
The Power List 2019 - The Pathologist

The Power List 2019 - The Pathologist
Bu haber 2019-09-03 08:14:31 eklenmiş ve 4935 kez görüntülenmiştir.


The Power List 2019 - The Pathologist

Trailblazers of the Lab

Breakthroughs at the bench, in the clinic, and in every facet of the laboratory have helped diagnostic medicine grow from strength to strength. But whom do we have to thank for those breakthroughs? After months of collating reader nominations and judging by an expert panel, we proudly present The Pathologist’s 2019 Power List, featuring 100 of the industry’s top trailblazers.


  • Jerad Gardner

  • Christina Arnold

  • Melissa Upton

  • Eva Wojcik

  • Kamran Mirza

  • Fergall Magee

  • Michael Arnold

  • Richard Scolyer

  • Eduardo Alcaraz Mateos

  • Rachel Jug

  • Abdulkarim Hasan Kohail

  • Adam Booth

  • Adrian Newland

  • Agustín Acevedo

  • Ahmed Kalebi

  • Alison McEvoy

  • Amy Deeken

  • Anant Madabhushi

  • Angela Douglas

  • Anil Parwani

  • Bamidele Farinre

  • Bennet Omalu

  • Bobbi Pritt

  • Caddie Laberiano Fernández

  • Catarina Shaletich

  • Cécile Badoual

  • César Augusto Alvarenga

  • Christina Zioga

  • Christopher Fletcher

  • Dana Razzano

  • Daniel Holmes

  • Darren Treanor

  • David Wells

  • Elaine Jaffe

  • Elizabeth Montgomery

  • Emilio Madrigal

  • Emily Volk

  • Esther Youd

  • Felipe S. Templo, Jr.

  • Gemma Clark

  • Genevieve Crane

  • Han van Krieken

  • Iffat Jamal

  • Jaime Mejia

  • Jason Hornick

  • Jason Wasserman

  • Jo Martin

  • Joanne Horne

  • Jon Morrow

  • Jonathan Epstein

  • Jorge Reis-Filho

  • Juan Daniel Prieto Cuadra

  • Kalyani Bambal

  • Katrina Collins

  • Kyle Bradley

  • Lara Pijuan

  • Liron Pantanowitz

  • Lorand Kis

  • Luis Humberto Cruz Contreras

  • Malak Abedalthagafi

  • Malcolm Robinson

  • Mariam Molani

  • Marilyn Bui

  • Mario Plebani

  • Mario Prieto

  • Marta Cohen

  • Marta Garrido Pontnou

  • Martina Bosic

  • Mary Landau

  • Massimiliano Corsi-Romanelli

  • Matthew Cecchini

  • Michael Laposata

  • Michael Misialek

  • Michal Michal

  • Nicole Riddle

  • Oana Rosca

  • Patrick Mathias

  • Paul van Diest

  • Pembe Oltulu

  • Peter Sadow

  • Pranav Patwardhan

  • Raul Gonzalez

  • Ramineni Ashok Kumar

  • Richard Levenson

  • Rifat Mannan

  • Rola Ali

  • Samson Fine

  • Sanjay Mukhopadhyay

  • Santiago Prieto

  • Sarah Coupland

  • Severino Rey

  • Silvana Di Palma

  • Stephen Master

  • Suzy Lishman

  • Syed T. Hoda

  • Timothy Allen

  • Valerie Fitzhugh

  • Wendy Frankel

  • Yael Heher

  • Yuchun Ding

Other Power Lists

The Power List 2018 - The Pathologist

ETİKETLER : The Power List 2019 The Pathologist Top 100 Power List
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