
Dentistry: Journals, Organisations, Conferences

Dentistry: Journals, Organisations, Conferences
Bu haber 2016-07-15 08:28:19 eklenmiş ve 4858 kez görüntülenmiştir.

Dentistry: Journals, Organisations, Conferences


Acta odontologica colombiana RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Acta odontologica latinoamericana e-journal
Acta odontologica Naissi e-journal

Acta odontologica scandinavica RSS Feed Icon



Acta odontológica venezolana


Acta stomatologica croatica RSS


Advances in dental research RSS


AGD impact : The newsmagazine of the Academy of General Dentistry


Alpha Omegan 


Alumni today -- SEE U of T Dentistry Magazine 


American College of Dentists. Journal


American Dental Association. Journal (JADA)


American Dental Association. News



American Dental Student Association. News e-journal

American journal of dentistry


American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics
(formerly American journal of orthodontics) RSS Feed Icon


American Student Dental Association. News



Anatomical record RSS Feed Icon



Anesthesia and analgesia RSS Feed Icon


Anesthesia progress


Anesthesiology RSS Feed Icon


Anesthesiology research and practice


Angle orthodontist RSS


Annali do stomatologia e-journal
Annals and essences of dentistry  e-journal
Annals of dentistry  e-journal

Annals of periodontology RSS


Archives of oral biology RSS


Archives of oral research e-journal
Archives of orofacial sciences e-journal
Atlas of the oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics of North America RSS             e-journal

Australian dental journal RSS


Australian endodontic journal RSS



Australian orthodontic journal


Avances en odontoestomatologia RSS



Biological therapies in dentistry RSS e-journal
BMC Oral Health RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Brazilian dental journal RSS Feed Icon e-journal

Brazilian dental science 


Brazilian journal of oral science


Brazilian oral research (Revista de odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo) RSS Feed Icon


Brazilian research in pediatric dentistry and integrated clinic 


British dental journal RSS Feed Icon


British journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery RSS Feed Icon 


British journal of oral surgery RSS


Bulletin of dental education RSS


Bulletin of Tokyo Medical and Dental University



California Dental Association. Journal RSS print
Canadian Dental Association. Essentials print
Canadian Dental Association. Express Newsletter. e-journal
Canadian Dental Association. Journal RSS e-journal
Canadian journal of anaesthesia RSS print
Canadian journal of dental hygieneRSS print
Canadian journal of public health RSS print
Canadian journal of restorative dentistry and prosthodontics e-journal
Caries research RSS e-journal
CDS review -- SEE Review / Chicago Dental Society  
CES odontologia e-journal
Chicago Dental Society -- SEE Review / Chicago Dental Society  
Cleft palate-craniofacial journal (formerly Cleft palate journal) print
Clinical advances in periodontics e-journal
Clinical cosmetic and investigational dentistry e-journal
Clinical implant dentistry and related research RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Clinical oral implants researchRSS Feed Icon print
Clinical oral investigations RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Clinical Research Associates -- SEE Newsletter / Clinical Research Associates  
Colgate oral health report e-journal
College connection : The newsletter of the College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan print
College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario -- SEE Milestones  
Community dental health print
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology RSS Feed Icon print
Compendium of continuing education in dentistry print
Contemporary clinical dentistry  e-journal
Contemporary dental assisting - SEE Inside Dental Assisting   

Cranio : the journal of craniomandibular practice
(formerly Journal of cranio-mandibular practice)



Critical reviews in oral biology and medicine (Changed to Journal of Dental Research) e-journal
Current contents : Life sciences (Search Web of Science on ISI Web of knowledge) print


Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende e-journal
Dental abstracts RSS Feed Icon print
Dental advisor print
Dental and medical problems e-journal
Dental anthropology newsletter print
Dental assistant 



Dental cadmos e-journal
Dental clinics of North America RSS Feed Icon print
Dental cosmos print
Dental economics RSS Feed Icon print
Dental health print
Dental hypothesis e-journal
Dental implantology update RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Dental lab products RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Dental materials RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Dental materials journal RSS Feed Icon print
Dental medicine research e-journal
Dental practice management print
Dental products report print
Dental research journal e-journal
Dental traumatology (formerly Endodontics and dental traumatology) RSS Feed Icon                          print
Dental update print
Dental world print
Dentarena (Displays in French, German, and Italian) e-journal
Dentistry in Japan print
Dentistry today print
Dentomaxillofacial radiology print
Der junge Zahnarzt e-journal
Der MKG-Chirurg e-journal
Deutsche zahnärztliche zeitschrift print
Dispatch : offical publication of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario print


EMC - Dentisterie e-journal
EMC - Odontologie e-journal
EMC - Stomatologie e-journal
Endondontics and dental traumatology e-journal
Endodontic topics RSS Feed Icon e-journal
European archives of pediatric dentistry RSS icon e-journal
European journal of dental education RSS icon e-journal
European journal of dentistry  e-journal
European journal of oral implantology e-journal
European journal of oral sciences (formerly Scandinavian journal of dental research) RSS Feed Icon print
European journal of orthodontics RSS Feed Icon print
European journal of paediatric dentistry e-journal
European journal of prosthodontics and restorative dentistry print
Evidence-based dentistry RSS e-journal


Fortnightly review of the Chicago Dental Society -- SEE Review / Chicago Dental Society  
Fortschritteder kieferorthopädie -- SEE Journal of orofacial orthopedics  


General dentistry                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         print
e-journal (Please ask library staff for online access)
Gerodontology RSS Feed Icon                                                                                                                                 e-journal


Hellenic orthodontic review                                                                                                                   e-journal


Imaging science in dentistry  e-journal
Implant dentistry RSS Feed icon e-journal
Implantodontie RSS Feed icon e-journal
Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology  e-journal
Indian journal of dental advancements e-journal
Indian journal of dental research RSS Feed icon e-journal
Indian journal of dental sciences e-journal
Indian journal of dentistry RSS Feed icon e-journal
Indian journal of multidisciplinary dentistry  e-journal
Indian journal of stomatology e-journal
Indian society of pedodontics and preventive dentistry. Journal RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Indian society of periodontology. Journal e-journal
Indiana University School of Dentistry. Alumni bulletin print
Inside dentistry.  e-journal
International dental journal RSS Feed Icon e-journal 
International endodontic journal RSS Feed Icon print
International journal of adult orthodontic and orthognatic surgery print
International journal of clinical dental science e-journal
International journal of clinical pediatric dentistry e-journal
International journal of computerized dentistry e-journal
International journal of dental clinics e-journal
International journal of dental hygiene RSS e-journal
International journal of medical dentistry e-journal
International journal of oral-medical sciences RSS Feed Icon e-journal
International journal of oral and maxillofacial implants print
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery
(formerly International journal of oral surgery)RSS Feed Icon
International journal of oral biology print
International journal of oral science e-journal
International journal of orofacial myology print
International journal of orthodontics
(formerly Journal of general orthodontics)
International journal of orthodontia and dentistry for children RSS Feed Icon
(formerly International journal of orthodontia, oral surgery and radiography)
International journal of paediatric dentistry RSS Feed Icon
(formerly Journal of paediatric dentistry; formerly International Association of Dentistry for Children. Journal)
International journal of periodontics and restorative dentistry print
International journal of prosthodontics print
International journal of stomatology and occlusal medicine e-journal
International poster journal of dentistry and oral medicine e-journal
International society of preventive and community dentistry e-journal
Internet journal of dental science e-journal
Italian oral surgery e-journal
Irish Dental Association. Journal




Japanese dental science reviewRSS e-journal
Japanese journal of pediatric dentistry (formerly Japanese journal of pedodontics)



Journal dentaire belge -- SEE Revue belge de médecine dentaire  
Journal dentaire du Quebec print
Journal of advanced prosthodontics e-journal
Journal of applied oral science RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry e-journal
Journal of clinical dentistry print
Journal of clinical orthodontics print
Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry RSS print
Journal of clinical periodontology RSS Feed Icon print
Journal of conservative dentistry RSS e-journal
Journal of contemporary dental practice e-journal
Journal of craniofacial genetics and developmental biology -- SEE Orthodontics and craniofacial research  
Journal of craniofacial surgery RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Journal of cranio-mandibular practice -- SEE Cranio : The journal of craniomandibular practice  
Journal of cranio-maxillofacial surgery (formerly Journal of maxillofacial surgery) RSS Feed Icon print
Journal of dental biomechanics e-journal
Journal of dental education print
Journal of dental hygiene : JDH (formerly Dental hygiene) print
Journal of dental research RSS print
Journal of dental research, dental clinics, dental prospects e-journal
Journal of dental sciences RSS e-journal
Journal of dentistry RSS icon e-journal
Journal of Dentistry, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences e-journal
Journal of dentistry for children RSS print
Journal of endodontics RSS Feed Icon



Journal of esthetic and restorative dentistry (formerly Journal of esthetic dentistry) RSS icon print
Journal of evidence-based dental practice RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Journal of forensic dental sciences e-journal
Journal of forensic odonto-stomatology print
Journal of general orthodontics-- SEE International journal of orthodontics  
Journal of Indian prosthodontic society e-journal
Journal of international dental and medical research  e-journal
Journal of international oral health  e-journal
Journal of Isfahan dental school e-journal
Journal of medical and dental sciences (formerly the Bulletin of Tokyo Medical and Dental University)



Journal of medical microbiology RSS e-journal
Journal of maxillofacial surgery RSS e-journal
Journal of oral and facial pain and headache (formerly Journal of orofacial pain) e-journal
Journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology RSS e-journal
Journal of oral and maxillofacial research  e-journal
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery RSS Feed Icon print
Journal of oral biology and craniofacial research  e-journal
Journal of oral biosciences RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Journal of oral and facial pain and headache (formerly Journal of orofacial pain) e-journal
Journal of oral health research  e-journal
Journal of oral implantology RSS Feed Icon print
Journal of oral pathology & medicine (formerly Journal of oral pathology) RSS Feed Icon print
Journal of oral rehabilitation RSS Feed Icon print
Journal of oral science (formerly Nihon University journal of oral science) RSS Feed Icon  print
Journal of orofacial orthopedics RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Journal of orofacial pain (formerly Journal of craniomandibular disorders : Facial & oral pain) print
Journal of orthodontics (formerly British journal of orthodontics) RSS Feed Icon print
Journal of Pierre Fouchard Academy e-journal
Journal of periodontal research RSS Feed Icon print
Journal of periodontology RSS Feed Icon print
Journal of periodontology and implant dentistry e-journal
Journal of prosthetic dentistry RSS Feed Icon print
Journal of prosthodontic research RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Journal of prosthodontics : Implant, esthetic, and reconstructive dentistry RSS Feed Icon e-journal
Journal of public health dentistry RSS print
Journal of the American College of Dentists -- SEE American College of Dentists. Journal  
Journal of the American Dental Association SEE American Dental Association. Journal  
Journal of the American Student Dental Association -- SEE Mouth, journal of the American Student Dental Association  
Journal of the California Dental Association -- SEE California Dental Association. Journal  
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association -- SEE Canadian Dental Association. Journal  
Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa -- SEE Journal of the South African Dental Association  
Journal of the history of dentistry (formerly Bulletin of the history of dentistry) print
Journal of the Irish Dental Association -- SEE Irish Dental Association. Journal  
Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society -- SEE Massachusetts Dental Society. Journal  
Journal of the New Jersey Dental Association -- SEE New Jersey Dental Association. Journal  
Journal of the South African Dental Association (formerly Dental Association of South Africa.Journal) print
Journal of the Tennessee Dental Association -- SEE Tennessee Dental Association. Journal  


Kanagawa Dental College. Bulletin                                                                                                          print
King Saud University journal of dental sciences                                                                                             e-journal
Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Journal e-journal
Kyushu Dental Society. Journal RSS print
Massachusetts Dental Society. Journal print
Medical letter on drugs and therapeutics print
Milestones  print
Molecular oral microbiology (formerly Oral microbiology and immunology) RSS Feed icon               print
Mouth (Journal of the American Student Dental Association) e-journal



New Jersey Dental Association. Journal print
New York Academy of Dentistry. Annals e-journal
New York State Dental Association news e-journal
New York State dental journal print
New Zealand dental journal print
Newsletter / Clinical Research Associates print
Nihon University journal of oral science -- SEE Journal of oral science                      print
Northwest dentistry print
Norwegian dental journal  e-journal



Odonto. Revista e-journal
Odonto-stomatologie tropicale = Tropical dental journal print
Odontology RSS Feed icon e-journal
Odontostomatology research anatomy learning (ORAL) and implantology e-journal
Ontario dentist (formerly Ontario Dental Association. Journal) print
Open dentistry journal e-journal
Operative dentistry RSS Feed icon  e-journal
Oral and maxillofacial surgery  e-journal
Oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics of North America RSS Feed icon  print
Oral diseases RSS Feed icon  e-journal
Oral health print
Oral health and preventive dentistry print
Oral microbiology and immunology -- SEE Molecular Oral Microbiology                           print
Oral oncology RSS Feed icon  e-journal
Oral oncology extra  e-journal
Oral radiology RSS Feed icon  e-journal
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology and endodontics

--- SEE Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology  
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology RSS Feed icon  e-journal
Orthodontic products   e-journal
Orthodontic waves RSS Feed icon  e-journal
Orthodontics and craniofacial research  RSS Feed icon  print
Osaka Shika Daigaku. Journal print



Pakistan oral and dental journal e-journal
Pediatric dental journal : International journal of Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry RSS Feed icon print
Pediatric dentistry print
Penn dental journal print
Periodontal abstracts print
Periodontal clinical investigations (formerly Periodontal case reports) print 
Periodontal insights e-journal
Periodontology print
Periodontology 2000 RSS Feed icon print
Practical procedures and aesthetic dentistry print
Primary dental journal e-journal
Probe (formerly Canadian dental hygienist) print
Progress in orthodontics RSS Feed icon e-journal



QDT yearbook (formerly Quintessence of dental technology)  print
Quintessence international (formerly Anesthesia and pain control in dentistry)                         print



RCOE (Revista de Colegios de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de España)  e-journal
RDH RSS Feed icon print
Reality print
Review / Chicago Dental Society RSS Feed icon print
Revista cientifica odontologica e-journal
Revista Cubana de estomatologia RSS Feed icon e-journal
Revista de clinica e pesquisa odontológica e-journal
Revista de la Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia e-journal
Revista de odontologia da UNESP e-journal
Revista española de cirugía oral y maxilofacial RSS Feed icon e-journal
Revista Guancha de odontologica  e-journal
Revista Odonto Ciência (Journal of dental science) RSS Feed icon e-journal
Revista Odontologica Mexicana e-journal
Revista Saúde.Com e-journal
Revue belge de médecine dentaire (formerly Revue belge de science dentaire; formerly Journal dentaire belge) print
Revue d'odonto-stomatologie print
Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario -- SEE Dispatch  



SAAD digest print
SAAD newsletter e-journal
SADJ -- SEE Journal of the South African Dental Association  
Saudi dental journal RSS Feed icon e-journal
Scientific American RSS Feed icon print
Schweizerische Monatsschrift fur Zahnmedizin = Revue mensuelle suisse d'odonto-stomatologie = Rivista mensile svizzera di odontologia e stomatologia (Swiss Dental Journal SSO) French, German, Italian translations print

Seminars in orthodontics RSS Feed icon print
Serbian dental journal  e-journal
Singapore dental journal e-journal
Smile dental journal  e-journal
Special care in dentistry RSS Feed icon print
Stomatos e-journal
Suomen Hammaslaakariseuran toimituksia (Proceedings of the Finnish Dental Society) print 
Swedish dental journal print 



Tandlaegebladet e-journal
Tennessee Dental Association. Journal                                                                                                     print
Texas dental journal print
TMJ update             print 
Tokyo Dental College. Bulletin  print
Tsurumi University dental journal print



U of T Dentistry Magazine (formerly Alumni today)                                                                                        print



World journal of dentistry                                                                                                                        print



Xi Psi Phi Fraternity quarterly                                                                                                                     print



Yearbook of dentistry                                                                                                                            print
List of Dentistry Conferences
11th Asia Pacific Congress on Dental and Oral Health July 25-27, 2016 Bangkok, Thailand
12th World Congress on Dentistry and Oral Health August 4-5, 2016 Manchester, UK
13th International Conference and Exhibition on Dental Medicine August 08-10, 2016 Toronto, Canada
14th International Conference on Dental Health September 14-16, 2016 Philadelphia, USA
International Conference on Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics October 20-21, 2016 Houston, USA
15th Euro Congress on Dental & Oral Health October 24-26, 2016 Rome, Italy
16th International Conference on Oral Health and Maxillofacial Surgery November 7-8, 2016 Alicante, Spain
17thWorld Congress on Oral Care and Dental Hygiene November 14-16, 2016 Orlando, USA
18th Asia-Pacific Dental and Oral Care Congress November 21-23, 2016 Melbourne, Australia
19th American Dental Congress December 08-10, 2016 Phoenix, USA
20th Global Dentists and Pediatric Dentistry Annual meeting March 13-15, 2017 Paris, France
21st International Conference on Dentistry and Dental Implants Mar 23-24, 2017 Philadelphia, USA
22nd Global Conference on Oral Biology April 20-21, 2017 Las Vegas, USA
23rd Annual Meeting on General Dentistry April 24-26, 2017 Frankfurt, Germany
24th International Conference and Exhibition on Dentistry & Oral Care May 11-13, 2017 Dubai, UAE
25th Dentists and Prosthodontics Annual Meeting June 1-2, 2017 Las Vegas, USA
26th Global experts meet on Oral Health and Therapy June 19-20, 2017 Dubai, UAE
27th World Dental Convention and Expo June 26-28, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand
28th Asia Pacific Congress & Expo on Dental and Oral Health July 17-19, 2017 Beijing, China
29th International Conference and Exhibition on Dental Medicine July 30-Aug 01, 2017 Chicago, USA
30th International Conference and Expo on Odontology August 14-16, 2017 Rome, Italy
31th Annual congress on Dental Research August 21-23, 2017 Melbourne, Australia
32nd World Congress on Dentistry and Oral Health September 3-5, 2017 London, UK
33rd International Conference on Dental Management September 17-19, 2017 Kualalumpur, Malaysia
34th Annual congress on Dental Surgeons September 18-19, 2017 Atlanta, USA
35th International Conference on Dental Health 2017 October 16-18, 2017 Toronto, Canada
36th Euro Congress and Expo on Dental & Oral Health Oct 30- Nov 1, 2017 Brussels, Belgium
2nd International Conference on Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics Nov 12- 14, 2017 San Antonio, USA
37th International Conference on Oral Health and Maxillofacial Surgery Nov 13-15, 2017 Frankfurt, Germany
38th World Oral care and Dental Hygienists Meeting September 18-19, 2017 Atlanta, USA
39th Asia-Pacific Dental and Oral Care Congress Nov 26-28, 2017 Melbourne, Australia
40thAmerican Dental Congress December 4-6, 2017 Atlanta, USA










































  Type SJR H index Total Docs. (2015) Total Docs. (3years) Total Refs. Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. (3years) Cites / Doc. (2years) Ref. / Doc.  
1 International Endodontic Journal journal 2.020 Q1 86 226 431 5094 1340 404 3.01 22.54 GB
2 Journal of Dental Research journal 1.714 Q1 133 264 611 8844 2704 575 4.49 33.50 US
3 Journal of Endodontics journal 1.681 Q1 103 333 1032 11441 3485 945 3.45 34.36 US
4 Molecular Oral Microbiology journal 1.517 Q1 61 57 107 2071 323 104 2.75 36.33 DE
5 Journal of Oral MicrobiologyOpen Access journal 1.423 Q1 14 22 34 1188 129 33 3.94 54.00 SE
6 Dental Materials journal 1.339 Q1 101 210 592 8370 2115 537 3.62 39.86 US
7 Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research journal 1.165 Q1 56 88 447 2799 1040 301 3.27 31.81 GB
8 Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology journal 1.111 Q1 74 83 251 2455 554 227 2.42 29.58 DK
9 Frontiers of oral biology journal 1.038 Q1 14 29 28 1223 71 24 0.00 42.17 CH
10 Journal of DentistryOpen Access journal 1.029 Q1 80 187 601 6627 1686 564 2.90 35.44 NL
11 Caries Research journal 1.014 Q1 73 86 213 2912 540 199 2.51 33.86 CH
12 International journal of oral scienceOpen Access journal 0.942 Q1 23 24 120 1017 385 120 2.81 42.38 CN
13 Dentomaxillofacial Radiology journal 0.897 Q1 54 105 330 2971 556 287 1.91 28.30 GB
14 Oral Diseases journal 0.828 Q1 67 146 366 6651 724 330 1.96 45.55 GB
15 Journal of Oral Rehabilitation journal 0.757 Q1 67 114 341 3949 672 324 1.93 34.64 GB
16 Clinical Oral Investigations journal 0.752 Q1 50 349 778 8070 1503 686 2.15 23.12 DE
17 Journal of Prosthodontic Research journal 0.738 Q1 17 64 139 1379 222 118 1.83 21.55 NL
18 International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry journal 0.721 Q1 43 84 186 1450 291 172 1.70 17.26 GB
19 Archives of Oral Biology journal 0.713 Q1 64 199 638 8383 1229 629 1.77 42.13 GB
20 European Journal of Oral Sciences journal 0.681 Q1 69 65 232 2403 405 219 1.64 36.97 DK
21 Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology journal 0.666 Q1 88 296 1130 7640 1542 986 1.39 25.81 US
22 Journal of the American Dental Association journal 0.661 Q1 85 209 750 3019 618 383 1.42 14.44 US
23 Gerodontology journal 0.643 Q1 38 69 373 1439 405 323 1.30 20.86 DK
24 Operative Dentistry journal 0.641 Q1 61 0 311 0 444 289 1.57 0.00 US
25 BMC Oral HealthOpen Access journal 0.616 Q1 28 180 289 4161 428 269 1.48 23.12 GB
26 Journal of Public Health Dentistry journal 0.603 Q1 48 57 166 1292 189 138 1.19 22.67 US
27 Journal of Orofacial Pain journal 0.599 Q1 55 0 77 0 166 69 2.68 0.00 US
28 Journal of Applied Oral ScienceOpen Access journal 0.591 Q1 24 86 297 2643 421 276 1.26 30.73 BR
29 Monographs in oral science journal 0.577 Q1 23 0 49 0 112 45 2.49 0.00 CH
30 Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice journal 0.563 Q1 15 55 297 668 196 77 1.24 12.15 US
31 International Journal of DentistryOpen Access journal 0.558 Q2 11 50 295 1533 432 277 1.42 30.66 US
32 Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal journal 0.542 Q2 34 110 426 3023 626 424 1.32 27.48 ES
33 Pesquisa odontologica brasileira = Brazilian oral research journal 0.540 Q2 26 41 279 84 301 261 0.97 2.05 BR
34 Journal of Conservative DentistryOpen Access journal 0.532 Q2 10 109 361 2523 393 326 1.19 23.15 IN
35 Journal of Dental BiomechanicsOpen Access journal 0.527 Q2 6 0 14 0 22 14 1.13 0.00 GB
36 European Journal of Dental Education journal 0.524 Q2 27 65 189 1093 176 173 0.81 16.82 GB
37 Australian Endodontic Journal journal 0.513 Q2 24 48 102 636 80 95 0.68 13.25 AU
38 International Dental Journal journal 0.512 Q2 47 49 179 1654 199 163 0.97 33.76 GB
39 Pain Management journal 0.512 Q2 5 14 43 0 44 30 1.47 0.00 GB
40 Dental Clinics of North America journal 0.496 Q2 47 60 155 2704 221 137 1.68 45.07 GB
41 European Journal of Dentistry journal 0.496 Q2 11 100 244 3110 284 242 1.12 31.10 TR
42 Odontology / the Society of the Nippon Dental University journal 0.493 Q2 19 34 157 466 173 139 1.14 13.71 JP
43 Journal of Adhesive Dentistry journal 0.486 Q2 51 48 223 0 262 209 1.09 0.00 US
44 Australian Dental Journal journal 0.482 Q2 46 88 332 3219 399 271 1.42 36.58 AU
45 Dental Materials Journal journal 0.474 Q2 38 101 409 3334 490 396 1.11 33.01 JP
46 Brazilian Dental JournalOpen Access journal 0.470 Q2 34 120 333 2862 386 331 1.05 23.85 BR
47 British Dental Journal journal 0.461 Q2 59 344 1262 4547 513 537 0.82 13.22 GB
48 Pediatric Dentistry journal 0.458 Q2 50 24 338 1036 311 304 0.81 43.17 US
49 Acta Odontologica Scandinavica journal 0.455 Q2 48 53 526 1062 583 526 1.08 20.04 GB
50 Journal of Clinical Dentistry journal 0.455 Q2 29 21 69 518 77 69 1.26 24.67



  Type SJR H index Total Docs. (2015) Total Docs. (3years) Total Refs. Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. (3years) Cites / Doc. (2years) Ref. / Doc.  
51 Imaging Science in DentistryOpen Access journal 0.446 Q2 8 31 136 632 160 135 0.99 20.39 KR
52 American Journal of Dentistry journal 0.443 Q2 64 70 210 2420 248 205 1.13 34.57 US
53 Journal of Dental Education journal 0.442 Q2 48 161 552 3641 477 510 0.88 22.61 US
54 Iranian Endodontic JournalOpen Access journal 0.439 Q2 9 60 141 2022 204 138 1.51 33.70 IR
55 Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry journal 0.430 Q2 42 63 233 1577 144 120 1.15 25.03 GB
56 Journal of Prosthodontics journal 0.421 Q2 36 191 321 3150 357 292 1.04 16.49 GB
57 Head and Face MedicineOpen Access journal 0.416 Q2 22 43 149 1196 141 124 1.14 27.81 GB
58 European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry journal 0.406 Q2 22 50 209 1395 169 190 0.82 27.90 GB
59 European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry journal 0.402 Q2 18 66 238 766 134 235 0.45 11.61 IT
60 International Journal of Dental Hygiene journal 0.400 Q2 23 95 150 1203 163 133 1.08 12.66 GB
61 Community Dental Health journal 0.395 Q3 41 60 163 1102 127 148 0.73 18.37 GB
62 Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational DentistryOpen Access journal 0.361 Q3 8 14 31 581 46 30 1.70 41.50 NZ
63 Cranio - Journal of Craniomandibular Practice journal 0.351 Q3 33 54 142 1208 107 107 0.75 22.37 US
64 Special Care in Dentistry journal 0.344 Q3 31 46 149 1129 106 133 0.73 24.54 US
65 Swedish Dental Journal journal 0.340 Q3 26 12 66 352 45 66 0.53 29.33 SE
66 Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics journal 0.330 Q3 12 70 195 2226 192 191 0.96 31.80 KR
67 Journal of Lasers in Medical SciencesOpen Access journal 0.327 Q3 4 27 92 824 54 92 0.54 30.52 IR
68 Open Dentistry JournalOpen Access journal 0.325 Q3 9 84 110 2642 121 106 0.95 31.45 AE
69 Journal of Clinical and Experimental DentistryOpen Access journal 0.322 Q3 7 95 230 2219 210 230 0.92 23.36 ES
70 Oral Radiology journal 0.302 Q3 10 43 101 602 43 91 0.54 14.00 JP
71 Saudi Dental Journal journal 0.297 Q3 6 39 86 1105 85 78 0.98 28.33 NL
72 Fluoride - Quarterly ReportsOpen Access journal 0.286 Q3 35 32 111 910 94 100 0.93 28.44 NZ
73 Journal of Oral Biosciences journal 0.269 Q3 9 36 103 1661 67 101 0.75 46.14 JP
74 New Zealand Dental Journal journal 0.255 Q3 16 22 81 0 30 48 0.86 0.00 NZ
75 International Journal of Computerized Dentistry journal 0.253 Q3 21 18 76 0 55 64 0.64 0.00 DE
76 Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry journal 0.250 Q3 33 68 201 0 121 200 0.50 0.00 US
77 Indian Journal of Dental ResearchOpen Access journal 0.243 Q3 24 118 561 2391 306 519 0.46 20.26 IN
78 Journal of Dental SciencesOpen Access journal 0.242 Q3 8 80 222 2069 123 182 0.67 25.86 TW
79 Journal of Hard Tissue Biology journal 0.226 Q3 7 53 201 1573 69 199 0.43 29.68 JP
80 Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive DentistryOpen Access journal 0.223 Q3 19 53 208 984 105 192 0.47 18.57 IN
81 Journal of Dentistry for Children journal 0.215 Q3 29 30 97 885 55 96 0.46 29.50 US
82 Japanese Dental Science Review journal 0.215 Q3 11 13 61 687 30 45 0.64 52.85 NL
83 Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences journal 0.210 Q3 22 10 27 309 20 27 0.65 30.90 JP
84 Journal of the Canadian Dental AssociationOpen Access journal 0.204 Q3 42 11 254 304 85 158 0.39 27.64 CA
85 Dental update journal 0.202 Q3 24 152 406 2710 108 316 0.32 17.83 GB
86 Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice journal 0.202 Q3 29 1 486 59 219 465 0.38 59.00 US
87 ORAL and ImplantologyOpen Access journal 0.201 Q3 2 9 33 261 8 32 0.29 29.00 IT
88 General Dentistry journal 0.197 Q3 26 135 479 3131 146 408 0.29 23.19 US
89 Journal of the California Dental AssociationOpen Access journal 0.177 Q3 26 113 411 0 72 235 0.25 0.00 US
90 Journal of Indian Prosthodontist Society journal 0.164 Q3 7 17 287 435 74 257 0.19 25.59 IN
91 New York State Dental Journal journal 0.159 Q4 16 57 224 0 50 173 0.28 0.00 US
92 Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants journal 0.155 Q4 30 23 107 1345 33 102 0.31 58.48 US
93 Dentistry Today journal 0.151 Q4 18 207 584 1575 60 506 0.10 7.61 US
94 Brazilian Journal of Oral SciencesOpen Access journal 0.145 Q4 6 46 160 1151 40 160 0.27 25.02 BR
95 Dental and Medical ProblemsOpen Access journal 0.140 Q4 4 37 204 833 26 192 0.10 22.51 PL
96 Cumhuriyet Dental JournalOpen Access journal 0.138 Q4 2 46 168 1226 19 157 0.14 26.65 TR
97 Journal of Stomatology journal 0.135 Q4 3 63 188 1918 18 182 0.08 30.44 PL
98 Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentaria e Cirurgia Maxilofacial journal 0.134 Q4 3 47 128 1183 20 120 0.19 25.17 ES
99 Texas dental journal journal 0.131 Q4 8 53 224 0 21 193 0.06 0.00 US
100 Dental HypothesesOpen Access journal 0.131 Q4 4 28 114 487 18 95 0.20 17.39


  Type SJR H index Total Docs. (2015) Total Docs. (3years) Total Refs. Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. (3years) Cites / Doc. (2years) Ref. / Doc.  
101 Giornale italiano di endodonzia journal 0.128 Q4 4 14 50 351 8 43 0.15 25.07 IT
102 Evidence-based dentistry journal 0.127 Q4 10 59 196 295 84 23 10.67 5.00 GB
103 Acta Stomatologica CroaticaOpen Access journal 0.123 Q4 4 42 101 1076 18 92 0.12 25.62 HR
104 The Alpha omegan journal 0.121 Q4 9 0 60 0 9 42 0.21 0.00 NL
105 Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica IntegradaOpen Access journal 0.114 Q4 3 42 154 1139 10 154 0.04 27.12 BR
106 International Journal of Clinical Dentistry journal 0.114 Q4 3 50 109 1296 5 107 0.04 25.92 US
107 Revista Odonto CienciaOpen Access journal 0.113 Q4 3 18 105 404 13 100 0.02 22.44 BR
108 Dental Press EndodonticsOpen Access journal 0.112 Q4 3 11 120 307 4 111 0.00 27.91 BR
109 Revista Cubana de EstomatologiaOpen Access journal 0.110 Q4 4 62 124 1583 11 113 0.10 25.53 CU
110 Avances en odontoestomatologiaOpen Access journal 0.109 Q4 4 32 82 820 5 81 0.08 25.63 ES
111 Pediatric Dental Journal journal 0.109 Q4 1 0 47 0 2 46 0.04 0.00 GB
112 Acta Stomatologica Naissi journal 0.108 Q4 8 5 32 172 1 32 0.05 34.40 RS
113 Journal of International Dental and Medical ResearchOpen Access journal 0.105 Q4 4 27 78 720 6 78 0.07 26.67 TR
114 Biodental Engineering III - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biodental Engineering, BIODENTAL 2014 conference and proceeding 0.103 1 0 56 0 4 54 0.07 0.00 NL
115 Journal of Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology journal 0.102 Q4 4 28 206 158 1 206 0.01 5.64 JP
116 Stomatologiya journal 0.101 Q4 8 37 315 0 8 314 0.03 0.00 RU
117 Oral Therapeutics and Pharmacology journal 0.101 Q4 4 11 26 164 0 26 0.00 14.91 JP
118 Giornale dell'Odontoiatra journal 0.101 Q4 1 0 81 0 0 19 0.00 0.00 IT
119 World Journal of Dentistry journal 0.101 Q4 1 54 59 1036 2 54 0.04 19.19 IN
120 Oralprophylaxe und Kinderzahnheilkunde journal 0.100 Q4 2 26 71 459 0 53 0.00 17.65 DE






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