 1574180X, 15741796 0,19 Q3 5 24 76 330 19 65 0,37 13,75 Netherlands Western Europe GreyNet 2009-2020 Library and Information Sciences (Q3)  
28734 5900152888 Grey Room journal 15263819 0,101 Q4 16 13 60 156 6 38 0,25 12 United States Northern America MIT Press Journals 2002-2020 Architecture (Q4); Communication (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)
15513 21100370222 Griffith Law Review journal 18394205, 10383441 0,268 Q2 13 24 77 1319 51 66 0,58 54,96 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2003-2006, 2008-2019 Law (Q2)        
27794 21100197512 Gripla book series 10185011 0,103 Q3 3 8 19 422 1 9 0,11 52,75 Iceland Western Europe Stofnun Arna Magnussonar 2011-2014, 2017-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
28735 17300154836 Grotiana journal 01673831, 18760759 0,101 Q4 8 9 20 311 4 20 0,27 34,56 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1980-1982, 1984-1987, 1989-1991, 1993, 1997-1998, 2007-2010, 2012-2019 History (Q4); Law (Q4)    
24174 15729 Ground Engineering trade journal 174653 0,125 Q4 13 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe EMAP Communications Ltd. 1970-1973, 1976-1988, 1994-2007 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4)  
5512 29460 Ground Water journal 0017467X, 17456584 0,846 Q1 88 142 335 4862 654 256 2,34 34,24 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1963-2020 Water Science and Technology (Q1); Computers in Earth Sciences (Q2)
8300 29462 Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation journal 10693629 0,596 Q2 45 29 96 958 103 75 1,51 33,03 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1981-2020 Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2)
5352 21100463093 Groundwater for Sustainable Development journal 2352801X 0,865 Q1 14 128 131 7645 556 130 4,3 59,73 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2015-2020 Environmental Engineering (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1); Environmental Chemistry (Q2)
26443 14243 Group Analysis journal 1461717X, 05333164 0,11 Q4 18 0 92 0 9 48 0,17 0 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1967-2017 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4)
2062 29412 Group and Organization Management journal 10596011 1,567 Q1 81 38 90 3827 315 77 3,58 100,71 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1976-2020 Applied Psychology (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q1)
8590 19318 Group Decision and Negotiation journal 09262644, 15729907 0,577 Q1 57 49 159 2447 307 148 1,98 49,94 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1992-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Decision Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q2); Strategy and Management (Q2)
9232 14246 Group Dynamics journal 10892699, 19307802 0,535 Q2 63 17 54 599 78 54 0,91 35,24 United States Northern America American Psychological Association 1997-2019 Social Psychology (Q2); Applied Psychology (Q3)
2289 14946 Group Processes and Intergroup Relations journal 14617188, 13684302 1,477 Q1 69 107 175 6632 556 171 3,02 61,98 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1998-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Communication (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Social Psychology (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
17410 21100199333 Groups, Complexity, Cryptology journal 18696104, 18671144 0,222 Q3 9 11 41 193 14 41 0,42 17,55 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2009-2020 Computational Mathematics (Q3); Computer Networks and Communications (Q3); Applied Mathematics (Q4); Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q4)
2466 17800156748 Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics journal 16617207, 16617215 1,414 Q1 16 53 136 1511 121 136 0,81 28,51 Switzerland Western Europe European Mathematical Society Publishing House 2009-2019 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (Q1); Geometry and Topology (Q1)
28113 145561 Groupwork journal 0951824X 0,102 Q4 8 0 16 0 0 15 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Whiting and Birch 2005-2014, 2017 Applied Psychology (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
10515 27172 Growth and Change journal 14682257, 00174815 0,462 Q3 51 71 120 4225 181 117 1,49 59,51 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1970-2020 Global and Planetary Change (Q3)  
9102 23424 Growth Factors journal 10292292, 08977194 0,544 Q3 59 18 70 1228 112 69 1,41 68,22 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 1988-2020 Clinical Biochemistry (Q3); Endocrinology (Q3); Cell Biology (Q4)
7910 26116 Growth Hormone and IGF Research journal 10966374 0,624 Q3 58 30 168 1373 324 159 1,83 45,77 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1998-2020 Endocrinology (Q3); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
24175 29279 GRS - Bericht (Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit) journal 1701991 0,125 Q4 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Germany Western Europe Gesellschaft Fuer Anlagen- Und Reaktorsicherheit 1980-1982, 1984, 1986, 1989, 1996-1997, 1999-2000 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4)
16181 16951 Grundwasser journal 14321165, 1430483X 0,25 Q3 20 25 87 701 34 66 0,53 28,04 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1997-2020 Water Science and Technology (Q3)  
21850 21100834525 Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Organisationspsychologie journal 23666145, 23666218 0,149 Q4 11 46 126 1322 28 110 0,23 28,74 Germany Western Europe Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH 2016-2020 Applied Psychology (Q4); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4); Education (Q4); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4)
29667 15687 Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik journal 174947 0,1 Q4 10 0 67 0 0 64 0 0 Germany Western Europe Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht GmbH and Co. KG 1974-1991, 1996-1998, 2002-2018 Clinical Psychology (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4)
22079 21100370011 GSA Field Guides book series 23330937 0,146 Q4 16 0 92 0 23 85 0,26 0 United States Northern America Geological Society of America 1999-2000, 2003-2014, 2016-2018 Earth-Surface Processes (Q4); Geology (Q4); Paleontology (Q4); Stratigraphy (Q4)
1466 25846 GSA Today journal 10525173 1,883 Q1 73 8 58 365 226 48 4,91 45,63 United States Northern America Geological Society of America 1991-2020 Geology (Q1)      
18339 29686 Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi/Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis journal 10000593 0,203 Q4 29 592 2040 9608 1309 2040 0,64 16,23 China Asiatic Region Science Press 1990-2020 Instrumentation (Q4); Spectroscopy (Q4)  
17322 16754 Guangdian Gongcheng/Opto-Electronic Engineering journal 1003501X 0,224 Q3 19 127 458 3026 269 458 0,77 23,83 China Asiatic Region Chinese Academy of Sciences 1993-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3)
21185 29685 Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser journal 10050086 0,158 Q4 23 187 599 3968 230 599 0,39 21,22 China Asiatic Region 1992-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
11503 144897 Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision Engineering journal 1004924X 0,412 Q3 36 296 1270 5946 1402 1270 1,18 20,09 China Asiatic Region Chinese Academy of Sciences 2005-2019 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q3); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q3)
19799 29715 Guangxue Jishu/Optical Technique journal 10021582 0,179 Q4 18 112 360 1977 137 360 0,37 17,65 China Asiatic Region Optical Technique 1992-2020 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q4)
13893 29717 Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica journal 2532239 0,316 Q3 37 598 1665 13685 2073 1665 1,4 22,88 China Asiatic Region Chinese Optical Society 1984-1989, 1992-2020 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q3); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q3)
17908 29718 Guangzi Xuebao/Acta Photonica Sinica journal 10044213 0,211 Q4 23 297 1033 6514 546 1033 0,56 21,93 China Asiatic Region Chinese Optical Society 1997-2020 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q4)
25667 16300154751 Guerres Mondiales et Conflicts Contemporains journal 9842292 0,114 Q3 6 42 114 1007 3 104 0,01 23,98 France Western Europe Presses Universitaires de France 1999, 2001-2020 History (Q3)      
30383 21100931376 Gulf and Caribbean Research journal 15280470, 25721410 - 0 9 0 385 0 0 0 42,78 United States Northern America University of Southern Mississippi 2019 Aquatic Science; Oceanography; Water Science and Technology
22765 19600162013 gulf journal of oncology, The journal 20782101 0,138 Q4 9 36 127 0 37 127 0,24 0 Kuwait Middle East Gulf Federation for Cancer Control 2007-2013, 2016-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
12557 27258 Gulf of Mexico Science journal 1087688X 0,365 Q2 20 0 17 0 18 16 0 0 United States Northern America Dauphin Island Sea Lab 1996-2014, 2016 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
25424 28569 Gulhane Medical Journal journal 13020471 0,116 Q4 11 30 129 642 9 129 0,09 21,4 Turkey Middle East Gulhane Medical School, University of Health Sciences 1998-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
20220 21100802674 Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 18 - Hydrocolloid Functionality for Affordable and Sustainable Global Food Solutions conference and proceedings - 0,172 - 4 0 36 0 15 34 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe   Computer Networks and Communications; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Information Systems; Information Systems and Management
26099 19700175001 Guncel Pediatri journal 13086308, 13049054 0,112 Q4 4 19 109 628 4 106 0,01 33,05 Turkey Middle East Galenos Yayinevi 2009-2019 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4)
23044 13000 Guocheng Gongcheng Xuebao/The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering journal 1009606X 0,135 Q3 16 167 551 4759 137 551 0,25 28,5 China Asiatic Region Science Press 2001-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q3); Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)
18784 14644 Guofang Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of National University of Defense Technology journal 10012486 0,195 Q3 17 162 522 2765 205 522 0,31 17,07 China Asiatic Region National University of Defence Technology 1998, 2001-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q3); Modeling and Simulation (Q4)
121 28366 Gut journal 14683288, 00175749 7,763 Q1 279 408 921 13149 11066 600 19,08 32,23 United Kingdom Western Europe BMJ Publishing Group 1960-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1)    
4224 17700156219 Gut and Liver journal 19762283, 20051212 1,017 Q2 39 87 380 3393 961 305 3,18 39 South Korea Asiatic Region Joe Bok Chung 2009-2020 Gastroenterology (Q2); Hepatology (Q2)  
576 19700175861 Gut Microbes journal 19490984, 19490976 3,245 Q1 61 79 166 3866 1349 127 9,35 48,94 United States Northern America Landes Bioscience 2010-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1); Infectious Diseases (Q1); Microbiology (Q1); Microbiology (medical) (Q1)
3637 20500195020 Gut Pathogens journal 17574749 1,116 Q1 36 59 197 2318 643 190 3,09 39,29 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2009, 2014-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1); Parasitology (Q1); Infectious Diseases (Q2); Microbiology (Q2); Virology (Q2)
28736 25512 Guti Dianzixue Yanjiu Yu Jinzhan/Research and Progress of Solid State Electronics journal 10003819 0,101 Q4 6 86 272 1013 8 272 0,03 11,78 China Asiatic Region Research Progress of Solid State Electronics 1994-2019 Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q4)
16938 28985 Guti Huojian Jishu/Journal of Solid Rocket Technology journal 10062793 0,232 Q3 13 130 415 2172 126 415 0,35 16,71 China Asiatic Region Journal of Solid Rocket Technology 1996, 2001-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
18898 6200180183 Guti Lixue Xuebao/Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica journal 2547805 0,193 Q4 13 45 145 2012 87 145 0,55 44,71 China Asiatic Region Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2007-2019 Mechanics of Materials (Q4)    
26270 28859 Gymnasium journal 3425231 0,111 Q2 4 15 59 758 7 58 0,11 50,53 Germany Western Europe Universitaetsverlag Winter GmbH 1970, 1976, 2009-2019 Classics (Q2); Education (Q4)    
28737 12747 Gynaecologia et Perinatologia journal 13300091 0,101 Q4 8 0 19 0 0 16 0 0 Croatia Eastern Europe Naprijed 1993-2016 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4)
27541 145646 Gynakologische Endokrinologie journal 16102908, 16102894 0,104 Q4 6 54 152 1155 8 134 0,06 21,39 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2005-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4); Reproductive Medicine (Q4)
28738 27463 Gynakologische Praxis journal 3418677 0,101 Q4 4 23 397 576 3 329 0,01 25,04 Germany Western Europe Hans Marseille Verlag GmbH 1977-1980, 2002-2019 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q4)  
10421 27466 Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation journal 1423002X, 03787346 0,467 Q3 61 80 263 2581 327 258 1,25 32,26 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1895-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q3); Reproductive Medicine (Q3)
926 27467 Gynecologic Oncology journal 00908258, 10956859 2,463 Q1 157 377 1190 11215 4978 1110 4,3 29,75 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1972-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q1); Oncology (Q1)
9651 21100855885 Gynecologic Oncology Reports journal 23525789 0,508 Q2 14 118 323 1783 382 289 1,33 15,11 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2014-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q2); Oncology (Q3)
9306 26117 Gynecological Endocrinology journal 09513590, 14730766 0,53 Q2 57 306 729 8639 1122 698 1,61 28,23 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1987-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q2); Endocrinology (Q3); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
10976 130148 Gynecological Surgery journal 16132076, 16132084 0,439 Q3 22 14 123 436 122 116 1,39 31,14 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2005-2019 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q3); Surgery (Q3)
13229 21100806973 Gynecologie Obstetrique Fertilite et Senologie journal 24687197, 24687189 0,338 Q3 33 152 460 4021 252 345 0,79 26,45 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson SAS 2017-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q3); Reproductive Medicine (Q3)
16182 21100317204 Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Therapy journal 22133089, 22133070 0,25 Q3 10 36 160 574 79 134 0,64 15,94 India Asiatic Region Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications 2012-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q3)  
16030 19700188366 Gyroscopy and Navigation journal 20751109, 20751087 0,254 Q3 17 35 116 754 122 115 1,07 21,54 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 2010-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Control and Systems Engineering (Q3); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3)
29669 16041 H and V News trade journal 9621784 0,1 Q4 0 0 95 0 0 95 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe EMAP Publishing 1974, 1976-1977, 1979-1982, 1985, 1987, 2006-2007, 2013-2017 Building and Construction (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4)
2112 13760 Habitat International journal 1973975 1,543 Q1 69 105 452 6890 2352 442 5,17 65,62 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1970, 1976-2020 Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1)
19563 19600157924 Hacettepe Egitim Dergisi journal 13005340 0,183 Q4 15 48 191 2811 72 187 0,32 58,56 Turkey Middle East Hacettepe University 2008-2020 Education (Q4)      
13948 19400157155 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics journal 13035010 0,314 Q3 23 150 353 3427 261 353 0,71 22,85 Turkey Middle East Hacettepe University 2008-2020 Analysis (Q3); Statistics and Probability (Q3); Algebra and Number Theory (Q4); Geometry and Topology (Q4)
15283 7600153108 Hacienda Publica Espanola journal 2101173 0,274 Q3 11 19 64 917 32 64 0,52 48,26 Spain Western Europe Instituto de Estudios Fiscales 2007-2019 Economics and Econometrics (Q3); Finance (Q3)
14423 19600156812 Hacquetia journal 15814661, 18549829 0,299 Q2 12 23 45 1045 49 45 1,19 45,43 Poland Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 2007-2020 Forestry (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Plant Science (Q3)
691 25954 Haematologica journal 15928721, 03906078 2,931 Q1 136 462 1109 14887 4747 594 7,51 32,22 Italy Western Europe Ferrata Storti Foundation 1947-2020 Hematology (Q1)      
3464 25963 Haemophilia journal 13518216, 13652516 1,151 Q1 88 221 758 5411 1379 474 2,93 24,48 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1995-2020 Hematology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q2)
28739 21100866762 Hagiographica journal 11241225 0,101 Q4 1 9 17 680 0 17 0 75,56 Italy Western Europe SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo 2017-2019 History (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)  
9568 21100286942 Hague Journal on the Rule of Law journal 18764053, 18764045 0,513 Q1 16 48 57 1203 45 54 0,85 25,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 2009-2020 Law (Q1)        
11038 25657 HAHR - Hispanic American Historical Review journal 182168 0,436 Q1 22 16 51 901 37 50 0,8 56,31 United States Northern America Duke University Press 1962, 1970, 1980, 1982, 1987, 1989, 1995, 1999, 2001-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1)  
20345 21100784656 HAI 2016 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Human Agent Interaction conference and proceedings - 0,17 - 7 0 77 0 56 75 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Computer Science Applications; Hardware and Architecture; Information Systems and Management
19176 21100786314 Haiyang Xuebao journal 2534193 0,189 Q3 4 145 405 5369 166 405 0,4 37,03 China Asiatic Region Editorial Office of Haiyang Xuebao 2016-2020 Ocean Engineering (Q3); Aquatic Science (Q4); Oceanography (Q4)
17763 19700170050 Halduskultuur journal 17366089, 17366070 0,214 Q4 11 6 24 394 12 23 0,53 65,67 Estonia Eastern Europe Halduskultuur Tallinn University of Technology 2009-2019 Public Administration (Q4)    
29668 25628 Hali trade journal 1420798 0,1 Q4 3 22 101 13 0 101 0 0,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Hali Publications Ltd 1997-2002, 2004-2011, 2013-2019 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4); History (Q4)
22661 21100456142 Halteres journal 09731555, 23487372 0,139 Q4 3 5 35 151 18 34 0,5 30,2 India Asiatic Region Organisation for Conservation and Study of Biodiversity in collaboration with ANeT-India 2016-2019 Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Insect Science (Q4)
28740 21100211306 Hamdard Islamicus journal 2507196 0,101 Q4 1 16 42 635 1 34 0,06 39,69 Pakistan Asiatic Region Hamdard National Foundation 1987, 2012-2017, 2019 Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)
15769 25965 Hamostaseologie journal 25675761, 07209355 0,261 Q4 31 59 108 2254 71 92 0,63 38,2 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 1981-2020 Hematology (Q4)      
8791 15300154825 Hand journal 15589447, 15589455 0,565 Q2 32 264 370 5854 398 301 1,29 22,17 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1981, 2007-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Surgery (Q2)
10108 29770 Hand Clinics journal 15581969, 07490712 0,482 Q2 53 62 206 1959 271 181 1,35 31,6 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1985-2020 Surgery (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3)
11951 21100456711 Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation journal 24681229 0,391 Q2 26 72 241 1655 202 210 1,08 22,99 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2016-2020 Rehabilitation (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3); Surgery (Q3)
15211 21100202930 Hand Therapy journal 17589983, 17589991 0,276 Q3 10 13 47 433 35 43 0,66 33,31 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1996, 1998-2000, 2009-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3)  
3388 17700155018 Handbook of Computational Economics book series 15740021 1,17 Q1 22 0 14 0 42 14 3 0 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1996, 2006, 2014, 2018 Computer Science Applications (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q1)
18853 21100416079 Handbook of Environmental Chemistry book series 1867979X 0,194 Q3 22 243 499 12192 393 96 0 50,17 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 1980, 1982, 1984-1986, 1988-1992, 1995, 1998, 2003-2004, 2010, 2012-2020 Pollution (Q3); Waste Management and Disposal (Q3); Water Science and Technology (Q3); Environmental Chemistry (Q4); Global and Planetary Change (Q4)
9392 17700155021 Handbook of Environmental Economics book series 15740099 0,524 Q2 19 0 10 0 11 10 1,1 0 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2003, 2005, 2018 Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2)
2077 4000148203 Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology journal 1712004 1,559 Q1 85 125 318 12462 866 30 22,77 99,7 Germany Western Europe Springer Heidelberg 2004-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q1)
22080 17700156430 Handbook of Magnetic Materials book series 15672719 0,146 Q4 28 4 11 614 22 3 0 153,5 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997-1999, 2001-2003, 2006-2007, 2011-2019 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q4); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q4)
30384 17700156425 Handbook of Numerical Analysis book series 15708659   - 29 19 49 1554 68 0 0 81,79 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1990-1991, 1994, 1996-1998, 2000, 2002-2005, 2009, 2011, 2016-2020 Applied Mathematics; Computational Mathematics; Modeling and Simulation; Numerical Analysis
28741 21100426624 Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1, The Near and Middle East book series 1699423 0,101 Q4 3 0 33 0 0 32 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2013, 2017-2018 Anthropology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4)
25855 21100426620 Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 2, South Asia book series 1699377 0,113 Q3 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2009, 2011-2012, 2016, 2018 Cultural Studies (Q3); Anthropology (Q4); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4)
24176 21100409212 Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 3, Southeast Asia book series 1699571 0,125 Q3 6 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2017 Anthropology (Q3); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q3)
28742 21100407373 Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 4, China book series 1699520 0,101 Q4 6 0 36 0 1 25 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2009-2011, 2015-2017 Anthropology (Q4); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4)
30385 17700156445 Handbook of Statistics book series 1697161   - 37 27 103 1293 66 0 0 47,89 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1980, 1982-1985, 1988, 1991, 1993-1994, 1996-1998, 2000-2001, 2003, 2005-2007, 2009, 2012-2020 Applied Mathematics; Modeling and Simulation; Statistics and Probability
16695 21591 Handchirurgie Mikrochirurgie Plastische Chirurgie journal 07221819, 14393980 0,237 Q3 28 79 240 1601 108 210 0,45 20,27 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 1982-2020 Surgery (Q3); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4)
26100 21100287312 Handelingen van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Toponymie journal 7748396 0,112 Q3 1 0 16 0 1 15 0,11 0 Belgium Western Europe Michiels-Broeders 2011-2017 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
17220 28986 Hangkong Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Aeronautical Materials journal 10055053 0,226 Q3 19 70 259 2281 220 259 0,83 32,59 China Asiatic Region Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 1998-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q3); Materials Chemistry (Q3); Metals and Alloys (Q3); Ceramics and Composites (Q4)
14870 29004 Hangkong Dongli Xuebao/Journal of Aerospace Power journal 10008055 0,286 Q3 23 297 1093 6416 558 1093 0,46 21,6 China Asiatic Region BUAA Press 1990-1992, 2001-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q3); Applied Mathematics (Q3)
12753 29006 Hangkong Xuebao/Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica journal 10006893 0,357 Q2 31 292 1046 9040 968 1046 0,85 30,96 China Asiatic Region AAAS Press of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1985-1986, 1991, 1998, 2000-2020 Aerospace Engineering (Q2); Applied Mathematics (Q3); Modeling and Simulation (Q3); Space and Planetary Science (Q3)
16939 29479 Hanjie Xuebao/Transactions of the China Welding Institution journal 0253360X 0,232 Q3 19 332 1000 4242 486 1000 0,46 12,78 China Asiatic Region Harbin Research Institute of Welding 1993-1994, 1998, 2000-2019 Mechanical Engineering (Q3); Mechanics of Materials (Q4)
14901 26608 Hanneng Cailiao/Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials journal 10069941 0,285 Q2 19 150 531 3524 296 531 0,57 23,49 China Asiatic Region Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics 1996-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q3)
28743 21100286895 Hansische Geschichtsblatter journal 730327 0,101 Q4 2 6 23 263 1 20 0,09 43,83 Germany Western Europe Porta Alba Verlag 2013, 2015-2019 History (Q4)      
18732 29706 Harbin Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Engineering University journal 10067043 0,196 Q3 16 291 879 5093 374 879 0,42 17,5 China Asiatic Region Harbin Engineering University 2004-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q3); Aerospace Engineering (Q4); Control and Systems Engineering (Q4); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q4)
18500 29708 Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology journal 3676234 0,2 Q2 22 312 1022 6709 473 1021 0,48 21,5 China Asiatic Region Harbin Institute of Technology 2001-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
7239 21100842867 HardwareX journal 24680672 0,675 Q1 8 40 47 1086 138 47 2,94 27,15 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2017-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Instrumentation (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Biomedical Engineering (Q2); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q2)
25425 13295 Harefuah journal 177768 0,116 Q4 17 0 162 0 18 156 0 0 Israel Middle East Israel Medical Association 1946-1964, 1969-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
2688 20814 Harm Reduction Journal journal 14777517 1,347 Q1 46 76 179 3696 663 167 4,26 48,63 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2004-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
1360 19723 Harmful Algae journal 15689883 1,966 Q1 84 118 364 9040 1956 357 4 76,61 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2002-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1); Plant Science (Q1)  
29670 16424 Hart's E and P trade journal 15274063 0,1 Q4 6 306 452 0 0 452 0 0 United States Northern America Hart Publications Incorporated 1996, 1999-2016, 2018-2020 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4); Energy (miscellaneous) (Q4)
10542 22336 Harvard Business Review journal 178012 0,461 Q2 170 89 383 0 672 60 11,87 0 United States Northern America Harvard Business School Publishing 1974, 1978-1987, 1989-2019 Business and International Management (Q2); Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q2); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Strategy and Management (Q2)
15243 21539 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review journal 178039 0,275 Q2 25 8 39 1713 19 39 0,44 214,13 United States Northern America Harvard University 1973, 1975, 1981-1982, 1984, 1988, 1991-1992, 1996-2011, 2013-2019 Law (Q2)        
28114 25536 Harvard dental bulletin journal 1062029X 0,102 Q4 2 0 11 0 0 10 0 0 United States Northern America Harvard School of Dental Medicine 1991-1992, 1997-2002, 2010-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
29671 5900152753 Harvard Design Magazine journal 10934421 0,1 Q4 6 39 167 151 0 116 0 3,87 United States Northern America Harvard University 2009-2019 Architecture (Q4); Urban Studies (Q4); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)
1311 29425 Harvard Educational Review journal 178055 2,005 Q1 76 0 27 0 137 25 3,2 0 United States Northern America Harvard University 1979, 1989, 1996-2017 Education (Q1)      
17441 14298 Harvard Environmental Law Review journal 1478257 0,221 Q2 30 12 34 2343 13 34 0,48 195,25 United States Northern America Harvard University 1979-1983, 1987, 1989, 1996-2019 Law (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3)
9501 26299 Harvard International Law Journal journal 178063 0,517 Q1 38 5 32 224 37 31 0,65 44,8 United States Northern America Harvard University 1979, 1992, 1996-2019 Law (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1)
26716 25227 Harvard International Review journal 7391854 0,108 Q4 13 30 154 0 14 110 0,12 0 United States Northern America Harvard International Review 1986, 1994-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); Industrial Relations (Q4); Political Science and International Relations (Q4)
15070 14300 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy journal 1934872 0,28 Q2 25 12 98 1648 27 94 0,29 137,33 United States Northern America Harvard University 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995-2019 Law (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
17155 14306 Harvard Journal on Legislation journal 0017808X 0,227 Q2 16 13 46 1011 25 39 0,18 77,77 United States Northern America Harvard University 1975, 1978-1979, 1983, 1987-1992, 1996-2020 Law (Q2)        
4098 14316 Harvard Law Review journal 0017811X 1,036 Q1 76 34 278 1055 197 147 1,84 31,03 United States Northern America Harvard Law Review Association 1973-2020 Law (Q1)        
25856 25731 Harvard men's health watch journal 10891102 0,113 Q4 3 0 10 0 0 2 0 0 United States Northern America Harvard Health Publication Group 1998-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
12922 19500157223 Harvard Papers in Botany journal 10434534, 19382944 0,351 Q3 9 19 73 490 31 73 0,35 25,79 United States Northern America Harvard University Herbaria 2009-2010, 2012, 2014-2019 Plant Science (Q3)      
2572 16072 Harvard Review of Psychiatry journal 14657309, 10673229 1,382 Q1 75 36 112 3141 369 103 3,58 87,25 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1993-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)  
19311 26331 Harvard Theological Review journal 14754517, 00178160 0,187 Q1 22 32 85 1267 23 82 0,29 39,59 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1908-2019 Religious Studies (Q1)    
24177 19541 Harvard women's health watch journal 1070910X 0,125 Q4 4 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 United States Northern America Havard Health Publications Group 1998-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
27542 19700201684 Haseki Tip Bulteni journal 21472688, 13020072 0,104 Q4 3 80 191 1750 10 189 0,07 21,88 Turkey Middle East Galenos Yayinevi 2011-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
18785 18630 Haseltonia journal 10700048 0,195 Q4 11 0 48 0 23 47 0,43 0 United States Northern America Cactus and Succulent Society of America, Inc. 2002, 2004-2010, 2012, 2014-2018, 2020 Plant Science (Q4)      
30386 21100941064 Haser journal 2172055X, 23864761 - 0 6 0 70 0 0 0 11,67 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Sevilla 2019 Philosophy      
11481 13318 Hastings Center Report journal 1552146X, 00930334 0,413 Q1 61 103 386 1613 311 285 0,97 15,66 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1971-2020 Philosophy (Q1); Health (social science) (Q2); Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects (Q2); Health Policy (Q3)
15589 14334 Hastings Law Journal journal 178322 0,266 Q2 26 0 80 0 39 80 0,63 0 United States Northern America University of California, Hastings College of the Law 1974-1977, 1979-1981, 1986, 1988, 1991-2018 Law (Q2)        
3445 21100390107 HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory journal 20491115, 25751433 1,158 Q1 26 62 276 2638 323 233 1 42,55 United Kingdom Western Europe University of Chicago Press 2011-2019 Anthropology (Q1)      
29672 73931 Haut journal 9382216 0,1 Q4 3 0 168 0 1 103 0,02 0 Germany Western Europe Viavital Verlag GmbH 2003-2017 Dermatology (Q4)      
17571 24815 Hautarzt journal 14321173, 00178470 0,218 Q3 37 199 568 3823 310 468 0,68 19,21 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1952-2020 Dermatology (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
27795 21100467322 Hawaii Dental Association journal journal 178616 0,103 Q4 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 United States Northern America Hawaii Dental Association 2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
14537 21100941737 Hawai'i journal of health & social welfare journal 26415224 0,296 Q3 23 11 67 0 43 63 0 0 United States Northern America University Health Partners of Hawaii 2019-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
27543 7600153110 Hawwa journal 15692078, 15692086 0,104 Q3 10 13 44 667 5 40 0,08 51,31 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2003-2012, 2014-2019 Cultural Studies (Q3); Gender Studies (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
17076 21100197704 HAYAT journal 2008188X, 17352215 0,229 Q3 9 32 97 1061 91 92 0,98 33,16 Iran Middle East Teheran University of Medical Sciences 2017-2020 Maternity and Midwifery (Q3); Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q3)
14636 21100824972 HAYATI Journal of Biosciences journal 19783019, 20864094 0,293 Q2 14 27 93 732 136 93 1,49 27,11 Indonesia Asiatic Region 2005-2019 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q3)
17486 30029 He Jishu/Nuclear Techniques journal 2533219 0,22 Q3 12 165 503 2776 145 503 0,29 16,82 China Asiatic Region Science Press 1993-1995, 1998-2020 Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q3); Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Q4); Radiation (Q4)
7566 6400153146 Head and Face Medicine journal 1746160X 0,65 Q1 34 30 87 890 202 87 2 29,67 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2005-2020 Dentistry (miscellaneous) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Otorhinolaryngology (Q2); Neurology (clinical) (Q3)
3432 11000153737 Head and Neck journal 10970347, 10433074 1,16 Q1 120 547 1314 17605 3685 1262 2,77 32,18 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1989-2020 Otorhinolaryngology (Q1)    
6492 15500154704 Head and Neck Pathology journal 1936055X, 19360568 0,743 Q2 46 169 260 4934 674 242 2,83 29,2 United States Northern America Humana Press 2007-2020 Otorhinolaryngology (Q2); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q2); Oncology (Q3)
3264 16075 Headache journal 00178748, 15264610 1,197 Q1 115 229 702 7221 1738 469 3,66 31,53 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1961-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q1); Neurology (Q2)
6311 20830 Health (United Kingdom) journal 13634593, 14617196 0,76 Q1 50 77 118 4028 236 101 2,19 52,31 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1946-1948, 1973-1976, 1997-2020 Health (social science) (Q1)    
431 20833 Health Affairs journal 02782715, 15445208 3,766 Q1 168 358 1081 5296 4281 827 4,65 14,79 United States Northern America Project Hope 1981-2020 Health Policy (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
28744 21100464637 Health after 50 with Scientific American Consumer Health journal - 0,101 Q4 1 0 33 0 0 19 0 0 United States Northern America Scientific American Inc. 2015-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
17323 18700156706 Health and history journal 14421771 0,224 Q3 8 0 14 0 5 14 0 0 Australia Pacific Region Australian Society for the History of Medicine 2008-2012, 2014, 2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
5143 20841 Health and Human Rights journal 10790969, 21504113 0,89 Q1 28 55 150 884 197 126 1,02 16,07 United States Northern America Harvard School of Public Health 1994-2001, 2003-2004, 2006, 2008-2019 Health (social science) (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
7889 21100774810 Health and Justice journal 21947899 0,625 Q1 7 19 49 1246 94 47 2,15 65,58 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer Open 2016-2020 Law (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
2558 29102 Health and Place journal 13538292 1,387 Q1 101 196 387 11418 1670 383 3,9 58,26 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1995-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Health (social science) (Q1); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1)
4349 20846 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes journal 14777525 0,999 Q1 105 191 662 7756 1841 649 2,6 40,61 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2003-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
23514 21100847481 Health and Social Care Chaplaincy journal 20515553, 20515561 0,13 Q2 2 7 34 140 7 29 0,24 20 United Kingdom Western Europe Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017-2019 Religious Studies (Q2); Health (social science) (Q4); Social Psychology (Q4)
5867 20848 Health and Social Care in the Community journal 09660410, 13652524 0,805 Q1 65 242 412 11528 1035 411 2,5 47,64 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1993-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Social Work (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Health Policy (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
10873 29613 Health and Social Work journal 15456854, 03607283 0,444 Q2 52 37 122 941 128 103 1,01 25,43 United States Northern America National Association of Social Workers 1976-2020 Health (social science) (Q2); Social Work (Q3)
16340 19700182124 Health and Technology journal 21907196, 21907188 0,246 Q3 14 115 124 4227 159 104 1,64 36,76 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2011-2020 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q3); Biomedical Engineering (Q3); Biotechnology (Q3); Bioengineering (Q4)
8829 13338 Health Care Analysis journal 15733394, 10653058 0,562 Q1 36 30 75 1733 116 70 1,81 57,77 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1993-2020 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects (Q1); Health Policy (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2)
10913 19543 Health Care for Women International journal 07399332, 10964665 0,442 Q3 49 131 297 5312 286 248 1,08 40,55 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1984-2020 Health Professions (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
4901 13382 Health Care Management Review journal 15505030, 03616274 0,918 Q1 53 38 114 965 226 100 2,38 25,39 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1976-2020 Health Policy (Q1); Leadership and Management (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q1)
3935 13383 Health Care Management Science journal 13869620, 15729389 1,061 Q1 54 63 112 3059 303 107 2,73 48,56 Netherlands Western Europe Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998-2020 Health Professions (miscellaneous) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
15734 13384 Health Care Manager journal 15255794, 1550512X 0,262 Q3 24 43 149 1168 119 144 0,75 27,16 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1982-1989, 1993, 1995, 1998-2020 Care Planning (Q3); Health Policy (Q3); Health (social science) (Q3); Leadership and Management (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
4577 33982 Health Communication journal 10410236, 15327027 0,963 Q1 63 366 526 17182 1305 511 2,38 46,95 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1989-2020 Communication (Q1); Health (social science) (Q1)
29673 13393 Health data management journal 10799869 0,1 Q4 7 0 45 0 0 45 0 0 United States Northern America Thomson Financial 1994-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
2041 13356 Health Economics journal 10579230, 10991050 1,574 Q1 104 111 482 4137 1215 451 2,49 37,27 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1992-2020 Health Policy (Q1)      
6710 21100802700 Health Economics Review journal 21911991 0,724 Q2 21 40 127 1615 245 121 1,86 40,38 Germany Western Europe Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH 2011-2020 Health Policy (Q2)      
7692 10900153303 Health Economics, Policy and Law journal 17441331, 1744134X 0,641 Q2 31 48 81 1966 128 66 1,37 40,96 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2006-2020 Health Policy (Q2)      
11482 5000155600 Health Education journal 1758714X, 09654283 0,413 Q2 32 28 110 1418 137 108 1,32 50,64 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1992-2020 Education (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
6551 20877 Health Education and Behavior journal 15526127, 10901981 0,738 Q1 88 139 265 5545 550 255 2,07 39,89 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1957-1970, 1972-1978, 1980-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
12894 20878 Health Education Journal journal 00178969, 17488176 0,352 Q3 31 94 222 3837 243 215 1,14 40,82 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1943-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
8260 29615 Health Education Research journal 14653648, 02681153 0,599 Q2 99 50 163 2045 250 157 1,24 40,9 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1986-2020 Education (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
9875 21100944557 Health Equity journal 24731242 0,495 Q2 6 83 77 3052 95 74 1,28 36,77 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2017-2020 Health Information Management (Q2); Health Policy (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
29674 73030 Health estate journal 9577742 0,1 Q4 5 0 48 0 0 48 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management 1998-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
2666 20885 Health Expectations journal 13696513, 13697625 1,354 Q1 68 140 380 6308 1347 361 3,6 45,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1999-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
29675 13396 Health facilities management journal 8996210 0,1 Q4 6 0 111 0 0 106 0 0 United States Northern America American Hospital Publishing, Inc. 1988-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
8515 23643 Health Informatics Journal journal 14604582, 17412811 0,582 Q2 37 250 131 10586 348 117 2,95 42,34 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1995, 1998-2020 Health Informatics (Q2)    
9437 30004 Health Information and Libraries Journal journal 14711842, 14711834 0,521 Q2 37 40 110 1399 141 91 1,67 34,98 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2001-2020 Health Informatics (Q2); Health Information Management (Q2); Library and Information Sciences (Q2)
12160 4700152879 Health Information Management Journal journal 18333575, 18333583 0,382 Q2 21 34 62 821 82 47 1,88 24,15 Australia Pacific Region SAGE Publications Inc. 2002-2020 Leadership and Management (Q2); Health Informatics (Q3); Health Information Management (Q3); Health Policy (Q3)
4556 21100853958 Health Information Science and Systems journal 20472501 0,966 Q1 4 0 2 0 14 2 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Springer London 2014, 2016 Health Informatics (Q1); Health Information Management (Q1)
19975 27744 Health law in Canada journal 2268841 0,176 Q4 5 0 19 0 3 17 0 0 Canada Northern America LexisNexis Butterworths Canada Inc. 1980-2014, 2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
27796 23645 Health management technology journal 10744770 0,103 Q4 9 0 76 0 3 76 0 0 United States Northern America Nelson Publishing Inc. 1994-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
13639 21300 Health Marketing Quarterly journal 15450864, 07359683 0,324 Q3 25 24 65 949 43 65 0,59 39,54 United States Northern America Routledge 1983-2020 Health Professions (miscellaneous) (Q3); Marketing (Q3)
20039 9600153100 Health matrix (Cleveland, Ohio : 1991) journal 0748383X 0,175 Q4 13 0 13 0 8 13 0 0 United States Northern America Case Western Reserve University. Law School 1983-1989, 1991-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
11969 13374 Health Physics journal 15385159, 00179078 0,39 Q3 69 193 536 4487 406 470 0,91 23,25 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1958-2020 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q3); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3); Epidemiology (Q4)
3742 21306 Health Policy journal 18726054, 01688510 1,097 Q1 85 177 512 7573 1331 484 2,45 42,79 Ireland Western Europe Elsevier Ireland Ltd 1984-2020 Health Policy (Q1)      
1948 21308 Health Policy and Planning journal 14602237, 02681080 1,62 Q1 88 124 498 4710 1455 479 2,82 37,98 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1986-2020 Health Policy (Q1)      
13949 21100201770 Health Policy and Technology journal 22118845, 22118837 0,314 Q3 17 59 160 2406 223 140 1,62 40,78 Netherlands Western Europe 2012-2020 Biomedical Engineering (Q3); Health Policy (Q3)
27797 13406 Health Progress journal 8821577 0,103 Q4 9 0 69 0 5 68 0 0 United States Northern America Catholic Health Association of the United States 1984-2016 Communication (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
5821 21100433204 Health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada : research, policy and practice journal 2368738X 0,81 Q2 15 43 157 1081 311 115 2,27 25,14 Canada Northern America Public Health Agency of Canada 2015-2020 Health Policy (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Epidemiology (Q3)
6042 21312 Health Promotion International journal 09574824, 14602245 0,787 Q1 82 150 320 5177 612 311 1,88 34,51 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1986-2020 Health (social science) (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
10591 4000148207 Health Promotion Journal of Australia journal 10361073, 22011617 0,458 Q2 31 116 160 4227 213 132 1,47 36,44 Australia Pacific Region John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2005-2020 Community and Home Care (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
16940 21100897503 Health Promotion Perspectives journal 22286497 0,232 Q3 4 45 45 1612 76 43 1,77 35,82 Iran Middle East Tabriz University of Medical Sciences 2018-2019 Education (Q3); Health (social science) (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
9191 21317 Health Promotion Practice journal 15248399 0,538 Q2 46 165 320 4555 389 292 1,35 27,61 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2000-2020 Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
2030 14277 Health Psychology journal 19307810, 02786133 1,58 Q1 156 157 426 4943 1702 409 3,37 31,48 United States Northern America American Psychological Association Inc. 1984-2020 Applied Psychology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
19312 21100945900 Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine journal 21642850 0,187 Q4 2 22 13 1172 14 13 1,08 53,27 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2014-2015, 2018-2020 Behavioral Neuroscience (Q4); Health (social science) (Q4); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q4)
10197 21100794825 Health Psychology Open journal 20551029 0,478 Q2 12 41 123 2374 217 120 1,95 57,9 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2014-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)
30387 21100938864 Health Psychology Report journal 23535571, 23534184 - 1 32 0 1617 0 0 0 50,53 Poland Eastern Europe Termedia Publishing House Ltd. 2019-2020 Clinical Psychology; Psychiatry and Mental Health
30388 21100927406 Health Psychology Research journal 24208124   - 1 9 0 255 0 0 0 28,33 Italy Western Europe PagePress Publications 2019 Clinical Psychology; Psychiatry and Mental Health; Social Psychology
568 19400158464 Health Psychology Review journal 17437202, 17437199 3,259 Q1 45 38 104 3191 753 71 5,53 83,97 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 2007, 2009-2020 Clinical Psychology (Q1); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q1)
2636 26890 Health Reports journal 12091367, 08406529 1,362 Q1 58 27 82 1066 277 82 3,4 39,48 Canada Northern America Statistics Canada 1989-2020 Demography (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
4425 21337 Health Research Policy and Systems journal 14784505 0,987 Q1 45 108 328 5341 804 298 2,54 49,45 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2003-2020 Health Policy (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
23719 21100863623 Health Risk Analysis journal 23081163, 25422308 0,128 Q4 2 58 99 1625 20 99 0,2 28,02 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies 2018-2019 Health Informatics (Q4); Health Policy (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
13230 21100199566 Health SA Gesondheid journal 10259848, 20719736 0,338 Q3 10 50 121 1666 139 119 0,7 33,32 South Africa Africa AOSIS (Pty) Ltd 2011-2020 Health Policy (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
9520 21100438328 Health security journal 23265108, 23265094 0,516 Q2 35 63 221 1619 206 197 1,03 25,7 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2015-2020 Emergency Medicine (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Safety Research (Q2); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q3)
29676 13407 Health service journal, The journal 9522271 0,1 Q4 11 0 130 0 0 129 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Emap Healthcare Ltd. 1986-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
5711 13377 Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology journal 13873741, 15729400 0,824 Q2 27 15 47 540 84 46 1,34 36 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2000-2004, 2006-2020 Health Policy (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
24178 21100877183 Health services journal journal - 0,125 Q4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe 2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
11860 13380 Health Services Management Research journal 17581044, 09514848 0,395 Q3 31 30 69 1106 77 60 1,47 36,87 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1988-2020 Health Policy (Q3)      
1939 13408 Health Services Research journal 14756773, 00179124 1,623 Q1 116 152 550 5735 1317 514 2,51 37,73 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1966-2020 Health Policy (Q1)      
9157 12100155404 Health Sociology Review journal 14461242, 18393551 0,54 Q2 27 21 70 1039 144 64 2,28 49,48 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2020 Health (social science) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
13675 21100935763 Health Systems journal 20476973, 20476965 0,323 Q3 11 28 64 1674 74 62 1,47 59,79 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Inc. 2012-2020 Computer Science Applications (Q3); Health Informatics (Q3); Health Information Management (Q3); Health Policy (Q3)
7718 21100892339 Health systems and reform journal 23288620 0,639 Q2 13 44 121 1482 160 75 1,9 33,68 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2020 Health Informatics (Q2); Health Information Management (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
1274 19700188393 Health systems in transition journal 18176127, 18176119 2,032 Q1 29 2 15 0 115 15 5,11 0 Denmark Western Europe Regional Office for Europe, World Health Organization 2010-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
2193 23648 Health Technology Assessment journal 20464924, 13665278 1,514 Q1 119 71 262 8300 1094 259 3,58 116,9 United Kingdom Western Europe National Co-ordinating Centre for HTA 1994-2020 Health Policy (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
8073 21339 Health, Risk and Society journal 13698575, 14698331 0,612 Q2 47 22 82 1423 132 77 1,14 64,68 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1999-2020 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
4596 21100361200 Healthcare journal 22130772, 22130764 0,96 Q1 17 52 155 1115 278 151 1,87 21,44 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2013-2020 Health Policy (Q1)      
25668 13429 Healthcare executive journal 8835381 0,114 Q4 10 0 61 0 3 61 0 0 United States Northern America American College of Healthcare Executives 1985-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
23318 13431 Healthcare Financial Management journal 7350732 0,132 Q4 20 0 126 0 13 125 0 0 United States Northern America Healthcare Financial Management Association 1982-2016 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q4); Health Policy (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
8771 21100242232 Healthcare Informatics Research journal 2093369X, 20933681 0,566 Q2 24 44 144 970 442 126 2,95 22,05 South Korea Asiatic Region Korean Society of Medical Informatics 2010-2020 Biomedical Engineering (Q2); Health Informatics (Q2); Health Information Management (Q2)
13367 13433 Healthcare Management Forum journal 8404704 0,333 Q3 14 68 177 1655 146 157 0,96 24,34 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1988-2020 Health Policy (Q3)      
17156 35063 Healthcare Papers journal 1488917X 0,227 Q3 22 29 112 767 74 100 0,44 26,45 Canada Northern America Longwoods Publishing Corp. 1999-2019 Health Policy (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
9725 17800156747 Healthcare Policy journal 17156580, 17156572 0,504 Q2 20 39 98 611 115 82 1,08 15,67 Canada Northern America Longwoods Publishing Corp. 2009-2020 Health Policy (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
15814 145061 Healthcare quarterly (Toronto, Ont.) journal 17102774 0,26 Q3 37 51 186 0 102 172 0,41 0 Canada Northern America Longwoods Publishing Corp. 2004-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
10736 21100851335 Healthcare Technology Letters journal 20533713 0,451 Q2 14 51 149 1143 364 141 2,9 22,41 United Kingdom Western Europe Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014-2020 Health Informatics (Q2); Health Information Management (Q3)
22006 21100461906 HEALTHINF 2016 - 9th International Conference on Health Informatics, Proceedings; Part of 9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,147 - 5 0 75 0 35 74 0 0 Portugal Western Europe   Computer Science (miscellaneous)  
22553 15079 Hearing Journal journal 23336218, 07457472 0,14 Q4 19 148 310 131 29 228 0,13 0,89 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 2001-2020 Speech and Hearing (Q4)    
2024 13707 Hearing Research journal 18785891, 03785955 1,585 Q1 112 182 616 11990 2251 594 3,83 65,88 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1978-2020 Sensory Systems (Q1)    
21647 21100235628 Hearing, Balance and Communication journal 21695725, 21695717 0,152 Q4 9 47 103 1346 33 100 0,25 28,64 United Kingdom Western Europe Informa Healthcare 2013-2020 Otorhinolaryngology (Q4); Speech and Hearing (Q4)
1086 23217 Heart journal 1468201X, 13556037 2,229 Q1 175 460 1204 10329 3922 805 4,65 22,45 United Kingdom Western Europe BMJ Publishing Group 1942, 1971-1978, 1983-1984, 1986-1990, 1992-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1)
28115 23218 Heart advisor / the Cleveland Clinic journal 15239004 0,102 Q4 2 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 United States Northern America Englander Communications, LLC 2002-2012, 2015-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
7229 27707 Heart and Lung: Journal of Acute and Critical Care journal 01479563, 15273288 0,676 Q2 69 109 299 3232 491 249 1,84 29,65 United States Northern America Mosby Inc. 1973-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q2); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q2)
23399 4000151811 Heart and Metabolism journal 15660338 0,131 Q4 8 27 82 501 10 72 0,06 18,56 France Western Europe Les Laboratoires Servier 2006-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q4)
8924 23221 Heart and Vessels journal 16152573, 09108327 0,555 Q2 44 260 635 7401 987 616 1,69 28,47 Japan Asiatic Region Springer Japan 1985-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2)
10489 19700188225 Heart Asia journal 17591104 0,463 Q3 10 36 99 944 98 72 1,08 26,22 United Kingdom Western Europe BMJ Publishing Group 2011-2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
4184 4000148704 Heart Failure Clinics journal 15517136 1,023 Q1 36 59 186 3220 369 161 2,39 54,58 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2005-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
2359 23234 Heart Failure Reviews journal 15737322, 13824147 1,454 Q1 75 141 215 10256 917 208 3,89 72,74 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1996-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1)
10282 19700175133 Heart International journal 20362579, 18261868 0,474 Q3 10 12 11 224 28 11 0,33 18,67 Italy Western Europe 2010-2013, 2015-2017, 2019 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
7636 23235 Heart Lung and Circulation journal 14442892, 14439506 0,645 Q2 42 359 683 9843 1108 553 1,97 27,42 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2000-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine (Q2)
716 23246 Heart Rhythm journal 15475271, 15563871 2,883 Q1 125 332 1132 8781 4306 803 5,86 26,45 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2004-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q1); Physiology (medical) (Q1)
17357 23248 Heart Surgery Forum journal 15226662, 10983511 0,223 Q3 37 98 237 1437 104 227 0,43 14,66 United States Northern America Carden Jennings Publishing Co. Ltd 1998-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Surgery (Q3)
12730 21100403168 HeartRhythm Case Reports journal 22140271 0,358 Q3 8 155 459 1480 263 440 0,59 9,55 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2015-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
8721 13749 Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung journal 09477411, 14321181 0,569 Q2 64 322 849 11105 1757 843 2,03 34,49 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1995-2020 Condensed Matter Physics (Q2); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q2)
13012 20379 Heat Transfer - Asian Research journal 15231496, 10992871 0,347 Q2 26 245 193 8646 296 187 1,71 35,29 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1996-2020 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q2); Condensed Matter Physics (Q3)
7650 13002 Heat Transfer Engineering journal 15210537, 01457632 0,644 Q1 58 251 426 8356 850 415 2,01 33,29 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1979-2020 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q1); Condensed Matter Physics (Q2); Mechanical Engineering (Q2)
15550 20381 Heat Transfer Research journal 10642285 0,267 Q3 21 100 290 3189 328 287 1,34 31,89 United States Northern America Begell House Inc. 1992-1993, 1995-2020 Condensed Matter Physics (Q3); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q3)
24179 36341 Heat Treatment of Metals journal 3054829 0,125 Q4 20 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Wolfson Heat Treatment Centre 1974-2004 Metals and Alloys (Q4)    
26717 131818 HEAT. & VENT. ENGR. journal 2601338 0,108 Q4 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Turret RAI plc 1969-1970, 1973-1985, 1988 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q4); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
28116 16057 Heating and Air Conditioning Journal trade journal 3077950 0,102 Q4 1 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe E M A P - Finance & Freight Ltd. 1974-1990, 1995-1998, 2002-2006 Management of Technology and Innovation (Q4)
28117 5800207997 Hebrew Studies journal 1464094 0,102 Q3 4 0 67 0 4 66 0,08 0 United States Northern America National Association of Professors of Hebrew in American Institutions of Higher Learning 2011-2018 History (Q3); Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Religious Studies (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4)
11778 13371 HEC Forum journal 09562737, 15728498 0,399 Q3 20 29 76 1049 112 73 1,76 36,17 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1989-2020 Health Policy (Q3); Health (social science) (Q3); Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
27798 81154 Hecheng Shuzhi Ji Suliao/China Synthetic Resin and Plastics journal 10021396 0,103 Q4 6 135 422 2040 21 422 0,04 15,11 China Asiatic Region Research Institute of Beijing 1994-1998, 2001-2020 Polymers and Plastics (Q4); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q4)
25857 28989 Hedianzixue Yu Tance Jishu/Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology journal 2580934 0,113 Q4 8 24 720 200 43 720 0,06 8,33 China Asiatic Region Atomic Energy Press 2001-2019 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Instrumentation (Q4); Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Q4); Radiation (Q4)
23936 30028 Hedongli Gongcheng/Nuclear Power Engineering journal 2580926 0,126 Q4 15 237 938 1896 115 938 0,1 8 China Asiatic Region Yuan Zi Neng Chuban She 1993-2020 Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q4)  
29677 20500195144 Hegel-Jahrbuch journal 731579 0,1 Q4 4 0 229 0 0 225 0 0 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1999-2006, 2008-2018 Philosophy (Q4)      
25858 63769 He-Huaxue yu Fangshe Huaxue/Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry journal 2539950 0,113 Q4 7 67 181 2326 19 181 0,13 34,72 China Asiatic Region Science Press 1998, 2000-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4); Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Q4)
24180 29103 Heidelberger Geographischen Arbeiten journal 4406052 0,125 Q4 6 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Germany Western Europe Universitaet Heidelberg 1976-1989, 1991-1996 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
25209 28991 Hejubian Yu Dengliziti Wuli/Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics journal 2546086 0,118 Q4 8 29 220 409 27 220 0,13 14,1 China Asiatic Region Yuan Zi Neng Chuban She 1993-1994, 1998, 2001-2019 Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Q4); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q4)
10215 27282 Helgoland Marine Research journal 1438387X 0,477 Q3 48 11 69 471 88 67 1,44 42,82 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1996, 1999-2020 Aquatic Science (Q3); Oceanography (Q3)
18112 19700177121 Helia journal 10181806 0,207 Q3 18 20 48 632 21 48 0,5 31,6 Serbia Eastern Europe Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops 2000-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q3)  
3602 19724 Helicobacter journal 10834389, 15235378 1,123 Q1 76 98 256 4085 914 240 4,1 41,68 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1996-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Infectious Diseases (Q2)
27289 27434 Helictite journal 179973 0,105 Q4 4 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 Australia Pacific Region Australian Speleological Federation Inc. 1979, 1981-1982, 2007, 2011-2012, 2016-2017 Earth-Surface Processes (Q4); Geology (Q4)
28745 86049 Helios journal 19350228, 01600923 0,101 Q3 10 11 17 399 5 17 0,2 36,27 United States Northern America Texas Tech University Press 1984, 2002-2019 Classics (Q3); Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
11104 21100411756 Heliyon journal 24058440 0,432 Q1 18 1889 1020 84012 1895 1001 1,86 44,47 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier BV 2015-2020 Multidisciplinary (Q1)    
10344 5000154607 Hellenic Journal of Cardiology journal 22415955, 11099666 0,471 Q3 16 105 324 2732 419 130 4,03 26,02 Greece Western Europe Hellenic Cardiological Society 2005-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
15175 56987 Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine journal 17905427 0,277 Q3 19 83 205 538 150 193 0,69 6,48 Greece Western Europe Hellenic Society of Nuclear Medicine 2004-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q3)
20692 21100211343 Hellenic Journal of Psychology journal 17901391 0,165 Q4 7 11 48 592 12 48 0,25 53,82 Greece Western Europe 2011-2019 Education (Q4); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q4)
18279 17600155125 Hellenic Plant Protection Journal journal 17913691 0,204 Q4 9 6 30 188 24 30 0,8 31,33 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2009-2020 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q4); Plant Science (Q4)
13711 21981 Helminthologia journal 04406605, 13369083 0,322 Q3 27 42 147 1563 106 146 0,72 37,21 Poland Eastern Europe De Gruyter Open Ltd. 1979-1980, 1996-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q3); Parasitology (Q4)
8620 24074 Helvetica Chimica Acta journal 0018019X, 15222675 0,575 Q2 81 91 233 4438 382 228 2,2 48,77 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1918-2020 Drug Discovery (Q2); Inorganic Chemistry (Q2); Organic Chemistry (Q2); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q2); Biochemistry (Q3); Catalysis (Q3)
22228 19700200818 Hematologia journal 20813287, 20810768 0,144 Q4 5 14 109 641 12 90 0,15 45,79 Poland Eastern Europe Via Medica sp. z o.o 2010-2019 Hematology (Q4); Oncology (Q4)  
6666 25979 Hematological Oncology journal 10991069, 02780232 0,728 Q2 44 122 316 3347 588 263 2,29 27,43 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1983-2020 Hematology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3); Oncology (Q3)
26271 25980 Hematologie journal 19506368, 12647527 0,111 Q4 8 0 149 0 5 116 0,03 0 France Western Europe John Libbey Eurotext 1996-2018 Hematology (Q4)      
10790 24995 Hematology journal 10245332, 16078454 0,448 Q3 40 107 325 3355 438 310 1,47 31,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1996-2020 Hematology (Q3)      
28746 21100812554 Hematology (Bulgaria) journal 23677864 0,101 Q4 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 Bulgaria Eastern Europe Bulgarian medical society of Hematology 2015-2018 Hematology (Q4); Immunology and Allergy (Q4)
1923 25981 Hematology / the Education Program of the American Society of Hematology journal 15204383, 15204391 1,628 Q1 88 87 224 4241 688 221 2,89 48,75 United States Northern America American Society of Hematology 2001-2019 Hematology (Q1)      
17077 19900193670 Hematology Reports journal 20388322, 20388330 0,229 Q4 10 28 82 448 64 80 0,77 16 Italy Western Europe PagePress Publications 2011-2019 Hematology (Q4)      
13640 21100868212 Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy journal 25311387, 25311379 0,324 Q3 19 106 230 2500 191 174 1,03 23,58 Brazil Latin America Elsevier Editora Ltda 2018-2020 Hematology (Q3); Immunology and Allergy (Q4)
8547 19600161810 Hematology/Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy journal 16583876 0,58 Q2 19 54 142 1149 250 136 1,99 21,28 Saudi Arabia Middle East King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre 2008-2020 Hematology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Oncology (Q3)
3110 29816 Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America journal 15581977, 08898588 1,232 Q1 78 87 267 4855 747 228 3,14 55,8 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1987-2020 Hematology (Q1); Oncology (Q2)  
19448 19700174654 Hemijska Industrija journal 0350249X, 0367598X 0,185 Q3 17 36 166 1295 106 165 0,45 35,97 Serbia Eastern Europe Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia 1989, 2007-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)
6587 130123 Hemodialysis International journal 14927535 0,735 Q2 44 97 333 2356 552 311 1,82 24,29 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 2004-2020 Hematology (Q2); Nephrology (Q2)  
12784 25986 Hemoglobin journal 03630269, 1532432X 0,356 Q3 37 69 256 1398 183 252 0,71 20,26 United States Northern America Informa Healthcare 1976-2020 Biochemistry (medical) (Q3); Clinical Biochemistry (Q3); Hematology (Q3); Genetics (clinical) (Q4)
29678 21100293217 Henoch book series 3936805 0,1 Q4 3 0 66 0 0 57 0 0 Italy Western Europe Editrice Morcelliana Srl 2012-2018 History (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)  
19029 19300156908 Henry James Review journal 10806555, 02730340 0,191 Q1 9 24 69 563 12 66 0,19 23,46 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1)  
8278 21100854853 Hepatic Medicine: Evidence and Research journal 11791535 0,598 Q3 2 0 3 0 8 3 0 0 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2016 Hepatology (Q3)      
11822 21100854826 Hepatic Oncology journal 20450923, 20450931 0,397 Q3 1 0 2 0 4 2 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Future Medicine Ltd. 2016 Hepatology (Q3); Oncology (Q3)  
10936 11700154615 Hepatitis Monthly journal 17353408, 1735143X 0,441 Q3 35 46 266 1480 361 242 0,81 32,17 Netherlands Western Europe Kowsar Publishing Company 2007-2020 Hepatology (Q3); Infectious Diseases (Q3)
7435 21100853573 Hepatitis Research and Treatment journal 20901372, 20901364 0,659 Q3 4 0 3 0 8 3 0 0 United States Northern America Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2015-2016 Hepatology (Q3)      
7409 31436 Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases International journal 14993872 0,661 Q2 44 112 289 3197 473 227 2,15 28,54 Singapore Asiatic Region Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd 2002-2020 Gastroenterology (Q2); Hepatology (Q3)  
27799 21100787823 Hepato-Gastro and Oncologie Digestive journal 21155631, 21153310 0,103 Q4 6 82 399 1631 9 369 0,03 19,89 France Western Europe John Libbey Eurotext 2010-2019 Gastroenterology (Q4); Hepatology (Q4); Oncology (Q4)
255 28371 Hepatology journal 02709139, 15273350 5,377 Q1 347 615 1795 16785 13288 1049 12,38 27,29 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1981-2020 Hepatology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1)
30389 21100932766 Hepatology Communications journal 2471254X   - 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2019 Hepatology      
3731 12000154405 Hepatology International journal 19360533, 19360541 1,099 Q2 42 91 249 3429 1116 213 4,76 37,68 India Asiatic Region Springer New York 2008-2020 Hepatology (Q2)      
3854 28373 Hepatology Research journal 13866346 1,077 Q2 71 168 514 5912 1595 499 3,22 35,19 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1997-2020 Hepatology (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q2)
13421 21100466428 Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Natural Sciences journal 18123368 0,331 Q2 5 35 185 568 114 185 0,58 16,23 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Bauman University Publishing House 2016-2019 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q3); Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous) (Q3)
17271 4700152617 Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences journal 15556492, 10193316 0,225 Q1 12 82 207 1411 91 204 0,46 17,21 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 2005-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); Political Science and International Relations (Q3)
21851 18633 Herba Polonica journal 180599 0,149 Q3 2 18 27 714 15 27 0,56 39,67 Poland Eastern Europe Instytut Roslin i Przetworow Zielarskich 1973-1979, 2018-2019 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Pharmacology (Q4); Plant Science (Q4)
8384 6000161177 HERD journal 21675112, 19375867 0,59 Q2 24 75 160 2180 301 116 2,01 29,07 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2007-2020 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2)
5577 130149 Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice journal 18974287, 17312302 0,839 Q2 22 31 53 1023 121 52 2,39 33 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2004-2020 Oncology (Q2); Genetics (clinical) (Q3)  
8144 22234 Hereditas journal 16015223, 00180661 0,608 Q2 47 39 71 386 137 71 2 9,9 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 1920-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Genetics (Q3)
1858 22235 Heredity journal 0018067X, 13652540 1,659 Q1 115 142 348 9616 1190 313 3,46 67,72 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 1947-2020 Genetics (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1)  
24181 21100453544 Heritage and Identity book series 22117377, 22117369 0,125 Q3 2 1 1 807 0 1 0 807 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2012-2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 Conservation (Q3); Cultural Studies (Q3); Law (Q3); Museology (Q3)
16790 21100386855 Heritage and Society journal 2159032X, 21590338 0,235 Q1 7 0 33 0 32 30 0,39 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 2011, 2014-2018 Conservation (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Anthropology (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
10109 21100286950 Heritage Science journal 20507445 0,482 Q1 17 102 172 4312 361 163 2,13 42,27 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2013-2020 Archeology (Q1); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1); Conservation (Q1)
25669 21100803370 Heritage, Culture and Society: Research agenda and best practices in the hospitality and tourism industry - Proceedings of the 3rd International Hospitality and Tourism Conference, IHTC 2016 and 2nd International Seminar on Tourism, ISOT 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,114 - 2 0 150 0 18 148 0 0 United States Northern America   Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials; Mechanics of Materials
26272 5800207697 Hermeneus journal 11397489 0,111 Q3 4 21 47 847 2 45 0 40,33 Spain Western Europe Facultad de Traduccion e Interpretacion de Soria 2011-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
14676 28865 Hermes journal 180777 0,292 Q1 11 56 153 2141 42 153 0,24 38,23 Germany Western Europe Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH 1967-1969, 1971-1972, 1974, 1976-1977, 1979-1980, 1986-1987, 1996-2019 Classics (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q2)
16825 21100202734 Hermes (Denmark) journal 19031785, 09041699 0,234 Q2 6 0 13 0 6 12 0,5 0 Denmark Western Europe Department of Business Communication, Aarhus School of Business 2011-2012, 2014-2015, 2018 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2); Communication (Q3)
3719 21593 Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery journal 12654906, 12489204 1,102 Q1 70 221 411 5661 909 331 2,86 25,62 France Western Europe Springer Paris 1999-2020 Surgery (Q1)      
27800 29105 Herodote journal 0338487X 0,103 Q4 7 22 129 369 4 126 0,02 16,77 France Western Europe Elsevier Masson SAS 1979, 1984, 1986, 1988, 2006-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
17619 145402 Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems journal 15921638 0,217 Q3 15 37 124 1205 56 118 0,49 32,57 Italy Western Europe Pacini Editore s.r.l. 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q4)
18393 15751 Heron journal 15744078, 00467316 0,202 Q3 20 13 34 356 19 31 0,67 27,38 Netherlands Western Europe Delft University of Technology 1970, 1972-1994, 1996-2019 Building and Construction (Q3); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4)
6848 21983 Herpetologica journal 180831 0,711 Q1 48 39 118 2108 175 115 1,35 54,05 United States Northern America Herpetologist's League Inc. 1981-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
18068 21988 Herpetological Bulletin journal 14730928 0,208 Q4 12 48 152 806 46 136 0,36 16,79 United Kingdom Western Europe British Herpetological Society 1996-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
11408 12100156709 Herpetological Conservation and Biology journal 19317603, 21510733 0,417 Q2 20 59 212 3485 184 210 0,86 59,07 United States Northern America Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2008-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
15284 21989 Herpetological Journal journal 2680130 0,274 Q3 36 33 100 1628 80 98 0,66 49,33 United Kingdom Western Europe British Herpetological Society 1987, 1994-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q3); Ecological Modeling (Q4)
6100 21990 Herpetological Monographs book series 7331347 0,781 Q1 35 4 19 381 37 19 2,08 95,25 United States Northern America Herpetologist's League Inc. 1991-1992, 1994-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
17667 21992 Herpetological Review journal 0018084X 0,216 Q4 31 66 409 865 42 43 0,73 13,11 United States Northern America Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles 1988, 1996-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
18618 19600162205 Herpetology Notes journal 20715773 0,198 Q4 15 188 333 5202 149 216 0,65 27,67 Germany Western Europe Societas Europaea Herpetologica 2008-2020 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4)  
13862 23251 Herz journal 16156692, 03409937 0,317 Q3 49 149 342 4901 256 277 0,96 32,89 Germany Western Europe Urban und Vogel 1978-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3)
18228 23253 Herzschrittmachertherapie und Elektrophysiologie journal 14351544, 09387412 0,205 Q3 15 54 189 1171 72 162 0,47 21,69 Germany Western Europe D. Steinkopff-Verlag 1998-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Physiology (medical) (Q4)
14677 16800154736 Hesperia journal 0018098X, 15535622 0,292 Q1 22 13 54 1845 31 54 0,48 141,92 United States Northern America American School of Classical Studies at Athens 2002-2019 Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1); Classics (Q1); History (Q1); Archeology (Q2)
16483 25260 Heteroatom Chemistry journal 10981071, 10427163 0,242 Q3 40 19 157 657 160 154 0,88 34,58 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1990-2020 Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
16403 25864 Heterocycles journal 3855414 0,244 Q3 63 206 653 7192 466 645 0,67 34,91 Japan Asiatic Region Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry 1983-2020 Pharmacology (Q3); Analytical Chemistry (Q4); Organic Chemistry (Q4)
16886 24080 Heterocyclic Communications journal 07930283, 21910197 0,233 Q4 23 25 181 751 168 180 1,06 30,04 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1994-2020 Organic Chemistry (Q4)    
24999 5800210947 Heythrop Journal - Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology journal 181196 0,12 Q2 10 96 214 1671 14 146 0,09 17,41 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1960-2020 Religious Studies (Q2); Philosophy (Q3)  
4691 21100469660 HILDA 2016 - Proceedings of the Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics conference and proceedings - 0,947 - 8 0 18 0 54 16 0 0 United States Northern America   Atmospheric Science; Space and Planetary Science
6782 13922 HIP International journal 17246067, 11207000 0,717 Q2 35 203 355 5935 456 338 1,32 29,24 Italy Western Europe Wichtig Publishing Srl 1997-2020 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Surgery (Q2)
19503 145445 HIV and AIDS Review journal 17301270 0,184 Q4 7 43 104 1326 35 103 0,29 30,84 Poland Eastern Europe Termedia Publishing House Ltd. 2005-2020 Epidemiology (Q4); Infectious Diseases (Q4)
16619 21100858412 HIV Infection and Immunosuppressive Disorders journal 20781792, 20779828 0,239 Q4 4 56 65 1450 37 65 0,57 25,89 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Baltic Medical Educational Center 2017-2019 Immunology (Q4); Infectious Diseases (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
2240 22307 HIV Medicine journal 14681293, 14642662 1,494 Q1 78 115 314 3177 921 271 3,66 27,63 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1999-2020 Health Policy (Q1); Infectious Diseases (Q1); Pharmacology (medical) (Q1)
25428 4200151512 HIV Nursing journal 14747359 0,116 Q4 4 24 48 458 4 32 0,17 19,08 United Kingdom Western Europe Mediscript Ltd 2006-2008, 2015-2016, 2018-2019 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q4)  
5602 21100938255 HIV Research and Clinical Practice journal 25787470, 25787489 0,837 Q2 50 16 89 615 155 87 1,89 38,44 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2019-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2)
6919 19700175786 HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative Care journal 11791373 0,704 Q2 21 41 68 1524 129 65 1,79 37,17 New Zealand Pacific Region Dove Medical Press Ltd. 2011-2020 Dermatology (Q2); Health Policy (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q2); Epidemiology (Q3); Virology (Q3)
20846 21100220106 Hidrobiologica journal 1888897 0,163 Q4 14 6 121 336 48 116 0,36 56 Mexico Latin America Department of Hydrobiology,Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Unidad Iztapalapa 2007-2019 Aquatic Science (Q4); Ecology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4); Oceanography (Q4); Water Science and Technology (Q4)
11001 22090 High Ability Studies journal 13598139, 1469834X 0,438 Q2 30 27 48 1732 49 39 0,96 64,15 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1996-2020 Education (Q2)      
10216 13921 High Altitude Medicine and Biology journal 15578682, 15270297 0,477 Q2 49 66 174 2180 242 152 1,58 33,03 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2000-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Physiology (Q3); Sports Science (Q3)
9626 144798 High Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Prevention journal 11791985, 11209879 0,509 Q3 17 60 157 2289 248 139 1,72 38,15 United Kingdom Western Europe Adis International Ltd 2005-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q3); Internal Medicine (Q3)
14260 26902 High Energy Chemistry journal 00181439, 16083148 0,304 Q3 21 85 261 1531 205 258 0,88 18,01 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1996-2020 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q3)  
11659 4500151552 High Energy Density Physics journal 15741818 0,405 Q3 34 59 106 1940 117 106 1,18 32,88 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 2005-2020 Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Q3); Radiation (Q3)
12523 25865 High Performance Polymers journal 09540083, 13616412 0,366 Q2 41 162 387 6036 682 385 1,81 37,26 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1989-2020 Polymers and Plastics (Q2); Materials Chemistry (Q3); Organic Chemistry (Q3)
5014 21100817456 High Power Laser Science and Engineering journal 20954719, 20523289 0,905 Q1 17 58 87 2211 246 72 4,27 38,12 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 2013-2020 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q1); Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials (Q1); Nuclear Energy and Engineering (Q1); Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Q2)
8074 14391 High Pressure Research journal 14772299, 08957959 0,612 Q2 42 77 138 2292 240 135 1,49 29,77 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1988-2020 Condensed Matter Physics (Q2)  
22468 12667 High Technology Letters journal 10066748 0,141 Q3 10 58 177 1109 48 177 0,26 19,12 China Asiatic Region Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China 1991, 1995-2019 Energy (miscellaneous) (Q3); Biotechnology (Q4); Control and Systems Engineering (Q4); Information Systems (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
9192 13751 High Temperature journal 0018151X, 16083156 0,538 Q1 29 145 415 3516 722 415 1,82 24,25 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1968-1990, 1996-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1); Condensed Matter Physics (Q2)
19976 21100470629 High Temperature Material Processes journal 10933611, 19404360 0,176 Q2 18 13 76 344 52 75 0,67 26,46 United States Northern America Begell House Inc. 1997-2019 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q4); Spectroscopy (Q4)
15930 26903 High Temperature Materials and Processes journal 21910324, 03346455 0,257 Q3 20 101 350 2581 249 346 0,79 25,55 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1984, 1986-2020 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Mechanics of Materials (Q3); Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q4)
21107 13755 High Temperatures - High Pressures journal 00181544, 14723441 0,159 Q4 27 33 105 997 42 99 0,43 30,21 United States Northern America Old City Publishing 1969-1970, 1972-1992, 1994, 1997-2003, 2008-2019 Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Mechanics of Materials (Q4); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q4)
5167 21100931381 High Voltage journal 23977264 0,887 Q1 14 46 76 1709 341 71 4,69 37,15 United Kingdom Western Europe The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2016-2020 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q2)
1726 18787 Higher Education journal 00181560, 1573174X 1,731 Q1 91 169 339 9523 1413 324 4,09 56,35 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1972-2020 Education (Q1); Law (Q1)    
30390 21100922754 Higher Education for the Future journal 23485779, 23476311 - 0 14 0 439 0 0 0 31,36 India Asiatic Region Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd 2019-2020 Education      
20105 21100880214 Higher Education Forum journal 24329614 0,174 Q4 3 0 42 0 13 42 0,33 0 Japan Asiatic Region Hiroshima University, Research Institute for Higher Education 2009-2012, 2014-2018 Education (Q4)      
28118 21100429596 Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century II - Papers From The Two-Day Workshop, 2014 conference and proceedings - 0,102 - 1 0 12 0 0 11 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe   Computer Networks and Communications; Hardware and Architecture; Information Systems and Management
12111 21100794686 Higher Education Pedagogies journal 23752696 0,384 Q2 5 36 54 1090 75 54 1,37 30,28 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2016-2020 Education (Q2)      
7890 18798 Higher Education Policy journal 09528733, 17403863 0,625 Q1 38 72 106 3609 185 86 2,22 50,13 United Kingdom Western Europe Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 1996-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Education (Q2)
5908 5700153422 Higher Education Quarterly journal 02639769, 09515224 0,801 Q1 40 49 79 2952 158 69 2,18 60,24 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1947-2020 Education (Q1)      
2371 18300156704 Higher Education Research and Development journal 14698366, 07294360 1,449 Q1 64 146 313 6485 1031 291 3,66 44,42 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1982-1995, 1997, 1999-2020 Education (Q1)      
11524 21100228077 Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning journal 2042390X, 20423896 0,411 Q2 9 87 105 4094 136 94 1,18 47,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Emarald Group Publishing Ltd 2010-2020 Education (Q2); Life-span and Life-course Studies (Q3)
20783 21100900271 Higher Learning Research Communications journal 21576254 0,164 Q4 2 11 10 416 3 8 0,38 37,82 United States Northern America Laureate Education, Inc. 2018-2019 Education (Q4)      
12332 21100826384 High-Throughput journal 25715135 0,374 Q3 6 21 93 1311 124 90 1,38 62,43 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI AG 2017-2020 Biochemistry (Q3); Bioengineering (Q3); Biomedical Engineering (Q3); Biotechnology (Q3)
28747 40449 Highway Engineer journal 3066452 0,101 Q4 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Whitehall Press Ltd. 1973-1983 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29679 16122 Highways trade journal 0267825X, 01426168 0,1 Q4 1 129 220 8 0 207 0 0,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Alad Ltd 1978-1984, 1986-1988, 1990, 1994-1996, 2000-2019 Building and Construction (Q4); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4)
24182 21100782866 Hikma journal 15799794 0,125 Q2 1 24 21 993 3 21 0,13 41,38 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Cordoba 2015-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
22554 60486 Himalaya journal 19352212 0,14 Q3 9 14 92 828 26 82 0,37 59,14 United States Northern America Nepal Studies Association 1981, 2006, 2008-2011, 2013-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
23515 10600153318 Himalayan Geology journal 9718966 0,13 Q4 12 0 37 0 19 36 0,32 0 India Asiatic Region Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology 2007-2018, 2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
16310 66457 Hindsight (Saint Louis, Mo.) journal 19484984 0,247 Q3 2 0 3 0 1 3 0 0 United States Northern America Optometric Historical Society 1997, 2000, 2002-2003, 2005, 2007-2012, 2014-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
26718 36100 Hinterland journal 7731922 0,108 Q4 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 United States Northern America Midwest Literary League 1985-1987, 1989-1997 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
27801 21100878047 Hiperboreea journal 22845666 0,103 Q3 0 9 9 157 0 9 0 17,44 Romania Eastern Europe Balkan History Association 2018-2019 History (Q3); Archeology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4)
23516 17700156514 Hipertension y Riesgo Vascular journal 18891837, 19894805 0,13 Q4 8 28 105 838 41 83 0,63 29,93 Spain Western Europe Ediciones Doyma, S.L. 2009-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q4); Internal Medicine (Q4)
19382 21100407560 Hipogrifo journal 23281308 0,186 Q1 4 113 201 2987 14 197 0,07 26,43 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Navarra 2013-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2)
1259 13923 Hippocampus journal 10981063, 10509631 2,046 Q1 151 123 317 9772 1082 299 3,46 79,45 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1991-2020 Cognitive Neuroscience (Q1)    
21108 4300151405 Hippokratia journal 11084189 0,159 Q4 26 0 170 0 64 127 0,22 0 Greece Western Europe Lithografia Antoniadis I - Psarras Th G.P. 1999-2002, 2006-2018 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
28748 13944 Hirosaki Medical Journal journal 4391721 0,101 Q4 6 30 34 575 2 34 0 19,17 Japan Asiatic Region Hirosaki University School of Medicine 1973-2014, 2016-2019 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
27802 37431 Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences journal 182052 0,103 Q4 15 0 80 0 8 80 0,09 0 Japan Asiatic Region Hiroshima University School of Medicine 1964-2018 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
16404 19300156905 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal journal 182079 0,244 Q4 11 16 60 272 21 60 0,35 17 Japan Asiatic Region Hiroshima University 1959, 1961-1995, 2008-2020 Algebra and Number Theory (Q4); Analysis (Q4); Geometry and Topology (Q4)
25103 21100875939 Hirurgia Pozvonochnika journal 18108997, 23131497 0,119 Q4 2 39 52 927 5 52 0,1 23,77 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Editorial Office of The Journal Hirurgia Pozvonochnika 2018-2019 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (Q4); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4); Surgery (Q4)
29680 5700154132 Hispamerica journal 3630471 0,1 Q4 2 26 96 144 0 83 0 5,54 United States Northern America Hispamerica 2009-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q4)  
14703 5800157999 Hispania journal 182133 0,291 Q2 9 55 225 1399 72 208 0,33 25,44 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 2010, 2013-2020 Linguistics and Language (Q2); Education (Q3)
18733 19404 Hispania - Revista Espanola de Historia journal 00182141, 19888368 0,196 Q1 9 15 71 811 16 70 0,24 54,07 Spain Western Europe CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 1968, 1974, 1978-1979, 1990, 1996-2019 History (Q1)      
28749 21100831408 Hispania Antiqua journal 11300515 0,101 Q4 3 0 25 0 1 25 0 0 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Valladolid 2011-2013, 2015-2017 History (Q4)      
23225 21100826242 Hispania Nova journal 11387319 0,133 Q2 2 16 46 720 11 45 0,24 45 Spain Western Europe Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 2017-2020 History (Q2)      
24645 26793 Hispania Sacra journal 0018215X, 19884265 0,123 Q2 5 20 145 779 13 143 0,07 38,95 Spain Western Europe CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 1987, 1999, 2001, 2009-2019 Religious Studies (Q2); History (Q3)  
17358 4500151407 Hispanic Health Care International journal 15404153, 19388993 0,223 Q3 14 49 93 1282 49 73 0,35 26,16 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2005-2020 Nursing (miscellaneous) (Q3)    
11002 14768 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences journal 15526364, 07399863 0,438 Q1 59 31 88 1110 102 88 1 35,81 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1979-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1); Social Psychology (Q3)
29681 5600156554 Hispanic Research Journal journal 14682737 0,1 Q4 4 24 106 1088 10 99 0,12 45,33 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 2010-2019 Cultural Studies (Q4); Literature and Literary Theory (Q4); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q4)
23226 16400154757 Hispanic Review journal 15530639, 00182176 0,133 Q1 9 19 55 860 6 55 0,1 45,26 United States Northern America University of Pennsylvania Press 1999, 2005-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
26577 16000154779 Hispanofila journal 182206 0,109 Q2 4 9 126 358 4 124 0,03 39,78 United States Northern America University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2002-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q2)  
2837 18548 Histochemistry and Cell Biology journal 1432119X, 09486143 1,308 Q1 96 92 361 3775 1019 322 3,47 41,03 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1995-2020 Histology (Q1); Medical Laboratory Technology (Q1); Cell Biology (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)
22229 16800154746 Histoire de l'Education journal 2216280 0,144 Q3 5 0 42 0 5 42 0,03 0 France Western Europe Institut National de Recherche Pedagogique 2001-2018, 2020 History and Philosophy of Science (Q3); Education (Q4)
28750 21100456853 Histoire des Alpes - Storia delle Alpi - Geschichte der Alpen book series 16608070 0,101 Q4 1 0 31 0 1 29 0,07 0 Switzerland Western Europe Chronos verlag 2015-2016, 2018 History (Q4)      
28751 13963 Histoire des Sciences Medicales journal 4408888 0,101 Q4 8 0 36 0 0 36 0 0 France Western Europe Societe Francaise d'Histoire de la Medecine 1969-1970, 1972, 1978-2012, 2014-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
29682 5700184173 Histoire Epistemologie Langage journal 7508069 0,1 Q4 3 9 51 407 5 51 0,15 45,22 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 2011-2013, 2015-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Philosophy (Q4); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28752 14766 Histoire et Mesure journal 09821783, 19577745 0,101 Q4 8 6 43 369 4 40 0,1 61,5 France Western Europe Editions EHESS: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1999, 2001-2019 History (Q4)      
28119 79134 Histoire et Societes Rurales journal 1254728X, 1950666X 0,102 Q4 6 5 32 294 3 31 0,05 58,8 France Western Europe Association d'Histoire des Societes Rurales 1995, 1999, 2001-2020 Anthropology (Q4); Cultural Studies (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); History (Q4)
28753 21100294605 Histoire Medievale et Archeologie journal 9912894 0,101 Q4 1 12 32 323 0 29 0 26,92 France Western Europe Centre d'archeologie et d'histoire medievales des etablissements religieux (CAHMER) 2013-2015, 2017-2019 Archeology (Q4); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4); History (Q4)
27290 14973 Histoire Sociale journal 19186576, 00182257 0,105 Q3 12 15 57 0 12 54 0,13 0 Canada Northern America University of Toronto Press 1976-1977, 1979, 1981, 1983-1987, 1996-2019 History (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
28754 17600155119 Histoire Urbaine journal 16280482 0,101 Q4 6 27 98 829 4 96 0,05 30,7 France Western Europe Societe Francaise d'Histoire Urbaine 2000-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q4); History (Q4); Urban Studies (Q4)
7891 18550 Histology and Histopathology journal 16995848, 02133911 0,625 Q2 90 124 361 7267 669 358 1,94 58,6 Spain Western Europe Histology and Histopathology 1986-2020 Histology (Q2); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q2)
2438 29820 Histopathology journal 13652559, 03090167 1,424 Q1 118 229 778 7617 2307 635 3,8 33,26 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1977-2020 Histology (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1)
26916 21100318419 Historein journal 22412816, 11083441 0,107 Q3 4 0 8 0 1 7 0,14 0 Greece Western Europe National documentation centre 2011-2012, 2014-2015, 2017 History (Q3)      
24183 21100829925 HiSTOReLo journal 2145132X 0,125 Q2 2 24 71 1088 5 59 0,1 45,33 Colombia Latin America Universidad Nacional de Colombia 2013-2019 History (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3); Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29683 100069 Historia journal 01019074, 19804369 0,1 Q4 6 10 81 435 5 80 0,1 43,5 Brazil Latin America Universidade Estadual Paulista 2007-2019 Cultural Studies (Q4); History (Q4)  
26273 16000154752 Historia - Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte journal 182311 0,111 Q2 14 20 61 1245 10 61 0,11 62,25 Germany Western Europe Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH 1976, 1983-1984, 1987, 1997, 2002-2019 Classics (Q2); History (Q3)    
15551 21100202750 Historia (Chile) journal 732435 0,267 Q1 9 8 58 548 27 58 0,46 68,5 Chile Latin America Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile 1999, 2002, 2007-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1); History and Philosophy of Science (Q2)
29684 21100203707 Historia (France) journal 12700835 0,1 Q4 1 0 490 0 0 332 0 0 France Western Europe Tallandier 2009-2018 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4)
24646 21100314717 Historia 396 journal 7190719 0,123 Q2 3 20 55 762 8 55 0,13 38,1 Chile Latin America Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso: Instituto de Historia 2011-2019 History (Q2)      
19736 83082 Historia Agraria journal 11391472 0,18 Q2 14 14 57 788 27 57 0,45 56,29 Spain Western Europe Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 1998-2019 History (Q2); Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Multidisciplinary (Q3)
23517 21100432208 Historia Caribe journal 23226889, 01228803 0,13 Q2 2 17 69 570 8 61 0,09 33,53 Colombia Latin America Universidad Del Atlantico 2015-2019 History (Q2)      
18964 20500195077 Historia Constitucional journal 15764729 0,192 Q1 4 48 46 1862 11 43 0,25 38,79 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Oviedo 2011-2019 History (Q1); Law (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
17411 5700160314 Historia Contemporanea journal 11302402 0,222 Q1 5 30 70 1703 13 68 0,2 56,77 Spain Western Europe Universidad del Pais Vasco 2002, 2011-2020 History (Q1)      
18280 5600155211 Historia Critica journal 1211617 0,204 Q1 7 26 104 1314 24 91 0,33 50,54 Colombia Latin America Universidad de los Andes 2002-2020 History (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
21852 21100239819 Historia da Educacao journal 14143518, 22363459 0,149 Q4 3 38 185 1293 13 173 0,04 34,03 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal de Santa Maria 2013-2019 Education (Q4)      
19253 21100245921 Historia da Historiografia journal 19839928 0,188 Q1 4 36 112 1540 14 100 0,09 42,78 Brazil Latin America Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Historia 2013-2019 History (Q1)      
19977 21100223517 Historia del Presente journal 15798135 0,176 Q2 2 22 35 813 5 32 0,23 36,95 Spain Western Europe Asociacion Historiadores del Presente 2012-2016, 2018-2019 History (Q2)      
11373 21100829709 Historia Ecclesiastica book series 13384341 0,419 Q1 1 32 58 1244 14 58 0,24 38,88 Slovakia Eastern Europe University of Presov 2017-2019 History (Q1); Religious Studies (Q1)  
17359 26605 Historia Mathematica journal 03150860, 1090249X 0,223 Q1 17 22 49 966 12 43 0,26 43,91 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1974-2020 History (Q1); Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q4)
18069 25679 Historia Mexicana journal 1850172 0,208 Q1 9 32 103 1748 30 91 0,31 54,63 Mexico Latin America Colegio de Mexico, A.C., Departamento de Publicaciones 1965, 1976-1977, 1980-1981, 1986-1987, 1999, 2001-2020 History (Q1)      
28755 21100901477 Historia Regional journal 03298213, 24690732 0,101 Q4 1 13 23 324 0 23 0 24,92 United States Northern America Seccion Historia. Instituto Superior del Profesorado 'Eduardo Lafferriere' 2018-2019 History (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
24784 22345 Historia scientiarum : international journal of the History of Science Society of Japan journal 2854821 0,122 Q4 5 19 37 521 6 30 0,23 27,42 Japan Asiatic Region Nihon Kagakushi Gakkai/History of Science Society of Japan 1981, 1983-1984, 1986, 1992-1993, 2001-2004, 2008-2019 History and Philosophy of Science (Q4)  
18017 21100211106 Historia Social journal 2142570 0,209 Q1 6 27 75 1817 14 75 0,13 67,3 Spain Western Europe AsociaciOn de Revistas Culturales de Espana (ARCE) 2011-2019 History (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
27292 19700183029 Historia Unisinos journal 22361782, 15193861 0,105 Q3 4 42 130 1564 9 121 0,1 37,24 Brazil Latin America Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos 2010-2019 History (Q3)      
28756 21100283786 Historia Urbana journal 1221650X 0,101 Q4 1 15 42 0 0 42 0 0 Romania Eastern Europe Editura Academiei Romane 2013-2019 History (Q4); Urban Studies (Q4)  
21338 5600155275 Historia y Comunicacion Social journal 19883056, 11370734 0,156 Q2 7 42 98 1524 20 92 0,2 36,29 Spain Western Europe Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2010-2019 History (Q2); Communication (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
26444 21100793201 Historia y Memoria journal 20275137, 2322777X 0,11 Q3 2 26 69 943 6 64 0,04 36,27 Colombia Latin America Universidad Pedagogica y Tecnologica de Colombia 2015-2020 History (Q3)      
18680 19700173305 Historia y Politica journal 15750361, 1989063X 0,197 Q1 6 25 80 1330 23 77 0,22 53,2 Spain Western Europe Center for Constitutional Studies 1999, 2001, 2009-2019 History (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
12818 14784 Historia, Ciencias, Saude - Manguinhos journal 16784758, 01045970 0,355 Q2 17 101 287 3847 80 220 0,26 38,09 Brazil Latin America Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz 1994-2020 History and Philosophy of Science (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
30391 21100942897 Historia, Instituciones, Documentos journal 02107716, 22538291 - 0 12 0 596 0 0 0 49,67 Spain Western Europe Universidad de Sevilla 2019 Cultural Studies; History; Law; Sociology and Political Science
24647 15225 Historiallinen aikakauskirja journal 182362 0,123 Q3 2 40 126 752 4 99 0,05 18,8 Finland Western Europe Suomen historiallinen seura 1978, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1999-2001, 2011, 2013-2019 History (Q3)      
27291 15229 Historian journal 15406563, 00182370 0,105 Q3 11 14 43 105 6 34 0,09 7,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1938-2020 History (Q3)      
13064 21100375835 Historic Environment: Policy and Practice journal 17567505, 17567513 0,345 Q1 9 25 71 929 41 64 0,44 37,16 United Kingdom Western Europe Maney Publishing 2010, 2014-2020 Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1); Conservation (Q1); History (Q1)
15931 38295 Historical Archaeology journal 4409213 0,257 Q1 21 50 118 3259 64 114 0,37 65,18 United States Northern America Society for Historical Archaeology 1977, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1999-2020 History (Q1); Archeology (Q2); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q2)
8570 13916 Historical Biology journal 08912963, 10292381 0,578 Q1 34 251 320 16420 432 260 1,97 65,42 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1988-1997, 1999-2002, 2004-2020 Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
18447 21100829237 Historical Encounters journal 22037543 0,201 Q1 4 9 23 416 11 23 0,53 46,22 Australia Pacific Region HERMES History Education Research Network 2014-2019 History (Q1)      
14607 15244 Historical Journal journal 14695103, 0018246X 0,294 Q1 37 60 122 3925 69 108 0,72 65,42 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1958-2020 History (Q1)      
25426 6500153173 Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television journal 1439685 0,116 Q2 15 48 113 847 19 105 0,16 17,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1981-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); History (Q3); Communication (Q4)
15620 5600153391 Historical Materialism journal 14654466, 1569206X 0,265 Q1 29 35 127 1687 46 127 0,33 48,2 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2002-2020 History (Q1); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q2); Political Science and International Relations (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
28120 21100407477 Historical Materialism Book Series book series 15701522 0,102 Q3 3 0 118 0 2 31 0,04 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2009, 2011-2013, 2016-2018 History (Q3); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
27293 12130 Historical Metallurgy journal 1423304 0,105 Q3 4 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Historical Metallurgy Society Ltd. 1983-1987, 2011-2013, 2015-2016 Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q3); History and Philosophy of Science (Q4); Metals and Alloys (Q4)
7063 19327 Historical Methods journal 19401906, 01615440 0,691 Q1 22 23 48 964 49 48 1 41,91 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1977-2020 History (Q1)      
25427 22347 Historical Records of Australian Science journal 07273061, 14485508 0,116 Q3 8 13 41 589 10 33 0,22 45,31 Australia Pacific Region CSIRO 1980-1983, 1985-1987, 1989, 1996, 1998, 2000-2002, 2004-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q3); Demography (Q4); History and Philosophy of Science (Q4); Human Factors and Ergonomics (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29685 15246 Historical Reflections journal 03157997, 19392419 0,1 Q4 7 17 73 617 1 66 0,02 36,29 United States Northern America Berghahn Journals 1977, 1979, 1982-1983, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1999, 2001-2019 History (Q4)      
21579 5600156595 Historical Research journal 14682281, 09503471 0,153 Q2 21 40 123 353 23 121 0,18 8,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1923-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
28757 19700173008 Historical Review journal 17917603, 17903572 0,101 Q4 4 0 17 0 0 16 0 0 Greece Western Europe National Hellenic Research Foundation, Institute of Historical Research, Department of Neohellenic Research 2009-2018 History (Q4)      
13422 5600152867 Historical Social Research journal 1726404 0,331 Q1 19 39 177 2745 94 177 0,59 70,38 Germany Western Europe GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences 2006-2019 History (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
30392 21100932724 Historical Studies in Industrial Relations journal 20494459, 13621572 - 0 7 0 911 0 0 0 130,14 United Kingdom Western Europe Liverpool University Press 2019 Economics and Econometrics; History; Political Science and International Relations
16311 12100156297 Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences journal 1939182X, 19391811 0,247 Q2 19 12 62 1384 25 61 0,36 115,33 United States Northern America University of California Press 2008-2019 History and Philosophy of Science (Q2)  
17909 19442 Historicka Demografie journal 3230937 0,211 Q1 3 12 27 527 4 27 0,21 43,92 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Institute of Ethnology of the ASCR 1991, 2011-2019 History (Q1); Demography (Q3)  
14424 21100467355 Historicka Sociologie journal 18040616, 23363525 0,299 Q1 2 18 52 644 14 52 0,32 35,78 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Charles University 2016-2019 Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
26101 15258 Historicky Casopis journal 182575 0,112 Q3 4 21 85 496 9 78 0,13 23,62 Slovakia Eastern Europe Slovak Academic Press Ltd 1974, 1983, 1986, 1988, 2002-2019 History (Q3)      
28758 145485 Historiographia Linguistica journal 3025160 0,101 Q4 12 7 36 403 2 34 0,05 57,57 Netherlands Western Europe John Benjamins Publishing Company 1974-2019 History (Q4); Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
24785 21100238409 Historische Anthropologie book series 21944032, 09428704 0,122 Q3 5 0 71 0 3 57 0 0 Germany Western Europe Bohlau Verlag 1993-1995, 2011-2018, 2020 Anthropology (Q3); History (Q3)  
22555 5800215135 Historische Sprachforschung journal 9353518 0,14 Q3 9 0 30 0 2 28 0,14 0 Germany Western Europe Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht GmbH and Co. KG 2002-2007, 2010-2011, 2014-2017 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Linguistics and Language (Q3)
26274 15275 Historische Zeitschrift journal 182613 0,111 Q3 15 18 60 1441 6 59 0,12 80,06 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1859-1917, 1919-1943, 1950-2020 History (Q3)      
28759 15276 Historisches Jahrbuch book series 182621 0,101 Q4 5 0 20 0 1 20 0 0 Germany Western Europe Verlag Karl Alber GmbH 1980, 2002-2009, 2016 History (Q4)      
29686 21100432478 Historisk Tidskrift journal 0345469X 0,1 Q4 4 0 82 0 7 72 0,07 0 Sweden Western Europe Svenska Historiska Foreningen 1973, 1977, 1979-1980, 1983-1987, 1999-2001, 2014-2018 History (Q4)      
24184 19525 Historisk tidskrift for Finland journal 467596 0,125 Q2 3 19 91 1023 14 86 0,22 53,84 Finland Western Europe Historiska Foreningen 1976-1977, 1981, 2001, 2011-2019 History (Q2)      
26102 19526 Historisk Tidsskrift journal 0018263X, 15042944 0,112 Q4 6 15 84 439 7 71 0,1 29,27 Norway Western Europe Universitetsforlaget AS 1977, 1979-1980, 1982, 1987, 1999, 2001-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4)
27544 15278 History journal 1468229X, 00182648 0,104 Q3 13 31 86 1040 8 83 0,09 33,55 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1916-1995, 1997-1999, 2001, 2005-2020 History (Q3)      
3696 5700164168 History and Anthropology journal 14772612, 02757206 1,106 Q1 22 67 119 3584 154 111 0,64 53,49 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1984-1987, 1989-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Cultural Studies (Q1); History (Q1)
15244 5600154341 History and Memory journal 15271994, 0935560X 0,275 Q1 23 12 36 638 24 30 0,65 53,17 United States Northern America Indiana University Press 1999-2019 History (Q1)      
15735 4700152837 History and Philosophy of Logic journal 14645149, 01445340 0,262 Q1 15 22 58 839 16 55 0,31 38,14 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1980-2020 History (Q1); History and Philosophy of Science (Q2)
12224 15166 History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences journal 03919714, 17426316 0,379 Q1 23 57 116 2119 87 106 0,96 37,18 Switzerland Western Europe Springer International Publishing AG 1979-1980, 1982-2020 History (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); History and Philosophy of Science (Q2)
24524 21100824547 History and Sociology of South Asia journal 22308075, 22495312 0,124 Q2 3 2 34 0 5 34 0,17 0 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 2011-2019 History (Q2); Cultural Studies (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
19254 6500153126 History and Technology journal 07341512, 14772620 0,188 Q3 22 22 58 1419 23 50 0,3 64,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1983-1988, 1990-2019 History and Philosophy of Science (Q3)  
19564 15288 History and Theory journal 14682303, 00182656 0,183 Q2 39 32 97 62 41 92 0,4 1,94 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1968-1969, 1977, 1996-2020 History (Q2); Philosophy (Q2)    
23824 5700167823 History Australia journal 18334881, 14490854 0,127 Q2 11 56 158 524 18 131 0,08 9,36 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2003, 2005-2020 History (Q2)      
30393 21100921069 History Compass journal 14780542   - 0 25 0 1515 0 0 0 60,6 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2019-2020 History        
24185 19051 History in Africa journal 03615413, 15582744 0,125 Q2 3 21 32 987 7 30 0,23 47 United States Northern America African Studies Association 1974, 1988, 1999-2001, 2017-2020 History (Q2)      
27545 21100417772 History of Christian-Muslim Relations book series 15707350 0,104 Q3 5 0 8 0 1 7 0,17 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2006-2013, 2016-2018 History (Q3); Religious Studies (Q3); Philosophy (Q4)
19866 21100202947 History of Economic Ideas journal 11228792, 17242169 0,178 Q2 6 9 71 223 19 69 0,29 24,78 Italy Western Europe Fabrizio Serra Editore 2011-2019 History (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
22081 21100905275 History of Economic Thought and Policy journal 22409971, 2280188X 0,146 Q2 1 7 10 365 4 10 0,4 52,14 Italy Western Europe FrancoAngeli Edizioni 2018-2019 History (Q2); Economics and Econometrics (Q4); Public Administration (Q4)
20221 30058 History of Education journal 14645130, 0046760X 0,172 Q3 17 48 135 657 54 126 0,42 13,69 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1972-1997, 1999-2001, 2005-2020 History and Philosophy of Science (Q3); Education (Q4)
20693 19900192618 History of Education and Children's Literature journal 19711093, 19711131 0,165 Q3 5 91 191 1017 16 191 0,09 11,18 Italy Western Europe Edizioni Universita Macerata 2011-2019 History and Philosophy of Science (Q3); Education (Q4)
15969 30061 History of Education Quarterly journal 182680 0,256 Q1 9 14 77 1872 25 69 0,2 133,71 United States Northern America Cambridge University Press 1967, 1971-1972, 1974-1976, 1978, 1980-1981, 1983-1986, 1999-2000, 2002-2003, 2008-2019 History (Q1); Education (Q3)    
18619 21100223135 History of Education Review journal 08198691, 03113248 0,198 Q1 6 18 51 1149 18 48 0,39 63,83 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1980, 1982, 2012-2020 History (Q1); Education (Q3)    
20040 24180 History of European Ideas journal 01916599, 1873541X 0,175 Q2 16 78 215 3147 46 187 0,19 40,35 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1980-2020 History (Q2); Philosophy (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
17124 19800188061 History of Geo- and Space Sciences journal 21905010, 21905029 0,228 Q2 5 20 32 595 19 31 0,43 29,75 Germany Western Europe Copernicus GmbH 2011-2020 History and Philosophy of Science (Q2); Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)
16183 21100906914 History of Humanities journal 23793171, 23793163 0,25 Q2 3 36 63 718 27 59 0,33 19,94 United States Northern America University of Chicago Press 2016-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2)
27803 21100455558 History of Mechanism and Machine Science book series 18753426, 18753442 0,103 Q3 5 54 90 946 12 52 0 17,52 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 2007-2020 History (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
25859 21100794004 History of Medicine journal 25002910, 24095834 0,113 Q3 3 24 108 617 18 108 0,18 25,71 Russian Federation Eastern Europe I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University 2014-2019 History (Q3); History and Philosophy of Science (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
15321 21000196004 History of Philosophy Quarterly journal 07400675, 21521026 0,273 Q2 5 5 60 123 19 60 0,18 24,6 United States Northern America University of Illinois Press 2011-2019 Philosophy (Q2)      
25543 6000152718 History of Photography journal 3087298 0,115 Q2 11 12 72 0 9 60 0,08 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1977-2020 Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)  
10696 28935 History of Political Economy journal 15271919, 00182702 0,453 Q1 28 56 119 2509 68 115 0,53 44,8 United States Northern America Duke University Press 1986, 1996-2020 History (Q1); Economics and Econometrics (Q2)
23825 19177 History of Political Thought journal 0143781X 0,127 Q2 21 27 91 64 22 89 0,19 2,37 United Kingdom Western Europe Imprint Academic 1984, 1987, 1996-2020 History (Q2); Philosophy (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
16405 16090 History of Psychiatry journal 0957154X, 17402360 0,244 Q3 24 36 91 2089 38 86 0,43 58,03 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1990-2020 Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q3)  
15932 14769 History of Psychology journal 19390610, 10934510 0,257 Q1 22 39 94 1135 54 75 0,57 29,1 United States Northern America American Psychological Association Inc. 1998-2020 History (Q1); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q3)
22230 26797 History of Religions journal 15456935, 00182710 0,144 Q2 22 12 43 478 12 40 0,35 39,83 United States Northern America University of Chicago 1966, 1979, 1982, 1996-2020 History (Q2); Religious Studies (Q2)  
13863 22351 History of Science journal 17538564, 00732753 0,317 Q1 25 34 67 563 40 56 0,7 16,56 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1962-1971, 1973-2020 History (Q1); History and Philosophy of Science (Q2)
24186 21100407168 History of Science and Medicine Library book series 18720684 0,125 Q2 6 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2013, 2016 History (Q2); History and Philosophy of Science (Q3); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
15933 26731 History of the Family journal 1081602X 0,257 Q1 21 42 90 3223 64 75 0,86 76,74 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1996-2020 History (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
13712 26733 History of the Human Sciences journal 1461720X, 09526951 0,322 Q1 34 38 104 2387 68 94 0,67 62,82 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1988-2020 History (Q1); History and Philosophy of Science (Q2)
25860 21100406872 History of Warfare book series 13857827 0,113 Q3 6 0 81 0 2 2 1 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2013, 2016-2018 Cultural Studies (Q3); History (Q3)  
29687 19539 History Today journal 182753 0,1 Q4 7 0 280 0 1 263 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe History Today Ltd. 1969, 1971-1973, 1976-1986, 1988-1990, 1999-2017 History (Q4)      
16144 5000154201 History Workshop Journal journal 14774569, 13633554 0,251 Q1 29 12 76 941 33 72 0,41 78,42 United States Northern America Oxford University Press 1976-2019 History (Q1); History and Philosophy of Science (Q2)
27294 25975 Hitachi Review trade journal 0018277X 0,105 Q4 14 0 131 0 19 131 0 0 Japan Asiatic Region Hitachi Ltd. 1970-1994, 1996-2016 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q4); Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4); Hardware and Architecture (Q4); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q4)
18394 22371 Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics journal 0018280X 0,202 Q3 10 10 31 276 20 31 0,8 27,6 Japan Asiatic Region Hitotsubashi University 1996-2019 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3); Economics and Econometrics (Q4)
12944 21100775663 HLA journal 20592302, 20592310 0,35 Q3 96 272 655 2949 444 568 0,81 10,84 United Kingdom Western Europe Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011, 2016-2020 Immunology and Allergy (Q3); Genetics (Q4); Immunology (Q4)
27546 16042 HLH, Heizung Lueftung/Klima Haustechnik journal 14365103, 1434422X, 00179906 0,104 Q4 5 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1972-2002 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q4)  
11838 59917 HNO journal 00176192, 14330458 0,396 Q3 34 198 474 4422 363 397 1,01 22,33 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1948, 1953-2020 Otorhinolaryngology (Q3)    
25000 16500154711 Hobbes Studies journal 09215891, 18750257 0,12 Q3 7 12 31 417 7 30 0,19 34,75 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1989-1990, 1992, 1994, 1996-2019 History (Q3); Philosophy (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
27547 13965 Hokkaido Journal of Medical Science journal 3676102 0,104 Q4 11 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 Japan Asiatic Region Hokkaido Medical Society 1961-1963, 1974-2016 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28121 29790 Hokkaido Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology journal 13433873 0,102 Q4 2 16 15 212 0 15 0 13,25 Japan Asiatic Region Hokkaido Orthopedic and Traumatic Surgery Society 1998-2010, 2016-2017, 2019 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q4); Surgery (Q4)
18070 19900193823 Hokkaido Mathematical Journal journal 3854035 0,208 Q4 23 30 77 513 30 77 0,42 17,1 Japan Asiatic Region Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University 1972-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
14201 27717 Holistic Nursing Practice journal 08879311, 15505138 0,306 Q2 35 57 176 1657 153 158 0,95 29,07 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1986-2020 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q2); Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
26719 25079 Holland Shipbuilding journal 183571 0,108 Q4 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Uitgeverij Radius B,V. 1972-1991 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
25544 19556 Holocaust and Genocide Studies journal 14767937, 87566583 0,115 Q3 18 11 45 928 10 42 0,21 84,36 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1986-2019 History (Q3); Political Science and International Relations (Q4); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
19867 21100910567 Holocaust Studies journal 17504902, 20484887 0,178 Q2 6 55 74 2373 15 70 0,21 43,15 United States Northern America Routledge 2005-2020 Cultural Studies (Q2); History (Q2); Communication (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
3792 22634 Holocene journal 14770911, 09596836 1,088 Q1 112 146 466 13135 1191 457 2,4 89,97 United Kingdom Western Europe SAGE Publications Ltd 1991-2020 Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1); Earth-Surface Processes (Q1); Ecology (Q1); Paleontology (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q2)
9708 25001 Holzforschung journal 00183830, 1437434X 0,505 Q3 71 146 366 5600 738 361 2,01 38,36 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 1947-2020 Biomaterials (Q3)      
22949 5700167184 Home Cultures journal 17406315 0,136 Q2 13 3 44 123 13 41 0,32 41 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2008-2019 Cultural Studies (Q2); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2); Social Psychology (Q4)
12658 3300147411 Home Health Care Management and Practice journal 10848223 0,361 Q2 17 38 90 1242 92 87 0,96 32,68 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1988-2011, 2017-2020 Community and Home Care (Q2); Leadership and Management (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
10977 13473 Home Health Care Services Quarterly journal 01621424, 15450856 0,439 Q2 27 18 46 525 44 46 0,81 29,17 United States Northern America Routledge 1979-2020 Community and Home Care (Q2); Health Policy (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
19565 21100775591 Home healthcare now journal 23744529, 23744537 0,183 Q3 25 95 330 965 99 278 0,34 10,16 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2015-2020 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q3); Community and Home Care (Q3); Health (social science) (Q4)
29688 3300147905 Home Textiles Today trade journal 1953184 0,1 Q4 1 0 73 0 0 73 0 0 United States Northern America Reed Business Information (Cahners) 2006-2018 Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
28122 21100215947 Homeland Security Affairs journal 1558643X 0,102 Q4 5 0 23 0 3 20 0,3 0 United States Northern America Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security 2012-2018 Law (Q4); Public Administration (Q4); Safety Research (Q4)
13368 21217 Homeopathy journal 14754916, 14764245 0,333 Q2 36 41 122 1187 114 97 1,48 28,95 United States Northern America Churchill Livingstone 1998-2020 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Q2)
6070 144977 Homicide Studies journal 10887679 0,784 Q1 44 21 45 1044 101 43 2,24 49,71 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1997-2020 Law (Q1); Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
15038 65763 Homme journal 04394216, 19538103 0,281 Q2 14 28 91 1053 20 88 0,13 37,61 France Western Europe Editions EHESS: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 1977, 1992, 1996-2019 Anthropology (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2)
29689 21100275406 Homme (Germany) book series 21945071, 1016362X 0,1 Q4 4 9 61 274 5 60 0,1 30,44 Germany Western Europe Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht GmbH and Co. KG 1990-1995, 1999, 2001-2002, 2011-2019 Cultural Studies (Q4); Gender Studies (Q4); History (Q4)
23133 17700155707 Homme et la Societe journal 00184306, 21010226 0,134 Q3 5 0 138 0 12 122 0,12 0 France Western Europe Editions Anthropos 2001-2018 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
13539 10300153321 HOMO- Journal of Comparative Human Biology journal 16181301, 0018442X 0,327 Q2 29 31 123 1216 103 122 0,74 39,23 Germany Western Europe Elsevier BV 1950-1951, 1996-2020 Anthropology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)
4535 145269 Homology, Homotopy and Applications journal 15320073, 15320081 0,969 Q1 21 37 111 835 84 109 0,55 22,57 United States Northern America International Press of Boston, Inc. 2001-2020 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
28760 19700188274 Honeyguide journal 0018456X 0,101 Q4 2 0 60 0 0 38 0 0 South Africa Africa Rhodesian Ornithological Society 2010, 2012-2014, 2016-2018 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4)  
24187 35905 Hong Kong Engineer journal 3788776 0,125 Q3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Hong Kong Asiatic Region Printers' Circle Ltd. 1977-1990, 1994 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
23937 144770 Hong Kong Journal of Dermatology and Venereology journal 18147453 0,126 Q4 4 8 82 102 7 64 0,1 12,75 Hong Kong Asiatic Region Medcom Limited 2005-2019 Dermatology (Q4)      
20222 29792 Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine journal 10249079 0,172 Q4 11 127 169 2584 36 146 0,21 20,35 Hong Kong Asiatic Region Medcom Limited 2004-2020 Emergency Medicine (Q4)    
16791 19921 Hong Kong Journal of Nephrology journal 18764371, 15615413 0,235 Q3 9 0 23 0 3 13 0 0 Singapore Asiatic Region Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd 2002-2016 Nephrology (Q3)      
21698 83742 Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy journal 15691861 0,151 Q4 12 13 39 421 21 37 0,4 32,38 Singapore Asiatic Region Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd 2002-2019 Occupational Therapy (Q4)    
21426 15027 Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics journal 10139923 0,155 Q4 9 48 152 668 21 100 0,22 13,92 Hong Kong Asiatic Region Medcom Limited 2005-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q4)
22151 19900193573 Hong Kong Journal of Radiology journal 22236619, 23074620 0,145 Q4 8 40 141 808 14 127 0,05 20,2 China Asiatic Region Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press 2011-2019 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q4)
28761 19700201134 Hong Kong journal of Social Sciences journal 10213619 0,101 Q4 1 6 31 52 0 31 0 8,67 China Asiatic Region Niu jin da xue zhu ban she 2010-2013, 2016-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
27085 56567 Hong Kong Law Journal journal 3780600 0,106 Q4 6 0 41 0 7 40 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. 1985, 2010-2014, 2016-2017 Law (Q4)        
13331 13974 Hong Kong Medical Journal journal 10242708 0,334 Q3 42 171 474 1923 363 332 1,09 11,25 Hong Kong Asiatic Region Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press 1995-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
13540 16373 Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal journal 10137025 0,327 Q3 14 15 46 523 44 41 0,96 34,87 China Asiatic Region Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association 2000-2020 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q3)
26103 13975 Hong Kong Practitioner journal 10273948 0,112 Q4 9 13 59 283 2 40 0,07 21,77 Hong Kong Asiatic Region Hong Kong College of Family Physicians 1997-2019 Family Practice (Q4)      
17668 29725 Hongwai Yu Haomibo Xuebao/Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves journal 10019014 0,216 Q4 26 122 372 2518 197 372 0,52 20,64 China Asiatic Region Chinese Optical Society 1991-2019 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q4)
14637 144789 Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering journal 10072276 0,293 Q3 28 547 1727 10293 1306 1727 0,83 18,82 China Asiatic Region Chinese Society of Astronautics 2004-2019 Aerospace Engineering (Q3); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q3); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q3); Space and Planetary Science (Q4)
21339 21100864742 HOPOS journal 21525188, 21566240 0,156 Q3 5 14 39 715 13 38 0,21 51,07 United States Northern America University of Chicago Press 2015-2020 History and Philosophy of Science (Q3)  
20106 21100783205 Horizon, Fenomenologiceskie Issledovania journal 23116986, 22265260 0,174 Q2 2 35 96 773 14 85 0,18 22,09 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Saint Petersburg State University 2012-2019 Philosophy (Q2)      
28762 27887 Horizons journal 3609669 0,101 Q4 7 15 75 681 3 43 0,09 45,4 United Kingdom Western Europe Cambridge University Press 1970, 1974-2019 Education (Q4); Religious Studies (Q4)  
26445 21100215948 Horizons in Biblical Theology journal 18712207, 01959085 0,11 Q3 5 10 35 455 5 35 0,2 45,5 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 1979-1982, 1986-1988, 1994-2005, 2007-2019 Religious Studies (Q3)    
22556 4700152715 Horizontes Antropologicos journal 1047183 0,14 Q3 13 38 127 1550 29 127 0,21 40,79 Brazil Latin America Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Antropologia Social - IFCH-UFRGS 2006-2019 Anthropology (Q3)      
6082 26119 Hormone and Metabolic Research journal 14394286, 00185043 0,783 Q2 87 103 369 4322 908 349 2,57 41,96 Germany Western Europe Georg Thieme Verlag 1969-2020 Biochemistry (Q2); Biochemistry (medical) (Q2); Clinical Biochemistry (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Endocrinology (Q3)
6083 21100388411 Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation journal 18681883, 18681891 0,783 Q2 25 61 189 2398 440 169 2,43 39,31 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2010-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Endocrinology (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
5868 19700171310 Hormone Research in Paediatrics journal 16632826, 16632818 0,805 Q1 87 97 315 3827 763 289 2,52 39,45 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1970-1997, 2010-2020 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q1); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Endocrinology (Q3)
9409 4200151515 Hormones journal 11093099, 25208721 0,523 Q2 41 83 196 3450 319 160 2,02 41,57 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 2005-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q3)
2071 26133 Hormones and Behavior journal 0018506X, 10956867 1,563 Q1 137 132 505 10813 2014 482 3,67 81,92 United States Northern America Academic Press Inc. 1969-2020 Behavioral Neuroscience (Q1); Endocrinology (Q1); Endocrine and Autonomic Systems (Q2)
6798 19600157316 Hormones and Cancer journal 18688500, 18688497 0,716 Q2 32 21 110 932 254 107 2,4 44,38 United States Northern America Springer US 2010-2020 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3); Endocrine and Autonomic Systems (Q3); Endocrinology (Q3); Oncology (Q3)
24887 74433 Hornero journal 00733407, 18504884 0,121 Q4 8 0 56 0 8 52 0,16 0 Argentina Latin America Association Ornitologica del Plata 1996, 2008-2018 Animal Science and Zoology (Q4); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
28123 21100380987 Horror Studies journal 20403283, 20403275 0,102 Q3 3 15 55 508 4 49 0,06 33,87 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2014-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Music (Q3); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3)
14225 8600153101 Horticultura Brasileira journal 18069991, 01020536 0,305 Q3 21 67 270 1812 168 257 0,47 27,04 Brazil Latin America Sociedade de Olericultura do Brasil 2007-2019 Horticulture (Q3); Plant Science (Q3); Soil Science (Q3)
9535 21100913778 Horticulturae journal 23117524 0,515 Q1 10 78 124 3589 261 122 2,16 46,01 Switzerland Western Europe Molecular Diversity Preservation International 2015-2020 Horticulture (Q1); Plant Science (Q2)  
8528 21100900275 Horticultural Plant Journal journal 20959885, 24680141 0,581 Q2 5 32 31 1640 72 31 2,32 51,25 China Asiatic Region Elsevier BV 2018-2020 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2); Ecology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2); Plant Science (Q2); Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment (Q2)
24188 24902 Horticultural Reviews book series 1637851 0,125 Q4 22 0 28 0 33 1 23 0 United States Northern America AVI Pub. Co 1985, 1995, 2011-2016, 2018 Agronomy and Crop Science (Q4); Horticulture (Q4); Plant Science (Q4)
14289 5400152632 Horticultural Science journal 0862867X 0,303 Q3 21 20 81 613 78 81 0,98 30,65 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2007-2019 Horticulture (Q3)      
8621 21100207006 Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology journal 22113460, 22113452 0,575 Q1 19 92 243 3848 442 232 1,78 41,83 South Korea Asiatic Region Springer Science + Business Media 2011-2020 Horticulture (Q1); Biotechnology (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)
9726 21100394230 Horticulture Journal journal 21890102, 21890110 0,504 Q2 34 61 186 2366 204 183 1,11 38,79 Japan Asiatic Region Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 2015-2020 Horticulture (Q2); Plant Science (Q2)  
1619 21100773746 Horticulture Research journal 20527276 1,791 Q1 27 139 151 9079 812 146 5,68 65,32 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 2014-2020 Biochemistry (Q1); Biotechnology (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Horticulture (Q1); Plant Science (Q1)
11880 25341 Hortscience: A Publication of the American Society for Hortcultural Science journal 00185345, 23279834 0,394 Q2 84 353 874 12162 891 788 1,09 34,45 United States Northern America American Society for Horticultural Science 1977-1978, 1980-1981, 1983, 1985-2020 Horticulture (Q2)      
14966 25344 HortTechnology journal 19437714, 10630198 0,283 Q3 52 116 330 3926 248 324 0,73 33,84 United States Northern America American Society for Horticultural Science 1993-2020 Horticulture (Q3)      
24525 16400154708 Hortus Artium Mediaevalium journal 13307274 0,124 Q2 7 52 151 0 15 147 0,09 0 Belgium Western Europe Brepols Publishers 2002-2019 History (Q2); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)
27804 13496 Hospital case management : the monthly update on hospital-based care planning and critical paths journal 10870652 0,103 Q4 5 0 72 0 1 72 0 0 United States Northern America American Health Consultants Media 1995-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
25861 21100853572 Hospital Chronicles journal 17907306, 17929172 0,113 Q4 1 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 Greece Western Europe Scientific Society of Evagelismos Hospital 2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
29690 22323 Hospital Infection Control and Prevention journal 0098180X 0,1 Q4 2 58 172 136 0 163 0 2,34 United States Northern America Thomson American Health Consultants, Inc. 1977-1983, 2006-2009, 2014-2019 Advanced and Specialized Nursing (Q4); Infectious Diseases (Q4); Leadership and Management (Q4)
26578 21100197950 Hospital Medicine Clinics journal 22115943 0,109 Q4 4 0 91 0 10 83 0,14 0 United States Northern America Elsevier Saunders 2012-2017 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
7036 21100285069 Hospital pediatrics journal 21541671, 21541663 0,693 Q1 16 27 230 0 332 219 1,64 0 United States Northern America American Academy of Pediatrics 2012-2019 Pediatrics (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health (Q2)
29691 14055 Hospital peer review journal 1492632 0,1 Q4 5 0 56 0 0 56 0 0 United States Northern America American Health Consultants Media 1977-1983, 1995-2016 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
16744 22338 Hospital Pharmacy journal 19451253, 00185787 0,236 Q2 22 145 347 3199 211 298 0,78 22,06 United States Northern America Thomas Land Publishers Inc. 1973-2020 Pharmacy (Q2); Pharmacology (Q3); Pharmacology (medical) (Q3)
12968 6400153176 Hospital practice (1995) journal 21548331, 23771003 0,349 Q3 23 41 115 0 137 111 1,33 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1995-2000, 2009-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
19383 14058 Hospital Topics journal 00185868, 19399278 0,186 Q3 21 21 38 0 25 38 0,63 0 United States Northern America Heldref Publications 1946-1949, 1965-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
11573 21100464775 Hospitality and Society journal 20427921, 20427913 0,409 Q2 14 21 38 1558 37 33 1,13 74,19 United Kingdom Western Europe Intellect Ltd. 2011-2019 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q3)
27548 13493 Hospitals and Health Networks journal 10688838 0,104 Q4 11 0 494 0 8 223 0,03 0 United States Northern America Health Forum 1993-2017 Health Policy (Q4); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)
29692 20500195041 Hotel Management journal 21582122 0,1 Q4 4 49 631 0 0 95 0 0 United States Northern America Advanstar Communications Inc. 2011-2019 Business and International Management (Q4); Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management (Q4)
7466 21100457369 HotMobile 2016 - Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications conference and proceedings - 0,657 - 7 0 20 0 64 18 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Science Applications; Information Systems; Software
6420 21100803237 HotMobile 2017 - Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications conference and proceedings - 0,751 - 6 0 20 0 58 18 3,22 0 United States Northern America   Human-Computer Interaction; Media Technology
2155 21100788245 HotNets 2016 - Proceedings of the 15th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks conference and proceedings - 1,529 - 9 0 32 0 211 30 0 0 United States Northern America   Control and Systems Engineering; Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes
16031 21100775035 HotPOST 2016 - Proceedings of the 8th MobiHoc International Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-Scale mObile computing and online Social Networking conference and proceedings - 0,254 - 3 0 11 0 12 10 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Hardware and Architecture; Software
20574 16967 Houille Blanche journal 186368 0,167 Q3 14 22 195 273 41 192 0,21 12,41 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 1902-1914, 1917-1930, 1933-1936, 1946-1963, 1969-2019 Water Science and Technology (Q3)  
16064 21100788265 Housing and Society journal 23760923, 08882746 0,253 Q2 4 10 39 405 40 36 0,83 40,5 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2015-2020 Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Urban Studies (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
4707 13838 Housing Policy Debate journal 10511482, 2152050X 0,945 Q1 64 75 160 3542 314 137 1,93 47,23 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1990-2008, 2010-2020 Development (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1)
3906 13854 Housing Studies journal 14661810, 02673037 1,067 Q1 69 142 162 9872 519 157 3,25 69,52 United Kingdom Western Europe Routledge 1986-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1)
20041 19700174722 Housing, Care and Support journal 14608790 0,175 Q3 9 18 39 757 17 38 0,5 42,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 1999-2020 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q3)
4525 13857 Housing, Theory and Society journal 16512278, 14036096 0,97 Q1 39 41 86 2696 209 66 3,52 65,76 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1996-2020 Development (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Urban Studies (Q1)
8178 23131 Houston Journal of Mathematics journal 3621588 0,606 Q2 30 18 227 349 113 227 0,51 19,39 United States Northern America University of Houston 1996-2019 Mathematics (miscellaneous) (Q2)  
16484 100147348 Howard Journal of Communications journal 10964649, 10646175 0,242 Q3 28 47 80 2400 55 73 0,69 51,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1988-2020 Communication (Q3); Strategy and Management (Q3)
9206 21100841760 Howard Journal of Crime and Justice journal 20591101, 20591098 0,537 Q1 6 28 82 1708 87 79 0,91 61 United States Northern America John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2016-2020 Law (Q1)        
29693 16059 HPAC Heating, Piping, AirConditioning Engineering trade journal 15274055 0,1 Q4 13 0 99 0 0 58 0 0 United States Northern America Penton Publishing Co. 1999-2018 Building and Construction (Q4)  
2055 28367 HPB journal 14772574, 1365182X 1,57 Q1 68 290 497 9512 1523 428 3,35 32,8 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2000-2020 Gastroenterology (Q1); Hepatology (Q1)  
9670 37404 HPB Surgery journal 08948569, 16078462 0,507 Q2 26 0 19 0 33 19 2 0 United States Northern America Hindawi Publishing Corporation 1988-2000, 2008-2018 Surgery (Q2); Hepatology (Q3)    
11129 21100468822 HPDC 2016 - Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing conference and proceedings - 0,431 - 10 0 30 0 96 28 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design; Software
25210 21100468969 HPGP 2016 - Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on High Performance Graph Processing, Co-located with HPDC 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,118 - 3 0 10 0 12 8 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Control and Systems Engineering; Information Systems
22376 14008 Hrvatska Revija Za Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja journal 13313010 0,142 Q4 8 21 80 934 17 79 0,23 44,48 Croatia Eastern Europe University of Zagreb 1999-2006, 2008-2019 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q4); Rehabilitation (Q4)
22557 16968 Hrvatske Vode journal 13301144, 18490506 0,14 Q4 7 13 78 432 8 73 0,13 33,23 Croatia Eastern Europe Hrvatske Vode 2001-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
28763 21100843011 Hrvatski Dijalektoloski Zbornik journal 24594849, 0439691X 0,101 Q4 1 7 20 186 4 19 0,21 26,57 Croatia Eastern Europe Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti 2017-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4)
21109 56455 Hrvatski Geografski Glasnik journal 13315854 0,159 Q4 8 8 36 371 10 36 0,28 46,38 Croatia Eastern Europe Croatian Geographical Society 1998-2001, 2003-2019 Earth-Surface Processes (Q4); Geography, Planning and Development (Q4)
21186 13481 Hrvatski Meteoroloski Casopis/Croatian Meteorological Journal journal 13300083 0,158 Q4 9 0 11 0 4 11 0,17 0 Croatia Eastern Europe Hrvatsko Meteorolosko Drustvo 1991-1998, 2000-2001, 2003-2008, 2011-2013, 2015-2017 Atmospheric Science (Q4)    
25862 110225 HSB International journal 0923666X 0,113 Q3 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Uitgeverij Radius B,V. 1980, 1989-2011 Ocean Engineering (Q3); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
5822 21100457361 HSCC 2016 - Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control conference and proceedings - 0,81 - 10 0 35 0 104 32 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications
9456 21100812544 HSCC 2017 - Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (part of CPS Week) conference and proceedings - 0,52 - 8 0 31 0 90 29 3,1 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Signal Processing
17964 21100821158 HSE Economic Journal journal 18138691, 18138705 0,21 Q3 3 11 49 382 23 48 0,48 34,73 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics 2017-2019 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) (Q3)
21580 21100463861 HSE Social and Education History journal 20143567 0,153 Q2 3 16 42 707 15 40 0,21 44,19 Spain Western Europe Hipatia Press 2016-2019 History (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Education (Q4)
18340 26196 Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University journal 0253987X 0,203 Q2 24 276 828 5529 445 828 0,55 20,03 China Asiatic Region Xi'an Jiaotong University 1986, 1990-1995, 1998-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Clinical Biochemistry (Q4)
6312 4800152310 HSS Journal journal 15563324, 15563316 0,76 Q1 33 91 162 2461 248 145 1,96 27,04 United States Northern America Springer New York 2006-2020 Surgery (Q1); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2)
16065 21100470130 HT 2016 - Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media conference and proceedings - 0,253 - 7 0 48 0 62 46 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Control and Optimization; Energy Engineering and Power Technology
15364 21100215172 HTM - Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials trade journal 21941831, 18672493 0,272 Q2 8 25 98 472 68 98 0,71 18,88 Germany Western Europe Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG 2007-2008, 2012-2019 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Materials Chemistry (Q3); Metals and Alloys (Q3)
14383 19300157105 HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies journal 20728050, 02599422 0,3 Q1 13 278 565 11181 257 555 0,52 40,22 South Africa Africa AOSIS (Pty) Ltd 1987, 2004-2006, 2008-2020 Religious Studies (Q1)    
24648 25552 Hua xi kou qiang yi xue za zhi = Huaxi kouqiang yixue zazhi = West China journal of stomatology journal 10001182 0,123 Q4 10 125 381 0 56 381 0,13 0 China Asiatic Region Sichuan yi xue yuan 1997-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
26275 13026 Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China University of Science and Technology journal 10063080 0,111 Q4 11 128 395 2623 63 395 0,16 20,49 China Asiatic Region East China University of Science and Technology 1993-1995, 2001-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Materials Chemistry (Q4)
19737 21100854131 Huagong Jinzhan/Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress journal 10006613 0,18 Q3 4 0 47 0 28 47 0 0 China Asiatic Region Chemical Industry Press 2016-2017 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q3)
23826 96594 Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal journal 4381157 0,127 Q4 26 0 58 0 18 58 0,4 0 China Asiatic Region Chemical Industry Press 1985-1987, 1989, 1993-2018 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)
20847 22368 Huanan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of South China University of Technology (Natural Science) journal 1000565X 0,163 Q3 17 196 725 4333 219 725 0,26 22,11 China Asiatic Region South China University of Technology 2001-2020 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3)  
19868 12400154715 Huanjing Kexue Xuebao / Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae journal 2532468 0,178 Q3 22 451 1675 15587 970 1675 0,53 34,56 China Asiatic Region Science Press 2008-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3); Environmental Chemistry (Q4); Environmental Engineering (Q4)
15176 22650 Huanjing Kexue/Environmental Science journal 2503301 0,277 Q3 31 647 1886 21528 2336 1886 1,25 33,27 China Asiatic Region Science Press 1986, 1988-1989, 1998-2020 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q3)
25670 24081 Huaxue Fanying Gongcheng Yu Gongyi/Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology journal 10017631 0,114 Q4 9 11 226 217 17 226 0,06 19,73 China Asiatic Region Zhejiang University Press 1985-1989, 1996-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)
26276 33335 Huaxue Gongcheng/Chemical Engineering journal 10059954 0,111 Q4 11 178 545 2634 47 545 0,09 14,8 China Asiatic Region Editorial Office of Chemical Engineering (China) 1996-2020 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)
22082 22382 Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) journal 16714512 0,146 Q4 16 274 898 4195 266 898 0,34 15,31 China Asiatic Region Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2002-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
29694 16400154705 Hudebni Veda journal 187003 0,1 Q4 4 11 48 302 2 47 0 27,45 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Academy Science Editorial Office 2002-2019 Music (Q4)      
23319 110015 Huisarts en Wetenschap journal 18765912, 00187070 0,132 Q3 24 192 751 749 20 613 0,04 3,9 Netherlands Western Europe Bohn Stafleu van Loghum 1973-1975, 1987-2020 Family Practice (Q3)      
24189 5600152881 Human Affairs journal 12103055, 1337401X 0,125 Q3 12 44 117 1162 25 113 0,18 26,41 Germany Western Europe Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2001, 2007-2020 Law (Q3); Philosophy (Q3); Sociology and Political Science (Q4)
9220 22651 Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (HERA) journal 10807039, 15497860 0,536 Q2 64 243 413 12789 1001 389 2,41 52,63 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1995-2020 Pollution (Q2); Ecological Modeling (Q3); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q3)
9349 25106 Human and Experimental Toxicology journal 9603271 0,527 Q2 75 150 378 6760 804 364 2,24 45,07 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1981-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q3); Toxicology (Q3)
25429 21100201055 Human and Veterinary Medicine journal 20667655, 20667663 0,116 Q4 8 0 96 0 29 95 0,13 0 Romania Eastern Europe Bioflux Publishing House 2011-2018 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q4); Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q4)
14008 20794 Human Antibodies journal 10932607, 1875869X 0,312 Q3 24 35 65 1357 70 64 0,98 38,77 Netherlands Western Europe IOS Press 1990-1997, 1999-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q3); Immunology (Q4); Immunology and Allergy (Q4)
13390 22240 Human Biology journal 15346617, 00187143 0,332 Q3 52 10 62 469 45 54 0,9 46,9 United States Northern America Wayne State University Press 1945-2019 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3); Genetics (Q4); Genetics (clinical) (Q4)
1100 16101 Human Brain Mapping journal 10659471, 10970193 2,216 Q1 182 404 1133 29768 5682 1117 4,84 73,68 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1993-2020 Anatomy (Q1); Neurology (Q1); Neurology (clinical) (Q1); Radiological and Ultrasound Technology (Q1); Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging (Q1)
6335 22241 Human Cell journal 17490774, 09147470 0,758 Q2 34 57 99 1943 252 91 3,3 34,09 Germany Western Europe Springer Heidelberg 1988-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Cancer Research (Q3); Cell Biology (Q3)
693 14772 Human Communication Research journal 03603989, 14682958 2,926 Q1 85 19 79 1272 434 78 4,68 66,95 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1974-2019 Anthropology (Q1); Communication (Q1); Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1); Linguistics and Language (Q1)
5007 14017 Human Development journal 14230054, 0018716X 0,906 Q2 57 29 88 1439 160 57 2,18 49,62 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1958-2020 Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q2)
8792 5800173380 Human Dimensions of Wildlife journal 1533158X, 10871209 0,565 Q2 46 51 131 2175 194 110 2,03 42,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1996-2020 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2)
8598 110220 Human Ecology journal 15729915, 03007839 0,576 Q1 67 74 210 5174 360 196 1,83 69,92 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 1972-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Ecology (Q2); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Health (social science) (Q2); Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis (Q2); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
14902 55750 Human Ecology Review journal 10744827 0,285 Q3 39 16 46 722 32 41 0,6 45,13 United States Northern America Society for Human Ecology 1998-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q3)
12607 60978 Human Evolution journal 3939375 0,363 Q2 15 0 23 0 12 23 0 0 Italy Western Europe Angelo Pontecorboli Editore - EDK 1986-2017 Anthropology (Q2)      
2698 29755 Human Factors journal 00187208, 15478181 1,345 Q1 109 166 255 8414 1182 250 4,15 50,69 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 1958-2020 Applied Psychology (Q1); Behavioral Neuroscience (Q1); Human Factors and Ergonomics (Q1)
10592 19111 Human Factors and Ergonomics In Manufacturing journal 10908471, 15206564 0,458 Q2 36 48 128 2217 231 113 1,66 46,19 United States Northern America John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1996-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q2); Human Factors and Ergonomics (Q3)
24526 21100890671 Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety journal 25098004, 23672544 0,124 Q4 2 13 12 449 5 10 0,5 34,54 Singapore Asiatic Region Springer Singapore 2017-2020 Biomedical Engineering (Q4); Biotechnology (Q4); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
7450 27487 Human Fertility journal 14647273, 17428149 0,658 Q2 37 85 149 2998 223 106 2,13 35,27 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1998-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q2); Reproductive Medicine (Q2)
1881 22243 Human Gene Therapy journal 10430342, 15577422 1,648 Q1 147 135 362 6407 1295 312 4,23 47,46 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 1990-2020 Genetics (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q2)
5120 21100225613 Human gene therapy methods journal 19466536, 19466544 0,893 Q2 24 24 84 667 201 80 2,46 27,79 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2012-2019 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q2); Genetics (Q2); Molecular Medicine (Q2); Pharmacology (Q2); Genetics (clinical) (Q3)
5372 21100265033 Human gene therapy. Clinical development journal 23248645, 23248637 0,863 Q3 19 25 83 528 160 62 2,86 21,12 United States Northern America Mary Ann Liebert Inc. 2013-2019 Genetics (clinical) (Q3)    
830 22245 Human Genetics journal 03406717, 14321203 2,637 Q1 131 128 330 8511 1670 309 5,47 66,49 Germany Western Europe Springer Verlag 1964-2020 Genetics (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1)  
7048 21100916535 Human Genome Variation journal 2054345X 0,692 Q3 10 53 127 994 185 125 1,31 18,75 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 2014-2020 Biochemistry (Q3); Genetics (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3)
2000 145164 Human Genomics journal 14739542, 14797364 1,594 Q1 50 69 123 1350 392 117 3,06 19,57 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2003-2006, 2008-2020 Drug Discovery (Q1); Genetics (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q2)
18448 21100218040 Human Geographies journal 18436587, 20672284 0,201 Q3 9 12 37 410 26 37 0,63 34,17 Romania Eastern Europe University of Bucharest 2012-2019 Geography, Planning and Development (Q3)
7477 22262 Human Heredity journal 14230062, 00015652 0,656 Q3 61 22 46 776 47 45 1,06 35,27 Switzerland Western Europe S. Karger AG 1950-1954, 1956-2020 Genetics (Q3); Genetics (clinical) (Q3)  
6235 20795 Human Immunology journal 01988859, 18791166 0,768 Q2 93 171 473 7134 980 458 2,13 41,72 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 1980-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Immunology (Q3); Immunology and Allergy (Q3)
21110 56074 Human IT journal 14021501 0,159 Q4 8 4 16 238 6 15 0 59,5 Sweden Western Europe Hoegskolan i Boraas 1997-2002, 2004-2010, 2012, 2014-2019 E-learning (Q4); Human-Computer Interaction (Q4); Information Systems (Q4)
3668 21100788431 Human Microbiome Journal journal 24522317 1,111 Q2 8 17 42 912 133 41 3,74 53,65 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 2016-2020 Infectious Diseases (Q2); Microbiology (medical) (Q2)
714 22266 Human Molecular Genetics journal 14602083, 09646906 2,89 Q1 269 357 1278 17037 6370 1230 5,12 47,72 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1992-2020 Genetics (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Molecular Biology (Q1)
14136 4800156304 Human Movement journal 17323991, 18991955 0,308 Q3 15 31 139 1107 117 138 0,83 35,71 Poland Eastern Europe University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw 2006-2020 Biophysics (Q3); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q3); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q3)
6043 14018 Human Movement Science journal 01679457, 18727646 0,787 Q2 86 183 456 8205 1020 452 2,22 44,84 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1982-2020 Biophysics (Q2); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q2); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q2); Sports Science (Q2)
958 22267 Human Mutation journal 10981004, 10597794 2,41 Q1 155 212 560 9612 2481 511 4,17 45,34 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1992-2020 Genetics (Q1); Genetics (clinical) (Q1)  
5609 27067 Human Nature journal 19364776, 10456767 0,836 Q1 63 23 84 1866 186 77 2,33 81,13 United States Northern America Springer New York 1990-2020 Anthropology (Q1); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
12558 36664 Human Organization journal 19383525, 19383517 0,365 Q2 51 29 97 1768 90 97 0,83 60,97 United States Northern America Society for Applied Anthropology 1975-1989, 1993-2019 Anthropology (Q2); Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q2); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2)
3283 14024 Human Pathology journal 15328392, 00468177 1,193 Q1 135 246 992 7257 2569 884 2,72 29,5 United Kingdom Western Europe W.B. Saunders Ltd 1970-2020 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q1)  
23720 21100369847 Human Pathology: Case Reports journal 22143300 0,128 Q4 4 80 215 1300 49 214 0,22 16,25 United States Northern America Elsevier Inc. 2014-2020 Pathology and Forensic Medicine (Q4)  
7141 14788 Human Performance journal 08959285, 15327043 0,684 Q2 69 13 56 1063 100 54 1,55 81,77 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1988-2020 Applied Psychology (Q2); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q2)
19676 14025 Human Physiology journal 16083164, 03621197 0,181 Q4 14 88 362 2895 152 361 0,39 32,9 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Pleiades Publishing 1975-1986, 1996, 1999, 2005-2020 Physiology (Q4); Physiology (medical) (Q4)
6817 16102 Human Psychopharmacology journal 10991077, 08856222 0,714 Q2 75 29 157 1277 331 145 2,24 44,03 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1986-2020 Neurology (clinical) (Q2); Pharmacology (medical) (Q2); Psychiatry and Mental Health (Q2); Neurology (Q3)
888 27069 Human Relations journal 00187267, 1741282X 2,519 Q1 124 133 214 10607 1264 206 5,42 79,75 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Ltd 1947-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q1)
908 27505 Human Reproduction journal 14602350, 02681161 2,491 Q1 218 297 966 8003 5085 820 5,76 26,95 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1986-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q1); Rehabilitation (Q1); Reproductive Medicine (Q1)
325 15623 Human Reproduction Update journal 14602369, 13554786 4,478 Q1 169 49 141 5752 1709 124 12,75 117,39 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 1995-2020 Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q1); Reproductive Medicine (Q1)
10465 21100788918 Human Resource Development International journal 13678868, 14698374 0,464 Q2 45 39 87 2433 142 72 1,76 62,38 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1998-2020 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q2)
5390 4700152289 Human Resource Development Quarterly journal 15321096, 10448004 0,861 Q1 61 30 64 2262 214 50 4,94 75,4 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1990-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q1)
4500 7100153132 Human Resource Development Review journal 15526712 0,973 Q1 45 20 59 2013 247 55 3,24 100,65 United States Northern America SAGE Publications Inc. 2002-2020 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q1)
1894 24718 Human Resource Management journal 00904848, 1099050X 1,64 Q1 87 53 199 5404 829 197 3,92 101,96 United States Northern America Wiley-Liss Inc. 1961-2020 Applied Psychology (Q1); Management of Technology and Innovation (Q1); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q1); Strategy and Management (Q1)
24190 144743 Human Resource Management International Digest journal 9670734 0,125 Q4 11 110 289 115 69 273 0,28 1,05 United Kingdom Western Europe Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2002-2020 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q4)
992 3600148105 Human Resource Management Journal journal 9545395 2,357 Q1 72 47 110 3263 712 108 6,03 69,43 United States Northern America Wiley-Blackwell 1990-2020 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q1)
1017 24719 Human Resource Management Review journal 10534822 2,322 Q1 86 67 111 7885 727 96 6,75 117,69 United Kingdom Western Europe Elsevier Ltd. 1991-2020 Applied Psychology (Q1); Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Q1)
3212 14026 Human Resources for Health journal 14784491 1,208 Q1 56 105 234 4312 738 226 3,22 41,07 United Kingdom Western Europe BioMed Central Ltd. 2003-2020 Public Administration (Q1); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q1)
30396 21100943308 Human Rights journal 24236489, 25386360 - 0 12 0 324 0 0 0 27 Iran Middle East Mofid University - Center for Human Rights Studies 2019 Law; Political Science and International Relations; Sociology and Political Science
9066 130127 Human Rights Law Review journal 14617781, 17441021 0,546 Q1 31 22 81 547 68 77 0,67 24,86 United Kingdom Western Europe Oxford University Press 2005-2019 Law (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
8965 24762 Human Rights Quarterly journal 1085794X, 02750392 0,553 Q2 63 42 103 696 88 101 0,89 16,57 United States Northern America Johns Hopkins University Press 1981, 1990, 1992, 1994-2020 Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
10158 5700166959 Human Rights Review journal 15248879 0,48 Q1 18 19 59 1414 55 58 0,79 74,42 Netherlands Western Europe Transaction Periodicals Consortium 2000-2020 Law (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
9028 21100320408 Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership and Governance journal 2330314X, 23303131 0,549 Q2 12 33 126 1487 163 100 1,63 45,06 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 2014-2020 Health (social science) (Q2); Public Administration (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Strategy and Management (Q2)
14573 21100899284 Human Sport Medicine journal 25000209, 25000195 0,295 Q3 4 88 170 1470 49 170 0,34 16,7 Russian Federation Eastern Europe South Ural State University - Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service 2016-2019 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q3); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q3)
14871 24187 Human Studies journal 1572851X, 01638548 0,286 Q1 26 47 100 2027 77 88 0,88 43,13 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1978-1980, 1982-2020 Philosophy (Q1); Sociology and Political Science (Q2)
18681 19369 Human Systems Management journal 1672533 0,197 Q3 27 43 85 2118 80 85 1,1 49,26 Netherlands Western Europe IOS Press 1980-2019 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) (Q3)
16941 21100826927 Human Technology journal 17956889 0,232 Q3 5 12 40 620 53 34 0,71 51,67 Finland Western Europe Open Science Center, University of Jyvaskyla 2016-2019 Communication (Q3); Human-Computer Interaction (Q3); Social Psychology (Q3)
3793 21100200427 Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics journal 21645515, 2164554X 1,088 Q1 50 488 1291 19637 3333 1001 3,06 40,24 United States Northern America Landes Bioscience 2012-2020 Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Pharmacology (Q1); Immunology (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q2)
20848 21100793714 Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2016, HVEI 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,163 - 4 0 52 0 27 50 0 0 United States Northern America   Artificial Intelligence; Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Signal Processing
27805 21100902550 Humana Mente journal 19721293 0,103 Q3 0 28 8 1403 0 8 0 50,11 Italy Western Europe Edizioni ETS 2018-2019 Language and Linguistics (Q3); Education (Q4); History and Philosophy of Science (Q4); Linguistics and Language (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)
19384 21100407161 Human-Animal Studies book series 15734226 0,186 Q3 9 0 30 0 3 2 1,5 0 Netherlands Western Europe Brill Academic Publishers 2007-2013, 2017 Anthropology (Q3); Animal Science and Zoology (Q4); Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q4)
7410 21100358314 Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences journal 21921962 0,661 Q1 29 43 104 1782 565 104 5,61 41,44 United States Northern America Springer Science + Business Media 2011-2020 Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q1)  
8128 25019 Human-Computer Interaction journal 15327051, 07370024 0,609 Q2 67 20 58 1801 183 42 4,86 90,05 United States Northern America Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1985-1987, 1989-2020 Applied Psychology (Q2); Human-Computer Interaction (Q2)
12112 21100805350 HUMANIZE 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Workshop on Theory-Informed User Modeling for Tailoring and Personalizing Interfaces, co-located with IUI 2017 conference and proceedings - 0,384 - 3 0 8 0 11 6 1,83 0 United States Northern America   Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Electrical and Electronic Engineering
13641 19700188266 Humanistic Psychologist journal 15473333, 08873267 0,324 Q3 23 43 77 777 48 62 0,68 18,07 United States Northern America Routledge 1985-2020 Applied Psychology (Q3); Social Psychology (Q3)
28124 16000154751 Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin studies book series 7742908 0,102 Q3 4 13 15 456 3 14 0,21 35,08 Belgium Western Europe Leuven University Press 2002-2003, 2005-2011, 2018-2019 Classics (Q3); Literature and Literary Theory (Q3)
28125 21100899003 Humanitas journal 08711569, 21831718 0,102 Q3 0 14 12 407 0 12 0 29,07 Spain Western Europe Universidade de Coimbra - Faculdade de Letras 2018-2019 Classics (Q3); History (Q3); Religious Studies (Q3); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q4); Philosophy (Q4)
30394 21100925894 Humanities and Social Sciences Letters journal 23125659, 23124318 - 1 21 0 855 0 0 0 40,71 United States Northern America Conscientia Beam 2019 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous); Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous); Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
7383 21100886224 Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews journal 23956518 0,663 Q1 6 759 36 22364 124 36 3,44 29,47 India Asiatic Region Gyandhara International Academic Publications 2018-2020 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1)
27295 21100218392 Humanities Diliman journal 16551532, 20120788 0,105 Q3 2 0 41 0 5 36 0,16 0 Philippines  Asiatic Region University of the Philippines 2012-2018 Cultural Studies (Q3); Literature and Literary Theory (Q3); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q3)
30395 21100927374 Humanity journal 21514372, 21514364 - 1 13 0 11 0 0 0 0,85 United States Northern America University of Pennsylvania Press 2019 Law; Sociology and Political Science  
27296 37857 Humans and Nature journal 9181725 0,105 Q4 5 11 27 43 2 24 0,13 3,91 Japan Asiatic Region Museum of Nature and Human Activities 1993-2003, 2005-2010, 2013-2019 Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)
10914 21100201995 Human-Wildlife Interactions journal 21553858, 21553874 0,442 Q2 13 47 99 1815 81 78 1,08 38,62 United States Northern America Jack H. Berryman Institute 2011-2019 Ecology (Q2); Nature and Landscape Conservation (Q2)
18854 27074 Humboldt Journal of Social Relations journal 1604341 0,194 Q3 10 0 34 0 23 31 0,73 0 United States Northern America Humboldt State University 1980, 1989, 1999, 2005-2006, 2009-2010, 2012-2017 Sociology and Political Science (Q3)  
28126 5800197657 Hume Studies journal 3197336 0,102 Q4 18 0 14 0 1 13 0 0 United States Northern America Philosophy Documentation Center 1996-1998, 2000-2017 Philosophy (Q4)      
15006 14980 Humor journal 16133722, 09331719 0,282 Q2 40 41 87 1532 57 72 0,77 37,37 Germany Western Europe De Gruyter Mouton 1988-2020 Language and Linguistics (Q2); Linguistics and Language (Q2); Sociology and Political Science (Q2); Psychology (miscellaneous) (Q3)
13864 22386 Hunan Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences journal 16742974, 10002472 0,317 Q2 15 209 794 4036 392 794 0,49 19,31 China Asiatic Region Hunan Daxue/Hunan University 1992-1993, 1996, 2001-2020 Multidisciplinary (Q2)    
11731 21100305226 Hungarian Geographical Bulletin journal 20645147, 20645031 0,401 Q2 11 22 76 1300 101 74 1,49 59,09 Hungary Eastern Europe Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute 2009-2019 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Geography, Planning and Development (Q2)
23721 21100824428 Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies journal 24985473 0,128 Q3 2 0 93 0 21 87 0,33 0 Hungary Eastern Europe Akademiai Kiado 2016-2018 Law (Q3)        
28764 6000161723 Hungarian Studies journal 02366568, 15882772 0,101 Q4 4 12 63 291 4 63 0,02 24,25 Hungary Eastern Europe Akademiai Kiado 2007-2019 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q4); Social Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q4)
13276 21100903864 Hunter Gatherer Research journal 20563264 0,336 Q1 3 36 14 1845 16 13 1,23 51,25 United Kingdom Western Europe Liverpool University Press 2018-2019 Archeology (Q1); Archeology (arts and humanities) (Q1); Anthropology (Q2); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q3)
23134 14459 Huntington Library Quarterly journal 1544399X, 00187895 0,134 Q1 17 20 89 730 19 88 0,12 36,5 United States Northern America University of Pennsylvania Press 1964, 1968-1969, 1971-1977, 1979, 1985, 1996-2019 Literature and Literary Theory (Q1); History (Q2); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Q2)
13982 12889 Huozhayao Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Explosives and Propellants journal 10077812 0,313 Q3 19 108 346 2051 165 346 0,42 18,99 China Asiatic Region China Ordnance Industry Corporation 2001-2005, 2008-2019 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q3); Fuel Technology (Q3)
14872 21100854134 Hupo Kexue/Journal of Lake Sciences journal 10035427 0,286 Q3 9 158 477 6818 509 476 1,09 43,15 China Asiatic Region Science Press 2016-2020 Aquatic Science (Q3); Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Pollution (Q3); Water Science and Technology (Q3)
9799 4900152613 Husserl Studies journal 1679848 0,5 Q1 11 16 34 526 34 34 1,35 32,88 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1984-2002, 2006-2019 Philosophy (Q1)      
28765 21100804430 Hydraulic Engineering IV - Proceedings of the 4th International Technical Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, CHE 2016 conference and proceedings - 0,101 - 1 0 40 0 1 38 0 0 United States Northern America   Computer Networks and Communications; Information Systems; Signal Processing
27549 32044 Hydraulic Pneumatic Mechanical Power journal 3064069 0,104 Q4 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Trade and Technical Press Ltd 1975-1985, 1988-1989 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
25863 31480 Hydraulic Pneumatic Power journal 188131 0,113 Q4 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 United Kingdom Western Europe Trade and Technical Press Ltd 1969-1974 Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q4)  
28127 18495 Hydraulics and Pneumatics journal 0018814X 0,102 Q4 4 0 14 0 0 14 0 0 United States Northern America Penton Publishing Co. 1969-2000, 2005-2006, 2013 Mechanical Engineering (Q4)    
25864 33634 Hydro Delft journal 1662112 0,113 Q3 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 Netherlands Western Europe Delft Hydraulics Laboratory 1973-1989, 1993, 1995-1996, 1998-2007 Ocean Engineering (Q3); Water Science and Technology (Q4)
27086 29463 Hydro International trade journal 13854569 0,106 Q4 7 26 108 24 6 108 0,06 0,92 Netherlands Western Europe GITC B.V. 1997-2019 Oceanography (Q4)      
4828 15168 Hydrobiologia journal 15735117, 00188158 0,928 Q1 134 401 1302 27065 3197 1267 2,52 67,49 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1948-2020 Aquatic Science (Q1)    
18552 15169 Hydrobiological Journal journal 03758990, 00188166 0,199 Q3 9 60 179 1565 54 179 0,26 26,08 United States Northern America Begell House Inc. 1974-1976, 1978-1983, 1987-2020 Water Science and Technology (Q3); Aquatic Science (Q4); Ecology (Q4)
25671 110018 Hydrocarbon Processing trade journal 188190 0,114 Q4 28 0 247 0 5 77 0,1 0 United States Northern America Gulf Publishing Company 1970-1994, 1996-2018 Energy Engineering and Power Technology (Q4); Fuel Technology (Q4); Process Chemistry and Technology (Q4)
15815 21100332447 Hydroecologie Appliquee journal 1958556X, 11479213 0,26 Q3 7 0 23 0 21 22 0,29 0 France Western Europe EDP Sciences 2010, 2014, 2016-2018 Aquatic Science (Q3); Ecology (Q3); Water Science and Technology (Q3); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q4)
5373 29466 Hydrogeology Journal journal 14312174, 14350157 0,863 Q1 92 202 523 11433 1347 494 2,71 56,6 Germany Western Europe Springer Heidelberg 1992, 1994-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1)
2422 29467 Hydrological Processes journal 10991085, 08856087 1,429 Q1 151 243 1011 14032 3585 978 3,47 57,74 United Kingdom Western Europe John Wiley and Sons Ltd 1986-2020 Water Science and Technology (Q1)  
9969 21100827843 Hydrological Research Letters journal 18823416 0,49 Q2 7 10 56 282 70 56 0,85 28,2 Japan Asiatic Region Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources 2015-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2)
4888 29470 Hydrological Sciences Journal journal 2626667 0,92 Q1 90 157 550 8914 1407 528 2,43 56,78 United Kingdom Western Europe Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1982-2020 Water Science and Technology (Q1)  
19110 16980 Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung journal 14391783, 00120235 0,19 Q3 13 0 53 0 15 44 0,43 0 Germany Western Europe Bundesanstalt fur Gewasserkunde 1999-2018 Water Science and Technology (Q3)  
7341 21100860118 Hydrology journal 23065338 0,666 Q2 12 82 174 4087 366 169 2,06 49,84 Switzerland Western Europe MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 2014-2020 Earth-Surface Processes (Q2); Oceanography (Q2); Waste Management and Disposal (Q2); Water Science and Technology (Q2)
1215 29472 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences journal 10275606, 16077938 2,092 Q1 123 278 1026 19486 5175 1026 5,02 70,09 Germany Western Europe European Geosciences Union 1997-2020 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Water Science and Technology (Q1)
18018 6100153109 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions journal 18122116, 18122108 0,209 Q3 6 0 28 0 11 28 0 0 Germany Western Europe Copernicus GmbH 2014-2016 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Earth-Surface Processes (Q3)
4332 12133 Hydrometallurgy journal 0304386X 1,002 Q1 105 234 737 9155 3082 734 3,71 39,12 Netherlands Western Europe Elsevier 1975-2020 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (Q1); Materials Chemistry (Q1); Metals and Alloys (Q1)
28766 12600154782 Hygiea Internationalis journal 14044013, 14038668 0,101 Q4 5 0 21 0 1 17 0 0 Sweden Western Europe Linkoping University Electronic Press 2007-2011, 2015-2016 Health Policy (Q4); Health (social science) (Q4); History and Philosophy of Science (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
28767 28739 Hygiena journal 18031056, 18026281 0,101 Q4 7 0 37 0 2 28 0 0 Czech Republic Eastern Europe Czech Medical Association J.E. Purkyne 1996-2003, 2006-2016 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
21785 65029 Hygiene + Medizin journal 1723790 0,15 Q4 12 59 246 491 14 161 0,09 8,32 Germany Western Europe mhp-Verlag GmbH 1980-2019 Infectious Diseases (Q4); Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health (Q4)
23518 145688 Hyle journal 14335158 0,13 Q3 17 3 20 136 4 16 0,38 45,33 Germany Western Europe Hyle Publications 1997-2002, 2004-2019 Philosophy (Q3); Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)
10543 23699 Hypatia journal 08875367, 15272001 0,461 Q1 26 46 163 1634 128 159 0,86 35,52 United States Northern America Cambridge University Press 1986-1999, 2001-2002, 2004, 2006, 2011-2019 Philosophy (Q1); Gender Studies (Q2)  
29695 21100285033 Hyperboreus journal 21562253, 09492615 0,1 Q4 3 0 57 0 2 56 0,03 0 Russian Federation Eastern Europe Bibliotheca classica Petropolitana 2010, 2012-2018 Classics (Q4); History (Q4)    
16262 28005 Hyperfine Interactions journal 15729540, 03043843 0,248 Q3 45 132 323 2774 237 321 0,77 21,02 Netherlands Western Europe Springer Netherlands 1975-2020 Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Q3); Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics (Q4); Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q4)
707 23741 Hypertension journal 0194911X, 15244563 2,904 Q1 258 403 1177 13884 6540 919 7,07 34,45 United States Northern America Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd. 1979-2020 Internal Medicine (Q1)    
7704 23751 Hypertension in Pregnancy journal 10641955, 15256065 0,64 Q2 45 36 138 1358 243 136 1,8 37,72 United States Northern America Informa Healthcare 1982-2020 Internal Medicine (Q2); Obstetrics and Gynecology (Q2)
5178 23752 Hypertension Research journal 13484214, 09169636 0,885 Q2 84 221 463 9713 1047 356 3 43,95 United Kingdom Western Europe Nature Publishing Group 1992-2020 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (Q2); Internal Medicine (Q2); Physiology (Q2)
28768 21100860059 Hypnos journal 14139138, 21775346 0,101 Q3 1 0 26 0 0 26 0 0 Brazil Latin America Paulus Editora 2017-2018 Classics (Q3); Philosophy (Q4)    
6179 14300154709 Hystrix journal 18255272, 03941914 0,773 Q1 21 25 105 1932 159 95 1,59 77,28 Italy Western Europe Associazione Teriologica Italiana onlus 2008-2019 Animal Science and Zoology (Q1); Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics (Q2)
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