Biological Journals and Abbreviations
Abbreviations in italics are not to be trusted.
Abbreviation | Name |
AADS Proceedings | Journal of Dental Education (Washington, DC) |
AAMR Mongraphs | Monographs of the American Association on Mental Retardation (DC) |
AAS. Supplement | Agents and Actions, Supplements (Basel) |
AArch Surg | Archives of Surgery (Chicago, IL) |
ABC | Annales de Biologie Clinique (Paris) |
ACP J Club | ACP Journal Club (Philadelphia, PA) |
AEER | Applied Ecology and Environmental Research |
AIDS | AIDS (Philadelphia, PA) |
AIDS Care | AIDS Care (Abingdon) |
AIDS Clin Rev | AIDS Clinical Review (New York, NY) |
AIDS Educ Prev | AIDS Education and Prevention (New York, NY) |
AIDS Newslett | AIDS Newsletter |
AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses | AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses (New York, NY) |
AIDS Target Inform | AIDS Targeted Information |
AJCN | see Am J Clin Nutr (below) |
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol | AJNR. American Journal of Neuroradiology (Baltimore, MD) |
AJR Am J Roentgenol | AJR. American Journal of Roentgenology (Baltimore, MD) |
AMB Rev Assoc Med Bras | AMB; Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira (Sao Paulo) |
ANS Adv Nurs Sci | ANS. Advances in Nursing Science (Germantown, MD) |
AORN J | AORN Journal (Denver, CO) |
APMIS | APMIS (Copenhagen) |
APMIS Suppl | APMIS. Supplementum (Copenhagen) |
ASAIO Trans | ASAIO Transactions (Hagerstown, MD) |
ASDC J Dent Child | ASDC Journal of Dentistry for Children (Chicago, IL) |
ASHA | ASHA (Washington, DC) |
ASHA Monogr | ASHA Monographs (Washington, DC) |
ATLA: Altern Lab Anim | Alternatives to Laboratory Animals |
Abdom Imaging | Abdominal Imaging (New York, NY) |
Abh d senck naturf Ges | Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft |
Acad Emerg Med | Academic Emergency Medicine (Philadelphia, PA) |
Acad Med | Academic Medicine (Washington, DC) |
Academic Psychiatry | Academic Psychiatry |
Academic Radiol | Academic Radiology |
Acc Chem Res | Accounts of Chemical Research |
Accid Anal Prev. | Accident Analysis and Prevention (Oxford) |
Acta Adriat | ACTA Adriatica |
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand | ACTA Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica (Copenhagen) |
Acta Agric Scand A | Acta Agriculturæ Scandinavica Section A, Animal Science (Stockholm) |
Acta Agric Scand B | Acta Agriculturæ Scandinavica Section B, Soil and Plant Science (Stockholm) |
Acta Agronomica Hung | Acta Agronomica Hungarica |
Acta Anaesthesiol Belg | ACTA Anaesthesiologica Belgica (Bruxelles) |
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand Suppl | ACTA Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Supplementum (Copenhagen) |
Acta Anaesthesiol Sin | Acta Anaesthesiologica Sinica (Taipei) |
Acta Anat (Basel) | ACTA Anatomica (Basel) |
Acta Biochim Biophys Hung | ACTA Biochimica et Biophysica Hungarica (Budapest) |
Acta Biochim Pol | ACTA Biochimica Polonica (Warszawa) |
Acta Biol Hung | ACTA Biologica Hungarica (Budapest) |
Acta Biomed Ateneo Parmense | ACTA Bio-Medica de l Ateneo Parmense (Parma) |
Acta Biotechnol | Acta Biotechnologica |
Acta Biotheor | ACTA Biotheoretica (Dordrecht) |
Acta Bot. Croat | Acta Botanica Croatica |
Acta Botanica Neerlandica | Acta Botanica Neerlandica |
Acta Cardiol | ACTA Cardiologica (Bruxelles) |
Acta Cardiol Suppl | ACTA Cardiologica Supplementum (Bruxelles) |
Acta Chem Scand | ACTA Chemica Scandinavica (Copenhagen) |
Acta Chir Belg | ACTA Chirurgica Belgica (Bruxelles) |
Acta Chir Hung | ACTA Chirurgica Hungarica (Budapest) |
Acta Chir Iugosl | ACTA Chirurgica Iugoslavica (Skopje) |
Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech | ACTA Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaka(Praha) |
Acta Chir Plast | ACTA Chirurgiae Plasticae (Prague) |
Acta Cient Venez | ACTA Cientifica Venezolana (Caracas) |
Acta Clin Belg | ACTA Clinica Belgica (Bruxelles) |
Acta Clin Belg Suppl | ACTA Clinica Belgica. Supplementum (Bruxelles) |
Acta Crystallogr A | ACTA Crystallographica. Section A: Foundations of Crystallography (Copenhagen) |
Acta Crystallogr B | ACTA Crystallographica. Section B: Structural Science (Copenhagen) |
Acta Crystallogr C | ACTA Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications (Copenhagen) |
Acta Crystallogr D | ACTA Crystallographica. Section D: Biological Crystallography (Copenha gen) |
Acta Cytol | ACTA Cytologica (St. Louis, MO) |
Acta Derm Venereol (Oslo) | ACTA Dermato-Venereologica (Oslo) |
Acta Derm Venereol Suppl (Stockh) | ACTA Dermato-Venereologica. Supplementum (Oslo) |
Acta Dermatoven APA | Acta dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica et Adriatica |
Acta Diabetol | ACTA Diabetologica (Berlin) |
Acta Endocrinol (Copenhagen) | ACTA Endocrinologica (Copenhagen) |
Acta Endoscopica | Acta Endoscopica (Bruxelles) |
Acta Ethologica | Acta Ethologica |
Acta Eur Fertil | ACTA Europaea Fertilitatis (Palermo) |
Acta Gastroenterol Belg | ACTA Gastroenterologica Belgica (Bruxelles) |
Acta Gastroenterol Latinoam | ACTA Gastroenterologica Latinoamericana (Buenos Aires) |
Acta Genet Med Gemellol (Roma) | ACTA Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae (Roma) |
Acta Haematol | ACTA Haematologica (Basel) |
Acta Haematol Pol | ACTA Haematologica Polonica (Warszawa) |
Acta Histochem | ACTA Histochemica (Jena) |
Acta Histochem Suppl | ACTA Histochemica. Supplementband (Jena) |
Acta Leiden | ACTA Leidensia (Leiden) |
Acta Leprol | Acta Leprologica (Geneve) |
Acta Med Austiaca Suppl | ACTA Medica Austriaca. Supplement |
Acta Med Austriaca | ACTA Medica Austriaca (Wien) |
Acta Med Croatica | ACTA Medica Croatica (Zagreb) |
Acta Med Hung | ACTA Medica Hungarica (Budapest) |
Acta Med Iranica | Acta Medica Iranica |
Acta Med Iugosl | ACTA Medica Iugoslavica (Zagreb) |
Acta Med Leg Soc (Liege) | ACTA Medicinae Legalis et Socialis (Liege) |
Acta Med Okayama | ACTA Medica Okayama (Okayama) |
Acta Med Pol | ACTA Medica Polona (Warszawa) |
Acta Med Port | ACTA Medica Portuguesa (Lisboa) |
Acta Microbiol Bulg | ACTA Microbiologica Bulgarica (Sofiia) |
Acta Microbiol Hung | ACTA Microbiologica Hungarica (Budapest) |
Acta Microbiol Pol | ACTA Microbiologica Polonica (Warszawa) |
Acta Morphol Hung | ACTA Morphologica Hungarica (Budapest) |
Acta Neurobiol Exp (Warsz) | ACTA Neurobiologiae Experimentalis (Warszawa) |
Acta Neurochir (Wien) | ACTA Neurochirurgica (Wien) |
Acta Neurochir Suppl (Wien) | ACTA Neurochirurgica Supplementum (Wien) |
Acta Neurol (Napoli) | ACTA Neurologica (Napoli) |
Acta Neurol Belg | ACTA Neurologica Belgica (Bruxelles) |
Acta Neurol Scand | ACTA Neurologica Scandinavica (Copenhagen) |
Acta Neurol Taiwan | Acta Neurologica Taiwanica (Taipei) |
Acta Neurol Scand Suppl | ACTA Neurologica Scandinavica. Supplementum (Copenhagen) |
Acta Neuropathol (Berl) | ACTA Neuropathologica (Berlin) |
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand | ACTA Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica (Stockholm) |
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand Suppl | ACTA Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. Supplement (Umea) |
Acta Odontol Scand | ACTA Odontologica Scandinavica (Oslo) |
Acta Oncol | ACTA Oncologica (Stockholm) |
Acta Ophthalmol Scand | ACTA Ophthalmologica Scandinavica () |
Acta Ophthalmol (Copenh) | ACTA Ophthalmologica (Copenhagen) |
Acta Ophthalmol Suppl (Copenh) | ACTA Ophthalmologica. Supplementum (Copenhagen) |
Acta Orthop Belg | ACTA Orthopaedica Belgica (Bruxelles) |
Acta Orthop Scand | ACTA Orthopaedica Scandinavica (Copenhagen) |
Acta Orthop Scand Suppl | ACTA Orthopaedica Scandinavica. Supplementum (Copenhagen) |
Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) | ACTA Oto-laryngologica (Stockholm) |
Acta Otolaryngol Suppl (Stockh) | ACTA Oto-laryngologica. Supplement (Stockholm) |
Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg | ACTA Oto-rhino-laryngologica Belgica (Bruxelles) |
Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital | ACTA Otorhinolaryngologica Italica (Pisa) |
Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp | ACTA Otorrinolaringologica Espanola (Madrid) |
Acta Paediatr (Stockholm) | Acta Paediatrica |
Acta Paediatr Hung | ACTA Paediatrica Hungarica (Budapest) |
Acta Paediatr Jpn | ACTA Paediatrica Japonica (Tokyo) |
Acta Paediatr Scand Suppl | ACTA Paediatrica Scandinaica Supplement (Stockholm) |
Acta Paediatr Sin | ACTA Paediatrica Sinica (Taipei) |
Acta Paediatr Scand | ACTA Paediatrica Scandinavica (Stockholm) |
Acta Paedopsychiatr | ACTA Paedpsychiatrica (Berlin) |
Acta Pathol Jpn | ACTA Pathologica Japonica (Tokyo) |
Acta Pathol Microbiol Immunol Scand | Acta Pathologica, Microbiologicaet Immunologica Scandinavica (Copenhagen) |
Acta Pharm Hung | ACTA Pharmaceutica Hungarica (Budapest) |
Acta Pharm Nord | ACTA Pharmaceutica Nordica (Stockholm) |
Acta Pharmacol Sin | ACTA Pharmacologica Sinica (Beijing) |
Acta Pharmacol Toxicol | ACTA Pharmacologica et Toxicologica (Copenhagen) |
Acta Physiol Hung | ACTA Physiologica Hungarica (Budapest) |
Acta Physiol Pharmacol Bulg | ACTA Physiologica et Pharmacologica Bulgarica (Sofia) |
Acta Physiol Pharmacol Latinoam | ACTA Physiologica et Pharmacologica Latinoamericana (Buenos Aires) |
Acta Physiol Scand | ACTA Physiologica Scandinavica (Oxford) |
Acta Physiol Scand Suppl | ACTA Physiologica Scandinavica Supplement (Oxford) |
Acta Protozool | Acta Protozoologica (Copenhagen) |
Acta Psiquiatr Psicol Am Lat | ACTA Psiquiatrica Y Psicologica de America Latina (Buenos Aires) |
Acta Psychiatr Belg | ACTA Psychiatrica Belgica (Bruxelles) |
Acta Psychiatr Scand | ACTA Psychiatrica Scandinavica (Copenhagen) |
Acta Psychiatr Scand Suppl | ACTA Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Supplementum (Copenhagen) |
Acta Psychol (Amst) | ACTA Psychologica (Amsterdam) |
Acta Radiol | ACTA Radiologica (Stockholm) |
Acta Radiol Suppl (Stockh) | ACTA Radiologica. Supplementum (Stockholm) |
Acta Stomatol Belg | ACTA Stomatologica Belgica (Bruxelles) |
Acta Theriol (Warsz) | ACTA Theriologica |
Acta Trop (Basel) | ACTA Tropica (Amsterdam) |
Acta Union Int Contr | Acta Unio Internationalis Contra Cancrum |
Acta Univ Carol [Med Monogr] (Praha) | ACTA Universitatis Carolinae. Medica. Monographia (Praha) |
Acta Univ Carol [Med] (Praha) | ACTA Universitatis Carolinae. Medica (Praha) |
Acta Univ Palacki Olomuc Fac Med | ACTA Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultatis Medicae (Praha) |
Acta Urol Belg | ACTA Urologica Belgica (Bruxelles) |
Acta Vet Hung | ACTA Veterinaria Hungarica (Budapest) |
Acta Vet Scand | ACTA Veterinaria Scandinavica (Copenhagen) |
Acta Vet Scand Suppl | ACTA Veterinaria Scandinavica. Supplement (Copenhagen) |
Acta Virol (Praha) | ACTA Virologica (London) |
Acta Zool | ACTA Zoologica |
Actas Luso Esp Neurol Psiquiatr Cienc Afines | ACTAS Luso-Espanolas de Neurologia, Psiquiatria Y Ciencias Afines (Madrid) |
Actas Urol Esp | ACTAS Urologicas Espanolas (Madrid) |
Acupunct Electrother Res | Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research (Oxford) |
Addict Behav | Addictive Behaviors (Oxford) |
Adolesc Psychiatry | Adolescent Psychiatry (Chicago, IL) |
Adolescence | Adolescence (Roslyn Heights, NY) |
Adv Alcohol Subst Abuse | Advances in Alcohol and Substance Abuse |
Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol | Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology (Berlin) |
Adv Appl Microbiol | Advances in Applied Microbiology (New York, NY) |
Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol | Advances in Biochemical Engineering/ Biotechnology (Heidelberg) |
Adv Biochem Psychopharmacol | Advances in Biochemical Psychopharmacology (New York, NY) |
Adv Biophys | Advances in Biophysics (Limerick) |
Adv Biotevhnol Processes | Advances in Biotechnological Processes (New York, NY) |
Adv Cancer Res | Advances in Cancer Research (New York, NY) |
Adv Carbohydr Chem Biochem | Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry (New York, NY) |
Adv Cardiol | Advances in Cardiology (Basel) |
Adv Child Dev Behav | Advances in Child Development and Behavior (New York, NY) |
Adv Chromatogr | Advances in Chromatography (New York, NY) |
Adv Clin Chem | Advances in Clinical Chemistry (New York, NY) |
Adv Colloid Interface Sci | Advances in Colloid and Interface Science (Amsterdam) |
Adv Contracept | Advances in Contraception (Dordrecht) |
Adv Dermatol | Advances in Dermatology (Chicago, IL) |
Adv Dermatol Allergol | Advances in Dermatology and Allergology [Postepy Dermatologii i Alergologii] |
Adv Drug Deliv Rev | Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews |
Adv Enzyme Regul | Advances in Enzyme Regulation (Oxford) |
Adv Head Neck Surg | Advances in Head and Neck Surgery [Postepy Chirurgii Glowy i Szyi] |
Adv Enzymol Relat Areas Mol Biol | Advances in Enzymology and Related Ares of Molecular Biology (New York, NY) |
Adv Exp Med Biol | Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (New York, NY) |
Adv Food Res | Advances in Food Research |
Adv Food Nutr Res | Advances in Food and Nutrition Research (San Diego, CA) |
Adv Genet | Advances in Genetics (New York, NY) |
Adv Hum Genet | Advances in Human Genetics (New York, NY) |
Adv Immun Cancer Ther | Advances in Immunity and Cancer Therapy (New York, NY) |
Adv Immunol | Advances in Immunology (New York, NY) |
Adv Inorg Biochem | Advances in Inorganic Biochemistry |
Adv Intern Med | Advances in Internal Medicine (Chicago, IL) |
Adv Lipid Res | Advances in Lipid Research (New York, NY) |
Adv Microb Ecol | Advances in Microbial Ecology |
Adv Microb Physiol | Advances in Microbial Physiology (London) |
Adv Mod Environ Toxicol | Advances in Modern Environmental Toxicology |
Adv Nephrol Necker Hosp | Advances in Nephrology from the Necker Hospital (Chicago, IL) |
Adv Neurol | Advances in Neurology (New York, NY) |
Adv Neuroimmunol | Advances in Neuroimmunology |
Adv Nutr Res | Advances in Nutritional Research (New York, NY) |
Adv Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg | Advances in Ophthalmic, Plastic, and Reconstructive Surgery (New York, NY) |
Adv Otorhinolaryngol | Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (Basel) |
Adv Parasitol | Advances in Parasitology (London) |
Adv Pediatr | Advances in Pediatrics (Chicago, IL) |
Adv Pediatr Infect Dis | Advances in Pediatric Infectious Diseases (Chicago, IL) |
Adv Perit Dial | Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis (Toronto) |
Adv Pharmacol | Advances in Pharmacology (New York, NY) |
Adv Physiol Ed | Advances in Physiology Education () |
Adv Prostaglandin Thromoxane Leukot res | Advances in Prostaglandin, Thromboxane, and Leukotriene Research (New York, NY) |
Adv Protein Chem | Advances in Protein Chemistry (New York, NY) |
Adv Psychosom Med | Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine (Basel) |
Adv Skin Wound Care | Advances in Skin Wound Care |
Adv Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res | Advances in Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein Research (New York, NY) |
Adv Small Anim Med Surg | Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery () |
Adv Surg | Advances in Surgery (St. Louis, MO) |
Adv Tech Stand Neurosurg | Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery (New York, NY) |
Adv Vet Sci Comp Med | Advances in Veterinary Science and Comparative Medicine (New York, NY) |
Adv Virus Res | Advances in Virus Research (New York, NY) |
Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev | Adverse Drug Reactions and Toxicological Reviews (Oxford) |
Adverse React Titles | Adverse Reactions Titles |
Aerobiologia | Aerobiologia |
Aesthetic Plast Surg | Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (New York, NY) |
Afr Entomol | African Entomology |
Afr J Biotechnol | African Journal of Biotechnology |
Afr J Ecol | African Journal of Ecology |
Afr J Herpetol | African Journal of Herpetology |
Afr J Med Med Sci | African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (Oxford) |
Afr J Pharm Pharacol (AJPP) | African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (AJPP) |
Afr Study Monogr | African Study Monographs |
Age Ageing | Age and Ageing (Oxford) |
Agents Actions | Agents and Actions (Basel) |
Agents Actions Suppl | Agents and Actions. Supplements (Basel) |
Aging (Milano) | Aging (Milano) |
Aging cell | Aging cell |
Agressologie | Agressologie (Paris) |
Agricult Econ | Agricultural Economics |
Agric For Entomol | Agricultural and Forest Entomology |
Agricult Sys | Agricultural Systems |
Agricult Water Manag | Agricultural Water Management |
Agricult Forest Meterol | Agricultural and Forest Meteorology |
Agricult Ecosys Environ | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment |
Agron J | Agronomy Journal |
Agronomie | Agronomie |
AJPP (Afr J Pharm Pharacol) | African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (AJPP) |
AIDS Epidemic Update | AIDS Epidemic Update |
AIDS Patient Care STDS | AIDS Patient Care and STDs |
Aktual Probl Chir Orthop | Aktuelle Probleme in Chirurgie und Orthopadie (Bern) |
Aktuel Traumatol | Aktuelle Traumatologie (Stuttgart) |
Akt Ernähr-Med | Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin |
Aktuelle Radiol | Aktuelle Radiologie (Stuttgart) |
Akush Ginekol (Mosk) | Akusherstvo I Ginekologiia (Moskva) |
Akush Ginekol (Sofiia) | Akusherstvo I Ginekologiia (Sofiia) |
Ala Med | Alabama Medicine (Montgomery, AL) |
Alaska Med | Alaska Medicine (Anchorage, AK) |
Alcohol | Alcohol (New York, NY) |
Alcohol Alcohol | Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford) |
Alcohol Alcohol Suppl | Alcohol and Alcoholism. Supplement (Oxford) |
Alcohol Clin Exp Res | Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research (Baltimore, MD) |
Alcohol Res Health | Alcohol Research & Health |
Alexandria Sci Exchange J | Alexandria Science Exchange [Journal] |
Aliment Pharmacol Ther | Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Oxford) |
Allerg Immunol (Leipz) | Allergie und Immunologie (Leipzig) |
Allerg Immunol (Paris) | Allergie et Immunologie (Paris) |
Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) | Allergologia et Immunopathologia (Madrid) |
Allergol Int | Allergology International |
Allergy | Allergy (Copenhagen) |
Allergy Proc | Allergy Proceedings (Providence, RI) |
Altern Lab Anim: ATLA | Alternatives to laboratory animals |
Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord | Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders (New York, NY) |
Alzheimer's Diesease Review | Alzheimer's Disease Review |
Alzheimer's Res | Alzheimer's Research (London) |
Am Ann Deaf | American Annals of the Deaf (Silver Spring, MD) |
Am Anthropol | American Anthropologist |
Am Fam Physician | American Family Physician (Kansas City, MO) |
Am Heart J | American Heart Journal (St. Louis, MO) |
Am Ind Hyg Assoc J | American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal (Akron. OH) |
Am Indian Alsk Native Ment Health Res | American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research (Denver, CO) |
Am J Addict | The American Journal on Addictions |
Am J Anat | The American Journal of Anatomy |
Am J Bot | American Journal of Botany (Lancaster, PA) |
Am J Cardiol | American Journal of Cardiology (New York, NY) |
Am J Cardiovasc Pathol | American Journal of Cardiovascular Pathology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Am J Chin Med | American Journal of Chinese Medicine (New York, NY) |
Am J Clin Hypn | American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis (Minneapolis, MN) |
Am J Clin Nutr | American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Bethesda, MD) |
Am J Clin Oncol | American Journal of Clinical Oncology (New York, NY) |
Am J Clin Path | American Journal of Clinical Pathology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Am J Community Psychol | American Journal of Community Psychology (New York, NY) |
Am J Dent | American Journal of Dentistry |
Am J Dermatopathol | American Journal of Dermatopathology (New York, NY) |
Am J Dis Child | American Journal of Diseases of Children (Chicago, IL) |
Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse | American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse (New York, NY) |
Am J Emerg Med | American Journal of Emergency Medicine (Philadelphia, PA) |
Am J Epidemiol | American Journal of Epidemiology (Baltimore, MD) |
Am J Forensic Med Pathol | American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology (New York, NY) |
Am J Gastroenterol | American Journal of Gastroenterology (New York, NY) |
Am J Health Syst Pharm | American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy |
Am J Hematol | American Journal of Hematology (New York, NY) |
Am J Hosp Pharm | American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (Washington, DC) |
Am J Hum Biol | American Journal of Human Biology |
Am J Hum Genet | American Journal of Human Genetics (Chicago, IL) |
Am J Hypertens | American Journal of Hypertension (New York, NY) |
Am J Ind Med | American Journal of Industrial Medicine (New York, NY) |
Am J Infect Control | American Journal of Infection Control (St. Louis, MO) |
Am J Kidney Dis | American Journal of Kidney Diseases (Duluth, MN) |
Am J Knee Surg | American Journal of Knee Surgery () |
Am J Law Med | American Journal of Law and Medicine (Boston, MA) |
MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs | American journal of maternal child nursing MCN |
Am J Med | American Journal of Medicine (Newton, MA) |
Am J Med Genet | American Journal of Medical Genetics (New York, NY) |
Am J Med Genet Suppl | American Journal of Medical Genetics Supplement (New York, NY) |
Am J Med Sci | American Journal of the Medical Sciences (Hagerstown, MD) |
Am J Ment Retard | American Journal of Mental Retardation (Washington, DC) |
Am J Nephrol | American Journal of Nephrology (Basel) |
Am J Nurs | American Journal of Nursing (New York, NY) |
Am J Obstet Gynecol | American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (St. Louis, MO) |
Am J Occup Ther | American Journal of Occupational Therapy (Boston, MA) |
Am J Ophthalmol | American Journal of Ophthalmology (Chicago, IL) |
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop | American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (St. Louis, MO) |
Am J Orthopsychiatry | American Journal of Orthopsychiatry (New York, NY) |
Am J Otol | American Journal of Otology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Am J Otolaryngol | American Journal of Otolaryngology (Cherry Hill, NJ) |
Am J Pathol | American Journal of Pathology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol | American Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology (New York, NY) |
Am J Perinatol | American Journal of Perinatology (New York, NY) |
Am J Phys Anthropol | American Journal of Physical Anthropology (New York, NY) |
Am J Phys Anthropol | American Journal of Physical Anthropology (New York, NY) |
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab | American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism |
Am J Physiol | American Journal of Physiology (Bethesda, MD) |
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol | American journal of Physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology (Bethesda, MD) |
Am J Physiol Imaging | American Journal of Physiologic Imaging (Copenhagen) |
Am J Prev Med | American Journal of Preventive Medicine (New York, NY) |
Am J Primatol | American Journal of Primatology |
Am J Psychiatry | American Journal of Psychiatry (Washington, DC) |
Am J Psychoanal | American Journal of Psychoanalysis (New York, NY) |
Am J Psychol | American Journal of Psychology (Urbana, IL) |
Am J Psychother | American Journal of Psychotherapy (Jamaica, NY) |
Am J Public Health | American Journal of Public Health (Washington, DC) |
Am J Reprod Immunol | American Journal of Reproductive Immunology (Copenhagen) |
Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol | American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology (New York, NY) |
Am J Respir Crit Care Med | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine () |
Am J Rhinol | American Journal of Rhinology (Providence, RI) |
Am J Sports Med | American Journal of Sports Medicine (Columbus, GA) |
Am J Surg | American Journal of Surgery (Newton, MA) |
Am J Surg Pathol | American Journal of Surgical Pathology (New York, NY) |
Am J Transplant (AJT) | American Journal of Transplantation |
Am J Trop Med Hyg | American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Lawrence, KS) |
Am J Vet Res | American Journal of Veterinary Research (Schaumburg, IL) |
Am Med News | American Medical News |
Am Pharm | American Pharmacy (Washington, DC) |
Am Psychol | American Psychologist (Washington, DC) |
Am Rev Respir Dis | American Review of Respiratory Disease (New York, NY) |
Am Surg | American Surgeon (Philadelphia, PA) |
Amer Nat | American Naturalist |
Amer Sci | American Scientist |
Amer Zool | American Zoologist |
Amino Acids | Amino Acids () |
Amyloid | Amyloid: The Journal of Protein Folding Disorders : The Official Journal Of The International Society Of Amyloidosis |
An Acad Bras Cienc | Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias (Rio de Janeiro) |
An Esp Pediatr | Anales Espanoles de Pediatria (Madrid) |
An Med Interna | Anales de Medicina Interna (Madrid) |
An Otorrinolaringol Ibero Am | Anales Otorrinolaringologicos Iberoamericanos (Barcelona) |
An R Acad Nac Med (Madr) | Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina (Madrid) |
An Soc Entomol Brasil | Anais da Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil |
Anaerobe | Anaerobe |
Anaesth Intensive Care | Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (Edgecliff, NSW) |
Anaesthesia | Anaesthesia (London) |
Anaesthesiol Intensiv | Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin (Erlangen, Germany) |
Anaesthesiol Reanim | Anaesthesiologie und Reanimation (Berlin) |
Anaesthesist | Anaesthesist (Berlin) |
Anal Bioanal Chem | Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry |
Anal Biochem | Analytical Biochemistry (New York, NY) |
Anal Cell Pathol | Analytical Cellular Pathology (Amsterdam) |
Anal Chem | Analytical Chemistry (Washington, DC) |
Anal Chem : Ind J | Analytical Chemistry : An Indian Journal |
Anal Chim Acta | Analytica Chimica Acta |
Anal Quant Cytol Histol | Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology (St. Louis, MO) |
Analyst | Analyst (London) |
Anais Da Faculdade Demedicina Do Centro De Ciencias Da Saude Da Ufpe | Anais Da Faculdade Demedicina Do Centro De Ciencias Da Saude Da Ufpe |
Anasthesiol Intensivmed Natfallmed Schmerzther | Anasthesiologie, Intensivmedizen, Notfallmedizen, Schmertheapie (Stuttgart) |
Anat Anthropol Embryol Histol | Anatomy, Anthropology, Embryology and Histology |
Anat Anz | Anatomischer Anzeiger (Jena) |
Anat Embryol (Berl) | Anatomy and Embryology (Berlin) |
Anat Histol Embryol | Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia (Berlin) |
Anat Rec | Anatomical Record (New York, NY) |
Andrologia | Andrologia (Berlin) |
Anesteziol Reanimatol | Anesteziologiia I Reanimatologiia (Moskva) |
Anesth Analg | Anesthesia and Analgesia (New York, NY) |
Anesthesiology | Anesthesiology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Angew Botanik | Angewandte Botanik |
Angew Chem | Angewandte Chemie |
Angew Parasitol | Angewandte Parasitologie (Jena) |
Angiologia | Angiologia (Barcelona) |
Angiology | Angiology (Great Neck, NY) |
Angle Orthod | Angle Orthodontist (Appleton, WI) |
Anim Behav | Animal Behavior |
Anim Cogn | Animal Cognition () |
Anim Feed Sci Technol | Animal Feed Science and Technology |
Anim Genet | Animal Genetics (Oxford) |
Anim Learn Behav | Animal Learning and Behavior () |
Anim Prod | Animal Production (Edinburgh, UK) |
Anim Reprod Sci | Animal Reproduction Science |
Anim Sci | Animal Science (Edinburgh, UK) |
Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg | Ankara Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi |
Ann Acad Med Singapore | Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore (Singapore) |
Ann Acad Med Stetin | Annales Academiae Medicae Stetinensis (Warszawa) |
Ann Acad Sci Fenn [A] | Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A. V Medica (Helsinki) |
Ann Allergy | Annals of Allergy (Bloomington, MN) |
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol | Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology |
Ann Appl Biol | Annals of Applied Biology (Warwickshire) |
Ann Appl Sport Sci | Annals of Applied Sport Science (Amol, Mazandaran, Iran) |
Ann Biol Clin (Paris) | Annales de Biologie Clinique (Paris) |
Ann Biomed Eng | Annals of Biomedical Engineering (New York, NY) |
Ann Botany | Annals of Botany |
Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) | Annales de Cardiologie et d Angeiologie (Paris) |
Ann Chir | Annales de Chirurgie (Paris) |
Ann Chir Gynaecol | Annales Chirurgiae et Gynaecologiae (Helsinki) |
Ann Chir Gynaecol Suppl | Annales Chirurgiae et Gynaecologiae. Supplementum (Helsinki) |
Ann Chir Main Memb Super | Annales de Chirurgie de la Main et Du Membre Superieur (Paris) |
Ann Chir Plast Esthet | Annales de Chirurgie Plastique et Esthetique (Paris) |
Ann Clin Biochem | Annals of Clinical Biochemistry (London) |
Ann Clin Lab Sci | Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science (Philadelphia, PA) |
Ann Dent | Annals of Dentistry (New York, NY) |
Ann Dermatol Venereol | Annales De Dermatologie et de Venereologie (Paris) |
Ann Emerg Med | Annals of Emergency Medicine (Dallas, TX) |
Ann Endocrinol (Paris) | Annales d Endocrinologie (Paris) |
Ann Entomol Soc Am | Annals of the Entomological Society of America |
Ann Fr Anesth Reanim | Annales Francaises d Anesthesie et de Reanimation (Paris) |
Ann Gastroenterol | Annals of Gastroenterology |
Ann Gastroenterol Hepatol (Paris) | Annales de Gastroenterologie et d Hepatologie (Paris) |
Ann Genet | Annales de Genetique (Paris) |
Ann Hematol | Annals of Hematology (Berlin) |
Ann Hum Biol | Annals of Human Biology (London) |
Ann Hyg Med Coloniales | Annales d'Hygiene et de Médicine Coloniales (Paris) |
Ann Hum Genet | Annals of Human Genetics (London) |
Ann ICRP | Annals of the ICRP (Oxford) |
Ann Ig | Annali di Igiene (Roma) |
Ann Inst Pasteur Actualites | Annales de l'Institut Pasteur/Actualités |
Ann Intern Med | Annals of Internal Medicine (Philadelphia, PA) |
Ann Ist Super Sanita | Annali Dell Istituto Superiore di Sanita (Roma) |
Ann Ital Chir | Annali Italiani di Chirurgia (Bologna) |
Ann Ital Med Int | Annali Italiani di Medicina Interna (Roma) |
Ann Med | Annals of Medicine (Helsinki) |
Ann Med Interne (Paris) | Annales de Medecine Interne (Paris) |
Ann Med Psychol (Paris) | Annales Medico-Psychologiques (Paris) |
Ann Microbiol | Annals of Microbiology (Milan) |
Ann Musee Roy Afr Centr Ser 8 Sci Zool | Annales du Musee Royal de l Afrique Centrale Serie 8: Sciences Zoologiques (Tervuren, Belgium) |
Ann Neurol | Annals of Neurology (Boston, MA) |
Ann NY Acad Sci | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (New York, NY) |
Ann Nucl Med | Annals of Nuclear Medicine (Tokyo) |
Ann Nutr Metab | Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism (Basel) |
Ann Occup Hyg | Annals of Occupational Hygiene (Oxford) |
Ann Oncol | Annals of Oncology (Dordrecht) |
Ann Ophthalmol | Annals of Ophthalmology (Ridgefield, CT) |
Ann Osp Maria Vittoria Torino | Annali Dell Ospedale Maria Vittoria di Torino (Torino) |
Ann Ostet Ginecol Med Perinat | Annali di Ostetricia, Ginecologia, Medicina Perinatale (Milano) |
Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol | Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology (St. Louis, MO) |
Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Suppl | Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology. Supplement (St. Louis, MO) |
Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac | Annales d Oto-Laryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale (Paris) |
Ann Parasitol Hum Comp | Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee (Paris) |
Ann Pathol | Annales de Pathologie (Paris) |
Ann Pediatr (Paris) | Annales de Pediatrie (Paris) |
Ann Pharm Fr | Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises (Paris) |
Ann Pharmacother | The Annals of Pharmacotherapy |
Ann Physiol Anthropol | Annals of Physiological Anthropology (Chiba) |
Ann Plast Surg | Annals of Plastic Surgery (Boston, MA) |
Ann R Coll Surg Engl | Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (London) |
Ann Radiol (Paris) | Annales de Radiologie (Paris) |
Ann Rech Vet | Annales de Recherches Veterinaires (Paris) |
Ann Rheum Dis | Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (London) |
Ann Saudi Med | Annals of Saudi Medicine |
Ann Sclavo Collana Monogr | Annali Sclavo. Collana Monografica (Siena) |
Ann Soc Belg Med Trop | Annales de la Societe Belge de Medecine Tropicale (Antwerpen) |
Ann Surg | Annals of Surgery (Philadelphia, PA) |
Ann Thorac Surg | Annals of Thoracic Surgery (New York, NY) |
Ann Trop Med Parasitol | Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (London) |
Ann Trop Paediatr | Annals of Tropical Paediatrics (Abingdon) |
Ann Univ Mariae Curie Sklodowska [Med] | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklowdowska. Sectio D. Medicina (Lublin) |
Ann Urol (Paris) | Annales d Urologie (Paris) |
Ann Vasc Surg | Annals of Vasular Surgery (Detroit, MI) |
Ann Zool Fennici | Annales Zoologici Fennici |
Ann Zootech | Annales De Zootechnie |
Annu Rev Biochem | Annual Review of Biochemistry (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct | Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure |
Annu Rev Biophys Biophys Chem | Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Cell Biol | Annual Review of Cell Biology |
Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol | Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Ecol Syst | Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics |
Annu Rev Entomol | Annual Review of Entomology (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Fish Dis | Annual Review of Fish Diseases |
Annu Rev Genet | Annual Review of Genetics (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Immunol | Annual Review of Immunology (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Med | Annual Review of Medicine |
Annu Rev Microbiol | Annual Review of Microbiology (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Neurosci | Annual Review of Neuroscience (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Nurs Res | Annual Review of Nursing Research (New York, NY) |
Annu Rev Nutr | Annual Review of Nutrition (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol | Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Phys Chem | Annual Review of Physical Chemistry (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Physiol | Annual Review of Physiology (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Phytopathol | Annual Review of Phytopathology (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol | Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Psychol | Annual Review of Psychology (Palo Alto, CA) |
Annu Rev Public Health | Annual Review of Public Health (Palo Alto, CA) |
Ann Univ Iasi Biol Anim | Ann Univ "Al.I.Cuza" Seria Biol Animala |
Antartic Sci | Antartic Science |
Anthropol Anz | Anthropologischer Anzeiger (Stuttgart) |
Antibiot Chemother | Antibiotics and Chemotherapy (Basel) |
Antibiot Khimioter | Antibiotiki I Khimioterapiia (Moskva) |
Antibody, Immunoconjugates, and Radiopharmaceuticals | Antibody, Immunoconjugates, and Radiopharmaceuticals (New York, NY) |
Anticancer Drug Des | Anti-Cancer Drug Design (London) |
Anticancer Drugs | Anti-Cancer Drugs (Oxford) |
Anticancer Res | Anticancer Research (Athens) |
Antimicrob Agents Chemother | Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (Washington, DC) |
Antiviral Chem Chemother | Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy |
Antisense Nucleic Acid Drug Dev | Antisense and Nucleic Acid Drug Development |
Antisense Res Dev | Anitsense Research and Development |
Antiviral Res | Antiviral Research (Amsterdam) |
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek | Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (Wageningen) |
Anz für Schädlingskunde | Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde |
Appetite | Appetite (London) |
Apidologie | Apidologie |
Apoptosis | Apoptosis (Oxford) |
Appl Biochem Biotechnol | Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Clifton, NJ) |
Appl Bioinformatics | Applied Bioinformatics |
Appl Environ Microbiol | Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Washington, DC) |
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
Appl Neuropsychol | Applied Neuropsychology (Copenhagen) |
Appl Psychophys Biof | Applied Psychophysiology And Biofeedback |
Appl Soil Ecol | Applied Soil Ecology |
Appl Theor Electrophor | Applied and Theoretical Electrophoresis (London) |
Aqua | Aqua |
Aquaculture | Aquaculture () |
Aquacult Nutr | Aquaculture Nutrition |
Aquacult Res | Aquaculture Research |
Aquatic Biol | Aquatic Biology |
Aquatic Mammals | Aquatic Mammals |
Aquat Microb Ecol | Aquatic Microbial Ecology |
Aquat Toxicol | Aquatic Toxicology |
Arab J Pl Prot | Arab Journal of Plant Protection |
Arb Paul Ehrlich Inst Bundesamt Sera Impfstoffe Frankf A M | Arbeiten Aus Dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (Bundesamt fur Sera und Impfstoffe) zu Frankfurt A.M. (Stuttgart) |
Arch Anat Cytol Pathol | Archives D Anatomie et de Cytologie Pathologiques (Paris) |
Arch Anat Histol Embryol | Archives d Anatomie, d Histologie et d Embryologie (Colmar) |
Arch Androl | Archices of Andrology (New York, NY) |
Arch Biochem Biophys | Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (New York, NY) |
Arch Biol Med Exp (Santiago) | Archivos de Biologia Y Medicina Experimentales (Santiago) |
Arch Dermatol | Archives of Dermatology (Chicago, IL) |
Arch Dermatol Res | Archives of Dermatological Research (Berlin) |
Arch Dis Child | Archives of Disease in Childhood |
Arch Emerg Med | Archives of Emergency Medicine (Oxford) |
Arch Environ Contam Toxicol | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (New York, NY) |
Arch Environ Health | Archives of Environmental Health (Washington, DC) |
Arch Environ Occup Health | Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health |
Arch Esp Urol | Archivos Espanoles de Urologia (Madrid) |
Arch Exp Veterinarmed | Archiv fur Experimentelle Veterinarmedizin (Leipzig) |
Arch Fam Med | Archives of Family Medicine (Chicago, IL) |
Arch Fr Pediatr | Archives Francaises de Pediatrie (Paris) |
Arch Gerontol Geriat | Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics |
Arch Gen Psychiatry | Archives of General Psychiatry (Chicago, IL) |
Arch Gynecol Obstet | Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Berlin) |
Arch Histol Cytol | Archives of Histology and Cytology (Niigata) |
Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz) | Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis (Warszawa) |
Arch Insect Biochem Physiol | Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology (New York, NY) |
Arch Inst Cardiol Mex | Archivos del Instituto de Cardiologia de Mexico (Mexico) |
Arch Inst Pasteur Alger | Archives de l Institut Pasteur d Algerie (Algiers) |
Arch Inst Pasteur Madagascar | Archives de l Institut Pasteur de Madagascar (Tananarive) |
Arch Inst Pasteur Tunis | Archives de l Institut Pasteur de Tunis (Tunis) |
Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther | Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie (Ghent) |
Arch Int Physiol Biochim Biophys | Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique (Liege) |
Arch Intern Med | Archives of Internal Medicine (Chicago, IL) |
Arch Invest Med (Mex) | Archivos de Investigacion Medica (Mexico) |
Arch Ital Anat Embriol | Archivio Italiano di Anatomia e di Embriologia (Firenze) |
Arch Ital Biol | Archives Italiennes de Biologie (Pisa) |
Arch Ital Urol Nefrol Androl | Archivio Italiano di Urologia, Nefrologia, Andrologia (Milano) |
Arch Kriminol | Archiv fur Kriminologie (Lubeck) |
Arch Latinoam Nutr | Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion (Guatemala) |
Arch Latinoam Prod Anim | Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal (Venezuela) |
Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss | Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseux (Paris) |
Arch Med Sci | Archives of Medical Science |
Arch Microbiol | Archives of Microbiology (Berlin) |
Arch Mikrosk Anat | Archiv für Mikroskopische Anatomie |
Arch Monaldi Mal Torace | Archivio Monaldi per le Malattie del Torace (Napoli) |
Arch Mollusk | Archiv fuer Molluskenkunde |
Arch Neurobiol (Madr) | Archives de Neurobiologia (Madrid) |
Arch Neurol | Archives of Neurology (Chicago, IL) |
Arch Ophthalmol | Archives of Ophthalmology (Chicago, IL) |
Arch Oral Biol | Archives of Oral Biology (Oxford) |
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg | Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery (Berlin) |
Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Archives of Otolaryngology-- Head and Neck Surgery (Chicago, IL) |
Arch Otorhinolaryngol Suppl | Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. Supplement (Berlin) |
Arch Pathol Lab Med | Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (Chicago, IL) |
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med | Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine |
Arch Pharm (Weinheim) | Archiv der Pharmazie (Weinheim) |
Arch Phys Med Rehabil | Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Chicago, IL) |
Arch Psychiatr Nurs | Archives of Psychiatric Nursing (Orlando, FL) |
Arch Psychol (Frankf) | Archiv fur Psychologie (Frankfurt am Main) |
Arch Putti Chir Organi Mov | Archivio Putti di Chirurgia Degli Organi di Movimento (Firenze) |
Arch Roum Pathol Exp Microbiol | Archives Roumaines de Pathologie Experimentale et de Microbiologie (Bucuresti) |
Arch Sex Behav | Archives of Sexual Behavior (New York, NY) |
Arch Surg | Archives of Surgery |
Arch Tierernahr | Archiv fur Tierernahrung (Berlin) |
Arch Toxicol | Archives of Toxicology (Berlin) |
Arch Toxicol Suppl | Archives of Toxicology. Supplement. Archiv fur Toxikologie. Supplement |
Arch Virol | Archives of Virology (Vienna) |
Arch Zool Exp Gen Notes Rev | Archives of Zoological Experimental Genetics Notes Review |
Arch Zool Ital | Archivio Zoologico Italiano |
Arctic Med Res | Arctic Medical Research (Oulu) |
Ardeola | Ardeola |
Arerugi | Arerugi. Japanese Journal of Allergology (Tokyo) |
Arh Hig Rada Toksikol | Arhiv za Higijenu Rada I Toksikologiju (Zagreb) |
Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol | Arkhiv Anatomii Gistologii I Embriologii (Leningrad) |
Arkh Patol | Arkhiv Patologii (Moskva) |
Arq Bras Cardiol | Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Sao Paulo) |
Arq Gastroenterol | Arquivos de Gastroenterologia (Sao Paulo) |
Arq Neuropsiquiatr | Arquivos de Neuro-Psiuiatria (Sao Paulo) |
Arteriosclerosis | Arteriosclerosis (Dallas, TX) |
Arterioscler Thromb | Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis (Dallas, TX) |
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol | Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology |
Artery | Artery (Leonidas, MI) |
Arthritis Care Res | Arthritis Care and Research |
Arthritis Res | Arthritis Research (London) |
Arthritis Rheum | Arthtitis and Rheumatism (Hagerstown, MD) |
Arthroscopy | Arthroscopy (New York, NY) |
Artif Intell Med | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine |
Artif Organs | Artificial Organs (New York, NY) |
Arukoru Kenkyuto Yakubutsu Ison | Arukoru Kenyu-to Yakubutsu Ison [Japanese Journal of Alcohol Studies and Drug Dependence] (Kyoto) |
Arzneimittelforschung | Arzeneimittel-Forschung (Aulendorf) |
Arztl Jugendkd | Arztliche Jugendkunde (Leipzig) |
Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol | Asia-Oceania Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Tokyo) |
Asia Pac J Clin Nutr | Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. |
Asia Pac J Public Health | Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health (Hong Kong) |
Asian J Agric Sci | Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences |
Asian J Plant Sci | Asian Journal of Plant Sciences |
Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol | Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology (Bangkok) |
ASLAP Newslett | ASLAP Newsletter (Rockville, MD) |
ASSIUT J Agric Sci | ASSIUT Journal Of Agricultural Sciences |
Aten Primaria | Atencion Primaria (Barcelona) |
Atherosclerosis | Atherosclerosis (Limerick) |
Atlas Heart Dis | Atlas of Heart Diseases |
Atlas Infect Dis | Atlas of Infectious Diseases |
Atmosphere and Biogeochemistry | Atmosphere and Biogeochemistry |
Audiology | Audiology (Basel) |
Audiology | Audiology (Tehran) |
Audiol Nerur-Otol | Audiology and Neuro-Otology |
Auditory Neurosci | Auditory Neuroscience |
Aufs Red d senck naturf Ges | Aufsaetze und Reden der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft |
Auris Nasus Larynx | Auris, Nasus, Larynx (Tokyo) |
Aust Clin Rev | Australian Clinical Review (Melbourne) |
Aust Dent J | Australian Dental Journal (Sydney) |
Aust Fam Physician | Australian Family Physician (Sydney) |
Aust J Bot | Australian Journal of Botany |
Aust J Earth Sci | Australian Journal of Earth Sciences |
Aust J Exp Agric | Austrialian Journal of Experimental Agriculture () |
Aust J Ecol | Australian Journal of Ecology |
Aust J Grape Wine Res | Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research |
Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci | Austrialian Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Science() |
Aust J Marine Freshwater Res | Autralian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research () |
Aust J Public Health | Australian Journal of Public Health (Canberra) |
Aust J Rural Health | Australian Journal of Rural Health |
Aust N Z J Mental Health Nurs | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Mental Health Nursing |
Aust N Z J Med | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine (Balgowlah NSW) |
Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Melbourne) |
Aust N Z J Ophthalmol | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Ophthalomology (Sydney) |
Aust N Z J Psychiatry | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (New South Wales) |
Aust N Z J Public Health | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health (Canberra) |
Aust N Z J Surg | Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery (Victoria) |
Aust Occup Therap J | Australian Occupational Therapy Journal |
Aust Vet J | Australian Veterinary Journal (New South Wales) |
Australas J Dermatol | Australasian Journal of Dermatology (New South Wales) |
Australas Phys Eng Sci Med | Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (Melbourne) |
Australas Radiol | Australasian Radiology (Sydney) |
Autoimmunity | Autoimmunity (Chur) |
Auton Neurosci | Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical |
Avian Dis | Avian Diseases (Kennett Square, PA) |
Avian Pathol | Avian Pathology |
Aviat Space Environ Med | Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine (Washington, DC) |
Avicenna J Med Biotech | Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnolgy |
Abbreviation | Name |
BJR Suppl | BJR Supplement (London) |
BJVM | Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine |
BMC Anesthesiol | BMC Anesthesiology |
BMC Biochem | BMC Biochemistry |
BMC Bioinformatics | BMC Bioinformatics |
BMC Biol | BMC Biology |
BMC Biotechnol | BMC Biotechnology |
BMC Blood Disord | BMC Blood Disorders |
BMC Cancer | BMC Cancer |
BMC Cardiovasc Disord | BMC Cardiovascular Disorders |
BMC Cell Biol | BMC Cell Biology |
BMC Chem Biol | BMC Chemical Biology |
BMC Clin Pathol | BMC Clinical Pathology |
BMC Clin Pharmacol | BMC Clinical Pharmacology |
BMC Complement Altern Med | BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine |
BMC Dermatol | BMC Dermatology |
BMC Dev Biol | BMC Developmental Biology |
BMC Ear Nose Throat Disord | BMC Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders |
BMC Ecol | BMC Ecology |
BMC Emerg Med | BMC Emergency Medicine |
BMC Endocr Disord | BMC Endocrine Disorders |
BMC Evol Biol | BMC Evolutionary Biology |
BMC Fam Pract | BMC Family Practice |
BMC Gastroenterol | BMC Gastroenterology |
BMC Genet | BMC Genetics |
BMC Genomics | BMC Genomics |
BMC Geriatr | BMC Geriatrics |
BMC Health Serv Res | BMC Health Services Research |
BMC Immunol | BMC Immunology |
BMC Infect Dis | BMC Infectious Diseases |
BMC Int Health Hum Rights | BMC International Health and Human Rights |
BMC Med Educ | BMC Medical Education |
BMC Med Ethics | BMC Medical Ethics |
BMC Med Genet | BMC Medical Genetics |
BMC Med Imaging | BMC Medical Imaging |
BMC Med Inform Decis Mak | BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making |
BMC Med Res Methodol | BMC Medical Research Methodology |
BMC Med | BMC Medicine |
BMC Microbiol | BMC Microbiology |
BMC Mol Biol | BMC Molecular Biology |
BMC Musculoskelet Disord | BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders |
BMC Nephrol | BMC Nephrology |
BMC Neurol | BMC Neurology |
BMC Neurosci | BMC Neuroscience |
BMC Nucl Med | BMC Nuclear Medicine |
BMC Nurs | BMC Nursing |
BMC Ophthalmol | BMC Ophthalmology |
BMC Oral Health | BMC Oral health |
BMC Palliat Care | BMC Palliative care |
BMC Pediatr | BMC Pediatrics |
BMC Pharmacol | BMC Pharmacology |
BMC Physiol | BMC Physiology |
BMC Plant Biol | BMC Plant Biology |
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth | BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth |
BMC Psychiatry | BMC Psychiatry |
BMC Public Health | BMC Public Health |
BMC Pulm Med | BMC Pulmonary Medicine |
BMC Struct Biol | BMC Structural Biology |
BMC Surg | BMC Surgery |
BMC Urol | BMC Urology |
BMC Vet Res | BMC Veterinary Research |
BMC Womens Health | BMC Women's Health |
BMJ | BMJ (London) |
Bacteriol Virusol Parazitol Epidemiol | Bacteriologia, Virusologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia (Bucuresti) |
Baillieres Clin Endocrinol Metab | Baillieres Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (London) |
Baillieres Clin Gastroenterol | Baillieres Clinical Gastroenterology (London) |
Baillieres Clin Haematol | Baillieres Clinical Haematology (London) |
Baillieres Clin Neurol | Baillieres Clinical Neurology (London) |
Baillieres Clin Obstet Gynaecol | Baillieres Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology (London) |
Baillieres Clin Rheumatol | Baillieres Clinical Rheumatology (London) |
Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull | Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin (Dacca) |
Basic Appl Myol | Basic and Applied Myology (Padova, Italy) |
Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol | Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology |
Basic Life Sci | Basic Life Sciences (New York, NY) |
Basic Res Cardiol | Basic Research in Cardiology (Darmstadt) |
Behav Brain Funct | Behavioral and Brain Functions |
Behav Brain Res | Behavioural Brain Research (Amsterdam) |
Behav Brain Sci | Behavioral and Brain Sciences |
Behav Ecol | Behavioral Ecology |
Behav Ecol Sociobiol | Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology () |
Behav Genet | Behavior Genetics (New York, NY) |
Behav Med | Behavioral Medicine (Washington, DC) |
Behav Modif | Behavior Modification (Newbury Park, CA) |
Behav Neural Biol | Behavioral and Neural Biology (New York, NY) |
Behav Neurol | Behavioural Neurology (Oxford) |
Behav Neurosci | Behavioral Neuroscience (Washington, DC) |
Behav Pharmacol | Behavioural Pharmacology (Oxford) |
Behav Process | Behavioural Processes |
Behav Res Ther | Behaviour Research and Therapy (Oxford) |
Behav Sci | Behavioral Science (Ann Arbor, MI) |
Behaviour | Behaviour () |
Behav Sci Law | Behavioral Sciences and the Law |
Behring Inst Mitt | Behring Institute Mitteilungen (Marburg/Lahn) |
Beitr Gerichtl Med | Beitrage zur Gerichtlichen Medizin (Vienna) |
Beitr Infusionther | Beitrage zur Infusionstherapie (Basel) |
Beitr Infusionsther Transfusionsmed | Beitrage zur Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedizin (Basel) |
Beitr Trop Landwirtsch Veterinarmed | Beitrage zur Tropischen Landwirtschaft und Veterinarmediziz (Leipzig) |
Belgian J Zool | Belgian Journal of Zoology |
Ber nat-med Verein Innsbruck | Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck |
Ber nat-med Verein Innsbruck Suppl | Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck - Suplementa / Gredleriana / Gredleriana / |
Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr | Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift (Berlin) |
Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab | Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism |
Bibl Anat | Bibliotheca Anatomica (Basel) |
Bibl Cardiol | Bibliotheca Cardiologica (Basel) |
Bibl Nutr Dieta | Bibliotheca Nutritio et Dieta (Basel) |
Bibl Psychiatr | Bibliotheca Psychiatrica (Basel) |
Bildgebung | Bildgebung (Basel) |
BioAccess | BioAccess |
Biocell | Biocell (Mendoza) |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (Orlando, FL) |
Biochem Cell Biol | Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Ottawa) |
Biochem Educ | Biochemical Education (Oxford) |
Biochem Genet | Biochemical Genetics (New York, NY) |
Biochem Int | Biochemistry International (Sydney) |
Biochem J | Biochemical Journal (London) |
Biochem Med | Biochemical Medicine () |
Biochem Med Metab Biol | Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology (New York, NY) |
Biochem Mol Biol Int | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International (Sydney) |
Biochem Mol Med | Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (Orlando, FL) |
Biochem Pharmacol | Biochemical Pharmacology (Oxford) |
Biochem Soc Symp | Biochemical Society Symposia (London) |
Biochem Soc Trans | Biochemical Society Transactions (London) |
Biochem Sys Ecol | Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (Oxford) |
Biochem Z | Biochemische Zeitschrift () |
Biochemistry | Biochemistry (Washington, DC) |
Biochim Biophys Acta | Biochimica et Biophysica ACTA/General Subjects (Amsterdam) |
Biochimie | Biochimie (Paris) |
Bioconjug Chem | Bioconjugate Chemistry (Washington, DC) |
BioControl | BioControl (Dordrecht, Netherlands) |
BioDrugs | BioDrugs |
Bioeletrochem Bioenerg | Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics (Lausanne) |
Bioelectromagnetics | Bioelectromagnetics (New York, NY) |
Bioenergetics | Biochimica et Biophysica ACTA/Bioenergetics (Amsterdam) |
Biodiversity Informatics | Biodiversity Informatics (Lawrence, Kansas) |
BioEssays | BioEssays (Cambridge) |
Biofactors | Biofactors (Amsterdam) |
Biofeedback Self Regul | Biofeedback and Self Regulation (New York, NY) |
Biofizika | Biofizika (Moskva) |
Biofutur | Biofutur (Paris) |
Biogerontology | Biogerontology () |
Bioinformatics | Bioinformatics () |
Biokhimiia | Biokhimiia (Moskva) |
Biol Bull | Biological Bulletin (Wood Hole, MA) |
Biol Cell | Biology of the Cell (Paris) |
Biol Chem | Biological Chemistry (Berlin) |
Biol Chem Hoppe Seyler | Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler (Berlin) |
Biol Cons | Biological Conservation |
Biol Control | Biological Control |
Biol Cybern | Biological Cybernetics (Berlin) |
Biol Invasions | Biological Invasions |
Biol J Linnean Soc | Biological Journal of the Linnean Society |
Biol Mass Spectrom | Biological Mass Spectrometry (Chichester) |
Biol Met | Biology of Metals (Berlin) |
Biol Nauki | Biologicheskie Nauki (Minsk) |
Biol Neonate | Biology of the Neonate (Basel) |
Biol Pharm Bull | Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Tokyo) |
Biol Psychiatry | Biological Psychiatry (New York, NY) |
Biol Psychol | Biological Psychology (Amsterdam) |
Biol Reprod | Biology of Reproduction (Madison, WI) |
Biol Res | Biological Research (Santiago) |
Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc | Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (London) |
Biol Signals | Biological Signals (Basel) |
Biol Struct Morphog | Biological Structures and Morphogenesis (Paris) |
Biol Trace Elem Res | Biological Trace Element Research (Clifton, NJ) |
Biologicals | Biologicals (London) |
Biomarkers | Biomarkers |
Biol Direct | Biology Direct |
Biomater Artif Cells Immobilization Biotechnol | Biomaterials, Artificial Cells, and Immobilization Biotechnology (New York, NY) |
Biomaterials | Biomaterials (Oxford) |
Biomed Biochim Acta | Biomedica Biochimica ACTA (Berlin) |
Biomed Chromatogr | Biomedical Chromatography (Chichester) |
Biomed Environ Sci | Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (San Diego, CA) |
Biomed Instrum Technol | Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Biomed Mater | Biomedical Materials |
Biomed Mater Eng | Biomedical Materials and Engineering (New York, NY) |
Biomed Pharmacother | Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy (Paris) |
Biomed Sci | Biomedical Science (London) |
Biomed Sci Instrum | Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation (New York, NY) |
Biomed Tech (Berlin) | Biomedizinische Technik (Berlin) |
Biomembranes | Biochimica et Biophysica ACTA/Biomembranes (Amsterdam) |
BioMetals | BioMetals (Oxford) |
Biometrical J | Biometrical Journal |
Biometrics | Biometrics (Alexandria, VA) |
Bioorg Chem | Bioorganic Chemistry |
Bioorg Khim | Bioorganicheskaia Khimiia (Moskva) |
Bioorg Med Chem | Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry (Oxford) |
Biopharm Drug Dispos | Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition (Chichester) |
Biophys Bioeng Med Instrum | Biophysics, Bioengineering and Medical Instrumentation |
Biophys Chem | Biophysical Chemistry (Amsterdam) |
Biophys J | Biophysical Journal (Bethesda, MD) |
Biophysics | Biophysics (Oxford) |
Biopolymers | Biopolymers (New York, NY) |
Biorheology | Biorheology (Tarrytown, NY) |
Biosci Biotechnol Biochem | Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry (Tokyo) |
Biosci Rep | Bioscience Reports (New York, NY) |
Biosens Bioelectron | Biosensors and Bioelectronics (Oxford) |
Biostatistics | Biostatistics |
Biosystems | Biosystems (Limerick) |
Biotech Adv | Biotechnology Advances (New York, NY) |
Biotech Anim Husbandry | Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry |
Biotech Histochem | Biotechnic and Histochemistry (Baltimore, MD) |
Biotechniques | Biotechniques (Natick, MA) |
Biotechnol | Biotechnology |
Biotechnol Appl Biochem | Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry (San Diego, CA) |
Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev | Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews (Hants) |
Biotechnol Prog | Biotechnology Progress (Washington, DC) |
Biotechnol Ther | Biotechnology Therapeutics (New York, NY) |
Biotechnology | Biotechnology (Stoneham, MA) |
Bio/Technology | Bio/Technology (New York, NY) |
Biotekhnologiya | Biotekhnologiya |
Biotherapy | Biotherapy (Dordrecht) |
Biull Eksp Biol Med | Biulleten Eksperimentalnoi Biologii I Meditsiny (Moskva) |
Blood | Blood (New York, NY) |
Blood Cells | Blood Cells (Berlin) |
Blood Cells Mol Dis | Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (La Jolla, CA) |
Blood Coagul Fibribolysis | Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis (Oxford) |
Blood Press | Blood Pressure (Oslo) |
Blood Press Suppl | Blood Pressure Supplement (Oslo) |
Blood Press Monitor | Blood Pressure Monitoring (Oxford) |
Blood Purif | Blood Purification (Basel) |
Blood Rev | Blood Reviews (Edinburgh) |
Blutalkohol | Blutalkohol (Hamburg) |
Boc | Bocagiana (Funchal, Portugal) |
Bol Asoc Med P R | Boletin- Asociacion Medica de Puerto Rico (San Juan) |
Bol Chil Parasitol | Boletin Chileno de Parastologia (Santiago) |
Bol Estud Med Biol | Boletin de Estudios Medicos Y Biologicos (Mexico) |
Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex | Boletin Medico del Hospital Infantil de Mexico (Mexico City) |
Bol Mus Mun Funchal | Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal (Funchal, Portugal) |
Bol Mus Para Emílio Goeldi sér Zool | Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, série Zoologia (Belém, Pará, Brazil) |
Bol Oficina Sanit Panam | Boletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana (Washington, DC) |
Boll Chim Farm | Bollettino Chimico Farmaceutico (Milano) |
Boll Ist Sieroter Milan | Bollettino Dell Istituto Sieroterapico Milanese (Milano) |
Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper | Bollettino- Societa Italiana Biologia Sperimentale (Napoli) |
Boll Zool Ital | Bollettino di Zoologia Italiana |
Bone | Bone (New York, NY) |
Bone Marrow Transplant | Bone Marrow Transplantation (Basingstoke) |
Bone Miner | Bone and Mineral (Amsterdam) |
Boston Med Surg J | Boston Medical and Surgical Journal |
Bot Gaz | Botanical Gazette |
Bot Mar | Botanica Marina |
Bot J Linean Soc | Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |
Bot Rev | Botanical Review |
Bot Jahrb Syst | Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie |
Br Dent J | British Dental Journal (London) |
Br Heart J | British Heart Journal (London) |
Br Homeopath J | British Homeopathic Journal |
Br J Addict | British Journal of Addiction (Oxfordshire) |
Br J Anaesth | British Journal of Anaesthesia (London) |
Br J Audiol | British Journal of Audiology (Kent) |
Br J Biomed Sci | British Journal of Biomedical Science |
Br J Cancer | British Journal of Cancer (Basingstoke) |
Br J Cancer Suppl | British Journal of Cancer. Supplement (Basingstoke) |
Br J Clin Pharmacol | British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (Oxford) |
Br J Clin Pract | British Journal of Clinical Practice (London) |
Br J Clin Pract Symp Suppl | British Journal of Clinical Practice. Symposium Supplement (London) |
Br J Clin Psychol | British Journal of Clinical Psychology (Letchworth Herts) |
Br J Dermatol | British Journal of Dermatology (Oxford) |
Br J Disord Commun | British Journal of Disorders of Communication (London) |
Br J Educ Psychol | British Journal of Educational Psychology (London) |
Br J Gen Pract | British Journal of General Practice (London) |
Br J Haematol | British Journal of Haematology (Oxford) |
Br J Health Psychol | British Journal of Health Psychology |
Br J Hosp Med | British Journal of Hospital Medicine (London) |
Br J Ind Med | British Journal of Industrial Medicine (London) |
Br J Math Stat Psychol | British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology (London) |
Br J Med Med Res | British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research (BJMMR) |
Br J Med Psychol | British Journal of Medical Psychology (Letchworth Eng) |
Br J Neurosurg | British Journal of Neurosurgery (Abingdon) |
Br J Nutr | British Journal of Nutrition (London) |
Br J Obstet Gynaecol | British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Oxford) |
Br J Ophthalmol | British Journal of Ophthalmology (London) |
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg | British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Edinburgh) |
Br J Orthod | British Journal of Orthodontics (Oxford) |
Br J Pharmacol | British Journal of Pharmacology (Basingstoke) |
Br J Plast Surg | British Journal of Plastic Surgery (Edinburgh) |
Br J Psychiatry | British Journal of Psychiatry (London) |
Br J Psychiatry Suppl | Britsh Jouranl of Psychiatry. Supplement (London) |
Br J Psychol | British Journal of Psychology (Letchworth Eng) |
Br J Radiol | British Journal of Radiology (London) |
Br J Rheumatol | British Journal of Rheumatology (London) |
Br J Soc Psychol | British Journal of Social Psychology (Letchworth Herts) |
Br J Sociol | British Journal of Sociology (London) |
Br J Sports Med | British Journal of Sports Medicine (Guildford) |
Br J Surg | British Journal of Surgery (Guildford) |
Br J Urol | British Journal of Urology (Harlow) |
Br Med Bull | British Medical Bulletin (Edinhurgh) |
Br Med J | British Medical Journal (London) |
Br Poult Sci | British Poultry Science (Abingdon) |
Br Vet J | British Veterinary Journal (London) |
Brain | Brain (Oxford) |
Brain Behav Evol | Brain Behavior and Evolution (Basel) |
Brain Behav Immun | Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (Orlando, FL) |
Brain Cogn | Brain and Cognition (New York, NY) |
Brain Dev | Brain and Development (Amsterdam) |
Brain Inj | Brain Injury (London) |
Brain Lang | Brain and Language (Orlando, FL) |
Brain Pathol | Brain Pathology (Zurich) |
Brain Res | Brain Research (Amsterdam) |
Brain Res Brain Res Rev | Brain Research. Brain Research Reviews (Amsterdam) |
Brain Res Bull | Brain Research Bulletin (New York, NY) |
Brain Res Prot | Brain Research Protocols () |
Brain Res Cogn Brain Res | Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research (Amsterdam) |
Brain Res Dev Brain Res | Brain Research. Developmental Brain Research (Amsterdam) |
Brain Res Mol Brain Res | Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research (Amsterdam) |
Brain Topogr | Brain Topography (New York, NY) |
BrainScan | BrainScan |
Bratisl Lek Listy | Bratislavske Lekarske Listy (Bratislava) |
Braz J Infect Dis | Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases |
Braz J Med Biol Res | Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Sao Paulo) |
Breast Cancer Res | Breast Cancer Research (London) |
Breast Cancer Res Treat | Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (Dordrecht) |
Breast J | The Breast Journal |
Brief. Bioinform | Briefings in Bioinformatics |
Bull Acad Natl Med | Bulletin de l Academie Nationale de Medecine (Paris) |
Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law | Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (Bloomfield, CT) |
Bull Assoc Anat (Nancy) | Bulletin de l Association des Anatomistes (Nancy) |
Bull Br Mus Nat Hist (Entomol) | Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History |
Bull Cancer (Paris) | Bulletin du Cancer (Paris) |
Bull Cancer Radiother | Bulletin du Cancer. Radiotherapie (Paris) |
Bull Chem Soc Japan | Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan () |
Bull Chest Dis Res Inst Kyoto Univ | Bulletin of the Chest Disease Research Institute, Kyoto University (Kyoto) |
Bull Ecol Soc Am | Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America |
Bull Entomol Res | Bulletin of Entomological Research |
Bull Environ Contam Toxicol | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (New York, NY) |
Bull Eur Assoc Fish Pathol | Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists |
Bull Group Int Rech Sci Stomatol Odontol | Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie et Odontologie (Bruxelles) |
Bull Hist Med | Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Baltimore, MD) |
Bull Hokkaido Nat Agric Exper Station | Bulletin of Hokkaido National Agriculture Experimental Station (Japan) |
Bull Hosp Jt Dis | Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases (New York, NY) |
Bull Hosp Jt Dis Orthop Inst | Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute (New York, NY) |
Bull Inst Marit Trop Gdynia | Bulletin of the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine in Gdynia (Gdynia) |
Bull Jard Bot Nat Belg | Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique |
Bull Lab Vet | ???? |
Bull Mus Nat His Nat | Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle |
Bull Inst Pasteur | Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur |
Bull Int Union Tuberc Lung Dis | Bulletin of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (Paris) |
Bull Jpn Soc Sci Fish | Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries |
Bull Math Biol | Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (New York, NY) |
Bull Med Libr Assoc | Bulletin of the Medical Library Association (Chicago, IL) |
Bull Mem Acad R Med Belg | Bulletin et Memoires de l Academie Royale de Medecine de Belgique (Brussels) |
Bull Menninger Clin | Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic (Topeka, KS) |
Bull Mosc Soc Natur Biol Ser | Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Naturalists Biological Series |
Bull Mosc Soc Natur Biol Ser | Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii |
Bull Nat Inst Agric Sci | Bulletin of the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (Japan) |
Bull Nat Inst Agro-Environmental Sciences | Bulletin of the National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences (Japan) |
Bull N Y Acad Med | Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine (New York, NY) |
Bull Narc | Bulletin on Narcotics (New York, NY) |
Bull Off Int Epizoot | Bulletin de l’Office International des Epizooties |
Bull Osaka Med Coll | Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College |
Bull Pan Am Health Organ | Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization (Washington, DC) |
Bull Pure Appl Sci | Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences |
Bull Rheum Dis | Bulletin on the Rheumatic Diseases (Atlanta, GA) |
Bull Soc Belge Ophthalmol | Bulletin de la Societe Belge d Ophthalmologie (Brussels) |
Bull Soc Entomol Fr | Bulletin de la Societe Francaise d'Entomologie |
Bull Soc Pathol Exot | Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique (Paris) |
Bull Soc Pathol Exot Filiales | Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique et de ses Filiales (Paris) |
Bull Soc Sci Med Grand Duche Luxemb | Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Medicales du Grand Duche de Luxembourg (Luxembourg) |
Bull Soc Vaudoise Sci Nat | Bulletin de la Societe Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles |
Bull Soc Zool Fr | Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France |
Bull Tokyo Med Dent Univ | Bulletin of Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Tokyo) |
Bull World Health Organ | Bulletin of the World Health Organization (Geneva) |
Burns | Burns (Oxford) |
Abbreviation | Name |
C R Assoc Anat | Comptes Rendus de l Association des Anatomistes () |
C R Acad Sci III | Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences. Serie III, Sciences de la Vie (Paris) |
C R Acad Sci Hebd Seances Acad Sci D | Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l Academie des Sciences. D: Sciences Naturelles |
C R Hebd Seances Acad Sci | Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l Academie des Sciences () |
C R Seances Acad Sci III | Comptes Rendus des Seances de l Academie des Sciences. Serie III, Sciences de la Vie () |
C R Seances Acad Sci D | Comptes Rendus des Seances de l Academie des Sciences. Serie D, Sciences Naturelles () |
C R Seances Soc Biol Fil | Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie et de ses Filiales () |
C R Soc Seances Soc Biol Fil | Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie et des ses Filiales (Paris) |
C R Trav Lab Carlsberg | Comptes Rendus des Travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg () |
CA Cancer J Clin | CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians (New York, NY) |
CABIOS | Computer Applications in the Biosciences |
CBIO | Current Bioinformatics |
CCC | Cancer Causes and Control (Oxford) |
CCC:BSL | Culture, Climate and Change: Biocultural Systems and Livelihoods |
CFG | Comparative and Functional Genomics |
CJNR | Canadian Journal of Nursing Research |
CLAO J | Clao Journal (New Orleans, LA) |
CMAJ | Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l'Association Medicale Canadienne |
Caduceus | Caduceus (Springfield, IL) |
Cah Anesthesiol | Cahiers d Anesthesiologie (Paris) |
Cah Sociol Demogr Med | Cahiers de Sociologie et de Demographie Medicales (Paris) |
Calcif Tissue Int | Calcified Tissue International (New York, NY) |
Can Assoc Radiol J | Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal (Montreal) |
Can Dis Wkly Rep | Canadian Diseases Weekly Report (Ottawa) |
Can Geotech J | Canadian Geotechnical Journal |
Can Field Nat | Canadian Field-Naturalist |
Can Inst Food Sci Technol J | Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal |
Can J Anaesth | Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia (Toronto) |
Can J Bot | Canadian Journal of Botany |
Can J Cardiol | Canadian Journal of Cardiology (Oakville, ONT) |
Can J Chem | Canadian Journal of Chemistry |
Can J Earth Sci | Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences |
Can J Fish Aquat Sci | Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
Can J Forest Res | Canadian Journal of Forest Research |
Can J Microbiol | Canadian Journal of Microbiology (Ottawa) |
Can J Neurol Sci | Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences (Calgary) |
Can J Nurs Res | Canadian Journal of Nursing Research |
Can J Ophthalmol | Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology (Montreal) |
Can J Physiol Pharmacol | Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (Ottawa) |
Can J Psychiatry | Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Revue Canadienne de Psychiatrie (Ottawa) |
Can J Psychol | Canadian Journal of Psychology (Toronto) |
Can J Public Health | Canadian Journal of Public Health. Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique (Ottawa) |
Can J Sport Sci | Canadian Journal of Sport Sciences (Downsview, ONT) |
Can J Surg | Canadian Journal of Surgery (Ottawa) |
Can J Vet Res | Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research (Ottawa) |
Can J Zool | Canadian Journal of Zoology |
Can Med Assoc J | Canadian Medical Association Journal (Ottawa) |
Can Respir J | Canadian Respiratory Journal () |
Cancer | Cancer (Philadelphia, PA) |
Cancer Biochem Biophys | Cancer Biochemistry Biophysics (London) |
Cancer Causes ControlCancer Causes Control | Cancer Causes and Control (Oxford) |
Cancer Cell | Cancer Cell |
Cancer Cells | Cancer Cells (Cold Spring Harbor, NY) |
Cancer Chemother Biol Response Modif | Cancer Chemotherapy and Biological Response Modifiers (Amsterdam) |
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol | Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology (Berlin) |
Cancer Control | Cancer Control () |
Cancer Commun | Cancer Communications (New York, NY) |
Cancer Detect Prev | Cancer Detection and Prevention (Boca Raton, FL) |
Cancer Detect Prev Suppl | Cancer Detection and Prevention. Supplement (New York, NY) |
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prevent | Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention |
Cancer Genet Cytogenet | Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics (New York, NY) |
Cancer Immunol Immunother | Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy (Heidelberg) |
Cancer Inform | Cancer Informatics |
Cancer Invest | Cancer Investigation (New York, NY) |
Cancer J | Cancer Journal |
Cancer Lett | Cancer Letters (Limerick) |
Cancer Metastasis Rev | Cancer and Metastasis Reviews (Boston, MA) |
Cancer Nurs | Cancer Nursing (New York, NY) |
Cancer Pract | Cancer Practice () |
Cancer Prev Control | Cancer Prevention and Control () |
Cancer Res | Cancer Research (Baltimore, MD) |
Cancer Surv | Cancer Surveys (Oxford) |
Cancer Ther/A> | Cancer Therapy |
Cancer Treat Res | Cancer Treatment and Research (The Hague) |
Cancer Treat Rev | Cancer Treatment Reviews (London) |
Carbohydr Lett | Carbohydrate Letters |
Carbohydr Polymers | Carbohydrate Polymers (Oxford) |
Carbohydr Res | Carbohydrate Research (Amsterdam) |
Carcinog Compr Surv | Carcinogenesis; A Comprehensive Survey (New York, NY) |
Carcinogenesis | Carcinogenesis (New York, NY) |
Cardiol Clin | Cardiology Clinics (Philadelphia, PA) |
Cardiol Rev | Cardiology in Review () |
Cardiologia | Cardiologia (Roma) |
Cardiology | Cardiology (Basel) |
Cardioscience | Cardioscience (Venezia) |
Cardiovasc Clin | Cardiovascular Clinics (Philadelphia, PA) |
Cardiovasc Clin Trials | Cardiovascular Clinical Trials () |
Cardiovasc Drugs Ther | Cardiocasular Drugs and Therapy (Norwell, MA) |
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol | Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology (New York, NY) |
Cardiovasc Pathol | Cardiovascular Pathology |
Cardiovasc Res | Cardiovascular Research (London) |
Care Crit Ill | Care of the Critically Ill |
Caribbean J Sci | Caribbean Journal of Science (Mayaguez) |
Caries Res | Caries Research (Basel) |
Cas Lek Cesk | Casopis Lekaru Ceskych (Praha) |
Cat | Catalogue |
Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn | Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis (New York, NY) |
Catheter Cardiovasc Interv | Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions |
Cell | Cell (Cambridge, MA) |
Cell Adhesion Comm | Cell Adhesion and Communication |
Cell Biochem Biophys | Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics |
Cell Biochem Funct | Cell Biochemistry and Function (Chichester) |
Cell Biol Int | Cell Biology International |
Cell Biol Int Rep | Cell Biology International Reports (London) |
Cell Biol Toxicol | Cell Biology and Toxicology (Princeton, NJ) |
Cell Biophys | Cell Biophysics (London) |
Cell Calcium | Cell Calcium (Edinburgh) |
Cell Cycle | Cell Cycle |
Cell Death Differ | Cell Death and Differentiation |
Cell Growth Differ | Cell Growth and Differentiation (Baltimore, MD) |
Cell Immunol | Cellular Immunology (New York, NY) |
Cell Microbiol | Cellular Microbiology |
Cell Mol Biol | Cellular and Molecular Biology (Elmsford, NY) |
Cell Mol Life Sci | Cellular and Molecular Life Science (Basel) |
Cell Mol Neurobiol | Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (New York, NY) |
Cell Motil Cytoskeleton | Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton (New York, NY) |
Cell Pharmacol | Cellular Pharmacology |
Cell Physiol Biochem | Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry |
Cell Prolif | Cell Proliferation (Oxford) |
Cell Regul | Cell Regulation (Bethesda, MD) |
Cell Res | Cell Research (China) |
Cell Signal | Cellular Signalling (Oxford) |
Cell Struct Funct | Cell Structure and Function (Okayama) |
Cell Transplant | Cell Transplantation (New York) |
Cell Tissue Res | Cell and Tissue Research (Berlin) |
Cellular Signalling | Cellular Signalling (New York, NY) |
Cellule | Cellule (Louvain) |
Cent Afr J Med | Central African Journal of Medicine (Harare) |
Cent Eur J Immunol | Central European Journal of Immunology |
Cephalalgia | Cephalalgia (Oslo) |
Cereal Chem | Cereal Chemistry |
Cereal Foods World | Cereal Foods World |
Cerebral Cortex | Cerebral Cortex |
Cerebrovasc Brain Metab Rev | Cerebrovascular and Brain Metabolism Reviews (New York, NY) |
Cerebrovasc Dis | Cerebrovascular Diseases |
Cesk Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol | Ceskoslovenska Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie (Praha) |
Cesk Farm | Ceskoslovenska Farmacie (Praha) |
Cesk Fysiol | Ceskoslovenska Fysiologie (Praha) |
Cesk Gynekol | Ceskoslovenska Gynekologie (Praha) |
Cesk Neurol Neurochir | Ceskoslovenska Neurologie A Neurochirurgie (Praha) |
Cesk Oftalmol | Ceskoslovenska Oftalmologie (Praha) |
Cesk Patol | Ceskoslovenska Patologie (Praha) |
Cesk Pediatr | Ceskoslovenska Pediatrie (Praha) |
Cesk Psychiatr | Ceskoslovenska Psychiatrie (Praha) |
Cesk Zdrav | Ceskoslovenske Zdravotnictvi (Praha) |
Ceylon Med J | Ceylon Medical Journal (Colombo) |
CFS | Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg |
Chang Keng I Hsueh | Chang Keng I Hsueh [Chang Gung Medical Journal] (Taipei) |
Chem Biol | Chemistry and Biology () |
Chem Biol Interact | Chemico-Biological Interactions (Limerick) |
Chem Health Safety | Chemical Health & Safety (Washington, DC) |
Chem Immunol | Chemical Immunology (Basel) |
Chemistry Int | Chemistry International |
Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) | Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Tokyo) |
Chem Phys Lipids | Chemistry and Physics of Lipids (Limerick) |
Chem Res Toxicol | Chemical Research in Toxicology (Washington, DC) |
Chem Rev | Chemical Reviews (Washington, DC) |
Chem Senses | Chemical Senses |
Chem Today | Chemistry Today (Chimica Oggi) |
Chemosphere | Chemosphere |
Chemotherapy | Chemotherapy (Basel) |
Chen Tzu Yen Chiu | Chen Tzu Yen Chiu [Acupuncture Research] (Beijing) |
Chest | Chest (Park Ridge, IL) |
Child Abuse Negl | Child Abuse and Neglect (Oxford) |
Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am | Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinics of North America |
Child Care Health Dev | Child: Care, Health and Development (Oxford) |
Child Dev | Child Development (Chicago, IL) |
Child Family Social Work | Child and Family Social Work |
Child Nephrol Urol | Child Nephrology and Urology (Basel) |
Child Psychiatry Hum Dev | Child Psychiatry and Human Development (New York, NY) |
Child Today | Children Today (Washington, DC) |
Child Welfare | Child Welfare (New York, NY) |
Childs Nerv Syst | Childs Nervous System (Berlin) |
Chin J Biotechnol | Chinese Journal of Biotechnology (New York, NY) |
Chin J Physiol | Chinese Journal of Physiology (Taipei) |
Chin Med J (Engl) | Chinese Medical Journal (Beijing) |
Chin Med Sci J | Chinese Medical Sciences Journal |
Chir Gastroenterol | Chirurgische Gastroenterologie |
Chir Ital | Chirurgia Italiana (Verona) |
Chir Maxillofac Plast | Chirurgia Maxillofacialis et Plastica (Zagreb) |
Chir Organi Mov | Chirurgia Degli Organi di Movimento (Bologna) |
Chir Patol Sper | Chirurgia e Patologia Sperimentale (Milano) |
Chirality | Chirality (New York, NY) |
Chiropreactic Technique | Chiropractic Technique () |
Chirurg | Chirurg (Berlin) |
Chirurgie | Chirurgie (Paris) |
Chronic Dis Can | Chronic Diseases in Canada () |
Chromosoma | Chromosoma (Berlin) |
Chromosome Res | Chromosome Research |
Chronobiol Int | Chronobiology International (Oxford) |
Chronobiologia | Chronobiologia (Milano) |
Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih | Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Modern Developments in Traditional Medicine] (Beijing) |
Chung Hua Cheng Hsing Shao Shnag Wai Ko Tsa Chih | Chung-Hua Cheng Hsing Shao Shang Wai Ko Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery and Burns] (Beijing) |
Chung Hua Chieh Ho Ho Hu Hsi Tsa Chih | Chung-Hua Chieh Ho Ho Hu Hsi Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases] (Beijing) |
Chung Hua Chung Liu Tsa Chih | Chung-Hua Chung Liu Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Oncology] (Peking) |
Chung Hua Erh Pi Yen Hou Ko Tsa Chih | Chung Hua Erh Pi Yen Hou Ko Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology] (Beijing) |
Chung Hua Fu Chan Ko Tsa Chih | Chung Hua Fu Chan Ko Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology] (Peking) |
Chung Hua Hsin Hsueh Kuan Ping Tsa Chih | Chung Hua Hsin Hsueh Kuan Ping Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Cardiology] (Peking) |
Chung Hua Hu Li Tsa Chih | Chung Hua Hu Li Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Nursing] (Peking) |
Chung Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih | Chung Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih [Chinese Medical Journal] (Peking) |
Chung Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih | Chung-Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih [Chinese Medical Journal] (Taipei) |
Chung Hua Kou Chiang Hsueh Tsa Chih | Chung-Hua Kou Chiang I Hsueh Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Stomatology] (Beijing) |
Chung Hua Liu Hsing Ping Hsueh Tsa Chih | Chung-Hua Liu Hsing Ping Hsueh Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Epidemiology] (Pei-Ching) |
Chung Hua Min Kuo Wei Sheng Wu Chi Mien I Hsueh Tsa Chih | Chung-Hua Min Kuo Wei Sheng Wu Chi Mien I Hsueh Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Microbiologyand Immunology] (Taipei) |
Chung Hua Nei Ko Tsa Chih | Chung-Hua Nei Ko Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine] (Peking) |
Chung Hua Shen Ching Ching Shen Ko Tsa Chih | Chung-Hua Shen Ching Ching Shen Ko Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry] (Peking) |
Chung Hua Wai Ko Tsa Chih | Chung-Hua Wai Ko Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Surgery] (Peking) |
Chung Hua Yen Ko Tsa Chih | Chung-Hua Yen Ko Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology] (Peking) |
Chung Hua Yu Fang I Hsueh Tsa Chih | Chung-Hua Yu Fang I Hsueh Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine] (Peking) |
Chung-hua Ping Li Hsueh Tsa Chih | Chung-hua Ping Li Hsueh Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Pathology] (Beijing) |
Chung Kuo Chi Sheng Chung Hsueh Yu Chi Sheng Chung Ping Tsa Chih | Chung Kuo Chi Sheng Chung Hsueh Yu Chi Sheng Chung Ping Tsa Chih [Chinese Journal of Parasitology] (Shanghai) |
Chung Kuo Chung Yao Tsa Chi | Chung-Kuo Chung Yao Tsa Chi [China Journal of Chinese Matria Medica] (Pei-Ching) |
Chung Kuo I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Yuan Hsueh Pao | Chung-Kuo I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Yuan Hsueh Pao [ACTA Academiae Medicinae Sinicae] (Peking) |
Chung Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao | Chung-Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao [ACTA Pharmacologica Sinica] (Beijing) |
Ciba Found Symp | CIBA Foundation Symposium (Amsterdam) |
Cienc Cult | Ciencia e Cultura (Brasil) |
Cienc Mar | Ciencias Marinas |
Cienc Tecnol Alimentos | Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos |
Cir Pediatr | Cirugia Pediatrica (Barcelona) |
Circ Res | Circulation Research (Dallas, TX) |
Circ Shock | Circulatory Shock (New York, NY) |
Circulation | Circulation (Dallas, TX) |
Cir Ciruj | Cirugía y Cirujanos (Mexico) |
Cir Gen | Cirujano General (Mexico) |
Cleft Palate Craniofac J | Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal (Pittsburgh, PA) |
Cleve Clin J Med | Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine (Cleveland, OH) |
Clin Biochem | Clinical Biochemistry (Toronto) |
Climacteric | Climacteric |
Clin Appl Thromb Hemost | Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis |
Clin Breast Cancer | Clinical Breast Cancer |
Clin Cancer Res | Clinical Cancer Research |
Clin Cardiol | Clinical Cardiology (Mahwah, NJ) |
Clin Chem | Clinical Chemistry (Winston-Salem, NC) |
Clin Chem Enzymol Comm | Clinical Chemistry and Enzymology Communications |
Clin Chem Lab Med | Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine |
Clin Chest Med | Clinics in Chest Medicine (Philadelphia, PA) |
Clin Chim Acta | Clinica Chimica ACTA (Amsterdam) |
Clin Dermatol | Clinics in Dermatology (New York, NY) |
Clin Dev Med | Clinics in Developmental Medicine |
Clin Diagn Lab Immunol | Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology (Washington, D.C.) |
Clin Diagn Ultrasound | Clinics in Diagnostic Ultrasound (New York, NY) |
Clin Diagn Virol | Clinical and Diagnostic Virology (Amsterdam) |
Clin Drug Invest | Clinical Drug Investigation () |
Clin Electroencephalogr | Clinical Electroencephalography (Wilmette, IL) |
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) | Clinical Endocrinology (Oxford) |
Clin Exp Allergy | Clinical and Experimental Allergy (Oxford) |
Clin Exp Biochem | Clinical and Experimental Biochemistry |
Clin Exp Dermatol | Clinical and Experimental Dermatology (Oxford) |
Clin Exp Hypertens [A] | Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. Part A, Theory and Practice (New York, NY) |
Clin Exp Immunol | Clinical and Experimental Immunology (Oxford) |
Clin Exp Metastasis | Clinical and Experimental Metastasis (Oxford) |
Clin Exp Neurol | Clinical and Experimental Neurology (Balgowlah) |
Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol | Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics and Gynecology (Padova) |
Clin Exp Pharmacol | Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology |
Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol | Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology (Melbourne) |
Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol Suppl | Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology. Supplement (Oxford) |
Clin Exp Rheumatol | Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology (Pisa) |
Clin Genet | Clinical Genetics (Copenhagen) |
Clin Geriatr Med | Clinics in Geriatric Medicine (Philadelphia, PA) |
Clin Imaging | Clinical Imaging (New York, NY) |
Clin Immunol Immunopathol | Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology (New York, NY) |
Clin Immunol Newsletter | Clinical Immunology Newsletter (New York, NY) |
Clin Infect Dis | Clinical Infectious Diseases (Chicago, IL) |
Clin Invest Med | Clinical and Investigative Medicine. Medecine Clinique et Experimentale (Toronto) |
Clin Lab Haematol | Clinical and Laboratory Haematology (Oxford) |
Clin Lab Med | Clinics in Laboratory Medicine (Philadelphia, PA) |
Clin Liver Dis | Clinics in Liver Disease |
Clin Lymphoma | Clinics in Lymphoma |
Clin Microbiol Newsletter | Clinical Microbiology Newsletter (New York, NY) |
Clin Microbiol Rev | Clinical Microbiology Reviews (Washington, DC) |
Clin Nephrol | Clinical Nephrology (Munchen) |
Clin Neurol Neurosurg | Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery (Assen) |
Clin Neuropathol | Clinical Neuropathology (Munich) |
Clin Neuropharmacol | Clinical Neuropharmacology (New York, NY) |
Clin Neurosurg | Clinical Neurosurgery (Baltimore, MD) |
Clin Nucl Med | Clinical Nuclear Medicine (Philadelphia, PA) |
Clin Obstet Gynecol | Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) | Clinical Oncology (Royal College of Radiologists) (London) |
Clin Oral Implants Res | Clinical Oral Implants Research (Copenhagen) |
Clin Orthop Related Res | Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research (Philadelphia, PA) |
Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci | Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences (Oxford) |
Clin Pediatr (Phila) | Clinical Pediatrics (Cleveland, OH) |
Clin Perinatol | Clinics in Perinatology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Clin Pharm | Clinical Pharmacy (Bethesda, MD) |
Clin Pharmacokinet | Clinical Pharmacokinetics (Auckland) |
Clin Pharmacol Ther | Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (St. Louis, MO) |
Clin Phys Physiol Meas | Clinical Physics and Physiological Measurement (York) |
Clin Physiol | Clinical Physiology (Oxford) |
Clin Plast Surg | Clinics in Plastic Surgery (Philadelphia, PA) |
Clin Podiatr Med Surg | Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery (Philadelphia, PA) |
Clin Psychol Rev | Clinical Psychology Review |
Clin Psychol Sci Pract | Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice |
Clin Radiol | Clinical Radiology (Oxford) |
Clin Res | Clinical Research (Thorofare, NJ) |
Clin Rev Allergy | Clinical Reviews in Allergy (Clifton, NJ) |
Clin Rheumatol | Clinical Rheumatology (Brussells) |
Clin Sci | Clinical Science (Colchester Essex) |
Clin Sports Med | Clinics in Sports Medicine (Philadelphia, PA) |
Clin Symp | Clinical Symposia (Summit, NJ) |
Clin Ter | Clinica Terapeutica (Roma) |
Clin Ther | Clinical Therapeutics (Princeton, NJ) |
Clin Transpl | Clinical Transplants (Los Angeles, CA) |
Clio Med | Clio Medica (Amsterdam) |
Cloning Stem Cells | Cloning and Stem Cells |
CNS Drugs | CNS Drugs () |
Cogn Brain Res | Cognitive Brain Research (Amsterdam) |
Cogn Psych | Cognitive Psychology |
Cognition | Cognition |
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol | Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology (Cold Spring Harbor, NY) |
Coleta^nea | Coleta^nea (Sao Paulo, Brazil) |
Collegium Anthropologicum | Collegium Anthropologicum (Zagreb, Croatia) |
Colloids Surfaces B | Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces |
Colo Med | Colorado Medicine (Denver, CO) |
Comm Clin Cytometry | Communications in Clinical Cytometry |
Commun Soil Sci Plant Anal | Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis |
Community Dent Health | Community Dental Health (Houndsmills, Hampshire) |
Community Dent Oral Epidemiol | Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology (Copenhagen) |
Community Ment Health J | Community Mental Health Journal (New York, NY) |
Comp Biochem Physiol C | Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C: Comparative Pharmacology and Toxicology. (Oxford) |
Comp Biochem Physiol A | Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. A: Comparative Physiology (Oxford) |
Comp Biochem Physiol B | Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. B: Comparative Biochemistry (Oxford) |
Comp Funct Genomics | Comparative and Functional Genomics |
Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis | Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Oxford) |
Compr Psychiatry | Comprehensive Psychiatry (Philadelphia, PA) |
Compr Ther | Comprehensive Therapy (Ayer, MA) |
Comput Appl Biosci | Computer Applications in the Biosciences (Oxford) |
Comput Biol Chem | Computational Biology and Chemistry |
Comput Biol Med | Computers in Biology and Medicine (Elmsford, NY) |
Comput Biomed Res | Computers and Biomedical Research (New York, NY) |
Comput Chem | Computers and Chemistry |
Comput Med Imaging Graph | Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (Elmsford, NY) |
Comput Methods Programs Biomed | Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (Amsterdam) |
Comput Nurs | Computers in Nursing (Philadelphia, PA) |
Concepts Immunopathol | Concepts in Immunopathology (Basel) |
Conn Med | Connecticut Medicine (New Haven, CT) |
Connect Tissue Res | Connective Tissue Research (London) |
Consens Statement | Consensus Statement (Bethesda, MD) |
Conserv Biol | Conservation Biology |
Conserv Ecol | Conservation Ecology |
Conserv Genet | Conservation Genetics |
Conserv Lett | Conservation Letters |
Conserv Physiol | Conservation Physiology |
Cont Nutr | ? |
Contact Dermatitis | Contact Dermatitis (Copenhagen) |
Contemp Issues Lin Biochem | Contemporary Issues in Clinical Biochemistry (Edinburgh) |
Contemp Oncol | Contemporary Oncology [Wspolczesna Onkologia] |
Contemp Top Immunobiol | Contemporary Topics in Immunobiology (New York, NY) |
Contemp Top Mol Immunol | Contemporary Topics in Molecular Immunology (New York, NY) |
Contraception | Contraception (New York, NY) |
Contrib Gynecol Obstet | Contributions to Gynecology and Obstetrics (Basel) |
Contrib Microbiol Immunol | Contributions to Microbiology and Immunology (Basel) |
Contrib Nephrol | Contributions to Nephrology (Basel) |
Contr Zool | Contributions to Zoology (Amsterdam) |
Controlled Clin Trials | Controlled Clinical Trials (New York, NY) |
Cor Vasa | Cor et Vasa (Prague) |
Core J Clin Neurol | Core Journals in Clinical Neurology |
Cornea | Cornea (New York, NY) |
Cornell Vet | Cornell Veterinarian (Ithaca, NY) |
Cortex | Cortex (Milan) |
Cour Forsch Inst Senck | Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg |
Cretaceous Res | Cretaceous Research |
Crisis | Crisis (Toronto) |
Crit Care | Critical Care () |
Crit Care Clin | Critical Care Clinics (Philadelphia, PA) |
Crit Care Med | Critical Care Medicine (Baltimore, MD) |
Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol | Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Boca Raton, FL) |
Crit Rev Biomed Eng | Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering (Boca Raton, FL) |
Crit Rev Biotechnol | Critical Reviews in Biotechnology (Boca Raton, FL) |
Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci | Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences (Boca Raton, FL) |
Crit Rev Diagn Imaging | Critical Reviews in Diagnostic Imaging (Boca Raton, FL) |
Crit Rev Environ Sci Technol | Critical Reviews Environmental Science Technology |
Crit Rev Eukaryot Gene Expr | Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression (Redding, CT) |
Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr | Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (Boca Raton, FL) |
Crit Rev Immunol | Critical Reviews in Immunology (Boca Raton, FL) |
Crit Rev Microbiol | Critical Reviews in Microbiology (Boca Raton, FL) |
Crit Rev Neurobiol | Critical Reviews in Neurobiology (Boca Raton, FL) |
Crit Rev Oncog | Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis (Boca Raton, FL) |
Crit Rev Oncol Hematol | Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology (Amsterdam) |
Crit Rev Oral Biol Med | Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine (Boca Raton, FL) |
Crit Rev Ther Drug Carrier Syst | Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems (Boca Raton, FL) |
Crit Rev Toxicol | Critical Reviews in Toxicology (Boca Raton, FL) |
Crit Rev Oncol Hematol | Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology (Amsterdam) |
Croat Med J | Croatian Medical Journal |
CryoLetters | CryoLetters (London) |
Cult Med Psychiatry | Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry (Dordrecht) |
Curr Adv Appl Microbiol Biotechnol | Current Advances in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology |
Curr Adv Cell Dev Biol | Current Advances in Cell & Developmental Biology |
Curr Adv Clin Chem | Current Advances in Clinical Chemistry |
Curr Adv Endocrinol Metabolism | Current Advances in Endocrinology & Metabolism |
Curr Adv Genet Mol Biol | Current Advances in Genetics & Molecular Biology |
Curr Adv Immunol Infect Dis | Current Advances in Immunology & Infectious Diseases |
Curr Adv Neurosci | Current Advances in Neuroscience |
Curr Adv Plant Sci | Current Advances in Plant Science |
Curr Adv Prot Biochem | Current Advances in Protein Biochemistry |
Curr Adv Toxicol | Current Advances in Toxicology |
Curr Awareness Biol Sci (CABS) | Current Awareness in Biological Sciences |
Curr Bioinformatics | Current Bioinformatics |
Curr Biol | Current Biology (London) |
Curr Cardiol Rep | Current Cardiology Reports |
Curr Clin Top Infect Dis | Current Clinical Topics in Infectious Diseases (New Tork, NY) |
Curr Concepts Nutr | Current Concepts in Nutrition (New York, NY) |
Curr Diagn Treat | Current Diagnosis and Treatment (Los Altos) |
Curr Drug Metab | Current Drug Metabolism |
Curr Drugs | Current Drugs |
Curr Enz Inhib | Current Enzyme Inhibition |
Curr Eye Res | Current Eye Research (Oxford) |
Curr Genet | Current Genetics (New York, NY) |
Curr Genomics | Current Genomics |
Curr Med Chem | Current Medicinal Chemistry |
Curr Med Res Opin | Current Medical Research and Opinion (London) |
Curr Microbiol | Current Microbiology |
Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol | Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology |
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol | Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Curr Opin Biotechnol | Current Opinion in Biotechnology (London) |
Curr Opin Cardiol | Current Opinion in Cardiology (London) |
Curr Opin Cell Biol | Current Opinion in Cell Biology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Curr Opin Chem Biol | Current Opinion in Chemical Biology |
Curr Opin Crit Care | Current Opinion in Critical Care (Philadelphia, PA) |
Curr Opin Dent | Current Opinion in Dentistry |
Curr Opin Dermatol | Current Opinion in Dermatology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Curr Opin Drug Discov Devel | Current Opinion in Drug Discovery and Development |
Curr Opin Endocrinol and Diabetes | Current Opinion in Endocrinology and Diabetes (Philadelphia, PA) |
Curr Opin Gastroenterol | Current Opinions in Gastroenterology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Curr Opin Genetics Dev | Current Opinion in Genetics and Development (London) |
Curr Opin Hematol | Current Opinions in Hematology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Curr Opin Immunol | Current Opinion in Immunology (London) |
Curr Opin Infect Dis | Current Opinions in Infectious Diseases (Philadelphia, PA) |
Curr Opin Invest Drugs | Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs |
Curr Opin Microbiol | Current Opinion in Microbiology |
Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens | Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension |
Curr Opin Mol Ther | Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics |
Curr Opin Neurobiol | Current Opinion in Neurobiology (London) |
Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol | Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Curr Opin Oncol | Current Opinion in Oncology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Curr Opin Opthalmol | Current Opinion in Opthalmology () |
Curr Opin Plant Biol | Current Opinion in Plant Biology |
Curr Opin Psychiatry | Current Opinion in Psychiatry |
Curr Opin Pulm Med | Current Opinion in Pulomnary Medicine |
Curr Opin Radiol | Current Opinion in Radiology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Curr Opin Rheumatol | Current Opinion in Rheumatology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Curr Opin Struct Biol | Current Opinion in Structural Biology () |
Curr Opin Urol | Current Opinion in Urology |
Curr Probl Cancer | Current Problems in Cancer (St. Louis, MO) |
Curr Probl Cardiol | Current Problems in Cardiology (Chicago, IL) |
Curr Probl Dermatol | Current Problems in Dermatology (Basel) |
Curr Probl Diagn Radiol | Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology (St. Louis, MO) |
Curr Probl Pediatr | Current Problems in Pediatrics (Chicago, IL) |
Curr Probl Surg | Current Problems in Surgery (St. Louis, MO) |
Curr Protoc Stem Cell Biol | Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology |
Curr Protoc Toxicol | Current Protocols in Toxicology |
Curr Psychiatry Rep | Current Psychiatry Reports |
Curr Sci | Current Science (Bangalore, INDIA) |
Curr Separations | Current Separations |
Curr Stud Hematol Blood Transfus | Current Studies in Hematology and Blood Transfusion (Basel) |
Curr Thera Res | Current Theraputic Research () |
Curr Top Cell Regul | Current Topics in Cellular Regulation (New York, NY) |
Curr Top Dev Biol | Current Topics in Developmental Biology (New York, NY) |
Curr Top Med Chem | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry |
Curr Top Med Mycol | Current Topics in Medical Mycology (New York, NY) |
Curr Top Microbiol Immunol | Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology (Berlin) |
Curr Top Pathol | Current Topics in Pathology (Berlin) |
Curr Zool | Current Zoology (Beijing) |
Cutis | Cutis (New York, NY) |
Cybium | Cybium (Paris) |
Cycl | Cyclopaedia (London) |
Cytobios | Cytobios (Cambridge, Eng) |
Cytogenet Cell Genet | Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics (Basel) |
Cytokine | Cytokine (San Diego, CA) |
Cytokine Growth Factor Rev | Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews |
Cytometry | Cytometry (New York, NY) |
Cytometry Suppl | Cytometry. Supplement (New York, NY) |
Cytopathology | Cytopathology (Oxford) |
Czech Med | Czechoslovak Medicine (Prague) |
Abbreviation | Name |
DARU | DARU (Tehran) |
DC Prod | Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis (Parisiis) |
DDDT | Drug Design, Development and Therapy |
DGE | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e. V. |
DICP | DICP (Cincinnati, OH) |
DMW | Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift |
DNA Cell Biol | DNA and Cell Biology (New York, NY) |
DNA Res | DNA Research |
DNA Seq | DNA Sequence (Chur) |
DTW Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr | DTW Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrifte (Hannover) |
Dakar Med | Dakar Medical (Dakar) |
Dan Med Bull | Danish Medical Bulletin (Copenhagen) |
Del Med J | Delaware Medical Journal (Wilmington, DE) |
Dementia | Dementia |
Demography | Demography (Ann Arbor, MI) |
Dent Clin North Am | Dental Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Dentomaxillofacial Radiol | Dentomaxillofacial Radiology |
Depress Anxiety | Depression and Anxiety |
Dermatol Clin | Dermatologic Clinics (Philadelphia, PA) |
Dermatol Nurs | Dermatology Nursing |
Dermatologica | Dermatologica (Basel) |
Dermatology | Dermatology |
Deutsche Jädg-Zeitung | Deutsche Jädg-Zeitung |
Dev Biol | Developmental Biology (New York, NY) |
Dev Biol (N Y 1985) | Developmental Biology (New York, NY) |
Dev Biol Stand | Developments in Biological Standardization (Basel) |
Dev Biol Teratol | Developmental Biology and Teratology |
Dev Comp Immunol | Developmental and Comparative Immunology (Elmsford, NY) |
Dev Brain Dysfunc | Developmental Brain Dysfunction |
Dev Brain Res | Developmental Brain Research () |
Dev Cell | Developmental Cell |
Dev Dyn | Developmental Dynamics (New York, NY) |
Dev Genes Evol | Development Genes and Evolution (Berlin) |
Dev Genet | Developmental Genetics (New York, NY) |
Dev Growth Differ | Development Growth and Differentiation () |
Dev Med Child Neurol | Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology (London) |
Dev Med Child Neurol Suppl | Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. Supplement (Oxford) |
Dev Neurosci | Developmental Neuroscience (Basel) |
Dev Ophthalmol | Developments in Ophthalmology (Basel) |
Dev Pharmacol Ther | Developmental Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Basel) |
Dev Psychobiol | Developmental Psychobiology (New York, NY) |
Dev Rev | Developmental Review |
Dev Suppl | Development. Supplement (Cambridge, Eng) |
Dev Toxicol Environ Sci | Developments in Toxicology and Environmental Science (Amsterdam) |
Development | Development (Cambridge, Eng) |
Diabete Metab | Diabete et Metabolisme (Paris) |
Diabetes | Diabetes (Alexandria, VA) |
Diabetes Care | Diabetes Care (Alexandria, VA) |
Diabetes Metab | Diabetes & Metabolism () |
Diabetes Metab Rev | Diabetes/Metabolism Reviews (New York, NY) |
Diabetes Res | Diabetes Research (Edinburgh) |
Diabetes Res Clin Pract | Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice (Amsterdam) |
Diabetes Res Clin Pract Suppl | Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Supplement (Amsterdam) |
Diabetic Med | Diabetic Medicine (Chichester) |
Diabetologia | Diabetologia (Berlin) |
Diagn Cytopathol | Diagnostic Cytopathology (New York, NY) |
Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis | Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease (New York, NY) |
Diagn Mol Pathol | Diagnostic Molecular Pathology |
Differentiation | Differentiation (Heidelberg) |
Dig Dis | Digestive Diseases (Basel) |
Dig Dis Sci | Digestive Diseases and Sciences (New York, NY) |
Dig Surg | Digestive Surgery |
Digestion | Digestion (Basel) |
Dimens Health Serv | Dimensions in Health Service (Ottawa) |
Dis Colon Rectum | Diseases of the Colon and Rectum (Baltimore, MD) |
Dis Markers | Disease Markers (Chichester) |
Dis Mon | Disease-a-Month (Chicago, IL) |
Disabil Rehabil | Disability and Rehabilitation (London) |
Disaster Manag Response | Disaster Management & Response |
Diversity and Distributions | Diversity and Distributions |
Doc Ophthalmol | Documenta Ophthalmologica (Dordrecht) |
Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR | Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR (Moskva) |
Domest Anim Endocrinol | Domestic Animal Endocrinology (Auburn, AL) |
Doody's Health Sci Book Rev J | Doody's Health Sciences Book Review Journal |
Dose-Response | Dose-Response |
Drug Alcohol Depend | Drug and Alcohol Dependence (Limerick) |
Drug Chem Toxicol | Drug and Chemical Toxicology (New York, NY) |
Drug Depend Alcohol Abuse Alcohol | Drug Dependence, Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism |
Drug Des Discov | Drug Design and Discovery (Reading) |
Drug Discov Today | Drug Discovery Today |
Drug Inf J | Drug Information Journal |
Drug Intell Clin Pharm | Drug Intelligence Clinical Pharmacology |
Drug Metab Dispos | Drug Metabolism and Disposition: The Biological Fate of Chemicals. (Baltimore, MD) |
Drug Metab Rev | Drug Metabolism Reviews (New York, NY) |
Drug Metabol Drug Interact | Drug Metabolism and Drug Interactions (London) |
Drug News Perspect | Drug News & Perspectives |
Drug Saf | Drug Safety (Mairangi Bay) |
Drug Ther Bull | Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin (London) |
Drugs | Drugs (New York, NY) |
Drugs: Educ Prev Polic | Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy |
Drug R&D Backgr/A> | Drug R&D Backgrounders |
Drugs Exp Clin Res | Drugs Under Experimental and Clinical Research (Geneva) |
Dtsch Med Wochenschr | Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift (Stuttgart) |
Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr | Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift |
Dtsch Zahn Mund Kieferheilkd Zentralbl | Deutsche Zahn-, Mund-, und Kieferheilkunde mit Zentralblatt (Leipzig) |
Duodecim | Duodecim (Helsinki) |
Durban Mus Novit | Durban Museum Noviates |
Dysphagia | Dysphagia (New York, NY) |
Abbreviation | Name |
EEG EMG Z Elektroenzephalogr Elektromyogr Verwandte Geb | EEG-EMG Zeitschrift fur Elektroenzephalogrphie, Elektromyographie und Verwandte Gebiete (Stuttgart) |
EJCB | European Journal of Cell Biology |
EMBO J | EMBO Journal (Oxford) |
Ear Hear | Ear and Hearing (Baltimore, MD) |
Ear Nose Throat J | Ear, Nose, and Throat Journal (Secaucus, NJ) |
Early Hum Dev | Early Human Development (Limerick) |
East Afr Med J | East African Medical Journal (Nairobi) |
Echocardiogr J | Echocardiography Journal |
Ecol Appl | Ecological Applications (Tempe, AZ) |
Ecol Econom | Ecological Economics |
Ecol Eng | Ecological Engineering |
Ecol Entomol | Ecological Entomology |
Ecol Model | Ecological Modelling |
Ecol Monograph | Ecological Monographs (Tempe, AZ) |
Ecol Res | Ecological Research |
Ecology | Ecology (Tempe, AZ) |
Ecol Lett | Ecology Letters |
Ecol Food Nutr | Ecology of Food and Nutrition |
Ecosys Health | Ecosystem Health |
Ecotoxicol Environ Safety | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (New York, NY) |
Ecotropica | Ecotropica |
Educ Med Salud | Educacion Medica Y Salud (Washington, DC) |
Eicosanoids | Eicosanoids (Berlin) |
Eisei Shikenjo Hokoku | Eisei Shikenjo Hokoku. Bulletin of National Institute of Hygienic Sciences (Tokyo) |
Ekoloji | Ekoloji (Izmir-TURKEY) |
Eksp Med Morfol | Eksperimetnalna Meditsna I Morfologiia (Sofia) |
Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol | Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology (Limerick) |
Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl | Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. Supplement (Limerick) |
Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol | Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology (Louvain) |
Electron Microsc Res | Electron Microscopy Reviews (Elmsford, NY) |
Electr J Surg | Electronic Journal of Surgery and Specialist Medicine |
Electrophoresis | Electrophoresis (Weinheim) |
Emerg Infect Diseases | Emerging Infectious Dieseases () |
Emerg Med Clin North Am | Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Encephale | Encephale (Paris) |
Endeavour | Endeavour (Oxford) |
Endocr Regul | Endocrine Regulations (Bratislava) |
Endocr Relat Cancer | Endocrine-related Cancer |
Endocr Res | Endocrine Research (New York, NY) |
Endocr Rev | Endocrine Reviews (Baltimore, MD) |
Endocrinol Jpn | Endocrinologia Japonica (Tokyo) |
Endocrinol Metab | Endocrinology and Metabolism () |
Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am | Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Endocrinol Nutr | Endocrinologia Y Nutricion (Barcelona) |
Endocrinologia | Endocrinologia () |
Endocrinologie | Endocrinologie (Bucuresti) |
Endocrinology | Endocrinology (Baltimore, MD) |
Endod Dent Traumatol | Endodontics and Dental Traumatology () |
Endokrynol Pol | Endokrynologia Polska (Warszawa) |
Endoscopy | Endoscopy (Stuttgart) |
Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin | Enfermedades Infecciosas Y Microbiologia Clinica (Barcelona) |
ENGRAMI | ENGRAMI / Yugoslav Journal of Psychiatry, Psychology and Related Disciplines (Belgrade) |
Entechnology | Entechnology (Secaucus, NJ) |
Entomol Fennica | Entomologica Fennica (Sastamala, Finland) |
Entemol Genet | Entemology Genetics |
Environ Biol Fishes | Environmental Biology of Fishes |
Environ Exper Bot | Environmental and Experimental Botany |
Environ Geosci | Environmental Geosciences |
Environ Health Perspect | Environmental Health Perspectives (Research Triangle Park, NC) |
Environ Int | Environment International |
Environ Mol Mutagen | Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis (New York, NY) |
Environ Pollut | Environmental Pollution (Barking, Essex) |
Environ Res | Environmental Research (New York, NY) |
Environ Rev | Environmental Reviews |
Environ Sci | Environmental Sciences (Beijing) |
Environ Sci Technol | Environmental Science and Technology (Washington, DC) |
Environ Toxicol Chem | Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry () |
Environ Toxicol Pharmacol | Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology () |
Enzyme | Enzyme (Basel) |
Enzyme Microbial Technol | Enyzme and Microbial Technology (New York, NY) |
Enzyme Prot | Enzyme and Protein |
Epidemiol Bull | Epidemiological Bulletin (Washington, DC) |
Epidemiol Infect | Epidemiology and Infection (Cambridge, Eng) |
Epidemiol Prev | Epidemiologia E Prevenzione (Milano) |
Epidemiol Rev | Epidemiologic Reviews (Baltimore, MD) |
Epidemiology | Epidemiology (Cambridge, MA) |
Epilepsia | Epilepsia (New York, NY) |
Epilepsy Res | Epilepsy Research (Amsterdam) |
Epilepsy Res Suppl | Epilepsy Research. Supplement (Amsterdam) |
Equine Vet J | Equine Veterinary Journal (London) |
Ergeb Inn Med Kinderheilkd | Ergebnisse der Inneren Medizin und Kinderheilkunde (Berlin) |
Ergonomics | Ergonomics (London) |
Essays Biochem | Essays in Biochemistry (London) |
Essential Psychopharmacology | Essential Psychopharmacology |
Estuar Coast Mar Sci | Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science |
Ethiop Med J | Ethiopian Medical Journal (Addis Ababa) |
Ethol | Ethology |
Eukaryot Cell | Eukaryotic Cell |
Eur Addict Res | European Addiction Research |
Eur Arch Otrhinolaryngol | European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (Heidelberg) |
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci | European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience (Berlin) |
Eur Biophys J | European Biophysics Journal () |
Eur Biotechnol Newslett | European Biotechnology Newsletter () |
Eur Cytokine Netw | European Cytokine Network (Montrouge) |
Eur Heart J | European Heart Journal (London) |
Eur J Agron | European Journal of Agronomy |
Eur J Anaesthesiol | European Journal of Anaesthesiology (Oxford) |
Eur J Anaesthesiol Suppl | European Journal of Anaesthesiology. Supplement (Oxford) |
Eur J Appl Physiol | European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology (Berlin) |
Eur J Basic Appl Histochem | European Journal of Basic and Applied Histochemistry (Pavia) |
Eur J Biochem | European Journal of Biochemistry (Berlin) |
Eur J Cancer | European Journal of Cancer (Oxford) |
Eur J Cancer Care | European Journal of Cancer Care |
Eur J Cancer Prev | European Journal of Cancer Prevention |
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg | European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (Berlin) |
Eur J Cell Biol | European Journal of Cell Biology (Stuttgart) |
Eur J Cell Biol Suppl | European Journal of Cell Biology. Supplement (Stuttgart) |
Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem | European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry (Berlin) |
Eur J Clin Invest | European Journal of Clinical Investigation (Oxford) |
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis | European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Wiesbaden) |
Eur J Clin Nutr | European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (London) |
Eur J Clin Pharmacol | European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (Berlin) |
Eur J Dental Ed | European Journal of Dental Education () |
Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet | European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmokinetics (Paris) |
Eur J Endocrinol | European Journal of Endocrinology |
Eur J Epidemiol | European Journal of Epidemiology (Rome) |
Eur J Forest Pathol | European Journal of Forest Pathology |
Eur J Gynaecol Oncol | European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology (Padua) |
Eur J Haematol | European Journal of Haematology (Copenhagen) |
Eur J Haematol Suppl | European Journal of Haematology. Supplementum (Copenhagen) |
Eur J Histochem | European Journal of Histochemistry |
Eur J Human Genet | European Journal of Human Genetics |
Eur J Immunogen | European Journal of Immunogenetics (Oxford) |
Eur J Immunol | European Journal of Immunology (Weinheim) |
Eur J Med Res | European Journal of Medical Research (Munich) |
Eur J Med Chem | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry |
Eur J Morphol | European Journal of Morphology (Lisse) |
Eur J Neurosci | European Journal of Neuroscience |
Eur J Nucl Med | European Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Heidelberg) |
Eur J Nutr | European Journal Nutrition () |
Eur J Obstet Gynaecol Reprod Biol | European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology (Amsterdam) |
Eur J Oral Sci | European Journal of Oral Sciences () |
Eur J Orthod | European Journal of Orthodontics (Oxford) |
Eur J Pediatr | European Journal of Pediatrics (Berlin) |
Eur J Pediatr Surg | European Journal of Pediatric Surgery (Stuttgart) |
Eur J Pharm Sci | European Journal of Pharmaceutical Science (Amsterdam) |
Eur J Pharmaceut Biopharmaceut | European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics |
Eur J Pharmacol | European Journal of Pharmacology (Amsterdam) |
Eur J Phycol | European Journal of Phycology (Cambridge) |
Eur J Physical Med Rehab | European Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation |
Eur J Plant Pathol | European Journal of Plant Pathology () |
Eur J Pub Health | European Journal of Public Health (Stockholm) |
Eur J Radiol | European Journal of Radiology (Amsterdam) |
Eur J Rheumatol Inflamm | European Journal of Rheumatology and Inflammation (London) |
Eur J Soil Biol | European Journal of Soil Biology () |
Eur J Soil Sci | European Journal of Soil Science |
Eur J Surg | European Journal of Surgery (Stockholm) |
Eur J Surg Oncol | European Journal of Surgical Oncology (London) |
Eur J Surg Suppl | European Journal of Surgery. Supplement (Stockholm) |
Eur J Vasc Surg | European Journal of Vascular Surgery (London) |
Eur Neurol | European Neurology (Basel) |
Eur Neuropsychopharmacol | European Neuropsychopharmacology (Amsterdam) |
Eur Respir J | European Respiratory Journal (Copenhagen) |
Eur Psychiatry | European Psychiatry |
Eur Respir J Suppl | European Respiratory Journal. Supplement (Copenhagen) |
Eur Respir Rev | European Respiratory Review () |
Eur Surg Res | European Surgical Research (Basel) |
Eur Urol | European Urology (Basel) |
Eval Health Prof | Evaluation & the Health Professions |
Evidence Based Neurology | Evidence Based Neurology |
Evolution | Evolution (Lawrence, KS) |
Except Child | Exceptional Children (Reston, VA) |
Exerc Spotr Sci Rev | Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews (Lexington, MA) |
Exp Aging Res | Experimental Aging Research (Bar Harbor, ME) |
Exp Appl Acarol | Experimental and Applied Acarology (Amsterdam) |
Exp Biol Med | Experimental Biology and Medicine |
Exp Biol Online | Experimental Biology Online () |
Exp Brain Res | Experimental Brain Research (Berlin) |
Exp Cell Res | Experimental Cell Research (New York, NY) |
Exp Clin Endocrinol | Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology (Leipzig) |
Exp Clin Immunogenet | Experimental and Clinical Immunogenetics (Basel) |
Exp Clin Psychopharmacol | Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology |
Exp Dermatol | Experimental Dermatology () |
Exp Eye Res | Experimental Eye Research (London) |
Exp Geront | Experimental Gerontology (Oxford) |
Exp Hematol | Experimental Hematology (New York, NY) |
Exp Lung Res | Experimental Lung Research (New York, NY) |
Exp Mol Pathol | Experimental and Molecular Pathology (New York, NY) |
Exp Mycol | Experimental Mycology () |
Exp Nephrol | Experimental Nephrology |
Exp Neurol | Experimental Neurology (New York, NY) |
Exp Parasitol | Experimental Parasitology (New York, NY) |
Exp Pathol | Experimental Pathology (Jena) |
Exp Physiol | Experimental Physiology (Cambridge, Eng) |
Experientia | Experientia (Basel) |
Experientia Suppl | Experientia. Supplementum (Basel) |
EXS | EXS (Basel) |
Extremophiles | Extremophiles (Tokyo) |
Eye | Eye (London) |
Abbreviation | Name |
FAO Food Nutr Pap | FAO Food and Nutrition Paper (Rome) |
FASEB J | FASEB Journal (Bethesda, MD) |
FEBS Lett | FEBS Letters (Amsterdam) |
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol | FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology (Amsterdam) |
FEMS Microbiol Ecol | FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Amsterdam) |
FEMS Microbiol Immunol | FEMS Microbiology Immunology (Amsterdam) |
FEMS Microbiol Lett | FEMS Microbiology Letters (Amsterdam) |
FEMS Microbiol Rev | FEMS Microbiology Reviews (Amsterdam) |
FEMS Yeast Res | FEMS Yeast Research |
Fam Med | Family Medicine (Kansas City, MO) |
Fam Plann Perspect | Family Planning Perspectives (New York, NY) |
Fam Pract | Family Practice (Oxford) |
Fam Pract Res J | Family Practice Research Journal (New York, NY) |
Fam Process | Family Process (New York, NY) |
Faraday Discuss Chem Soc | Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society (London) |
Farm Hosp | Farmacia Hospitalaria |
Farmaco | Farmaco (Pavia) |
Farmakol Toksikol | Farmaologiia I Toksikologiia (Moscow) |
Fertil Steril | Fertility and Sterility (Birmingham, AL) |
Fetal Diagn Ther | Fetal Diagnosis and Therpay (Basel) |
Field Stud | Field Studies |
Fish Fish | Fish and Fisheries (Oxford, England) |
Fish Bull | Fishery Bulletin |
Fish In Min Fish Food | Fishery Investigations (Great Britain Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) |
Fish Manag Ecol | Fisheries Management & Ecology |
Fisheries Oceanography | Fisheries Oceanography |
Fish Res | Fisheries Research (Amsterdam) |
Fish Technol | Fishery Technology |
Fitopatol Bras | Fitopatologia Brasileira |
Fiziol Cheloveka | Fiziologiia Cheloveka (Moscow) |
Fiziol Zh | Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal (Kiev) |
Fiziol Zh SSSR | Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal SSSR Imeni I.M. Sechenova (Moscow) |
Florida Scientist | Florida Scientist |
Fogorv Sz | Fogorvosi Szemle (Budapest) |
Folia Biol (Krakow) | Folia Biologica (Warsaw) |
Folia Biol (Praha) | Folia Biologica (Praha) |
Folia Haematol (Leipz) | Folia Haematologica. Internationales Magazin fur Klinische und Morphologische Blutforschung (Leipzig) |
Folia Histochem Cytobiol | Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica (Warszawa) |
Folia Malacol | Folia Malacologica |
Folia Med (Plovdiv) | Folia Medica (Plovdiv) |
Folia Med Cracov | Folia Medica Cracoviensia (Warsaw) |
Folia Microbiol (Praha) | Folia Microbiologica (Praha) |
Folia Morphol (Praha) | Folia Morphologica (Praha) |
Folia Morphol (Warsz) | Folia Morphologiica (Warszawa) |
Folia Parasitol (Praha) | Folia Parasitologica (Praha) |
Folia Phoniatr Legopaed | Folia Phoniatrica (Basel) |
Folia Primatol | Folia Primatologica (Basel) |
Folia Zool | Folia Zoologica (Brno, Czech Republic) |
Food Addit Contam | Food Additives and Contaminants (London) |
Food Chem Toxicol | Food and Chemical Toxicology (Oxford) |
Food Chem | Food Chemistry () |
Food Control | Food Control () |
Food Cos Drug Package | Food, Cosmetics and Drug Packaging |
Food Hydrocolloids | Food Hydrocolloids |
Food Microbiol | Food Microbiology |
Food Policy | Food Policy |
Food Qual Pref | Food Quality and Preference |
Food Res Int | Food Research International |
Food Technol | Food Technology |
Foot Ankle | Foot and Ankle (Baltimore, MD) |
Foot Ankle Surg | Foot and Ankle Surgery |
Forensic Sci Int | Forensic Science International (Limerick) |
Forest Ecol Manag | Forest Ecology and Management () |
Forestry | Forestry |
Forsch Komplementarmed | Forschende Komplementarmedizin |
Fortschr Chem Org Naturst | Fortschritte der Chemie Organischer Naturstoffe (Vienna) |
Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Nuklearmed Erganzungsbd | Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin. Erganzungsband (Stuttgart) |
Fortschr Kiefer Gasichtschir | Fortschritte de Kiefer- und Gesichts-Chirurgie (Stuttgart) |
Fortschr Kieferorthop | Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie (Munchen) |
Fortschr Med | Fortschritte der Medizin (Munchen) |
Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr | Fortschritte der Neurologie-Psychiatrie (Stuttgart) |
Fortschr Ophthalmol | Fortschritte der Ophthalmologie (Berlin) |
Free Radic Biol Med | Free Radical Biology and Medicine (New York, NY) |
Free Radic Res | Free Radical Research |
Free Radic Res Commun | Free Radical Research Communications (Chur) |
Freshwater Biol | Freshwater Biology |
Front Biosci | Frontiers in Bioscience () |
Front Ecol Environ | Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment |
Front Med Biol Eng | Frontiers of Medical and Biological Engineering (Utrecht) |
Front Neuroendocrinol | Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology |
Front Radiat Ther Oncol | Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology (Basel) |
Fruits | Fruits |
Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi | Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi. Fukuoka ACTA Medica (Fukuoka) |
Fukushima J Med Sci | Fukushima Journal Of Medical Science (Fukushima) |
Funct Ecol | Functional Ecology |
Funct Integr Genomics | Functional and Integrative Genomics |
Funct Neurol | Functional Neurology (Rome) |
Fundam Appl Nematol | Fundamental and Applied Nematology |
Fundam Appl Toxicol | Fundamental and Applied Toxicology (Orlando, FL) |
Fundam Clin Pharmacol | Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology (Paris) |
Fungal Genet Biol | Fungal Genetics and Biology () |
Fungal Genet Newsl | Fungal Genetics Newsletter |
Abbreviation | Name |
G Batteriol Virol Immunol | Giornale di Batteriologia, Virologia ed Immunologia (Torino) |
G Chir | Giornale di Chirurgia (Roma) |
G Ital Cardiol | Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia (Roma) |
G Ital Chemioter | Giornale Italiano di Chemioterapia (Torino) |
G Ital Med Lav | Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro (Pavia) |
GARJEST | Global Advanced Research Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology |
GEN | G.E.N. (Caracas) |
Gac Med Mex | Gaceta Medica de Mexico (Mexico) |
Gac Sanit | Gaceta Sanitaria (Barcelona) |
Gaia | Gaia |
Gan To Kagaku Ryoho | Gan To Kagaku Ryoho [Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy] (Tokyo) |
Gastroenterol Clin Biol | Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique (Paris) |
Gastroenterol Clin North Am | Gastroenterology Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Gastroenterol J | Gastroenterologisches Journal (Leipzig) |
Gastroenterol Jpn | Gastroenterologia Japonica (Tokyo) |
Gastroenterologia Polska | Gastroenterol Pol |
Gastroenterology | Gastroenterology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Gastrointest Endosc | Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (Baltimore, MD) |
Gastrointest Radiol | Gastrointestinal Radiology (New York, NY) |
Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd | Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde (Stuttgart) |
Gegenbaurs Morphol Jahrb | Gegenbaurs Morphologisches Jahrbuch (Leipzig) |
Gematol Transfuziol | Gematologiia I Transfuziologiia (Moskva) |
Gen Comp Endocrinol | General and Comparative Endocrinology (New York, NY) |
Gen Hosp Psychistry | General Hospital Psychiatry (New York, NY) |
Gen Pharmacol | General Pharmacology (Oxford) |
Gen Physiol Biophys | General Physiology and Biophysics (Bratislava) |
Gene | Gene (Amsterdam) |
Gene Amplif Anal | Gene Amplification and Analysis (New York, NY) |
Gene Geogr | Gene Geography (Rome) |
Gene Ther | Gene Therapy |
Genes Ther Mol Biol | Gene Therapy & Molecular Biology |
Genes Brain Behav | Genes, Brain and Behavior |
Genes Cells | Genes to Cells |
Genes Chromosom Cancer | Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer (New York, NY) |
Genes Dev | Genes and Development (Cold Spring Harbor, NY) |
Genes Funct | Genes and Function |
Genet Anal Tech Appl | Genetic Analysis, Techniques and Applications (New York, NY) |
Genet Couns | Genetic Counseling (Geneva) |
Genet Eng | Genetic Engineering (London) |
Genet Epidemiol | Genetic Epidemiology (New York, NY) |
Genet Epidemiol Suppl | Genetic Epidemiology. Supplement (New York, NY) |
Genet Mol Biol | Genetics and Molecular Biology |
Genet Mol Res | Genetics and Molecular Research |
Genet Res | Genetical Research (London) |
Genet Select Evol | Genetics, Selection, Evolution () |
Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr | Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs (Washington, DC) |
Genetica | Genetica (Dordrecht) |
Genetica | Genetica (Moskva) |
Genetics | Genetics (Austin, TX) |
Genitourin Med | Genitourinary Medicine (London) |
Genome | Genome (Ottawa) |
Genome Med | Genome Medicine |
Genome Res | Genome Research () |
Genomics | Genomics (San Diego, CA) |
Geriatrics | Geriatrics (Middleburg, OH) |
Gerontologist | Gerontologist (Washington, DC) |
Gerontology | Gerontology (Basel) |
Ges naturforsch freunde Berl Sitzungber | Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin |
Gesnerus | Gesnerus (Aarau) |
Gesnerus Suppl | Gesnerus. Supplement (Aarau) |
Gig Sanit | Gigiena I Sanitariia (Moskva) |
Gig Tr Prof Zabol | Gigiena Truda I Professionalnye Zabolevaniia (Moskva) |
Ginecol Obstet Mex | Ginecologia Y Obstetricia de Mexico (Mexico) |
Glas Srp Akad Nauka [Med] | Glas. Srpska Akademija Nauka I Umetnosti, Odeljenje Medicinskih Nauka (Belgrade) |
GLIA | GLIA (New York, NY) |
Global Change Biol | Global Change Biology |
Glycobiology | Glycobiology |
Glycoconj J | Glycoconjugate Journal |
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol | Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (Berlin) |
Grass Forage Sci | Grass and Forage Science |
Great Basin Nat | Great Basin Naturalist |
Growth Dev Aging | Growth, Development, and Aging (Bar Harbor, ME) |
Growth Factors | Growth Factors (Chur) |
Grud Serdechnososudistaia Khir | Grudnaia I Serdechno-Sosudistaia Khirurgiia (Moskva) |
Gut | Gut (London) |
Gynakol Rundsch | Gynakologische Rundschau (Basel) |
Gynakologe | Gynakologe (Berlin) |
Gynecol Endocrinol | Gynecological Endocrinology (Carnforth) |
Gynecol Endoscopy | Gynaecological Endoscopy |
Gynecol Obstet Invest | Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation (Basel) |
Gynecol Oncol | Gynecologic Oncology (New York, NY) |
Abbreviation | Name |
HERA | Human and Ecological Risk Assessment |
HNO | HNO (Berlin) |
HPB Surg | HPB Surgery (Chur) |
Haemophilia | Haemophilia |
Haematologia (Budap) | Haematologia (Budapest) |
Haematologica | Haematologica (Pavia) |
Haemostasis | Haemostasis (Basel) |
Hand Clin | Hand Clinics (Philadelphia, PA) |
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir | Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, Plastische Chirurgie (Stuttgart) |
Hansenol Int | Hansenologia Internationalis (Bauru) |
Harefuah | Harefuah (Tel Aviv) |
Harvard Rev Psychiatry | Harvard Review of Psychiatry |
Harvey Lect | Harvey Lectures (New York, NY) |
Hastings Cent Rep | Hastings Center Report (New York, NY) |
Hautarzt | Hautarzt (Berlin) |
Hawaii Med J | Hawaii Medical Journal (Honolulu, HI) |
Head Neck | Head and Neck (New York, NY) |
Headache | Headache (San Clemente) |
Health Aff (Millwood) | Health Affairs (Millwood, VA) |
Health Bull (Edinb) | Health Bulletin (Edinburgh) |
Health Care Anal | Health Care Analysis |
Health Care Manage Rev | Health Care Management Review (Germantown, MD) |
Health Devices | Health Devices (Plymouth Meeting, PA) |
Health Educ Q | Health Education Quarterly (New York, NY) |
Health Educ Res | Health Education Research |
Health Libr Rev | Health Libraries Review |
Health Phys | Health Physics (Baltimore, MD) |
Health Policy Plan | Health Policy and Planning |
Health Psychol | Health Psychology (Hillsdale, NJ) |
Health Rep | Health Reports (Ottawa) |
Health Serv Res | Health Services Research (Chicago, IL) |
Health and Medical Informatics Digest | Health and Medical Informatics Digest |
Health Phys | Health Physics |
Health Soc Care Community | Health & Social Care in the Community |
Health Soc Work | Health and Social Work (Washington, DC) |
Health Technol Assess Rep | Health Technology Assessment Reports (Rockville, MD) |
Hear Res | Hearing Research (Amsterdam) |
Heart Fail Rev | Heart Failure Reviews |
Heart Lung | Heart and Lung (St. Louis, MO) |
Heart Vessels | Heart and Vessels (Tokyo) |
Heart Vessels Suppl | Heart and Vessels. Supplement (Tokyo) |
Helgol Mar Res | Helgoland Marine Research |
Helicobacter | Helicobacter |
Helv Chir ACTA | Helvetica Chirurgica ACTA (Basel) |
Hematol Oncol | Hematological Oncology (Chichester) |
Hematol Oncol Clin North Am | Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Hematol Pathol | Hematologic Pathology (New York, NY) |
Hemoglobin | Hemoglobin (New York, NY) |
Henry Ford Hosp Med J | Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal (Detroit, MI) |
Hepatogatroenterology | Hepato-Gastroenterology (Stuttgart) |
Hepatol Res | Hepatology Research |
Hepatology | Hepatology (St. Louis, MO) |
Hereditas | Hereditas (Lund) |
Heredity | Heredity (Edinburgh) |
Hereditary Cancer Clin Pract | Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice |
Herpetol Conserv Biol | Herpetological Conservation and Biology |
Herz | Herz (Munchen) |
Hillside J Clin Psychiatry | Hillside Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (New York, NY) |
Hindustan Antibiot Bull | Hindustan Antibiotics Bulletin (Primpri) |
Hinyokika Kiyo | Hinyokika Kiyo. ACTA Urologica Japonica (Kyoto) |
Hiroshima J Med Sci | Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences (Hiroshima) |
Histochem J | Histochemical Journal (London) |
Histochemistry | Histochemistry (Berlin) |
Histocompat Immunogenet | Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Archives |
Histol. Histopathol | Histology and Histopathology |
Histopathology | Histopathology (Oxford) |
Hokkaido Igaku Zasshi | Hokkaido Igaku Zasshi. Hokkaido Journal of Medical Science (Sapporo) |
Holarctic Ecol | Holarctic Ecology |
Homeost Health Dis | Homeostasis in Health and Disease (Oxford) |
Horiz Biochem Biophys | Horizons in Biochemistry and Biophysics (Chichester) |
Horm Behav | Hormones and Behavior (New York, NY) |
Horm Metab Res | Hormone and Metabolic Research (Stuttgart) |
Horm Metab Res Suppl | Hormone and Metabolic Research. Supplement (Stuttgart) |
Horm Res | Hormone Research (Basel) |
Hort Beng | Hortus Bengalensis (Serampore) |
Hort Brasil | Horticultura Brasileira |
Hosp Community Psychiatry | Hospital and Community Psychiatry (Washington, DC) |
Hosp Pract (Off Ed) | Hospital Practice (Office Edition) (New York, NY) |
Hospitals | Hospitals (Chicago, IL) |
Hua Hsi I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao | Hua Hsi I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao [Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences] (Chengtu) |
Hum Antibodies Hybridomas | Human Antibodies and Hybridomas (Stoneham, MA) |
Hum Biol | Human Biology (Detroit, MI) |
Hum Cell | Human Cell (Tokyoto) |
Hum Ecol Risk Assess | Human and Ecological Risk Assessment |
Hum Exp Toxicol | Human and Experimental Toxicology (Houndmills) |
Hum Factors | Human Factors (Baltimore, MD) |
Hum Gene Ther | Human Gene Therapy (New York, NY) |
Hum Genet | Human Genetics (Berlin) |
Hum Hered | Human Heredity (Basel) |
Hum Immunol | Human Immunology (New York, NY) |
Hum Mol Gen | Human Molecular Genetics |
Hum Movement Sci | Human Movement Science |
Hum Mutat | Human Mutation (New York, NY) |
Hum Nutr Appl Nutr | Human Nutrition: Applied Nutrition |
Hum Nutr Clin Nutr | Human Nutrition: Clinical Nutrition |
Hum Pathol | Human Pathology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Hum Reprod | Human Reproduction (Oxford) |
Hum Reprod Update | Human Reproduction Update (Oxford) |
Hybridoma | Hybridoma (New York, NY) |
Hydrobiologia | Hydrobiologia () |
Hygie | Hygie (Paris) |
Hypertension | Hypertension (Dallas, TX) |
Hypertension Res | Hypertension Research |
Abbreviation | Name |
I Chuan Hsueh Pao | I Chuan Hsueh Pao. ACTA Genetica Sinica (Peking) |
IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks Hum | IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans (Lyon) |
IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risks Hum Suppl | IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Supplement (Lyon) |
IARC Sci Publ | IARC Scientific Publications (Lyon) |
ICES J Mar Sci | ICES Journal of Marine Science |
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng | IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (New York, NY) |
IJDLD | Iranian Journal of Diabetes & Lipid Disorders |
IJEES | International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics |
IJHOBMT | International Journal of Hematology- Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplantation (Tehran) |
IJMM | International Journal of Medical Microbiology (Stuttgart) |
ILAR J | Institute for Laboratory Animal Research Journal |
IMA J Math Appl Med Biol | IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology (Oxford) |
ISA Trans | ISA Transactions (Pittsburgh, PA) |
ISGP | International Journal of Gravitational Physiology |
ISME J | The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology |
IVJ | Irish Veterinary Journal |
Ideas Ecol Evol | Ideas In Ecology And Evolution |
Idengaku Zasshi | Idengaku Zasshi [Japanese Journal of Genetics] (Tokyo) |
Igaku Kenkyu | Igaku Kenkyu. ACTA Medica (Fukuoka) |
IJKDB | International Journal of Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics () |
IJSS | International Journal of Sports Studies |
Immun Infekt | Immunitat und Infektion (Munchen) |
Immunity | Immunity (Cambridge, MA) |
Immunobiol Suppl | Immunobiology. Supplement (Stuttgart) |
Immunobiology | Immunobiology (Stuttgart) |
Immunodefic Rev | Immunodeficiency Reviews (Chur) |
Immunogenetics | Immunogenetics (New York, NY) |
Immunol Cell Biol | Immunology and Cell Biology (Adelaide) |
Immunol Endocr Metabol Agents Med Chem | Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry |
Immunol Infect Diseases | Immunology and Infectious Diseases (London) |
Immunol Invest | Immunological Investigations (New York, NY) |
Immunol Lett | Immunology Letters (Amsterdam) |
Immunol Res | Immunologic Research (Basel) |
Immunol Rev | Immunological Reviews (Copenhagen) |
Immunol Ser | Immunology Series (New York, NY) |
Immunol Serol Transplant | Immunology, Serology, and Transplantation () |
Immunol Suppl | Immunology. Supplement (Oxford) |
Immunol Today | Immunology Today (Barking) |
Immunologiya | Immunologiya |
Immunology | Immunology (Oxford) |
Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol | Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology (New York, NY) |
Immunopharmacology | Immunopharmacology (Amsterdam) |
Immunotechnology | Immunotechnology () |
Important Adv Oncol | Important Advances in Oncology (Philadelphia, PA) |
In Vitro | In Vitro |
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol | In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology (Gaithersburg, MD) |
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim | In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal |
In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant | In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant |
In Vitro Mol Toxicol | In Vitro & Molecular Toxicology |
In Vitro Monogr | In Vitro Monograph |
In Vivo | In Vivo (Athens) |
Ind Health | Industrial Health (Kawasaki) |
Indian Drugs | Indian Drugs |
Indian Heart J | Indian Heart Journal (Bombay) |
Indian J Appl Microbiol | Indian Journal of Applied Microbiology (Madras) |
Indian J Biochem Biophys | Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (New Delhi) |
Indian J Cancer | Indian Journal of Cancer (Bombay) |
Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci | Indian Journal of Chest Diseases and Allied Sciences (New Delhi) |
Indian J Exp Biol | Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (New Delhi) |
Indian J Gastroenterol | Indian Journal of Gastroenterology (Bombay) |
Indian J Lepr | Indian Journal of Leprosy (New Delhi) |
Indian J Malariol | Indian Journal of Malariology (Kanpur) |
Indian J Med Res | Indian Journal of Medical Research (New Delhi) |
Indian J Med Sci | Indian Journal of Medical Sciences (Bombay) |
Indian J Ophthalmol | Indian Journal of Ophthalmology (Angamally) |
Indian J Pathol Microbiol | Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology (Belgaum) |
Indian J Pediatr | Indian Journal of Pediatrics (New Delhi) |
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol | Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (New Delhi) |
Indian J Public Health | Indian Journal of Public Health (Calcutta) |
Indian Pediatr | Indian Pediatrics (New Delhi) |
Indian Phytopath | Indian Phytopathology |
Indiana Med | Indiana Medicine (Indianapolis, IN) |
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol | Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology (Thorofare, NJ) |
Infect Dis Clin North Am | Infectious Disease Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Infect Dis Clin Pract | Infectious Disease in Clincal Practice () |
Infect Immun | Infection and Immunity (Washington, DC) |
Infection | Infection (Munchen) |
Infect Agents Dis | Infectious Agents and Disease |
Infect Genet Evol | Infection, Genetics and Evolution |
Inflammation | Inflammation (New York, NY) |
Inflamm Res | Inflammation Research |
Inform Technol J | Information Technology Journal |
Infusionstherapie | Infusionstherapie (Germering) |
Inhal Toxicol | Inhalation Toxicology |
Injury | Injury() |
Inoculum | Inoculum |
Inorganic Chem | Inorganic Chemistry (Washington, DC) |
Inquiry | Inquiry (Chicago, IL) |
Insect Biochem Mol Biol | Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology () |
Insect Mol Biol | Insect Molecular Biology |
Insect Sci Appl | Insect Science and Its Applications (Nairobi, Kenya) |
Instr Course Lect | Instructional Course Lectures (Park Ridge, IL) |
Int Anesthesiol Clin | International Anesthesiology Clinics (Boston, MA) |
Int Angiol | International Angiology (Torino) |
Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol | International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology (Basel) |
Int Arch Occup Environ Health | International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health (Berlin) |
Int Biodeterioration Biodegrad | International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation () |
Int Clin Psychopharmacol | International Clinical Psychopharmacology (London) |
Int Dent J | International Dental Journal (Guildford) |
Int Endontic J | International Endodontic Journal |
Int Food Ingredients | International Food Ingredients |
Int Immunol | International Immunology (Oxford) |
Int Immunopharmacol | International Immunopharmacology |
Int J Addict | International Journal of the Addictions (New York, NY) |
Int J Aging Hum Dev | International Journal of Aging and Human Development (Farmingdale, NY) |
Int J Androl | International Journal of Andrology (Oxford) |
Int J Antimicro Ag | International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents () |
Int J Appl Radiat Isot | International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes (Oxford) |
Int J Artif Organs | International Journal of Artificial Organs (Milano) |
Int J Biochem | International Journal of Biochemistry (Oxford) |
Int J Biochem Cell Biol | International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology () |
Int J Biol Macromol | International Journal of Biological Macromolecules () |
Int J Biol Markers | International Journal of Biological Markers (Milano) |
Int J Biol Sci | International Journal of Biological Sciences () |
Int J Biotechnol | International Journal of Biotechnology (IJBT) |
Int J Biomed Comput | International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing (Limerick) |
Int J Biometeorol | International Journal of Biometeorology (Amsterdam) |
Int J Cancer | International Journal of Cancer (New York, NY) |
Int J Cancer Suppl | International Journal of Cancer. Supplement (New York, NY) |
Int J Card Imaging | International Journal of Cardiac Imaging (Boston, MA) |
Int J Cardiol | International Journal of Cardiology (Amsterdam) |
Int J Cell Cloning | International Journal of Cell Cloning (Dayton, OH) |
Int J Chronobiology | International Journal of Chronobiology (London) |
Int J Clin Exp Hypn | International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (New York, NY) |
Int J Clin Lab Res | International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Research (Berlin) |
Int J Clin Monit Comput | International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (Dordrecht) |
Int J Clin Pharmacol Res | International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Research (Geneva) |
Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol | International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Therapy, and Toxicology (Munchen) |
Int J Clin Pract | International Journal of Clinical Practice (Esher) |
Int J Colorectal Dis | International Journal of Colorectal Disease (Berlin) |
Int J Dermatol | International Journal of Dermatology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Int J Dev Biol | International Journal of Developmental Biology (Vizcaya) |
Int J Dev Neurosci | International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience (Oxford) |
Int J Environ Studies | International Journal of Environmental Studies () |
Int J Epidemiol | International Journal of Epidemiology (London) |
Int J Exp Pathol | International Journal of Experimental Pathology (Oxford) |
Int J Fertil | International Journal of Fertility (Stockholm) |
Int J Food Microbiol | International Journal of Food Microbiology (Amsterdam) |
Int J Food Prop | International Journal of Food Properties |
Int J Food Sci Technol | International Journal of Food Science and Technology |
Int J Group Psychother | International Journal of Group Psychotherapy (New York, NY) |
Int J Gynecol Cancer | International Journal of Gynecological Cancer |
Int J Gynaecol Obstet | International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (Limerick) |
Int J Gynecol Pathol | International Journal of Gynecological Pathology (New York, NY) |
Int J Health Serv | International Journal of Health Services (Farmingdale, NY) |
Int J Hematol | International Journal of Hematology (Amsterdam) |
Int J Hyperthermia | International Journal of Hyperthermia (London) |
Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol | International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology |
Int J Immunopharmacol | International Journal of Immunopharmacology (Oxford) |
Int J Immunother | International Journal of Immunotherapy |
Int J Impotence Res | International Journal of Impotence Research |
Int J Insect Morphol Embryol | International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology () |
Int J Invertebr Repr Dev | International Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction and Development |
Int J Law Psychiatry | International Journal of Law and Psychiatry (Elmsford, NY) |
Int J Legal Med | International Journal of Legal Medicine (Heidelberg) |
Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis | International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases (Lawrence, KS) |
Int J Mass Spectrom | International Journal of Mass Spectrometry |
Int J Med Microbiol | International Journal of Medical Microbiology (Stuttgart) |
Int J Med Sci | International Journal of Medical Sciences |
Int J Med Toxicol Legal Med | International Journal Of Medical Toxicology And Legal Medicine |
Int J Microcirc Clin Exp | International Journal of Microcirculation: Clinical and Experimental (Hague) |
Int J Mol Med | International Journal of Molecular Medicine |
Int J Morphol | International Journal of Morphology |
Int J Mol Sci | International Journal of Molecular Sciences |
Int J Nanomedicine | International Journal of Nanomedicine |
Int J Neurol | International Journal of Neurology (Montevideo) |
Int J Neuroradiol | International Journal of Neuroradiology |
Int J Neurosci | International Journal of Neuroscience (London) |
Int J Nucl Med Biol | International Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (Elmsford, NY) |
Int J Nurs Pract | International Journal of Nursing Practice |
Int J Nurs Stud | International Journal of Nursing Studies (Oxford) |
Int J Obes | International Journal of Obesity (London) |
Int J Occup Med Environ Health | International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health |
Int J Oncol | International Journal of Oncology () |
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg | International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Copenhagen) |
Int J Orthod | International Journal of Orthodontics (Milwaukee, WI) |
Int J Paediat Dent | International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry |
Int J Pancreatol | International Journal of Pancreatology (Clifton, NJ) |
Int J Parasitol | International Journal for Parasitology (Oxford) |
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol | International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (Amsterdam) |
Int J Pept Protein Res | International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research (Copenhagen) |
Int J Pharm | International Journal of Phamaceutics |
Int J Pharm | International Journal of Pharmacy |
Int J Plant Sci | International Journal of Plant Sciences |
Int J Primatol | International Journal of Primatology (Liverpool) |
Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract | International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice |
Int J Psychiatry Med | International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine (Farmingdale, NY) |
Int J Psychoanal | International Journal of Psycho-Analysis (London) |
Int J Psychophysiol | International Journal of Psychophysiology (Amsterdam) |
Int J Psychosom | International Journal of Psychosomatics (Philadelphia, PA) |
Int J Rad Appl Instrum [A] | International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part A, Applied Radiation and Isotopes (Oxford) |
Int J Rad Appl Instrum [B] | International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B, Nuclear Medicine and Biology (Oxford) |
Int J Radiat Biol | International Journal of Radiation Biology (London) |
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys | International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics (Elmsford, NY) |
Int J Rehab Res | International Journal of Rehabilitation Research (London) |
Int J Remote Sens | International Journal of Remote Sensing |
Int J STD AIDS | International Journal of STD and AIDS (London) |
Int J Soc Psychiatry | International Journal of Social Psychiatry (London) |
Int J Sports Med | International Journal of Sports Medicine (Stuttgart) |
Int J Sports Studies | International Journal of Sports Studies |
Int J Syst Bacteriol | International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (Washington, DC) |
Int J Syst Evol Microbiol | International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology |
Int J Technol Assess Health Care | International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care (Cambridge, Eng) |
Int J Tissue React | International Journal of Tissue Reactions (Geneva) |
Int J Toxicol | International Journal of Toxicology |
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis | International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease () |
Int J Vitam Nutr Res | International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research (Bern) |
Int J Vitam Nutr Res Suppl | International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research (Bern) |
Int Nurs Rev | International Nursing Review (Geneva) |
Int Ophthalmol | International Ophthalmology (Dordrecht) |
Int Ophthalmol Clin | International Ophthalmology Clinics (Boston, MA) |
Int Orthop | International Orthopaedics (Berlin) |
Int Psychogeriatr | International Psychogeriatrics (New York, NY) |
Int Rev Cytol | International Review of Cytology (New York, NY) |
Int Rev Exp Pathol | International Review of Experimental Pathology (New York, NY) |
Int Revue Hydrobiol | International Revue of Hydrobiology |
Int Rev Immunol | International Reviews of Immunology (Chur) |
Int Rev Neurobiol | International Review Neurobiology (New York, NY) |
Int Surg | International Surgery (Turin) |
Int Symp Pricess Takamatsu Cancer Res Fund | International Symposium of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund (Baltimore, MD) |
Int Urol Nephrol | International Urology and Nephrology (Budapest) |
Int Zoo Yearb | International Zoo Yearbook |
Integr Physiol Behav Sci | Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science (New Brunswick, NJ) |
Intensive Care Med | Intensive Care Medicine (New York, NY) |
Interdiscipl Sci Rev | Interdisciplinary Science Reviews |
Intern Med | Internal Medicine () |
Internist (Berl) | Internist (Berlin) |
Intervirology | Intervirology (Basel) |
Invasion Metastasis | Invasion and Metastasis (Basel) |
Invertebr Biol | Invertebrate Biology |
Invertebr Repr Dev | Invertebrate Reproduction and Development |
Invertebrate Surviv J | Invertebrate Survival Journal |
Invest Clin | Investigacion Clinica (Maracaibo) |
Invest New Drugs | Investigational New Drugs (Boston, MA) |
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci | Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Philadelphia, PA) |
Invest Radiol | Investigative Radiology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Ion Channels | Ion Channels (New York, NY) |
Iowa Med | Iowa Medicine (Des Moines, IA) |
Ir J Med Sci | Irish Journal of Medical Science (Dublin) |
Ir Med J | Irish Medical Journal (Dublin) |
Ir Vet J | Irish Veterinary Journal |
Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol | Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology |
Iran J Arthropod-Borne Dis | Iranian Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases |
Iran J Environ Health Sci Eng | Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering |
Iran J Nucl Med | Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine |
Iran J Parasitol | Iranian Journal of Parasitology |
Iran J Pathol | Iranian Journal of Pathology |
Iran J Ped | Iranian Journal of Pediatrics |
Iran J Publ Health | Iranian Journal of Public Health |
Iran J Radiol | Iranian Journal of Radiology |
Isis | Isis (Chicago, IL) |
ISME J | The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology |
Isokinet Exerc Sci | Isokinetics and Exercise Science |
Isozymes Curr Top Biol Med Res | Isozymes: Current Topics in Biological Medical Research (New York, NY) |
Isr J Ecol Evol | Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution |
Isr J Med Sci | Israel Journal of Medical Sciences (Tel Aviv) |
Isr J Plant Sci | Israel Journal of Plant Science |
Isr J Psychiatry | Israel Journal of Psychiatry (Jerusalem) |
Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci | Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences () |
Isr J Zool | Israel Journal of Zoology |
Isr Med Assoc J | Israel Medical Association Journal |
Issues Law Med | Issues in Law and Medicine (Terre Haute, IN) |
Ital J Anim Sci | Italian Journal of Animal Science (Bologna) |
Ital J Biochem | Italian Journal of Biochemistry (Rome) |
Ital J Gastroenterol | Italian Journal of Gastroenterology (Roma) |
Ital J Neurol Sci | Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences (Milano) |
Ital J Orthop Traumatol | Italian Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (Wien) |
Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol | Izvestiia Akademii Nauk Seriia Biologicheskaia (Moskva) |
Izv Akad Nauk SSSR [Biol] | Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriia Biologicheskaia (Moskva) |
Izv Vuz Pishch Tekh | Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii Pishchevaya Tekhnologiya |
Abbreviation | Name |
J Abnorm Child Psychol | Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (New York, NY) |
J Abnorm Psychol | Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Washington, DC) |
J Acoust Soc Am | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (Lancaster, PA) |
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr | Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (New York, NY) |
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol | Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology () |
J Addict Dis | Journal of Addictive Diseases (Binghamton, NY) |
J Adolesc | Journal of Adolescence (London) |
J Adolesc Health | Journal of Adolescent Health (New York, NY) |
J Adv Lab Res Biol | Journal of Advanced Laboratory Research in Biology (India) |
J Adv Nurs | Journal of Advanced Nursing (Oxford) |
J Affect Disord | Journal of Affective Disorders (Amsterdam) |
J Agricult Food Chem | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Washington, DC) |
J Agricult Forestry | Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (Taiwan) |
J Agron | Journal of Agronomy |
J Agron Crop Sci | Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science |
J Alzheimers Dis | Journal of Alzheimer's Disease |
J Air Waste Manage Assoc | Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association (Pittsburgh, PA) |
J Allergy Clin Immunol | Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (St. Louis, MO) |
J Allied Health | Journal of Allied Health (Thorofare, NJ) |
J Am Acad Audiol | Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (Lewiston, NY) |
J Am Acad Orthop Surg | Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (Rosemont, IL) |
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Baltimore, MD) |
J Am Acad Dermatol | Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (St. Louis, MO) |
J Am Acad Psychoanal | Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis (New York, NY) |
J Am Acad Psychoanal Dyn Psychiatry | Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry (New York, NY) |
J Am Board Fam Pract | Journal of the American Board of Family Practice (Waltham, MA) |
J Am Chem Soc | Journal of the American Chemical Society (Washington, DC) |
J Am Coll Cardiol | Journal of the American College of Cardiology (New York, NY) |
J Am Coll Dent | Journal of the American College of Dentists (Bethesda, MD) |
J Am Coll Health | Journal of the American College of Health (Washington, DC) |
J Am Coll Nutr | Journal of the American College of Nutrition (New York, NY) |
J Am Dent Assoc | Journal of the American Dental Association (Chicago, IL) |
J Am Diet Assoc | Journal of the American Dietetic Association (Chicago, IL) |
J Am Geriatr Soc | Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (Baltimore, MD) |
J Am Med Wom Assoc | Journal of the American Medical Women's Association (New York, NY) |
J Am Mosq Control Assoc | Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association (Fresno, CA) |
J Am Mosq Control Assoc Suppl | Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. Supplement (Fresno, CA) |
J Am Osteopath Assoc | Journal of the American Osteopathic Association (Chicago, IL) |
J Am Paraplegia Soc | Journal of the American Paraplegia Society (New York, NY) |
J Am Pharm Assoc | Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (Washington,DC) |
J Am Podiatr Med Assoc | Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association (Washington, DC) |
J Am Psychoanal Assoc | Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (Madison, CT) |
J Am Soc Echocardiogr | Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography (St. Louis, MO) |
J Am Soc Nephrol | Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (Baltimore, MD) |
J Am Vet Med Assoc | Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (Chicago, IL) |
J Anal Psychol | Journal of Analytical Psychology (London) |
J Anal Toxicol | Journal of Analytical Toxicology (Niles, IL) |
J Anat | Journal of Anatomy (London) |
J Androl | Journal of Andrology (Philadelphia, PA) |
J Anim Breed Genet | Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics |
J Anim Ecol | Journal of Animal Ecology |
J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr | Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition |
J Anim Sci | Journal of Animal Science (Champaign, IL) |
J Anti-Aging Med | Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine (Larchmont, NY) |
J Antibiot (Tokyo) | Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) |
J Antimicrob Chemother | Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (London) |
J Anxiety Disord | Journal of Anxiety Disorders |
J AOAC Int | Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL (Gaithersburg, Maryland) |
J Apicult Res | Journal of Apicultural Research |
J Appl Bacteriol | Journal of Applied Bacteriology (Oxford) |
J Appl Behav Anal | Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (Lawrence, KS) |
J Appl Botany | Journal of Applied Botany (Angewandte Botanik) |
J Appl Crystal | Journal of Applied Crystallography () |
J Appl Ecol | Journal of Applied Ecology |
J Appl Entomol | Journal of Applied Entomology |
J Appl Gerontol | Journal of Applied Gerontology |
J Appl Ichthyol | Journal of Applied Ichthyology |
J Appl Microbiol | Journal of Applied Microbiology (Oxford) |
J Appl Nutr | Journal of Applied Nutrition (La Habra, CA) |
J Appl Physiol | Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, MD) |
J Appl Psychol | Journal of Applied Psychology (Washington, DC) |
J Appl Res Clin Exp Ther | Journal of Applied Research in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics |
J Appl Sci | Journal of Applied Sciences |
J Aquat Anim Health | Journal of Aquatic Animal Health |
J Appl Toxicol | Journal of Applied Toxicology (Chichester) |
J Arkansas Med Soc | Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society (Fort Smith, AR) |
J Arthroplasty | Journal of Artroplasty (New Brunswick, NJ) |
J As Soc Beng | Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (Calcutta) |
J Assoc Off Anal Chem | Journal- Association of Official Analytical Chemists (Washington, DC) |
J Assoc Physicians India | Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (Bombay) |
J Asthma | Journal of Asthma (New York, NY) |
J Audiov Media Med | Journal of Audiovisual Media in Medicine (Guildford) |
J Autism Dev Disord | Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (New York, NY) |
J Autoimmun | Journal of Autoimmunity (London) |
J Auton Nerv Syst | Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System (Amsterdam) |
J Auton Pharmacol | Journal of Autonomic Pharmacology (Oxford) |
J Avian Biol | Journal of Avian Biology () |
J Avian Med Surg | Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery () |
J Bacteriol | Journal of Bacteriology (Washington, DC) |
J Basic Clin Pathophysiol | Journal of Basic & Clinical Pathophysiology (Tehran) |
J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol | Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology (London) |
J Basic Microbiol | Journal of Basic Microbiology (Berlin) |
J Behav Health Serv Res | Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research |
J Behav Med | Journal of Behavioral Medicine (New York, NY) |
J Behav Neurosci | Journal of Behavioral Neuroscience |
J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry | Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry (Elmsford, NY) |
J Belge Radiol | Journal Belge de Radiologie (Bruxelles) |
J Bhutan Studies | Journal of Bhutan Studies |
J Biochem (Tokyo) | Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo) |
J Biophys Biochem Cytol | Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology |
J Biochem Biophys Methods | Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods (Amsterdam) |
J Biochem Toxicol | Journal of Biochemical Toxicology (Deerfield Beach, FL) |
J Biocommun | Journal of Biocommunication (San Francisco, CA) |
J Bioenerg Biomembr | Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes (New York, NY) |
J Biogeography | Journal of Biogeography (Including Global Ecology & Biogeography Letters and Biodiversity Letters) |
J Bioinform Seq Anal (JBSA) | Journal of Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis (JBSA) |
J Biol | Journal of Biology |
J Biol Buccale | Journal de Biologie Buccale (Paris) |
J Biol Chem | Journal of Biological Chemistry (Baltimore, MD) |
J Biol Inorg Chem Soc | Journal of the Biological Inorganic Chemistry Society () |
J Biol Photogr | Journal of Biological Photography (Durham, NC) |
J Biol Regul Homeost Agents | Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents (Milano) |
J Biol Rhythms | Journal of Biological Rhythms (New York, NY) |
J Biol Sci | Journal of Biological Sciences |
J Biolumin Chemilumin | Journal of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (Chichester) |
J Biomater Appl | Journal of Biomaterials Applications (Lancaster, PA) |
J Biomater Sci Polym Ed | Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition (Utrecht) |
J Biomech | Journal of Biomechanics (Elmsford, NY) |
J Biomech Eng | Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (New York, NY) |
J Biomed Eng | Journal of Biomedical Engineering (Guildford) |
J Biomed Mater Res | Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (New York, NY) |
J Biomol Struct Dyn | Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics (Guilderland, NY) |
J Biosci | Journal of Biosciences (Bangalore, INDIA) |
J Biosoc Sci | Journal of Biosocial Science (Cambridge, Eng) |
J Biosoc Sci Suppl | Journal of Biosocial Science. Supplement (Oxford) |
J Biotech | Journal of Biotechnology () |
J Bone Joint Surg [Am] | Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume (Boston, MA) |
J Bone Joint Surg [Br] | Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British Volume (London) |
J Bone Miner Res | Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (New York, NY) |
J Burn Care Rehab | Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation |
J Burn Care Res | Journal of Burn Care and Research |
J Can Dent Assoc | Journal/ Canadian Dental Association. Journal de l Association Dentaire Canadienne (Ottawa) |
J Cancer Educ | Journal of Cancer Education (New York, NY) |
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol | Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology (Berlin) |
J Cardiol | Journal of Cardiology (Tokyo) |
J Cardiol Suppl | Journal of Cardiology. Supplement (Tokyo) |
J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth | Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia (Philadelphia, PA) |
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol | Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology (New York, NY) |
J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) | Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (Torino) |
J Catalysis | Journal of Catalysis |
J Cataract Refract Surg | Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (Fairfax, VA) |
J Cell Biochem | Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (New York, NY) |
J Cell Biochem Suppl | Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. Supplement (New York, NY) |
J Cell Biol | Journal of Cell Biology (New York, NY) |
J Cell Physiol | Journal of Cellular Physiology (New York, NY) |
J Cell Physiol Suppl | Journal of Cellular Physiology. Supplement (New York, NY) |
J Cell Sci | Journal of Cell Science (Cambridge) |
J Cell Sci Suppl | Journal of Cell Science. Supplement (Cambridge, Eng) |
J Cereal Sci | Journal of Cereal Science |
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab | Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (New York, NY) |
J Chem Inf Comput Sci | Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences (Washington, DC) |
J Chem Neuroanat | Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy (Chichester) |
J Chemother | Journal of Chemotherapy (Firenze) |
J Child Neurol | Journal of Child Neurology (St. Louis, MO) |
J Child Psychol Psychiatry | Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines (Oxford) |
J Chin Agric Chem Soc | Journal of the Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society |
J Chin Soc Anim Sci | Journal of the Chinese Society of Animal Science (Taiwan) |
J Chir | Journal de Chirurgie (Paris) |
J Chromatogr | Journal of Chromatography (Amsterdam) |
J Chromatogr Sci | Journal of Chromatographic Science (Niles, IL) |
J Chronic Dis | Journal of Chronic Diseases |
J Clin Anesth | Journal of Clinical Anesthesia (Stoneham, MA) |
J Clin Apheresis | Journal of Clinical Apheresis (New York, NY) |
J Clin Endocrinol Metab | Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Baltimore, MD) |
J Clin Epidemiol | Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (Oxford) |
J Clin Ethics | Journal of Clinical Ethics (Frederick, MD) |
J Clin Exp Neuropsychol | Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology (Lisse) |
J Clin Gastroenterol | Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology (New York, NY) |
J Clin Immunol | Journal of Clinical Immunology (New York, NY) |
J Clin Invest | Journal of Clinical Investigation (New York, NY) |
J Clin Lab Anal | Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis (New York, NY) |
J Clin Lab Immunol | Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Immunology (Edinburgh) |
J Clin Laser Med Surg | Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery |
J Clin Microbiol | Journal of Clinical Microbiology (Washington, DC) |
J Clin Monit | Journal of Clinical Monitoring (Boston, MA) |
J Clin Neuro Ophthalmol | Journal of Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology (New York, NY) |
J Clin Neurophysiol | Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology (New York, NY) |
J Clin Nurs | Journal of Clinical Nursing |
J Clin Oncol | Journal of Clinical Oncology (Philadelphia, PA) |
J Clin Pathol | Journal of Clinical Pathology (London) |
J Clin Periodontol | Journal of Clinical Periodontology (Copenhagen) |
J Clin Pharm Ther | Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics (Oxford) |
J Clin Pharmacol | Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (Hagerstown, MD) |
J Clin Psychiatry | Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (Memphis, TN) |
J Clin Psychol | Journal of Clinical Psychology (Brandon, VT) |
J Clin Psychopharmacol | Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology (Baltimore, MD) |
J Clin Virol | Journal of Clinical Virology () |
J Cogn Rehab | Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation () |
J Commun Dis | Journal of Communicable Diseases (Delhi) |
J Commun Disord | Journal of Communication Disorders (New York, NY) |
J Community Health | Journal of Community Health (New York, NY) |
J Comp Neurol | Journal of Comparative Neurology |
J Comput Neurosci | Journal of Computational Neuroscience (Pittsburg) |
J Comp Pathol | Journal of Comparative Pathology (Liverpool) |
J Comp Physiol [A] | Journal of Comparative Physiology. A, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology (Berlin) |
J Comp Physiol [B] | Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology (Berlin) |
J Comp Psychol | Journal of Comparative Psychology (Washington, DC) |
J Comput Aided Mol Des | Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design (Leiden) |
J Comput Assist Learning | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning |
J Comput Assist Tomogr | Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography (New York, NY) |
J Comput Biol | Journal of Computational Biology () |
J Consumer Stud Home Econ | Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics |
J Consult Clin Psychol | Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (Washington, DC) |
J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol | Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology (Copenhagen) |
J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol Suppl | Journal of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology. Supplement (New York, NY) |
J Craniomaxillofac Surg | Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery (Stuttgart) |
J Crust Biol | Journal of Crustacean Biology () |
J Cutan Pathol | Journal of Cutaneous Pathology (Copenhagen) |
J Dairy Res | Journal of Dairy Research (London) |
J Dairy Sci | Journal of Dairy Science (Champaign, IL) |
J Dent | Journal of Dentistry (Guildford) |
J Dent Educ | Journal of Dental Education (Washington, DC) |
J Dent Res | Journal of Dental Research (Washington, DC) |
J Dermatol | Journal of Dermatology (Tokyo) |
J Dermatol Sci | Journal of Dermatological Science (Amsterdam) |
J Dermatol Surg Oncol | Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology (New York, NY) |
J Dev Behav Pediatr | Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (Baltimore, MD) |
J Dev Physiol | Journal of Developmental Physiology (Oxford) |
J Diabet Complications | Journal of Diabetic and its Complications () |
J Diarrhoeal Dis Res | Journal of Diarrhoeal Diseases Research (Dhaka) |
J Digit Imaging | Journal of Digital Imaging (Philadelphia, PA) |
J Drug Educ | Journal of Drug Education (Farmingdale, NY) |
J Ecol | Journal of Ecology |
J Econ Entomol | Journal of Economic Entomology (College Park, MD) |
J Egypt Public Health Assoc | Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association (Cairo) |
J Egypt Soc Parasitol | Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology (Cairo) |
J Electrocardiol | Journal of Electrocardiology (New York, NY) |
J Electromyography Kinesiol | Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology () |
J Electron Microsc (Tokyo) | Journal of Electron Microscopy (Tokyo) |
J Electron Microsc Tech | Journal of Electron Microscopy Technique (New York, NY) |
J Emerg Med | Journal of Emergency Medicine (New York, NY) |
J Endocrinol | Journal of Endocrinology (London) |
J Endocrinol Invest | Journal of Endocrinological Investigation (Milano) |
J Endovasc Ther | Journal of Endovascular Therapy |
J Entomol | Journal of Entomology |
J Entomol Nematol (JEN) | Journal of Entomology and Nematology (JEN) |
J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol | Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology (Cambridge, MA) |
J Envir Protect Sci | Journal of Environmental Protection Science |
J Environ Qual | Journal of Environmental Quality |
J Environ Sci Health [B] | Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes (New York, NY) |
J Enzym Inhib | Journal of Enzyme Inhibition (Chur) |
J Epidemiol Community Health | Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (London) |
J Epilepsy | Journal of Epilepsy () |
J Ethnopharmacol | Journal of Ethnopharmacology (Limerick) |
J Euk Microbiol | The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology |
J Eval Clin Pract | Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice |
J Evol Biol | Journal of Evolutionary Biology |
J Exerc Physiol Online | Journal of Exercise Physiology Online |
J Exp Anal Behav | Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (Bloomington, IN) |
J Exp Anim Sci | Journal of Experimental Animal Science (Jena) |
J Exp Biol | Journal of Experimental Biology (London) |
J Exp Bot | Journal of Experimental Botany |
J Exp Child Psychol | Journal of Experimental Child Psychology (New York, NY) |
J Exp Marine Biol | Journal of Experimental Marine Biology |
J Exp Med | Journal of Experimental Medicine (New York, NY) |
J Exp Pathol | Journal of Experimental Pathology (New York, NY) |
J Exp Psychol [Anim Behav] | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes (Washington, DC) |
J Exp Psychol [Gen] | Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (Washington, DC) |
J Exp Psychol [Hum Percept] | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (Washington, DC) |
J Exp Psychol [Learn Mem Cogn] | Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition (Washington, DC) |
J Exp Soc Psychol | Journal of Experimental Social Psychology |
J Exp Zool | Journal of Experimental Zoology (New York, NY) |
J Exp Zool Suppl | Journal of Experimental Zoology. Supplement (New York, NY) |
J Fam Pract | Journal of Family Practice (East Norwalk, CT) |
J Ferment Technol | Journal of Fermentation Technology (Osaka) |
J Ferment Bioengineer | Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering (Osaka) |
J Fish Biol | Journal of Fish Biology |
J Fish Diseases | Journal of Fish Diseases |
J Fla Med Assoc | Journal of the Florida Medical Association (Jacksonville, FL) |
J Fluorescence | Journal of Fluorescence |
J Food Comp Anal | Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (London) |
J Food Eng | Journal of Food Engineering () |
J Food Process Preserv | Journal of Food Processing and Preservation |
J Food Prot | Journal of Food Protection |
J of Food Quality | Journal of Food Quality |
J Foot Surg | Journal of Foot Surgery (Baltimore, MD) |
J Forensic Sci | Journal of Forensic Sciences (Philadelphia, PA) |
J Forensic Sci Soc | Journal - Forensic Science Society (London) |
J Fr Ophthalmol | Journal Francais d Ophthalmologie (Paris) |
J Fragmentation Sci | Journal of Fragmentation Science |
J Fresh Ecol | Journal of Freshwater Ecology |
J Gastroenterol | Journal of Gastroenterology |
J Gastroenterol Hepatol | Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Melbourne) |
J Gay Lesbian Med Assoc | Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association |
J Gen Intern Med | Journal of General Internal Medicine (Philadelphia, PA) |
J Gen Microbiol | Journal of General Microbiology (London) |
J Gen Physiol | Journal of General Physiology (New York, NY) |
J Gen Psychol | Journal of General Psychology (Provincetown, MA) |
J Gen Virol | Journal of General Virology (London) |
J Gender Cult Health | Journal of Gender, Culture, and Health |
J Gen Mol Virol | Journal of General and Molecular Virology |
J Genet | Journal of Genetics (Bangalore, INDIA) |
J Genet Psychol | Journal of Genetic Psychology (Provincetown, MA) |
J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol | Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology (St. Louis, MO) |
J Gerontol | Journal of Gerontology (Washington, DC) |
J Gerontol (A Biol Sci Med Sci) | Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences |
J Gravit Physiol | Journal of Gravitational Physiology |
J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) | Journal de Gynecologie, Obstetrique et Biologie de la Reproduction (Paris) |
J Hand Surg [Am] | Journal of Hand Surgery. American Volume (St. Louis, MO) |
J Hand Surg [Br] | Journal of Hand Surgery. British Volume (Edinburgh) |
J Health Care Poor Underserved | Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (Nashville, TN) |
J Health Polit Policy Law | Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law (Durham, NC) |
J Health Soc Behav | Journal of Health and Social Behavior (Washington, DC) |
J Heart Lung Transplant | Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation (St. Louis, MO) |
J Helminthol | Journal of Helminthology (London) |
J Hematol Malig | Journal of Hematological Malignancies |
J Hematother | Journal of Hematotherapy |
J Hematother Stem Cell Res | Journal of Hematotherapy & Stem Cell Research |
J Hepatol | Journal of Hepatology (Amsterdam) |
J Hered | Journal of Heredity (Washington, DC) |
J Herpetol Malignancies | Journal of Herpetology |
J Hirnforsch | Journal fur Hirnforschung (Berlin) |
J Hist Behav Sci | Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (Brandon, VT) |
J Hist Med Allied Sci | Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (New Haven, CT) |
J Histochem Cytochem | Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (New York, NY) |
J Homeland Security | Journal of Homeland Security |
J Homosex | Journal of Homosexuality (New York, NY) |
J Hosp Infect | Journal of Hospital Infection (New York, NY) |
J Hum Ergol | Journal of Human Ergology (Tokyo) |
J Hum Evol | Journal of Human Evolution |
J Hum Hypertens | Journal of Human Hypertension (London) |
J Hum Lact | Journal of Human Lactation |
J Hum Nutr Diet | Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics |
J Hyg Epidemiol Microbiol Immunol | Journal of Hygiene, Epidemiology, Microbiology and Immunology (Praha) |
J Hypertens | Journal of Hypertension (London) |
J Hypertens Suppl | Journal of Hypertension. Supplement (London) |
J Img Guided Surg | Journal of Image Guided Surgery () |
J Immunoassay | Journal of Immunoassay (New York, NY) |
J Immunol | Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, MD) |
J Immunol Methods | Journal of Immunological Methods (Amsterdam) |
J Immunother | Journal of Immunotherapy (New York, NY) |
J In Vitro Fert Enbryo Transf | Journal of In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer (New York, NY) |
J Ind Acad Forensic Med | Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine (Patiala, Punjab, India) |
J Indian Med Assoc | Journal of the Indian Medical Association (Calcutta) |
J Ind Microbiol | Journal of Industrial Microbiology |
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol | Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology |
J Infect | Journal of Infection (London) |
J Infect Dis | Journal of Infectious Diseases (Chicago, IL) |
J Inflamm | Journal of Inflammation |
J Infus Nurs | Journal of Infusion Nursing (USA) |
J Inherit Metab Dis | Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease (Dordrecht) |
J Inorg Biochem | Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (New York, NY) |
J Insect Biodiversity | Journal of Insect Biodiversity |
J Insect Behav | Journal of Insect Behaviour |
J Insect Physiol | Journal of Insect Physiology () |
J Int Med Res | Journal of International Medical Research (Northampton, Eng) |
J Int Soc Plastination | Journal of the International Society for Plastination (Quebec) |
J Intellectual Disabil Res | Journal of Intellectual Disability Research |
J Intensiv Care Med | Journal of Intensive Care Medicine |
J Interferon Res | Journal of Interferon Research (New York, NY) |
J Interferon Cytokine Res | Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research (New York, NY) |
J Intern Med | Journal of Internal Medicine (Oxford) |
J Intern Med Suppl | Journal of Internal Medicine. Supplement (Oxford) |
J Int Wildl Law Policy | Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy |
J Inst Brew | Journal of the Institute of Brewing |
J Invertebr Pathol | Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (New York, NY) |
J Invest Dermatol | Journal of Investigative Dermatology (New York, NY) |
J Invest Surg | Journal of Investigative Surgery (New York, NY) |
J Invest Dermatol | Journal of Investigative Dermatology (New York, NY) |
J Irreprod Results | Journal of Irreproducible Results |
J Jpn Soc Food Sci Technol | Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology |
J Korean Agr Chem Soc | Journal of the Korean Agricultural Chemical Society |
J Korean Med Sci | Journal of Korean Medical Science (Seoul) |
J Ky Med Assoc | Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association (Louisville, KY) |
J La State Med Soc | Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society (New Orleans, LA) |
J Lab Clin Med | Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine (St. Louis, MO) |
J Laryngol Otol | Journal of Laryngology and Otology (London) |
J Laryngol Otol Suppl | Journal of Laryngology and Otology. Supplement (Asford) |
J Leg Med | Journal of Legal Medicine (New York, NY) |
J Leukoc Biol | Journal of Leukocyte Biology (New York, NY) |
J Lipid Mediat Cell Signal | Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling (Amsterdam) |
J Lipid Res | Journal of Lipid Research (Bethesda, MD) |
J Magn Reson Imaging | Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
J Mal Vasc | Journal des Maladies Vasculaires (Paris) |
J Mammal | Journal of Mammalogy |
J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia | Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia (Norwell, MA) |
J Manipulative Physiol Ther | Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (Baltimore, MD) |
J Mar Anim Ecol | Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology |
J Mar Biol Assoc UK | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom |
J Mass Spectrom | Journal of Mass Spectrometry (Chichester) |
J Math Biol | Journal of Mathematical Biology (Berlin) |
J Med | Journal of Medicine (Westbury, NY) |
J Med Assoc Ga | Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia (Atlanta, GA) |
J Med Assoc Thai | Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand (Bangkok) |
J Med Bacteriol | Journal of Medical Bacteriology |
J Med Chem | Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (Washington, DC) |
J Med Eng Technol | Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology (London) |
J Med Entomol | Journal of Medical Entomology (Lawrence, KS) |
J Med Ethics | Journal of Medical Ethics (London) |
J Med Genet | Journal of Medical Genetics (London) |
J Med Invest | journal of Medical Investigation |
J Med Liban | Journal Medical Libanais. Lebanese Medical Journal (Beirut) |
J Med Microbiol | Journal of Medical Microbiology (Edinburgh) |
J Med Philos | Journal of Medicine and Philosophy (Dordrecht) |
J Med Primatol | Journal of Medical Primatology (Copenhagen) |
J Med Sci | Journal of Medical Sciences |
J Med Syst | Journal of Medical Systems (New York, NY) |
J Med Vet Mycol | Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology (Abingdon) |
J Med Virol | Journal of Medical Virology (New York, NY) |
J Mem Lang | Journal of Memory and Language (New York, NY) |
J Membr Biol | Journal of Membrane Biology (New York, NY) |
J Ment Defic Res | Journal of Mental Deficiency Research (Oxford) |
J Ment Health | Journal of Mental Health |
J Microbiol Immunol Infect | Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection |
J Microbiol Meth | Journal of Microbiological Methods () |
J Microencapsul | Journal of Microencapsulation (London) |
J Microsc | Journal of Microscopy (Oxford) |
J Microw Power Electromagn Energy | Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy (Vienna, VA) |
J Miss State Med Assoc | Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association (Jackson, MS) |
J Milk Food Technol | Journal of Milk and Food Technology |
J Mol Biol | Journal of Molecular Biology (London) |
J Mol Catal A: Chemical | Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical |
J Mol Catal B: Enzymatic | Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic |
J Mol Cell Cardiol | Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology (London) |
J Mol Endocrinol | Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (Bristol) |
J Mol Evol | Journal of Molecular Evolution (New York, NY) |
J Mol Graph | Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling (Stoneham, MA) |
J Mol Genet Med | Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine |
J Mol Med | Journal of Molecular Medicine (Berlin) |
J Mol Model | Journal of Molecular Modelling |
J Mol Neurosci | Journal of Molecular Neuroscience (Boston, MA) |
J Mol Recognit | Journal of Molecular Recognition (London) |
J Mol Spect | Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy |
J Mollusc Stud | The Journal of Molluscan Studies |
J Morphol | Journal of Morphology (New York, NY) |
J Muscle Res Cell Motil | Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility (London) |
J Nat Prod | Journal of Natural Products (Columbus, OH) |
J Nat Remedies | Journal of Natural Remedies (Bangalore, INDIA) |
J Natl Cancer Inst | Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Bethesda, MD) |
J Natl Med Assoc | Journal of the National Medical Association (New York, NY) |
J Negat Observ Genetic Oncol | Journal of Negative Observations in Genetic Oncology |
J Negat Results Biomed | Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine |
J Negat Results Ecol Evol Biol | Journal of Negative Results - Ecology & Evolutionary Biology |
J Nerv Ment Dis | Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (Baltimore, MD) |
J Neural Transm Gen Sect | Journal of Neural Transmission. General Section (Wien) |
J Neural Transm Park Dis Dement Sect | Journal of Neural Transmission. Parkinsons Disease and Dementia Section (Wien) |
J Neural Transm Suppl | Journal of Neural Transmission. Supplementum (Wien) |
J Neural Transplant Plast | Journal of Neural Transplantation and Plasticity (London) |
J Neurobiol | Journal of Neurobiology (New York, NY) |
J Neurochem | Journal of Neurochemistry (New York, NY) |
J Neurocytol | Journal of Neurocytology (London) |
J Neuroendocrinol | Journal of Neuroendocrinology |
J Neurogenet | Journal of Neurogenetics (London) |
J Neuroimmunol | Journal of Neuroimmunology (Amsterdam) |
J Neurol | Journal of Neurology (Berlin) |
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry | Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry (London) |
J Neurol Sci | Journal of the Neurological Sciences (Amsterdam) |
J Neurooncol | Journal of Neuro- Oncology (Dordrecht) |
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol | Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology (Lawrence, KS) |
J Neurophysiol | Journal of Neurophysiology () |
J Neuroradiol | Journal of Neuroradiology. Journal de Neuroradiologie (Paris) |
J Neurosci | Journal of Neuroscience (New York, NY) |
J Neurosci Methods | Journal of Neuroscience Methods (Amsterdam) |
J Neurosci Nurs | Journal of Neuroscience Nursing (Park Ridge, IL) |
J Neurosci Res | Journal of Neuroscience Research (New York, NY) |
J Neurosurg | Journal of Neurosurgery |
J Neurosurg Sci | Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences (Milano) |
J Neurotrauma | Journal of Neurotrauma (New York, NY) |
J Neurovirol | Journal of Neurovirology |
J Neurphysiol | Journal of Neurophysiology (Bethesda, MD) |
J Neursurg | Journal of Neurosurgery (Baltimore, MD) |
J Nihon Univ Sch Dent | Journal of Nihon University School of Dentistry (Tokyo) |
J Nucleic Acids Invest | Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation |
J Nucl Biol Med | Journal of Nuclear Biology and Medicine (Torino) |
J Nucl Med | Journal of Nuclear Medicine (New York, NY) |
J Nurs Adm | Journal of Nursing Administration (Wakefield, MA) |
J Nurs Educ | Journal of Nursing Education (Thorofare, NJ) |
J Nurs Manag | Journal of Nursing Management |
J Nurse Midwifery | Jouranl of Nurse- Midwifery (New York, NY) |
J Nutr | Journal of Nutrition (Bethesda, MD) |
J Nutr Biochem | Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry () |
J Nutr Elderly | Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly |
J Nutr Food Sci | Journal of Nutrition and Food Science |
J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo) | Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (Tokyo) |
J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs | Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing (Philadelphia, PA) |
J Occup Health | Journal of Occupational Health |
J Occup Med | Journal of Occupational Medicine (Baltimore, MD) |
J Ocul Pharmacol | Journal of Ocular Pharmacology (New York, NY) |
J Okla State Med Assoc | Journal - Oklahoma State Medical Association (Oklahoma City, OK) |
J Oper Res Soc | Journal of the Operational Research Society |
J Opt Soc Am | Journal of the Optical Society of America (Washington, DC) |
J Opt Soc Am [A] | Journal of the Optical Society of America. Part A, Optics and Image Science (Washington, DC) |
J Opt Soc Am [A]Opt Image Sci Vis | Journal of the Optical Society of America. Part A, Optics, Image Science and Vision (Washington, DC) |
J Oral Maxillofac Surg | Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Philadelphia, PA) |
J Oral Pathol Med | Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine (Copenhagen) |
J Oral Rehabil | Journal of Oral Rehabilitation (Oxford) |
J Organic Chem | Journal of Organic Chemistry (Washington, DC) |
J Organic Syst | Journal of Organic Systems |
J Organomet Chem | Journal of Organometallic Chemistry () |
J Orthomol Med | Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine |
J Orthop Res | Journal of Orthopaedic Research (New York, NY) |
J Orthop Sci | Journal of Orthopaedic Science |
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther | Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy () |
J Orthop Tech | Journal of Orthopaedic Techniques |
J Orthop Trauma | Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma (New York, NY) |
J Otolaryngol | Journal of Otolaryngology (Toronto) |
J Paediatr Child Health | Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health (Melbourne) |
J Pain Symptom Manage | Journal of Pain and Symptom Management |
J Palliat Care | Journal of Palliative Care (Montreal ) |
J Parasitol | Journal of Parasitology (Lawrence, KS) |
J Parenter Sci Technol | Journal of Parenteral Science and Technology (Philadelphia, PA) |
J Pathol | Journal of Pathology (Chihcester) |
J Pathol Bacteriol | Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology |
J Pediatr | Journal of Pediatrics (St. Louis, MO) |
J Pediatr (RioJ) | Jornal de Pediatria (Rio de Janeiro) |
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr | Journal of Pediatrics Gastroenterology and Nutrition (New York, NY) |
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol | Journal of Pediatric Hematol Oncol |
J Pediatr Neurol | Journal of Pediatric Neurology |
J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus | Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (Thorofare, NJ) |
J Pediatr Orthop | Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics (New York, NY) |
J Pediatr Psychol | Journal of Pediatric Psychology (New York, NY) |
J Pediatr Surg | Journal of Pediatric Surgery (New York, NY) |
J Peptide Res | Journal of Peptide Research () |
J Perinat Med | Journal of Perinatal Medicine (Berlin) |
J Perinatol | Journal of Perinatology (Norwalk, CT) |
J Periodont Res | Journal of Periodontal Research (Copenhagen) |
J Periodontol | Journal of Periodontology (Chicago, IL) |
J Pers | Journal of Personality (Durham, NC) |
J Pers Assess | Journal of Personality Assessment (Glendale, CA) |
J Pers Disord | Journal of Personality Disorders |
J Pers Soc Psychol | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Washington, DC) |
J Pharm Belg | Journal de Pharmacie de Belgique (Bruxelles) |
J Pharm Biomed Anal | Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (Oxford) |
J Pharm Med | Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine |
J Pharm Pharmacol | Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (London) |
J Pharm Sci | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Washington, DC) |
J Pharm Teach | Journal of Pharmacy Teaching |
J Pharmacobiodyn | Journal of Pharmacobio-Dynamics (Tokyo) |
J Pharmacokinet Biopharm | Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics (New York, NY) |
J Pharmacol Exp Ther | Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (Baltimore, MD) |
J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods | Journal of Pharmacological Toxicol Methods (New York, NY) |
J Photochem Photobiol B | Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B, Biology (Lausanne) |
J Phycol | Journal of Phycology |
J Physical Chem | Journal of Physical Chemistry (Washington, DC) |
J Physiol (Lond) | Journal of Physiology (Cambridge, Eng) |
J Physiol (Paris) | Journal de Physiologie (Paris) |
J Physiol Pathophysiol | Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology |
J Physiol Pharmacol | Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (Krakow) |
J Phytopath | Journal of Phytopathology |
J Pineal Res | Journal of Pineal Research (Copenhagen) |
J Plankton Res | Journal of Plankton Research |
J Plant Breeding Crop Sci | Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science |
J Plant Growth Regul | Journal of Plant Growth Regulation |
J Plant Physiol | Journal of Plant Physiology/TD> |
J Postgenom Drug Biomark Develop | Journal of Postgenomics: Drug & Biomarker Development (JPDBD) |
J Postgrad Med | Journal of Postgraduate Medicine (Bombay) |
J Prof Nurs | Journal of Professional Nursing (Phialdelphia, PA) |
J Prosthet Dent | Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry (St. Louis, MO) |
J Protein Chem | Journal of Protein Chemistry (New York, NY) |
J Proteome Res | Journal of Proteome Research |
J Protozool | Journal of Protozoology (New York, NY) |
J Protozool Res | Journal of Protozoology Research (Obihiro, Japan) |
J Psychiatr Mental Health Nurs | Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing |
J Psychiatr Res | Journal of Psychiatric Research (Oxford) |
J Psychiatry Neurosci | Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience (Ottawa) |
J Psychoactive Drugs | Journal of Psychoactive Drugs (San Francisco, CA) |
J Psychol | Journal of Psychology (Provincetown, MA) |
J Psychol Hum Sex | Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality |
J Psycholinguist Res | Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (New York, NY) |
J Psychopharmacol | Journal of Psychopharmacology |
J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv | Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services (Thorofare, NJ) |
J Psychosoc Oncol | Journal of Psychosocial Oncology |
J Psychosom Res | Journal of Psychosomatic Research (Oxford) |
J Psychother Pract Res | Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research |
J Public Health Dent | Journal of Public Health Dentistry (Raleigh, NC) |
J Public Health Med | Journal of Public Health Medicine (Oxford) |
J Public Health Policy | Journal of Public Health Policy (Burlington, VT) |
J Punjab Acad Forensic Med Toxicol | Journal of Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology |
J Quality Clin Pract | Journal of Quality in Clinical Practice |
J Quant Trait Loci | Journal of Quantitative Trait Loci () |
Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera | Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera |
J R Army Med Corps | Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps (London) |
J R Coll Gen Pract [Occas Pap] | Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners. Occasional Paper (London) |
J R Coll Physicians Lond | Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London (London) |
J R Coll Surg Edinb | Journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (Guildford) |
J R Nav Med Serv | Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service (Alverstoke) |
J R Soc Health | Journal of the Royal Society of Health (London) |
J R Soc Med | Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (London) |
J Radiol Prot | Journal of Radiological Protection |
J Radiat Res (Tokyo) | Journal of Radiation Research (Chiba) |
J Radiol | Journal de Radiologie (Paris) |
J Radiol Prot | Journal of Radiological Protection |
J Range Manage | Journal of Range Management |
J Recept Res | Journal of Receptor Research (New York, NY) |
J Reconstr Microsurg | Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery (New York, NY) |
J Rehabil Res Dev | Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (Washington, DC) |
J Rehabil Res Dev Clin Suppl | Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. Clinical Supplement (Washington, DC) |
J Reprod Dev | Journal of Reproduction and Development () |
J Reprod Fertil | Journal of Reproduction and Fertility (Colchester) |
J Reprod Fertil Abstr Ser | Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Abstract Series (Colchester) |
J Reprod Fertil Suppl | Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Supplement (Colchester) |
J Reprod Immunol | Journal of Reproductive Immunology (Limerick) |
J Reprod Infertil | Journal of Reproduction and Infertility |
J Reprod Med | Journal of Reproductive Medicine (Chicago, IL) |
J Res Lepid | Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera (Beverly Hills, CA) |
J Rheumatol | Journal of Rheumatology (Toronto) |
J Rheumatol Suppl | Journal of Rheumatology. Supplement (Toronto) |
J S Afr Vet Assoc | Journal of the South African Veterinary Association (Pretoria) |
J S C Med Assoc | Journal - South Carolina Medical Association (Columbia, SC) |
J Sch Health | Journal of School Health (Kent, OH) |
J Sea Res | Journal of Sea Research |
J Sex Marital Ther | Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy (New York, NY) |
J Simple Syst | Journal of Simple Systems (JSS) |
J Singapore Paediatr Soc | Journal of the Singapore Paediatric Society (Singapore) |
J Sleep Res | Journal of Sleep Research |
J Soc Health Syst | Journal of the Society for Health Systems (Norcross, GA) |
J Soc Psychol | Journal of Social Psychology (Provinetown, MA) |
J Speech Hear Res | Journal of Speech and Hearing Research (Rockville, MD) |
J Spinal Disord Tech | Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques |
J Sports Med Phys Fitness | Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (Torino) |
J Sports Sci | Journal of Sports Sciences (London) |
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol | Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Oxford) |
J Stored Prod Res | Journal of Stored Products Research () |
J Struct Biol | Journal of Structural Biology (San Diego, CA) |
J Struct Funct Genomics | Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics |
J Stud Alcohol | Journal of Studies on Alcohol (New Brunswick, NJ) |
J Submicrosc Cytol Pathol | Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology and Pathology (Bologna) |
J Subst Abuse Treat | Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (New York, NY) |
J Surg Oncol | Journal of Surgical Oncology (New York, NY) |
J Surg Oncol Suppl | Journal of Surgical Oncology. Supplement (New York, NY) |
J Surg Res | Journal of Surgical Research (New York, NY) |
J Tenn Med Assoc | Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association (Nashville, TN) |
J Theor Biol | Journal of Theoretical Biology (London) |
J Thermal Biol | Journal of Themal Biology () |
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (St. Louis, MO) |
J Thorac Imaging | Journal of Thoracic Imaging (Gaithersburg, MD) |
J Thromb Thrombolysis | Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis |
J Tongji Med Univ | Journal of Tongji Medical University (Wuhan) |
J Toxicol | Journal of Toxicology (New York/Cairo) |
J Toxicol Clin Exp | Journal de Toxicologie Clinique et Experimentale (Paris) |
J Toxicol Clin Toxicol | Journal of Toxicology. Clinical Toxicology (New York, NY) |
J Toxicol Environ Health | Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health (New York, NY) |
J Toxicol Sci | Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Sapporo) |
J Trace Elem Electrolytes | Journal of Trace Elements and Electrolytes |
J Tradit Chin Med | Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Beijing) |
J Trauma | Journal of Trauma (Baltimore, MD) |
J Trop Med Hyg | Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Oxford) |
J Trop Pediatr | Journal of Tropical Pediatrics (London) |
J Ultrasound Med | Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine (Rockville, MD) |
J Ultrastruct Mol Struct Res | Journal of Ultrastructure and Molecular Structure Research () |
J Ultrastruct Res | Journal of Ultrastructure Research () |
J Urol | Journal of Urology (Baltimore, MD) |
J Urol (Paris) | Journal d Urologie (Paris) |
J Vasc Res | Journal of Vascular Research (Basel) |
J Vasc Surg | Journal of Vascular Surgery (St. Louis, MO) |
J Verb Learn Verb Beh | Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior |
J Vestibular Res | Journal of Vestibular Research () |
J Vet Dent | Journal of Veterinary Dentistry (Philadelphia, PA) |
J Vet Diagn Invest | Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (Columbia, MO) |
J Vet Intern Med | Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Philadelphia) |
J Vet Med A | Journal of Veterinary Medicine A |
J Vet Med B | Journal of Veterinary Medicine B |
J Vet Med Sci | Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (Tokyo) |
J Vet Pharmacol Ther | Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Oxford) |
J Viral Hepatitis | Journal of Viral Hepatitis |
J Virol | Journal of Virology (Washington, DC) |
J Virol Methods | Journal of Virological Methods (Amsterdam) |
J Wildl Dis | Journal of Wildlife Diseases (Ames, IA) |
J Wildl Manage | Journal of Wildlife Management (Washington, DC) |
J Yeast Fungal Res | Journal of Yeast and Fungal Research |
J Zool | Journal of Zoology |
J Zool Sys Evol Res | Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research |
J Zoo Wildl Med | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine |
JACC | Journal of the American College of Cardiology |
JACS | Journal of the American College of Surgery |
JADA | The Journal of the American Dental Association |
JALA | The Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation |
JAMA | Journal of the American Medical Association (Chicago, IL) |
JAMATE | Journal of Marine Animals & Their Ecology |
JAMWA | Journal of the American Medical Women's Association (New York, NY) |
JAPI | Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (Bombay) |
JASN | Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (Baltimore, MD) |
JAT | Journal of Applied Toxicology (Chichester) |
JAVA | Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances |
JBC | Journal of Biocommunication (San Francisco, CA) |
JBCP | Journal of Basic & Clinical Pathophysiology (Tehran) |
JBR | Journal of Biological Rhythms (New York, NY) |
JBR-BTR | Journal Belge de Radiologie (Bruxelles) |
JBSA (J Bioinform Seq Anal) | Journal of Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis (JBSA) |
JCA | Journal of Clinical Anesthesia (Stoneham, MA) |
JCB | Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (New York, NY) |
JCE | Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (Oxford) |
JCU J Clin Ultrasound | JCU; Journal of Clinical Ultrasound (New York, NY) |
JEE | Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography |
JEM | Journal of Environmental Monitoring |
JEPS | Journal of Environmental Protection Science |
JEN (J Entomol Nematol) | Journal of Entomology and Nematology (JEN) |
JEPTO | Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology, and Oncology (Cambridge, MA) |
JESS | Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences |
JGLMA | Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association |
JHM | Journal of Hematological Malignancies |
JIB | Journal of Insect Biodiversity |
JIMA | Journal of the Indian Medical Associations (Calcutta) |
JINS | Journal of International Neuropsychological Society |
JJATS | Journal of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery (Tokyo) |
JJUMS | Journal of Jahrom University Of Medical Sciences |
JLM | Journal of Lipid Mediators (Amsterdam) |
JMDR | Journal of Mental Deficiency Research (Oxford) |
JMGM | Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine |
JMPT | Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (Baltimore, MD) |
JMR | Journal of Molecular Recognition (London) |
JNABS | Journal of the North American Benthological Society |
JNCI | Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Bethesda, MD) |
JNM | Journal of Nuclear Medicine (New York, NY) |
JNO | Journal of Neuro-Oncology (Dordrecht) |
JOGNN | Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing (Philadelphia, PA) |
JOP | Journal of the Pancreas |
JOS | Journal of Organic Systems |
JPDBD | Journal of Postgenomics: Drug & Biomarker Development |
JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr | JPEN. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (Silver Spring, ME) |
JPMA J Pak Med Assoc | JPMA. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association (Karachi) |
JPP | Journal of Pharmacogenomics & Pharmacoproteomics |
Jahresber Schweiz Akad Med Wiss | Jahresbericht/ Schweizerische Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften (Basel) |
Jansenshogaku Zasshi | Kansesshogaku Zasshi. Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (Tokyo) |
Jikken Dobutsu | Jikken Dobustu. Experimental Animals (Tokyo) |
Journ Annu Diabetol Hotel Dieu | Journees Annuelles de Diabetologie de l Hotel-Dieu (Paris) |
Jpn Circ J | Japanese Circulation Journal (Kyoto) |
Jpn Heart J | Japanese Heart Journal (Tokyo) |
Jpn Hosp | Japan Hospitals |
Jpn J Anesthesiol | Japanese Journal of Anesthesiology |
Jpn J Antibiot | Japanese Journal of Antibiotics (Tokyo) |
Jpn J Cancer Res | Japanese Journal of Cancer Research (Tokyo) |
Jpn J Clin Oncol | Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology (Tokyo) |
Jpn J Exp Med | Japanese Journal of Experimental Medicine (Tokyo) |
Jpn J Hum Genet | Japanese Journal of Human Genetics (Tokyo) |
Jpn J Ichthyol | Japanese Journal of Ichthyology |
Jpn J Med | Japanese Journal of Medicine (Tokyo) |
Jpn J Med Sci Biol | Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology (Tokyo) |
Jpn J Ophthalmol | Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology (Tokyo) |
Jpn J Parasitol | Japanese Journal of Parasitology |
Jpn J Pharmacol | Japanese Journal of Pharmacology (Kyoto) |
Jpn J Physiol | Japanese Journal of Physiology (Tokyo) |
Jpn J Psychiatry Neurol | Japanese Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology (Tokyo) |
Jpn J Surg | Japanese Journal of Surgery (Tokyo) |
Jpn J Vet Res | Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research (Sapporo) |
Jugosl Ginekol Pernatol | Jugoslavenska Ginekologija I Perinatologija (Zagreb) |
Abbreviation | Name |
KJO | Korean Journal of Ophthalmology (Seoul) |
Kaibogaku Zasshi | Kaibogaku Zasshi. Journal of Anatomy (Tokyo) |
Kaku Igaku | Kaku Igaku = Japanese Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Tokyo) |
Kans Med | Kansas Medicine (Topeka, KS) |
Kao Hsiung I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Tsa Chih | Kao-Hsiung I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Tsa Chih [KaoHsiung Journal of Medical Sciences] (Kaohsiung) |
Kardiol Pol | Kardiologia Polska (Warszawa) |
Kardiologiia | Kardiologiia (Moskva) |
Keio J Med | Keio Journal of Medicine (Tokyo) |
Kekkaku | Kekkaku (Tokyo) |
Khirurgiia (Mosk) | Khirurgiia (Moskva) |
Khirurgiia (Sofiia) | Khirurgiia (Sofiia) |
Kidney Int | Kidney International (New York, NY) |
Kidney Int Suppl | Kidney International. Supplement (New York, NY) |
Kinderarztl Prax | Kinderarztliche Praxis (Leipzig) |
Kisaengchunghak Chapchi | Kisaengchunghak Chapchi. Korean Journal of Parasitology (Seoul) |
Kitasato Arch Exp Med | Kitasato Archives of Experimental Medicine (Tokyo) |
Klin Anasthesiol Intensivther | Klinische Anasthesiologie und Intensivtherapie (Berlin) |
Klin Khir | Klinicheskaia Khirurgiia (Kiev) |
Klin Med (Mosk) | Klinicheskaia Meditsina (Moskva) |
Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd | Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde (Stuttgart) |
Klin Oczna | Klinika Oczna (Warszawa) |
Klin Padiatr | Klinische Padiatrie (Stuttgart) |
Klin Wochenschr | Klinische Wochenschrift (Berlin) |
Kobe J Med Sci | Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences (Kobe) |
Kokubyo Gakkai Zasshi | Kokubyo Gakkai Zasshi. The Journal of the Stomatological Society, Japan (Tokyo) |
Kokyu To Junkan | Kokyu To Junkan. Respiration and Circulation (Tokyo) |
Kongl Vetensk Acad Nya Handl | ? |
Korean J Agric Forest Meterol | Korean Journal of Agriculture and Forest Meteorology |
Korean J Intern Med | Korean Journal of Internal Medicine (Seoul) |
Korean J Ophthalmol | Korean Journal of Ophthalmology (Seoul) |
Korean J Parasitology | Korean Journal of Parasitology () |
Konservnaya i Ovoshchesushil' naya Promyshlennost | Konservnaya i Ovoshchesushil' naya Promyshlennost |
Kosm Biol Aviakosm Med | Kosmicheskaia Biologiia I Aviakosmicheskaia Meditsina (Moskva) |
Kurume Med J | Kurume Medical Journal (Kurume) |
Kyobu Geka | Kyobu Geka. Japanese Journal of Thoracic Surgery (Tokyo) |
Abbreviation | Name |
LAJAM | The Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals |
Lab Anim | Laboratory Animals (London) |
Lab Anim Sci | Laboratory Animal Science (Joliet, IL) |
Lab Delo | Laboratornoe Delo (Moskva) |
Lab Invest | Laboratory Investigation (Baltimore, MD) |
Lab Medizin | Laboratoriums Medizin |
Lab Res Methods Biol Med | Laboratory and Research Methods in Biology and Medicine (New York, NY) |
Lakartidningen | Lakartidningen (Stockholm) |
Lancet | Lancet (London) |
Lancet Infect Dis | The Lancet Infectious Diseases |
Lancet Oncol | The Lancet Oncology(London) |
Lang Speech | Language and Speech (Teddington) |
Langenbecks Arch Chir | Langenbecks Archiv fur Chirurgie (Berlin) |
Langmuir | Langmuir (Washington, DC) |
L'Annee Biologique | L'Annee Biologique () |
Laryngorhinootologie | Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie (Stuttgart) |
Laryngoscope | Laryngoscope (St. Louis, MO) |
Lasers Surg Med | Lasers in Surgery and Medicine (New York, NY) |
Lasers Surg Med Suppl | Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. Supplement (New York, NY) |
Lat Am J Conserv | Latin American Journal of Conservation |
Learn Memory | Learning and Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, NY) |
Leber Magen Darm | Leber, Magen, Darm (Baden-Baden) |
Leg Med | Legal Medicine (Salem, NH) |
Le Lait | Le Lait (Paris) |
LEB | Life: The Excitement of Biology |
Lens Eye Toxic Res | Lens and Eye Toxicity Research (New York, NY) |
Lepr Rev | Leprosy Review (London) |
Lett Appl Microbiol | Letters in Applied Microbiology |
Lett Drug Des Discov | Letters in Drug Design & Discovery |
Leuk Lymphoma | Leukemia and Lymphoma |
Leuk Res | Leukemia Research |
Leukemia | Leukemia (Basingstoke) |
Lichenol | The Lichenologist |
Life Sci | Life Sciences (Oxford) |
Lijec Vjesn | Lijecnicki Vjesnik (Zagreb) |
Limnol Oceanogr | Limnology and Oceanography |
Lipids | Lipids (Champaign, IL) |
Lit Med | Literature and Medicine (Baltimore, MD) |
Liver | Liver (Copenhagen) |
Liver Int | Liver International |
Liver Transpl | Liver Transplantation |
Livest Prod Sci | Livestock Production Science |
Livest Sci | Livestock Science |
Lung | Lung (New York, NY) |
Lupus | Lupus |
Lutra | Lutra (Arnhem, The Netherlands) |
LWT-Food Sci Technol | LWT-Food Science and Technology |
Lymphokine Cytokine Res | Lymphokine and Cytokine Research (New York, NY) |
Lymphology | Lymphology (Tucson, AZ) |
Abbreviation | Name |
MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs | MCN; American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing (New York, NY) |
MD Comput | MD Computing (New York, NY) |
MGG | Molecular and General Genetics |
MMWR CDC Surveill Summ | MMWR CDC Surveillance Summaries (Atlanta, GA) |
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep | MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (Atlanta, GA) |
Macromol Chem Phys | Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics |
MOD | Mechanisms of Development (Shannon) |
MPMI | Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (St. Paul, MN) |
Ma Tsui Hsueh Tsa Chi | Ma Tsui Hsueh Tsa Chi [Anaesthesiologica Sinica] (Taipei) |
Macromolecules | Macromolecules (Washington, DC) |
Macromol Res | Macromolecular research |
Maedica | Maedica |
Magn Reson Imaging | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (New York, NY) |
Magn Reson Med | Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (San Diego, CA) |
Magn Reson Q | Magnetic Resonance Quarterly (New York, NY) |
Magnes Res | Magnesium Research (London) |
Magnes Trace Elem | Magnesium and Trace Elements (Basel) |
Magy Traumatol Orthop Helyreallito Sebesz | Magyar Traumatologia, Orthopaedia es Helyreallito Sebeszet (Budapest) |
Malays J Pathol | Malaysian Journal of Pathology (Kuala Lumpur) |
Mamm Genome | Mammalian Genome (New York, NY) |
Mammal Rev | Mammal Review |
Management of Environmental Quality | Management of Environmental Quality |
Mar Freshwater Behav Physiol | Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology (New York, NY) |
Mar Freshwater Res | Marine and Freshwater Research () |
Mar Biol | Marine Biology (Berlin) |
Mar Ecol | Marine Ecology |
Mar Ecol Prog Ser | Marine Ecology Progress Series |
Mar Environ Res | Marine Environmental Research |
Mar Mam Sci | Marine Mammal Science |
Marine Poll Bull | Marine Pollution Bulletin |
Masui | Masui Japanese Journal of Anestheiology (Tokyo) |
Mater Med Pol | Materia Medica Polona (Warszawa) |
Matern Child Nurs J | Maternal-Child Nursing Journal (Pittsburgh, PA) |
Math Biosci | Mathematical Biosciences |
Math Popul Stud | Mathematical Population Studies |
Matrix | Matrix (Stuttgart) |
Matrix Biol | Matrix Biology (Stuttgart) |
Maturitas | Maturitas (Limerick) |
Maydica | Maydica (Bergamo, Italy) |
Mayo Clin Proc | Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Rochester, MN) |
Md Med J | Maryland Medical Journal (Baltimore, MD) |
Mead Johnson Symp Perinat Dev Med | Mead Johnson Symposium on Perinatal and Developmental Medicine (Evansville, IN) |
Meat Sci | Meat Science (Oxford) |
Mech Ageing Dev | Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (Limerick) |
Mech Dev | Mechanisms of Development (Shannon) |
Mededelingen / Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen | Mededelingen / Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen |
Mediators Inflamm | Mediators of Inflammation |
Med Anthropol | Medical Anthropology (New York, NY) |
Med Arh | Medicinski Arhiv (Sarajevo) |
Med Biol Eng Comput | Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (Stevenage) |
Med Care | Medical Care (Philadelphia, PA) |
Med Clin (Barc) | Medicina Clinica (Barcelona) |
Med Clin North Am | Medical Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Med Decis Making | Medical Decision Making (Philadelphia, PA) |
Med Dosim | Medical Dosimetry (Elmsford, NY) |
Med Dosw Mikrobiol | Medycyna Doswiadczalna I Mikrobiologia (Warszawa) |
Med Educ | Medical Education (Oxford) |
Med Electron Microsc | Medical Electron Microscopy () |
Med Health RI | Medical Health Rhode Island |
Med Hist | Medical History (London) |
Med Hist Suppl | Medical History. Supplement (London) |
Med Hypotheses | Medical Hypotheses (Harlow) |
Med Image Anal | Medical Image Analysis () |
Med Inf (Lond) | Medical Informatics (London) |
Med Interne | Medecine Interne (Bucuresti) |
Med J Aust | Medical Journal of Australia (Sydney) |
Med J Malaysia | Medical Journal of Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) |
Med J Osaka Univ | Medical Journal of Osaka University (Osaka) |
Med J Zambia | Medical Journal of Zambia (Lusaka) |
Med Klin | Medizinische Klinik (Munchen) |
Med Lab Sci | Medical Laboratory Sciences (Oxford) |
Med Lav | Medicina del Lavoro (Milano) |
Med Law | Medicine and Law (Bophuthatswana) |
Med Leg J | Medico-Legal Journal (Cambridge, Eng) |
Med Lett Drugs Ther | Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics (New Rochelle, NY) |
Med Microbiol Immunol | Medical Microbiology and Immunology (Berlin) |
Med Monatsschr Pharm | Medizinische Monatsschrift fur Pharmazeuten (Stuttgart) |
Med Mycol | Medical Mycology |
Med Oncol Tumor Pharmacother | Medical Oncology and Tumor Pharmacotherapy (Oxford) |
Med Parzitol (Mosk) | Meditsinskaia Parazitologiia I Parazitarnye Bolezni (Moskva) |
Med Pediatr Oncol | Medical and Pediatric Oncology (New York, NY) |
Med Phys | Medical Physics (Lancaster, PA) |
Med Pr | Medycyna Pracy (Warsaw) |
Med Pregl | Medicinski Pregled (Novi Sad) |
Med Princ Pract | Medical Principles and Practice |
Med Prog Technol | Medical Progress Through Technology (Berlin) |
Med Radiol (Mosk) | Meditsinskaia Radiologiia (Moskva) |
Med Res Rev | Medicinal Research Reviews (New York, NY) |
Med Sci Law | Medicine, Science and the Law (Brentford, Middlesex) |
Med Sci Monit | Medical Science Monitor |
Med Sci Sports Exerc | Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (Baltimore, MD) |
Med Teach | Medical Teacher (Abingdon) |
Med Tekh | Meditsinskaia Tekhnika (Moskva) |
Med Trop (Mars) | Medecine Tropicale (Marseilles) |
Med Vet Entomol | Medical and Veterinary Entomology (Oxford) |
Med War | Medicine and War (London) |
Medicina (B Aires) | Medicina (Buenos Aires) |
Medicine | Medicine (Baltimore, MD) |
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz | Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Rio de Janeiro) |
Membr Biochem | Membrane Biochemistry (New York, NY) |
Menopause Rev | Menopause Review [Przeglad Menopauzalny] |
Menopause | Menopause (New York, NY) |
Ment Health Stat Note | Mental Health Statistical Note (Rockville, MD) |
Ment Retard | Mental Retardation (Washington, DC) |
Met Ions Biol Syst | Metal Ions in Biological Systems (New York, NY) |
Metab Brain Dis | Metabolic Brain Disease (New York, NY) |
Metab Pediatr Syst Ophthalmol | Metabolic, Pediatric, and Systemic Ophthalmology (New York, NY) |
Metab Eng | Metabolic Engineering |
Metabolism | Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental (Duluth, MN) |
Methods | Methods (San Diego, CA) |
Methods Achiev Exp Pathol | Methods and Achievements in Experimental Pathology (Basel) |
Methods Biochem Anal | Methods of Biochemical Analysis (New York, NY) |
Methods Cell Biol | Methods in Cell Biology (New York, NY) |
Methods Enzymol | Methods in Enzymology (New York, NY) |
Methods Mol Biol | Methods in Molecular Biology |
Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol | Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (Barcelona) |
Methods Inf Med | Methods of Information in Medicine (Stuttgart) |
Miasnaya Industria | Miasnaya Industria URSS |
Mich Med | Michigan Medicine (East Lansing, MI) |
Microb Drug Resist | Microbial Drug Resistance |
Microb Ecol | Microbial Ecology (New York, NY) |
Microbiol Immunol | Microbiology and Immunology |
Microb Infect | Microbes and Infection |
Microb Pathog | Microbial Pathogenesis (London) |
Microbes Environ | Microbes and Environments |
Microbiol Bacteriol Mycol Parasitol Virol | Microbiology: Bacteriology, Mycology, Parasitology and Virology |
Microbiol Immunol | Microbiology and Immunology (Tokyo) |
Microbiol Mol Biol Rev | Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews (Washington, DC) |
Microbiol Rev | Microbiological Reviews (Washington, DC) |
Microbiologia SEM | Microbiologia SEM (Madrid-Barcelona) |
Microbiologica | Microbiologica (Bologna) |
Microbiology | Microbiology (Reading) |
Microbios | Microbios (Cambridge) |
Microcirc Endothelium Lymphatics | Microcirculation, Endothelium, and Lymphatics (Stoneham, MA) |
Micron | Micron (Oxford) |
Micronesica | Micronesica |
Microsc Electron Biol Celular | Microscopia Electronica Y Biologia Celular (Mendoza) |
Microsc Microanal | Microscopy and Microanalysis |
Microsc Res Tech | Microscopy Research and Technique (New York, NY) |
Microsurgery | Microsurgery (New York, NY) |
Microvasc Res | Microvascular Research (New York, NY) |
Middle East J Anesthesiol | Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology (Beirut) |
Mikrobiol Zh | Mikrobiologicheskii Zhurnal (Kiev) |
Mikrobiologiia | Mikrobiologiia (Moskva) |
Mikrobiyol Nul | Mikrobiyoloji Bulteni (Ankara) |
Mil Med | Military Medicine (Washington, DC) |
Milbank Q | Milbank Quarterly (New York, NY) |
Milchwissenschaft | Milchwissenschaft |
Mind | Mind |
Miner Electrolyte Metab | Mineral and Electrolyte Metabolism (Basel) |
Minerva Anestesiol | Minerva Anestesiologica (Torino) |
Minerva Cardioangiol | Minerva Cardioangiologica (Torino) |
Minerva Chir | Minerva Chirurgica (Torino) |
Minerva Endocrinol | Minerva Endocrinologica (Turin) |
Minerva Gastroenterol Dietol | Minerva Gastroenterologica E Dietologica (Torino) |
Minerva Ginecol | Minerva Ginecologica (Torino) |
Minerva Med | Minerva Medica (Torino) |
Minerva Pediatr | Minerva Pediatrica (Torino) |
Minerva Psichiatr | Minerva Psichiatrica (Torino) |
Minerva Stomatol | Minerva Stomatologica (Torino) |
Minerva Urol Nefrol | Minerva Urologica E Nefrologica (Torino) |
Minimally Invasive Therapy | Minimally Invasive Therapy |
Minn Med | Minnesota Medicine (St. Paul, MN) |
Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft | Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft (actually Mitteilungen. Bulletin.) |
Mitochondrion | Mitochondrion |
Mo Med | Missouri Medicine (St. Louis, MO) |
Mod Pathol | Modern Pathology (Baltimore, MD) |
Mod Probl Pharmacopsychiatry | Modern Problems of Pharmacopsychiatry (Basel) |
Mol Aspects Med | Molecular Aspects of Medicine (Elmsford, NY) |
Mol Biochem Parasitol | Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology (Amsterdam) |
Mol Biol (Mosk) | Molekuliarnaia Biologiia (Moskva) |
Mol Biol Biochem Biophys | Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics (Berlin) |
Mol Biol Cell | Molecular Biology of the Cell (Bethesda, MD) |
Mol Biol Evol | Molecular Biology and Evolution (Chicago, IL) |
Mol Biol Med | Molecular Biology and Medicine (London) |
Mol Biol Rep | Molecular Biology Reports (Dordrecht) |
Mol Biother | Molecular Biotherapy (Stoneham, MA) |
Mol Brain Res | Molecular Brain Research (Amsterdam) |
Mol Carcinog | Molecular Carcinogenesis (New York, NY) |
Mol Cell | Molecular Cell () |
Mol Cell Biochem | Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (The Hague) |
Mol Cell Biol | Molecular and Cellular Biology (Washington, DC) |
Mol Cell Endocrinol | Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology (Limerick) |
Mol Cell Endocrinol Newslett | Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology Newsletter |
Mol Cell Neurosci | Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience |
Mol Cell Probes | Molecular and Cellular Probes (London) |
Mol Cells | Molecules and Cells |
Mol Chem Neuropathol | Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology (Clifton, NJ) |
Mol Ecol | Molecular Ecology |
Mol Endocrinol | Molecular Endocrinology (Baltimore, MD) |
Mol Gen Genet | Molecular and General Genetics (Berlin) |
Mol Gen Metab | Molecular Genetics and Metabolism |
Mol Gen Mikrobiol Virusol | Molekuliarnaia Genetika, Mikrobiologia, I Virusologia (Moskva) |
Mol Hum Reprod | Molecular Human Reproduction |
Mol Immunol | Molecular Immunology (Oxford) |
Mol Mar Biol Biotechnol | Molecular Marine Biology and Biotechnology |
Mol Membr Biol | Molecular and Membrane Biology |
Mol Med | Molecular Medicine |
Mol Med Today | Molecular Medicine Today |
Mol Microbiol | Molecular Microbiology (Oxford) |
Mol Neurobiol | Molecular Neurobiology (Clifton, NJ) |
Mol Pharmacol | Molecular Pharmacology (Baltimore, MD) |
Mol Phylogenet Evol | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution |
Mol Psychiatry | Molecular Psychiatry |
Molecular Plant Pathology Online | Molecular Plant Pathology Online () |
Mol Plant Microbe Interact | Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (St. Paul, MN) |
Mol Psychol | Molecular Psychology |
Mol Reprod Dev | Molecular Reproduction and Development (New York, NY) |
Mol Syst Biol | Molecular Systems Biology |
Mol Vis | Molecular Vision |
Monatsschr Kinderheilkd | Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde (Berlin) |
Monogr Allergy | Monographs in Allergy (Basel) |
Monogr Am Assoc Ment Retard | Monographs of the American Association on Mental Retardation (Washington, DC) |
Monogr Atheroscler | Monographs on Atherosclerosis (Basel) |
Monogr Clin Cytol | Monographs in Clinical Cytology (Basel) |
Monogr Dev Biol | Monographs in Developmental Biology (Basel) |
Monogr Endocrinol | Monographs on Endocrinology (Berlin) |
Monogr Gesamtgeb Psychiatr (Berl) | Monographien aus dem Gesamtgeiete der Psychiatrie. Psychiatry Series (Berlin) |
Monogr Natl Cancer Inst | Maongraphs/ National Cancer Institute (Bethesda. MD) |
Monogr Neural Sci | Monographs in Neural Sciences (Basel) |
Monogr Oral Sci | Monographs in Oral Science (Basel) |
Monogr Pathol | Monographs in Pathology (Baltimore, MD) |
Monogr Physiol Soc | Monographs of the Physiological Society (London) |
Monogr Soc Res Child Dev | Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development (Chicago, IL) |
Mosquito News | Mosquito News |
Morphol Igazsagugyi Orv Sz | Morphologiai es Igazsagugyi Orvosi Szemle (Budapest) |
Mouse Genome | Mouse Genome |
Mov Disorders | Movement Disorders (New York, NY) |
Mt Sinai J Med | Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine (New York, NY) |
Museums J | Museums Journal |
Muscle Nerve | Muscle and Nerve (New York, NY) |
Mutagenesis | Mutagenesis (Oxford) |
Mutat Res | Mutation Research/DNA Repair (Amsterdam) |
Mutat Res Fund Mol Mech Mut | Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis |
Mycologia | Mycologia |
Mycol Res | Mycological Research |
Mycologist | Mycologist |
Myconet | Myconet () |
Mycopathologia | Mycopathologia (Dordrecht) |
Mycoses | Mycoses (Berlin) |
Mycoscience | Mycoscience |
Mycosystema | Mycosystema |
Mycotaxon | Mycotaxon |
Mykosen Suppl | Mykosen. Supplement (Berlin) |
Abbreviation | Name |
N C Med J | North Carolina Medical Journal (Winston-Salem, NC) |
N Engl J Med | New England Journal of Medicine (Boston, MA) |
N J Med | New Jersey Medicine (Lawrenceville, NJ) |
N Y J Dent | New York Journal of Dentistry (New York, NY) |
N Y State Dent J | New York State Dental Journal (New York, NY) |
N Y State J Med | New York State Journal of Medicine (Lake Success, NY) |
N Z Dent J | New Zealand Dental Journal (Dunedin) |
N Z Med J | New Zealand Medical Journal (Dunedin) |
NBM | NMR in Biomedicine (Chichester) |
NEJM | see N Engl J Med (above) |
NIB | NMR in Biomedicine (Chichester) |
NIDA Res Monogr | NIDA Research Monograph (Rockville, MD) |
NIH Guide Grants Contracts | NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts (Bethesda, MD) |
NIPH Ann | NIPH Annals (Oslo) |
NJAS | NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences |
NMR Biomed | NMR in Biomedicine (Chichester) |
NNBN | Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology |
Nachr Akad Wissensch Göttingen Math Phys Kl | Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse (Göttingen) |
Nagoya J Med Sci | Nagoya Journal of Medical Science (Nagoya) |
Nahrung | Nahrung (Berlin) |
Nat Immun Cell Growth Regul | Natural Immunity and Cell Growth Regulation (Basel) |
Nat Mus | Natur und Museum |
Nat Prod Rep | Natural Products Reports (London) |
Natur und Recht | Natur und Recht |
Nature | Nature (London) |
Nature Biotechnol | Nature Biotechnology |
Nature Cell Biol | Nature Cell Biology |
Nature Genet | Nature Genetics |
Nature Immunol | Nature Immunology |
Nature Med | Nature Medicine |
Nature Methods | Nature Methods |
Nature Nanotechnology | Nature Nanotechnology |
Nature New Biol | Nature: New Biology |
Nature Neurosci | Nature Neuroscience |
Nature Rev Genet | Nature Reviews. Genetics |
Nature Rev Mol Cell Biol | Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology |
Nature Rev Neurosci | Nature Reviews. Neuroscience |
Nature Struct Biol | Nature Structural Biology |
Naturwissenschaften | Naturwissenschaften (Berlin) |
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol | Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology (Berlin) |
Nebr Med J | Nebraska Medical Journal (Lincoln, NE) |
Nebr Symp Motiv | Nebraska Symposium on Motivation (Lincoln, NE) |
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd | Nederlands Tijdscrift Voor Geneeskunde (Amsterdam) |
Neirofiziologiia | Neirofiziologiia (Kiev) |
Nematology | Nematology |
NeoBiota | NeoBiota |
Neoplasma | Neoplasma (Bratislava) |
Nephrol Dial Transplant | Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation (Berlin) |
Nephrologie | Nephrologie (Geneve) |
Nephrology | Nephrology |
Nephron | Nephron (Basel) |
Nerv Sist | Nervnaia Sistema (Leningrad) |
Nervenarzt | Nervenarzt (Berlin) |
Neth J Med | Netherlands Journal of Medicine (Amsterdam) |
Neth J Plant Pathol | Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology |
Neth J Surg | Netherlands Journal of Surgery (Utrecht) |
Neural Comput | Neural Computation |
Neural Net | Neural Networks |
Neurobehav Toxicol Teratol | Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology |
Neurobiologia | Neurobiologia |
Neurobiol Aging | Neurobiology of Aging (New York, NY) |
Neurobiol Dis | Neurobiology of Disease |
Neurobiol Learn Mem | Neurobiology of Learning and Memory |
Neurochem Int | Neurochemistry International () |
Neurochem Res | Neurochemical Research (New York, NY) |
Neurochirurgia (Stuttg) | Neurochirurgia (Stuttgart) |
Neurochirurgie | Neuro-Chirurgie (Paris) |
Neurodegeneration | Neurodegeneration |
Neuroendocrinol Lett | Neuroendocrinology Letters |
Neuroendocrinology | Neuroendocrinology (Basel) |
Neuroepidemiology | Neuroepidemiology (Basel) |
Neurogastroenterol Motility | Neurogastroenterology & Motility |
Neurogenetics | Neurogenetics |
Neuroimage | NeuroImage |
Neuroimmunomodulation | Neuroimmunomodulation |
Neurol Clin | Neurologic Clinics (Philadelphia, PA) |
Neurol Croat | Neurologia Croatica (Zagreb) |
Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) | Neurologia Medico-Chirurfica (Tokyo) |
Neurol Neurochir Pol | Neurologia I Neurochirurgia Polska [Polish Neurology and Neurosurgery](Warszawa) |
Neurol Neurosurg | Neurology and Neurosurgery |
Neurol Psychol Brain Res | Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research (Universitaetsverlag Ulm) |
Neurol Res | Neurological Research (Guildford) |
Neurol Sci | Neurological Science |
Neurologia | Neurologia (Barcelona) |
Neurologist | The Neurologist |
Neurology | Neurology (Cleveland, OH) |
Neurol India | Neurology India |
NeuroMolecular Med | NeuroMolecular Medicine |
Neuromuscular Disord | Neuromuscular Disorders |
Neuron | Neuron (Cambridge, MA) |
Neuro-Oncol | Neuro-Oncology (Charlottesville, VA) |
Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol | Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology (Oxford) |
Neuropatol Pol | Neuropatologia Polska (Warszawa) |
Neuropathology | Neuropathology |
Neuropediatrics | Neuropediatrics (Stuttgart) |
Neuropeptides | Neuropeptides (Edinburgh) |
Neuropharmacology | Neuropharmacology (Oxford) |
Neurophysiol Clin | Neurophysiologie Clinique (Paris) |
Neurophysiology | Neurophysiology () |
Neuropsychobiology | Neuropsychobiology (Basel) |
Neuropsychologia | Neuropsychologia (Oxford) |
Neuropsychopharmacology | Neuropsychopharmacology (New York, NY) |
Neuroradiology | Neuroradiology (Berlin) |
Neurorehabil Neural Repair | Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair |
Neurorehabilitation | Neurorehabilitation |
Neuroreport | Neuroreport (Oxford) |
Neurosci Behav Physiol | Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology (Washington, DC) |
Neurosci Biobehav Rev | Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews (New York, NY) |
Neurosci Lett | Neuroscience Letters (Limerick) |
Neurosci Lett Suppl | Neuroscience Letters. Supplement (Limerick) |
Neurosci Res | Neuroscience Research (Limerick) |
Neurosci Res Suppl | Neuroscience Research. Supplement (Shannon) |
Neuroscience | Neuroscience (Oxford) |
Neurosurg Rev | Neurosurgical Review (Berlin) |
Neurosurgery | Neurosurgery (Baltimore, MD) |
Neurotoxicol Teratol | Neurotoxicology and Teratology (New York, NY) |
Neurotoxicology | Neurotoxicology (Little Rock, AR) |
New Biol | New Biologist (Philadelphia, PA) |
New Dir Child Dev | New Directions for Child Development (San Francisco, CA) |
New Dir Ment Health Serv | New Directions for Mental Health Services (San Francisco, CA) |
New Horizons | New Horizons: The Science and Practice of Acute Medicine |
New Phytol | New Phytologist (London) |
New Scientist | New Scientist |
Nicotine Tob Res | Nicotine & Tobacco Research |
Niedersächsischer Jäger | Niedersächsischer Jäger |
Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi | Nippon Eiseigaku Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Hygiene (Kyoto) |
Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi | Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi. ACTA Societatis Ophthalmologicae Japonicae (Tokyo) |
Nippon Geka Gakkai Zasshi | Nippon Geka Gakkai Zasshi. Journal of the Japanese Surgical Society (Tokyo) |
Nippon Geka Hokan | Nippon Geka Hokan. Archiv fur Japanische Chirurgie (Kyoto) |
Nippon Heikatsukin Gakkai Zasshi | Nippon Heikatsukin Gakkai Zasshi (Kashihara) |
Nippon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi | Nippon Hinyokika Gakkai Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Urology (Tokyo) |
Nippon Hoigaku Zasshi | Nippon Hoigaku Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine (Tokyo) |
Nippon Igaku Hoshaen Gakkai Zasshi | Nippon Igaku Hoshaen Gakkai Zasshi. Nippon ACTA Radiologica (Tokyo) |
Nippon Ika Daigaku Zasshi | Nippon Ika Daigaku Zasshi. Journal of the Nippon Medical School (Tokyo) |
Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho | Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho. [Journal of the Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan] (Tokyo) |
Nippon Jinzo Gakkai Shi | Nippon Jinzo Gakkai Shi (Tokyo) |
Nippon Koshu Eisei Zasshi | Nippon Koshu Eisei Zasshi [Japanese Journal of Public Health] (Tokyo) |
Nippon Kyobu Geka Gakkai Zasshi | Nippon Kyobu Geka Gakkai Zasshi. Journal of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery (Tokyo) |
Nippon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai Zasshi | Nippon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Thoracic Diseases (Tokyo) |
Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi | Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi. Folia Endocrinologica Japonica (Kyoto) |
Nippon Naika Gakkai Zasshi | Nippon Naika Gakkai Zasshi. Journal of Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (Tokyo) |
Nippon Rai Gakkai Zasshi | Nippon Rai Gakkai Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Leprosy (Higashimurayama-shi) |
Nippon Rinsho | Nippon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clincal Medicine (Osaka) |
Nippon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi | Nippon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Geriatrics (Tokyo) |
Nippon Saikingaku Zasshi | Nippon Saikingaku Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Bacteriology (Tokyo) |
Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi | Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi. ACTA Obstetrica et Gynaecologica Japonica (Tokyo) |
Nippon Seikeigeka Gakkai Zasshi | Nippon Seikeigeka Gakkai Zasshi. Journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association (Tokyo) |
Nippon Seirigaku Zasshi | Nippon Seirigaku Zasshi. Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan (Tokyo) |
Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi | Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi. Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology (Tokyo) |
Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi | Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi. Folia Pharmacologica Japonica (Kyoto) |
No Shinkei Geka | No Shinkei Geka. Neurological Surgery (Tokyo) |
No To Hattatsu | No To Hattatsu [Brain and Development] (Tokyo) |
No To Shinkei | No To Shinkei. Brain and Nerve (Tokyo) |
Nord Med | Nordisk Medicin (Stockholm) |
Norm Pathol Anat (Stuttg) | Normale und Pathologische Anatomie (Stuttgart) |
Northwest Sci | Northwest Science |
Nouv Rev Fr Hematol | Nouvelle Revue Francaise d Hematologie (Heidelberg) |
Novartis Found Symp | Novartis Foundation Symposium |
Nucl Med Biol | Nuclear Medicine and Biology |
Nucl Med Commun | Nuclear Medicine Communications (London) |
Nucleic Acids Res | Nucleic Acids Research (London) |
Nucleic Acids Symp Ser | Nucleic Acids Symposium Series (London) |
Nuklearmedizin | Nuklearmedizin (Stuttgart) |
Nurs Clin North Am | Nursing Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Nurs Forum | Nursing Forum (Philadelphia, PA) |
Nurs Inquiry | Nursing Inquiry |
Nurs Res | Nursing Research (New York, NY) |
Nurse Pract | Nurse Practitioner (Trenton, NJ) |
Nutr Cancer | Nutrition and Cancer (Hillsdale, NJ) |
Nutr Clin Metabol | Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme |
Nutr Health | Nutrition and Health (Berkhamsted) |
Nutr Hosp | Nutricion Hospitalaria (Madrid) |
Nutr Neurosci | Nutritional Neuroscience (New Orleans) |
Nutr Res | Nutrition Research () |
Nutr Res | Nutrition Reviews (New York, NY) |
Nutr Today | Nutrition Today |
Nutrition | Nutrition |
N Z Biol Sci | New Zealand Biological Science |
N Z J Bot | New Zealand Journal of Botany |
NZ Med J | New Zealand Medical Journal |
NZ Vet J | New Zealand Veterinary Journal |
Abbreviation | Name |
ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec | ORL; Journal of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and its Related Specialties (Basel) |
Obes Res | Obesity Research (Baton Rouge, LA) |
Obes Surg | Obesity Surgery |
Obstet Gynecol | Obstetrics and Gynecology (New York, NY) |
Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am | Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Obstet Gynecol Surv | Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey (Baltimore, MD) |
Ocul Immunol Inflamm | Ocular immunology and inflammation |
Occup Environ Med | Occupational and Environmental Medicine |
Occup Health Saf | Occupational Health and Safety (Waco, TX) |
Occup Med | Occupational Medicine (Oxford) |
Occup Med | Occupational Medicine (Philadelphia, PA) |
Ocean & Coastal Management | Ocean & Coastal Management (Oxford, England) |
Oceanograph Lit Rev | Oceanographic Literature Review |
Oecol | Oecologia |
Off Gesundheitswes | Offentliche Gesundheitswesen (Stuttgart) |
Oftalmologia | Oftalmologia (Bucuresti) |
Ohio Med | Ohio Medicine (Columbus, OH) |
Oikos | Oikos |
OJVR | Online Journal of Veterinary Research |
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn | Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica (Tokyo) |
Oncogene | Oncogene (London) |
Oncogene Res | Oncogene Research (Chur) |
Oncol Nurs Forum | Oncology Nursing Forum (New York, NY) |
Oncol Rep | Oncology Reports (Athens) |
Oncol Res | Oncology Research () |
Oncology | Oncology (Basel) |
Oncology (Williston Park) | Oncology (Williston Park, NY) |
Onderstepoort J Vet Res | Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research (Pretoria) |
Online J Cardiol | Online Journal of Cardiology |
Online J Vet Res | Online Journal of Veterinary Research |
Open J Biophys | Open Journal of Biophysics |
Ontogenez | Ontogenez (Moskva) |
Ophelia | Ophelia (Copenhagen) |
Ophthal Lit | Ophthalmic Literature |
Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg | Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (New York, NY) |
Ophthalmic Paediatr Genet | Ophthalmic Paediatrics and Genetics (Amsterdam) |
Ophthalmic Physiol Opt | Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics (Guildford) |
Ophthalmic Res | Ophthalmic Research (Basel) |
Ophthalmic Surg | Ophthalmic Surgery (Thorofare, NJ) |
Ophthalmologica | Ophthalmologica (Basel) |
Ophthalmology | Ophthalmology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Opportun Pathogens | Opportunistic Pathogens |
Optom Vis Sci | Optometry and Vision Science (Baltimore, MD) |
Oral Microbiol Immunol | Oral Microbiology and Immunology (Copenhagen) |
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol | Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology (St. Louis, MO) |
Orig Life Evol Biosph | Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere (Dordrecht) |
Org Biomol Chem | Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry |
Org Lett | Organic Letters |
Orthod Fr | Orthodontie Francaise (Lyons) |
Orthop Clin North Am | Orthopedic Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Orthop Rev | Orthopaedic Review (Lawrenceville, NJ) |
Orthopade | Orthopade (Berlin) |
Orthopedics | Orthopedics (Thorofare, NJ) |
Ortop Travmatol Protez | Ortopediia Travmaologiia I Protezirovanie (Kharkov) |
Orv Hetil | Orvosi Hetilap (Budapest) |
Osaka City Med J | Osaka City Medical Journal (Osaka) |
Osteoporos Int | Osteoporosis International (London) |
Österr Bot Z | Osterreichische Botanische Zeitschrift |
Otolaryngol Clin North Am | Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg | Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery (St. Louis, MO) |
Otolaryngol Pol | Otolaryngologia Polska (Warszawa) |
Outcomes Manag Nurs Pract | Outcomes Management for Nursing Practice |
Oxf Rev Reprod Biol | Oxford Reviews of Reproductive Biology (Oxford) |
Oxf Surv Eukaryot Genes | Oxford Surveys on Eukaryotic Genes (Oxford) |
Abbreviation | Name |
PCR Meth Appl | PCR Methods and Applications (Cold Spring Harbor, NY) |
P N G Med J | Papua New Guinea Medical Journal (Port Moresby) |
P R Health Sci J | Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal (San Juan, PR) |
PACE Pacing Clin Electrophysiol | PACE. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology (Mount Kisco, NY) |
PDA J Pharm Sci Technol | PDA (Parenteral Drug Association) Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology |
PDI | Peritoneal Dialysis International (Downsview, Ontario) |
PNAS | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA |
PNE | Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso. Protein, Nucleic Acid, Enzyme (Tokyo) |
Pa Med | Pennsylvania Medicine (Harrisburg, PA) |
Padiatr Grenzgeb | Padiatrie und Grenzgebiete (Berlin) |
Padiatr Padol | Padiatrie und Padologie (Wien) |
Padiatr Padol Suppl | Padiatrie und Padologie. Supplementum (Vienna) |
Paediatr Anaesth | Paediatric Anaesthesia |
Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol | Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology (Oxford) |
Paediatrica Indones | Paediatrica Indonesia (Djakarta) |
Pain | Pain (Amsterdam) |
Pain Headache | Pain and Headache (Basel) |
Pain Suppl | Pain. Supplement (Amsterdam) |
Pak J Biol Sci | Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences |
Palaeogeog palaeoclim palaeoecol | Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Amsterdam) |
Pancreas | Pancreas (New York, NY) |
Panminerva Med | Panminerva Medica (Torino) |
Paraplegia | Paraplegia (Edinburgh) |
Parasite Immunol | Parasite Immunology (Oxford) |
Parasitol Int | Parasitology International |
Parasitol Res | Parasitology Research (Berlin) |
Parasitol Today | Parasitology Today () |
Parasitology | Parasitology (London) |
Parassitologia | Parassitologia (Roma) |
Parazitologiia | Parazitologiia (Leningrad) |
Parkinsonism Rel Disord | Parkinsonism & Related Disorders |
Pathobiology | Pathobiology (Basel) |
Pathol Annu | Pathology Annual (East Norwalk, CT) |
Pathol Biol (Paris) | Pathologie Biologie (Paris) |
Pathol Int | Pathology International |
Pathol Res Pract | Pathology, Research and Practice (Stuttgart) |
Pathologe | Pathologe (Berlin) |
Pathologica | Pathologica (Genoa) |
Pathology | Pathology (Sydney) |
Pathophysiology | Pathophysiology () |
Patol Fiziol Eksp Ter | Patologicheskaia Fiziologiia I Eksperimentalnaia Terapiia (Moskva) |
Patol Pol | Patologia Polska (Warszawa) |
Pediatr Allergy Immunol | Pediatric Allergy and Immunology () |
Pediatr Ann | Pediatric Annals (New York, NY) |
Pediatr Cardiol | Pediatric Cardiology (New York, NY) |
Pediatr Clin North Am | Pediatric Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Pediatr Dermatol | Pediatric Dermatology (Boston, MA) |
Pediatr Emerg Care | Pediatric Emergency Care (Baltimore, MD) |
Pediatr Hematol Oncol | Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (New York, NY) |
Pediatr Infect Dis J | Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal (Baltimore, MD) |
Pediatr Med Chir | Pediatria Medica E Chirurgica (Vicenza) |
Pediatr Nephrol | Pediatric Nephrology (Berlin) |
Pediatr Neurol | Pediatric Neurology (Chippewa Falls, WI) |
Pediatr Neurosurg | Pediatric Neurosurgery (Basel) |
Pediatr Pathol | Pediatric Pathology (New York, NY) |
Pediatr Pathol Lab Med | Pediatric Pathology & Laboratory Medicine |
Pediatr Pathol Mol Med | Pediatric Pathology & Molecular Medicine |
Pediatr Pulmonol | Pediatric Pulmonology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Pediatr Pulmonol Suppl | Pediatric Pulmonology. Supplement (New York, NY) |
Pediatr Radiol | Pediatric Radiology (Berlin) |
Pediatr Res | Pediatric Research (Baltimore, MD) |
Pediatr Rev | Pediatrics in Review (Evanston, IL) |
Pediatr Surg Int | Pediatric Surgery International |
Pediatr Tranplant | Pediatric Transplantation () |
Pediatrician | Pediatrician (Basel) |
Pediatrics | Pediatrics (Evanston, IL) |
Pediatrie | Pediatrie (Paris) |
Pediatrie | Pediatrie (Bucuresti) |
Pediatriia | Pediatriia (Moskva) |
PeerJ | PeerJ (Corta Madera, CA and London) |
Peptides | Peptides (New York, NY) |
Percept Mot Skills | Perceptual and Motor Skills (Missoula, MT) |
Perception | Perception (London) |
Perit Dial Int | Peritoneal Dialysis International (Downsview, Ontario) |
Pest Manag Sci | Pest Management Science |
Perspect Biol Med | Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (Chicago, IL) |
Perspect Pediatr Pathol | Perspectives in Pediatric Pathology (Basel) |
Persoonia | Persoonia |
Pest Biochem Physiol | Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology |
Pest Sci | Pesticide Science () |
Pflugers Arch | Pflugers Archiv. European Journal of Physiology (Berlin) |
Pharm Acta Helv | Pharmaceutica ACTA Helvetiae (Zurich) |
Pharm Res | Pharmaceutical Research (New York, NY) |
Pharm Sci Tech Today | Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Today () |
Pharm Unserer Zeit | Pharmazie in Unserer Zeit (Weinheim) |
Pharm Weekbl [Sci] | Pharmaceutisch Weekblad. Scientific Edition (Utrecht) |
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Safety | Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety () |
Pharmacol Biochem Behav | Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior (New York, NY) |
Pharmacol Res | Pharmacological Research (London) |
Pharmacol Rev | Pharmacological Reviews (Baltimore, MD) |
Pharmacol Ther | Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Oxford) |
Pharmacol Toxicol | Pharmacology and Toxicology (Copenhagen) |
Pharmacology | Pharmacology (Basel) |
Pharmacopsychiatry | Pharmacopsychiatry (Stuttgart) |
Pharmacotherapy | Pharmacotherapy (Carlisle, MA) |
Pharmatherapeutica | Pharmatherapeutica (London) |
Pharmazie | Pharmazie (Berlin) |
Pharos | Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society (Menlo Park, CA) |
Philos Trans R Soc London [Biol] | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences (London) |
Phlebologie | Phlebologie (Paris) |
Phonetica | Phonetica (Basel) |
Photochem Photobiol | Photochemistry and Photobiology (Oxford) |
Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed | Photodermatology, Photoimmunology and Photomedicine (Copenhagen) |
Photogramm Eng Remote Sens | Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing |
Phycol Res | Phycological Research |
Phycologia | Phycologia (Oxford) |
Phys Med Biol | Physics in Medicine and Biology (London) |
Phys Sportsmed | The Physician and Sportsmedicine |
Phys Ther | Physical Therapy (Washington, DC) |
Physiol Behav | Physiology and Behavior (Elmsford, NY) |
Physiol Chem Phys Med NMR | Physiological Chemistry and Physics and Medical NMR (Portland, OR) |
Physiol Entomol | Physiological Entomology |
Physiol Genomics | Physiological Genomics |
Physiol Meas | Physiological measurement |
Physiol Mol Plant Path | Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology |
Physiol News | Physiology News |
Physiol Plant | Physiologia Plantarum () |
Physiol Res | Physiological Research (Praha) |
Physiol Rev | Physiological Reviews (Bethesda, MD) |
Physiologist | Physiologist (Bethesda, MD) |
Physiology | Physiology () |
Phytochemistry | Phytochemistry |
Phytologia | Phytologia |
Phytopathology | Phytopathology |
Pigment Cell Res | Pigment Cell Research (Copenhagen) |
Placenta | Placenta (Eastbourne) |
Placenta Suppl | Placenta. Supplement (London) |
Plant Breeding | Plant Breeding |
Plant Cell | The Plant Cell |
Plant Cell Environ | Plant, Cell and Environment |
Plant Cell Physiol | Plant and Cell Physiology () |
Plant Dis | Plant Disease |
Pl Dis Res | Plant Disease Research (Ludhiana) |
Plant Foods Hum Nutr | Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (Dordrecht) |
Plant J | The Plant Journal |
Plant Biotech J | Plant Biotechnology Journal |
Plant JPlant Mol Biol | Plant Molecular Biology (Dordrecht) |
Plant Pathol | Plant Pathology |
Plant Pathol J | Plant Pathology Journal |
Plant Physiol | Plant Physiology |
Plant Physiol Biochem | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry () |
Plant Sci | Plant Science () |
Plant Species Biol | Plant Species Biology () |
Planta Med | Planta Medica (Stuttgart) |
Plasmid | Plasmid (New York, NY) |
Plast Reconstr Surg | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Baltimore, MD) |
PLoS Biol | PLoS Biology |
Plucne Bolesti | Plucne Bolesti (Golnik) |
Pneumologie | Pneumologie (Stuttgart) |
Pneumonol Pol | Pneumonologia Polska (Warszawa) |
Podiatry Today | Podiatry Today |
Pol Arch Med Wewn | Polskie Archiwum Medycyny Wewnetrznej (Warszawa) |
Pol Arch Weter | Polskie Archiwum Weterynaryjne (Warszawa) |
Pol J Ecol | Polish Journal of Ecology |
Pol J Gynecol Invest | Polish Journal of Gynaecologic Investigation |
Pol J Occup Med | Polish Journal of Occupational Medicine (Warsaw) |
Pol J Pharmacol Pharm | Polish Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Warszawa) |
Pol Tyg Lek | Polski Tygodnik Lekarski (Warszawa) |
Policy Statement R Coll Gen Pract | Policy Statement / Royal College of General Practitioners (London) |
Polim Med | Polimery W Medycynie (Warszawa) |
Popul Rep [A] | Population Reports. Series A; Oral Contraceptives (Baltimore, MD) |
Popul Rep [B] | Population Reports. Series B; Intrauterine Devices (Baltimore, MD) |
Popul Rep [C] | Population Reports. Series C; Sterilization [Female] (Baltimore, MD) |
Popul Rep [D] | Population Reports. Series D; Sterilization [Male] (Baltimore, MD) |
Popul Rep [E] | Population Reports. Series E; Law and Policy (Baltimore, MD) |
Popul Rep [G] | Population Reports. Series G; Prostaglandins (Baltimore, MD) |
Popul Rep [H] | Population Reports. Series H; Barrier Methods (Baltimore, MD) |
Popul Rep [J] | Population Reports. Series J; Family Planning Programs (Baltimore, MD) |
Popul Rep [K] | Population Reports. Series K; Injectables and Implants (Baltimore, MD) |
Popul Rep [L] | Population Reports. Series L; Issues in World Health (Baltimore, MD) |
Popul Rep [M] | Population Reports. Series M; Special Topics (Baltimore, MD) |
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry | Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry (Oxford) |
Postepy Biochem | Postepy Biochemii (Warszawa) |
Postepy Hig Med Dosw | Postepy Higieny Medycyny Doswiadczalnej (Warszawa) |
Postgrad Med | Postgraduate Medicine (Minneapolis, MN) |
Postgrad Med J | Postgraduate Medical Journal (London) |
Poult Sci | Poultry Science (Champaign, IL) |
Pract Gynecol | Practical Gynecology [Ginekologia Praktyczna] |
Practitioner | Practitioner (London) |
Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr | Praxis der Kinderpyshologie und Kinderpsychiatrie (Gottingen) |
Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr Beih | Praxis der Kinderpyshologie und Kinderpsychiatrie. Beiheft (Gottingen) |
Prenat Diagn | Prenatal Diagnosis (Chichester) |
Prep Biochem | Preparative Biochemistry (New York, NY) |
Presse Med | La Presse Medicale (Paris 1893-1971) |
Presse Med | Presse Medicale (Paris 1983- ) |
Prev Med | Preventive Medicine (New York, NY) |
Prev Vet Med | Preventative Veterinary Medicine () |
Prim Care | Primary Care; Clinics in Office Practice (Philadelphia, PA) |
Probl Endokrinol (Mosk) | Problemy Endokrinologii (Moskva) |
Probl Khig | Problemi na Khigienata (Sofia) |
Probl Kosm Biol | Problemy Kosmicheskoi Biologii (Moskva) |
Probl Med Wieku Rozwoj | Problemy Medycyny Wieku Rozwojowego (Warszawa) |
Probl Tuberk | Problemy Tuberkuleza (Moskva) |
Proc Annu Conf Res Med Educ | Proceedings of the ... Annual Conference on Research in Medical Education (Washington, DC) |
Proc Annu Meet Med Sect Am Counc Life Insur | Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the Medical Section of the American Council of Life Insurance (Washington, DC) |
Proc Assoc Am Physicians | Proceedings of the Association of American Physicians |
Proc Exper Appl Entomol | Proceedings Experimental and Applied Entomology (Amsterdam) |
Proc Finn Dent Soc | Proceedings of the Finnish Dental Society (Helsinki) |
Proc Inst Mech Eng [H] | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine (London) |
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Washington, DC) |
Proc Natl Sci Counc Repub China [B] | Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China. Part B, Life Sciences (Taipei) |
Proc Nutr Soc | Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (London) |
Proc R Microscop Soc | Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society |
Proc R Soc Lond [Biol] | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences (London) |
Proc R Soc Med | Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine |
Proc Soc Exp Biol Med | Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (Baltimore, MD) |
Proc West Pharmacol Soc | Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society (Seattle, WA) |
Process Biochem | Process Biochemistry |
Prod | Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis (Parisiis) |
Prog AIDS Oathol | Progress in AIDS Pathology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Prog Behav Modif | Progress in Behavior Modification (Newbury Park, CA) |
Prog Biochem Pharmacol | Progress in Biochemical Pharmacology (Basel) |
Prog Biophys Mol Biol | Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology (Oxford) |
Prog Brain Res | Progress in Brain Research (Amsterdam) |
Prog Cardiovasc Dis | Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases (New York, NY) |
Prog Cell Cycle Res | Progress in Cell Cycle Research |
Prog Clin Biol Res | Progress in Clinical and Biological Research (New York, NY) |
Prog Clin Parasitol | Progress in Clinical Parasitology (Philadelphia, PA) |
Prog Drug Res | Progress in Drug Research (Basel) |
Prog Exp Tumor Res | Progress in Experimental Tumor Research (Basel) |
Prog Food Nutr Sci | Progress in Food and Nutrition Science (Oxford) |
Prog Growth Factor Res | Progress in Growth Factor Research (Oxford) |
Prog Hemost Thromb | Progress in Hemostasis and Thrombosis (New York, NY) |
Prog Histochem Cytochem | Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (Stuttgart) |
Prog Hum Reprod Res | Progress in Human Reproduction Research |
Prog Lipid Res | Progress in Lipid Research (Oxford) |
Prog Med Chem | Progress in Medicinal Chemistry (Amsterdam) |
Prog Med Genet | Progress in Medical Genetics (New York, NY) |
Prog Med Virol | Progress in Medical Virology (Basel) |
Prog Mol Subcell Biol | PProgress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology |
Prog Neurobiol | Progress in Neurobiology (Oxford) |
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psych | Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry () |
Prog Nucleic Acid Res Mol Biol | Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology (New York, NY) |
Prog Pediatr Surg | Progress in Pediatric Surgery (Berlin) |
Prog Reprod Health Res | Progress in Reproductive Health Research |
Prog Retin Eye Res | Progress in Retina and Eye Research |
Prog Vet Microbiol Immunol | Progress in Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology (Basel) |
Prostaglandins | Prostaglandins (Stoneham, MA) |
Prostaglandins Leukot Med | Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Medicine |
Prostaglandins Med | Prostaglandins and Medicine |
Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat | Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators |
Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids | Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (Edinburgh) |
Prostate | Prostate (New York, NY) |
Prostate Suppl | Prostate. Supplement (New York, NY) |
Prosthet Orthot Int | Prosthetics and Orthotics International (Hellerup) |
Protein Eng | Protein Engineering (Oxford) |
Protein Express Purif | Protein Expression and Purification |
Protein Seq Data Anal | Protein Sequences and Data Analysis (Berlin) |
Proteins | Proteins (New York, NY) |
Prot Sci | Protein Science () |
Proteomics | Proteomics |
Przegl Epidemiol | Przeglad Epidemiologiczny (Warszawa) |
Przegl Lek | Przeglad Lekarski (Warsaw) |
Przew Lekarza | Przewodnik Lekarza [General Practitioner] | | () | | () |
Psyche | Psyche (Stuttgart) |
Psychiatr Clin North Am | Psychiatric Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Psychiatr Enfant | Psychiatrie de l Enfant (Paris) |
Psychiatr J Univ Ott | Psychiatric Journal of the University of Ottawa |
Psychiatr Med | Psychiatric Medicine (Orlando, FL) |
Psychiatr Pol | Psychiatria Polska (Warszawa) |
Psychiatr Q | Psychiatric Quarterly (New York, NY) |
Psychiatr Serv | Psychiatric Services |
Psychiatry | Psychiatry (New York, NY) |
Psychiatry Clin Neurosci | Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences |
Psychiatry Res | Psychiatry Research (Limerick) |
Psychitr Prax | Psychiatrische Praxis (Stuttgart) |
Psychoanal Q | Psychoanalysis Quarterly (New York, NY) |
Psychoanal Rev | Psychoanalysis Review (New York, NY) |
Psychoanal Study Child | Psychoanalytical Study of the Child (New Haven, CT) |
Psychol Aging | Psychology and Aging (Arlington, VA) |
Psychol Bull | Psychological Bulletin (Washington, DC) |
Psychol Issues | Psychological Issues (New York, NY) |
Psychol Med | Psychological Medicine (London) |
Psychol Med Monogr Suppl | Psychological Medicine. Monograph Supplement (Cambridge, Eng) |
Psychol Rep | Psychological Reports (Missoula, MT) |
Psychol Res | Psychological Research (Berlin) |
Psychol Rev | Psychological Review (Washington, DC) |
Psychoneuroendocrinology | Psychoneuroendocrinology (Oxford) |
Psychon Bull & Rev | Psychonomic Bulletin and Review |
Psychopathology | Psychopathology (Basel) |
Psychopharmacol Bull | Psychopharmacology Bulletin (Rockville, MD) |
Psychopharmacol Ser | Psychopharmacology Series (Berlin) |
Psychopharmacology | Psychopharmacology (Berlin) |
Psychophysiology | Psychophysiology (Madison, WI) |
Psychosom Med | Psychosomatic Medicine (Baltimore, MD) |
Psychosomatics | Psychosomatics (Greenwich, CT) |
Psychother Psychosom | Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (Basel) |
Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol | Psychotherapy, Psychosomatik, Midizinische Psychologie (Stuttgart) |
Pubbl Stn Zool Napoli [II] | Pubblicazioni Della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli. Section II: History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences (London) |
Public Health | Public Health (London) |
Public Health Nurs | Public Health Nursing (Boston, MA) |
Public Health Pap | Public Health Papers (Geneva) |
Public Health Rep | Public Health Reports (Hyattsville, MD) |
Public Health Rev | Public Health Reviews (Tel Aviv) |
Pulmon Pharmacol | Pulmonary Pharmacology |
Pure Appl Chem | Pure and Applied Chemistry |
Abbreviation | Name |
Q J Exp Psychol [A] | Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. A, Human Experimental Psychology (London) |
Q J Exp Psychol [B] | Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. B, Comparatvie and Physiological Psychology (London) |
Q J Med | Quarterly Journal of Medicine (Oxford) |
Q Rev Biol | Quarterly Review of Biology (Chicago, IL) |
Q Rev Biophys | Quarterly Review of Biophysics (London) |
QRB Qual Rev Bull | QRB. Quality Review Bulletin (Chicago, IL) |
QSHC (Qual Saf Health Care) | Quality & Safety in Health Care |
Quaest Entomol | Quaestiones Entomologicae |
Qual Assur Health Care | Quality Assurance in Health Care (Oxford) |
Qual Health Res | Qualitative Health Research |
Qual Life Res | Quality of Life Research |
Quant Res | Quanternary Research |
Qual Saf Health Care (QSHC) | Quality & Safety in Health Care |
Quat Sci Rev | Quatenary Science Reviews |
Quintessence Int | Quintessence International |
Abbreviation | Name |
R I Med J | Rhode Island Medical Journal (Providence, RI) |
RTP | Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology (New York, NY) |
Radiat Environ Biophys | Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (Berlin) |
Radiat Med | Radiation Medicine (Tokyo) |
Radiat Oncol Invest | Radiation Oncology Investigations () |
Radiat Res | Radiation Research (New York, NY) |
Radiobiologiia | Radiobiologiia (Moskva) |
Radiographics | Radiographics (Easton, PA) |
Radiol Clin North Am | Radiologic Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Radiol Med (Torino) | Radiologia Medica (Torino) |
Radiol Technol | Radiologic Technology (Baltimore, MD) |
Radiologe | Radiologe (Berlin) |
Radiother Oncol | Radiotherapy and Oncology (Amsterdam) |
Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom | Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (Chichester) |
Raff Bull Zool | Raffles Bulletin of Zoology |
Rays | Rays (Milano) |
Rec Méd Vét | Recueil de Médecine Vétérinaire |
Recent Dev Alcohol | Recent Developments in Alcoholism (New York, NY) |
Recent Prog Horm Res | Recent Progress in Hormone Research (New York, NY) |
Recent Results Cancer Res | Recent Results in Cancer Research (Berlin) |
Recenti Prog Med | Recenti Progressi in Medicina (Roma) |
Reconstr Surg Traumatol | Reconstruction Surgery and Traumatology (Basel) |
Redox Rep | Redox Report |
Refract Corneal Surg | Refractive and Corneal Surgery (Thorofare, NJ) |
Reg Anaesth | Regional Anaesthesie (Berlin) |
Reg Anesth | Regional Anesthesia (Richmond, VA) |
Reg Environ Change J | Regional Environmental Change Journal (Germany) |
Reg Immunol | Regional Immunology (New York, NY) |
Regul Pept | Regulatory Peptides (Amsterdam) |
Regul Toxicol Pharmacol | Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology (New York, NY) |
Rehabilitation (Stuttg) | Rehabilitation (Stuttgart) |
Remote Sens Environ | Remote Sensing of the Environment |
Ren Fail | Renal Failure (New York, NY) |
Renal Physiol Biochem | Renal Physiology and Biochemistry (Basel) |
Rep Group Adv Psychiatry | Report/ Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (New York, NY) |
Rep Health Soc Subj (Lond) | Reports on Health and Social Subjects (London) |
Reprod Domestic Anim | Reproduction in Domestic Animals |
Reprod Fertil Dev | Reproduction, Fertility, and Development (East Melbourne) |
Reprod Nutr Dev | Reproduction, Nutrition, Development (Paris) |
Reprod Toxicol | Reproductive Toxicology () |
Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol | Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology (Westbury, NY) |
Res Complement Classical Med | Research in Complementary and Classical Natural Medicine |
Res Dev Disabil | Research in Developmental Disabilities (Elmsford, NY) |
Res Exp Med (Berl) | Research in Experimental Medicine (Berlin) |
Res Immunol | Research in Immunology (Paris) |
Res Microbiol | Research in Microbiology (Paris) |
Res Nurs Health | Research in Nursing and Health (New York, NY) |
Res Publ Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis | Research Publications - Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease (Baltimore, MD) |
Res Q Exerc Sport | Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (Washington, DC) |
Res Rep Health Eff Inst | Research Report/ Health Effects Institute (Cambridge, MA) |
Res Vet Sci | Research in Veterinary Science (London) |
Res Virol | Research in Virology (Paris) |
Resour Conserv Recy | Resources, Conservation And Recycling |
Respir Med | Respiratory Medicine (London) |
Respir Physiol | Respiration Physiology (Amsterdam) |
Respir Physiol Neurobiol | Respiration Physiology & Neurobiology (Amsterdam) |
Respiration | Respiration (Basel) |
Respir Res | Respiratory Research (London) |
Respirology | Respirology |
Restor Neurol Neurosci | Restorative Neurology and Neurosciences |
Restoration Ecol | Restoration Ecology |
Results Probl Cell Differ | Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation (Berlin) |
Resuscitation | Resuscitation (Limerick) |
Retina | Retina (Philadelphia, PA) |
Reumatizam | Reumatizam (Zagreb) |
Rev Alerg Mex | Revista Alergia Mexico (Tecamachalco) |
Rev Argent Agronomía | Revista Argentina de Agronomía |
Rev Argent Microbiol | Revista Argentina de Microbiologia (Buenos Aires) |
Rev Belge Med Dent | Revue Belge de Medecine Dentaire (Bruxelles) |
Rev Biol Mar Oceanogr | Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía |
Rev Biol Trop | Revista de Biologia Tropical (San Jose) |
Rev Bras Biol | Revista Brasileira de Biologia (Rio de Janeiro) |
Rev Bras Malariol Doencas Trop | Revista Brasileira de Malaiologia e Doencas Tropicais (Rio de Janeiro) |
Rev Bras Plantas Med | Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais (RBPM) |
Rev Chil Obstet Ginecol | Revista Chilena de Obstetrica Y Ginecologia (Santiago) |
Rev Chil Pediatr | Revista Chilena de Pediatria (Santiago) |
Rev Chir Orthop | Revue de Chirurgie Orthopedique et Reparatrice de l Appareil Moteur (Paris) |
Rev Chir [Chir] | Revista de Chirurgie, Oncologie, Radiologie, O.R.L., Oftamologie, Stomatologie. Chirurgie (Bucuresti) |
Rev Clin Esp | Revista Clinica Espanola (Madrid) |
Rev Cubana Med Trop | Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical (Havana) |
Rev Elev Med Vet Pays Trop | Revue d Elevage et de Medecine Veterinaire des Pays Tropicaux (Paris) |
Rev Environ Contam Toxicol | Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (New York, NY) |
Rev Environ Health | Reviews on Environmental Health (Tel Aviv) |
Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique | Revue d Epidemiologie et de Sante Publique (Paris) |
Rev Equat Hyg Trop Med | Revista Equatoriana de Hygiene y Tropicale Medicina () |
Rev Equat Neurol | Revista Equatoriana de Neurologia |
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim | Revista Espanola de Anestesiologia Y Reanimacion (Barcelona) |
Rev Esp Cardiol | Revista Espanola de Cardiologia (Barcelona) |
Rev Esp Enferm Dig | Revista Espanola de Enfermedades Digestivas (Madrid) |
Rev Esp Fisiol | Revista Espanola de Fisiologia (Pamaplona) |
Rev Esp Oncol | Revista Espanola de Oncologia (Madrid) |
Rev Esp Salud Publica | Revista Espanola de Salud Publica |
Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba | Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Medicas/ Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (Cordoba) |
Rev Fr Gynecol Obstet | Revue Francaise de Gynecologie et d Obstetrique (Paris) |
Rev Fr Transfus Hemobiol | Revue Francaise de Transfusion et d Hemobiologie (Paris) |
Rev Gastroenterol Mex | Revista de Gastroenterologia de Mexico (Mexico) |
Rev Gastroenterol Peru | Revista de Gastroenterologia del Peru (Lima) |
Rev Hist Pharm | Revue d'Histoire de la Pharmacie (Paris) |
Rev Hort Alger</TD> | Revue Horticole de L'Algérie |
Rev Hosp Clin Fac Med Sao Paulo | Revista do Hospital das Clinicas; Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo) |
Rev Ig [Bacteriol] | Revista de Igiena, Bacteriologie, Virusologie, Parazitologie, Epidemiologie, Pneumoftiziologie, Bacteriologia, Virusologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia (Bucuresti) |
Rev Immunogenet | Reviews in Immunogenetics () |
Rev Infect Dis | Reviews of Infectious Diseases |
Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo | Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo) |
Rev Int Trach Pathol Ocul Trop Subtrop Sante Publique | Revue Internationale du Trachome et de Pathologie Oculaire Tropicale et Subtropicale et de Sante Publique (Annonay) |
Rev Invest Clin | Revista de Investigacion Clinica (Mexico City) |
Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord) | Revue de Laryngologie Otologie Rhinologie (Bordeaux) |
Rev Latinoam Microbiol | Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiologia (Mexico) |
Rev Mal Respir | Revue des Maladies Respiratoires (Paris) |
Rev Med Brux | Revue Medicale de Bruxelles (Bruxelles) |
Rev Med Chil | Revista Medica de Chile (Santiago) |
Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi | Revista Medico-Chiruricala A Societatii de Medici si Naturalisti Din Iasi (Iasi) |
Rev Med Interna [Med Interna] | Revista de Medicina Interna, Neurologie, Psihiatrie, Neurochirugie, Dermato-Venerologie. Seria: Medicina Interna (Bucuresti) |
Rev Med Interne | Revue de Medecine Interne (Paris) |
Rev Med Liege | Revue Medicale de Liege (Liege) |
Rev Med Panama | Revista Medica de Panama (Panama) |
Rev Med Suisse Romande | Revue Medicale de la Suisse Romande (Lausanne) |
Rev Med Univ Navarra | Revista de Medicina de la Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona) |
Rev Mex Angiol | Revista Mexicana de Angiología (Mexico) |
Rev Med Virol | Reviews in Medical Virology () |
Rev Neurol (Paris) | Revue Neurologique (Paris) |
Rev Neurosci | Reviews in the Neurosciences |
Rev Oculomot Res | Reviews of Oculomotor Research (Amsterdam) |
Rev Paul Med | Revista Paulista de Medicina (Sao Paulo) |
Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol | Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology (Berlin) |
Rev Peru Biol | Revista Peruana de Biología |
Rev Pneumol Clin | Revue de Pneumologie Clinique (Paris) |
Rev Port Cardiol | Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia (Lisboa) |
Rev Port Cardiol | Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia (Lisboa) |
Revue du Prat | La Revue du Praticien-Medcine Generale |
Rev Reprod | Reviews of Reproduction |
Rev Rhum Mal Osteoartic | Revue du Rhumatisme et des Maladies Osteo- Articulaires (Paris) |
Rev Roum Biochim | Revue Roumaine de Biochimie (Bucuresti) |
Rev Roum Biol Anim | Review Roumain de Biologie Animals |
Rev Roum Embryol | Revue Roumaine d'Embryologie |
Rev Roum Embryol Cytol Cytol | Revue Roumaine d'embryologie et de cytologie: Série de cytologie |
Rev Roum Endocrinol | Revue Roumaine d'Endocrinologie |
Rev Roum Inframicrobiol | Revue Roumaine d'Inframicrobiologie |
Rev Roum Med | Revue Roumaine de Médecine |
Rev Roum Med Intern | Revue roumaine de Médecine Interne |
Rev Roum Morphol Embryol | Revue Roumaine de Morphologie et d'Embryologie |
Rev Roum Morphol Physiol | Revue Roumaine de Morphologie et de Physiologie |
Rev Roum Neurol | Revue Roumaine de Neurologie |
Rev Roum Neurol Psychiatr | Revue Roumaine de Neurologie et de Psychiatrie |
Rev Roum Parasitol | Revue Roumaine de Parasitologie (Bucuresti) |
Rev Roum Physiol | Revue Roumaine de Physiologie (Bucuresti) |
Rev Roum Sci Soc (Psychol) | Revue Roumaine des Sciences Sociales: Série de Psychologie |
Rev Roum Virol | Revue Roumaine de Virologie (Bucuresti) |
Rev Sanid Hig Publica (Medr) | Revista de Sanidad E Higiene Publica (Madrid) |
Rev Saude Publica | Revista de Saude Publica (Sao Paulo) |
Rev Sci Tech | Revue Scientifique et Technique (Paris) |
Rev Sci Tech Off Int Epiz | Scientific and Technical Review of the Office International des Epizooties (Paris) |
Rev Soc Bras Med Trop | Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical (Rio de Janeiro) |
Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac | Revue de Stomatologie et de Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale (Paris) |
Rev Suisse Vitic Arboric Hortic | Revue suisse de viticulture, arboriculture, horticulture |
Rev Toxicol | Reviews in Toxicology |
Revis Biol Celular | Revisiones Sobre Biologia Celular (Leioa-Vizcaya) |
Rheum Dis Clin North Am | Rheumatic Diseases Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Rheumatol Int | Rheumatology International (Berlin) |
Rhinol Suppl | Rhinology. Supplement (Utrecht) |
Rhinology | Rhinology (Leiden) |
Rinsho Byori | Rinsho Byori. Japanese Journal of Clinical Pathology (Tokyo) |
Rinsho Ketsueki | Rinsho Ketsueki. Japanese Journal of Clinical Hematology (Tokyo) |
Rinsho Shinkeigaku | Rinsho Shinkeigaku. Clinical Neurology (Tokyo) |
Risk Anal | Risk Analysis (New York, NY) |
Riv Biol/Biol. Forum | Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum (Genova) |
Riv Eur Sci Med Farmacol | Rivista Europea Per le Scienze Mediche E Farmacologiche (Roma) |
Riv Neurol | Rivista di Neurologia (Roma) |
RNA | RNA () |
Rocz Akad Med Bialymst | Roczniki Akademii Medycznej W Bialymstoku (Bialystok) |
Rocz Akad Med Im Juliana Marchlewskiego Bialymst Suppl | Roczniki Akademii Medycznej Im. Juliana Marchlewskiego W Bialymstoku. Supplement (Bialystok) |
Rocz Pantsw Zakl Hig | Roczniki Pantswowego Zakladu Higieny (Warszawa) |
Rofo Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Neuen Bildgeb Verfahr | ROFO. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Neuen Bildgebenden Verfahren (Stuttgart) |
Rom J Infect Dis | Romanian Journal of Infectious Diseases |
Rom J Med Prac | Romanian Journal of Medical Practice |
Rom J Morphol Embryol | Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology (Bucuresti) |
Rom J Neurol | Romanian Journal of Neurology |
Rom J Pediatr | Romanian Journal of Pediatrics |
Rom J Neurol Psychiatry | Romanian Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry (Bucuresti) |
Rom J Rheumatol | Romanian Journal of Rheumatology |
Rom J Stomatol | Romanian Journal of Stomatology |
Rom Med J | Romanian Medical Journal |
Rontgenpraxis | Rontgenpraxis (Stuttgart) |
Ross Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova | Rossiiskii fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk |
Rostaniha | Rostaniha (Botanical Journal of Iran) |
Roum Arch Microbiol Immunol | Roumanian Archives of Microbiology and Immunology |
Rozhl Chir | Rozhledy V Chirurgii (Praha) |
Russ J Herpetol | Russian Journal of Herpetology |
Ryumachi | Ryumachi (Tokyo) |
Abbreviation | Name |
SAMJ | South African Medical Journal (Cape Town) |
SB | Statistical Bulletin/ Metropolitan Insurance Companies (New York, NY) |
SABRAO J | SABRAO Journal () |
SHILAP Revta lepid | SHILAP Revista de lepidopterologia |
SEMJ | Shiraz Electronic Medical Journal |
SFP | Suchtmedizin in Forschung und Praxis |
Safety + Health (SH) | Safety + Health |
S Afr J Mar Sci | South African Journal of Marine Science |
Salud Publica Mex | Salud Publica de Mexico (Mexico) |
Sangre (Barc) | Sangre (Barcelona) |
Sangyo Igaku | Sangyo Igaku. Japanese Journal of Industrial Health (Tokyo) |
Sangyo Ika Daigaku Zasshi | Sangyo Ika Daigaku Zasshi (Kitakyushu) |
Sante Publique (Bucur) | Sante Publique (Bucuresti) |
SAR QSAR Environ Res | SAR & QSAR in Environmental Research |
Sarsia | Sarsia () |
Sb Lek | Sbornik Lekarsky (Praha) |
Sb Ved Pr Lek Fak Karlovy Univerzity Hradci Kralove | Sbornik Vedeckych Praci Lekarske Fakulty Karlovy Univerzity V Hradci Kralove (Praha) |
Sb Ved Pr Lek Fak Karlovy Univerzity Hradci Kralove Suppl | Sbornik Vedeckych Praci Lekarske Fakulty Karlovy Univerzity V Hradci Kralove. Supplementum (Praha) |
Scand Audiol | Scandinavian Audiology (Copenhagen) |
Scand Audiol Suppl | Scandinavian Audiology. Supplementum (Copenhagen) |
Scand J Clin Lab Invest | Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation (Oxford) |
Scand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl | Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. Supplement (Oslo) |
Scand J Dent Res | Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research (Copenhagen) |
Scand J Gastroenterol | Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology (Oslo) |
Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl | Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. Supplement (Oslo) |
Scand J Immunol | Scandinavian Journal of Immunology (Oxford) |
Scand J Infect Dis | Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases (Stockholm) |
Scand J Infect Dis Suppl | Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases. Supplementum (Stockholm) |
Scand J Med Sci Sports | Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports () |
Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg | Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery (Stockholm) |
Scand J Prim Health Care | Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care (Stockholm) |
Scand J Prim Health Care Suppl | Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. Supplement (Stockholm) |
Scand J Psychol | Scandinavian Journal of Psychology (Stockholm) |
Scand J Rehabil Med | Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (Stockholm) |
Scand J Rehabil Med Suppl | Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. Supplement (Stockholm) |
Scand J Rheumatol | Scandinavian Jouranl of Rheumatology (Stockholm) |
Scand J Rheumatol Suppl | Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. Supplement (Stockholm) |
Scand J Soc Med | Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine (Stockholm) |
Scand J Soc Med Suppl | Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine. Supplementum (Stockholm) |
Scand J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | Scandinavian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (Stockholm) |
Scand J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Suppl | Scandinavian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Supplementum (Stockholm) |
Scand J Urol Nephrol | Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology (Stockholm) |
Scand J Urol Nephrol Suppl | Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology. Supplementum (Stockholm) |
Scand J Work Environ Health | Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health (Helsinki) |
Scanning Microsc | Scanning Microscopy (Chicago, IL) |
Scanning Microsc Suppl | Scanning Microscopy. Supplement (Chicago, IL) |
Schizophr Bull | Schizophrenia Bulletin (Rockville, MD) |
Schizophr Res | Schizophrenia Research (Amsterdam) |
Schriftenr Neurol | Schriftenreihe Neurologie. Neurology Series (Berlin) |
Schriftenr Ver Wasser Boden Lufthyg | Schriftenreihe des Vereins fur Wasser-, Boden-, und Lufthygiene (Stuttgart) |
Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr | Schweizer Archiv fur Neurologie und Psychiatrie (Zurich) |
Schweiz Arch Tierhailkd | Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde (Zurich) |
Schweiz Med Wochenschr | Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift. Journal Suisse de Medecine (Basel) |
Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed | Schweizer Monatsschrift fur Zahnmedizin (Bern) |
Sci Aliments | Sciences des Aliments |
Sci Am | Scientific American (New York, NY) |
Sci Hort | Scientia Horticulturae () |
Sci J Iran Blood Transfus Org | Scientific Journal of Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization |
Sci Pract Perspect | Science & Practice Perspectives |
Sci STKE | Science STKE [Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment] |
Sci Sports | Science & Sports () |
Sci Total Environ | Science of the Total Environment (Amsterdam) |
Sci World J | Scientific World Journal |
Science | Science |
Se Pu | Se pu (Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui) |
Selbyana | Selbyana |
Sem Arthroplasty | Seminars in Arthroplasty |
Sem Cancer Biol | Seminars in Cancer Biology |
Sem Cell Biol | Seminars in Cell Biology |
Sem Cell Dev Biol | Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology |
Semin Diagn Pathol | Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology |
Sem Dialysis | Seminars in Dialysis |
Sem Hematol | Seminars in Hematology |
Sem Immunol | Seminars in Immunology |
Sem Nephrol | Seminars in Nephrology (New York, NY) |
Sem Neurosci | Seminars in the Neurosciences |
Semin Thromb Hemost | Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis (New York, NY) |
Sem Virol | Seminars in Virology |
Senck biol | Senckenbergiana biologica |
Senck leth | Senckenbergiana lethaea |
Senck marit | Senckenbergiana maritima |
Sex Transm Dis | Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Philadelphia, PA) |
Sheng Li Ke Xue Jin Zhan | Sheng Li Ke Xue Jin Zhan [Progress in physiology] |
Shock | Shock () |
Singapore Med J | Singapore Medical Journal () |
Skin Pharmacol | Skin Pharmacology: The Official Journal of the Skin Pharmacology Society |
Skin Pharmacol Appl Skin Physiol | Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology |
Skin Pharmacol Physiol | Skin Pharmacology and Physiology |
Slov Vet Res | Slovenian Veterinary Research |
Small Ruminant Res | Small Ruminant Research () |
Soc Epidemiol Res<> | Society for Epidemiologic Research |
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol <> | Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology |
Soc Sci Med | Social Science and Medicine () |
Soil Tillage Res | Soil & Tillage Research () |
Soil Biol Biochem | Soil Biology and Biochemistry () |
Soil Sci Am J | Soil Science Society of America Journal |
S Afr J Bot | South African Journal of Botany |
S Afr J Plant & Soil | South African Journal of Plant and Soil |
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health | Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health |
South Med J | Southern Medical Journal |
Soz Praventivmed | Sozial- und Präventivmedizin [Social and Preventive Medicine] |
Sports Med | Sports Medicine |
Steenstrupia | Steenstrupia () |
Stem Cells | Stem Cells (Dayton, OH) |
Steroids | Steroids () |
Stress | Stress (Amsterdam) |
Stress Med | Stress Medicine |
Stroke | Stroke (Dallas, TX) |
Structure | Structure (London) |
Stud Health Technol Inform | Studies in Health and Technology Informatics |
Subst Use Misuse | Substance Use and Misuse |
Summa Phytopathol | Summa Phytopathologica |
Surg Clin North Am | Surgical Clinics of North America |
Surg Obes Relat Dis | Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases |
Surg Gynecol Obstet | Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics |
Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech | Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques |
Surg Oncol | Surgical Oncology |
Surg Radiol Anat | Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy () |
Survey Anesthesiol | Survey of Anesthesiology () |
Synapse | Synapse (Blacksburg, VA) |
Syst Appl Microbiol | Systematic and Applied Microbiology |
Syst Biol | Systematic Biology |
Syst Botany | Systematic Botany |
Sys Entomol | Systematic Entomology |
Syst Zool | Systematic Zoology |
Abbreviation | Name |
TIBS | Trends in Biochemical Science (Amsterdam) |
TIG | Trends in Genetics |
TIM | Trends in Microbiology |
TME | Tourism in Marine Environments (St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada) |
TUMJ | Tehran University Medical Journal |
Talanta | Talanta |
Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso | Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso. Protein, Nucleic Acid, Enzyme (Tokyo) |
Targeted Diagn Ther | Targeted Diagnosis and Therapy (New York, NY) |
Technol Health Care | Technology and Health Care (Amsterdam) |
Ter Arkh | Terapevticheskii Arkhiv (Moskva) |
Teratog Carcinog Mutagen | Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis (New York, NY) |
Teratology | Teratology (New York, NY) |
Terra Nova | Terra Nova |
Tetrahedron | Tetrahedron () |
Tetrahedron Lett | Tetrahedron Letters () |
Tex Agric Exp Stn Bull | Texas Agricultural Experimental Station Bulletin |
Tex Heart Inst J | Texas Heart Institute Journal (Houston, TX) |
Tex Med | Texas Medicine (Austin, TX) |
Theor Appl Genet | Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
Theor Med | Theoretical Medicine (Dordrecht) |
Theor Popul Biol | Theoretical Population Biology (New York, NY) |
Ther Apher | Therapeutic Apheresis (Shiga, Japan) |
Ther Drug Monit | Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (New York, NY) |
Ther Hung | Therapia Hungarica (Budapest) |
Ther Immunol | Therapeutic Immunology (Oxford) |
Ther Umsch | Therapeutische Umschau (Bern) |
Therapie | Therapie (Paris) |
Theriogenology | Theriogenology |
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL | TheScientificWorldJOURNAL |
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg | Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon |
Thorax | Thorax (London) |
Thromb Haemost | Thrombosis and Haemostasis |
Thromb Res | Thrombosis Research (Elmsford, NY) |
Thymus | Thymus (Dordrecht) |
Thyroid | Thyroid (New York, NY) |
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen | Tidsskrift For Den Norske Laegeforening (Oslo) |
Tierarztl Prax | Tierarztliche Praxis (Stuttgart) |
Tieärztl Umsch | Tieärztliche Umschau |
Tierarztl Prax Suppl | Tierarztliche Praxis. Supplement (Stuttgart) |
Tijdschr Diergeneeskd | Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde (Amsterdam) |
Tijdschr Gerontol Geriatr | Tijdschrift Voor Gerontologie En Geriatrie (Deventer) |
Tijdschr Nederl Ind | (Natuurkundig?) Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indië (Jakarta) |
Tissue Antigens | Tissue Antigens (Copenhagen) |
Tissue Cell | Tissue and Cell (Edinburgh) |
Tohoku J Exp Med | Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine (Sendai) |
Tokai J Exp Clin Med | Tokai Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine (Tokyo) |
Tokushima J Exp Med | Tokushima Journal of Experimental Medicine (Tokushima) |
Top Curr Chem | Topics in Current Chemistry |
Top Magn Reson Imaging | Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (New York, NY) |
Top Pain Management | Topics in Pain Management |
Tourism Mar Environ | Tourism In Marine Environments |
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol | Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology (New York, NY) |
Toxicol Environ Chem | Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry |
Toxicol Ind Health | Toxicology and Industrial Health (Princeton, NJ) |
Toxicol In Vitro | Toxicology In Vitro |
Toxicol Lett | Toxicology Letters (Amsterdam) |
Toxicol Pathol | Toxicologic Pathology (Lawrence, KS) |
Toxicol Sci | Toxicological Sciences (Orlando, FL) |
Toxicology | Toxicology (Limerick) |
Toxicon | Toxicon (Oxford) |
Traffic | Traffic |
Tr Inst Im Pastera | Trudy Instituta Imeni Pastera (St Petersburg) |
Trace Elem Electrolytes | Trace Elements and Electrolytes |
Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc | Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association (Baltimore, MD) |
Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc | Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society (Rochester, MN) |
Trans Br Mycol Soc | Transactions of the British Mycological Society |
Trans Med Soc Lond | Transactions of the Medical Society of London (London) |
Trans Orthop Res Soc | Transactions of the Orthopedic Society |
Trans R Soc Lond B | Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences (London) |
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg | Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (London) |
Trans Stud Coll Physicians Phila | Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia (Baltimore Md) |
Transfus Clin Biol | Transfusion Clinique et Biologique (Paris) |
Transfus Med | Transfusion Medicine (Oxford) |
Transfus Med Rev | Transfusion Medicine Reviews (Orlando FL) |
Transfusion | Transfusion (Arlington VA) |
Transgenic Res | Transgenic Research (London) |
Transpl Immunol | Transplant Immunology (Dunto Green) |
Tranpl Infect Dis | Transplant Infectious Disease () |
Transpl Int | Transplant International (Heidelberg) |
Transplant Proc | Transplantation Proceedings (E. Norwalk CT) |
Transplant Sci | Transplantation Science (Austin TX) |
Transplantation | Transplantation (Baltimore MD) |
Trauma Response | Trauma Response (Commack, NY) |
Trends Biochem Sci | Trends in Biochemical Sciences (Amsterdam) |
Trends Biotechnol | Trends in Biotechnology (Amsterdam) |
Trends Cardiovascul Med | Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine |
Trends Cell Biol | Trends in Cell Biology |
Trends Ecol Evolut | Trends in Ecology & Evolution |
Trends Endocrinol Metabol (or TEM) | Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism |
Trends Food Sci Technol | Trends in Food Science and Technology (Amsterdam) |
Trends Genet | Trends in Genetics (Amsterdam) |
Trends Microbiol | Trends in Microbiology (Cambridge) |
Trends Mol Med | Trends in Molecular Medicine |
Trends Neurosci | Trends in Neurosciences (Barking) |
Trends Parasitol | Trends In Parasitology () |
Trends Pharmacol Sci | Trends In Pharmacological Sciences (Barking) |
Trends Plant Sci | Trends in Plant Science |
Trop Anim Health Prod | Tropical Animal Health and Production |
Trop Doct | Tropical Doctor (London) |
Trop Conserv Sci | Tropical Conservation Science |
Trop Freshwat Biol | Tropical Freshwater Biology |
Trop Gastroenterol | Tropical Gastroenterology (New Delhi) |
Trop Geogr Med | Tropical And Geographical Medicine (Hague) |
Trop Med Int Health | Tropical Medicine & International Health (Oxford) |
Trop Med Parasitol | Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (Stuttgart) |
Tropenmed Parasitol | Tropenmedizin Und Parasitologie (Stuttgart) |
Tsitol | Tsitologiia [Tsitologia?] |
Tsitol Genet | Tsitologiia I Genetika (Kiev) |
Tsitologiia | Tsitologiia (Moskva) |
Tuber Lung Dis | Tubercle And Lung Disease (Edinburgh) |
Tumori | Tumori (Milano) |
Tumour Biol | Tumour Biology (Basel) |
Tunis Med | Tunisie Medicale (Tunis) |
Turk J Bot | Turkish Journal of Botany (Ankara) |
Turk J Pediatr | Turkish Journal of Pediatrics (Ankara) |
Turk J Zool | Turkish Journal of Zoology (Ankara) |
Abbreviation | Name |
UPOJ | University of Pennsylvania Orthopaedic Journal |
Ugeskr Laeger | Ugeskrift For Laeger (Copenhagen) |
Uirusu | Uirusu (Kyoto) |
Ukr Biokhim Zh | Ukrainskii Biokhimicheskii Zhurnal (Kiev) |
Ulster Med J | Ulster Medical Journal (Belfast) |
Ultramicroscopy | Ultramicroscopy (Amsterdam) |
Ultraschall Med | Ultraschall in der Medizin (Stuttgart) |
Ultrason Imaging | Ultrasonic Imaging (New York, NY) |
Ultrasonics | Ultrasonics (Amsterdam) |
Ultrasound Med Biol | Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (Oxford) |
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol | Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Carnforth) |
Ultrastruct Pathol | Ultrastructural Pathology (Bristol, PA) |
Undersea Hyperb Med | Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine (Bethesda, MD) |
Unfallchirurg | Unfallchirurg (Berlin) |
Unfallchirurgie | Unfallchirurgie (Munchen) |
Univ Calif Publ Bot | University of California Publications in Botany (Berkeley, CA) |
Ups J Med Sci | Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences (Stockholm) |
Ups J Med Sci Suppl | Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences. Supplement (Uppsala) |
Urmia Med J | Urmia Medical Journal |
Urol Clin North Am | Urologic Clinics of North America (Philadelphia, PA) |
Urol Int | Urologia Internationalis (Basel) |
Urol Nefrol (Mosk) | Urologiia I Nefrologiia (Moskva) |
Urol Oncol | Urologic Oncology |
Urol Res | Urological Research (Berlin) |
Urologe A | Urologe. Ausgabe A (Berlin) |
Urology | Urology (Ridgewood NJ) |
US Geol Surv Prof Pap | U.S. Geological Survey Professional Papers |
Usp Fiziol Nauk | Uspekhi Fiziologicheskikh Nauk (Moskva) |
Abbreviation | Name |
VASA | Vasa. Zeitschrift fuer Gefaesskrankheiten |
VASA Suppl | VASA Supplementum |
Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis | Vector-borne and Zoonotic Diseases |
Verh Internat Verein Limnol | Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie |
VA J Sci | Virginia Journal of Science |
Vaccine | Vaccine |
Verh Anat Ges | Verhandlungen der Anatomischen Gesellschaft (Germany) |
Verh Batav Gen | Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschapen (Jakarta) |
Verh Internat Verein Theor Angew Limnol | Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie |
Verh K Acad Geneeskd Belg | Verhandelingen - Koninklijke Academie Voor Geneeskunde Van Belgie |
Verh Nat Gesch Bot | Verhandelingen over de Naturlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Overzeesche Bezittingen (Leiden) |
Verh Zool Bot Ges Wien | Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien |
Vestn Ross Akad Med Nauk | Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii meditsinskikh nauk / Rossiiskaia akademiia meditsinskikh nauk |
Vet Dermatol | Veterinary Dermatology |
Vet Hum Toxicol | Veterinary and Human Toxicology (Manhattan, KS) |
Vet Immunol Immunopathol | Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology |
Vet J | Veterinary Journal, The () |
Vet Med - Czech | Veterinarni Medicina |
Vet J Ankara Univ | Veterinary Journal of Ankara University |
Vet Microbiol | Veterinary Microbiology |
Vet Parasitol | Veterinary Parasitology |
Vet Pathol | Veterinary Pathology |
Vet Q | Veterinary Quarterly (Netherlands) |
Vet Radiol Ultrasound | Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound |
Vet Rec | Veterinary Record |
Vet Res | Veterinary Research |
Veterinariya | Veterinariya |
Vidensk Medd naturhist Foren København | Videnskabelige Meddelelser Naturhistorisk Forening i København |
Vidensk Medd fra Dansk naturh Foren | Videnskabelige Meddelelser Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening |
Virchows Arch | Virchows Archiv |
Virchows Arch Patholo Anat Physiol Klin Med | Virchows Archiv fur pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fur klinische Medizin |
Vichows Arch A Pathol Anat Histol | Virchows Archive A: Pathological Anatomy and Histology |
Virchows Arch A Pathol Pathol Anat | Virchows Archiv A: Pathology. Pathologische Anatomie |
Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol | Virchows Archive B: Cell Pathology |
Virchows Arch A Patholo Anat Histopathol | Virchows Archive A: Pathological Anatomy and Histopathology |
Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol Incl Mol Pathol | Virchows Archive B: Cell Pathology Including Molecular Pathology |
Virginia Acad Sci | Virginia Academy of Science |
Virology | Virology |
Virus Res | Virus Research |
Visual Neurosci | Visual Neuroscience () |
Vis Res | Vision Research |
Vitam Horm | Vitamins and Hormones |
Vitis | Vitis |
Voedingsmiddelentechnologie | Voedingsmiddelentechnologie |
Vojnosanit Pregl | Vojnosanitetski Pregled |
Vopr Biokhim Mozga | Voprosy Biokimii Mozga |
Vopr Ikhtyologii | Voprosy Ikhtyologii |
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult | Voprosy Kurortologii, Fizioterapii I Lechebnoi FizicheskoI Kultury |
Vopr Med Khim | Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii |
Vopr Onkol | Voprosy Onkologii |
Vopr Pitan | Voprosy pitaniia |
Abbreviation | Name |
Wall Cat | Wallich Catalogue (London) |
Wall Pl As Rar | Plantae Asiaticae Rariores |
Water Air Soil Pollut | Water, Air, and Soil Pollution |
Water Res | Water Research |
Wat Sci Tech | Water Science and Technology |
West J Med | Western Journal of Medicine (San Francisco, CA) |
Wetlands | Wetlands |
Wildl Monogr | Wildlife Monographs (Washington, DC) |
Wildl Soc Bull | Wildlife Society Bulletin (Washington, DC) |
Wildlifer | The Wildlifer (Bethesda, MD) |
Wissensch Math Phys K1 | unknown |
World J Biol Psychiatry | World Journal of Biological Psychiatry |
World J Microbiol Biotechnol | World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology () |
World J Plast Surg (WJPS) | World Journal of Plastic Surgery (Tehran) |
World J Surg | World Journal of Surgery |
World J Urol | World Journal of Urology () |
World Rabbit Sci | World Rabbit Science |
World Rev Nutr Diet | World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics (Basel) |
Abbreviation | Name |
Xenobiotica | Xenobiotica (London) |
Xenotransplantation | Xenotransplantation () |
Abbreviation | Name |
Yao Hsuch T’ung Pao | Yao Hsuch T’ung Pao |
Yearb Phys Anthropol | Yearbook of Physical Anthropology |
Yonsei Med J | Yonsei Medical Journal |
Abbreviation | Name |
Z Biol | Zeitschrift fur Biologie |
Z Gastroenterol | Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie |
Z Kardiol | Zeitschrift fur Kardiologie |
Z Kardiol Suppl | Zeitschrift fur Kardiologie Supplementum |
Z Lebensm Unters Forsch | Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung A (Berlin) |
Z Mikrosk Anat Forsch | Zeitschrift fur Mikroskopisch-Anatomische Forschung |
Z Rheumatol | Zeitschrift fur Rheumatologie |
Z Saeuget | Zeitschrift fur Sauegetierkunde |
Z Tierpsychol | Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie () |
Z Zellforsch Mikrosk Anat | Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie (Vienna, Austria) |
Zentralbl Phlebologie | Zentralblatt fuer Phlebologie (Switzerland) |
Zentralbl Bakteriol Mikrobiol Hyg [B] | Zentralblatt fu¨r Bakteriologie 1 Abt Originale B, Hygiene, Krankenhaushygiene, Betriebshygiene, pra¨ventive Medizin |
Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi | Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi |
Zhongguo Yao Li Xue Bao | Zhongguo Yao Li Xue Bao |
ZJRMS | Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences |
Zoo Biol | Zoo Biology |
Zool Baetica | Zoologica baetica |
Zool Abh | Zoologische Abhandlungen |
Zool Med Leiden | Zoologische Mededelingen |
Zool J Linnean Soc | Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society |
Zool Sci | Zoological Science () |
Zool Scripta | Zoologica Scripta |
Zoonoses Public Health | Zoonoses and Public Health |
Zootaxa | Zootaxa |