
African Journals Online (AJOL)

501 Journals
Bu haber 2015-05-24 10:36:42 eklenmiş ve 6175 kez görüntülenmiştir.

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Abia State University Medical Students' Association Journal
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Acta Structilia
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Acta Theologica
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


Africa Development
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


Africa Insight
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Africa Sanguine
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African Anthropologist
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African Crop Science Journal
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


African Environment
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African Health Sciences
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African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance
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African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
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African Journal of AIDS Research
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African Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
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African Journal of Applied Zoology and Environmental Biology
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African Journal of Aquatic Science
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African Journal of Biomedical Research
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African Journal of Biotechnology
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African Journal of Chemical Education
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African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


African Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Sport Facilitation
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African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies
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African Journal of Economic Policy
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African Journal of Economic Review
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African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences
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African Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
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African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


African Journal of Finance and Management
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African Journal of Food and Nutritional Security
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African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


African Journal of Governance and Development
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African Journal of Health Professions Education
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


African Journal of Health Sciences
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


African Journal of Infectious Diseases
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African Journal of International Affairs
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African Journal of International Affairs and Development
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African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science
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African Journal of Livestock Extension
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African Journal of Marine Science
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African Journal of Neurological Sciences
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African Journal of Oral Health
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


African Journal of Oral Health Sciences
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African Journal of Paediatric Surgery
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African Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


African Journal of Political Science
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African Journal of Psychiatry
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African Journal of Range and Forage Science
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African Journal of Reproductive Health
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


African Journal of Rheumatology
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African Journal of Science and Technology
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African Journal of Sustainable Development
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African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines
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African Journal of Tropical Hydrobiology and Fisheries
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African Journal of Urology
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African Journal on Conflict Resolution
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African Research Review
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


African Review of Economics and Finance
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African Safety Promotion: A Journal of Injury and Violence Prevention
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African Sociological Review / Revue Africaine de Sociologie
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African Studies Monographs
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Afrika Statistika
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Afrimedic Journal
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


AFRREV IJAH: An International Journal of Arts and Humanities
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


AFRREV LALIGENS: An International Journal of Language, Literature and Gender Studies
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


AFRREV STECH: An International Journal of Science and Technology
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Agricultural and Food Science Journal of Ghana
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Agronomie Africaine
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View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


Alexandria Journal of Medicine
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Anatomy Journal of Africa
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Animal Production Research Advances
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Animal Research International
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Annales Aequatoria
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Annales des Sciences Agronomiques
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Annals of African Medicine
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Annals of African Surgery
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Annals of Biomedical Sciences
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Annals of Humanities and Development Studies
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Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


Annals of Modern Education
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Annals of Nigerian Medicine
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Annals of Pediatric Surgery
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Arab Journal of Nephrology and Transplantation
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Archives of Ibadan Medicine
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Archives of Medical and Biomedical Research
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ATBU Journal of Environmental Technology
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Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


Benin Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
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View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


Botswana Journal of Economics
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Botswana Journal of Technology
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Bowen Journal of Agriculture
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Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa
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Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia
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Cameroon Journal of Agricultural Science
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Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
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Central African Journal of Medicine
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ChemSearch Journal
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Clinics in Mother and Child Health
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Communicate: Journal of Library and Information Science
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Contemporary Journal of African Studies
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Continuing Medical Education
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Counsellor (The)
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Creative Artist: A Journal of Theatre and Media Studies
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Critical Arts
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Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa
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Dar Es Salaam Medical Students' Journal
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Democracy & Development: Journal of West African Affairs
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Discovery and Innovation
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East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal
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East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights
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East African Journal of Public Health
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East African Journal of Sciences
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East African Journal of Statistics
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East African Medical Journal
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East African Orthopaedic Journal
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East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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East and Central African Journal of Surgery
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Eastern Africa Journal of Rural Development
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Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review
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Ebonyi Medical Journal
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Economic and Policy Review
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Edo Journal of Counselling
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Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
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Egyptian Journal of Biology
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Egyptian Journal of Biomedical Sciences
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Egyptian Journal of Biotechnology
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Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics
View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


Egyptian Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences
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Egyptian Journal of Natural History
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Egyptian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (The)
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English in Africa
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Ergonomics SA
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ESARBICA Journal: Journal of the Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives
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Ethiopian Journal of Biological Sciences
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Ethiopian Journal of Business and Economics (The)
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Ethiopian Journal of Development Research
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Ethiopian Journal of Economics
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Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences
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Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management
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Ethiopian Journal of Health Development
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Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences
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Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology
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Ethiopian Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities
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Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Journal
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Ethiopian Veterinary Journal
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Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions
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FUTY Journal of the Environment
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Gender and Behaviour
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Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science
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Ghana Journal of Development Studies
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Ghana Journal of Forestry
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Ghana Journal of Geography
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Ghana Journal of Linguistics
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Ghana Journal of Science
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Ghana Library Journal
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Ghana Medical Journal
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Ghana Mining Journal
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Global Approaches to Extension Practice: A Journal of Agricultural Extension
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Global Journal of Agricultural Sciences
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Global Journal of Community Medicine
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Global Journal of Educational Research
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Global Journal of Engineering Research
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Global Journal of Environmental Sciences
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Global Journal of Geological Sciences
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Global Journal of Humanities
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Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences
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Global Journal of Medical Sciences
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Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
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Global Journal of Social Sciences
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Haramaya Law Review
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Health SA Gesondheid
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Highland Medical Research Journal
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HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies
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Humanities Review Journal
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Huria: Journal of the Open University of Tanzania
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Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies
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Ife Journal of Science
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IFE PsychologIA
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Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies
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IMTU Medical Journal
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Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems
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Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology
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Information Manager (The)
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Information Technologist (The)
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Inkanyiso: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
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International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development
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International Journal of Applied Agriculture and Apiculture Research
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International Journal of Basic, Applied and Innovative Research
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International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences
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International Journal of Community Research
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International Journal of Development and Management Review
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International Journal of Development and Policy Studies
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International Journal of Educational Research
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International Journal of Emotional Psychology and Sport Ethics
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International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology
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International Journal of Health Research
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International Journal of Herbs and Pharmacological Research
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International Journal of Malaria and Tropical Diseases (IJMTD)
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International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research
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International Journal of Modern Anthropology
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International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences
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International Journal of Pedagogy, Policy and ICT in Education
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International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems
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Internet Journal of Medical Update - EJOURNAL
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Italian Studies in Southern Africa/Studi d’Italianistica nell’Africa Australe
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JASSA: Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa
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Jos Journal of Medicine
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Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Universite de Lome
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Journal des Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur
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Journal for Islamic Studies
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Journal for Juridical Science
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Journal for Language Teaching
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Journal for the Study of Religion
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Journal of Agricultural Extension
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Journal of Agricultural Research and Development
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Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences
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Journal of Agriculture and Social Research (JASR)
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Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences
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Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology
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Journal of Applied Biosciences
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Journal of Applied Chemistry and Agricultural Research
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Journal of Applied Science and Technology
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Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology
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Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
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Journal of Aquatic Sciences
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Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences
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Journal of Biomedical Investigation
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Journal of Building and Land Development
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Journal of Business and Administrative Studies
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Journal of Business Research
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Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
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Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice
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Journal of Civil Engineering, JKUAT
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Journal of College of Medicine
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Journal of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care
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Journal of Computer Science and Its Application
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Journal of Cultural Studies
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Journal of Development and Communication Studies
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Journal of East African Natural History
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Journal of Educational Foundations
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Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa
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Journal of Environmental Extension
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Journal of Ethiopian Medical Practice
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Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy
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Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences /Tydskrif vir Gesinsekologie en Verbruikerswetenskappe
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Journal of Food Technology in Africa
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Journal of Health and Visual Sciences
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Journal of History and Diplomatic Studies
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Journal of Humanities
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Journal of Language, Technology & Entrepreneurship in Africa
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Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in Africa
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Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences
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Journal of Medical Investigation and Practice
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Journal of Medical Laboratory Science
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Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research
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Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
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Journal of Medicine in the Tropics
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Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science
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Journal of Mining and Geology
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Journal of Modeling, Design and Management of Engineering Systems
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Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences
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Journal of Pharmacy & Bioresources
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Journal of Philosophy and Culture
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Journal of Phytomedicine and Therapeutics
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Journal of Psychology in Africa
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Journal of Religion and Human Relations
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Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment
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Journal of Research in National Development
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Journal of Science and Sustainable Development
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Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana)
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Journal of Science and Technology (Zambia)
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Journal of Social Development in Africa
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Journal of Surgical Technique and Case Report
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Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria
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Journal of the Association of Nigerian Musicologists
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Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences
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Journal of the Eritrean Medical Association
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Journal of the Ghana Institution of Engineers
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Journal of the Ghana Science Association
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Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa
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Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
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Journal of the Nigerian Infection Control Association
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Journal of the Nigerian Optometric Association
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Journal of the Obafemi Awolowo University Medical Student's Association (IFEMED)
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Journal of the South African Society of Archivists
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Journal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology
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Journal Tunisien d'ORL et de Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale
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KCA Journal of Business Management
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Kenya Veterinarian
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Kioo cha Lugha
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View Journal | Current Issue | Register


Lagos Historical Review
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Lagos Journal of Library and Information Science
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Lagos Notes and Records
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Law, Democracy & Development
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LBS Management Review
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Legon Journal of the Humanities
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View Journal | Current Issue | Register     This Journal is Open Access


Libyan Journal of Medicine
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Lwati: A Journal of Contemporary Research
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Madagascar Conservation & Development
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Makerere Journal of Higher Education
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Malawi Journal of Science and Technology
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Malawi Medical Journal
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Marang: Journal of Language and Literature
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Mary Slessor Journal of Medicine
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Mathematics Connection
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Medical Journal of Zambia
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Mgbakoigba: Journal of African Studies
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Mizan Law Review
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Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science
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Moor Journal of Agricultural Research
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Mtafiti Mwafrika (African Researcher)
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New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy
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New Egyptian Journal of Microbiology
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Nigeria Agricultural Journal
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Nigeria Journal of Business Administration
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Nigeria Journal of Pure and Applied Physics
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Nigerian Dental Journal
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Nigerian Endocrine Practice
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Nigerian Food Journal
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Nigerian Health Journal
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Nigerian Hospital Practice
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Nigerian Journal of Animal Production
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Nigerian Journal of Animal Science
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Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
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Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology
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Nigerian Journal of Chemical Research
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Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology
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Nigerian Journal of Clinical Medicine
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Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice
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Nigerian Journal of Economic History
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Nigerian Journal of Family Practice
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Nigerian Journal of Fisheries
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Nigerian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
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Nigerian Journal of General Practice
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Nigerian Journal of Genetics
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Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling
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Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences
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Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science
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Nigerian Journal of Medicine
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Nigerian Journal of Natural Products and Medicine
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Nigerian Journal of Nutritional Sciences
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Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology
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Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma
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Nigerian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
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Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics
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Nigerian Journal of Parasitology
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Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
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Nigerian Journal of Physics
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Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences
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Nigerian Journal of Plastic Surgery
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Nigerian Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
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Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry
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Nigerian Journal of Soil and Environmental Research
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Nigerian Journal of Soil Science
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Nigerian Journal of Surgery
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Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research
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Nigerian Journal of Surgical Sciences
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Nigerian Journal of Technological Development
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Nigerian Journal of Technological Research
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Nigerian Journal of Technology
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Nigerian Libraries
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Nigerian Medical Journal
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Nigerian Medical Practitioner
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Nigerian Music Review
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Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine
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Nigerian School Library Journal
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Nigerian Veterinary Journal
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Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence
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Obstetrics and Gynaecology Forum
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OGIRISI: a New Journal of African Studies
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Orient Journal of Medicine
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ORiON: The Journal of ORSSA
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Oromia Law Journal
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Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology
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OYE: Ogun Journal of Arts
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Pan African Medical Journal
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Perspectives in Education
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Philosophical Papers
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Plant Products Research Journal
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Port Harcourt Medical Journal
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Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
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Quaestiones Mathematicae
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Regional Maritime University Journal
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Research in Hospitality Management
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Research Review of the Institute of African Studies
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Review of Southern African Studies
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Revue Africaine de Chirurgie et Spécialités
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Revue Burkinabè de droit
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Revue d'Information Scientifique et Technique
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Revue de Médecine et de Pharmacie
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Rwanda Journal
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Rwanda Journal of Health Sciences
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Rwandan Journal of Education
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SA Journal of Radiology
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SAFERE: Southern African Feminist Review
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SAHARA J (Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance)
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Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences
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Sahel Medical Journal
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Samaru Journal of Information Studies
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Savannah Journal of Medical Research and Practice
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Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé
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Science World Journal
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Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal
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Sciences & Nature
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Scientia Africana
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Scientia Militaria: South African Journal of Military Studies
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Scientific Medical Journal
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Securities Market Journal
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Shakespeare in Southern Africa
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Sierra Leone Journal of Biomedical Research
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SINET: Ethiopian Journal of Science
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Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences
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Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy
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South African Actuarial Journal
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South African Crime Quarterly
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South African Family Practice
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South African Gastroenterology Review
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South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation
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South African Journal of African Languages
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South African Journal of Agricultural Extension
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South African Journal of Animal Science
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South African Journal of Bioethics and Law
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South African Journal of Botany
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South African Journal of Child Health
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South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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South African Journal of Cultural History
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South African Journal of Education
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South African Journal of Geomatics
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South African Journal of Higher Education
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South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
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South African Journal of Philosophy
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South African Journal of Plant and Soil
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South African Journal of Psychiatry
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South African Journal of Sports Medicine
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South African Journal of Surgery
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South African Medical Journal
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South African Music Studies
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Southern Africa Journal of Education, Science and Technology
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Southern African Business Review
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Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia
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Southern African Journal of Critical Care
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Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine
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Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies
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Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science
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Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics
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Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus
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Studies in Gender and Development in Africa
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Sud Sciences et Technologies
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Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
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Sudanese Journal of Dermatology
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Synthèse: Revue des Sciences et de la Technologie
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Tanzania Dental Journal
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Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences
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Tanzania Journal of Development Studies
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Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation
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Tanzania Journal of Health Research
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Tanzania Journal of Science
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Tanzania Medical Journal
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Tanzania Veterinary Journal
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Technologies Avancées
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Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya
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Town and Regional Planning
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Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association
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Tropical Freshwater Biology
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Tropical Journal of Health Sciences
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Tropical Journal of Medical Research
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Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
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Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
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Tropical Veterinarian
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Tydskrif vir letterkunde
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Uganda Journal
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UJAH: Unizik Journal of Arts and Humanities
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UNISWA Journal of Agriculture
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UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology
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University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal
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University of Mauritius Research Journal
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Vulture News
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Water SA
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West African Journal of Applied Ecology
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West African Journal of Industrial and Academic Research
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West African Journal of Medicine
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West African Journal of Pharmacology and Drug Research
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West African Journal of Radiology
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Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science
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Zagazig Journal of Occupational Health and Safety
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Zambezia: The Journal of Humanities of the University of Zimbabwe.
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Zede Journal
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Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research
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Zimbabwe Journal of Technological Sciences
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Zimbabwe Science News
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Zimbabwe Veterinary Journal
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Zoologist (The)
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Algeria (3)
Benin (2)
Botswana (3)
Burkina Faso (3)
Cameroon (8)
Congo, Republic (1)
C�te d'Ivoire (4)
Egypt, Arab Rep. (14)
Eritrea (1)
Ethiopia (29)
Ghana (26)
Kenya (28)
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Malawi (4)
Mauritius (3)
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Nigeria (215)
Rwanda (3)
Senegal (6)
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Sudan (3)
Swaziland (3)
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Uganda (11)
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Zimbabwe (11)  

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