
Animated Map: Median Age in #Europe, Africa 1960-2060 (Projection).

Animated Map: Median Age in #Europe 1960-2060 (Projection).
Bu haber 2016-01-10 09:01:17 eklenmiş ve 17119 kez görüntülenmiştir.



Animated Map: Median Age in #Europe 1960-2060 (Projection).

Animated Map: Median Age in #Africa 1960-2060 (Projection).

Animated Map: Median Age in #Middle East 1960-2060 (Projection).

Download Files

File type


Major topic / Special groupings

Sub Group Files (click to download) Description

Total Population - Both Sexes (XLS, 3.74 MB)

Total Population - Both Sexes. De facto population in a country, area or region as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are presented in thousands.

Total Population - Male (XLS, 3.31 MB)

Total Population - Male. De facto population in a country, area or region as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are presented in thousands.

Total Population - Female (XLS, 3.31 MB)

Total Population - Female. De facto population in a country, area or region as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are presented in thousands.

Population Growth Rate (XLS, 954 KB)

Average exponential rate of growth of the population over a given period.  It is calculated as ln(Pt/P0)/t where t is the length of the period. It is expressed as a percentage.

Rate of Natural Population Increase (XLS, 852 KB)

Crude birth rate minus the crude death rate. Represents the portion of population growth (or decline) determined exclusively by births and deaths. It is expressed per 1,000 population annually.

Sex Ratio of Total Population (XLS, 924 KB)

Number of males per 100 females in the population.

Median Age of Population (XLS, 923 KB)

Age that divides the population in two parts of equal size, that is, there are as many persons with ages above the median as there are with ages below the median. It is expressed as years.

Population Density (XLS, 3.79 MB)

Population per square Kilometre.
Age composition

Population by Age Groups - Both Sexes (XLS, 16.79 MB)

Quinquennial Population by Five-Year Age Groups - Both Sexes. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated classified by five-year age groups (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, ..., 95-99, 100+). Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Population by Age Groups - Male (XLS, 16.76 MB)

Quinquennial Population by Five-Year Age Groups - Male. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated classified by five-year age groups (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, ..., 95-99, 100+). Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Population by Age Groups - Female (XLS, 16.76 MB)

Quinquennial Population by Five-Year Age Groups - Female. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated classified by five-year age groups (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, ..., 95-99, 100+). Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Population by Broad Age Groups - Both Sexes (XLS, 24.02 MB)

Population by Broad Age Groups - Both Sexes. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Population by Broad Age Groups - Male (XLS, 23.96 MB)

Population by Broad Age Groups - Male. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Population by Broad Age Groups - Female (XLS, 23.97 MB)

Population by Broad Age Groups - Female. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Percentage by Broad Age Groups - Both Sexes (XLS, 24.39 MB)

Percentage of Total Population by Broad Age Groups. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are expressed per 100 total population.
Age composition

Percentage by Broad Age Groups - Male (XLS, 24.39 MB)

Percentage of Male Population by Broad Age Groups. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are expressed per 100 male population.
Age composition

Percentage by Broad Age Groups - Female (XLS, 24.39 MB)

Percentage of Female Population by Broad Age Groups. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are expressed per 100 female population.
Age composition

Sex Ratio by Broad Age Groups (XLS, 24.84 MB)

Number of Males per 100 Females by Broad Age Groups. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Age composition

Feminity Ratio by Broad Age Groups (XLS, 24.84 MB)

Number of Females per 100 Males by Broad Age Groups. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Total Dependency Ratio 1 (XLS, 924 KB)

Total Dependency Ratio ((Age 0-14 + Age 65+) / Age 15-64). De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Total Dependency Ratio 2 (XLS, 924 KB)

Total Dependency Ratio ((Age 0-19 + Age 65+) / Age 20-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Total Dependency Ratio 3 (XLS, 924 KB)

Total Dependency Ratio ((Age 0-19 + Age 70+) / Age 20-69) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Total Dependency Ratio 4 (XLS, 924 KB)

Total Dependency Ratio ((Age 0-24 + Age 65+) / Age 25-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Total Dependency Ratio 5 (XLS, 924 KB)

Total Dependency Ratio ((Age 0-24 + Age 70+) / Age 25-69) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Child Dependency Ratio 1 (XLS, 924 KB)

Child Dependency Ratio (Age 0-14 / Age 15-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Child Dependency Ratio 2 (XLS, 924 KB)

Child Dependency Ratio (Age 0-19 / Age 20-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Child Dependency Ratio 3 (XLS, 924 KB)

Child Dependency Ratio (Age 0-19 / Age 20-69) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Child Dependency Ratio 4 (XLS, 924 KB)

Child Dependency Ratio (Age 0-24 / Age 25-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Child Dependency Ratio 5 (XLS, 924 KB)

Child Dependency Ratio (Age 0-24 / Age 25-69) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Old-Age Dependency Ratio 1 (XLS, 924 KB)

Old-Age Dependency Ratio (Age 65+ / Age 15-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Old-Age Dependency Ratio 2 (XLS, 924 KB)

Old-Age Dependency Ratio (Age 65+ / Age 20-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Old-Age Dependency Ratio 3 (XLS, 924 KB)

Old-Age Dependency Ratio (Age 70+ / Age 20-69) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Old-Age Dependency Ratio 4 (XLS, 924 KB)

Old-Age Dependency Ratio (Age 65+ / Age 25-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Old-Age Dependency Ratio 5 (XLS, 924 KB)

Old-Age Dependency Ratio (Age 70+ / Age 25-69) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Potential Support Ratio 1 (XLS, 924 KB)

Potential Support Ratio (Age 15-64 / Age 65+) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Potential Support Ratio 2 (XLS, 924 KB)

Potential Support Ratio (Age 20-64 / Age 65+) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Potential Support Ratio 3 (XLS, 924 KB)

Potential Support Ratio (Age 20-69 / Age 70+) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Potential Support Ratio 4 (XLS, 924 KB)

Potential Support Ratio (Age 25-64 / Age 65+) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Potential Support Ratio 5 (XLS, 924 KB)

Potential Support Ratio (Age 25-69 / Age 70+) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Age composition

Annual Population by Age Groups - Both Sexes (XLS, 16.37 MB)

Annual Population by Five-Year Age Groups - Both Sexes. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated classified by five-year age groups (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, ..., 95-99, 100+). Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Annual Population by Age Groups - Male (XLS, 16.35 MB)

Annual Population by Five-Year Age Groups - Male. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated classified by five-year age groups (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, ..., 95-99, 100+). Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Annual Population by Age Groups - Female (XLS, 16.33 MB)

Annual Population by Five-Year Age Groups - Female. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated classified by five-year age groups (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, ..., 95-99, 100+). Data are presented in thousands.


Sub Group Files (click to download) Description
Total Population

Total Population (XLS, 474 KB)

Median and prediction intervals
Population by Broad Age Groups

Population age 0-14 (XLS, 684 KB)

Age 0-14: Median and prediction intervals
Population by Broad Age Groups

Population age 0-19 (XLS, 678 KB)

Age 0-19: Median and prediction intervals
Population by Broad Age Groups

Population age 0-24 (XLS, 678 KB)

Age 0-24: Median and prediction intervals

Note: The sheet labelled "Estimates" was updated on 4 November 2015

Population by Broad Age Groups

Population age 15-59 (XLS, 678 KB)

Age 15-59: Median and prediction intervals

Note: The sheet labelled "Estimates" was updated on 4 November 2015

Population by Broad Age Groups

Population age 15-64 (XLS, 678 KB)

Age 15-64: Median and prediction intervals
Population by Broad Age Groups

Population age 20-64 (XLS, 678 KB)

Age 20-64: Median and prediction intervals
Population by Broad Age Groups

Population age 20-69 (XLS, 678 KB)

Age 20-69: Median and prediction intervals
Population by Broad Age Groups

Population age 25-64 (XLS, 678 KB)

Age 25-64: Median and prediction intervals

Note: The sheet labelled "Estimates" was updated on 4 November 2015

Population by Broad Age Groups

Population age 25-69 (XLS, 677 KB)

Age 25-69: Median and prediction intervals

Note: The sheet labelled "Estimates" was updated on 4 November 2015

Population by Broad Age Groups

Population age 60 and above (XLS, 677 KB)

Age 60 and above: Median and prediction intervals

Note: The sheet labelled "Estimates" was updated on 4 November 2015

Population by Broad Age Groups

Population age 65 and above (XLS, 678 KB)

Age 65 and above: Median and prediction intervals
Population by Broad Age Groups

Population age 70 and above (XLS, 677 KB)

Age 70 and above: Median and prediction intervals

he Special Aggregates files contain data aggregated by various functional groupings organised into five types: Ecological groups, Economic and trading groups, Geographical groups, Political groups, and United Nations related groups. Each data file contains a subset of the indicators published in the World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision. Only data from the medium fertility variant are presented in these files.

Sub Group Files (click to download) Description
Summary indices

Births (XLSX, 101 KB)

Average annual number of births over a given period. Refers to five-year periods running from 1 July to 30 June of the initial and final years. Data are presented in thousands.
Summary indices

Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) (XLSX, 55 KB)

Number of male births per one female birth.
Summary indices

Crude Birth Rate (CBR) (XLSX, 91 KB)

Number of births over a given period divided by the person-years lived by the population over that period. It is expressed as average annual number of births per 1,000 population.
Summary indices

Total fertility (TFR) (XLSX, 88 KB)

The average number of children a hypothetical cohort of women would have at the end of their reproductive period if they were subject during their whole lives to the fertility rates of a given period and if they were not subject to mortality. It is expressed as children per woman.
Summary indices

Net Reproduction Rate (NRR) (XLSX, 83 KB)

The average number of daughters a hypothetical cohort of women would have at the end of their reproductive period if they were subject during their whole lives to the fertility rates and the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as number of daughters per woman.
Age composition

Births by Age of Mother (XLSX, 849 KB)

Number of births over a given period classified by age group of mother (15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, ..., 45-49). Refers to five-year periods running from 1 July to 30 June of the initial and final years. Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Age-specific Fertility Rates (ASFR) (XLSX, 843 KB)

Number of births to women in a particular age group, divided by the number of women in that age group. The age groups used are: 15-19, 20-24, ..., 45-49. The data refer to five-year periods running from 1 July to 30 June of the initial and final years.
Age composition

Mean Age of Childbearing (MAC) (XLSX, 78 KB)

The average age of mothers at the birth of their children if women were subject throughout their lives to the age-specific fertility rates observed in a given year. It is expressed as years.

Net Migration Rate (XLSX, 88 KB)

The number of immigrants minus the number of emigrants over a period, divided by the person-years lived by the population of the receiving country over that period. It is expressed as average annual net number of migrants per 1,000 population.

Net Number of Migrants (XLSX, 86 KB)

The net number of migrants, that is, the number of immigrants minus the number of emigrants. It is expressed as thousands.
Infant and children

Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) (XLSX, 136 KB)

Probability of dying between birth and exact age 1. It is expressed as average annual deaths per 1,000 births.
Infant and children

Under-five Mortality (5q0) (XLSX, 136 KB)

Probability of dying between birth and exact age 5. It is expressed as average annual deaths per 1,000 births.

Crude Death Rate (CDR) (XLSX, 89 KB)

Number of deaths over a given period divided by the person-years lived by the population over that period. It is expressed as average annual number of deaths per 1,000 population.

Deaths - Both Sexes (XLSX, 100 KB)

Number of deaths over a given period. Refers to five-year periods running from 1 July to 30 June of the initial and final years. Data are presented in thousands.

Deaths - Male (XLSX, 98 KB)

Number of male deaths over a given period. Refers to five-year periods running from 1 July to 30 June of the initial and final years. Data are presented in thousands.

Deaths - Female (XLSX, 98 KB)

Number of female deaths over a given period. Refers to five-year periods running from 1 July to 30 June of the initial and final years. Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Deaths by Age Groups - Both Sexes (XLSX, 1.62 MB)

Number of deaths by five-year age groups. Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Deaths by Age Groups - Male (XLSX, 1.58 MB)

Number of male deaths by five-year age groups. Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Deaths by Age Groups - Female (XLSX, 1.57 MB)

Number of female deaths by five-year age groups.  Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Deaths by Broad Age Groups - Both Sexes (XLSX, 1.88 MB)

Number of deaths by broad age groups. Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Deaths by Broad Age Groups - Male (XLSX, 1.84 MB)

Number of male deaths by broad age groups. Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Deaths by Broad Age Groups - Female (XLSX, 1.83 MB)

Number of female deaths by broad age groups. Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Percentage of Deaths by Broad Age Groups - Both Sexes (XLSX, 2.71 MB)

Percentage of total deaths by broad age groups. Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Percentage of Male Deaths by Broad Age Groups (XLSX, 2.7 MB)

Percentage of female deaths by broad age groups. Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Percentage of Female Deaths by Broad Age Groups (XLSX, 2.69 MB)

Percentage of male deaths by broad age groups. Data are presented in thousands.
Summary indices

Life Expectancy at Birth (e0) - Both Sexes (XLSX, 95 KB)

The average number of years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of individuals who would be subject during all their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Summary indices

Life Expectancy at Birth (e0) - Male (XLSX, 80 KB)

The average number of years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of males who would be subject during all their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Summary indices

Life Expectancy at Birth (e0) - Female (XLSX, 80 KB)

The average number of years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of females who would be subject during all their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Summary indices

40q0 - Both Sexes (XLSX, 136 KB)

Young Adult Mortality: Probability of Dying between Age 0 and Age 40 (40q0) - Both Sexes. It is expressed as deaths under age 60 per 1,000 live births.
Summary indices

40q0 - Male (XLSX, 135 KB)

Young Adult Mortality: Probability of Dying between Age 0 and Age 40 (40q0) - Male. It is expressed as deaths under age 60 per 1,000 live births.
Summary indices

40q0 - Female (XLSX, 135 KB)

Young Adult Mortality: Probability of Dying between Age 0 and Age 40 (40q0) - Female. It is expressed as deaths under age 60 per 1,000 live births.
Summary indices

60q0 - Both Sexes (XLSX, 136 KB)

Overall Adult Mortality: Probability of Dying between Age 0 and Age 60 (60q0) - Both Sexes. It is expressed as deaths under age 60 per 1,000 live births.
Summary indices

60q0 - Male (XLSX, 134 KB)

Overall Adult Mortality: Probability of Dying between Age 0 and Age 60 (60q0) - Male. It is expressed as deaths under age 60 per 1,000 live births.
Summary indices

60q0 - Female (XLSX, 135 KB)

Overall Adult Mortality: Probability of Dying between Age 0 and Age 60 (60q0) - Female. It is expressed as deaths under age 60 per 1,000 live births.
Summary indices

35q15 - Both Sexes (XLSX, 136 KB)

Adult Mortality: Probability of Dying between Age 15 and Age 50 (35q15) - Both Sexes. It is expressed deaths under age 50 per 1,000 alive at age 15.
Summary indices

35q15 - Male (XLSX, 136 KB)

Adult Mortality: Probability of Dying between Age 15 and Age 50 (35q15) - Male. It is expressed deaths under age 50 per 1,000 alive at age 15.
Summary indices

35q15 - Female (XLSX, 136 KB)

Adult Mortality: Probability of Dying between Age 15 and Age 50 (35q15) - Female. It is expressed deaths under age 50 per 1,000 alive at age 15.
Summary indices

45q15 - Both Sexes (XLSX, 135 KB)

Adult Mortality: Probability of Dying between Age 15 and Age 60 (45q15) - Both Sexes. It is expressed deaths under age 60 per 1,000 alive at age 15.
Summary indices

45q15 - Male (XLSX, 135 KB)

Adult Mortality: Probability of Dying between Age 15 and Age 60 (45q15) - Male. It is expressed deaths under age 60 per 1,000 alive at age 15.
Summary indices

45q15 - Female (XLSX, 136 KB)

Adult Mortality: Probability of Dying between Age 15 and Age 60 (45q15) - Female. It is expressed deaths under age 60 per 1,000 alive at age 15.
Summary indices

Life Expectancy at Age 15 (e15) - Both Sexes (XLSX, 134 KB)

The average number of remaining years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of individuals alive at age 15 who would be subject during the remaining of their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Summary indices

Life Expectancy at Age 15 (e15) - Male (XLSX, 132 KB)

The average number of remaining years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of males alive at age 15 who would be subject during the remaining of their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Summary indices

Life Expectancy at Age 15 (e15) - Female (XLSX, 132 KB)

The average number of remaining years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of females alive at age 15 who would be subject during the remaining of their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Summary indices

Life Expectancy at Age 60 (e60) - Both Sexes (XLSX, 130 KB)

The average number of remaining years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of individuals alive at age 60 who would be subject during the remaining of their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Summary indices

Life Expectancy at Age 60 (e60) - Male (XLSX, 128 KB)

The average number of remaining years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of males alive at age 60 who would be subject during the remaining of their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Summary indices

Life Expectancy at Age 60 (e60) - Female (XLSX, 128 KB)

The average number of remaining years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of females alive at age 60 who would be subject during the remaining of their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Summary indices

Life Expectancy at Age 80 (e80) - Both Sexes (XLSX, 132 KB)

The average number of remaining years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of individuals alive at age 80 who would be subject during the remaining of their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Summary indices

Life Expectancy at Age 80 (e80) - Male (XLSX, 130 KB)

The average number of remaining years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of males alive at age 80 who would be subject during the remaining of their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Summary indices

Life Expectancy at Age 80 (e80) - Female (XLSX, 130 KB)

The average number of remaining years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of females alive at age 80 who would be subject during the remaining of their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Life tables

Life table survivors (lx) at exact age x - Both Sexes (XLSX, 2.54 MB)

Number of survivors by age for a hypothetical cohort of 100,000 newborns who would be subject during all their lives to the mortality rates of a given period.
Life tables

Life table survivors (lx) at exact age x - Male (XLSX, 2.5 MB)

Number of survivors by age for a hypothetical cohort of 100,000 male newborns who would be subject during all their lives to the mortality rates of a given period.
Life tables

Life table survivors (lx) at exact age x - Female (XLSX, 2.5 MB)

Number of survivors by age for a hypothetical cohort of 100,000 female newborns who would be subject during all their lives to the mortality rates of a given period.
Life tables

Life Expectancy at exact age x (ex) - Both Sexes (XLSX, 2.62 MB)

The average number of remaining years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of individuals alive at age x who would be subject during the remaining of their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Life tables

Life Expectancy at exact age x (ex) - Male (XLSX, 2.58 MB)

The average number of remaining years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of males alive at age x who would be subject during the remaining of their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Life tables

Life Expectancy at exact age x (ex) - female (XLSX, 2.58 MB)

The average number of remaining years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of females alive at age x who would be subject during the remaining of their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years.
Life tables

Abridged Life Table - Both Sexes (XLSX, 23.4 MB)

Abridged life tables up to age 85 for both sexes providing a set of values showing the mortality experience of a hypothetical group of infants born at the same time and subject throughout their lifetime to the specific mortality rates of a given period. The following series are provided: age specific mortality rates (mx), probabilities of dying (qx), probabilities of surviving (px), number surviving (lx), number dying (dx), number of person-years lived (Lx), survivorship ratios (Sx), cumulative stationary population (Tx), average remaining life expectancy (ex) and average number of years lived (ax).
Life tables

Abridged Life Table - Male (XLSX, 23.07 MB)

Abridged life tables up to age 85 for male providing a set of values showing the mortality experience of a hypothetical group of infants born at the same time and subject throughout their lifetime to the specific mortality rates of a given period. The following series are provided: age specific mortality rates (mx), probabilities of dying (qx), probabilities of surviving (px), number surviving (lx), number dying (dx), number of person-years lived (Lx), survivorship ratios (Sx), cumulative stationary population (Tx), average remaining life expectancy (ex) and average number of years lived (ax).
Life tables

Abridged Life Table - Female (XLSX, 23.09 MB)

Abridged life tables for female up to age 85 providing a set of values showing the mortality experience of a hypothetical group of infants born at the same time and subject throughout their lifetime to the specific mortality rates of a given period. The following series are provided: age specific mortality rates (mx), probabilities of dying (qx), probabilities of surviving (px), number surviving (lx), number dying (dx), number of person-years lived (Lx), survivorship ratios (Sx), cumulative stationary population (Tx), average remaining life expectancy (ex) and average number of years lived (ax).

Total Population - Both Sexes (XLSX, 470 KB)

Total Population - Both Sexes. De facto population in a country, area or region as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are presented in thousands.

Total Population - Male (XLSX, 398 KB)

Total Population - Male. De facto population in a country, area or region as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are presented in thousands.

Total Population - Female (XLSX, 397 KB)

Total Population - Female. De facto population in a country, area or region as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are presented in thousands.

Population Growth Rate (XLSX, 100 KB)

Average exponential rate of growth of the population over a given period.  It is calculated as ln(Pt/P0)/t where t is the length of the period. It is expressed as a percentage.

Rate of Natural Population Increase (XLSX, 93 KB)

Crude birth rate minus the crude death rate. Represents the portion of population growth (or decline) determined exclusively by births and deaths. It is expressed per 1,000 population annually.

Sex Ratio of Total Population (XLSX, 132 KB)

Number of males per 100 females in the population.

Median Age of Population (XLSX, 136 KB)

Age that divides the population in two parts of equal size, that is, there are as many persons with ages above the median as there are with ages below the median. It is expressed as years.

Population Density (XLSX, 582 KB)

Population per square Kilometre.
Age composition

Population by Age Groups - Both Sexes (XLSX, 1.89 MB)

Quinquennial Population by Five-Year Age Groups - Both Sexes. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated classified by five-year age groups (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, ..., 95-99, 100+). Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Population by Age Groups - Male (XLSX, 1.85 MB)

Quinquennial Population by Five-Year Age Groups - Male. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated classified by five-year age groups (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, ..., 95-99, 100+). Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Population by Age Groups - Female (XLSX, 1.85 MB)

Quinquennial Population by Five-Year Age Groups - Female. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated classified by five-year age groups (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, ..., 95-99, 100+). Data are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Population by Broad Age Groups - Both Sexes (XLSX, 4.8 MB)

Population by Broad Age Groups - Both Sexes. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Population by Broad Age Groups - Male (XLSX, 4.7 MB)

Population by Broad Age Groups - Male. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Population by Broad Age Groups - Female (XLSX, 4.7 MB)

Population by Broad Age Groups - Female. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are presented in thousands.
Age composition

Percentage by Broad Age Groups - Both Sexes (XLSX, 6.48 MB)

Percentage of Total Population by Broad Age Groups. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are expressed per 100 total population.
Age composition

Percentage by Broad Age Groups - Male (XLSX, 6.48 MB)

Percentage of Male Population by Broad Age Groups. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are expressed per 100 male population.
Age composition

Percentage by Broad Age Groups - Female (XLSX, 6.48 MB)

Percentage of Female Population by Broad Age Groups. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated. Figures are expressed per 100 female population.
Age composition

Sex Ratio by Broad Age Groups (XLSX, 6 MB)

Number of Males per 100 Females by Broad Age Groups. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Age composition

Feminity Ratio by Broad Age Groups (XLSX, 6.17 MB)

Number of Females per 100 Males by Broad Age Groups. De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Total Dependency Ratio 1 (XLSX, 140 KB)

Total Dependency Ratio ((Age 0-14 + Age 65+) / Age 15-64). De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Total Dependency Ratio 2 (XLSX, 138 KB)

Total Dependency Ratio ((Age 0-19 + Age 65+) / Age 20-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Total Dependency Ratio 3 (XLSX, 139 KB)

Total Dependency Ratio ((Age 0-19 + Age 70+) / Age 20-69) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Total Dependency Ratio 4 (XLSX, 136 KB)

Total Dependency Ratio ((Age 0-24 + Age 65+) / Age 25-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Total Dependency Ratio 5 (XLSX, 138 KB)

Total Dependency Ratio ((Age 0-24 + Age 70+) / Age 25-69) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Child Dependency Ratio 1 (XLSX, 138 KB)

Child Dependency Ratio (Age 0-14 / Age 15-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Child Dependency Ratio 2 (XLSX, 138 KB)

Child Dependency Ratio (Age 0-19 / Age 20-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Child Dependency Ratio 3 (XLSX, 138 KB)

Child Dependency Ratio (Age 0-19 / Age 20-69) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Child Dependency Ratio 4 (XLSX, 138 KB)

Child Dependency Ratio (Age 0-24 / Age 25-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Child Dependency Ratio 5 (XLSX, 138 KB)

Child Dependency Ratio (Age 0-24 / Age 25-69) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Old-Age Dependency Ratio 1 (XLSX, 138 KB)

Old-Age Dependency Ratio (Age 65+ / Age 15-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Old-Age Dependency Ratio 2 (XLSX, 138 KB)

Old-Age Dependency Ratio (Age 65+ / Age 20-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Old-Age Dependency Ratio 3 (XLSX, 138 KB)

Old-Age Dependency Ratio (Age 70+ / Age 20-69) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Old-Age Dependency Ratio 4 (XLSX, 138 KB)

Old-Age Dependency Ratio (Age 65+ / Age 25-64) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Old-Age Dependency Ratio 5 (XLSX, 138 KB)

Old-Age Dependency Ratio (Age 70+ / Age 25-69) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Potential Support Ratio 1 (XLSX, 136 KB)

Potential Support Ratio (Age 15-64 / Age 65+) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Potential Support Ratio 2 (XLSX, 136 KB)

Potential Support Ratio (Age 20-64 / Age 65+) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Potential Support Ratio 3 (XLSX, 137 KB)

Potential Support Ratio (Age 20-69 / Age 70+) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Potential Support Ratio 4 (XLSX, 136 KB)

Potential Support Ratio (Age 25-64 / Age 65+) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated.
Dependency ratios

Potential Support Ratio 5 (XLSX, 137 KB)

Potential Support Ratio (Age 25-69 / Age 70+) De facto population as of 1 July of the year indicated


Sub Group Files (click to download) Description

Locations (XLS, 145 KB)

Comprehensive list of locations with codes (numerical and ISO3), description, major area, region and development group

Data Sources (XLS, 450 KB)

Data sources (summary, type of data and reference date) used to derive estimates for total population, fertility, mortality and migrations by countries or areas (includes information about method used to derive mortality estimates, age mortality pattern and child mortality)
Sub Group Files (click to download) Description

MLT_Notes (PDF, 51 KB)

Abridged Life Tables

MLT_UN2011_130_2.5y_abridged (XLSX, 2.92 MB)

Model Life Tables for e0=20 to 100 by 2.5 years increment for ages up to 130 - the abridged life tables
Abridged Life Tables

MLT_UN2011_130_1y_abridged (XLSX, 7.17 MB)

Model Life Tables for e0=20 to 100 by 1 year increment for ages up to 130 - the abridged life tables
Complete Life Tables

MLT_UN2011_130_2.5y_complete (XLSX, 13.54 MB)

Model Life Tables for e0=20 to 100 by 2.5 years increment for ages up to 130 - the complete life tables
Complete Life Tables

MLT_UN2011_130_1y_complete (XLSX, 33.29 MB)

Model Life Tables for e0=20 to 100 by 1 year increment for ages up to 130 - the complete life tables







Reports of the Secretary-General and corresponding resolutions






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Data/Interactive Data


















World Urbanization Prospects: the 2014 Revision




Data/Interactive Data







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